「資優快訊」 The Gifted Bulletin Issue No.4

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The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

Student programmes and Services Division



一-戶一- - -一一

Unco"er the mystery of Perfectionism

揭開r完美主義」的神秘面紗 Is striving for perfection good or bad for gifted 仁hildren? For many gifted children, striving for perfe仁tion is a must. They aim at "zero mistake" and "zero a仁cident" and they think that everything should be under their control. They get the results they expect to get and thus feel no sense of joy. Once 追求完美對資優生來說是好是壞?對許多資優生而盲, 追求 there is discrepancy between outcomes and goals, they feel very frustrated. Maybe they do not understand why parents or 完美是理所當然的 他們要求「零瑕疵 「零意外 」、 , J '萬事 classmates persuade him to relax a little bit and take it easy, 應在掌握中,得到既定的成績,心無大欣喜。但成果與目標 and not to place too much emphasis on success and failure. In 有少許差異 fact, perfectionism is a part of gifted students' life and one of ,他們便會變得十 分沮喪。他們或許不明白為何 the driving forces for high achievement. Academics told us 父母或同學會勸他放鬆一點、看開一點,不要那麼看重成敗。 that there is no right or wrong and good or bad for 事實上 , 完美主義是許多資優生生命的 部 分, 亦是他們 perfectionism. What is important is how to harness their perfectionism to work for them, instead of being controlled 能達致高成就的其中一種原動力。學者告訴我們完美主義本 by it. (Silverm凹, 1993). What gifted students have to learn is 身並不存在好壞與對錯, 重點在我們如何駕御這股力量。 how to make good use of this perfection-seeking power and (Silverm凹,1993)。資優生要學習的是如何善用這種追求完美 how not to be kno仁ked down by the negative emotions it 的力量 ,而不是被它引發的負面情緒打持。 induces As perfectionism is 仁onnected with gifted students, we are very honoured to have Miss Ricci Fong to write an article to share with us her insights on perfectionism. One of her statements "Excellence does not represent perfection" leaves me with a strong impression. It is good to see pupils strive for excellence but it is not necessary to strive for perfection for every matter. In addition, we would like to thank Carson Poon for sharing his reflections on perfectionism. His prose is so beautiful. Don't miss it!


Finally, in the coming year we would like to advise all of you to set feasible goals, go forward and keep making breakthroughs amid failures. We believe we will experience the beauty of life more. Let us embrace the future!

最後,鼓勵大家在這未來的一年, 豈有自己訂下切實可行的 目標, 努力進發 , 在失敗中不斷尋 求突破。相信我們會更 體會生命的 「美 J '讓我們擁抱未來 !

正因為完美主義與資優生可謂閱(系密切, 今期我們非常榮幸 邀得在這個主題上素有研究的方蔚子老師(Miss Ri仁仁i Fong) 為我們撰文 分享完美主義這個課題。文中 句 r卓越並不 代表完美」教我印象尤深。 同學們有追求卓越的心態是好的, 但凡事完美卻並不必要。此外, 十 分多謝潘煒匡同學(Carson Poon) 分享自己對完美主義的體會,他行文功架十足,不得


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Ricci Fong Wai Tsz 方蔚子小姐 Are You A Perfectionist?

PhD candidate at the University of Hong Kong香港大學博士研究生 MEd in 5pecial Education (Distinction)特殊教育碩士(優異) English teacher英文科老師

你是不是一個完美主義者? In general, perfectionists are people who demand high standards or excellence in their endeavours. They also tend to be mor巴 sensitive to their mistakes. Some perfectionists define their self-worth and social acceptance by their behaviour and achievement.In times of setbacks, they may react so negatively that their self-efficacy, motivation and social relationships can be affected. This explains why not all perfectionists are high achievers and active members of their social circl的In our everyday life, perfectionists are often misunderstood by others as being stubborn, lazy, troublemaking or fussy.In fact, many gifted students are perfectionistic in one way or another. Some gifted students are very particular about their performances while others are more attentive to the tidiness of their own belongings. They may not only be demanding but also have high expectations of the qualities of their peers and people around them. We should, however, note that our perfectionist traits can be a motivating force that d川的us to higher accomplishments and better social relationships if the traits occur in moderation. A lot of research的owed that healthy or adaptive perfectionists are more efficacious and can achieve more than their peers (including non-pe斤ectionists) can achieve. They also tend to have good rapport with different social parti岱in their daily life. Being able to optimise the adaptive traits of perfectionism and minimise the maladaptive traits are therefore vital to our development in various domains. To make the most out of perfectionism, the first step is to identify and understand your own perfectionist traits

