資優樂 - 第十期 The Gifted Education Magazine for Parents - Nurturing the Gifted Issue No.10

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ISSN 2219-4746


Issue No. 10

Parents‘ Well-being 資優兒家長的心理健康 專題研習 Feature Article


MAY 2013

培育資優兒 照顧好自己 我的十大秘訣 Sylvia Rimm 博士 My Top Ten Tips for Parenting Gifted Children While Also Caring for Yourselves Well By Dr. Sylvia Rimm

ISSN 2219-4746


Issue No. 10

目錄 Contents 編者的話 最新情報 家長講座暨家長學堂證書頒授

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What’s News Parent Seminar and Certificates Presentation 2013

Feature Article My Top Ten Tips for Parenting Gifted Children While Also Caring for Yourselves Well


By Dr. Sylvia Rimm

Sylvia Rimm 博士


Editors’ Note

(2 April to 1 June 2013)




Call for Study Projects


培育資優兒 照顧好自己


The 1st HKAGE Student Conference -

香港資優教育學苑首屆學生會議 -




Research Corner Parent Well-being: Take Care Of Your Child By


Taking Care Of Yourself First! 專家分享 資優兒家長的心理健康

家長園地 心路歷程的分享


Professional Sharing


Parent Zone

Well-being of Parents of Gifted Children

Experience Sharing on Parenting Smart Kids A Thought on the Time Spent on


Bringing up My Smart Kid 資源推介 協助資優孩子展翅高飛:


What’s Recommended Helping Gifted Children Soar: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers




Event Highlights



Forthcoming Academy Events

編者的話 Editors’ Note


Editors’ Note

繼專題探討任汝理教授的「資優三環理論」之 「資優兒能力的探索」後,今期《資優樂》將 會探索資優兒家長的心理健康。如果你錯過了 上一期《資優樂》,歡迎到本學苑網站的「家 長園地」下載。

In this issue of Nurturing the Gifted, we shift our focus from Renzulli’s Three-ring Model of Giftedness to another equally important topic: Parents’ Well-being. To review the third and final part of the Three ring Model of Giftedness feature series, Exploring Ability of Gifted Learners, please download Issue No. 9 of Nurturing the Gifted at Parent Zone of the HKAGE website.

很多時,家長會將全副精神投放於照顧子女。面 對資優兒的時候,家長或許會對他們有一定的期 望。經常聽到家長對子女說「你有能力可以做 好」、「如果你再勤力一點,科科都會考得好」 之類的話。這些期望令子女有壓力之餘,亦會為 自己帶來不少的壓力。資優兒家長在育兒路上往 往遇到很多無奈﹑沮喪﹑失望﹑痛苦﹑擔心,這 些情緒會對資優兒家長構成很大的心理壓力。今 期《資優樂》希望透過不同的文章分享令家長反 思,從中找到共鳴,紓緩自己育兒上的壓力,保 持正面的心理健康,與子女在成長路上輕鬆同 行。

It is normal that parents spend most of their time nurturing their children. For gifted children, their parents will inevitably set relatively high expectations for them. It is not uncommon to hear some parents say to their children, ‘You can do it better’ or ‘If you work harder, you can get good grades in all subjects.’ Such expectations may cause stress for both children and parents. Gifted parents will feel helpless, frustrated, disappointed, agonised and worried on their parenting journey. Such sentiments would cause tremendous stress for parents. In this issue, we aim to stimulate parents to become aware that they are not alone. Various tips will be suggested to guide them to reduce stress and maintain positive well-being while parenting their children.

培養資優兒就好比生活在一個由過山車組成的主題 公園(Webb, Gore, Amend & DeVries, 2007),每天 的心情都會因為孩子的無限精力和強烈情緒而大起 大落,甚至身心俱疲。為了探索家長心理健康,今 期《資優樂》邀請了美國心理學家Sylvia Rimm博士 與我們分享家長培育資優兒並照顧好自己的十大秘 訣,本文概括出「十大秘訣」教導父母在培育資優 兒之餘,維持健康有樂趣的個人生活方式。在《研 究分享》一文中,我們會了解資優兒家長所承受的 心理壓力,在培育路上出現的無奈和困難,亦會推 介一些實用方法,盼能幫助資優兒家長保持正面態 度。另外,《專家分享》將由教育心理學家朱可達 先生分享資優兒家長育兒的壓力及如何保持家長正 面培育資優兒的方法及態度,希望家長能從中得到 啟示,建立個人正面的心理健康。《家長園地》請 來兩位家長分享及表達育兒上的壓力及一些培育心 得,讓自己感受到培育資優兒路上並不孤單,希望 個案中讓大家得到啟發和反思。

Her article summarises the essential principles for parenting while maintaining healthy, interesting lifestyles for parents themselves. In Research Corner, we will examine the source of stress of gifted parents and the difficulties they face. Practical solutions are suggested for gifted parents to maintain a positive attitude. Furthermore, Dr. Matthew Chu, an Educational Psychologist, analyses the challenges faced by gifted parents and offers some suggestions to help parents to nourish themselves and be a good parent. In Parent Zone, two parents share their parenting experience and tips. After reading their thought-provoking stories, you will surely find that you are not alone on the parenting journey.

另外,本學苑將於2013年7月13日(星期六)舉 行首屆家長講座暨家長學堂證書頒授,屆時我們 邀請香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系高級教學 顧問楊家正博士,為我們講解資優兒家長在育兒 上遇到的挑戰,以及掌握培育及管教資優兒的原 則、技巧及方法。報名詳情請參閱本學苑網站內 的「家長園地」,網址:www.hkage.org.hk。

We will hold our first Parent Seminar and Certificates Presentation on 13 July 2013 (Saturday). Dr. Yeung Ka Ching, Senior Teaching Consultant in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong, will be invited to illustrate the challenges of gifted parents and explain how to acquire the principles, skills and methods of parenting gifted children. For registration details, please visit Parent Zone of the HKAGE website (www.hkage.org.hk).

Parenting a gifted child is like living in a theme park full of thrill rides (Webb, Gore, Amend & Devries, 2007). You might experience ups and downs everyday as the giftedness characteristics of boundless energy and intensity could drive you physically and emotionally exhausted. To explore the issue of psychological well-being of gifted parents, we are pleased to have U.S. psychologist Dr. Sylvia Rimm share her ‘top ten parenting tips’ for parents of gifted children while also caring for themselves well.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


最新情報 What’s New

家 長 學 堂 Parent Education Programme 資優兒家長的挑戰 The Challenges for Gifted Parents 香港資優教育學苑 The Hong Kong Acadeny for Gifted Education 家長學堂 2013 家長學堂12-13 Parent Education Education Programme Programme 12-13 2013 Parent 家長講座暨家長學堂證書頒授

Parent Seminar and Parent Education Programme Certificates Presentation

「資優兒家長的挑戰」 “The Challenges for Gifted Parents” 日期 : Date:

2013 年 7 月 13 日 ( 星期六 ) 13rd July, 2013

時間: Time:

下午二時三十分至下午四時三十分 2:30P.M.-4:30P.M.

地點: Venue:

香港資優教育學苑香港新界沙田沙角邨 Room 105, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

講者: Speaker:

楊家正博士 香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系高級教學顧問 Dr. Yeung Ka Ching Senior Teaching Consultant in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong

2012-2013年度家長講座暨家長學堂證書頒 授將於2013年7月13日(星期六)於香港資 優教育學苑舉行。今次的講座主題是「資優 兒家長的挑戰」,目的提升資優兒家長的管 教方法。希望今次的講座能指出資優兒家長 遇到的困難,提供平台讓資優兒家長與不同 專業人士交流意見。同時,此講座內會頒發 證書予參與2012-2013年度家長學堂的家長。

The 2012-2013 parent seminar “ The Challenges for Gifted Parents” Parent Education Programme Ce r t i f i c a t e s Pr e s e n t a t i o n w i l l b e h e l d o n 1 3 J u l y 2 0 1 3 (Saturday) at the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. T h e t h e m e o f t h i s s e m i n a r i s “ T h e C h a l l e n g e s fo r G i f t e d Parents”. I t aims to enhance awareness of parenting for the gifted. We hope, through this seminar, we could illustrate the challenges of gifted parents from the perspective of an exper t and provide a platform for parents and stakeholders of gifted education to share information and ideas. Cer tificates will be presented to parents who have fulfilled the requirement under the new credit-based system.

詳情參閱本學苑網站內的「家長園地」,網址 ﹕ w w w. h k a ge. o rg. h k Further details on parent seminar will be announced from the Parent Zone section of our website: www.hk age.org.hk


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

最新情報 What’s New

香港資優教育學苑首屆學生會議 The 1 st HK AGE Student Conference 研究計劃募集

Call for Study Projec ts (2 April to 1 June 2013) (2013年4月2日至6月1日)

為響應世界資優兒童協會將今年定為 國際資優與創意年,本學苑將於2013 年11月23日(星期六)舉行首屆學生 會議,歡迎全港中學生以個人或小組 名義就六個建議研究範圍提交研究計劃 書。提交的計劃書可以是全新的研究計 劃,或與學生的校內或校外學習經驗相 關。我們亦接受曾於學術刊物、報章、 網站、雜誌等媒介發表或曾於任何比賽 提交及獲獎的研究計劃。獲選的研究報 告,將由負責撰寫的學生以口頭報告或 海報展示方式在會議上匯報,展示他們 的學習成果。

In suppor t of the International Year of Giftedness and Creativity a d v o c a t e d b y t h e W o r l d C o u n c i l f o r G i f t e d a n d Ta l e n t e d C h i l d re n , t h e H o n g K o n g A c a d e m y fo r G i f t e d E d u c a t i o n w i l l hold our signature event, the first Student Conference, on 23 November 2013 (Saturday). All secondar y school students are encouraged to submit their study project proposals in six suggested fields on an individual basis or as a group. The submitted proposals could be new study projects or projects in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h s t u d e n t s’ l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e a t o r o u t s i d e school. Study projec ts that have been released in any journal, n e w s p a p e r, we b s i te, m a g a z i n e, e tc. , o r h ave b e e n s u b m i t te d and awarded in any competition are also welcome. The selected projects will be presented at the Conference through either oral or poster presentation to showcase students’ learning achievements.

詳情請見本學苑網頁: http://ge.hk age.org.hk/b5/students/StudentConference For details, please visit our HKAGE website: http://ge.hk age.org.hk/en/students/S t u d e n t Co n fe re n c e

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專題研習 Feature Article

培育資優兒 照顧好自己

我的十大秘訣 Sylvia Rimm 博士

間有很多培育資優孩子的所謂正確方 式,家長固然應以個人的家庭和文化價 值觀為最重要指南,不過,何謂好父母

總有一些基礎原則。我在拙作 How to Parent So Children Will Learn (Great Potential Press, 2008) 和 Keys to Parenting the Gifted Child (Great Potential Press, 2008) 特別提出一些觀念,幫 助家長栽培快樂開朗而有上進心的孩子 (Rimm, 2008a)。該 書獲得了USA Book News 全國最佳圖書獎,你們讀後自會 發現有助培育資優兒。本文從該書內容概括出「十大秘 訣」,教父母在培育好資優兒之餘,維持健康有樂趣的 個人生活方式。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

專題研習 Feature Article

我 的 「 十 大 秘 訣 」 1

掌握一切,不要賦予你的孩子太多權力。 「如果資優兒是負責當家作主的話,神早已將家園造大一 點。」(Rimm, 1984) 你的資優兒要你帶領和設立規限,才有安全感。縱然資優 兒會用成年人的詞彙,但並非完全像成年人一般成熟。他 們也要經歷發育過程。設想字母“ V ” 。當孩子還小,他 們處於“ V ”字底 部 , 選 擇 、 自 由 、 權 力 皆 有 限 , 但 責 任亦少。當他們逐漸成熟,你可以 給 他 們 更 多 的 選 擇 、 更 多 的 自 由 、 更 大 的權力,以配合更多的責任。 孩子漸漸獲授予更大權力,會感到獲得信任。一旦你把 這個“ V ”倒轉成“ V ” ,在孩子年紀還小時已給他過多權 力、過多選擇、過多自由,他們權力變得過大。


讚美孩子,等於向孩子傳達你的價值觀和對他們的期望。 合理的讚美,例如「思想縝密」、「勤力」、「聰明」、 「有創意」、「強壯」、「善良」、「善解人意」,為 孩子定下崇高但合理和指日可待的期望。讚美詞說得太 盡,例如「完美」、「一流」,「聰明絕頂」、「天才 運動員」、「最美麗」和「才華橫溢」等,可能為孩子 設下無法實現的期望。兒童將那些期望內化成自己的期 望,以後每當孩子發現無法實現那些遙不可及的目標時, 就會有壓力。他們會變得害怕用功,擔心父母以為自己不 夠聰明。

