10 minute read

97 JEFFERSON, THOMAS Clipped signature (“Th. Jefferson”), undated, on lined paper. Framed and matted. 2 1/4 x 1 inch. $1,500-2,500
98 MADISON, JAMES; MONROE, JAMES Partially printed document signed (“James Madison”) as President, one page, March 14, 1812. Ship’s passport for the ship Baltic Trader of Rochester. Countersigned by James Monroe as Secretary of State. On vellum; scalloped edges; with traditional dual engravings; seal faded. 15 x 10 inches. $2,000-4,000
Lots 97–132


99 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Clipped signature (“A. Lincoln”), April 11, 1864, on lined paper. Framed and matted. 3 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches. $1,500-2,500
100* (LINCOLN, ABRAHAM) Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Third Session of the Thirty-Seventh Congress. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1862.
Thick 8vo, publisher’s green blind-stamped cloth boards. 37th Congress, 3rd session, House Executive Doc. 1. Contains much on the Civil War, particularly in regard to the preparations of the Union for a protracted struggle. Wear to boards with some loss at edges and corners; foxing throughout. $300-500 101 LINCOLN, ROBERT TODD Autographed letter signed (“Robert T. Lincoln”), four pages on a bifolium, August 18, 1890, on Cromwell House letterhead. $200-400
102 LINCOLN, ROBERT TODD Autographed letter signed (“Robert T. Lincoln”), January 25, 1882, one page, on War Department letterhead. $100-200
103 ROOSEVELT, THEODORE The Works. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1882-1889.
8 vols. 8vo, publisher’s linen boards, titles to paper spine labels, frontispieces. Presidential edition. Soiling to boards; ends bumped; minor chipping to spine labels on some vols. $300-500 104 ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D. A signed sheet of stamps. $400-600
105 REAGAN, RONALD Autographed note signed (“Ron”) as President, one page, on Presidential letterhead, April, 1981. Framed and matted.
Reagan, newly recovered from his assassination attempt, thanks his friends, Dorothy and Ward, for sending flowers and states, “I’m feeling fine & have the services of a very competent Nurse’s Aide (Nancy).” $2,000-4,000
106 CLINTON, BILL AND HILLARY A group of two photographs signed secretarially (“Hillary Rodham Clinton” in black ink) (“Bill Clinton” in silver ink). Size of each 10 x 8 inches. $100-200 107 (POLITICAL) A group of four signed works, including Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Colin Powell.
It Takes a Village. By Hillary Rodham Clinton. New York, 1996. Under Fire: An American Story. By Oliver L. North. New York, 1991. Turning Point: A Candidate, a State and a Nation Come of Age. By Jimmy Carter. New York, 1992. My American Journey. By Colin Powell. New York, 1995. $100-200 107A ADAMS, HANNAH A Summary History of New-England, from the Settlement at Plymouth, to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution. Comprehending a General Sketch of the American War. Dedham: H. Mann and J. H. Adams, 1799.
8vo, rebound in full gilt-lettered red cloth, red endpapers. Rubbing to boards; ends bumped; foxing and browning throughout; marginalia to most leaves. $200-400


109 108 (COLONIAL CHARTERS) Charters of the British Colonies in America. London: J. Almon, n.d. (c. 1774)
Thin 8vo, rebound in fine modern calf stamped in blind with gilt titles to leather spine label, renewed endpapers. Second edition of the first collected edition of the colonial charters. Edges of title page rebacked; lacking first and last blanks; some light brownspotting. $700-900
109 (DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE) Fine facsimile copy of the first printing of the Declaration of Independence, printed by R.R. Donnelly & Sons at the Lakeside Press, recreated from the first Dunlap broadside printing, copyright on the verso “from the original owned by Ira G. Corn, Jr. and Joseph P. Driscoll.”
One sheet, folio. Framed. General toning; horizontal crease; light brownspotting; marginal chipping. 19 1/2 x 16 inches. $200-400
109A HOUDINI, HARRY The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin. By Harry Houdini. New York: Publisher’s Printing, 1908.
8vo, publisher’s brown pictorial cloth, frontispiece. First edition, illustrated throughout. Bookplate tipped to front pastedown and manuscript ex-libris to f.f.e.p.; bookseller’s sticker to dedication page; spine lightly faded with ends bumped. $200-400
110 CURTIS, EDWARD S. The Vanishing Race, 1904. Gelatin silver print, signed in ink and the photographer’s ‘Seattle’ copyright blind-stamp on the image. 12 1/4 x 16 inches $3,000-5,000 111 CURTIS, EDWARD S. The Blackfoot Country, Pl. 636 from The North American Indian. Photogravure, with the photographer’s credit, printer’s credit, title, and plate number printed on recto. Framed and matted. 11 1/2 x 15 1/2 inches. $1,000-2,000 112 CURTIS, EDWARD A group of two photogravures on paper, signed in the margin in black ink, comprising Signal Fire to the Mountain God and Prayer to the Sun. 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches each. $800-1,200


