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ISSN 2219-4576

FEB 2014 Issue No. 11


Gifed Education Development in School: From Leadership to Implementation 推行資優教育 : 由領導到實踐

Feature Article 專題文章

The Role of Leadership in Implementing Gifted Education Programmes Professor Joyce VanTassel-Baska 推行資優教育時的領導角色

Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博士

Contents 目錄 1

Editors´Note 編者的話


Frontline Sharing 前線分享 Journey to Gifted Education 資優教育的旅程 Kau Yan School 救恩學校分享


What's New 最新消息


Recommended Resources 資源推介


Feature Article(I) 專題文章 (I)


News Bites 要聞剪影


Forthcoming Events of the Academy 學苑動向

The Role of Leadership in Implementing Gifted Education Programmes 推行資優教育的領導角色 By Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博士


Feature Article(II) 專題文章 (II)

What can Education Leaders in Hong Kong Learn about GE? Reflections on a Visit to Beijing No. 8 High School 探訪北京市第八中學 給予香港資優教育領導的反思 By Dr. Stephen Tommis, Executive Director, HKAGE 香港資優教育學苑院長 湯敏思博士


Special Issue 特稿 A Tale of 4 Regions: Recent GE development 四地近年的資優教育發展

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Editors' Note 編者的話


atering for learner diversity is always one of the key responsibilities of educators. The field of gifted education (GE), by its nature and practices, contributes to education improvement for a wide range of students including high ability / gifted learners. Goals for GE development could be considered as an integral part of a school development plan so as to provide sustainable services and support for students to stretch their potential.

顧學習差異,因材施教,向來都是 教育工作者的主要職能之一。資優 教育不論在本質還是實務上均有助 提升教育質素,讓大多數學生 ( 包括資優 / 高能力學生 ) 受惠。學校可考慮將資優教育 發 展 目 標 融 入 學 校 發 展 計 劃,使 有 關 的 培 育 服 務 與 支 援 得 以 持 續 發 展,讓 學 生 盡 展 潛能。

Through the theme, “GE Development in Schools: From Leadership to Implementation”, this issue addresses the ways how a school leader and the GE team share the vision with school personnel and other stakeholders and engage them in building organisational capacity conducive to higher levels of implementation. This time we have the privilege of inviting Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska, one of the leading figures in the field of GE, to share her view on the role of leadership in implementing GE programmes in Feature Article (I). We have also invited Dr. Stephen Tommis, our Executive Director, to share his reflections on a visit to Beijing No.8 High School in Feature Article (II). Dr. Tommis introduces some key features and practices of the school in nurturing gifted learners and reflects on the lessons that might be learned by the counterparts in Hong Kong. In Special Issue, you could find more information about the recent GE development in 4 Asian regions including Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. In Frontline Sharing, we are delighted to have Mrs. Gloria Chan, Principal of Kau Yan School, to share her experiences of and reflections on how she has put the GE initiative in place and turned it into a long-lasting institutional change.

今 期《 匯 賢「資」訊 》主 題 為「推 行 資 優 教育 : 由領導到實踐」,專題探討學校領導 人員及校內的資優教育小組如何與同事 及 其 他 持 分 者 建 立 共 同 願 景,凝 聚 力 量,使 資 優 教 育 有 效 地 在 學 校 落 實 發 展。我 們 很 榮幸邀請了資優教育界其中一位領導人 物 Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博 士 為 我 們 撰 文, 在〈 專題文章 I 〉中分享她對推行資優教育 領 導 角 色 的 灼 見。同 時,本 學 苑 院 長 湯 敏 思 ( Stephen Tommis ) 博士亦為我們撰寫〈 專題文章 II 〉,分享他早前探訪北京市第八 中學的後感及介紹該校培育資優生的特 色 和 實 踐 情 况,並 指 出 一 些 值 得 我 們 借 鏡 的 地 方。今 期〈 特 稿 〉會 令 你 了 解 更 多 有 關 中 國 內 地、臺 灣、星 加 坡 及 香 港 四 地 近 年 的 資 優 教 育 發 展 情 況。另 外,今 期〈 前 線 分 享 〉則 邀 請 了 救 恩 學 校 的 陳 梁 淑 貞 校 長 分 享 她 實 踐 資 優 教 育 的 經 驗,以 及 如 何 讓 資優教育在校內植根發展的個人見解。

To enrich your professional staff members’ knowledge and skills of addressing learner diversity in a differentiated classroom, especially for high ability / gifted students, our Academy has developed a flexible and targeted in-service programme, entitled “Intermediate Course in GE: Leadership and Management (Blended Learning Mode)”. For details, please visit the Teacher Zone: en/teacher-programme/upcomingevents

Teacher professional Development Division The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

為了提昇專業同工對照顧學生多樣性 ( 尤其 是資優 高能力學生 ) 的認識和掌握相關技 巧,本 學 苑 發 展 了 一 個 靈 活 且 具 針 對 性 的 在職專業發展課程,名為「資優教育進階課 程:領導與管理 ( 混合學習模式 )」。請登入 學苑網站內的「 教師園地 」查閱詳情:

香港資優教育學苑 教師專業發展部




What’s New 最新消息


o facilitate schools in catering for both learning needs and affective development of high ability / gifted students, the Academy (HKAGE) has recently published two new sets of reference materials and disseminated them to schools.


Info-booklet : Differentiation for Gifted Learners in Practice (in English only) (published and disseminated in July 2013)

( 英文版 ) (2013 年 7 月出版及發佈 )

This info-booklet was developed by Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska (the principal author) and Dr. Kimberley Chandler, two curriculum experts in the field, with the aim of introducing a researchbased framework of differentiating the curriculum for high ability / gifted learners to address their learning needs. The framework incorporates three dimensions of VanTassel-Baska’s Integrated Curriculum Model, ICM (1986) including:

這本小冊子由兩位資優 教 育 的 課 程 專 家 Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博 士 ( 主 筆 ) 及 Kimberley Chandler 博 士編撰,旨在介紹一個以 研究為基礎的調適課程架 構,以 照 顧 資 優 / 高 能 力 學生的學習需要。這個架構發展自 VanTassel-Baska 博 士於 1986 年提出的統合課程模式 (ICM),當中包括下 列三個調適度向:

1) Differentiation with advanced content; 2) Differentiation with process-product elements; and 3) Differentiation with concepts / issues / themes

1) 課程內容的深度; 2) 學習過程及學習成果; 3) 以概念 / 議題 / 主題學習

After an overview of the ICM, more detailed explanations of each dimension and its practical strategies are provided in the next three chapters. The principal author fur ther illustrates with examples how this framework works with the gifted population and enhances thinking and learning of every student in the class.

小冊子的首章是統合課程模式的概覽,隨後的三個 章節則詳述了每一個度向的實務策略。當中作者亦 以例子說明相關架構如何能有效地培育資優生,並 啟發全體學生思考及提升他們的學習成果。

Electronic copies of these sets of materials can be downloaded from our website: 上述參考資源的電子版可於學苑網站下載:

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

港資優教育學苑近期出版及向學校發佈了 以下兩套參考資料,以方便學校照顧資優 / 高能力學生的學習及情意發展需要。


Toolkit : Guidance for the Gifted: Acknowledgment and Nourishment (published in January 2014) 情意發展指南 《 : 資優啟航:正視與培育》

This toolkit was written by Prof. Thomas P. Hébert and Prof. Jean S. Peterson, two renowned scholars in addressing social-emotional needs in the field of gifted education. Both experts adopt developmental perspectives to address four affective concerns commonly faced by the gifted from primary to secondary school years: 1) identity development; 2) friendship; 3) career planning; and 4) burdens of giftedness

( 2014 年 1 月出版 )

這本工具書由兩位關注情 意需要的著名資優教育學 者 Thomas P. Hébert 教 授 與 Jean S. Peterson 教授所著。 兩位專家均以人類心理發 展為本,深入淺出地闡釋 資優生在中小學階段經常 面對的四種情意需要,包括: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Strategies that can encourage and stimulate the growth of the gifted in regular classroom / school settings are introduced. Each strategy has detailed description about how it works with specific school levels (i.e. primary, junior and senior secondary respectively). Educational practitioners can adopt the best practice in this toolkit that fits their targeted gifted students.

身分認同發展; 友誼; 生涯規劃;及 資優生的心理壓力

本書介紹適用於一般課堂 / 學校環境的相關策略, 以鼓勵和激發資優生成長。每項策略均有詳細解 釋,說明如何運用於不同年級(即小學、初中和高 中),讓教育工作者可就各資優生的情意需要,採用 最合適的策略。

Electronic copies of these sets of materials can be downloaded from our website: 上述參考資源的電子版可於學苑網站下載: 中文版:

English Version:




The Role of Leadership in Implementing Gifted Education Programmes

Joyce VanTassel-Baska, EdD. College of William and Mary

•• Leadership is about accepting the multiple realities of working in an organisation (Bolman & Deal, 1991).


here has never been a time when leadership has been in greater demand than it is now as we work to ensure that innovative practices in gifted education become institutionalised in schools. Yet the preparation of leaders for work in this specialised field may be scanty. Some come from the ranks of educators trained in gifted education pedagogy, having been successful classroom teachers working with this particular group of learners. Others may come from the administrative ranks, having been educated in the role of the educational administrator of schools. To be successful as a leader of a gifted education programme, both sets of skills are important. Understanding the needs of the gifted student population in the context of school practices weds a powerful skill set that extends beyond teaching or administration into educational leadership.

School leaders have to accept their role in the change process as involving human relations sk ills, task commitment skills, using the organisational structure to advance innovation, and helping the school create meaning for its members.

School leaders in gifted education must possess a sound theoretical sense of what educational leadership is all about. Leaders must be educated to the following principles, which are derived from leadership theory:

A school leader also has to attend to the overall growth and development of teachers, making them stronger tomorrow than they are today and providing them the tools to continue the challenge of growth in a politically charged environment.

Regardless of other roles, the leader of gifted education in a school requires the person to understand and act on these multiple aspects of the role. Organising people and resources in order to carry out programmes is a critical function but so too is helping teachers work together to make a gifted programme work and getting other educators in a school setting committed to the importance of the programme and their shared ownership in it. Accepting these multiple arenas of responsibility for gifted programme development is an important consideration.

•• Leadership is about integrity, using power to help people grow (Burns, 1978).

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

and other administrators on making a programme on paper come alive in classrooms throughout the school heightens the belief that the whole staff is supportive of the gifted education initiative and has an important stake in making it successful.

•• Leadership is about accepting and creating challenge through reflection, intention, and action (Kouzes & Posner, 1995). School leaders need to be proactive and clear about their goals and the strategies to enact them. Thus, both action and accompanying communication habits have to be effectively enacted in order for change to be successfully implemented. A leader in gifted education must be an agent for positive growth in the school context for both teachers and students. Helping people grow professionally through arranging workshops, holding seminars, and encouraging conference attendance on this subject are all ways to enhance your stature as a leader especially if you then follow up with the teachers afterward to discuss how they will implement what they learned. Real growth comes from committing in a very visible way to positive change.

