Prepare for your travels to the #1 Island in the U.S. with the #1 Airport in the U.S., Savannah/Hilton Head International (SAV). SAV is renowned for its ease of access, variety of local shopping and dining options, and overall charming atmosphere. Plus, with 11 different airlines and more than 30 nonstop destinations, SAV has the variety of options you need when planning your trip to Hilton Head Island. SAV was voted the #1 Airport in the U.S. in both the 2022 Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards and 2022 Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards. flySAV.com F d savhhiairport flySAV.com

Paradise Beyond the Sound
At Haig Point, you can truly leave the mainland behind. This 1,100-acre private community on Daufuskie Island, just a mile from Hilton Head Island, is where residents escape the hustle and bustle for world-class amenities, unspoiled surroundings and Lowcountry living.

A car-free community, Haig Point is more accessible than ever, with 18 round trips by ferry daily and continuous water taxi service. Golf cart transportation makes getting around the island a breeze and puts desirable activities within easy reach. Play a round at the Rees Jones Signature golf course or finesse your serve at the USTA-rated tennis center. Stay active at the fitness complex and equestrian center.
Socialize and relax with other Haig Point residents at Calibogue Club, Clubhouse and Beach Club. Retreat into the island’s culture at the Strachan Mansion and 1873 Lighthouse. Family-friendly conveniences like ultra high-speed internet, online grocery shopping and sporting and wellness activities enhance the island lifestyle.
Get acquainted with Haig Point’s exceptional community and all it has to offer. Visit haigpoint.com or call 800.686.3441 to schedule a visit.

From I-95, take Exit 8 onto Hwy. 278 direct to Bluffton and Hilton Head Island. The fastest route to the south end of Hilton Head Island is via the Cross Island Parkway.
American, Delta and United offer year-round and seasonal direct nonstop flights from eight destinations to the Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH). The nearest international airport is the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV), 45 minutes from the island. (Take Exit 104 off I-95.) Allegiant, American, Avelo, Breeze, Delta, Frontier, JetBlue, Silver Airways, Southwest, Sun Country and United offer nonstop service to 34 destinations. Find rental car and ground transportation options in baggage claim at each airport, transportation reservations recommended.
New River Linear Trail
To Savannah, GA
To Beaufort,
For more detailed maps and route info, download the free Hilton Head Island Compass App.

Photo by Mike Ritterbeck
Hilton Head Island's seasonal trolley service, April through Labor Day, The Breeze, is a free and convenient way to travel the island: with two routes connecting you to Shelter Cove, the Village at Wexford, Park Plaza, Lowcountry Celebration Park, Coligny Beach and every place in between. Complete details can be found at breezetrolley.com.

Beaufort County Public Dock 278 Bluffton Pkwy

*Currently, an entrance fee of $9 (cash only) per vehicle is charged to enter Sea Pines. Exceptions: guests with passes, renting or staying inside The Sea Pines Resort. **There are three RV metered parking spaces available from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Driessen Beach Park (64 Bradley Beach Rd.). No overnight parking.

Year-round fun in the Lowcountry
HHI Farmers Market at Historic Honey Horn Tuesdays (seasonal), coastaldiscovery.org/explore/events/ farmers-market
The Farmers & Makers Market at Sea Pines Center Tuesdays, facebook.com/ seapinesfarmersmarket
Farmers Market of Bluffton Thursdays, farmersmarketbluffton.org
Bluffton Artisan Market at Buckwalter Place Park third Saturday, seasonal, lcmade.com
Bluffton Night Bazaar at Burnt Church Distillery first Thursday, seasonal, lcmade.com
Black Excellence Brunch Jan. 7, blufftonmlk.org
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Rachmaninoff And Sibelius” Jan. 8–9, hhso.org
Black Excellence Ball Jan. 13, blufftonmlk.org
MLK Memorial Program, Unity March, and Community Picnic Jan. 16, blufftonmlk.org
Lean Ensemble Theater “LifeSpan of a Fact” Jan. 19–22 and Jan. 26–29, leanensemble.org
Bluffton Polar Bear 5K Run Jan. 21, bearfootsports.com
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Mendelssohn’s Elijah” Jan. 22–23, hhso.org

HH Snow Day Jan. 28, islandreccenter.org
Restaurant Week Jan. 28–Feb. 4, hiltonheadisland.org
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” Feb. 1–19 artshhi.com
HHI Gullah Celebration and Opening Night for the Arts Ob We People –Art Exhibition and Sale Feb. 3, gullahcelebration.com
HHI Gullah Celebration: Arts Ob We People Art Exhibition and Sale (Daily) at the Art League Gallery Feb. 3–26, gullahcelebration.com
Freedom Day at Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park Feb. 4, gullahcelebration.com Lutzie 43 5K Feb. 4, runsignup.com/Race/SC/ Bluffton/Lutzie435K
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Wetown” Feb. 5–6, hhso.org
HHI Gullah Celebration: Gospel Heritage Music Series (Virtual and In-Person) Feb. 10, 17, and 24, gullahcelebration.com
HHI Gullah Celebration: A Taste of Gullah with the Arts Center Feb. 11, gullahcelebration.com
HHI Marathon Feb. 11, hhmarathon.com
HHI Gullah Celebration: Gullah Arts, Crafts, and Food Winter Market Feb. 18–19, gullahcelebration.com
2nd Annual Bluffton State of Mind Shindig Feb. 18, eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annualbluffton-state-of-mind-shindig-tickets450815981737?aff=erelexpmlt
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Gershwin and Ravel” Feb. 19–20, hhso.org
HHI Seafood Festival Feb. 20–26, hiltonheadseafoodfestival.com
May River Theatre Co. “The Glass Menagerie” Feb. 24–March 5, mayrivertheatre.com
Darius Rucker Intercollegiate Golf Tournament Feb. 27–March 1, longcoveclub.com/darius-ruckerintercollegiate
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina “Celtic sensation Emmet Cahill” March 2–3, artshhi.com
Art Center of Coastal Carolina “Tribute to Linda Ronstadt” March 9–10, artshhi.com
HHI Gullah Museum Old Fashioned Oyster Roast March 11, gullahmuseumhhi.org
Hilton Head IrishFest March 11–12, hiltonheadireland.org Irish Concert March 11, islandreccenter.org
Shamrock HHI 5K Run March 11, bearfootsports.com
HH International Piano Competition March 13–18, hhipc.org
Lean Ensemble Theater “Mitchelville” March 16–19, leanensemble.org
Hilton Head Wingfest March 18, hiltonheadwingfest.com
HHI Wine & Food Festival March 19–26, hiltonheadwineandfood.com
Art Center of Coastal Carolina “Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami” March 24, artshhi.com
Blues & BBQ March 25, exploremitchelville.org
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Mozart And Beethoven” March 26–27, hhso.org
Gregg Russell Concerts at Harbour Town March 27–31, seapines.com/events
Spring Music & Taste on the Harbour April–mid-May, select Thursday evenings, sheltercovehiltonhead. com/music-and-taste
Easter Eggstravaganza Apr. 1, islandreccenter.org
Gregg Russell Concerts at Harbour Town Apr. 3–7, 10–12, seapines.com/events
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “Under the Stars” Apr. 4, hhso.org
RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing, PGA TOUR Tournament Apr. 10–16, rbcheritage.com
Art Center of Coastal Carolina “Twitty & Lynn Tribute” Apr. 11, artshhi.com
Lean Ensemble Theater “Ripcord” Apr. 20–23 and Apr. 27–30, leanensemble.org
Bluffton Sunset Party Kick-off Apr. 21, bearfootsports.com
HH Symphony Orchestra Concerts “The Planets” Apr. 23–24, hhso.org
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina
“Sondheim’s Company” Apr. 26–May 28, artshhi.com
May River Theatre Co.
“The Rise and Fall of Little Voice” Apr. 28–May 7, mayrivertheatre.com
Geechella Apr. 29, blufftonmlk.org
The Art Market at Historic Honey Horn
Apr. 29–30, coastaldiscovery.org
Pedal Hilton Head Island May 7, pedalhhi.org
Bluffton MayFest May 13, blufftonrotary.org/page/ mayfest
Gullah Market May 13, blufftonmlk.org
Bluffton Sunset Palooza May 19, bearfootsports.com
Gregg Russell Concerts at Harbour Town May 26–28, seapines.com/events
Hilton Head Island Art Festival May 27–28, sheltercovehiltonhead.com/art-festival
Blues & Brews of the Bluff June 9, bearfootsports.com
Juneteenth Celebration June 15–17, exploremitchelville.org
Black Food Truck Festival June 16, blufftonmlk.org
9th Annual Bluffton Juneteenth Festival June 17, blufftonmlk.org
Juneteenth R&B Brunch June 18, blufftonmlk.org
May River Theatre Co. “RENT” June 30–July 9, mayrivertheatre.com
HHI Gullah Museum
Family Fun Day July 1, gullahmuseumhhi.org
July 4th Celebrations Fireworks at Harbour Town, Shelter Cove, and Skull Creek seapines.com, palmettodunes.com, hudsonsonthedocks.com
Gullah Market
July 15, blufftonmlk.org
May River Shrimp Festival Sunset 5K July 19, bearfootsports.com
May River Shrimp Festival July 20–21, bearfootsports.com
May River Theatre Co. “Series of One Acts” Aug. 12–14, Aug. 25–27, mayrivertheatre.com
Gregg Russell Concerts at Harbour Town
Aug. 14–21, 16–23, 18–25, seapines.com/events
Gregg Russell Concerts at Harbour Town Aug. 31–Sept. 3, seapines.com/events
Art Center of Coastal Carolina
“The Police Experience” Sept. 2–3, artshhi.com
Blufftemberfest Sep. 30, bearfootsports.com
Fall Music & Taste at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Select Thursday evenings through Mid-October, sheltercovehilton head.com/music-and-taste
Chili Cook-Off by Kiwanis Oct. 7, hiltonheadkiwanis.org
Jeep Island Oct. 7, jeepisland.org
Rock N’ Ribs Oct. 13–14, rocknribshhi.com
Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival Oct. 14–22, street fest blufftonartsandseafoodfestival.com
Ghost and Myths of Hilton Head Island Oct. 18–21, heritagelib.org
May River Theatre Co. “The Addams Family” Oct. 20–29, mayrivertheatre.com
Italian Heritage Festival Oct. 21, iachh.org
Bluffton Oyster Run 5K/10K Oct. 22, palmettorunningcompany.com/events
Gullah Food Festival Oct. 28, gullahmuseumhhi.org
Gullah Market Oct. 28, blufftonmlk.org
For more events, download the free Hilton Head Island Compass App.
HHI Motoring Festival & Concours d’Elegance Nov. 3–5, hhiconcours.com
Red Shoes Run Nov. 4, bearfootsports.com
Hilton Head Oyster Festival Nov. 10–11, hiltonheadoysterfestival.com
Hilton Head Island Lantern Parade Nov. 18, culturehhi.org/portfolio/ lanternparade
Pluff Mud Festival Nov. 18, bearfootsports.com
Turkey Trot Nov. 23, islandreccenter.org
Gregg Russell Thanksgiving Concert at Harbour Town Nov. 24, seapines.com/events
Gullah Market Nov. 25, blufftonmlk.org
Santa Comes to the Harbour at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Mid November, sheltercovehiltonhead.com/santa
Tis the Season! Nov. 23–Dec. 25, sheltercovetownecentre.com
May River Theatre Co. “Holiday Show” Dec. 1–10, mayrivertheatre.com
HHI Gullah Celebration: Gullah Arts, Crafts and Food Holiday Market Dec.2, gullahcelebration.com
Holiday Lights at Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park Dec. 2–4, exploremitchelville.org
Old Town Bluffton Christmas Parade Dec. 2, townofbluffton.sc.gov/ christmas-parade
Historic Holidays on Hilton Head Island Dec 9, heritagelib.org
Gullah Market Dec. 16, blufftonmlk.org
Gregg Russell Christmas Concert at Harbour Town Dec. 23, seapines.com/events
Hilton Head Jingle, Jingle Bridge Run Dec. 24, bearfootsports.com
Gregg Russell Summer Concerts at Harbour Town
May 31–Aug. 11, Monday-Friday evenings, seapines.com/events
Coligny Summer Music + Entertainment @ Center Stage Memorial Day through Labor Day, colignyplaza.com
Arts Ob We People Art Exhibition and Sale (Daily) and Weekly Art, Food and Music June 3–Aug. 27, gullahcelebration.com
HarbourFest Fireworks at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Mid-June–Mid-August, select Tuesday evenings – and July 4th, sheltercoveharbourfest.com
Shannon Tanner Family Show at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Memorial Day through Labor Day Mon-Tue-Wed & Fri evenings – and July 4th, sheltercoveharbourfest.com
Shannon Tanner & The Oyster Reefers “Parrot Palooza” at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Mid-June–Mid-August, select Thursday evenings, sheltercoveharbourfest.com
Cappy the Clown at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina Memorial Day through Labor Day, select Monday-Friday evenings – and July 4, sheltercoveharbourfest.com
Party in the Park
Thursdays, June–July, islandreccenter.org

Summer Jams
Tuesdays, June–August, islandreccenter.org
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina “Jersey Boys” June–Mid-August, artshhi.com
Crescendo: Celebration of Arts & Culture Oct.–Nov., culturehhi.org
to Hilton Head Island
W hat makes a vacation special? What makes it a place that becomes an annual vacation for so many of our visitors?
There’s something about coming together with family and friends on this island of almost indescribable beauty that brings people back again and again.
It’s a place where families leave behind the daily routine to relax, explore and reconnect with nature. It’s a place where you might just catch a glimpse of a baby sea turtle making its way to the ocean and see dolphins gliding gracefully through the water from your kayak.
You’ll feel yourself begin to relax as you cross the bridge onto the island. The world seems to slow down a bit as you walk along the beach and meander by bike under centuries-old oak trees.
We’re proud and protective of the environment in which we live and encourage our island guests to leave nothing but their footprints on the sand. Hilton Head Island is home to some of the most pristine beaches in the country, and respect for the environment is a value shared by those who live here and those who visit.

Want to know the hidden gems of the island? Locals are proud to share their secret spots to catch the best sunset and tell you where to find their favorite shrimp and oysters. We take our seafood seriously, and enjoying fresh seafood caught in local waters is a special part of island life.

History comes alive on the island as you explore our Gullah culture at the Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park. Immerse yourself in our community and get to know the rich culture and heritage that makes the island so unique.

Hilton Head Island is an extraordinary place, but you don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve been chosen as the #1 Island in the U.S. by the readers of both Condé Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure magazine year after year. We’re consistently named among the best beaches in the country and lauded for our commitment to environmental preservation and sustainability.
Start planning your getaway at HiltonHeadIsland.org, where you’ll discover the perfect vacation spot with something for everyone to explore and enjoy. We know your first visit won’t be your last.

Discover Life, Well Lived
Arriving at Montage Palmetto Bluff, you become part of a limited edition, life-size canvas. This Five-Star resort offers every luxury — signature Nicklaus golf course, beauty and wellness spa, clay sport shooting, yacht tours, exceptional dining and racquet club including pickleball. Other treasures are unforgettable one-of-a-kinds — memories biking an ancient forest of giant oaks draped in moss, or witnessing dolphins performing the rarest of Earth’s spectacles, coordinated strand feeding. Then kayak a lagoon filled with wildlife, followed by flickering stars, firepits and s’mores. Explore your personal art of leisure. montagepalmettobluff.com • 844.448.0711 F montagepalmettobluffsc d montagepalmettobluff

Download the free Hilton Head Island Compass App and have Hilton Head Island in the palm of your hand. Stay connected with HiltonHeadIsland.org, your resource for all information on America’s Favorite Island®.

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Year-Round Fun. No matter the season, Hilton Head Island has an event for that! For information on all 2023 events, visit HiltonHeadIsland.org/ events. You’ll also find event details on the Hilton Head Island Compass App.

Welcome to America’s Favorite Island ®
“ ”
Everything on Hilton Head Island is about tides. Our nature is about tides, our history is about tides, our culture is about tides. It makes the place pretty special.

Hilton Head Island’s natural beauty has beckoned globetrotters for centuries. Thanks to the foresight of early land planners, those same pristine vistas await today’s explorers.

The Gullah Geechee saying, “we live by the land; we live by the sea” has encapsulated life on Hilton Head Island since Native Americans made their lives on the shores of South Carolina.
Relying on natural resources like fresh seafood and rice and okra grown from fertile soils was the only way forward in Mitchelville, the site of America’s first self-governing community of formerly enslaved people. And when Charles Fraser took steps to develop the island in the 1950s, he, too, wanted to protect the environment. In Sea Pines, the island’s first planned community, Fraser limited development and insisted that nature take centerstage. Long before the farm-to-table movement swept through restaurants around the country, Hilton Head islanders lived off the land and sea and cherished their environment — a gift to be preserved.
2000 B.C. – 1400 A.D.
Remnants of oyster shells discarded by Native Americans can be found in present-day Sea Pines Forest Preserve and the Green’s Shell Ring Enclosure Heritage Preserve.

Hilton Head Island’s first settler, “Tuscarora Jack” Barnwell, founded Point Place Plantation.
Starting in the mid 1700s, West Africans were enslaved and brought to Hilton Head Island to tend rice and cotton fields. By 1766, indigo was the primary crop, and there were 25 plantations on the island.
1775 –
The Revolutionary War: Hilton Head Islanders sided with colonists and skirmished with the British Loyalists from nearby Daufuskie Island. Four Revolutionary War soldiers are now buried or memorialized at the Zion Cemetery.
William Elliot grew the first successful crop of sea island cotton at Myrtle Bank Plantation, formerly Point Place Plantation.

On April 12, the Civil War began with Confederates firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. In November, 12,653 Union troops came ashore on Hilton Head Island.
General Ormsby Mitchel set aside land for Mitchelville, America’s first self-governing town of formerly enslaved people.
1868 – 1950 When the Army left, so did the jobs for the Mitchelville citizens. Surviving through fishing and farming, Gullah people, direct descendents from enslaved people, moved from their half-acre Mitchelville lots to other parts of the island.

1889 – 1930
Tracts of land were purchased by private citizens for hunting preserves. In 1912, the Hudson and Toomer families began operating oyster factories.
Lumbermen from Hinesville, Georgia, built sawmills and purchased 8,400 acres on the island to harvest the sea pines.
1950 s Sea Pines, Hilton Head Island’s first planned community, was imagined by Charles Fraser. See page 22 for more information.
Byrnes Bridge was the first bridge constructed to connect the island to the mainland. Hilton Head Inn opened on South Forest Beach. The island’s first grocery store opened at Coligny Plaza.


Cross Island Parkway was completed.
Hilton Head Island’s permanent population: 40,000. Hilton Head Island’s annual visitors in 2021: 3.13 million. The vacation destination continues to uphold Charles Fraser’s vision by prioritizing sustainability and environmental protection.

By Robin Sutton AndersEven before the site of America’s first self-governing community of formerly enslaved people was established as Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, Cora Miller knew the land was sacred. “I found a tranquil place near the water, and I would go there and relax,” she remembers. “I would get so emotional without knowing why.”

At the time, Miller was a storyteller who shared the poignant experiences of Harriet Tubman to children and churches.
“Only later did I learn that Harriet Tubman was right here in Mitchelville, walking on the same ground we’re walking on.” Miller learned that Tubman was a spy for the Union Army during the Civil War. Serving as a nurse and mending clothes for
Confederate soldiers, Tubman discovered where their ammunition and food supply was. “They couldn’t figure out who in the dickens was telling on them,” Miller says.
Today, where Beach City Road gives way to wooded walking trails and peaceful wetlands, visitors are met with a park unlike any other in the country. It is here that Miller embodies Tubman and gives tours to the park’s visitors. “It's like her spirit just takes over me,” she says. “My grandmother used to say, you better know where you’ve been to know where you’re going. I love helping people understand this history.”
Like Miller, many visitors to Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park are emotionally moved even before hearing its stories.
That’s not surprising, given its significance.
“From reconstruction going to the teens, ’30s, and ’40s, Mitchelville is a highlight of the concept of freedom in America,” says Ahmad Ward, executive director at the Mitchelville Preservation Project.
Ward explains that in 1861, after defeating Confederate Forces at Port Royal just seven months into the Civil War, Union Army General Ormsby Mitchel granted 600 acres of property to the freed slaves of nearby plantations. He helped fund homes, police protection and a school — assistance that became known as the Port Royal Experiment. “All of a sudden, these people who have had nothing go from being property to owning property,” Ward says. “These folks
were calling their own shots. They were charting their own course.”
Known as Gullah, Sea Islanders had been isolated from the rest of the world, but their isolation allowed them to carry on many of their African traditions. They worked the indigo, rice, sugar cane and cotton fields that once covered hundreds of acres of the island.

