13 minute read
Lots 133–162

133* CAREY, HENRY CHARLES AND ISAAC LEA A Complete Historical, Chronological and Geographical American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West Indies. Philadelphia: H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1822.
Folio, contemporary boards rebacked with spine and corners restored, renewed endpapers, housed in custom cloth folding box with printed title to spine. First edition of the first American atlas modelled on Le Sage’s plan of having explanatory text surrounding maps, containing the first map of Missouri as a state. Complete with letterpress title, advertisement and contents leaf, 47 hand-colored double-page maps each with borders of letterpress descriptive text, three hand-colored double-page historical tables and engraved table of comparative heights of mountains of the world. A few marginal tears professionally rebacked; wear to edges of pages; some very light brownspotting; otherwise a fine copy of this rare atlas. Property from the Collection of Jay H. Sabin, Rockford, Illinois $4,000-6,000

134 134 COLTON, G[EORGE] WOOLWORTH Colton’s General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Seventy Steel Plate Maps and Plans, on One Hundred Imperial Folio Sheets. New York: J.H. Colton; London: Trubner, 1857.
Atlas folio, publisher’s 1/2 morocco rebacked. Complete with 96 maps (including four doublepage) and color frontispiece on 101 sheets as listed in index. Some light dampstaining; spine rebacked with tape and boards worn; hinges cracked; text block shifted; chipping to edge of the map of Sussex and proceeding two sheets of text; some maps toward the ends partially detached; some very light brown spots. $800-1,200
135* EASTMAN, GEORGE Chronicles of an African Trip. Rochester, NY: John P. Smith, (1927).
8vo, quarter linen over paper. [Together with:] In Savage Africa; or, Six Years of Adventure in CongoLand. By E.J. Glave. New York: R.H. Russell & Son, (1892). The Journals of Major-Gen. C.G. Gordon, C.B., at Kartoum. By A. Egmont Hake. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885. Property from the Collection of Terry Brewer, Reston, Virginia $100-200
136 FRANKLIN, SIR JOHN Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22. London: John Murray, 1823. First edition. With 30 (of 31) engraved plates, of which 11 are hand-colored, and four fold-out maps. [Together with:] Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1825, 1826 and 1827. London: John Murray, 1828. First edition. With 31 engraved plates and six (of seven) fold-out maps.
2 vols. 4to, rebound in library buckram, marbled edges, renewed endpapers. Second voyage with newspaper clippings pertaining to Arctic explorations tipped to dedication page; chipping to edges of maps; intermittent foxing; some offsetting from plates. $1,000-2,000