•• Leadership is about building learning communities and managing them in contemporary educational environments (Gardner, 1990). S chool leaders must also attend to the overall management of learning-centered environments that demand dynamic principles of leadership to be enacted and flexible approaches and styles to be used. A school leader in gifted education needs to be in the thick of the action at a school, helping others to implement new ideas, providing advice on dealing with individual gifted learners, and leading groups through problem-solving exercises in respect to curriculum and instruction. Using the techniques of creative problemsolving to brainstorm a school-based problem in the programme demonstrates not only your leadership but also your trust in the positive outcomes that can accrue from using the techniques that your teachers are employing with students. Collaborating with teachers

In gifted education, the circumstances of programme development are unique. They require leaders who are willing to be advocates for a cause, who recognise that they will need to argue for the services requested as being necessary, and that they will need to respond proactively to situations and contexts that may not be propitious for designing and developing programmes for the gifted. Thus leaders in this field have to be bold in their intentions and actions to see that services are provided to gifted students. This means not accepting “no” as the response to requests, providing alternatives for others to consider, and maintaining collegiality in dealing with opposition.

Taking the temperature of classroom practice School leaders in gifted education have to have a sense of what is happening in classroom practice. In the absence of that knowledge, leaders can be easily swayed by the rhetoric of the articulate who can explain what they think they are doing in the classroom. However, studies have continued to demonstrate that teachers of the gifted are not the best judgers of their own practice, often rating themselves higher than external reviewers (VanTasselBaska & Stambaugh, 2006). In addition, school leaders must deliberately monitor classrooms on a regular basis to ensure that a given model is being implemented well. If the desired practice is critical thinking, for example, then the school leader could use a simple set of criteria such as the following to discern the use of these behaviours:




•• Evidence of the use of analytical skills such as comparison and contrast, concept maps, and the delineation of flow charts. •• Evidence of synthesis skills in integrating ideas within and across subject areas in appropriate products or in requiring students to discuss connections among ideas. •• Evidence of evaluation skills such as judging the best solution to a problem or selecting the best option among alternatives provided. However, in order to implement such a set of criteria, the school leader must be able to recognise these behaviours when they are in use. Thus, professional development (PD) for administrators in the models that teachers have learned, to the extent necessary for recognising their use and judging the efficacy of their delivery, is crucial. For example, a principal observed in an elementary school spent time in the classrooms ever y day, assessing the behaviours associated with the successful implementation of language arts curriculum, and, based on observations, discerned the need for follow-up inservice in key areas for specified teachers only, thus successfully differentiating the professional development plan based on real data from the classroom.

Making policy change Leadership must also be sensitive to the need for policy change (Swanson, 2007). In any innovation, there will be continued need for support from a community that values the innovation, forward progress on converting the innovation to school policy, and the mechanisms and will to collect research data on its effectiveness at all levels of the schooling enterprise. This process also implies that there is a leader in place over time who can shepherd these changes through a system designed to continue the status quo rather than innovation.

Celebration of learning Leadership must also be motivational and even inspirational in schools in order to lift the spirits of teachers and students who are engaged in the difficult work of enhancing learning. Thus, leaders must be aware of the need for honouring the culture and symbolically rewarding the efforts that go on within it (Peterson, 2001). A high priority must be placed on accolades for enhanced learning. One school district in the United States, for example, rotates board meetings to each school in the district and asks the principal of each school to stage a performance demonstrating student learning. In addition, at each board meeting, students who received awards during the past month are individually recognised, along with their parents, for their accomplishments. The event is handled in such a way that the experience is one of celebration. This is an example of a learner-centered school district, in which student learners are the focus of adult activities and evidence of learning is rewarded. Talent development must be recognised in order to demonstrate that it is valued sufficiently in a school context.

Conclusion While successful practices in school are not life, they bear a strong resemblance, especially in relationship to habits of mind. If our best learners are not challenged by school, then these habits will not be instilled in such a way as to guarantee transfer and automaticity of response in meeting life’s challenges. Do we not owe the gifted and high-ability students under our care the support necessary to have them thrive in the world as citizens ready to solve problems and expend effort in achieving goals, as well as professionals in their chosen areas? If potential leaders in gifted education can answer this question in the resounding affirmative, then they are ready to take on the challenges of programme development in the schools of today.

References Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1991). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row. Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: The Free Press Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (1995). The leadership challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Peterson, K. (2001, June). Shaping school culture for quality teaching and learning. Presentation to the National Leadership Institute, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. • Swanson, J. (2007). Policy and practice: a case study of gifted education policy implementation. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 31, 131-164. • VanTassel-Baska, J., & Stambaugh, T. (2006). Curriculum for the gifted: Past, present and future. In J. VanTassel-Baska, & T. Stambaugh (Eds.), Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (pp. 1-16). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, Inc. • • • • •

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期


領導角色 Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博士 威廉瑪麗學院

們努力確保資優教育的革新能在學 校的建制中落實。因而,對於學校 領袖領導力的需求變得前所未有地 龐 大。然 而,領 袖 們 為 此 特 殊 領 域 所 作 的 準 備 卻 欠 奉。有 些 領 袖 曾 接 受 資 優 教 學 法 相 關 訓 練,是 擁 有 教 導 資 優 生 經 驗 的 成 功 教 師。有 些 領 袖 則 本 來 從 事 行 政 工 作,曾 受 訓 擔 任 學 校 教 育 行 政 人 員。然 而,要 成 為 成 功 的 資 優 教 育 領 袖,以 上 兩 套 技 巧 卻 是 缺 一 不 可。他 們 並 需 要 了 解 資 優 生 在 學 校 實 務 中 的 需 要,將 之 結 合 成 一 套 超 越 教 學或行政的重要教育領導技巧。

資優教育的學校領袖必須充分掌握教育領導的概念。他 們必須學會以下衍生自領導理論的原則:

• 領導就是要接受各式各樣在一間機構內存在的情況 (Bolman & Deal, 1991)。 學校領袖必須接受自己在轉變過程中的角色,此角色需 要人際關係技巧、對工作的執著精神,並利用機構的組 織結構推動革新,以及協助學校為員工建構工作意義。 姑且不論其他角色,學校的資優教育領袖需要了解這角 色的不同面,並按照這些不同面而行動。為了推行課程 而組織人力和資源故然重要,然而,幫助教師協力使某

個資優教育課程順利推行,以及提升校內其他教育同工 對有關課程的重要性之關注和歸屬感,也同樣重要。接 納資優教育發展這些不同層面的責任,非常關鍵。

• 領導就是要具誠信,善用權力協助別人成長 (Burns, 1978)。 學校領袖亦需要注意到教師的整體成長和發展,令他們 一天比一天強,同時提供工具,讓他們能繼續面對成長 挑戰。 資優教育領袖必須是促進教師與學生在學校環境中積極 成長的橋樑。透過安排工作坊、舉行研討會與鼓勵教師 參加與資優教育有關的會議來協助他們在專業中成長, 都是一個領袖提升領導地位的方法,尤其假如你會在有 關活動後與參與老師討論如何學以致用,以作跟進,成 效就更高。致力於積極轉變,讓人有目共睹,即能帶來 真正成長。

• 領導就是要建立學習團體,並在現存的教育環境下 管理這些團體 (Gardner, 1990)。 學校領袖也必須注意如何全面管理以學習為中心的環 境。要執行有關管理,需要制定強而有力的領導原則, 以及使用具彈性的方法和風格。 資優教育的學校領袖在學校裡需要履行多重任務,協助 他人實踐新的想法、就處理個別資優生提供意見,以及 帶領同工進行有關課程與教學的解難訓練。利用創意解 難技巧與同事探討課程施行的校本問題,不但可展示你




的領導能力,而且可顯示你對老師的信任,信任他們能 應用有效的技巧,讓學生積累出積極成果。跟老師和其 他行政人員群策群力,將他們設計的課程在校推行與實 踐,藉此可鞏固一個信念,就是全體員工都支持資優教 育計劃,並對成功落實計劃勝券在握。

• 使用分析技巧 的跡象,例如使用比較和對比、概念 圖和勾勒流程圖。

• 領導就是要藉著反思、籌謀和行動去接受和創造挑戰 (Kouzes & Posner, 1995)。

• 使用評鑑技巧 的跡象,例如判斷解決問題的最佳方 法或決定最佳選擇。

學校領袖需要積極進取,且對其目標與達致目標的策略 瞭如指掌。因此,為成功實行改革,須有效地採取行動 與運用輔助行動的溝通習慣。

然而,為了落實這套準則,學校領袖必須能識別上述的 行為。因此,讓行政人員接受訓練,學習有關老師所學 的模式,非常重要,好讓他們能識別得到相關模式的使 用,以及判斷有關的使用是否有效。例如,一位小學校 長每天都花時間在課室內評估與成功推行語言文學課程 相關的行為,並根據觀察,分辨是否有需要跟進個別教 師在主要範疇的在職專業發展,結果他能按照從教室收 集的真實數據,對專業發展計劃作出識別。

就資優教育而言,有利有關課程發展的條件是獨特的。 這樣的條件所需要的領袖是願意投入這一個事業,並接 受他們在必要時需爭取要求的服務。對於不利於設計和 發展資優課程的情況和環境,他們將要積極作出回應。 因此,這個領域的領袖必須果敢地籌謀和行動,為給資 優生提供的服務作前瞻。這意味著不會接納以「不」回 應訴求,而是提供選擇給他人考慮,以及在處理反對意 見時對同事保持友善。

教室實踐的效能監察 資優教育的學校領袖必須對教室實踐的情況有一定了 解。他們假如對此一無所知,即很容易因能言善辯者的 巧言而動搖,這些能言善辯者能闡釋其對自己教學的想 法。然而,研究不斷顯示,從事資優教育的教師並不是 判斷其實踐成效的最佳評審,他們對自己的評價往往比 校外評核員的高 (VanTassel-Baska & Stambaugh,2006)。 此外,學校領袖必須刻意定期進行課室監察,以確保規 定的模式能暢順無礙地實行。例如,倘若理想的實踐是 批判性思考,學校領袖便可使用一套如下列所展示的簡 單準則,去了解有關行為的使用效果:

• 使用綜合技巧 的跡象,把學科與跨學科的概念整合 成適當的學習成果或要求學生討論不同概念的聯繫。

政策革新 領袖同樣必須對政策改變的需求敏感 (Swanson, 2007)。 任何革新都需要重視創新之群體的支持,爭取把創新轉 化成學校政策,也需要有機制和決心就革新措施在學校 各層面的效益收集研究數據。這過程也意味著任何時候 都有一位領袖準備就緒,可透過為維持現狀而非革新而 設的系統引領改變。

頌揚學習 在學校裡,老師和學生為深化學習這艱鉅工作埋頭苦 幹,為了提升他們的士氣,領導也必須是具推動力甚至 具啟發性的。為此,領袖們必須意識到需要尊重文化, 以及為肯定努力而作出象徵式獎勵 (Peterson, 2001)。其 中,對深化學習的讚揚應得到高度重視。以美國一學校 區為例,委員會會議在每間學校輪流進行,而且委員會 要求每位校長展示學生的學習情況。此外,每次委員會

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska College of William and Mary, U.S.A

Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博士 美國威廉瑪麗學院

會議上,上月獲獎的學生都會在其家長陪同下獲得個別 表揚。這個例子顯示以學生為中心的一個學校區內,學 生是成人活動的中心,而學習成果顯著的學生會獲得獎 勵。才華的發展必須要獲得肯定,以顯示其在學校裡得 到足夠的重視。

結語 縱然在學校裡的成功實踐並不等同是真實人生的碩果, 兩者卻有十分相似之處,與思考的習慣尤其相關。這 些習慣會轉移到真實生活中,確保學生在面對人生挑戰 時能自動作出反應,可是,假如我們最優秀的學生在學 校裡沒得到考驗,將無法養成這些習慣。難道我們已給 予資優和高能力學生所需的支持,讓他們準備好解決問 題、竭力達成目標並成為其所選擇發展範疇的專業人 士,為世界發光發熱嗎?倘若有潛力的資優教育領袖能 自信不疑地回答此問題,他們便已準備好今時今日在學 校肩負起課程發展的挑戰。

參考文獻 • Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1991). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. • Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row. • Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: The Free Press • Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (1995). The leadership challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. • Peterson, K. (2001, June). Shaping school culture for quality teaching and learning. Presentation to the National Leadership Institute, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. • Swanson, J. (2007). Policy and practice: a case study of gifted education policy implementation. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 31, 131-164. • VanTassel-Baska, J., & Stambaugh, T. (2006). Curriculum for the gifted: Past, present and future. In J. VanTassel-Baska, & T. Stambaugh (Eds.), Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (pp. 1-16). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.

Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska is the Professor Emerita at The College of William and Mary in Virginia, where she is the founding director of the Centre for Gifted Education. Dr. VanTassel-Baska’s research interests are on the talent development process and effective curricular interventions with the gifted. She has received numerous awards including the International Mensa Research Award for Lifetime Achievement in research and service to gifted education in 2011. Joyce VanTassel-Baska 博士是美國維珍尼亞州威 廉瑪麗學院教授及該學院的資優教育中心始創總 監。Van Tassel-Baska 博士的研究範圍主要為人才 培育與發展和照顧資優生的課程策略。她獲獎無 數,包括 2011 年獲「國際門薩學會」頒發的「終 身成就獎」 ,以嘉許她在資優教育的研究和貢獻。




What can Education Leaders in Hong Kong Learn about

GE ?

Dr Stephen Tommis Executive Director, The HKAGE

Reflections on a Visit to Beijing No. 8 High School


n September 2012 I was invited to one of Beijing's most famous and successful schools to see how they coped with their top academic students. This short article summarises some key features of their gifted provision and it reflects on the lessons that might be learned in Hong Kong from their practise and experience. Work with gifted students dates back more than 25 years and the School has evolved a special class structure for exceptionally bright students that is built on fast acceleration through the curriculum. In 1985, Beijing No. 8 High School established an experimental class for gifted children, admitting students with an average age of 10 years but with an educational attainment at least 4 years higher. These students take an accelerated 4-year programme which equates to an 8-year programme for a non-gifted student, so that by the age of 14 they reach the academic level of a secondary school graduate.

The School Philosophy towards Nurturing Giftedness The School has a particular view on what makes for a good approach to gifted education which it calls its three-inone education system. First, they believe there are strong linkages between research, education and teaching. The everyday core work of a teacher – preparing teaching units, providing learning resources, integrating the curriculum, curriculum planning – each of these become research topics that are analysed by teams of teachers (such as the class teacher and his/her subject colleagues) as part of their normal professional development. Often, as well as improved pedagogical practice, a research report

is produced which the school publishes and widely distributes. Their understanding of the term “education” is also, arguably, broader than most. They set moral education as a high priority. They care about ideological and moral education as well as the development of good behavioural habits in students. To these ends, each class is assigned two teachers who each take charge of each of these aspects. The School strongly supports its staff in their training and development. For example, the School is both a member of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and the Asia-Pacific Federation of World Council for Gifted and Talented Children - sending a total of 19 delegations and 125 staff members to attend the World Conference for Gifted and Talented Children and the Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, giving more than 80 paper presentations since 1993. A further key aspect of their system emphasises the importance of links between school, family and society. The role of parents is crucial. Parents of students in the gifted classes form a committee, not only to become involved in the life of the School through organising the Parents’ Day, but also to be a forum for monthly meetings in which parents can exchange experiences and help to resolve

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Chart 1:

The School also puts great emphasis on what it calls social practice whereby students are strongly encouraged to take part in enrichment programmes to broaden their horizons, increase their social awareness, develop independence and enhance team spirit.

Identification Procedure Welcome 10 year-old primary students' application

First Test • Basic language skills • Basic Mathematics skills • Gerenal abilities


200 Students Second Test • Use of language • Application of Mathematics • Neurotypes identification • Information processing speed

These activities are as diverse as tree planting in Shanxi, visiting China’s satellite launch base, descending the Jinhuagong Coal Mine in Datong City, and learning about high-tech cultivation in agribusiness. A typical Gifted Children Class will receive about 55 days on the social practice curriculum each year.




Trial Class • (6 days Summer Camp) • Independent study abaility • Learning and behavioural styles • Adaptive capabilities • Teamwork spirit


Explain clearly to parents; Make academic recommendations; Answer parents' enquiries

parenting problems. The School states that it is important to have a concerted effort to engage with parents because it helps reach a common understanding about the “what” and “how” of gifted education.

Identification of Gifted Students There are certain principles that underlie their approach to identification. Based on the research of Professor Zhua Zixiu of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are three guiding principles: •• identification should use several different channels •• identification should use different methods and •• identification should use an integrated evaluation approach. Such an approach is not very different from that advocated in Hong Kong. The EDB website ( index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=4156) refers to the varied nature of intelligence and how it can be manifest, not least through Gardner’s multiple intelligences construct. The flow chart (Chart 1) illustrates how the School adopts a threestage process in identifying the group that will eventually

Confirmed Admission list around 30 students after deliberation form its gifted student class. It is heavily test-based, initially concentrating on “basic” language and mathematical skills and then progressing to the application of these skills and other domains such as the speed of information processing and neuro-type identification. The final stage involves close observation by the staff of the selected group of about 50 students to assess their learning styles, their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and their attitude towards teamwork. All of this takes place in a residential summer camp away from the safe environment of school and the possible influences of family.




Curriculum Planning and Pedagogy The curriculum has to be based on the Elementary Education Curriculum stipulated by the State and so lesson time is strictly regulated. In the first academic year, there are 35 lessons each week, 36 in the second year, 37 in the third year and 36 in the fourth year. Teachers ensure that students cover the work of the state curriculum through efficient curriculum planning and common teaching strategies. Curriculum planning in the School places considerable emphasis on compacting the materials either through connecting similar subject topics taught at different stages or through the spiral curriculum model. For example, concepts such as mechanics, light, heat and electricity that are taught in physics at both junior and senior levels can be compacted into a single integrated programme, thus saving teaching time. Within each teaching unit there is careful planning to ensure that as much information content is added that can be realistically learned in the time available. The planning sets high expectations on the capacity of young minds to absorb a lot of information. The pedagogy sets great store by teaching at a fast pace without sacrificing the quality of learning. It also looks to quicken the pace (increasing the stride of each step”) as students progress through the teaching unit. Both the pace and its quickening are governed by teacher judgments on how well the students are coping at the present level. Interestingly, teachers do not aim to cover all content in each teaching unit; they purposely leave gaps so as to stimulate the students’ curiosity to find out for themselves. Besides subject knowledge integration, there is also coordination among different subjects. For example, mathematical knowledge related to a physics topic should be taught ahead of that physics class. This requires considerable communication and cooperation between departments in the school.

Students are encouraged to participate in competitions but the School does not provide any training programme for them. In 2011, students took part in 224 local/overseas competitions winning 729 awards. Over the past five years 26 students have won awards in the World Innovation Competition in South Korea. In the Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest, 4 students won the National First Prize, 11 won the Beijing First Prize. In academic competitions, 5 students got the National First Prize, 16 won the Second Prize and 24 won the Third Prize. A further novel element of the School curriculum is its Physical Education programme. This programme aims to ensure that all gifted students are physically strong and fitter than non-gifted students and they achieve this by adding 5 PE sessions to the weekly curriculum (more sessions than that in the regular curriculum) and a whole afternoon each week to PE in Nature where students are free to enjoy outdoor sports activities like hiking, mountain climbing, swimming, diving, skating, unicycle riding and bicycle travel. An analysis of the physical strength of Gifted Children Class students showed that when they first joined the class, their bodily functions, physical qualities, growth, development, were not “supernormal”; some were even below normal standard. When they graduated, the indicators, especially fitness, improved substantially. The Fitness Evaluation of Ethnic Han Students in Cities shows that 93.3% of the students attain top or above average level and only 6.7% reach average level.

Student Successes All graduates in the past 15 year since the establishment of the Gifted Children Class have entered universities in China and abroad. Of the graduates from the first four years, 96.8% of them were admitted to China’s elite universities. 79% of the 300 graduates from the First to Ninth Class have pursued research after completing their undergraduate degrees. Of all the 235 graduates from the First to Seventh Class, 46% gained a Doctorate and 31% received a Masters degree. Moreover, all graduates of the Gifted Children Class perform better in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination than students of the regular Senior Three Class in the School. All 36 students of the 14th Gifted Children

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.8匯賢「資」訊第十一期 匯賢「資」訊第八期 INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11

GE as a Whole School Issue It is also clear that the management of gifted education is best approached as a whole-school issue. Though it is always good to see individual teachers seeking to improve their skills through training, the impact any individual teacher can have on improving provision for all gifted students is limited. What is the value of a student experiencing a challenging and stimulating learning environment in one class but more tedium in the classes for the rest of the day? The only way to bring about substantive change in thinking and practice is to raise gifted education to the level of a whole-school issue and plan for the change that is needed in teacher training and curriculum planning. Class (2011-12), who graduated last year, got an average score of 628.2. 54% of them were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. The School aims to develop students holistically, not just academically. It also claims that they are socially adaptable to new situations and face challenges with confidence. How do they know this? They track all school graduates and the evidence shows that their gifted students display solid academic subject knowledge when studying at university or work, extraordinary ability to work hard, healthy outlook on life and good social adaptability.

Some Reflections and Conclusions The Principal’s Role is Crucial It is clear from this example that the role of the Principal is crucial. Every Principal acts as a gate keeper to GE provision in their school. When the Principal places GE on the educational agenda, much can be achieved. It is, of course, more than just having a supportive principal. Thought needs to be given to teacher training in the school (for the few or many?), to the development of resources that support able learners, to coordinating the curriculum so that acceleration in whatever form (e.g. grade skipping or subject acceleration) can take place, and so on. No. 8 High School’s approach is to take an exclusive model for provision – to identify a whole class for special provision throughout its school life – and this cuts against the grain in Hong Kong because the policy here is to take an inclusive line whereby teachers are expected to deal with able learners in the context of the regular classroom. Arguably, though, the skills required of teachers in either situation are not dissimilar.

Dealing with the Whole Child The importance of affective development in young people is addressed at No. 8 High School. They provide dedicated teachers to advise and support. They actively involve parents in the educative process because they feel that parents can offer additional emotional support that is in concert with the school’s objectives. Getting parents on side is important in presenting a unified approach to developing young minds, young emotions, and young bodies. Parental engagement has been seen by some as the key factor in student (and school) success. Healthy mind and healthy body coexist in Beijing for able learners. It is unusual to find that schools go to such lengths as to integrate the academic and physical education curriculum for such students but they argue that it helps students to adapt to new situations more easily and it creates more alert minds.