By the time President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Mitchelville residents were already buying land and holding elections. When the war ended two years later, 3,500 people lived in Mitchelville.
Theirs is a story of hope and inspiration. “I love it when I’m talking to children and they ask questions, and their faces light
up, like, ‘really?!’” Miller says. “It gives them an incentive to know they can help others who may be less fortunate than them — in whatever way that may be.”
My grandmother used to say, you better know where you’ve been to know where you’re going.
I love helping people understand this history.
• Hilton Head Island Gullah Celebration: Throughout February, the island comes alive with authentic food, art, music, dancing and storytelling.
• Annual Oyster Roast: In March, the annual All
You Can Eat Oyster Roast raises funds for the Gullah Museum.
• Juneteenth: June 19, 1865 marks the day the last slaves in the country were set free, five weeks after the Civil War ended. Explore

About five miles west of the ocean, tucked under the trees on Spanish Wells Road, Binya is one of the island’s newest shops. “People often drive right by and miss us,” says Lola Campbell, who opened Binya in 2022. “But once they find us, they tell us what a meaningful experience it is.”
Signifying “been there” in the Gullah language, Binya is a dream come true for Campbell, who is a sixth-generation Gullah, native islander and corporate attorney. “I’d always wanted to do something to promote and preserve our family’s Gullah heritage, and the pandemic was that event that helped lead me back home,” she says.
Campbell opened the shop near her parents’ popular farm stand and across the street from her grandparents’ house. “The location is so important,” she says. “Customers start talking to me, my mom or my sister and they see the land where our family’s been for generations, and they feel a connection to the Gullah culture.”
From gourmet seasonings and candles to colorful art and sweetgrass baskets, every item in Binya tells a story. Shoppers will find Lola’s own “Gone Gullah” product line, including apparel, home decor and accessories. Lola and her family members are on hand to recommend a book or a specialty product from local vendors like Four Seasons Apothecary, 7th & Palm, Little Fish Boateak, Gourmet Warehouse or Cottonwood Soap. Original Gullah art by Sabree and Marquita Willis is also available.
“I’ve traveled a lot to the Caribbean, and the native islanders have done a good job representing their culture and making their heritage part of the visitors’ experience,” says Campbell. “We want to do that here. Hilton Head Island is more than golf, tennis and beaches — we’re a cultural destination and are proud to honor our roots.” binyahhi.com
Mitchelville celebrates by hosting Gullah food vendors, live music and lots of fanfare.

• Gullah Food Festival: In the fall, sample recipes of shrimp and grits, seafood gumbo, deviled crabs and
more at the Gullah Museum.
• Holiday Nights and Lights at Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park: Annual holiday lights experience through Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park on Hilton Head Island.
YOUR Gullah
The rich Gullah creole dialect, a distinctive mixture of English and African languages, is still spoken and written. One of the best-known Gullah expressions, “Kumbaya,” translated “come by here,” found its way into a famous folk song. Whether you’re traveling solo or with a group, read on for ways to experience the Gullah heritage on your next trip to Hilton Head Island.
• Visit Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park, the first town created for formerly enslaved people, located on Hilton Head Island’s Port Royal Sound.

• Learn a 400-year-old history lesson at the Gullah Museum from Dr. Louise Miller Cohen.

• Join a Gullah Heritage Trail bus tour through 10 family-based neighborhoods. Guides share first-hand accounts of Gullah food, folklore and language. Tours depart from the Coastal Discovery Museum.
• Book a Heritage Library Foundation tour of Zion Cemetery and Baynard Mausoleum, the oldest intact structure on the island.
• Take a Gullah tour of Daufauskie Island with sixth-generation Daufuskie Island native Sallie Ann Robinson, also known as Pat Conroy’s star pupil in his memoir The Water is Wide, who shares personal stories and memories.
• Take a class on basket sewing from local Gullah artist Michael Smalls at the Coastal Discovery Museum. coastaldiscovery.org

Preserving History for All
Since 2003, the Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island has been committed to reviving, restoring and preserving Gullah customs, traditions, language, stories, songs and structures on the island. The museum is one of the most visited heritage cultural attractions in the state and offers unique insight into Gullah culture. The tours are conducted by founder and executive director Dr. Louise Miller Cohen. gullahmuseumhhi.org

History Lesson
Housing a wealth of historical information, The Heritage Library is the history and ancestry research center for Hilton Head Island and the Lowcountry. The Library owns two historic properties: Fort Mitchel, a Civil War earthwork battery; and the Zion Cemetery and Baynard Mausoleum, the site of the oldest existing structure on Hilton Head Island. The Library conducts tours, history programs and ancestry classes, and is an excellent resource for African-American genealogy research. heritagelib.org • 843.686.6560

Where Freedom Began
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park endeavors to share the compelling story of the inhabitants of Mitchelville and their quest for education, selfreliance and inclusion as members of a free society. exploremitchelville.org 843.255.7301
By Linda Lanier
Captain William Hilton, the first Englishman to step foot on the island that he later named Hilton Head Island, recorded in his ship’s diary in 1663: “The air is clean and sweet, the country very pleasant and delightful.”
Almost 300 years later when the forward-thinking developer Charles Fraser came to the island, he paid homage to Hilton by establishing the highest landplanning standards: to keep this lush sea island clean and vibrant for the thousands of residents and visitors who enjoy it every year.
This was the early 50s, and Fraser envisioned more than the typical beach destination. Fraser’s use of covenants and deed restrictions to protect the environment within Sea Pines, the island’s first planned community, was progressive for the time. His unconventional approach, which limited development and prioritized the natural scenery, interlaced man-made and natural elements.

Homes and structures were built away from the oceanfront, designed to blend in
with the pine forest and create harmony with nature. Nighttime’s twinkling stars take centerstage, and many of the island’s natural inhabitants have a sanctuary where they can thrive.
To protect the habitat and cultural resources of Hilton Head Island’s natural inhabitants — from manatees, dolphins and egrets to deer, foxes and bald eagles — the Town of Hilton Head Island has acquired land for green space, parks and environmental protection.
Today, Hilton Head Island Land Trust holds 300 acres, which includes Whooping Crane Pond Conservancy, Cypress Conservancy, Northridge Conservancy tracts and Museum Street Conservancy District.

The Visitor & Convention Bureau recognizes that everyone plays a role in the island’s sustainability and conservation efforts. To that end, visitors and residents are invited to make the Hilton Head IslandBluffton Promise, committing to protect and preserve the island's delicate ecosystem, leaving nothing behind but their footprints.
Whether you’re visiting the Lowcountry or you are here to stay, make the promise at HiltonHeadIsland.org/promise.
Man is a steward of the land. We should preserve, protect it. We have a great opportunity, and we live in a magnificently beautiful place.
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– CHARLES FRASERPhoto of Charles Fraser courtesy of The Sea Pines Resort.
On a mission to protect Hilton Head Island’s ancient and beloved sea turtle
By Robin Sutton AndersAmber Kuehn was “changed forever” the day she first encountered a sea turtle 16 miles offshore from Hilton Head Harbor. Working as a divemaster, Kuehn was diving down to retrieve an anchor when she spotted a large shadow in the depths of the ocean. “It was graceful in its element, it looked like a bird flying in slow motion,” she remembers. As the sea turtle swam straight toward her, she rolled back on her heels. “I laid on the ocean floor while the turtle hovered overhead like a spacecraft,” Kuehn says. “Talk about impressed!”
Each summer, sea turtles return to the island’s sandy shores, lay their eggs and go back to their ocean home. Loggerhead turtles, an endangered species, are the most common turtle to nest on the beaches of Hilton Head Island.

As director of Hilton Head Island’s entirely volunteer 18-member Sea Turtle Patrol, Kuehn is on a mission to protect and conserve sea turtles so these ancient creatures can continue to inspire the next generation. Part of that involves partnering with Sea Turtle Patrol's sister organization, Turtle Trackers, to educate visitors and residents, so everybody’s in it together.
“It’s important to do things like fill holes in the sand so sea turtle hatchlings don’t get trapped on their way to the ocean,” she says. More than 350 Turtle Trackers volunteers help flatten sand structures and pick up litter nightly so the turtles have a clear path. They also host educational, island-wide “Turtle Talks” for residents and visitors.
Meanwhile, Keuhn’s Sea Turtle Patrol has been trained and is permitted by the state to identify, mark and monitor nests. Through “nest dedications,” The Sea Turtle Patrol offers opportunities to sponsor a nest in exchange for updates on its hatchlings as they grow and set off on their journey to the sea.
Check back for updates on how you can get involved in efforts to help protect and preserve the island. Learn more at seaturtlepatrolhhi.org.

Join us in protecting and preserving Hilton Head Island’s environment and beauty for generations to come.

Use red-beamed flashlights, sold at hardware stores, for nighttime beach strolls. You can also download a smartphone app, such as jLight, to turn your phone screen into a red flashlight.

Turn off outside lights of beachfront residences from dusk till dawn, and cover interior lights (close drapes or shutters) that can be seen from the beach.
Leave only footprints. Throw away your trash. Obstacles like broken beach chairs and sand buckets can prevent turtles from reaching their destination.
Make it easier for sea turtles and their hatchlings to navigate the shoreline by flattening your sandcastles and filling in any holes you dug when you’re done with your day at the beach.
Enjoy discovering sea life like sand dollars, starfish and hermit crabs, but please leave these coastal creatures undisturbed in their natural habitat.
Please stay on the path. Walking on our beautiful sand dunes can damage or destroy the sea oats and other flora keeping our dunes from washing away.
Maintain your distance from sea turtle nests and hatchlings.

Want to learn more about how you can help Hilton Head Island’s sea turtles? Join free weekly turtle talks held throughout the summer. Learn more at HHITurtles.org

Dolphin & Sunset Cruise

Mermaid of Hilton Head offers the Dolphin Experience Boat Tour to see dolphins in their natural environment. Learn how to identify them, see a replica dolphin skull and touch a replica dolphin fin to experience what a dolphin feels like. You can also enjoy this experience at sunset with a Sunset Dolphin Cruise. All tours take place on a covered boat that sits low in the water. mermaidofhiltonhead.com 843.271.6441 F d mermaidofhiltonhead
Connect by Water
See Hilton Head Island and exciting nearby locations from the water on an Outside Hilton Head destination tour. The Daufuskie History and Artisans Excursions includes a round-trip interpretive dolphin and nature cruise to the island along with the golf cart tour of historic sites and artist studios on Daufuskie Island. Experience adventure on the May River with a tour from Outside Palmetto Bluff. Learn about Lowcountry history and explore the diverse ecosystem and wildlife of the salt marsh on a tour with a professional captain and guide. For something totally different, explore the Savannah River with Outside Savannah on a boating tour of the Georgia Port Terminal or Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Learn more and get outside today! outsidehiltonhead.com • outsidesav.com 843.686.6996 F d outsidehiltonhead

Let’s Skiff
Hop in a skiff, a unique boat that sits low in the water and promises an exhilarating ride. Island Skiff Adventure Tours provides an experienced guide for a 30-mile odyssey to explore aquatic environments close up. Enjoy exciting island history while you cruise through narrow waterways and creeks to spot elusive, unforgettable wildlife. Choose a skiff for a less traditional ride with stick steering and the occasional refreshing splash. islandskifftours.com 843.816.5976 F islandskifftours

A Vacation to Remember
A Hilton Head Island getaway deserves a setting where you can celebrate cherished moments surrounded by natural beauty and gracious hospitality. Make it happen at one of the island’s most celebrated resorts. The Sea Pines Resort is lauded for its pristine landscape, world-class golf, abundant recreation and the iconic Harbour Town The Inn & Club at Harbour Town was ranked No. 12 best hotel in the U.S. 2022 rankings by U.S. News & World Report. The Resort was honored in the 2022 Golf Digest Editors’ Choice Awards — Best Golf Resorts in the Carolinas. All three courses were ranked among Golfweek’s Best 2022 list of top resort golf courses in the United States. First-class hospitality is everywhere, making The Sea Pines Resort a preferred destination for a family vacation, wedding celebration or golf getaway.

Three incredible courses, each with its own character, offer players challenges and thrills. Play one or play the trifecta for an unparalleled golf experience.
As home of the RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing, Harbour Town Golf Links is the crown jewel of Sea Pines golf. The Pete Dye design begs players to use their imagination and finesse. A PGA TOUR pro favorite, it has some of the best par threes found on any course worldwide and a humbling par-four 18th hole.

Heron Point by Pete Dye is a striking mixture of beauty and challenge, and a perfect complement to Harbour Town. This can’t-miss track was previously named South Carolina Golf Course of the Year. The 18th hole is pure drama — a bunker shot that runs along the water.

Atlantic Dunes by Davis Love III is the epitome of coastal golf, and was previously named Golf Course of the Year by the National Golf Course Owners Association. The spectacular 15th hole overlooking the Atlantic is one of only two oceanfront holes on Hilton Head Island. Showcasing these top-ranked courses is the Lighthouse Invitational, an exciting annual team event with competition for men and women amateurs.
The Golf Learning Center specializes in tailored instruction, from club fittings to the mental game. The Harbour Town Clubhouse welcomes golfers to the Pete Dye Room, signature pro shop, upscale dining at Links, an American Grill and other world-class amenities and services. Legendary golf here can be yours with one of the Resort’s golf packages. The Villa Golf Package includes play at one or all three courses, with a stay in a comfortable villa. seapines.com/golf • 843.842.8484
F d seapinesresort
The Sea Pines Racquet Club in Harbour Town is a premier tennis and pickleball destination, featuring 20 clay courts and six dedicated pickleball courts along with programs, round robins and lessons for all skill levels. It’s also home of the Smith Stearns Tennis Academy for elite juniors, led by U.S. Open and Wimbledon champion Stan Smith. Pickleball newbies and aficionados can get in on the action and fun with Pickleball 101 and 102 programs for novice to experienced players. For stay-and-play packages, visit seapines.com/tennis, or call 843.785.3333
Destination dining shines at The Sea Pines Resort. Casual waterfront eateries, family-friendly options, sophisticated dining in a clubhouse setting — there’s something for everyone. The culinary team’s emphasis on fresh ingredients and innovative flavors is reflected in every restaurant and every dish.
The newly reopened Quarterdeck offers 270-degree views overlooking Harbour Town Yacht Basin, Calibogue Sound and the 18th hole of Harbour Town Golf Links. Choose from the expansive wraparound deck, indoor bar and dining area on the

first floor, or new rooftop oyster bar. With a satisfying menu of freshly prepared seafood and classic dishes, Quarterdeck is waterfront dining at its finest.
Popular with Resort guests and day visitors alike, Coast at the Sea Pines Beach Club boasts oceanfront views. The chilled seafood tower is a crowd-pleaser for large dining parties.
The storied setting at Links, an American Grill, located in the Harbour Town Clubhouse, is an elevated dining experience with sweeping views of Harbour Town Golf Links. Dishes are prepared with farm-fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Handcrafted cocktails,

craft beer and an impressive wine list round out the offerings.
The relaxed atmosphere at Fraser’s Tavern, in the Plantation Golf Club, is the perfect match for a tavern-inspired menu of house-smoked barbecue, salads and handhelds, plus craft beers on tap. Take in floor-to-ceiling views from your cozy booth, the bar area or the dining room.

Find more options for leisurely meals or a quick bite at other casual venues throughout the Resort. In season, kick back at Harbourside, located next to the famed Liberty Oak stage, where beloved local musician Gregg Russell performs

his summer concerts for all ages. Start your day with a delightful breakfast and fresh-baked treats at Harbour Town Bakery & Café, across from the Gregg Russell Harbour Town Playground. The menu tempts with a variety of delicious items along with coffees, teas and specialty drinks like cappuccinos, lattes and espressos. Dine in surrounded by the bakery’s cozy charm, relax outside at an umbrella-shaded table, or pick up a meal to go using the Resort app to order ahead. seapines.com/dining • 843.785.3333 F

A romantic guest room in a boutique hotel. A spacious home for a family celebration. A secluded villa for a weeklong getaway. When it comes to accommodations, there’s no one-suite-fits-all at The Sea Pines Resort. You’ll find a range of accommodations for any group size or personal style, and all provide the comfort and amenities to make your stay relaxing and exciting. The best part? You’re never far from championship golf, excellent restaurants, Harbour Town or the natural beauty of the island.
For a plush retreat with no detail overlooked, The Inn & Club at Harbour Town offers the ultimate in luxury. How ultimate? The Inn & Club is worthy of AAA Four Diamond Award and Forbes Four Star Luxury status. The lovely Lowcountry surroundings, sumptuous guest rooms with world-class amenities, and legendary hospitality put you at ease to truly enjoy your vacation.

For your large family vacation, wedding party or group getaway, The Sea Pines Resort’s homes and villas provide ample space to relax and celebrate quality time together. Stylish two- to seven-bedroom vacation homes put you near the beach or golf courses, and many have a screened porch or deck, private pool, lush lawn and other homey touches. Secluded yet convenient, villa rentals are just right for a family vacation, with up to four bedrooms, numerous conveniences and access to golf or the beach. Find a Resort package tailored to your stay for a golf, tennis, couples getaway or family vacation. seapines.com/accommodations

With its iconic lighthouse as the backdrop and the Harbour Town Pier, Harbour Town is one of the most idyllic and Instagram-worthy places on Hilton Head Island. Take your time and go shopping in the unique gift shops and fashionable boutiques, and recharge with a casual lunch. A perfect evening includes dining on the waterfront. Children will have a blast at the Gregg Russell Harbour Town Playground, named for the popular local performer.
Harbour Town Yacht Basin is your starting point for exploring the waterways around Calibogue Sound. The full-service marina here welcomes guests arriving by boat, with hourly, daily, weekly and monthly dockage. Embark on a boat cruise, private fishing charter or a watersports outing and witness scenic landscapes and fascinating wildlife.

The Resort’s unspoiled beaches, maritime forests, meandering tidal creeks and lagoons invite outdoor adventure. Find contemplation along nature trails and maritime forests in the 605-acre Sea Pines Forest Preserve Saddle up for a Lowcountry exploration at Lawton Stables, its world-class equestrian center. Family-friendly eco-tours offer a glimpse of native wildlife. Get around on bikes; the Resort’s flat, smooth bike path network makes cruising around on two wheels an easy ride. Kids will find endless fun at the beach, sparkling pools and special themed activities.
The natural beauty of The Sea Pines Resort makes getting married here a momentous experience for newlyweds and guests alike. It’s no wonder many brides who grew up vacationing at the resort make it their wedding destination. Picturesque settings — the lawn adjacent to the 18th hole of Harbour Town Golf Links and Calibogue Sound, with the iconic lighthouse as a backdrop; the exquisite arch formed by the ancient Liberty Oak; the serene Sea Pines beach — are an enchanting way to begin a new life together in the company of loved ones. The Resort’s dedicated wedding specialists help couples create a flawless and extraordinary event to remember. seapines.com/weddings • 843.842.1495
Special moments and lasting memories, enhanced by natural wonder and uncompromising service at one of Hilton Head Island’s most magical resorts — The Sea Pines Resort is ready to make your vacation and celebrations a reality. seapines.com • 843.785.3333 F d seapinesresort

A Sea Pines Tradition

There’s a bright new look at one of Hilton Head Island’s favorite shopping and dining venues. Discover a variety of retail shops and boutiques, along with popular dining spots. The only gas station in Sea Pines is located at the east entrance, and a post office is nestled within the promenade. Every Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., check out the Farmers and Makers Market, featuring local produce, baked goods, tasty food, art and handcrafted gifts (April–November). Don’t miss the Art Market on the first Thursday of every month (April–November). theshopsatseapinescenter.com • 843.363.5699
F theshopsatseapinescenter d seapinescenter

Against the backdrop of the iconic Harbour Town Lighthouse, explore unique stores featuring apparel, home décor, gifts and jewelry, along with casual and family-friendly restaurants and outdoor cafés. The 114 steps to the top of the lighthouse chronicle the island’s history with memorabilia from the PGA TOUR’s RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing. At the top, take in views of Calibogue Sound. Book charter boats for fishing, adventure cruises, dolphin-watching or watersports at the marina. Don’t miss local legend, Gregg Russell, performing popular spring, summertime and holiday concerts under the Liberty Oak. experienceharbourtown.com • 843.785.3333
F harbourtown d experienceharbourtown
For more than 35 years, South Beach Marina has been home to the legendary Salty Dog Café. Enjoy great food and, of course, hushpuppies on the waterfront deck. Grab a scoop (or two!) of homemade ice cream at Salty Dog Ice Cream before browsing Jake’s Cargo, Surf Shack and other shops. Explore the Lowcountry waterways with fishing excursions out of Blue Water Tackle Shop or paddleboarding, kayaking and parasailing from Island Water Sports. On land, rent bikes at South Beach Bicycle Rentals and tour the area, or stop by South Beach Racquet Club for pickleball and tennis court times, lessons and clinics. Or enjoy one of our daily pickleball round robins. saltydog.com • bluewaterhhi.com 843.671.2233 F saltydog d thesaltydogcafe

“ ”
People think of exercise as going to the gym, but being on Hilton Head Island’s forest preserve helps people connect with nature and discover what resonates with them.

By Laura LeeHere, vacation and wellness go hand-in-hand. Fitness routines include options like sunrise walks and yoga on the beach. On-site chefs offer cooking demonstrations and private lessons. Since the all-inclusive health and wellness resort welcomed its first guests more than 40 years ago, Hilton Head Health has taken a holistic approach to overall health.
“Most people come thinking they want to lose weight, and through their time here, they realize they want to feel good,” says David Chesworth, program director. “They want to have balance and feel comfortable — mind, body and soul.”
A far cry from fad diets, Hilton Head Health’s philosophy is all about developing day-to-day rituals that become sustainable, healthy habits. And what better place than a beautiful, secluded island, adds Chesworth. “What’s really amazing about Hilton Head Health, in addition to its location on Hilton Head Island, is that it’s an immersive environment where the healthy choice is the easy choice. It’s like the training wheels for life!”
• Refuel with a healthy shake or an energizing tea at Island Nutrition.
YOUR Wellness
• Connect with nature as you cast your fishing line or crab net at Rowing & Sailing Center, Jarvis Creek or Old House Creek Dock.
• Learn to stand-up paddleboard on scenic Broad Creek with Outside Hilton Head or on Calibogue Sound with H2O Sports.
• Take a quiet morning walk through Sea Pines Forest Preserve; then recharge with a healthy lunch or smoothies at Healthy Habit.

• Rent bikes for the whole family complete with tag-a-longs and kiddie carts, and explore the island’s miles of trails. hiltonheadisland.org/ see-do/biking
• Kayak through the island’s serene inland waters with Hilton Head Outfitters or Outside Hilton Head.
• Find relief for tired muscles at Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy or Lowcountry Stretch Hilton Head and Bluffton.
• Be amazed on a dolphin sunset sail with Dolphin Seafari HHI.
Hilton Head Island is a sanctuary for the mind, body and spirit.