137* PEARY, ROBERT E. The North Pole. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1910.
8vo, pictorial cloth, spine lettered in gilt, dust jacket. With folding color map. General Hubbard edition, one of 500. Offsetting from front board to jacket; marginal chipping to jacket; light toning to map at creases. Property from the Collection of Terry Brewer, Reston, Virginia $100-200
138* BREWER, HENRY AND ELIAS HERCKEMAN A Voyage to the Kingdom of Chili in America. Frankfort upon the Maine: s.n., 1649.
Folio, contents bound in later cloth-backed boards, gilt-lettered spine, 35 pages, numbered from 505 to 539, with title page and four in-text copper engravings, three of which are maps. Extracted from A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First, by Churchill. Property from the Estate of Jean Ross, Lake Forest, Illinois $200-400 138A PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. History of the Conquest of Peru. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, (1847).
15 vols. 8vo, half calf over marbled boards, giltlettered spines, red leather spine labels, marbled endpapers. Boards worn; chipping to edges; joints cracked; heads and tails chipped; scattered brownspotting. $200-400
139 (ICELAND) A group of seven books pertaining to Iceland, including three by Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
Iceland. The First American Republic. By Vilhajalmur Stefansson. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. Inscribed. Discovery. The Autobiography of Vilhajalmur Stefansson. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, (1964). Great Adventures and Explorations. By Vilhajalmur Stefansson. New York: The Dial Press, (1947). Signed. An American in Iceland. By Samuel Kneeland. New York: Worthington, 1887. The Icelandic Discoverers of America. By Mrs. John B. Shipley. New York: John B. Alden, 1890. Island Farsaelda Fr’On. By Hj’almar R. B’Ardarson. Reykjavik: Lithoprent, (1954). Signed. Iceland. By Alfred Nawrath. Berne: Kummerly & Frey, (1959). $200-400 139A RMS TITANIC Plan of First Class Accommodations. An early printing after the original with no text printed to the verso and White Star Line house flag in black.
Showing in detail the layout deck plan for First Class passengers of Titanic, dated December 1911. Headed “White Star Line. Triple Screw R.M.S. “Titanic”.... One of The Two Largest Steamers in The World...” The plan shows the layout of First Class cabins over various decks (including cabin numbers, fixtures, and furniture) and public areas on decks A, B, C, D, E and F, including the Verandah & Palm Court, Turkish Bath, smoke room, restaurants, squash/ racquet court, gymnasium, reading and writing room, and swimming pools, flanked with 6 vignettes of photographs of rooms and a painting of the ship at sea. These plans were an official issue of the steamship company and were distributed exclusively to First Class passengers, and originally folded into booklet form to make it easier for passengers to carry while on board.
With seven vertical creases and three horizontal creases; marginal chipping with some loss at folds; overall toning; some brown spots. $800-1,200

140 (INDIA) THE JOURNAL OF INDIAN ART AND INDUSTRY Volume 1, no. 1, contiguous to Volume 9, no. 72. London: W. Griggs; Calcutta: Thacker, Spink, 1884-1900.
Nos. 1-73 bound in 9 vols. Folio, original printed wraps bound in library cloth. With over 1,300 plates, 435 of which are in color and 34 of which are double-page.
The present set comprises the first nine volumes of the Journal of Indian Art. The series, printed in 17 volumes between the years 1884 and 1917 under the patronage of the Indian Government, combined essays of leading scholars, such as George M. Birdwood and John Lockwood Kipling, with photo- and chromolithographic illustrations of pottery, metalwork, jewelry, architectural details, tapestries and textiles, many with gold and silver overprinting. The journal, especially the early issues, outlines a series of debates that occurred in the latter half of the nineteenth-century pertaining to colonial art history and the differentiation between “industrial” and “traditional” arts in India. Rubbing to boards with some loss at heads and tails of spines and corners; otherwise interiors, including original wraps and chromolithograph plates, are in very fine condition. $4,000-6,000
141 (INDIA) RIBANDENEYRA Y BARRIENTOS, ANTONIO JOAQUIN DE Manual Compendio de el regio patronato Indiano: para su mas facil uso en las materias conducentes a la practica. Madrid: Antonio Marin, 1755.
4to, contemporary mottled calf, spine tooled and lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers. Boards rubbed; spine cracked and chipped at edges; offsetting from title page vignette; intermittent foxing; hinges tender. $100-200
142 (INDIA) A group of six watercolor and gouache drawings illustrating the caste system in India, anonymous, c. 1850. 19 x 11 3/4 inches each. $600-800
143 (MANUSCRIPT, BUDDHIST) A group of six leaves from a Thai manuscript, Buddhist, text in black and red, with seven richly illuminated miniatures in blue, red, gilt, and white. Together with two other pages from an unidentified manuscript, also from a concertina-style work with two tantric miniatures. $200-400
144 (MANUSCRIPT, ETHIOPIAN) A small Coptic manuscript bible written in Ge’ez. 70 leaves, two columns in black and red, with a double-page painted scene of the Virgin and Child, sewn into wood boards wrapped in blindstamped leather, spine exposed. $600-800




147 145 (MANUSCRIPT, PERSIAN) MUGHAL MINIATURES A group of three Mughal style gouache illustrations on three sheets, each with text on the verso. 7 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches each. $100-200

