Hong Kong Week@ Guangzhou: ALICE (in wonderland)

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献辞 MESSAGE 林郑月娥

Mrs Carrie LAM 香港特別行政區 行政長官

Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

歡迎大家參與“香港周2021@廣州”。這項 盛大活動為廣州及大灣區民眾帶來豐富精采 的藝術文化節目,展示香港藝術文化的魅力。 “香 港周 2 0 21@廣州”由4月17日起 至5月 30日,一連六個星期在廣州舉行。節目包羅 萬有,包括藝術表演及文化展覽,涵蓋音樂、 舞蹈、戲劇、電影、攝影等多個範疇,分別在 星海音樂廳、大型商場、藝術區及電影院等 廣州多個場地舉行。“香港周”活動亦得到 騰訊藝術及廣州大劇院的大力支持,讓觀眾 可於線上欣賞各項精采的藝術文化節目。 “香 港周”由香 港 芭 蕾 舞 團 的 演 出 掀 開序 幕,不同規模的知 名藝團 隨 後 陸 續登場, 計有 中英 劇 團、城 市當代 舞 蹈 團、香 港 中 樂 團、香 港 管 弦 樂 團、香 港 話 劇 團、美 聲 匯等。“香港周”其中一項以藝術及設計為 主 題的展 覽,稍 後將在 大 灣區城 市巡回展 出。“一脈.雙城”電影放 映 活動 在“香 港 周”結束一個多星期前舉行,為觀眾呈獻多 部優秀香港電影作品。 “香港周2021@廣州”是過去18個月以來, 香港在中國內地舉行的第二個大型藝術文化 推廣活動。2019年11月,香港在上海舉辦為 期三周的“香港節2019─藝匯上海”。兩項 活動旨在讓內地觀眾認識香港不同的藝術文 化團體,以及所擁有的世界級創意人才。同 時,本屆政府亦銳意加強香港與內地城市的 聯系,促進人民及藝術文化界的交流,為大 家帶來娛樂性豐富的精采活動之余,並一起 发掘創新意念。 衷心感謝廣州及香港兩地的合作伙伴所付出 的努力,讓“香港周2021@廣州”在疫情的 嚴峻挑戰下,依然辦得有聲有色。相信大家 定會沈醉於“香港周"各項節目所綻放的魅 力。我亦期待香港與廣州及大灣區的民眾未 來在藝術、文化以至更多其他領域,進一步 擴大合作空間。

I am delighted to welcome you to Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou, a grand festival bringing the best of Hong Kong’s arts and culture to the people of Guangzhou and the Greater Bay Area. For six dazzling weeks, beginning 17 April and running through 30 May, Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou showcases a splendid array of programmes covering performing arts presentations and cultural exhibitions. Music, dance, theatre, film, photography and more are on offer at venues across Guangzhou, including Xinghai Concert Hall, upscale shopping centres, art spaces and cinemas. Hong Kong Week is also an online celebration of arts and culture, thanks to Tencent Art and the Guangzhou Opera House. Hong Kong Ballet opens Hong Kong Week@Guangzhou, followed by performances from the Chung Ying Theatre Company, City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, the Bel Canto Singers and other celebrated arts groups, large and small. The Festival includes an art-and-design exhibition that will later tour cities in the Greater Bay Area. And the “One Culture Two Cities” film programme, which concludes the Festival, features more than a week of films spotlighting the singular brilliance of cinema in Hong Kong. The Guangzhou festival is the second major arts and culture showcase Hong Kong has rolled out for Mainland China in the past 18 months. Festival Hong Kong — a Cultural Extravaganza@Shanghai ran for three weeks in November 2019. Their intent is to introduce Hong Kong’s wide-ranging arts and cultural organisations, and the world-class creative talent behind them, to mainland audiences. No less important, my Government is committed to expanding Hong Kong’s ties to mainland cities, building bonds between our people and the arts and cultural communities that entertain and inspire us. I am grateful to our partners in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and the dedication they have demonstrated in bringing Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou to bright life, despite the daunting challenge of the pandemic. I know you will enjoy the Festival, and I look forward to more co-operation, in arts and culture and much else, between Hong Kong and Guangzhou and among the people of the Greater Bay Area.