A Vacation With a Purpose
A leading health and wellness resort with more than 40 years of experience guiding guests towards happier, healthier lives. The all-inclusive resort offers programs that include custom fitness plans, educational lectures and gourmet cuisine. With unrivaled expertise in fitness, nutrition and overall health and wellness practices, Hilton Head Health provides its guests with the tools they need to transform their lives and create healthy habits. Enjoy a beautiful island retreat close to the beach with miles of walking and bike paths, nature tours, golf, tennis and kayaking. Hilton Head Health is the perfect place for a healthy reset. hhhealth.com/hhi • 843.548.3472


Representing serenity and inner peace, The Indigo Spa is an extension of Hilton Head Health. Also open to the public, the spa offers a menu of unique services and products that restore mind and body. Therapists and technicians help individuals with their unique health and wellness goals, from workout recovery to improving skin quality and managing stress. indigospa.com/hhi • 843.258.5565

A Brand-New Airport Experience
More cities. More convenience. Less hassle. Escaping to Hilton Head Island has never been easier, thanks to Hilton Head Island Airport’s expanded airline offerings. But that’s not the only exciting news. Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) is growing! A new passenger terminal will provide comfort, hassle-free navigation and a true first-class experience travelers have come to expect. Given the airport’s unique location a mere five to 10 miles from the island’s major resorts, you can start your vacation as soon as you land. Visit hiltonheadairport.com F d hiltonheadairport

Luxury RV Getaway
The freedom of fun and RVing meets exceptional golf, all in one place. Hilton Head National RV Resort offers a premium vacation experience with a variety of amenities and comforts to enhance your vacation getaway.

Throughout the beautifully landscaped, secluded and gated grounds, you’ll find a variety of sites to choose from. Relax at the Clubhouse, offering a lazy river and splash pad, playground, community firepits, restaurant and bar, fitness center and walking trails. Your four-legged travel buddies can enjoy the vacation experience at the dedicated dog park and dog wash.
Great golf is right next door at Hilton Head National Golf Club, with preferred rates and tee times for guests of the RV Resort. hiltonheadrv.com • 843.707.4800 F d hhnrvresort

The father of two little boys, Dru Brown understands what families want on vacation. “Kids can spend the whole day on the beach enjoying being outside — swimming and splashing in the waves, fishing or crabbing,” he says.
That’s why Island Time Hilton Head, the business he and his partner started in 2019, focuses not just on helping visitors find the perfect rental, but also on providing unique experiences. “Like getting a personal chef to come in and prepare dinner for the family that hasn’t been together in years.”

On Hilton Head Island, accommodations range from four-star resorts to smaller, select-service hotels and family-sized homes and villas. No matter where you choose to rest your head, youʼll rest easy, thanks to the islandʼs signature Southern hospitality.

Vacation on the Beach
Tailor your next family vacation on the ocean at Hilton Head Island’s favorite beach. Choose from a one- to five-bedroom home or villa, many with heated swimming pools or other premium amenities for yearround enjoyment. Vacation Time of Hilton Head Island has been serving guests with cherished vacation memories for over 40 years. vthhi.com 800.845.9500 F vacationrentalhhi

The Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort portfolio of vacation homes and villas makes accommodating your crowd a breeze. For family gatherings or golf groups, choose a multi-bedroom home, outfitted with features such as private pool, spa, gas grills and gourmet kitchen. Choose from weekly rentals at one of our one-of-a-kind rental homes, with three to six bedrooms, or more flexible bookings at one of our villas, with one to four bedrooms. Palmetto Dunes managed vacation rentals include all the comforts of home, along with exclusive resort discounts for guests and owners renting through Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort including dining, bike and kayak rentals, golf and more as well as complimentary tennis or pickleball court time based on availability. Select homes and villas are also seasonally pet-friendly. Browse lodging options and begin planning your vacation at palmettodunes.com or call 877.567.6506 F palmettodunes d palmettodunessc

Your memorable Hilton Head Island vacation begins with a place that feels like home. Beach Properties of Hilton Head is the expert in making your stay memorable and comfortable with some of the finest vacation properties on the island. Whether you’re seeking a one-bedroom villa for a quiet getaway or a 10-bedroom home for an extended family gathering, Beach Properties’ accommodations will exceed your expectations, with extra touches that only a locally managed, well-established company can provide. Look for your ideal vacation rental today. beach-property.com • 844.462.2957

Your Island Motorcoach Escape
Welcome to Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort, the luxury destination for discerning motorcoach enthusiasts. Guests can expect the ultimate getaway experience, with spacious and charming sites offering full hookups, cable TV and Wi-Fi. Excellent amenities include a dog park and wash, swimming pool, hot tub, gym, pickleball and tennis courts and shuffleboard. Resort lot features can include scenic lakefront, private tree canopy and sites adjacent to the clubhouse, putting you steps away from the excitement. The Resort is located just one mile from beautiful beaches and Hilton Head Island’s most popular restaurants and unique shops. hhimotorcoachresort.com • 800.722.2365 F hiltonheadislandmotorcoach

Rooftop Views and More
The recently opened Courtyard by Marriott Hilton Head Island boasts the only rooftop bar and pool in Coligny Beach, with panoramic views of the island and ocean. Hotel guests and locals can grab a drink and cozy up in private cabanas or around firepits. The Bistro, located in the hotel lobby, offers delicious made-to-order and grab-and-go options, and Starbucks is served every morning. From the hotel, it’s a short stroll to great shopping, dining and Coligny Beach, and bike rentals are available nearby. courtyardhiltonheadisland.com 843.802.2180 F courtyardmarriotthhi

Oceanfront & Boutique

Ocean Overlook
At the Marriott Hilton Head Resort & Spa, a dreamy location is just the start. The luxury beachfront resort offers airy accommodations with private balconies and amazing ocean views. When you’re not relaxing on the beach, take advantage of three golf courses, a meandering lagoon system, indoor and outdoor pools and spa services for a sweet shoreside retreat. marriotthiltonheadresort.com • 843.686.8400

Rest Easy
The BESTNEST vacation rental concept was designed to delight the discerning traveler with a consistent approach to design, outfitting and furnishing, and a commitment to fastidious cleanliness. Every BESTNEST is exceptionally equipped, no matter the size or location of the property. You’ll appreciate such amenities as quality cookware and tableware, sumptuous linens, high-tech electronics and other thoughtful details, whether you’re vacationing for a long weekend or the entire season. BESTNEST/Luxe elevates the vacation experience even further, featuring properties in prime locations and exclusive conveniences such as a personal concierge. Their goal is your complete comfort. Lauded and applauded by vacationers since 2006, BESTNEST looks forward to welcoming you. beverlyserral.com • 843.341.3600


Relax with Ease

Luxury in Paradise
Located on the sugar sand beaches of the No. 1 island in the United States, as previously ranked by Condé Nast Traveler and Travel + Leisure, Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort has something for everyone. Enjoy beautiful views from the resort’s 323 suites, including 295 studio suites, eight traditional one-bedroom suites and 20 oceanfront suites.
This luxury resort offers an immense lagoon system ideal for kayaking and canoeing, bike trails, 19 tennis and 24 pickleball courts and three championship golf courses. Splash around in the two family pools, one adult pool, a kid’s splash zone and three hot tubs. Enjoy private cabanas set amidst native tropical foliage.
More than 20,000 square feet of event space, a premier location and a casual resort environment along with unparalleled service and amenities will make you never want to leave. omnihiltonhead.com • 843.842.8000 F d omnihiltonhead

The mighty oyster’s impact on Hilton Head Island
Fried on a po’boy or enjoyed straight from the shell — nothing gives you a taste of the sea like a freshly shucked oyster.
“Hilton Head Island oysters are especially tasty,” says Andrew Carmines, owner of Shell Ring Oyster Company and president of Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks.
“We have this perfect scenario of big changes in the tide, salty water, and a healthy amount of plankton,” Carmines explains. “I love to eat oysters on the half shell, but our steamed oysters — an ode to the oyster roast — and our chargrilled oysters are really popular, as well.”
Oysters are not just here for our culinary delight; they are vital to the local ecosystem.
Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks, along with more than a dozen other Hilton Head Island restaurants, has joined forces with Outside Foundation on the Oyster Recycling and Reef Building Initiative. Since the program’s inception in 2018, more than 100 tons of oyster shells
have been collected and recycled. When a male and female oyster reproduce, the larvae must attach to a hard surface. Recycled shells provide the ideal home for a new generation of oysters, called spat.

“The oyster reefs do a lot more than build the population of oysters for harvesting,” says Mike Overton, Outside Foundation board member and CEO of Outside Brands. “Oyster reefs are effective in protecting our salt marshes.”
According to Overton, South Carolina’s salt marshes are the largest breeding ground in North America. Some 500,000 acres provide a home for a rich variety of fish and bird species.
Hudson’s recycles many of its own shells on site, and tons of other shells in the area are discarded at Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn on a designated spot on their 68-acre property. Once the oyster shells are cleaned and inspected by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, they are ready to go back into
the water. Volunteers place the shells in netted bags and go out at low tide to build reefs — visitors are even invited to participate.
Coastal Discovery Museum President and CEO, Rex Garniewicz, says the initiative aligns with their mission. “We really want to connect people with the environment. We want to be a fun place for people to walk our trails, interact with our animals and see oysters growing in our marsh.”

There, you can also see first-hand the benefits of a salt marsh — and learn about how everyday actions can make a difference. “Oyster shell recycling is one small thing we can do to protect this beautiful Lowcountry island that we love,” Garniewicz says.
Carmines praises the Coastal Discovery Museum and the Outside Foundation for being proactive in replenishing oyster beds.
“We want to keep our Port Royal Sound watershed pristine and sustainable,” he says. “When we do that, we’re all able to enjoy the bountiful resources of our island.”
Surrounded by saltwater, Eastern oysters are prized for their briny flavor.

Recycled shells provide a home for the next generation of oysters. Hilton Head Island’s largest reef build to date is along the 18th fairway of the iconic Harbourtown Golf Links.

One mature oyster filters about 2.5 gallons of water an hour. Not only that, but oyster reefs provide a critical habitat for juvenile fish, shrimp and crabs. They also create “living shorelines,” protecting the coast from erosion. Here’s what we’re doing to replenish this vital species.
More than a dozen Hilton Head Island restaurants collect and save oyster shells.
They’re put in mesh bags, which stop the shells from breaking down, and then placed in tidal creeks and adjacent to salt marshes. A typical reef consists of 300 to 400 bags.

The shells are sun-bleached for three to six months to rid them of bacteria and contaminants.

Want to get involved with oyster shell recycling? Visit outsidefoundation.org/ get_involved

Hilton Head Island’s Nectar Farm Kitchen, “where delicious comes naturally,” takes the locally sourced concept to the next level. Every dish on their breakfast, lunch and dinner menus is prepared with ingredients grown or made throughout the Lowcountry. We discussed this with Chef Chris Carge to understand why that matters to diners.
Q: Why do local ingredients and Hilton Head Island dining go hand-in-hand?

A: When people choose Hilton Head Island for their destination, they expect fresh, local seafood. It’s not everywhere that you can experience fresh white shrimp, just off the boat, or freshly shucked May River or Lady’s Island oysters. At Nectar, sourcing fresh seafood is just part of the equation. We also work with local farmers who supply everything from our beef and chicken to eggs, produce and cheese — it helps the local economy, is fresh and delicious, and the nutritional value is higher since it’s freshly harvested.
Q: So what’s special about Hilton Head Island oysters?
A: Food and Wine named us the “Napa Valley of oysters.” Unlike a lot of coastal regions, we’re pretty much surrounded by salt water, and when you combine that with our dramatic tides, you get unique oysters that are briny, which is the focal point I’m looking for in a nice, fresh oyster. I’ve been to New York and California, trying oysters, and I still think ours are some of the best in the world.
Q: What’s your favorite thing on the menu?
A: Depends on the time of day! For breakfast, I like the sweet potato pancakes or the simply southern breakfast with local farm eggs and local sausage. At lunch, everybody loves our spicy chicken and pickles sandwich. And for dinner, I love the root-beer braised short ribs, served with mashed potatoes and farm vegetables.
• Bistro 17
• Black Marlin Bayside Grill
• Blue
• Carolina Crab Company
• Coast, Oceanfront Dining
• Crazy Crab (Jarvis Creek)
• Crazy Crab (Harbour Town Marina)
• Driftwood Eatery
Enjoy these restaurants with a view.
• ELA’S On the Water
• Fishcamp on Broad Creek
• Harbourside Burgers & Brews (seasonal)
• Heyward’s Restaurant
• Hilton Head Social Bakery
• Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks
• Jamaica Joe’z Beach Bar (seasonal)
• Oceans
• Ocean Blu (seasonal/bar)
• Old Oyster Factory
• Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe
• Poseidon & the Rooftop Bar
• Quarterdeck
• Skull Creek Boathouse
• Skull Creek Dockside
• The Cafe
• The Other Sister’s Wine Bar
• The Porch Southern Kitchen & Bar
• Tio’s Latin American Kitchen
• Top Dawg Tavern
• Up the Creek Pub & Grill
• View 32 (seasonal/bar)
In Harbour Town, the newly renovated Quarterdeck restaurant offers 270-degree sunset views overlooking Harbour Town Yacht Basin, Calibogue Sound and the famed 18th hole of Harbour Town Golf Links.

Get Lucky
One of Hilton Head Island’s top dining destinations, Lucky Rooster Kitchen + Bar sources fresh ingredients from local farmers, purveyors and waterways. Options from refined comfort food to adventurous dishes change with the seasons and tides. This upscale casual restaurant and bar is open for dinner Tuesday through Sunday, and for lunch and brunch Friday through Sunday. luckyroosterhhi.com • 843.715.3215

Alexander’s Restaurant & Wine Bar, located in Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort, is an upscale seafood restaurant and wine bar featuring seasonally inspired cuisine and locally caught seafood, as well as many locally sourced ingredients. The menu pays tribute to many classic Lowcountry and Alexander’s favorites such as Shrimp and Grits and Wiener Schnitzel. Guests continually return for the intimate, elegant atmosphere and extensive wine and cocktail lists. The expanded bar area, porch with lagoon view and early dining menu are also particularly popular year after year. alexandersrestaurant.com • 877.567.6506

Italy Meets Lowcountry
The elegant simplicity of southern Italian cuisine meets Lowcountry hospitality at Nunzio Restaurant + Bar. Chef and owner Nunzio Patruno hails from Puglia, on Italy’s Adriatic coast; his creative flair and embrace of quality and the regional bounty shines throughout the menu.

“The simplicity of Italian food comes from letting ingredients and flavors stand out,” says Chef Nunzio. “In the Lowcountry, there’s lots of pride in local ingredients and how they’re prepared.”

Traditional Italian dishes and desserts make use of what’s in season. The antipasti stand out, from the delicate grilled Spanish octopus with Sardinian farro to Polpette di Nonna Angelina — Mamma Angelina’s Pugliese style meatballs floating in tomato sauce. One constant is wine, for what is Italian food without it? Nunzio’s impressive wine cellar represents Italy and other winemaking regions around the world.
A warm, casual atmosphere prevails, from the bar and daily happy hour to early dining offerings. Nunzio Restaurant + Bar can host any special occasion, from a formal wine dinner to a wedding rehearsal or shower luncheon. Gift cards make it easy to treat family or friends to this gem on the Hilton Head Island dining scene. nunziohhi.com • 843.715.2172 F nunziohhi d nunzio_hhi
Fresh, Local Seafood
A historic landmark born in the 1920s, Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks is committed to serving the freshest local seafood along with offering stunning waterfront views of Port Royal Sound. Hudson’s prides itself on providing seafood that is harvested mere hours before being served in the restaurant. Hudson’s farms and harvests local oysters, sheds out soft-shell crabs in the spring and harvests stone crab claws. The restaurant has three 80-foot shrimp trawlers that catch all of the shrimp served in the restaurant, as well as a network of fishing vessels that provides them with dozens of species of fish. hudsonsonthedocks.com • 843.681.2772

Making Waves
Opening in spring 2023, Lucky Beach Bar + Kitchen is making waves on Hilton Head Island with a modern approach to familyfriendly experiences. The relaxed, welcoming atmosphere includes seating for nearly 250, including outdoor dining and firepits and space for live music. The menu features updated takes on American classics with Southern and Caribbean inspiration — big, fun appetizers and desserts that bookend delicious entrees. The beverage menu highlights refreshing tropical cocktails along with beer, a curated wine menu and signature drinks. Lucky Beach Bar + Kitchen also offers a dedicated takeout open from breakfast to late night, serving coffee and espresso drinks along with creative grab-and-go food options. luckybeachhhi.com F d luckybeachhhi

Let’s Dine In!
Enjoy your vacation by hiring Chef Lynn Michelle as your personal chef. Whether it’s preparing healthy, gourmet family meals or expertly creating elaborate dinner parties, The East Coast Chef TM does it all — planning, shopping, cooking and cleanup. All you have to do is relax … and experience delicious cuisine prepared and served in the comfort of your home away from home. cheflynnmichelle.com 843.422.5480

Kid-Friendly Dining, Redefined

Rockfish Seafood & Steaks at Bomboras is your family-friendly dining destination on Hilton Head Island. This family-owned restaurant takes pride in its menu of the freshest seafood and steaks, with many ingredients sourced locally. Dine on Lowcountry seafood specialties and the freshest catch, steaks and burgers and other delicious dishes, along with craft beers, cocktails and wine. The children’s menu satisfies younger diners, plus little ones can get creative upstairs at the Art Cafe during special Kids Night Out events. On Sundays during football season, Rockfish is the place for Cincinnati Bengals fans to watch the game. The friendly vibe and setting near Coligny Beach can’t be beat. rockfishhhi.com 843.689.2662 F d rockfishhhi

A Culinary Destination
Michael Anthony’s Cucina Italiana offers fine dining featuring regional Italian cuisine. Always sourcing the finest local and imported ingredients, the culinary team takes great pride in its prime meat, veal and seafood creations. Pasta dishes showcase fresh pasta made daily in-house, while desserts are made from scratch. Superlative food, impeccable service and warm hospitality are Michael Anthony’s hallmarks
Michael Anthony’s Cooking School pairs its chefs’ passion and virtuosity with weekly demonstration-style or hands-on classes. Small classes permit plenty of interaction with the cooking staff while guests enjoy wine and sample the fare when class is over. Private classes are also available.
The Market Cafe, just across the breezeway from Michael Anthony’s, is a one-stop culinary destination. It boasts casual dining for lunch and dinner with a menu of sandwiches, salads, pasta, pizza and small-plate meat and seafood dishes. The Market also sells Italian specialty items, fresh meats, cheeses, homemade pasta, and house-made soups, sauces and heat-and-serve entrées. michael-anthonys.com • 843.785.6272 F michaelanthonyscucinaitaliana d michaelanthonyshhi

Serving up coastal hospitality since 1984, SERG offers quality cuisine and exceptional service at these award-winning restaurants .

Serving up coastal hospitality since 1984, SERG offers quality cuisine and exceptional service at these award-winning restaurants

You read that right — Burgers & Sushi! Charbar Co. Burgers & Sushi is a fresh approach to better burgers and authentic style sushi. The chef-driven menu features gourmet burgers, sandwiches, salads and of course, hand-rolled sushi and artfully crafted sushi bowls. This unique blend of flavors has something for everyone in the family. Check out the fully stocked outdoor bar and enjoy a game on TV or cornhole while you’re at it. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily. charbarhhi.com • 843.785.2427 F d charbarco


A favorite for all ages, the fabulous Frankie Bones offers a one-of-a-kind American-Italian dining experience in a swanky joint that takes you back to the time of Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Enjoy amazing pastas, mouthwatering steaks and classic libations in style. Be sure to check out their Bluffton location. Family-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily with brunch on Sunday. frankiebones.com • 843.682.4455 (Hilton Head) 843.757.3423 (Bluffton)


Consistently ranked No. 1 for steaks on Hilton Head Island by TripAdvisor and Yelp, Wiseguys Modern American Restaurant is a local take on the urban restaurant and lounge. Inside, find an upscale cosmopolitan atmosphere where city sophistication meets Southern charm. Share small plates in the lounge, or pair a hand-cut steak or locally caught fish entrée with a glass of wine from the extensive award-winning wine list. For events, WiseGuys now has an upscale private dining room nicknamed “The Vault” that’s perfect for an intimate private setting. Planning a bigger party? They have the space for that too! Serving dinner nightly. wiseguyshhi.com • 843.842.8866


Want to know where the locals go? The Black Marlin Bayside Grill & Hurricane Bar is the place! Located at the renovated Palmetto Bay Marina, the Black Marlin is the go-to spot for delicious waterside dining. Stop by the Hurricane Bar for tasty island libations and live entertainment at happy hour as well. Family-friendly, dog-friendly, boater-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily with brunch on Saturday and Sunday. blackmarlinhhi.com • 843.785.4950 F d blackmarlinhhi


One of Hilton Head Island’s longest running pizzerias, Giuseppi’s was founded in 1984 and continues to be a staple on the island’s dining scene. Bite into a delicious slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta at either the Hilton Head Island or Bluffton location. Delivery available. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily. giuseppispizza.com • 843.785.4144 (Hilton Head) d giuseppispizza • 843.815.9200 (Bluffton) F giuseppisbluffton


Inspired by the style of an old river house, this eatery’s reclaimed design elements create a beautiful atmosphere. Interior views are rivaled only by the breathtaking outdoor views of Skull Creek. Try signature seafood entrées, hand-cut steaks or fall-off-the-bone-barbecue, or enjoy the outdoor Shark Bar. Bringing the kids? Dockside has a fully equipped playground that will keep them occupied for hours. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily, with brunch on Sunday. docksidehhi.com • 843.785.3625

This landmark waterfront restaurant features beautiful water and sunset views of Skull Creek. With an extensive menu of fresh seafood and hand-rolled sushi to sandwiches and pastas, there’s something for everyone. Grab a chair at the Marker 13 Buoy Bar for a waterfront cocktail and watch dolphins swim by or catch the game.

