His Grace Magazine

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Grace Magazine His

July 2022

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Photo by Julie MacDonald

Tiny Beaches, Ontario

It's our



"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Ministries

Romans 6:23

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Table of Contents Our 4th Anniversary!

July 2022

"He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds." Psalms 147:3

Poetry.................................................................................Page 3 From the Pulpit.................................................................Pages 4-6 Book in Review..................................................................Page 7 Timeless Truths.................................................................Pages 8-9 Entertainment...................................................................Pages 10-11 News...................................................................................Pages 12-13 Sports.................................................................................Page 14 Athletes for Christ.............................................................Pages 16-17 Recipe.................................................................................Page 18 Prayer.................................................................................Page 19 Bible Study.........................................................................Pages 20-21 Movie in Review................................................................Page 22

WOOD Ministries

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or email wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com

July 2022

Our 4th Anniversary!

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The Aftermath In the midst of sin and corruption, we become shattered emotionally; Not knowing where to go or turn, we find ourselves lost in the valley. When going through affecting trauma, find your way to Mount Horeb; On the top of that mountain, you'll meet the holiness and loveliness of God. Especially after times of triumph, we are challenged with times of trials; But on that path of darkness, God never forgets or forsakes us. You will have a special encounter when you cling to the One Almighty; He will put you in the cleft of the rock; As He passes by, witness His glory. Whether it be the anguish of divorce, or the aftermath of financial ruin, God uses the difficulties in life to bring us back to the mountain!

(Exodus 33:22)

“And while My glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with My hand until I have passed by."

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Our 4th Anniversary!

July 2022

The Danger Zone!

Do we love Jesus enough to give everything up and follow Him Owner/Publisher: Rob Wood


atthew 10:3839 says, "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." This month's His Grace Magazine marks our 4th Anniversary. I can't believe we have been putting this out for 4 years now. Donna and I have enjoyed every month and every year so far. I'm working on getting rid of some clothes, as Donna and I are going through our old clothes and trying to figure out which ones to get rid of and which ones to keep. I find it hard sometimes because you think, I've had

this one a long time, or a family member may have bought that shirt or pants and you find it hard to part with. Then silly thing, maybe it just doesn't fit anymore, so why do we struggle with getting rid of them? A very good friend of mine has this saying, and it really fits this situation, and many other ones as well; he says, "Being sentimental will make you poor." I mean, how true is that? Here is a short story on a hoarder who held onto things instead of letting them go. Mia lost both parents in 1999 and 2000, and could not let things go of theirs because of the sentimental things that reminded her of both parents and better times. Mia said she felt crushed that her parents will not be around to see her married or have children. She started hoarding their things and her things from

them so that when she had children, she would give her daughter things of her mother and her son things of her father. Mia is 39 years old and has taken over her grandparents' and parents' large house. She is struggling to maintain the home and is filling it with tons of stuff. But first, she knows she has to start to clean it out and start the painful approach of giving things away. She still suffers from depression at times but she is hard at work cleaning up the home, removing garbage bag after garbage bag from the home. She said it's a painful process of removing things, but she knows if she is to have a family one day, she needs to clean up everything in her life to move forward. Her parents' house is a large 14-room home, but instead of being filled with material stuff, she is filling it with love and the

beautiful memories of her Mom and Dad. So many people become hoarders because they can't let go of things; it's like they're sitting on a fence. They want to be free of the stuff they collect but they just can't let it go. That kind of reminds me of some Christians, where they're continually sitting on the fence when it comes to Jesus and His Word. They know the Word of God, but they don't want to offend or be attacked by the world because they stand by God's Word. So they will just sit back and not say anything, even though they know what the Bible says about a particular subject. They also know that God's Word never changes; it is the same yesterday, today and in the future. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."

July 2022

When Jesus talks about sitting on the fence and not choosing a side, this is meaning that they were not on fire for God, but were spiritually dead; this makes God very displeased. In other words, they were still Christians, but they were not good at being Christians; they didn't follow Jesus the way that we are supposed to follow Him. In Revelations, Jesuswas talking to the church of Laodiceans at the time, but He is also talking to all Christians, when He said He knows when we are not cold nor hot for Him, and because of that, we are lukewarm and He will vomit us out of His mouth. Revelation 3:15-16 says, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. See then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." To me, they are scary words spoken by Jesus; it should be a wake up call for all

Our 4th Anniversary!