113 MCKENNEY AND HALL A group of four hand-colored lithographs from History of the Indian Tribes of North America, published by Rice/Clark and Greenough. 17 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches each. $800-1,200
114 (CIVIL WAR) BRAGG, EDWARD S., attrib. A group of two autographed letters to his wife. In the letters Bragg discusses his military activities and refers to Gen. McClellan, Antietam, and “Old Abe.” Signed, “E”, dated November 30, 1852 (sc. 1862), and Sunday, April 6, 1863, 4pp. each. Folded in thirds; five line horizontal strip cut from letter dated “1852.”
Edward Stuyvesant Bragg (1827-1912), of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, advanced in rank from captain of the 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry in 1861 to Brigadier General in 1864, and was engaged in the battles of Gainesville, South Mountain, Antietam (where he was severely wounded), Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Laurel Hill, North Anna, and Cold Harbor, as well as commanding the Iron Brigade in their assault on Petersburg. In addition to his field work, he was involved in politics and a delegate to the Charleston Democratic Convention of 1860, was elected as state senator in 1867 and served four terms in Congress (1877-83 and 18851887). (Dictionary of American Biography, vol. 2, pp. 587-588) $100-200
115 (CIVIL WAR) A group of 10 books pertaining to the Civil War, slavery and reconstruction. $80-120
116 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) DOUGLASS, FREDERICK A group of three books by or about Frederick Douglass, comprising The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. By Frederick Douglass. Hartford, CT: Park Publishing, 1882. 2 copies. Frederick Douglass. By Benjamin Quarles. Washington, D.C.: Associated Publisher’s, (1948). $100-200
117 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) DUBOIS, W.E.B. A group of four books by W.E.B. DuBois.
The Souls of Black Folk. Essays and Sketches. Chicago: A.C. McClurg, 1903. First edition. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania Series in Political Economy and Public Law. No. 14, The Philadelphia Negro. A Social Study. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1899. The Negro Church: A Social Study. Atlanta: Atlanta University Press, 1903. Dark Princess: A Romance. New York: Harcourt, Brace, (1928). $100-200
118 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) HUGHES, LANGSTON A group of three books by or about Langston Hughes, comprising Black Misery. By Langston Hughes. New York: Paul S. Eriksson, (1969). First printing. Ask Your Mama. 12 Moods for Jazz. By Langston Hughes. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. First edition. Black Troubadour: Langston Hughes. By Charlemae H. Rollins. Chicago: Rand McNally, (1970). First printing. Signed by the author. $100-200
119 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. A group of seven books by or about Booker T. Washington. Comprising, A New Negro for a New Century. By Booker T. Washington. Chicago: American Publishing, n.d. Booker T. Washington’s Own Story of His Life and Work. By Albon L. Holsey. Naperville, IL: J.L. Nichols, (1901). Booker T. Washington: The Master Mind of a Child of Slavery. By Frederick E. Drinker. Philadelphia: George G. Clows, (1915). Character Building. By Booker T. Washington. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1903. The Future of the American Negro. By Booker T. Washington. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1907. The Story of My Life and Work. By Booker T. Washington. Naperville, IL: J.L. Nichols, (1901). The Man Farthest Down. By Booker T. Washington. Garden City: Doubleday, Page, 1913. $100-200
120 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) OPPORTUNITY Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life. New York: National Urban League, 1932-1947. A group of four issues comprising: Vol. 10 (Winter 1932), Vol. 19 (Winter 1941), Vol. 23/24 (Winter 1945 - Spring 1946), Vol. 25 (Winter 1947).
[Together with:] Index to Selected Periodicals. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1960-1965. Vols. 11-15. The Howard Review. Vol. 1, nos. 2-3 (June, 1924). Washington, D.C., 1924. (10 total). $100-200
121 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) THE COLOURED MAGAZINE Boston: Colored Co-operative Publishing. Comprising: Vol. III, no 3 (July 1901) - Vol. IV, no. 2 (July 1901); Vol. VI, no. 3 (Jan. 1903) - Vol. VI, no. 12 (Dec. 1903); and Vol. V, no. 3 (July, 1902) - Vol. VI, no. 2 (Dec. 1902).
[Together with:] Who’s Who in Colored America. Brooklyn: Thomas Yenser, 1933-1937. Fourth edition. 3 vols. with additional Supplement. (7 total) $100-200
122 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) THE NEGRO HANDBOOK New York: Current Reference Publications, 1942-1949. 6 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in full red cloth, giltlettered spines. Cloth worn and faded; heads and tails chipped; ex-library stickers to spines and stamps to front pastedowns; hinges tender.
[Together with:] The Negro Year Book. Tuskegee Institute, Alabama: Negro Year Book Publishing, 19211932. 3 vols. 8vo, rebound in red morocco, titles in gilt to spines, ex-library copies with stamps to titles. $100-200
123 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of 24 books by or about African Americans or pertaining to African American history. $100-200
124 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of 23 books by or about African Americans or pertaining to African American history. $100-200

