Healing our World Volume 40, Issue 2
Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Healing our World
Contents Hippocrates News
��. The Evolution of Hippocrates ��. New Immunity One Week Program
��. Hippocrates BECOME Salon Gets Its Own Makeover
Distributed by
Hippocrates Health Institute 1466 Hippocrates Way West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN Brian Clement, PhD, LN
HOW Publisher
Immunity and Beyond
Linsday Johnson ljohnson@hippocratesinst.org
��. A “Renegade Virus”
Interested in advertising with us?
��. Your Immune System and the Coronavirus
��. Vitality and Long Living
The materials, information and opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Hippocrates Health Institute’s directors, employees, agents, distributors and/or its affiliated or related entities, content providers or publisher. This magazine and any information contained herein are for educational purposes only.
��. The World of Energy Medicine
��. Live Long and Prosper ��. Word of Mouth
��. From Hospice to Healthy
Follow Us!
��. Hippocrates Liberated Me!
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Disclaimer: Hippocrates Health Institute values the views expressed by its contributors in Healing Our World magazine. While HHI appreciates the work of each contributor, some of the food items discussed in Healing Our World magazine are not included in the Hippocrates Life Transformation Program’s dietary protocol.
Health Matters
��. Cancer is a 4 Letter Word
If your company offers products or services contributing to the well-being of people, animals or the environment and would like our readers to know its offerings, consider advertising with us. Total circulation: 110K. Estimated readership: 330K per issue with over 70K digital subscribers. Contact: HOW@hippocratesinst.org
@HippocratesInst /HippocratesRAW
Hippocrates Health Institute is not a health care provider. It is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization whose purpose is providing guests and students with progressive information. Hippocrates Health Institute and Hippocrates Health Institute of Florida, Inc., do not provide medicine or medical diagnoses, care or treatment. Any and all information contained in this magazine is to be construed as opinions. The information herein is not meant to supplant or take the place of your medical treatment, diagnosis or care. No part of this publication can be reprinted in any form without written permission from the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction in any manner is prohibited. For reprint inquiries, contact: HOW@hippocratesinst.org
Prefer Digital Format?
View Healing Our World on the Hippocrates website at www.hippocratesinst.org/magazine-enews FL reg. #CH17318. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Practicing naturopathic medicine in the state of Florida is not licensed. Anna Maria and Brian Clement, PhDs, practice as licensed nutritionists.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Editor’s Letter
伀甀爀 匀瀀爀漀甀琀猀 愀爀攀 䠀愀渀搀 一甀爀琀甀爀攀搀Ⰰ 䠀愀渀搀 䠀愀爀瘀攀猀琀攀搀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䠀愀渀搀 䐀攀氀椀瘀攀爀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 䌀愀爀攀⸀⸀⸀
By Renee James
Health and Longevity with plant-based nutrition… by the numbers How to live a longer life, with more energy and vitality, has been a ‘holy grail’ question for centuries. Well, thanks to new, recent clinical research studies, those of us who follow Hippocrates’ ideology of “Food being thy medicine and medicine thy food”, now have the numbers to back up claims of a plant-based diet being the best diet to extend life expectancy.
Dr. Zhilei Shan, M.D., Ph.D., postdoctoral research fellow in the department of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, studied 37,000 Americans with an average age of 50, who had been following a diet enriched
with plant protein. According to the study, those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause, and 29% percent less likely to die from coronary heart disease, compared to those who ate very little plant proteins.1 The researchers pointed out that plant proteins include “phytochemicals”, which “have been associated with lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers”. The co-author of the study, Dr Frank Hu, added: “Based on statistical modeling, if you replaced 5% percent of animal protein with plant protein,
that was associated with an almost 50% lower risk of mortality.” Another recent clinical research study, published in
December 2019 by Nutrients2, established the direct correlation between longevity and cardiovascular health, and a
plant-based diet. Specifically, the study examined 151 adults (with a median age of 40 years old) and the effects of eating a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet and their overall cardiovascular health. According to their summary findings,
replacing more than one third of your animal protein with plant protein is one of the greatest ways to prolong your life; furthermore, plant-based diets can significantly reduce the amounts of premature ageing, as well as help to reduce
cholesterol, blood pressure, and the occurrence of onset Type II Diabetes. I chose both studies for this article for one main
䌀䔀刀吀䤀䘀䤀䔀䐀 伀刀䜀䄀一䤀䌀㨀 圀栀攀愀琀最爀愀猀猀Ⰰ 匀瀀爀漀甀琀猀Ⰰ 䴀椀挀爀漀 䜀爀攀攀渀猀Ⰰ 匀攀攀搀 愀渀搀 匀甀瀀瀀氀椀攀猀 N O W AVA I L A B L E I N T H E H I P P O C R A T E S S T O R E
reason; to let the numbers, facts, and stats from experts support my personal belief, and the overarching belief here at Hippocrates; the best way to improve your life, health, longevity, and vitality is with plant-based nutrition.
As Dr. Zhilei Shan said in his findings, “Healthy plant proteins like nuts, legumes, and whole grains contain more than just
protein - they include other beneficial nutrients such as healthy fats, antioxidant vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. When red and processed meats are replaced by plant protein sources, you have less chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers.”
In this issue of Healing Our World, you will find many more informative articles, all intended to help you optimize your health, longevity, and vitality. If you’re interested in reading more about the studies I cited in this article, I have copied their respective links below. Good reading! 1 How to live longer: Best diet to increase life expectancy - proven in two new studies
https://www.ibtimes.com/swap-red-meat-plant-based-protein-dairy-better-heart-health-2935060 2 Dietary Intakes and Cardiovascular Health of Healthy Adults in with Whole-Food Plant-Based Lifestyle Program https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/1/55
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
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Director’s Letter Long life is only desirable if it is filled with love, health, and
happiness. For that reason, be sure that the first step in creating a greater lifespan is to achieve these three jewels of longevity.
Fueling your life with living nutrition and challenging your body
with movement, resistance, and flex are all prerequisites to carry the heart and soul to the distant finish line.
Photo credit: Andrés Jiménez
Pre-eminent researchers on centenarians and super centenarians (110+) report that plant-based diets, interval exercise, and
relationships/friendships are the hallmark to these golden oldies. Brigham Young University reported that after 65, those with four close friends could live up to eight years longer. Seemingly, it is
important that we all go out and bond with others at an organic vegan restaurant while on the way to the gym!
Compelling evidence and the significant experience we have had with the grand mature madams and men expose the
Complimentary Open House & FREE Lecture Monthly To register for the next event visit hippocratesinst.org/the-resort/ events/ or call (561) 471-8876 for further details 8
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
comprehensive necessity to be fully engaged and nourished on all levels. It used to be considered a pipe dream to speak about longevity; now it is supported by solid science and an ever-increasing population of older people. There are so
This event is a great opportunity to:
• Enjoy our tasty Living Foods Buffet at a reduced rate of $20.00 • Take a walking tour of our 50-acre campus • Enjoy a FREE keynote lecture and Q&A • Receive discount coupons • Enter a raffle
many myths surrounding the subject of ageing and the most problematic of all, that is still disseminated in the halls of education, is that genes play a major role. In fact, it is the opposite of true. We now know that people who live beyond 100 generally have the same genes as the rest of us.
The difference is their lifestyle, including attitudes which switch gene expression on or off. Epigenetics is the name that legitimate science has labeled this phenomenon. Worldwide, progressive scientists have delved into the multitude of factors that support the connection between DNA/RNA and your immune system. Recently, Russian revelations have actually exposed the instantaneous improvement or degradation of DNA by the very words you harbor and express. Personal passion equals longevity. Finding a reason for your life, knocking down the boundaries and borders and
ingesting the happiest thoughts, foods, and body-enhancing activities are the trio creating a lifelong repertoire of pleasantries, pursuits, and plentifulness.
• Shop during extended store hours
• Speak with specialists about our many Programs, including the Cancer Comprehensive Wellness Program, Weight Loss Academy, Chronic Immune Deficiencies Program, and the revolutionary Life Transformation Program
Be well,
Anna Maria and Brian Clement, PhD, LN @AnnaMariaPhD // @ClementPhD
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Crazy Corona By Brian Clement, PhD, LN
One thing‘s for sure, corporations and
SARS. It is meant to target the respiratory
up. At the top of this year’s hit parade is
have a greater impact on the mature
governments know how to shake people
bed from the early twentieth century. You
would think they could at least Photoshop
Not once on the airwaves anywhere on
something more contemporary!
Earth is this focused on by the media.
The pharmaceutical dollars that sponsor
What’s more, the impact that this has on
controlling influence on what the public
“powers that be” cashing in on lower stock
television, radio, and print ads have a
the global economy renders images of the
gets to see, hear, and read. Now is the
prices which inevitably will rise when they
season of inoculations, so drug companies
“magically” find a cure.
want the sheep to come home and
My advice? Don’t let this Crazy Corona
be adherent as they enrich their bank
drive YOU crazy. Continue to do everything
Many believe the sinister forces have a dual
reported to have been laboratory created,
mixing parts of the common cold, HIV, and
Agent Senior, Et Ambassadrice Hippocrate depuis 30 années
5 Juil au 25 Juil 2020 13 Dec au 2 Jan 2021
stoic nurse hovering over a patient’s death
million people globally per year.
to protect and raise your health so that your immune system does not fall prey
Due to COVID-19, and the need for people to participate in "Social Distancing", we will be doing several live webinars, and ondemand learning seminars.
Doctor Days
New Immersion dates September 23-25 2020 and April 28-30 2021.
New One Day Special Events on July 30 “Regroup and Rebalance”, 2020 and Oct 8, 2020 “The Hippocrates Guide for Health care professionals for a Healthy Immune System”.
to our COVID-19 Resource page, for video
Please continue to check your emails from us often, for any updates and cancellations.
members of our Medical Team. As I have
to the latest scare tactic. Go frequently
updates from Anna Maria, myself, and other said before, we are in this together!
hippocratesinst.org /the-resort/events/
To sign up for the newsletter, go to our website.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Ambassadrice pour la francophonie Éducatrice santé diplômée, depuis 1998
Monica Peloquin,
why they use the same old photo of the
common colds and flus kill nearly three
Roxane Vézina, ing., ASC
roxane@qilucru.com / (514) 914-0222 roxane@instituthippocrates.com
that they like to market, but I still question
Somehow, people do not realize that
French groups Bienvenue aux clients de la Francophonie Sejours traduits Franco-Quebecois en ����
Avril 2020 (à confirmer)
races and ages. Pandemic is the image
a whole array of other provocative nasties.
reports is that the current “evil virus” is
with Brian and Anna Maria
population, but also weaker people of all
was SARS, Ebola, avian flu, swine flu, and
management. What we know from recent
system and from what the scientists say,
the coronavirus, COVID19. In the past, it
objective which also includes population
Francophone Program
monica.peloquin@gmail.com / (514) 962-2664 monica@instituthippocrate.com
Claudine Richard
Ambassadrice depuis la France Naturopathe et Hippocrates Health Educator
12 Jul au 1 Août 2020 24 Jan au 13 Fév 2021 revitalisation@wanadoo.fr (33) 6 74 93 04 96
Carole Gagnon
Éducatrice Santé , et coach diplômée depuis 2010
17 Nov 2019 au 14 Dec 2020 caroledougoud@icloud.com
Marie-Christine Lhermitte
mclhermitte30@gmail.com / (33) 06 11 44 24 81
Feuillet Publicitaire Ci-Joint instituthippocrates.com
Legends Radio
Every Sunday from 9am-9:30am on fm 100.3 or listen to the podcast on hippocratesinst.org/the-hippocrates-podcast. legendsradio.com
Download Legends Radio 100.3 from your app store.
Call, tune in, or go online for Information On All Things Hippocrates
(561) 471-8876 hippocratesinst.org legends 100.3 Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
The Evolution of Hippocrates Anthony Looney, Creative Director at CAB Studios explains what’s behind the new incarnation of the brand.
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Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality || hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org |
The Evolution of Hippocrates Earlier this year, CAB Studios was proudly asked to partner with Hippocrates on its first comprehensive brand review in four decades. The world of wellness, health, and beauty has evolved beyond recognition in the last decade making it the fastest growing industry across the world and a hugely important part of everyday life.
Hippocrates felt it was the right time to revisit its past and remind
The challenge for us was clear; we needed to position the brand
We wanted to reflect this element through the identity, alongside
Working closely with the great team at Hippocrates and its loyal
the Hippocrates brand up to date; refining brand messaging and
but also help create new audiences, such as the Instagram and
the ethos of Hippocrates and focuses on the personal journey you
brand across all platforms and customer touchpoints to create
us all of their pioneering mission. We were tasked to help bring reaching out to the global community, refocusing their brand values, and creating an engaging digital platform.
Seeing the Institute in West Palm Beach first hand opened our eyes to how beautiful, special, and unique the Hippocrates Institute
really is; the stunning space has so much to offer compared to other lifestyle retreats.
Speaking to visitors and the passionate employees highlighted how Hippocrates had really transformed their lives. Educating them to take responsibility for their own health and encouraging them to help spread the Hippocrates story around the world.
in a way that would tap into the mindsets of current customers, influencer generation who would see Hippocrates as a hidden and untapped gem.
Today’s generation is very savvy - not only looking for treatments and products to help them with their health challenges, they are
also finding methods that connect them back to nature as they seek to improve their health and lifestyle in a holistic approach. This perfectly fits the Hippocrates model.
At the very heart of our brand refresh is the concept of ‘human balance’. In today’s society, people typically have demanding
careers and lifestyles, which means they don’t tend to give time
to themselves and create that balance, that ‘me time’. We felt the journey Hippocrates leads you through to restore your balance,
whatever your age or health challenge, is key to a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
their 360 approach to wellness. The visual language celebrates
navigate on the program as individuals, whether you’re overcoming a health challenge, a spa junkie, or health chaser.
Our brand refresh was built around satisfying the core customer
customers, we were able to redefine the core elements for the
an integrated strategy that will position Hippocrates, as the go-to health lifestyle community in the world.
insight and bringing the concept of human balance to life. Based on extensive customer research, we began to develop a picture
of what was sacred and how we might amplify/moderate certain elements of the existing visual and verbal identity to appeal to a
broadening global audience. This followed close collaboration with the Hippocrates team to achieve a natural evolution of the brand. As part of the project, we reset Hippocrates’ value set to
Community, Responsibility, Educate, Empower, Healing. We
developed a new narrative for each, explaining why they mattered and how they might be expressed through words and actions.
If your business or organisation is looking to rebrand or you require a new website or digital marketing support to drive performance, we would love to hear from you. Please contact:
l.bellamy@cabstudios.co.uk www.cabstudios.co.uk
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Begin your journey this June
Starting June 14 our immersive retreats at Hippocrates are back in full swing. Detox with yoga and infrared saunas, enjoy the most nourishing raw vegan cuisine in the world, and discover bliss with energy medicine therapies. Book a reservation with an arrival date between June 14 and September 27 and receive a $250 Hippocrates gift card to spend on supplements and additional services.*
*Date changes during the above mentioned window of time will not be subject to a fee if there is a delay in opening HHI for COVID-19.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Start today at hippocratesinst.org Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
On-Campus Immunity Boosting Program Hippocrates Immune Booster Program An Upgrade Package to the Life Transformation Program. For 60+ years Hippocrates Health Institute has been
applying the whole-body approach to wellness to assist the body in regaining its optimal state of immunity.
A strong immunity is your best defense for resisting disease, fighting viruses, and maintaining a long and healthy life. Big lifestyle changes can be intimidating when you
attempt them alone. That’s exactly why we’ve created
this program. We invite you to immerse yourself in the
knowledge, the food, the environment, and the support all at once so that transformation is ensured.
Included in your one week stay: Products and Services • Immune Core Kit • Vitamin D
• Argentyn Silver
• Probiotic Restore • Biocidin Olivirex
• IV - Natural Defense • Nebulized Silver
• Vitamin D Injection
• Initial Blood Work Test (Included in LTP)
• Nucalm (Included in LTP)
• Wellness Visit (Andy/Antony) (Included in LTP) • Acupuncture
• Lymph Massage
• Wheatgrass Scalp Massage • Colon Hydro Therapy • Body Wrap
• Aqua Classes • Yoga Classes
• Didgeridoo Session
• Infra-Red with O2 (Included in LTP)
• Infrared saunas
• Indoor and outdoor exercise classes • Meditation classes • Yoga classes
• Twice-daily wheatgrass juice • All lectures • Pools
• Library
Raw Vegan Diet
• 2 delicious, plant-based organic, buffet-style meals served from 12:30 to 2 PM and 5:30 to 7 PM • Organic fresh-pressed, protein-rich green juices served twice daily at 10 AM and 4 PM • Organic, raw E3Live algae served 3 days weekly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at 10 AM and 4 PM • Unlimited flax water for digestive wellness
• Raw, ice-cream dessert on Saturday nights
• Unlimited, organic fruit buffet (if applicable) served twice weekly: Sunday from 8:30 AM- 10:30 AM and Thursday from 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
• The latest wellness modalities and technologies • How to juice both wheatgrass and green juices • All common relaxation areas and walking trails throughout the lush property
• Group therapy sessions (healing circle, journaling class, etc.)
• Cooking and recipe classes • Participation in our weekly outing (scheduled for Saturdays after breakfast)
• How to grow and sprout your own foods
• How to overcome food addictions and adopt an ideal dietary program
• The benefits of wheatgrass and sprouts for treating disease • The benefits of an alkaline, raw, plant-based diet
• The benefits of colonics, enemas, and wheatgrass implants for cleansing the colon and liver • The benefits of intermittent fasting • The benefits of meditation • The benefits of enzymes • The benefits of algae
• How to move your lymphatic system for detoxification • The benefits of infrared saunas for heavy-metal detox
Discuss how we can support your personal health
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/HIBP
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Ask Brian
Is charcoal only a remedy or can it be used as a
supplement for prevention?
Curious in Carolina This carbon-based powder acts like a vacuum
The visionary behind the Hippocrates lifestyle answers your questions...
cleaner for the bad guys that may enter your system. Bursts of use, not long indulgences
would be a better idea since it is indiscriminating, provoking drainage of vital nutrients long term. If one is exposed to microbes or chemicals and heavy metals, this powerful agent can help to
prevent cellular uptake once contamination has
I have ongoing issues after my
occurred, it is also an agent for remedy.
pregnancy; I want to switch my
medication for a more natural route. on medication for years, but still suffer
Can you tell me what it means
temperature, and difficulty making
when a person shrugs their
breast milk.
supplements or treatments do you recommend?