Don’t overlook the Boathouse’s Sunset Landing Pavilion. Adjacent to the restaurant, this waterfront venue shares the sweeping views of Skull Creek and is fully equipped with TV/AV, bar and gas fireplace. Create your next memorable event at Sunset Landing Pavilion. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily, with brunch on Sunday. skullcreekboathouse.com • 843.681.3663

From gourmet tacos and salads to the island’s best margaritas and inspired cocktails, Holy Tequila Mexican Kitchen is the destination for impeccable authentic Mexican food. With live classic Mexican music and a delightful outdoor dining patio, you may want to bring those dancing shoes as well. Serving lunch and dinner daily. Brunch on Saturday and Sunday. holytequila.com • 843.681.8226 F d holytequila


For traditional barbeque, look no further than One Hot Mama’s American Grill. Dine on delicious barbecue and wings from Food Network Star and SERG chef Orchid Paulmeier. In a bit of a rush? Try One Hot Mama’s express takeout and counter service option in the building directly adjacent to their Hilton Head Island location. The same great food, only faster! Family-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily with brunch on Sunday at Hilton Head Island and Bluffton. Open late night. onehotmamas.com • 843.682.6262 (Hilton Head) 843.815.6262 (Bluffton) F onehotmamas d onehotmamassc


A fast-casual way to enjoy mouth-watering griddle burgers with all the fixins’, New England-style seafood rolls, fish ’n’ chips, deviled crab cakes, seafood baskets and more. Walk up and order takeout, dine inside at the counter or outside at the picnic tables. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily. hiltonheadshack.com • 843.686.5820
marleysshrimpshack d marleysshrimpshackhhi

Special occasions are the hallmark of our lives. From in-home private chefs to catered backyard barbeques to lavish weddings, Signature Catering & Events by SERG offers a wide range of creative options to make any event a memorable affair. signaturecateringhhi.com F d signaturecateringandevents

Don’t feel like cooking? SERG Takeout Kitchen offers chefprepared fresh frozen and microwavable meals that you can simply heat, eat and enjoy! Spend that extra time on the beach or with family and let SERG Takeout Kitchen do the work. hiltonheadfoodtogo.com 843.682.3663 F d sergtakeoutkitchen

Poseidon Coastal Cuisine has it all, with dining, shopping and entertainment all in one place. Savor the freshest seafood while overlooking Broad Creek, pick up the perfect gift at the Coastal Provisions retail shop, and head upstairs to the Rooftop Bar for a concert. Family-friendly, dog-friendly. Serving lunch and dinner daily, with brunch on Sunday. poseidonhhi.com • 843.341.3838 F poseidonhhi d poseidon_hhi


When the sun goes down, the Rooftop Bar at Poseidon heats up. Enjoy a cocktail while watching the sun set over Broad Creek, or stay for a DJ dance party or one of the many live concerts. Live it up in style! Rent a VIP booth for your bachelor/ bachelorette party or special gathering and keep the party going all night long! Open nightly (seasonal). therooftophhi.com • 843.341.3838
F rooftopatposeidon d rooftophhi
Culinary Star

Locally owned and operated, ELAʼS On the Water serves freshly caught seafood, prime-cut steaks and high-quality, innovative dishes paired with a refined wine selection and award-winning views overlooking Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina. Bring the family and enjoy the casually intimate interior featuring local art or the wraparound patio and tunes by Lowcountry musicians. elasgrille.com • 843.785.3030
F d elasgrille
Cowboy Brazilan Steakhouse
Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse is your perfect introduction to rodizio, Brazilian-style-all-you-can-eat dining. The fixed-price menu includes a full salad bar with over 36 items and six hot Brazilian dishes. The real standout is the churrascaria, featuring a “parade” of 17 rotisserie-cooked, USDA Prime cuts of beef, lamb, pork and chicken carved tableside by gauchos. Complementing your meal is the full bar offering wines from South America, cocktails like the Caipirinha and elegant décor.

cowboybraziliansteakhouse.com 843.715.3565
F cowboybraziliansteakhousehiltonhead
Welcome to the Backyard
Locals and visitors alike head to A Lowcountry Backyard Restaurant for the down-home atmosphere and Southern coastal classics done right. Feast on seafood purloo, shrimp BLT salad, island crab cakes or fan favorite shrimp and grits — and save room for homemade banana puddin’ or key lime pie. Dine inside or snag a table outdoors under the big umbrella when there’s live music. alowcountrybackyard.com 843.785.9273 F alowcountrybackyardrestaurant

Dinerʼs Choice
Four distinct dining options await you at Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort — there’s something for everyone. HH Prime is known for its quality steaks and fresh seafood. Catch the big game at XO Sports Spirits, get a quick bite at Palmetto Market or enjoy cocktails and light bites poolside at Breeze and Buoy Bar omnihiltonhead.com 843.842.8000
F d omnihiltonhead

Classic Steakhouse
Experience family-owned Crane’s Tavern Steakhouse & Seafood’s warm hospitality and see why locals have embraced this restaurant for more than 20 years. Enjoy the famous prime rib, USDA Prime Grade steaks, local seafood and award-winning wine list in a smart dining setting complemented by a cozy Old English bar. cranestavern.com • 843.341.2333 F cranes-tavern-steakhouse-seafood

Bon Appétit!
Savor an elevated take on coastal cuisine at one of the island’s newest fine-dining establishments. Named for the family-owned restaurant’s French Cajun matriarch and chef, Celeste serves classic and contemporary dishes that include fresh seafood, prime-cut steaks and other delectable offerings. A wellcurated wine list complements the seasonal menu. Open daily at 5 p.m.; reservations preferred. celestehhi.com • 843.802.4744 F celestehhi d celestehiltonhead

New owners of Side Hustle Brewing Company grow the craft beer scene.
By Laura LeeWhen L.J. Bush and Billy Watterson met a few years ago as customers of Side Hustle Brewing Company, they immediately bonded over their passions for craft beer and their community, and their shared desire to affect real change. “We want to make Hilton Head a better place for locals and for vacationers,” says Bush.

Bush and Watterson have had big plans ever since they took over Side Hustle Brewing Company, aka South Carolina’s smallest brewery, in 2021. First up: moving the brewery to a larger space and expanding its menu.
The new space, opening in early 2023, will include indoor seating, an exterior beer garden with patio seating, four dining options and 20 signature craft brews on tap. “We really have something for everyone, from stout, pineapple wheat beer and IPAs to blackberry sour, a margarita seltzer and more,” says Bush.
A Bluffton native, Bush adds that his mid-life career change is especially meaningful. “Over the decades, I’ve loved watching the community grow and progress and seeing the addition of more Black-owned businesses,” he says. “I hope I’m an example to others in the AfricanAmerican community that if they want to have their own business, it can be done.”
Bush says he’s always had an affinity for craft beer and is especially intrigued with the process. “It’s really an art form,” he says. “You can play with ingredients, like making a stout with coffee, chocolate and coconut — that’s the fun part.”
For the new location, the partners envision a place where everyone in the family can relax and enjoy. Parents might try a new
flavor of seltzer or a frozen cocktail while the kids grab a slice of pizza or an ice cream and hang out under the oak trees.
“Like many entrepreneurs, to see an idea expand into a fulltime business is a dream come true,” says head brewer Lee Holyoak. “Side Hustle started out as the ‘smallest brewery in South Carolina,’ but with the community’s support and enthusiasm, it has quickly become a destination for beer aficionados.”
Where Nightlife Shines

Porch Southern Kitchen and Bar
The perfect blend of delicious food, genuine hospitality and a laidback atmosphere, inside and out. Enjoy the casual menu of Southern and Lowcountry favorites with the beach as the backdrop to indoor and alfresco dining. Come evening, the outdoor firepit is perfect for gathering with family or friends. beachhousehhi.com 843.785.2900

When it comes to arts and culture, Hilton Head Island gets a standing ovation.
For a 12-mile-long by five-mile-wide barrier island, Hilton Head Island offers numerous arts and cultural experiences. Whether you’re in the mood for a Broadway-caliber production or an intimate live jazz show, you’ll find it here.
• Guided by a professional local artist, try your hand at watercolors or pastels with an art class at the Art League Academy.

• Pack a picnic for Pops in the Park at Lowcountry Celebration Park with the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra.
• Catch a musical at the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina,

the crown jewel of the island’s art scene.
• Browse the lineup for the fall month-long Crescendo Celebration, and choose from more than 100 arts and cultural programs and concerts.
• Get tickets to a play at Lean Ensemble Theater, a professional company that produces thought-

provoking plays sure to stimulate conversation.
• Enjoy dinner and a show at The Jazz Corner, named one of the top 100 great jazz rooms in the world by Downbeat magazine.
• Support young pianists at the Hilton Head International Piano Competition in March. Learn more at hhipc.org.
A Season of New Beginnings

The Hilton Head Choral Society’s 46th season is under way with artistic director Dr. Dustin Ousley. This year, HHCS will perform a Mozart-themed concert in the spring, America Sings! in May, pops in the fall and a holiday concert in December. Enjoy performances by the full chorus, guest soloists and a professional orchestra, with pieces ranging from opera and classical to Broadway and pops, with something for all generations. hiltonheadchoralsociety.org • 843.341.3818 F hiltonheadsings d itsthehhcs

Award-Winning Theatre and More!
The Arts Center of Coastal Carolina is a professional showcase for both performing and visual arts, producing Broadway-caliber theatre and presenting musical artists, concerts and dance. Also held are community festivals, education programs and outreach events.
Productions for the 2023 season include the play based on the groundbreaking film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (Feb. 1–19), Sondheim’s “Company” (April 26–May 28) and the summertime regional premiere of “Jersey Boys” (June 28–Aug. 20).

The Arts Center is also presenting the Celtic sensation Emmet Cahill (March 2–3); an amazing tribute to Linda Ronstadt (March 9–10); the stunning Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami (March 24); Twitty & Lynn tribute (April 11); and The Police Experience (Sep. 2–3).
To see what’s next at the award-winning Arts Center, visit artshhi.com or call 843.842.ARTS. F d
Explore your creative side at Art League Academy, run by local nonprofit Art League of Hilton Head. Whether you’re starting out or you’ve been making art for years, Art League Academy has a place for you. In-person and online classes and workshops are taught by professional art educators and nationally recognized guest instructors and are geared for all ages and skill levels, including true beginners. Listings change often and classes range from half-day to several weeks, with something sure to match your schedule and budget. Come be inspired. artleaguehhi.org 843.842.5738 F artleaguehiltonhead d artleaguehhi

Calling All Art Lovers
Art League Gallery is a collection of artists inspired by the island, its people and its natural beauty. Visit Art League of Hilton Head’s main gallery in Shelter Cove to see how more than 200 local artists translate this beauty into the visual arts for you to enjoy — and to purchase. Exhibits change monthly and the opening receptions are free and open to the public. Coming off its 50th anniversary year, Art League Gallery will keep the momentum going with their 28th national juried exhibition, Biennale. The gallery is located inside the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina, a central point for arts on the island. artleaguehhi.org • 843.681.5060

Paint Party
Indulge in color and creativity! Family-owned Art Cafe is the only paint-your-own pottery studio on Hilton Head Island. Here, visitors and locals alike can decorate personalized pottery pieces to take home. The studio hosts a variety of creative and entertaining events year-round. Parents and children both will look forward to Kids Night Out, where the grown-ups can dine downstairs at Rockfish Seafood & Steaks at Bomboras while the younger ones can enjoy dinner and dessert, games and pottery painting. Planning for a rainy day? Art Cafe is a relaxing activity for families. Reservations recommended artcafehhi.com • 843.785.5525

From Script to Stage

• 843.715.6676 F d
The wonderment that happens when many different voices come together as one. The Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra and music director John Morris Russell present their 2022-2023 Season of Harmony. The nine-program Orchestra Series includes Mendelssohn’s oratorio, “Elijah,” Holst’s “The Planets,” tributes to Benny Goodman and Charleston’s Jenkins Orphanage, Holiday Pops, and masterworks by Dvořák, Rachmaninoff, Gershwin, Mozart, Beethoven and others. The International Piano Competition, free outdoor pops and jazz concerts, SoundWaves presentations and many more events are scheduled. Join and become part of the Harmony of the Lowcountry. hhso.org • 843.842.2055 F d hiltonheadsymphonyorchestra

The best ways to play outdoors on Hilton Head Island

Leave no trace of your beach day behind. Don’t forget to fill holes in the sand and take all belongings to help protect the island’s nesting sea turtles and other wildlife.

120 Mitchelville Rd.

Strolling down this short pathway to the beach, birders find migrating and local shorebirds before spying crabs in the salt marshes.
226 Beach City Rd.
Explore a wooded park with walking trails, a wetlands observation deck, picnic pavilion and beach access.
94 Folly Field Rd.
This family-friendly destination features a shady playground, picnic pavilion, bike racks and walking paths. Limited meter parking, coin operated only.
55 Starfish Dr.
Here, you have it all: Bikers enjoy wide, firm beaches that open up at low tide; surfers love the waves. Meter is coin, dollar bills or credit card optional.
64 Bradley Beach Rd.
Here, visitors meander down a winding boardwalk that opens to a wide-shoreline beach. Site features a playground, a picnic pavilion and outdoor showers. Meter is coin, dollar bills or credit card optional. Three RV parking spaces.
60 Burkes Beach Rd.
Burkes Beach is the best spot for surfing on HHI. Tip: Better surfing during incoming tide or right before high tide. Get in on the action, or enjoy watching long- and short-boarders. Beach access drop off only. No on-street parking. Parking at Chaplin Park, 35 Castnet Dr.

1 Coligny Cir.
One of the island’s most popular destinations is a quick stroll to restaurants, unique shops and bars. With beach volleyball, swings and a short walk to Lowcountry Celebration Park, this beach is a stay-all-day option. Parking at 102 Pope Ave.
2 Woodward Ave.
Those who discover this south end beach, next to Marriott Grande Ocean Resort, say fewer people are its largest draw. You’ll find amenities like restrooms, outdoor showers and accessibility matting. Meter is coin operated only.
WHEELCHAIR PROGRAM Form available at hiltonheadislandsc.gov/beach/accessibility. Free service for those with disabilities for use at Coligny Beach Park and Islanders Beach Park.

The Town of Hilton Head Island is implementing new parking fees. Be prepared to pay cash or credit card at all beach locations.
Tents on the beach are a max of 10'x10' canopy tent. Personal belongings left on the beach at dusk/overnight are subject to removal and disposal.

For more detailed information on our beaches, visit hiltonheadislandsc.gov/beach/ regulations.cfm

MARKERS , posted at the dune line, start at South Beach and go north to BM #134 at Fish Haul Creek in Port Royal. If the sign has a letter after the number, it is marking access only and is not marking distance (for example, 59A at the access of Coligny Beach).

Hilton Head Island is a wonderland for bicyclists — even for those who haven’t been on a bike in years.

The island received the Gold Level Bicycle Friendly Community designation by the League of American Bicyclists, and with over 60 miles of dedicated leisure pathways and hard-packed sand beaches, spending time on two wheels is a breeze. Here are just a couple of the scenic routes you can take.
For salty breezes
Start at Coligny Beach Park, get on the beach, turn left and ride on the beach towards the north end of the island. A good spot to turn around is just before the “folly” at Burkes Beach (Beach Marker 9.8), about five miles up the beach. Enjoy the wind on your face and the sounds of the breaking waves — memories that will stay with you long after you’ve returned home.
For a glimpse of island history A pleasant afternoon ride begins at Shelter Cove Community Park. Enjoy lunch at one of the restaurants overlooking Broad Creek, then head north on the pathway for about two miles. Stop at the historic Zion Chapel of Ease and the Baynard Mausoleum, at the intersection of Mathews Drive (Mile Marker 6.0) and William Hilton Parkway. The eternal resting place of four Revolutionary War patriots, Baynard Mausoleum is the oldest structure on the island. Cross the William Hilton Parkway crosswalk at the traffic signal and then continue north on the William Hilton Parkway pathway. At Dillon Road, turn right, ride a couple of miles, then turn right on the Beach City Road pathway to the Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park on Port Royal Sound. Situated among the mossy live oaks and palmettos, learn the history of the first self-governing town of formerly enslaved people in America, dating back to the Civil War.
Bike Repair Stations are located at: Chaplin Community Park, Coligny Beach Park, Folly Field Beach Park
HILTON HEAD ISLAND Safety first, pictures later!
• Obey all traffic signals and pathway markings, including stop signs.
• Yield to pedestrians on pathways.
• When biking at night, wear light-colored clothing or carry a flashlight. Bicycles must have a red rear reflector and a headlight.
• Ride single file and keep a safe distance from other bicyclists.
• When biking on the beach, check the tides and be sure to bike during low tide. Avoid a “folly” — a point on the beach that may not be passable at high tide on foot or by bike.
• For more information on places to explore by bike, visit culturehhi.org/cultural-trail-map.

Challenge yourself: How long can you leave your car parked for your vacation?
Map out a bike route wherever possible — it’s good for our environment, and your health. Win-win!

94 Pope Ave. With a ship-themed playground, this is sure to be a kid-favorite. Explore walking trails, exercise stations and The Sandbox Interactive Children’s Museum — just a block from Coligny Beach access.

Savannah’s Finest Tours
Make the most of your Savannah exploration with a bespoke tour. Noble Jones Tours specializes in private and customized excursions that cater to your niche interests. Immersive, intimate walking tours are led by professional guides who are passionate about the city’s vibrant history and eager to share insights you won’t hear anywhere else. It’s a uniquely memorable way to experience Savannah’s heritage and charm. noblejonestours.com • 912.660.6468

Hilton Head Outfitters & Bike Rentals

The island’s largest bike rental fleet, Hilton Head Outfitters is conveniently located in Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort. Choose from beach cruisers, tandem bikes, pedal assist e-bikes, youth bikes, kid carts, three-wheeler bikes and bike equipment. Additional items for rent include kayaks, fishing equipment, surfboards, ocean paddleboards, chairs and umbrellas. Catch and release fishing only in lagoon. Delivery is available for stays three nights and longer. hiltonheadoutfitters.com 877.567.6506 F palmettodunes d palmettodunessc
LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental wants its customers to make the most of island time. Vacationers choose from a host of high-quality bike, beach and baby gear — from cribs and high chairs to towels and tandems — all clean, quality-tested and with free delivery and pick-up to most locations. hiltonheadbikerental.com • 843.384.9322
A Hilton Head Islander takes to the seas for a shrimping adventure.

As a Lowcountry local, I’ve enjoyed fresh shrimp from our waters in a myriad of ways — fried, boiled, steamed, with grits, with gravy; for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But I had never set foot on a shrimp boat until a sunny Saturday morning when I was welcomed aboard the Tammy Jane at the Harbour Town Marina in The Sea Pines Resort. A small, commercial shrimping vessel, the 45-foot boat was given a second life by Vagabond Cruises and charged with taking visitors out on shrimping expeditions into the waters of Calibogue Sound.
My friend Kathy, an Indiana native, had also never been on a shrimp boat. She was as happy as I was to be out on the water on this beautiful day, and our captain,
Spike Ivory, and crew, Ian Deery and Chase Wildfeuer, told us what to expect.
Captain Spike introduced us to the basics of shrimping and explained how important the industry has been to the Hilton Head Island area for over a century. Ian and Chase took us through the process of lowering the tickler chain, which encourages the shrimp on the bottom to enter the net, and the turtle excluder device (TED) which keeps the turtles from being caught up in the nets.
Nets lowered, we trawled slowly through the sound enjoying the sun, the blue sky and the breeze as a few dolphins were sighted swimming alongside the boat. Our companions on this adventure, folks from Ohio and New Jersey with some little
ones, laughed excitedly as Ian and Chase raised the nets and hauled our catch onto the deck.
Shrimpers call a successful catch a “money bag” and a catch that pulls in more sea creatures than shrimp a “dirty bag.” Our catch was somewhere in the middle, and after a quick close-up look of other Calibogue creatures, like a few lovely starfish, we swiftly returned them to their home in the water.
As we returned to the dock under the famous Harbour Town red-and-white-striped lighthouse, Kathy and I, a little windswept and happy that we had a great crew to do the heavy lifting, agreed we would bring our friends and families along next time on this quintessential Hilton Head Island adventure.
While close to the bustling energy of Hilton Head Island, St. Phillips Island seems worlds away. This 5,000-acre gem features an immense diversity of pristine wonders, from maritime forests and dunes to tidal creeks brimming with sea life. For a truly special experience, reserve the Turner House for overnight stays. southcarolinaparks.com F sc.state.parks d scstateparks

Ultimate Family Adventure
One of the area’s leading outfitters for more than 40 years, Outside Hilton Head connects visitors and locals to exceptional places, products and experiences. High quality tours, clinics and programs are offered daily from several convenient locations.
“Your Day, Your Way” is the motto for their signature program, The Ultimate Lowcountry Day. This customized excursion offers endless options for your family, including backwater boating, dolphin watching, kayaking, paddleboarding, tubing, fishing, dock jumping, beachcombing or exploring Page Island, Outside’s private island. There’s no better way to experience the Lowcountry’s nature, history and culture. outsidehiltonhead.com • 843.686.6996

COME SAIL AWAY Where to go for on-the-water fun
In The Sea Pines Resort, climb the 114 steps up Harbour Town Lighthouse, then relax in a rocking chair overlooking the yacht basin. Kids can run free on the playground before setting sail on a dolphinwatching or Pirates of Hilton Head cruise. Enjoy lunch and dinner at the new Quarterdeck with panoramic views of Calibogue Sound.
Take to the treetops! Climb through the leafy canopy at Adventure Hilton Head’s
high-ropes course or check out their new outdoor GoKart track. Enjoy a guided nature tour on easy-to-drive 2-person catamarans with Island Skiff Adventures. Then toast to your adventure at Up the Creek Pub & Grill.
• PALMETTO BAY MARINA Rise and shine with breakfast at Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe. Lunch is served too. Find everything from crab legs at Carolina Crab Co. to fresh flounder at Black Marlin Bayside Grill. Or join Pirates HHI in search of lost treasure. Go fishing with Drifter

Excursions or Reel Job Charter Fishing.
This breezy Mediterranean-style village hosts the summerlong family-friendly HarbourFest (don’t miss Tuesday’s fireworks show). Or, enjoy dinner at ELA’s On the Water, Bistro 17 or Top Dawg to grab a bite to eat and watch your favorite sports. Shop Southern Tide’s Signature Clothing Store too.
• SKULL CREEK AREA MARINAS Kayak or go jet skiing with Sea Monkey Watersports.
Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks is an island institution for fresh seafood (they’ll even prepare your own catch). Nearby, watch the sunset at Skull Creek Dockside or Skull Creek Boathouse.
Captain your own boat, kayak, go paddleboarding or rent waverunners from Island Water Sports for an exciting day on the water. Then, rent bicycles from Peddling Pelican Bike Rentals and take the kids for a ride on the Sea Pines Trail.