擁有過大權力的孩子習慣作主,你不給他們選擇,他們覺 得你剝奪他們的自由。我曾對5,000多名中等年級學生進行 研究,這些「青春期前」兒童認為他們應享有與家長同等的 「話事權」(Rimm, 2005)。擁有過大權力的孩子步入青春期 之後,普通的限制都會令他們變得反叛。他們將一個個快 樂的家庭變成戰場,令家長對管教子女失去信心。請別如 此,相信你自己的智慧與經驗,繼續引領你的孩子。


成年人圍繞孩子的對話(有所指談話),對孩子有亦好亦 壞的深遠影響。舉例說,教師在家長面前讚孩子是「全校 最聰明」,這評語會口耳相傳,一旦傳到孩子耳中,孩子 或將「最聰明」三字內化成學習動力,但也可能對他構成 極大壓力。 基於同一道理,不要在孩子聽得見的情況下談論他們的問 題。一旦他們聽見你向別人說他們妒忌心重或很害羞,或 者指他們「過度活躍」,他們會假定你是說真話,認為自 己也沒辦法控制這些問題。

保持團結,萬事有商有量,在孩子面前說配 偶或孩子監護人的好話。

你直接和間接談論你的孩子時,你其實是在塑造孩子的 性格。談話的作用很大,但必須慎用。如果你談話時用上 「極」、「最」之類的字眼或說壞話,就算你盡力愛護孩 子,他們也只會將問題歸咎於你,令你覺得自己是失敗的 父母。

父母各走極端,會令孩子無所適從,導致家庭分化。父 母不互相尊重,也不會得到孩子的尊重。將丈夫或妻子 描述成「怪物」或「笨蛋」,雖暫時令孩子覺得你是 明白事理的好爸爸或好媽媽,但醜化配偶也可能弄巧反 拙,令孩子不再尊重成年人。 家長與其他監護人爭逐「最可愛父母」地位時,孩子獲得 與他同一陣線的家長賦予更多權力去對抗另一監護人。這 樣做不但令家庭分化,亦導致孩子目無尊長,助長他們與 管束他們的成年人和教師作對。



重視教師、教育、學習。 將子女的教育放在第一位,說出你對學習有多重視。向 子女說說你最崇拜的教師。不要將孩子捲入針對教師的 爭論。 以尊重態度倡導孩子的教育需要。加入校董會,游說決 策者照顧資優生的需要。為所有資優生爭取利益,會比 為自己子女爭取利益容易成功。所有孩子需要有適度挑 戰性的課程。你會為整個教育界出力感到自豪,教育界 亦會重視你的貢獻。

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專題研習 Feature Article




同儕對孩子的選擇與活動有極大影響。提醒年幼資優兒與 正派、善良、有趣的益友來往。將他們引離「麻煩友」, 直至「麻煩友」改善行為為止。

參與無私助人的服務,令資優兒學會珍惜自己所有之餘, 亦懂得對別人慷慨。幫人的經驗啟發他們為改善世界出 力,避免有不勞而獲的心態。孩子懂得群體合作、良性競 爭、付出時間幫助他人,亦會珍惜父母的關懷。父母感受 到孩子多一分感激,培育子女時就更有信心。

孩子入讀中學後,留意他們有否受朋輩壓力影響,因為此 時趕上潮流比有學問更受尊敬。幫孩子尋找志同道合的朋 友,參與周末增潤課程或者暑期課程都有幫助。鼓勵孩子 保持獨立思考,與孩子檢討那些情況下可以與朋輩行動一 致,那些情況下必須強硬說不甚至退出同儕活動。


樹立道德、活躍、勤力的榜樣。為孩子尋覓 其他好榜樣。 你的孩子一直在觀察你的動靜。你不遵守交通規則、收銀 員贖多了錢給你而你不退回、不尊重別人,你的孩子都會 留意到。你誠實而為人有趣,他們會對你有印象。如果你 認識一些過着有趣生活或者可以良師的益友,介紹給孩子 認識。你過着誠實而積極的生活,並與抱持良好價值觀的 朋友為伍,你一定會更愛自己和家庭。



子女應學會獨立處事,但亦應懂得群體合作。資優生屢嘗勝 利滋味,同時需要參與勝算不高的比賽。他們必須學習獨自 克服失敗。培養孩子的抗逆力,有助他們將來戰勝困難。

成年人形容他們的工作「很充實」或「有貢獻」,可啟發 他們的孩子重視工作。如果你埋怨工作,你的孩子會抗拒 工作,對學校功課諸多怨言。如果你不滿意你的工作,試 找一份好一點的工作,告訴孩子接受多些教育將來有多些 事業選擇。嘗試在工作與家庭樂趣之間取得平衡。資優兒 如能觀察你如何拿捏這個平衡,甚至參與其中,他們也很 可能活得快樂些。家長如果對生活抱持積極而不偏不倚的 態度,也會懂得欣賞和重視每一天的家庭生活。.



Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

謹記鼓勵你的孩子參與課外活動。活動頻繁的孩子較少 出現呆在電腦熒幕前或受引誘濫藥等問題。孩子參與有 益身心的活動,亦令家長有私人時間做自己的事或參與 消遣活動。

專題研習 Feature Article 參考書目


保持屬於自己的歡樂時光和成年人地位,不要 過早給予孩子成年人地位。 享受沒有孩子參與的成年人生活。每周約朋友見面,一年 去幾次沒有孩子參與的渡假,能令你保持對生活的興奮 感,亦令你的孩子有所憧憬。他們可以觀察、期望,等待 長大成人後參與成年人活動。


與孩子一起享受學習經歷和樂趣。 很多家長在我的辦公室泣訴孩子成長期間沒有抽時間陪他 們。請抽時間陪孩子學習與嬉戲,他們以後能夠兼顧學習與 其他生活。陪伴孩子參觀博物館、劇場、音樂廳、歷史遺 址、展覽會及所有你提議的地方。與子女一同享受並培養興 趣,你一定不會後悔,只會有一家融洽相處的美好回憶。

Bandura, A. (1986). Social learning theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Davis, G.A., Rimm, S.B., & Siegle, D. (2011). Education of the gifted and talented (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House. Laffoon, K. S., Jenkins-Friedman, R., & Tollefson, N. (1989). Causal attributions of underachieving gifted, achieving gifted, and nongifted students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted,13(1), 4-21. Rimm, S.B., Cornale, M., Manos, R. and Behrend, J. (1999). Guidebook – underachievement syndrome: causes and cures. Watertown WI: Apple Publishing Co. Rimm, S.B. (2005). Growing up too fast: The Rimm report on the secret world of America’s middle schoolers. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Publishing. Rimm, S. B. (2008a). How to parent so children will learn: Strategies for raising happy, achieving children (3rd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.

總結:家長肩負重任 孩子得到家長從旁引導而熱愛學習、用

Rimm, S. B. (2008b). Why bright kids get poor grades: And what you can do about it (3rd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.


功讀書、關懷社會,長大後必能貢獻社 會。如果你正在閱讀本文,你是希望鼓

Sylvia Rimm博士,心理學家,美國俄亥俄州克利夫蘭家庭活動診 所總監,凱思西儲大學醫學院臨牀教授。

勵你孩子發揮潛能的家長。我旳「十大 秘訣」在你培育孩子的旅程中,為你提 供實用的工具,同時為你提供活得自在

Rimm博士著作甚豐,How to Parent So Children Will Learn 及 Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades 同獲 USA Book News 2008 年度全國最佳 圖書獎。其他作品包括 Keys to Parenting the Gifted Child、Raising


Preschoolers、See Jane Win®、How Jane Won、See Jane Win for Girls


等,當中 See Jane Win® 曾打入《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,電

孩子展翅離巢之後,你也可繼續享受成 年人的社交生活,同時遙望孩子面對人

視節目 Op rah Winfrey Show、TODAY Show、People 雜誌等亦有專 題介紹。Rimm博士與 Gary A. Davis 及 Del Siegle 合撰的教科書 Education of the Gifted and Talented,現已推出第六版。

生必經的起跌。 Rimm博士既勤於筆耕,亦經常出席電台、電視台節目,曾任全 國廣播公司 TODAY Show 節目特約記者凡九年。她在全國性的美 國報刊撰寫專欄,專論養育子女,每年解答數以百計全球各地家 長的來信。她任美國全國資優兒童協會董事局成員多年。 Rimm博士亦是位演講家,講授養育與教導資優兒童與青少年之 道時生動活潑,世界各地觀眾都為之吸引。

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專題研習 Feature Article

My Top Ten Tips for Parenting Gifted Children While Also Caring for Yourselves Well


lthough there are many variations of “right” ways to parents and your personal family values should be the most important guide, there are some

foundational principles that underlie good parenting. In my book How to Parent So Children Will Learn I emphasise the supportive concepts that can help parents raise happy, resilient and achieving children (Rimm, 2008a). My book has been awarded a National Best Book Award by USA Book News. I know you will find it helpful for raising your gifted children. In this article, I have developed a Top Ten List, summarising essential principles for parenting while maintaining healthy, interesting lifestyles for themselves.


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

By Dr. Sylvia Rimm

專題研習 Feature Article

My Top Ten Tips 1

Take charge; do not overempower your children. “If children were meant to run their homes, God would have created them bigger.” (Rimm, 1984)


Praise conveys your values to children and sets expectations for them. Reasonable praise like: “good thinker”, “hard worker”, “smart”, “creative”, “kind” and “sensitive” sets high but reasonable expectations within your children’s reach. Superlative words like: “perfect”, “the best”, “smartest”, “most beautiful” and “brilliant” set impossible expectations. Those expectations are internalised by children and become pressures when children find they cannot achieve them. They become fearful of working hard, lest it would show they are not as smart as their parents believe.

Your gifted children require your leadership and limits to feel secure. Although gifted children may use the vocabulary of adults, they are not as mature as they sound. They, too, follow a developmental pathway. Envision the letter “V”. When children are small, they are at the base of the “V” with few choices, limited freedom and little power, matched with few responsibilities that go with their small size. As they mature, you can give them more choices, more freedom and increased power, paired with more responsibilities. Children will feel trusted as they are only gradually empowered. If you reverse that “V” to a “Λ” and give children too much power, too many choices and too much freedom, they become overempowered.

The words that surround children in adult conversations (referential talk) also have great positive or negative impact on them. For example, if a teacher tells parents that their child is “the smartest child in the school,” that remark will be passed to others. The child who overhears that may internalise motivation or feel extreme pressure to be the smartest.

Since overempowered children become accustomed to making decisions, they feel as if you are taking away their freedom when you do not provide choices. In my research on over 5,000 middle-grade students, many tweens believed they should have equal decision-making power to their parents (Rimm, 2005). In adolescence, ordinary boundaries cause overempowered children to become rebellious. They convert a happy household to a warring camp and cause parents to lose confidence in their parenting. Instead, believe in your own wisdom and experience and lead your children.


For a similar reason, do not discuss children’s problem behaviours within their earshot. If they hear you talk to others about how jealous or shy they are, or if you refer to them as ADHD kids, they assume you are telling the truth and believe they cannot control these problem behaviours. Both direct and indirect talk about children set up their persona for them. Talk is powerful and needs to be thoughtful. If you use superlative or negative talk, your children will blame you for their problems and you will feel like a bad parent even though you tried your best and loved your children.

Stay united, be willing to compromise and say good things about your child’s other parent or caretakers. Parents who lead in opposite directions confuse children and divide families. Children will not respect parents who do not respect each other. Describing your child’s other parent as an “ogre” or “dummy” may make you feel like a good and understanding parent temporarily, but sabotaging another parent or grandparent will backfire, and your child will no longer respect adults. When parents compete with other caretakers to be the funniest parent, children are empowered by their “pal” parent to defy the other caretaker. Not only does this divide the family, but it encourages children to be disrespectful and oppose other adults and teachers who set boundaries.

Praise and talk about children thoughtfully.


Hold teachers, education and learning in high regard. Set your children’s education as first priority, and verbalise how much you value learning. Tell them about your best teachers and elevate their teachers. Do not let your children get caught up in a debate against teachers. In a respectful manner, be an advocate for your children’s educational needs. Become involved with your governing boards so decision makers hear that the needs of gifted children should be met. Advocate for the sake of all gifted students and you will be more successful than if you champion only your own children’s needs. All children need a curriculum which provides appropriate challenge. You will feel positive about your contributions to education in general, and educators will also value your contribution.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專題研習 Feature Article


Foster collaboration and teach healthy competition. Children should learn to work independently, but also to collaborate with a team. Gifted children have many winning experiences, but they also need the balancing experiences of entering competitions where they might lose. They must learn to recover from failures without being rescued. Developing resiliency will allow them to triumph over obstacles in the future. Engaging in altruistic service opportunities permits gifted children to value what they have and to learn generosity toward others. Their experiences of helping others will inspire them to contribute to improving our world and prevent attitudes of entitlement. Children who learn to collaborate, compete healthfully and contribute their time to others will value what their parents have done for them. You will feel more appreciated by your children and more confident as a parent.