The Danger Zone!

of us Christians, as we are not to just live life the way we think it should be lived, but we should be living life to the fullest by honouring Jesus' name and bringing God all the glory. Some more terrifying scripture that was spoken by Jesus was in Matthew 7:21-23: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" These words spoken by Jesus are terrifying to hear, they are words you never want Jesus to say to you, If you are a Christian that is sitting on the fence right now, you need to rethink your life and your salvation, before

it's too late. What are the signs of a lukewarm Christian? • God is only a source to escape from the penalty of sin, but they still love living in their sin. 1 John 3:412 says, "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor has known Him. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. In this the children of God and the children

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of the devil are manifested: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous." • They attend church and worship God as a religious activity, but their actions do not show the fruits of a transformed life. Matthew 7:16-20 says, "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their

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fruits you will know them." • They don't enjoy praying or spending time in the presence of God and glorifying Him in everything they do. Jeremiah 11:14 says, "So do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not hear them in the time that they cry out to Me because of their trouble." • They don't share their faith. Mark 8:38 says, "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels." • Their eyes are set on the things of this world. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." • They don't have much time for God. Jeremiah 2:32 says, "Can a virgin forget her ornaments, Or a bride her attire? Yet My people have

Our 4th Anniversary!

forgotten Me days without number." These were a few signs of a lukewarm Christian, and when you read these, you can see that they're not saved. This is in contrast to popular beliefs that lukewarmness is just a Christian who is not growing in the Lord.The reason they are not growing is because they are not with the Lord and never were saved. They are worldly and not spirit filled, but it's not hopeless at all, you still can repent and come to the Lord Jesus to be saved. Jesus is right there now; He is knocking on the door of your heart, just let Him in, Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." So it becomes so crucial that we become red hot Christians and stay there. Follow what the Bible says, not man. Listen to and read

July 2022

The Danger Zone!

God's Word every day without fail, because that is what keeps us strong and moving forward in our walk with Jesus. It is so important for us to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. This means to really get to know Him, dive deep into scripture, listen to worship music and pray without ceasing. This will help you feel peace and it will guard your heart and mind from all that the devil has to throw at you. Philippians 4:67 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your

requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Those who don't pick up Jesus' cross, but lives his or her life the way they want without God, will lose it, meaning you will not enter into the gates of heaven but head to hell, because you never knew the Lord. But he that picks it up and carries it and though he or she many lose their life for His sake will find it, meaning, they will be in His presence in the kingdom of Heaven.

WOOD Ministries Publisher/Sales/Graphic Designer/Writer: Rob Wood wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com

Editor/Writer: Donna Wood


Writer: Lynne Wood


Owned and published by Rob Wood of Wood Ministries. Contact us @ 905-380-4489, or email us at wood.ministries.2020@gmail.com

July 2022

Our 4th Anniversary!


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The Prayer that unlocked my God and my Soul

Book by: Jennie Allen Written by: Lynne Wood


nything the prayer that unlocked my God and my Soul, is a great book written by Jennie Allen. Jennie graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Biblical Studies; she serves alongside her husband Zac in ministry. She grew up in a good Christian family; her parents did their best teaching them about God. Jennie felt like she was going through the motions, she felt God was a plastic invisible God. She asked the question of one of her professors, "How does someone know God?" He said you come to know God by studying scripture, prayer, church, worship and so on. Then he said many people who study the Bible never find God; many people who go to church don't know Him. The one thing that will draw you closer is risk and to risk is to willingly place your life in an unseen God and watch Him come through for you. To really know God is to count on Him for everything and watch Him hold you up. Jennie had been going to the same Christian camp since she was twelve. She would sit at the campfire and look at the three crosses and feel nothing. When she was seventeen, she was looking at the crosses and for the first time in her life, she felt Jesus was real. She said she saw Him; she saw her sin and how it put Him there. She saw the cost and His mercy and

her heart moved. Her plastic God broke. She felt Him; He was real. After that night, things changed; she wanted more of Him, He was real and now she belonged to Him. Jennie also met her future husband Zac at the camp. Jennie and Zac were married with three children and in ministry when they had dinner with a lady from Uganda. She was telling them about a young girl who gave up everything to live in Uganda. At home shared about her and how she was helping girls living on the street, and how she couldn't be happier living for Jesus. That's what Jennie wanted, to give everything to God. She went to bed that night and prayed anything - we will do anything and everything for

