Surface World September 2022

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High-quality solutions for powder coating ... we have everything covered SEPTEMBER 2022 read online – follow us on twitter @surfaceworldmag – visit 4th & 5th October 2023 NEC, BIRMINGHAM

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Nigel Bean

t: +44 (0) 1442 826826

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Jane Soones

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Sheena Burrus



Sheena Burrus


Hill Media Ltd, Marash House

2-5 Brook Street, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5ED, United Kingdom.

The Surface World magazine is published 12 times a year by Hill Media Ltd.

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Surface World, Hill Media Ltd and its agents accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. Copyright for all material published in this journal remains with Hill Media Ltd and its agents.

© Hill Media Ltd – 2022 ISSN 1757-367X

























SEPTEMBER 2022 - VOLUME 29 - NUMBER 9 twitter: @surfaceworldmag Specify QUALICOAT for all your architectural aluminium powder coating requirements
Spray Booth Cost Per Cycle 2020 Oct 2022 Standard Spray Booth £10.23 £36.57 Junair EcoPlus Spray Booth £2.92 £10.39 SAVING £7.31 £26.18 01706 363555 how will you navigate the energy crisis? Figures have been calculated in partnership with ECA Business Energy and can be provided on request. Switching to a Junair EcoPlus spray booth would save £31,427 per year in energy based on a typical spray booth running 25 cycles per week. Your investment would pay for itself in less than 2 years. Can't afford to invest? You can't afford not to!

Straaltechniek UK Shot Blast & Shot Peen

Equipment Modernisation Programmes


With over 150 years of combined experience Straaltechniek UK can offer extensive Equipment Modernisation Programmes for all types of Surface Preparation Blasting & Shot Peening Equipment at a fraction of the cost of new installations.

Why EMP? Jay Dorling (Sales Director) at Straaltechniek UK explained ‘that many of our customers we service and supply spare parts to have older generation shot blast and shot peening machines and although well maintained by the Straaltechniek UK Service Division for various reasons do not fulfil the latest health & safety legislation and

increased production demands of improved modern day processes.

This usually results in the request for significant capital investment for the latest new design modern replacements.

However, in highly competitive industries this investment may not be forthcoming straight away but in the short & medium term all is not lost! Older machines can be retrofitted and upgraded with the latest technology.’

What are the Main Drivers for EMP?

1. Health & Safety

2. Manufacturing Method Changes

3. Inability to meet Output Demands

4. Increased Cycle Times

5. Superior Cleaning Standards Required

6. Higher Levels of Contaminant to be removed.

7. Production Demands V Preventative Maintenance

8. Dust Emissions legislation changes.

9. Increase Profitability of Older Equipment

10. Limited Investment Budget in difficult times

Straaltechniek UK have a wide range of EMP programmes to assist customers when legislation and production demands require more from their existing equipment. Health & Safety, Dust Filtration, House-keeping, Handling & Ergonomic issues are classic examples. The health & safety of all employees is paramount in any modern businesses who must comply with the latest

Access Platform & LadderSimple Safety Interlock COMPANY SPOTLIGHT 4 SEPTEMBER 2022 read online:

4th & 5th October 2023, NEC, Birmingham

If you are interested in booking a stand call

Nigel Bean on 01442 826826 or send an email to

H&S regulations. Straaltechniek UK can assist these businesses with advice and upgrades to meet with these mandatory demands. Whether it is working from heights, near to powered moving machinery, excessive noise, dust or ergonomic issues Straaltechniek UK can provide the latest bespoke solutions.

Many customers are operating without suitable Simple Safety Interlock Guarding, Light Guarding, Laser Guarding, Maintenance Access Ladders & Platforms, Bulk Automatic Abrasive Replenishment, Acoustic Enclosures, Handling Systems and ATEX Dust Filters.

Jay went on to say ‘that if Companies are unsure of their obligations Straaltechniek UK would be happy to help with any issues they may perceive they have including any other process, production or operational issues with their shot blasting equipment that our EMP Programmes may help them with’.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1142 571077



Two Dimensional Laser Beam Guarding System (Costly Mechanical Guards Eliminated) Bulk Abrasive Replenishment Minimum Manual Handling of 25kg bags Acoustic
Enclosures & Noise Attenuation >85DBA
5SEPTEMBER 2022twitter: @surfaceworldmag COMPANY SPOTLIGHT


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PosiTector ® Inspection Unrivaled probe interchangeability for all of your inspection needs. Backwards Compatibility! The redesigned PosiTector gauge body accepts ALL coating thickness (6000/200), environmental (DPM), surface profile (SPG/RTR), salt contamination (SST), hardness (SHD/BHI), and ultrasonic wall thickness (UTG) probes manufactured since 2012. Customized Inspection Kits... Build your own kit from a selection of gauge bodies and probes to suit your needs. Coating Thickness Surface Profile Environmental Conditions Ultrasonic Wall Thickness HardnessSalt Contamination Coating Thickness Probes n Ferrous n Non-Ferrous n Combination n Ultrasonic Surface Profile Probes n Depth Micrometer n Replica Tape Reader Environmental Conditions Probes n Integral n Cabled Magnetic Probe n Anemometer Probe n 1/2” NPT n Infrared Hardness Probes n Shore n Barcol Salt Contamination Probe n Bresle Method Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Probes n Corrosion n Multiple Echo Thru-Paint n Precision n Low Frequency n Xtreme NEW DesignandFeatures Proud supplier of
Inspection Instruments
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NEW DesignandFeatures

Why Specify QUALICOAT for Residential Installations?

Over the last decade members of the Association have seen a huge rise in QUALICOAT specifications for powder coating on a wide range of bespoke installations across the UK and Ireland. More wide ranging than BS EN 12206, the QUALICOAT Specification differs from the recently updated British Standard, requiring twice yearly, unannounced, third party accreditation visits for all its licensed members which ensures that the latest QUALICOAT specification is being followed. Any member failing an inspection will be given a short time to comply, failure to comply will result in the coating company losing its QUALICOAT licence.

A QUALICOAT specification is not just aimed at commercial projects, the specification is relevant to all architectural aluminium powder coating requirements, commercial and residential. It is crucial therefore that aluminium used in residential installations receives the same care when choosing and specifying its surface treatment. Members

now report that they are coating a growing number of residential aluminium systems for home improvement, as the demand for aluminium windows and doors continues apace.

Whilst systems companies products will generally carry a QUALICOAT approved powder coating applied by a licensed coater, the Association recommends that if in doubt, all home improvement companies should seek confirmation that they are receiving a QUALICOAT powder coated product. In fact, the specification should appear in all home improvement contracts with homeowners, which it turn, will offer purchasers further peace of mind when choosing aluminium. It is important to note here that a QUALICOAT specification should be no more expensive that a BS EN 12206 powder coating specification.

Whilst supplying a standard QUALICOAT approved coating is suitable for most residential applications in the UK there are some some options which we should be aware of. It is obvious that a colour reference is required, but there is also gloss levels to consider, the range reference is generally as follows:

‘Matt Powders’ are usually between 20% and 30% gloss level

‘Semi-gloss Powders’ are usually around 60 to 65% gloss level

‘Gloss Powders’ at least 80% but can be up to 85% gloss level

Gloss levels are easily checked using a hand held ‘Gloss Level Meter’, colour can be measured using a hand held ‘Colour Meter’. On more complex home improvement projects it may be necessary to colour/gloss match different products such as pressed cills, column casings and spandrel panels. A close match can be obtained by careful specification, but any QUALICOAT powder coater should be able to take a range of

Angus Mackie - QUALICOAT UK & Ireland Chair
twitter: @surfaceworldmag
Accurately measure your product and oven temperature profiles with the Elcometer 215 Oven Data Logger together with ElcoMaster® software. PROFILINGMeasure · FAST · REPEATABLE · ACCURATE · DURABLE OVENTEMPERATURE Surface World - September 2022.indd 1 15/09/2022 14:57:41 WE’RE OBSESSED WITH COLOR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOMIZED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS brands of The Sherwin-Williams Company A complete range of industrial coatings Waterborne | Powder | Solventborne | High solid | E-coat The Sherwin-Williams Company, Goodlass Road, Speke, Liverpool, L24 9HJ, United Kingdom | T: +44 (0)151 486 0486 | e-mail:

unfinished profiles and pressings from various providers and powder coat the complete project in one batch, which ensures a high quality colour and gloss consistency.

Finally, one important area which has caught out many a home improvement installer, is obtaining the correct specification when powder coated products are installed close to the coast. Contrary to popular belief, a powder coating finish is microporous, so if the pretreatment is not properly applied, corrosion under the surface can occur which will lead to premature surface coating failure.

A QUALICOAT Seaside Class of coating ensures that the pretreatment system is applied in a more robust way and offers a better adhesion and life expectancy in these harsh environments. A quick call to your local QUALICOAT powder coater, given the location of the installation, will offer advise and if needed offer the home improvement installer a more robust ‘Seaside Class’ coating specification and warranty for the homeowners and installers peace of mind.

Growing rapidly, there are currently twenty QUALICOAT licenced powder coat applicators across the UK and Ireland with a further four who will gain their applicator licences and join in 2022 after undergoing rigorous quality checks on equipment and processes. Members details are freely available on the new QUALICOAT UK & Ireland website and the Association would suggest that all home improvement companies should seek out a local applicator who can offer free advice on the correct coating specification for any residential application. Getting the coating specification correct for any project does not take long but it does ensure that as a provider of home improvement systems you are offering your customers the very best of what is achievable.

Also important is the level of coating problems or possible failures you may be experiencing will drastically reduce as a result.

The worldwide QUALICOAT Specification is continually and incrementally revised in real time with regular update sheets, the specification is completely rewritten at year end to include all updates. The Specification, its appendices and any update sheets are always freely available for download at

For details on the availability of various colours and finishes contact any QUALICOAT UK & Ireland member for more information.

For updated information about the use and specification of QUALICOAT in the UK and Ireland, please visit the UK & Ireland Association website at

QUALICOAT UK & IRELAND Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826 read online:

Wagner Spraytech (UK) Ltd a Member of WAGNER GROUP Telephone: 01327 368410

EASY OPERATION . DOUBLE PRODUCTIVITY. SuperCenter EVO Powder preparation & supply center • Ideal for frequent & fast color changes • High degree of automation for optimum efficiency • Double-designed fresh powder station for increased productivity Contact

International Safety Awards launched for 2023

The British Safety Council’s International Safety Awards 2023 are now open for applications.

The International Safety Awards are an internationally recognised accolade for health, safety and wellbeing excellence and this year will be the 65th year they have taken place. The awards recognise an organisation’s commitment to excellent standards of health, safety and wellbeing management.

In 2022, 549 organisations of all sizes, types and sectors won an International Safety Award. The winners included businesses from the UK, Africa, Asia, India, mainland Europe and the Middle East. A full list of 2022’s winners can be found here.

Businesses of all sizes, types and sectors around the world can apply. There are 12 award categories for 2023, including seven that are free to enter and three additional categories that are new and free for Indian businesses to enter this year.

Launching the International Safety Awards for 2023, Chief Executive of the British Safety Council, Mike Robinson said:

“As we continue to emerge from the Covid pandemic, the importance of everyone’s health, safety and wellbeing at work has never been more at the forefront of people’s minds. So, it is only right that we pause to celebrate the massive contribution people who work every day to prevent accidents, injuries and ill health in their workplaces have made this year.

“The British Safety Council’s prestigious International Safety Awards offer companies, teams and individuals the chance to be recognised for their hard work and achievements in protecting and enhancing the health, safety and wellbeing of their organisations’ workers. I urge all organisations and leaders around the world who are proud of their track record to put themselves forward for an award in 2023.”

Businesses applying can be recognised as ‘best in class’ across four categories:

The Sector Awards will recognise overall ‘best in class’ submissions by organisations to the International Safety Awards, by industry sector category

The Best in Country Awards will recognise the highest scoring and best overall application from individual countries where there are more than four applications from the given country

Best in Company Award is for organisations with 50 or more participating sites and recognises the site(s) with the most outstanding applications

Chief Adjudicator’s Award will recognise the most outstanding applications from this year’s entrants. Previous winners have been exemplars in their respective areas and evidenced this through their application responses.

Winners of the Sector and Best in Country will only be awarded where there is an applicant who has achieved a Distinction in their 2023 International Safety Award application.

Seven of the awards are completely free-toenter with three new additional categories that are free for Indian businesses to enter this year whether or not they have applied for an International Safety Award. These are:

Best contractor Safety Initiative: This recognises organisations based in India, that have implemented a significant initiative to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of the contractual workforce, which was started and concluded between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021

Best Fire Safety Initiative: This recognises organisations based in India that have developed and implemented innovative policies and processes, which were started and concluded between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021, to enhance fire safety in the workplace

Outstanding Road Safety Initiative Outside Work Premises: This is aimed at organisations based in India and rewards them for pioneering initiatives they have undertaken to enhance road safety outside work premises in the supply chain between 1 January and 31 December 2021.

Applications and nominations for the wider free-to-enter awards are invited regardless of whether an organisation is applying for an International Safety Award. These are:

Seize the Opportunity Award: This award recognises organisations that have gone the

extra mile to seize health, safety or wellbeing opportunities resulting from a crisis.

CEO Award: This recognises the leadership and strategic vision of CEOs who have made a vital contribution to the health, safety and wellbeing of their business and to the wider society during 2022. The award recognises how an individual CEO has taken an active role in aligning and championing their organisation’s health, safety and wellbeing interests with their internal and external stakeholders.

Health and Safety Transformation Award – sponsored by Croner-i: The Health and Safety Transformation Award is for organisations that have significantly changed or transformed any aspect of health, safety or wellbeing to a significant extent through the use of information.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Ambassador of the Year Award: This recognises an employee who, in the opinion of the organisation or person nominating them, has played a significant role in ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of colleagues and others.

Team of the Year Award: This recognises outstanding achievements resulting in a significant improvement to health, safety or wellbeing, from a collaboration of stakeholders, which may include members of the organisation, suppliers, subcontractors and/or the wider community.

The James Tye Award: This recognises an organisation or a team of individuals who have developed and run a campaign in 2022 that has made a significant impact on health, safety or wellbeing in the workplace. It is named after British Safety Council’s founder, James Tye, who campaigned tirelessly on issues such as life jackets and seat belts.

