「資優快訊」 The Gifted Bulletin Issue No.1

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Gifted Bulletin

No.1 創刊號 Issue

資 優快訊

Main Theme Article



– 怎樣更認識自己?

Sometimes it’s Not Easy Being Gifted

– How do I understan d myself better

January 2011 二零一一年一月

Editor's Note 編者的話

促進學生間的交流,一直是我其中一個最重要的 工作目標。很高興「資優快訊」的誕生,實現我 理想的第一步。研究告訴我們,建立資優社群以 促進學生間的溝通,對學生而言,不論是知識或 是社交發展上都有十分重要的幫助。「資優快 訊」除了供資訊外,亦讓學員有一個交流平台, 每期的主題均針對學生的需要,邀請嘉賓分享, 讓學員從中學習得到啟發。 創刊首期,很高興院長湯敏思博士及學院的教育 心理學家周美玲小姐為我們撰文分享。此外, 亦十分高興「學生服務通訊」命名比賽得到熱 烈的回應。相信大家對「資優快訊」The Gifted Bulletin 簡單又明確的命名都十分欣賞。 衷心感謝一直努力籌備的同工們及各位投稿的學 員,有你們的積極的參與,「資優快訊」的內容 才更加精彩。盼望有學員們可以透過此快訊,得 到更多啟發、更深的交流。

鄧景康 總監 (學生服務)

湯敏思博士 Dr. Stephen Tommis

香港資優教育學院院長 Executive Director, Th e HKAGE

Facilitating interaction between students has been one of my most crucial work targets. I am happy about the debut of the Gifted Bulletin which is the very first step towards my target. Research has shown that building a gifted community to facilitate communication

們普遍認為資優生擁有吸收、理解及傳遞資訊的智能;然 而,資優生還有一個特質,那就是他們的情緒均與眾不同, 他們對自己身處的世界有獨特的反應及詮釋。很多資優生不但對 世界有不同的想法,也有不同的感受。 資優生並非感受比別人多,而是他們感受世界的方法與常人不一樣。 這種情緒反應的其中一個特色在於其強度。強度的意思是資優生 對周圍環境感受的程度及方法。這個環境可以是生氣勃勃的、引 人入勝的、尖銳的、包容的、複雜的或支配的 – 這些都是現實的 組成部分,是資優孩子活生生的經驗。


between the members is of immense importance to the development of their knowledge or social intercourse. In addition to providing information, the Gifted Bulletin serves as a platform for communication between our student members. In every issue, we will focus on a specific topic which is of students’ interest, and invite different guests to share their experience from which the students can learn. The debut issue of the Gifted Bulletin features the articles written by Dr Stephen Tommis, the Executive Director of the HKAGE and Ms Jessie Chow, our

e often consider “giftedness” as being defined by one’s intellectual capacity to absorb, understand and transmit information but there is another side to being gifted. And that is the emotional way in which the gifted student reacts to and interprets the world in which s/he lives. Many gifted students not only think differently about the world, they feel differently too.

Educational Psychologist. We are pleased that the

This emotional reaction from gifted students is not a matter of feeling more than other people, it is a different way of experiencing the world.

preparation work, and those student members who

One of the features of this emotional reaction is its intensity. Intensity is both a matter of degree in reacting and a different way of experiencing the world in which the gifted student lives. It can be a world that is vivid, absorbing, penetrating, encompassing, complex, commanding – all the things that make up the reality, the livable experiences for a gifted student.

hope all our student members can have more inspiration

naming contest for our student newsletter was well received and we believe that you also like the name “Gifted Bulletin” which is concise and to the point. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the colleagues who worked very hard for the Bulletin’s submitted their writing. Their positive engagement has enriched the contents of the Bulletin, through which I and interaction.

Abraham Tang

Associate Director (Student Programmes and Services)


主 Main Theme Article

資優生怎樣表達其情緒強度? 情緒強度及智能通常是息息相關的,學生愈資優,其情緒也會愈強烈,並且通過種種 不同的感受、情感、憐憫之情、極高的責任感及嚴苛的自我評價發洩出來。值得注意 的是這些感受十分強烈,並且於幼兒時期就開始出現。 我們無法列出所有強烈情緒的特性。以下為其中一些特質: 強烈感受: 正面及負面感受、極端及複雜情緒、感同身受、同喜同悲 身體反應: 胃部不適、心臟虛弱、臉紅

How Is Emotional Intensity Expressed? Emotional intensity and intelligence usually go together. Quite often, the more intelligent the student the more emotionally intense a student will be. Emotional intensity is expressed by the gifted through a wide range of feelings, attachments. compassion, heightened sense of responsibility and scrupulous self-examination – but the key point is that they are all intensely felt experiences and these depths of feeling can be manifest from early childhood. No checklist can be complete but here are some of the characteristics of emotional intensity in gifted students: Intensity of feeling: positive feelings, negative feelings, extremes of emotion, complex emotions, identification with others' feelings, laughing and crying together

怎樣處理強烈的情緒? 我不敢說我有辦法處理所有情況,但資優生可以考慮以下這些建議: 這些強烈情緒對資優生來說是正常的,你要嘗試接受這個情況。請運用智力建立自 我認知和自我接受。這是你感受世界的方法,雖然有一些壞處,但好處也很多; 明白感覺敏銳並非弱點; 很多時候,你希望別人了解你。而你父母的角色非常重要,因為他們可以在感情 上支持你。你可以跟他們傾談,分享你的感受。盡責的家長會傾聽和體諒孩子,

壓抑: 羞怯、畏縮

Somatic (bodily) expression: tense stomach, sinking heart, blushing, flushing



Inhibition: timidity, shyness



Strong affective (emotional) memory Fears and anxieties, feelings of guilt


Concerns with death, depressive and suicidal moods

人際關係感受: 情感關係、感同身受、對人際關係有很強的感受、鍾愛動物、難

Relationship feelings: emotional ties and attachments, concern for others (empathy),

以適應新能環境、寂寞、因人際關係與別人發生衝突 自我感受:自我評價及批評、自卑 你無須符合上述所有條件才算得上是資優,因為這些情況並非一定會出現在所有資優 生身上。每個資優生的反應及其程度都不盡相同,但他們大多會在人生某個階段出現 上述各種不同程度的情緒。

sensitivity in relationships, attachment to animals, difficulty in adjusting to new environments, loneliness, conflicts with others over depth of relationship

Feelings toward self: self-evaluation and self-judgment, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

You must not feel that you have to tick every box to register as gifted! Not all these characteristics will fit all students. There is a wide variety of responses and considerable variation within the gifted student population. But many gifted students will experiences many of these emotions, to different degrees of intensity, at some stage in their lives.

尋找志同道合的人。雖然這並不容易,但你應該嘗試找一些朋友跟你一起分享興 趣和感受,讓你知道自己並非孤軍作戰; 找到願意支持你的人之後,請盡情傾吐你的心情,不論是好還是壞。你可以運用 情緒等級例如1-10去表達你今天的感覺,並且藉此打開話題。 你要記住,男生跟女生一樣都有情緒問題,請不要受性別規範,以為傾吐心事只 是女孩子才會做的; 當你感到迷惘、害怕或受情緒困擾,你可以看故事、寫詩、做藝術品、聽音樂、 寫日記或做運動去發洩情緒,你也可以藉此培養創意; 你要了解自己的發展過程。有時候你會感到失意,因為你身體的能力未能配合你

格格不入? 以偏概全有時會帶來誤解,而我們身處的世界卻往往如此,毫不理解各種情緒問題。 人們總把涉及人或事的感受與理性論述分開,認為智力與情感是兩個不同而且經常對

Square Pegs into Round Holes?

智力的發展,但你要接受這個情況,並嘗試去處理問題。努力嘗試比最終的結果 重要,你不可能每次都成功的,但這是你成長過程中必須面對的情況。

It’s sometimes misleading to generalise, but the world in which we mix often does not have about events and people from a more rational discourse. Intelligence and emotions



You may have found that any reaction to your expressions of intense feelings has been



society may try to separate emotions from rationality, as a gifted student, your world

們可能會認為社會並不重視情感表達,因而感到焦慮、沮喪、孤獨、不善社交或壓 抑情緒。 資優生感受較別人強烈使他們很痛苦和驚恐。他們會自覺不正常,認為自己出了問題 或發瘋,而其他人則似乎沒有類似的情況。 感情強烈的資優生往往感到強烈的內心矛盾、自我批評、焦慮和自卑。 研究顯示這類型的資優生神經系統非常敏感,使他們的感覺極為敏銳和強烈,易於識 別外在刺激。他們亦能夠對自己和別人作出分析和批評,因此被認為是過度活躍或容 易在課堂上分心。

I don’t pretend to have all the answers but you might consider some of these suggestions:

Try to accept that your intense emotional experiences are not unusual amongst gifted students. Use your intellectual ability to develop your self-awareness and self-acceptance that this is the way you experience the world and that it can have many positives as well as some negatives;

Realise that sensitivity does not mean weakness; Often you will feel the need to be understood. Your parents are important emotional supporters here. Talk to them, share your feelings with them. Effective parenting is about listening, understanding, being non-judgmental towards one’s children. There may also be a teacher in school who is empathetic; don’t be afraid to ask for their support too; some teachers can be supportive role models;

Though it may not always be easy, find like-minded peers - friends who share common interests – so that you can develop a forum for sharing your emotions and help you to realise that you are not alone;

Once you have found supporters, discuss your feelings openly; the negative as well as the positive. Use an "emotional thermometer" to initiate discussion e.g. "on a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling today?"