Fast-Paced Learning A faster pace to curriculum exposure is a key feature. We all know that one of the hallmark features of the gifted mind is its speed at comprehending information. One mathematics lesson we observed moved at an astonishing pace in 40 minutes and there was clear progression in terms of increasing complexity of the mathematical problems posed. The students loved it. In a mixed ability class, typical of Hong Kong, the hurdles are different but the needs of the fast learner are still there. Flexible grouping, the use of extension material and open-ended tasks are proven strategies in facilitating the learning needs and styles of gifted students. Increasingly complex learning can take




探訪北京市第八中學 為香港資優教育領袖 帶來的反思 ( 摘要 ) place in the mixed ability classroom, though it requires skill on the part of the teacher to facilitate it.

School-Based Enrichment Programmes Though there is a clear emphasis on the academic achievement of its students, the School also exposes its students to a broad menu of options through its enrichment programmes whether it be visiting museums, taking in the national space launch area, or visiting the coal face. Students are exposed to a variety of real life experiences that can only serve to develop them in a fuller and more engaging way.

Trained Teachers It is significant that none of the teachers allocated to the gifted class are untrained in GE. They have acquired the skills not only of their subject specialism but also of how to facilitate student learning. There is little didactic teaching. There is much enquiry-based and problem-solving learning. Teachers are trained as managers of the learning environment rather than as knowledge transmitters. Hong Kong now has a Professional Development Framework for teachers in GE and more information can be found at professional-development-framework Any teacher who wishes to learn more about what is possible in GE should visit a school (or schools) where there is good practice to be found in GE. These are the beacon schools. Usually, they are generous with their time and experience. More often than not, they will share what they do with fellow professionals and this saves so much wasted energy. Surely there is a collective responsibility to move the Hong Kong GE agenda forwards to embrace more teachers and more schools. Sharing is one of the best ways to save time, energy and resources. For more information on Beijing No. 8 High School, visit their website:

香港資優教育學苑院長 湯敏思博士

香港資優教育學苑院長湯敏思博士於 2012 年 9 月應邀參 觀北京市第八中學。本文摘錄湯博士在原文中介紹該校 培育資優方面的特色,以及一些他認為值得我們借鏡的 地方。

培育資優的理念 該校深信以一個結合研究、教育與教學的系統能更有效 地落實培育工作。教師日常的備課、設計課程及教材 等工作已是他們專業發展中一個不可或缺的部分,他們 亦可以從協作交流中發掘教研專題,進行優化教學的研 究。此外,該校非常注重學生德育的培養,特別安排了 專責老師照顧學生這方面的發展需要。

識別資優 該校分別根據 (i) 多元渠道、(ii) 多元方法及 (iii) 綜合評鑑 這三項原則識別學生。在識別過程中,學生需要通過三 個甄選階段,然後才會被安排參加資優培育課程。在首 兩個階段,學生需要通過一些評估學習能力的測試;在 最後一個階段,學校甄選 50 名學生參加為期六天的夏 令營,並按他們在夏令營裡的表現,選出其中 30 名參 加資優班的培訓。

課程規劃與教學法 北京市第八中學自 1985 年起開辦「超常兒童教育實驗 班」,簡稱少兒班,供年滿 10 歲的學生報考。成功入讀 少兒班的學生將在 4 年時間內完成一般學生以 8 年才能 修畢的課程。課程主要以加速學習為主,教師因應學生 的程度濃縮學習內容,以加快學習的速度。同時,學校 注重如何善用騰出來的學習時間,讓學生進行深層及具 挑戰性的學習,例如,引導學生以同一概念或主題聯繫 不同學科的知識進行探究活動。

反思 湯博士在原文末端分享對是次參觀的後感。他分別就學 校領導者角色、全校參與取向、學生的全人發展、加速 或增潤學習、教師專業發展等範疇,指出一些值得我們 深思和參考的地方。

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

A Tale of Regions:


Recent GE Development


ith the theme of “Gifted Education in Chinese Society at the New Century”, educators and scholars from all over Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong were invited to share the recent development of gifted education in their places at the 15th Gifted Education Conference of The Chinese Association of Gifted Education at National Taipei University of Education on 1-2 June 2013 (P.22-23 of INSPIRE Issue 10). The key recent development of GE in Taiwan, Singapore, Mainland China and Hong Kong are summarised as follows:



Early back in 1973, Taiwan started her focus on gifted education and tried out experimental classes. In 1984, the Government first introduced The Special Education Act. It is regarded as a milestone which sets a legitimate foundation for the gifted education development in Taiwan. In 2008, a key step forward was the announcement of a "Whitepaper on the Education of Gifted Students". An action plan with a variety of support measures was drawn up to cater for learners' diversity and their individual needs.

Provision of the gifted education is centralised by the Singapore Government. Students go through a nationwide identification process at aged 9. After identification, academically gifted students study in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP), starting at Primary 4 in the GEP schools.

Both mainstream and gifted classes are found in primary and junior secondary levels. In the Whitepaper, it was pointed out that the target serving groups have been broadened to more domains adopted from multiple intelligences. More emphases have been put on trained teachers' nomination to complement the professional assessment results. Schools with a certain number of identified gifted students can open gifted classes under the approval of the local government. Therefore, gifted classes are only set up in some schools in some cities. Students in gifted classes are pulled out within the regular timetable. To address the needs of senior secondary gifted students, under a 3-year core curriculum policy, some schools have adopted a two-year compacted core curriculum and a oneyear enrichment curriculum instead. Teachers of gifted classes in Taiwan are required to have mandatory training and obtain corresponding official certificates before they teach gifted classes. Pre-service training equips teachers with the essential skills and knowledge before they serve in schools.

The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) was first implemented in Singapore in 1984. Currently, 9 selected primary schools offer centrally-run GEP while centrally-run secondary GEP had been phased out by the end of 2008. At secondary school level, School-Based Gifted Education (SBGE) programmes are offered in 7 Integrated Programmes (IP) schools. The GEP students can further develop their potential in these IP schools and/ or participate in those enrichment programmes and activities in English Language, Mathematics and Science organised by the GE Branch of MOE. Under the new Direct School Admission-Junior College (DSA-JC) Exercise, some gifted S4 or S5 students can be selected to Junior College 1 earlier and directly based on their achievements and talents in both academic and non-academic areas. They could be exempted from the GCE "O" Level Examination. Similar to Taiwan, teacher training is mandatory in Singapore. Only certified teachers can teach in gifted classes. However, unlike Taiwan where pre-service training is required, Singapore focuses on in-service training. Singaporean teachers are required to take a three-year inservice training course as well as undergoing a two-year teacher inspection.




Mainland China th

Hong Kong

During the 10 Annual Meeting of National Talented Specialty Committee by Chinese Talented Society in 2002 ( 全國中學超常教育研究協作組第十屆年會 ), Mr. Tang Song-hua, the Vice President of Chinese Society of Education ( 中國教育學會常務副會長談松華 ), agreed that emphasis should be put on gifted education and its importance should be addressed. Although one national curriculum is designed for all students across all abilities in the Mainland, some special classes are introduced in some provinces for gifted and talented students.

Back to 1990, The Education Commission Report No.4 initiated the development of gifted education in Hong Kong by recommending the development of schoolbased programmes. School-based GE Policy Guidelines in 2000 has suggested that gifted education is part of the quality education and, therefore, should be carried out in the inclusive classroom. A broad definition of giftedness should be adopted. A 3-tiered gifted education model is suggested. The three levels are Level 1: School-based whole class programme, Level 2: School-based pull out programme and Level 3: Offsite support, e.g. The Hong

Experimental classes are set up in some provinces to try out different teaching methodologies for gifted classes. These classes were first introduced in Beijing No. 8 High School in 1985. Until today, Beijing No. 8 High School is still one of the major schools providing experimental classes. Another kind of special class is junior classes. They are offered only in a limited number of provinces, e.g. Beijing, Hefei and Xi'an. These classes, which are orgainised by universities, are introduced for high ability junior secondary students to accelerate to universities. Students in some provinces join the identification test held by the universities to see if they can enrol in the junior classes. Nowadays, there are only two universities organising these junior classes: Chinese University of Technology (中國科技大學) and Xi'an Jiaotong University (西安交通大學).

Kong Academy of Gifted Education (HKAGE), Gifted Education Section in EDB, tertiary institutions and NGOs. Inservice teachers are encouraged to infuse the three core elements of gifted education: higher order thinking skills, creativity as well as personal and social competence into daily lessons. Other provision options, such as acceleration and mentoring scheme, are also introduced upon school's capacity. A high level of autonomy is given to Hong Kong's schools.

Unlike Taiwan and Singapore, teachers of the junior classes do not receive special training. This is one of the challenges that education in the Mainland is facing.

Though teachers in Hong Kong are not required to get an official certificate for teaching gifted programmes, there are a number of courses introducing gifted education for preservice teachers in tertiary institution. Pre-service teachers can take those courses as electives. However, it is believed that in-service teacher training/ professional development is also crucial. Since February 2012, Professional Development Framework has been co-launched by EDB and HKAGE. This provides a strategic, precise and clear training pathway for in-service teachers. A new online foundation course for preservice teachers was also launched by HKAGE in September 2013. This provides another training channel for pre-service teachers.

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Summary of Recent Gifted Education Development in 4 Asian Regions Chinese Terminology

Policy Environment



Mainland China

Hong Kong





GE is mandatory as it has been stated in The Special Education Act (1984)

GE is centralised by Singaporean Government (since 1984)

£ has been given £GE emphasis again since 2002 (Tang, 2002)

£ £Initiated the development and implementation of GE in Education Commission Report No.4 (1990)

£ GE policy in place yet £No

£ £School-based GE policy guideline (2000) £ £GE is voluntary

School Setting

Ability setting in both primary and secondary schools

£ setting in primary; £Ability £ education in secondary + 7 IP £inclusive secondary schools;

One national curriculum for all

Inclusive education

Primary and Secondary:

Primary and Secondary:

£ School Admission £Direct Primary & Junior Secondary:

Key Provision

Primary: £ £9 schools offered centrally-run GEP

£ classes £Experimental £ mainstream and £Both •• first introduced in £ £Identification at P.4 (aged 9) gifted classes in schools Beijing No. 8 High School in 1985 •• Pull out gifted classes £ £Direct School Admission – Secondary (DSA-Sec) within regular •• tried out teaching timetable •• participating schools select some methods of gifted P6 students for S1 (regardless Senior Secondary: classes of Primary School Leaving Exam £ core curriculum £3-year results) £ classes £Junior (Some schools have Secondary: •• since 1978 adopted a two-year •• high ability junior £ £No more centrally-run secondary GEP compacted core since 2008; 7 key SBGE schools secondary students curriculum and a accelerate to senior one-year enrichment £ School Admission – Junior £Direct secondary curriculum instead.) College (DSA-JC) •• limited scale, mainly •• select some S4/5 students to JC1 in Beijing, Hefei and based on their achievements and Xi’an talents (regardless of GCE ‘O’ Level exam results)