Mermaid Magic
Mermaid of Hilton Head brings the charm of these mystical creatures to life. Go out on an adventure with Pinky Plankton and find a real mermaid in the wild, then help save Mermaid Nina from Professor Al G on the Mermaid Encounter Boat Tour. You'll get to see dolphins and other wildlife on this educational and magical experience. You can also turn into a mermaid with the Mermaid Experience and Photoshoot to capture your mermaid memories forever. mermaidofhiltonhead.com 843.271.6441 F d mermaidofhiltonhead

Ready to go fishing? Drifter Excursions offers inshore, offshore and private fishing charters. Go deep sea fishing on the Drifter or take the kids out shark fishing in the calm waters of Calibogue Sound. Private and pay-per-person fishing trips are available. hiltonheadboattours.com 843.363.2900 F drifter-excursions

Sail and Play

Fun for everyone! Island Water Sports offers afternoon and sunset sails on a new custom-built multipassenger catamaran. Enjoy the sun on your skin, the sound of the water below and a drink in your hand as you relax, stretched out on the trampolines. If sailing isn’t for you, take an eco tour or dolphin tour, or be your own captain for the day when you rent a boat. Take a guided kayak or stand-up paddleboard tour to check out the Lowcountry wildlife. islandwatersportshhi.com 843.671.7007
F d islandwatersportshhi
Get On Board
Sea Monkeys Watersports wants to get you on the water. Offering half- and full-day boat rentals, kayaks, jet skis, paddleboards and dolphin tours, the familyowned outfitter has exciting and leisurely activities to explore the local waterways and wildlife. Their location on Skull Creek puts you in easy access of Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge. Get maximum fun with little to no idle time during a Sea Monkeys jet ski outing, and ride at full speed for longer in wake-free zones. seamonkeyshhi.com 843.842.4754
F d seamonkeyshhi

Big Fun for All Ages

The Sandbox Children’s Museum offers a carefully prepared and stimulating environment where children up to age 12 and their caregivers can play and learn together. Interactive exhibits and programming inspire creativity while fostering hands-on learning. Join the fun at their Hilton Head Island and Bluffton locations. thesandbox.org 843.842.7645 (HHI) 843.705.6235 (Bluffton) F thesandboxhhi
Celebrating more than 38 years of family fun, Legendary Golf is one of Hilton Head Island‘s most beautiful and challenging mini-golf courses. In fact, it was named No. 1 miniature golf course in South Carolina by stacker.com. Family-built and owned, the two country club-style courses (36 holes) are spread among four gloriously shaded acres. Come out for a round or two and see what makes it such a popular mini-golf course. Legendary Golf is located mid-island near the Fresh Market Shoppes on William Hilton Parkway. Plus, they honor all military, police, fire and first responders with free play. legendarygolfhhi.com 843.686.3399 F legendarygolfhhi d legendarygolf

History Comes Alive
Hop aboard an Old Savannah Tours award-winning trolley tour for a rich look at the city’s past. Costumed characters bring history to life with unique personal descriptions for an unforgettable time. oldsavannahtours.com 800.517.9007 F d oldsavannahtours

Sail into your Hilton Head Island adventure with H2O Sports. Soar hundreds of feet above the water and take in the amazing views from the parasail. Cruise through the Calibogue Sound on a speedy WaveRunner, boat rental or sunset sail. Experience the Lowcountry wildlife on dolphin, alligator or kayak tours. It's family fun available for all ages. h2osports.com 843.671.4386 F d h2osportshhi

Water Play
Family-owned outfitter Sea Monkeys Watersports offers activities and excursions that put you in touch with the Lowcountry’s aquatic paradise. Their ideal location on Skull Creek makes it easy to explore the waterways and see local wildlife. Choose from half- and full-day boat rentals, kayaks, jet skis, paddleboards and dolphin tours. For a fun family outing, try a Sea Monkeys guided nature tour by kayak, paddleboard or jet ski. seamonkeyshhi.com • 843.842.4754

F d seamonkeyshhi
Aim for Fun
Got an axe to grind? Locally owned Palmetto Axes has your target. Book online or drop in and try your hand at axe throwing with guidance from friendly “axe-perts.” Choose from a selection of local and domestic beers while you’re here. It’s a unique, memorable spot for a birthday celebration, bachelor or bachelorette party, or afternoon of family fun (age 12 and older). palmettoaxes.com • 843.816.7878 F palmettoaxes d palmetto_axes

Island golf courses share a rich legacy.
By Linda LanierGolf is, of course, a game of skill and numbers — scores and yards, rankings and ratings. On Hilton Head Island, the figures go beyond pencil marks on a scorecard. Here, statistics signify a sense of history, woven into the fabric of some of America’s most historic courses.
Like the 425-year-old oak tree — perhaps the oldest on the island — observing putts from the 15th green of the Arthur Hills course in Palmetto Dunes. Or the 92-foottall Hilton Head Rear Range Lighthouse, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Before it stood watch over Palmetto Dunes golfers, it guided ships into Port Royal Sound and served as the site for Camp McDougal, a World War II Marine training station for anti-aircraft units.
Two decades earlier during the Civil War, Port Royal housed about 30,000 Union troops and tradespeople. Today, the site is home to two courses that wind their way through lush palmettoes and oaks of the old Civil War garrison. On the ninth and 10th holes of the Robbers Row course, golfers play on the site of the village’s main street, where saloons, restaurants and stores served the town.
One of the island’s original courses, the Barony Course opened for play in 1969 — more than 200 years after the first golf balls and clubs arrived in South Carolina. In 1739, the equipment was shipped from
Leith in Scotland to Scottish merchants and planters in Charleston. These early golfers played with a “featherie ball” handcrafted of cowhide and stuffed with goose feathers, which would occasionally explode on impact.
“There are so many things that make this a special place,” says Davis Love III, a fivetime winner of the RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing. The elevated PGA TOUR event is played each April at Harbour Town in The Sea Pines Resort.
One of the crown jewels of Hilton Head Island golf, the Pete Dye and Jack Nicklausdesigned Harbour Town Golf Links has played host to most of the game’s greats, from the first winner, Arnold Palmer in 1969 to Jordan Spieth in 2022.
Harbour Town Golf Links is carved out of the sandy soil, through the palmettoes, pines and oaks, with the famous 18th running along the Calibogue Sound. The public links course offers a challenge to scratch — and the not-so-scratch — golfers.
Whether you’re a novice or a professional, the rich heritage of Hilton Head Island golf invites you to make your own history on these prestigious courses. With 23 courses on Hilton Head Island, rated among the “best of” American golf, there’s a great experience to match every skill level, and there’s an inviting clubhouse offering cold libations and good food at the end of your 18 holes.

Whether you’re playing golf with friends or family, Hilton Head Island has a golf course sure to suit your outing.

• The Sea Pines Resort: For groups intent on getting the full Hilton Head Island golf experience, play a round at the Harbour Town Golf Links at The Sea Pines Resort, home of the PGA TOUR’s elevated annual RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing. Don’t miss Harbour Town’s sister courses — Atlantic Dunes and the Pete Dye-designed Heron Point.
• Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort: Palmetto Dunes’ three courses are among the most popular collections on South Carolina’s golf-rich coast. The Robert Trent Jones course is annually ranked among the state’s top courses. The George Fazio course is a stern test, while the Arthur Hills course offers a true Lowcountry experience.
• Heritage Golf Collection: If you’re looking for choice and variety, this is your answer. With a total of 117 holes, you and your friends can choose between six courses across three clubs – Shipyard, Port Royal and Oyster Reef – not to mention relaxing dining options to start or end your game.
• Hilton Head National Golf Club: Just off the island in Bluffton, this is a longtime favorite among golfers, thanks to its player-friendly greens.

• Old South Golf Links: Located in Bluffton, this course graces the Intracoastal Waterway, offering striking views along with a fair, fun test.
• Other courses worth a visit include Bear Creek, Dolphin Head, the Country Club of Hilton Head and Golden Bear.

Toptracer Range, the same technology used on televised golf tournaments to track the shots of the game’s best players, is transforming the everyday driving range experience at the Robert Trent Jones course in Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort. Featuring 15 covered bays, Toptracer Range allows guests to compete against friends, play virtual courses and receive instant shot feedback on interactive game screens.
Looking for a way to celebrate a good round? Consider these local favorites.
• Brickyard Pub – At Shipyard Golf Club, don’t miss daily happy hour specials. Try the signature wings paired with a pint of Guinness. For heartier fare, consider fish and chips or a bowl of housemade chili.

• Fraser’s Tavern – At the Plantation Golf Clubhouse at The Sea Pines Resort, Fraser’s offers a selection of craft beers, a tavern-inspired menu and great golf views.
• LagerHead Tavern – A seasonal menu features Southern food with a twist at this Oyster Reef Golf Club, Hilton Head Plantation spot. Try the grilled oysters, plucked from the nearby May River and shucked fresh for every order.
• Big Jim’s BBQ, Burgers & Pizza – At the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course in Palmetto Dunes, sit at an outdoor table overlooking the course and enjoy watching the day’s can’t miss games.

Unforgettable Game
Home to 117 holes of award-winning, championship golf throughout eight courses and four distinctive and scenic clubs, The Heritage Golf Collection on Hilton Head Island offers something for avid golfers and beginners alike.

Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club is nestled along the coastline, with courses featuring newly resurfaced greens, multiple water hazards and Civil War battle history. Savvy locals have dubbed Oyster Reef Golf Club the “Dream 18” for its Rees Jones–designed course, and golfers of all skill levels enjoy the three nine-hole courses of Shipyard Golf Club. At the newly acquired Palmetto Hall, find considerable challenge and natural beauty on the Arthur Hills Course and Robert Cupp Course. Each club has its own pro shop with large selections of all the latest golf equipment, apparel and accessories needed to round out a first-rate golf experience.
hiltonheadgolf.net • 843.681.1750 F hiltonheadgolf
A Joy to Play
“This course was a joy to play” is the common refrain from golfers finishing their round at Hilton Head National Golf Club Located a mile west of the island bridges, this gem has been heralded for more than 30 years as the best consistently conditioned layout in the Lowcountry. Golf Advisor routinely lists it among the Top 15 courses in South Carolina.

Hall of Famer Gary Player and course architecture award winner Bobby Weed used their distinctive design philosophies in ways that make every club in your bag important. But, as golfers will tell you, it’s a course that’s challenging yet not punishing.
The course boasts immaculately groomed TifEagle Ultra greens that run fast and true. The opening holes by Weed offer several strategic risk-reward challenges. The Signature 6th, a par 4, has bordered its entire fairway by a treacherously close lagoon on the right with dangerous pot bunkers on the left. The back nine is tighter and rewards players with a good short game. Most memorable for many, however, is the abundance of wildlife, with no houses in sight. hiltonheadnational.com • 843.842.5900

Lowcountry Links
Old South Golf Links is the only public course bordering the salt marshes of the Intracoastal Waterway and offers six holes with spectacular water views — especially at high tide. This unique location provides a scenic, challenging and well-maintained golf course that has become highly regarded as a favorite of visitors and locals.

The long list of accolades is the best testament to what makes Old South Golf Links special. Chosen “Lowcountry Golf Course of the Year” by local golf course owners in 2021, Old South is one of only three courses in South Carolina to be GEO Certified. Old South has been named “Best in Bluffton” and voted the locals favorite place to play for the past 13 years by Hilton Head Monthly Reader’s Choice Awards.
Be sure to shop the fully stocked Pro Shop or book a lesson with one of their PGA Professionals. The on-site Southern Café offers light breakfast and every golfer’s lunch favorites. Enjoy dining inside, on the screened porch or outside in the Shark Lounge. All seating options overlook the beautiful landscaped lagoon and large practice green. A quick trip over the bridge to the first traffic light on the mainland rewards you with Lowcountry golf at its finest, the friendliest staff in town and exceptional value. A great day of golf is waiting! oldsouthgolf.com • 843.785.5353 F oldsouthgolf d oldsouthgolfhhi

This lively game — with an equally fun name — combines tennis, badminton and ping-pong. It’s a fast-paced game, with an underhand serve, played on a smaller court. Pickleball is the great uniter, says nationally ranked tennis and pickleball player Sarah Ansboury, director of Pickleball at Palmetto Dunes Tennis & Pickleball Center. “A lot of people are passionate about this sport and have a drive to improve and keep growing. You have people from all different backgrounds coming together.”

Pickleball was invented more than 50 years ago by three dads hoping to entertain their kids on summer vacation in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Its name is a reference to the non-starters — those leftover rowers who would race for fun in local “pickle boat” crew competitions. Before long, the sport caught on in all 50 states.
Pickleball uses paddles that are lightweight and easy to swing. The ball is also different from a tennis ball. It’s plastic, perforated and about the size of a softball. A pickleball moves about one-third the speed of a tennis ball.
Pickleball serves travel diagonally cross-court. Like tennis, the ball must bounce once after the serve before it can be returned. When you score a point, you continue to serve. Games go to 11 points and must be won by two points.
Learn to play the country’s fastest-growing sport.
Many families today are traveling with multiple generations, and pickleball puts grandparents and grandchildren on a level playing field.

Hilton Head Island is the ideal place to take your game to the next level.
Tennis is part of Hilton Head Island’s DNA; the island is even shaped like the profile of a tennis shoe. Today, the area is home to more than 300 courts, plus tennis academies and clinics for all ages and skill levels, taught by some of the best instructors in the game.
Local legend Stan Smith, a former world No. 1 player and Wimbledon champion, has a lot to do with the island’s reputation for the game. The star is proud to call Hilton Head Island home. “We are known for world-class tennis,” he says. Smith has been associated with the island since the 70s, when developer Charles Fraser hired him as the touring pro for The Sea Pines Resort.
That some only know him for his iconic white and green Adidas shoe — worn by celebs from Pharrell Williams to Gisele Bündchen — instead of his tennis career, is just fine with the legend. In fact, he even wrote a book about it, Some People Think I’m a Shoe
The sustainable Stan Smith shoe takes a step toward ending plastic waste with innovative materials like Primegreen and Primeblue, both created, in part, with recycled materials
For a list of local tennis courts or clinics, turn to p. 166 and visit HiltonHeadIsland.org/tennis

Local legend Stan Smith has two claims to fame: his iconic sneaker and his status as former world champion. Get the full story in this coffee-table book, available at the Sea Pines Racquet Club.

Tennis and Pickleball Center

The award-winning Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center offers 19 clay tennis courts and 24 pickleball courts, and invites players of all skill levels for recreational and competitive play. Shop at the island’s largest tennis pro shop, take part in daily round-robin tournaments and finesse your skills with an array of instructional programs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take a lesson or clinic with their director of tennis instruction, Eric Wammock, or their director of pickleball instruction/ touring pro, world-ranked Sarah Ansboury. Plan your tennis and pickleball getaway at palmettodunes.com 877.567.6506

Play Like a Legend
Besides world-class golf, Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club is an award-winning tennis destination. Ranked as one of the Top 50 Greatest U.S. Tennis Courts by Tennis Magazine, Port Royal Racquet Club is better than ever. The Racquet Club’s eight new Har-Tru clay courts are a joy for beginners and advanced players alike, thanks to the beautiful natural setting and an innovative hydro watering system that ensures seamless maintenance. Take your game to the next level with top-notch instruction and customized packages for individuals and groups. Two new pickleball courts are the draw for pickleball aficionados eager to finesse their skills. hiltonheadgolf.net • 843.681.1750 F portroyaltennis d portroyalracquetclub

Train to Win
Led by Stan Smith, former No. 1 player in the world and former USTA director of coaching, and B.J. Stearns, former top nationally and internationally ranked player, the Smith Stearns Tennis Academy is uniquely designed for individual junior player development.

Located within The Sea Pines Resort, the Academy’s coaches are trained in the Smith Stearns approach to help committed youth reach their full potential — both on and off the court.

Year-round programming includes full-time, holiday and summer camps taught in a family atmosphere that promotes intense training, camaraderie and fun. Private lessons and college placement programs are also offered, with the goal of giving Smith Stearns players the edge they need to take their game to the next level. The Academy is open Monday–Saturday and offers morning and afternoon sessions; contact info@smithstearns.com for more information. smithstearns.com • 843.363.4789

F d smithstearns
Schedule self-care at one of the island’s top spas.
By Laura LeePennsylvania resident Lisa Colver was staying in her second home on Hilton Head Island when she happened to walk past Pure Salt Studios. “I’m a homeopathic person and immediately loved the vibe,” says Colver. Intrigued, she and a friend booked an appointment for their first halotherapy treatment.
Inside the Himalayan pink salt room, ergonomic massage chairs and meditative music gave them an immediate sense of calm. Closing their eyes, they tuned out the world and breathed in the salt air. “I left feeling so much better and didn’t even realize how much I needed it.”

Colver was hooked. Over the years, she made an appointment each time she vacationed at Hilton Head. Then in January of 2022, she had the opportunity
to purchase Pure Salt Studios and happily saw it as an excuse to visit Hilton Head Island even more.
“Besides relaxation, there are so many health benefits,” says Colver. “Halotherapy is great for anything bronchio-related — it helps relieve sinus infections, allergies or asthma. It’s also wonderful for the skin.”
Colver loves introducing visitors to salt therapy and welcomes children and groups. “We really try to offer everyone an exclusive spa experience that’s a little new and different from what they’ve tried before.”
Hilton Head Island offers a range of state-of-the-art spas like Pure Salt Studios, from independent boutique experiences to full-service resort facilities to awaken your senses and pamper you from head to toe.
For a list of the area’s top spas, check out our directory on page 166.

By Cate DotyWhat does your dream wedding day look like? Maybe it’s an intimate beach ceremony for just the two of you. Or maybe you prefer a laid-back celebration surrounded by your closest family and friends. No matter what kind of wedding you’re planning, Hilton Head Island is a stunning destination for an unforgettable day.
The island is also a spectacular place to begin your new life together. With breathtaking natural beauty, world-class accommodations and amenities, award-winning dining and so much for couples to see and do, the island is a haven for honeymooners. Stay active together on foot or on bikes, relax on the beach or unwind in a spa. You can do it all during a Lowcountry honeymoon.

You can relax and unwind, or you can keep busy. There are tons of activities here to make it a vacation for guests.
“ ”
— KELLI CORN, WEDDINGS AND EVENTS PLANNERPhoto by Markie Walden Photography

Perfect Southern Charm
Whether it’s the elegant mansion-style clubhouse or a beautifully landscaped outdoor garden, Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club exudes the perfect Southern charm for your big day. The Club’s dedication to attentive service and warm hospitality makes any wedding unforgettable. Port Royal Golf & Racquet Club can host all events surrounding your wedding, from a bridal shower and golf outing to the rehearsal dinner, wedding ceremony and reception. hiltonheadgolf.net/weddings 843.681.1747 F hiltonheadweddings

Your Wedding Day
Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort makes any Hilton Head Island dream wedding come true. The Resort’s events experts specialize in creating memorable, effortless celebrations, from intimate beachfront affairs to extravagant events at an oceanfront venue. Planners can arrange golf outings, rehearsal dinners, ceremonies, receptions, even a honeymoon to enhance your celebration. Plan your special day at palmettodunesevents.com or call 877.567.6506.

Making Memories

Say “I Do”
Whether you’re planning a romantic rehearsal or a grand coastal wedding celebration, Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort has exactly the space to suit your needs. omnihiltonhead.com • 843.842.8000 F d omnihiltonhead

Celebrate in Style
Weddings at Hewitt Oaks are full of Southern charm and effortless grace, surrounded by stately live oaks and sweeping countryside views. With world-class cuisine and hospitality, all-inclusive packages allow you to relax and savor the beauty, meaning and joy of your wedding. hewittoaks.com 843.757.4600

Your Dream Beach Wedding

There is just something about the beach vibe. A cool ocean breeze. The warm sand. A chilled cocktail in hand. And the belief that beach weddings should be, well, on the beach. From indoor venues with panoramic views of the beach, to our outdoor spaces large, small and right on the ocean, Beach House Hilton Head Island offers a variety of wedding venues on Hilton Head Island to make your “married on the beach” vision a reality. Beach House’s expert wedding planners can help plan a one-of-a-kind experience for you, your family and your friends. beachhousehhi.com/hilton-head-weddings • 843.785.5129

Married in Style
Dataw Island is the perfect setting for your perfect beginning.
From the elegant ballroom to rustic settings, Dataw’s venues and services are as unique as each couple. The expert staff caters to your desires, collaborating with you to realize your wedding vision for parties hosting up to 250 guests.