Remember that boys have emotions just as much as girls so try not to be influenced by gender stereotypes such as emotional displays are a “girly thing”;

It is often useful that when you are uncertain, afraid or experiencing a bout of emotional intensity that finding an outlet - through stories, poems, art work, music, journal entries or physical activities – can help you come to terms with it and these might even help develop your creative side;

Try to understand your own pathway of development. Accept that there might be times when you become frustrated because your physical capabilities do not match your intellectual ability and thereby help you to deal with this. What is important here is how you deal with the issue. Making the effort is more important than the outcome and recognise that you may not always be successful. It’s all part of growing up!

understand emotional issues. Very often there is a tendency to separate the feelings we are regarded as separate and often contradictory ways of viewing the world.


How might you cope with this emotional intensity?

seen as a sign of oddness rather than as evidence of a rich inner personal life. Though view will be that they are inextricably linked. So, your reaction may well be to think that society does not value emotional responses and you may become anxious, depressed, feel alienated, socially inept or emotionally blocked Feeling everything more deeply than others do can be both painful and frightening. Emotionally intense gifted people feel abnormal. "There must be something wrong with me.....maybe I'm crazy...nobody else seems to feel like this". Emotionally intense gifted people often experience intense inner conflict, self-criticism, anxiety and feelings of inferiority. Research shows that emotionally intense gifted children often exhibit a “super sensitivity” of the nervous system that makes them acutely perceptive and sensitive, more discriminating of external stimuli and more analytical and critical of themselves and others. This explains why you may have been labeled as “hyperactive” or “distractable” (not paying attention in class) as a younger child.

Overall, try to view emotional intensity positively and so understand and value this gift. Don’t be afraid to express the uniqueness of yourself in the world and use your gifts and talents with confidence and purpose.


主 Main Theme Article

資優生怎樣表達其情緒強度? 情緒強度及智能通常是息息相關的,學生愈資優,其情緒也會愈強烈,並且通過種種 不同的感受、情感、憐憫之情、極高的責任感及嚴苛的自我評價發洩出來。值得注意 的是這些感受十分強烈,並且於幼兒時期就開始出現。 我們無法列出所有強烈情緒的特性。以下為其中一些特質: 強烈感受: 正面及負面感受、極端及複雜情緒、感同身受、同喜同悲 身體反應: 胃部不適、心臟虛弱、臉紅

How Is Emotional Intensity Expressed? Emotional intensity and intelligence usually go together. Quite often, the more intelligent the student the more emotionally intense a student will be. Emotional intensity is expressed by the gifted through a wide range of feelings, attachments. compassion, heightened sense of responsibility and scrupulous self-examination – but the key point is that they are all intensely felt experiences and these depths of feeling can be manifest from early childhood. No checklist can be complete but here are some of the characteristics of emotional intensity in gifted students: Intensity of feeling: positive feelings, negative feelings, extremes of emotion, complex emotions, identification with others' feelings, laughing and crying together

怎樣處理強烈的情緒? 我不敢說我有辦法處理所有情況,但資優生可以考慮以下這些建議: 這些強烈情緒對資優生來說是正常的,你要嘗試接受這個情況。請運用智力建立自 我認知和自我接受。這是你感受世界的方法,雖然有一些壞處,但好處也很多; 明白感覺敏銳並非弱點; 很多時候,你希望別人了解你。而你父母的角色非常重要,因為他們可以在感情 上支持你。你可以跟他們傾談,分享你的感受。盡責的家長會傾聽和體諒孩子,

壓抑: 羞怯、畏縮

Somatic (bodily) expression: tense stomach, sinking heart, blushing, flushing



Inhibition: timidity, shyness



Strong affective (emotional) memory Fears and anxieties, feelings of guilt


Concerns with death, depressive and suicidal moods

人際關係感受: 情感關係、感同身受、對人際關係有很強的感受、鍾愛動物、難

Relationship feelings: emotional ties and attachments, concern for others (empathy),

以適應新能環境、寂寞、因人際關係與別人發生衝突 自我感受:自我評價及批評、自卑 你無須符合上述所有條件才算得上是資優,因為這些情況並非一定會出現在所有資優 生身上。每個資優生的反應及其程度都不盡相同,但他們大多會在人生某個階段出現 上述各種不同程度的情緒。

sensitivity in relationships, attachment to animals, difficulty in adjusting to new environments, loneliness, conflicts with others over depth of relationship

Feelings toward self: self-evaluation and self-judgment, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.

You must not feel that you have to tick every box to register as gifted! Not all these characteristics will fit all students. There is a wide variety of responses and considerable variation within the gifted student population. But many gifted students will experiences many of these emotions, to different degrees of intensity, at some stage in their lives.

尋找志同道合的人。雖然這並不容易,但你應該嘗試找一些朋友跟你一起分享興 趣和感受,讓你知道自己並非孤軍作戰; 找到願意支持你的人之後,請盡情傾吐你的心情,不論是好還是壞。你可以運用 情緒等級例如1-10去表達你今天的感覺,並且藉此打開話題。 你要記住,男生跟女生一樣都有情緒問題,請不要受性別規範,以為傾吐心事只 是女孩子才會做的; 當你感到迷惘、害怕或受情緒困擾,你可以看故事、寫詩、做藝術品、聽音樂、 寫日記或做運動去發洩情緒,你也可以藉此培養創意; 你要了解自己的發展過程。有時候你會感到失意,因為你身體的能力未能配合你

格格不入? 以偏概全有時會帶來誤解,而我們身處的世界卻往往如此,毫不理解各種情緒問題。 人們總把涉及人或事的感受與理性論述分開,認為智力與情感是兩個不同而且經常對

Square Pegs into Round Holes?

智力的發展,但你要接受這個情況,並嘗試去處理問題。努力嘗試比最終的結果 重要,你不可能每次都成功的,但這是你成長過程中必須面對的情況。

It’s sometimes misleading to generalise, but the world in which we mix often does not have about events and people from a more rational discourse. Intelligence and emotions



You may have found that any reaction to your expressions of intense feelings has been



society may try to separate emotions from rationality, as a gifted student, your world

們可能會認為社會並不重視情感表達,因而感到焦慮、沮喪、孤獨、不善社交或壓 抑情緒。 資優生感受較別人強烈使他們很痛苦和驚恐。他們會自覺不正常,認為自己出了問題 或發瘋,而其他人則似乎沒有類似的情況。 感情強烈的資優生往往感到強烈的內心矛盾、自我批評、焦慮和自卑。 研究顯示這類型的資優生神經系統非常敏感,使他們的感覺極為敏銳和強烈,易於識 別外在刺激。他們亦能夠對自己和別人作出分析和批評,因此被認為是過度活躍或容 易在課堂上分心。

I don’t pretend to have all the answers but you might consider some of these suggestions:

Try to accept that your intense emotional experiences are not unusual amongst gifted students. Use your intellectual ability to develop your self-awareness and self-acceptance that this is the way you experience the world and that it can have many positives as well as some negatives;

Realise that sensitivity does not mean weakness; Often you will feel the need to be understood. Your parents are important emotional supporters here. Talk to them, share your feelings with them. Effective parenting is about listening, understanding, being non-judgmental towards one’s children. There may also be a teacher in school who is empathetic; don’t be afraid to ask for their support too; some teachers can be supportive role models;

Though it may not always be easy, find like-minded peers - friends who share common interests – so that you can develop a forum for sharing your emotions and help you to realise that you are not alone;

Once you have found supporters, discuss your feelings openly; the negative as well as the positive. Use an "emotional thermometer" to initiate discussion e.g. "on a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling today?"

Remember that boys have emotions just as much as girls so try not to be influenced by gender stereotypes such as emotional displays are a “girly thing”;

It is often useful that when you are uncertain, afraid or experiencing a bout of emotional intensity that finding an outlet - through stories, poems, art work, music, journal entries or physical activities – can help you come to terms with it and these might even help develop your creative side;

Try to understand your own pathway of development. Accept that there might be times when you become frustrated because your physical capabilities do not match your intellectual ability and thereby help you to deal with this. What is important here is how you deal with the issue. Making the effort is more important than the outcome and recognise that you may not always be successful. It’s all part of growing up!

understand emotional issues. Very often there is a tendency to separate the feelings we are regarded as separate and often contradictory ways of viewing the world.


How might you cope with this emotional intensity?

seen as a sign of oddness rather than as evidence of a rich inner personal life. Though view will be that they are inextricably linked. So, your reaction may well be to think that society does not value emotional responses and you may become anxious, depressed, feel alienated, socially inept or emotionally blocked Feeling everything more deeply than others do can be both painful and frightening. Emotionally intense gifted people feel abnormal. "There must be something wrong with me.....maybe I'm crazy...nobody else seems to feel like this". Emotionally intense gifted people often experience intense inner conflict, self-criticism, anxiety and feelings of inferiority. Research shows that emotionally intense gifted children often exhibit a “super sensitivity” of the nervous system that makes them acutely perceptive and sensitive, more discriminating of external stimuli and more analytical and critical of themselves and others. This explains why you may have been labeled as “hyperactive” or “distractable” (not paying attention in class) as a younger child.