£ model £3-tiered •• L1: School-based whole class •• L2: School-based pull out •• L3: Offsite support (e.g. HKAGE, EDB, tertiary institutions, NGOs, etc.) £ £School-based provision options

•• Top 10% study a gifted curriculum (core curriculum + enrichment) (Tan, 2013) £ GE in Integrated £School-based Programme Schools •• Integrated secondary and Junior College education •• Telescoping curriculum 7 6 years

Teacher Training/ Professional Development

£ for teachers £Mandatory of gifted classes

£ for teachers of gifted £Mandatory classes


£ £Voluntary for all teachers in inclusive education

£ £Certification status

£ £Certification status

£ £No certification status required

£ £Focus on pre-service training

£ £Focus on in-service training

£ £In-service training: PDF co-launched by HKAGE and EDB (since 2012) £ £Pre-service training by tertiary institutions: elective modules £ £Pre-service training by HKAGE: since Sept 2013




Reflection Teacher Training/ Professionl Development

Legislation and Resources

In Taiwan, it is necessary for teachers who teach in gifted classes to obtain a certificate of GE training before serving in schools. Likewise, the Singapore Government requires teachers to obtain a certificate to be qualified teachers of gifted classes. The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore sets up a gifted class teacher pool. The in-service training includes three 30-hour courses for the first three years, a differentiated curriculum design in the final year and lesson inspection for two years. Unlike Taiwan and Singapore, it is not mandatory for Hong Kong teachers to

A law has been passed to support gifted education in both Taiwan and Singapore. In principle, it is more likely for the government to allocate more resources on GE in the presence of legislation. However, that is not the case in Taiwan. Resources allocated are getting fewer and attention is getting less. On the contrary, there is no legislation about gifted education in Hong Kong. Since the launch of GE guidelines in 2000, awareness of gifted education has been raised. The HKSAR government has also allocated more resources for gifted education, such as the setting

obtain GE qualification. Pre-service teachers in Hong Kong receive limited training about gifted education. Therefore, continuous on-job training is important for Hong Kong teachers in order to equip them well with the essential knowledge and skills to cater for the gifted learners. Since 2012, the online foundation course provided by HKAGE has addressed this need but it still needs further development and promotion because it is on a voluntary basis. On the other hand, more structured pre-service trainings about gifted education are suggested to be provided in teacher education institutes.

up of HKAGE. More schools and teachers are getting more interested in gifted education. Thus, Professional Development Framework (PDF) has been co-launched by EDB and HKAGE since 2012. The issue of legislation and the corresponding resources allocated deserve more time to be considered and discussed. The exchange was a fruitful intellectual exercise. We learnt from each other on the basis of mutual respect on the diversity of culture, educational system and societal atmosphere. It is a valuable opportunity for us to reflect upon GE in our own context and develop new insights to meet the needs of the gifted students.

Lam Hak Chung, Patrick

Associate Director

(Teacher Professional Development and Parent Support), The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

四地近年的資優教育發展 ( 撮要 )

林克忠 香港資優教育學苑總監 (教師專業發展及家長支援)

中國內地 、 臺灣 、 星加坡學者及本學苑代表應邀出席於 2013 年 6 月 1- 2 日在臺北舉行 的「新世紀華人社會資優教育論壇」( 詳情見本刊第 10 期 22-23 頁 ), 分享近年四地的資 優教育發展 。 四地因不同的文化及制度 ,擁有不同的發展模式 ,本文的英文原文簡述各地在資優教育 政策 、 學制 、 主要支援系統及教師培訓四大範疇之差異 。差異正是剌激思維的最佳起 點 ,在尊重各地發展歷程之同時 ,讓我們反思兩個主要議題:( 一 ) 教師培訓 / 專業發展 和 ( 二 ) 立法與資源。 香港 、 臺灣及星加坡各有不同的教師培訓 / 專業發展途徑 , 裝備前線教育同工 。臺灣主 要發展職前培訓 ,讓同工在入職前拿揑有關知識及技巧 。星加坡則和香港一樣 ,落墨於 在職培訓 , 但星加坡的在職培訓十分嚴謹 , 有關教育同工須修讀為期 3 年 , 每年 30 小 時的資優教育課程 ,並須接受兩年觀察評估 ,才可成為合資格資優教師 。反觀香港 ,究 竟我們應加強職前培訓 , 還是強化去年由本學苑及教育局合辦的資優教育教師專業發展 新架構課程呢 ? 至於立法與資源亦是值得關注的議題 。多年來 , 不論是地區性還是國際性的資優教育交 流 , 都令人覺得「外國的月亮特別圓」。台灣雖早已為資優教育立法及制定支援系統 , 但該地學者及教師表示近年政府投放的相關資源比前減少 。相反 , 香港雖沒有為資優教 育立法 ,卻投放了不少資源 ,例如政府不但設立教育局資優教育組 ,更成立了香港資優 教育學苑 ,為資優生提供校外支援 ,以及為教育同工及家長安排不同的課程及服務 。另 一方面 , 星加坡亦不斷修訂 / 改善相關措施及調節相關資源 。故此 ,為資優教育立法和 資源調配仍然是一個值得深入探討的議題 。 四地交流旨在以經驗分享來刺激思考 , 在尊重彼此文化 、 教育制度及氛圍差異的前提 下 ,互相觀摩學習 ,冀能為自己地區的資優教育發展多作反思及籌算 ,為資優生的成長 多費一點思量 。




資優教育的旅程 陳梁淑貞校長 救恩學校

萬,設 Wi-Fi 系統,且有多部手提電腦和平板電腦供學 生自由使用;中心內還設有視覺藝術室,為富藝術感的 同學隨時提供所需物資。可謂資源豐富,應有盡有。

港教育界正面對的挑戰很多,就我個 人經驗來看,其中最重要而又是很難 處 理 的 是 學 生 個 別 差 異。教 育 局 及 學 校 必 須 認 真 處 理,免 致 學 習 成 為 沉 重 或 是 沉 悶 的 例 行 工 事。自 從 本 人 擔 任 小 學 校 長 以 來,發 現 不 少 孩 子 小 小 年 紀,已 擁 有 許 多 潛 質,有待啟發。

十多年前,我曾邀請了有關資優教育的專家,為一班被 評估為資優的兒童設計課程,當中有同學不喜歡在課 餘時間上他們覺得與成績無關痛癢的資優課程。那兩年 的課程令我對資優生的性向和興趣了解多了,也領會了 一些教學原則和方法。由於每位兒童很獨特,加上運用 「多元智能」的理論去界定屬資優與否,該課程便顯得 有點牽強。

課程初段,我運用了各項有趣的活動引發同學對世界議 題的興趣和關注。以「模擬聯合國」活動為例,各三人 小組抽取一張「國家卡」後,便頓時成為該國的聯合國 代表,跟我扮演的聯合國秘書長,以及老師們扮演的安 理會會長等,就當時的世界大事開大會尋找解決問題的 方案。同學對海地大地震、敍利亞事件、馬里饑餓等問 題都很感興趣,因此非常投入討論。課程進行期間,我 在「學習中心」張貼了不少世界大事新聞,令學生更走 近國際舞台,又將有關世界議題的書籍陳列,供同學自 由借閱。 經過了四、五節課,每組同學自由選出一項世界議題如 「中國崛起」、「中東問題」、「地球暖化」進行深入的探 索,在指定日期完成一個具質素和創意的展覽,並向家 長、來賓和學弟學妹講解他們的研習結果,更提供遊戲 和活動供同學參與,務求令展覽更互動、更有趣和更具 號召力。每位觀眾可投票選出最具質素的展覽作品,學 校會以獎狀及禮物表揚有關同學。 每次課堂,我會因應學習進度和情況提供一些簡單指導 和學習技巧,如 IB (International Baccalaureate) 課程中的 五項技能:

( 一 ) 自我管理能力 (Self-management skills) 從此以後,我不斷反思和學習,閱讀了不少世界權威文 獻和研究報告,令我對資優教育產生了強烈的使命感和 更積極的態度。四年前,我設計了一個新的單元課程― 「世 界 公 民」(Global Citizenship),讓 所 有 即 將 畢 業 的 小 六同學參與。這課程在下學期以專題形式 (Project-based Learning) 進行,約十五課節,每課約個半小時。我們把 全級三班約九十名同學分成十多個小組,同時在學校的 「學習中心」進行。該中心佔地五千多平方呎,藏書三

( 二 ) 溝通能力 (Communication skills) ( 三 ) 社交能力 (Social skills) ( 四 ) 研習能力 (Research skills) ( 五 ) 思考能力 (Thinking skills)

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

在課程中,我覺察到同學在這些方面的能力不斷提升, 同學各具才華,有些成為了領袖 ( 組長 ) 帶領同學分工 合作,排難解紛;有些具創造力的同學將展覽設計得美 輪美奐,令人驚訝;有些善於分析複雜的資料,從眾多 資訊中找出重點,消化內容後,用電腦製作圖表,清晰 地表達出來;有些是電腦小專家,在自學過程中,扮演 重要角色;有些則是口才了得,向來賓匯報時,口若懸 河。在製作展覽的過程中,同學們需面對的問題實在不 少。在解難中,他們得到協作老師的指導,令學習更暢 順;老師富經驗,友善而不操控,讓同學自行決定學習 內容、表達形式,提倡自主學習。而我更批改每節的小 組反思表,即時與各組進行小組討論,了解學習進度和 質素,給予專業建議或提供與議題相關的資料,提升各 組的表現和信心。 由於整個學習過程,學生為主導,責任不少,學生對學 習的擁有感 (Ownership)、歸屬感和投入感可謂推至高 峯。不少同學回到家中,仍努力閱讀有關書籍,更預備 下一節的材料,實在是全天候學習。 這課程能充份發揮不同學生的才華,同學們為了在指定 時限完成一個具質素的專題展覽,都施盡渾身解數, 做到最好。展覽給予學生的創作空間很大,同學絞盡腦 汁,出奇制勝。今年已是第四年進行這單元課程。昔日 的小師弟妹目睹小六同學的製作何等精彩,今日,他們 已成為應屆準畢業生,當然不敢怠慢,並力求再創高 峯。這可說是救恩學校的一項「承傳」(Legacy) ,同學以 獲得世界公民單元課程「最佳表現獎學金」為榮! 在最後的一、兩節,一眾老師和我會在每組選出一位表 現最佳的同學,合共十五人左右,成為資優組,在校長 室進行深入艱巨的綜合討論。各位優秀代表成為他們所 探究議題的「專家」,一起探討廣闊的世界議題,例如: 「為何人類的科技如此先進,世界的困局亦未能解構?」 同學反應熱烈,其觀點之深廣,一點也不像一般小六 生。學習者的滿足感和內在動力亦表露無遺。

更寶貴的發現,就是同學們均建立了關心世界的情懷, 多閱讀世界新聞,胸襟廣闊了、眼光遠大了!他們更會 珍惜自己所擁有的,生活也更快樂。例如,研究兒童權 益和婦女權益的組別成員,更感到自己身在香港,是多 麼的自由和受保障! 不少畢業生返回母校探望我時,均表達他們不能忘記 「世界公民」的學習經歷,因為能充份發揮自己的興趣 和能力,能與志同道合的組員合作,完成了那「偉大」 工程,明白世界之大,自己的渺小。 我 實 在 喜 歡 這 課 程,各 方 面 反 應 甚 佳,學 習 成 果 十 分 理 想。故 此,我 設 計 了 小 四 的「小 香 港 • 大 發 現」 (Discovering Hong Kong) 單元課程,形式類似小六的「世 界公民」,研究範圍收窄了,同學可透過「模擬立法會」 會議、到外考察訪問、設計問卷搜集一手資料。兩年 來,學生們的學習成效可媲美小六生,當然兩個課程在 展覽中仍見差異,但我還是欣賞及尊重同學的自主性和 努力。 這個學習概念會於本學年擴展至小五生,我設計了「讓 愛傳出去」(Pay It Forward) 單元課程,除了認識香港和世 界外,行動學習也不容忽略。學生按自己的選擇,將愛 心散發於社區的人和事上,明白滿足社會的需求要從小 做 起。就 如 Friedrich Schiller 所 言:「Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily」。 在這尋索旅程中,我更能明白學生的能力、興趣和需 要,而我在學生身上也學會了不少。假若你問我:「誰 是資優生?」我只會告知你,在我眼中,每位同學各具 才華,他們必須活在羣體中,用踏實、謙卑、勤奮和誠 懇的態度,將上天賦予他們的才華,發揮得淋漓盡致, 學習才有意思,教育才有意義!