Wellbeing Initiative Award – powered by Being Well Together: This recognises and rewards those organisations that have demonstrated a proactive and effective approach to improving employee wellbeing. The closing date for applications is Friday 10 February 2023 and the results will be announced on Friday 11 March 2023. To apply go to: awards-and-events/awards/internationalsafety-awards/

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Solutions for Parts & Paint Spray gun cleaning WASHERS ASK FOR A FREE QUOTE Manual | Automatic Our high quality, advanced range of equipment provides the best way to clean paint spray guns or industrial parts. With numerous options, you can be sure that there is a model in our extensive range that meets your cleaning requirements using either solvents or water. ATEX certified • High quality alloy pumps Stainless steel construction • Wash cycle controlled by timer • Wash & rinse • Hot water wash • Inbuilt water recycling • Inbuilt solvent recycling Air extraction • 2 year warranty BUY OR LEASE | 01691 622 225 For more information visit:  6 K-type thermocouple ports  High temperature stainless steel barrier box for long run times  Download, view, and analyze data using PosiSoft Desktop Software or export to .CSV Oven Temperature Logger Measures and records oven temperature profiles 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494   e: Customizable PDF Reports Prices starting at: Oven Temperature Logger .......... £1895 Temperature Probes ............ £100 Wide variety of spring clamp and magnetic temperature probes available NEW
Hadleigh Enterprises Limited Unit 11, Buckingham Square Hurricane Way, Wickford Essex, SS11 8YQ Tel: 01268 572255 Fax: 01268 572121 Email: Web: Certificate No. FM10409 • AS9100 APPROVED • NO MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY • ALL PRODUCTS FOR ALL PURPOSES • 48 HOUR DELIVERY SERVICE The Adhesive Tape Specialists


The voice of the surface engineering industry, representing the companies within it

Spanning the entire surface engineering and finishing sector, the SEA is the voice of the industry, working at every level to ensure that our members are informed and fairly represented in parliament in the UK and EU. We take an active role on UK and EU committees and working groups where legislation, standards, and codes of practice are developed, making sure that our views – and those of our members – are heard.

This representation on regulatory affairs ensures that we are always ‘in the know’ regarding new, or amended, legislation on health and safety or environmental issues that will impact the surface engineering industry. Our findings are fed back to members regularly via our website, committee meetings and conferences.

The Surface Engineering Association is leading the way in the future of the industry

Together with our members we are at the forefront of the advancement of the surface engineering industry, helping with the development of new environmentally friendly coatings and less hazardous plating methods.

We hold regular meetings, seminars and conferences to keep our members informed on the important issues affecting our industry, and we provide the platform for all members to present potential issues, so we can report these to the right people in the places that matter. In addition, these are ideal events for

meeting fellow members, including manufacturers and suppliers, to discuss areas of mutual interest or even contention.

Membership of the Surface Engineering Association amplifies your voice where it matters

We understand the challenges that companies working in our sector face –especially the smaller enterprises that have neither time or specialist resources to keep ahead of legislation, industry issues or get involved at government level. The SEA is your voice in areas that affect the surface finishing industry.

Membership is not just about amplifying the voice, but offers a whole host of member benefits:

Free technical and commercial advice.

Free 24-hour business support helpline providing valuable advice on tax, VAT, PAYE and employment issues.

Up-to-the minute information on legislation changes or proposed controls that affect materials or processes used in surface finishing.

Substantial savings on company energy bills.

Bespoke commercial insurance specifically for those operating in surface engineering that offers flexible, comprehensive cover with no claims discount up to 50%.

Free entry in the SEA Buyers’ Guide App and the SEA website.

Regular publications, including the SEA Newsletter and Surface Matters.

A range of attractive discounts on products and services such as car hire, hotel booking and private healthcare.

Discover for yourself the benefits of being a member of the Surface Engineering Association

If you are involved in any aspect of the surface engineering industry, you should be involved in the Surface Engineering Association. Not only for the many benefits that membership offers, but also for the opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of the industry. We particularly welcome young people coming into our exciting sector and we provide opportunities for them learn and contribute to the world of surface engineering.

Find out more about the benefits of membership

You can apply for membership by completing our online application form. However, if you would like to discuss in more detail about the benefits of membership or have any questions, please contact us on 0121 237 1123 or email us at


10 great reasons to exhibit at Surface World 2023

If your business is attracting new customers from advertising and word of mouth, it can be very tempting to write trade shows off as something that you don’t need to do to attract new customers. But trade shows can be one of the most rewarding forms of marketing when approached with the right strategy. Trade show veterans will attest to the fact that the ROI (return on investment) achieved from a successful trade show is often impossible to match in comparison to other forms of marketing.

So before you write off trade shows as secondary to your current marketing tactics, it pays to learn about their benefits. Here are ten reasons which explain why trade shows should be at the top of your list.

1. Meet and connect with prospective customers

One of the greatest advantages of exhibiting at a trade show is that it allows you to meet and connect with prospective customers in person instead of communicating with them over the phone. Research has shown that in-person meetings are 34 times more successful than those made via email or by phone. When meeting in person, you become someone that they know, recognise, and want to connect with.

Another advantage is the trade show host uses their database to invite prospective customers to the event, using various marketing tools on your behalf to get footfall through the door. Where else can you meet

hundreds of prospective business opportunities all under one roof?

2. Strengthen your bond with existing customers

Just like trade shows give you the opportunity to better connect with prospective customers, exhibiting at a trade show also allows you to meet your existing customers face-to-face. While most of today’s business is conducted over email or phone, face-to-face meetings are undeniably a fantastic way to do business.

Trade shows are often a place for customers to approach you with their long term plans and big orders – orders that can be incredibly lucrative for you as an exhibitor. Utilising your attendance to plan meetings at the show will save you valuable time and money, rather than trying to see each in turn at their place of business.

3. Learn about new developments in your industry

When your business attends an industry event, it puts you at the centre of the action. Trade shows are a place for businesses to announce and display their latest innovations and developments.

In a competitive industry, would you rather be aware of your competitors or out of the loop? Exhibiting at a trade show doesn’t just give you the opportunity to make new sales and connect with existing customers, it gives you the chance to

look at cutting edge developments in your industry and the opportunities they also create for you.

When you are at the show take a few hours out of your stand and see what other exhibitors are doing, this helps to keep you up to date with new technologies, techniques, products and industry trends.

4. Meet new companies that can help your business

Your attendance gives you the chance to network with both prospective customers and prospective vendors. This makes a trade show more than just an opportunity to expand your distribution, but a chance to expand your supply chain.

While your sales and marketing team focus on connecting with prospects to make new sales, your Purchasing Manager can connect with new vendors and contractors that can help your business grow. This makes a trade show a two-sided opportunity for your business –to expand sales, and to expand supply chains.

5. Close deals with new customers during the show

There are few situations more tense than the average outbound sales call. From the

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endless objections of the prospective customer, to the stress of losing a valuable sale, it’s natural to face rejection and nervousness as a salesperson.

At a trade show, however, the atmosphere is different. Almost half of trade show attendees make purchases at trade shows. A staggering 91 percent of all trade show attendees claim that shows are ‘extremely useful’ to their product and service sourcing efforts.

When you speak to a Purchasing Manager or Director on the phone, you’re often dealing with someone that’s already juggling a variety of obligations and deals in their mind. As such, they’re understandably disinterested. At a trade show, you’re dealing with prospective customers that have made the journey to fulfil a requirement they currently have.

Unlike traditional outbound marketing, in which rejection is the norm, trade shows are one of the few environments in which your sales team benefits from an audience of prospective customers that are genuinely interested in buying your products and services.

6. Strengthen or establish your brand

Trade shows are one of the few environments where you have the same amount of access to prospective customers as your larger competitors do. This makes them a valuable opportunity not just for direct sales and marketing, but for strengthening your brand and positioning your business as a leader in its industry.

From free giveaways to trade show displays, there’s no better opportunity to give your brand a sizeable boost than a trade show. If you create an exhibition stand that attracts the right type of attention, a single exhibition can be all it takes to change your brand from up-andcomer to an established industry leader.

7. Learn what your competitors are doing right

In the world of business, it pays to keep your customers close and your competitors closer. Exhibiting at a trade show allows you to observe what your competitors are doing right and apply their tactics to your own business.

Is there a particular competitor in your industry that seems to be growing at a rapid

pace? While your sales team uses the trade show as an opportunity to meet existing customers and connect with prospective ones, spend a moment looking at the other exhibitors to see what they’re doing differently from you.

Great businesses are aware of their competitors, and trade shows are one of the best opportunities to connect with competitors and understand their sales strategy, their pricing, and the reasons for their success.

8. Rapidly expand your database of sales leads

While skimming through the phone book might give you thousands of unqualified phone numbers, nothing gives you qualified leads quite like a trade show. While cold calling and online marketing might not have the same initial expense as a trade show, there’s no greater way to fill your contact book with prospects than a successful trade show effort in a much shorter time frame.

9. Speak directly to your target market

Email surveys are a fantastic way to learn more about what your customers want and don’t want. Unfortunately, their low response rate makes them useful only to businesses with a large enough email list to tolerate very few responses.

Trade shows allow you to solicit a huge amount of feedback by talking directly to visitors that have been invited to attend from various avenues within your industry. You can then use this valuable information after the show to help your business expand and improve.

A great way to get useful feedback and valuable sales leads at the same time is by conducting a short survey on your exhibition stand, and rewarding participants with vouchers or gifts from your business. Where else but a trade show can you generate new leads and valuable feedback at the same time?

10. Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy

Trade shows are an excellent opportunity to expose your sales team to hundreds of different prospects in a short period of time. A perfect opportunity to test new sales tricks and marketing strategies in a very responsive environment.

If you want to test and optimise your lead generation strategy, you’ll find no better place than a trade show. Try several different sales pitches on prospects and you’ll quickly learn which ones work and which ones don’t, allowing you to perfect your sales strategies in just a few days. You can then use these honed skills when out on the road or at future trade events.

The next Surface World is to take place on 4th and 5th October 2023 at the NEC in Birmingham. Reservations are already being taken.

If you are interested in exhibiting at the show or would like to advertise in the Surface World magazine or on the website, please call Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 to discuss your requirements. Or you can send an email to

Surface World – Re-Connecting The Industry
read online: SURFACE WORLD 2023

BASF Coatings inaugurates new electrocoat research center

The newly built e-coat research center offers BASF Coatings unique technical possibilities worldwide

With this innovative research center, BASF’s Coatings division is making a further contribution to its customers’ success

In addition to quality and efficiency, occupational health and safety were given high priority in planning and construction

BASF Coatings has inaugurated a new research center for electrophoretic dip coating at its headquarters in MünsterHiltrup, Germany. The electrophoretic or cathodic dip coat (e-coat) protects the surfaces, edges and cavities of a car body against corrosion, and evens out the roughness of the pre-treated metal surfaces,

thus providing the optimum basis for the application of the subsequent paint layers.

“We invested 15 million euros in the new building at the Münster site,” said Mathias Schöttke, Managing Director BASF Coatings GmbH. “The health and safety of our colleagues is particularly important to us at BASF. This is why, during the planning stage, we have not only given high priority to the quality and efficiency of the coating process, but also to ergonomics and occupational safety right from the start.”

Frank Naber, head of the Automotive OEM Coatings Solutions EMEA business unit at BASF Coatings emphasized: “In our new e-coat research center, we can simulate our customers’ processes and paint systems. We can coat pre-treated original parts of our customers under the conditions of their individual paint lines in a 2,000-liter dip tank and bake them in a chamber oven. These parts can be doors, fenders or hoods.”

In addition, the research center has two ultra-filtration and filtration stands with which the quality and stability of new e-coats can be tested under the conditions of the customers already before the tank is being filled for the first time. “In this way, we can ensure that the coating quality is at a very high level immediately after having changed over to a new e-coat material, and that it meets the customer’s specification. Thanks to these technical conditions, we are making another significant contribution to the success of our customers,” said Naber. The center will mainly be used for

the CathoGuard® 800 e-coat technology, which has already been applied to more than 100 million vehicles worldwide. The product does without organic tin compounds and has a very low solvent content. An optimized film thickness distribution permits material to be saved and, at the same time, guarantees protection of the entire body thanks to its good throwing power. The product also contributes to sustainability by reducing wastewater, which in turn reduces the amount of fresh water required for the process.

About BASF’s Coatings division

The Coatings division of BASF is a global expert in the development, production and marketing of innovative and sustainable automotive OEM and refinish coatings, decorative paints as well as applied surface treatments for metal, plastic and glass substrates in a wide range of industries. This portfolio is supplemented by “Beyond Paint Solutions”, which enable new applications with innovative surfaces. We create advanced performance solutions and drive performance, design and new applications to meet our partners’ needs all over the world. BASF shares skills, knowledge and resources of interdisciplinary and global teams for the benefit of customers by operating a collaborative network of sites in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific. In 2021, the Coatings division achieved global sales of about €3.44 billion.

Solutions beyond your imagination –Coatings by BASF. For more information about the Coatings division of BASF and its products, visit

About BASF

At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Around 111,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio comprises six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. BASF generated sales of €78.6 billion in 2021. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchange in Frankfurt (BAS) and as American Depositary Receipts (BASFY) in the U.S.

Further information at

The new research center for electrophoretic dip coating at BASF Coatings’ headquarters in Münster, Germany. Pre-treated original parts can be coated in a 2,000-liter dip tank and baked in a chamber oven. read online:

Color-on-Demand Powder Coating

Maximum flexibility – coat any colour, at any time!

Nordson’s Color-on-Demand® powder coating system provides automated ultra-fast contamination-free colour changes. Thanks to the efficient production management, it minimises work-in-progress by dynamically adapting to production requirements. The system can accommodate up to 28 colours at one time for more colour changes per shift, higher throughput, and just-in-time manufacturing for zero inventory and improved production efficiency.

Explore the unique features of our powder coating systems online or get in contact for more information!

Oldfield appointment strengthens senior team at Borough

Injection moulding and chrome plating specialist Borough Ltd, has announced the appointment of Darren Oldfield as Production Planning & Business Development Manager, as the Southend-based firm continues its drive to grow and diversify.