Kimberley Today’s medical understanding is that Hashimotos is not
helped by conventional medication. Unfortunately, many
mainstream doctors maintain that protocol for their patients. Supplementing with organic selenium and ionic iodine at
homeopathic levels has been helpful. It is not surprising that
you have manifested hormonal acne, since the thyroid plays an essential role in the distribution of this chemical symphony.
Using ionic zinc has also proven effective for both thyroid and maintenance of hair and its color. Supplemental Biosil and
small amounts of ionic copper promote healthy scalp follicles. Needless to say, you should adopt the Hippocrates Diet and
Lifestyle to enable the body to maintain an optimum weight,
and use skin-enhancing healing agents from the BECOME line, like: BECOME A Little Tenderness, BECOME A Breath Of Fresh
says I am completely insulin resistant and due to that must take Metformin “or I will die”.
He says my pancreas is producing more than enough insulin for two men and I have high testosterone. I did intermittent fasting and
exercised � days a week for � miles a day and got my blood sugar from ��� fasting in two months down to �� fasting.
I have lost �� pounds and when I ask him if
I can get off Metformin he declines. Is there
another way to live without taking Metformin?
Congratulations on applying affirmative lifestyle to remedy your
from changes to my hair, skin, weight,
am off my medication? What foods,
cholesterol, PCOS and pre-diabetes. My doctor
Joy Wells
I have hypothyroidism and have been
How can I manage my thyroid after I
I have a few health issues: ADD, anxiety, high
In the previous issue you responded to Botox for fine lines and wrinkles.
Your response was to use other fillers
and stem cells. Please elaborate. With fillers, would Restylane be a better
shoulders and all sorts of
snap, crackle and popping sounds are heard?
concerns. Hippocrates Health Institutes has worked with tens of thousands suffering blood sugar concerns.
When fully adopting the green enzyme rich diet, low blood sugar
and type II diabetes seem to universally remedy themselves. You can expedite this with exercise and the use of targeted supplementation,
like algae, diaxinol, etc. The ADD, anxiety, high cholesterol, and PCOS all directly relate to an imbalance in intestinal flora and fauna. Taking an
A+ Probiotic like LifeGive and making sure that you consume adequate amounts of cellulose (prebiotic) will foster ever increasing healthy bacterial balance, sparking improved immune function.
alternative? Is there a stem cell clinic(s)
Rigidity in cartilage, lack of hydration in bones,
When bridging from your previous diet to your enhanced version, you
Donna from Toronto, Canada
cacophony upon movement.
protein, etc. Cholesterol will naturally fall to the wayside. Food, body
Drinking adequate amounts of pure organic
you would highly recommend and why?
Colleagues who are cutting edge in plastic surgery tell me
that PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets) combined with stem cells render the best results to slow dermal aging.
Restylane mimics the chemistry that creates cologne. Consuming a live, organic plant-based diet combined with
supplemental silica, biotin, and strontium are your best bet to keep on track to glowing like a youngster.
and mental stress combine to afflict people with a
may want to add some targeted herbs, like 5HDP, for anxiety, Gabba
fitness, and positive action will encourage all maladies to be banished.
low sugar juice and clean water is the first step to subduing these noisy outbursts, 60% of our
population is dehydrated. Participate in stretching, pilates, and yogic exercise.
Swimming is the only full body and brain fitness
that uses 100% of all brain neurons and physical anatomy and can also be helpful.
Ask Brian anything!
HOW@hippocratesinst.org Brian Clement PhD, LN
Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute
Air, and BECOME A Guardian Angel.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Hippocrates BECOME Salon gets its own makeover! By Renee James
We are so excited to share with you the end result of our BECOME Salon makeover! The walls are painted, and floors are tiled. We’ve finished our own beautification process - now it’s your turn. We’ve already welcomed our first guest, Kristen Anderson Stampini. We are all here, the only thing missing is you. We now have two pedicure thrones as well as two
manicure stations, so now you can have a mani-pedi party with your BFF.
Our signature wheatgrass scalp treatment has been taken
to the next level, with its own designated therapy room for added privacy.
Don’t forget - we have our own line of exclusive, organic, seaweed-based skin “food” line to help you feel as
beautiful outside as our lifestyle makes you feel inside.
Do you live locally? Experience the bliss and beauty of BECOME Salon! As many of you know, our BECOME Organic Salon and
Beauty Center is one of those nourishing perks to being on the Hippocrates’ Life Transformation Program, Lifestyle
Mastery Program (formerly known as the Health Educator Program), Weight Loss and Fitness Academy, and other on-campus programs.
What you may not know is that the BECOME Salon and products are also available to the general public… both on our campus and through e-commerce. That’s right! You don’t have to be on any Hippocrates program to experience the bliss and beauty of our BECOME Salon. Our mission is to provide services to nurture, to pamper
and to heal with organic, natural products in a supportive,
positive, chemical-free environment. We believe our bodies are ecosystems; health and beauty are one system, one whole.
All of our products are safe, pure, wild-crafted and packed with organic ingredients that feed your body through your skin.
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Signature Products and Services: •
blend of exfoliate, wheatgrass, essential oils, and clay, designed to nurture the scalp.
CUSTOM SHAMPOO & SCALP MASSAGE - Each shampoo is personalized, based on the scalp condition and needs of each individual
CUSTOMIZED HAIR COLOR - A unique blend of
organic, all-natural plant-based color that covers
grey 100% using a balayage technique for highlights. •
GREAT LENGTH HAIR EXTENSIONS - We only use Great Lengths hair extensions which are 100%
natural human hair, that attach additional strands to your own hair. •
SUGARING HAIR REMOVAL - There are no waxes,
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Welcome Dr. Davis Our newest medical team member. Dr. Christopher Davis is a triple board-certified integrative interventional cardiologist, with a passion for educating and empowering individuals
to take control of their own health - by teaching simple lifestyle changes that have been overlooked by our medical establishment for years.
He firmly believes that our bodies were designed to heal themselves given the proper nutrition. Dr. Davis completed his undergraduate
education at Duke University and attended medical school at Eastern
Virginia Medical School. He completed his internal medicine residency at Johns Hopkins University-Sinai Hospital, and went on to serve as
chief medical resident at Johns Hopkins. He then completed a four-year
general cardiology fellowship and an additional one-year interventional cardiology fellowship at the University of Virginia.
Dr. Davis is the founder of Manatee Cardiovascular Wellness Institute,
a full-service cardiovascular practice, as well as the founder of Reveal Vitality, a lifestyle medicine and functional medicine practice where
he incorporates nutrition education, hormone balance, and precision health and wellness utilizing genetic testing. Dr. Davis has created
systematic wellness programs that provide the foundational education to dispel the ever-growing number of fallacies and myths related to achieving optimal health.
As an exercise enthusiast, Dr. Davis practices what he preaches. Clients travel from around the world to garner his expertise that allows
them to enjoy a life full of vitality. Dr. Davis takes great pride in the
compassionate care he provides to his clients and their families, day in, day out witnessing each client’s health transformation, which propels him to continue changing lives!
�� 26
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
A “Renegade Virus” By Brian Clement, PhD, LN and Rudhi Leonardi
Any “Roaring 2020s” optimism at the beginning of this year bounced from a fragile fizzled folium triggered by the biosafety concerns of the renegade COVID-19 virus outbreak to a cautious optimism as the President and Congressional leaders shifted into an emergency mode passing a $2.2 Trillion stimulus package. The US relief package particularly supports families and workers who lost jobs while also “beefing up medical supplies” and supplementing strategic efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Although there is a huge payout to Big Pharma and large Companies working closely with the CDC and FDA, the testing of an effective new vaccine remains unknown. Myths and Intrigue
There are so many moving parts and big players with different
agendas on the COVID-19 stage, it can be difficult to validate truth. At the beginning of March, the head of the WHO, World Health
Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus stated: “We are in uncharted
territory.” Yet, we always keep in mind a perspective where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states that “50% of WHO funding comes from pharmaceutical companies”.
Normally, the most common transmission of a flu virus comes from China’s farming system where ducks incubate flu viruses but are unable to pass any on to humans on their own. The production
system exists where hundreds of ducks are kept next to many pigs
for massive production. Pigs are vulnerable and catch viruses from
ducks, then easily pass them on to humans ‒ hence the “swine flu”. COVID-19 has nothing to do with this system.
Further, Bat meat is popular in some countries, and there have
been discussions that bats in nature were inflected and transferred COVID-19 to humans. This has never happened in nature and
appears impossible and unproven. Also, the “bat” virus would not
be localized to one Chinese province if this were true. Yet, bats still play an unusual cameo role in this unfolding drama as explained later on.
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BSL-4 Labs* ‒ Mastering Genetics and Components *(BSL-4 is the highest lab level of bio safety)
There are many who say that the COVID-19 virus was an attempt
to develop a bio-weaponized technology by combining species. If so, such an intrigue reads like a James Bond or Spielberg spy film twisted with Occam’s razor. (1) It is like witnessing a new chimeric
version of a mythical creature that has escaped from the lab - not
knowing if it were the head of a turtle on the body of a dragon or a complete species jump with a double-barreled virus of HIV and a version of MERS. (2)
Yet, many larger countries, including the US, Canada, England,
India, and China, have a special lab rated as BSL-4 which focusses
on DNA genetic engineering and biological weapons. China’s lab is
located in Wuhan in the Hubei province with over 11 million people. It is here where the “outbreak occurred”. Laws exist suggesting
ethical guidelines for such activity, however uniform enforcement and guarantees of abiding to “ethical” guidelines are impossible. The BSL-4 Pirbright Institute in England, while focusing primarily
on livestock and Mad-Cow disease, has patented from bats certain “weakened forms of the coronavirus that could be used as a
vaccine” with research ongoing. Although very aware, the Institute
punts the bats research, noting (also) that the coronavirus virus
Since 2002, there has been the emergence of two of these new
coronavirus, the seventh coronavirus identified that is able to infect
disease. Coronaviruses also are supposedly able to occasionally
was “…first identified in Wuhan, China, earlier this year as a new humans….(and) can cause diseases which…(including) … sever acute respiratory syndrome. (3)
It appears that the Wuhan lab worked with human coronaviruses
manipulations, resulting in two major components to the COVID-19 virus, initially termed SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee
on Taxonomy of Viruses. There are two distinctive components to consider.
Component 1: A Bat variation coronavirus: There have been
attempts to establish a novel virus using a bat sub-family, where the molecular epidemiology of a bat sequence is applied and targeted to affect the lungs, also mentioned in the Journal of Virology.
Technically, “the novel virus is a representative of a new, yet-to-
be-established species in lineage C of the genus Betacoronavirus, which currently includes the species Tylonycteris bat coronavirus including HKU4 and Pipistrellus bat coronavirus HKU5” (4) The evolution of this sequencing of lineage C betacoronaviruses
among bats has a purposeful respiratory effect on humans and is
coronaviruses that can infect humans and resulted in a more severe jump from one species to another, which is what allegedly
happened in the case of SARS and MERS, yet proof is stingy and without strong supportive integrous grounding and research. (5)
(Note: SARS = Severe acute respiratory syndrome; MERS = Middle East respiratory syndrome coronaviruses).
Component 2: Various HIV cells: Apparently, the COVID-19 “bat
component” was combined with an HIV delivery system, possibly
even a modified version. This would become part of the COVID-19 delivery system. Although not fully proven, Dr. Gabriel Cousens
explains and suspects “the virus enters through an ACE2 receptors on the cell wall membrane… The virus enters the cell via a vesicle called an endosome. Once inside, it releases its RNA into the cell cytoplasm and hijacks the cell machinery to produce more viral proteins and the virus. It also releases an enzyme called 3CL
(3-chymotripsin-like protease). This enzyme attacks the cell defense mechanism against the coronavirus inhibitors.”
included as part of the COVID-19 delivery system.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
The two parts above are allegedly the combination that makes up COVID-19, as best anyone can surmise or put
together at this time. There are many hard as well as soft sources that back up these postulations and provide the most plausible scenario available at this time.
HHI realizes that our roads to health can become bumpy at times in our lives and even unprecedented as we
witness this outbreak and seek the best way to address
its impact. The Hippocrates Health Institute and the POP Campaign are always encouraging you to “Let Food be thy Medicine”... yet we know it is necessary to address
intruders like COVID-19 in the most educated and sensible ways possible. HHI will continue offering ongoing sharing of the best information it has and will support you and
your families. Please speak with our staff to get the best products to support you during this trying time. References
1. Clarity: Occam’s razor (or Ockham’s razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the smallest number of assumptions is usually correct. 2. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01244-13 3. Pirbright’s livestock coronavirus research ‒ your questions answered: https://www.pirbright.ac.uk/news/2020/01/pirbright’s-livestock-coronavirusresearch-‒-your-questions-answered
Accredited Coach Training Program
If you are someone who is genuinely interested in helping others, becoming an Accredited Professional Coach provides you with the tools to make an impact. Hippocrates Health Institute and Noble Manhattan USA have partnered to deliver award winning, accredited Life, Executive & Team Coach Training Programs. This powerful educational opportunity is a pathway to becoming a professional coach.
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4. Journal of Virology: Genetic Characterization of Betacoronavirus Lineage C Viruses in Bats Reveals Marked Sequence Divergence in the Spike Protein of PipistrellusBat Coronavirus HKU5 in Japanese Pipistrelle: Implications for the Origin of the Novel Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3719811/
• Practitioner Coach Certificate Enhanced • Practitioner Coach Diploma • PhD in Professional Coaching
5. MERS: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) 20122013: https://jvi.asm.org/content/87/14/7790.short
Level of entry Video Interview
English, but translators in some languages, please contact us
Discuss how we can support your personal health and
lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561)-531-0534, email accreditedcoachtraining@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/accredited-coach-training-programs
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Your immune system and the Coronavirus
What does working on your immune system mean? 1.
Experts have deemed the novel coronavirus to be a major threat to public health. However, there is another virus that
infects and kills many more every year.
Seasonal influenza infects millions and
kills over 10,000 people in the U.S. every
season. With younger people dying from
viral infections every year, it is important
to measure and strengthen your immune system so that you are prepared for both seasonal and novel viral infections.
According to a new study released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CCDC), there were over 115,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of
March 10th, 2020, of which there have been more than 4,000 deaths.1 Most of these deaths are commonly attributed to old
age or pre-existing conditions. However, the recent case of Dr. Li Wienliang, a
34-year-old doctor in China who died after contracting the coronavirus, is causing
many to rethink the root causes of death in those that contract Covid-19, the resulting disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Based upon the research that has been
victims of Covid-19, can be indicative of
underlying immune system dysfunction. Imbalances and dysfunction in your
immune system can place you at higher risk of serious infection from the coronavirus. Research has shown that patients with SARS have significantly lower natural
killer cell counts and function compared
to patients with less severe infections and
healthy controls.2 Natural killer cells, along
with B cells and T cells, are one of the main pillars of your immune system that are
used to fight infections and serious illness. When these cells are dysfunctional, your
body’s ability to combat the infection and restore normal function is diminished,
placing you at risk of serious infection or even death.
Although the coronavirus has captured the media’s attention as it has spread throughout the world, we are also
neglecting to take appropriate measures
to protect ourselves from the flu, which is even more widespread. According to the
CDC, the 2019-2020 seasonal influenza has already caused over 29 million illnesses and 16,000 deaths in the U.S. alone.3
conducted on previous coronavirus
The World Health Organization estimates
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle
million cases of serious illness and 290,000
outbreaks such as Severe Acute
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), the unexpected death of Dr. Wienliang and
that every year, the flu leads to three to five to 650,000 respiratory deaths.4
many other young, seemingly healthy
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality
foods while eliminating animal products and processed “food stuff ”. Your thoughts are also
important, so finding value and passion in your life are vital to a healthy immune system. Last, but certainly not least, get moving. Exercise keeps your muscles and skeletal system strong, but also keeps your lymph system moving to help rid the body of toxins and cellular waste products that 2.
By Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj MD, FACP, and Vineet Polineni, B.Sc. Are you concerned about the coronavirus?
It begins with a holistic mindset that creates a change in lifestyle to include enzyme-rich living
can clog up the process of healing.
If we measure your immune system and it reveals dysfunction in any of the three main pillars, the B cells, T cells, and Natural Killer cells, you can receive personalized, precision-based treatment at the Maharaj Institute. This treatment mobilizes your stem cells to move out of the bone
marrow, into the peripheral blood stream, from where they will repair the immune system, reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissue. This will get your immune function back on track, so
What can we do to protect ourselves from
contracting viral infections? There are
many everyday approaches that can be
there is little to no risk of rejection or infection.
respiratory hygiene by covering our mouth and nose after coughing or sneezing.
steps to protect yourself, yet still may be at significant risk of contracting a viral
infection? The answer is a compromised immune system. Previous research has
shown that natural killer cells are a crucial part of the body’s immune response to
fight the flu and other serious infections.5 Immune system dysfunction can place
you at higher risk of being affected by the coronavirus, but you may be at similar or even greater risk of contracting the flu,
which affects many more people every year!
Here at the Maharaj Institute of Immune
Regenerative Medicine, you can have your
immune system measured to get a precise
understanding of your immune health and the risk that you may have of contracting
serious infections. After you have done so,
you can take steps to work on your immune system to better protect yourself against viral infections.
cells and immune cells in case you experience significant illness or infection at a later date. At that infection. Additionally, using your own banked immune system means that you can be sure that
washing our hands regularly and practicing
the puzzle when you have taken all the
If you have a healthy immune system, we can mobilize, collect, and cryogenically store your stem point, your younger, healthier immune system can be reinstated, to help combat the illness or
taken to keep ourselves healthy, such as
Therefore, what is the missing piece of
that it can naturally fight off infections.