一般來說,完美主義者是那些在處理事情上有高水準要求或追求卓越的人。他們似乎對犯錯尤為敏戚。一些完美主義者根據他們的行為 和成就去釐定他們的自我價值和社會接受程度。在遭遇挫折的時候,他們會展現十分負面的反應,影響自我效能、動力和社交關係。 這解釋了為什麼並非所有完美主義者均為成就卓越及社交圈子內的活躍份子。在我們的日常生活中,完美主義者更被人誤會,認為他們 個強、懶惰、製造麻煩和挑剔。事實上,很多資優生總會在個別層面展示完美主義的特質。 些資優生對其行為表現十分講究,而其他 資優生則很注重他們擁有的東西是否整潔。他們不但對自己有要求,還有對他們的朋儕和身邊的人的素質表現也有很高要求。不過, 我們應注意,如呆我們的完美主義特質保持溫和,可化為 股動力,驅使我們尋求更卓越的成就和更好的社交關係。很多研究顯示健康 或適應力強的完美主義者的生活態度對其本人更為有利,並且可以比朋儕(包括非完美主義者)有更大成就。他們在日常生活中亦傾向 與不同社交圈子建立默契和合作關係。要在不同範疇有所發展,就必須擴展完美主義的適應性特質,以及減少適應不良的特質所產生的 影響。要在完美主義中獲取最大益處,第 步便是認定和明白自己的完美主義特質。

Expectations and Social Relationships


Perfectionists, including many gifted students, set high standards for their own performances and allow little room for failures. They want to be a better 兒If and be the best in whatever they are involved in. At the same time, many of them also hope to have friends who can communicate with them and unde內tand their feelings; whose ability and behaviour de史附 their agreement or even admiration. But more often than not, few are good enough. A gifted adol巴scent once told me that she fed on new knowledge and she would lose the meaning of life without a continuous influx of knowledge every day. However, because the standards she set for herself were often higher than those of othe俗, her仁lassmates were annoyed and thought that she was showing off when she cried over results that they would wish to get. Neither could she understand why her lower-achieving peers seemed to be taking baby steps in learning and why they could not put in more efforts to get better results. She also found their interests very childish and meaningless. As a result, she always had conflicts with her classmates and hardly any of them was good enough to be her friend

完美主義者(包括很多資優生)為他們的表現設下很高的標準' 並且對錯失不 甚容忍。他們矢志精進日新,並且期望在所有參與 的活動中冠絕群倫。他們同時很希望結識能夠與他們溝通、理 解 他們戚受、與及能力和行為都值得他們認同甚至欣賞的朋友。但 對於他們來說,很少朋友能做到他們心目中那麼好。一個資優青 年曾表示,她每天都儲績新知識。倘若不能每天持續攝取知識, 她會失去生命的意義。不過,由於她所設下的標準往往高於 其 他人 所設下的標準,她即使得到其他同學希望得到的成績,也會 成到憂傷。她的同學認為她在 炫耀自己,她對於沒有多大成就的 同儕的學習步伐小兒科得很不明所以,也不明白他們為什麼不多 努力一點,以爭取更好的成績。她發覺他們的興趣很幼稚和沒 有意義,結果她經常和同學爭吵,並認為他們當中沒有人有足夠 資格做她的朋友。

We have to bear in mind that no two persons are absolutely identical in this world, not even twins! Harmonious relationships take communication, not isolation, to establi的In fact, true friends do not come along because of your outstanding results and talents. It is through mutual respect, care and concern that friendship and trust grows. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Being imperfect does not mean that one is a loser. The gifted adolescent who shared her story later realised that a student who is too shy to speak charismatically in public could be very popular among her friends because she is a very good listener. We should learn to identify and appreciate the strengths of others just as we should cherish our own talents and accept our weaknesses. Take a step back and ponder upon the following questions