you. She felt God was leading her to start writing and for them to adopt. This wonderful feeling of wanting to give God everything started spreading through their friends and congregation. They adopted a four year old boy from Rwanda. They were right into doing anything for God when the devil stepped in to try to disrupt. They started fighting, some friends turned against them and the church was going through conflicts. However, two years after they prayed that simple prayer, anything God, their lives have changed completely. Their family has grown after adopting a little boy who has brought them so much joy. Jennie is writing and doing Bible studies and telling everyone about Jesus. Zac's church is growing into the vision God gave Zac six years ago. Everything in life is not always perfect; people contend with sickness, divorce and death; God hates that. That was not God's plan; that's what sin did. Jesus is the story; through Him we see God, and through faith in His death and resurrection we will spend eternity with Him. You have nothing to give, nothing to earn, nothing to pay; you couldn't! Salvation is a free gift...that's grace. "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, On earth as it is in heaven," Matthew 6:10

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Our 4th Anniversary!

July 2022



his journey in life is not an easy road to travel. Personally, as a Christian, I strive to do what is right to please God, to obey Him. As a wife, I need to be there for my husband, as a lover and a friend. As a daughter, I have a responsibility to my elderly mother, to care for and nurture her. I am responsible to fulfill the work that I am paid to do as an employee, and as a writer and editor of His Grace Magazine, there are demands that need to be met. In fact, every place I go, there are expectations and challenges that need to be met, difficult people to deal with, and on top of that, I have my own personal weakness and limitations that I struggle with. It's no wonder that sometimes I can feel defeated! As much as we try to keep our morale good and strong, we always need to be cognizant of the fact that there is an enemy out there who is constantly looking for ways to discourage and disable us from being victorious. The apostle Paul describes him as the adversary, the devil ... a roaring lion that

How to be Victorious

prowls about seeking to steal, kill and destroy. He attacks us especially when we are spiritually weak, vulnerable,

years, the walls of the city were still in ruins. God raised Nehemiah up to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the

tired and when we let our guard down. However, God provides us with spiritual armor that protects us against the enemy's attacks. When we look into the book of Nehemiah, we learn how to respond to discouragement in a way that prevents more damage and encourages healing. In the fourth book of Nehemiah, we learn that, in spite of the Jews' efforts, they faced opposition from their hostile neighbors and managed to only rebuild the temple in Jerusalem in the first 20 years. Even after eighty

Jews had been released from their Babylonian captivity in 539 BC. Nehemiah was a high ranking Jewish official who lived in the Royal Persian court. When Nehemiah heard the news that the walls of Jerusalem were still in ruins, he became so burdened that he asked the Persian king for permission to return to his homeland to rebuild the walls. The Persian king provided everything that Nehemiah needed to accomplish the task. But problems soon arose by the hostile people living all around them... the Samaritans,

the Ammonites, the Arabians and the Ashdodites by their destructive criticism, saying that the Jews were incapable of building the wall of Jerusalem. Nehemiah did not respond to their harsh criticism, but instead, turned to his God and poured out the hurt feelings to Him through prayer. He did not retaliate against the enemy with equally unkind words, but rather told God how discouraged he was and asked God that He take the necessary action against the enemy. There is no malicious intent in praying like this; Nehemiah was merely expressing his deep grief and pain he felt in his heart of the malicious attacks, and then he let God deal with, in His perfect timing, those who had treated him unjustly. Romans 12:19 tells us: "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord." The devil is very good at using people to criticize your good

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Our 4th Anniversary!

