17 minute read
193 BYRON, LORD Don Juan. [Cantos I and II only]. London: Thomas Davison, 1819.
4to, green gilt-decorated calf, five raised bands, red endpapers, t.e.g. Rubbing to hinges; corners bumped; bookplate tipped to front pastedown; hinges tender; light foxing. $400-600
194 (CHAUCER, GEOFFREY) Works. Edinburgh: Apollo Press, 1782.
14 vols. bound in 5. 18mo, 3/4 morocco over pebbled boards, title in gilt to spine, morocco edges and endpapers, engraved frontispieces. Rubbing to boards at edges; light offsetting from frontispieces; minor brownspotting concentrated at endpapers. $100-200

195 (CHIPPENDALE) GAY, EBEN HOWARD A Chippendale Romance. New York: Longmans, Green, 1915.
4to, quarter tan morocco over marbled boards, giltlettered spine, marbled endpapers, t.e.g. Number 1,049 of 1,050 limited copies. Illustrated throughout. Rubbing to boards at extremities; corners bumped; hinges tender. $100-200
196 (DRAMA) A collection of six eighteenth-century plays bound together in original paper wraps.
Including, The Beaux Stratagem: A Comedy. London: Printed for J. Rivington et al., 1763. The Provok’d Husband; or, A Journey to London. A Comedy. By John Vanbrugh and Mr. Cibber. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, 1765. Every Man in his Humour. A Comedy. By Ben Johnson. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1761. She Wou’d, and She Wou’d Not. Or the Kind Impostor. A Comedy... London: Printed for J. Woodward, et al., 1748. The Provok’d Wife. A Comedy. By Sir John Vanbrugh. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1765. A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. By Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre. London: Printed for S. Crowder, 1763.
8vo, original blue paper wraps, title in pen to spine, frontispieces. Soiling and chipping to wraps with some loss; scattered light foxing; darkening to some leaves; corners bumped. $100-200

197 (ENGLAND) DE M., C. History of the Campaign of the British, Dutch, Hanoverian, and Brunswick Armies, Under the Command of the Duke of Wellington... London: Printed for T. Egerton, 1816.

8vo, contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine gilt-lettered. Folding engraved plan of the Battle of Waterloo, partially colored. Wear to boards at edges; bookplate tipped to front pastedown; hinges starting. $80-120
Lots 193–240
198* (ENGLAND) CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER A Journey from Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain. London: A. Strahan, 1802.
2 vols. 4to, quarter red morocco over marbled boards. First edition. With 44 aquatint plates, printed in sepia. Bookseller’s receipt tipped to rear pastedown; some offsetting from plates; some tissue guards missing; wear to boards with hinges cracked and loss to spine ends; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns. $300-500
199 (ENGLAND) STRICKLAND, AGNES Lives of the Queens of England. London: Henry Colburn, 1854.
8 vols. 8vo, red morocco gilt, spines tooled and lettered in gilt, a.e.g. Illustrated. Hinges cracked; heads and tails chipped; intermittent foxing. $100-200 200 (ENGLAND) STRZELECKI, P. E. DE Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. Accompanied by a Geological Map, Sections, and Diagrams, and Figures of the Organic Remains. London: Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1845.
8vo, quarter morocco over marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Hand-colored folding geological map, lithographed portrait frontispiece, 21 engraved or lithographed plates, one fold-out, numerous in-text tables, 32 pp. publisher’s advertisements at rear. First edition. Rebacked; dampstain affecting fold-out map, frontispiece, first 4 pp. and majority of plates; scattered brownspotting; color bleed-through from map to some leaves. $300-500
201 (CLASSICS) GIBBON, EDWARD History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London: Printed for W. Allason, 1818-1820.
12 vols. 8vo, contemporary tree calf, lettered and decorated in gilt with red leather onlaid scroll, leather spine labels, marbled endpapers, owner’s name stamped in gilt to upper boards. Minor scorching to boards on some vols.; corners bumped; scattered brownspotting. $200-400 202 (CLASSICS, HOMER) BARNES, JOSUAE, trans. The Odyssey. Cambridge: Cornelium Crownfield, 1711.
4to, contemporary calf, spine tooled and lettered in gilt. In Greek and Latin. Front board detached; boards rubbed; rear hinges tender; spine cracked and chipped; manuscript notation in pen to f.f.e.p.; intermittent foxing. $200-400
203 (CLASSICS, OVID) SANDYS, GEORGE, trans. The Metamorphoses. Translated by George Sandys. Imprinted at London: [William Sansbury,] 1626.
[4], 326, [6, index]. Thin 4to, full calf, five raised bands, gilt-lettered spine label. First complete edition, with engraved title page and portrait, last page containing the colophon. Corners of some leaves torn; a few stains; some light dampstains to last few leaves; manuscript ex-libris to engraved title page (trimmed); edgewear to boards with some loss to spine ends and corners. $1,000-2,000



