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Researched and Written By:

Mrs. Wojcik’S 4th Grade Class

Chapter 1: Bats Physical Description DID YOU KNOW… that a flying fox is the biggest bat in the word.

large, sharp claws. All bats have short legs. 1/3 of the bats have long ears and they have unusual shape.

This is a flying fox bat

Bats have long arms and fingers. They also have black or brown fur. Some bats some mes have bright orange or striped fur. They some mes have no fur at all. Also they HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL is we don't go in old mines.


Bats eat nectar, figs,

bananas, and pollen. Also, they eat nuts, other animals, insects, fish. The last things that the bats

eat are scorpions, lizards, frogs, birds, seeds, and blood.

Behaviors The two behaviors are bat senses and echoloca on.

Habitat Bats live in Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and North America. The places that some bats live in are old mines and bats houses.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

This animal is endangered because people drive them out of there homes. People use ash lights to wake them up out of hiberna on. Loud noises wake them up. People kill them will the bats are


Chapter 2: Wolves Physical Description Did you know that baby wolves are orange. Also did you know that wolves long bushy tails. tails

We can help wolves by stoping people from killing them.

The wolf is looking for food.

Wolves are grey and white. Baby wolves are orange. Wolves have tall ears. Some

wolves are red. Wolves have long busy tails. All wolves have fur coats. Wolves have thick coats that keep them warm.


Wolves eat deer, moose, rabbits ,rodent

s, beavers, birds, nuts, berries, fruits, elk

and caribou.


Wolves can communicate with other wolves. Wolves wag their tails when they are happy. When wolves are mad they show their teeth and growl.

Habitat Gray wolves live in the forests, grasslands, and tundra of Canada, Russia, and Mongolia. Red wolves live in North America, Northern Asia, and Europe.

The wolf is with its pack.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Wolves are endangered because of habitat loss.

Chapter 3: FROGS Physical Description

DID YOU KNOW frogs have very small tails.

We can help frogs by not catching them and leaving them alone.

Frogs have all colors. are 30 cen meters. Frogs are slimy. They have very small body’s. Their skin is moist. Frogs have s cky feet so they can clime trees. Frogs have webbed feet so they can swim. They have see-through eyelids. They have long back legs to jump. Frogs are related to toads. Frogs


That is a frog on a leave.

Frogs eat crickets, rolly worms, snails, polly’s, and small fish, spi- ants. ders, fly's, This frog is a tree


Frogs go through a behavior called metamorphosis. At ďŹ rst the frog is a tadpole. Then Frogs mate and have eggs. Frogs lay eggs in the water. A9er a week the eggs hatch.


Frogs live in the rain forest. Frogs live in the Kalahari Desert. Frogs live in under ground borrows. Frogs live in trees and tall grasses. Frogs live in ponds, streams, and creeks. Frogs live in wetlands, marshes, and swamps.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The rays from the sun is one reason frogs are endangered. The Earth’s ozone layer can get them sick. They get sick by UVB. Also embryos, and jelly-covered eggs.

Look at the frogs cool eye color!

Chapter 4: Leopards

DID YOU KNOW‌ Leopards have very long tails to run faster.

Physical Description rip apart their prey. They have sharp and pointed teeth to munch. They also weigh up to 100 to 160 pounds, but female’s can weigh 75 pounds. Leopards can be so interesting in so many different ways. Leopards have many spots.

Leopards are large members of the cat family. They are known for their spotted fur. Their fur is light cream to dark gold. They have very long bodies. Leopards have big paws to grab their prey, and sharp claws to HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by leaving their environment how it is.

Diet Leopards eat

snakes, ante-

other animals

lopes, jackals,

like monkeys,

peacocks, and

warthogs, large sheep. dogs, birds, This leopard is ea ng a dog.

Behaviors Leopards have many different behaviors. Two of them are good eyesight and good hearing. Leopards grow and change un l its mature to go on its own. Adult leopards can mate or join together to make babies. A9er cubs are born they begin a new life cycle. Before two years old they leave their mothers to find new home ranges. These are some of the leopards behaviors.

Habitat Leopards live in many different places. Most leopards live in forests, rain forests, deserts, savannas, mountains, warm climates, cold climates, dry places, and Africa.

This leopard is in Africa on a tree.

This is a picture of leopards figh ng.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangered because there is less room for leopards. Humans are destroying there habitats. People are cu=ng down trees and clearing forests to make new buildings and leopards keep losing their homes. People are hun ng down leopards for meat, fur, whiskers, and bones. This is why leopards are endangered.

