12 minute read
Lots 274–312

274 (BAYNTUN) AUSTEN, JANE The Novels. London: Oxford University Press, (1960).
6 vols. Small 8vo, bound by Bayntun in 3/4 blue calf over cloth, spines lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, frontispieces, t.e.g. Spines uniformly faded; minor chipping to edges; corners bumped. $100-200
275 (BAYNTUN) AUSTEN, JANE The Novels. London: Oxford University Press, (1953).
6 vols. 8vo, bound by Bayntun in full red calf, spines decorated and lettered in gilt, green and blue leather spine labels, gilt inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, frontispieces, a.e.g. Minor scuffing to boards; vol. 6 spine rubbed. $100-200 276 (BAYNTUN) A group of 22 volumes bound by Bayntun of Bath. $200-400
277* (BRADSTREET) FITZGERALD, EDWARD Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. New York: The Grolier Club, 1885.
8vo, bound by Bradstreet in full blue morocco ruled in gilt, decorative endpapers. Limited edition, one of 150 copies printed on Japan paper for the Grolier Club. Bookplate tipped to front pastedown; evidence of bookplate removal to f.f.e.p. Property from the Collection of Terry Brewer, Reston, Virginia $1,000-2,000

278 (COSWAY, RIVIERE) BAKER, W. S. The Engraved Portraits of Washington. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Baker, 1880.
4to, bound in navy crushed morocco by Riviere with 13 hand-painted portraits of George Washington on ivory by Madame Currie, including one larger portrait in an oval inset surrounded by 50 gilt stars, eight smaller portraits within a centralized red and yellow eight-point start ruled in gilt, and four portraits within repeated stars in corners, silk endpapers, t.e.g., slipcase. Extra-illustrated edition of this standard reference for engraved portraits of Washington, with 40 engraved portraits, including hand-colored frontispiece. Central portrait lacking plastic overlay; one silk endpaper starting to detach; wear to slipcase. $12,000-15,000
279 (THE NORROENA SOCIETY) ANDERSON, RASMUS The Anglo-Saxon Classics. London: Norroena Society, 1905-1907.
15 vols. 8vo, full morocco, all bound differently with elaborate gilt tooling, armorial vignettes, titles in gilt to spines, silk endpapers, pages uncut, t.e.g. Limited edition, this being 4 of 5 “star” symbol sets. Light soiling and rubbing to boards at edges; chipping to spine ends. $800-1,200
280 (RIVIERE) A group of 23 volumes bound by Riviere. $200-400
281 (RIVIERE) SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM The Works. London: Robt. Riviere & Son, 1937.
10 vols. 8vo, bound by Riviere in full green calf, spines tooled and lettered in gilt, red and green leather spine labels, gilt inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, frontispieces, t.e.g. Minor fading and scratching to boards. $100-200 282 (SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE) ALDIN, CECIL Old Manor Houses. London: William Heinemann, 1923.
4to, bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe for Marshall Field in full calf lettered and bordered and gilt, blind-stamped floral designs, original hand-colored illustrated endpapers reproducing a drawing by Cecil Aldin with his signature printed, preserved, and replaced by binder, a.e.g., decorative slipcase. First edition, illustrated throughout in colors. Fine. $200-400
283 (SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE) BARRIE, J. M. The Works. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 18881902.
11 vols. 8vo, full blue morocco with gilt acorn motif at corners, gilt-lettered spines, publisher’s brown cloth bound in the rear. Wear to boards on all vols.; chipping to spine ends on vols., with some evidence of touch-up, and loss to heads of spines on six vols.; boards detached on two. $200-400


283A (SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE) BEWICK, THOMAS AND JOHN Select Fables. Newcastle: Emerson Charnley, 1820.