This occurred for a 22-year-old patient who came to the Institute with chronic infections that caused her to experience brain fog,
recurrent sinus infections, colds, fatigue, bloating, and constipation. Measurement of her immune system revealed significant immune
dysfunction and poor natural killer cell function. The patient started receiving treatment at the Institute which boosted her immune
system and improved her natural killer cell function. Her condition improved and she experienced improved memory, concentration,
and energy with no recurrence of her brain fog or chronic infections. The recent outbreak of coronavirus and the underlying causes of
death are still being heavily researched, but established research shows us that immune dysfunction plays a central role in this
process. Along with coronavirus, seasonal influenza affects millions every year, causing serious infection and death. Your immune
health is vital to reducing your risk of serious infection from both novel and seasonal viruses and as a component of your overall health. Therefore, the importance of measuring your immune
system and taking steps to improve or maintain your immune system function cannot be understated. 1.
2. 4. 5.
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/influenza-(seasonal) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24992894
The Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine 10301 Hagen Ranch Road, Entrance C, Suite 600 Boynton Beach, Fl 33437
Web: www.maharajinstitute.org Tel: 561-752-5522 info@miirm.org
Fax: 561-752-5446
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Moody man in your life?
There is a reason for his disinterest, mood swings, and symptoms of
“mid-life crisis”. It’s called MAN-opause... and internationally renowned authors and healthy living advocates BRIAN R. CLEMENT PhD, LN AND
ANNA MARIA CLEMENT PhD, LN, will let you know how to restore balance and harmony to the body and mind so that you both can have a happier, more fulfilled life!
This book is a man’s educational manual about the health effects of hormone imbalance, but just as importantly, it’s a must-read for the women in their life, since it is often the
women who inspire and coax men to break through their denial and seek help when they encounter health challenges.
eventually face, yet very few of them even realize the condition exists, much less that the vexing symptoms they experience can be remedied.
Male menopause (MAN-opause) is a little reported and less understood phenomenon
causing irritability, anger, depression, fatigue, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction. It is affecting men at younger ages and for far longer in life than ever before. Science has confirmed this emerging phenomenon.
Using the latest medical science findings, MAN-opause explains in understandable
language how any man - with or without a woman’s participation - can take proactive steps, at any stage of life, to neutralize the impact of andropause and its wide range of debilitating and disturbing symptoms.
Brian Clement, PhD, LN, and Anna Maria Clement, PhD,
LN, have spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than four decades as Directors of
the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, in West Palm Beach, Florida, the world’s foremost complementary
residential health center. Spa Magazine calls Hippocrates
“the number one wellness spa in the world.” Individually and together they have authored more than 20 books, including
Supplements Exposed and 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
We’re surrounded each day by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by cell phones, home appliances, and electrical wires. EMF exposure can make us ill. Fortunately, the revolutionary HHI Pulse is an EMF interruption medallion, or necklace, that should permanently adorn your body against the solar plexus area of your chest. Not only will manmade frequencies be altered, but emotional abnormalities will also be diffused. We have scientifically explored the state of the art in EMF technology and assembled this highly effective tool for protection. Watch the 5G Apocalypse Movie!
That cluster of mid-life hormonal decline is a significant life challenge which all men will
About the Authors
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Vitality and Long Living By Brian Clement, PhD, LN
If you want to live to a ripe old age and still be sweet and vibrant in your golden years, start by challenging your own belief systems.
With the endless array of medical testing, there is no better way to determine one’s life expectancy than observing the vitality - or lack thereof - that one displays. It is not odd these days to see lethargic 20-year-olds drooping over
often, unscrupulous voices answer the call. Our cultural adherence
There is no rest time needed for those pursuing enrichment of the
As natural history and biological science knows, all creatures living
is a rare sight. Having had the gift of working with more than a
the list are the limiting beliefs that are imposed on us. Exceptional
greater adventure. Richard Branson was once asked why he created
tables at a fast food restaurant ‒ while watching a 90-year-old dance quarter million people over the last half century, I have employed the vitality measurement as much as any other tool.
Just today, I spoke to an alumnus who attended the program in
1993, with her then 79-year-old grandmother. Together we recalled how this amazing “young at heart” woman danced for two hours while the Wheatgrass Band was rocking away.
At the pools, she was a surrogate swim instructor; in the classes she cheered everyone on. Needless to say, she was a glowing example of a woman on a mission of joy. She had just passed away, at 106.
parents who are balanced, happy, and giving, have their own
restrictive patterns. How about the broken mom and dad who
disseminate their own fear to their offspring? What a society we live in that thinks more about protecting themselves than they do of sharing.
People who are charged with their own passion, are on course to fulfillment.
When reaching this reservoir, they quench their thirst, determined to continue on and raise their own bar.
What is it that differentiates people’s perception of life, between
Self-perpetuating growth and progress must be fueled and ignited
discovery, and elated adventure? Conventional psychiatrists may
is never failure on the path to self-realization, only bumps that
that of a tough and miserable existence and one of exploration,
say it’s their brain chemistry; allopathic doctors would blame their genes; spiritual leaders would question their religious devotion; and I’d ask “Have they found their passion?”.
Lost ships in the night clog the waterways of the world, due to the foggy conditions that their lack of clarity and absence of values
to conformity causes a wide assortment of problems. At the top of
create. Wandering souls are desperate for guidance, and all too | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
by an unwavering determination to satisfy one’s own heart. There massage and increase your inner strength.
Every person is a candidate to live a long and happy life. There is no social status, gender, or race that has any more or less advantage. Freedom of thought and application of discovery is the duo of
greatness that allows fruitful accomplishments to be reached.
soul, and each plateau that they reach becomes a springboard for an airline, a railway, and a record company. His answer was clear
and simple: “Because I believed I could do a better job than what was being currently offered.”
The interviewer went on to ask: “What makes you continue to
reach out to the stars?” He responded by saying: “Because I think I can feel even better.” Those who know that all acts should be
encompassing life enhancing progress will be those people who live long and love vitally.
Recently, I spoke to a couple who have been married for 68 years
and asked what was their recipe for success? This duo responded in unison like choral singers, saying the same thing: “It is exciting
in their natural environment, can live seven times the length of their For example, a bird that becomes an adult at one will live seven years. We humans physically mature around 20. Twenty times
seven is 140. How many of you have ever met somebody of that age? Our own limiting factors have boxed us into a lifespan and
robbed us of an exhilarating existence. As a result of this, we don’t
only self-destruct, we contribute to the destruction of the very earth that we live on. Even though many of you will say it is Utopian to
believe that we can break out of this destructive pattern, it is truly
our birthright to do so. If you want to live to a ripe old age and still
be sweet and vibrant in your golden years, start by challenging your own belief systems.
to be with someone who is excited to be with me.” This mature
Assemble the essential trio of pristine plant foods, with vibrant
is because first and always, it personally fills us with joy. When
release all blockages. This life is yours and it is up to you to live it to
partnership led them to learn that why any of us do anything well partners find this magic, it results in good marriages; when co-
workers harmonize, it is successful business; when all humanity lets
movement, and exercise, topping it off with the humbleness to the fullest and create the story that you aspire to!
go of fear, it will result in the elimination of hatred, separation, war, and all other “isms”.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
What’s wrong with cashews and what do we use to substitute? Cashews contain urushiol, the same potentially toxic, oily sap that is in poison ivy. To remove this, most companies roast, bake or steam the cashews, releasing these vapours into the air. Employees must wear masks and goggles to avoid these dangerous vapours in the air. The cooking process denatures the fat presenting carcinogenic challenges. At Hippocrates we substitute with other nuts, such as pine nuts, macadamia, hemp seeds, almonds, or even parsnips. Here are a few delicious example recipes to enjoy: 38
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Fettuccine Carbonara Finally a guilt-free pasta dish that won’t
leave you feeling heavy or ready for a nap as you digest simple carbs for hours. This eloquent but hearty recipe incorporates
special elements such as macadamia nuts and smoked dulse that add to it’s unique
flavor profile. If you have yet to invest in a
vegetable spiralizer, this recipe may inspire your journey to a new world of grain-free
Nut Ice Cream
noodles. Spiralizers can be purchased at
most stores that sell kitchen supplies, or at
Who doesn’t love ice cream? With this recipe by Executive Chef Ken Blue you can experience not only one of the best vegan ice creams, but one free from added
sugar! This recipe is a great option for those wanting to maintain healthy blood sugar levels while still enjoying a stellar dessert. 3 quarts nut milk (equal parts walnuts & pine nuts)
To make nut milk for ice cream: Soak nuts overnight & rinse (discard water)
Blend 2 cups walnuts & 2 cups water Squeeze through sprout bag
Blend 2 cups pine nuts & 2 cups water Squeeze through sprout bag
Alternate this process between walnuts and pine nuts until there is 3 quarts of nut milk (nut “cream”)
Add to nut milk: 4 oz. Vanilla Flavor (alcohol free) 4 Tbsp. Cinnamon
2 Capfuls Stevia (“Stevita” brand)
(To adjust sweetness, add either more Vanilla or Stevia)
Lastly, follow the directions on your ice cream maker.
our very own HHI Store. This sumptuous recipe is provided by Executive Chef Ken
Yield: 4-6 servings
4 Zucchini spun into noodles using a vegetable turning slicer or mandolin
1 ½ Cloves Garlic
Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes
2 oz. Lemon Juice
½ C. Snipped Smoked Dulse (Maine Coast Sea Vegetables) 1 Red Pepper, sm. julienne slices
1 ½ C. Soaked Pine Nuts ½ oz. Olive Oil
Mix in desired amount of sliced onion, red pepper, peas and dulse with noodles.
Blue of Hippocrates Health Institute.
1 Heaping Tbsp. Frontier Pizza Seasoning ½ C. Soaked Macadamia Nuts
½ Red Onion, sm. julienne slices 1 C. Peas
½ Tbsp. Kelp
To make sauce, add all sauce ingredients to blender and then add water so that ingredients are fully covered. Blend into very thick creamy sauce. Add as much sauce as desired to noodle mixture.
Creamy Onion & Hemp Seed Dressing 2 oz. Lemon Juice
¼ Sweet White Onion 2 ¼ C. Hemp Seeds
2 Tbsp. Onion Powder Water (see below)
To prepare: Place all ingredients in a high speed blender. Fill slowly
with water until water covers just over the ingredients. Begin blending. Slowly add a little more water as needed to get desired consistency!
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Welcome to the World of Energy Medicine! By Augusta Malacarne
is accompanied by a dramatic change in
“Are you suffering with arthritis?”
the frequency of the electrical waves in
“Of course! Who doesn’t?”
It is an old joke, but arthritis is like
inflation - almost everyone accepts it as
inevitable, while few ask what causes it. The very latest in scientific research has answered the question. The result is a
revelation in diagnosis and treatment, of not only arthritis but hundreds of
other disorders. The best part is that the
treatment is effortless, even pleasant, and the results can be immediate!
cartilage wears away, exposing bone to rub against bone, pain and restricted
movement can result. The proximate
cause is the overworking of the joints. Pharmaceutical companies produce
symptoms or surgery to repair the damage. Alternative Medicine recommends a
plant-based diet, Omega 3 oils, turmeric and vegan glucosamine, exercise and a
host of additional treatments designed
to restore the cartilage and ease the pain. The intention is to stimulate the body
to more actively heal itself and reduce
inflammation. For the 93 million Americans suffering with arthritis there have been some extraordinary results.
What if we could address the actual cause
directly in an effortless and affordable, non-
toxic, and non-invasive way? Help for a host of other health challenges brought on by
aging, stress, overwork, or toxicity. Things like cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, or
heavy metal toxicities, could be helped, not just arthritis.
The human body uses electrical energy to function at the cellular level. That is, cells
use electrical energy to communicate with other cells and complete their assigned
tasks. Recent scientific studies have proven the existence of electromagnetic wave
forms, at various frequencies, throughout
the body. A dysfunction at the cellular level | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
be that the electrical disturbance predated the biochemical abnormality. Even for
example, the stress in a person’s life causes a shift in the electromagnetic activity in
the cells which in turn cause an organ, or tissue to malfunction. In any case, the
research shows that whenever there is a
physical illness, deteriorating cartilage or
a toxic kidney, there is an identifiable shift in the frequency of the electrical activity associated with that part of the body.
Arthritis occurs when the protective
palliative or putative cures to relieve the
that affected part of the body. Now, it may
Energy Medicine can diagnose
imbalances by measuring frequencies of cellular electrical activity, similar to the
conventional diagnosis from X-Rays. Some Energy Medicine instruments can take this one step further, however, and be applied
to readjust the affected area, and the body as a whole, to find a healthier balance. In practice, this has been shown to be
very effective. As the cellular electrical
frequency returns to harmony, healing accelerates. The body can remove the toxicity and begin restoring itself.
Directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute
have sourced over a dozen of the most
sophisticated and specialized devices from
all over the world and supervised hundreds of protocols for guests to experience
in complete privacy and comfort. They have perfectly integrated the dietary
regimen of raw vegan cuisine, the mindbody approach to wellness practices at the Institute, and the state-of-the-art
technology of Energy Medicine for optimal, holistic results. Hippocrates has been and remains unique for the variety of devices
and innovation in protocols using Energy Medicine to restore health and maximize optimal wellness like no other health
center in the world. Some, out of our 13
devices have been at Hippocrates for the past 30 years, imported from all over the world.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
QRS: Quantron Resonance Systems
device, capable of locating frequency imbalances anywhere in the
electromagnetic frequencies. Treatments with QRS promote blood
frequencies. This device focuses light through the gem with the
the body and removes disturbances in the immune system. The
OndaMed is a sophisticated electromagnetic frequency biofeedback body. The device is capable of assessing the incorrect frequency
in the affected area, then rebalancing that frequency to promote
healing and bring the body into homeostasis (balance). There are
more than 100 protocols addressing various conditions. A treatment lasts 30 to 60 minutes. The cost varies from $45 to $90 dollars.
QRS is manufactured in Germany and is a device that delivers pulsed flow, oxygen transport, transport of nutrients to the organs and
tissues, and removal of cellular waste products. It has shown to be very effective with the mitigation of electro smog by removing the
negative effects of environmental EMF from cellphones, microwave, and electronic devices. It removes toxins by purifying the system. It stimulates metabolism and cellular regeneration. A 30-minute treatment is $45.
CoMra: Coherent Multi Radiances
magnetism, and low ultrasonic therapy. This treatment stimulates
long-term pain. By increasing microcirculation, this device reduces
CoMra treatments combine cold laser technology with LED lights, the cell to reduce inflammation, increase lymph drainage, and
promote general vitality. After just a few treatments, guests have reported a great increase in relaxation, as well as in energy. The reason for this is that the body requires energy to heal itself. All
energy devices provide fuel to the cells allowing them to regenerate the human body. Our body has trillions of cells and these Energy Medicine therapies put the body in a state of higher vibration,
allowing all organs to function better, at an increased frequency. Energy medicine supplies the energy factor to holistic healing. Treatment times are 30 minutes and price is $45.00.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Every gem - ruby, emerald, sapphire, etc. - transmits different
healing attributes one selects and is directed at the temples. Here at Hippocrates, we have coupled this experience with that of
“floating” on a warmed waterbed, so you can literally be washed
away in the colorful waves of the specific frequencies that you need at that moment. The result of a once a week session is improved microcirculation promoting optimum cellular function and
stimulating positive immune responses. The cost for one 20-minute session is $45.
Cyberscan is a biofeedback device which equalizes imbalances within process is simple, your hand is placed on the pad for a few seconds to measure your frequency. The missing frequencies are then recorded
onto a small card that should remain near your body for the next two weeks so those frequencies can create resonance with your body
to help regain what was previously lacking. Other suggestions are
also made of affirmations, essential oils, or Bach Flower essence to
support the changes that are occuring. This treatment is $175. Price includes the interpretation of the findings.
H-wave is an electromagnetic device, specifically designed to treat
Infrared with Oxygen
inflammation and promotes lymphatic drainage, using a type of
since the client breathes a high level of oxygen while enjoying the
which uses binaural beats in combination with a wide variety of
wave that the body is more familiar with. Unlike a tens machine
which forces muscle contraction, H-wave utilizes a gentle wave that is in tune with the body to coerce muscle movement instead. As a
result, one may experience immediate reduction of pain. Studies on
more than 6,700 subjects have shown a diminution of pain in 78% of the participants and 65% reported a reduction or elimination of the
need for pain medication. Thanks to a strong collaboration with the inventors of H-Wave, Hippocrates’ guests have enjoyed its benefits for more than 20 years. A 30-minute session is $45.00.
The infrared with oxygen treatment is particularly revitalizing
heat of infrared therapy. This protocol strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the organs, and can reduce minor aches and
pains. Infrared with oxygen is particularly effective following an IV or infusion which we offer through Liquivida Lounge, our partner
on campus. Liquivida, in the same Vida building, offers intravenous
supplementation of vitamins and minerals for recuperation, general well-being, and anti-ageing. The cost is $100.00 for a 45 min. treatment, or a package of five treatments for $400.00.
This US-made technology is a sub sensory micro-current therapy musical options to bring the body into a state of complete relaxation. A specifically designed audio program provides the perfect auditory frequencies while a bio disc applied to the skin directly connects a
vibratory frequency to the vagus nerve. The combination of auditory stimulation and micro-electric stimulation through skin contact
harmonizes the parasympathetic system. Healing can only occur when we reach a parasympathetic state of complete relaxation. Treatments are 50 minutes long and cost $90.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
All of these devices are available at HHI
either in the Vida building or the Oasis Spa.
Many of these devices have smaller portable
models which can be purchased and used in
When it comes to Energy Medicine, we can expect that skepticism will be widespread, but the gratitude and thanksgiving emanating from those who have been fortunate enough to have access to these revolutionary instruments of vitality and good health are testimony enough of their efficacy.
the privacy of your own home.
For those who are skeptical about the
ability of the invisible phenomenon of
electromagnetic pulsation to significantly affect disease, consider that it was not
that long ago that physicians discovered
that washing their hands before operating on a patient could dramatically affect the
outcome. It was completely unknown that
invisible bacteria could cause disease, and amazingly, 150 years ago, it would have
been difficult to convince anyone that an invisible current called electricity could magically light up an entire city!
Let’s explore some connections and some history of the positive results of Energy Medicine.
It may indeed be Energy Medicine that
provides the unifying theory which at last explains, scientifically, why a disparate number of alternate therapies show
improvements to many different maladies. Especially Eastern medicines, such as Qi Gong and acupuncture. They have
mystified scientific minds searching for an explanation for the success of these
therapies in stimulating the human body to heal itself.