Oldfield brings a wide and extensive knowledge of business systems and manufacturing to the role, shaped by a decade with global automotive parts

manufacturer, Kongsberg Automotive and more recently board positions within the construction industry supply chain.

Borough Director David Brereton said of the appointment: “Borough is in a good position to kick-on, following the recent challenges of the global pandemic and its impact on the automotive industry, so it is gratifying to be able to attract to our business, individuals of Darren’s calibre.

“For more than 60 years, Borough has been providing high-quality moulded plastic and

chrome-plated components, assemblies and systems, to the automotive industry's leading brands; Darren is here to help us grow and expand in new sectors.

“Darren’s list of contacts across the automotive industry and beyond, both locally and internationally, is very impressive and should prove valuable as we look to grow our business, improve our processes and increase efficiency throughout our manufacturing operations.

“He has brought a fresh approach to the challenges we face in what is a competitive global market and we expect great things from him as he gets to grips with our business, in all its complexities, to support the senior team’s strategic growth ambitions.”

New Production Planning & Business Development Manager, Darren Oldfield commented: “The opportunity to work with the senior team at Borough, to challenge the industry status quo and do things a little differently, was too good to pass up.

“Given the increasing pressure on global supply chains, already stretched taut following years of problems, the need of British manufacturers to onshore their supplies, is a great opportunity for growth for businesses such as Borough.

“This is a business ready to embrace change to drive further growth through its ongoing commitment to delivering the highest quality products and achieving operational excellence - both areas that align with my personal experience and expertise.

“Borough has become pre-eminent in moulding high-quality plastic components and chrome plating them, but we know there is more we can do to bring chrome plated parts to new audiences that will appreciate its durability, finish and quality for uses beyond the automotive sector.

“I’m looking forward to working with the experienced senior team at Borough to ensure in the years ahead we are the plastic component moulder and chrome plater of choice, for those clients seeking unrivalled quality of manufacture from a British supplier.”

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Bathing in non-reflective glory

When you are looking to push the boundaries of light, color and design, especially with an ultra matt surface, our Précis Ultra Matt range has the answers. With a finer mica effect that enables an ultra matt surface to change appearance depending on the way the light reflects on it, you can create a finish that not only looks amazing, but also offers stunning levels of superdurability.

With innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible, a vast range of sustainable products backed by industry leading certifications, and the best performing powder coatings on the market used and respected by architects around the world, your imagination starts with our finish.

Michael Hansen to succeed Lars Petersson as CEO of Hempel A/S

Michael Hansen announced to succeed Lars Petersson as Group President and CEO of world-leading coatings company, Hempel A/S. Michael will step into his new position on 15 October 2022.

Michael Hansen joined Hempel in May 2017 as Chief Commercial Officer and has delivered remarkable results as a central driver of the global transformation in Hempel. Today, Michael is part of the Executive Group Management as Executive Vice President, Energy & Infrastructure.

“Michael Hansen has extensive knowledge of Hempel, its markets and customers.

With his great leadership qualities and the strong results he has delivered, Michael has shown that he is the perfect successor to take over as CEO and continue Hempel’s growth journey. I am very pleased that the natural choice of a new Group President and CEO is an existing top leader from within Hempel. The Board and I look forward to continuing the great collaboration with Michael and his executive management team,” says Richard Sand, Chair of the Board of Directors of Hempel A/S.

“I am truly honoured to be appointed CEO of Hempel – a unique, global company. With more than 7,500 dedicated colleagues serving customers in more than 100 countries, a strong value-based culture, a sharp customer focus and strong social engagement, Hempel is a company where we all work together to deliver on our strategy and to reach the ambitious goals we have set ourselves,” says Michael Hansen. “We will continue our strategic journey, Double Impact, with the purpose of

shaping a brighter future through sustainable coating solutions. I am proud to be leading a company, which makes a real, positive impact on the society that we are a part of, both directly through our products and solutions, and by creating opportunities for our colleagues around the world.”

“I would like to thank the Board of Directors for the trust they have shown in me and I look forward to taking on the new role and contributing to strengthening the position of Hempel in the coatings industry, together with the rest of the Executive Group Management and our talented colleagues,” Michael adds.

Richard Sand comments on Lars Petersson’s departure:

“The Board would like to thank Lars for a truly exceptional and dedicated effort. Lars has headed and accelerated the global

transformation of Hempel with remarkable results under very challenging and fastevolving external conditions.”

Lars Petersson takes on the position of President and CEO of VELUX Group on 1 November 2022. Until 14 October, Lars will continue his engaged daily work for Hempel and contribute to an optimal hand-over to Michael Hansen and the Executive Group Management.

Michael Hansen holds a degree from Copenhagen Business School, as well as an Executive MBA from IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Prior to joining Hempel, Michael Hansen worked 19 years for Maersk, where he held the position, among others, of Vice President, Global Head of Sales & Marketing in Maersk Line.


24 SEPTEMBER 2022 INDUSTRY NEWS read online: Elcometer’s range of high performance abrasive blast equipment is engineered to last longer, work harder & perform better. dry abrasive blast machines | precision media valves blast hose | blast nozzles | personal protection equipment TAEB engineered EDAM NI RG E A T BRITAIN FABRIQUÉ EN GRANDE-BRETAGNE H E R NEINNATIRBSSORGNITLLETSEGengineeredEDAM I N E U ROPE FABRIQUÉ ENEUROPE H E NITLLETSEGRAPORUE LAUQ YGOLONHCEGNINIART Surface World - June 2022.indd 1 09/06/2022 16:11:23
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Fischer Instrumentation (GB) open new Customer Applications & Support Centre

As part of its culture of Continuous Improvement, Fischer Instrumentation (GB), part of the global Helmut Fischer Group, set a plan to be more easily accessible for its customers and more centrally based in the UK, after being sited previously in the south of the country, in Hampshire.

The company has now completed a successful relocation to a new Customer Applications and Support Centre in Pershore, Worcestershire.

Darin Enefer, Fischer GB General Manager, explained more:

“We took the opportunity during the pandemic lockdown to step back from the business and make decisions that would help provide optimised customer service, whilst supporting our business growth ambitions.

We are pleased with our Pershore facility and welcome new and existing customers to discuss their measuring requirements and challenges, evaluate their materials and samples, try our range of measuring equipment, and participate in useful ‘hands-on’ learning workshops.’’

The relocation has helped the company grow sales and this has been achieved through supporting clients in Aerospace, Automotive, Engineering, Electronics and Precious Metals sectors, with high quality measuring

solutions, supported by pro-active service and maintenance plans.

‘‘We know from survey feedback how much our customers like collaborating with a supplier that has UK based service personnel, available parts, and country wide support. Customers can be supported on site or alternatively use our fully equipped Service Centre at Pershore.

We hope our new location will help to continue to support our customers and enable us to continue our current business uplift’’

The Company

As a full-service supplier in the field of surface testing, Fischer has been developing instruments for non-destructive material analysis, coating thickness measurement and material testing since 1953.

Fischer offer a wide range of measuring devices for different industries: from simple

handheld devices for quick testing on the go to fully integrated, high-end systems that automatically monitor your production.

Darin believes that the company is leading the way in terms of product quality and customer service.

“We have a high customer service orientation and a passion for helping the customer measure more accurately, more reliably, and efficiently.

Our core values include Expertise and Passion, along with Trust and Commitment. These values help drive our behaviours and activities.

The whole aim is to make our customer’s lives easier, underpinned by our Fischer mantra ‘‘Measuring Made Easy!’’

28 SEPTEMBER 2022 INDUSTRY NEWS twitter: @surfaceworldmag

Detergents for Industrial Parts Cleaning

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Fraser Technologies supplies pioneering Miele Professional aqueous cleaning system

Fraser Technologies Ltd., specialist supplier in the component cleaning market, is now offering the SlimLine PLW 6011 & PLW 6111 aqueous cleaning systems from Miele Professional.

The exclusive supplier of this equipment in the UK, Fraser Technologies works with customers to create a bespoke cleaning system and process to meet their individual needs and standards. These machines are single chamber aqueous cleaning systems offering time, energy and cost-saving efficiencies, and can meet the stringent cleaning requirements for high-reliability industrial sectors.

At only 65cm wide, the footprint is very compact, whilst still providing a large and flexible internal chamber space. This size, flexibility and smart load system allows a variety of components to be cleaned highly efficiently all at once, whilst utilising much less space compared with a standard sized machine.

Suitable for a wide variety of components and specialist electronics cleaning applications in the automotive, medical devices and aerospace industries, the Miele SlimLine PLW 6011 & PLW 6111, combined with the right chemical combination, are especially effective for flux removal and for other parts cleaning and degreasing applications.

Aqueous chemical cleaning solutions, which can be used in this system, can be applied to a variety of metals such as copper, stainless steel, and brass to remove grease, cutting fluids and general particulate.

Graham Fraser, Managing Director of Fraser Technologies, said: “The equipment offers a high level of flexibility with intelligent controls, including a wide range of load carriers and accessories. And with the added value of our custom made chemical isolation tank, this system can recirculate and reuse the chemistry, further reducing costs and environmental impact.

“We have already completed a number of successful customer trials with the system and have a fast-growing customer base. This includes a specialist in the assembly of PCBs, who were so impressed by the results of the Miele system in their trials that they placed an order immediately. We also switched a leading defence systems manufacturer from an inline batch cleaning

system to the new Miele system, saving time and space, reducing energy costs, and increasing efficiency.

“We have a strong relationship with Miele after years of collaboration, and very much share their values for high quality, sustainable and innovative cleaning systems. As the only UK distributor of this equipment, we have been really pleased with the results our customers have seen to date. We’re looking forward to rolling the system out to more manufacturers across the country.”

Fraser Technologies offers trials and personalised customer service to ensure products are correct for individual business and performance requirements. For further information, visit


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Colourful Careers in Coatings with HMG Paints

The UK coatings industry faces a shortage of skilled staff, and an ageing workforce at a time when it is experiencing increasing demand for improved product performance and sustainable solutions.

As the UK’s leading independent paint manufacturer, HMG Paints are investing significantly in staff recruitment across the business including in their research and development facilities and pro-actively working to attract experienced coatings formulators whilst also developing the next generation of staff to handle these challenges.

“People are at the heart of HMG and we’re always looking to create the best environment for our people to thrive” commented Steve Crossman, COO. “Be it the annual staff BBQ, 1pm Friday Finish or Christmas & New Year off we always try to ensure we provide a great work life balance where our staff can develop professionally and personally.”

The nature and variety of HMG’s customer base & product portfolio means that there is a broad range of roles and opportunities within the company from apprentice and graduate opportunities in production and operations to roles for experienced chemists within the Laboratory. These roles include

technical positions such as paint technologists, research & development chemists and colour specialists with one eye on a sustainable, net zero future. Believe it or not the company even have roles that require watching paint dry.

HMG’s portfolio of wet paint and aerosols cover virtually every type of surface imaginable across a whole host of industries including industrial, commercial vehicle, decorative, automotive, defence, toll manufacturing, wood finish and arts & craft and the company is now looking to further develop its staff to handle increased customer demand.

Colourful Career Opportunities

One area HMG has really pushed the boundaries over the last few years is within their Advanced Colour Design department. The success of the department means that HMG are now looking to further expand its colour development and formulation team who are responsible for the companies library of over 90,000 colour formulations.

The Advanced Colour Design team work very closely with customers to develop bespoke colour options and solutions for customers in a variety of fields including decorative, automotive, model and hobby.

The team have worked on a number of high-profile projects including the Jaguar CX-17 (F-Pace), paint for Aston Marin Racing that was revealed at the Geneva Motor Show, a unique gold for angel statues at the Parisian Hotel and Casino in Macau, interior design palettes for leading decorative brands and the team even worked on the restoration of Emerson Fittipaldi's iconic Lotus F1 car along with many other projects.

Training and Development

“HMG Paints has a long and proud history of developing our own technical team and we have some very exciting opportunities available as our business continues to grow”

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commented COO, Steve Crossman. “Having started myself as an apprentice in the laboratory I know first hand about the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie within HMG Paints. We have a great track record of nurturing our own talent in-house but also combining that with attracting experienced professionals within the coatings industry.”

After various roles in the laboratories including development chemist and Technical Director, as COO Steve is now keen for the next generation of talent to be developed within HMG. A key facet of this is utilising the knowledge and experience of existing lab staff and combining that with training organisations, courses and guidance provided by PRA, BCF and OCCA.

The coatings industry and HMG’s broader appeal can be further strengthened with links to academic institutions, illustrated recently by HMG’s participation with the Chemistry in Industry module conducted by OCCA at the University of Salford.

This route has helped HMG produce a number of home-grown coating chemists over the years including Darren James, who is a previous recipient of the British Coatings Federation Student of the Year award. This award is presented to the student who, in the opinion of the tutors of the Coatings Training Institute, has consistently demonstrated the highest level of understanding and achieved outstanding scores in examinations and practical work when completing their training modules.

“I was over the moon! Being up against people who had much more chemistry experience behind them, I didn’t think I was going to win. The help and guidance of my

colleagues at HMG really helped with my development. I now work on some very innovative projects for our customers and it’s a very proud feeling when you see products you developed being used in the real world to solve customers’ problems.” said Darren.

Another success story of HMG’s investment in staff and training is, HR Assistant Melissa Strowbridge. Melissa has recently completed her Degree Apprenticeship at the University of Salford and has also talked at the Houses of Parliament about the importance of apprenticeships. Melissa added, “The benefits of doing the degree via an apprenticeship route was that I was able to apply my learning directly to the workplace. Throughout the programme I developed both professionally and personally and I can now bring these skills into the workplace. I have a fantastic grounding for the future thanks to the University of Salford and HMG.”

Varied Products

HMG Paints provide coatings across a spectrum of industries which creates great variety in the projects their technical team work on. Many of the projects are also innovative within the coatings industry.

HMG were the first paint manufacturer to develop and commercialise Graphene containing coatings for a variety of

industries, with the coatings today being used on Commercial Vehicles across the UK.