204 (JOHNSON, BENJAMIN) WHALLEY, PETER, ed. The Works. London: Printed for D. Midwinter, 1756.
7 vols. 8vo, half calf over cloth, spines lettered in gilt to leather spine labels, engraved portrait frontispiece to vol. 1, t.e.g. Rubbing to boards; hinges cracked on some vols.; scattered foxing; marginal browning to some leaves, vol. IV spine label cracked. $100-200 205 (JOHNSON, SAMUEL) BOSWELL, JAMES The Life of Samuel Johnson. London: Printed for G. Walker, 1820-1824.
4 vols. 8vo, red gilt-tooled calf, gilt inner dentelles, morocco endpapers, portrait frontispieces. Soiling and rubbing to boards; ends bumped and chipped; offsetting from frontispieces; bookplates tipped to f.f.e.p. all vols.; intermittent brownspotting. [Together with:] Dr. Johnson’s Table-Talk. London: Printed for C. Dilly, 1798. 8vo, full contemporary tree calf, spine lettered in gilt. Hinges cracked and spine repaired with scotch tape; ends chipped; intermittent brownspotting; bookplate tipped to front pastedown. $100-200 206 LEECH, JOHN A group of seven uniformly bound books illustrated by John Leech. London: Printed for Subscribers from the plates of the original edition issued by Bradbury, Agnew, n.d.
7 vols. 8vo, full pictorial red cloth decorated in gilt and black. Numerous color plates by Leech throughout. Heads and tails of spines bumped and chipped on some vols.; moderate water damage affecting lower portion of all vols. $100-200
207 WRITING ALBUMS A group of three nineteenth-century manuscript albums, containing numerous original watercolors and drawings, all with quotations from contemporary poets and authors. $200-400