It was Dr. Terry Oleson a psychobiologist
at the Pain Management Clinic at the UCLA
School of Medicine, who in 1973 discovered that increased electrical activity at an
acupuncture point generally indicates a
pathological condition in the corresponding area of the body. One of Dr. Oleson’s
studies resulted in a 75% accuracy rate of prediction. Dr. Oleson also treats chronic
weight problems and addiction by applying
electrical stimulation to acupuncture points. Researchers at Germany’s Institute of Dermatoglyphics in Hamburg have
developed a computer system to compare
the handprints of patients to another 10,000
In the recent movie Current Wars, Nikola
studied electrophotoninc images around
lasers, and ultrasound. Energy Medicine’s
Allopathic Medicine will be slow to
can indicate hereditary disabilities. The
electric currents which magically lit up
a physics professor at St. Petersburg
coherent energy patterns signals disease
Medicine because of the large investment
prints on record. Almost 50 unique patterns computer then prints out the patient’s risk factors.
Physicians routinely use
electrocardiographs to recover the activity of the heart and make EEGs of the micro
electric activity of the brain. Valerie Hunt, a professor of kinesiology at UCLA, a
colleague and mentor to Director Brian
Tesla, famous for discovering alternating whole cities, at the beginning of the
20th century, said: “The physician will
have an instrument that will fulfill many requirements. He will use currents and
pressure that permit not only the surgeon
but also the electrotherapist to use energy as an extensive and efficient device with unlimited applications.”
Clement, used an electromyograph, which
Could it be that what ends up uniting
to map a body’s energy field. Dr. Hunt
each impacts the micro electric and
measures electrical activity in the muscles was able to document the difference in
the human energy field in response to the ingestion of fast food versus live food. It was Hippocrates in 460 BC who first
described “the force of energy that flows
from many peoples’ hands”. Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) was able to employ
focused, specific resonant frequencies to
attack diseases including cancer. Thanks to his work, we now know that various organs
Eastern and Western medicine is that electromagnetic system of the body using
different methods to heal? If this is so, and
manufactured a gas discharge visualization instrument (GDV) to record and analyze electrophotonic emissions from the
human body. The GDV is a diagnostic tool that analyzes disruptions in frequencies emanating from patients. HHI uses this
sophisticated technology with all incoming guests with its Biowell assessment device which measures the state of a person’s energy field and produces an accurate
assessment analysis of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual conditions.
Allopathic medicine does not acknowledge
is truly a revolution in science. The use of
Electrocardiograms, X-rays, MRI and EKG
the real key to healing, and Energy Medicine direct applications of coherent waves of
energy to the cellular level of the human
body could be the most efficient method of healing in conjunction with a holistic lifestyle.
In Russia, the source of some of the best
Pancreas 60-80 MHz.
Kirlian, in the 1930s, first recorded and
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Tech university, who worked with Kirlian,
the electrical activity of the human body is
have specific frequencies when healthy: The Heart 67-70 MHz, Lungs 58-67 MHz, Spleen/
the body. In 1996, Konstantin Korotkov,
Energy Medicine devices, inventor Semyon
energy activity in the human body.
are widely used in diagnostic practice.
However, allopathic remedies are only
biochemically based, and often involve the use of prescription medications. Energy Medicine also diagnoses by measuring
energy activity in the human body but it
also treats diseases with energy emissions. These treatments can use colored LED lights, magnetic stimulations, infrared
philosophy is that interference in the
and aging. The objective is to identify that interference in the coherent energy and
treat the disease or the imbalance at the
cellular level infusing the energy centre of
the cells, the mitochondria, with energy. In
turn the mitochondria will support the cell’s activity promoting absorption of nutrients and cellular regeneration. That is the only
path to healing, rejuvenation, and optimal health.
Studies in the US and Europe confirm that
post electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF)
demonstrate enthusiasm for Energy
it has in traditional protocols. Just as
Allopathic Medicine has been slow to accept the profound effect diets, nutrition, and the mind-body connection can have on
disease prevention and treatment. When it comes to Energy Medicine, we can expect
that skepticism will be widespread, but the
gratitude and thanksgiving emanating from those who have been fortunate enough to have access to these revolutionary
instruments of vitality and good health are testimony enough of their efficacy.
alleviates pain in arthritis sufferers and,
Almost 2,000 years ago the sage of
in bone remodeling. QRS, Viafor, H-Wave,
happen, not in opposition to Nature, but in
through anti-inflammatory action, can assist and CoMra devices then, can provide an
alternate approach to arthritis healing. HHI provides personalized protocols for our guests in this regard.
opposition to what we know of Nature.” Augusta Malacarne
HHI Coordinator, Energy Medicine Dept Amalacarne@hippocratesinst.org
In this critical time of concern over a
worldwide virus threat, these immune
protocols of Energy Medicine can offer a unique proactive protection.
Hippocrates, Saint Augustine, said: “Miracles
Call: (561) 471-8876
For additional information, appointments, or to purchase devices for home use.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Life Transformation Program The Signature Program at Hippocrates
The Life Transformation Program is an immersive program uniquely designed to help you address your current health challenges, replenish nutritional deficiencies that are causing rapid aging, and optimize your health and immunity.
Your program will include: • • • •
From the moment you step into our program, we are there with you.
we’ve created this program. We invite you to immerse yourself in the knowledge, the food,
Big lifestyle changes can be intimidating when you attempt them alone. That’s exactly why the environment, and the support all at once so that transformation is ensured.
The Hippocrates Life Transformation Program powerfully stimulates and supports the
human body’s incredible self-healing ability through an organic, raw, plant-based diet. This
is an evidence-based and scientifically crafted health program. When all possible emotional, environmental, and dietary toxins are eliminated, the body’s immune system can rest and focus on the beautiful work of ridding itself of unwanted infections, removing the toxic materials that it has stored in the past, and most of all building new cells so that it can regenerate damaged tissue and organs.
A whole new you starts right here, at Hippocrates.
• • • • •
Individual Medical and Nutritional Consultations
Fine Longevity Cuisine
40 Hours of Instruction
Access to Fitness Center Extraordinary Campus Amenities Wellness Counseling, Electromagnetic and Laser Therapies.
Pristine Accomodations Wheatgrass and Green Juice
BECOME Organic Salon and Beauty Center Nurturing Spa and Wellness Services
Biofeedback (Cyberscan) and Energy Testing (Biowell)
Discuss how we can support your personal health
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/LTP
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Hippocrates Lifestyle Online Program 320-hours of online education to learn from your own home
Everything a person needs to know to live a raw living foods lifestyle is included in the online program and much more information to make informed decisions about other health related topics. The wide range of topics is incredible. Dorothy S.
Learn for yourself and gain a certificate to teach Organic, Vegan, Raw & LIVING FOOD, plant-based nutrition as well as APPLIED Lifestyle Medicine with 614+ Videos, 805+ Teaching Asset PDFs and Infographics and 518+ Resources. Payment plans Available!
I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart, this was the best investment I’ve ever made and probably ever will. Maria Tedhim, PhD.
Discuss how we can support your personal health
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 531-0534, email onlineprograms@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/online-programs
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The knowledge I have learned from this online program is, beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I have never valued myself or my life more, before starting this program. I was previously a psychotherapist and I never really knew the significance of the total mind, body, spirit approach. Corina C.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future
his own father, instructing him in physics, all the liberal
You speak about seasons and their importance in life.
in his heart and mind. Socrates philosophically resonated
and the cold , the sunrise, and the settings of the stars.
He was the son of Heraclides and Praitela. As a pupil of
arts, and many other great undertakings. Plato rang true
with his soul. Eventually, as his parents desired, he left his home town and practiced in all parts of Greece.
He was a great observer with many case studies. The plague of Athens that began in Ethiopia, then Egypt,
and Libya, and where the Persian governor asked for
Hippocrates’ assistance to help with his army brought him much honor and recognition.
After his death, his sons, or those who succeeded him, found his papers and published Hippocrates’ work.
In the words below, I will conduct a virtual interview
with him. Hopefully, I will do him justice and give all of you insight into why he is called the father of western
By Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN Hippocrates (c. 460 BCE – c. 370 BCE) Three years ago, we were the keynote speakers at a two day conference in Athens, Greece. Some of our medical colleagues, who also presented, were scholars on the father of medicine. Our conversations provoked me to further delve into the work of this enormous figure.
Where did you live and pioneer your form of medicine? I was born on Kos island between Greece and Turkey in 460 B.C. As a boy, I was influenced by the great philosophers that were fellow citizens of Greece.
When working with a person who is sick, what are the three most important areas that you pursue?
After the person accepts themselves fully, I hold that the diet and food which people consume and drink should be similar to the ox, the horse, and all other animals.
Particularly man, must eat of the earth, such as fruits, weeds and grass, for such things we grow, live free of disease, and require no other substance.
How does diet and the mind create disease?
We suffer much and severely from a strong and brutish diet, swallowing things which are poison. We create
through unhealthy fare strong pains, diseases, and early deaths. You must possess a clear mind to make good
choices, including that which we eat and drink. Alcohol in particular, and more especially, if carried to intoxication, is oppressive. Women are subject to excessive
menstruation, many having a hard time getting pregnant,
frequent miscarriages, and their infants subject to asthma and epilepsy.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Consider the season of the year, then the winds, the hot Astronomy contributes, not a little, but a very great deal indeed to medicine.
Hot Climates ‒ people are subject to diarrhea, chronic fever in winter, hemorrhoids, and, past 50 are more subject to stroke.
Cold Climates ‒ People are often long lived. Men ‒ often bowel is hard
Women ‒ often irregular menstruation and painful, unable to breast feed their child.
Springtime is often the toughest, summer is best, autumn is good, winter cures diseases of summer and summer cures diseases of winter.
Weakness of body and mind, most often manifest in troublesome symptoms. When the body is purging itself of microbes and acute inflammation, you may observe fever accompanied by the tongue becoming black. Is fluid consumption part of good health?
Consider the quality of the water, soft or hard, coming from mountains or marshes. Water from wells or thermal waters ‒ having iron, copper, silver, gold, sulphur, aluminum or even nitrate (soda) all formed by the force of heat, are
hard to pass by urine and bowel. The best waters are those that flow from elevated grounds into deep wells and hills of earth, they are hot in summer and cold in winter. This
pure elixir is powerful in preventing illness and flushing it
away. When we get sciatica or kidney stones, it has a lot to do with the water we drink from thermal springs, as there
are deposits of mud and sand, but whey and milk can also cause this. This happens more often in men than women, as a women’s urethra is short and empties easily.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
How do you judge people’s health by evaluating their personalities?
You say physicians do the reverse when it comes to practice of healing.
There are four temperament types: 1. Sanguine, which are
They bring great hazard, since they lose the wisdom of instinct
talkative, social, and cannot stand idle. 2. Choleric, who are
and forget the soul that guides protocol. At the commencement of
leaders, result oriented and often short tempered. 3. Melancholic,
diseases, true healers fast the patient for 2 to 3 days and then apply
analytical, reclusive, and detail oriented. 4. Phlegmatic, easy going,
internal cleansing. But to produce great change is no small matter,
empathetic, and compromising. Body fluids (“humors”/ blood,
diet must be conducted cautiously, or the patient could be injured.
yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) cause personality traits and
We must alter our habits from what we are used to in the case of
in some people there are crossovers, yet each person maintains a
persons who take 2 meals a day or those who take a single meal,
particular status.
sudden changes induce suffering and weakness. Young people
are used to 3 meals a day that may be fine. We need to sleep after
There are particular emotions displayed by each group. Melancholic
dinner, so if we cannot sleep, take no supper or eat little. Don’t
and Choleric tend to struggle with stability. Phlegmatic and
drink after supper.
Sanguine are more stable and stronger.
What is the most common malady that you work with and how do you treat it? Their eyes are hollow, they have heartburn, headache, and
their mouth tastes bitter, they feel weak, with poor digestion
and elimination. Additionally, there may be bowel discomfort with a yellow watery discharge. Intense thirst, insomnia, and
sometimes wandering of the mind, cold extremities, and overall
weakness. For this, I suggest restricting consumption of salty and acidic foods or drink, indulge in flaxseed water (2 tbsp. flaxseed/ qt. water) and diluted vinegar. Encourage cleansing of the bowel with water enema to help evacuation, including laxatives. Raise
body temperatures to a critical sweat (sauna) and drink until urine is clear, sleep in a dark room, keeping your feet, ears, and neck
warm. Bath for pneumonia ‒ it soothes the pain in chest and back,
promotes expectoration; improves respiration, removes heaviness of the head and moistens the nose.
You write a lot about Ptisans ‒ what is it?
It is a barley drink (quenches thirst, gives no trouble, nor swells in the bowel) and it is used instead of meals ‒ as a liquid diet - until two days beyond the crisis ‒ which is usually after the fifth day.
You mention millet.
Yes, after the crisis, millet with cumin or anise, carrots, and celery, works as a natural laxative.
Which common foods cause problems?
Bread creates swelling of the belly due to its indigestible properties. Flesh of creatures is not desirable and the milk they secrete causes foul intestines. The strength of the patient is to be taken into
consideration, additionally, their constitution. Some were eating
whatever came their way, cheese, honey, wine, but others took care.
How do you help those with skeletal and tissue concerns:
My precise instruction to the anatomy and how to treat it after | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
traumas has to do with readjustment. At times, we slowly raise the body temperature, placing hands on the affected area and determining which direction to pull or push.
When people are close to death, what approach do you use? One’s views of their own inner strength is most important in
achieving recovery. For external diseases extreme methods of
We aspire to thoroughly offer any and all therapies, treatments, and technology that assists in healing and recovery as Hippocrates guided healthcare to do. I think he would have supported and encouraged us at Hippocrates Health Institute to continue the work we do in his image. the more you injure. Debris prevents food from causing strength.
Evacuations should be judged by - how they are (color, consistency, etc.). When bowels are loaded with faeces, an enema (clyster) should be administered to evacuate.
necessary to use strict diet. Old persons endure fasting most easily,
Why did you feel it necessary to create a new form of medicine?
bodies have the most innate health, require the most food, older
eat and drink, grilling, toasting, roasting- changing from natural to
cures are suitable when the disease is at its height and will then be next adults, young not so well and especially not infants. Growing require less fuel.
What role does rest and sleep play in wellbeing?
Medicine would not have been invented at first ‒ but due to how we weakened state. All other “animals” eat what they are supposed to, fruits, weeds, and grass ‒ except man.
In winter and spring, sleep is prolonged allowing the body to
Nature would not do this, so the medicine was given for the health
When long sleep or insomnia ‒ bad, causing melancholy.
of diet by which pains, diseases, and deaths were occasional. Many
receive needed rest. When sleep puts an end to delirium, it’s good.
Does digestion play a role?
When bodies are not properly cleansed, the more you nourish,
of man for his nourishment and safety as a substitute for that kind are barbarian and refuse to take heed.
Comprehensively, name all the tools you use as a physician. Positive thoughts, pure diet, anatomical adjustment, fasting, and
cleansing. The stars and seasons, the body’s river and its pressure
points, hypo and hyperthermia. Ocean waves, rivers, streams, and
hot springs act as stimulators and purges of disease. While applying needles to certain points, the internal rivers connect to its source, abolishing the blockages that cause sickness.
Spending asserted time in deeply connecting with Hippocrates work revealed his infinite genius. Astonishingly, with laser-like
extrasensory perception, he borrowed from traditional methods and foresaw the need to pioneer new areas of exploration. To
call his approach holistic would be a disservice to his universal
approach. Impatiently, he challenged methods and procedures practiced by physicians that were his contemporaries.
He recognized, nearly 3000 years ago, what the greater public is now understanding about the practice of medicine. Limitations within the standard practice destroy the inspiration to conquer ills of any magnitude. From his foundational empathetic and
compassionate work his legacy can be summed up in one word, “Limitless”.
We aspire to thoroughly offer any and all therapies, treatments,
and technology that assists in healing and recovery, as Hippocrates guided healthcare to do. I think he would have supported and
encouraged us at Hippocrates Health Institute to continue the work we do in his image.
Thank you, Hippocrates, for the passion you had to do good at all times, in all cases with no exception.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Cancer is a � Letter Word By Dr. Michael Galitzer
For more than 40 years, Dr. Galitzer has been an innovator in the field of longevity and anti-ageing medicine. He is also co-author of Outstanding Health: The 6 Essential Keys To Maximize Your Energy and Well Being—How to Stay Young, Healthy and Sexy For the Rest of Your Life. If our parents had cancer, then we think it is genetic, and are thus we are susceptible. Yet my parents smoked cigarettes, consumed
red meat daily, and did not exercise. If we have a pain in the body that does not go away in a few days, we worry about cancer. If it
takes longer than usual to get over a cold or flu, we agonize about
cancer. There is a global consciousness of fear about cancer that is
interfering with our intention to live healthfully to 100 and beyond. The best way to get rid of this fear, is for all of us to recognize
that more and more people can beat cancer. We can even live a
healthy life with cancer for 20 years or longer. Most importantly,
there are steps that we can all take to reduce the chances of cancer from occurring.
Let’s first address cancer prevention. We have to prevent tissue
acidity, minimize toxin accumulation within the body, optimize
hormone levels, find our purpose or dream, practice gratitude and mindfulness, and accept and be happy with who we are.
There are lifestyle issues that contribute to tissue acidity, including
excess alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, sugar, cigarettes, lack of exercise, and eating too much animal protein.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Vitamin D levels in the blood should be optimal at 50-70 ng/ml. The three major hormones are insulin, thyroid, and adrenal
Pesticides are a huge issue, as we tend to eat out a lot, and are also exposed to GMO foods. We must shop for organic foods.
hormones. We want to have low levels of insulin and optimal
We need to stimulate the three key drainage organs of the body -
adrenal hormones (AM Cortisol of 12 mcg/dL and DHEA Sulfate of
vegetables, acupuncture, and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields),
levels of thyroid (TSH of 2mlU/L or less and Free T3 of 3 pg/ml) and 200 mcg/ dL).
Happiness occurs when we have both meaningful work and meaningful relationships with others and with nature.
The two key toxins to avoid are heavy metals and pesticides.