Overall, try to view emotional intensity positively and so understand and value this gift. Don’t be afraid to express the uniqueness of yourself in the world and use your gifts and talents with confidence and purpose.

ddies Sharing by Your Bu “與你同行”分享園地

主題文章 Main Theme Article

沒有飛得太高的小鳥 No Bird Soars Too High 在筆者出生的年代,資優教育尚未普及。反觀現在, 報章不乏刊登有關資優生的新聞報導。有時候我會 想,這到底是件好事抑或壞事。資訊很多,但好像都 沒有幫助社會上的不同人士明白到底資優是什麼。作 為資優生的你們,曾否想過「我是誰」或「為什麼會 有資優這種名稱」等問題?資優生這個「身份」,是 上天賜予的褔氣嗎?

為保持「心流」的經驗持續不息,你會不斷尋找人生 中的新挑戰。能夠學習操控自己的內在經歷的人,將 享有更高的生活質素。


During the time when I was born, gifted education was not as popular as nowadays when the media widely cover the news about gifted students. However, sometimes, I wonder if the plentiful information is helpful or not because there are still many misconceptions about giftedness. As a member of the gifted community, have you ever wondered who you actually are and why there is such a ‘label’ at all? Is the identity of being gifted really a blessing for you?

作為資優生,你有機會接觸到不同的資優課程,擴闊 視野,同時挑戰自己的極限。透過與其他資優生的分 享與切磋,你明白到「資優路上」,你並不孤單。身 邊的成年人對你加添了一份信任,你亦因此而得到更 多人生的選擇及安排個人時間的自由。 但有些人可能不明白而將資優等同完美或「十項全 能」,因而對你有很多不合理的要求。朋友中能夠真 正明白你,或者能夠交心的,只是寥寥可數。你比別 人敏感,因此對社會上某些不平事、或一些你覺得你 應該做的事情,你會感到透不過氣來。 但無論如何,請你謹記,沒有制度是完美無缺的,成年 人也會犯錯。最重要的是,你怎樣認識自己及發展自己 的潛能。不要讓別人決定你的成就;每個人也有一個有 待開發的寶藏,你也可以是自己的「鍊金術士」。


在中國人的傳統社會,成就便等如成功。好像你沒有 得到什麼偉大的獎牌(像諾貝爾獎吧?),你就枉為資優 生,亦距離成功很遠。然而上市集團主席,也可以為 著一己私利而漠視公眾利益;所以獎牌以外,還有很 多做人的態度和價值觀,值得資優生細想。 加州大學的加菲爾德曾對1,200個高成就的成年人進行 研究,他們的共同特質是: 他們能夠超越自己從前的成績 他們有冒險的信心,但同時為最壞的情況作好預備 他們選擇解決困難而不將責任推卸在別人身上 他們能夠為自己定立目標 他們向著自己內在的目標進發 很多人也會為自己定立目標,然而能夠全心全意向著 目標進發的人就比較少。向著目標進發的人是獨立自 主的人,他們不等待別人決定自己的生命;而且,他 們管理自己的時間,亦學習掌管自己的未來。


大量的研究數據告訴我們,那些能夠將自己的技能全 然應用的成功人士,通常都是真正享受過程中所有的 艱辛和不同的挑戰的。但是,為什麼有些有才華的年 輕人能夠投入自己的才華發展過程,有些卻對自己的 才華表現抽離? 我嘗試尋找數據去分辨兩者的差異,發現動機就是關 鍵。隨著年齡的增長,有些青少年會選擇較多時間與 朋友在一起,而分配在學業上的時間就相應減少了。 研究「心流」(flow by Csíkszentmihályi ) 的文憲中,顯 示了人們能夠全然投入一件事的程度,甚至是可以忘 記時間、疲勞及所有其他的事情的。這樣,就能夠忘 記艱苦,並真正的享受到整個學習的過程。要享受這 種「心流」,目標要明確,而且你的技能與挑戰本身 是要一致的。因此除了目標以外,你還要學習相關的 技巧去應付該挑戰。

最後,想跟你們分享尼采 (Nietzsche) 的一句說話:No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. 當 中的意義,留待你們自己詮釋吧。但願大家亦為著未 知的明天,帶著勇氣並好好努力,共勉之!

Blessing or curse? As a gifted student, you have the chance to attend various gifted courses to broaden your horizons and challenge yourself to the limit. Through sharing and exchanging views with your gifted counterparts, you realise that you are not alone on the road to giftedness. Adults put their trust in you and you have more choices in life and more freedom to arrange your schedule. However, some people may mistakenly equate giftedness with perfection and set many unreasonable expectations on you. Unluckily, you have few bosom friends who know you well enough. Being sensitive than others, you feel overwhelmed about the things you should do and feel so frustrated about social injustice. Whichever situation you are facing now, you need to keep in mind that no system is perfect and even adults can make mistakes. The most important thing is how you understand yourself and develop your talents. Do not let others determine how you far you can reach. Everybody has his own undiscovered treasure and you can be the ‘alchemist’ of yourself.

Characteristics of successful persons In traditional Chinese society, achievements are equated with success. If you have not received any significant awards (well maybe the Nobel Prize), you will not be regarded as gifted or successful. However, a so-called successful CEO of a listed company may brush aside the public interest for his own. Apart from an award, there are some virtues and values towards life that are of equal significance. Garfield of the University of California has conducted a research on the characteristics of 1,200 high achieving adults and they have the following characteristics:

They can surpass their past accomplishments. They are confident in taking risks and yet prepare for the worst.

They are determined to problem-solve and do not put

Many people set goals for themselves but few advance wholeheartedly. Those who work hard for their goals are independent learners and do not let others determine their lives. They manage their own time and learn to take control of their own future.

Talent Development Numerous research data show that successful persons who can fully utilise their skills usually enjoy hardship and challenges. Then, why is it that some talented youngsters enjoy the process of talent development while some do not? I have attempted to search for data to analyse the divergence and found that the key factor is the motivation of the talented youth. When they grow up, some of them choose to spend more time with their friends and less on their studies. According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation. Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is so immersed that he feels energetic and may lose track of time and other matters like fatigue. With this mental state, a person defies difficulties and relishes the whole learning process. In order to have ’flow’ in any learning process, you need clear goals and have to align your skills with the tasks; therefore, you need to learn relevant skills to cope the tasks as well. In order to keep the flow going, you need to search for new challenges in life continuously. People who can learn how to control their inner experiences are those who generally have a better quality of life. Before you’re searching for your own internal experience of flow, may I share with you some words by Nietzsche. No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. Let the sentence speaks to you and enjoy your own interpretation of these words. May your courage brings you to somewhere you long for and work hard for your own future!

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading: Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) www.jhu.edu/gifted Education Programme for Gifted Youth (EPGY) http://epgy.stanford.edu Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page www.hoagiesgifted.com DuBrin, Andrew J. (1995). Getting it done: The transforming power of self-discipline. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Pacesetter Books. Csikszentmihalyi, Harper and Row. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. http://www.julieboyd.com.au/ILF/pages/members/ cats/bkovervus/per_growth_pdfs/flow.pdf

the blame on others.

They can set their own goals. They advance towards their internal goals.

周美玲 Jessie Chow 教育心理學家 Educational Psychologist



回頭一想,原來我加入了資優教育學院已有兩年。當年,我對於資優這個名詞還 是一竅不通。幸好兩年後的今天,我知道了當初進入這個學院,以及香港特別資 優人士協會的意義。