Be positive about your work and that of your child’s other parent. Adults who describe their work as “fulfilling” or “making a contribution” inspire their children to value work. If you complain about your work, your children will become anti-work kids. They will complain about schoolwork. If you do not like your work, attempt to find better opportunities and remind children that education provides more career choices. Try to keep a balance of work and family fun and laughter in your lives. Gifted children who observe and participate in that balance are more likely to become happily engaged in life. Parents who develop a positive and balanced attitude about life appreciate and value each day of their family life.


Be a role model of ethics, activity and hard work. Locate other good role models for children. Your children are watching you. When you disobey traffic laws, keep too much change or are disrespectful to others, they will notice. When you are honest and interesting, they will be positively impressed. Introduce your children to friends and potential mentors who lead interesting lives and can be positive influences. As you live an honest and energetic lifestyle and surround yourself with friends who share good values, you will feel better about yourself and your family.


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


Guide gifted children toward healthy peer groups. Peers dramatically affect children’s choices and activities. Remind young gifted children to play with friends who have good values and are kind, interesting people. Steer them away from troublemakers unless the troublemakers improve their behaviours. Prepare children for the peer pressure of middle school when popularity often becomes more revered than learning. Help them find friends who share their interests. Enrichment weekend and summer programmes help. Encourage children to maintain independence while reviewing with them the areas where conformity is acceptable and other areas where they must be strong enough to either object or remove themselves from a peer activity. Be sure to encourage your children’s involvement in extracurricular activities. Busy children are less likely to sit passively in front of screens and less likely to be tempted into the drug scene. Children’s involvement in healthy activities also allows parents to enjoy time to do your own work or recreational activities.

專題研習 Feature Article Bibliography


Keep a separate fun time and adult status without giving children adult status too soon. Enjoy adult life without your children. Weekly dates and a few adult vacations a year will keep you excited about life and give your children something to anticipate. They can watch, wish and wait for adult activities until they become adults.


Enjoy learning experiences and fun with your child. Too many parents of 20-year-olds have sobbed in my office because they did not find time for their children when they were growing up. Make time for learning and fun with your children and they will be learners and more balanced forever. Visit museums, theatres, concerts, historic sites, fairs and all your area has to offer. Enjoy and develop interests together and you will not have regrets, only wonderful memories of family togetherness.

Bandura, A. (1986). Social learning theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Davis, G.A., Rimm, S.B., & Siegle, D. (2011). Education of the gifted and talented (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House. Laffoon, K. S., Jenkins-Friedman, R., & Tollefson, N. (1989). Causal attributions of underachieving gifted, achieving gifted, and nongifted students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted,13(1), 4-21. Rimm, S.B., Cornale, M., Manos, R. and Behrend, J. (1999). Guidebook – underachievement syndrome: causes and cures. Watertown WI: Apple Publishing Co. Rimm, S.B. (2005). Growing up too fast: The Rimm report on the secret world of America’s middle schoolers. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Publishing. Rimm, S. B. (2008a). How to parent so children will learn: Strategies for raising happy, achieving children (3rd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press. Rimm, S. B. (2008b). Why bright kids get poor grades: And what you can do about it (3rd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.

About the Author

Summary of Why Parents are So Important Children who grow to make contributions to our society benefit by having parents who guide them to love learning, work hard and care about society. If you are reading this article, you are parents who want to encourage your children to fulfil their potential. My “Top Ten List” will provide useful tools for your parenting journey, as well as guidelines for feeling good about your own lives. Your sense of well-being can come only partially from parenting. You must develop your own intrinsic satisfaction in life so that when children leave your nest, you will continue to enjoy adult relationships and can gaze from afar as your children cope with the successes and bumps in the road that are part of normal healthy development.

Dr. Sylvia Rimm is a psychologist, the director of Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. Dr. Rimm’s books How to Parent So Children Will Learn and Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades, were both 2008 National Best Books award winners from USA Book News. Dr. Rimm has authored many books, including “Keys to Parenting the Gifted Child,” “Raising Preschoolers,” “See Jane Win®,” “How Jane Won,” and “See Jane Win for Girls. ” As a New York Times Bestseller, “See Jane Win®” was featured on Oprah, the TODAY Show and in People Magazine. Dr. Rimm is co-author with Gary A. Davis and Del Siegle of the textbook Education of the Gifted and Talented, which is now in its 6th edition. A favourite personality on public radio for many years, Dr. Rimm has also made countless appearances on national television and was a regular contributing correspondent for nine years on NBC’s TODAY Show. In her nationally syndicated parenting column with Creators Syndicate, Dr. Rimm answers hundreds of letters each year from parents around the world. Dr. Rimm served for many years on the Board of Directors for the National Association for Gifted Children. As a dynamic speaker, Dr. Rimm fascinates audiences internationally on parenting and teaching gifted children and adolescents.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


研究分享 Research Corner

資優兒家長 的身心健康 培

養 資 優 兒 就 好 比 生 活 在 一 個 由 過 山 車 組 成 的 主 題 公 園 裏 ( We b b, G o r e , A m e n d & Devries, 2007),每天的心情都會因為孩子的無限精力和強烈情緒而大起大落,甚 至身心俱疲。正因為資優兒需要特別照顧,資優兒家長更應保持心境開朗(a

positive well-being),以應付日常挑戰。Well-being 一般用來描述社會、經濟、心理、精神 或者醫療等方面的狀況。本文中的 well-being 專指資優兒家長的心理健康。資優兒家長承受 心理壓力,不僅因為要培育孩子而費神,亦因為社會對資優兒的了解有限而感到無奈,內外交 煎令資優兒家長苦不堪言。以下一些實用方法,冀能幫助資優兒家長保持正面態度。

資優兒的特質 探討資優兒家長面對的困難前,讓我們先回顧資優兒的 特質。任汝理(2011)指出資優兒容易對例行工作生厭, 事事力求完美,對自己要求嚴格,對自己的速度和成果 要求極高,而且堅持己見,對是非好壞都很執着。除此 之外,資優兒敢於就改革或改良制度、物件、系統發表 意見。他們勇於冒險、為人大膽並且好投機。不過他們 也多愁善感、不容易順從別人意見、未經仔細研究不會 接受權威意見。

Morawska和Sanders(2008)對211名資優兒家長進行詳細 調查,描述孩子的行為與情緒調整情況,以探討孩子問題 的主要成因及家長管教孩子的方式。結果顯示信心較大的 家長表示孩子較少有行為和情緒問題、較少用無效的管教 方式、較少抑鬱、較少與配偶為子女問題爭執、關係滿意 度亦較高。另外,受訪家長表示最無信心處理孩子的不服 從舉止,尤其在孩子不聽他們吩咐之時。

社會對資優兒的誤解 培育資優兒的難處 家長因資優兒的特質而感到迷惘,不知以甚麼方式培育 他們才對。舉一個例,資優兒常常自覺不夠完美,更甚 者是因為怕失敗而產生「明哲保身」、不願嘗試的心態 (Wellisch, 2006),變得消極和無所事事。面對這種完美 主義個性,家長往往要費盡唇舌說服孩子相信自己已做得 很好。 Strom與他的同事(1992)以「家長充當教師量表」(PAAT) 評估69位具資優潛質兒童的家長。PAAT用來幫助家長了 解孩子的品性,從而調整培育方式。在量表的「氣餒」 部分,受訪家長表示每天最令他們感到氣餒的情況,包 括「孩子在不適當時候窮追不捨地發問」、「做引人注 意的行為」、「玩假扮遊戲或虛構故事」、「玩遊戲時製 造噪音和亂七八糟」,以及「難以勸服資優兒說出恐懼和 憂慮」。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

資優兒的家長除了因為培育孩子而承受壓力,社會的誤解 也令家長壓力百上加斤。 A l s o p(1 9 9 7)探討42位具有高智力潛質孩子的家長 在孩子被識別為資優兒前後的經驗,結果顯 示資優兒家長通常感到無助,只有25.5%受訪 家長認為家庭有給予支持,20%受訪者認為家人「幫倒 忙」。許多受訪資優兒家長對社會判斷孩子跟社會格格不 入並給予資優兒負面標籤感到苦惱。 另外,Morawska和Sanders(2009)對 4 0 9 名 2 至 1 6 歲 資 優 兒 的家長進行調查。其中一條問題是關於家長面對孩子 行為和資優特質時的情緒調節。家長指出處理其他人的意 見令他們精神緊張。更重要是,近25%家長期望有多些支 援課程,幫助他們紓緩焦慮和抑鬱。

研究分享 Research Corner

改善心理健康的竅門? 一般資優兒家長的心理掙扎 McMann 與 Oliver (1988) 回顧資優兒家長的一些普遍心理 狀況。家長在孩子被識別為資優兒後,最初通常會感到內 咎和恐懼,或擔心照顧與別不同的資優兒是一種負擔, 憂慮無法滿足孩子的需要。 家長另一個普遍反應是拒絕 接受孩子是資優兒的事實,採取逃避態度。 家長對資優兒認識不足,培育孩子時戰戰兢兢。憂心忡忡 的家長,會試圖對孩子的優越天賦視而不見,以減少無力 感。家長為孩子做決定時亦感為難,因為他們擔心為孩子 作了錯誤決定。 資優兒精力充沛,而且情緒高度敏感,隨時打亂家人的作 息習慣。如果孩子是雙重特殊資優兒,精力格外充沛,照 顧起來份外吃力。 總而言之,學者認為資優特質有機會帶來額外的責任、沉 重的職責、情緒的枯竭,以及家庭成員間的日益劇烈的競 爭和互相妒忌。

過往的研究報告顯示有資優兒家長持續面對 難以應付的情況,導致心力交瘁。他們身處 人情冷漠的社會,要用盡方法紓緩壓力。家 長支援小組或輔導服務可為他們提供協助。

家長支援小組 家長支援小組是最理想的自助組織,有助家長 提升心理健康(Alsop,1997)。家長支援小 組可作為家長的社交情緒緩衝區,讓家長分享 有關培育資優兒的心得和經驗,互相扶持,認 識其他同路人。經驗豐富的家長可分享看法和 提出主意,幫助其他家長盡快解決問題,尤其 是資優兒踏入青春期後的改變。(Reinisch & Reinsch, 1997)。

輔導 過往研究(Al so p, 1 9 9 7 )顯示,家長得悉孩 子獲識別為資優兒之後,並無產生正面反應。 家長面對社會的對抗態度以及培育子女的勞 累,可尋求輔導以增進對孩子行為的了解, 並學習應對方法。家長接受輔導,有助加深 自我了解,對應付資優兒的特別需要將大有 幫助。 總括而言,資優兒每每是眾人焦點,但資優 兒家長的心理狀況卻遭忽視。其實,資優兒 家長保持心境開朗,對促進資優兒健康成長 有莫大幫助。

參考文獻 Alsop, G. (1997). Coping or counselling: Families of intellectually gifted students, Roeper Review, 20(1), 28-34. McMann, N., & Oliver, R. (1988). Problems in families with gifted children: Implications for Counselors, Journal of Counseling and Development, 66, 275-278. Morawska, A., & Sanders., M.R. (2008). Parenting gifted and talented children: What are the key child behaviour and parenting issues?, The Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 819-827 Morawska, A., & Sanders, M.R. (2009). Parenting gifted and talented children: Conceptual and empirical foundations, Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(3), 163-173. Reinisch, S.A.B., & Reinisch, L. (1997). One year at a time: Parents’ perspective on gifted education, Peabody Journal of Education, 72(3), 237-252. Renzulli, J.S. (2011). Kappan Classic: What makes giftedness? Reexamining a definition, Phi Delta Kappan, 92(8), 21-88. Strom, R., Johnson, A., Strom, S., & Strom P. (1992). Parental differences in xxpectation of gifted children, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 23(1), 69-77. Webb, J.T., Gore, J.L., Amend, E.R., & DeVries, A.R. (2007). A Parent’s guide to gifted children. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press. Wellisch, M. (2006). Stress and the gifted child, Gifted, 29-31.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


研究分享 Research Corner

Parents of the Gifted:



arenting a gifted child is like living in a theme park full of thrill rides (Webb, Gore, Amend & Devries, 2007). You might experience ups and downs everyday as the giftedness characteristics of boundless energy and intensity could drive you physically and emotionally exhausted. Given that gifted children needs special care, parents of gifted children should also maintain a positive well-being to tackle day-to-day parenting challenges. In general, well-being is used to describe conditions in social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical states. In this article, psychological state of parents of gifted children is concerned. Not only does the stress come from parenting gifted children, but also the community which has limited understanding about giftedness. Although internal exhaustion from children in conjunction with external misunderstanding could be very distressing, practical solutions are suggested for parents of gifted children to maintain a positive attitude.