Mercury fillings need to be removed. Mercury is not only a toxin,
but in the presence of saliva, the fillings create electrical currents that get amplified by computers and cell phones, overriding the electrical currents in the brain.
Selenium should be taken daily until all fillings are removed.
After removal, one can do gentle chelation with chlorella, cilantro,
and glutathione. It is best to avoid tuna and swordfish, for they are deep feeding and collect mercury.
liver, kidneys, and lymph systems - with homeopathy, herbs, juicing
get intravenous vitamin C, to strengthen the sluggish liver and the adrenals, and improve nutrition by eating no animal protein and avoiding sugar. Then, if it is still needed, do the surgery. Beating
cancer is like winning the tug of war—the energy of the cancer vs. the energy of the body.
before doing detox therapies such as colonics, chelation, and
Traditional medicine says that all that is needed to win the tug
as eating organic.
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy - weaken the body, and
infra-red saunas. Drinking energized water may be as important Imagine a patient with colon cancer who has just been diagnosed.
of war is to kill the cancer. But the therapies involved - surgery, therefore, weaken its ability to heal itself.
He/she is frightened, having just been told to have immediate
The cancer patient needs to build up their immune system by
focus of the medical profession is to immediately cut out the cancer
herbs, homeopathy, IVs, detoxification therapies such as colonics
surgery, which will be followed by chemotherapy. The general
cells, and then poison any remnants of cancer with chemo. The
cancer has been growing for years, so holding off on surgery for a
month in order to strengthen the body is much more prudent. Your health will improve, and the outcome will shift in your favor.
Since cancer can only exist in an acidic body with high levels of toxins and suboptimal levels of the adrenal hormones (cortisol
focusing on getting healthier through nutrition, vitamins, enzymes, and heavy metal chelation. Liver drainage with herbs, homeopathy, juicing green plants, and lemon in your water are all essential. It is important to get intravenous vitamin C. Additionally, proteolytic enzymes (systemic enzymes) taken one hour before lunch and
dinner, and at sleep, act as a kind of Pac Man, eating up the cellular debris.
and DHEA), the next step is to reduce tissue acidity and toxicity, Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Hippocrates Health Institute alliance with Hippocrates Health Institute inin alliance with The American Health Institute, Inc. the BioEnergy The American Health Institute, Inc. && the BioEnergy Fields Foundation present Fields Foundation present
From time time to to time, time, all all of of us us have have cancer cancer cells cells in in our our From bodies, yet yet our our bodies bodies are are able able to to clear clear them, them, and and bodies,
Comprehensive Comprehensive CancerWellness Wellness Cancer Program Program
prevent tumor tumor formation. formation. It It is is the the cancer cancer stem stem cell, cell, while while prevent accounting for for only only 2% 2% of of the the tumor tumor mass, mass, that that fuels fuels the the accounting growth, and and cause cause tumors tumors to to metastasize. metastasize. growth,
What is is the the origin origin of of the the cancer cancer stem stem cell? cell? That That is is the the What
million-dollar question. question. Is Is it it aa renegade renegade cancer cancer cell, cell, or or is is million-dollar it the the result result of of our our body’s body’s naturally naturally occurring occurring stem stem cell cell it
(normally designed designed to to promote promote tissue tissue regeneration) regeneration) that that (normally
attaches itself itself to to aa cancer cancer cell? cell? The The immune immune system system does does attaches not attack attack the the cancer cancer stem stem cell cell because because it it views views the the stem stem not cell as as “one “one of of its its own”, own”, and and therefore, therefore, aa non-foreign non-foreign part part cell of the the body. body. Can Can this this process process be be prevented? prevented? of
The answers answers most most likely likely involve involve the the following: following: The
Nutrients that that adversely adversely aff affect cancer stem stem cells cells are are Nutrients ect cancer
lycopenes (in (in tomatoes tomatoes or or as as aa supplement), supplement), green green tea, tea, lycopenes curcumin, blueberries, and blueberries. curcumin, seeds, and sprouts.
The Pineal Pineal gland gland in in the the brain brain is is known known to to control control rhythms rhythms The in the the body—day/ body—day/ night night sleep sleep cycles, cycles, menstrual menstrual rhythms, rhythms, in and also also sexual sexual development. development. My My research research has has shown shown and
that weakness weakness in in the the pineal pineal gland gland causes causes aa bone bone marrow marrow that stem cell cell to to attach attach to to aa cancer cancer cell, cell, resulting resulting in in aa cancer cancer stem
stem cell. cell. IfIf that that is is the the case, case, then then therapies therapies that that stimulate stimulate stem the pineal pineal gland gland such such as as melatonin melatonin before before sleep, sleep, light light the
therapy, homeopathics, homeopathics, sound sound and and music music therapy, therapy, and and therapy, specific meditations will will all all be be useful. useful. specifi c meditations
Think of of the the pineal pineal gland gland as as the the air air traffi traffic controller of of Think c controller
the body, body, signaling signaling for for the the planes planes (stem (stem cells) cells) to to land land at at the the right right airport airport (tissues (tissues that that are are in in need need of of repair repair and and the regeneration). When When this this signaling signaling process process goes goes awry awry regeneration).
(pineal gland gland weakness), weakness), the the plane plane (stem (stem cell) cell) lands lands at at the the (pineal
wrong airport airport (cancer (cancer cell). cell). Could Could this this be be the the missing missing link? link? wrong As II continue continue to to do do my my own own research, research, and and learn learn from from the the As research of of others, others, II will will continue continue sharing sharing with with you you all all in in research upcoming issues. issues. Until Until then, then, please please re-read re-read this this article article upcoming
often, share share with with loved loved ones, ones, and and start start implementing implementing the the often, supplements and and therapies therapies II have have suggested suggested here. here. supplements Be well! well! Be
56 56
|| hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org || Life, Life,Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality
Basic Grow Kit Everything you you need need to to start start growing growing sprouts! sprouts! Everything Kit includes includes the the following following items: items: Kit
This leading-edge model integretive This leading-edge model inin integretive oncology wellness addresses cancer oncology wellness addresses cancer asas aa metabolic disease. metabolic disease. Maximise your potential to get well, stay well, and Maximise your potential to get well, stay well, and
prevent illness incorporating holistic methods that prevent illness by by incorporating holistic methods that
upregulate your immune system and activate your body’s upregulate your immune system and activate your body’s healing mechanisms. healing mechanisms.
Janet Hranicky is co-director of Hippocrates Health Dr.Dr. Janet Hranicky is co-director of Hippocrates Health
Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program and Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program and a a
pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and cancer. pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and cancer.
Sprout Ease Ease Toppers Toppers (set (set of of 3), 3), Permachart: Permachart: Wheatgrass, Wheatgrass, Sprout Sprouts and and Green Green Drinks, Drinks, Easy Easy Sprout Sprout System, System, 44 Trays Trays (10 (10 x Sprouts x 10), 2 Trays holes (11 x 21), 1 lb. Wheatgrass Seeds, 1 lb. 10), 2 Trays nono holes (11 x 21), 1 lb. Wheatgrass Seeds, 1 lb. of of Mung Bean seeds, Hemp Sprout Bag, Sprout Chart, HHI Mung Bean seeds, Hemp Sprout Bag, Sprout Chart, HHI Cap, Cap,aand a copy of Growing Your Living Own Living and copy of Growing Your Own FoodsFoods by by Brian Hetrich. Hetrich. Brian
Hranicky combines years of clinical experience Dr Dr Hranicky combines herher 30 30 years of clinical experience
described in Simonton’s best-selling book, Getting described in Simonton’s best-selling book, Getting
$99.95 $��.��
with Carl Simonton’s new patient program at the with Dr.Dr. O. O. Carl Simonton’s new patient program at the Simonton Cancer Center in Los Angeles. Their research Simonton Cancer Center in Los Angeles. Their research validated importance of reducing chronic stress validated thethe importance of reducing chronic stress
neurophysiology postively course neurophysiology forfor postively inflinfluencing uencing thethe course of of
disease and survival outcomes. This pivotal approach was disease and survival outcomes. This pivotal approach was Well Again. Well Again.
Discuss how can support your personal health Discuss how wewe can support your personal health and lifestyle goals speaking directly one our and lifestyle goals byby speaking directly to to one of of our expert Program Specialists today. expert Program Specialists today.
more details or book to book a free 30 minute consultation ForFor more details or to a free 30 minute consultation callcall (561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit (561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org
Life,Longevity, Longevityand andVitality Vitality | | hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org | Life,
57 57
Okinawa, Japan
Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
world! Gardening, as a widespread and common activity, brings older
is physically active, with plenty of time in nature as well as time spent
Okinawa boasts the highest number of centenarians per capita in the
citizens the benefits of sunshine, exercise, and nutritious plant-based foods. Okinawans adhere to a philosophy that promotes eating in moderation, and never gorging. They consume a lot of seaweed.
They also have a sense of purpose, a positive outlook on life, and
Live Long and Prosper
The prevalent mindset in this population encourages a lifestyle that
on family and spirituality. They sleep 8 hours. And their diet includes
not only nutrient-rich local fruits, beans, rice and corn, but also water that’s naturally high in energy.
close social support groups called moais.
What helps us live longer? By Andy Roman, LMHC,MS,RN
There are seven noteworthy subcultures or communities where not only is the average lifespan significantly longer than in other parts of the world, but where more individuals live into old age than other places. Let’s see what they do right. We will focus on four.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Ikaria, Greece
Loma Linda, California, USA
for decades. Its residents stay active through walking, farming,
that includes about 9,000 Seventh-Day Adventists – a group that
Home to mineral hot springs, Ikaria has been a health destination and boating, but they also take time out to nap and socialize.
They supplement their Mediterranean diet with lots of wild greens and drink a local nutrient-rich herbal tea. The community as a
whole encourages good health habits and promotes regular social engagement.
Loma Linda, about sixty miles east of LA, is a community of 23,000 is significantly longer-lived than the average American. Adventist culture focuses on healthful habits such as vegetarianism, and
excludes alcohol, caffeine, and smoking. Adventists drink plenty
of water, exercise regularly, and tend to maintain a healthy weight. They nurture emotional and spiritual health, value their family relationships, and prize volunteering.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
LifeGive CBD Body & Mind
Here’s some common ingredients of these particular communities: 1.
A cultural environment that reinforces healthy lifestyle habits
Strong social networks
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
like diet and exercise Lots of gardening!
A cooperative community spirit
Public health care that is easily accessible
Seniors are valued as members of family and the community A limited or zero consumption of refined sugar and other processed foods
Extremely low-stress lifestyles. (The American Medical
Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease.)
We are pleased to announce the introduction of our latest product for your good health – LifeGive CBD Body and Mind.
OK, those are some community and lifestyle factors in longevity.
What about the personal, inner life traits or habits of people who live a long life?
The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long
Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study, by Friedman and Martin, (Hudson Street Press, March 2011) provides some surprising findings: 1.
The strongest predictor of long life was conscientiousness,
which is another word for self-responsibility. Conscientious
people are less likely to smoke, engage in risky behavior, and have accidents; and they are more likely to focus on the big
picture, and make good health choices moment to moment. 2.
Avoiding stress alone doesn’t add up to longevity, but being engaged with meaningful work does. A sense of purpose far
are two of the traits high on the longevity list. Norman Cousins,
broad-spectrum non-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)
cannabinoids from an organic source in Colorado.
author of Anatomy of an Illness, who cured himself of a serious
You will receive the full benefit of the cannabinoid
were his thing) believed that human emotions controlled the
more than 100 present in this robust formula, acting in
autoimmune disease, through laughter (Marx Brothers films biology of our body and led to health or sickness.
orchestra, with each individual cannabinoid of the
concert with the next to provide daily relaxation, mood
improvement, and relief from inflammation and pain. All
feeling loved by others! Go figure.
Express yourself! People who are in touch with and show their
Being part of something bigger than yourself: selfish people die
They tend to feel more at home in their skin and carry less tension
It’s easy to use. Add LifeGive CBD Body and Mind to your
cannabinoids are prepared in a form that makes them
younger than people who belong to a group or to a movement. peace corp. People who volunteer for something live longer than those who don’t, but it has to be selfless. (The science
shows that people who volunteer only for their own personal satisfaction don’t live any longer than people who don’t volunteer at all.)
Humming and singing. Yes, humming and singing. The
healthiest people in the world seem to intuitively know the
value of oxygen and regularly practice deep breathing in some form or other. Rigorous daily exercise is one way; humming or singing, another. (I bet the happiness factor plays into that).
years old laugh a lot. In fact, easy to laugh and laughing often,
I have only two things (my two cents) to add to all these findings:
That can be a church or a religion, a healthy lifestyle, or the
Last, but not least, the authors found that people over 100
outweighs the absence of hassles. In fact, service to others
ranked high in Friedman and Martin’s study - even greater than 3.
In a base of organic brown rice flour, it’s 50g per dayof
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
emotions tend to feel more connected with others and with life itself. overall. It’s the best way to stay mentally, physically, and spiritually Focus on and fill your world with beauty and gratitude. Those, to me, are the strongest, most natural normalizers in life.
this, without the high of marijuana, and no risk of failing a workplace or roadside drug test.
smoothie, protein shake or salad dressing every day. The thoroughly bioavailable. There is no harm in doubling up on those days when you need some extra help.
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sense of appreciation and heighten our sense of acceptance. They Isn’t it beautiful that the things that extend life also improve its quality, and that the things that improve the quality of life also extend it? The goal, after all, is not just more time, but feeling wonderful all the time.
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Greetings From The Front Desk! It’s a great day at Hippocrates, how can I help make you smile today?”
“Health and Happiness at Hippocrates, how may I assist you?”
“Thank you for choosing Hippocrates, how may I help you today?”
“With all the choices you have, we truly
appreciate you choosing Hippocrates, how can I assist you today?”
All of the above are considered great
“greetings” in the hospitality industry, and of course, we always follow best practices here at Hippocrates.
However, for those of you who have never actually been to Hippocrates, or seen our
Front Desk in action, we are more than just pleasant greeters; we are the face of the
Institute. As such, it is our mission to walk and talk in love 24/7…regardless of how
Let me explain. We had a guest who came
The interesting part was, that the driving
due to her MS. She needed assistance
and community was our guest’s own
from Europe and was bound to a wheelchair getting in and out of her chair for various
appointments, to get in and out of the pool, and even to use the rest room. Although
she was traveling with her elderly mother,
she simply could not handle her daughter’s physical limitations on her own.
At other establishments, there would have been a cloud of frustration from the guest
as well as the staff, but we are not the usual
organization. The training we receive here in love and understanding allowed our guest
success team to approach the situation with an attitude of supporting through love. We banded together and created a collective
team of people all over the property, who
Make your mark on the world.
force behind all of this outpouring of love beautiful humility. She needed help and wasn’t afraid to ask for it; but instead of
demanding it, she gracefully requested our support. She had the kindest soul and we watched her meet every opposition with
a smile instead of negativity. Being able to
assist this angel became healing for us. How is it that someone with her challenges was so full of life and love?
Beyond the result of establishing great
teamwork, our guest has set a rather high
benchmark for us to continue to strive for,
and we are thankful for the opportunity to have served her in love.
made themselves available to help with her appointments, pool exercises, and bathroom usage.
busy it is at any given time (e.g. check-in,
graduation, lunch, seminars, check-out etc.) Every once in a while, even our own
mandate of love is challenged, no matter
how organized and committed we are to our very high profile, demanding position.
Last month, we faced such a challenge,
and the result was absolutely the perfect outcome; a better understanding of a
guest’s limitations and our ability to solve a problem as a team, with compassion and love.
Become a Hippocrates Ambassador Today!
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Do you love spreading the word about Hippocrates and our
37 countries and have impacted the lives of thousands.
an Ambassador and receive credits towards a future stay, or
Hippocrates come through a referral from a friend or family
transformational programs? Well then, you could become
receive a check in the mail for every new referral you send our way!
Please join us in becoming an Ambassador for Hippocrates!
Won’t you join us? The majority of the people who attend
member; and it’s because of that connection they’ll attend and see such powerful changes take place in their lives.
What better gift can we give someone than the gift of health!
It’s easy and free to join. Our 900 Ambassadors now span
Please visit https://hippocratesinst.org/become-an-ambassador to begin the simple sign-up process. You can also contact our Director of Sales/Ambassador Coordinator, Alain Nau, at anau@hippocratesinst.org Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality || hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org |
Life Transformation Mastery The New Health Educator Program
We have spent more than six decades structuring the Hippocrates lifestyle, and over tens of thousands of people believe they have healed themselves with our powerful and integrative, holistic and alternative healing modalities. Our Three-Stage Journey is designed to educate, empower, and elevate YOU; from your own personal
life transformation, to ultimately
becoming a fully certified Hippocrates Lifestyle Expert…enabling you to help others reach their own life-
transformation goals.
The Hippocrates Lifestyle Program truly is the most comprehensive,
It enriched my life in so many ways. Connecting with like-minded people, some of whom are now my friends for life, was a very important part for me. We learned a lot from the teachers as well as from each other. Being able to enjoy the food and property during our program was also amazing. Monika B.
Vancouver, British Columbia
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
powerful, interactive, affordable,
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2020 Sessions: LTM - 2 Weeks
August 30 - September 12
NMCOACH - 1 Week September 13 – 20 *Financing available
Your Options: 1a. Choose any week of the year and join us for our 3 week
onsite Life Transformation Program (LTP)
1b. Join our Hippocrates Lifestyle
Online Program and complete 1 week of our onsite Life
Transformation Program (LTP)
2. Choose from the dates listed and join us for our 2 week onsite Life Transformation Mastery (LTM)*
3. Join us in September for a
4-day in-person residential coach training with Noble
Manhattan USA as a part of their
comprehensive accredited coach training program: including
distance and online learning,
*LTP is prerequisite for LTM
and mentoring.
Discuss how we can support your personal health
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
In the face of a physical setback, get pro-active, take action. Even if you can’t change your condition, do something to change your state of Battling breat cancer through faith mind. Stress isn’t just what happens to you; it’s how you respond to what happens to you.