8vo, full brown crushed morocco ruled in gilt with circular inset design with an onlaid lion head on the upper cover, surrounded by the moral from “The Lion and the Mouse,” and a diamond inset design of a serpent on the back with the title of the fable “The Viper & the File,” with eight jewels, including four garnets on the upper cover and four turquoises on the rear cover, circular inset with onlaid lizards on front inner covers surrounded by the moral of “The Two Lizards,” and rear inner cover with “The Sun & the Vapour” in circular inset, snake-skin endpapers, goffered edges. $2,000-4,000
284 (SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE) A group of nine volumes bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe and Zaehnsdorf. $200-400 285 (COLLECTED WORKS) COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE The Novels. New York: D. Appleton, 1876.
30 vols. 8vo, 3/4 calf over marbled boards, spines tooled and lettered in gilt, blue leather spine labels, marbled endpapers, engraved frontispieces. Rubbing to boards at edges; scorching to boards on some vols.; ownership stamp to f.f.e.p. $300-500
285A (COLLECTED WORKS) DE MAUPASSANT, GUY The Life Work of Henri Rene Guy de Maupassant. Akron, Ohio: St. Dunstan Society, (1902).
17 vols. 8vo, blue cloth, printed paper spine labels, decorative endpapers, t.e.g., frontispieces. Illustrated. Edition de Luxe, number 302 (of an unstated number) signed by the artist. Spine ends bumped; some chipping to spine labels. $100-200 286 (COLLECTED WORKS) HUBBARD, ELBERT The Complete Writings. New York: The Roycroft Shop, 1908.
20 vols. 4to, 3/4 green morocco, spines lettered in gilt, t.e.g. Author’s edition, number 516 of 1,000 copies signed in each volume by Hubbard. Uniform fading to spines; light rubbing to boards; light intermittent brownspotting; hinges starting on some vols.; bookplates tipped to f.f.e.p. on some vols. $1,000-2,000
287 (COLLECTED WORKS) IRVING, WASHINGTON The Works. London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1857.
40 vols. 8vo, green morocco over marbled boards, spines decorated in gilt, spines uniformly browned, marbled endpapers, frontispieces, t.e.g. Illustrated with numerous engravings throughout. The Holly Edition, number 865 of 1,000 copies. Boards lightly rubbed; ends chipped on some vols.; bookplates tipped to front pastedowns and f.f.e.p. all vols.; light intermittent soiling. $600-800
288 (COLLECTED WORKS) SCOTT, SIR WALTER A group of nine uniformly bound titles. Edinburgh: Printed for Cadell, comprising The Waverley Novels, (Second edition, 3 vols., 1814) and Anne of Geierstein, (3 vols., 1822), The Pirate, (3 vols., 1822).
12mo, full red morocco, spines decorated and lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, a.e.g. Hinges rubbed; ends bumped; light soiling to boards on some vols.; intermittent brownspotting heaviest at endpapers. $100-200
288A (COLLECTED WORKS) SCOTT, SIR WALTER Waverley Novels. Edinburgh and London: Cadell, 1829-1833.
48 vols. 12mo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettered spines, marbled endpapers, frontispieces. Boards rubbed at hinges and edges; backstrips detached from some vols.; intermittent foxing; offsetting from frontispieces; hinges starting; ends chipped. $200-400 289 (COLLECTED WORKS) SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM Works. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960-1965.
40 vols. 12mo, blue gilt-lettered cloth. Light soiling to boards; corners bumped; spine ends frayed on some vols.; dampstaining to boards of some vols.; scattered foxing. $50-100
290 (COLLECTED WORKS) SUE, EUGENE A group of six volumes of works bound in leather.
The Mystery of Paris. London: Chapman and Hall, 1846. 3 vols. 8vo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards, gilt-lettered spines, marbled endpapers, t.e.g. Light rubbing to spine ends and corners; The Wandering Jew. London: Chapman and Hall, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo, bound by Riviere in full calf, gilt tooling to spines. Front board detached vol. 1; hinges cracked on other vols. $200-400 291 (COLLECTED WORKS) THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE Works. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1896.