第一天加入資優教育學院,不知道大家有一個什麼想法而加入呢?「我都不是資 優,叫我來幹什麼?」不知大家又有沒有經歷過這種心情呢?一種連自己也不認 同自己的心情,但好像在做一件跟自己想法背道而馳的事。 最初我根本沒有想過會在這個學院中得到什麼。當眾人都不斷重複「資優」這個 詞彙時,令自己對這個詞有更多的問題,越來越多的問號長在腦海中。我第一次 參加的相關活動正是香港特別資優人士協會的迎新營,在那裏我認識到很多來自 五湖四海的朋友,不單止有中學生,還有大學生和在職人士。雖然我因只是第一 次參加,自己不是很主動,不過仍能與部分的朋友保持聯絡,而且在活動進行當 中,亦在與每個人的每一次對話當中了解更多平日我們 在學校中看不到的東西,很多東西大家以為是理所當然的,其實不然。經過這 次的資優交流活動後,給我的感覺就是自己像井底之蛙,跳不出自己看事物的 框框。 一年半後,就是我考完會考的日子,當我在計劃我的暑假時,我對自己說: 「錢,是不夠的了;班,總是要上的,但是會考完的暑假對於我來說是唯一的, 所以總不能全個暑假都去賺錢吧,不然這個唯一的暑假必會為我帶來遺憾。」於 是,在一次偶然的機會下,我收到資優教育學院寄來的領導才能培訓課程資料, 我想也不想便去了報名,因為我相信這個訓練能令我得到一些東西,雖然我並不 能肯定這些東西會是什麼,但深信在其中定會有所經歷。 這個活動是我在資優教育學院暫時最後上的一個課程,同時亦是令我學到最多的 一個。班上教授了很多的理論,關於領導才能的,事實上我覺得那些理論並不是 最重要,有時候做事是需要參閱一下資料的,不過這個課程令我得著最多的是實 習的過程,合作做一些團隊挑戰、滙報等,有很多很多的機會令我們有所體驗。 經過了差不多兩年在資優教育學院和香港特別資優人士協會中打滾的生涯,無數 報讀課程的機會從身邊擦過,無數結識朋友的機會亦會從身邊擦過,雖是已經過 去了,但希望將來能抓緊每個機會。資優這個身份,對於我而言,總算開始摸清 了一點。我認為資優學生除了在某方面的知識會比別人學習得 Hello! I would like to take this opportunity to share my experience with you. I have joined the HKAGE for two years. Before that, I knew nothing about giftedness. Now I know the meaning of joining the HKAGE and HKFEG. I wonder if you had this thought the very first day you joined the HKAGE: “I am not gifted; what am I here for?” Did you also have this thought? “I don’t even recognise my ability. It seems to me that I am doing something against my will.” I did not expect anything from the HKAGE. When people kept repeating the term “gifted”, more and more questions associated with it came to my mind. The first activity I joined was the orientation camp of the HKFEG where I met many people including secondary and university students as well as working adults. Though it was my first activity and I was not active, I managed to make new friends. Besides, through the conversation with the participants, I learned things which were seldom taught at school. I realised that we should never take things for granted. This gifted activity made me realise that I was nothing but a frog in a well with a very limited outlook and experience. After taking the HKCEE one and a half years later, I started to make plans for my summer holiday. I told myself: “I don’t have enough money, but I just can’t spend all the time earning money. I don’t want to be regretful in the future.” In the meantime, I received the information from the HKAGE about their leadership training course. I right away applied for it because I believed I could get something from it, though I was not sure what I would achieve. That was the HKAGE’s activity I have joined recently and I learned a lot from it. Many theories about leadership were taught during the course, but they were not the things I valued most. I cherished the experience and the process of practice including group tasks and presentations. I have joined the HKAGE and HKFEG for almost two years and I missed many chances to apply for the courses and make friends there. However, I will grab every chance in the future. I have finally managed to my gifted identity better. In my opinion, gifted students receive more opportunities in their lives in addition to having the ability to learn faster and better than others in a certain area. It is

優教育學院的機會其實不是把握得很好,幸好,資優教育學院的電郵,以及我 身邊的朋友叫我一起去迎新營,我才能在這寫下這篇文章。我知道,這是我的 運氣,縱然我自己錯失了起步的機會,仍有其他人輔助我在接觸資優教育方面 起步。同樣的機會並不常有,我知道我不能再錯過這個機會,這就是我在接觸 資優教育的起步點。而我自己怎樣定義自己是資優學生呢?我會說我比一般的 中學生看得更多,在這個資優教育當中見識得更多,能夠接觸的不同社會層面 人士的機會亦更多。 當我進一步接納了自己是資優學生以後,我覺得自己做事好像比以前成熟了,因 為當我能夠接觸更多事物以後,我能以更多方的角度去思考每件事,令自己做事 比以前有條理,而且我明白到需要訂立目標而令自己不會迷失。這些事都是我以 前沒有留意到的,而之後做事亦因如此而變得順利,目標達成之餘,同時令自信 心建立起來,慢慢就可以扛起整件事,俗話說的「擔大旗」。不過應當注意的 是,自信心建立得過多,有可能變成自大,所以作為資優生亦要懂得控制自己的 心理,如若變成了自大,則對自己和其他人都帶來傷害。 另外,在學院近兩年的時間中,我看到的情況,就是迎新當天有大約一千人出 席,連同迎新日不能出席的,我想大約每年有千二人左右吧。但我想未必人人 都會參與學院中的活動。身為資優教育學院的學員,其實有點兒感到可惜。我 自己會覺得他們錯失了一個大好機會,一個能夠令自己社交圈,知識無限地擴 闊的機會。 在看這篇文章的你,同是資優學生的你,不要浪費每一個適合你們、每一個能夠 令自己成長的機會,把握每一個機會拓闊你的生活圈子,我相信總有一天,你會 認同自己的身份,背負起這份額外的責任──把從社會得到的,回饋社會,幫助 有需要的人。

香港特別資優人士協會 外務副會長


generally thought that people have to grab every chance, and I think that is true. I did not cherish the chance at the HKAGE at first, but luckily I received their emails and my friend’s encouragement which led me to join the orientation camp and write this passage. I know I am lucky. Though I missed the chances at the beginning, I was able to acquire knowledge about gifted education with the help of others. People do not have this kind of opportunities very often. I know I should not miss the chances anymore. This is the start for me to involve in gifted education. How should I define myself as a gifted student? I would say I see more things than other secondary students do. The more you know about gifted education, the more you understand different sectors of the community. After accepting myself as a gifted student, I found that I became more mature. Having more opportunities to handle different matters, I was well trained to look at things from different perspectives and became more systematic. I also realised that I had to set my targets which I neglected before. I found that things went so smoothly that I not only achieved my goals but also built up my self-confidence to take charge of important matters. But I have to avoid becoming too arrogant because that would affect me and others. As a gifted student, I have to learn how to control my mind. In the past two years, I have noticed one thing. About 1,000 student members attended the orientation day. Including those who were absent, there should be altogether around 1,200 student members each year. But I know that not all of them would join the HKAGE’s activities. As a member, I am sad to see this. I think they have missed the chance to broaden their social circles and knowledge without any limit. As a gifted student, you should not miss every single chance to develop yourself and broaden your horizons. I believe that you will recognise your identity one day and shoulder the extra responsibility to contribute to the needy what you earn from the community.

Woody Ho Vice President for External Affairs HKFEG

ddies Sharing by Your Bu “與你同行”分享園地

主題文章 Main Theme Article

沒有飛得太高的小鳥 No Bird Soars Too High 在筆者出生的年代,資優教育尚未普及。反觀現在, 報章不乏刊登有關資優生的新聞報導。有時候我會 想,這到底是件好事抑或壞事。資訊很多,但好像都 沒有幫助社會上的不同人士明白到底資優是什麼。作 為資優生的你們,曾否想過「我是誰」或「為什麼會 有資優這種名稱」等問題?資優生這個「身份」,是 上天賜予的褔氣嗎?

為保持「心流」的經驗持續不息,你會不斷尋找人生 中的新挑戰。能夠學習操控自己的內在經歷的人,將 享有更高的生活質素。


During the time when I was born, gifted education was not as popular as nowadays when the media widely cover the news about gifted students. However, sometimes, I wonder if the plentiful information is helpful or not because there are still many misconceptions about giftedness. As a member of the gifted community, have you ever wondered who you actually are and why there is such a ‘label’ at all? Is the identity of being gifted really a blessing for you?

作為資優生,你有機會接觸到不同的資優課程,擴闊 視野,同時挑戰自己的極限。透過與其他資優生的分 享與切磋,你明白到「資優路上」,你並不孤單。身 邊的成年人對你加添了一份信任,你亦因此而得到更 多人生的選擇及安排個人時間的自由。 但有些人可能不明白而將資優等同完美或「十項全 能」,因而對你有很多不合理的要求。朋友中能夠真 正明白你,或者能夠交心的,只是寥寥可數。你比別 人敏感,因此對社會上某些不平事、或一些你覺得你 應該做的事情,你會感到透不過氣來。 但無論如何,請你謹記,沒有制度是完美無缺的,成年 人也會犯錯。最重要的是,你怎樣認識自己及發展自己 的潛能。不要讓別人決定你的成就;每個人也有一個有 待開發的寶藏,你也可以是自己的「鍊金術士」。


在中國人的傳統社會,成就便等如成功。好像你沒有 得到什麼偉大的獎牌(像諾貝爾獎吧?),你就枉為資優 生,亦距離成功很遠。然而上市集團主席,也可以為 著一己私利而漠視公眾利益;所以獎牌以外,還有很 多做人的態度和價值觀,值得資優生細想。 加州大學的加菲爾德曾對1,200個高成就的成年人進行 研究,他們的共同特質是: 他們能夠超越自己從前的成績 他們有冒險的信心,但同時為最壞的情況作好預備 他們選擇解決困難而不將責任推卸在別人身上 他們能夠為自己定立目標 他們向著自己內在的目標進發 很多人也會為自己定立目標,然而能夠全心全意向著 目標進發的人就比較少。向著目標進發的人是獨立自 主的人,他們不等待別人決定自己的生命;而且,他 們管理自己的時間,亦學習掌管自己的未來。


大量的研究數據告訴我們,那些能夠將自己的技能全 然應用的成功人士,通常都是真正享受過程中所有的 艱辛和不同的挑戰的。但是,為什麼有些有才華的年 輕人能夠投入自己的才華發展過程,有些卻對自己的 才華表現抽離? 我嘗試尋找數據去分辨兩者的差異,發現動機就是關 鍵。隨著年齡的增長,有些青少年會選擇較多時間與 朋友在一起,而分配在學業上的時間就相應減少了。 研究「心流」(flow by Csíkszentmihályi ) 的文憲中,顯 示了人們能夠全然投入一件事的程度,甚至是可以忘 記時間、疲勞及所有其他的事情的。這樣,就能夠忘 記艱苦,並真正的享受到整個學習的過程。要享受這 種「心流」,目標要明確,而且你的技能與挑戰本身 是要一致的。因此除了目標以外,你還要學習相關的 技巧去應付該挑戰。

最後,想跟你們分享尼采 (Nietzsche) 的一句說話:No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. 當 中的意義,留待你們自己詮釋吧。但願大家亦為著未 知的明天,帶著勇氣並好好努力,共勉之!