On the other end of the development spectrum, Graduate Apprentice Avese Umar has recently led the redevelopment of the company’s artist Oil Colours. The range originally developed in the 1940’s has been reformulated to combine traditional performance with modern and sustainable raw materials. The range is used by leading artists including Carl Melegari, Frank Auerbach and Jake Attree, with artworks that use the range hanging in galleries across the globe.

To see a full list of HMG Paints products and services visit via the website you can also find out more about the company’s history, partners and career opportunities.

If you are interested in a career with HMG Paints Limited, please contact:

John Fenton

HMG Paints Human Resources Director


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Product Overview

Manual Monorail Systems

Unit loads up to 3000kg

Handling Solutions

Stewart Gill Conveyors Ltd have been supplying overhead conveyors into all sectors of industry for over 70 years.

As a long time member of the Railtechniek van Herwijnen BV Group based in the Netherlands, Stewart Gill Conveyors can offer a comprehen sive range of overhead conveyor products which are capable of handling unit loads up to 7000kg.

Monorail Chain Conveyors

Unit loads up to 300kg

Stewart Gill Conveyors Ltd offer complete manufacture, installation and commissioning, coupled with fully documented instruction, operation and maintenance manuals.

We do:

In-House 3D CAD engineering

In-House manufactoring in the UK and EU

Power & Free Conveyors

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In-House design of PLC/PC control systems

Industry 4.0

Worldwide installation and commissioning

Remote support, service & inspection

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Floor Conveyors

Unit loads up to 500kg


Stewart Gill Conveyors Ltd Unit 3&4 Brook Business Park Brookhampton Lane Kineton, Warwickshire CV35 0JA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1926

New digital solution from Interpon helps customers bring colors to life

AkzoNobel Powder Coatings has innovated a new web application 3D color visualization tool within its Interpon webshop to help customers better understand how a powder coating’s color, texture and finish that looks good in theory, will actually appear in reality.

The tool gives customers instant access to thousands of colors in the Interpon range. Through the clever use of a 360-degree dynamic camera and simulated lighting, the customer is given a true-to-life image of how the color performs to a degree of accuracy and realism not possible before in a virtual environment.

Rather than the image being ‘flat’, the customer can orientate the ‘virtual’ panel to see how the light reflects and the color looks from different angles. It gives a true impression of how surfaces coated in special

finishes and metal effects will appear in a way that it unprecedently realistic. They can also see multiple colors, multiple gloss levels and various surface finishes before deciding upon which is best. Customers can experience color as if they looked at panels in their hands without having to order a sample and waiting for it to arrive.

Remco Massen van den Brink, Marketing Director of AkzoNobel Powder Coatings, says the new tool is part of the company’s commitment to keeping its customers one step ahead: “Through ceaseless innovation, we are supporting our customers in the way they imagine and use powder coatings, developing practical, easy-to-use digital tools that they can access 24/7.”

“Through building meaningful partnerships with our customers and marketing insight studies, we understand the vital importance of choosing the right colors and textures to keep them out in front. That’s why we have so many colors to choose from and have

developed this first-of-its-kind solution to inspire our customers into making the right decisions, any time.”

Pim Koeckhoven, Director of Color Technology at AkzoNobel, says that this is another step on the road to digitizing part of the customer interface: “High quality and accurate digital representations of our products allow our customers to experience colors to a new level. Years of collaboration with academics and technology partners have taken us and our customers to a place we have never been before, and there will be more innovations like this to come.”

The 3D visualization tool, which was developed in collaboration with Dutchworkz, can be found on the Interpon webstores in Europe and North America, and can be used on all major platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.

To find out more, visit https://www.interpon. com/gl/article/webshop

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HangOn is a partner who helps customers to nd smart solutions to increase the e ciency in their coating process and improve their pro tability. We develop and produce in own factories. Our products are distributed from our warehouses into more than 40 countries.


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Ecoclean: The experts for parts cleaning and surface treatment in the aviation industry

Solving the varied cleaning tasks efficiently and sustainably

Cleaning of parts and surfaces is one of the most quality-related and thus essential production processes in the aviation industry. In maintenance and repair of aircraft components application-oriented cleaning processes secure quality and functionality as well. Ecoclean offers efficient cleaning solutions that are optimally tailored to these challenging and varied tasks.

The quality of downstream processes such as heat treatment, coating and bonding depend on part cleanliness just as much as the long-term flawless function of components and units like engines, turbines, gear units and undercarriages, as well as electronic systems. In this context, increasingly high cleanliness specifications are to be met consistently. Therefore the cleaning of parts and surfaces is one of the essential production processes in the aviation industry. Parts used in maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) that are suitably and reproducibly cleaned are a prerequisite for these high-quality tasks and the safe and reliable functioning of components. Current and future developments such as energy-efficient engines, emission-free flying, e.g. with fuel cell engines and the increasing commercial use of drones are driving changes in parts, manufacturing technologies and processes. This also leads to new and modified requirements for the cleaning of components.

Expertise and technologies for cleaning parts for the aviation industry

As a full-range supplier of future-oriented, globally available equipment for industrial parts cleaning, surface processing and automation, Ecoclean and UCM - the division of SBS Ecoclean Group specializing in fine and precision cleaning - develop and manufacture cleaning solutions that are optimally adapted to the highly varied tasks in the aviation industry. They are based on extensive technological expertise, profound knowledge regarding applications and certifications in the aviation industry as well as numerous projects implemented for manufacturers, suppliers and maintenance staff around the globe.

The comprehensive portfolio contains standard and special solutions for batch and single part cleaning with aqueous media and environmentally-compatible solvents. Adapted to the specific requirements and applications of aircraft manufacturers and suppliers (e.g. production process, manufacturing technology, component dimensions, material, type of contamination and cleanliness

The EcoCvelox combines deburring and cleaning of e.g. hydraulic parts with high-speed automation so that these processes can be carried out efficiently in a single machine. EcoCwave which is designed for immersion and spraying processes with aqueous media contains a vacuum-proof work chamber and covers a range of applications from coarse via intermediate to fine cleaning. The combination of wet-chemical and low-pressure plasma cleaning enables the user to achieve the required surface properties for subsequent coating or bonding efficiently and reproducibly in one process.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 40 twitter: @surfaceworldmag

requirements) as well as providers of MRO services, they ensure that the required particulate and thin-film cleanliness are achieved in a reproducible and sustainable way. For the deburring and cleaning of hydraulic components in one process for example, they provide innovative developments such as EcoCvelox. This also applies to effective and consistent removal of thin-film chemical contaminations, e.g. before coating. Innovative solutions for the selective in-line treatment of functional surfaces, e.g. before a bonding process or the cleaning of additively manufactured parts round off the program. Ecoclean's dry cleaning technologies (steam, CO2 and plasma-based cleaning processes) have also proven their effectiveness in a wide range of applications in the aviation industry and MRO sector.

For complex tasks in precision cleaning, UCM designs and builds future-oriented, multi-level ultrasonic cleaning systems. They are used in aircraft component manufacturing just as much as in maintenance,

repair and overhaul. One of these is the new UCMSmartLine ultrasonic multi-bath immersion system, which can be configured almost freely from standard modules and expanded at any time.

Complementary to industry-specific expertise, it is possible to perform cleaning tests with originally soiled parts in technology centres for every cleaning task in component manufacture and for the MRO under near-production conditions. Based on the respective material, component geometry, type of contamination and cleanliness requirements, this enables us to develop individually tailored flexible cleaning solutions that are both technically and economically optimized and sustainable. They include continuous monitoring and recording of the key cleaning parameters.

Comprehensive services round off the portfolio offered by the cleaning experts. These include the IOS and Android Service App for maintenance and repair tasks, tailored service and maintenance concepts, developments related to digitizing cleaning processes, options for modernizing and adapting systems, as well as training programs for customer employees.


Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826

10 great reasons to exhibit at Surface World 2023

Meet and connect with prospective customers

Strengthen your bond with existing customers

Learn about new developments in your industry

Meet new companies that can help your business

Close deals with new customers during the show Strengthen or establish your brand

Learn what your competitors are doing right Rapidly expand your database of sales leads

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The cleaning of bipolar plates for emission-free engines is one of the most demanding tasks in the production of fuel cells. The UCM multi-stage ultrasonic cleaning systems for precision cleaning are used for the most different tasks in production and the MRO of aircraft components including applications in a cleanroom environment.
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Burn off ovens offer effective process to remove plastic, paint coatings or contaminants

Burn off ovens (also commonly known as pyrolysis ovens or burnout ovens) offer an extremely effective process for the removal of plastic or paint coatings and contaminants from process machinery and components. This burns off the unwanted residue and preserves the original machinery part with minimal damage, offering prolonged lifetime and multiple usage. Our burn off / burnout ovens are custom built here at Longworth and can therefore house and clean a wide range of items and sizes.

How does a burn-off oven work?

Burn-off ovens use a process known as pyrolysis. They remove or break down organic materials that have adhered to metal parts. This works by heating the parts in a reduced oxygen atmosphere where a reaction takes place and reduces the contaminant to a residue that is richer in carbon. Any emissions that are given off during this process are put through an afterburner that heats these gasses to 850°C for a minimum of half a second. By heating these gasses to such a temperature turns them into H2O and CO2.

Longworth burn off ovens are constructed to exacting standards to suit the particular requirements of individual clients. To achieve the precise control our customers expect, each oven features a number of distinct burn-off or pyrolysis temperature profile settings. These profiles can be used to gradually break down the contamination whilst preventing the overheating of the component being processed.

Although our standard selection includes several models in various sizes – on the rare occasions that our selection doesn’t offer something to suit your requirements, we will design an oven to address your specific needs.


Several models which come in various sizes, bespoke options available to suit requirement.

Incorporates PLC control, Touch screen HMI and on screen fault finding facility.

Oven interiors can be lined in stainless steel to avoid damage to internal insulation sustained via everyday knocks and scrapes.

Online oven maintenance option allows remote maintenance and fault finding from engineers in our Blackburn (UK) office.


Our skilled and responsive team of engineers will ensure that your pyrolysis oven is maintained to perform at optimum efficiency.

The robust design and construction of our burn off ovens means they offer years of reliable performance even in the harshest industrial conditions.

Built using 20 years of knowledge and experience gained from the cleaning of components from many different production processes and industrial cleaning environments.

How Does Pyrolysis Work?

Burn off processing involves heating a contaminated component at a controlled temperature in a low oxygen environment. This has the effect of vaporising the volatile constituents of the contaminations.

We also sell our burn ovens for customers to use within their own facility, and we only ever sell the same specification ovens that we use ourselves for on-site processing, giving peace of mind that the same results can be achieved.


Less damaging than traditional cleaning processes

No expensive chemical disposal costs

Custom designed PLC control including ramped temperature control

Who Is Burn Off Processing For?

Industries and Processes:

Powder and paint coating

Polymer extrusion and moulding

Commercial bakery tray refurbishment

Electric motor refurbishment

Process component refurbishing including pumps and pipework

Components and Parts:

Paint jigs & frames

Car & bike parts

Food trays

Filter housings

Automotive and railway brake pads

Commercial storage shelving

Telephone: +44 (0) 1254 680501



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UK’S LEADING MANUFACTURER PYROLYSIS & BURN OFF OVENS Call Longworth today for a no obligation meeting on how we can help you and your business Longworth’s pyrolysis & burn off ovens are second to none in design and build quality, built to last and have the latest in technological features. Our ovens provide a quick and highly effective process for the removal of plastics, paints and resins from jigs, filters, shelving, food trays, motors, automotive parts and a multitude of other components. Our Pyrolysis ovens provide you with a quick and highly effective process for the removal of plastic, paints and resins Accreditations BS EN ISO 9001:2008 visit call 01254 680501 email

Lanemark in-house process

gas burner test facility

Process gas burner specialists, Lanemark Combustion Engineering Ltd., in-house testing facility enhances services to its customers.

The Nuneaton-based organisation, which supplies burner systems for applications ranging from brewing and metal treatment to automotive manufacturing and, through an associated division, the petrochemical industry, says this resource enables larger, more detailed equipment analysis to take place while also helping to optimise customers’ emission controls.

“Our range is based on process tank, oven and duct heating systems through, respectively, our TX, FD, FDB and DB series,” says Jeff Foster, Lanemark’s Sales Director. “In all cases, our success is centred on supplying the optimum configuration for each customer’s needs, so it is vital that our equipment undergoes the most rigorous testing and analysis procedures – both during product development and pre-installation phases. This facility makes a major contribution in this context.”

The company’s enhanced capability in this area builds on the role played by Lanemark’s longstanding testing installation. Jeff Foster is keen to highlight key areas in which the installation helps optimise this important element of production.

“We can test a greater range of both tank and oven burners in terms of size and output with specified configurations to match precise operating conditions,” he says. He points out that this includes the company’s largest tank heating burner design, the TX80, using an 8” N.B. submersed tube heat exchanger.

“A wider range of emissions can also be monitored including NOx, SO2, CO2, CO and O2 as a result of the facility incorporating a Horiba PG-350 flue gas analyser,” Jeff Foster explains.

The test furnace offers a volume measuring six metres in length and 2.5 metres in diameter. No less than 25 viewing ports are available, each fitted with thermocouples to monitor temperatures of up to 1350°C, and pressure transmitters that can accommodate a range from -5 to +70 mbar. Alongside this, the TX test installation provides improved flue gas testing accuracy and is able to address common issues such as condensation.

“Both the FD and TX test facilities are fully fitted with duct work and dampers to accurately reflect precise operating conditions,” adds Jeff Foster. He explains that extensive PLC control helps to optimise both set up and monitoring processes.

“We have always believed in working closely with our customers to ensure that the equipment we supply provides them with optimised usage in terms of performance, fuel consumption and emissions, and our investment in this testing facility underlines this commitment,” concludes Jeff Foster. “With this service, we believe even greater benefits from our burner technology can be realised by users across our range of marketplaces.”