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Discouragement efforts, especially when you are down. We can become discouraged as well, when we look around us and see how much the wicked prosper, while the one who lives righteously for the Lord seems to be struggling. When the devil himself sows those seeds of doubt in our hearts, we feel like giving up because our labor is in vain. He tries to convince us that all the time we have invested in the Word of God, in prayer, worship, in fellowship and in evangelism, we have not yielded the results we were expecting and we may as well just give up. But in Nehemiah 4:6, we learn that Nehemiah and the Jews responded by working even harder! Their faith made it possible for them to respond in this manner. Faith gives us the insight we need to perceive things

differently. Things that may appear useless in the eyes of the world will turn out to be profitable and worthwhile when we see them with eyes of faith. 1 Corinthians 15:58 tells us, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." When we take God at His Word, our vision becomes sharper. By faith, we know that God has guaranteed the good outcome of our deeds. More often than not, when we are doing what God wants us to do, the difficulties and obstacles we face may well be an indication that we are on the right track, so never give up! The more difficulties we face in the Lord's work, the more determined we must be to persevere and get the job done with His help. When you are

convinced that what you are doing is God's will, then seek the Lord for His grace and strength to rise up and continue with it, and God will grant you His sufficient grace to be an overcomer. Nehemiah and the Jews became even more determined to finish the rebuilding of the wall, and they completed it within just 52 days! What an amazing feat! As a result, the Lord was glorified and the enemies were the ones who became utterly discouraged! I think one lesson in all of this is to always be mindful of satan's schemes to knock us down, and to press on with whatever God directs us to do on our journey in life. I always like to remind myself that God has put me in this place, so He will see me through it. It helps me to keep my morale high, because I know that

“It is the Lord who goes before you, He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

(Deuteronomy 31:8)

He is with me every step of the way. My husband Rob's favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 which says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Another lesson that I have learned is not to discourage others while I am overcoming my own discouragement. I do not want to become the source of someone else's discouragement. We are to encourage, edify and strengthen each other. One of the spiritual gifts that God has given the Church is the spirit of encouragement. We all need to be encouraged, and we all need to be an encouragement to others... it may make a difference in the way someone may go through a trial that's ahead of them. When we share with others that the battle is the Lord's, it may be the one thing that helps them to turn their eyes upon Jesus!

WOOD Ministries Written by: Donna Wood Photo by: Stock

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Our 4th Anniversary!

Zachary Levi

July 2022

Actor Zachary Levi went from Suicidal to Superhero 'This is the Grace of God'


achary Levi is known for all his work in such shows as "Chuck" and "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," as well as movies "Shazam," and "American Underdog." And now in a new book called, "Radical Love: Learning to accept yourself and others," Zachary is telling his life story that will shine a light of the importance of mental health. He shares his own personal journey on how he went from suicidal to a superhero in an interview. Zachary Levi has starred in movie roles regularly. His private life is a little less known; his childhood was a painful one for him. As a child, he thought that his life was normal. He didn't know till later in his life that it wasn't anywhere close to normal. Zachary said, "There wasn't anything particularly traumatic that I could

point to and say I am living a traumatized life. You don't realize that. Looking back on it, I can assure you

But I didn't necessarily see those as being anything but normal. I guess this is probably what other kids deal

it was an incredibly traumatizing childhood. There was just lots and lots of unhealthy, toxic behavior that was going on. Again, I can tell you that there were things that were making me cry on a regular basis. And things that I was afraid of on a regular basis.

with as well. So that would be a snapshot into my life, I suppose." But all that trauma of Zachary's childhood caught up with him after he became an adult. He said, "Young Zach was this, I don't know this young boy lost in a sea of estrogen, between

my sisters, my mom, my aunts, my grandma. But fortunately, and this is the grace of God. Not just the grace of God, but the plans of God. I figured out very early on in life, probably around four when I figured out that I could make someone laugh i n t e n t i o n a l l y. You don't know why. Around four, I was smart enough to go, 'I can do this thing, I could do X or Y and that would make somebody laugh', and I also knew that a laughing, smiling person feels good." Zachary also said, "And I never wanted to stop doing that. And I was immediately called to, addicted to, not realizing that because I was lost in this world of trying to find identity and value and worth and all that jazz, that I was both fulfilling a calling in my life, but also figuring out very

July 2022

quickly how to run away from metabolizing my pain, but the guy, bring the happy, bring the joy." As Zachary, being a quick study, seized a leading role early and this was an escape from his real life. It was a life filled with abuse, with a mom struggling with mental health and an absent father. Zachary said, "I was running from pain. My whole life I was running from pain. I'm grateful that I was able to find what I love to do, and what I was good at doing, at such a young age because I think a lot of people don't. Even though that was also something that was insulating me from doing a lot of the work that I needed to do that eventually led to me having a massive breakdown later on in life." Zachary shares a story in his book. In it, he tells us about going from suicidal to superhero, then right back to suicidal again. He then

Our 4th Anniversary!