献辞 MESSAGE 徐英伟

Caspar Ying-wai TSUI 香港特別行政區政府 民政事務局局長

Secretary for Home Affairs The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

歡 迎 大家參與“香 港周2021@廣州”。 香 港是中外 傳統與文化融和之地,也 是國 際文化 大都 會。文化藝術能 跨 越 時空的 限 制,連 系 各地 人 民。民 政事 務局 近 年 積極 推廣“香港周”品牌至內地主要城市,不但 促進文化交流,也希望達致人心互通。民政 事務局過去一直 大力支持香港的藝術家和 藝團到大灣區內地城市及內地其他 地方演 出,今次在文化名城廣州舉辦“香港周”,期 望 延續穗港兩地的深厚文化聯系和緊密合 作關系,並借助省會的強大網絡,把香港的 文化藝術向廣東省的人 民 呈現。 在過去一年多的疫 情期間,全球各地社會 均面對 重 重 挑戰,幸得廣州主要文化 場地 和商圈排 除萬 難,以 及香 港的藝術家和藝 團的努力和創意,令“香 港周”得以於廣州 舉行。今年“香港周”的各項活動會以實地 和網上 雙管齊 下的方 式 呈獻,節目種類 繁 多,無論各 位 坐 席 場內或 安 在 家中,都 能 選 擇 到 吸引您 的節目,在 怡 情 遣 興 之 余, 感受穗港兩地緊扣的文化脈搏。 我在此衷心感謝各個讓“香港周”得以成事 的穗港機構、藝術家和藝團全力參與,以及 所有觀眾的熱情支持。最後,預祝“香港周 2021@廣州”辦得 有聲有色,功成圓滿。

I am delighted to welcome you to Hong Kong Week 2021@ Guangzhou. Hong Kong is a multi-cultural cosmopolitan city boasting a fine blend of the oriental culture and tradition with those of the occident. Arts and culture have the power to transcend places and times, bringing people together. With that in mind, the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) has in recent years advanced our efforts with active promotion of the Hong Kong Week brand in major Mainland cities in order to enhance cultural exchange and connect minds and hearts. HAB has given staunch support to Hong Kong’s artists and arts groups holding performances in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area and other Mainland destinations. For this edition of Hong Kong Week, we are honoured to be able to come to the admirable cultural stronghold of Guangzhou to hopefully take the deep cultural connection and close partnership between Guangzhou and Hong Kong to a whole new level. Taking this opportunity, we also hope to leverage on the available strong provincial network to showcase Hong Kong’s arts and culture to our audience in Guangdong. The pandemic has been running rampant around the world and confronting us with many challenges for over a year. It is therefore all the more gratifying to have the generous help of major cultural venues and commercial partners in Guangzhou, and the efforts and creativity of our artists and arts groups, to make it possible to hold this year’s event in Guangzhou. A dual approach is adopted to present the Hong Kong Week activities in-venue and online without compromising the vast range of programmes. A sumptuous feast to the mind and soul with a myriad of programmes is waiting for all to enjoy, no matter whether you will be seated at a venue or at home. The audience will surely be amazed by the excellent programmes for not only the entertaining experience, but also the powerful draw of the intertwined cultures of the two cities to be unfolded before them. Before closing, allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the participating organisations, artists, arts groups and audience from both Guangzhou and Hong Kong for giving positive support to this highly anticipated event. May I wish Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou a tremendous success. 1

献辞 MESSAGE 刘瑜梅

LIU Yumei 广州市文化广电旅游局 黨組書記、局長

Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group and Director Guangzhou Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau

穗港兩地 地緣相近、人緣相親、語言相通, 文化交流日益活躍,藝術合作密切深入。兩 地通過聯辦“香港周2021@廣州”,着重在 文化藝術、歷史傳承、旅遊推廣等方面加強 交流合作,共同傳承中華文化,攜手打造國 際旅遊目的地。 近年來,廣州文化事業以其鮮明的文化特色 和敢為人先的創新姿態,在區域性文化共享 共建发展中发揮了應有的作用。廣州各專業 藝術 院團、廣州大 劇 院與香 港有關機 構 保 持長期密切合作,共同創演精品劇目,推動 《最後晚餐》 、 《倩女幽魂》 、 《長恨歌》等優 秀劇目互訪巡演。我市舉辦的“穗港澳青少 年文化交 流 季” 、“粵港 澳中小 學生故事大 會” 、 “粵港澳青少年六一藝術匯”、“人文灣 區少年行”等系列活動,線上線下吸引了大 批灣區青少年積極參與,進一步增強灣區青 少年對廣府文化的認知與認同。2019年成立 的粵港澳大灣區公共圖書館聯盟,共同促進 了灣區歷史文獻與文化的交流合作,推動灣 區圖書館事業的協同发展。 “香港周2021@廣州”的舉辦,將進一步深 化穗港兩地文化旅 遊交流 合作,給廣大市 民呈現更多香港地區的精采舞台作品及 展 覽。在這里,我也誠邀香港各界人士和市民 朋友,關注和支持“香港周”,讓我們一起共 享穗港文化互惠成果。 最後,預祝“香港周2021@廣州”取得圓滿 成功!

With the geographical proximity between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, as well as the close ties and shared dialect between the peoples, there have been blooming cultural exchanges and artistic collaborations between the two regions. Through the joint organisation of Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou, which sets out to strengthen exchange and co-operation in arts and culture, preservation of history, and tourism, Guangzhou and Hong Kong join forces in propagating Chinese culture, while putting the spotlight on the cosmopolitan regions as vibrant tourist destinations. In recent years, Guangzhou’s cultural industry has distinguished itself with its unique cultural characteristics and innovative spirit, while it plays an important role in cultural exchange and development at the regional level. A number of professional arts companies in Guangzhou and the Guangzhou Opera House have maintained long-term creative partnerships with relevant organisations in Hong Kong. It has culminated in Guangzhou-Hong Kong tours of outstanding stage productions such as The Last Supper, L’ Amour Immortel and Everlasting Regret. Our city has organised a series of events including the Guangzhou Hong Kong Macao Youth Cultural Exchange Festival, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Secondary and Primary School Student Storytelling Showcase, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Youth 1 st June Arts Festival, and The Greater Bay Area Youth Tour. These events drew enthusiastic participation both online and offline from young people across the region, as they fostered greater understanding and recognition of the Lingnan culture among the youth of the region. In 2019, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Public Library Alliance was established. It has facilitated further exchange and co-operation in the documentation of the history of the Greater Bay Area and in its cultural development, while it also promotes the development of its library industry. The organisation of Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou will further consolidate exchange and co-operation in cultural tourism between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, while it presents an array of brilliant stage works and exhibitions from Hong Kong to the public. I hope different members of Hong Kong society will join us in supporting Hong Kong Week, as we share the fruits of the cultural ties between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Lastly, I wish great success!







献辞 MESSAGE 刘明光

Vincent LIU 香港特別行政區政府 康樂及文化事務署署長

Director of Leisure and Cultural Services The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

為促 進穗 港兩地 文化藝術交 流,香 港特 別 行政區政 府康樂及 文化事務 署(康文署) 特別舉辦“香港周2021@廣州”,向花城市 民 展現香 港藝壇豐富多彩的面貌。 過去一年,新 冠肺炎 疫 情雖然 對 文化藝術 界帶 來 沖 擊,卻 也 締 造了新 的 機 遇。藝 團 紛 紛另 辟 蹊 徑,探 索 嶄 新 表 演 模 式,“ 香 港周 2 0 21@廣州”開幕 節目《愛麗絲夢遊 仙境》即為一 例。香 港芭 蕾 舞 團的演出先 作 預錄,廣州交響樂團 現 場為視 頻 伴 奏, 以 超 越 時空的方 式完美 合璧。其他節目亦 會按線 上線下模式推 展,最 大程 度地保留 兩地的互動元素。 疫情之下,康文署推出一站式網上平台“寓 樂頻道”,讓市民寓教育於娛樂,安坐家中 欣賞演藝節目,參加博物館導賞,接收有關 閱讀和運動的資訊。“香港周2021@廣州” 的部分節目稍後也會上傳“寓樂頻 道”,與 各地的網民分享。 全賴穗 港兩地合 作 單位、藝團和公 眾 熱情 參與、鼎力支持,這場絢麗繽紛的文化盛宴 方能如期上演。但願疫情陰霾早日消散,舊 雨 新知能在花 城 聚首,繼 續為穗 港的文藝 交流和发展作出貢獻。

Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou aspires to promote exchange of arts and culture between the two cities, and showcases the dynamic arts scene of Hong Kong to people in Guangzhou. Over the past year, amid the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and cultural industry, arts groups found a silver lining when they explored new ways to present their work. The opening programme of Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou, ALICE (in wonderland) by Hong Kong Ballet for instance, will be screened as a pre-recorded performance and live-accompanied by the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, overcoming the physical barriers in a most charming way. A variety of online and offline programmes will follow and retain the interactive elements in their contents as much as possible. In response to the pandemic, the LCSD has launched the Edutainment Channel, a one-stop online platform featuring performance videos, virtual museum tours, and materials on reading and sports for viewers to enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. Selected programmes of Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou will also be uploaded to the Channel for viewing across the globe. My appreciation goes to our partners in Guangzhou and Hong Kong as well as the participating arts groups and the public, whose enthusiasm and support are the reason that this glamorous cultural event could run as scheduled. I sincerely hope that the pandemic will be over soon, and the arts and cultural communities all gather in Guangzhou—to inspire and be inspired.


献辞 MESSAGE 王英伟博士 GBS 太平绅士

Wilfred WONG Ying-wai, GBS, JP 香港藝術发展局 主席

Chairman Hong Kong Arts Development Council

香 港藝術 发 展 局 一向致 力支持本 地藝術 團 體到各地 進行文化交 流,近 年 積極與多 個內地藝文機 構合作,將 香 港的優秀 作品 推 介 到 北 京、上 海及粵 港 澳 大 灣 區等。自 2 0 1 8 年起,已有 超 過 十 數 個 香 港 作 品 獲 本局推薦及 支持於內地不同地方亮 相。 本局 很高興再度獲香 港特別 行政區政 府 康 樂 及 文 化 事 務 署 的 邀 請 參 與“ 香 港 周 2 0 21@廣州”,並與廣州大 劇 院及 星 海音 樂廳合 作,將兩台獨特的香 港作品以線 上 及線下播放 形式帶給各地 觀眾。精采節目 包括由美 聲匯一 眾 歌 唱家 呈獻《當莫紮特 遇上達.龐蒂》,以輕松幽默手法演繹改編 自莫紮特古典名曲及達.龐蒂譜詞的作品; 及大細路劇團的《BB大過天之點、線、面》 以 最 基 本元 素 剖 析藝術帶來的快樂,為大 小朋友 提 供歡樂的共 聚。我們衷心 希望 觀 眾喜歡 這些 作品。 本局期待未來繼續與內地建立合作伙伴平 台,凝聚力量共同推動藝術发展,亦令香港 藝術家的作品繼續 发揚光大。

Hong Kong Arts Development Council strives to support professional local artists and arts groups to establish network by coordinating a variety of cultural exchange programmes. In recent years, we actively explore collaboration opportunities with Mainland arts organisations and festivals to introduce outstanding Hong Kong artworks to different cultural hubs and cities in the Mainland, including Beijing, Shanghai and GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. More than a dozen of local artworks have been showcased in different parts of the Mainland with our recommendation and support. We are happy to be invited again by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to participate in Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou. It is our pleasure to work with Guangzhou Opera House and Xinghai Concert Hall to bring three unique Hong Kong performances to audiences from different regions through online and offline screenings. Exciting programmes include two distinctive works. First, Bel Canto Singers’ distinguished artists will bring legendary composer Mozart and librettist Da Ponte to life in When Mozart Meets Da Ponte, with their witty and humourous performance of rearranged opera songs in contemporary style, while Jumbo Kids Theatre will present Dot/line/plane@SuperBaby, which is suitable for children as young as toddlers. Performers will bring out the simplest beauty of arts using basic elements. We genuinely hope that audiences will enjoy these special programmes! We believe through establishing a continuous collaboration platform with the Mainland and joining our hands together to promote arts development in the region, more local artworks will shine on stage regionally and internationally.