This is the leopards fur that the people are try-

Chapter 1: Mountain Gorillas


Physical Description are very large.

There is

Their fur is black

only one

and grayish. They

male gorilla that protects the group of female gorillas.

This mountain gorilla is the leader of the

Mountain gorillas are mammals.

have no tails. Also, mountain gorillas are

great apes.


have four fingers and one thumb on both hands like us! Mountain gorillas

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help mountain gorillas by picking up trash not just in the forest but everywhere like

in your neighborhood..

Diet Mountain goril-

eat plants.

cluding fruits,

las are herbi-

They eat many

bamboo, flow-

vores. Which

different kinds

ers, leaves and

means they

of plants in-

even roots.

Behaviors Mountain gorillas are peaceful and gentle.


Mountain gorillas rarely

Mountain gorillas live in Africa. In

fight. They show their teeth to show their an-

Africa, their habitats are cool

ger. Also like moms or

misty forests and high mountains.

dads would do when we

Africa is near the equator. They

get in trouble mountain gorillas mothers will grunt at their young.

live where it is pretty hot.

Africa is a beau ful place located near the equator.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Mountain gorillas are

are hunting for mountain

endangered animals.

gorillas. There are way

Here are a couple rea-

too many people littering

sons they are endan-

in the forest. The last

gered. They are losing

reason is they are get-

their habitats when

ting disease that can kill

people are making roads.


Also, too many people

Chapter 7: Chimpanzees

Did you know that the chimpanzees are very playful and easy to train.

Physical Description

This chimpanzee is communica ng with the

Chimpanzees are hairy apes. Their hair is black. They are usually We can help the chimpanzees by giving them lots of food!

3 to 4 feet tall. They also weigh about 130 pounds. They have no tails, and large ears. Their arms are longer than their legs.


Chimpanzees a re omnivores and they eat p lants, animals

. They eat frui meat, eggs , an ts , roots ,nut d seeds. s, and insects. They also eat



The chimpanzees live in rainforests. They live in the African rainforests, with thick trees. This chimpanzee is

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The chimpanzees are e ndangered because they are hunted, they don't h ave a lot of babies. Als o they have illnesses an d people destroy their


Chapter 8: Pandas


Did you know that pandas can scream very loud. They can a also go a very long way without eating.

Physical Description Pandas have furry bodies This is a Chinese panda laying on a rock.

and false thumbs. Another descrip on is that pandas have big bodies, black and white fur, large teeth, and a large wrist bone. The last two things are that pandas have big eyes and black ears. That is the physical descrip on of a panda.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? You can help this animal by sending money to a zoo that has pandas and the zoo will use the money to buy foods or different habitats. That is how you can

help this animal.

Diet The pandas eat also eat bamboo and also eat water from streams. Pandas also drink mothers milk

and pandas also eat flowers. Pandas also eat vines, different grasses green corn, honey, and rodents.

That is what pandas eat.

This is a bamboo s ck.

Behaviors Some behaviors pandas have are that they leave their mothers when they turn two years old. Another behavior is that pandas rub their backs against rocks, hide their eyes when frighten, leaves when it needs a mate, barks to communicate, and rolls on its back when it is playful. Those are some of the pandas behaviors.

Habitat Pandas live in all kinds of places. Some pandas live in the mountain forests in China. A lot of pandas live in high up on in trees. The trees the pandas live in are called bamboo trees. Some pandas even live in dens and caves. Those are some places pandas live.

This is a pandas habitat.

Why This Animal Is Endangered This animal is endangered because there are not enough cubs and their habitats have go?en knocked down. Another thing is people are killing pandas and pandas can not ďŹ nd homes to survive. That is why the pandas are endangered.

These are some of the pandas that are endangered.

Chapter 9: Sea Turtles


Physical Description

two pairs of

That there are about 60,000 loggerhead females le( on earth and there are 8 species.

This sea turtle is using its strong flippers to swim through the water.

Sea Turtles are cold blooded. Also Sea Turtles are a marine rep le. They have a streamlined body,

flippers, strong jaws, and no teeth.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by cleaning up garbage and having safer beaches and keeping +ishing nets farther away from sea turtles habitats.


Sea Turtles eat sea grass, seaweed, fish, crabs, sponges,

sea cumber, they eat fish eggs, small shellfish, jelly-

fish, shrimp, snails, and algae and mollusks.


Adults females go to shore so they can make there nests for there baby's. Adults lay about 50 to so9 shell baby sea turtles and the adult sea turtle covers the baby sea turtles with sand.


Some habitats Sea Turtles live in seas, the PaciďŹ c Atlan c, Indian Ocean's, beaches, warm water, lagoons, and cold water far out in the ocean.