Characteristics of giftedness Before examining the difficulties faced by parents of gifted children, giftedness features should be reviewed. Renzulli (2011) suggested that gifted individuals are easily bored with routine tasks while they strive toward perfection. They are self-critical and not easily satisfied with their own speed and products. Also, gifted individuals are stubborn in their own beliefs and concerned with right and wrong, good and bad. In addition, gifted individuals are never reluctant to express opinions that often concern adapting, improving and modifying intuitions, objects and systems. They tend to take risk, often adventurous and speculative. On the other hand, they are emotionally sensitive, non-compliant and unwilling to accept authoritarian pronouncements without critical examinations.

Difficulties in parenting gifted children With regard to the characteristics of giftedness, parents are confused to find the right parenting style for the special ones. For example, gifted children always think they are not perfect or, at the worst case, they become passive and unproductive as it is safer not to even try (Wellisch, 2006). Regarding their perfectionist personality, parents might often struggle to persuade their children that they are good enough. In addition, Strom and his colleagues (1992) assessed 69 parents of potentially gifted children with the Parent as a Teacher Inventory (PAAT). PAAT was used to aid parents to recognise their children’s quality in order to modify their parenting styles. With regard to the Frustration subset, parents of gifted children expressed daily scenarios which caused the most frustration. In the feedback, parents reported that they were mostly frustrated and annoyed with the inopportune and


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

persistent questions, attention-seeking behaviours, pretendplay or made-up stories, noise and disorder of play and also the difficulties in encouraging gifted children to make their fears and anxieties known. Furthermore, Morawska and Sanders (2008) conducted a comprehensive survey with 211 parents of gifted and talented children, aiming at describing children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment, examining the contributing factors to children’s difficulties and the styles of discipline used by parents. The findings show that parents with higher confidence reported fewer child behavioural and emotional problems, less use of ineffective discipline, less depression, less inter-parental conflicts over child-rearing, and more relationship satisfaction. Moreover, parents reported that they felt least confident in handling children’s non-compliant and defiant behaviours, especially when they refused to do as they were told.

Misconception of giftedness from the community Apart from parenting, misunderstanding from the community also laid some pressure for parents of gifted children. Alsop (1997) examined 42 parents of children of high intellectual potential regarding their experience prior and after their children being identified. The findings showed that parents of gifted children often felt unsupported, only 25.5% of cases considered their family supportive while 20% of parents classified their family support as “unhelpful”. Moreover, most parents found it distressing when the community judge their gifted children as social misfits with negative stereotypical labelling.

研究分享 Research Corner

Ways to improve well-being? On the other hand, Morawska and Sanders (2009) distributed a parent survey to 409 parents of gifted children with an age range from 2 to 16. With regard to the qualitative question about their own emotions and adjustments related to their child’s behaviour and giftedness, parents pointed out that it was stressful to handle other people’s opinions. More importantly, almost 25% of parents were hoping for more support programmes to help dealing with anxiety and depression.

General struggle for parents of gifted children McMann and Oliver (1988) reviewed some general psychological conditions of parents of gifted children. Parents of gifted children do commonly feel guilty and fear at the initial stage after identification. They might feel the responsibility of taking care of a gifted child (who is different from others) as a burden and worry that they cannot provide the best for this special child. On the other hand, another common reaction is denial which parents of gifted children often deny the children’s giftedness in order to avoid the issue. Moreover, with insufficient understanding of giftedness, parents are insecure in raising their children. Insecure parents may try to ignore the remarkable qualities of the child in order to reduce the feelings of inadequacy. The decision-making process is always painful as parents are fear of doing the wrong thing for their special children. Furthermore, gifted children are characterised with high levels of energy and sensitivity. Sleeping pattern of other family members could be disrupted by the gifted child. Also, taking care of a gifted child is very energy-consuming as a child who is twice-exceptional could be very energetic. In sum, scholars suggested that giftedness imply additional responsibility, heavy obligation, emotional drain and increased competition and jealous among family members.

Previous reports suggested that some parents of gifted children experienced a pattern of consistent and problematic encounters that cause psychological exhaustion. Their exposure to unsympathetic social contexts strains their coping skills. Parent support group or counselling could be helpful.

Parent support group Parent support group is the best self-help organisation. Participation in parent support group might help improve well-being (Alsop, 1997). The parent support group can serve as a social-emotional buffer whilst parents could share knowledge and experience about giftedness. Parents of gifted children could support each other and let each other know that they are not alone. More experienced parents could share parenting thoughts and ideas to the others in order to achieve a quicker solution to similar problems, especially problems in gifted adolescents (Reinisch & Reinisch, 1997).

Counselling Previous studies (Alsop, 1997) showed that identification of giftedness does not yield positive response from parents. With regard to the confrontation given by the community as well as parenting exhaustion, parents could seek counselling support to have a better understanding of why their children act as they do and how could they react to their children. As a function of parents’ defence of their children’s special needs, parents would benefit from counsellors in having a better self-understanding.

In conclusion, attention has always been put on the gifted children while the psychological state of parents is often neglected. It is comparatively important for parents to maintain a positive well-being in order to enhance the development of gifted children.

References: Alsop, G. (1997). Coping or counselling: Families of intellectually gifted students, Roeper Review, 20(1), 28-34. McMann, N., & Oliver, R. (1988). Problems in families with gifted children: Implications for Counselors, Journal of Counseling and Development, 66, 275-278. Morawska, A., & Sanders., M.R. (2008). Parenting gifted and talented children: What are the key child behaviour and parenting issues?, The Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 819-827 Morawska, A., & Sanders, M.R. (2009). Parenting gifted and talented children: Conceptual and empirical foundations, Gifted Child Quarterly, 53(3), 163-173. Reinisch, S.A.B., & Reinisch, L. (1997). One year at a time: Parents’ perspective on gifted education, Peabody Journal of Education, 72(3), 237-252. Renzulli, J.S. (2011). Kappan Classic: What makes giftedness? Reexamining a definition, Phi Delta Kappan, 92(8), 21-88. Strom, R., Johnson, A., Strom, S., & Strom P. (1992). Parental differences in xxpectation of gifted children, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 23(1), 69-77. Webb, J.T., Gore, J.L., Amend, E.R., & DeVries, A.R. (2007). A Parent’s guide to gifted children. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press. Wellisch, M. (2006). Stress and the gifted child, Gifted, 29-31.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專家分享 Professional Sharing

資優兒家長 的身心健康 許

多人視資優兒家長為「得到祝福」的一群,因為他們的孩 子讀書聰明伶俐,資賦比人優異,有極強的記憶力、成熟 的推理能力、懂得用細緻的語言、有豐富的想像力,以及


不過,培養資優兒有時亦是一大挑戰,資優兒的特質與行為與一般兒童有 別,資優兒家長面對種種挑戰亦與一般家長所面對的不同,一般育兒指南 未必兼顧到。資優兒這分鐘可能與成年人討論世界飢餓和全球化之類的問 題,但下一分鐘卻可能因為被弟弟奪去心愛玩具而發脾氣(不同步發展所 致)。有些資優兒好爭辯,與父母鬥嘴時像個小律師(早熟的語言和推理 能力所致)。一些資優兒面對挫折時,對批評過於敏感,表現不合常理的 憤怒。一些資優兒則拒絕嘗試,例如不做家課,以避免失敗(完美主義和 情緒 敏感 所致)。孩 子這 些特 質足以 令家 長身 心 疲累 。

家 長壓力 家長有時會因為孩子資優而感到吃力,擔心不懂得培養孩 子的才華,導致孩子未能盡展潛能。家長會因為有以下負 面的想法而感到煩惱:

✔✔我每日一定要付出100%時間和精力好好照顧 我的孩子。 ✔✔照顧好我的孩子比照顧自己的需要更重要。 ✔✔每次我稍作休息或想關心一下自己時,我都感 到內疚。 ✔✔周圍的人期望我是好家長,因此我必須對孩子 照顧周到。 ✔✔我要為我孩子的成敗得失負責。 ✔ ✔一 旦 我 未 能 照 顧 孩 子 的 需 要 , 就 是 我 的 過 錯。我是不稱職的家長。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


High S TRE S S

專家分享 Professional Sharing



今時今日資優兒的家長不易做,他們為了教養和培育子女 而承受莫大壓力。有增無減的壓力,有時會損害他們的身 心健康。

有家長經常介意自己的缺點,對自己要求很高。 他們會慣性自責:「我是世上最糟糕的的媽媽」 、「看看兒子同學的母親,她比我更懂得教養孩 子」、「我在人前這樣做只會出洋相」。就像教 導有完美主義的資優兒一樣,我們要提醒自己, 世上沒有十全十美的人,犯錯是無可避免的,每 次犯錯都是汲取經驗的好機會。我們毋須因為不 完美而不開心。對自己要求嚴格的家長,可以 寫一段正面自我肯定的說話。你可形容一下自己 的良好特質,也可寫寫你對他人和世界的正面影 響,例如寫「我是無微不至的母親」、「我是孩 子的理想傾訴對象」、「我盡心盡力照顧家人, 所以感到自豪」等。你寫好自我肯定的說話後, 可以每天讀給自己聽,並放在隨時可以取閱的地 方,例如鏡子前、床頭櫃或放在銀包裏,在不愉 快 和充 滿 自我懷 疑 的日 子拿 出 來鼓勵 自 己 。

如果要你列出兩個表,一個關於會使你筋疲力盡的活動, 一個關於能滋養你身心的活動,哪些活動會是甚麼?如果 你時間有限,要選擇你的活動時,你會保持哪些活動,放 棄哪些?許多的家長往往會選擇犧牲滋養自己的活動。他 們認為那些活動不參與也無妨,可以隨時放棄。但這是真 的嗎? 如果家長未能照顧好自己,他們也難好好照顧孩子。為人 父母要做得稱職, 必須先學會滋養自己。以下提議一些幫助家長自我滋養的 方法:



做家長沒有休息可言,但你仍可選擇暫時擱下某 些事情一日。每周選定一天為「精神健康日」, 將娛樂放在優先地位,令你每周有些歇息時間。 做些有益精神健康的事,例如看齣電影、繪畫、 種花 、或 者與朋友聚 餐。

環顧我們的繁忙生活,我們會發現自己與孩子一 樣,工作過量,活動過多,負擔過重。我們大多 數人覺得有許多事想做,無奈享受生活的時間永 遠不夠。過多的活動和職責會形成太大的生活壓 力。我們有時需要騰出空間「無所事事」一下和 有 獨處 時 候,學 會 欣賞 節奏 緩 慢的生 活 。

用音樂點綴生活 壓力太大或疲憊不堪時,試試播放心愛的樂曲。 聽首你愛的歌曲確可令你精神一振。研究證實音 樂能促進身體健康。音樂對生活起奇妙的點綴作 用,亦不會佔去你的寶貴時間,卻能令你工作得 更愉快,減少每天的壓力。舉一個例,每天以音 樂叫醒你,幫你以良好心情開展每天的工作。你 也可以邊做菜,邊聽歌,爵士樂也好,其他類型 音樂也好,都可令「煮飯」變成樂事。以音樂佐 膳亦是好選擇。研究顯示古典樂可令我們吃少一 點, 幫助 消化,更用 心地 品嚐 食物。


研究發現美國人戶外活動的時間比二、三十年前 少了。孩子在戶外活動的時間比成人多,但整體 而言也在下降,因為在家中用電腦的時間長了。 如果同類研究在香港進行,可能也會得到類似的 結果。無論生活多繁忙,時間容許的話可遠離塵 囂,走近大自然。心理學研究顯示,在郊外活動 好處多:減壓、改善情緒、促進身心健康。越來 越多的證據顯示,接觸大自然會影響我們對人 生重要的事件看法,會減少自我中心傾向,變得 更為關心他人。我們會由重視個人得失轉為關心 與其他人的關係。如果你覺得有壓力、焦慮或疲 勞,留點時間體驗回到自然的感受。你會感受到 大 自然 的 神奇療 傷 功效 。

游泳、踏單車、緩步跑等運動,能促進體內釋放 「開心荷爾蒙」,減少腎上腺皮質醇之類的「壓 力荷爾蒙」分泌。可以的話,每日步行20至30分 鐘,這樣有助紓緩壓力,改善或保持強建體魄。 經常做運動,有助改善身體健康,並增強免疫 力,延年益壽。做運動還可以提升自尊感,改善 睡眠 質素 ,消除焦 慮和 抑鬱 。