146 (MANUSCRIPT, PERSIAN) SUFI PRAYER BOOK A miniature manuscript Sufi prayer book, in Ottoman Turkish, mid-nineteenth-century, comprising 161 leaves, approx. 9 lines to a page, composed in black ink, all but four bordered in red. 12mo, bound in full leather with blind-stamped vignette, renewed endpapers. $200-400
147 (MANUSCRIPT, PERSIAN) An illuminated prayer book, text in Persian, bordered and segmented by gilt rules with hand-painted floral designs. 8vo, bound in later quarter cloth over gilt boards. Pages worn and starting to detach. $600-800
148* (MAP) BRAUN, GEORGE AND HOGENBERG A group of two hand-colored engraved views of Modon and Candia from Civitates orbis terrarum. Both pasted to mats. 11 x 23 1/4 inches each. Property from the Estate of Helen and C. Nicholas Johnson, Jr., Cave Creek, Arizona $100-200
149 (MAP) MORDEN, ROBERT Oxfordshire. [London, 1695 or later]. Engraved map with hand-coloring. Framed and matted. Crease down the center. 17 x 14 1/4 inches. $100-200
150 (MAP) ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM Anglia Regni Florentissimi Nova Descriptio. [Antwerp: Plantin, 1570 or later]. Engraved map with handcoloring. Framed and matted. Vertical crease to the center. 17 x 20 1/2 inches. $300-500
151* (MAP) ORTELIUS, ABRAHAM Candia Insula - Archipelagi Insularum aliquot descrip. [Antwerp: Plantin, 1603 or later.] Copper-engraved map of Crete and other islands in the Mediterranean (10 inset maps of Metellino, Cerigo, Scarpanto, Nicsia, Santorini, Milo, Stalimene, Negroponte, Rodus and Scio), hand-colored. English text to verso. Light dampstain along the bottom margin; crease to center. Size of map: 16 x 22 inches. Property from the Estate of Helen and C. Nicholas Johnson, Jr., Cave Creek, Arizona $300-500
152 (MAP) SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS A group of two hand-colored engraved maps. Augsburg: [c. 1740 or later.] America Meridionalis per sua Renga Province. Hand-colored engraved map of South America. Nova Orbis sive America Septentrionis. Hand-colored engraved map of North America. Size of each 8 x 10 1/4 inches. $400-600


153 DUPRE, LOUIS Voyage a Athenes et a Constantinople, ou Collection de Portraits, de Vues et de Costumes Grecs et Ottomans, Peints sur les Lieux, D’Apres Nature, Lithographies et Colories Par L. Dupre, Eleve de David; Accompagne d’Un Texte Orne de Vignettes. Paris: Dondey-Dupre, 1825.
Large folio, contemporary quarter red morocco over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, halftitle, dedication. [6], 59 text pages, with 39 of 40 plates. Lacking plate 3 and fold-out facsimile of a Turkish passport; lacking most tissue guards; front board detached and lacking majority of spine; rubbing to boards; lacking majority of spine; dampstain affecting text pages and 11 plates along right fore edge, mainly marginal; foxing; 2-inch tear to bottom left corner affecting seven plates marginally; 3 plates evenly toned; 3 plates detached with chipping to edges. Property from a Wisconsin Collection $10,000-15,000
154* (MEDITERRANEAN) BRACEBRIDGE, (SELINA, MRS. CHARLES HOLT) Large folding color lithograph panoramic sketch of Athens, Sketched from Nature and on Zinc by Mm. Bracebridge, May, 1839, loose in three parts; separation at the folds; some soiling. 10 1/2 x 97 inches in full. Property from the Estate of Helen and C. Nicholas Johnson, Jr., Cave Creek, Arizona $200-400
154A (MEDITERRANEAN) BRILLIANT, RICHARD Pompeii: The Treasure of Rediscovery. Kent, Ohio: Volair Limited, 1979.
Folio, full tan morocco, spine lettered in gilt, a.e.g., silk slipcase. Number 1,110 of 2,950 copies signed by the author and with original print initialled by the illustrator, Arthur Secunda. Some fraying to slipcase. $50-100
155* (MEDITERRANEAN) DU MONCEL, THEODOSE A group of two color lithographs from De Venise a Constantinople a travers la Grece, Paris, c. 1845, comprising Nauplie (Greece) and Patras (Greece). Toning and some creasing to edges of sheets; minor foxing; tear to lower left corner (marginal) of Nauplie. 17 x 23 1/2 inches each. Property from the Estate of Helen and C. Nicholas Johnson, Jr., Cave Creek, Arizona $200-400
156* (MIDDLE EAST) LAWRENCE, T. E. Secret Despatches from Arabia. England: The Golden Cockerel Press, n.d. Number 970 of 1,000 copies.
[Together with:] T.E. Lawrence to His Biographer, Robert Graves. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1938. Number 230 of 1,000 copies signed by Graves. T.E. Lawrence to His Biographer, Liddell Hart. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1938. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. The Complete 1922 Text. Fordingbridge: Castle Hill Press, 1997. Property from the Collection of Terry Brewer, Reston, Virginia $200-400

