All About Endangered Animals

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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. KENNY’S 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats

DID YOU KNOW… that bats change like a life cycle.

Physical Description They also have back bones. The author stated that bats have wings. They have wing pans up to 61/2 feet. There body are 3.5 in 19 cm } wings pan 7 in 18 cm. The size of a bat is the size of a tea cup.

This is how baby bats look like.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help by not killing the plants that the bats eat.

In the text it said bats have long arms and fingers. They also have a powerful chest and back muscles. Bats have short legs. The author stated that bats have a long sharp claws. They have black and brown fur and some don’t have fur. The bats have large ears. They are mammals. In the text it said bats are warm blooded.

Diet In the text it said some bats drink nectar. Other bats feed on pollen. The author stated that

bats eat figs, bananas, mangoes, nuts, and plant food. Vampire bats have carnivore diet.

Behaviors Bats change like a life cycle. They also develop un0l is mature. They move one place to another certain period of 0me. Only mammal bats y. In the text it said they nurse their young milk. The vampire bats mammals that feed en0rely blood. Bats live about 9 years. The bats group name is colony.

Habitat Bats live all over the world. They don't live Antarc0ca. Mega bats live in Asia, Africa, and Australia. Bats live in tropical regions. The bats have caves, tunnels, abandoned mines and under bridges. Bats live in the roofs of caves.

This is how bats hang from roofs of

Why This Animal Is Endangered Bats loose their homes. Farmer use pes0cides to kill the plants that bats eat. People make the area dirty where the bats live.

Chapter 2: Chimpanzees Physical Description

DID YOU KNOW‌ that they eat their cousin

have pink skin. Males weigh more than 100 pounds and females weigh less than 100 pounds. Males are about 47 and females are about 3 1/2.

This chimpanzee is laying down a tree

A chimpanzee has black hair all over its body also, babies HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help chimpanzees by making a law that poachers cannot kill chimpanzees.

Diet A chimpanzee is a omnivore. It eats monkeys, wild pigs, small antelopes, baboons, bush pigs and

bird eggs. It also picks up s0cks with insects on it and eats them. Its ďŹ ngers help it eat grass and

leaves. They some0mes hunt in groups but not always.

Behaviors Chimpanzees are social and playful. They groom by looking through each others hair. They use sounds, a loud scream means danger a long hoot means a type of gree0ng it is also meant for when they find food. They also use there body to communicate. They also throw things when they are annoyed.

Habitat Chimpanzees live in African Rain Forests. But it doesn't stay in one spot it moves around and makes nests it finds a safe spot to make a nest. But it has a home range a chimpanzee it spends 50 to 75 percent in trees each day. A chimpanzee lives on ground and in trees.

This chimpanzee is hanging out with flowers on his ears.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Chimpanzees are endangered because poachers kill them to sell to loggers and they eat them. Some sell

babies but the moms try to protect them but get killed by poachers.

Chapter 3: Elephants


Physical Description

A lot of the me male and female elephants stay apart or away from each other.

In this picture a baby elephant is cooling off on a hot summer day by playing in the waterfall.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? You can help this animal by spreading the word to not ivory poach.

Elephants have thick tough and wrinkled skin that is grey. They have larger ears and teeth than any animal. Since elephants have a unique trunk they use it to breath, smell, and suck up water unlike any other animal. Elephants have long, tough hairs at the end of their tails. They also have big, large ears that they flap to keep cool

when it’s hot outside. There are two types of elephants which include African and Asian elephants. The African elephants are larger than the Asian elephants. You can iden0fy the different types of elephants because the Asian has smaller, rounded ears. You may be wondering if both of them have tusks. The answer to that is yes. It doesn't ma?er what type of elephant it is but with both kinds the male are larger than the female elephants.

Diet Elephants eat many different things. One of the things that they eat are different types of grasses.

Also, some may eat fruit. If an elephant is near any type of water they may find some different kinds

of water plants to eat. Some0mes they may find seeds too.