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專家分享 Professional Sharing 作者介紹

朱可達 教育心理學家 朱可達博士為教育心理學家,致力於協助家長與教師支援資 優生。他曾在香港大學任教培育資優生基礎課程。其研究興 趣是正向心理學,曾在多個國際會議發表研究成果。由於他 具備正向心理學的知識,他懂得教導家長從另一個角度了解 資優兒。朱博士曾為香港資優教育學苑的家長工作坊擔任講 者,每次都獲得良好反應。

社交支援 社交支援的好處已獲得充分的證明。如果你壓力 大得透不過氣,與同病相憐的人互訴心聲,可以 大大緩減壓力。與其他資優兒家長建立支援系 統,互相打氣,可消除你在育兒路上孤軍作戰的 感覺。你可以參加家長支援小組,分享經驗,尋 求意見,獲取有用資源。與遭遇相似的家長分 享,可減輕許多家長的孤獨感。每當我們感到迷 失時 ,我 們都需要他 人的 支持 和引導 。

總結 養育資優兒既具挑戰性亦有滿足 感,但亦需要承受龐大壓力,故家 長必須好好照顧自己,為子女提供 最好支援。

家長願意花很多時間和精力教導子 女。如果問家長對子女的最大期望 是甚麼,許多家長會有同樣答案: 「我想孩子做過快樂的人。」如果 我們想孩子愉快成長,我們首先自 己要成為愉快的家長。謹記:快樂 的家長能培養快樂的孩子。家庭融 洽,世界也會更美好。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

專家分享 Professional Sharing

Well-being of

P a r e n t s of Gifted Children M

any people see the parents of gifted children are 'blessed' in many ways because their children are fast learners at school and endowed with exceptional strengths, like an excellent memory, well-developed reasoning skills, sophisticated vocabulary, vivid imagination, intense curiosity and interests.

However, raising gifted children can also be a great challenge because the children’s behaviours related to giftedness or talent require parenting strategies other than those found in the typical parenting books. Parents have to face a myriad of problems, which are different from those faced by parents of ordinary children. Gifted children may discuss social issues such as world hunger and globalisation with an adult one minute and the next minute throw temper tantrum because a sibling has taken away their favourite toys (problem resulting from asynchronous development). Some gifted children can be argumentative and they talk like little lawyers when disputing with their parents (problem resulting from advanced verbal and reasoning ability). In the face of failure, some gifted children are oversensitive to criticism and display out-of-proportion anger. Some may avoid failure by refusing to try something like doing a homework assignment (problem resulting from perfectionism and emotional sensitivities). All these experiences can be both exhausting and stressful to parents.

Parental Stress Parents sometimes feel overwhelmed with responsibility once they learn they have a gifted child. They fear that they will fail to nurture their child's talents and will therefore be responsible for their child not reaching his or her full potential. Parents feel distressed when having the following self-defeating beliefs:

✔✔ Giving 100% of my time and efforts every day is what I am expected to do for my child. ✔✔ Taking care of my child is always on top of my own personal needs. ✔✔ I should feel guilty if I take a break or want some attention for myself.


High S TRE S S

ther people must expect me as a good parent, ✔✔ O and therefore I should be able to handle everything in helping my child. ✔✔ I am responsible for the success and failure of my child. ✔✔ It is my fault if I fail to meet all the needs of my child. I am incompetent.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


專家分享 Professional Sharing

Self-nourishment for Parents

Physical Exercise

It is indeed not easy to be parents nowadays as they experience great stress from various aspects in raising and nurturing gifted children. The increasing level of stress experienced by parents can have negative impact on their personal well-being.

Physical exercise, such as swimming, cycling and jogging, can help our body release ‘happy hormones’ (endorphins) and decrease ‘stress hormones’ like cortisol. If at all possible, take a 20 to 30 minute daily walk. It can help reduce our stress and help us become or stay fit. Regular physical activity can help improve our overall health and longevity by strengthening our immunity. In addition, physical exercise can boost self-esteem, improve sleep and ward off anxiety and depression.

If you are asked to write a list of activities that deplete you and another list of activities that nourish you, what will these activities be? If you have limited time and have to be selective of your activities, what activities would you keep and what activities would you drop? Very often, parents will choose to sacrifice the activities that are nourishing to them. They feel that these activities are more dispensable. But is it true? If parents fail to take good care of themselves, they can hardly have the capacity to take good care of their children. It is important that parents learn to nourish themselves and it is by far the foremost important task of a good parent. Below are some suggestions to help parents to nourish themselves:

Mental Health Day You can never take a day off from being a parent, but there are things you can give yourself a day off from. Every week, schedule a day as your “mental health day”. Make recreation a priorityso that you have some time off during the week. Do anything that you think is good for your mental health, like watching a movie, painting, gardening and enjoying a nice meal with good friends.

Music as the Spice of Your Life Find some favourite songs or music and listen to them when you are stressed or tired out. A song you like can really help uplift your spirit. Research findings support that music can affect the body in many health-promoting ways. Music provides a wonderful backdrop for your life and it does not take time away from your busy schedule. It allows you to enjoy what you are doing and reduce stress from your day. For example, you can wake up yourself with music and it helps you start your day feeling great; you may make cooking an enjoyable experience rather than a chore if you play some smooth jazz or other genre of music that you like. Music can also be a good companion when we are eating a meal. Studies show that classical music in particular can help us eat less, digest better and savour our food more deeply.


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

Self-affirmation Some parents often focus on their weaknesses and are very critical of themselves. They may habitually criticise themselves like “I am the world’s worst mother”, “Look at the mother of my son’s classmate. She is much better than me in parenting a child”, “I make a fool of myself in doing this in front of the other people”. Like teaching our perfectionistic gifted child, we have to remind ourselves that no one is perfect and free from making mistakes in life. All mistakes can be a good learning experiences. We need not feel bad for not being perfect. For parents who are harsh and demanding on themselves, writing a positive self-statement is a good exercise for them. It is a paragraph that describes your good personal qualities and what you believe you can give to others and the world. For example, “I am a caring mother”; “I am a good listener to my child’ and “I feel proud of myself because I put my heart in taking care of my beloved family every day”. Once you write your positive self-statement, you may read it out loud to yourself every day and keep it somewhere easily accessible, like in front of the mirror, on your bedside table or in your wallet. Read it when you are having a bad day or full of self-doubt.

Spending Time in Nature When looking at what we do in our busy life, we may find ourselves like our children – overworked, overscheduled and overwhelmed. Many of us feel that there are so many things we want to accomplish and yet we are always in lack of time to get the most out of our lives. To have so many activities and commitments can make our lives imbalanced, overly stressful and unhealthy. Sometimes we need to allow some space for doing nothing and just being alone. Curb the need to be accomplishing and cultivate respect for a slower pace.

專家分享 Professional Sharing About the Author

Matthew Chu A study has shown that Americans are spending less time outdoors than they did 30 or even 20 years ago. Children are found to spend more time outdoors than do adults, but the number is declining because of the growth of using computer at home. Similar findings would probably be obtained if the same study is conducted in Hong Kong. No matter how busy our lives are, it is good for us to find a place of retreat in nature. Psychological research has shown the benefits of spending time in nature – reduce stress, improve mood, promote an overall increase in physical and psychological well-being. In addition, there is a growing evidence that exposure to nature can affect our priorities about what we think is important in life. We become less self-centred and more other-focused. Our value will shift from personal gain to a broader awareness of connection with others. If you feel stressed, anxious or fatigued, allow time for a retreat to the natural experience. You may feel the wonderful healing power of nature.

Dr. Matthew Chu is an Educational Psychologist, who works closely with parents and teachers on supporting gifted students. He has also taught in the foundation course on nurturing gifted learners in the University of Hong Kong. His research interest is positive psychology and he presents his papers in many international conferences. Such knowledge enhances his skills and attitude to help parents understand their gifted children from another perspective. Matthew has helped us conduct several workshops for parents with gifted children before, and all of them were well-received.

Social Support The benefits of social support are well-documented. If you are stressed out, talking to other people who are in a similar situation can be a huge relief. Develop a support system with other parents of gifted children will give you strength and make you feel you are not alone in the world of parenting. You can share your experiences, seek advice and obtain resources in the parent support group. Meeting other parents in a similar situation can lessen the isolation felt by so many parents. We all need people to give us support and steer us in the right direction when we feel like we are going off track.

Conclusion Raising gifted children is both a challenging and rewarding experience. Parents have to deal with tremendous stress and they have to take good care of themselves in order to provide the best support for their children. Parents spend too much time and energy trying to teach children many different things. If they are asked about what is their best wish for their child, many would share the same answer – “I want my child to be a happy person”. If we want to raise happy and joyful children, we have first to be happy parents. Remember: happy parents will bring up happy children. The world will be a better place if there is a happy family.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


家長園地 Parent Zone

心路歷程的分享 家長﹕李淑儀 甚麼是資優兒?資優兒的特質是甚麼?對於我這個平凡的家長 來說,這簡直是一個謎,也是一項大挑戰。於是我努力地在網 上尋找相關資料。幸運地,我竟發現香港資優教育學苑這寶 庫。透過參與不同的講座、工作坊和課程,我對資優兒有清晰 的 認 知 和 了 解 , 更 學 會 了 一 些 技 巧 和 處 理 方 法 來 對 待 我 女 兒 ―— 家 如。


坦白說,在未曾對資優兒有任何認識前,我與女兒的關係較為 緊張。

以「同理心」去了解和進入孩子的內心世 界。因為他們或許未能用合適的語言去表達 自己的感受,或會「鑽牛角尖」地嫌你煩, 不與家長溝通,自我封鎖。


家長要懂得自我減壓。心平氣和才可理性地 處理子女的事,才能真誠溝通和相處。


減少指令式說話。可用工作常用的projec t (項目)形式去引導他們完成你想他們完成的 事。與他們一同分析,多角度思考。

不要做「怪獸家長」,減少安排課餘活動, 給予他們適當的選擇權,也預留多些自由空 間給他們。


時事通識也常增值,冷不防被他們突然 「考起」。盡量走得快過他們。

凡事理論,堅持己見,不容易順從,不易接受別人意見......這些 都是資優兒的情感特質。奈何我女兒在五歲時已出現,但我又 不 明瞭。 當家如讀K2的時候,我曾以「怪獸家長」的形式安排她參與不 同的課外活動,希望能幫助她找到興趣。可惜,不用一個月, 我的女兒已強硬地堅持不參與她認為不妥的課程。我當然對 她此行為甚感不滿,怪她不夠刻苦、沒有毅力……另一方面, 我又不服她只有五歲,本是乖巧順從的小孩,卻為何這麼多意 見 ,真難 教! 後來上了學苑所舉辦的課程,對女兒的情感特質有所認知,又 學了些技巧去引導她說自己的論據,她從旁觀察環境和別的小 孩的表情,而自我思考並提出很多假設性的否定問題,要家長 詳細解釋才肯接受、嘗試。對於我這個平凡的家長,這些過程 實在很累,我的思考要常常比她轉得快,不要被她反問太多, 確 是一個 難題! 經歷這兩年斷續地參與學苑所舉辦的課程,我與女兒的關係 也明顯改善。因為我已接納她的情感特質,放下家長的尊貴身 份,不再執着順從,減少指令方式說話,改變自己的傳統家長 管 教,變 為用培 育式。

 早些了解和認知資優兒特質,以免用錯管教 方法,浪費時間,也傷害親子關係。

 放低家長的尊貴身份,與子女做朋友。


總括來說,我覺得作為家長要放下身份,像朋友般與孩子溝 通。凡事妥協,互相尊重,用同理心去理解他們的情感,引導 他們正面地表達自己的思想。另外,雙方也要嘗試多角度思考 和分析各項長短。我相信他們會很快領悟出自己一套更正面的 思考邏輯,發展其長。最重要的是爭拗少了,家庭也更和諧呢!


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

家長園地 Parent Zone

Experience Sharing on Parenting Smart Kids Parent: Amy Lee How to identify gifted children? What are the characteristics of them? Being an ordinary parent, I admit that they are all unknowns to me. I also see them as big challenges. I search the internet for giftedness-related information. Fortunately, I found the HKAGE, which is like a treasure trove for me. By participating in their seminars, workshops and programmes, I have a deeper understanding of giftedness. I also acquire skills and strategies to take care of my daughter Angela. In fact, I have had a tense relation with my daughter before I come to grip with giftedness.

Friendly Reminders  Understand the characteristics of gifted children as soon as possible and avoid using wrong parenting strategies. Do not waste your time and impair your relationship with your children.

 Parents may humble themselves to treat their children as friends.