Journey to Gifted Education


Mrs. Gloria Chan Principal of Kau Yan School


ong Kong’s education sector is facing a good deal of challenges and among them, according to my experience, the toughest one is tackling individual differences among students. It is important for the Education Bureau and schools to tackle the challenge seriously in order to prevent learning from becoming drudgery. Since I took on the role of a primary school principal, I have come across many young children who have enormous potential waiting to be unlocked.

More than ten years ago, I invited experts in gifted education to design a curriculum for a group of students who had been identified as gifted. Some of the students did not enjoy doing the extra-curricular gifted education programme which was considered to have nothing to do with their academic performance. The two-year programme broadened my understanding of the characteristics and interests of gifted students, and introduced some pedagogical principles and methods to me. In considering the uniqueness of every single child and adopting the theory of multiple intelligences to identify giftedness, the above mentioned programme did not sound relevant enough.

Ever since then, I have kept on reflecting and learning. After reading a lot of authoritative references and research reports, I have a deep sense of mission for gifted education and taking a more positive attitude to this field. Four years ago, I developed a new learning unit called “Global Citizenship” for all Primary 6 students, who were about to graduate. The project-based learning programme, consisting of 15 sessions of around 1.5 hours, was offered in the second half of the school year. 90 Primary 6 students from three classes were divided into some ten groups to attend the classes simultaneously at the school’s learning centre. With a gross area of over 5000 square feet, the learning centre holds 30,000 volumes, has a Wi-Fi system and a lot of notebooks and tablets available to students. Inside the centre there is also a visual art room providing artistic students with the resources they need. In short, the learning centre has abundant resources to fulfil the needs of students. At the beginning of the programme, I used various interesting activities to arouse students’ interest and raise their awareness of global issues. For example, the “Model United Nations” activity required every group of three students to draw a “nation card”. They pretended to be the relevant nation’s representatives and to have a conference with me, playing the role of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The teachers played the roles of the President of the Security Council and other council members. We tried to work out solution plans for contemporary global issues. Being intensely interested in the world issues, like the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the Syrian uprising and the famine in Mali, the students were so immersed in the activity. During the programme, not only did I post a lot of important international news at the learning centre to introduce the students to the international arena, but also I displayed books on global issues available for loan to the students.

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

After four or five sessions, every group of students delved deep into a self-selected global issue, such as “the Rise of China”, “Middle-East Issues”, and “Global Warming”, and completed a quality and creative project to be displayed at the school exhibition by a set deadline. Furthermore, to make the exhibition more interactive, interesting and compelling, they needed to introduce their projects to parents, guests and younger schoolmates, as well as providing games and activities for schoolmates to play or participate in. Every visitor could vote for his or her favourite project and then the school would reward the relevant students with certificates of recognition and presents. In every session, according to the learning progress, I provided the students with some simple instructions and study skills, such as the five IB’s transdisciplinary skills which co mprise: (1)

Self-management skills;


Communication skills;


Social skills;


Research skills; and


Thinking skills.

During the programme, I noted that the students’ continuous improvement in these skills and every student had his or her own talent. For instance, some students became group leaders helping fellow students work cooperatively and solve problems. Some creative students decorated the exhibition booths beautifully, giving the visitors a powerful impression. Some students were good at analysing complex data; they could summarise the main points from a great deal of information and used the computers to produce tables and charts to provide clear illustration after digesting the information. Some students who were skilled at using

computer served significant roles in the self-learning process. Some students were very articulate, making eloquent presentations to visitors. During the preparation for the exhibition, the students ran into quite a number of difficulties; however, under the guidance of the teachers, they came to grip with the problems and learnt more quickly. Our teachers are highly experienced, sympathetic and not manipulative, encouraged self-regulated learning by allowing the students to decide on their own learning content and presentation formats. I evaluated every group’s reflections on each session and led discussions with each of the groups in order to understand their learning progress and assess their learning quality. Additionally, to improve the student’s performance and confidence, I provided the students with professional advice and relevant information. Since the whole learning process was student-centred, the students learned to take up heavy responsibility and consequently developed their sense of ownership of learning, sense of belonging and sense of involvement . Many students got engrossed in their studies and dedicated their time after school to reading relevant books and preparing for the materials needed for the next session. This programme enables students to excel the most of their talents. To complete their projects to stage a quality exhibition on time, the students pulled out all the stops and did the best they could. The exhibition provided the students with vast space for creativity, encouraging them to rack their brains and put their minds to creating exceptional and original projects. This year is already the fourth year we have implemented this learning unit. Today, the younger students who witnessed the wonderful work created by the Primary 6 students in the past, are now about to graduate.




They dare not lag behind and are ready to reach another milestone. Our students have considered winning the unit’s “Best Performance Scholarship” as an honour and this can be considered to be a “legacy” of Kau Yan School. In the last two sessions, other teachers and I selected the best student from each group to form a gifted group made up of approximately 15 students. Then, this group of top students, who had become “experts” in the issues they studied, had an in-depth, serious integrated discussion at the principal’s office to explore a wide range of complex global issues, such as “Why hasn’t cutting-edge human technology resolved the global problematique?” The students had a lively and heated discussion in which they expressed very sophisticated points of view that did not seem to be produced by ordinary Primary 6 students. Also, they clearly showed a sense of satisfaction and demonstrated strong self-motivation of learners. An even more remarkable discovery I made is that the students had developed a concern for the world. By reading more international news, their horizons were widened and their visions were broadened. They valued more what they possessed and led a happier life; for example, the students who studied the welfare of children and women realised that people in Hong Kong had been enjoying great freedom and adequate protection. Quite a number of graduates mentioned that they could not forget the learning experience gained from “Global Citizenship” when they returned to the alma mater to visit me because the programme helped them develop their interest and enabled them to fulfil their potential. Through cooperating with the classmates with common interests to complete the “remarkable” task, they understood the hugeness of the world and the insignificance of themselves. Note: [1] This is the translated version of the original article in Chinese (P. 20-21).

I am really fond of this programme. Besides receiving favourable responses from different parties, we noted that students had achieved satisfactory learning outcomes. Accordingly, I created another unit “Discovering Hong Kong” for Primary 4 students. It is similar to Primary 6’s “World Citizenship” but it has a smaller study area. Students may gather first-hand information by playing the game of “Simulation of Legislative Council” and conducting site visits, interviews or questionnaire surveys. These two years, the Primary 4 students’ learning outcomes were comparable to that of the Primary 6 students. While, in terms of quality, there was still noticeable difference between the exhibitions held by the students of the two different grades, I still appreciate the students’ initiative and effort. The same learning strategy has been applied to Primary 5 students this school year. I have designed a unit called “Pay It Forward”, which focuses on action learning apart from understanding and the world. To educate children about the importance of satisfying social needs, this programme requires students to demonstrate love and concern for their neighbours and community according to their own choices of targets. As Friedrich Schiller said, “Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.” Through this exploration journey, I have further understood the students’ abilities, interests and needs and learnt a lot from the students. If you asked me, “Who are gifted students?”, I would tell you that to me, all students have their own talents. They have to live in a community and take a down-to-earth, humble, conscientious and sincere attitude to develop their talents to the full. Only in this way is learning and education made meaningful and profound.

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Recommended Resources 資源推介


he resources below would help school leaders and gifted education (GE) team members plan and develop appropriate educational programmes for high ability / gifted learners as well as provide insights for building capacity to sustain GE development in school.

下資源可協助學校領導及校內資優教育組成員規劃及發展適合資優 / 高能 力學生的課程,並且可以為教育同工帶來啟示,讓資優教育在校內得以持 續發展。

Webpage 網頁

Online Articles 網上文章

Guidelines on School-based Gifted Development Programmes 校本資優培育課程指引

Lewis, J., Cruzeiro, P. & Hall, C. (2007). Impact of two elementary school principals´leadership on gifted education in their buildings. Gifted Child Today, 30 (2), 56-62.

English version:

Retrieved from b/ Articles_id_10440.aspx major-level-of-edu/gifted/guidelines-on-schoolbased-gifted-development-programmes/index.html

Holloway, J.H. (2003). Grouping gifted students. Teaching All Students, 61 (2),89-91.

中文版: major-level-of-edu/gifted/guidelines-on-schoolbased-gifted-development-programmes/index.html Gifted Education Resource Bank 資優教育資源庫 bank/

Retrieved from educational-leadership/oc t03/vol61/num02/Grouping-Gifted-Students.aspx

Books Books 書籍書籍 Avery, L.D., & Chandler, K.L. (2010). Selecting resources and materials for high-ability learners. In VanTassel-Baska, J., Little, C.A., Content-based curriculum for high-ability learners (2nd ed.). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Cross, T.L,, & Cross, J.R. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook for school counselors serving gifted students. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. MacFarlane, B., & Stambaugh, T. (Eds.). (2009). Leading change in gifted education: The festschrift of Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Tomlinson, C. A., & Allan, S. D. (2000). Leadership for differentiating schools and classrooms. VA: ASCD.




Highlights of Special Event

The GE Conference in Mainland China

Organised by The National Chinese Specialty Committee of Chinese Talent Society, the 9th Annual General Meeting of the National Chinese Specialty Committee of Chinese Talents Society and the Academic Conference on Secondary School Gifted Education was held from 11th to 14th October, 2013 at Tianjin Yaohua High School, Tianjin. The theme of the conference was “curriculum reform in secondary education and development of students’ creativity”.

manageable chunks … … Having a real, measurable impact on relatively few urban students is better than having a mediocre impact on many students. Quality of outcomes is important.”

The event was a national gathering of leaders of the Ministry of Education, teachers, school administrators, researchers and specialists in the field of gifted education in the Mainland. Educators and students from Hong Kong and Taiwan were also invited to participate in this event. There were about 150 participants altogether, including 3 delegates from the HKAGE, Dr. Stephen Tommis (Executive Director), Ms Ramida Din (Associate Director of Student Programmes and Services) and Ms Brenda Liu (Student Services Manager).