30 vols. 8vo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards, marbled endpapers, frontispieces, largely uncut. Limited edition, number 645 of 1,000 copies. With numerous illustrated plates with captioned tissue guards. Rubbing to boards; ends chipped on some vols. $200-400
292 (COLLECTED WORKS) AUTHOR’S DIGEST S.l.: The Author’s Press, (1908).
21 vols. 8vo, 3/4 blue morocco over silk, spines lettered in gilt, decorative endpapers, t.e.g., portrait frontispieces. Rubbing to boards at edges and raised bands; vol. 15 rear board detached from backstrip; hinges starting on some vols. $100-200

293 (COLLECTED WORKS) A group of five sets of collected works in fine leather binding, comprising the Memoirs of Casanova, (S.l.: Privately Printed, 1894), 12 vols., The Essays of Macaulay, (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, (1960)), 3 vols., The Works of Moliere (Boston: Little, Brown, 1922), 6 vols., and The Works of Sir Temple, (London: J. Brotherton and W. Sewell, 1770), 4 vols. (25 total) $200-400
293A (COLLECTED WORKS) A group of three sets of works in 23 volumes bound in leather.
The Complete Works of Charles Dickens. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, n.d. 15 vols. 8vo, 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards. The Works of Honore de Balzac. New York: Fred deFau, n.d. 4 of 5 vols. only. 8vo, 3/4 green morocco over silk. Limited edition, 703/1000. [The Works of Alphonse Daudet.] London: J.M. Dent, 1896. 4 vols. 8vo, 3/4 red morocco. $200-400 294 (EASTON PRESS) A group of 15 books published by the Easton Press. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, various dates.
The Short Stories of Oscar Wilde, (1976). The Three Musketeers. By Alexandre Dumas, (1978). The Last of the Mohicans. By James Fenimore Cooper, (1979). Wuthering Heights. By Emily Bronte, (1980). Brave New World. By Aldous Huxley, (1978). The Decameron. By John Boccaccio, (1980). Rights of Man. By Thomas Paine, (1979). The Scarlet Letter. By Nathaniel Hawthorne, (1975). A Tale of Two Cities. By Charles Dickens, (1975). The Alhambra. By Washington Irving, (1969). The Red Badge of Courage. By Stephen Crane, (1980). The Portrait of a Lady. By Henry James, (1978). Ivanhoe. By Sir Walter Scott, (1977). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. By Mark Twain, (1975). Madame Bovary. By Gustav Flaubert, (1975). $100-200
295* (EASTON PRESS) A group of five signed Easton Press books and one unsigned. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1971-2001.
In the Shadow of Man. By Jane Goodall, (1971). John Glenn: A Memoir. By John Glenn, (1999). View from the Summit. By Sir Edmund Hillary, (1999). Living Faith. By Jimmy Carter, (1998). An Hour Before Daylight. Memories of Rural Daylight. By Jimmy Carter, (2001). Sources of Strength. By Jimmy Carter, (1997). Unsigned. Property from the Collection of Terry Brewer, Reston, Virginia $100-200 296 (FRANKLIN LIBRARY) A group of 14 books published by the Franklin Library bound in gilt-tooled multi-color morocco from the First Edition Society. (Franklin Center, PA: various dates) $100-200
297 (BINDINGS) A group of 11 volumes bound in red-toned leather. $100-200
298 (BINDINGS) A group of 10 volumes bound in red-toned leather. $100-200
299 (BINDINGS) A group of nine volumes in blue or green-toned leather. $100-200
300 (BINDINGS) A group of 12 volumes in blue or green-toned leather. $100-200

303 304

301 (BINDINGS) A group of 15 volumes bound in green or blue-toned leather. $200-400
302 (BINDINGS) A group of 10 volumes in mainly nineteenth-century calf. $100-200
303 (BINDINGS) A group of seven books bound by fine binders.