For more information about venues, catering menus or to schedule a tour of Dataw Island Club, contact the catering director at 843.838.8428 or kaylin.clonch@dataw.com. dataw.com F d datawisland

A Special Day

On Hilton Head Island, find one-of-a-kind apparel, art and epicurean delights.
By Linda LanierAs one of the South’s premier shopping destinations, Hilton Head Island is the epitome of South Carolina’s refined style and culture. Peruse your favorite brands and discover local finds from a variety of high-end boutiques and unique specialty shops. With two dozen shopping villages across the island, you’re sure to find the Lowcountry’s famous flair, flavor and fashion for your home, your closet and your family.
Visit these area farmers markets for fresh, local flavors and handmade goods.
Farmers Market at Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn Tuesdays (seasonal), 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. 843.689.6767

The Farmer’s Market at Sea Pines Center Tuesdays (seasonal), 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. 843.686.3003
Hilton Head Community Market at Shelter Cove Community Park Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. facebook.com/ hhicommunitymarket
Farmers Market of Bluffton Thursdays, 12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. farmersmarketbluffton.org

Fabulous finds are in the bag at these unique homegrown businesses.

This Bluffton business brews up specialty bottles and growlers of mead, considered the world’s oldest alcoholic beverage. Come see what the buzz is all about.

forsythejewelers.biz Forsythe Jewelers has dazzled the island since 1927. The local landmark offers Sethi Couture, Roberto Coin, David Yurman and other top designers.
BINYA BOUTIQUE binyahhi.com Meaning “been here” in the Gullah language, Binya is the place to find authentic gifts from a sixth generation islander.

Sonya Joven Grant created a lifestyle brand to honor her Gullah ancestors. Shop her stylish clothing, tumblers, handbags and other accessories online.

BIRDIE JAMES thebirdiejames.com
This chic ladies boutique in Shelter Cove Towne Centre assures travelers leave the island in style.
BOARD AND BASKET boardandbaskethhi.com
From luxury picnics to grazing boards for all occasions, this talented chef-and-designer duo puts it all on the table.

MARKEL’S markels.myshoplocal.com
Drool-worthy tablescapes, home decor and holiday gifts steal the show at this Bluffton gift shop.
thespiritedhand.com Bluffton’s American arts and crafts gallery is the ultimate spot for a special keepsake, from handmade clocks and frames to pottery, jewelry and textiles.

Don’t forget

What’s a trip to the island without rum? Hilton Head’s first craft distillery offers an outstanding collection of spirits to lift the spirit.

to bring your reusable bags when shopping.
Something Special
The Spirited Hand offers a wide variety of truly creative American handcrafted gifts. Browse the shop and find the perfect gift for you or someone on your list. Located in Bluffton, this gift gallery carries an ever-changing assortment of artisan-made jewelry, glass, pottery, stationery, textiles, home décor and much more. The Spirited Hand offers complimentary gift wrapping, and shipping is also available. thespiritedhand.com 843.757.7300 F thespiritedhand

Located across from the entrance to Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort, Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina features the only Southern Tide Signature Store on Hilton Head Island as well as a variety of shops showcasing apparel, gifts, art, photography, a salt spa and much more. Take a photo with the King Neptune Statue — this larger-than-life bronze statue and working sundial is an iconic centerpiece. Plan your outing at sheltercovehiltonhead.com. 877.567.6506 F sheltercoveharbourmarina

Head Downtown
Long known as Hilton Head Island’s “downtown,” Coligny Plaza has been owned and operated by the Richardson family since 1955. Now home to more than 60 shops and restaurants, visitors and locals alike flock to this beachside spot for popular brands, delicious meals and monthly events. colignyplaza.com 843.842.6050
F d colignyplaza
Shopping With a Purpose
For a feel-good shopping experience, head to The Bargain Box. Hilton Head Island’s original thrift store has been offering not-so-hidden treasures since 1965. Visitors and locals alike value the ever-changing selection of donated goods and cheery volunteers. What’s more, 100 percent of the profits from donations to The Bargain Box goes back to Beaufort County charities. To date, the store has donated $16 million to local charities. thebargainboxofhiltonhead.org 843.342.2469 F thebargainboxofhiltonhead

All Fired Up
Take home cherished keepsakes from your Hilton Head Island vacation. The Art Cafe is the island’s only paint-your-own pottery studio. Choose from a variety of ceramics, from decorative and seasonal items to platters and mugs, to paint. The studio will then glaze and fire your masterpiece for you to pick up a few days later (they’ll also ship to your home for a small fee.) All you need to bring is your imagination, though reservations are recommended. The whole family will enjoy flexing some artistic muscles and seeing their finished works. Worked up an appetite? Dine on fresh seafood, steaks and burgers, and other fare downstairs at Rockfish Seafood & Steaks at Bomboras artcafehhi.com • 843.785.5525 F d artcafehhi

By Matt ShipmanIf your family vacation includes four-legged members and all, Hilton Head Island offers dog-friendly hotels, restaurants and services where puppy love is guaranteed.

• Beach Properties of Hilton Head
• Beachside Getaway
• Coastal Home and Villa
• Hilton Head Island Motorcoach
• Holiday Inn Express Hilton Head Island
• Home2 Suites by Hilton
• Island Getaway Rentals
• Island Time Hilton Head
• Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort
• Palmera Inn and Suites
• Red Roof Inn & Suites Hilton Head Island
• Sunset Rentals
• Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island
• The Sea Pines Resort
• The Vacation Company
• The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa

• Vacasa South Carolina
• Aunt Chilada’s
• Bistro 17
• Black Marlin Bayside Grill
• Carolina Crab Company
• Crazy Crab Jarvis Creek
• ELA’S On the Water
• Giuseppi’s Pizza & Pasta (HHI & Bluffton)
• Harbour Town Bakery & Café
• Harbourside Burgers & Brews
• Holy Tequila
• It’s Greek To Me
• Java Burrito Company
• Links, an American Grill
• One Hot Mama’s American Grille
• Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe
• Poseidon
• Quarterdeck
• Reilley’s Grill and Bar
BEACH BOUND During peak summer months, invite your bestie to join you for a morning walk or to share the sunset. If you’re looking for a daytime adventure, visit the dog park at Chaplin Community Park, or take advantage of the island’s miles of leisure pathways.
• Sea Shack
• Skillets Café & Grill
• Skull Creek Boathouse
• Street Meet The American Tavern
• The Carolina Room (The Westin)
• The Cottage (Bluffton)
• The Smokehouse
• Truffles Café – Belfair (Bluffton)
• Up the Creek Pub & Grill
• Wild Wing Café
• WiseGuys
Dogs allowed anytime on leash or under voice control.
• Dog People (mobile grooming)
• Fetch A Vet (mobile vet)
• Paws On Learning (training)
• Pet Wants (nutrition)
• Sam’s Club (pet products)
• Evergreen Pet Lodge (pet lodging, grooming, vet)
• Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming Palmetto (grooming/pet products/ services)
10 a.m.–5 p.m. on leash; 5 p.m.–10 a.m. on leash or under voice control.
*Through Thursday before Memorial Day and from Tuesday after Labor Day
Summer Months, Friday before Memorial Day–Labor Day 10 a.m.–5 p.m. dogs not allowed on beach; 5 p.m.–10 a.m. dogs allowed on leash or under voice control.

Bluffton beckons visitors with its Southern hospitality and charm. ENCHANTED

Arrive in the heart of Old Town Bluffton and you’ll see why so many magazines have named it the best town in the South. Boats glide through the calm May River waters headed out to sea. Sidewalk cafes and flowering baskets line downtown streets. Branches of live oaks drip with Spanish moss, and palmettos stand guard outside local shops.
Bluffton has been a popular destination since the early 1800s, when rice and cotton planters found respite from the heat on the breezy bluffs of the May River. Most of the town was burned down by the Union Army in 1863 during the Civil War, but two churches and 15 houses survived the fire (eight of which remain standing today).
Today, visitors find a mix of antebellum homes alongside trendy shops, upscale eateries and luxury accommodations. Winters are mild, spring pops with blooming azaleas, summers bustle with visitors, and fall brings the Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival. No matter what time of year, Bluffton will cast its spell and call you back again and again.
YOUR Bluffton
Just one square mile, Old Town Bluffton is perfect for spending a day on foot. At every turn, visitors are welcomed with warm hospitality.
• Rise and shine with a lavender and honey latte at Corner Perk, or order a fresh-baked scone at The Cottage.
• Embark on a walking tour of Bluffton’s antebellum homes and churches. The tour starts at the Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center.

• Sip champagne from your balcony at Old Town Bluffton Inn, a luxury boutique hotel overlooking the heart of downtown.
• Stroll along Calhoun Street and pop into local boutiques, like the Red Piano Art Gallery that showcases works of Lowcountry artists.
• Indulge in fine seasonal cuisine in an elegant setting at The Bluffton Room or their open-air bar and patio.
• Get out on the water for a 90-minute dolphin cruise with May River Excursions.

• Duck into Joe’s Ice Cream & Beverage Co. and cool off with a chocolate peanut butter Oreo shake.
• Grab a table for dinner with authentic Mediterranean cuisine at Olive & Fig Mediterranean Kitchen serving lunch and dinner.
• Enjoy a golf cart tour of Old Town with Hidden Treasures Tours in partnership with Historic Bluffton Foundation. Discover the local charms and unexpected treasures with native Blufftonians as your guides.

• Book a girlfriends’ getaway at the five-star Montage Palmetto Bluff, named the number one resort in the South by Condé Nast Traveler
• Shop local boutiques in Old Town like Gigi’s Boutique or The Haven Boutique in The Promenade. Then get a deal on your favorite brands at Tanger Outlets.
• Dine on fresh-catch seafood, decadent steaks and creative fare at The Pearl Kitchen & Bar.

• Catch a concert at The Roasting Room, where local legends, up-and-coming artists and indie bands take the stage.
• Head to the tasting room at Burnt Church Distillery for hand-crafted cocktails and an intriguing history.

Every Thursday afternoon, the Farmers Market of Bluffton at Martin Family Park welcomes locals and visitors alike. Shop for farm-fresh vegetables and fruits like South Carolina peaches, okra and tomatoes. Local food vendors are also on hand, serving up everything from fried seafood, brickoven pizza and Southern-style barbecue to delicate pastries and artisan chocolates. Spread out a picnic blanket and enjoy the live music and entertainment.

Built in 1841, the Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center is one of Bluffton’s few remaining structures that survived the Civil War. The five-room Carolina farmhouse gives a glimpse into what life might have been like nearly 200 years ago. Make an appointment for a guided walking tour of the historic district with a museum docent.
Highlights on the tour include the Huger-Gordon House, dating back to 1795, and the Garvin-Garvey House, a cottage built by a former slave during reconstruction in 1870. The Campbell Chapel AME Church and Church of the Cross, built in 1853 and 1857 respectively, are also well worth a visit.

“Everyone should come to Bluffton to experience our Lowcountry food, arts scene, beautiful scenery and our town’s unique history,” says Evan Blatter, spokesperson for the Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center.

Fine Art and Fine Eats
The eclectic cultural district of Bluffton is known as much for its vibrant arts scene as for its natural riverside beauty. Celebrate both in equal measure at the nineteenth annual Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival. This week-long event serves up locally harvested seafood and decadent Lowcountry cuisine alongside rich history, culture and art. Don’t miss the Streetfest, a juried fine art show featuring more than 100 artists from 10 states, plus good food, music and Southern hospitality. Join the festivities from October 14–22, 2023. blufftonartsandseafoodfestival.org


Daufuskie Island transports travelers to a simpler time.

Daufuskie Island is just a few miles from Hilton Head Island, but nestled between river marshes and the Calibogue Sound, it feels a world away. You can only access the island by boat; step off the ferry or water taxi, and you’ll find yourself in another place, in another time. Here, there’s plenty to see and do — and it’s all within walking distance. Explore historic churches, a haunted lighthouse and whimsical art galleries, Lowcountry restaurants and a rum distillery. Cars are restricted, so lace up your walking shoes, rent a golf cart or bike and set out on a day of discovery.
YOUR Daufuskie
Today, 400 locals live on the island. Adventurous visitors can make the journey over for a day trip or an overnight getaway to immerse themselves in the island’s rich history, artsy vibe, pristine beaches and small community feel.
• Stroll through the vineyards and enjoy a tasting at Silver Dew Winery, South Carolina’s first winery, founded in 1883.

• Book a vacation package with Haig Point to spend the night in the beautiful Strachan Mansion or Haig Point Lighthouse, built in 1872 and said to be haunted.
• Savor the shrimp and grits at Old Daufuskie Crab Co., some of the best in Lowcountry.

• Shop
• Sample a variety of rums and spirits at Daufuskie Island Distillery.

• Score a limited guest pass at Rees Jones’ Top 100 Signature Calibogue Course at Haig Point, an exclusive island golf community.
• Dine on delicious seafood, sip a signature cocktail and dance to live music on weekends at Freeport Marina’s Old Daufuskie Crab Company.
• Book a charming oceanfront cottage, complete with your own golf cart, through Daufuskie Island Rental.
• Get a real-life history lesson at The Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation Museum Complex, complete with an old Gullah Bible and Native American artifacts.

• Grab a mid-morning treat at School Grounds Coffee inside the one-room schoolhouse featured in Pat Conroy’s memoir The Water Is Wide.
• Rent a golf cart through H2O Sports or Tour Daufuskie and explore the island’s sandy streets, unspoiled beaches and maritime forests.
• Visit Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum at the southern tip of the island and see how indigo, Sea Island Cotton and Carolina Gold rice are planted.
Ferry Service — The 45-minute ferry makes several trips every day of the year, rain or shine. Depart from Buckingham Landing on the mainland and arrive at Melrose Landing. Pets and bikes are allowed; additional fees may apply. daufuskieislandferry.com
Daufuskie Difference
— Take a one-hour ride on the island’s original ferry. Depart from Broad Creek Marina and arrive at Freeport Marina. Pets and bikes are allowed; additional fees may apply. daufuskiedifference.com
H2O Sports — This 20-minute water taxi is the quickest service to the island, departing from Harbour Town Marina to their private dock or to Freeport Marina. h2osports.com
May River Excursions
— Take a 25-minute public water taxi from the Bluffton Calhoun Street Dock to the Beaufort County Public Dock. Daytime service only. Pets and bikes are allowed; additional fees may apply. mayriverexcursions.com

Outside Hilton Head —
Take a four-hour guided history tour to the island, by reservation only. Departs from Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina. outsidehiltonhead.com

Reasons to make island life your everyday reality
Chef Philippe Feret first laid eyes on Hilton Head Island in January. He was visiting from New York City, where he owned two restaurants and a catering company. “It was snowing like crazy in the city, but here, it was 65 degrees,” he remembers. “I wanted to be in the south where I could be in the sun.”
Later that year, Feret opened Hilton Head Social Bakery, a bakery that's since expanded to include two locations. It's a lifestyle he fully endorses. “We have a beautiful home, just three minutes away
from our business. There's never the stress of finding a meter or parking our car in the morning. We love it here.”
Feret joins a community of entrepreneurs who call the island home — and they're not the only ones. Read on for great reasons to make island life your everyday reality.
THE ISLAND LOOKS — AND FEELS — LIKE PARADISE. Deep in the South Carolina Lowcountry, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the rivers and sounds of the Intracoastal Waterway, Hilton Head Island is 45 miles

from Savannah — and a world away from Old Man Winter. Leave your coats behind; the average yearly daytime temperature is 70 degrees. Just about 20 minutes from I-95, we’re served by the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) and the Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH).
For pre-K through high school, island residents can choose from five public schools and four private schools. At the college level, students attend
the University of South Carolina Beaufort Hilton Head Island and Bluffton campuses and Technical College of the Lowcountry. Learning doesn’t stop at the university level. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and the World Affairs Council of Hilton Head keep islanders up to date on everything from current events to cooking.
STATE-OF-THE-ART HEALTH CARE IS WITHIN REACH. Rest assured that the Hilton Head Hospital and physicians, dentists and health care
providers of all specialties are on call to attend to all health needs.
If you want to get involved with a church or nonprofit that makes a difference in your community, you have ample choices. Houses of worship of many religious beliefs are a vital part of life on the island, and philanthropic and civic groups are engaged in community events throughout the year.
RETIREMENT IS READY MADE. When the time comes, you’re in good
company. Since 1960, fortunate islanders have retired to this sunny spot on the ocean for time to reconnect, relax and slow down time.

Hilton Head Island offers a rich assortment of golf-oriented gated communities, many of which feature private clubs. Long Cove Club, Wexford, Port Royal and Sea Pines Country Club are on the island, while Colleton River, Berkeley Hall and Belfair are among the top golf gated communities in the Bluffton area.
Here, it’s like you live on vacation. There’s such a great energy on the island. That’s the fun part, to be a part of this community.
“ ”
Beautiful Beaufort Living
Discover one of Beaufort County’s hidden gems, Dataw Island. This gated lifestyle community is located just outside of Historic Beaufort and is only 15 minutes to the region’s most pristine beach, Hunting Island State Park.

Dataw Island residents embrace an active Lowcountry lifestyle. This way of life is enhanced by two 18-hole golf courses by Tom Fazio and Arthur Hills, Har-Tru tennis courts (designated by the USTA as an “Outstanding Tennis Facility”), championship croquet lawns, brandnew pickleball courts and indoor and outdoor pools, as well as kayak launches, bocce courts, art studio, a free library and a full-service marina.
The island’s natural beauty is immaculately conserved in this master-planned community, where residents enjoy breathtaking views from around every corner. Home options range from one-story living to deepwater access and a private dock. Open daily; stop by to see Dataw Island for yourself. dataw.com • 843.838.3838

