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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. Kenny’s 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats

Megabats are known as the Old World Bats.

We can help bats by not killing their prey or food.

Physical Description Bats have a layer of thin skin of membrane. The wings are made of fingers. They have short legs and large ears. Bats have black or brown fur but most bats don’t have fur. Most bats use echoloca on with big ears. Bats have strong wings and back muscles. They

have claws on their feet and hear well.

Diet All megabats are Herbivores which mean they eat plants. Some megabats drink nectar and feed on pollen. The microbats are carnivores

which are meat eaters. Microbats eat insects, fish, scorpions, lizards, frogs, or birds. Vampire bats drink blood from other animals.

Behaviors Bats huddle up to stay warm. The mother bat takes care of her pups un l hey are grown up and mature. A mother bat has one pup a year. Some people think bats are blind but, they aren’t they are color blind. Bats have highly developed senses, smell, and hearing.

Habitat Bats live all around the world except Antarctica. megabats live in the tropical areas of the world. Some bats live in the temperate areas. Bats have many other areas to live around the world. Megabats are called the Old World Bats.

Bats use echoloca on.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The biggest reason bats are endangered is people disturb hibernacula. Humans force bats out of their habitats or kill them. People shine

ashlights on bats.

Chapter 2: Wolves

Did you know that many foxes lose there homes and lose there food . Lots of farmers kill many wolves .

We can help these animals by giving them more food to eat . We can give them more land too. So they can live and have many food and shelter.

Physical Description

Some wolves have gray fur and red wolves , and Ethiopian wolves have thinner coats. They have sharp teeth , long legs , large ears and long bushy tails. Some wolves have very powerful jaws. There weight is 55-130 IBS . There length is 4.5-6.5 feet . There height is 26-32inches.

This is how a wolf looks like .


All kinds of wolves eat deer , moose , rabbits , ro-

dents , beabage , and vers ,birds ,ins fruits. ects ,nuts ,berr ies ,elk , cab-

Behaviors The behaviors for wolves are body positions ,communicate , send messages standing tall, put tails in the air. They also lie on ground, show teeth and they grow, lifespan 78. parents eat first and kids eat second.

Habitat All kinds of animals live in forests , grasslands , tundra , Canada , Mongolia, Russia , united states , North Carolina, Africa ,and Ethiopian. Ethiopian wolves live in mountains.

Some wolves live in forests.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered by not being protected And from not ďŹ nding there home from the houses building over them .Wolves are hunted by many people from all over the world. Many

wolves are loosing there lives from not ge)ng there food. Farmers kill 1,000 a day to get there wool to make jackets. Other wolves don't have enough land to live on.

Chapter 3: Frogs

Physical Description Did you know frogs lay 1000 eggs at once.

We can stop using some much water and wood.

Frogs have s cky pads and tadpoles have on toes the s cky pads long tails. help the frog s ck on branches. They are tailless and they have big eyes. Desert frogs have strong digging legs. They have Some frogs are poisonous. webbed feet the webbed feet help them swim quickly


Frogs eat snails , mini ďŹ sh , spi-

ders , worms , and insects. The

s cky tongues to catch prey.

Behaviors The female frog lays 1000 eggs at a me. Frogs ick out tongues to catch prey. S cky tongue to catch small prey. First it is an egg second they are tadpoles third they are baby frogs fourth they are grown frogs ďŹ 2h they turn into mothers or fathers sixth the mother lays eggs.


Some frogs live in trees ,some live in rain forest , grassy lands other live in water ,underground they do not live in hot places.

This is a frog hiding from its predators.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Frogs are endangered because people make buildings and tear down there homes by cu)ng down trees and draining water.

This frog is using camouage.

Chapter 4: Leopards


the leopard can run 1/3 fast as a cheeta

Physical Description

The leopards have

have big paws for

beautiful spotted fur.

chasing prey. They

They are usually

have their strong

light cream to dark

jaw for ripping apart

gold. They have strong powerful bodies . Leopards have long tail for steering. Leopards

You can help this animal by noticing poachers and don't become one

They have strong muscular bodies.

Diet The Leopard eats

Small cubs eat

large prey. The prey mice, turtles, and involves monkeys,

hairs. Leopards

warthogs, large

are carnivore

birds , snakes , baboons , and gazelle.

Lepoards are carnivors they eat


Lepords are very independent they leave home at about 2 years old to find home turf. They also mark their territory so other lepards won’t take over their food .