Zachary Levi took us back to that rock bottom time in his life. Zachary said, "I felt like I was failing. Ultimately, like most of my life, I

He said, "I don't know anyone out there, and all of a sudden after 15 years of living in Los Angeles, having

felt like a failure. Even though from the outside it looked like I was very much succeeding, but I am not succeeding on the level that I am supposed to or that I was called to." With music, some Broadway, and the big and small movies on his resume, Zachary decided to leave Hollywood and he moved to Austin, Texas.

community and support structure, I was now alone, I have blown up my life. I have now entirely failed. There is no coming back from this failure. I would say if suicide was climbing a ten-rung ladder, I was at rung nine." Zachary also added, "Thankfully, I have family that surrounded me and supported me, were there for me, just

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enough for me to get up and go to therapy, life saving therapy. It was a perfect storm. It was 37 years of lots and lots of trauma, unhealed trauma. A real testament of how I think God works, and what we ought to prioritize; I didn't understand that. So to go away and do this therapy, finally, and figure out I haven't loved myself my entire life. And oh, this feeling that I have inside? That's anxiety. I am glad I finally know what anxiety is." Therapy helped him with his healing, a renewal of his faith, and the role and character of a lifetime. He said, "Shazam! Literally happened while I was finishing up my therapy. But only because God was like, 'Good, now that you have done the thing, now I can give you the blessing. You would have self-destructed had I given you this blessing before you did the work.' And that's the work." Zachary also talked about the transforming power of the "Radical Love" of Jesus.

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Our 4th Anniversary!

July 2022

Ukraine Annexed?

The White House says Russia is planning to start annexing Ukrainian Territory


he White House national security council spokesman John Kirby is reporting that United States intelligence officials have enough evidence that Russia is now looking to annex the additional Ukraine territory and they could hold a fake election as soon as September. John Kirby said, "This is out of the playbook, and we've seen them do it in the past. What we're seeing now is a more concerted, more strategic effect." John Kirby said Russia is now looking at Kherson as well as the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. President Joe Biden administration has been talking for some time that Russia could be looking to annex the areas where they have made territorial gains. John Kirby declined to talk about the new intelligence, although he did say that it proposes a "more united effort" towards the annexation. John Kirby said, "Russia is

laying the ground work to annex Ukrainian territory that it controls in direct violation of Ukraine sovereignty." The Senate Foreign

Relations Committee has given easy bipartisan approval to accept Finland and Sweden into NATO, as the lawmakers are aiming

for a quick Senate passage and also for a show of congressional support for expansion of the United States and European defense alliance in the face of Russia's war in Ukraine. The Committee members have now approved the expansion by vote. Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican and frequent critic of United States policy abroad, has voted a neutral present instead of saying a yes or no. This vote will set up the expansion for a decision by the full Senate as soon as that becomes possible. John Kirby said, "We obviously want to see Finland and Sweden brought into the alliance as soon as possible." He also said, "These are modern militaries, militaries that we know well," he stressed the strength that supporters say these two countriesof Finland and Sweden would bring to the military bloc.

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Planning an Attack!


The centre of Israel's plans are to attack Iran to stop their Nuclear Program

sraeli Military chief said that the Jewish state has a "moral imperative" to prepare a military attack on Iran's nuclear program, and that an attack on the Islamic republic is "at the center" of Israel's plans. IDF chief of staff Aviv Kochavi said, "Preparing the home front for war has been an important issue since the inception of the state, but it has become increasingly important over the years. This is a task that must be accelerated in the coming years, especially in view of the possibility that we will be required to act against a nuclear threat, and it should be part of the intensive preparations we are advancing for the moment of truth." Aviv Kochavi also said, "Preparing a military option against the Iranian nuclear program is a moral imperative and a national security order." Aviv said that their plans

are "at the centre" of the IDF's preparations and include "a variety of operational plans, which include the allotment of resources, the purchase of suitable weapons, intelligence and training." American officials believe that Iran is very close to assembling enough material to start developing nuclear weapons. Iran continues to insist that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes, yet a senior Iranian official was bragging that his country is quite capable of producing a nuclear bomb. Kamal Kharazi, the head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations

said, "It is no secret that we have the technical capabilities to manufacture a nuclear bomb, but we have no decision to do so. In a few days, we were able to enrich uranium up to 60%, and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium." The United States and Israel both know they have to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon, but they disagree on how they should go about that. President Biden said in an interview with the Israeli media last week, having to release America's military might against Iran would be their "last resort." President Biden

is emphasizing diplomacy instead. But Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said that diplomacy won't stop Iran's nuclear program. Regardless of the differences, President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid signed a declaration in which Washington has sworn to use "all elements in its national power" to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. President Biden has made reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal a top priority. But the talks to restore the deal seem to be at a dead end, because Biden refuses to remove Iran's Revolutionary Guard from the United States' terror list. Iran has continued to violate the deal's restrictions on uranium enrichment. Israel opposes the Iranian nuclear deal and has threatened to use a military strike to attack Iran alone, if it believes there is a threat of any kind to the Jewish state.

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Our 4th Anniversary!

Josh Manson

July 2022

Josh Manson became a Christian after answered prayer from his cancer-afflicted Mother


he Colorado Avalanche are Stanley Cup Champions for the first time in 21 years. Colorado won the Stanley Cup after beating the Tampa Bay Lightning. Josh Manson, a Colorado Avalanche defenseman who joined the team earlier this season, says that his Christian faith is crucial in everything that he does. Josh Manson is 30 years old, and scored the game winning point during game 1 of the Colorado second round series with the St. Louis Blues and he scored in Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals against Tampa Bay. Josh also assisted Colorado star player Nathan MacKinnon and Artturi Lehkonen in a critical goal that gave the Avalanche the Stanley Cup win. Josh Manson has been forward about how he became a Christian by giving his life to Jesus. It was after his mother was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma

cancer. At that point, she was told she had only three months to live. After Josh was told the terrible news about his mother, he pleaded with God that if He healed his mother, he would then start living his life according to God's Will. Josh's mother was given four treatments of a trial drug to help her and she beat the cancer. Josh said. "It was a miracle, and God did that. There's no other way to describe it. And I did not fulfill my promise that I made to God months earlier when I found out she had terminal cancer." It was months later that Josh remembered his prayer to God after

he met the woman who would eventually become his wife. Josh said, "I knew it from the moment I met her that she was going to be my wife. On our second date, she told me that she was a Christian and that she believed in God, and that I would have to go to church with her, and what I did with it from there would be up to me. But I remembered the promise that I made to God." Josh Manson became a Christian and gave his life to Jesus after he read the Josh McDowell book called, "More Than a Carpenter." Josh's faith continues to grow and has become very strong through his

eight seasons in the NHL. In an article written by The Increase last December, Josh talked about what it's like being a Christian hockey player in the NHL today and how his life became so much different when he became a father. Josh said, "When I held my baby for the first time, I thought, 'Wow, this is how Jesus loves me.. If my child ever walked away from me and distanced herself, that would make me so incredibly sad. I would want to bring her closer to me. That realization really brought things into perspective for me because I know my Heavenly Father feels the same way about me." Josh Manson recently resigned with the Colorado Avalanche to a 4 year, $18 million dollar contract, which is $4.5 million a season. Now Josh is looking forward with the rest of the Colorado Avalanche at taking another run at next year's Stanley Cup.

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And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

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July 2022

Jerome Williams

Jerome's first job was in a Church... D uring the 1996 NBA draft, Jerome "Junk Yard Dog" Williams was selected 26th overall by the Detroit Pistons. Jerome, in his nine-year playing career, had an average of 6.6 points and 6.4 rebounds per game. He played in 500 games. Jerome's playing career took him from Detroit to the Toronto Raptors where Jerome would become a big fan favorite. He also went on to play for the Chicago Bulls and the New York Knicks. Jerome's nickname is "Junk Yard Dog"; he earned the nickname by being a powerful, unshakable player on the basketball court. He was often called a great leader and he had a strong commitment for community service. Jerome has played in many different positions on the court. He has been a starter and cheerleader on the bench for his teams, wanting to help in any way he could. Jerome has also been a community advocate, an NBA Players U n i o n Representative. Back in 2000, he was chosen by NBA players to serve in an executive role as Union Vice