The topics and issues mainly discussed at the event were:

Dr. Stephen Tommis, Executive Director of the HKAGE, shared his experiences in implementing gifted education in Hong Kong, and his thoughts on what makes for a successful GE strategy, at the opening ceremony: “Gifted students are the leaders of tomorrow in business, in society, in politics. Without developing their talents to the full, the economy of the future will be deprived of innovative and creative thinkers who can generate wealth and benefit society.” “It is so true that “success breeds success”. So when faced with providing GE on a country-wide scale the size of China, break the outcomes down into small,

“Winning over parents and developing a “Parent Voice” is a useful lever to raise awareness amongst principals and schools that there is a need to adequately provide for high-end learners.”

1. How to launch and implement gifted education programmes for secondary students 2. How to optimise the design of gifted education programmes for elementary and secondary students 3. How to improve the educational model for enhancing students’ creativity 4. How to select top students to effectively meet the different needs of gifted students 5. How to cater for the affective needs of gifted students 6. How to learn from the overseas counterpar ts’ experience of curriculum reform in gifted education for elementary and secondary students The participants treasured the time together to discuss and share their views and experiences of providing quality education for our young gifted generation.

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期



中國人才研究會超常人才專業委員會的第九屆年會、常 務理事會暨中學英才教育學術研討會於 2013 年 10 月 11 至 14 日在天津耀華中學召開,主題是「中學課程教學改 革與中學生創新能力培養」。

是次會議探討的主要議題包括: 1. 如何開發和實施中學階段的英才教育課程 2. 如何對中小學英才教育課程進行一體化設計

是次會議讓國家教育部領導、教師、學校行政人員、資 優教育研究員和專家聚首一堂。另外,大會也邀請了來 自香港和台灣的教育工作者和學生參加,與會者共有約 150 名,當中包括香港資優教育學苑的 3 名代表,他們 分別是湯敏思博士(院長)、羅美寶女士(總監【學生服 務】)與廖淑儀女士(學生服務經理)。 香港資優教育學苑院長湯敏思博士在開幕禮上致辭,分 享其在香港推行資優教育的經驗,以及其對成功資優教 育策略的看法:

「資優生是他日商場上、社會上、政治上的領袖。 倘若他們無法盡展所能,則未來經濟會缺少了敢於 破舊立新的思想家,這些思想家能創造財富、回饋 社會。」 「『成功造就成功』,此言非虛。因此,當要在中國 如此大的國家提供全國規模的資優教育,應將成果 分成易於處理的小份 …… 為少數城市學生帶來實 質、顯著的影響,比起為大量學生帶來微不足道的 影響更好。成果的素質非常重要。」 「取得家長支持及建立『父母心聲』渠道,是提高校 長和學校意識的實用工具,可提醒他們為高能力學 生提供足夠支援的需要。」

3. 如何改革教學模式提升學生創新能力 4. 如何有效甄別拔尖學生以利於因材施教 5. 如何照顧資優生的情意發展需要 6. 如何借鑒境外中小學英才教育在課程教學改革方面 的經驗 與會者把握珍貴的共聚時間,就為資優的年輕一代提供 優質教育進行討論,互相交流意見和經驗。




Professional Development Framework Courses 教師專業發展架構課程(07/2013 – 12/ 2013) Foundation Course in Gifted Education (Online Learning: 4 modules) (All year round) 資優教育基礎課程 ( 網上學習 : 四個單元 ) ( 任何時間 ) Since the launch of the foundation course in 2012, over 2800 teachers in Hong Kong have enrolled in the course. Here are some of the comments on the course from the participarts. 自 2012 年 2 月推出此基礎課程後,已吸引逾 2800 位教育同工修讀。以下是一些學員回饋 : Feedback from participant 學員回饋 Activities and exercises are inspiring. 活動及課業都很發人深思。 Online learning is more flexible. Participants can arrange their own schedule for professional training and learn at their own pace. 上網課程靈活性較大,參加者可按自己的時間表接受專業訓練,並按自己的步伐學習。 Fruitful and insightful content is much appreciated. Bilingual content is a bonus as it caters for personal needs. 內容豐富,有助思考。內容以中、英雙語呈現,能配合參加者的個人需要。

Intermediate Course in Gifted Education: Leadership and Management 資優教育進階課程 : 領導與管理 •

10 July and 17 July 2013 (Primary School Session) 2013 年 7 月 10 日及 17 日 ( 小學場次 )

25 June and 11 July 2013 (Secondary School Session) 2013 年 6 月 25 日及 7 月 11 日 ( 中學場次 )

19 October 2013 (Primary & Secondary School Session) 2013 年 10 月 19 日 ( 中小學場次 )

18 December 2013 (Primary School Session) 2013 年 12 月 18 日 ( 小學場次 )

20 December 2013 (Secondary School Session) 2013 年 12 月 20 日 ( 中學場次 )

Feedback from participant 學員回饋 Considering gifted education, our school is still at the preliminary stage. This course has helped us find the “entry points” to implement gifted education at school-level and grasp the concepts related to giftedness. Also, through sharing with our counterparts, we were provided with an opportunity to explore how to satisfy the needs of gifted students with limited resources. 本校資優發展方面仍屬起步階段。這課程有助我們找到在校發展資優的切入點(如何運作 / 發展資優),以及使我們弄清 楚資優的概念。此外,我們更有機會 透過與其他學校同工討論,分享如何發展資優教育。探討如何能在資源有限的情況 下配合資優學生的需要。 Ms Leung So Ying, teacher from Methodist School 循道學校 梁素凝老師

Feedback from participant 學員回饋 I was exposed to different techniques/thinking frameworks to address the needs of gifted students. Also, I have obtained some practical information. 能夠從中學會不同技巧/思維框架去回應資優生的需要,並獲得不少實用資訊。 Ms Yeung Lee Nga, teacher from The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學 楊利雅老師

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Thematic Past Events (August – December 2013) 已舉辦專題課程(2013年8月至12月) Thematic Workshop 專題工作坊

Address Individual Differences (esp. Gifted/ High Ability Students): Embedding Critical Thinking Strategies in Regular Curriculum 照顧個別差異 ( 尤指資優 / 高能力學生 ) ︰融入批判性思考策略於課程 •

25 October 2013 2013 年 10 月 25 日

Feedback from participant 學員回饋 I understand the framework of critical thinking, elements of thoughts and apply them in my regular teaching. 課程讓我了解批判性思考的架構和思維的元素,從而運用在課堂教學中。 Ms Tsang Yin Mui, teacher from Tai Po Shun Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School 由大埔崇德黃建常紀念學校 曾燕梅老師提供

Thematic Workshop 專題工作坊

Motivate the Gifted Learners 培養資優生的學習動機 •

21 November 2013 2013 年 11 月 21 日

Feedback from participant 學員回饋 Very interesting and inspiring. I understand more from students’ point of view . 非常有趣和具啟發性。我對學生的觀點了解多了。 Ms Starry Zhu, teacher from Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 朱曉薇老師

Feedback from participant 學員回饋 What we have learnt is very clear and practical. It can be applied to the school context and I believe it will help schools implement gifted education effectively. 所學的很具體,很能實際運用於學校環境中,相信有助學校有效地推行資優教育。 Ms To Suet Hing, teacher from Chun Tok School 真鐸學校 杜雪卿老師




Teacher Professional Development Programmes 教師專業發展課程 FEBRUARY – JUNE 2014 2014 年 2 月至 6 月 Programme Title 課程名稱

Target Group 培訓對象

Date 舉辦日期

Foundation Course in Gifted Education (Online Learning: 4 modules) 資優教育基礎課程 (網上學習:四個單元)

Primary and secondary school practitioners 中、小學學校專業同工

All year round 全年任何時間

Intermediate Course in Gifted Education: Leadership and Management (New Blended Learning Mode: 3 modules) 資優教育進階課程:領導與管理 (新辦混合學習模式:三個單元)

GE Managers (principals, vice-principals or delegated staff) ;

Part (I) : Online Learning (4 hours) ; and

GE Coordinators & Team Members (curriculum leaders, subject panel heads or delegated members) in primary or secondary schools 資優教育行政主管:建議由校長、副校 長或獲委派的主任擔任此職務,專責管 理校本資優教育的整體規劃。 資優教育統籌主任及資優教育小組成員: 建議由課程發展主任、科主任或獲委派的 主任擔任此職務,專責統籌著重提昇課程 規劃與教學素質的校本資優培育計畫。

Part (II) : Face-to-face Sessions with Assignment (4 + 1 hours) (I) 網上學習︰ ( 4 小時 ) ; 及 (II) 面授課節和終期課業(4 + 1 小時) Options for Face-to-face session 面授課節時段︰ Primary Session 小學場次︰ 27 Feb or 20 Jun or 3 Jul, 2014 2014 年 2 月 27 日/ 6 月 20 日/ 7 月 3 日 Secondary Session 中學場次︰ 1 Mar or 27Jun or 10 Jul, 2014 2014 年 3 月 1 日/ 6 月 27 日/ 7 月 10 日

Thematic Seminars or Workshops 專題講座 / 工作坊 Programme Title 課程名稱

Target Group 培訓對象

Date 舉辦日期

Compacting Gifted Students' Learning in Regular Teaching (Dr. Carolyn Coil)

Curriculum leaders/subject panel heads and teachers in primary schools 小學課程領導、科主任及教師

12 Mar 2014(Wed) 2:30-5:30 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 12 日(星期三) 下午 2 時 30 分至 5 時 30 分

Compacting Gifted Students' Learning in Regular Teaching (Dr. Carolyn Coil)

Curriculum leaders/subject panel heads and teachers in secondary schools 中學課程領導、科主任及教師

13 Mar 2014(Thu) 2:00-5:00 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 13 日(星期四) 下午 2 時至 5 時

Successful Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom (Dr. Carolyn Coil)

Curriculum leaders/ subject panel heads and teachers in primary and secondary schools 中、小學課程領導、科主任及教師

13 Mar 2014(Thu) 6:00-8:30 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 13 日(星期四) 下午 6 時至 8 時 30 分

Differentiated Assessment (Dr. Carolyn Coil)

Curriculum leaders/ subject panel heads and teachers in primary and secondary schools 中、小學課程領導、科主任及教師

14 Mar 2014(Fri) 2:30-6:00 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 14 日(星期五) 下午 2 時 30 分至 6 時

GE Policy in School:Development & Implementation 學校資優教育政策:發展與實踐

Principals, vice-principals, curriculum leaders/ subject panel heads and teachers in primary and secondary schools 中、小學校長、副校長、課程領導、科主 任及教師

May 2014 2014 年 5 月

The above information provided is subject to confirmation. Please visit the "Teacher Zone" of our website: for details. 上述課程資料以本學苑網頁內公佈為準,請登入學苑網站內的「教師園地」查閱詳情。網址

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Parent Support 家長支援服務 FEBRUARY – JUNE 2014 2014 年 2 月至 6 月 Free-of-charge Outreach Parent Seminars 免費到校家長講座 ABCs of Giftedness 資優基本法 Nurturing the Gifted 如何培育資優兒 Affective Needs of Gifted Children 情意百寶袋 Nurturing Creativity in Young Gifted Learners 解開創造力之謎 Higher Order Thinking 高階思維