The jaguar lives in forests,rainforests ,desserts savannas ,and mountains because it has there food and their needs.

Lepoards are excellent climbers.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered from poachers ,they are killed for their bones and skin because people some mes make clothes and shoes out of them.

Leopards hide from poachers in tall grass.

Chapter 6: Mountain Gorillas


That females and males are very shy animals when they see other people.

Physical Description

Mountain Gorillas have brownish and black hair. Mountain gorillas have long hair to keep there powerful bodies warm. Males are 2 mes as big then females also females weight 200 pounds. Males weigh 400 pounds. Males are 6 feet tall females are 4.5 feet tall. They are herbi-


We Could stop hunting animals for the babies and fur for winter coats.

vores and live up to 3050 years.

This a gorilla sleeping on its mother back


Mountain gorillas eat plants, bamboo shoots,

roots , water, vines ,leaves and fruits.

Behaviors Mountain Gorillas like to eat and sleep. They also like to make nest out of straw leaves and mud. To clean them selves they have bugs on them so other Gorillas help them by ea ng or licking the bugs o each other. One very important Fact about Gorillas is that they are ac ve with the other Gorillas.

Habitat Some Mountain Gorillas live at na onal parks and some live in the Mountains (like in there name). Some mountain Gorillas live in misty forest and some live in Africa with humans. Also some live Rwanda, Uganda, North America.

This gorilla lives in Africa.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endanger because people like to kill the gorillas for there fur for winter coats also people like to kill there baby's .Also they die be-

cause of climate change.

Chapter 8: Pandas Physical Description DID YOU Know…

warm. The height of pan-

Pandas some people hunt and kill pandas for their fur.

das are five feet. Female pandas weigh 200lbs. Male pandas weigh 220lbs. A baby panda’s Pandas have black and white fur

height is 2.5 feet. A panPandas have long

da’s length is five feet. A

strong bodies. Pandas

baby panda weighs 4-8

are covered in thick oily

ounces, is 6 inches wide.

white and black fur, this fur keeps the panda HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? You can help this animal by saving it and not killing.


Pandas eat

grass. Pan-

bamboo also

das eat 20—

known as long 45 lbs. of



When baby pandas are 2 years old it leaves its mot her and starts to live on i ts own. Pandas make scen t markings to keep other p andas out. Pandas make sound to communicate with each other. Pandas are a mazing tree climbers. Pa ndas do not hibernate or move lower elevation in th e winter.

Habitat Pandas live in forests mountains in china. Pandas also live in trees in the mountains that are in china. At winter pandas go to the bottom of the mountain. Pandas also live in the western. Pandas live in coniferous forests. Pandas do not have permanent homes or habitats.

A pandas habitat has a bunch of trees

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Some people hunt and kill pandas. People kill pandas for there fur. Pandas are also losing their habitats . The giant panda is

most endangered because bamboo is dying.

Chapter 9: Sea Turtles


Physical Description

Sea turtles return to the same beach that they were born to lay there eggs.

Baby sea turtles when they hatch and they go straight to the water.

Sea turtles have smooth shaped bodies, they have 2 pairs of flippers. You can tell a sea turtles gender by there tail. They have strong jaws but

no teeth. The top of shell is called carapace. It is a marine reptile that is greenish ,yellow or black. Like some turtles they cannot put there head and legs in there shell. The smallest sea turtle is 30 inches and the largest is 6 and a half feet. They can live up to 80 years, and they can be 80 to 2,000 pounds. The female and male are the same size.


You can help sea turtles by staying away from there nests.

Diet Many sea turtles eat different food. They are carnivores . Sea turtles eat fish ,crabs, sponges, sea,

and ,cucumbers. They eat fish eggs and shell fish. Some eat both plants and animals also sea jellies.

Behaviors They don't nest on differe nt beaches they also lay e ggs were they hatched. T hey will swim thousands of miles to were they nes t. They can 50 to 180 eggs at a time. To lay there egg s the dig holes with there back flippers. They live u nder water but they com


e to land to lay there eggs . Can nest 4 times in 1 sea son.

Sea turtles will swim 1000 of miles to lay there eggs.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

All types of sea turtles are endangered . Some species of sea turtles are almost extinct. Fish nets kill 1,000 of sea turtles. Some hotels long the beaches

have rules to help sea turtles and stay a way from there nests.