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 Dedicated stand-alone unit is ready to measure right out of the box  Fast measurement speed—ideal for moving lines and swinging parts  Scan Mode continuously takes measurements—ideal for analyzing large areas  Storage of 999 readings with onscreen averaging. Stored readings can be downloaded to PosiSoft Desktop Software Affordably measures uncured powder coatings using non-contact ultrasonic technology to predict a cured thickness 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494   e: Non-contact Uncured Powder Thickness Gauge Powder Inspection Kits Complete solutions for measuring powder coating before and after cure are available Powder Checker COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Gas Process Burners FD-GA modulating gas + air process air heating burners. TX high efficiency small diameter immersion tube tank heating systems. FD-E low cost high turndown oven/dryer air heating burners. FD-C high turndown oven/ dryer air heating burners. Midco HMA high efficiency, high turndown, air replacement or “make-up” air heating burners. Lanemark gas burner systems offer users reliable, high efficiency, process heating solutions. FD Series Packaged Oven/Dryer Burners •Speci cally designed for process air heating applications in convection ovens and dryers •High turndown/short ame lengths providing accurate process temperature control •High ef ciency gas + air modulation, gas only modulation and simple high/low control options •Heat Input Range: 9 kW – 1550 kW TX Series Gas Fired Process Tank Heating Systems •High ef ciency (80%+) heating of all types of spray and dip process tanks •Compact high ef ciency small diameter immersion tube heat exchangers occupying minimum tank space •Accurate performance modelling using Lanemark TxCalc design software •Heat Input Range: 15 kW (1½") – 1150 kW (8") Midco HMA Series Air Replacement or “Make-Up” Air Heating Burners •Direct red, high ef ciency burner systems, for high volume air heating applications such as paint spray booths, ovens and dryers. •Supplied either as Midco burner heads for OEM system integration or as Lanemark DB or FDB complete packaged systems including modulating gas valve trains and controls •Wide range of ring rates to suit alternative temperature rise and air velocity system requirements •DbCalc system design software Lanemark Combustion Engineering Limited Lanemark House, Whitacre Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6BW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 24 7635 2000 Fax: +44 (0) 24 7634 1166 E-mail:

Haviland Limited - manufacturers and installers of pretreatment and finishing systems

Haviland is a family run business, based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire specialising in designing and manufacturing bespoke pretreatment systems, industrial ovens, air recirculation ovens, infrared ovens, paint booths, powder booths, manual and automatic material processing conveyor systems.

Their experience allows them to provide equipment for clients to a high standard and designed specifically for their own particular processes.

Haviland are happy to provide either one piece of equipment or total systems. They have many years of experience designing and installing industrial ovens dating back to the first Saracen oven manufactured in 1979 and which is still in use over 30 years later.

Let’s take a closer look at Haviland’s ovens:

Large Ovens

Haviland’s large industrial ovens are sent to site in a flat pack form and assembled and tested by their competent fitting team and engineers.

Constructed from a laminated panel system, which eliminates through metal at the corners.

Fans circulate air down either side of the oven inside ductwork, while their ‘plug’ construction allows for easy removal of the motor and impeller for maintenance and service.

Insulated floors are available which reduces the amount of heat required to bring the oven to temperature, resulting in a more efficient oven.

Their industrial ovens can incorporate conveyors for ease of loading larger components.

Medium Ovens

The medium sized industrial ovens can be built at the Haviland premises or sent to your

site in a flat pack style to be assembled and tested by their competent fitting team and engineers.

Constructed from a laminated panel system, which eliminates through metal at the corners, and with their newly designed frame,

reduces its footprint on your factory floor. Either one twin exit or two single fans circulate air down either side of the oven inside ductwork, while their ‘plug’ construction allows for easy removal of the motor and impeller for maintenance and service.


Insulated floors are available which reduces the amount of heat required to bring the oven to temperature, resulting in a more efficient oven.

These industrial ovens can incorporate conveyors for ease of loading larger components.

Small Ovens

Heated by either newly designed open coil elements, which offer greater surface area for rapid heat transfer and greater temperature control, or gas burners.

The smaller industrial ovens are built at the Haviland premises and tested prior to delivery to ensure you receive a fully functional oven from the moment you press go.

Constructed from a laminated panel system, which eliminates through metal at the corners, and with a newly designed frame, reduces its footprint on your factory floor.

Twin exit fan circulates air down either side of the oven, while its ‘plug’ construction allows for easy removal of the motor and impeller for maintenance and service.

The small industrial ovens come with an insulated floor as standard to aid in structural rigidity.

Radiant (Infra Red) Industrial Ovens

The Saracen radiant industrial ovens are designed for both metal and wooden components.

Haviland's specially designed emitters radiate an even temperature over the whole of oven hot zone.

Powered by gas or electric in short, medium or long wave form they cover the whole spectrum of product needs.

Telephone: 01159 444 159



Since 1982 Automated Water & Effluent Ltd have been supplying process control equipment to the metal finishing and surface finishing industry.

We have an in-house team of qualified engineers able to recommend and build control panels and process equipment specific to fit your requirements.

A wide range of our control instrumentation, dosing pumps and chemical process equipment is available on short delivery.

AWE House, Antom Court, Tollgate Industrial Estate, Stafford, ST16 3AF 01785 254 597 Get in touch for a quote today! • Custom Designed & Built Control Panels • pH & Redox Controllers & Electrodes • Conductivity Controllers • Liquid Level Controllers • Open Chanel & Magnetic Flow Meters • Data Loggers • Dosing Pumps & Tanks Visitusat SurfaceWorldLive2020 atStandA9
Designed and Built in Great Britain Supplied Across the World Manufacturer of materials handling systems and automation solutions for all industries CONVEYOR SYSTEMS FOR: PRODUCT FINISHING PLANTS | LOGISTICS | INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT | POINT OF DISPLAY | AUTOMOTIVE Midland Handling Equipment Ltd. Stretton Road, Great Glen, Leicester, LE8 9GN, England T: +44 (0)116 259 3175 F: +44 (0)116 259 2820 E: W: Materials handling equipment for Spraying, Powdering, Curing, Treating, Dipping, Flipping and more ...

Six areas of engineering expertise

RDM’s aim is to offer well engineered, excellent value products that are backed up by their after sales support team. By carrying out all of the design and manufacturing ‘in house’ they are able to ensure consistent high quality and fast delivery.

RDM genuinely believe that buying from them should be just the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship. The many 1000’s of clients who return to them over periods of many years are a pleasing testament to that.

Six areas of engineering expertise


RDM have been manufacturing Paint and Powder Coating Plant for over 65 years, they offer the largest and most comprehensive range in the UK including waterwash and dryfilter booths and reverse jet and pulse type powder plants. No wonder they say ‘Experience our Experience’


RDM has become one of the leading manufacturer’s of industrial ovens and driers by being able to offer both a huge standard range of modular ovens as well as precision controlled specialist ovens at very competitive prices. Their CNC techniques ensure rapid delivery. They really are ‘Curing the World’.


Their motor control range is headed up by the innovative ‘DRIVLOC‘ Electronic D.C. Injection Motor Braking system. This system, first developed by an RDM subsidiary in the 1960’s has prevented countless thousands of industrial accidents by stopping a huge range of machines in the shortest possible time.

So there’s no need to ‘Lose your Shirt!’


RDM’s machinery safety division offers a unique service to the industry. They can design, manufacture and install completely individual machine guarding and enclosure solutions at a very sensible cost. By utilising the modular CAD/CAM approach, one off designs can be accommodated in a way that was previously impractical. Their machinery safety expertise is a symbiosis of their Motor Stopping Systems division and their Sub Contract Manufacturing with over 40 years experience, so they really can say ‘No one else has put this much time into safety’!


Before metal parts can be coated they must first be prepared! RDM manufactures a comprehensive range of pretreatment plants, both for dipping parts in or for spray washing parts on line. They manufacture all types of Phosphate and Solvent type systems. They really are ‘Ingenious engineered Solutions’!


Their Sub Contract Service begins with a CAD design studio and includes full CNC punching and folding capability, steel fabrications, assembly and testing, electrical controls and Installations and in-house Painting and Powder Coating. So now they really can do the lot ‘From start to Finish’!

Quality Assurance

The RDM Engineering aim is to offer well engineered, excellent value products that are backed up by their after sales support team. By carrying out all of the design and manufacturing ‘in house’ RDM are able to ensure consistently high quality and fast delivery.

Find out how RDM can help you:

Head Office: 0161 643 9333

Southern Office: 0207 320 9933

Overseas Office: +44 845 505 9333



Elcometer 415 Coating Thickness Gauges for Industrial and Powder Coatings

Dry film thickness gauges can be tailored in the features they offer to suit specific applications. These applications include a coating thickness gauge for industrial coatings including powder coatings.

The Elcometer 415 Industrial Paint and Powder Thickness Gauge provides simple, fast and accurate coating thickness measurements on smooth and thin industrial paint and powder coatings. The gauge has a built-in (integral) probe and is available for measuring coatings on steel only using the ferrous (F) style probe or for coating on both ferrous and non-ferrous metal substrates, using the dual ferrous/non-ferrous metal (FNF) probe.

Ferrous (F) probes are suitable for the measurement of non-magnetic coatings, such as paints, on ferro-magnetic substrates for example. steel, magnetic stainless steel, cast iron, etc. Non-ferrous (NF) probes are suitable for non-conducting coatings on non-ferrous metals, such as aluminium etc.

This dual FNF probe system is useful for testing painted components that are made either of steel or non-ferrous metals such as aluminium or non-magnetic stainless steel. The gauge will automatically sense which substrate is under the coating being measured and display the coating thickness accordingly. The gauge automatically switches between ferrous and non-ferrous metals using the dual FNF probe.

Designed to measure fully cured coatings up to 1000μm (40mils) thick, this coating thickness gauge is ideal for the industrial paint & powder market. With a reading rate of 60+ readings per minute, this new paint and powder thickness gauge allows the inspection of more industrial materials in less time.

The Elcometer 415 gauge is compatible with ElcoMaster® Data Management Software and the ElcoMaster® Mobile App, individual paint and powder thickness readings can be transferred via USB or Bluetooth® to a PC or a mobile device for analysis and instant report generation.

There are four different versions of the Elcometer 415 gauge, the Basic 415FB and 456FNFB and the Top 415FT and 456FNFT.

All four versions take readings at more than 60 reading per minute and have an accuracy of ±1-3% or ±2.5μm (±0.1mil), whichever is the greater. All the gauges display key statistics on screen and can transfer live readings, the Basic version using a USB cable connection and the Top versions using either USB or wireless connection via Bluetooth®

The statistical values appropriate for the overall assessment of industrial finishing are:

Number of readings, n Average (mean), x Lowest reading, Lo Highest, Hi

The gauges offer 1-point or 2-point calibration adjustment methods for optimisation of the performance of the gauge on the substrate material to be tested. The 1-point adjustment method is also known as the Zero Calibration method and is a simple adjustment method for smooth substrates.

The 2-point adjustment method is also known as the Smooth Calibration method and provides a more accurate method for adjusting the gauge using the uncoated substrate and a thickness standard (foil) of known value.

Both of these calibration methods can be selected by the user and have on-screen prompts to guide them through the adjustment process. The chosen method is displayed on the screen as an icon as follows:

The 1-point screen icon

The Elcometer 415T Industrial Paint and Powder Thickness Gauge in use on a Powder Coated Aluminium Component Using Bluetooth® Data Transfer

The 2-point screen icon

The Elcometer 415 Industrial Paint and Powder Thickness Gauge offers a rugged, simple, fast and accurate coating thickness gauge for coatings applied to thin and smooth substrates as used for manufacturing white goods, metal furniture and other industrial metal surfaces.

For more information about the Elcometer 415 Coating Thickness Gauge, please visit or email

A Typical Elcometer 415 Screen Display
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Innovation in Thru-Process Automotive Paint Monitoring Safe ATEX Certified Temperature Profiling New Optic Video Profiling System Intrinsically Safe • 20 measurement channels • Paint & Powder coating • Includes Phoenix Factor cure index calculation During Production • Detect paint runs, drips and defects • Spot transport problems • Identify oven damage Phoenix Temperature Measurement T:01353223100

E-BOOTH ColorX Series Powder Coating Booth

ColorX series powder coating booths are produced from antistatic PVC material. Thanks to its smooth and slippery surface, it offers faster and comprehensive cleaning. It allows you to save in terms of time and paint. It is suitable for manual and automatic applications. Its compact design allows operators to easily control the booths. It is the best solution for continuous production.

Feeding powder to the guns is done by powder coating centers. E-Booth ColorX can be used with powder coating centers PM120 or PM130 with 20 or 30 injector modules, where adjustments and cleaning are done manually. Also for automated systems, it can be used with powder coating centers PM220 or PM230 with 20 or 30 injector modules, or with pumped type powder coating center PM324P. Electron powder coating centers used for automated processes have fast colour change and automatic cleaning features.

The part detection system Electron offer as an option can detect gaps, height and width. It is programmed to provide the best savings and the best paint quality according to the shape of each product to be painted.

It is designed in accordance with the 2014/34/EU Explosive Atmosphere Directive with reference to the EN16985: 2018 Standard. Optionally, Mobile Control Panel and Fire Suppression System are available.

For more information please contact the Electron team on +90 (212) 222 2 345.



E-BOOTH ColorX - 1BF Auto.

(1 Balcony, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 2BF Auto. (2 Balconies, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 1BC Auto. (1 Balcony, Conical Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 2BC Auto.

(2 Balconies, Conical Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - F Auto. (Without Balcony, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - C Auto. (Without Balcony, Conical Floor)


E-BOOTH ColorX - 1BF Man. (1 Balcony, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 2BF Man. (2 Balconies, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 1BC Man. (1 Balcony, Conical Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - 2BC Man. (2 Balconies, Conical Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - F Man. (Without Balcony, Flat Floor)

E-BOOTH ColorX - C Man. (Without Balcony, Conical Floor)

Telephone: +90 (212) 222 2 345



54 SEPTEMBER 2022 PAINT & POWDER read online:
Sharmic Engineering Ltd Tel: +44 (0)1299 822135 / 878123/4/5 Email: SHARMIC FOR FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE Experienced Engineers After sales technical support Nationwide deliveries New and used vibratory finishing machines and systems from 2 litres to 4000 litres Finishing media; Ceramic, Plastic, Wood, Steel and Maizorb Liquid / powdered / paste compounds Abrasive finishing wheels Vibratory separators / sieving machines and re-meshing service Repairs and relines Effluent water treatment systems Subcontracted finishing and industrial sieving services Redundant machines purchased Consultancy FOR ALL YOUR VIBRATORY FINISHING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS

Fenton Packaging Solutions helps aluminium effect pigments manufacturer Silberline to reduce its carbon footprint

Fenton Packaging Solutions began its cooperation with US-based aluminium effect pigments manufacturer

Silberline’s European division three years ago. The challenge was to make the packaging of pigments more sustainable and seek a carbon footprint reduction.