A 1.5-hour school-based seminar will be provided. Schools and organisations are welcome to call 3940 0104 for details and appointment. 以校本形式提供 1.5 小時的講座,歡迎學校及機構致電 3940 0104 預約及查 詢。 Priority will be given to applications by the same school sponsoring bodies; or a joint-school event; or an event with more than 200 participants. 以同一辦學團體,或最少三間學校,或多於二百位與會者名義提出的申 請,將獲優先考慮。

Parent Education Programmes 家長教育課程 : Parent Group 家長小組

Target 對象

Date 舉辦日期

Fee 費用

Managing Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties of Gifted Children 處理情緒及行為困難的資優兒

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

8, 15, 22 Feb & 1 Mar 2014(Sat) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon 2014 年 2 月 8,15,22 及 3 月 1 日(星期六) 早上 10 時至正午 12 時

400 HKD per head 每人港幣 400 元

Enhancing Parents´Skills for Counseling Gifted Children 提升資優兒家長的輔導技巧

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

1, 8, 15 & 22 Mar 2014(Sat) 2:00-4:00 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 1,8,15 及 22 日(星期六) 下午 2 時至下午 4 時

400 HKD per head 每人港幣 400 元

Developing Executive Skills for Twice Exceptional Children 建立雙重特殊資優兒的執行功能

Parents of gifted children (for SPS members) 資優兒的家長 ( 只供本學苑的學員家長 )

6, 13, 20 & 27 Jun 2014 (Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 6 月 6,13,20 及 27 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

400 HKD per head 每人港幣 400 元

Parent Seminar 家長講座

Target 對象

Date 舉辦日期

Fee 費用

Nurturing Higher Order Thinking (in English) 高階思維(英語講授)

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

25 Jan 2014(Sat) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon 2014 年 1 月 25 日(星期六) 早上 10 時至正午 12 時

Free of charge 免費

Music Therapy for Gifted Children 音樂治療資優兒

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

11 Apr 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 4 月 11 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至晚上 9 時 30 分

100 HKD per head 每人港幣 100 元

Play Therapy for Gifted Students 遊戲治療資優生

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

2 May 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 5 月 2 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至晚上 9 時 30 分

100 HKD per head 每人港幣 100 元




Parent Workshop 家長工作坊

Target 對象

Date 舉辦日期

Fee 費用

Mindfulness: Stress Management for Parents of Gifted Children 正念﹕資優兒家長的壓力管理

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

11 & 25 Jan 2014(Sat) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon 2014 年 1 月 11 及 25 日(星期六) 早上 10 時至正午 12 時

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Understanding Underachievement 認識「潛能未展」的資優兒

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

7 & 14 Mar 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 7 及 14 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Egocentric Nature of the Gifted Children and the Ways Parents Can Do (for the HKAGE student members) 回應自我中心資優兒需要的方法 (只供本學苑的學員家長)

Parents of gifted children (for SPS members) 資優兒的家長 ( 只供本學苑的學員家長 )

21 & 28 Mar 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 3 月 21 及 28 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Understanding Gifted Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder 認識自閉症的資優兒

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

9 & 16 Apr 2014(Wed) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 4 月 9 及 16 日(星期三) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Art Therapy for Parents with Gifted Child 藝術治療﹕資優兒家長工作坊

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

10 & 17 May 2014(Sat) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon 2014 年 5 月 10 及 17 日(星期六) 早上 10 時至正午 12 時

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Play therapy for Parents with Gifted Child 遊戲治療﹕資優兒家長工作坊

Parents of gifted children 資優兒的家長

6 & 13 Jun 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 6 月 6 及 13 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

200 HKD per head 每人港幣 200 元

Parent-child parallel group 親子平衡小組

Target 對象

Date 舉辦日期

Fee 費用

Emotional Management for Parents and Their Gifted Children (for the general public) 資優兒情緒管理的親子平衡小組 (公開組)

Gifted children and their parents 資優兒及其家長

8,15,22 & 29 Mar 2014(Sat) 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon 2014 年 3 月 8,15,22 及 29 日(星期六) 早上 10 時至正午 12 時

400 HKD per head 每人港幣 400 元

Social Skills Group for Parents And Their Gifted Children (for the general public) 提升資優兒社交技巧親子平衡小組 (公開組)

Primary gifted children and their parents 小學資優兒及其家長

9,16,23 & 30 May 2014(Fri) 7:30-9:30 p.m. 2014 年 5 月 9,16,23 及 30 日(星期五) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

400 HKD per head 每人港幣 400 元

Parent Support Group 同儕支援小組

Target 對象

Date 舉辦日期

Fee 費用

Parent Peer Support Group (Secondary) 家長「資」音人網路(中學組)

Parents of secondary students who are interested in gifted education 所有對資 優教育有興趣的中學生家長

The first Tue of each month 7:30-9:30 p.m. (Jan-Jun) 每個月的第一個星期二 (1 月至 6 月 ) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

Free of Charge 免費

Parent Peer Support Group (Primary) 家長「資」音人網路(小學組)

Parents of primary students who are interested in gifted education 所有對資優教育 有興趣的小學生家長

The first Wed of each month 7:30-9:30 p.m. (Jan-Jun) 每個月的第一個星期三 (1 月至 6 月 ) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分

Free of Charge 免費

The information provided on the previous page is subject to confirmation. Please visit the "Parent Zone" of our website: for details. 上頁的活動資料以本學苑網頁內公佈為準。請登入學苑網站內的「家長園地」查閱詳情。網址 Consultation and Assessment Centre Information 諮詢及評估中心 Hotline 熱線電話 : 3940 0106 Email 電郵 :

INSPIRE ISSUE NO.11 匯賢「資」訊第十一期

Student Programmes and Services 學生服務 FEBRUARY – JUNE 2014 2014 年 2 月至 6 月

Secondary Programmes 中學課程

Sciences 科學

Competition 比賽

Humanities 人文學科

Intermediate Course in Ecosystem Biomedical Programme 生態系統進階課程 生物醫學課程 : 疾病與「理」

Hong Kong Junior Mathematics Olympiad – National Mathematical Forum for Youths 2013-14 2013-14 香港初中數學奧林匹克全國青少 年數學論壇選拔賽

Leadership 領導才能

Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad 2014 2014 亞太區數學奧林匹克

Introductory Workshop in Research Methods 研究方法基礎工作坊 Enhancement Workshop for Online Learning Programmes – Psychology 網上課程增潤工作坊-心理學 Advanced Course in English Literature 英國文學深造課程 Introductory Course in Sociology 社會學基礎課程 Mathematics 數學 Winter Mathematics Olympiad 2013-14 香港冬季數運會 2013-14 Introductory Course in Origami (Re-run) 摺紙基礎課程(重辦) Maths Ignition Series: Coordinate Geometry 數學燃動課程系列:坐標幾何 IMO Training – Phase III 國際數學奧林匹克:第三階段 Personal Growth and Social Development Series 個人成長及社交發展系列 Brain-based Learning Workshop (Introductory) 腦基礎學習工作坊 ( 基礎課程 ) Sharing Session 分享環節

Entrepreneurship Workshop 創業工作坊 Negotiation Workshop for Leaders 領袖談判工作坊 Communication Skills – Effective Presentation Workshop 有效表達技巧工作坊 Hong Kong Government Study and Leadership Training 香港管治與領袖培訓

Online Learning Programme 網上學習課程 Psychology II 心理學二 Physics I 物理力學一 Physics II 物理力學二 How Do you Mean 英語本色 Taking Shape 心中有數 Deep Cells 細胞深究 Diagnose and Treat 人體望聞問 Maths Extension Through Breath & Depth 數學縱橫 Take Me Seriously 公關大作戰

Mentoring Scheme 2013-14 「良師益友」培研計劃 2013-14

Psychology III 心理學三

LOVE.Community 2014:Strike 1 愛 . 社區 2014:第一擊

Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2014 2014 香港物理奧林匹克 Talk 講座 Psychological well-being 身心健康

Effective Leadership and Social Service Projects 有效領導與社會服務

Other Learning Activities 其他學習活動

LOVE.Community 2013:Strike 4 愛 . 社區 2013:第四擊

IMO Preliminary Selection Contest Hong Kong 2014 2014 國際數學奧林匹克 - 香港選拔賽

Geometry II 幾何學二 Communication and New Media: From Now to Then 溝通與新媒體:今昔發展 Complex Number and Geometry 1 複數與幾何學(一) Complex Number and Geometry 2 複數與幾何學(二) Electricity 電學

Primary Programmes 小學課程 Languages 語文 Speaking Arts Series: Debate and Public Speaking 學會辯論︰辯論讓你初嚐自主 Sciences 科學 Introductory Workshop in Environmental Science – General Ecology 環境科學基礎工作坊 – 生態學入門 Introductory Workshop in Physics – Scientific Investigation in Physics, Be an Engineer 物理基礎工作坊 – 物理科學探究﹕ 我是工程師 Online Learning Programme 網上學習課程 Online Learning (Blended) Programme – Coordinate Geometry 網上學習課程 ( 混和式 ) – 座標幾何 I Talk 講座 A Writer's Guide to Reading 從閱讀走向寫作

The above information provided is subject to confirmation. Please visit the "Student Zone" of our website: for details. 上述各項活動資料以本學苑網頁內公佈為準。請登入學苑網站內的「學生園地」查閱詳情。網址



TITLE 刊物名稱

INSPIRE: The Gifted Education Magazine for Educators 匯賢「資」訊 AUTHOR 作者

Teacher Professional Development Division of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港資優教育學苑 教師專業發展部 EDITORS 編輯

Teacher Professional Development Division of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港資優教育學苑教師專業發展部

Subscribe to INSPIRE Issue No.11 訂閱《匯賢「資」訊》第十一期 If your school/organisation is interested in subscribing to this issue of INSPIRE, please fill in the form below and fax it to 3940 0203. 假如 貴校 / 機構有興趣訂閱今期《匯賢「資」訊》,請填妥下列資料, 並傳真至 3940 0203。 Subscription service for INSPIRE, order quantity 訂閱數量 □ 50 copies or less 50 本或以下

□ 51-100 copies 51-100 本

□ 101-200 copies 101- 200 本

□ 201 or more 201 本或以上

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Telephone 電話:

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Ltd

Name of School / Organisation 學校 / 機構名稱:


The electronic version of INSPIRE is available on our website. 學苑網站備有《匯賢「資」訊》網上版, 可供參考及下載。

Contact Us 聯絡我們 If you have comments and suggestions to improve INSPIRE, please contact us. You are welcome to contribute articles to this magazine! 假如你對今期內容有任何意見及建議,歡迎聯絡我們。 歡迎各位踴躍投稿! Email 電郵

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港資優教育學苑 Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 香港新界沙田沙角邨 Tel 電話:(852) 3940 0103 Fax 傳真:(852) 3940 0203 Email 電郵 Website 網址 Copyright © 2014 by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong. All rights reserved. 香港資優教育學苑有限公司 2014 年 © 版權所有 香港印刷。未經許可,不得轉載。

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