Chapter 10: Komodo Dragons


Scientists make me dicine

We can help the Komodo Dragon by not hunting them. People hunt and sell body parts and make medi cine. And take their young.

Physical Description

A Komodo Dragon adult can grow up to 9 feet. The tail of a Komodo Dragon is as long as the body. Adult Komodo Dragons can weigh up

to 365 pounds. A female lays 15 to 30 eggs. Komo-

This is a Komodo Dragon in ac on


The Komodo Dragons eat rusa deer, feral dogs,

carnivores. bones, hooves, and fur. The Komodo Dragon is a

Behaviors Komodo Dragons spend me alone. They dig holes for homes. A2er a big meal they do not eat for days. Komodo Dragons commutate by hissing. They can live for 50 years. They eat scavenged food. Young take 5 years to mature.


The Komodo Dragon live in Indonesia. They also live in three small islands called Flores, Rintje, and Gila. They also live in tropical savannas.

This is a map of where the Komodo Dragon

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Komodo Dragons are Endangered by humans. They kill them for body parts then sell them. They also

are hunted for their medicine. Some people take their young.

Chapter 11:Rhinoceros

Did you know that rhinoceros horns are not really noses.

We could help this animal by stop hunting them.

Physical Description

The horns are not noses. There horns are made from bones. They don' t have good eyesight. There skin is thick and they

have folds. They use

This is a rhino in its habitat.


They eat grass, ter fruit bamleaves, branch- boo. es and bushes and drink wa-


They refuse to live alone. They charge to defend there kind from lions. They are peaceful. They defend wildlife except lions.

Habitat Some live in Africa forest waste and mud and moun− tains and savannas and Asia.

This is a rhinos habitat

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This ani-


mal is en-

horns of



d be-

kind lions

cause of


Chapter 12: Elephants


Physical Description

Elephants snore when they sleep. Also elephants sleep standing up some0mes.

This is a adult and it’s young.

older they are. The African savanna elephants grow larger. Male elephants usually are larger then females.

Elephants are the largest animals on earth. The bigger elephants are the HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL?

We can help elephants by stop poaching their tusks.


Elephants are herbivores. Elephants eat grasses, fruit, twigs,

leaves, water, stay healthy. Eleplants, seeds, phants drink lots and bark. Eleof water. phants eat salt to

Behaviors Female elephants take baths. They spray one another with water and play. They sleep during night and during the hoEest mes. Elephants sleep on their sides at night me. Elephants some mes rest their heads together. Elephants wrap their trunks together to say hello to each other.

Habitat Some elephants live in forests. Asian, African, forest elephants live in rain forests. African savanna elephants live on dry grasslands. Some elephants travel to mountains, deserts, forests and swamps. Elephants need plenty of food and water. They visit water holes.

This is an elephant on a grassland.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

One reason elephants are endangered is every year people need more space for farms and homes. Another reason el-

ephants are endangered is they sometimes are poisoned. The last reason is most people poach elephants for their tusks.

Chapter 13:Mantees Physical Description DID YOU KNOW‌ Manatees can not live in cold water.

Manatees have sleekly shaped bodies . Manatees are mammals. Manatees are warm blooded . Most Manatees have hair . Manatees have whiskers .Manatees have strong jaws. They weigh 150 pounds. They are also called the sea cow . A Manatee is a North American animal

This is how mantees look

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help manatees by cleaning the water so they do not get caught in any trash. And other reason how we can help animals are to not kill manatees or

other animals.

Diet Manatees eat small crabs . Manatees eat sea grass. Manatees eat along the shores . They eat

150 pounds a day . Manatees eat up to 6 to 8 hours a day . Manatees also eat water plants .

Behaviors Manatees make noises like squeak and squeals. Manatees vocalize to express anger fear to warn others . Manatees nuzzle and chase and bump into one another.

Habitat Manatees live in warm climates . Manatees live in costal waters . Manatees live in slow rivers canals and bays. Some manatees live in Florida. Manatees live in streams . Some manatees live in salt water. Mantees live in home ranges.

This is a baby manatee and its mother

Why This Animal Is Endangered In the 1700’s and 1800’s, they were killed. It was discovered that they were easy to hunt. Manatees are being hunted for their oil and blubber. They also get injured by nets. People sell manatees for money. 766 manatees were killed. In 2010, 300 died from habitat loss.

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