210 208 MILTON, JOHN Paradise Lost and Paradise Regain’d...to which is added Samson Agonistes. London: Printed by John Baskerville for J. and R. Tonson, 1758.
2 vols. 8vo, contemporary calf, gilt-tooling to spines, gilt-lettered spine labels, marbled endpapers. Spines expertly restored; upper portion of hinge starting on Paradise Regain’d; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; very light intermittent brownspotting. $1,000-2,000
209 (NAPOLEON) ABRANTES, LAURE JUNOT Memoirs of Madame Junot (Duchesse D’Abrantes. London: The Grolier Society, n.d. [c. 1893]
6 vols. 8vo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards, spines decorated and lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers. With color frontispieces and illustrations throughout. Edition de Luxe, limited to 1,000 copies. Rubbing to boards at edges; hinges starting; minor dampstaining to first and last few leaves vol. 1 and 3; offsetting from plates to tissue guards. $100-200
210 (NAPOLEON) Autograph letter signed (“G.A. Barlow”), 20 pages, in English, Camp near Paris, July 7, 1815. An extensive eyewitness account of the Battle of Waterloo (a.k.a. Battle of Belle Alliance) by a British soldier writing to his father.
Barlow writes: “The position of Waterloo upon which the Battle for the destinies of Europe was about to be fought, is nothing more than a range of moderate rising ground ... it was fine commanding, open fighting ground, but traversable in all directions by Cavalry and Cannon...” The Germans attack first, but, according to Barlow, are forced to quit once the house they were positioned in was set afire by the enemy. Barlow acknowledges they made an admirable defense. After a series of failed attacks by the enemy Cavalry (“[they were not] discontinued until the flower of the French Cavalry both in men and horses were almost wholly destroyed”), the two infantries converge along with cannon fire: “This was indeed the crisis of the eventful day, both armies were in close contact and hot action and the cannonade really tremendous ... in an effort that was to decide the fortune of the battle: an effort worthy of the great cause for which each contested.” Clearly legible and skilfully written, Barlow’s first-hand account of the battle, composed in a letter to his father, is as fine as any published accounts.
8vo, bound in half red morocco over cloth, spine lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers. Front board detached; edges worn; bookplates tipped to front pastedown and f.f.e.p. $1,000-2,000
211 (NUREMBERG CHRONICLE) BULLEN, HENRY LEWIS The Nuremberg Chronicle; or, The Book of Chronicles from the Beginning of the World ... San Francisco: Printed for the Book Club of California by John Henry Nash, 1930.
Folio, original marbled boards and morocco spine. One of 300 copies illustrated with a tipped-in leaf from the first Latin edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle plus frontispiece and reproductions intext. Original leaf is folio CCXXXIX, with woodcut of Emperor Sigismund and a city view. Wear to spine with hinges split. $150-250
212 PEPYS, SAMUEL Autographed letter signed (“Pepys”), one page, Chatham, February 13, 1660. Countersigned by fellow officers Middleton and Mennes.
Pepys claims he has insufficient evidence to determine anything in a case in which his correspondents are involved. Matted and framed. Light brownspotting and foxing; edges chipped. $2,000-4,000 213 (SWEDEN) ULRIKA ELEANORA Autographed letter signed (“Eleanora”), two pages, in Swedish, undated, c. 1715. Royal seal present. To Karl XII.
Eleanora, Queen of Sweden 1718-1720, writes to her brother, Karl XII, on his way home from imprisonment in Turkey: “Dear Brother, I am overjoyed to see that you have found a good house to serve Your Royal Majesty.” Mounting strip along left side and on verso; dampstain at blank right margin and at top left portion; light soiling; chipping to edges; lacking portion of wax seal. $400-600
214 REES, ABRAHAM Cyclopaedia; or, A New Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. S.l.: Printed by Robert Carr, n.d.
39 vols. 4to, half calf over marbled boards, title in gilt to spines, marbled endpapers. Rubbing to boards; spine ends chipped; joints cracked on most and boards detached from some vols.; light foxing throughout; darkening to leaves on some vols.; intermittent brownspotting. $400-600 215 RENNIE, GEORGE Illustrations of Mill Work and Other Machinery, Together with Tools of Modern Invention. Atlas to the New Edition of Buchanan’s Work. S.l.: John Wheale, 1842.
Folio, quarter leather over cloth, spine lettered in gilt. Over 70 engravings on 42 plates, with two additional plates illustrating “Babcock Wilcox & Co’s Patent Stationary Steam Engine.” Boards rebacked and soiled with edges frayed; contents disbound by front backstrip; chipping to edges of some sheets. $200-400
216 (RUSSIA) A collection sepia-toned photographs of Russian royalty. $100-200


217 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM The Life and Death of King John. [London: s.n., 1632].
22 pages. Folio, bound by Sotheran in blind-stamped calf lettered in gold, text in two columns, head-piece and initial. Complete play from the 1632 Second Folio edition of William Shakespeare’s works. The edition was printed by Thomas Coates for a consortium of five purchasers. Rubbing to boards; some light darkening around edges. $1,500-2,500 218 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) CAPELL, EDWARD, ed. Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. London: Dryden Leach, for J. and R. Tonson, n.d.
10 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, titles in gilt to blue leather spine labels. Soiling to boards; hinges starting; ends chipped; corners bumped; darkening to endpapers; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; intermittent brownspotting; offsetting from bookplates. $600-800
219 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) OWENS, HARRY J. Doctor Faust. A Play Based on Old German Puppet Versions. (Chicago: Caxton Club), 1953.
8vo, quarter linen over gilt-decorated paper boards, t.e.g. Illustrated with woodcuts by Fritz Kredel. One of 350 copies designed by Victor Hammer and printed by Jacob Hammer. Lakeside Press sticker tipped to front pastedown; ephemera laid in rear. $150-250