By Kristen Velez
As ex excea volupta errorescius eos ati delest quibus sam ut aut rum imenitiatus utem quo corecae. Ovid qui odis quis dus eos eici dolupta doluptate rest odipis doluptiis aut dolessim fuga. Nam si secatumeniet ex eum que reritat ibuscitae doluptam velit everum quatis etusaecus denia vello ma si ut plit volorum voluptatios id magnistios ilibus expero dolorum ullaborro voles unditatia soloreicae eumqui quiandit, unto modis atquae sin core aut alibus, secupta Voles unditatia soloreicae eumqui quiandit, unto modis atquae sin core aut alibus...
How do I go up when my health goes down? By Andy Roman LMHC,MS,RN When we feel bad physically, we tend to end up feeling bad emotionally. Depression naturally follows in the wake of chronic medical conditions. As our vitality wanes, we woe. (That’s a great sentence, isn’t it?) The natural tendency is, as our health declines, so do we. That’s why when we see someone dealing with illness or pain and they are in good spirits, we call them “brave”, because we intuitively know that it takes courage to stay up when our health goes down. How is it possible to keep from slipping into an abyss of feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, low self-esteem, or even
from just feeling lousy when I’m facing a physical challenge, especially an ongoing one? Is there a formula or a process to it?
Here’s my take and my confession: I’m 100% vegan, and frankly, I eat and live clean. I work out, work on myself and
keep my relationships clean, and I enjoy a strong network of friends. So, when I had a gout flare-up the other month,
I freaked out. How can this be? Isn’t gout the disease of Medieval kings who gorged on meat and ale? When the ER doc told me my diagnosis, I just couldn’t believe it. I felt angry, and yes, even a little embarrassed. I work so hard to be healthy. I work at the healthiest place on earth. I was in shock.
One HHI guest put it this way; “When I got my diagnosis, I felt betrayed by my body, and was angry at everything. I felt knocked down and helpless to push back.”
Swiss psychiatrist, Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross, outlined five stages of grieving the loss of a loved one, and these same steps apply to dealing with a difficult diagnosis or chronic illness.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Step 1
My initial reaction described above.
Disbelief, Incredulity. No way! There’s got to be a mistake! It can’t be!
Step 2
Sometimes we’ll curse fate, God, the medical establishment. Or we’ll
blame and punish ourselves for having ignored the signs, having made
unhealthy choices. I even got angry at all the strict guidelines for healthy eating that I’ve been following for years. “It was all for nothing”, I ranted to myself.
gout”, and they saw my impulse to be frustrated and
angry about it. Next, I promised to be good and follow
Step 3
HHI guidelines to the “T”, just let me get well. Then,
as you promise I’ll get better.” “I’ll never complain again, just let me get well.” This stage is filled with hope but driven by fear.
This is when the reality sinks in and we feel helpless and hopeless. The loss is real, and
metabolize fruit sugar into uric acid. “Stop eating fruit
Step 5
Some call this phase surrender, which is qualitatively very different from giving up. This is my lot, and I’m not fighting the reality of it. I have gout. That doesn’t
mean I’m not going to do anything about it. I can accept my current condition, and fight like hell to change it. This phase is where deep resolve can be cultivated and where strong action gets mobilized. Although acceptance sounds like a passive state, actually, it’s where effective action plans take root.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
in better physical condition than the others who
also were severely food deprived?, he answered:
“While everyone else was being starved to death, I 4.
Anticipate and recognize each of the five stages of
grieving and go through them with a will. Don’t be
had by them. Go with the flow, even when it seems downhill. Fighting this process is like a surfer
fighting the ocean; not only will you get tired and 2.
lose the fight, you won’t have much of a ride. Ask for help with practical things, and for
emotional support. A huge reason we get angry at illness is how it reduces us and brings out a child-like dependence that we like to keep in
the background. Most of us need to exercise our receiving muscle, so accept the challenge.
was fasting.”
Turn up the self-love; Just like with little kids,
our need for self-acceptance and self-soothing
goes up when the going gets rough. Self-blame,
self-sabotage, self- punishment - as you go inside
learned from all this, and my advice to you:
gets brewed.
fellow inmates, “How do you explain that you are
for a month and check your levels, and you’ll see,” he
mourn our finite condition. The redeeming
This is the cauldron where true empathy
emaciated in the concentration camp than his
confessed, the more empowered I got. I flipped through
never have to suffer like that again! This is what I’ve
own vulnerability and even fragility, we
depths than the depths of depression.
by the American army captain who found him less
and fought my way through shame, and the more I
Sure enough, Brian was right. I’m on the mend, and I
because of sadness, there’s more to our
psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor? When asked
Next, I accepted my lot. I confessed my condition,
we’re sad about it. Face-to-face with our
news is, that as we descend into our depths
you heard the story of Viktor Frankl, the Austrian
help and got to practice being a gracious receiver.
was very gracious and helpful. He said some vegans
take action. Even if you can’t change your
how you respond to what happens to you. Have
and raised, I found a new humility. I started to ask for
case studies.
Remember that acceptance is a healthy surrender and not a ‘giving up’.
In the face of a physical setback, get pro-active, mind. Stress isn’t just what happens to you; it’s
exhaustion, one evening with my swollen foot wrapped
At one point, I even confessed to my boss, Brian, who
and not a ‘giving up’.
condition, do something to change your state of
Kuebler-Ross’ stages and pages like I was one of her
Step 4
discover a new level of humility. The good
lt sorry for myself, and then finally, maybe from sheer
good outcome. “OK, I’ll follow whatever you tell me to do, as long
quality of this phase happens when we
Remember that acceptance is a healthy surrender
when I descended into the sheer loss of my mobility. Ife
This is where we promise to be good, if only God will grant us a
They heard me rant about how “vegans just don’t get
5. 6.
yourself, check these at the door.
Don’t let your condition (or anything for that matter) rob you of your personhood. You are bigger than your illness.
Set your intention early on. I read this quote years
ago: “If you are pointed in the right direction, even
when life kicks you, you’ll go in the right direction”. So even when illness gets you down, keep going up. Choose it, and make it happen. Keep going in the
right direction, even if you have to crawl for a while. Picture yourself well and feel your way forward.
(Use both visualization, and my new favorite word, visceralization.) You can do it!
Book a session with Andy and visit us at the Hippocrates campus. Call (561) 471-8876
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Word of Mouth Dr. Richard F. Porceli looks at the discipline of Biological Dentistry and its role in holistic health. Biological Dentistry refers to an approach that integrates the best of
On a positive side, dentists can learn biological dentistry through
body is interconnected. Whatever affects one area of the body, will
conventional dentistry concepts with the knowledge that the entire affect all other areas of the body.
Biological dentists promote the use of non-toxic materials for
dental procedures and emphasize the potential impact of dental
procedures and infections on a person’s overall health. Likewise,
what is going on within our body is often reflected in the teeth, gum tissues, and jawbone.
The mouth is not an island unto itself. And what we eat, how we exercise, how we deal with stresses in our life and the quality of
our sleep affect every cell in our body. Medicine in the future will
be integrated with the concepts of biological dentistry. Both well-
trained dentists and medical doctors will create a healthcare team to treat the entire body efficiently and effectively. Already, major medical facilities in the U.S., like the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland
Clinic, and Johns Hopkins Medicine are creating departments of integrative medicine.
The term “biological dentist” is not always well understood because it is not a recognized specialty of dentistry. There is no approved postgraduate specialty program that offers a certification in “biological dentistry.”
To complicate this further, there are organizations that a dentist
can join that give the appearance to the public that this person is
specially trained. But any dentist can join these organizations and call himself/herself a “biological dentist.”
The dentist only needs to pay the fee to be a member and advertise that he or she follows some guidelines. There is no scrutiny by licensing authorities.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
years of continuing education and researching the medical
For me, well-educated biological dentists are the ideal professionals to treat dental health issues. They recognize that the blood that flows through the jaw is the same blood that flows through the heart and the rest of the body.
What goes into the mouth eventually travels the entire digestive tract and will either be absorbed or not absorbed into the body.
The bacteria in the mouth and the bacteria in the gut will affect the entire garden of beneficial bacteria throughout the inside and the outside of the body. Infections in the mouth will cause systemic biomarkers to rise, indicating systemic inflammation.
The mucosal tissues in the mouth crosstalk with all other mucosal
throughout the body and influence the body’s immune response to antigens. Everything is connected.
In a modern holistic approach, the entire body should be
considered, not just the manifestation of a single disease.
Treatment should be proactive, not only reactive. Cure also must include prevention. Whatever affects one cell in the body will
eventually affect all cells. Eliminating toxic elements in your teeth can help eliminate other ailments in your body.
The advantages of a long-term biological dental health approach will manifest itself not only in the health of your mouth but can positively affect your entire well-being.
Dr. Richard F. Porcelli is a biologic cosmetic restorative dentist practicing in New York, N.Y. and Hilton Head, S.C. He is a graduate of world ranking NYU College of Dentistry and completed an advanced residency at New York Methodist Hospital. He has dedicated more than 1,500 hours toward advanced reconstructive dentistry training and biological studies. Dr. Porcelli has been in private practice since 2007 and his treatment method is focused on limiting toxicity through high-quality biocompatible dentistry and awareness of the mouth-body connection.
Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality || hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org |
Chronic Immune Deficiencies Program A comprehensive health & wellness regeneration program to be used in conjunction with standard medical treatment to maximize optimal health for getting well.
Directed by Janet Hranicky, M.D., (Candidate), PhD, Anna Maria Clement PhD, LN and Brian Clement, PhD, LN. Comprehensive Health & Wellness Regeneration, is being opened up to include
The Chronic Immune Deficiencies Program (CIDP), a Lifestyle Medicine Program
for autoimmune and immunocompromised disorders. This Program builds upon the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) model that for more than 60 years has successfully helped people activate their own healing potential for
“getting well.” Emerging evidence indicates that impaired cellular metabolism and respiration, along with a suppressed immune system, are the defining
characteristics of many chronic diseases. HHI’s successful living plant-based
nutritional protocol has served as a worldwide Lifestyle Medicine Intervention
Your program will include: •
State-of-the-art biofeedback testing with Leslie Valle-Montaya, M.D. includes: •
Model, which, in the three-week Life Transformation Program (LTP), quickly
promotes detoxification and restoration of a healthy immune system and balanced metabolic profile necessary for regaining health. All chronic illnesses, which can even include cancer, are shown to have common cofactors and biomarkers that can cause both immune suppression and metabolic biological dysregulation.
Discuss how we can support your personal health
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org
1 individual consultation with Dr. Hranicky
Bioimpedance test: Method of assessing your body composition and ability to regenerate healthy cells. It also analyzes the intraand extracellular water levels. The program naturally helps to correct metabolic imbalances by lowering toxicity levels while supporting the liver, kidney, and lymph. eart rate variability test: H Measure of the gap between heartbeats; biofeedback to assess the health of the autonomic nervous system.
Some of these systematic imbalances listed below can disturb the healthy milieu of the “biological terrain”
A low biological energy state with decreased oxygenation
systemically for functional utility
• Increased inflammatory markers • Increased acidity • High toxicity burden • Dysregulated glucose and insulin
Hypercoagulability and
elevated fibrinogen level
Chronic stress physiology
(dysregulated cortisol, adrenal fatigue, and parasympathetic system weakness)
Suppressed immune system
Our goal is to help people regenerate their immune system and
optimize bioregulation and balance, so their healing mechanisms are up-regulated and their metabolic health is naturally restored.
It has been shown that there is a strong correlation between stress and psychological factors and chronic diseases, which influences
the neurophysiology involved in these metabolic pathways. Chronic stress impairs immune functioning, increases systemic acidity,
weakens adrenal functioning, dysregulates normal cell signaling,
and decreases optimal cellular oxygenation and energy production. Chronic stress produces a “low-energy physiology.”
The CID Program is an intensive one-week program integrated
into the LTP under the direction of Dr. Janet Hranicky, a leading pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and Swiss
biological medicine. Dr. Hranicky was personally trained and
certified by a giant in the field of clinical psychology, Dr. Taibi
Kahler, of Purdue University, in his internationally recognized
Process Communication Model, which NASA used in the selection
Hormonal imbalance
• Imbalance of gastrointestinal flora • Low vitamin D levels • Weakness of the body’s capacity to effectively drain
toxins (liver, kidney, and lymph)
Bioenergetic therapies include four 2 hour circuit with Leslie ValleMontoya, M.D., during the CID Program schedule.
Dr. Valle-Montoya also is certified in Swiss biological medicine
and has been an associate staff and research team member of the
Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program. Alongside Dr. Hranicky, Dr. Valle-Montoya has helped develop the transition of this new program. Dr. Valle-Montoya focuses on restoring and building
participants’ parasympathetic nervous system to a healthier state. Simply put, no other place in the world has the depth and breadth of this uniquely formulated program for life and health transformation.
The Chronic Immune Deficiencies Program: A one-week program
integrated into the three-week Life Transformation Program. Held exclusively throughout the year at Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach.
of astronauts for more than 20 years. Dr. Hranicky adapted the
Kahler model and developed an application in personalized stress
management for health care: “The Key to Me in Getting Well.” Each participant in the CID Program takes an online personality pattern
inventory and receives their own personalized profile report, which Dr. Hranicky utilizes in her feedback to each guest.
The CID Program includes a number of targeted regenerative
therapies and educational training sessions. It includes expert staff members and an educational lecture on the immune system by
medical expert Dipnarine Maharaj, M.D., hematologist/oncologist. Dr. Hranicky personally leads and directs six group treatment/
educational sessions (15 hours), which incorporate her extensive background in Swiss biological medicine. She founded the
American Health Institute Inc. in 1989 in Dallas. The institute
is known for its innovative work in the field of anti-aging and
regeneration medicine. | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Treat illness
at the
s urce.
WHAT THE GOVERNMENT DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER. Story: Dr. Roy Speiser, Vice President of Clean Water Revival, Inc. CWR Environmental Protection Products
fter air, water is the most essential element for maintaining human life on Earth. It is widely accepted as an unlimited resource. The sad truth is that, because of environmental abuse, industrial greed and governmental neglect, our most important resource has become a carrier of toxic chemicals and disease-causing pollutants.
The QRS-101 Home System restores the energy level of your cells back to the level it was when you were young. This renewed energy offers many benefits to your body that will improve your health and reduce your risk of disease. Hundreds of clinical trials and testimonials have shown that QRS can improve the energy of all your cells, protect against and remove effects of EMF radiation, and reduce inflammation, calcification, and oxidative stress—the core cause of chronic illness.
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For more information, visit: hippocratesinst.org/qrs-technology
Put simply, water today has become a repository for industrial and agricultural waste. Industries illegally dump dangerous chemicals into the ground and waterways which then seep into our water supply. Agricultural run-off is flushing pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate into the environment that is contaminating our food and water. New emerging contaminants have made their way into our water supplies. These include flame retardant chemicals and industrial agents such as 1,4 Dioxane that are carcinogenic at very low levels. Dumping by hospitals and consumers flushing tons of drugs down the toilet has contributed to over 41 different pharmaceuticals being detected in U.S. drinking water supplies People are being misled to believe that drinking water is safe because it meets government standards, the notion that the
EPA’s allowable concentration levels of toxic contaminants in your drinking water is ‘safe’ is a myth. If a certain chemical or heavy metal, such as arsenic, is present in trace amounts, at first the amounts are insignificant to cause damage. However, over time they accumulate until they reach toxic levels and then manifest as a health disorder.
The Solution Requires Thinking Outside the Tank
In an attempt to filter out these toxins from their water, millions of consumers are buying filters that are entry-level minimal filters such as pour-through pitchers or faucet filters. These devices are not capable of removing the wide array of contaminants found in today’s drinking water. They may reduce small amounts of chlorine, lead, bad taste and odor, but when it comes to fluoride, parasites, heavy metals, chloramine, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals, they are simply not up to the task. The best protection requires a multi-barrier filtration system that can effectively eliminate even the smallest particles from your water. Different contaminants require different
Dr. Roy M. Speiser, Scientist, Consumer Advocate and Water Quality Expert has 30+ years’ experience in water and air filtration solutions to protect your indoor environment.
filtration technologies. The first step in the treatment chain is to add filtration at the sink, which removes contaminants such as fluoride, bacteria, parasites and heavy metals. The most effective system includes a filtration tank located on the home main pipe containing different filtration materials to remove industrial chemicals, chlorine, DBPs, and start the process of removing heavy metals. If your water evaluation detects special contaminants, specialized filter media can be added. It is time we stop taking our water for granted. The water we drink today sets the stage for our health tomorrow. Without responsible and effective solutions, the cost of water will become prohibitively expensive to the average family, who will then end up paying the price with their health. You alone are the one who must safeguard your family’s health by taking steps to improve the water quality in your home.
Call: 800-444-3563, Ext 1 for a complimentary Water Consultation Web Site: www.cwrenviro.com 77 Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality || hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org |
From Hospice to Healthy By Colonel Deanna Won, USAF (Ret.), HC, FDN-P
Participating in the Hippocrates Cancer Wellness Program with Dr. Janet Hranicky, I learned how to change from negative core beliefs to positive beliefs that would support healing and recovery.
who didn’t know that I had cancer, mistakenly assumed that I
was eight months pregnant, as the cancer spread throughout my
entire abdominal lining. Immediately, I returned to eating the raw, living foods that I learned about at Hippocrates, but in the coming months, it seemed too late as my lungs collapsed and filled with
fluid; at this point, doctors lost hope for my survival and admitted me into hospice on oxygen.
Not knowing how much longer I would live, I wondered, should I continue with the diet or try other foods? As I wrestled with
this decision, I eventually realized that I believed so much in the
organic, raw, living foods way of life that I was willing to die for it.
Confident that these nutrient dense foods would be best for me, in
spite of the evidence that my body was succumbing to the disease, The Healing Circle facilitated by Dr. Andy Roman was incredibly
healing, where I witnessed spiritual “chains” fall off people as they
my caregivers helped me do that which I was no longer able to do for myself.
healed from years of hidden trauma. Dr. Antony Chatham helped
One day, after about a month of being in hospice, my blood
how unresolved traumas could lead to developing cancer. I worked
contracted violently, and it felt like my abdomen was going to
me to connect the emotional dots in my life, allowing me to see through the different stages of my life - all the way back to my childhood - that needed emotional healing.
Participating in the Hippocrates Cancer Wellness Program with Dr.