香港周2021@广州—— 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 HONG KONG WEEK 2021@ GUANGZHOU— ALICE (IN WONDERLAND)

編舞 Choreography 衛承天 Septime WEBRE 音樂 Music 馬修.皮爾斯 Matthew PIERCE 概念及服裝設計 Concept and Costume Design 莉茲.凡達爾 Liz VANDAL 佈景設計 Set Design 詹士.克朗扎 James KRONZER 燈光設計 Lighting Design


星期六 Saturday 7:30pm *廣州大劇院實驗劇場 EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE, GUANGZHOU OPERA HOUSE 節目長約 2 小時,包括一節中場休息 The programme is approximately 2 hrs, including an intermission

克利夫頓.泰勒 Clifton TAYLOR 戲偶設計 Puppet Design 艾力.凡.域克 Eric VAN WYK 舞台懸吊效果設計 Flying Effects Flying by Foy *廣州大劇院現場伴奏 Live Accompaniment at Guangzhou Opera House 廣州交響樂團 Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra

2021.4.17–7.16 騰訊藝術頻道 TENCENT ART 節目長約 1小時40分 The programme is approximately 1 hr 40 mins

*指揮 Conductor 黃屹 HUANG Yi

伴奏 Accompaniment 香港城市室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 指揮 Conductor 馬修.皮爾斯 Matthew PIERCE


A co-production of Hong Kong Ballet and West Australian Ballet


Hong Kong Ballet is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region © 2021 香港芭蕾舞團版權所有 Hong Kong Ballet all rights reserved 封面圖片:舞蹈員:陳稚瑶 | 圖片創作:Design Army | 攝影:Dean Alexander





愛麗絲的家人圍著她團團轉,她正在做白日夢, 不由自主地想著家族世交路易斯.卡羅;而與愛 麗絲約好的卡羅,準備帶她遊船河到郊外野餐。 Alice daydreams as her family swirls around her chaotically. She is mesmerized by the mysterious and quirky Lewis Carroll, a family friend, who takes Alice on a boat ride and picnic in the country. 愛麗絲 Alice

陳稚瑶 CHEN Zhiyao 媽媽 Mother

金瑶 JIN Yao 爸爸 Father

魏巍 WEI Wei 姊妹花 Twin Sisters

羅拔絲 Zoe ROBERTS & 張雪寧 ZHANG Xuening 爺爺 Grandfather

林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle 嫲嫲 Grandmother

安修賢 Suhyeon AHN 管家 Butler

沈杰 SHEN Jie 路易斯.卡羅 Lewis Carroll

李嘉博 LI Jiabo 白衣人 Guys in White

有水俊介 Shunsuke ARIMIZU, 卡諾意 Luis CABRERA, 簡家傑 KAN Ka Kit Jordan, 梁晉朗 LEUNG Chun long, 奧利華 Forrest Rain OLIVEROS, 佘爾頓 Henry SELDON, 尊尼芬.斯納 Jonathan SPIGNER, 武迪 WU Di



野餐期間,愛麗絲聽著小女孩闖進仙境冒險的故 事時昏昏欲睡。這時白兔先生跳過,快速地跳進 兔子洞,愛麗絲緊跟著兔子身後走,卻彷彿跌進了 萬里之下,砰地一聲跌到洞底,她掉在玄關前。 她拿起眼前的藥水喝了一口,身體不斷地長高; 然 後,她 又拿起 扇子撥了幾下,身體又縮小,小 愛麗絲從匙孔望出去,第一次見到邪惡的紅心皇 后;當她拿起蛋糕吃了幾口,回復成正常的身體, 卻讓她再也無法通過那道細小的門。 During the picnic, Alice drifts off to sleep while listening to a story of a little girl’s adventures in a wonderland. A White Rabbit hops by, quickly leaps into a rabbit hole and Alice follows, falling for what seems like miles. Alice lands with a thud in a hallway. She drinks a potion and grows quite tall; she fans herself and shrinks quite small. When Alice eats some cake and returns to normal size, she can no longer fit through the tiny door. 白兔先生 White Rabbit

