「資優快訊」 The Gifted Bulletin Issue No.1

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Gifted Bulletin

No.1 創刊號 Issue

資 優快訊

Main Theme Article



– 怎樣更認識自己?

Sometimes it’s Not Easy Being Gifted

– How do I understan d myself better

January 2011 二零一一年一月

Editor's Note 編者的話

促進學生間的交流,一直是我其中一個最重要的 工作目標。很高興「資優快訊」的誕生,實現我 理想的第一步。研究告訴我們,建立資優社群以 促進學生間的溝通,對學生而言,不論是知識或 是社交發展上都有十分重要的幫助。「資優快 訊」除了供資訊外,亦讓學員有一個交流平台, 每期的主題均針對學生的需要,邀請嘉賓分享, 讓學員從中學習得到啟發。 創刊首期,很高興院長湯敏思博士及學院的教育 心理學家周美玲小姐為我們撰文分享。此外, 亦十分高興「學生服務通訊」命名比賽得到熱 烈的回應。相信大家對「資優快訊」The Gifted Bulletin 簡單又明確的命名都十分欣賞。 衷心感謝一直努力籌備的同工們及各位投稿的學 員,有你們的積極的參與,「資優快訊」的內容 才更加精彩。盼望有學員們可以透過此快訊,得 到更多啟發、更深的交流。

鄧景康 總監 (學生服務)

湯敏思博士 Dr. Stephen Tommis

香港資優教育學院院長 Executive Director, Th e HKAGE

Facilitating interaction between students has been one of my most crucial work targets. I am happy about the debut of the Gifted Bulletin which is the very first step towards my target. Research has shown that building a gifted community to facilitate communication

們普遍認為資優生擁有吸收、理解及傳遞資訊的智能;然 而,資優生還有一個特質,那就是他們的情緒均與眾不同, 他們對自己身處的世界有獨特的反應及詮釋。很多資優生不但對 世界有不同的想法,也有不同的感受。 資優生並非感受比別人多,而是他們感受世界的方法與常人不一樣。 這種情緒反應的其中一個特色在於其強度。強度的意思是資優生 對周圍環境感受的程度及方法。這個環境可以是生氣勃勃的、引 人入勝的、尖銳的、包容的、複雜的或支配的 – 這些都是現實的 組成部分,是資優孩子活生生的經驗。


between the members is of immense importance to the development of their knowledge or social intercourse. In addition to providing information, the Gifted Bulletin serves as a platform for communication between our student members. In every issue, we will focus on a specific topic which is of students’ interest, and invite different guests to share their experience from which the students can learn. The debut issue of the Gifted Bulletin features the articles written by Dr Stephen Tommis, the Executive Director of the HKAGE and Ms Jessie Chow, our

e often consider “giftedness” as being defined by one’s intellectual capacity to absorb, understand and transmit information but there is another side to being gifted. And that is the emotional way in which the gifted student reacts to and interprets the world in which s/he lives. Many gifted students not only think differently about the world, they feel differently too.

Educational Psychologist. We are pleased that the

This emotional reaction from gifted students is not a matter of feeling more than other people, it is a different way of experiencing the world.

preparation work, and those student members who

One of the features of this emotional reaction is its intensity. Intensity is both a matter of degree in reacting and a different way of experiencing the world in which the gifted student lives. It can be a world that is vivid, absorbing, penetrating, encompassing, complex, commanding – all the things that make up the reality, the livable experiences for a gifted student.

hope all our student members can have more inspiration

naming contest for our student newsletter was well received and we believe that you also like the name “Gifted Bulletin” which is concise and to the point. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the colleagues who worked very hard for the Bulletin’s submitted their writing. Their positive engagement has enriched the contents of the Bulletin, through which I and interaction.

Abraham Tang

Associate Director (Student Programmes and Services)

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