 Cultivate a sense of empathy for your children and understand their thoughts and feelings because your children may not be able to express themselves properly. Some children can be so bigoted that they would find their parents annoying and would rather isolate themselves than talk to their parents.

Angela is argumentative, opinionated, non-complaint and obstinate. They are all affective traits of gifted children. My daughter has shown those traits since she was five. But I were not aware of them. When Angela was in K2, I became a “monster parent” and kept her busy with extracurricular activities, hoping that she could soon identify her interests. However, my daughter rejected all activities she thought was boring. I disliked what she did because I thought she was not assiduous and perseverant. She was only five. She should have been a respectful and submissive kid but why was she so difficult to teach? I took the programmes organised by the HKAGE in the hope that I could understand my daughter’s affective characteristics and learnt some skills to guide her to explain her reasons for doing something. She observed the environment and other kids’ expressions, and then she raised many negative hypothetical questions that took parents’ time to explain and persuade her to accept the answers. As an ordinary parent, this form of communication stressed me out. I had to outthink her to prevent her from challenging me too much. What a difficult child! Having participated in the HKAGE programmes for two years, I know how to get along with my daughter because I began to accept her affective characteristics. I begin to treat my daughter as equal and do not insist on her compliance. I gave my daughter few directives. I changed my traditional parenting style to that of nurturing. In conclusion, I think parents should be humble and treat their children like friends. Sometimes parents have to come to terms with their children. Parents and children should respect each other. Parents should have empathy with their children, guiding them to express clearly what they think. Moreover, parents should try to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their children from different perspectives. I believe that the children will soon realise how to think positively and develop their talents. To cultivate a harmonious atmosphere in the family, it is important to avoid family quarrels in the first place.

 Teach the children according to their abilities.  Parents should learn the strategies for coping with stress. Parents need to stay calm so as to respond rationally to their children’s problems and have open-hearted communication with them.

 Share the responsibility of parenting with your spouse.

 Avoid giving negative commands to your children. Instead, guide them to treat a task they need to accomplish as a project, then analyse the “project” from different angles.

 Do not be “monster parents”.

Arrange fewer activities for your children. Give them more freedom to choose their future.

 Parents are encouraged to enhance their parenting skills through continuous learning.

 Parents need to keep abreast of current affairs so as not to find themselves speechless by their children’s questions.

Hope my advice can help you.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


家長園地 Parent Zone


A thought on the time spent on bringing up my smart kid


Parent: Linda Wong

我的女兒現年六歲,是家中獨女,乳名BB,正在本地 小學唸一年班。

My daughter is 6 years old now and is the only child in this family. Her nickname is BB. She is studying in Grade 1 in a local primary school.

BB因為健康問題,大部分時間在醫院度過,否則就在 家中休養,幼稚園高班時僅上課數天,小一至今也只 有幾周時間上學。 學校功課似乎難不倒BB。她英文閱讀能力好,讀高於 一年班程度的英文書,英語也說得流利,簡單英語、 廣東話、普通話對話綽綽有餘。小一數學對她來說也 無難度。惟中文科則要輔助。她一科內的各種能力差 別很大,舉例說,縱然說話流利,她拼字較弱,會寫 錯中文字。我讀過許多有關讓資優兒跳級以接受具挑 戰性課程的討論,但我預期跳級未必能給BB足夠挑戰 性,也不能維持她的學習興趣。她的學業因為她長期 因病缺課而大受影響。 我擔心她的自我形象受損。我不禁問,學校給她足夠 的愛和關懷嗎?還是過分受呵護?怎樣令她在學校盡 展所長並免受不必要壓力?壓力對體弱的她來說會是 雪上加霜。這些都是我所擔心的。 我明白家庭生活是最影響孩子學習的因素。我看過一 些書籍和資料,參加過育兒講座,亦讀過有關蒙特梭 利教學法、右腦教育等教人開發孩子大腦潛能的文 獻。不過,現實總比想像的複雜困難。雖然BB考試成 績優異,但對一個要工作的單親媽媽,照顧子女並不 容易。 帶BB到醫院覆診等日常工作由家傭負責。放工後,我 要在有限的時間內完成大量事情,抽時間培育女兒的 智力和情感發展是一大挑戰。 耐性對我來說是一大考驗。我相信BB有能力自己完成 家課,不過我發覺她沒有試過在我回家前做好家課。 我後來請了補習老師每日督促她,情況才改善。不 過,我仍嫌補習老師對她的智力啟發不足。 另一個難題是,每次我有時間陪BB時,我們可做甚 麼。她想我陪她玩耍,我卻不善於陪孩子玩遊戲。我 不願意陪她玩一些沒有教育意義或者太簡單的遊戲。 她是我的女兒,所以我假定我們應該有許多共同喜好 和相近的價值觀,實際卻不然。我這一刻會因為BB不 聽我的話或未按照我的要求做事而呼喝她,但另一刻 我又「心軟」,不能堅持執行我訂立的規矩, 心感 到內疚,質問自己怎可對一個飽受疾病折磨的小女孩 如此嚴厲。複雜的情感因素令本來有效的育兒方法無 法在這個家庭順利執行。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

Due to health problems, she spent most of her days in hospital or took rest at home. She only attended a few days in her K3 days in the kindergarten and a few weeks up till now in her academic year in Grade 1. It seems to me that school works should not be difficult to her. She is good at reading English texts. She reads English books which are of far higher level than her school year. She speaks fluently in English and has no difficulty managing a simple conversation in English, Cantonese or Mandarin. Mathematics in Grade 1 is not difficult to her. However, she does need quite some help with her Chinese Language subject. Her ability varies a great deal in different aspects within the subjects. For instance, she is not very good at spelling or writing the Chinese characters correctly. I have read many discussions about skipping a grade in order to maintain adequate challenge to a gifted child. In my kid’s case, I can foresee that grade-skipping may not be a feasible way to maintain the challenge and interest of the school works to her. Her education in school is further complicated by the fact that she absented herself from school during most of the school days.

I worried very much whether there will be negative impact on her self-image. Is there enough care and love from the school? Or is my kid over-protected? How to make her giving the best of herself in school and at the same time not giving her unnecessary pressure? Pressure could be very bad in her case with pre-existing health problems. All these are difficult topics to me. I understand that family life is the most important factor in determining how a child is educated. I spent some times in reading books and materials, attending seminars teaching parenting. I also read literatures about Montessori education, right-mind education etc. which are purported to help me to develop my kid’s brain power. However, reality is far more complicated and difficult than I could have envisaged. Even though BB does quite well in exams, life is never easy for a single-parent working mum. The duties of daily cares, including sending BB to hospitals for regular and frequent check-ups, fall squarely on the domestic helpers at home. There are so many to do within the limited time after coming back from work. To nurture my kid in intellectual and emotional growth are big challenges to me. The test for endless patience is a difficult exam for me. I believe

資源推介 What’s recommended

that BB has the ability to finish her homework on her own. However, there was not one single incidence which I found her homework completed before I reached home. The issue was finally resolved by recruiting private tutors attending to her on every single day. However, I am still not quite satisfied with the intellectual stimulus the tutors have given to BB. Another difficult topic for me is what to do with BB when I have some time to spend with her. Obviously, she would like me to “play” with her. I am the sort of person not very interested in the child’s play and games. I am not willing to spend time on games which I do not find much educational purposes therein, or the game is simply too easy. My assumption that she is my child so we would share a lot in common with respect to preference and value in many aspects is tested and confirmed to be not true. It is not uncommon for me to notice that in one moment I was shouting to my daughter for not following my direction and not completing her duties as I required; in another moment, I once again could not uphold the rules I set, for being overwhelmed with guilty feeling for being too harsh to such a little girl who had suffered a lot from the medical treatments she had undergone. The emotional perplexity is preventing any effective parenting advice to be implemented in this family.


協助資優孩子展翅高飛: 家長與教師實用教養指南

Book Title:

Helping Gifted Children Soar: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers




Carol A. Strip & Gretchen Hirsch





前陣子在網上平台購書時,在「好書推介」一項中看見了這熟悉的書名,原來作者剛剛 出了第二版,只可惜中文翻譯仍未面世,現只好先介紹第一版內容。筆者在網上搜尋了 一些資料,作者指出第二版着重於科技進步的影響和(美國)教育制度的轉變等等,若 然家長對以上兩點十分感興趣,筆者當然贊成家長閱讀第二版!但作者也指出,有一些 事情是不會隨時間改變的,例如家長和老師對配合資優孩子的學習、社交和情感需要的 疑惑、為何資優孩子感到上課沉悶、資優孩子的孤獨感等等。 作者編寫此書是希望提供家長識別資優孩子的簡單方法、如何尋找資源去幫助資優孩子成 長,以及怎樣支援資優孩子的獨特需要等等。作者利用步驟式方法深入淺出地介紹了如何 配合學校和老師去支援資優孩子的成長發展。全書分為三大部分,內容如下:

➊ 資優導論 此部分提供一些有關資優孩子的基本資料,如不同學者對資優的定義或學說、資優孩子 性格特質所帶來的正面和負面影響,又以活潑生動的例子反映資優孩子在成長路上可能 遇到的情況。當中較為有趣的,首推「聰明孩子和資優孩子分別表」,當中的對比讓家 長清楚了解兩者分別,例如在語言能力方面,聰明的孩子能夠在對話中輪流發言,因為 他們理解和別人關係中的接受和給予,資優的孩子點子源源不絕,他們可能只顧自己發 言分享,忽略了別人的想法和感受。

➋ 你的資優孩子和他的學校 在第二部分,作者講解了家長和教師的夥伴關係、兩者對對方的不同看法可帶來的後 果、兩者如何互相影響等等。此外,作者也提及和資優孩子相處的有用特質,例如彈 性的策略、開放的心胸和信任的態度、如何利用增潤課程提供有挑戰性但有趣的學習機 會、怎樣有系統地規劃適異性課程及教學方法、以有效方法判斷群集分組和抽離班的成 效,以及與資優孩子定立學習合約內容的技巧、實施方式及其背後意義。

➌ 有效的教養策略 在最後的部分,作者解釋了和資優孩子建立信任和關係的重要性,當中提及了一些管教的小 貼士,例如怎樣支持孩子的興趣、甚麼是適時的讚美、如何幫助資優孩子發展社交技巧、耐 心解答資優孩子的好處、鼓勵性和錯敗性說話的分別、如何處理生命中的議題,如完美主義 和友誼等等。最後,作者以問答形式講解了一些養育資優孩子的常見問題。 總括而言,《協助資優孩子展翅高飛》一書旨在指導家長和老師有關教育資優孩子的重 要課題,例如選擇學校的建議、適異性課程的實踐、怎樣協助面對壓力、完美主義或朋 輩問題的資優孩子度過難關等。筆者認為本書是資優教育初學者的實用入門手冊。


Helping Gifted Children Soar: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers Raising a gifted child is both a joy and a challenge, yet parents and teachers have few resources for reliable parenting information and teaching techniques. This user-friendly guidebook is an ideal resource for parents and teachers who just start to learn about gifted education. It educates the adults about the important issues facing gifted children, from selecting appropriate schools to differentiating the curriculum for gifted learners; from supporting gifted perfectionists to advocating gifted education in schools. This book is sure to provide advice, guidance and support for any parents and teachers who want to help their gifted children find success in school and beyond.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


活動花絮 Event Highlights

「躍、活」 資優兒小組 Parent-child Parallel Group for Gifted ADHD Children and Their Parents 家長回饋 Parents' Feedback: 很高興雙重特殊資優兒受到關注,重新 提醒我兒子是一塊瑰寶,要接受他的長處 及短處。由於我和兒子分別接受同樣的訓 諫,所以有共同的話題,兒子亦接受和我 與課堂有關的分享及檢討,親子關係亦良 好及有共同平台。

“It is good to know that people care about the needs of twiceexceptional (2e) children. It reminds me that my son is a treasure and I have to accept his strengths and weaknesses. As we receive the same training, we can talk a common language. My son also shares the views and suggestions related to me and the programme. Now I have a good relationship with my son.”

在執行功能方面,我學習到如何鼓勵孩 子執行他的責任,例如做功課方面能令 我對自己有反思之心,對專注力問題有 更多的了解,讓我更明白子女的強項和 弱項,弱項可以是優點,並且多用行為 讚賞方法,成效很大。在日常生活中, 我會說出自己的感受,從而讓子女明白 父母的感受,因為父母就是子女的一面 鏡子。

“As for my son’s executive functions, I know how to motivate my child to fulfill his/her responsibilities such as doing homework. I have a deeper understanding of children’s attention problems. I also learn more about my children’s strengths and weaknesses and the fact that weaknesses can be strengths. I begin to praise my child more for his/her good behaviour. I find this approach effective. I tell them what I think whenever possible and make sure that they know it. I understand that kids mirror parents’ behaviours.”