President of the players. Jerome put himself in an important position to have a strong role inside the NBA. He also made important and planned decisions that gave him a chance to take a look at how the NBA operated. This also gave Jerome an opportunity of being in the NBA office and still playing the game of basketball. Jerome prepared for his part as Ambassador for NBA Cares, NBA TV correspondent, NBA Fit Spokesman and NBA Goodwill Ambassador to South Africa, Israel, South America, Philippines, Shanghai, Bahrain and Beijing. Jerome's hard work in his community endeavors had obtained him National Media disclosure, also many community service awards. He received two special invitations to have dinner with President George W. Bush and his administration at the White House. Jerome then joined "Basketball Without Borders", a program of the NBA that went out to teach basketball and bring assets to Africa, Asia and other nations. Jerome also prepared high school and college students with the skills of independent living. The Fannie Mae Foundation gave him the honor of the National "Home Team" Award, which they presented to him. Jerome then was given the opportunity to ring the bell at the stock markets at both New York and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Jerome is now retired, although he is busy working with JYD P.R.O.J.E.C.T. whose mission is to "Unify people of all nationalities in a collective effort to save our kids."

July 2022

Our 4th Anniversary!

Jerome Williams

Jerome has been blessed through God over the years. His very first job was in his church as an altar server, as he was serving God at an early age. When Jerome was older he use the power of prayer to overcome his many challenges in life, he started to build a good work ethic because of his love of God, as he did all sorts of different jobs. Jerome is well known for being bold in his faith for Jesus and he talks with and inspires the young people to take a strong stand with our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Our 4th Anniversary!

Salsa Dip

July 2022

• 1 – 250 mg Cream Cheese • ½ cup Mayonnaise (or 500 ml container cottage cheese) • 1 cup chunky salsa • 1 medium onion, diced • 2 tomatoes, diced • 3-4 green onions, finely chopped • 2 cups mozza-cheddar cheese, mixed • Mix cream cheese and mayo • Spread into glass pie dish or 9” dish • Refrigerate for ½ hour • Cover with salsa, onion, tomatoes and green onions • Top with grated mozza-cheddar cheese Serve with Doritos or crackers

2 Corinthians 9:10

"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness."

July 2022

Our 4th Anniversary!

The Serenity Prayer

GOD grant me the Serenity



accept the things I can not change


things I can and to know the

Wisdom to change the

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Our 4th Anniversary!

July 2022

Psalm 84:11


salm 84 is regarded as one of the sweetest psalms of peace. It was written by the sons of Korah who were Levites. Korah led a rebellion of 250 community leaders against Moses during the wilderness days of the Exodus (Numbers 16). God judged Korah and they all died, but the sons of Korah remained (Numbers 26:9-11). Perhaps they were so grateful for this mercy that they became known in Israel for praising God. This psalm reveals that the future kingdom of Christ will be saturated with the spiritual qualities of loving kindness, truth, righteousness and peace, and these attributes will relate to each other in perfect harmony. God’s favor and friendship will be better than life itself as we know it. This current world, however, is in darkness; but if we choose God to be our Lord, He will be our sun, our source of light, joy and happiness. The love of God for His people is one of

"Our Sun and Shield"

the most fundamental teachings throughout the scripture. The psalmist explains the goodness and blessing that come to those pilgrims who love and long for the house of God. The pilgrim nation found both sun and shield in the fiery, cloudy pillar, which was the symbol of

of the world that dispels darkness, enlightens His people with the light of His grace. He warms them with the beams of His love and cheers and refreshes their souls with the light of His countenance. The prophet Malachi tells us that those who fear

God’s presence. Today, we Christians have both light and shelter in the Lord our God…a light to show the way and a shield to ward off its perils. Malachi 4:2 says, “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.” Christ is the “sun of righteousness,” the light

the Lord will feel His warmth with healing in His light. This not only means recovery from physical harm done by the wicked, but it refers to sickness linked with sin. This healing comes only through the suffering of our Lord and Savior. God will be our shield, protecting us from danger lurking about us. He is the shield of faith against the temptations of the devil; He is the shield of

salvation which shelters from divine justice and from the wrath to come. God promises His grace to those who seek Him. He gives converting grace, sanctifying grace; He freely gives justifying, pardoning, adopting and persevering grace. Grace is the knowledge and love of Him made known to us through His Holy Spirit. We gain access to God through faith in Jesus, allowing us to commune with Him and abide in His presence. Christ has made it all possible by giving us of His Spirit. However, there are many Christians who grieve the Spirit and do not allow the fullness of the Spirit to reign through them. There is a divide between those filled with the Spirit and those occupied with their desires of the flesh. Believers filled with the Spirit are filled with joy and peace, but those refusing to follow the Spirit have no joy, peace and love because they carry out the deeds of the flesh (Gal 5:1625). Our desires and wants should not lead us, but God’s Spirit should.