A Fresh Start Cleaning Co. 843.842.9262
AvantStay, Inc. avantstay.com
Beach House Boutique Vacation Rentals and Realty hiltonheadluxerentals.com
Beach Properties of Hilton Head beach-property.com
BeachBum Property Management beachbum-rentals.com
Beachside Getaway beachsidegetaway.com
Beachside Hilton Head Island beachsidehhi.com
Beverly Serral Properties beverlyserral.com
Coastal Home and Villa coastalhomeandvilla.com
Coastal Vacation Rentals coastalvacationshhi.com
Daufuskie Rental Group vacationdaufuskiesc.com
Destination Vacation destinationvacationhhi.com
Five Star Properties experiencehiltonheadsc.com
HarbourSide III Property Owners Association harboursideIII.com
Hilton Head 360.com hiltonhead360.com
Hilton Head Accommodations hiltonheadusa.com
Hilton Head Guest Services hiltonheadguestservices.com
Hilton Head Island Beach & Tennis Resort hhibeachandtennis.com
Hilton Head Properties Realty & Rentals
hiltonheadproperties randr.com
Hilton Head Resort Four Seasons Centre hiltonheadresortvillas.com
Island Getaway Rentals islandgetaway.com
Island Rentals of Hilton Head islandrentalshhi.com
Island Time Hilton Head islandtimehhi.com
Marriott Vacation Club marriottvacationclub.com
Marriott’s Grande Ocean marriott.com/hotels/travel/ hhhvi-marriotts-grande-ocean
Montage Palmetto Bluff montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff
Ocean Oak Resort by Hilton Grand Vacations oceanoakresorthgv.hilton.com
Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com
Sea Turtle Getaways, Inc seaturtlegetaways.com Seashore Vacations, Inc. seashorevacations.com
Sunset Rentals, Inc. sunsetrentals.com
The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com
Vacasa South Carolina vacasa.com/usa/SouthCarolina/Hilton-Head-Island Vacation Company vacationcompany.com
Vacation Homes of Hilton Head vacationhomesofhilton head.com
Vacation Time of Hilton Head vthhi.com Vtrips vtrips.com
Beach House, Hilton Head Island beachhousehhi.com 866.593.6569
Courtyard by Marriott Hilton Head Island courtyardhiltonheadisland.com 843.802.2180
Extended Stay America Bluffton-Hilton Head extendedstayamerica.com 843.936.8838
Hampton Inn Hilton Head Island hamptoninnhhi.com 843.681.7900
Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Head hiltonhead.hgi.com 843.837.8111
Hilton Head Island Beach & Tennis Resort hhibeachandtennis.com 843.842.4402
Holiday Inn Express Hilton Head Island hiexhiltonheadisland.com 843.842.6662
Home2 Suites by Hilton, Hilton Head home2suites3.hilton.com 843.802.2700
Marriott Hilton Head Resort & Spa marriott.com/hhhgr 843.686.8400
Montage Palmetto Bluff montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff 843.706.6500
Ocean Oak Resort by Hilton Grand Vacations oceanoakresorthgv.hilton.com 843.342.8400
Old Town Bluffton Inn blufftoninnsc.com 843.707.4045
Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head 843.842.8000
Palmera Inn and Suites palmerainnandsuites.com 843.686.5700
Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com 877.567.6507
Red Roof Inn & Suites Hilton Head Island redroof.com/property/sc/ hilton-head-island/RRI148
Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island sonesta.com/hiltonheadisland 843.842.2400
The Inn & Club at Harbour Town seapines.com 843.363.8100
The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com 843.785.3333
The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa westinHHI.com 843.681.4000
Best Western Ocean Breeze Inn bestwestern.com/ oceanbreezeinn 843.715.4116
Candlewood Suites BlufftonHilton Head candlewoodsuites.com/ blufftonsc 843.705.9600
Comfort Suites BlufftonHilton Head Island choicehotels.com/sc253 843.277.9165
Daufuskie Island Accommodations
daufuskieislandrentals.com 843.785.8021
Grand Hilton Head Inn choicehotels.com/sc547 843.842.3100
Hampton Inn & Suites Bluffton hilton.com/en/hotels/bfnschx 843.705.9000
Hilton Head Harbor RV Resort and Marina hiltonheadharbor.com 843.681.3256
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/ hotels 843.757.2002
Hotel Carolina A Days Inn by Wyndham Hilton Head wyndhamhotels.com/days-inn 843.842.4800
Okatie Hilton Head Hotel okatiehiltonheadhotel.com 843.705.2300
Simple Rewards Inn srihiltonheadisland.com 843.681.3655
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Hilton Head marriott.com/hotels/travel/ hhhhs 843.802.8200
Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort hhimotorcoachresort.com 843.785.7699
Hilton Head National RV Resort hiltonheadrv.com 843.707.4800
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com
Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com
Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com
K-1 Speed Bluffton k1speedbluffton.com
The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org The Zone thezonebluffton.com
ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) savannahairport.com
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com
Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) hiltonheadairport.com MAVCO flymavco.com
Signature Flight Support Hilton Head Island signatureflight.com
Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Camellia Art camelliaart.com FASTFRAME #326 fastframe.com Flip n’ Flop Adventures flipnflopadventures.com Full Spectrum Studio fullspectrumstudio.org Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsby michaelsmalls.com
Jacob Preston Pottery jacobprestonpottery.com Marsh & Light marshandlight.com
Red Piano Art Gallery redpianoartgallery.com Sandtastic Memories 551.427.1833
Silver Dew Pottery 843.842.6419
Smith Galleries, Inc. smithgalleries.com Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com Vivid Gallery vivid-gallery-hhi.com
Art Cafe artcafehhi.com
Art League of Hilton Head Academy artleaguehhi.org/academy
Flip n’ Flop Adventures flipnflopadventures.com Sandtastic Memories 551.427.1833
Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com
Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com
Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Bluffton MLK Observance Committee blufftonmlk.org
Bluffton Public Library beaufortcountylibrary.org Bluffton Youth Theatre blufftonyouththeatre.org
Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org
Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisan villageandfarm.com
Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation daufuskiemuseum.org
Gullah Heritage Trail Tours gullaheritage.com
Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org Heritage Library Foundation Inc. heritagelib.org
Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org
Hilton Head Choral Society hiltonheadchoralsociety.org
Hilton Head Dance School/ Theatre hiltonheaddance.com
Hilton Head History Tours hiltonheadhistorytours.com
Hilton Head Public Library beaufortcountylibrary.org/ hilton-head-branch
Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra hhso.org
Historic Bluffton Arts & Seafood Festival blufftonartsandseafood festival.org
Italian American Club Hilton Head iachh.org
Lean Ensemble Theater leanensemble.org
Main Stage Community Theatre mainstagecommunity theatre.org
May River Theatre Co., Inc. mayrivertheatre.com
Mitchelville Preservation Project exploremitchelville.org
Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage morrisheritagecenter.org
National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org
Native Island Business & Community Affairs Association gullahcelebration.com
Office of Cultural Affairs Hilton Head Island cultureHHI.org
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org
Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com
Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Society of Bluffton Artists sobagallery.com
Telfair Museums telfair.org
Avis/Budget Car Rental of Hilton Head budget.com/en/locations/ us/sc/hilton-head/hhh Carolina Rides carolinarides.com
Palmetto Car Service palmettocarservice.com
Audi Hilton Head audihiltonhead.com
AutoNation Hyundai Hilton Head autonationhyundai hiltonhead.com
AutoNation Subaru Hilton Head autonationsubaru hiltonhead.com
AutoNation Volkswagen Hilton Head autonationvolkswagen hiltonhead.com
Copper Frog Car Wash 270.799.5661
Genesis of Hilton Head genesisofhiltonhead.com Hilton Head BMW hiltonheadbmw.com Hilton Head Lexus hiltonheadlexus.com Infiniti of Hilton Head infinitiofhiltonhead.com
Jaguar Land Rover Hilton Head landroverhiltonhead.com OC Welch Ford Lincoln, Inc. goseeocford.com
Porsche Hilton Head porschehiltonhead.com
Vaden Nissan of Hilton Head vadennissanofhiltonhead.com
Volvo Cars Hilton Head c/o Volvo Cars Savannah carvolvo.com ZIPS Car Wash zipscarwash.com
Alljoy Donut Co facebook.com/alljoydonutco Declan’s Delights Co. declansdelights.com Duck Donuts duckdonuts.com
Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255
Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185
Hilton Head Social Bakery South, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com
Hilton Head Social Bakery, LLC (Shelter Cove) hiltonheadsocialbakery.com
Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070
Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022
Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540
Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049
Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430
Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977
Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632
The Cottage thecottagebluffton.com
The Fresh Market thefreshmarket.com The G-Free Spot, Inc. thegfreespot.com Whole Foods Market at Shelter Cove Plaza wholefoods.com
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Burke’s Pharmacy (Beach Wheelchairs) burkespharmacy.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Cruisers hhibikes.com
LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Shore Beach Services, Inc. shorebeach.com Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com
Arum Spa sonesta.com/ hiltonheadisland Bluffton Bronze blufftonbronze.com Continuum Advanced Aesthetics continuumadvanced aesthetics.com
FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com
Hair Designs by Linda 843.684.0313
Heavenly Spa by Westin westinhiltonheadspa.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com
LUX~A Medical Spa luxhhi.com
LUX~A Medical Spa Hilton Head Island luxhhi.com
Ocean Tides Spa omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head/spa Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com
Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/ hilton-head-sc Rhonda Smith at Neora International dreamwithrhonda.neora.com Spa Montage montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/spa
Spa Soleil marriott.com/hhhgr
The Indigo Spa indigospa.com
Whisper Creek Spa whispercreekspa.com
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike
Hilton Head Bicycle Company hiltonheadbicycle.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
Island Cruisers hhibikes.com
LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com
Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Pedals Bicycles pedalsbicycles.com Peddling Pelican Bike Rentals, Inc. pelicancruiser.com Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com Wheelz of Hilton Head rentwheelz.com
Advanced Sail, Inc. Catamarans hiltonheadislandsailing.com Anchors Away Sailing Charters sailinghiltonheadisland.com Boatsetter boatsetter.com
Broad Creek Marina Adventures broadcreekmarinahh.com
Capt. Hook Party Fishing Boat captainhookhiltonhead.com Cheers Charters cheerscharters.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com
Dolphin & Nature Cruise hiltonheadtours.com
Dolphin Seafari HHI dolphinseafarihhi.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike
Freedom Boat Club HHI freedomboatclub.com
Fusion Fit/Stand and Paddle fusionfitgym.com
H2O Sports h2osports.com
Harbour Town Yacht Basin seapines.com/marina Hilton Head Boat Charters, LLC hhiboatcharters.com
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
Hilton Head Speed Boat Tours
hiltonheadspeedboat tours.com
Hilton Head Yacht Charter hiltonheadyachtcharter.com
Island Explorer/Dolphin Nature Tours dolphintourshiltonhead.com
Island Head Parasailing islandheadhhi.com/hiltonhead-harbor/parasailing
Island Skiff Adventure Tours islandskifftours.com
Island Time Charters islandtimechartershhi.com
Island Water Sports islandwatersportshhi.com
Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours kayakhiltonhead.com
May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com
Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com
Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com
Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com
Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com
SEAnic Paddle Co. seanicpaddle.com
Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com
Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com
The Sea Pines Resort Recreation Department seapines.com/recreation Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com
Bee-Town Mead & Cider, LLC beetownmeadandcider.com
Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com
Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com lot 9 brewing co. lot9brew.com
River Dog Brewing Co. riverdogbrewing.com
Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com
Alfred’s Chef on the Run alfredshhi.com/chef-on-the-run Avocado Bleu avocado-bleu.com
Bess’ Delicatessen & Catering bessdeliandcatering.com
Big Jim‘s BBQ, Burgers, Pizza & Catering palmettodunes.com/dining
Black Marlin Bayside Grill blackmarlinhhi.com
Bluffton Family Seafood House blufftonoyster.com Bluffton Oyster Company blufftonoyster.com Board and Basket HHI boardandbaskethhi.com
Catering for Wedding & Special Events - Sea Pines Style seapines.com
Chef Lynn Michelle, The East Coast Chef cheflynnmichelle.com
Coastal Picnic & Rentals coastalpicnicrentals.com
Country Club of Hilton Head invitedclubs.com/clubs/ country-club-of-hilton-head
CRAB: Coastal Restaurants and Bars hiltonheadcrab.com
Dunes Catering & Events palmettodunes.com/cateringand-events
Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com
Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com
Gordon’s Hop Stop gordonshopstop.com
Honey Baked Ham Co. and Cafe honeybakedham.com
Jim N Nick’s Community Bar-B-Q jimnnicks.com
Kona Ice of Hilton Head kona-ice.com/local-site/konaice-of-hilton-head LowCountry Picnic lowcountrypicnic.com Lowcountry Taps HHI lowcountrytapshhi.com
Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head
One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Bluffton onehotmamas.com
One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Hilton Head onehotmamas.com
Palmetto Pops LLC palmettopopshhi.com
Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com
Publix Catering at Festival Centre 843.689.9977
Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Bluffton redstripescaribbean.com
Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Hilton Head Island redstripescaribbean.com
Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com
SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com
Shaken and Stirred Mixology shakenandstirred mixology.com
Signature Catering & Events by SERG signaturecateringhhi.com
Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com
Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com
Southern Graces at Hewitt Oaks southerngraces.com
Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering
The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com
The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com
USCB Catering uscbdining.campusdish.com/ catering WiseGuys Modern American Restaurant wiseguyshhi.com
Hilton Head Nannies hiltonheadnannies.com
Programs for Exceptional People (PEP) pephhi.org Purple Nanny purplenanny.com
SYNERGY HomeCare of the Lowcountry synergylowcountry.com
Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com
Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Art Cafe artcafehhi.com
Art League of Hilton Head Academy artleaguehhi.org/academy Art League of Hilton Head Gallery artleaguehhi.org
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Beach Play Company beachplaycompany.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Cinemark Bluffton 12 cinemark.com/south-carolina/ cinemark-bluffton Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org Coligny Plaza colignyplaza.com Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisanvillageand farm.com Daufuskie Island Trail Rides daufuskietrailrides.com
Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Harbourfest at Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercoveharbourfest.com
Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org
Hilton Head Island Concours d’Elegance & Motoring Festival hhiconcours.com
Hilton Head Island Recreation Association islandreccenter.org
Hilton Head Island Seafood Festival hiltonheadseafoodfestival.com
Hilton Head Island Wine & Food Festival hiltonheadwineandfood.com
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Explorer/Dolphin Nature Tours dolphintourshiltonhead.com K-1 Speed Bluffton k1speedbluffton.com Lean Ensemble Theater leanensemble.org Legendary Golf legendarygolfhhi.com Magic of Gary Maurer maurermagic.com
Main Stage Community Theatre mainstagecommunity theatre.org
Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org
Office of Cultural Affairs Hilton Head Island culturehhi.org Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Palmetto Axes palmettoaxes.com Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf, Inc. piratesislandgolf.com Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org
Sea Turtle Patrol
Hilton Head Island seaturtlepatrolhhi.org Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com
The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org
The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com The Zone thezonebluffton.com
Town of Bluffton Public Parks townofbluffton.sc.gov/210/ parks
Town of Hilton Head Island Public Parks hiltonheadislandsc.gov/parks/ home.cfm
xgolfhiltonhead.com ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Central Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church cogbchurch.com
Church of the Palms - United Methodist palmsumc.net Congregation Beth Yam bethyam.org
First Baptist Church of Hilton Head fbchhi.org
First Presbyterian Church fpchhi.org
Grace Community Church gracehhi.org
Hilton Head Island Community Church hiltonheadislandcc.org
LowCountry Community Church lowcountrycc.org
Providence Presbyterian Church providencehhi.org
Queen Chapel AME Church queenchapelame.com
Culinary Institute of the South at Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.edu/culinary-institute Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.edu
Technical College of the Lowcountry-New River Campus tcl.edu
University of South Carolina Beaufort Hilton Head Gateway Campus uscb.edu
University of South Carolina Beaufort-Historic Beaufort Campus uscb.edu
USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus uscb.edu
A Lowcountry Backyard Restaurant alowcountrybackyard.com Alexander’s Restaurant & Wine Bar alexandersrestaurant.com
Alfred’s Restaurant alfredshhi.com
Aunt Chilada’s auntchiladashhi.com Avocado Bleu avocado-bleu.com Bad Biscuit bad-biscuit.com
Bayley’s Bar and Terrace sonesta.com/hiltonhead Bess’ Delicatessen & Catering bessdeliandcatering.com
Big Bamboo bigbamboocafe.com
Big Jim’s BBQ, Burgers, Pizza & Catering
palmettodunes.com/dining Bistro 17 bistro17sheltercove.com
Black Marlin Bayside Grill blackmarlinhhi.com
Blue marriott.com/hhhgr Blue Laguna Grill orderbluelagunamexican grillandcantina.com
Bluffton Family Seafood House blufftonoyster.com Bowdie’s Chophouse bowdieschophouse.com
Brickyard Pub hiltonheadgolf.net/dining
British Open Pub - Bluffton britishopenpubhhi.com
British Open Pub - Hilton Head Island britishopenpubhhi.com
Canteen montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining
Carolina Coffee & Crumbs carolinacoffeehhi.com
Carolina Crab Company carolinacrabco.com Catch 22 catch22hhi.com
Charbar Co. Burgers & Sushi charbarhhi.com
Charlie’s L’etoile Verte, Inc. charliesgreenstar.com
Chez Georges Bistro & Bar chezgeorgeshhi.com
Chow Daddy’s - Bluffton chowdaddys.com
Chow Daddy’s - Hilton Head chowdaddys.com
Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com
Coast, Oceanfront Dining seapines.com/dining
Comedy Magic Cabaret comedymagiccabaret.com
Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse cowboybraziliansteak house.com
CRAB: Coastal Restaurants and Bars hiltonheadcrab.com Craft Kitchen craftkitchen.online
Crane’s Tavern & Steakhouse Restaurant cranestavern.com Crazy Crab Harbour Town thecrazycrab.com
Crazy Crab Jarvis Creek thecrazycrab.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Driftwood Eatery driftwoodeatery.com ELA’S On the Water elasgrille.com
Express Restaurant Delivery hiltonheaddelivers.com
FARM farmbluffton.com Fiesta Fresh Mexican GrillNorth fiestafreshnorthend.com
FISH Seafood & Raw Bar gofishhhi.com Fishcamp on Broad Creek fishcamphhi.com Fore & Aft montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining
Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com
Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge - Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com
Fraser’s Tavern fraserstavern.com
Giuseppi’s Pizza & PastaBluffton giuseppispizza.com Giuseppi’s Pizza & PastaHilton Head giuseppispizza.com Gusto Ristorante gustohiltonhead.com Harbour Town Bakery & Café seapines.com/dining Harbourside seapines.com/dining Healthy Habit healthyhabithhi.com HH Prime omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head High Tide Rooftop Bar marriott.com/en-us/hotels/ hhhcy-courtyard-hilton-headisland
Hilton Head Diner hiltonheaddiner.com Hilton Head Ice Cream, Inc. hiltonheadicecreamshop.com
Hilton Head Social Bakery South, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Hilton Head Social Bakery, LLC hiltonheadsocialbakery.com Holy Tequila holytequila.com Honey Baked Ham Co. and Cafe honeybakedham.com Hudson’s Seafood House
On The Docks hudsonsonthedocks.com Hush montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining It’s Greek to Me itsgreektomehhi.com Jane Bistro & Bar janehhi.com Java Burrito Company javaburrito.com Jim ’N Nick’s Bar-B-Q jimnnicks.com Joe’s Ice Cream & Beverage Co. joesicecreambeverage.com Kilwins at Shelter Cove Towne Centre kilwins.com/hiltonheadsheltercove
Kind of Blue kindofbluehhisc.com Links, an American Grill linksamericangrill.com lot 9 brewing co. lot9brew.com Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Lucky Rooster Kitchen & Bar luckyroosterhhi.com Lulu Kitchen lulukitchen-hhi.com Main Street Island Pub hiltonheadcafe.com Marley’s Shrimp & Burger Shack hiltonheadshack.com Melt montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Michael Anthony’s michael-anthonys.com Munchies Gr8 Bites gr8biteshhi.business.site Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/hiltonhead
Nectar Farm Kitchen - Bluffton nectarfarmkitchen.com Nectar Farm Kitchen - Hilton Head nectarfarmkitchen.com Nick’s Steak & Seafood nickssteakandseafood.com
Nunzio Restaurant
Bar nunziohhi.com Ocean Lounge seapines.com/dining Octagon montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Odd Birds Cafe and Market, LLC oddbirdshhi.com
Old Daufuskie Crab Company daufuskiedifference.com Old Oyster Factory oldoysterfactory.com Olive & Fig Mediterranean Kitchen
OMBRA Cucina Italiana ombrahhi.com
One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Bluffton onehotmamas.com
One Hot Mama’s American Grille - Hilton Head onehotmamas.com
Palmetto Bay Sunrise Cafe palmettobaysunrisecafe.com
Palmetto Dunes General Store
palmettodunesgeneral store.com
Palmetto Market omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head Philly’s Cafe & Deli orderphillyscafe.com Pizza Co. yourpizzaco.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com Quarterdeck Restaurant & Lounge seapines.com/dining Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com
Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Bluffton redstripescaribbean.com
Red Stripes Caribbean Cuisine & Lounge Hilton Head Island redstripescaribbean.com
Reilley’s Grill and Bar reilleyshiltonhead.com
River Dog Brewing Co. riverdogbrewing.com
River House montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/dining Robber’s Row Grille hiltonheadgolf.net/dining Rockfish Seafood & Steaks @ Bomboras rockfishhhi.com
Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com
Santa Fe Cafe santafehhi.com
Sea Grass Grille seagrassgrille.com
Sea Shack sites.google.com/view/ theseashack
Seacrest Restaurant and Terrace sonesta.com/hiltonhead
SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com
Skillets Cafe & Grill skilletscafe.com
Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com Slapfish slapfishrestaurant.com
Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com Stacks Pancakes stackshh.com
Starbucks Coffee CompanyIsland Crossing starbucks.com
Starbucks Coffee CompanySea Turtle Marketplace starbucks.com
Starbucks Coffee CompanyShelter Cove Towne Centre starbucks.com
Stellini Italian Restaurant stellinihhi.com
Street Meet The American Tavern streetmeethhi.com
Subway Northridge Plaza subway.com
Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering Sunset Slush Hilton Head sunsetslush.com
Surfside Market seapines.com/dining
The Bluffton Room theblufftonroom.com
The Cafe marriott.com/hhhgr
The Carolina Room westinhiltonheadisland.com
The Corner Perk Cafe cornerperk.com
The Cottage thecottagebluffton.com
The Ice Cream Cone colignyicecreamcone.com
The Jazz Corner thejazzcorner.com
The Juice Hive & Health Emporium thejuicehive.com
The Pearl Kitchen & Bar thepearlbluffton.com
The Porch Southern Kitchen & Bar beachhousehhi.com/ restaurants-hilton-head
The Roasting Room roastingroomlounge.com
The Sandbar Beach Eats sandbarhhi.com
The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com
The Studio studiodining.com
Tiki Hut tikihuthhi.com
Tio’s Latin American Kitchen - Bluffton tioshhi.com
Tio’s Latin American Kitchen - Hilton Head tioshhi.com
Top Dawg Tavern topdawgtavern.com
Truffles Cafe - Belfair trufflescafe.com
Truffles Market & Cafe - Sea Pines Center trufflescafe.com
Up the Creek Pub & Grill upthecreekpubandgrill.com
Wild Wing Cafe wildwingcafe.com
WiseGuys Modern American Restaurant wiseguyshhi.com
X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com