Behaviors Different elephants act in different ways. If two elephants wrap their trunks together that means they are saying hello. When elephants sleep they do it at the ho?est 0me of day. Also, they sleep standing up. Since elephants cant talk, they communicate making sounds from their trunks such as snorts, squeals, and trumpets. To stay cool and clean elephants spray mud on their bodies with their long trunks.

Habitat African and Asian elephants live in different parts of the world. Asian and African elephants o7en live in some rainforests or in a regular forest. A different type of elephant are the African Savanna elephants which live in dry grasslands. Also any kind of elephant may live in deserts, forests, mountains, and mossy swamps. To cool off they visit water holes.

In this picture an elephant is in a dry grassland near a waterhole.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangered because of many reasons. People cut down their habitats and that causes habitat loss for the elephants because people need space for farms and homes. Also if there is a fire, then that causes habitat loss too. Some0mes if there is not enough food in the elephant’s property they have to survive on finding food which is mostly crops from corn field crops and crops from a near farmhouse. From a long 0me ago, there

used to be 1,300,000 elephants. Now there is half the number which is 50,000. Also the elephants are geAng killed because of ivory poaching. Ivory poaching is when people fire targets at the elephants and collects their tusks for jewelry or various types of tools to use.

Chapter 4: Frogs

DID YOU know that some frogs go underground for protec on.

Physical Description

This frog is jumping onto a leaf.

The frogs are suited to were they live. The frogs have a s0cky pad on there toes for good trac0on. They have also have a webbed feet. This is going to sound weird but it is true but there eyes are near there op of the head. There skin is very moist

Frogs can be dierent colers like blue green orange

We can help this animal by not taking a lot of water from swamps.

Diet They eat insects and they catch there prey. They eat snails and small ďŹ sh. They catch there prey in the water. They also eat small snails. They last but not le

Least they eat spiders.

Behaviors They hop really high. They go underground to live

Habitat They live on every con0nent exact Antarc0ca.Smome frogs even live in the rain forest

A bullfrog

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Frogs are endangered because of habitat loss and poisoned partials and acid rain.

This frog has sticky feet.

Chapter 5: Komodo Dragons

Physical Description The komodo dragons eat human's.

near this guy! They have 60 razor sharp teeth and In there mouth it has a wide lower jaw to ďŹ t big prey in its mouth. Now the tail is the length of a human. AAAHHH!

The poison comes from the saliva. Just ďŹ nished a snack.

They have powerful bodies and are 97 long with thick tough gray skin. This dragon has sharp claws. I would not go HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We this animal by not poaching, not hunting the dragons prey and by not selling there body parts.

Diet Komodo dragons eat a lot! They eat Rusa deer, birds, wild pigs, monkeys, and other

rep0les. Then it is 0me for dessert. They eat for dessert . Bones, hooves, fur, and 80 % its body in

a single feeding. This guy never stops!

Behaviors These lizards have it all. They are strong swimmers, it doesn't share and it communicates with sound. They also eat babies and eggs if the baby gets to close. Adult dragons cannot climb because they weigh too much. Five weeks a7er ma0ng, a female can lay eggs. Watch out, a adult dragon can eat people!!!

Habitat The komodo dragon need’s somewhere to stay. It lives on Flores, Rintja, Gila Motang, and Komodo. It is located at the wonderful Indonesia. It also lives in tropical savannas and the beaches of Indonesia.

don't build a rusa deer

Why This Animal Is Endangered

People are cruel. They poach and they trap komodo dragons. They also sell parts for medicine. Good thing now it is illegal to sell

dragon body parts. when they hunt they destroy there homes. They also kill the dragons food.

Chapter 6: Leopards

DID YOU KNOW… that leopards try to steal other animal’s prey that the animal caught and wanted to eat.

Physical Description

This snow leopard lives in snowy mountains.