我們需注意世上並無絕對相同的人,甚至雙胞胎也有差異。和諧 關係依靠溝通,而非透過孤立而建立。其實真正的朋友不會因為 你有出眾的成績和才智而與你相好,友誼和信任是透過相互尊重 關心和關懷而建立的。我們各自互 有長短, 有不完美的地方, 但不表示這個人是失敗者。那個與我分享她的故事的資優青年稍 後發覺因太羞怯而不敢在公眾場合滿懷自信地說話的人,可能在 朋友之間廣受歡迎 原因在於她是個十分好的聆聽者。我們應 該學會辨識和欣賞其他人的強項,就正如我們應該珍視我們的才 華和承認我們的缺點。請退後 步,然後想 想以下問題.

• • •

When you failed to get the results you expected, did you think that your efforts had gone down the drain or you valued the experience as a lesson? Are you aware of your own strengths and weaknesses? How did you react when others tried to lend you a hand?

﹒ Did you try to attract others' attention by showing off your talents or criticising others?

Have you tried to listen to others' thoughts and feelings?

. 當你不能獲得你想獲得的成績時,你有沒有想過你的功夫白白 浪費,又或是你會把這次經驗視作上了寶貴一課? ﹒ 你有否留意你的強項和弱項? ﹒ 當其他人嘗試向你施以援手時,你如何反應? ﹒ 你有否嘗試炫耀你的才華,又或批評其他人,以吸引其他人注意7 . 你有否嘗試聆聽其他人的想法和成受?

Failure and Growth


Since all of us have our personal weaknesses, gifted students may not be good at everything. Problems crop up as they are afraid of seeing their mistakes and exposing their weaknesses to others, which may eventually plummet their confidence and drive them away from new challeng位。These struggl的do not only occur in competitive situations, like entering the Math Olympiad, but also in normal school days. A gifted student in a class 1 taught always failed to hand in his homework promptly. DuringI叮叮肘, he refused to answer any questions and present his ideas to the class. He later expressed that he would feel like a loser if he saw any crosses in his assignments and if his ideas were challenged or even criticised by others He would rather stay away from all the tasks and activities to avoid getting anything wrong or simply less than perfect. It is true that failure can be painful sometimes, but it also gives us an opportunity to become a better self through problem-solving, emotional-management, and perhaps interactions with others

由於我們所有人都有弱點,故此資優生不一定事事都八面於1籠。 他們害怕審視自己的弱點,還有就是自己的弱點暴露於別人面 前。這時問題就會出現。他們的信心最終會崩潰,另外這亦會 使他們失去應付新挑戰的能力。這些困境不但會於競爭性環境 中出現(如參加數學奧林匹克比賽),還會在平常的學校日出現。 在我任教的班中有一位資優生經常都很遲才遞交功課。在課堂 上,他會拒絕回答問題及將意念向班級匯報。他稍後透露,如 果他見到功課上出現 交叉,又或他的意念被其他人挑戰( 甚至 批評) ,他會拒絕接受所有任務和活動,以避免犯錯,又或未 能達致完美。失敗有時會使人戚到痛楚,但亦會給予我們機會, 透過解難、情戚管理、又或是與其他人的互動而達到自我完善。

The best warrior is the one who can endure hardships and challenges, and is , willing to learn from othe悶 opinions and advice. Nevertheless, this does not mean that we should blindly plunge into new challeng位It is important that we can understand our real strengths and weaknesses before deciding what to aim for and where to head next. With social support, my student later participated in various competitions related to his strengths (maths, visual arts and debating). He learnt to value the experiences as a means to stretch his talents and learn from other talented competitors. He was also able to gain more self-awareness and work on his weaknesses after the events