Blessing or curse? As a gifted student, you have the chance to attend various gifted courses to broaden your horizons and challenge yourself to the limit. Through sharing and exchanging views with your gifted counterparts, you realise that you are not alone on the road to giftedness. Adults put their trust in you and you have more choices in life and more freedom to arrange your schedule. However, some people may mistakenly equate giftedness with perfection and set many unreasonable expectations on you. Unluckily, you have few bosom friends who know you well enough. Being sensitive than others, you feel overwhelmed about the things you should do and feel so frustrated about social injustice. Whichever situation you are facing now, you need to keep in mind that no system is perfect and even adults can make mistakes. The most important thing is how you understand yourself and develop your talents. Do not let others determine how you far you can reach. Everybody has his own undiscovered treasure and you can be the ‘alchemist’ of yourself.

Characteristics of successful persons In traditional Chinese society, achievements are equated with success. If you have not received any significant awards (well maybe the Nobel Prize), you will not be regarded as gifted or successful. However, a so-called successful CEO of a listed company may brush aside the public interest for his own. Apart from an award, there are some virtues and values towards life that are of equal significance. Garfield of the University of California has conducted a research on the characteristics of 1,200 high achieving adults and they have the following characteristics:

They can surpass their past accomplishments. They are confident in taking risks and yet prepare for the worst.

They are determined to problem-solve and do not put

Many people set goals for themselves but few advance wholeheartedly. Those who work hard for their goals are independent learners and do not let others determine their lives. They manage their own time and learn to take control of their own future.

Talent Development Numerous research data show that successful persons who can fully utilise their skills usually enjoy hardship and challenges. Then, why is it that some talented youngsters enjoy the process of talent development while some do not? I have attempted to search for data to analyse the divergence and found that the key factor is the motivation of the talented youth. When they grow up, some of them choose to spend more time with their friends and less on their studies. According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation. Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is so immersed that he feels energetic and may lose track of time and other matters like fatigue. With this mental state, a person defies difficulties and relishes the whole learning process. In order to have ’flow’ in any learning process, you need clear goals and have to align your skills with the tasks; therefore, you need to learn relevant skills to cope the tasks as well. In order to keep the flow going, you need to search for new challenges in life continuously. People who can learn how to control their inner experiences are those who generally have a better quality of life. Before you’re searching for your own internal experience of flow, may I share with you some words by Nietzsche. No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. Let the sentence speaks to you and enjoy your own interpretation of these words. May your courage brings you to somewhere you long for and work hard for your own future!

延伸閱讀 Extended Reading: Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) www.jhu.edu/gifted Education Programme for Gifted Youth (EPGY) http://epgy.stanford.edu Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page www.hoagiesgifted.com DuBrin, Andrew J. (1995). Getting it done: The transforming power of self-discipline. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Pacesetter Books. Csikszentmihalyi, Harper and Row. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. http://www.julieboyd.com.au/ILF/pages/members/ cats/bkovervus/per_growth_pdfs/flow.pdf

the blame on others.

They can set their own goals. They advance towards their internal goals.

周美玲 Jessie Chow 教育心理學家 Educational Psychologist



回頭一想,原來我加入了資優教育學院已有兩年。當年,我對於資優這個名詞還 是一竅不通。幸好兩年後的今天,我知道了當初進入這個學院,以及香港特別資 優人士協會的意義。


第一天加入資優教育學院,不知道大家有一個什麼想法而加入呢?「我都不是資 優,叫我來幹什麼?」不知大家又有沒有經歷過這種心情呢?一種連自己也不認 同自己的心情,但好像在做一件跟自己想法背道而馳的事。 最初我根本沒有想過會在這個學院中得到什麼。當眾人都不斷重複「資優」這個 詞彙時,令自己對這個詞有更多的問題,越來越多的問號長在腦海中。我第一次 參加的相關活動正是香港特別資優人士協會的迎新營,在那裏我認識到很多來自 五湖四海的朋友,不單止有中學生,還有大學生和在職人士。雖然我因只是第一 次參加,自己不是很主動,不過仍能與部分的朋友保持聯絡,而且在活動進行當 中,亦在與每個人的每一次對話當中了解更多平日我們 在學校中看不到的東西,很多東西大家以為是理所當然的,其實不然。經過這 次的資優交流活動後,給我的感覺就是自己像井底之蛙,跳不出自己看事物的 框框。 一年半後,就是我考完會考的日子,當我在計劃我的暑假時,我對自己說: 「錢,是不夠的了;班,總是要上的,但是會考完的暑假對於我來說是唯一的, 所以總不能全個暑假都去賺錢吧,不然這個唯一的暑假必會為我帶來遺憾。」於 是,在一次偶然的機會下,我收到資優教育學院寄來的領導才能培訓課程資料, 我想也不想便去了報名,因為我相信這個訓練能令我得到一些東西,雖然我並不 能肯定這些東西會是什麼,但深信在其中定會有所經歷。 這個活動是我在資優教育學院暫時最後上的一個課程,同時亦是令我學到最多的 一個。班上教授了很多的理論,關於領導才能的,事實上我覺得那些理論並不是 最重要,有時候做事是需要參閱一下資料的,不過這個課程令我得著最多的是實 習的過程,合作做一些團隊挑戰、滙報等,有很多很多的機會令我們有所體驗。 經過了差不多兩年在資優教育學院和香港特別資優人士協會中打滾的生涯,無數 報讀課程的機會從身邊擦過,無數結識朋友的機會亦會從身邊擦過,雖是已經過 去了,但希望將來能抓緊每個機會。資優這個身份,對於我而言,總算開始摸清 了一點。我認為資優學生除了在某方面的知識會比別人學習得 Hello! I would like to take this opportunity to share my experience with you. I have joined the HKAGE for two years. Before that, I knew nothing about giftedness. Now I know the meaning of joining the HKAGE and HKFEG. I wonder if you had this thought the very first day you joined the HKAGE: “I am not gifted; what am I here for?” Did you also have this thought? “I don’t even recognise my ability. It seems to me that I am doing something against my will.” I did not expect anything from the HKAGE. When people kept repeating the term “gifted”, more and more questions associated with it came to my mind. The first activity I joined was the orientation camp of the HKFEG where I met many people including secondary and university students as well as working adults. Though it was my first activity and I was not active, I managed to make new friends. Besides, through the conversation with the participants, I learned things which were seldom taught at school. I realised that we should never take things for granted. This gifted activity made me realise that I was nothing but a frog in a well with a very limited outlook and experience. After taking the HKCEE one and a half years later, I started to make plans for my summer holiday. I told myself: “I don’t have enough money, but I just can’t spend all the time earning money. I don’t want to be regretful in the future.” In the meantime, I received the information from the HKAGE about their leadership training course. I right away applied for it because I believed I could get something from it, though I was not sure what I would achieve. That was the HKAGE’s activity I have joined recently and I learned a lot from it. Many theories about leadership were taught during the course, but they were not the things I valued most. I cherished the experience and the process of practice including group tasks and presentations. I have joined the HKAGE and HKFEG for almost two years and I missed many chances to apply for the courses and make friends there. However, I will grab every chance in the future. I have finally managed to my gifted identity better. In my opinion, gifted students receive more opportunities in their lives in addition to having the ability to learn faster and better than others in a certain area. It is

優教育學院的機會其實不是把握得很好,幸好,資優教育學院的電郵,以及我 身邊的朋友叫我一起去迎新營,我才能在這寫下這篇文章。我知道,這是我的 運氣,縱然我自己錯失了起步的機會,仍有其他人輔助我在接觸資優教育方面 起步。同樣的機會並不常有,我知道我不能再錯過這個機會,這就是我在接觸 資優教育的起步點。而我自己怎樣定義自己是資優學生呢?我會說我比一般的 中學生看得更多,在這個資優教育當中見識得更多,能夠接觸的不同社會層面 人士的機會亦更多。 當我進一步接納了自己是資優學生以後,我覺得自己做事好像比以前成熟了,因 為當我能夠接觸更多事物以後,我能以更多方的角度去思考每件事,令自己做事 比以前有條理,而且我明白到需要訂立目標而令自己不會迷失。這些事都是我以 前沒有留意到的,而之後做事亦因如此而變得順利,目標達成之餘,同時令自信 心建立起來,慢慢就可以扛起整件事,俗話說的「擔大旗」。不過應當注意的 是,自信心建立得過多,有可能變成自大,所以作為資優生亦要懂得控制自己的 心理,如若變成了自大,則對自己和其他人都帶來傷害。 另外,在學院近兩年的時間中,我看到的情況,就是迎新當天有大約一千人出 席,連同迎新日不能出席的,我想大約每年有千二人左右吧。但我想未必人人 都會參與學院中的活動。身為資優教育學院的學員,其實有點兒感到可惜。我 自己會覺得他們錯失了一個大好機會,一個能夠令自己社交圈,知識無限地擴 闊的機會。 在看這篇文章的你,同是資優學生的你,不要浪費每一個適合你們、每一個能夠 令自己成長的機會,把握每一個機會拓闊你的生活圈子,我相信總有一天,你會 認同自己的身份,背負起這份額外的責任──把從社會得到的,回饋社會,幫助 有需要的人。