“We had been freighting empty, nestable, stackable, 6-gallon steel pails for our European pigments operations from a manufacturing facility in Ohio, in the United States to our plant in Leven, Scotland, for around 15 years,” says Silberline Operations Director Alan Snaddon.

“We talked to Fenton Packaging Solutions to see if we could create a like-for-like product here in Europe, aiming to reduce the impact of shipping and all its associated costs. Working closely with the Fenton team –and a German manufacturer – we have developed and are now using steel pails which have delivered a CO2e/TEU saving of over 73%.

“This saving is significant and fully aligns with Silberline’s overall sustainability goals. As a global leader in the aluminium pigment industry, with divisions servicing the automotive, plastics, graphic arts and general industrial industries, we are committed to supporting a balanced environment by seeking sustainable solutions in all that we do.

“Our approach to sustainability extends across the entire company. At a foundational level, we are evolving our technical platforms to increase production capacity and sales of sustainable product solutions, such as waterborne and powder coatings, and products absent of substances of concern. In doing so, we are also proactively identifying and addressing both existing and anticipated regulatory changes to stay ahead of the curve.

“Our commitment to sustainability also extends to a variety of other business processes, including reducing energy and water usage throughout all Silberline facilities. We are also reducing waste generation and VOC emissions and implementing extensive recycling programmes.

“Working with Fenton Packaging Solutions has helped us to find yet another way to deliver on these commitments.”

Rigorous testing

Due to the nature of Silberline’s aluminium effects pigments, the new pails needed to undergo extensive and rigorous validation and testing throughout the logistics chain. This process took around six months and the new packaging proved to be a perfect like-for-like swap for the existing pails.

“As a consultative supplier, we want to help our customers find the most sustainable packaging solutions, says Fenton Packaging Solutions Purchasing and Operations Director David Wilson. “As we worked with Silberline, it quickly became clear that we could shorten the supply chain and develop a product which could be sourced in Europe rather than from across the Atlantic, and

therefore significantly reducing CO2e/TEU. While Fenton Packaging Solutions is well known as a stockist, supplier, and distributor of all manner of packaging, this bespoke product is now delivered direct from the manufacturer via a third-party logistics partner, further reducing product-miles.

“To deliver on this project we designed and manufactured tooling which is held at our manufacturer, again emphasising that Fenton Packaging Solutions is not just a stockist and distributor, as we frequently create bespoke products from scratch.

“With all the current supply chain pressures, from raw material pricing and shortages, to rapidly rising energy costs, Silberline has also benefitted from our flexible, unitised pricing policy. We make it easy for our customers by separating each aspect, from product raw material and manufacturing costs, through transport and logistics, to pallets, and customs clearance. This creates open book guaranteed flexibility for us and our clients.”

Part of the Silberline brand identity

“These silver and blue pails are hugely important to Silberline, as they are effectively part of our brand identity,” concludes Alan Snaddon.

“While we set out to create a like-for-like replacement for our original pails, Fenton Packaging Solutions and the manufacturer recommended making small but significant improvements, such as adding two handles, which makes them easier to use and move around.

“Throughout the development, Fenton managed the three-way relationship with us and the manufacturer, which gave huge confidence that we were making the right choice. At every stage, from design to implementation and delivery, we were involved in a three-way conversation which provided reassuring transparency to the whole process. The transition to the new pails has been seamless, and they are already proving popular both in our facility and also with customers”.


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Purmo Group UK goes green with a significant investment in a new powder coating system

Purmo Group has a history of making changes that matter, and change has always been a part of the Group’s DNA. They have always been perceptive to what is happening around them and good at grasping opportunities as they occur. But it has never been about just change for change’s sake. It has been about staying ahead of the curve, about using their insight to move forward and being good at implementing the moves required, from product design through to improving manufacturing processes, tackling sustainability challenges is a responsibility Purmo are proud to take on.

When it came to specifying the new powdercoating booth system for their UK manufacturing site, sustainable production with carbon reduction formed a significant part of the investment process as Purmo Group is working towards a sustainable manufacturing eco-system.

The Group carried out a detailed market evaluation which included comprehensive product trials before selecting GEMA

Switzerland to provide the recently installed solution at their Gateshead manufacturing facility. The new powder coating system known as a MagicCompact, pictured below utilises a combination of software and hardware which focus on production of high-quality finished components with the lowest environmental impact, supporting them on their journey to meet multiple sustainability goals as part of a wider sustainability strategy.

The new system supplied by GEMA Switzerland is the first of its kind in the UK for radiator panel production and is one of just a handful of coating solutions in the globally that feature the GemaConnect platform in conjunction with SIT application technology. Innovations which are designed to reduce input requirements (electricity, compressed air, powder paint) whilst achieving excellent coating standards. The GemaConnect tool form’s part of a move towards intelligent digitalisation and AI, and plays a key role in connected industrial ecosystems.

Achieving sustainability goals through GemaConnect

In the first instance the new powder coating facility benefits from the intelligent GemaConnect digitalisation Industry 4.0 platform. This cloud-based tool provides complete digitalisation of the coating parameters, allowing the production team to understand its resource utilisation and to leverage the data to drive improved sustainability within their coating operation.

The collective intelligence is drawn from multiple areas

of the plant, providing a seamless flow of data from each device in the system. From the powder application pumps and guns, the line utilisation data, through to the compressed air requirements and energy optimisation the system is able to make autonomous decisions designed to significantly reduce consumption of resources used in the production environment, and to support greater sustainability over the manufacturing life-cycle.

Purmo Group UK selected several technology upgrades over the standard systems available, all providing the basis carbon reduction, these include;

 EcoDrive energy optimisation system which automatically adjusts the power requirement, reducing demand on electricity by up to 15% during normal operation.

 Sustained repeatability due to the SIT dense phase application pumps which supports a reduction of between 10-15% in powder consumption due to its sustained repeatability.

Intelligent pressure monitoring system which significantly reduces compressed air requirements through better management of the filter cleaning operation. (15-30% reduction depending on operating conditions)

Sinter-plate filtration which provides the ultimate in powder recovery with a typical life-cycle of 10-15 years there is a significant reduction in waste to landfill against traditional cartridge filters.

Outside of the sustainable production gains on offer, the GemaConnect system also provides data to the maintenance teams, giving them visibility of the conditions of the hardware components, this preventative maintenance initiatives to ensure the asset remains in optimal condition.


The Choice for the Professional Powder Coater Gema UK 01202 763942 online:
drop-in replacement for conventional hexavalent chrome passivation environmentally safe, non-toxic, simple to operate and waste treat meets or exceeds MIL-DTL-81706B and MIL DTL 5541F for bare corrosion (336 h in NSS per ASTM B-117) respectively, DIN EN ISO 9227 temper resistant up to 100 °C low contact resistance, meets electrical conductivity requirements on aluminium substrates per MIL DTL-81706B field tested on alloys 2024, 2219, 5083, 7075 and various castings applied by immersion, spray or wipe-on for large areas finishing chromitAL TCP Trivalent Chrome Passivation for Aluminium SurTec 650 chromitAL provides excellent bare corrosion resistance on unpainted surfaces and enhances adhesion of organic coatings. Applications include plain and anodized aluminium. SurTec Technologies is a trading name of SurTec Benelux B.V. Molenweg 17A NL-5953 JR Reuver The Netherlands Tel : Fax: 0(031) 77 3081590 0(031) 77 4762033 E-Mail :

Hempel coats 3000 ships with flagship hull coating, Hempaguard

3000 applications of Hempel’s Hempaguard hull coating equal a CO2 saving of 27 million tonnes

World-leading coatings company, Hempel A/S, passes landmark number of ships coated with Hempaguard. A 335m-long container ship received the 3000th application of Hempel’s flagship hull-coating product when it dry-docked at Beihei Shipyard in China.

Alexander Enström, Executive Vice President of Marine at Hempel, explains why passing this milestone is so impactful. “Our customers are looking for technologies that can support them on their sustainability journey. Three thousand applications of Hempaguard is equal to removing 27 million tonnes of CO2, corresponding with 8.6 million tonnes of fuel saved by having a smoother hull.”

“The adoption of Hempaguard is growing exponentially. This year alone, we have seen sales of Hempaguard systems grow by 82 per cent,” continues Alexander. “The antifriction properties of Hempaguard help shipowners and charterers save on fuel usage and thereby emissions, so it’s the obvious choice for our customers.”

With stricter regulations related to decarbonisation coming into force in 2023, Hempel is seeing a widening range of clients seeking its advice, including an increasing number of bulker, tanker, containership and cruise operators and owners all keen to keep their vessels in operation come next year.

The new regulations being introduced by the International Maritime Organization are the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI). Hempel’s data suggests that about 80 per cent of the world fleet will be required to take action to secure a good CII rating while reaching the required EEXI. Vessels will be forced out of the market if their owners and operators do not identify and adopt a comprehensive emissions’ reduction pathway.

Calculation method

The savings related to the 3,000 vessel applications have been calculated by estimating the fuel savings of each Hempaguard application against a market average coating, based on market average numbers from the Fourth IMO GHG Study. For Hempaguard applications, the consumption, activity, duration until next dry dock and relative savings from the IMO GHG Study are estimated and the impact from the full DD cycle is summarized in the year of Hempaguard application, where the coating choice and thus fuel savings decision is taken.

About Hempel

As a world-leading supplier of trusted coating solutions, Hempel is a global company with strong values, working with customers in the decorative, marine, infrastructure and energy industries. Hempel factories, R&D centres and stock points are established in every region.

Across the globe, Hempel’s paints and coatings can be found in almost every country of the world. They protect and beautify buildings, infrastructure and other assets, and play an essential role in our customers’ businesses. They help minimise maintenance costs, improve aesthetics and increase energy efficiency.

At Hempel, our purpose is to shape a brighter future with sustainable coating solutions. We firmly believe that we will succeed as a business only if we place sustainability at our heart. Not only is it the right thing to do, it will strengthen our competitive position, make ourselves more resilient and reduce our risk.

Hempel was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1915. It is proudly owned by the Hempel Foundation, which ensures a solid economic base for the Hempel Group and supports cultural, social, humanitarian and scientific purposes around the world.


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Pull-Off Adhesion Testers n Impact and scratch resistant color Touch Screen display with keypad n Wirelessly connect the PosiTest AT-A to your smart device using our free app n Record the results as pass/fail and the nature of fracture cohesive, adhesive and glue failures W i F i Proud supplier of DeFelsko Inspection Instruments DFT Instruments UK LTD 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 f: 01442 879595 e: AT Measure the adhesion of coatings to metal, wood, concrete and more AT A Automatic Model Also available AT-M Manual Model A u t o m a t i c F e a t u r e s

Make UK Defence welcomes UK's leading independent paint manufacturer

Make UK Defence, the national not-for- profit, member owned defence trade association, part of Make UK – has welcomed HMG Paints as its newest member.

Make UK Defence champions and celebrates the UK’s defence & security industry and provides a opportunity for collaboration between SME’s and the Defence industry. HMG Paints, the UK’s leading independent paint manufacturer, brings its portfolio of Def Stan coatings and bespoke paint and coating formulation services to the group.

All of HMG’s Defence coatings, including its Def Stan 80-225 system, are Made in Britain accredited, which means the company can provide fast delivery, something which has become increasingly important to its customer base over the last few years.

“We’re looking forward to working with the Make UK Defence team and their members”, commented Alan Sharples, HMG Defence Sales Manager. “Already in our early connections with members we’ve heard how members have struggled to acquire paints and coatings, which are often imported from abroad, and HMG are keen to build partnerships to help fulfil paint requirements for future projects”

Make UK Defence championing SME’s

The Defence sector accounts for £12billion GVA, and employs directly and indirectly through supply chains more than 200,000 highly skilled employees. However, significant barriers to expansion remain, especially for SMEs, when looking to take advantage of opportunities and trading with other markets. Make UK Defence however are determined to champion SME’s and the best of British manufacturing. “By working closely with the sector and freeing up the agility and dynamism of SMEs we can cross-pollinate the success of the defence sector to maximise economic gains, seize export opportunities and build greater supply chain resilience. This will place an innovative defence sector at the forefront of helping address the many challenges society faces.” Commented Andrew Kinniburgh, Director at Make UK Defence.

“We’re exceptionally proud to be a British paint manufacturer in an industry dominated

by Multi-National Enterprises. All of our products are made right here in Manchester, and this allows us to quickly service our customers paint and coatings requirements.”

“With more and more paint manufacturers offshoring production and decision making we feel HMG can provide a unique offering to both OEM’s and SME’s within the defence market” commented Alan. “Since 2019 we have been working alongside a number of new partners to assess their coatings needs and support them directly by supplying a range of Def Stan and bespoke paints coatings along with on-site technical support.”

Following an increase in demand for its Def Stan 80-225 product range and the product is now stocked and available for immediate despatch across the UK. All coatings, including additional Def Stan coatings from Temporary Marking Paint and Walkway Coatings to Environmentally Compliant 2K Epoxy Topcoats are Made in Britain and distributed across the globe and supported by industry leading technical support. You can find out more about HMG’s range of Def Stan products and bespoke coatings development service at www.

The HMG products in this range are free from Chrome VI, meet low VOC requirements, and are IRR and CARC resistant. As an agile UK based manufacturer, HMG Paints is able to provide products on demand, reducing extensive lead times previously experienced within the market.

Alongside Defence Standard products, HMG produce a wide range of approved high-quality coatings for practically every purpose for the defence industry. Made in the UK, HMG’s product range is suitable for equipment such as containers, trailers, vehicles, bridges and armour.

To see a full list of HMG Paints products and services visit via the website you can also find out more about the company’s history and partners.