220 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff. London: Printed for T. Davies, 1777.
8vo, full contemporary tree calf, title in gilt to red morocco spine label, spine decorated in gilt. First edition. Corners bumped; hinges cracked; intermittent foxing; bookplate tipped to front pastedown; manuscript ex-libris to title page. $200-400
221 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) HAZLITT, WILLIAM Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. London: For R. Hunter and C. and J. Ollier, 1817.
8vo, contemporary cloth, spine lettered in gilt. First edition. Fading to spine; chipping to ends; intermittent brownspotting; previous owner’s manuscript notation to f.f.e.p. $200-400
222 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) KNIGHT, CHARLES The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge, n.d.
8 vols. Large 8vo, 3/4 green morocco over marbled boards, edges and endpapers, spines gilt. Numerous black and white illustrations throughout. Second edition, revised. Light edgewear; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; hinges starting “Comedies” vol. 2; light foxing Comedies” vol. 1. $100-200

223 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) LEWIS, ROLAND B. The Shakespeare Documents: Facsimiles, Transliterations, Translations & Commentary. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1940.
2 vols. Folio, full linen, titles in gilt to brown linen labels. Corners slightly bumped. [Together with:] The Norton Facsimile. The First Folio, 2 copies. Folios, full red cloth, slipcased. One copy in original plastic wraps. Fine. (4 total) $200-400
224 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) STEEVENS, GEORGE Twenty of the Plays. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1766.

4 vols. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, spines tooled and lettered in gilt, red morocco spine labels, marbled endpapers. Rubbing to boards; hinges starting; corners bumped; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; light toning. $800-1,200

228 225 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) STEEVENS, GEORGE The Plays and Poems. London: Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, 1821.

21 vols. 8vo, 3/4 green morocco over marbled boards, title in gilt to spines, morocco endpapers, t.e.g. With five engraved plates, one fold-out, folding tables. Rubbing to boards at edges; hinges tender; offsetting and ghosting from engraved frontispiece, vol. 1; scattered brownspotting. $200-400
226 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) VALPY, A. J. The Plays and Poems. London: A.J. Valpy, 1832-1833.
15 vols. Small 8vo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards, spines lettered and decorated in gilt, marbled endpapers, t.e.g. Bookplates tipped to front pastedowns and f.f.e.p. all vols.; minor intermittent brownspotting. $200-400
227 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS A group of three volumes from the Players’ Shakespeare series, finely bound by Zaehnsdorf, including The Tragedie of Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, and Julius Ceasar, all limited editions, all signed by illustrators Paul Nash, Harley GranvilleBarker and Albert Rutherston.
Folio, full leather decorated in gilt, t.e.g, slipcases. Light rubbing to boards; hinges cracked; Merchant of Venice lacking slipcase and foot of spine chipped; general wear to slipcases. $800-1,200
228 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS Cymbeline. Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press, 1923.
2 vols. in one. Folio, bound in full gilt-decorated vellum by Zaehnsdorf, t.e.g. Illustrated by Albert Rutherston. Limited edition, signed by Harley Granville-Barker and Rutherston. Light soiling to boards; marginal toning to leaves. $200-400

229 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) SHAKESPEARE HEAD PRESS A group of seven cloth-bound volumes of the Players’ Shakespeare. Stratford-upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press, n.d.
Loves Labour’s Lost, number 279 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Norman Wilkinson. King Lear, number 214 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Paul Nash. Cymbeline, number 518 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Albert Rutherston. A Midsommer Night’s Dream, number 218 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Paul Nash. The Merchant of Venice, number 413 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Thomas Lowinsky. The Tragedie of Macbeth, numbered 343 of 550 copies. Illustrated by Charles Ricketts. Julius Caesar, number XIII of fifty copies not for sale numbered VII to LVI. Illustrated by Ernst Stern.