This sea turtle is swimming in the PaciďŹ c Ocean.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Sea turtles are endangered because of hunters and ďŹ shing nets and their habitat

loss also and beaches and garbage.

Chapter 10: Komodo Dragon

Physical Description

Did you know that the komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world.

I think we can help this animal by not trapping it, but take it to other dragons.

The Komodo Dragon skin, and its very scaly has a powerful body. It skin indeed. is the biggest lizard and its body is nine feet long. Usually, its skin is gray and brown. The Komodo Dragon has a very deadly This is a Komodo Dragon walking by its mouth. It can have up to 60 razor sharp teeth! It has sharp claws. It also has thick Diet The komodo Dragon eats deer, wild pig, monkey, and other small rep les. It will eat an-

imals fur, hooves, and bones. They will also eat humans if the human is distrac ng

him. He will also eat water and water bualo.

Behaviors The komodo dragon has a defense behavior, and that is camouflage. They fight a lot. The behavior is “fight” They are also very strong. I would not get into a fight with that beast.

Habitat The komodo dragon lives near the ocean or beaches. They also live on the rocky mountains. Tropical savannas are another place they can live at. To sum it up, they live on land and water. I wouldn't go to those places.

This is a picture of two

Why This Animal Is Endangered

The komodo dragon lives in a small part of the world. Its also losing its home fast. If there is more human, there are less komodo dragons. The women dragons are dying fast. Us people trap them

to sell them. That is why this animal is endangered.

This komodo Dragon is enjoying his or

Chapter 11: Rhinoceros


Physical Description as short as 1 in. and as long as 5 feet. Their back feet have three feet and in the front they have four toes. They have bad eyes but can smell and hear very well. Some rhinos have a hooked lip that help them grab food off of trees and shrubs and others have sharp cu=ng teeth to help them tear off food.

Some female rhinos mate between 4-6 years old.

This rhino is looking for food.

A rhinoceros is a huge animal that can weigh from 1300— 1500 lbs. It has a solid body with short stubby legs and thick folded skin. The rhino has a horn nose made of bone that can be HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help the animal by putting the rhinos in a safe place and feed them.

Diet The rhinoceros is a herbivore which means it only eats plants. The white rhinos are grazers

because they only eat grass. Browsers are rhinos that eat the branches and leaves off of bushes

and trees. Because they are such large animals they eat huge amounts of food.

Behaviors They sleep during the ho?est part of the day. They like to live alone but some live in herds. The mama rhino keep her babies close to her.

Habitat They live in forest, mountains, and savannas. Savannas are grasslands. In Africa, Asia there is water trees and shrubs and mud.

They are grazing threw the dry grass in a savanna.

Why This Animal Is Endangered Rhinos are endangered because people are talking over the land and poachers are hun ng too. People are hun ng because the people are using the rhinos for medicine and they are using the rhinos horn because the horn has magical powers.

Chapter 12 :Elephants DID YOU KNOW‌ Elephants have a muscular neck.

HOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? WE can help this animal by telling people not to take their tusks.

Physical Description trunk has many muscles that it can even pick up a person! Elephants walking in their environment.

A elephants body has tough wrinkled skin. They can walk 3-6 miles with out getting tired. An elephants large ears flap back and forth to cool them off. A elephants

Diet A elephants eats and seeds. grass, fruits, twigs, leaves, water plants,

Behaviors Elephants take baths together. They also sleep at the hottest times of day. A elephants skin protects it from insect bites. There herds contain 8100 elephants.



Elephants take good care of their babies.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

A elephant is en-

that’s why their los-

dangered because

ing their habitats.

people are taking their tusks. People are cutting down their habitats. So

Chapter 13: Manatees


Physical Description

Manatees communicate in different way !

This is a manatee with her baby.

pers. They also have small eyes , and they have a fluke. They are 13 feet long .

Manatees are gray, and have two fins .They also have whiskers and flipHOW CAN WE HELP THIS ANIMAL? We can help this animal by not hunting or killing!


The manatees diet is sea grasses and algae. They also

eat fish , snails over 1,000 and small pounds . crabs. They can also eat


Manatees communicate in dierent ways. They squeak and squeal .They touching each other give singles.


Manatees have many habitats. Some of the habitats are warm shallow water .They can live in salt water or fresh water. They live in bays , lagoon, oceans.

This is a bay where manatees live.

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Manatees are endangered because of boats and hunters. Manatees should not be hunted be-

cause you never know if they are sick or hurt. They also get catch by nets.

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