Tidiness and Collaboration Another perfectionist trait commonly found in gifted students is their high emphasis on order and tidiness. A gifted student 1 met shared his concerns over tidiness. He had been very particular about his handwriting as far as he could recall. He would voluntarily erase and rewrite the words that were not beautiful and tidy enough since kindergarten. As he grew up, he would make sure the books on his bookshelf were arranged in alphabetical order, with the edges aligned as neatly as possible. The stationery on his desk were also aligned towards the same direction. He expressed that he could not focus on his work without 'absolute tidiness' and he was therefore very annoyed by h侶'untidy' peers. He hated sitting beside them and working with them, and so were his peers! We cannot deny that tidiness is a positive personal quality and it does help to create a good impression provided that it is not taken to the extreme.If your concerns over order and tidiness are becoming more of a mental burden than an admirable and helpful quality, it may be time for you to moderate yourself because chances are you will only encounter more and mo間 'untidy' people and disorganised situations as you grow older! To enjoy life as a perfectionist, we have to accept individual differences, and again, work towards mutual respect. The gifted student who shared his story later learnt to respect his peers' habits while retaining his tidy habits He was also able to accept individual differences and moderate his demands for order and tidiness when he is engaged in group work

The Road to Excellence Your perfectionist traits can be a catalyst or a stumbling block in your developmental journey depending on how you regulate them. On the bright side, they can encourage you to pursue high and realistic goals, motivate you to work hard and perfect yourself through both your failures and others' expenen亡的I 。 t is important to remember that excellence is not equivalent to perfection. You don't have to be flawless to gain love, care and happiness There may be times when you are concerned about what others expect of you. This is when communication should come into the picture. Sometimes we may be confident about our assumptions and judgments of othe悶, Just as others believe that they have understood us well. To minimise any unnecessary pressure arising from maintaining a "perfect" social image and fulfilling social expectations, do take the initiatives to clarify your concerns and personal expectations to your parents, teachers or peers. Always welcome discussions and opinions with an open mind. You may be surprised at how much you can get out of these harmonious social interactions. Last but not least, life as a perfectionist can be rewarding and high-functioning if you can benefit from the motivation perfectionism brings, understand and accept who you are, and work on your weaknesses with an open mind to learn from others

最佳的戰士是那些能夠克服困難和挑戰,並且願意從其他人的 意見和建議中學習的人。不過,這並不表示我們應該盲目埋首 於新挑戰中。在我們決定追求甚麼和下一步向那兒進發之前, 能夠明瞭自己的強項和弱項是十分重要的。 憑籍社交支援,我的 學生及後參與不少與其本身強項相闋的不同比賽(數學、視覺藝 術和辯論)。他學會利用 比賽的體驗去擴展自己的才萃,以及 從其他極具才華的競爭者學習。結果,他能夠獲得更大的自我 覺醒,並能夠改善自己的缺點。

聖潔及合作 另 個在資優兒童經常發現 的完美主義素質,就是重視秩序 和整潔。我遇過的一個資優學生與我談及他對整潔的關注。 就他記憶所及,他對書寫十分講究。自讀幼稚圍時候起,當他 發覺所寫的字不夠漂亮和工整時,他會自動抹走那些字,並會 重寫一遍。隨著他長大,他會確保書架上的書本按字母先後次 序排好,並會把書冊的邊平整得盡可能順;膏。書桌上的文具亦 會按相同方向排列。他曾說過沒有絕對整潔的環境,就不能專 心工作,故此他為與「不修邊幅」的同伴相處而煩惱。他討厭 坐在他們旁邊,亦不喜歡與他們一起工作。反之,他的同伴也 有同成! 我們不能否認的是,整潔是一種正面的個人素質。只要不要把 這種 素質推向極端,就能為自己製造一個好形象。如果你對秩 序和整潔的關注變成心理負擔,而非令人欣賞和有用的素質, 那麼這就是時候舒緩一下,因為當你的年紀漸長,你只會遇上 更多「不修邊幅」的人和混亂的情況。要享受完美主義者的 生活 ,我們要接受個人差異 ,與及要做到互相尊重。另外一 位分享故事的資優生在保留整潔習慣的同時,及後學會尊重 朋儕的 生活習慣。 當 他 參 與小組工作時,他能夠接納個人 差異,並把對秩序和整潔的要求 調適。

