漫熱「你唔好話畀人知呀」線上參與式漫畫創作——故事開「故」|FEVER “Don’t Tell Anyone” Online participatory comics creations—Stories reveal:
經歷一個星期嘅線上投票,以及一個星期由香港漫畫家柳廣成、利志達及 YANAI 配合創作每人四頁以「你唔好話畀人知呀」為結尾嘅短篇漫畫故事,「你唔好話畀人知呀」活動終於喺過去週末以播放剪輯花絮及線上直播結尾繪畫實況等節目完整開「故」!感謝三位香港漫畫家盡情演繹佢哋抽到嘅故事設定,亦感謝各個參與咗線上投票故事設定取向嘅線上觀眾,合力令三個漫畫故仔誕生!|After the week-long online polling and one week time for Hong Kong comics artists Kwong-shing Lau, Chi-tak Li and Yanai creating the four pages short comics based on the ending line of “Don’t Tell Anyone”, the final making-of video and final page live streaming have been premiered online last weekend. The comics stories could not be created without the three comics artists’ limitless imagination on the story settings and your contributing their thoughts through the online polling.(香港藝術中心動漫基地主辦|Presented by Hong Kong Arts Centre Comix Home Base)