Janet Hranicky, I learned how to change from negative core beliefs
to positive beliefs that would support healing and recovery. Having
pressure suddenly tanked, where all the muscles in my body
explode. I felt life slipping away and wanted the doctors to attempt one last ditch effort to save my life, so, my cousin called for an
ambulance to take me to the local hospital, where the oncologist
prognosticated, “Your condition is very poor. You’ve got 4 weeks to live. You have to start chemotherapy. It’s your only hope.”
this newfound support and encouragement gave me the courage to reach out to people from all walks of my life to make peace. There feel from going through these processes!
Well into my third decade of military service in the
Chinese medicinal herbs made by my grandfather,
in lasers and electro-optics, I was involved in
many ailments without side effects. I consulted
What touched me the most was the genuine love and care that I
go to Hippocrates Health Institute, so without
Anna Maria Clement to the people who kept everything looking
U.S. Air Force as a physicist where I specialized launching satellites, missile defense, nuclearbiological-chemical warfare defense, and
NATO operations. In 2011, as a Colonel, I took
command of the Pentagon’s joint program office
for biological defense, tasked with protecting the
military from some of the world’s most dangerous
which taught me that it was possible to heal from with a doctor, who highly recommended that I hesitation, I went through the three-week
Hippocrates Life Transformation Program, which, true to its name, completely transformed my life.
pathogens and nerve agents. During my reception
When I first arrived at Hippocrates, I found that
was struggling to breathe and felt pain radiating
and vegetables soon flooded my body with
after the ceremony, I soon came to realize that I from my pelvis to my shoulder.
The next thing I knew, the doctor was telling me, “You have ovarian cancer with a large tumor in
your left ovary and a smaller tumor in your right
lung,” it felt surreal. Then the doctor informed me, “You need to get chemotherapy and surgery.” However, I grew up experiencing traditional
was no way that I could have imagined how much lighter I would
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
felt from everyone working at Hippocrates - from Drs. Brian and
immaculate. God’s unconditional love was expressed in so many tangible ways in each and every person that I encountered along
my journey of healing. As my heart opened to receive this love, it brought incredible healing.
the amazing variety of organic, raw, living sprouts
Upon returning home, it felt incredulous to hear my doctor declare,
nutrients that left me satiated and energized.
the tumor was dying from the inside out. Naïvely, I assumed
Meeting people there from all over the world,
many of whom had been diagnosed with terminal stage conditions, was an incredible experience
as I witnessed several miraculous healings that inspired and gave me hope.
“This is the most perfect scan I’ve seen,” as he pointed to how
that everything’s under control, so I went back to working 16 to
18-hour days where my work took me to parts of the world where
the real possibility of picking up pathogens from eating raw foods prevented me from maintaining the Hippocrates raw, living diet.
By the time I arrived back to the United States, my abdomen had
become so swollen from the aggressive tumor growth that nurses, Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
What touched me the most was the genuine love and care that I felt from everyone working at Hippocrates.
That’s when I prayed, “God, if you want me to do the
Amazingly, no sooner had I switched the phone on
because I know what chemo does to healthy cells and
Brian reiterated to me that “while chemotherapy may
chemo I will, but I need to hear this directly from you
especially the immune system.” “Ask for the cytology
report” is what I heard back. Interestingly, at that time, I didn’t actually know what a cytology report was, but because they had just drained liters of fluid from my
abdomen, they were going to analyze it for cancer cells. Upon asking for that report, my oncologist responded, “We don’t have time to wait for the cytology report. 100%, it’s going to be malignant. You need to start
chemo immediately. If you don’t, I’ll put you right back
where I was fully intubated and prepared for the ICU.
shrink the tumors in the short term, in the long run, it
When the anesthesia wore off, I awoke to the most excruciating pain
reinforcement that I needed to forego chemotherapy.
me together from well above my umbilical down to my pubic bone.
will decrease your overall lifespan.” This was all the
This was the most difficult decision that I’ve ever had to
I had ever felt. Eventually, I would discover the 46 staples holding
make in my life, but it’s one that I have not regretted. I
As I reflect on my journey, I’m immensely thankful for God’s
to me, which made all the difference between life and
just for me, but for anyone needing to know that, no matter how
am, forevermore, grateful to Brian for his sage advice death.
gasping for air, no matter how much the nurses
faith. What is faith? In Hebrews 11:1, it states that “Now faith is the
to call Brian, but he was traveling in Amsterdam. The
When the surgeon looked at me, he remarked, “You
normal and, before my mind could even think clearly, I
explained how they wanted to minimize the possibility
next day, however, I somehow woke up earlier than
felt a nudge from God’s spirit to turn on my cell phone. | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
look too emaciated to withstand a major surgery,” as he for organ failure while in the operating room.
- don’t believe that your condition can improve, tap into your faith, because it’s a wellspring of wisdom and strength that can not only guide, but anchor you through the storms of your journey so that you can emerge transformed.
a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with 30 years of scientific
With this amount of pressure, I felt I needed additional chemotherapy. It was Saturday afternoon when I tried
odds. When everyone around you - your family, friends, or doctors
challenging your situation, there is always hope.
How do you hang onto hope in the midst of a seemingly dire
increased my oxygen levels.
with fear take place. Faith is what allows you to hope against all
Deanna Won, Founder of Keynotes to Life, is a speaker, holistic health coach,
At this point, I had not been able eat anything solid
for 40 days, could barely drink fluids, and was literally
Faith gives you courage and strength when your fiercest battles
grace on my life. I believe that I was given a second chance, not
into hospice where you’ll most certainly die.”
support to remain strong in my decision to refuse
than it immediately started to ring. In very clear terms,
After several more days of testing, they pressed ahead with surgery,
situation? The ability to do this comes from developing a deep
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” For me, this means that faith is the very building block, or material,
and Amazon #1 international bestselling co-author of Success University for Women in Leadership. A former Air Force Colonel and physicist, Deanna is
and leadership experience. Recovering from ovarian cancer, despite being in
hospice and given 4 weeks to live, fuels Deanna’s passion to inspire, educate, and empower people from around the world. She is a graduate of the
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and spokeswoman for the Hippocrates Health Institute. Visit deannawon.com.
of that which we are hoping for. While we may not, as yet, be able to see what we’re hoping for in physical form, faith provides the
evidence of that which is yet unseen. In other words, faith is the very vehicle that can bring your hopes into manifestation.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
The Healthiest Place on Earth
My Week of Healing at Hippocrates Health Institute Hippocrates Health Institute is more than a retreat center; it’s a lifestyle.
By Kaia Roman
Even though Hippocrates Health Institute has been helping people
Even though I’d massively cut back on my work schedule to focus
The Institute follows a simple concept
Dotted around the Garden of Eden-like
still a well-kept secret in many ways. The Florida-based retreat
to and from school was enough to keep my back in a constant state
modern medicine, nearly 2,500 years ago:
which guests are encouraged to use daily.
with everything from obesity to cancer for more than 60 years, it’s
center is a place that you hear about from a vegan friend, a cousin
who experienced a miraculous restoration, or a naturopath who did a training program there.
Their advertising has been mostly word of mouth for decades, and the word on the street is: “When you want radical results for your
of pain. At night, between the back pain and the stress, I was barely sleeping. I really needed to get away and focus 100% on healing. I decided to make my health my top priority and I got on a plane to Florida.
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
first voiced by Hippocrates, the father of “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The Hippocrates website
states the center’s mission: “Our goal is to assist people in taking responsibility for
their lives and to help them internalize and actualize an existence free from premature
health, and you want them fast, go to Hippocrates.”
I arrived at the lush, tropical 50-acre retreat center in West Palm
Taking the Time to Heal
arrive each Sunday to begin their healing journey, staying for one to
Where Health Comes First
be staying for a week and I intended to make the most out of it.
approach to accomplish this goal –
And so it was that I found myself suffering from a terrible back
injury and going through one of the most stressful times in my life. On the recommendation of a friend, I’d been following an alkaline
Beach on a balmy February day. Guests from all over the world
three weeks for the institute’s Life Transformation Program. I would
diet at home (many believe that a highly-oxygenated, alkaline diet
On the schedule: health and nutritional counseling; youth-
chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy,
talks; fitness classes; yoga and meditation; weekly colonics and
and lifestyle ward off cancer and other diseases). I was also doing and anything else I could think of to heal my back. But it wasn’t enough.
on healing, standing to cook, bending to clean, and driving my kids
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
enhancing natural therapies; state-of-the-art spa services; inspiring massage; psychotherapy sessions and support group; green juices;
an open wheatgrass juice bar; and the main attraction: a twice daily buffet of raw, vegan, delicious organic meals.
ageing, disease and needless pain.”
At Hippocrates, they take a whole-body nourishing the mind, body, and spirit.
When it comes to health, no proverbial
campus are detoxifying infrared saunas,
So, Does it Work?
jacuzzis, cold plunge pool, and an
with star-studded autographed photos
pools, wet sauna, saltwater pool, two
In between health treatments and lectures, guests can visit the therapy center for
treatments like acupuncture, deep tissue
massage, medically supervised hyperbaric oxygen chamber immersion, and vitamin infusions. I did my best to do it all while I was there.
I had arrived at the Disney World of
of the program revolves around teaching
a retreat center; it’s a lifestyle. A big part guests how to keep it up at home. There are classes on how to grow sprouts,
The wall in the Hippocrates store is lined of the multitude of celebrities who have
organic salon.
Hippocrates Health Institute is more than
health resorts.
lifelong written support for graduates.
There’s also a gym, two full-size swimming
stone is left unturned. Taking in my
surroundings, I couldn’t help feeling like
personalized supplement regimens, and
visited over the years. Many guests return for a once a year tune-up. Losing weight, having more energy, and experiencing a renewed verve for life are common outcomes.
The Institute also offers a cancer wellness program for those facing cancer, with an extremely high success rate. There’s a
weight loss academy for people who want
to shed pounds (10 pounds a week is pretty average) and more in-depth programs
for those who want to educate and coach others in the Hippocrates lifestyle.
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
For me, the results were astounding after only one week. I was fortunate to work with Dr. Chip, the resident acupuncturist who specializes in sports medicine. He knew just the right treatment for my back injury and reduced my pain and inflammation dramatically in just a few sessions. It’s obvious from the glowing smiles on people’s faces and the number of people I spoke to that return again and again, that guests are thrilled with their experience. For me, the results were astounding after only one
week. I was fortunate to work with Dr. Chip, the resident acupuncturist who specializes in sports medicine. He knew just the right treatment for my back injury and
reduced my pain and inflammation dramatically in just
a few sessions. The raw food, juices, and nurturing vibes from all of the incredible staff definitely gave my body, mind, and spirit a boost, and I returned home feeling healthier than I’ve felt in many years.
Back at home, I’m now inspired to keep letting food be my medicine by incorporating juices and salads into my diet as often as possible. I also predict that I’ll be back again the next time I need a turbo-boost of rejuvenation.
What About the Cost?
I’ll be honest, it is comparable to a daily stay at most fine hotels. Don’t be surprised what’s possible once you look into it. If your body and mind are in need of some deep
A B R A N D - N E W P H A S E I N T H E F I E L D O F H E A LT H
DATE FOR 2020:
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WILL TAKE BACK TO YOUR PRACTICE THAT HAS BEEN LEARNED? "I’ll bring back the knowledge that there is a place where my committed patient can come to really transform and create change to their Lifestyle that will allow them further to heal.” — Doctor AI
WHAT WERE SOME OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL “WINS” FROM THE EXPERIENCE? "I have more clarity of what I am doing and a stronger drive to pursue my purpose and passion and now feel like I can more so help my patients and community, thank you Hippocrates for this Immersion.” — Doctor RH
"Every single Doctors Days we strive to bring the most practical yet advanced information to the Professionals Program called Hippocrates Doctor Days. We are always inspired by both the caliber of professionals coming along with there inherent interest to support their patients, clients and even families to learn about the Hippocrates Lifestyle and work together!" — Caroline Bryan, Doctor Days Founder
detox, deep relaxation, and deep healing, there’s no doubt about it: get yourself to Hippocrates Health Institute. It’s definitely the healthiest and happiest place on earth!
Kaia is a mindfulness teacher in Santa Cruz, California and the author of The Joy Plan: How I Took 30 Days to Stop Worrying,
Quit Complaining, and Find Ridiculous Happiness (available from
Amazon and in Target, Barnes & Noble, and the Hippocrates store). If you think she looks familiar, it’s because she’s been tagging
along with her father, Andy Roman, at Hippocrates since she was
Professionals attended with Anna Maria, Brian and Caroline… the A,B,C’s of Doctor Days.
15 years old. Kaia writes about how she went from joyless and
anxious to grateful and optimistic so she can remember how she did it if she forgets. You’ll find her at TheJoyPlan.com.
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
HippocratesInstitute.org | DoctorDays@hippocratesinst.org Life, Longevity Longevity,and andVitality Vitality || hippocratesinst.org hippocratesinst.org |
Interview with Dr. Brian Clement on the importance of saunas What is Hippocrates Health Institute?
Hippocrates is the original alternative health mecca. Hippocrates opened in 1956 after our founder, Dr. Ann Wigmore, reversed stage four cancer. She couldn’t hold that information in and she wanted to share and make it available for people – first in the Boston area, and before you knew it, people were coming from all over the world. So, for 64 years, we’ve been helping people to help themselves.
We do this in a multitude of ways. As the Director since 1980, I’ve been quite interested in always looking at advancements and progress. As I got older, and wiser possibly, I started to realize that diet is one important part of this concern for healing, but it’s not the only process. One has to first and foremost have a passionate, purposeful life. So, we work extensively in the psychological realms with people - not in a traditional way, but in an advanced way. We want people to find themselves rapidly, so they can get on with their life.
We also do detoxification on many levels, not only with good water and food, but with saunas. We have 28 infrared saunas at the Institute. We also have pools, hot and cold plunge pools, steam baths, massage therapy, and colonic therapy. These go a long way in helping the body recover and heal, so strength is restored and people can maintain their youth. We also use a lot of advanced electromagnetic and cold laser therapies, CyberScan, advanced Bio-Frequency testing, H-Wave and the list goes on. We believe that what we’re offering is the future of healthcare and medicine.
When did you first experience the benefits of saunas?
It started most likely 35, 40 years ago. I recognized, probably through an athletic window, how wonderful it is to take a sauna after working out. As soon as I started to feel the unbelievable effects of saunas, I started to research it. While in Europe, I went out of my way to attend
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
courses and talk to professors who were experts in this area, specifically in Germany and Finland.
I recognized that to live on this septic planet earth it’s not good enough just to have a clean lifestyle. One has to go the next step and take a sauna. In my case, it’s 365 days a year.
What are some of the benefits of infrared saunas?
I spent a lot of time over more than two decades studying hyperthermia. It happens that one of my colleagues is a physician (he’s now retired at 92) and has five areas of expertise. When a physician has two areas of expertise, they’re considered extraordinary - he has five. About 25 years ago, the US government approached him to lead six other doctors at universities all over the country in a research study on hyperthermia. At the end of the five-year study, he came to me and said, “Brian, hyperthermia
works. All you have to do is heat the body up one-half degree to start killing microbes and mutagens.” He said, “Tell people to get into an infrared sauna six or seven days a week for 20 to 30 minutes.” And that’s what I tell people. And that’s why I, my wife, and my children, sauna too. Soon my grandchildren will be in the sauna because just to live on the planet earth today, we want to eliminate the things that we’re being exposed to on a daily basis.
How did you select Clearlight Saunas for Hippocrates?
The advantage to the Clearlight Sauna is it’s the only far infrared sauna that has no electromagnetic fields. One of the things I rail about every day to everyone is you don’t want to be around renegade electric because it’s going to weaken your immune system and if you are already sick to begin with, it’s actually going to
advance the disease. When Clearlight came into my focus and I recognized the due diligence and extraordinary science that had been done - we actually now have a choice to take a sauna without being zapped, I said, “Well, that’s amazing!” We decided in one fell swoop to replace all the saunas at Hippocrates with Clearlight Saunas and now we only use Clearlight Saunas. Besides the fact that technologically they’re the best, they detoxify the body 87% more than a traditional sauna. When we’re talking about detoxification, if you’re going to spend 15, 20, 30 minutes of your life in a sauna, well you better get out 87% more without being zapped.
The other thing is, it’s been a delight for Hippocrates. It’s been a privilege to work
with Clearlight and to have people who are conscious and understand this is more than just a profit, it’s a way to change people’s lives.
Any final thoughts?
If somebody is looking at maximizing their health, there’s no question that a sauna needs to come into your life. We have done the due diligence for you. For your next birthday, the next Christmas, the next Hanukkah, whatever the occasion may be, your 25th anniversary ~ save up your money and buy a Clearlight Sauna for you and your family. I can tell you it changes people’s lives. You’ll be more relaxed, you’ll think clearer, and you’ll have less of a burden in the body.
Thank you Dr. Brian Clement!
Clearlight Saunas
recommended by Dr. Brian Clement and Clearlight Saunas start at $3395 and include a Lifetime Warranty and free shipping to the mainland USA and Canada. Please call 800.317.5070 or visit www.HealwithHeat.com for more information. Mention Hippocrates for an extra discount and gift with purchase. @clearlightsaunas100
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Hippocrates Liberated Me!
For the most part, if I was awake, I was eating - and eating
the worst possible foods. At Hippocrates, I faced the fact that I was as much an addict to sugar, fat and unhealthy food
choices, as an alcoholic to liquor, a smoker to cigarettes, or
someone dependent on drugs like opiates. I had to completely reset my relationship with food, and that was only doable by detoxifying.
Thankfully, the detoxification process at Hippocrates was
not as bad as I thought it might be, and I did not feel like I
was dying. To the contrary, I felt more and more alive with
each and every day that my body expelled the toxic food and rejoiced in the enzyme-rich raw vegan quisine. My thinking
was less cloudy, my eyes became brighter, and every morning I awakened to becoming a healthier me. I found myself
fascinated by how much I started to enjoy eating clean.
I have spent a lifetime being on the losing (pun intended) side of battling morbid obesity. Having ultimately tipped the scales at over 600 lbs. and constantly seeking and trying every diet imaginable - often resulting in regaining weight that I had worked so hard to get rid myself of - I was tired of that vicious cycle.