家長與小朋友之間相互了解與包容,促 進家長表達內心給小朋友知道。

“Parents and their children should understand and embrace each other. This can encourage parents to express their thoughts and feelings to their children.”


“Understand and accept your children and be optimistic.”

「提升家長輔導資優兒技巧」家長小組 Parent Support Group on Enhancing Counselling Skills of Parents of Gifted Children 家長回饋 Parents' Feedback:


照顧和管教兒童本來已不是一件易事,何況對 象為「資優兒」。作為家長,要不斷改善、更 新管教方法,檢討自己的不足,從學習中汲取 有用的資源,參與貴苑舉辦的課程,能給我們 一個有深度的互動平台去學習和更新自己,從 另一個角度去了解自己的兒女,用不同方法發 揮子女的長處,希望能改良他們的不足之處。 貴苑的課程對家長來說非常實用。希望貴苑繼 續開辦有深度和高層次的課程,為家長和港孩 開拓更美好的將來。 家長﹕李小姐

"It is a known fact that parenting is a challenging job. It is even more challenging if you are parents of gifted children. To be prepared to face the challenges, parents need to enhance their parenting skills, know their weaknesses and learn new ideas. The HKAGE's programmes provide an interactive platform for us to enhance ourselves through learning. Now I know how to understand my daughter from a different angle and use different methods to help her develop her strengths and overcome her weaknesses. The HKAGE programmes are useful. I hope the HKAGE will continue to offer useful programmes to help parents and children to stride into the future." Parent: Ms. Li

課程內教授的輔導技巧非常實用。在與家裏 的小寶相處上,信心又大一點,因了解多一 點,耐性也因此好一點。 家長﹕黃小姐

"I got practical counselling skills in the course. Now I am more confident in getting along with my child because I have more knowledge and patience." Parent: Ms. Wong

我聽完這個課程之後,更加了解資優兒的特 性,對於之前小兒的容易衝動,脾氣急躁我 認為是頑皮,常常因為此而罰他,但參與此 課程後,我會轉一種方式,慢慢同孩子溝 通。改善着我同小兒的關係。 家長﹕蔡小姐

"Upon completion of this programme, I understood more about gifted children's characteristics. My child is impulsive and impatient. I used to think he was just whining and punished him for his misbehavior. Now I use other means to communicate patiently with him and our relationship improves." Parent: Ms. Choi

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

活動花絮 Event Highlights

協助中學資優生升學就業策劃 家長小組 Parent Group: Helping Gifted Secondary School Students Develop Career Plans 家長回饋 Parents' Feedback: 家長和學子在認識或規劃職業生涯中,有着不少瞎點,如何 看得通,從背後的動機開始着手。 “Parents and students may be at a loss when the former helps the latter develop career plans. How to dispel the clouds and see the sun? Ask your child: What do you want to do after you graduate?”

到校家長講座 Outreach Parent Seminars

學苑按學校需要舉辦不同的到校家長講座, 包括將軍澳循道衛理小學、天主教柏德學 校、聖公會德田李兆強小學、東華三院王余 家潔紀念小學、東華三院鄧肇堅小學。

The HKAGE held customised parent seminars in Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School, Bishop Paschang Catholic School, S.K.H. Tak Tin Lee Siu Keung Primary School, TWGHs Wong Yee Jar Jat Memorial Primary School, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Tang Shiu Kin Primary School.

講座主題為情意百寶袋(資優學生的情 緒管理,照顧資優學生情意發展需要的策 略)、協助資優學生發展高階思維能力、 認識及培育資優兒。

The topics of those seminars include "Affective Needs of Gifted Children" ("Emotional Management" and "Strategies to Address the Affective Needs of Gifted Children"), "Develop Higher Order Thinking amongst the Gifted Children" and "Understand Gifted Children and Tips for Nurturing Gifted Children". 家長回饋 Parents' Feedback:




“I know how to treat a gifted child.”






“I learnt the skills to deal with children’s success and failure.”




“Parents should have resilience.”



提醒要先管理好自己的情緒 才能好好處理小孩的情緒。

“I understand more about the characteristics of giftedness.”






“I tell myself that it is important to manage my own emotions before I can manage my child’s emotions.”


“Be patient with your child.”


認識到資優兒童多方面存在 的情緒問題。


“Emotional management is important”




“I understand gifted children’s various emotional problems.”


提醒如何面對小朋友負面情 緒時的要點。


“I know how to identify gifted children.”


“I was reminded of the keys to deal with my child’s negative emotions”


“Parents should understand the reasons behind my child’s emotion problems.”


“I learnt the definition of giftedness.”


“I know the importance of role-modelling.”


“I learnt to manage my emotions and to change my parenting methods when necessary.”








情緒分野,處理及學習改變 自己的教育方法。

將軍澳循道衞理小學主任與本學苑教 育顧問合照及頒發錦旗 Head Teacher of Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School (right) presented a flag to the Education Advisor of the HKAGE.

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


活動花絮 Event Highlights

家長回饋 Parents' Feedback: 講座主題 : Topic:

到校家長講座:發展高階思維能力 Outreach Parent Seminars: Develop Higher Order Thinking amongst the Gifted Children

講座主題 : Topic:

到校家長講座:發展高階思維能力 Outreach Parent Seminars: Develop Higher Order Thinking amongst the Gifted Children

地點 : Venue:

天主教柏德學校 Bishop Paschang Catholic School

地點 : Venue:

聖公會德田李兆強小學 S.K.H. Tak Tin Lee Siu Keung Primary School

講者 : Speaker:

林克忠先生 Mr Patrick Lam Hak-chung

講者 : Speaker:

林克忠先生 Mr Patrick Lam Hak-chung



Percentage feedback




講座內容切合我的需要。 I found the seminar useful.



Percentage feedback


講座內容切合我的需要。 I found the seminar useful.


這次講座的內容加深我對主題的認識。 The seminar helped me gain a deeper understanding of the topic.



這次講座的內容加深我對主題的認識。 The seminar helped me gain a deeper understanding of the topic.



這次講座的內容具啟發性。 The seminar was inspiring.



這次講座的內容具啟發性。 The seminar was inspiring.



講員能清晰地表達主題內容。 The speaker was able to communicate ideas and information clearly.



講員能清晰地表達主題內容。 The speaker was able to communicate ideas and information clearly.


「處理資優青少年成長問題」 工作坊 Coping with Developmental Issues of Gifted Adolescents 家長回饋 Parents' Feedback:

在講座中所提及處理方法,在日常與 子女溝通十分實用。我藉此加強對運 用自己一套處理方法的信心。講者在 這方面非常經驗豐富,提及的個案能 夠令家長深入明白,獲益良多。

“The skills taught in the workshop are practical and help me communicate with my children. I am more confident in using my methods to deal with my children. The speaker is experienced and wellinformed. The case studies are useful to illustrate the points. This workshop helps me a lot.”

可以早些知道怎樣去帶領自己的女兒 去走遲些的路,減少衝突。

“This workshop helps me prepare in advance to guide my daughter’s future and avoid conflicts.”

多些了解資優兒的特性,學多些不同技巧 去培育他們,非常得益!

“I have deeper understanding with gifted children’s characteristics. I also learnt various skills to nurture them. The workshop is extremely useful.”

能正確運用溝通的方法,加強自己處理情 緒的信心。


Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

“Now I know the proper way to communicate with my child. I also have more confidence in managing my emotions.”

活動花絮 Event Highlights

新學員家長迎新日二零一三 Parent Orientation 2013

本學苑新學員家長迎新日二零一三於 2013年3月8日晚假佛教覺光法師中學圓 滿結束,是次新學員家長迎新日有358人 出席。香港資優教育學苑院長湯敏思博 士、學苑總監(學生服務)鄧景康先生、學 苑教育顧問冼可琳小姐及教育心理學家 程永德先生為新學員家長講解本學苑的 運作、家長及學生支援服務等。當晚學 苑學員分享參與本學苑課程後的親身經 驗,讓家長更能明白學員參與課程後的 得着和成效。在答問環節,家長反應十 分踴躍,並提供正面回饙。

Parent Orientation 2013 was held at Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School on 8 March 2013 with more than 358 parents participated. Dr Stephen Tommis, Executive Director, Mr Abraham Tang King-hong, Associate Director (Student Programmes and Services), Ms Tiffany Sin Ho Lam, Education Advisor and Mr Victor Ching Wing tak, Educational Psychologist, introduced the operation of the HKAGE and its student programmes and services. A student member shared his learning experiences so that parents had a better idea of what student members could benefit from the HKAGE programmes and services. We received many positive comments from parents during an engaging Q&A session.

家長回饋 Parents' Feedback: ¢



明白教導兒童的方法, 了解關於資優兒的知識。


了解貴苑的運作及所提供 的課程。


了解資優課程的作用及可 以產生化學作用。




增加我對學苑的工作, 學員的學習範圍及學苑對 學員期望的了解。

¢ “Now I have a deeper understanding of the student programmes.” ¢ “I learnt the skills to teach my children and understood the characteristics of gifted children.” ¢ “I understand more about the operation of the HKAGE and its programmes.” ¢ “I understand the objectives and intended learning outcomes of the gifted programmes.” ¢ "I know how to support my children’s learning." ¢ “I know more about the HKAGE, the learning opportunities it provides and its expectations for student members.”


加深瞭解香港資優教育學 苑。


學苑提供之課程,我覺得 很好,令到學生得到一種 思維創作,學習定位有更 深層次了解。




明白家長的角色和發揮倡 導的途徑。


更明白學苑為學生提供之 課程及對學生之期望。


更重要是作為家長需適切 鼓勵學生。

¢ “I understand that it is more important for parents to offer appropriate encouragement to their children.”


認識學苑提供的課程和理 念和學苑對學生的期望。

¢ “I became aware of the programmes provided by the HKAGE and the HKAGE’s expectations for the students.”


對資優課程設置有一定的 了解,明白家長所起的倡 導性作用。

¢ “I have an adequate understanding of the HKAGE programmes and know the role that parents play in advocating for the needs of gifted children.”


多了解學苑的教育範圍, 子女發展的機會。

¢ “I have a clearer picture of the programmes provided by the HKAGE and the development opportunities available to my children.

¢ “I have a deeper understanding of the HKAGE.” ¢ “The programmes provided by the HKAGE encourage creative thinking amongst students and help students determine their educational aspirations.” ¢ “I understand more about giftedness.” ¢ “I understand the role that parents play and how they can advocate for gifted children.” ¢ “I know more about the HKAGE student programmes and its expectations for student members.”

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


學苑動向 Forthcoming Academy Events

家長支援服務 Parent Support 2013 年 5 月至 10 月

May – October 2013

免費到校家長講座 Free-of-charge Outreach Parent Seminars 資優基本法 ABCs of Giftedness 如何培育資優兒 Nurturing the Gifted 情意百寶袋 Affective Needs of Gifted Children 解開創造力之謎 Deconstructing Creativity 高階思維 Nurturing Higher Order Thinking

以校本形式提供 1.5 小時的講座,歡迎學校及機構致電 3940 0104 預約及查詢。 A 1.5-hour school-based seminar will be provided. Schools and organisations are welcome to call 3940 0104 for details and appointment. 以同一辦學團體,或最少三間學校,或多於二百位與會者名義提出的申請,將獲 優先考慮。 Priority will be given to applications by the same school sponsoring bodies; or a joint-school event; or an event with more than 200 participants.