達到卓越之路 在你的發展旅途上,你的完美主義素質可以是成長的催化劑 或絆腳石,結果如何視乎你如何管理這些素質。從正面的角 度想,這些素質可以鼓勵你追求 祟高及現實的目標、推動你 更勤力工作,與及透過你的失敗和其他人的體驗完善自己。 請緊記卓越與完美並不 樣 。 你不需要做到完美無暇,才可 贏取愛心、關懷與快樂。可能有的時候你會關心人家對你有 怎樣的要求 一一 這時候就需要懂得溝通。有時候我們可能認為 自己對人家所作的一些假設和判斷十分正確 ,情況就如人家 覺得對我們十分了解一樣。要減少國維持完美社交形象和達 致社會期望而引致的不必要壓力,就必須採取主動向父母、 教師和朋儕釐清自己的關注和個人期望。同時亦須經常持開 放態度,歡迎討論及意見。你可能會為自己能夠從這些和諧 的社交活動中所獲甚豐而戚到驚訝。 最後,如果你能夠從完美主義引發的動力獲益,明白並接受 自己,並以開放態度向其他人學習以 改善自己的弱點,那麼 過完美主義者的生活定必令你收獲甚鉅和達致更高效能。



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"仁川. ,

拉拉 叮 f拉克 M吽專Li制ii酬!izZJZM lt克在地t,役之 � �? Carson Poon ;番煒匡

Some think that perfectionism implies the setting of unreasonably high standards for one and one's surrounding environment while some think that this is just a basic character trait. In fact, 1 think there is no binary distinction of "right" or "wrong", "reasonable" and "not reasonable" in perfectionis內1. What matters is how to establi的 the parameters for "perfectionism". 1 think 1 am a typical perfectionist who always expects to accomplish matters at hand and strive for better performan仁e. Knowing how to set priorities and knowing what is important and less important and what is urgent and less urgent, I may also arrange things properly and in my own ways so as to a仁complish the tasks This will greatly enhance the effectiveness of my work and study, and the impression I leave would be "careful, hard­ working, mission-minded, principled and loyal". Others will then develop a good impression of me. As a perfectionist, I sometimes bring a lot of distress to myself. In order not to disappoint my parents, teachers and peers, I sometimes set requirements that are too strict. This creates pressure for me. Sometimes, my friends think that there is only black or white as well as right or wrong in my world and that |臼n only do 仁orrect things with 仁orrect methods. The result is that I appear to be rigid and inflexible. In additio門, I care too mu仁h about details that the big picture may be overlooked. For example, when I read a report, I first comment on characters, punctuations and the use of words in a particular area before paying attention to the content of the report


Have you ever tried "group project-Iearning仆 Have you ever worked with lazy and irresponsible teammates? I have encountered such occasions many times when I wanted to get the project finished in a detailed and proper manner. I know that I cannot a仁仁omplish the task merely by my own hands. Therefore, bearing in mind that every person is different and has different goals and ideas and that fit-ins are required for 仁ollaboration, I try to be tolerant towards these teammates and do not blame them in the first instance. I will cool down my emotions be臼use it will do no good or even make matters worse if we do not manage our emotions well. Then, I will try to come Up with solutions and try to discuss with those irresponsible members and understand their problems, e.g

有人會認為「完美主義」是對自己及身邊環境產生不合理的 過高標準;有人亦會認為那只是 個基本的人格特徵。事實 上,我會認為「完美主義」本身不存在對與錯、合理與不合 理的 二元 分野,只視乎自己怎樣訂立 「完美」的尺度。我認 為自己是