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ECONOMICAL COATING. FLEXIBLE APPLICATIONS. GM 5000 & GA 5000 Manual & automatic electrostatic guns • High transfer efficiency with wrap-around effect • Suitable for water-based & solvent-based paint • Excellent finishing results Contact
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Interpon powder coatings support ESSE in major sustainability drive

Interpon, the innovative powder coatings brand from AkzoNobel, is helping ESSE, one of the most prestigious names in British manufacturing, to become even more sustainable by switching from an enamel coating process to a powder coating for its new range of electric powered cookers.

Finding an alternative to enamel was a challenge and not only driven with sustainability in mind. The powder coating still had to perform and protect the cooker at very high temperatures and deliver the same quality ‘feel’ in line with a premium-priced product.

“The Interpon team excelled,” says ESSE’s Production Manager, Andy Pilkington. “Enamel has a reflective quality, and it was important in switching to a powder coating that it retained the aesthetic appearance. It

was also important that our partner could replicate existing colors in our range since they prove extremely popular and have the stand-out appeal people are looking for.”

Interpon was recommended as a partner for sharing ESSE’s dedication for innovation. Interpon’s technical experts advised not only on the application of Interpon’s HT range of powder coatings with extreme heat resistance properties, but also in setting up the new line and pre-treatment process. Interpon color scientists have also created a bespoke Interpon HT PEPA powder coating – ideally suited for stoves and domestic appliancesfor ESSE’s six specialist colors.

Mark Blewitt, Sales Director at ESSE says color is very important: “Our products are high value items and are an important part of kitchen and interior design. The colors, therefore, have to be on-trend to meet our customers’ expectations.”

Tomasz Kluczewski, Regional Director North Europe of AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings says

that supporting ESSE in making the switch from enamel to powder has been centered on partnerships: “It is exciting to know that our ceaseless desire for innovation, and commitment to long-term sustainable partnerships, has helped in bringing ESSE’s new electric range to market,” Tomasz says.

“Listening to and understanding the needs of the customer have been key to ensuring the success of the relationship. Both of us have reputations to uphold, and we are delighted to be supporting ESSE in continuing to lead the market through its commitment to high quality product design and performance.”

In making the switch to Interpon powder coatings, ESSE is reducing the energy consumed in the coatings process and lowering its carbon emissions. Interpon is supporting ESSE in achieving greater sustainability while maintaining the quality of its products and supporting their reputation for color and style.

To find out more visit

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Parts washing and component cleaning specialists - helping you optimise processes and maximise component reliability and lifespan. Free cleaning trials Process review Equipment specifications Commissioning Training for operators Maintenance packages The Power of Precision Cleaning Supply and commissioning of ultrasonic cleaning and vapour degreasing systems Operating throughout the UK and Worldwide Unbiased, personalised advice Aqueous and solvent systems available In-house UK-based after sales service team D&S Ultra-Clean Ltd 6 Berkeley Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1TQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1928 580460 Email:

FIT OUT UK choose Metavate Pretreatment Technology for their new paint plant at Wembley headquarters

Earlier this year Metavate Ltd were delighted to partner with Paint Finishing Systems to install a brand new powder coating plant at FIT OUT UK in Wembley. FIT OUT UK are a leading interior fit out contractors in the retail, leisure, and residential sectors, boasting customers such as Tesco, Waitrose, Argos to name a few.

FIT OUT UK commissioned a brand new in-line spray tunnel using our patented PlaforizationTM pretreatment technology to deliver high level corrosion-protection whilst reducing energy consumption, emissions, water usage and production of waste materials.

Toran 3 technology degreases, cleans and polymer-coats all metals in one 90 second application at ambient temperature, therefore no costly gas bills. Furthermore, no rinsing is required, parts are simply treated and dried so there is no waste to dispose of and no water required whatsoever. Products are then Powder-Coated in a state-ofthe-art highly efficient automatic booth.

A big factor in choosing Metavate’s pretreatment chemistry was its green credentials. Spraying at ambient temperature with no water rinse has helped FIT OUT UK gain accreditation as an official Carbon Neutral organisation as well as reducing their carbon footprint by 85% in comparison to choosing a heated phosphating system.

With radically rising energy costs Metavate customers are saving on average over £65,000 a year by switching from costly heated phosphate systems.

Toran 3 is compatible with all metals, therefore providing complete flexibility. On steel parts Toran 3 routinely exceed 3 or 4 stage iron phosphate levels of salt spray test protection as well as Zinc Phosphate levels from 5 or 6 stage systems. On Aluminium you can count on many times these protection levels.

Metavate offer a range of different PlaforizationTM products which address every type of pretreatment requirement for individual customers from air-dry products for dip systems, through to products for batch processors and in-line spray tunnels.

Powder Works are reaping the benefits of a system with;

No water

No heat

No sludge


Huge energy savings

For more information on how Metavate Ltd can help you cut costs and improve quality and productivity please get in touch.

Telephone: 01926 494126



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General purpose industrial solvent cleaners - safe for users and the environment

Clarea® non-chlorinated industrial solvent cleaners are compatible with all metals, composites and most plastics used to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants from surfaces without causing harm or leaving residue. They are used as immersion cleaners for component cleaning in manufacturing and engineering industries and as wipe cleaners for large surface areas prior to painting or powder coating.

The environmental concerns and health hazards of the chlorinated solvents used as industrial degreasing agents has led to the formulation of this EnviroTech range of safer cleaning solvents.

What to consider when choosing suitable solvent cleaning products?

Solvents used for cleaning must be highly refined and leave no residues on drying. They need to be highly effective removing oils and soils without causing damage or corrosion of the parts or components being processed and leave minimal residues.

Cleaning specifications vary widely from very demanding automotive and aerospace applications to less demanding applications where critical cleaning is not needed such as pre-used parts or assemblies from the transportation, aerospace, or manufacturing equipment sectors. Heavily contaminated when removed from service these must be free of oils, soils, grease and dirt before disassembly prior to refurbishing and rebuilding. Much of this work will be manual and the considerations for the safety of operators, hand wiping or brush cleaning is paramount.

Clarea® products are aliphatic hydrocarbon based low odour degreasing solvents with specified flash points. They will remove oils, greases, hydraulic fluids cutting fluids and a wide variety of hydrocarbon based protective coatings. Clarea® solvents can be safely used with all metals and composites and most plastic and paint finishes.

Clarea® HC40 is low odour degreasing fast drying solvent with a flash point of 40°C. It is suitable for ultrasonic and dip systems and can be used with brush or in hand-wipe processes. Clarea® HC62 is a degreasing solvent with a flash point over 60°C. It is suitable for hand-wipe applications when used externally.


Versatile and cost-effective solutions for all your industrial cleaning

Minimal odour and low toxicity for operators

Multipurpose uses can reduce the inventory of cleaning fluids.

Flexible uses - evaporation rates suitable for hand wipe, spray, or immersion tank cleaning

Clarea® HC40 for brush and hand wiping, air dries. Flash point 40°C

Clarea® HC62 for spray or immersion cleaning Flash point 62°C

Contains no chlorine, other halogens or stabilisers

Compatible with all metals and composites and most plastics

Excellent pre-cleaner for paint or powder coatings

Safe, reliable, environmentally friendly cleaning


Please visit our website for information about other uses and applications for Clarea® products. For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form.

Visit applications-and-case-studies for information about uses and applications for all EnviroTech Europe products.

For more advice, please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8281 6370



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Nanoindentation For DLC Coatings On Engine Components

DLC Coatings for Engines

In order to reduce emissions in combustion engines without sacrificing performance, manufacturers are continually working to improve the ability of the moving parts (e.g. camshafts, piston rings and gears) to resist abrasion and reduce friction. Coating them with DLC (diamond-like carbon) is just such an optimization. DLC coatings are not only very hard but also feature a certain toughness – which are two of the critical parameters that must be monitored during the coating process.

Determining the Hardness of Thin DLC Coatings

Composed primarily of amorphous diamond and amorphous graphite, DLC coatings serve first and foremost as protection against wear and tear but they also minimize friction. Due to their dark colour and the miniscule size of the indentation, determining their hardness by optically measuring the indenter impression is almost impossible and therefore unreliable.

can calculate the hardness and other quality-determining characteristics, such as the modulus of indentation. This method also prevents the substrate material from exerting any influence on the measurement results.

Determine properties with the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000

In this example, the measurement results of a 3 μm thick DLC layer are presented, as determined using the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000. The Martens hardness (HM) takes the plastic and elastic deformation of the sample into account.

The modulus of indentation (EIT), however, also allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the elastic behaviour. The values for penetration hardness (HIT) and the resultant converted Vickers hardness (HV) indicate the plastic properties of the samples.

The more accurate Method for Determining the Hardness of DLC Coatings

A more accurate method for testing DLC coatings is nanoindentation, during which the force and displacement are continuously measured during both the loading and unloading phases. From these data, one

Martens hardness (HM) and other parameters of the DLC coating. The table shows mean value, standard deviation und coefficient of variation of 12 measurements; the graph shows the depth-dependent profile.


The Solution for Sophisticated Measuring Tasks: FISCHERSCOPE®


The standard deviations and coefficients of variation illustrate the accuracy with which these quality-related parameters can be determined, even on rough samples with thin coatings. But the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000 also makes it simple to take these highly sophisticated measurements:

Extremely fast sample preparation

Short measuring times

High depth resolution

Minimal, thus negligible, device compliance

When it is utterly crucial to determine the mechanical properties of DLC coatings with speed, accuracy and precision, the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000 is indispensable.

For further details, please contact: FISCHER INSTRUMENTATION (GB) LTD 12 Goodwood Road, Keytec 7 Business Park, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 2JL

Telephone: 01386 577370 Visit:

Hot dip galvanizing provides you with long-term protection against rust and corrosion of steel products.

With 14 plants across the UK, Wedge Group Galvanizing is the UK’s largest hot dip galvanizing organisation offering a national service, collection and delivery and 24hr turnaround on request. The group can process anything from small components to 29m structural beams.

PRODUCTS & PROCESSES Head Office: Stafford Street, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1RZ ISO 9001 Quality Management FM 00382 E: T: 01902 601944
WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING Your Galvanizing Partner Specify QUALICOAT for all your architectural aluminium powder coating requirements

Nautical centrepiece completed at new housing estate

A bespoke piece of steel art, positioned within a new, affordable housing estate in Staithes, has been preserved for years to come thanks to a sustainable choice.

Funded by charitable donations, York Housing Association and Karbon Homes, commissioned local artist-blacksmith, Katie Ventress, to create a sculpture of a Humpback whale tail. Standing at 1.8m tall and approx. 1.73m wide, it was constructed using an internal steel skeleton to form the

shape and strength, with 2mm panels of sheet steel then welded to it to replicate the whale’s skin.

With the piece to be permanently based outdoors, Katie sent the structure to Humber Galvanizing Ltd to be hot-dipped in molten zinc – a treatment that produces a coating which is bonded metallurgically to the steel. No other coating process has this feature and, as a result, galvanized steel has by far the greatest resistance to damage, and offers long-term protection against corrosion.

Katie said: “This has been an incredible project to work on, and thanks to the team at Humber Galvanizing, I’m pleased to know that it will be enjoyed by the new residents for the foreseeable future. Not only do the Humber team always make working together a positive experience, but they work with me to understand the desired look and offer expert advice and guidance.

“I would have loved to have seen the piece emerge from the galvanizing tank, all shining and white – I bet it looked like a humpback version of Herman Melville’s ‘Moby Dick’.

Once galvanized, to create a realistic appearance the surface was scratched and scored at random to mimic marks and scars, before being treated with acid. Other areas were polished, to resemble the contrasting grey and white of the whale, attempting to add further depth to the piece.

Tony Linsley, Sales Manager at Humber Galvanizing, added, “This is yet another piece of incredible work from Katie that we have been privileged to galvanize and futureproof. We’re sure that the finished product will be admired by many when it’s unveiled in its new home in Staithes”.

The housing estate consists of 12 affordable homes, allowing local people to remain in the Staithes area. Being placed in the centre of the estate, it will be accompanied by a plaque that reads: ‘Funded by a legacy from Barbara Ballard, a past Board Member of York Housing Association and passionate supporter of Social Housing’.

Humber Galvanizing is part of Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd, the largest hot-dip galvanizing organisation in the UK with a history dating back over 150 years. With 14 plants strategically placed across the country, the firm offers a truly national galvanizing service.