Shakespeare: The Complete Works. New York: Harcourt, Brace, (1952). Bound by Bayntun of Bath. Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man. By Siegfried Sassoon. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1928. Bound by BayntunRiviere. Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes. By John Keats. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1820. Bound by Riviere. Amoretti. By Edmund Spenser. London: R. Brimley Johnson, n.d. Bound by Riviere. Songs of Innocence. By William Blake. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1911. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. The Hound of Heaven. By Francis Thompson. London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, n.d. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Essayes or Counsels Civill & Morall. By Francis Bacon. London: J.M. Dent, 1905. Bound by Zaehnsdorf. $200-400
304 (BINDINGS) A group of 16 volumes in varying old (mainly nineteenth-century) calf, including one finely bound in vellum. $200-400 305 (BINDINGS) A group of seven folio or quarto-sized leather bound works, comprising: The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1881. 2 vols. A Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters, (1830-1838). By William Bates. London: Chatto and Windus, n.d. Pierre et Jean. The Two Brothers. By Guy de Maupassant. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1899. Art and Artists of Our Time. By Clarence Cook. New York: Selmar Hess, (1888). 3 vols. $80-120
306 (BINDINGS) A group of 16 books bound in red cloth and one bound in 3/4 red leather over cloth.
Dickens’ Works. New York: Hurst, n.d. 14 vols. The Autocrat at the Breakfast Table. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1894. 2 vols. The Essays of Elia. By Charles Lamb. Boston: Little, Brown, 1912. (17 total) $100-200
307 (BINDINGS) A group of two sets bound in green cloth, comprising The Stoddard Library. By John L. Stoddard. Chicago and Boston: Geo. L. Shuman, 1911. 12 vols. Works. By O. Henry. S.l.: Doubleday, Pay, 1913. 12 vols. (24 total). $100-200
308 (BINDINGS) A group of 18 books bound in blue or green cloth. Comprising, Parkman’s Works. By Francis Parkman. Boston: Little, Brown, 1882. 8 vols. Under the Deodars; Phantom Rickshaw; Letters of Marque. By Rudyard Kipling. New York and Boston: H.M. Caldwell, 1899. 3 vols. The Yellowplus Papers, and The History of Pendennis. By William Makepeace Thackeray. London: Henry Frowde, n.d. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. By Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1891. 3 vols. The Poetical Works of John Gay. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, n.d. Old Creole Days. By George W. Cable. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1927. $100-200 309 (BINDINGS, HISTORY) AINSWORTH, WILLIAM HARRISON Historical Romances. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Sons, n.d.
20 vols. 8vo, red cloth lettered in gilt, frontispieces, t.e.g. Rubbing to cloth; ends bumped; hinges starting on some vols. $50-100
310 (BINDINGS, HISTORY) ALLEN, GEORGE H. The French Revolution. Philadelphia: George Barrie’s Sons, (1922).
4 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, spines decorated in gilt, gilt medallion-style portraits at the four corners of front boards, gilt inner dentelles, t.e.g. Illustrated throughout. Hinges cracked; corners bumped. $100-200
311 (BINDINGS, HISTORY) THE CLASSICS The Classics in Greek and Latin. New York: Vincent Parke, 1909.
15 vols. 8vo, linen, titles in gilt to green paper spine labels, frontispieces, t.e.g. Numerous color illustrations. Light soiling to boards; ends bumped. $80-120
312 (BINDINGS, SCIENCE) ABBOTT, CHARLES GREELEY The Smithsonian Scientific Series. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Series, 1930.
12 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, green morocco medallion onlay to center of front boards, spines lettered and tooled in gilt, gilt borders and inner dentelles in star design, green silk endpapers, t.e.g. Illustrated throughout. James Smithson Memorial Edition, number 46 of 875 limited copies. Boards rubbed; ends chipped; hinges cracked; front board almost detached from vol. 2; some darkening to front and rear pastedowns. $50-100