沈杰 SHEN Jie 大門 Large Doors

有水俊介 Shunsuke ARIMIZU, 卡諾意 Luis CABRERA, 簡家傑 KAN Ka Kit Jordan, 李周昊 LEE Joo Ho, 梁晉朗 LEUNG Chun long, 奧利華 Forrest Rain OLIVEROS, 佘爾頓 Henry SELDON, 孫浩楠 SUN Haonan, 武迪 WU Di 小門 Small Doors^

博藝嘉 BOUTEILLER Edgar, 陳晞爾 CHAN Hadrian, 駱枳謙 LOK Tsz Him, 龍百川 LUNG T. Rex, 潘朗然 PUN Long Yin, 蕭文俊 SIU Man Chun, 黃臻 WONG Jun, 余岷軒 YU Nicolas 鑰匙 Key^

葉曦霖 YIP Patrice 紅心皇后 Queen of Hearts

金瑶 JIN Yao 6

睡鼠 Dormouse


劉苗苗 LIU Miaomiao


渡渡鳥 Dodo Bird

布魯克林.麥克 Brooklyn MACK 小鷹 Eaglet

葉飛飛 YE Feifei 紅鶴 Flamingos

安修賢 Suhyeon AHN, 班納特 Ashleigh BENNETT, 貝爾加 Lauma BERGA, 董瑞雪 DONG Ruixue, 董雨昕 DONG Yuxin, 付一楊 FU Yiyang, 高歌 GAO Ge, 羽石彩乃 Ayano HANEISHI, 黎珮琪 LAI Pui Ki Peggy, 梁秀朗 LEUNG Saulong, 劉瑋南 LIU Weinan, 羅拔絲 Zoe ROBERTS, 酒井那奈 Nana SAKAI, 汪慶欣 WANG Qingxin, 王玥 WANG Yueh Erica, 張雪寧 ZHANG Xuening 小紅鶴 Baby Flamingos^

ABEJERO Ina, 蔡禹嫣 CHOI Vivian, 鍾伊澄 CHUNG Yi Ching Arielle, 姜逸琳 KEUNG Yat Lam, 梁皓晴 LEUNG Ho Ching, 麥芍悠 MAK Cheuk Yau Peony, 潘思靜 POON Orelia, 黃莙書 WONG Kwan Shu 四隻紅鶴 Four Flamingos

愛麗絲遇見僕人魚先生和蛙先生,他們正要送邀 請函給公爵夫人。可是公爵夫人因為廚師的湯下 了太多胡椒,氣得暴跳如雷。愛麗絲發現公爵夫 人的嬰兒突然變成小豬! Alice then meets a Fish and a Frog footman delivering an invitation to the Duchess, who is agitated because the Cook has put too much pepper into the soup. Alice sees Duchess’ babies suddenly turn into pigs! 魚先生 Fish

夏俊 XIA Jun 蛙先生 Frog

李林 LI Lin 公爵夫人 Duchess

托羅斯 Luis R. TORRES 廚師 Cook

林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle 小豬 Piglets^

陳卓君 CHAN Cheuk Kwan Natalie, 張凱琳 CHEUNG Hoi Lam, 方卓桓 FONG Andrea, POSEN Julia Ruth, 岑梓晴 SHUM Tsz Ching, 湯程雅 TONG Ching Ngar Milky

貝爾加 Lauma BERGA, 羽石彩乃 HANEISHI Ayano, 黎珮琪 LAI Pui Ki Peggy, 劉瑋南 LIU Weinan


柴郡猫、毛毛虫和 疯帽匠的下午茶派对


之後,愛麗絲在路上遇見了神出鬼沒的柴郡貓, 又 遇 到了抽 水 煙 的奇 怪毛 毛 蟲,並 變 成了一隻 蝴蝶。其後,愛麗絲誤打誤 撞參加了瘋帽匠、三 月兔和睡鼠的瘋狂下午茶派對。 Later, Alice meets a Cheshire Cat, who appears and disappears, and a Caterpillar who smokes a hookah pipe and transforms into a butterfly. Next, Alice stumbles into a chaotic tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse. 柴郡貓 Cheshire Cat