For further information please contact Wedge Group Galvanizing on 01902 601944 or visit

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72 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS read online: www.surfaceworld.comSEPTEMBER 2022 AIRLESS SPRAY & COATING EQUIPMENT ABRASIVES CLEANING, DEGREASING & PRETREATMENT High Carbon Steel shot and Grit. Low Carbon Steel Shot and metal Bead Stainless Steel Cr and Cr/Ni. No 5, Queensway Link Industrial Estate Stafford Park 17, Telford, Shropshire TF3 3DN Tel: 01952 299777 Fax: 01952 299008 E-mail: Eastfield Road, South Killingholme, N.E. Lincolnshire, UK Tel: +44(0)1469 574715 Fax: +44(0)1469 571644 e-mail: Scangrit has become one of the leading suppliers of blasting abrasives by meeting the rigorous demands of European Industries. We combine huge resources of skill and expertise to provide you with the widest range of top-performing products, a first-class technical support service and fast reliable deliveries. When you need to take abrasive action, you’ll find Scangrit is a hard act to follow. ABRASIVE BLASTING EQUIPMENT Straaltechniek UK Ltd Unit 8 Valley Works, Grange Lane Sheffield S5 0DQ Tel: 01142 571077 Fax: 01142 571075 www straaltechniek co uk For all your Shotblasting & Engineering needs. ADVICE BOILERS & STEAM GENERATORS 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham • 100Kg/h – 25,000Kg/h • High efficiency – up to 96% • Low overall emissions • Improved safety • Simplicity of control • Quiet, clean & cool in operation Modern Coil Type Steam Generators & Fire Tube Boilers Tel: 020 8953 7111 ACID PROOF EQUIPMENT telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 COMPLETE FINISHING PLANT • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • BARRELS PROGALVANO ROTOR • BARREL AUTO LOADING SYSTEMS • PROGALVANO FILTERS • SEMI/AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • CENTRIFUGAL DRYERS (Large Range • AUTOMATIC DRYING SYSTEMS • ROTARY PAINTING/LAQUERING • TOP COATING/SEALING SYSTEMS • VIBRATORY POLISHING EQUIPMENT • LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT • RECTIFIERS Conventional & Pulse • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS
73twitter: @surfaceworldmag SEPTEMBER 2022 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS FILTERS telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 E T 01420 544 909 F 01420 542 264 Final Cleaning • Spray Wash In-process Cleaning Aqueous Ultrasonics Precision Cleaning FPI Lines Degreasing • Anodising Chemical Cleaning for MRO Chemical Etching/Milling CLEANING, DEGREASING & PRETREATMENT ELECTROPHORETIC COATINGS SUPPLIER Equipment + Chemistry + Support = Total Cleaning Solutions ✓ Over 50 years expertise ✓ New generation chemistries & equipment ✓ Superior performance & results ✓ FREE audit & trial facilities ✓ Extremely eco-friendly, safe and reliable 01506 443058 • EXTENSIVE RANGE OF FILTER SYSTEMS • AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • SEMI AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • BAG FILTERS • CARTRIDGE FILTERS • DISC FILTERS • OIL SEPARATION • FILTER PRESSES • CARBON UNITS • PUMPS • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • Sealless Pumps & Filter Systems • Serductor Airless Agitation • Safety 1st Electric Heaters TEL: 0161 775 1910 SERFILCO delivers clear solutions Email: SERFILCO EUROPE EQUIPMENT FOR: ANODIZING CLEANING ELECTROPLATING AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLEASE CONTACT LOCALLY: TEL: 01420 544909 EMAIL: SALES@TURBEX.CO.UK ELECTROPLATING EQUIPMENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS ORPHEUS... Proven Production control software Barcode technolog y provides TOTAL ORDER TRACKING and TRACEABILITY Interested? Why not give us a call for a demonstration Mark dimmock Acton Gate Systems Ltd, Essington, Staffordshire Do you know what your production line is doing? ORPHEUS DOES 01902 249299 actongate www.actongate enquiries@actongate EFFLUENT TREATMENT TENNANTS TENNANTS DISTRIBUTION LIMITED
74 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS read online: www.surfaceworld.comSEPTEMBER 2022 FINISHING SYSTEMS HOOKS & JIGS telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 HEATERS GENERAL 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT HOT DIP GALVANIZING WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING LTD Hot dip galvanizing provides you with long-term protection against rust and corrosion of steel products. ✔ 14 plants across the UK ✔ 1.5mm washer to a 29m beam ✔ 24hr turnaround on request Scan to find your nearest plant 01902 601944 JIG STRIPPING Over 40 years of effective solutions! We are your natural partner when selecting hanging and masking technology. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about any of our products or our work! Jason Hardeman, Phone: +44 7500 938 950
75SEPTEMBER 2022 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS PAINT STRIPPING RDM Industrial Services Ltd Parkfield Industrial Estate Kemp Street Middleton Manchester M24 4AA Tel: 0161 643 9333 Fax: 0161 655 3467 Contact: Robert Horwich or Geoff Ball Spraybooths, rooms, ovens, conveyors, pretreatment, powder plant and air replacement units.
COATING POWDERSMASKING LACQUERS MASKING - TAPES, CAPS & PLUGS Over 40 years of effective solutions! We are your natural partner when selecting hanging and masking technology. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about any of our products or our work! Jason Hardeman, Phone: +44 7500 938 950 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham
76 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS read online: www.surfaceworld.comSEPTEMBER 2022 telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 OVENS, CURING & DRYING Excellent surfaces WAGNER offers a wide range of systems and products for perfect coating solutions in liquid and powder. Applying Feeding Mixing Controlling Booths & Systems Wagner Spraytech (UK) Ltd. Tel. 01327 368410 POWDER COATING EQUIPMENT Performance by design Advanced powder coating system technology for greater productivity and operating efficiency delivers top performance at the lowest operating cost. Get in contact today +44.161.498.1500 7 Ravenswood Drive, Heaton, Bolton, BL1 5AJ TEL: 01204 495818 EMAIL: PRODUCT RANGE METACLEAN AL Powder and liquid alkali cleaners for spray and immersion degreasing METACLEAN DR Acid based materials for etching derusting and descaling applications PHOSGUARD LW Lightweight Iron and Zirconium Phosphates pretreatments for use prior to painting PHOSGUARD ZP Zinc Phosphates prior to rust proofing and painting PHOSGUARD NC Non Chromate conversion coatings for aluminium METPHOS CL Single stage degrease phosphates for use at ambient temperatures METSOL PT A wide range of environmentally friendly materials for wipe on degreasing applications STRIPSOL PS Paint and powder coating strippers covering a wide range of applications METSOL SD Single stage low temperature degreasers for use in vapour degrease plants DESOL PW Panel wipes and pretreatment wipes WEB: We supply automatic dosing equipment, spray nozzles and standpipe fittings for pretreatment plants and powder coating equipment parts PRETREAMENT CHEMICALS Your global partner for high quality powder coating Gema Europe SRL UK Branch Tel: 0044 1202 763942 PUMP & FILTRATION SPECIALISTS POWDER 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham
77twitter: @surfaceworldmag SEPTEMBER 2022 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS E T 01420 544 909 F 01420 542 264 Final Cleaning • Spray Wash In-process Cleaning Aqueous Ultrasonics Precision Cleaning • FPI Lines Degreasing • Anodising Chemical Cleaning for MRO Chemical Etching/Milling SPRAY WASH SPRAY BOOTHS info@solutex co uke: SPRAY GUN WASHERS PARTS & PAINT SOLVENT RECYCLINGSPRAY GUN WASHERS Equipment + Chemistry + Support = Total Cleaning Solutions ✓ Over 50 years expertise ✓ New generation chemistries & equipment ✓ Superior performance & results ✓ FREE audit & trial facilities ✓ Extremely eco-friendly, safe and reliable 01506 443058 OXYGEN CLEANING PUMPS • Sealless Pumps & Filter Systems • Serductor Airless Agitation • Safety 1st Electric Heaters TEL: 0161 775 1910 SERFILCO delivers clear solutions Email: SERFILCO EUROPE PYROLYSIS / BURN OFF OVENS SPECIALIST SERVICES RDM Industrial Services Ltd Parkfield Industrial Estate Kemp Street Middleton Manchester M24 4AA Tel: 0161 643 9333 Fax: 0161 655 3467 Contact: Robert Horwich or Geoff Ball Spraybooths, rooms, ovens, conveyors, pretreatment, powder plant and air replacement units. E T 01420 544 909 F 01420 542 264 Final Cleaning • Spray Wash In-process Cleaning Aqueous Ultrasonics Precision Cleaning • FPI Lines Degreasing • Anodising Chemical Cleaning for MRO Chemical Etching/Milling ULTRASONIC • ADVANCED MODULAR RANGE • SWITCH MODE UNITS • SCR RECTIFIERS • PULSE RECTIFIERS • RAMP CONTROLLERS • PROCESS PARAMETER PRINTING • SPECIAL COMPUTERISED RECTIFIERS • OPERATOR GUIDANCE SYSTEMS FOR ANODISING & PLATING • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS • METERS • SHUNTS • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Authorised agent for Kraft “FlexKraft Rectifiers” RECTIFIER EQUIPMENT 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham
78 MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS read online: www.surfaceworld.comSEPTEMBER 2022 AUTOMATIC & MANUAL METAL FINISHING PLANT & EQUIPMENT Fume Extraction Plastratum Ltd 100 Armoury Road Birmingham B11 2RH TEL: +44 (0) 121 314 1191 Effluent Treatment DI Water Generation • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • BARRELS PROGALVANO ROTOR • BARREL AUTO LOADING SYSTEMS • PROGALVANO FILTERS • SEMI/AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • CENTRIFUGAL DRYERS Large Range • AUTOMATIC DRYING SYSTEMS • ROTARY PAINTING/LAQUERING • TOP COATING/SEALING SYSTEMS • VIBRATORY POLISHING EQUIPMENT • LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT • RECTIFIERS Conventional & Pulse • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS VAPOUR DEGREASING VIBRATORY DEBURRING, POLISHING & SURFACE FINISHING 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham VIBRATORY FINISHING EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS FOR ALL YOUR VIBRATORY FINISHING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Sharmic Engineering Ltd Telephone: +44 (0)1299 822135 or +44 (0) 1299 878123/4/5 Email: SHARMIC FOR FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE Experienced Engineers After sales technical support Nationwide deliveries To advertise in these pages under an existing or heading of your own choice please call Nigel on 01442 826826 or email SURFACE FINISHING & EFFLUENT TECHNOLOGIES • Up to 50% energy savings • Compact size • Easy & safe to use • Works up to 350°C • Low exhaust emissions • High efficiency • Requires no specialist knowledge • Corrosion free operation • No chemical treatment Thermal Fluid Heating Technology now for the future Tel: 020 8953 7111 THERMAL FLUID Thermal Insulation Spheres Frogspawn™ by Manufacturing in the UK since 1957 THERMAL INSULATION ��>������>������>����>����>�����>���>�������>���������������>����������>���>��� >>>�������>������� > �����>�>����� >>>�������>����������>������� >> ������>��������>��������� >>>��������>�������>����������> >>>>������>�>�����������> ����������>������>�>��������������� ���>��>���>�������>���>���������>��>��� >��>���>�������>������������>������� >>>>>>�����>�������������>��>����>�����>��> > >��������>������� > ����������> >>>�����>������>����>�����>������ ��>���>����>�����>���������>�����������>���>�������>��>���������>�����>��> �����>������������>�������>���>��������>��>����������>���>����������>�������> ����������>���>���> WATER PURIFICATION
TRADE FINISHERS To advertise in this new section please call Nigel on 01442 826826 or email WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING LTD Hot dip galvanizing provides you with long-term protection against rust and corrosion of steel products. ✔ 14 plants across the UK ✔ 1.5mm washer to a 29m beam ✔ 24hr turnaround on request Scan to find your nearest plant 01902 601944 CFi POWDER COATING • ALUMINIUM EXPERTS • architectural projects • UP TO 6 METRE LENGTHS • 24HR AUTOMATED LINES • top customer service • based in banbury 01295 257014 • 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email NEC, Birmingham Powder Coating Lines & A Chemical / Wet Treatment Line for Sale Semi-Automated Powder Coating Line cw Shot/Grit Blast Pre-Treatment In Auction NOW! Semi automated powder coating line, originally commissioned in 2010, comprising of: • An 8 W heel Pangborn / SES Shot Blasting Machine • A Manual Powder Coating Booth cw Support Equipment including Fire Detection System • An Automated Curing Oven • A Track Conveyor T o view our comprehensive brochure either visit our website or call us. Auction now live, act NOW! Fully Continuous, Automated Powder Coating Line cw Online Wet Pre-Treatment POWDER COATING GALVANIZING

Fully Continuous, Automated Powder Coating Line cw Online Wet Pre-Treatment In Auction NOW!

A Complete Automated, Continuous, Powder Coating Line consisting of:

• Vol tec Wet Pre Treatment Chamber

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T o view our comprehensive brochure either visit our website or call us.

Auction now live, act NOW!

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Physical viewing of all these lines is essential. Can we help you dispose of your surplus assets? Call us for a no-obligation chat.

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Table Wheel Blasting Machines

• Work zone mm; 1803 Dia x 1500 H

• Work zone mm; 1803 Dia x 1200 H

• Work zone mm; 2743 Dia x 400 H

• Work zone mm; 1500 Dia x 1000 H

• Work zone mm; 1000 Dia x 400 H

• Work zone mm; 1200 Dia x 1200 H

Tumblast Wheel Machines

• Type; Rubber Belt

Volume Litre; 420 Litre

• Type; Steel Belt Volume Litre; 425 Litre

• Type; Rubber Belt

Volume Litre; 50 Litr

• Type; Steel Barrel Volume Litre; 200 Litre

• Type; Rubber Belt Volume Litre; 150 Litre

• Type; Drum Basket Volume Litre; 700L x 500 Dia

Hook Wheel Machines

• Type; I Track

Work Zone mm; 1800 Dia x 1800L

• Type; Y Track Work Zone mm; 1500 Dia x 1700L

• Type; Y Track Work Zone mm; 800 Dia x 1200L

Roller Conveyor Wheel Machines

• Type; Roller Conveyor

Work Zone mm; 1000 x 500 Wheel No; 4

• Type; Roller Conveyor Work Zone mm; 1000 x 500 Wheel No; 4

Air Blast Hand Cabinets

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 600D x 350H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H

• Type; Suction Work Zone mm; 700W x 500D x400H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 800 Dia Turntable

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 500 Dia Basket

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 1200 x 750 x400

• Type; Suction Work Zone mm; 700W x600D x300H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 600W x 500D x 400H

• Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 1400W x 700D x 600H

Blast Rooms

• Work Zone mm; 4000L x 2000W x 2000H Type; Room Abrasive Recovery; Waffle Floor

• Work Zone mm; 4000L x 2000W x 2000H Type; Room Abrasive Recovery; Waffle Floor

• Work Zone mm; 20ft x 8ft x 8ft Type; Container Abrasive Recovery; Sweep Up

Dust Filters

• Various Types & Sizes

please contact:

For more information
| Jay Dorling | Sales Director | Mob: 07872 599925 | DD: 0114 2571077 | Web: | Straaltechniek UK Limited 8 Valley Works, Grange Lane, Sheffield, S5 0DQ, United Kingdom

With an estimated 30% rise in gas prices, can your company afford not to switch to our ambient, one stage pretreatment technology?

Our ambient temperature one stage processing system requires no heating and therefore no gas.

Additional benefits when switching include: better corrosion protection, savings in water, and savings in extra labour costs.

Customers who switch from their standard three stage phosphating plant to our innovative one stage Toran 3 technology reduce their overall costs by 23% annually.

Contact Metavate to help your business move forward.

Phone: 01926 494126



6 No flash rust for 6 months on treated-metal prior to painting Ambient processing - no gas required No water required - no sludge produced 1000+ hours salt spray protection Just Clever Chemicals No Water. No Gas. Reduced Carbon Footprint.

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