125 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of seven books pertaining to African American history, in slipcases.
Music and Some Highly Musical People... By James M. Trotter. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1881. A Scriptural, Ecclesiastical, and Historical View of Slavery. By John Henry Hopkins. New York: W.I. Pooley, (1864). Whether White or Black, A Man. By Edith Smith Davis. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell, 1898. John Brown. By Dr. Hermann Von Holst. Boston: Cupples and Hurd, 1889. Portraits in Color. By Mary White Ovington. New York: Viking, 1927. Race Adjustment: Essays on the Negro in America. By Kelly Miller. New York: Neale, 1908. The Negro American Family. Atlanta: Atlanta University Press, 1908. $100-200
126 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of 23 books pertaining to sociology and race relations. $100-200
127 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of 15 books pertaining to African American history, some fiction. $80-120
128 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of six quarto or folio-sized books pertaining to African American history.
P.H. Polk. Photographs. S.l.: Nexus Press, 1980. Number 149 of 1,200 copies, signed. White Africans and Black. By Caroline Singer. New York: William Edwin Rudge. Signed. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1944. The National Register. Pertinent Facts About Colored Americans. Louisville, KY: Register Publications, 1952. Great Negroes Past and Present. By Russell L. Adam. Chicago: Afro-Am Publishing, (1963). Freedom is a Constant Struggle. Songs of the Freedom Movement. Compiled by Guy and Candie Carawan. New York: Oak Publications, (1968). Second printing. $80-120 129 (AFRICAN AMERICANA) A group of 14 books pertaining to African American history, including seven softcover and seven hardcover. $80-120
129A (CHICAGO, COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION) A group of five World’s Columbian Exposition admission tickets, Chicago, 1893, comprising a Columbus, Washington, Indian Chief and two Lincoln examples, together with a booklet cover and a Louisiana Purchase Exposition Official Souvenir Token. $100-200
130 (CHICAGO, CENTURY OF PROGRESS) Original 1934 Chicago World’s Fair poster, by Sandor. Laid to foam board. 39 1/2 x 26 1/2 inches. $400-600
131 (CHICAGO, CENTURY OF PROGRESS) A group of items from the Chicago Century of Progress International Exposition including a deck of playing cards, two booklets of official pictures, two official “Book of the Fair,” “Mrs. Mary Martensen’s Century of Progress Cook Book,” five souvenir coin pieces, four souvenir pictorial discs, and six metallic objects. $100-200
132 (CHICAGO) NORTHWESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY A collection of eight black and white photographs tipped to cardboard mats of the cadets and facilities of the original Northwestern Military Academy, founded in 1888 in Highland Park, Illinois. Together with diploma, dated 1909. $100-200