個典型的完美主義者,因 為我會經常期望手上的

事情辦得妥當,力求做得更好;或者把東西按自己的方式組 織並安排妥當 ,令工作順利完成 ,以及懂得輕重緩急、優先 順序。這些都能令工作及學習的效能大大提升,並且給人戚 覺自己是細心、勤奮、有抱負、有原則和盡忠職守,別人對 我自然留下好印象。 可是 , 追求完美的我,有時候為我帶來很大的困擾。 我問 中 會對自己要求過高,因 為以免令父母 、 老師 及朋輩失望, 但這對我卻構成無型的壓力。有時,我的朋友認為我的字典 裡只有黑和白 、 對與錯;認為一定要用正確的方法來做正確 的事 , 所以有時會顯得死板和缺乏彈性。除此之外 ,我也 很注重小節,有時會因太注重小節而忽略了大綱。例如當我 閱讀一份報告 ,會先批評字形、標點符號、 某一處的用詞 等等,然後才留意報告的內容。 你們有沒有曾經做過 「 小組專題研習 」 呢?你們又有沒有曾 與懶散 、不負責任的組員合作呢?我確實曾遇過這些場面許 多次,但我又很想把這 研習做得很詳細、 很完備。可是, 我卻不能只靠自己的雙手來完成吧!因此,我會儘量包容那 些組員,因 為人各有異,大家有若不同的目標和想法,合作 時定必需要磨合,所以我不會一下子便責怪他們。 那時,我 會讓自己的情緒先冷靜下來。因為若情緒弄得不好,這對事 情也沒有幫助 ,反而弄巧成拙。繼而,我會想想解決方法, 嘗試單獨與那些不負責任的組員好好溝通,嘗試了解他們的 問題 ,例如他們為什麼不積極投入討論呢?我相信如能找出 問題的核心,再調整大家的工作步伐,才可以順利完成 一個 專題研習。

-一-一一-----一一-一-一 why do they not get involved in discussions actively? I believe if the crux of the problem can be identified and our working progress can be adjusted, then we can complete a project Many people think that I can complete a project by myself. Why do 1 still wait for some lazy members? In fact, as a perfectionist 1 will not only look at the result of a matter but also日re about how 1 仁ommunicate and cooperate with others. 1 am also concerned about the participation and involvement of every single member. Therefore, don't just look at results if you want to be a 100% gifted student What is more important is that one will certainly learn more skills and develop better attitudes when you pay attention to the process Is吋rying your best" different from "perfectionism"?仁an they亡。-exist? 1 personally think that we can possess two con仁eptions at the same time and they differ only in terms of the time when ea仁h 仁onception should be adopted. " Perfeιtionism" can be regarded as a con仁eption that directs how an individual acts. Every person uses a different yardstick measuring against matters. Perfectionists demand a serious attitude, dri呃, a clear distinction between right or wrong and attention to details. 1 think these traits are positive in nature and are instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of work However, 1 will adopt the attitude of "trying my best" to guide my action in the working process or collaboration with others. There are many uncertain factors and many problems which cannot be solved immediately when we deal with matters. Striving for perfection at this stage will only lead to the emergence of pressure, despair and frustration. Too many negative thinking will make matters worse and lead to the failure to achieve the expe仁ted out仁ome. Thus, it is necessary to slightly adjust my personal thinking: if we adopt the principle of "trying our best" and handle matters ac仁ording to our abilities, we will, 1 believe, face lower pressure and find It easler to a仁complish our goal

-- ....._-----

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不只會看重事情的結果,也看重自己怎樣與他人溝通及合作 的過程 ,而且我也很注重每位組員的投入和參與。因此 , 如果你希望自己能做個全面的資優生,不要只看重結果。 更重要的是當你留意過程時,從中你定必學會更多的技巧和 培養更好的態度。 那麼「 盡 力 而 為 」 及 「 完美主義 」 有分別嗎?它們可共 存嗎?我個人認為「盡力而為」和 「 完美主義」 是可以同 時擁有的想法 ,只不過在出 現的時間上是有分別的。「完美 主義」可算是主導個人的理念,每個人對事情的標準相異, 完美主義者要求做事嚴謹、勤奮 、 是非分明,重視細節與完 美程度。我認為這些特徵是正面的,而且富有積極性,在訂 立目標時 ,這種思維有 助推動工作的成效。可是,在工作過 程中,或與人合作期間,我會選擇以 「盡力而為」來主導個 人的行動。因為處理事情中 ,必然有很多未知之數,或存在 很多不能即時解決的問題。如這時只追求完美的話,壓力 、 失望、沮喪便隨之而來。太多的負面思想便會令事情變得 更槽,亦不能達到預期目的。因此 ,個人的想法就要略為 調整。 如果以「盡力而為」 的想法行事,按照自己能力盡 量配合;我相信個人面對的壓力會較低,並且更容易達到 目的。 總括而吉,追求完美不是一種負面的態度,它可以 助你訂立 目標和令你工作時有更 好的表現。但當你發覺現有的客觀 或主觀因素令你不能做足100分時,不妨嘗試調整自己的 想法,盡自己能力做好,那就不會因過度追求完美而令你跟 別人產生繁張關係及影響個人心理健康。

我明白別人會對資優生抱 有很多期望 , 但在此想跟大家分享一 些心底話:別人的 期望只是一種推動力 。沒有人比你更清楚 和明白你自己的能力 、需要和想法。只要 你曾盡力嘗試,縱使結果可能不是他人所 想,但你的付出一 定有人看得到的。如你 真的盡了全力去做,你就應當肯定自己!