July 2022

Romans 7:18 says, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.” Believers can miss the full blessing of His will if we do not walk uprightly. Even when we faithfully seek the Lord, there will be times when bad things will happen to us. But God will constantly oversee our lives through these trials, helping us to triumph through the pain and trouble that

Our 4th Anniversary!

Psalm 84:11

we often experience. Jesus suffered and was crucified, yet He triumphed over death. God keeps our faith steady by His promises, reminding us that all is well, even if life throws us lemons at times. The gift of eternal glory is a gift of God through Christ. As He gives grace to those who wait on Him, He encourages and increases their hope of glory. As we are transformed into Christ’s image, His glory is the fullness of being

made like Him. When we strive to walk uprightly before Him every day in truth and holiness, and when we walk by faith, the Lord will not withhold any good thing that He has purposed for us, promised to us; no spiritual good thing and no temporal blessing will He deny us. The nature of this beautiful promise is appropriate under the Old Covenant, where God promised direct blessings for obedience and curses

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for disobedience. Under the New Covenant, the believer receives God’s good things on the basis of Jesus’ goodness, and then goes on to walk uprightly. God’s greatness and goodness lead the psalmist to experience and declare the blessedness of trusting in God. Psalm 84:11: "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

Our 4th Anniversary!

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The Song

July 2022

“Inspired by the Song of Solomon”


his movie brings to the screen the wisdom of Solomon. The Song starts with some quotes of scripture, then focuses on David King, a singer who falls and commits adultery with his friend's wife, who later hangs himself after seeing David and his wife together. Afterwards David repents of his sins, gets married, has a son named Jed, who also becomes a singer after his dad. Jed's singing career struggles until he is told about a country music festival. When Jed shows up to perform, he meets and falls in love with Rose. The only problem for Jed is that her dad is very protective of her, but after

awhile, Jed convinces her dad just how much he loves her and they get married after a short time dating. Jed then writes her a beautiful love song, which fires up his singing career. Once Jed goes on the road to tour and promote his new songs, Jed's manager sets him up with a New Age, tattooed singer who's name is Shelby. She tries to seduce Jed during their first meeting. While Jed continues to tour on the road, it starts to wear on Rose as she is home alone most of the time taking care of their son. This also gives Shelby the time to move in on Jed. As times goes on, Shelby introduces Jed to drugs, tattoos and then eventually adultery. This puts both Jed and Shelby on a path of destruction and puts a huge strain on Jed's marriage. Will Jed be able to change back? Will he be able to find his faith again? Can Jed go back to his wife and son? Is his singing career over? The movie has a dramatic and powerful finish, however. The Song is a good movie; it is narrated through the movie, as the quotes are from the book of Ecclesiastes and also from the Song of Solomon. The narration

is accompanied with dialogue of the life of his dad, with all his mistakes that he made. This movie has a strong Christian message. It gives us all the godly wisdom of Solomon and it shows all the devastation that happens to a family when adultery is committed. In the movie, Jed starts building a chapel that he finishes at the end of the movie. He puts the finishing touch on it by adding the cross on the steeple of the church. Even though the story is not recommended for young children due to substance abuse, the storyline does show us that, not only does adultery create sin in our lives, but it puts a serious strain on our relationship with Jesus. The wages of sin is death and we need to repent. God is always waiting for us to come to Him and He is ready to forgive us, if we ask Him. Starring: Alan Powell, Ali Faulkner, Caitlin Nicol-Thomas, Danny Vinson, Aaron Benward, Kenda Benward, Jude Ramsey, Gary Jenkins. Director: Richard Ramsey.

Producers: Shane Sooter, Cassandra Arza Pelan. Distributer: Samuel Goldwyn Films. Run Time: 116 minutes

The Song: is available on Blue ray and DVD. Until next time, God bless you all, from everyone here at His Grace.

July 2022

Our 4th Anniversary!

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