香港特別資優人士協會 外務副會長


generally thought that people have to grab every chance, and I think that is true. I did not cherish the chance at the HKAGE at first, but luckily I received their emails and my friend’s encouragement which led me to join the orientation camp and write this passage. I know I am lucky. Though I missed the chances at the beginning, I was able to acquire knowledge about gifted education with the help of others. People do not have this kind of opportunities very often. I know I should not miss the chances anymore. This is the start for me to involve in gifted education. How should I define myself as a gifted student? I would say I see more things than other secondary students do. The more you know about gifted education, the more you understand different sectors of the community. After accepting myself as a gifted student, I found that I became more mature. Having more opportunities to handle different matters, I was well trained to look at things from different perspectives and became more systematic. I also realised that I had to set my targets which I neglected before. I found that things went so smoothly that I not only achieved my goals but also built up my self-confidence to take charge of important matters. But I have to avoid becoming too arrogant because that would affect me and others. As a gifted student, I have to learn how to control my mind. In the past two years, I have noticed one thing. About 1,000 student members attended the orientation day. Including those who were absent, there should be altogether around 1,200 student members each year. But I know that not all of them would join the HKAGE’s activities. As a member, I am sad to see this. I think they have missed the chance to broaden their social circles and knowledge without any limit. As a gifted student, you should not miss every single chance to develop yourself and broaden your horizons. I believe that you will recognise your identity one day and shoulder the extra responsibility to contribute to the needy what you earn from the community.

Woody Ho Vice President for External Affairs HKFEG

staff Introduction of SPS 學生服務部職員簡介

大家好!我是Rosena,負責領導才能範疇及學生事務的 工作。作 為心理學 人,我對 兒童及青 少年的發 展尤其關 注。我 深信,你的資優潛能必將事成,讓我與你們共同探索及邁向這個美

大家 好, 阿謙 是S PS的 活動 助理 。最 喜歡 旅行 和美 食, 曾放 低工 作九 個月 到新 西蘭 ,工 作遊 玩。 希望 大家 能 去不同地方,擴闊自己的眼光。

過往 劃的Arie, 展」活動籌 發 交 社 潛水的 及 個人成長 活動。熱愛 我是負責「 劃學生發展 籌 和 員 導 輔 使你著迷? 大學當學生 迷。那什麼 曾於中學及 ted 生物為之著 洋 海 的 樣 tivities rela 式各 ogramme ac pr 我,對於各 se ent ni ud ga and or d been st helps plan ment. I ha op n el he ev w D I’m Arie who es al Soci programm rowth and velopment de ng t vi di en Personal G ud ve st lo n sectors. I d organised ry educatio counselor an r the sea. y and tertia ar nd tures unde co ea se cr ly ve lo e working in inated by th ? and am fasc g fascinated es you bein t So wha mak


學 sky,以往從事數 關課程發展的Ma 相 學 數 責 別 專 是 各位好! 我 和解難力量,也特 原因是它的嚴謹性 要 主 的 學 數 愛 喜 研究。我 和邏輯推理。 用上的抽像化過程 欣賞在建立理論時 fo r th e am re sp on sib le is Ma sk y Ng . I wa s a I . ms ra og He llo ! My na me pr at ics re lat ed em th ma of d by nt ate de ve lop me ays been fascin matics. I have alw the lly ma cia in pe er es I rch resea thematics and orousness of ma rig d ed an us r g we nin po so the d logical rea of abstraction an love the elements . es ori the thematical in establishing ma

This is Rosena who is looking after the leadership domain and student services. As a psychology graduate, my passion lay upon child and youth development. Believe it or not, your giftedness can make things happen. Let’s discover and walk together towards your gifted journey.

阿謙 Rosena 而深 可以與學生有直接 ,最令我感恩的是 年 十 教育的新 二 優 近 資 接 港 作 香 工 從事教育 對我來說不單是 , 立 成 的 院 學 。 學到很多 入的交流,從他們 侍更多的學生。 突破,讓我可以服 的 上 作 程與服務 工 我 一頁,亦是 切合學生需要的課 構 的同工,努力建 部 務 服 生 學 位 13 工作:與 讀、電影、學習 一起的每一刻、閱 興趣:享受與家人 t and close 、榮神益人 uld have a direc 座右銘:享受生命 grateful that I co am I . lishment ars tab ye es 20 e almost learned a lot. Th ve ha I have taught for I om o a wh m education but als the students fro the local gifted interaction with in r te ap ch w nts. not only a ne serve more stude of the HKAGE is ich enables me to wh r ree ca my in rvices Division to breakthrough ogrammes and Se Pr nt de Stu the of dents’ needs th 13 colleagues ich can meet stu Work: working wi s and services wh me ram vies & learning og mo pr ing for tch formulate plans family, reading, wa my th wi nt me every mo Interest: enjoying d help others! , honour God an life joy En : tto Mo

Stella 跨學科範疇的課程 我負責科學範疇及 。 cis an Fr 於英 是 !我 你們好 國參與科研,亦曾 機科學的我曾在英 算 計 修 主 學及 , 科 科 供 理 規劃。出身 迎你們向我提 科技相關學科。歡 及 腦 電 教 任 校 院 國及香港大專 意見。 linary student 跨學科課程相關的 s and Multi-discip manages Science o wh uter Science is, nc mp Fra Co d die Hello! I am disciplines, I stu ce ien sc m urses fro ming ght computer co programmes. Co in UK. I also tau rch ea res th c wi tifi are ien sh sc ng. Feel free to and involved in UK and Hong Ko th bo in s . ute tit ins ma in tertiary ins rammes in my do about gifted prog me any thoughts


大家好!我是香港資優教育學院的課程經理鄭先 生。大家可以稱呼我為鄭老師,希望可以與大家分享學 習科學的喜悅。

S的研究助 紹自己喇。我是SP 大家好,輪到我介 大家的需要,希 了解 盡力 及分析工作。我會 常 理–Kaman,負責研究 的一份子,你的聲音非 適切的服務。作為學院 供最 你提 院為 助學 望有 的資優潛能。 見,讓我們一起開拓你 重要,歡迎大家表達意 ch I am Kam an, res ear to int rod uce my sel f. cal lyti He llo! It’s my tur n ana earch and o is responsible for res assistant of SPS, wh ds and assist the nee r you d tan ers t to und work. I will try my bes services. As a e the most appropriat academy to provide you ortant, you imp y ver is E, your voice member of the HKAG develop s let’ ns, nio opi ress any are welcomed to exp ether! your gifted potential tog

Hello! Here is PANSY, the administrator of Student Programmes and Serivces Division. You might not meet me in person before since I usually stay in the office. In fact, I have met many of you before through telephone or email. I welcome you to be a part of the Academy.


Greeting to all! I am curriculum manager of The Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education. You may call me Cheng Sir. I hope to share and enjoy learning with you all!

經驗! Hello everyone! This is Kathy, the Student Admissions and Services Assistant of HKAGE. Please feel free to approach me if there is anything I can help. Hope all of you would enjoy the learning experiences with us!

大家好!我係PANSY,主要負責學生服務部的行政工作。 可能大家對我會比較陌生,因為我比較少與大家見面。不過,其實 透過電話或電郵我已接觸過好多個學員。歡迎所有學員的加入!


大家好! 我是你們的學生事務助理Kathy,有什麼可以 幫忙的地方,歡迎隨時聯絡我。希望你們都享受這裡的學習


Aloha! 我是Stella (拉丁語解 你好! Hello! こんにちは! Bonjour! 的 及國際比賽,讓你與其他本地及海外 作“星星”),主要為你籌辦本地 為 能成 你將 下, 培育 院的 。我相信在學 資優學生交流知識、想法和經驗 嗎? 好了 準備 。你 明星 一顆獨特而閃亮的 Aloha! I am Stella (means “Star” 你好! Hello! こんにちは! Bonjour! and international competitions for l loca in Latin) who is organising l s and experiences with other loca you to exchange knowledge, idea be d coul you of each ve that and overseas gifted students. I belie nurtures. Are you ready? a unique and shiny star with our


Hi there, I am the Activity Assis tant of SPS. Love travelling and food, I once gave up my job and went to New Zealand for 9 months, working and trave lling. I wish all of you can travel more as to broaden your view.