-- - ---------- -

。~\ 吋 / 。 此(刊 ) 」


份研習。那我為什麼 要停下來照顧一 些懶散的組員呢?事實上,追求完美的人並


μ叫 他抑 州學 比4 n金 lo 也4l μyf入 、 刊 川在 41 ν門 μ / 的仇 。

In conclusion, striving for perfection is not a negative sentiment. Rather it helps you set your goals and achieve a better performance at work. When you discover that the current 。同ective or subjective factors cannot make you score 100 marks, you can adjust your thinking and try your best so as not to create tension and hamper personal psychological health due to the excessive pursuit of perfection. 1 understand that people have high expectations on gifted children but 1 would like to say some deep-hearted words to all of you here: the expectations of other people are merely a driving force Nobody is clearer than you on your ability, needs and thoughts If you have tried your be哎, your efforts will be appreciated even if the result is not what other people expect. If you have tried your be吠, you should reaffirm yourself that you are a capable person!

『句』 、 、



/← 一一



Summer Fun Fun Fun






�"11、 從前,我是溫室小花, 有你濃情守候, 默默為我分憂。 你化作陽光似的雙手, 柔柔地把我摟。 從黑夜到自畫,






壓不碎 的親情 創作者 霍嘉銘

從前,我是纖纖小花, 你化作春雨


創作者.董佩洋 Clamp漫畫插圖臨摹 創作者.陳穎E軍




















1011 12


「現在是二零零八年五月十二日下午二時二十八分,我身處四川 汶川地震災區﹒..... J 我回想今天身處





場面的背後,我成受到壓不碎的親情。 我處身於








顯得很安詳,看似在死亡前夕己了結心願,放下心頭大石似的。 透過那


整個身子向前甸甸蒼,雙手按蒼地板支撐身體,身子都被壓得變 形扭曲了。 救援人員盡力伸手進入悔隙,哀傷地探頭觀察,確認她已死亡, 又衝蒼廢墟大喊了數聲,但並沒人回應。迅雷不及掩耳之際,救援 隊長靈光







安慰,同時母愛的偉大融化了每個人的心,戚受到「苦中一點甜J 。

13 14 15 16 17 18 19






2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30







全賴有你,這廣闊世上同遊。 當有




讓你柔軟的手變成乾癖; 使你烏黑的髮呈現花白。 請,別怕l 我仍願傾出所有, 愛你一生,不夠。

仁慈的愛,母愛,人世間最寬容的愛。孩子們,從你呱呱墜地的那 的那天起,她教會你喊「媽媽J '母親,每時每刻牽掛著你。你會 怎樣報答她呢?不1她不求回報,但願你健康快樂地成長。你們能 夠做到的,就是為母親減輕負擔,跟她聊聊天。再者,長大後讓她 安享幸福的晚年。 獻給地震罹難的母親:您們放心吧!一路走好,您們的孩子一定有 人疼愛,一定能夠茁壯成長! 自髮記載逝去的年華,皺紋刻印生活的圖畫..... 這就是您,母親, 您用博大的母愛,哺育世間的生命,我們為您無私的愛喝采! 後記 以上作品於「學苑盃」全港中學生《真情》作文大賽獲得初中組一等 獎的榮譽。作者藉對四川大地產量過後的體會和成受,希望青年朋友們 能更明白幸福非必然,從而更珍惜當下擁有的幸福。


(( Clamp漫畫插圖臨摹》創作者:陳穎璟

註.此作品獲得第十一屆「星星河」全國少年兒童美術書法攝影大賽中的美 術壹等獎。

A corner for sharing rnernbers' works, stories and interests






Thematic Talk: Salute to our Greatest Philosophers Series: Aristotle

Let's salute to our greatest Aristotle and share his school of thought together! 一同分享亞里斯多德的哲學思想,並向這位偉大的哲學家敬禮吧1

主題講座:向偉大的哲學家致敬�列: 亞里斯多德(HUM4210A尸 Thematic Talk: Celebrating our Chinese Popular Lyrics

How do Albert Leung, Wyman Wong and Riley Pong talk about Hong Kong culture in the Iyrics of popular songs? Join us!