We can help this animal by not letting people kill it’s home and habitat

Leopards have spots called rosettes, which are like dark spots on their light cream to dark gold fur. They also have sharp, pointed teeth and strong muscles to catch their food they

also have really big paws and dangerous sharp claws. They have a long tail which makes sharp turns and is a large member of the cat family and they are the third largest cat of the Eastern hemisphere. There average is 2 feet and 4 inches and most of them are alike. And black leopards are often called panthers.

Diet The leopards

and large birds

which looks

also eat mon-

and snakes.

like a deer

keys ,and they

They also eat

with large and

eat wart hogs,


pointy horns.

Behaviors The leopards behavior is to put its prey in trees so that lions and hyenas can not reach it. They also leave their mothers, and they mark boundaries to warn leopards. Leopards get together with leopards only to mate. They also rub their bodies on the trees in home to leave scent on them and they also make sounds to let the male know she wants to mate and last they also a?ack human beings.


Leopards live in forests, rain forests , deserts , savannas , mountains ,lives in warm climate ,lives in cold climates and it lives in Africa.

These leopards climb up high trees and hide their prey on branches.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered because their biggest threat is habitat loss ,being hunted for fur , hunted for food ,hunted for whiskers, hunted for

bones and hunted for the body part for medicine.

Chapter 7: Manatees

DID YOU KNOW that Manatees eat up to 150 pounds each day!

Physical Description

Manatees have a fluke that is very powerful. They also have large flippers to swim very fast. Manatees also have to eat 6-8 hours each day. The manatees are also in the mammal family. Manatees have very large back WE HELP THIS animal by not littering, not hunting and catching them to eat.

bones to help them swim. They have the strongest jaws so they can chew thru their small crab and snails. They have very small eyes. Manatees also have no front teeth. They only have molars and they swim very slow. They have no hind legs and weigh up to 1,000 pounds. Females live up to 3-5 years and males live up to 9-10 years. They are 19 feet long.

Diet Manatees eat sea grass, algae, snails, small crabs, and they

eat fish and oth- Manatees are er animals. Each also a herbiday they eat up vore. to 150 pounds.

Behaviors Manatees can not stay under water for a long 0me so that means that they have to come up to breath. They also bump into each other to send a signal. They sleep o7en and the mother sends a signal to there calves.

Habitat Manatees live in very warm climates. They live in salt and fresh water. They usually have similar habitats. Some of the manatees live in the ocean! They live in estuaries! Some own there own homes.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered because people hunt them, and catch them and

eat them.

Chapter 8: Mountain Gorillas

DID YOU KNOW‌ When their angry they open their mouths and show their teeth. Some mes they even throw rocks.

We can help by not taking their land and cutting down trees. We can also help by not hunting them

Physical Description weird fact is that their legs are shorter than their arms. The eye color is a very dark shade of brown.

This mountain gorilla is confused

This is a physical descrip0on of the endangered Mountain Gorilla. Their hair is a dark brownish and blackish color. They have longer hair then other gorillas. Mountain gorillas can stand up to be 67 tall. The male gorilla weighs up to 400lb and the female weighs 200lb. They have 5 ďŹ ngers and 5 toes just like humans. A

Diet Here is what mountain gorillas eat. The number 1 thing on the menu is probably plants. They only

need a li?le water. They also eat fruit, roots, bamboo shoots and herbs. They eat a lot of

food. They eat almost 2 tons. The menu for gorillas sounds good.

Behaviors Let’s find out if mountain gorillas are good or bad. When they are angry they show teeth and open their mouths. The silverbacks usually stop the figh0ng. Like cats they groom and purr. They also grunt. They eat, sleep and show facial expressions. The mountain gorillas travel in groups of 2-34 lead by a silverback. Looks like gorillas are good for the most part.

Habitat Let’s go visit the mountain gorillas home. They live in cool misty forests. The forests are located in Africa. I wonder if they have chairs. But, even know they live in cool misty forests, most live in high mountains. That is there habitat.