與 生服務。我喜歡 da負責學院的學 en Br 是 員能 我 學 , 望 好 你 很有意義。希 份工作對我來說 這 。 流 交 及 動 人互 ! 實與快樂的時光 在學院中享受充 ic es in th e r St ud en t Se rv fo le sib on sp re work with people. My Hi , I’m Br en da g and sharing tin ac er will s int nt e de lov Academy. I pe that our stu gful for me. I ho nin ea m ! ry ble ve ya here is lfilling and enjo ents with us fu find their mom


,主要負責 理 – William 一份 學院的項目助 是 我 , 好 家 。作為學院的 大 場的各種支援 在 及 作 工 的課 政 的行 希望能在未來 協助學院課程 優學生服務, 資 的 港 香 為 高興能 子,我自己很 ! 面 見 who 家 大 程中與 of the HKAGE, ect assistant oj pr e site th on , d am illi ration work an Hello, I am W ting administ am sis I as E, r fo AG le HK ber of the is responsib hello se. As a mem y ur sa co t e Le th . r ng fo Ko support ents in Hong the gifted stud glad to serve course ! in the future



Members' Blog 會員部落


Horseshoe Crabs: A Lovely Species By Wong Sarah Hoi Yee


Floating, wafting, drifting by

A corner for sharing members' works, stories and interests ...

Down and down the horseshoe crabs dive Pass the brine shrimps, pass their friends Pass the seashells, into the sand Dragging their tails across the ground Rustles and crackles, a humming sound Seeing the world through their beady eyes Pausing to regard you, off they glide It is fun watching a horseshoe crab playing in a water tank. Have you ever dreamed of keeping one as pet? Me neither, yet the Ocean Park arranged a Juvenile Horseshoe Crabs Rearing Programme this year, and I am provided with this precious opportunity to get to know more about this mysterious yet fascinating creature. Thorough this whole year I have been taking care of the fifty horseshoe crabs thriving at my school. They are getting rarer and harder to spot in Hong Kong these years, but people in Sai Kung are still having them served as a dish on their dining table.

「教育」By Tsui Yan Ki

Hi! 很高興和你在這裡聊天。我是專責「照顧 」人文範疇 的Suzannie,座右銘是「努力工作,『勁』努 力遊戲!」希望大 家能在學院獲得「好玩」的學習經驗,人生樂趣 溢溢! Hi! Nice to meet you here. I am Suzannie who is “taking care” of the humanities domain. My motto is “Work Hard and Play Harder!” Have playfu l study experiences and wish you every success in our Academy!

「幻.缺月」By Choi Hiu Tung (蔡曉彤)

It will be a pity if we have to lose this lovely species of life this way. You wouldn’t want to see a whole species wipe off the surface of earth, would you? Let’s help the horseshoe crabs then - spread the word. Don’t haul them out of their dens just because of your own gluttony!


staff Introduction of SPS 學生服務部職員簡介

大家好!我是Rosena,負責領導才能範疇及學生事務的 工作。作 為心理學 人,我對 兒童及青 少年的發 展尤其關 注。我 深信,你的資優潛能必將事成,讓我與你們共同探索及邁向這個美

大家 好, 阿謙 是S PS的 活動 助理 。最 喜歡 旅行 和美 食, 曾放 低工 作九 個月 到新 西蘭 ,工 作遊 玩。 希望 大家 能 去不同地方,擴闊自己的眼光。

過往 劃的Arie, 展」活動籌 發 交 社 潛水的 及 個人成長 活動。熱愛 我是負責「 劃學生發展 籌 和 員 導 輔 使你著迷? 大學當學生 迷。那什麼 曾於中學及 ted 生物為之著 洋 海 的 樣 tivities rela 式各 ogramme ac pr 我,對於各 se ent ni ud ga and or d been st helps plan ment. I ha op n el he ev w D I’m Arie who es al Soci programm rowth and velopment de ng t vi di en Personal G ud ve st lo n sectors. I d organised ry educatio counselor an r the sea. y and tertia ar nd tures unde co ea se cr ly ve lo e working in inated by th ? and am fasc g fascinated es you bein t So wha mak


學 sky,以往從事數 關課程發展的Ma 相 學 數 責 別 專 是 各位好! 我 和解難力量,也特 原因是它的嚴謹性 要 主 的 學 數 愛 喜 研究。我 和邏輯推理。 用上的抽像化過程 欣賞在建立理論時 fo r th e am re sp on sib le is Ma sk y Ng . I wa s a I . ms ra og He llo ! My na me pr at ics re lat ed em th ma of d by nt ate de ve lop me ays been fascin matics. I have alw the lly ma cia in pe er es I rch resea thematics and orousness of ma rig d ed an us r g we nin po so the d logical rea of abstraction an love the elements . es ori the thematical in establishing ma

This is Rosena who is looking after the leadership domain and student services. As a psychology graduate, my passion lay upon child and youth development. Believe it or not, your giftedness can make things happen. Let’s discover and walk together towards your gifted journey.

阿謙 Rosena 而深 可以與學生有直接 ,最令我感恩的是 年 十 教育的新 二 優 近 資 接 港 作 香 工 從事教育 對我來說不單是 , 立 成 的 院 學 。 學到很多 入的交流,從他們 侍更多的學生。 突破,讓我可以服 的 上 作 程與服務 工 我 一頁,亦是 切合學生需要的課 構 的同工,努力建 部 務 服 生 學 位 13 工作:與 讀、電影、學習 一起的每一刻、閱 興趣:享受與家人 t and close 、榮神益人 uld have a direc 座右銘:享受生命 grateful that I co am I . lishment ars tab ye es 20 e almost learned a lot. Th ve ha I have taught for I om o a wh m education but als the students fro the local gifted interaction with in r te ap ch w nts. not only a ne serve more stude of the HKAGE is ich enables me to wh r ree ca my in rvices Division to breakthrough ogrammes and Se Pr nt de Stu the of dents’ needs th 13 colleagues ich can meet stu Work: working wi s and services wh me ram vies & learning og mo pr ing for tch formulate plans family, reading, wa my th wi nt me every mo Interest: enjoying d help others! , honour God an life joy En : tto Mo

Stella 跨學科範疇的課程 我負責科學範疇及 。 cis an Fr 於英 是 !我 你們好 國參與科研,亦曾 機科學的我曾在英 算 計 修 主 學及 , 科 科 供 理 規劃。出身 迎你們向我提 科技相關學科。歡 及 腦 電 教 任 校 院 國及香港大專 意見。 linary student 跨學科課程相關的 s and Multi-discip manages Science o wh uter Science is, nc mp Fra Co d die Hello! I am disciplines, I stu ce ien sc m urses fro ming ght computer co programmes. Co in UK. I also tau rch ea res th c wi tifi are ien sh sc ng. Feel free to and involved in UK and Hong Ko th bo in s . ute tit ins ma in tertiary ins rammes in my do about gifted prog me any thoughts


大家好!我是香港資優教育學院的課程經理鄭先 生。大家可以稱呼我為鄭老師,希望可以與大家分享學 習科學的喜悅。

S的研究助 紹自己喇。我是SP 大家好,輪到我介 大家的需要,希 了解 盡力 及分析工作。我會 常 理–Kaman,負責研究 的一份子,你的聲音非 適切的服務。作為學院 供最 你提 院為 助學 望有 的資優潛能。 見,讓我們一起開拓你 重要,歡迎大家表達意 ch I am Kam an, res ear to int rod uce my sel f. cal lyti He llo! It’s my tur n ana earch and o is responsible for res assistant of SPS, wh ds and assist the nee r you d tan ers t to und work. I will try my bes services. As a e the most appropriat academy to provide you ortant, you imp y ver is E, your voice member of the HKAG develop s let’ ns, nio opi ress any are welcomed to exp ether! your gifted potential tog

Hello! Here is PANSY, the administrator of Student Programmes and Serivces Division. You might not meet me in person before since I usually stay in the office. In fact, I have met many of you before through telephone or email. I welcome you to be a part of the Academy.


Greeting to all! I am curriculum manager of The Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education. You may call me Cheng Sir. I hope to share and enjoy learning with you all!

經驗! Hello everyone! This is Kathy, the Student Admissions and Services Assistant of HKAGE. Please feel free to approach me if there is anything I can help. Hope all of you would enjoy the learning experiences with us!

大家好!我係PANSY,主要負責學生服務部的行政工作。 可能大家對我會比較陌生,因為我比較少與大家見面。不過,其實 透過電話或電郵我已接觸過好多個學員。歡迎所有學員的加入!


大家好! 我是你們的學生事務助理Kathy,有什麼可以 幫忙的地方,歡迎隨時聯絡我。希望你們都享受這裡的學習


Aloha! 我是Stella (拉丁語解 你好! Hello! こんにちは! Bonjour! 的 及國際比賽,讓你與其他本地及海外 作“星星”),主要為你籌辦本地 為 能成 你將 下, 培育 院的 。我相信在學 資優學生交流知識、想法和經驗 嗎? 好了 準備 。你 明星 一顆獨特而閃亮的 Aloha! I am Stella (means “Star” 你好! Hello! こんにちは! Bonjour! and international competitions for l loca in Latin) who is organising l s and experiences with other loca you to exchange knowledge, idea be d coul you of each ve that and overseas gifted students. I belie nurtures. Are you ready? a unique and shiny star with our


Hi there, I am the Activity Assis tant of SPS. Love travelling and food, I once gave up my job and went to New Zealand for 9 months, working and trave lling. I wish all of you can travel more as to broaden your view.