家長講座 Parent Education Programmes: Seminar

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

資優兒家長的挑戰及家長學堂證書頒授 The Challenges of Gifted Parents and PEP Certificates Presentation

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 7 月 13 日(星期六) 下午 2 時 30 分至 4 時 30 分 13 Jul 2013 (Sat) 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

資優基本法 ABCs of Giftedness

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 9 月 13 日(星期五) 下午 7 時至 8 時 30 分 13 Sep 2013 (Fri) 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

如何培育資優兒 Nurturing the Gifted

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 9 月 27 日(星期五) 下午 7 時至 8 時 30 分 27 Sep 2013 (Fri) 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

資優青少年的生涯規劃 Career Planning for Gifted Children

資優青少年的家長 (中一至中六) Parents of gifted adolescence (S.1 – S.6)


2013 年 10 月 5 日(星期五) 上午 10 時至正午 12 時 5 Oct 2013 (Sat) 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

情意百寶袋 Affective Needs of Gifted Children

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 10 月 19 日(星期六) 上午 10 時至 11 時 30 分 19 Oct 2013 (Sat) 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

家長工作坊 Parent Education Programmes: Workshop

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

與資優兒溝通技巧應用 Practical Communication Skills with My Gifted Child

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 9 月 7 日(星期六) 上午 10 時至正午 12 時 7 Sep 2013 (Sat) 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

高階思維技巧 Higher Order Thinking Skills

資優兒童的家長 Parents of gifted children

2013 年 10 月 26 日及 11 月 2 日(星期六) 上午 10 時至正午 12 時 26 Oct and 2 Nov 2013 (Sat) 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

學苑動向 Forthcoming Academy Events

家長小組 Parent Education Programmes: Parent Group

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

發展雙重特殊資優兒執行功能 Developing Executive Skills for 2E Child

雙重特殊資優兒的家長 Parents of 2E gifted children

2013 年 6 月 1、8、15 及 22 日(星期六) 上午 10 時至正午 12 時 1, 8, 15 and 22 Jun 2013 (Sat) 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

親子小組 Parent Education Programmes : Parent-child Parallel Group

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

資優兒及其家長的情緒管理 (一般家長) Emotional Management Group for Gifted Parents and Their Children (General Public)

資優小學生的家長 (小一至小六) Parents of gifted primary children (P.1 – P.6)

2013 年 9 月 3、10、17 及 24 日(星期二) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分 3, 10, 17 and 24 Sep 2013 (Tue) 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

資優兒及其家長的情緒管理 (學苑學員家長) Emotional Management Group for Gifted Parents and Their Children (SPS Parent Members)

資優小學生的家長 (小一至小六) Parents of gifted primary children (P.1 – P.6)

2013 年 9 月 5、12、19 及 26 日(星期四) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分 5, 12, 19 and 26 Sep 2013 (Thu) 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

同儕支援小組 Parent Education Programmes : Parent Support Group

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

家長「資」音人網路(小學組) Parent Peer Support Group (Primary)


每月第一個星期三(七、八月除外) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分 The first Wednesday of each month (except Jul and Aug) 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

家長「資」音人網路(中學組) Parent Peer Support Group (Secondary)

所有對資優教育有興趣的中學生家長 Parents of secondary students who are interested in gifted education

每月第一個星期三(七、八月除外) 晚上 7 時 30 分至 9 時 30 分 The first Wednesday of each month (except Jul and Aug) 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

特別項目 Special Events

對象 Target

舉辦日期 Date

2013 年度家長會議 The 2013 Parent Conference

所有家長 All parents

2013 年 10 月 12 日(星期六) 下午 1 時至 5 時 12 Oct 2012 (Sat) 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Parents who are interested in gifted education

收費特定工作坊 Charged Customised Programmes 特定諮詢服務及駐校培訓課程 Customised consultancy and training in schools

我們亦為學校及機構提供適度收費的特定工作坊及諮詢服務,其內容可另作擬定及剪裁,以 滿足家長的需要。歡迎致電 3940 0104 或電郵 consultation@hkage.org.hk 預約及查詢。 We also offer customised workshops and consultation services to schools and organisations for a modest charge. They can be tailor-made to meet the needs of parents. For details and appointment, please contact us at 3940 0104 / consultation@hkage.org.hk.

上述活動資料以本學苑網頁內公佈為準。請登入學苑網站內的「家長園地」查閱詳情。網址:www.hkage.org.hk The above information provided is subject to confirmation. Please visit the“Parent Zone”of our website: www.hkage.org.hk for details. 諮詢及評估中心 Consultation and Assessment Centre Information

熱線電話 Hotline : 3940 0106 電郵 Email : consultation@hkage.org.hk

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


學苑動向 Forthcoming Academy Events

教師專業發展課程 Teacher Professional Development Programmes 2013 年 5 月至 10 月

May – October 2013

課程名稱 Programme Title

培訓對象 Target Group

舉辦日期 Date

教師專業發展課程 Professional Development Framework Courses 資優教育基礎課程 (網上學習:四個單元)

中、小學學校專業同工 Primary and secondary school practitioners

全年任何時間 All year round

Foundation Course in Gifted Education (Online Learning: 4 modules) 資優教育進階課程:領導與管理 (三個主題)

資優教育行政主管:建議由校長、副校長 或獲委派的主任擔任此職務,專責管理校 本資優教育的整體規劃。

Intermediate Course in Gifted Education: Leadership and Management (3 themes)

資優教育統籌主任:建議由課程發展主 任、科主任或獲委派的主任擔任此職務, 專責統籌著重提昇課程規劃與教學素質的 校本資優培育計畫 GE Managers (principals, vice-principals or delegated staff ) and GE Coordinators (curriculum leaders, subject panel heads or delegated members) in primary/secondary schools

小學場次 Primary session 2013 年 7 月 10 及 17 日(星期三) 下午 2 時至 6 時 10 and 17 Jul 2013 (Wed) 2 – 6 p.m. 中學場次 Secondary session 2013年6月25日(星期二)及7月11日(星期四) 下午 2 時至 6 時 25 Jun (Tue) and 11 Jul (Thu) 2013 2 – 6 p.m. (本課程將於每年2月、7月、10月及12月舉辦) (This course will be run in February, July, October, and December each year)

專題課程 / 工作坊 / 講座 Thematic Courses/Workshops/Seminars Symposium cum Resource Pack Dissemination I and II: “Differentiation for the Gifted by Using the Integrated Curriculum Model (ICM)”By Dr Kimberley Chandler (In English)

中、小學課程領導及教師 Primary and secondary curriculum leaders and teachers

2013 年 7 月 4 日(星期四) 下午 2 時至 5 時 30 分 4 Jul 2013 (Thu) 2:00 – 5:30 p.m.

Thematic Workshop: “Differentiation for the Gifted in Practice” By Dr Kimberley Chandler (In English)

中、小學課程領導及教師 Primary and secondary curriculum leaders and teachers

2013 年 7 月 5 日(星期五) 上午9時至正午12時及下午1時30分至4時30分 5 Jul 2013 (Fri) 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

上述各項活動資料以本學苑網頁內公佈為準。請登入學院網站內的「學生園地」查閱詳情。網址:www.hkage.org.hk The above information provided is subject to confirmation. Please visit the“Student Zone”of our website: www.hkage.org.hk for details.

學生服務 Student Programmes and Services 2013 年 5 月至 10 月


May – October 2013

Mathematics 數學

Mathematics 數學

概率面面觀二 ( 大學學分課程 ) Probability Theory II (Credit-bearing Course)

國際數學奧林匹克基礎班:第一階段 IMO Training Level I – Phase I

數學燃動課程系列:幾何 Maths Ignition: Geometry

國際數學奧林匹克進階班:第一階段 IMO Training Level II – Phase I

數林匹克初探:第二階段 Introduction to Mathematics Olympiad : Phase II

數學與摺紙 Mathematics and Origami

合約橋牌基本課程 Introduction to Contract Bridge

基礎概率 Introduction to Probability

基礎數論 Introduction to Number Theory

數學燃動課程系列:組合數學 Maths Ignition: Combinatorics

Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10

學苑動向 Forthcoming Academy Events

Humanities 人文學科

Sciences 科學

中文劇本寫作工作坊 Chinese Script Writing Workshop

3-2-1 升空 : 齊來探索現代天文學 3-2-1 Blast Off: Let´s Explore the Modern Astronomy

用藝術捉心理:藝術與心理學 Introductory Workshop on Art and Psychology 哲學基礎課程:愛的哲學 Introductory Philosophy Course“Philosophy of Love” 未來館長訓練 Future Curator Training 心理學進階課程 Intermediate Psychology Course 中國古典文學進階課程 Intermediate Chinese Classical Literature Course 英國古典文學進階課程 Intermediate English Classical Literature Course 電影藝術及文化基礎課程 Introductory Film Art and Culture Course 中國古典文學基礎課程 Introductory Chinese Classical Literature Course 英國古典文學基礎課程 Introductory English Classical Literature Course 英語報告技巧工作坊 English Presentation Skills Workshop

Personal Growth and Social Development Series 個人成長及社交發展系列 愛 . 社區 2013:第二擊 Love. Community 2013: Strike 2 抗逆戰士大召集 ( 歷奇日營 ) 初中組 Call to All Building Resilience (Adventure day-camp) Junior class 抗逆戰士大召集 ( 歷奇日營 ) 高中組 Call to All Building Resilience (Adventure day-camp) Senior class 自我認識工作坊 Self-understanding Workshop 人際技巧訓練工作坊之溝通的藝術 Interpersonal Skills Training Workshop: The Art of Communications 與『完美主義』有約工作坊 A Date with Perfectionism Workshop 分享環節 Sharing Session 職業導向講座 Career Talk 腦基礎學習工作坊:開發大腦潛能 ( 高中 組) Brain-based Learning Workshop : Empower Your Brain (Senior Class)

網上學習課程 Online Learning Programme 英語本色 How Do you Mean

大學學分課程:生物技術 Credit-bearing Course: Biotechnology

心中有數 Taking Shape

日常生活中的博弈論 Game theory in daily life

細胞深究 Deep Cells

化學分析入門 Chemical Analysis

公關大作戰 Take Me Seriously

大學學分課程:海洋科學 Credit-bearing Course: Marine Science

人體望聞問 Diagnose and Treat

分子的化合、運用與偵測 Synthesizing, manipulating and detecting molecules

數學縱橫 Maths Extension Through Breath & Depth 心理學一 Psychology I

兩天物理工作坊 2 Days Physics Workshop (Senior)

心理學二 Psychology II

化學深造課程 Chemist in laboratory III 生物醫學工程基礎課程 Basic Biomedical Engineering programme

溝通與新媒體:今昔發展 Communication and New Media: From Now to Then

軟件開發進階課程 Software Development Programme II

幾何學二 Geometry II

行為金融學進階課程 Behavioural Finance II

複數與幾何 Complex Number and Geometry

應用及軟件設計深造課程 Application and Software Design Programme

化觀察為學問 Chem Is Try! 基礎軟體開發出 Basic Software Development Programme

行為金融學進階課程 Behavioural Finance

化驗與數量化分析 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis

Leadership 領導才能

物理力學一 Physics I

有效領導與社會服務 Effective Leadership and Social Service Projects

物理力學二 Physics II

適 . 變 . TEEN 領袖適應力訓練計劃 Adaptive@ Teen Project: Adaptive Leadership (AQ & EQ)

講座 Talk

Teen 外有「天」計劃:領袖道德操守與價值 探討 Life@Teen Project: Ethical Leadership and Value Study 快樂辯論培訓班 Happy Debate Training Workshop 演講工作坊 Public Speaking Workshop 新一代社會領袖 Leaders for the New Generation 領導運籌帷幄 項目成功之道 Leading The Team in Planning for Project Success

到火星撲水 Searching for Water on Mars Science 職業發展 Career Development

其他學習活動 Other Learning Activities 2013 學生會議:資優與創意「第一階段: 研究計劃募集」 Student Conference 2013 – Giftedness And Creativity“Phase I : Call for Study Projects” 分享環節 (ACT/SG/ 001) Sharing Session (ACT/ SG/ 001)

創新領袖講座 Innovation Leaders

第 16 屆吳健雄科學營 16th Wu Chien-Shiung Science Camp

國際關係 International Relations

比賽 Competition

創業工作坊 Entrepreneurship Workshop

2013 國際初中科學奧林匹克:香港選拔 IJSO: Hong Kong Screening 2013

領袖策略談判工作坊 Strategic Negotiation Workshop for Leaders

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Nurturing the Gifted | May 2013 | Issue No.10


聯絡我們 Contact Us 假如你對本期《資優樂》的內容有甚麼意見或查詢, 歡迎跟我們聯絡。 We always welcome feedback and enquiries on this issue of Nurturing the Gifted. Please do not hesitate to contact us. 學院網站 Website: www.hkage.org.hk 電郵 Email: ps@hkage.org.hk

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免費諮詢服務 假如你想進一步認識資優教育; 假如你對教導資優子女有任何疑問; 假如你茫無頭緒,不知怎樣滿足子女的 特殊學習需要。

Free Consultation Service If you want to know more about gifted education; If you have queries on parenting your gifted children; If you do not know how to cater for your child’s special learning needs.

書名 Book 《資優樂》Nurturing the Gifted 作者 Author 香港資優教育學院家長支援部 Parent Support Division of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 編輯 Editorial 香港資優教育學院家長支援部 Parent Support Division of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 出版 Publisher 香港資優教育學院有限公司 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港資優教育學院有限公司 2013 年 香港印刷。未經許可,不得轉載。


Copyright © 2013 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. All rights reserved.


Contact our Education Advisor at

香港資優教育學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education 香港新界沙田沙角邨 Sha Kok Estate, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 網址 Website: www.hkage.org.hk 電話 Tel: (852) 3940 0101 傳真 Fax: (852) 3940 0201 電郵 E-mail: academy@hkage.org.hk


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