While HHI is a judgment-free atmosphere, it was especially
After experiencing an unfathomable life trauma in 2015
Listening to lectures by Drs. Brian and Anna Marie
I have released another 25 lbs. since coming home and inches
grief, by July 2018 I had regained nearly 150 lbs. of
completely opened my understanding.
out now as well. Most days I walk over three miles. The
and being constrained for three years by intractable
unwanted fat and had no real sense of where to turn for help. I was just tired of the ‘hamster wheel of
Hearing the truth about how nutrition is the truest
seem to escape.
believed and lived my entire life by, were shattered by
hopelessness’ that chronic dieters like myself never It’s amazing that when we are really ready to receive it, God sends exactly what we need. In December 2019, I
heard about Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) through their Director of Marketing, Renee James. The more I learned of HHI’s pervasively holistic approach to
wellness, the more certain I was that it was the place I
could finally get the help that I’ve needed my entire life. The afternoon of Sunday, January 12, 2020 marks the moment of decision that reset life as I’ve known it for 60 years. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I knew HHI was a trusted space. I was ready.
From my arrival and throughout the transformative
21-day stay, I had ‘aha’ moment after ‘aha’ moment.
Clement and other HHI wellness professionals,
| hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, and Vitality
path to whole-life wellness was riveting. The lies I had
freeing to know that I was only eating heathy foods. After
releasing over 20 lbs. during my stay, I returned home and, thank God, I have maintained my commitment to myself. I have no desire to eat meat, sweets, and processed foods. I
used to put cheese on my cheese, and I am now free from that self-destructive foolishness.
are melting from my entire body. I am consistent with working phenomenal trainers are among what I miss most since leaving the HHI campus, but I will keep moving toward becoming the healthiest me, implementing what they taught me.
their evidence-based expertise and enlightenment. I
I feel fantastic! So free. I am no longer in bondage or bingeing
I was learning and my commitment to being successful
authentically me. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty
accepted ownership for the veracity and value of what through and beyond the program was reinforced. I
was ready. Before coming to HHI, 100% of my diet was
on “non-foods”. Hippocrates has liberated me to be more I am free at last!
processed food. From early morning to after midnight, I
Val McLeod
high-caloric fattening foods.
Val U Life More
would consume unimaginable amounts of sugar and
I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I knew HHI was a trusted space.
Founder & CEO ValULifeMore.com
What’s your Hippocrates story? We would love to hear them! Email ljohnson@hippocratesinst.org
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Hippocrates Fitness Academy
Your program will include: • • • •
The Signature Fitness Program Track at Hippocrates For more than 60 years, Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) has been transforming people’s lives and bodies with a whole body approach to wellness.
three-week program at HHI that is uniquely designed to help you permanently, while also improving any current health challenges
relationship with food as you experience the
achieve an increased level of fitness, shed pounds quickly and
that are keeping you from feeling or looking your absolute best. This powerful detoxification and transformation is achieved
by using the highest quality organic, enzyme-rich, plant-based
nutrition. Our top-of-the-line, food-based supplements, alkaline elixirs such as fresh pressed organic wheatgrass and blue-green
algae, as well as our protein-rich, blood-building green juices will give the body the essential nutrients it needs to thrive, recover from workouts quickly, and shed fat!
For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call
(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/HWLA
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• •
vibrant colors and exquisite flavors of our 100 percent organic, nutrient-dense, plant-based
Private training sessions Wellness Counseling
Medical assessment/ consultations
Individual health coaching
Daily lectures and workshops Hands-on meal prep and planning Colon hydrotherapy MIC B-12 injections Massage therapy
JuVaShape laser contouring Stress reduction/ sleep aid therapy
gourmet meals.
Supercharge your metabolism with researchbased, results-driven fitness programs that
will keep you highly active and continuously your journey and beyond.
expert Program Specialists today.
to fuel your active lifestyle. Reshape your
that will sustain your enthusiasm throughout
and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our
Our diet provides the most sustainable energy
motivated. You are sure to discover a routine
Discuss how we can support your personal health
• •
The Hippocrates Fitness and Weight Loss Academy (HWLA) is a
Group fitness and yoga classes
With the guidance of our skilled wellness
counselors, you will nourish your healing
potential and build the mental stamina to
solidify new patterns of thinking and believing in order to maintain your healthy habits and exceed your wellness goals.
I came in with diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Just 21 days later, I was 20 pounds lighter and had a completely restored bill of health. Phillip N.
New Jersey, United States
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
BECOME YOU Skin Issues:
Acne – Comedone: (open- blackhead, closedwhite heads) Shows up during adolescence as sebum production is increased and could lead to micro bacteria overgrowth which can then develop to nodulesand cysts, which have a high tendency for scarring.
he Spa and Beauty industry rakes in 10’s of billions of dollars yearly. The United States is dotted with 22,000 spas and almost all of these establishments distribute dangerous, even poisonous, skincare products. Dr. Epstein’s (leading toxicologists) book “Health and Beauty” reveals the sinister side of how they produce and distribute products with ingredients that you would not wish anyone to use. Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all experimented with skin applications to get perfect complexions using salt, pumice and of course, aromatherapy oils (frankincense, myrrh, etc.). Millennia later, skin peeling, cryosurgery, electro surgery, AccutaneRetin A, dermabrasion, PPR and all kinds of laser technology. The skin is the body’s largest organ, divided into three layers. The outer layer is the epidermis, the middle layer is the dermis and subcutaneous fat forms the inner layer.
Eczema (to boil over) Itchy, dry, scaly skin rash.
The epidermis forms new keratinocytes (squamous cells) and replaces old ones that are shed from the skin’s surface, it also contains melanocytes – cells that produce melanin, skin pigment. Blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, oil glands and sweat glands are located in the dermis. The dermis is held together by the proteins, collagen and elastic fibers made by fibroblasts (skin cells) that give the skin its strength and resilience. Specialized skin substances (heparin sulfate and hyaluronic acid) that help keep the skin hydrated are important for maintenance. The Dermis also has pain and touch receptors, blood vessels, lymph vessels, hair follicles and sweat glands. The deepest layer, also known as the hypodermis, is made up of subcutaneous tissue, that consists of collagen and fat cells. Its main function is conserving body heat and protecting other organs from injury.
Become Seventy percent of our body’s blood plasma and body fluids are nearly identical to seawater. Our trillions of cells get nourished by our body fluids, all the more reason to keep it healthy. Toxicologists awakened the world to the plethora of poisons placed in cosmetics no matter how much they cost. Almost all of the so-called natural varieties still contain unhealthy chemistry. The most common of these noxious chemicals are paraben sulfates, sulfides, artificial additives, etc. For this reason, Hippocrates created Become as the purest and most effective line of skin and body care on earth. Knowing that our largest organ is happiest when bathed in nutrient rich seawater, we chose this as the base for each and every one of these premium products. Seaweed or algae gets its nutrients from the ocean; minerals, trace minerals, iodine, manganese, zinc copper, etc., which are harmonious with our systems. This helps to restore balance in your skin trans dermally, as it is absorbed easily. Using food-based botanical marine sources is congruent with our mission to provide the purest, highest quality, effective nourishment and protection for the body and soul. Essentially employing sea plants with organic essential oil ingredients, creates paramount anti-inflammatory action for face and body. Free of parabens, sulfates, sulfides, artificial additives, etc., each Become offering is so pure it is edible and remarkably effective as building, anti-aging, skin and body care.and | hippocratesinst.org | Life, Longevity, Longevity andVitality Vitality 92health
Hives (urticarial) Formed by blood plasma leaking out of small blood vessels in the skin, which is caused by the release of histamine. Histamine is released by mast cells that lie along the blood vessels in the skin, often caused by allergic reactions, foods, medications, insect bites, infections, even parasitic, fungus infection.
The Florida Keys Ban Sunscreen Most people are unaware of the noxious effect from even so-called natural sun protectors. There is overwhelming evidence that coral reefs are smothered and dying due to the layers of toxic waste that these skin “protective” creams dispense. Unfortunately, such concoctions can amplify cancer causing rays rather than reduce them, as well as bake cancer causing chemicals into your skin. One of the many reasons that Hippocrates Health Institute created the Become Line of plant based, organic cosmetics and skin care is due to such alarming facts. Needless to say, women and men that use such
cosmetics are poisoning their bodies along with the environment at the same time. BECOME A SAFE HAVEN, fortified with antioxidants, reflects the harmful UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of 30. At the same time heals and protects the skin from premature aging. BECOME JOY, an anti-aging moisturizer containing seaweed, enzymes and antioxidants to tone and tighten your skin. Specifically for your eyes we have BECOME A VISIONARY to rejuvenate the delicate skin around your eyes as well as reduce the dark circle below them.
Psoriasis Round or oval red patches, with overlying silver-gray scale, on elbows, knees and scalp. There is a manifestation of an immune response, mediated in part by T-cells. Studies are showing a link to depression, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Note: Regular, moderate amounts of exposure to sunlight helps clear psoriasis, negative emotions and stress.
Rosacea – 4 kinds 1. Erythematotelangiectatic – Facial redness with numerous telangiectasias (threadlike red lines or patterns on the skin) 2. Papulopustular – The classic presentation of rosacea, permanent dilution of superficial capillaries – Facial redness with papules (skin legions) or pustules (blisters) 3. Rhinophyma – Enlargement of nose 4. Ocular – Rosacea in the eye Skin Cancers Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The incidence of skin cancers has risen 2000% since 1930. 20 – 30% of melanomas arise in pre-existing moles characterized by an asymmetrical shape, irregular borders, variations in color and a diameter (often over 6 mm or the size of a pencil eraser.) and it is changing is size, shape or texture. For men, it is most frequently located on their trunk and for women on their legs, but could appear anywhere. Psychological stress can take a toll on the body including the skin. Stress often results in a flare up of any dermal disorder.
BECOME organic salon & beauty center
1466 Hippocrates Way, West Palm Beach, FL
561/682.3715 local 866/515.9598 worldwide
hippocratesinst.org/the-resort/become-organic-salon store.hippocratesinst.org
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
RawFest 2020 was a Rawing success! By Renee James
We held our annual event on February 29, 2020 (a Leap Year of course), so our theme was “Make the Leap into Raw Vegan Living” at Hippocrates…and many people made the leap! We had over 2,000 attendees strolling
through our lush 55+ tropical acres throughout the day! People from all over Florida – from Miami and Boca,
to Fort Pierce and Vero Beach, as well as Sarasota and Tampa!
We also had a few families that made the trip from New York, North Carolina, and California, and others from
Florida in February is not always predictable; in fact, just two days before our RawFest this year, we were in the low 50s. But thanks to Mother Nature, we had gorgeous weather, in the high 70s.
Europe! Of course, we also enjoyed reconnecting with our regular snowbirds from the north who make Florida their second home.
We had over 60 businesses participate as vendors, and
Hippocrates staff were on hand to help give tours, answer questions about our programs, products, and services,
and even help serve our amazing vegan banana ice cream. Ending the day of festivities and amazing raw-vegan cuisine - prepared by our very own Chef Ken – were
Directors, Brian R. Clement PhD, LN and Anna Maria
Clement PhD, LN, who launched yet another, best-selling book called MAN-opause.
During the lecture and book signing, they spoke about men’s health challenges such as mid-life hormonal
declines - a significant life challenge which all men will eventually face, yet very few of them even realize the condition exists.
The 300+ crowd was enthusiastically listening to each and every word, hoping to learn how to restore balance and
harmony to the body and mind so that they could have a happier, more fulfilled life!
As you know, RawFest is our annual fundraiser, with all proceeds, including vendor fees, money from meals,
drinks, etc., going directly to the Hippocrates Scholarship Fund; this fund makes it possible for people in need of
assistance to be able to participate in our health, wellness and longevity programs.
This year, we were able to raise $37,000! So, a very big thank-you to all of our vendors, guests, VIPs, and staff, who helped us make this year’s RawFest a truly Rawing Success!
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
Congratulations to our recent Grads!
I came to find myself and love her like never before. I found her. She used to be selfcritical and mean spirited. Now she is full of compassion and self-forgiveness!�
Here are just a few of our Hippocrates Graduates in 2020!
Hippocrates did not heal me. Hippocrates showed me what to do to heal myself. And I am forever grateful!
For the first time in 3 years I have no pain when I eat. No pain in my joints. And I have hope for me and my children. I wasn’t myself. Pain changed me into something I am not. Now I can be the best for them because I am Finally the best for myself!
When I first came here, I got PTSD - Post traumatic sprouts disorder. Now I see my waistline for the first time in years. So, I say go ahead. Bring on the sprouts!
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Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
LITERATURE From Hippocrates Directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN
The Power of a Woman
Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN and Katherine C Powell, EdD
Belief: Integrity in Relationships
Killer Clothes
Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN
Brian Clement, PhD, LN and Katherine Powell, EdD
Killer Fish
Brian Clement, PhD, LN
What Everyone Should Know About Treating Symptoms of Male Hormone Imbalance
Anna Maria PhD, LN and Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Andropause, or male menopause (MAN-opause), is a little-reported and less-understood phenonmenon causing irritability, anger, depression, fatigue, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction. It is affecting men at younger ages for far longer in life than ever before. Science has confirmed this emerging occurence. Using the latest medical science findings, MANopause explains in understandable language how any man - with or without a women’s participation - can take proactive steps, at any stage of life to neutralize the impact of andropause and its wide range of debilitating and disturbing symptoms.
Sweet Disease
Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Raw food enthusiasts from around the globe are singing the praises of the 3rd Edition of Healthful Cuisine and the time-honored recipes that will help you create a more vibrant and radiant life!
hEAlthful CuiSinE
Access the life force of raw and living foods for optimal health and vitality! f you are one of the millions of people who have learned about the superior health and nutritional benefits of raw and living foods and want to begin experiencing their life-enhancing qualities now, then Healthful Cuisine is for you. Healthful Cuisine is by far the most comprehensive recipe book and teaching guide of its kind, created by the world’s #1 medical spa and foremost authority in raw and living foods nutrition, Hippocrates Health Institute. Healthful Cuisine shows you, in simple and easy steps, how to prepare delicious, high frequency foods for enhanced energy, balance and beauty.
Discover our new website Start your journey today at hippocrates.org
Raw Vegan Recipes
Anna Maria Gahns Clement C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.
I would like to thank everyone food chef. To who has influenced those chefs me on my path I have had the from, and who as a raw pleasure of have facilitated working with Hirth (who first and learning the development taught me about Blue, I am deeply raw food preparation),of this book. To David grateful for Peter Cervoni having had learn with you. and Ken the opportunity To Brian and to share, grow, Anna Maria enrichment of my life in countless and Clement, you have facilitated enough. Your ways, and I’ll the generosity and never feel that spirit forever I’ve thanked to all who influence and you I’ve had the motivate me. privilege of Hippocrates Finally, teaching and and elsewhere, interacting you have been book—it is for with at you. Go further the driving force behind and reach even happiness and this vitality. higher in your quest for health,
Plus! Basic recipes for: pie and pizza crusts, wraps, dressings, marinades, patés, fruit leathers, nut milks, crackers, cookies, vegetable and fruit chips, and more! With all my love and blessings, Kelly Serbonich
dr. AnnA MAriA ClEMEnt, Ph.d., n.M.d., Weight loss author and co-director of world-renowned Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and former Hippocrates ChEf KElly SErboniCh bring you cherished and time-honored recipes that are the foundation of a lifestyle and nutrition program that has successfully helped people normalize weight, balance energy and hormone activity, regain youth and vitality, and reverse and even help eliminate diseases such as cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia, heart disease, asthma, allergies and others. For more information on the Hippocrates Health Institute’s Life Change Programs visit www.hippocratesinstitute.org
Poison Poultry
Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Longevity Enjoying Long Life Without Limits
Brian Clement, CN, NMD, Ph.D. Preface by Jacques-Pacal Cusu
� Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN
Brian Clement, PhD, LN Longevity • Enjoying Long Life Without Limits • BRIAN CLEMENT, CN, NMD, Ph.D.
Dr. Clement (C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.) has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than three decades. By conducting daily clinical research as the director of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, the world’s foremost complementary residential health Mecca, he and his team have developed a state of the art program for health maintenance and recovery. His Florida center has pioneered a program and established training in active aging and disease prevention. With hundreds of thousands of people participating in this program over the last half century, volumes of data have been accrued giving Clement a privileged insight into the lifestyle required to maintain youth, vitality and stamina. Longevity delivers cutting edge knowledge coupled with a common sense practical approach that will raise your level of health and happiness. Dr. Clement is first and foremost a devoted husband and a caring father of four. In addition to daily counseling and research studies, Clement conducts conferences worldwide on attaining health and creating longevity. He has authored several other well-known volumes, yet Longevity uniquely affords readers a roadmap for redirecting, enriching and extending their lives.
Supplements Exposed
Dairy Deception Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D. with Chef Kelly Serbonich
• More than 150ments raw and living food recipes • 20 new recipes from celebrity guest chef Chad Sarno • 40 pages of illustrated raw food preparation techniques • More than 50 full-color photographs showing step-by-step instructions • Basic Food-Combining principles for optimizing nutrient assimilation • Guide for stocking your kitchen, and a complete glossary of foods and tools • 24 full-color recipe photographs • Hundreds of helpful tips and suggestions from the experts!
I would like to thank each and every person the Brandal Clinic and who has worked the Hippocrates those of the by my side Health Institute. hundreds of at thousands of Their efforts programs have guests who and enriched both have attended focused and my soul and our health dedicated my education. help, this recipe fruition. I see Without Kelly’s book would a day not have come becoming personallywhen the world’s people to can live responsible for all things, including harmoniously through the food they consume.
3rd Edition
Includes 20 new recipes from celebrity chef Chad Sarno
Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D. with Chef Kelly Serbonich Created by the Founders of Raw Food Cuisine – Hippocrates Health Institute
Healthful Cuisine Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN and Kelly Serbonich
Living Foods for Optimum Health Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Longevity Enjoying Long Life Without Limits
Brian Clement, CN, NMD, Ph.D. Preface by Jacques-Pacal Cusu
Brian Clement, PhD, LN
A Families’ Guide to Health & Healing Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN
CALL OR ORDER ONLINE // (877) 582-5850 // hippocratesinst.org
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Food IS Medicine: Volumes One, Two and Three Brian Clement, PhD, LN
Life, Longevity, and Vitality | hippocratesinst.org
US 1.888.228.1755 | 561.471.8876 | HippocratesInstitute.org
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