XO Sports & Spirits omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head
Crush Entertainment crushIsland.com
East Coast Entertainment bookece.com/locations/ hiltonhead Equinox Entertainment equinox-entertainment.com
Hilton Head Entertainment hiltonheadentertainment.com
Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra hhso.org
Lavon Stevens 843.298.3321
Magic of Gary Maurer maurermagic.com
Amazing Event Rentals
Audio Video Solutions, LLC avshhi.com
Circle of Life & Gardenias
Event Floral gardeniashhi.com
Coastal Picnic & Rentals coastalpicnicrentals.com Meeting Dynamics, Inc. meetingdynamics.com
Ranco Tents rancotents.com
Royal Restrooms royalrestrooms.com
Capt. Hook Party Fishing Boat captainhookhiltonhead.com
Captain Experiences Hilton Head Fishing Charters captainexperiences.com/ locations/south-carolina/ hilton-head-island Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com
Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com
Gale Warning Private Fishing Charters
captainhookhiltonhead.com/ private-fishing-charters
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Reel Job Charter Fishing reeljobcharterfishing.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com/ fishing-charters
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head (#728) 843.681.3011
Branches branchesdesigns.com
Circle of Life & Gardenias Event Floral gardeniashhi.com Flowers by Sue flowersbysue.com
Aunt Laurie’s auntlauries.com Coastal Curation coastalcuration.com
Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsbymichael smalls.com Island Fudge Shoppe islandfudge.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Nourish nourishsavannah.com River Street Sweets riverstreetsweets.com
Hilton Head Discount Golf hiltonheaddiscountgolf.com Hilton Head Golf Vacations hhigolfvacations.com Palmetto Dunes Oceanfront Resort palmettodunes.com Sunset Rentals, Inc. sunsetrentals.com The Heritage Golf Collection hiltonheadgolf.net The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com
Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Old South Golf Links oldsouthgolf.com Palmetto Dunes Golf Academy palmettodunes.com/golf
The Golf Learning Center at The Sea Pines Resort seapines.com/golf/instruction X-GOLF xgolfhiltonhead.com
Beaufort County Parks and Recreation bcscrec.com
Coastal Gymnastics Center Bluffton coastalgymnasticscenter.com
Coastal Gymnastics Center Hilton Head coastalgymnasticscenter.com CycleBar hiltonhead.cyclebar.com
Discover Specific Chiropractic specificchiropractic.com Dr. Debi Lynes drdebilynes.com FMS Running fmsrunning.com
Fraum Center for Restorative Health fraumchiropracticofhilton head.com
Fusion Fit/Stand and Paddle fusionfitgym.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com Hilton Head Island Recreation Association islandreccenter.org
HOTWORX - Bluffton hotworx.net/studio/blufftonbuckwalter Island Nutrition 843.298.3169
Lighthouse CBD & Wellness cbdstorebluffton.com
Lowcountry Stretch, LLC Bluffton stretchzone.com/locations/ bluffton
Lowcountry Stretch, LLC Hilton Head stretchzone.com/locations/ hiltonhead Matador Core Performance matadorcore.com Nutrishop nutrishoplowcountry.com Okatie Nutrition 260.223.9774
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com Patrick Wiita, MD, LLC wiitamd.com Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/ hilton-head-sc
The Juice Hive & Health Emporium thejuicehive.com Your CBD Store getsunmed.com
Daufuskie Island Trail Rides daufuskietrailrides.com
H2O Sports h2osports.com
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Water Sports islandwatersportshhi.com
Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Tour Daufuskie tourdaufuskie.com
Broad Creek Marina Adventures broadcreekmarinahh.com
Freeport Marina (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Harbour Town Yacht Basin seapines.com/marina Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com Windmill Harbour Marina windmillharbourmarina.org
Beaufort Memorial Hospital bmhsc.org
Beaufort Memorial Okatie Medical Pavilion bmhsc.org
Coastal Carolina Hospital coastalhospital.com
Hilton Head Regional Healthcare - Hilton Head Hospital hiltonheadregional.com Main Street Medical hiltonheadurgentcare.org
Palmetto Medical Group PalmettoMedicalGrp.com
Sea Pines Circle Immediate Care, LLC seapinescircleimmediate care.com
St. Joseph’s/Candler Medical Group-Bluffton sjchs.org
Symbios Medical Services mysymbios.com
Tidewatch Emergency Department hiltonheadregional.com
Legendary Golf legendarygolfhhi.com
Pirate’s Island Adventure Golf, Inc. piratesislandgolf.com
Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org
Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com
Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com
Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org
Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage morrisheritagecenter.org
National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org
Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org
Telfair Museums telfair.org
The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org
Audubon Newhall Preserve hiltonheadaudubon.org/ audubon-newhall-preserve
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge fws.gov/refuge/pinckneyisland
Sea Pines Forest Preserve seapines.com
Dog People dogpeople.dog
Fetch A Vet fetchavetsc.com
Paws On Learning pawsonlearning.com
Vaughan Kennels Inc./ DBA
Evergreen Pet Lodge evergreenpetlodgehhi.com
Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming Palmetto woofgangpalmetto.com
Burke’s Main Street Pharmacy burkespharmacy.com
Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255
Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185
Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070
Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022
Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540
Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049
Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430
Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977
Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
VIDEO PRODUCTION Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com
Crescent Moon Pictures, Inc. crescentmoonpictures.com Denolis Polite Photography denolispolitephotography.com Harden Creative hardencreative.com Island Life HH, LLC islandlifehhphotography.com Kaufman Photography kaufmanphotography.com Kit Carper Photography kitcarperphotography.com Michele Jeanine Photography michelejeanine.com Stage Front Presentation and Production Systems sfps.net Willie J. Rice, Photographer wjricephotography.com
Visit the Town of Bluffton’s website at townofbluffton.sc.gov/210/parks for more information.
Buckwalter Place Park and Veterans Memorial 2 Venture Dr.
Dubois Park
67 Lawrence St. Field of Dreams at Oscar Frazier Park 11 Recreation Ct.
Martin Family Park 68 Boundary St. New River Linear Trail 3809-3835 Okatie Hwy. Oyster Factory Park 55 Wharf St. Pritchard Pocket Park 124 Pritchard St. Tom Herbkersman Commons 1325 May River Rd. Wright Family Park 111 Calhoun St.
PUBLIC DOCK | BLUFFTON Calhoun Street Dock 110 Calhoun St.
Visit the Town of HHI’s website at hiltonheadislandsc.gov/ parks/home.cfmformore information.
Alder Lane Beach Access Alder Ln. (parking at 2 Woodward Ave.) Burkes Beach Burkes Beach Rd. (park at 11 Cast Net Dr.) Coligny Beach Park 1 Coligny Cir. (off Pope Ave.) Driessen Beach Park 64 Bradley Beach Rd. Fish Haul Beach Park 124 Mitchelville Rd. Folly Field Beach Park Folly Field Rd. (parking at 55 Starfish Dr.)
HILTON HEAD ISLAND Compass Rose Park 4 St. Augustine Pl. (off Pope Ave.)
Chaplin Community Park 11 Cast Net Dr. Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park 226 Beach City Rd. Island Recreation Center 20 Wilborn Rd.
Jarvis Creek Park 50 Jarvis Creek Rd. Lowcountry Celebration Park 94 Pope Ave.
Rowing and Sailing Center at Squire Pope Community Park 133 Squire Pope Rd.
Shelter Cove Community Park 39 Shelter Cove Ln.
Visithiltonheadisland.orgfor listofRealEstatecompanies.
Amazing Event Rentals amazingeventrentals.com
Carolina Rides carolinarides.com Cintas Corp cintas.com
Circle of Life & Gardenias Event Floral gardeniashhi.com Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Island Cruisers hhibikes.com
LowSea Bike, Beach & Baby Rental, Inc. hiltonheadbikerental.com Peddling Pelican Bike Rentals, Inc. pelicancruiser.com
Ranco Tents rancotents.com Royal Restrooms royalrestrooms.com
Shore Beach Services, Inc. shorebeach.com
Vacation Comfort Rentals comfyrentals.com Wheelz of Hilton Head rentwheelz.com
The Greenery, Inc. thegreeneryinc.com
Aiden Lane affordablesapparel.com Arthur Hills Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Belk Department Store belk.com Birdie James thebirdiejames.com Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com
Carolina Me Crazy facebook.com/ carolinamecrazy Coastal Bliss coastalblisshiltonhead.com Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com
Coastal Provisions Company
Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com
Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Fab’rik fabrikstyle.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike Fresh Produce freshproduceclothes.com
George Fazio Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Gigi’s Boutique gigisbluffton.com
Gullah T’s N’ Tings gullahtsntings.com Haskins & Co facebook.com/haskinsandco
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
Island Sole facebook.com/islandsole John Bayley 843.715.0713
Kelly Caron Designs kellycarondesigns.com
Lululemon shop.lululemon.com/stores/ us/hilton-head-island/ shelter-cove-pop-up
Maggie & Me facebook.com/ maggieandmebluffton
Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com
Old South Golf Clubhouse oldsouthgolf.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com
Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com
Palmettoes, Inc. facebook.com/palmettoeshhi
Robert Trent Jones
Oceanfront Golf Clubhouse palmettodunes.com/golf Sam’s Club 843.837.1993
Shop! Boutique 843.785.7467
Southern Tide - Signature Store
Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com/hiltonhead
The Haven Boutique havensc.com
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Bargain Box thebargainboxofhiltonhead.org
Chella D facebook.com/ chelladboutique
Goodwill Industries of Lower SC palmettogoodwill.org
Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina palmettogoodwill.org
Hilton Head Regional Habitat for Humanity, Inc habitathhi.org
Osprey Village Thrift ospreyvillage.org
St. Francis Thrift Shop stfrancisthriftshophhi.org
The Church Mouse Thrift Shop, Inc. churchmousethrift.com
Three Sisters Resale & More threesistersresaleandmore.com
Ace Hardware of Hilton Head acehardwareofhiltonhead.com
Belk Department Store belk.com
Grayco Hardware graycoinc.com
Sam’s Club 843.837.1993
Staples Connect - Bluffton staples.com
Staples Connect - Hilton Head Island staples.com
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Art Cafe artcafehhi.com
ArtWare artwaredesigns.com
Aunt Laurie’s auntlauries.com Belk Department Store belk.com
Binya Boutique, LLC binyahhi.com Birdie James thebirdiejames.com
Bloody Point Lighthouse Museum (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Bluffton General Store blufftongeneralstore.com Branches branchesdesigns.com
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com Camellia Art camelliaart.com
Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com
Carolina Me Crazy facebook.com/ carolinamecrazy Cassandra’s Kitchen cassandraskitchen.com
Coastal Bliss coastalblisshiltonhead.com
Coastal Curation coastalcuration.com
Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com
Coastal Provisions Company Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com Coastal Treasures coastaltreasures-hilton head.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Declan’s Delights Co. declansdelights.com Dream Boutique facebook.com/ justdreamboutique Fab’rik fabrikstyle.com
FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com
FASTFRAME #326 fastframe.com
Freeport General Store (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com Fresh Produce freshproduceclothes.com
Furniture Direct furnituredirecthhi.com
Gifted Hilton Head facebook.com/ giftedhiltonhead Gigi’s Boutique gigisbluffton.com
Grind Coffee Roasters thegrindroasters.com
Gullah Sweetgrass Basket Creations gullahbasketsbymichael smalls.com
Gullah T’s N’ Tings gullahtsntings.com
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com
Heritage Fine Jewelry heritagejewelershhi.com
Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com
Hilton Head Island Coffee Roasters hiltonheadcoffee.com
Hilton Head Island House of Jerky / Hilton Head Island House of Popcorn islandhoj.com
Hilton Head Toys - Coligny Plaza hiltonheadtoys.com Hilton Head Toys - Harbour Town hiltonheadtoys.com Island Fudge Shoppe islandfudge.com
J. Banks Design Group, Inc. jbanksdesign.com
LaSource Home HHI, LLC dba/Plantation Interiors plantationinteriors.com
Lighthouse CBD & Wellness cbdstorebluffton.com
Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Maggie & Me facebook.com/ maggieandmebluffton Markel’s Card & Gift Shop Inc. markels.myshoplocal.com Marsh & Light marshandlight.com Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market nantucketsmarket.com/ hilton-head Nourish nourishsavannah.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Palmetto Dunes General Store palmettodunesgeneral store.com
Palmettoes, Inc. facebook.com/palmettoeshhi River Street Sweets riverstreetsweets.com Sam’s Club 843.837.1993
Silver Dew Pottery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Spartina 449 - Old Town Bluffton spartina449.com/our-flagshipstore
Spartina 449 - Shelter Cove Towne Centre spartina449.com Studio One Awards studio1awards.com
Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com The Fresh Market thefreshmarket.com The Greenery, Inc. thegreeneryinc.com The Spirited Hand thespiritedhand.com The Store thestore-homegoodsstore. business.site
Three Sisters Resale & More threesistersresaleandmore.com
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Wild Birds Unlimited of Hilton Head Island hiltonhead.wbu.com Your CBD Store getsunmed.com
Benny Hudson Seafood 843.682.3474
Harris Teeter Main Street Village (#152) 843.689.6255
Harris Teeter Park Plaza (#423) 843.785.6185
Kroger Belfair (#499) 843.815.6070
Kroger Buckwalter (#703) 843.989.7022
Kroger Hilton Head (#671) 843.842.0540
Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe 843.815.2780
Nantucket’s Meat & Fish Market 843.706.2500
Publix Belfair (#0845) 843.706.3049
Publix Buckwalter (#1205) 843.815.6430
Publix Festival Centre (#0473) 843.689.9977
Publix Island Crossing (#0700) 843.842.2632 Sam’s Club 843.837.1993
The Fresh Market 843.842.8332
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Whole Foods Market Shelter Cove Plaza 843.842.0700
A&C Gold and Diamonds acgoldandsilver.com Forsythe Jewelers forsythejewelers.biz Heritage Fine Jewelry heritagejewelershhi.com Jewel Tones jeweltonesonline.com
Visithiltonheadisland.org/ see-do/shoppingforalistof shoppingcenters.
Bluffton General Store blufftongeneralstore.com Camp Hilton Head camphiltonhead.com
Coastal Provisions coastalprovisionsco.com
Coastal Provisions Company Coligny Plaza coastalprovisionsco.com
Coligny Plaza colignyplaza.com
Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com
Freeport General Store (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike
Gifted Hilton Head facebook.com/ giftedhiltonhead
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop
Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com
Palmetto Dunes General Store
palmettodunesgeneral store.com
Silver Dew Winery (Daufuskie Island) daufuskiedifference.com
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle hhi.bike
George Fazio Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com Old South Golf Pro Shop oldsouthgolf.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com/activities/ hilton-head-island-tennis
Robert Trent Jones
Oceanfront Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops
Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com
Walmart Supercenter Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Farmers Market of Bluffton farmersmarketbluffton.org Farmers Market at Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org
Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com
The Farmers & Makers Market at Sea Pines Center facebook.com/ seapinesfarmersmarket
Benny Hudson Seafood bennyhudsonseafood.com
Bluffton Oyster Company blufftonoyster.com
Shell Ring Oyster Company shellringoystercompany.com
Skull Creek Dockside/The Ship Store docksidehhi.com
Tanger Outlets Hilton Head tangeroutlet.com/hiltonhead
Walmart Supercenter
Bluffton - (#6395) 843.815.5159
Walmart Supercenter Hardeeville - (#2832) 843.208.3000
Walmart Supercenter Hilton Head - (#728) 843.681.3011
Arthur Hills Golf Pro Shop palmettodunes.com/golf-proshops
Bubba’s Cabin Lowcountry Outfitters bubbascabin.com
Bill’s Liquors & Fine Wines facebook.com/ billsliquorsbluffton Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com Rollers Wine & Spirits rollerswineandspirits.com Sam’s Club 843.837.1993
Southern Wine & Spirits southernwine.com
Arum Spa sonesta.com/hiltonheadisland Continuum Advanced Aesthetics continuumadvanced aesthetics.com
FACES DaySpa facesdayspa.com Heavenly Spa by Westin westinhiltonheadspa.com
Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com
Hilton Head Plastic Surgery and MedSpa, LLC hiltonheadislandplastic surgery.com
LUX~A Medical Spa luxhhi.com
LUX~A Medical Spa Hilton Head Island luxhhi.com
Moor Spa Hilton Head moorspahiltonhead.com
Namaste Spa at Grande Ocean Resort namastespahhi.com
Namaste Spa at Marriott’s Barony Beach Club namastespahhi.com
Ocean Tides Spa omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head/spa PURE Medical Spa pinnacleplasticsurgerymd.com Pure Salt Studios puresaltstudios.com Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy restore.com/locations/hiltonhead-sc Spa Montage montagehotels.com/ palmettobluff/spa Spa Soleil marriott.com/hhhgr Sunny Spa, LLC sunnyspadunmore.business. site
The Indigo Spa indigospa.com VIP Cosmetic Surgery vip-cosmeticsurgery.com Vitality Med Spa vitalitymedspa.co Whisper Creek Spa whispercreekspa.com
Palmetto Dunes Tennis and Pickleball Center palmettodunes.com
Port Royal Racquet Club hiltonheadgolf.net/port-royal/ recreation/tennis
Professional Tennis Registry ptrtennis.org
Public Tennis publictennis.org
Sea Pines Racquet Club seapines.com/tennis Smith Stearns Tennis Academy smithstearns.com
6th Sense World® Historic Ghost & Cemetery Tours 6thsenseworld.com
Advanced Sail, Inc. Catamarans hiltonheadislandsailing.com Adventure Center HHI flyHHI.com
Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com
Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com
Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org
Daufuskie Community Farm daufuskieartisanvillageand farm.com
Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com
Daufuskie Island Ferry daufuskieislandferry.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com
Dolphin & Nature Cruise hiltonheadtours.com
Dolphin Seafari HHI dolphinseafarihhi.com Drifter Excursions, Inc. hiltonheadboattours.com
Gullah Heritage Trail Tours gullaheritage.com
Gullah Museum of Hilton Head Island gullahmuseumhhi.org
H2O Sports h2osports.com
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Heritage Library Foundation, Inc. heritagelib.org
Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org
Hidden Treasures Tours of Bluffton, SC hiddentreasuresbluffton.com
Hilton Head Boat Charters, LLC hhiboatcharters.com
Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com
Hilton Head History Tours hiltonheadhistorytours.com
Hilton Head Outfitters hiltonheadoutfitters.com
Hilton Head Segway hiltonheadsegway.com
Hilton Head Speed Boat Tours
hiltonheadspeedboat tours.com
Hilton Head Yacht Charter hiltonheadyachtcharter.com
Island Explorer/Dolphin
Nature Tours
Island Skiff Adventure Tours islandskifftours.com
Island Time Charters islandtimechartershhi.com
Kayak Hilton Head and Dolphin Discoveries Boat Tours kayakhiltonhead.com
May River Excursions mayriverexcursions.com
Mermaid of Hilton Head mermaidofhiltonhead.com Mitchelville Preservation Project exploremitchelville.org
Moreland Bike Shop/Pedego Palmetto Bluff pedegopalmettobluff.com
Noble Jones Tours noblejonestours.com
Old Savannah Tours oldsavannahtours.com
Old Town Trolley Savannah trolleytours.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Pirates HHI pirateshhi.com
Pirates of Hilton Head piratesofhiltonhead.com
Port Royal Sound Foundation portroyalsoundfoundation.org
Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com
Sea Monkeys Watersports seamonkeyshhi.com
Sea Pines Resort Eco-Adventures seapines.com/experiences
Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina sheltercovehiltonhead.com
Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com
The Sea Pines Resort Recreation Department seapines.com/experiences/ daily-activities
Tour Daufuskie tourdaufuskie.com
Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com
ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
A Yellow Transportation yellowtransportationhhi.com
Above and Beyond
Limousine Transportation Service aboveandbeyondsav.com
Avis/Budget Car Rental of Hilton Head budget.com/en/locations/us/ sc/hilton-head/hhh
Camelot Limousine, LLC camelothhi.com
Carolina Rides carolinarides.com
Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Daufuskie Island Ferry daufuskieislandferry.com Diamond Transportation SC, LLC hiltonheadrides.com Enterprise Rent-A-Car enterprise.com
Hilton Head Paratransit NEMT yellowtransportationhhi.com Island Buggy Service Inc. 843.816.4210
Kelly Tours Gray Line kellytours.com MAVCO flymavco.com Old Savannah Tours oldsavannahtours.com
Old Town Trolley Savannah trolleytours.com Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Palmetto Breeze palmettobreezetransit.com Palmetto Car Service palmettocarservice.com Platinum Executive Coaches platinumexecutive coaches.com Silver Oak Transportation, LLC silveroaktransportation.net
Adventure Hilton Head, LLC myadventurehiltonhead.com
Aerial Adventure Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Alfred’s Restaurant alfredshhi.com
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina artshhi.com Belfair belfair1811.com
Berkeley Hall Club berkeleyhallclub.com
Burnt Church Distillery, LLC burntchurchdistillery.com
Callawassie Island Club callawassieisland.com Chronic Golf mychronicgolf.com Cinemark Bluffton 12 cinemark.com/theatres/ sc-bluffton/cinemark-bluffton Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn coastaldiscovery.org
Colleton River Club, Inc. colletonriverclub.com
Country Club of Hilton Head invitedclubs.com/clubs/ country-club-of-hilton-head Crazy Crab Jarvis Creek thecrazycrab.com
Culinary Institute of the South at Technical College of the Lowcountry tcl.educulinary-institute Dataw Island dataw.com Daufuskie Difference daufuskiedifference.com Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com
ELA’S On the Water elasgrille.com FISH Seafood & Raw Bar gofishhhi.com
Frankie Bones - Bluffton frankiebones.com
Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge - Hilton Head frankieboneshhi.com
Golden Bear Golf Club goldenbear-indigorun.com
Grind Coffee Roasters Warehouse thegrindroasters.com
Haig Point Club & Community (Daufuskie Island) haigpoint.com Haig Point Weddings haigpoint.com/event Hampton Hall Club hamptonhallclubsc.com Hampton Lake hamptonlake.com
Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum & Shop harbourtownlighthouse.com Harbour Town Yacht Club htyc.com
Heyward House Museum & Welcome Center/BHF heywardhouse.org
Hilton Head Distillery hiltonheaddistillery.com Hilton Head Health hhhealth.com
Hudson’s Seafood House
On The Docks hudsonsonthedocks.com
Joe’s Ice Cream & Beverage Co. joesicecreambeverage.com Lowcountry Fresh Market & Cafe lowcountryfresh.com Meeting Dynamics, Inc. meetingdynamics.com Michael Anthony’s michael-anthonys.com National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force mightyeighth.org
Old Oyster Factory oldoysterfactory.com
Oldfield Club oldfield1732.com
Outside Hilton Head outsidehiltonhead.com
Outside Palmetto Bluff outsidepb.com
Outside Savannah outsidesav.com
Palmetto Hall Golf & Country Club palmettohallcc.com
Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com Poseidon poseidonhhi.com Red Fish redfishofhiltonhead.com RMC Your Destination Connection rmcdmc.com
Roy’s Place Cafe & Catering roysplacehhi.com
Savannah Riverboat Cruises savannahriverboat.com
Sea Pines Country Club seapinescountryclub.com
SERG Restaurant Group serggroup.com
Shaken and Stirred Mixology shakenandstirredmixology.com
Signature Catering & Events by SERG
Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com
Skull Creek Dockside docksidehhi.com
Southern Barrel Brewing Co. southernbarrelbrewingco.com
Southern Graces at Hewitt Oaks southerngraces.com
Spirit of Harbour Town vagabondcruise.com
Sunset Landing Pavilion at Skull Creek Boathouse skullcreekboathouse.com/ catering
The Golf Club at Indigo Run invitedclubs.com/clubs/thegolf-club-at-indigo-run
The Sandbox: An Interactive Children’s Museum thesandbox.org
The Smokehouse smokehousehhi.com The Zone thezonebluffton.com
Truffles Cafe - Belfair trufflescafe.com
University of South Carolina Beaufort Hilton Head Gateway Campus uscb.edu
University of South Carolina Beaufort-Historic Beaufort Campus uscb.edu
USCB Catering uscbdining.campusdish.com USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus uscb.edu/hhicampus Vagabond Cruise vagabondcruise.com Wexford Club wexfordhiltonhead.com
ZipLine Hilton Head myadventurehiltonhead.com
Destinations DMC destinationsdmc.com
Dunes Catering & Events palmettodunes.com/cateringand-events
Haig Point Club & Community (Daufuskie Island) haigpoint.com
Haig Point Weddings haigpoint.com/event
Omni Hilton Head
Oceanfront Resort omnihotels.com/hotels/ hilton-head
Port Royal Clubhouse portroyalgolfclub.com
Sea Pines Country Club seapinescountryclub.com
Signature Catering & Events by SERG signaturecateringhhi.com
A Wedding by the Sea hiltonheadofficiant.com Thomas C. Briley 843.290.0560

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