與 生服務。我喜歡 da負責學院的學 en Br 是 員能 我 學 , 望 好 你 很有意義。希 份工作對我來說 這 。 流 交 及 動 人互 ! 實與快樂的時光 在學院中享受充 ic es in th e r St ud en t Se rv fo le sib on sp re work with people. My Hi , I’m Br en da g and sharing tin ac er will s int nt e de lov Academy. I pe that our stu gful for me. I ho nin ea m ! ry ble ve ya here is lfilling and enjo ents with us fu find their mom


,主要負責 理 – William 一份 學院的項目助 是 我 , 好 家 。作為學院的 大 場的各種支援 在 及 作 工 的課 政 的行 希望能在未來 協助學院課程 優學生服務, 資 的 港 香 為 高興能 子,我自己很 ! 面 見 who 家 大 程中與 of the HKAGE, ect assistant oj pr e site th on , d am illi ration work an Hello, I am W ting administ am sis I as E, r fo AG le HK ber of the is responsib hello se. As a mem y ur sa co t e Le th . r ng fo Ko support ents in Hong the gifted stud glad to serve course ! in the future



Members' Blog 會員部落


Horseshoe Crabs: A Lovely Species By Wong Sarah Hoi Yee


Floating, wafting, drifting by

A corner for sharing members' works, stories and interests ...

Down and down the horseshoe crabs dive Pass the brine shrimps, pass their friends Pass the seashells, into the sand Dragging their tails across the ground Rustles and crackles, a humming sound Seeing the world through their beady eyes Pausing to regard you, off they glide It is fun watching a horseshoe crab playing in a water tank. Have you ever dreamed of keeping one as pet? Me neither, yet the Ocean Park arranged a Juvenile Horseshoe Crabs Rearing Programme this year, and I am provided with this precious opportunity to get to know more about this mysterious yet fascinating creature. Thorough this whole year I have been taking care of the fifty horseshoe crabs thriving at my school. They are getting rarer and harder to spot in Hong Kong these years, but people in Sai Kung are still having them served as a dish on their dining table.

「教育」By Tsui Yan Ki

Hi! 很高興和你在這裡聊天。我是專責「照顧 」人文範疇 的Suzannie,座右銘是「努力工作,『勁』努 力遊戲!」希望大 家能在學院獲得「好玩」的學習經驗,人生樂趣 溢溢! Hi! Nice to meet you here. I am Suzannie who is “taking care” of the humanities domain. My motto is “Work Hard and Play Harder!” Have playfu l study experiences and wish you every success in our Academy!

「幻.缺月」By Choi Hiu Tung (蔡曉彤)

It will be a pity if we have to lose this lovely species of life this way. You wouldn’t want to see a whole species wipe off the surface of earth, would you? Let’s help the horseshoe crabs then - spread the word. Don’t haul them out of their dens just because of your own gluttony!


News Corner 最新情報站 活動名稱 Name of Programme / Event

重要資料 Important Information

活動簡介 Highlights of Programme / Event

人文學科 Humanities 大學學分課程:英文創意寫作 Credit-bearing Course in English Creative Writing

大學學分課程介紹不同英文創意寫作的文體,愛寫作的你豈能錯過! Credit-bearing Course introducing the various genres of creative writings that you can't miss it!

大學學分課程:電影藝術與文化 Credit-bearing Course in Film Art and Culture

結合電影欣賞與文化批判的大學學分課程令人期待萬分,它一定是你的必讀之選! Integration of film appreciation and culture critiques which must be fascinating. A Must- Apply course for you!

詳情請瀏覽本學院網頁一月份的更新。 Please check our website for the updates in January.

領導才能 Leadership 領導才能專題講座 Leadership Thematic Talk

馬時亨先生將與我們分享怎樣成為新一代領袖。 Mr. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, is going to share with us who will become the new generation leaders.

演說技巧工作坊 Public Speaking Workshop

由於四月份的工作坊反應熱烈,故將於2011年2月份再度登場,欲知詳情,請密切留意學院網頁。 詳情資料將於一月公布 The popular workshop offered in Apr 2010 is going to re-run in the coming Feb 2011. Stay tuned for Details will be uploaded to our website in more information! Jan 2011.

活動日期:21/01/2011 報名請參閱學院網頁 For application: please visit http://hkage. org.hk/en/sz_programmes.html

數學 Maths 國際數學奧林匹克訓練 (第三期) IMO Training Phase III

這是「國際數學奧林匹克訓練」的最後一個階段,參加訓練的傑出學員將有機會參與有關之數學 比賽。 This is the final phase of the IMO training programme. Outstanding participants in the training may have the opportunity to participate in related Mathematics competitions.

數學燃動課程 Math Ignition

一個可讓學員擴闊數學視野,並一嘗「國際數學奧林匹克訓練課程」的課程。 The perfect course for students who wants to widen their horizons in mathematics and have taste of the IMO curriculum.

詳情請瀏覽本學院網頁十二月份的更新。 Please check our website for application details in December.

跨學科 Multi-Disciplinary 自然數理-數學與物理的優美結合 Harmonies In Nature : A Dialogue between wMathematics and Physics

課程內容主要探討數學在我們認識物理世界的過程中所擔當的角色和它的演化 (主要是微積分、代數 及幾何的相關課題) 。

詳情資料將於一月公布 Details will be uploaded to our website in The theme of the programme is the role and evolution of mathematics (mainly calculus, with related Jan 2011. topics in linear algebra and geometry) in understanding the physical world.

Competition 比賽 2011網上數學資源設計比賽 Online Mathematics Resources Contest 2011

2011國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔 International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2011

網上數學資源設計比賽旨在讓中學生透過以問題導向學習,設計不同主題的數學研習,提高他們對數學 的興趣。獲獎作品將會用作網上數學資源,以達至知識共享的目的。

須經學校提名報名 Applications are to be made via school

The aim of the contest is to arouse the interest of secondary school students in mathematics by involving them in a mathematical study across different topics through problem-based learning. The finalised products will serve as website resources with the purpose of knowledge sharing. 為了識別具備科學天賦的學生參與國際初中科學奧林匹克,香港選拔賽將於2011年3月12日(星期六) 舉行。通過選拔及完成訓練後,籌委會將會選出六名表現優異的學生,代表香港參加國際初中科學 奧林匹克。 In order to identify the most appropriate cohort of students with good potential in science to participate in the International Junior Science Olympiad, a territory wide screening is scheduled on 12 March 2011 (Saturday). After selection and intensive training, six students will be selected to represent Hong Kong to participate in the International Junior Science Olympiad.

個人成長及社交發展 Personal Growth and Social Development

個人成長講座 Road to "Shine"

對於「資優」的身份有一點興奮卻又有一點迷惘? 關心未來的你需要來參加此講座,你定會從中找出 指向「光明之路」!

歡迎所有學員參加,詳情請瀏覽本學院網頁 一月份的更新。

Being excited yet a bit lost as Gifted? Whoever care about your future needs to attend this talk so that you will be directed to a "Road to Shine"!

All members are welcomed, and please check our website for the updates in January.

香港特別資優人士協會 Hong Kong Federation of the Exceptionally Gifted 簡介




由於香港的資優教育並不普及,資優們的需求往往未能得到滿足。有見及此,一群資優學生便於2002 年自行籌組而成了「香港特別資優人士協會」。目的是推動香港的資優教育並促進會員之間的合作、 交流及進步。為了迎合不同資優生的需要,本會會定期舉辦不同類型的活動讓會員自由參加。另外, 本會亦有另一宗旨就是想集合一班資優學生的力量去服務社會,不論年齡幫助有需要的人。 今年,第六屆幹事會正式上任。除了會秉承「香港特別資優人士協會」的宗旨外,還會以培養會員的 歸屬感為目標。因此,本會每月也會舉行一次會員聚會,讓會員間有更多互相認識的機會,會員更不 用擔心會結交不到新朋友。 1月 – 定期會員聚會 2月 – 暫定在月尾資優教育學院迎新日後舉行迎新第一擊 詳情將會在網上公佈,請各會員密切留意。

Feedback Box 你的留言

In 2002, in view of the fact that the local gifted education failed to cater to the needs of the gifted community, a group of gifted students set up the HKFEG to promote gifted education and encourage cooperation, exchange as well as advancement of the members. The HKFEG regularly organises different kinds of activities to meet the various needs of its gifted members, and aims to gather the strength of the gifted students of different age groups to serve the local community and the needy. The 6th Executive Committee has assumed office this year with cultivating a sense of belonging between members as its special target. With this target, we will hold monthly gathering for members to make new friends and acquaint themselves with each other. January – regular gathering of members End of February – 1st welcoming gathering of new members after the HKAGE’s orientation day Please refer to the online announcement for details in due course.

假如你對今期內容有任何意見及建議,歡迎聯絡我們。 If you have comments and suggestions to improve "The Gifted Bulletin", please contact us. 歡迎各位踴躍投稿! You are welcome to contribute articles or creative works to this bulletin.

聯絡方法 Contact Information 學院網頁 Website:www.hkage.org.hk

©Copyright 2010 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. All rights reserved. 香港資優教育學院2010版權所有,未經許可,不得轉載。

電郵 Email:sps@hkage.org.hk

電話 Telephone: 3698 3499

編輯組Editorial Team 學生服務部 Student Programmes and Services 香港資優教育學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

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