157* (MIDDLE EAST) QUR’AN A small illuminated Qur’an, mid-nineteenth-century. Approximately 390 leaves, 15 lines to a page written in black and bordered in red and gilt, illuminated floral devices in margins, two leaves with fine border illumination in colors and gilt. 8vo, bound in later quarter cloth of gilt-paper covered boards. Property from the Collection of Stephen Esmé, Princeton, Illinois $600-800 158 (MIDDLE EAST) QUR’AN A single leaf from a Qur’an, late nineteenth-century, text interlineated in black and red, bordered in gilt, blue and green. 9 1/2 x 6 inches. $100-200
159 (MOUNTAINEERING) FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS W. Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan. Including Visits to Ararat and Tabreez and Ascents of Kazbek and Elbruz. London: Longmans, Green, 1869.
8vo, original gilt pictorial green cloth. Illustrated with chromolithographed frontispiece, four plates, three folding maps. With 2 pp. publisher’s advertisements at rear. First edition. Hinges starting; bookseller’s sticker to front pastedown; pencil marginalia throughout; rubbing to boards; ends frayed and bumped. $600-800 160 (MOUNTAINEERING) GROVE, F. C. The Frosty Caucasus. London: Longmans, Green, 1875.
8vo, quarter morocco over pebbled boards, title in gilt to spine. With frontispiece, four wood engravings, folding color map and single advertisement leaf at rear. First edition. Rebound; rubbing to boards with loss to edges and corners; hinges cracked; brownspotting heaviest at title page and endpapers; bookplates tipped to f.f.e.p and front pastedown. $100-200


161 (MOUNTAINEERING) STUCK, HUDSON The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley). A Narrative of the First Complete Ascent of the Highest Peak in North America. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1914.
8vo, original pictorial gilt-lettered cloth, frontispiece. Illustrated with 33 photographic plates and one foldout map. First edition. Soiling to boards; sunning to spine; ends frayed; hinges tender; lower third of folding map detached but present; ex-library stamp to title page. $150-250 161A (MOUNTAINEERING) WHYMPER, EDWARD Travels Amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1892.
8vo, decorative green cloth, t.e.g. Illustrated with frontispiece, 19 plates and four maps, including three folding, one in pocket at rear. First American edition. Rubbing to boards; ends bumped and chipped; hinges starting; pp. 335-338 detached but present; splitting at folds of large folding map; bookseller’s sticker to rear pastedown. $100-200 162 (MOUNTAINEERING) ZURBRIGGEN, MATTIAS From the Alps to the Andes. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899.
8vo, original pictorial cloth, gilt-lettered, t.e.g. Illustrated with frontispiece and 27 plates. With 2 pp. publisher’s advertisements at rear. First edition. Light wear to boards; spine ends bumped; hinges starting. $300-500