Introductory Workshop on Critical and Creative Thinking

If you wish to enhance your skills in critical and creative thinking, how can you miss this programme? 希望增強批判及創意思維技巧的 您,豈能錯過此課程呢?


」一一一一一一一一一」旦旦旦旦 IIEI呈主監一一一一一」 Team Dynamics

This is an introductory programme specially designed for F.l-F.4 HKAGE student members who would like to taste what leadership is from the experience of team dynamics



Negotiation Skills Workshop

Student members who completed the Debating Skills and Public Speaking Workshops offered by the HKAGE are highly encouraged to join this programme which will promote communication skills into the next level


鼓勵想進一步提升溝通技巧、並已經完成辯論技巧及公開演說工作坊的學員參加。 Appropriate use of project management skills is essential in effective leadership and project success. All leaders are welcome to learn from real managers here!

project Management Course



L一一一一一一一一-一」午IW丘l1li1丘之一一一一一一一IMO Training Phase


This is the final phase of the IMO training programme. Outstanding pa削cipants in the training may have the opportunity to participate in related Mathematics competitions



Maths Ignition - Algebra

This introductory course is designed for bridging the gap between junior secondary mathematics curriculum and IMO Training programmes

數學燃動歸程一代數A HK Winter Mathematics Olympiad




L一一一一一一 Hands on Learning in Environmental Science


Warm up your brain after winter vacations with mathematical games and competitions in a two-day training camp



This programme aims to enrich students' understanding of environmental science applicable to local habitats and support environmental science learning. Student members will have the opportunity to gain hands-on scientific field work experience and to promote the conservation of local habitats with scientific support.

此課程除7深化學生對本地棲息地的認識外,亦支援對環境科學的學習。此外,學員有機會獲得實用的野外工作 經驗及利用科研支援去推動本地生態環境的保育。 This programme aims to enrich students' understanding of the local ecosystems and facilitate their study of environmental science. Student members will gain hands-on field work experience and recognise the need t。 conserve the local ecosystems.

Experiencing Local Ecosystems


此課程除加深學生對本地生態環境的認識外,亦促進學員對環境科學的 研習。學員將獲得實用的野外工作經驗 及領會保育本地生態環境的需要。

Mathematics Resources Contest

This contest is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) and Mathematical Database (MD). You can demonstrate your mathematical talents and insights by developing mathematical models of daily life problems. Awardees' products will serve as online resources for the purpose of knowledge sharing.


此比賽由香港資優教育學院及數學資料庫合辦。你將有機會把日常生活中常遇見 的難題,設計成相關的數學 模型,以展示你的數學才華和見解。獲獎作品將會用作網上數學資源,以達至知識共萃的目的。

L一一.a'itl'U1之 m ;!tWl'且丘之且已半旦旦旦且堅堅呈L一一」 Self-understanding Workshop - Senior class

自我詔論工作坊一高中組(PGS1011B)# * For details please visit our HKAGE website.


"Understand yourself is the key to success". Whoever expects to have a better self-understanding as well as learn how to manage stress and negative emotions must join this workshop!


# Please visit our HKAGE website for the updates in Decembe仁


^ Please visit our HKAGE website for the updates in December I January.


If yo u have any comments or suggestions for improving吋he Gifted Bulletin", please contact us. You are welcome to contribute articles or creative works to this bulletin.

假如你對今期內容有任何意見及建議,歡迎聯絡我們。 歡迎各位踴躍投稿!

Contact Information聯絡方法 Website學院,網頁 www.hkage.org.hk Email電郵 sps@hkage.org.hk Telephone電話 36983499

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