Folio, quarter linen over paper. Only Macbeth with original wraps; soiling to boards; manuscript notations to front pastedowns; scattered light brownspotting. $100-200
230 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) GRABHORN PRESS The Tragedie of Othello, The Moore of Venice. [San Francisco:] Grabhorn Press, 1956.
Folio, quarter morocco over decorative boards, title in gilt to spine. Illustrated with woodblocks by Mary Grabhorn. One of 185 copies printed on handmade paper. Corners bumped; intermittent brownspotting. $200-400
231 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) GRABHORN PRESS The Tragedy of Richard the Third. [San Francisco:] Grabhorn Press, 1953.
4to, full vellum, gilt-lettered spine, string ties, slipcase. Illustrated with color woodcuts by Mary Grabhorn. 1 of 180 copies on hand-made paper. Marginal toning to boards; light scattered brownspotting. $200-400
232 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) NONESUCH PRESS The Works. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1929(1933).
7 vols. 8vo, full leather, spines lettered in gilt, t.e.g. Light rubbing to boards at raised bands; interiors clean. $600-800
233 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) BALLANTYNE PRESS The Passionate Pilgrim. [London: Ballantyne Press, 1896].
8vo, bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe in full brown niger morocco, gilt-lettered spine, t.e.g., slipcase. Light offsetting from text; near fine. $100-200

234 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1939-1941.
37 vols. Folio, quarter cloth over decorative boards, spines lettered in gilt. Illustrated. Together with printed pamphlets and supplements. Light soiling to boards; offsetting from head-pieces. $100-200



237 235 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM The Handy Volume Shakspeare. London: Bradbury, Agnew, n.d. [c. 1880]

13 vols. 12mo, green gilt-lettered cloth. Housed in gilt-lettered blind-stamped cloth folding box. [Together with:] The New Temple Shakespeare. London: J.M. Dent, n.d. [c. 1935]. 40 vols. 12mo, red gilt-decorated cloth, decorative paper wraps. Housed in custom wooden folding box with brass lock and key. $100-200
236 (SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM) The Plays. London: William Pickering, 1825.
9 vols. 16mo, original purple cloth, titles to paper spine labels. Housed in custom wooden case. Uniform fading to spines; soiling to boards; chipping to spine labels on some vols.; spine ends chipped; hinges starting; scattered brownspotting; soiling to wooden box. $200-400
237 SULLIVAN, ARABELLA JANE AND BARBARINA DACRE Recollections of a Chaperon. London: Richard Bentley, 1833.
3 vols. 8vo, half calf over morocco, spines tooled and lettered in gilt, black leather spine labels. Spines chipped with some loss to vol. 3; rubbing to boards; intermittent brownspotting; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns; offsetting from bookplates; hinges tender. $100-200
238 (TACITUS, CORNELIUS) MURPHY, ARTHUR, ed. The Works of Cornelius Tacitus...With an Essay on the Life and Genius of Tactitus; Notes, Supplements, Maps. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1793.
4 vols. 4to, full contemporary mottled calf, title in gilt to red leather spine labels. With four fold-out engraved maps and a plan of Jerusalem. First edition of this translation. Hinges cracked; vol. 1 spine split, with some pages detached; corners bumped; ends chipped; intermittent brownspotting; pencilled marginalia; offsetting from fold-out maps. $300-500


239 (TACITUS, CORNELIUS) MURPHY, ARTHUR, ed. The Works of Cornelius Tacitus...With an Essay on the Life and Genius of Tacitus; Notes, Supplements, Maps. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1793.
4 vols. 4to, full calf ruled in gilt, gilt-lettered spine labels, marbled endpapers. With four fold-out engraved maps and a plan of Jerusalem. First edition of this translation. Wear to boards with hinges cracked and loss at corners and spine ends; hinges tender; minor intermittent staining; some offsetting from maps; a few tears. $200-400 240 (TAYLOR, JANE) Rural Scenes; or, A Peep into the Country. For Children. London: Printed for Harvey & Darton, (1818).
12mo, quarter leather over marbled boards. Illustrated title page and 30 engraved plates. Minor dampstaining; wear to boards. $100-200