This is a baby mountain gorilla is walking around in his high mountain.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Too bad these mountain go

and clothes. Because of these condi0ons there are less then

rillas are endangered. They

1,000 le7. Poor mountain go-

are losing their homes to humans who want more land and wood for business. Hunters are cuAng down their homes in the forests. They are also killing them for meat


Chapter 9: Pandas


Physical Description They weight 300 pounds(136kgs).

That Pandas are related to skunks, raccoons and weasels.

On this big tree there are pandas playing on a big tree.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by not killing it and not cutting down their habitat.

Some facts about pandas are that adult pandas are ďŹ ve feet and are large. A lot of pandas have black and white fur and have sharp claws to climb on trees or bamboo and have false thumbs to help the pandas eat. They have oil fur to protects them form water. Some pandas are related to skunks, raccoons and weasels.

Diet They eat bamboo that is high in the mountains. They also eat grasses, bark and fruit. Pandas

need lots of water. Red pandas eat bamboo leaves. All pandas use to like meat along 0me ago. They

eat up to 85 pounds of food.

Behaviors Pandas leave there mom at the age two. Some pandas hide their eyes when frightened. They roll for fun. They can climb up to 13,000 feet. They growl to scare other pandas. Some pandas make barking sounds.

Habitat Some pandas live in forests in China. Some also live in Nepal. The habits are near mountains and fresh water. The habits are also near to a lot of bamboo and stalk. The are near the southwestern part of China and Nepal.

This picture shows a baby panda growing up.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Pandas are endangered because people hunt the pandas fur. Some moms are endangered because they don’t have enough cubs. The pandas don't eat enough bamboo or stalk. They are losing their habitat because the forests are geAng cut down.

Chapter 10: Rhinoceros

Did you know that rhino horns are ground up to make medicine.

Physical Description

A rhino is running free.

Rhinoceros have horns that are 5 feet long. They have solid body's and short stocky legs. The Sumatran , javan and in-

dian rhinos have incosors. But the black rhinos use there lips to eat. Black rhinos have prehensile upper lips thick layers of skin. The indian rhino are the largest species of the Asian ones.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? WE can help this animal by moving poachers somewhere else not in asia or Africa.

Diet The rhinorcers are herbivores . Theyu eat branches and leaves. The Janva and sumathrain rhi-

nos eat bamboo shoots and furit such as ďŹ gs and mangos .The indian rhino eatsleavs and wart-

er plants .In cap0vity they eat minral biscots.

Behaviors Rhinocerous go to a water hole everyday mother rhinocerous mothers keep there babys by them they o7en live in herds black rhinos form small groups rhinocerous are peaceful enless they get threatened

Habitat They live in savannahs the even live by water they live in Africa and asia they live in eastern and southern Africa 5 species of rhinocerous 2live in Africa 3 live in asia.

Rhinos are huddling.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Poachers are killing them fewer rhinos are being born rhino horns are made into medicine rhino horns are also used for daggerhandles .

Chapter 11: Wolves


Physical Description the root 0p, wolves also have 42 teeth including 4 fangs.

That people got paid to hunt wolves in the 1800’s.

Here is a picture of two baby wolves.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help our wolves by not killing them for there fur and get money for the soft and ,luffy fur coats that they have.

Wolves have fur coats the coats are shades of grey, brown, to pure black or white. There long legs help them to run through snow or mud and they also have big feet to help them go over rock or uneven ground. The wolves are the largest dogs in the dog family. Wolf fangs may measure up to Two inches and five cm. long from

Diet Wolves eat deer, moose, rabbits, rodents, beavers , and birds.

Behaviors Wolf pups wean and begin ea0ng meat at three weeks old also wolf parents show in charge by standing tall and tail up in the air. Offspring in a pack hold

Habitat Wolves only live in the North Carolina in the United States. Wolves are most found in Canada, Russia, Mongolia, Minnesota, China, Europe, India, and Middle East.

Here is a wolf in his habitat .

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangered because people hunt them for there fur coats so they can get paid a lot of money. Wolves o7en run away from people because we hunt them for there fluffy fur coat.

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