葛培治 Garry CORPUZ 毛毛蟲 Caterpillar

黎諾詩 LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 瘋帽匠 Mad Hatter

李嘉博 LI Jiabo 三月兔 March Hare

林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle 睡鼠 Dormouse

安修賢 Suhyeon AHN 太陽花 Gerber Daisies ^

HALL Sophie, 郭芷攸 KWOK Cassie, 黎旃渟 LAI Chin Ting, 林婉娛 LAM Yuen Yu, 李倩琪 LEE Sin Ki Rita, 馬天 MA Tin Man Faith, 莫雅茜 MOK Nga Sin Gigi, 丘芍瑩 YAU Cheuk Ying Kristy






撲克牌園丁不小心 在 皇 后的花園種了白玫瑰, 由於深 怕 皇 后生氣,他們 將玫 瑰 漆 成 紅色。皇 后邀請愛麗絲參加槌球比賽 ── 紅鶴是球棍, 刺蝟是 球。皇 后 責怪 刺蝟連 累 她 輸 掉 球賽,並 宣 佈:“砍 頭伺 候”。愛麗絲救了刺 蝟,盛 怒的 的皇 后一直 追著愛麗絲到森林。 Meanwhile, card gardeners accidentally planted white roses in the Queen’s red rose garden. Fearing her wrath, they paint the roses red. The Queen invites Alice to play a game of croquet using Flamingo mallets and Hedgehogs as croquet balls. Blaming the Hedgehogs for losing the match, the Queen proclaims, ‘off with their heads’. Alice saves the Hedgehogs and the angry Queen chases her into the forest. 紅心皇后 Queen of Hearts

金瑶 JIN Yao 紅心皇帝 King of Hearts

魏巍 WEI Wei 小丑 Joker

布魯克林.麥克 Brooklyn MACK 玫瑰 Roses

黎諾詩 LAI Nok Sze Vanessa, 羅拔絲 Zoe ROBERTS, 汪慶欣 WANG Qingxin 髹紅玫瑰 Painting the Roses Red

卡諾意 Luis CABRERA, 梁晉朗 LEUNG Chunlong, 林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle, 尊尼芬.斯納 Jonathan SPIGNER

刺猬 Hedgehogs^

撲克牌 The Cards

安修賢 Suhyeon AHN, 貝爾加 Lauma BERGA, 董瑞雪 DONG Ruixue, 董雨昕 DONG Yuxin, 付一楊 FU Yiyang, 高歌 GAO Ge, 羽石彩乃 Ayano HANEISHI, 黎珮琪 LAI Pui Ki Peggy, 劉瑋南 LIU Weinan, 王玥 WANG Yueh Erica, 楊睿琦 YANG Ruiqi, 張雪寧 ZHANG Xuening 有水俊介 Shunsuke ARIMIZU, 卡諾意 Luis CABRERA, 江上悠 Yuh EGAMI, 簡家傑 KAN Ka Kit Jordan, 李周昊 LEE Joo Ho, 梁晉朗 LEUNG Chunlong, 林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle, 奧利華 Forrest Rain OLIVEROS, 佘爾頓 Henry SELDON, 尊尼芬.斯納 Jonathan SPIGNER, 孫浩楠 SUN Haona, 武迪 WU Di



在森林中,愛麗絲遇到搖木馬蠅、下午茶蛾和聖 誕 蜻 蜓。雙 胞 胎兄 弟 半斤八 両 邊 走 邊 嬉 鬧,愛 麗絲和她的朋友卻突然遇到終極 威脅 ──皇 后 的惡龍。為了保護新朋友,愛麗絲把牠殺死了。 In the forest, Alice happens upon a RockingHorse-Fly, a Bread-and-Butterfly and beautiful Snap-Dragon-Flies. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum playfully argue as they pass by. Alice and her friends are suddenly threatened by the ultimate danger: the Queen’s Jabberwock. To protect her new friends, Alice slays the beast. 半斤八両 Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

小撲克牌 Junior Cards^

陳靖彤 CHAN Ching Tung Vivien, 郭綽妍 KWOK Cheuk In Janice, 黎芷淇 LAI Tsz Ki, 林靖淳 LAM Ching Shun Suey, 林子彤 LAM Tsz Tung, 李芷婷 LEE Tsz Ting Angel, 湯頌寧 TONG Jocelyn Chung Ning, 葉曦霖 YIP Patrice 撲克牌護衛 Card Guards^

安梓榛 ANDERS Zhejun, 張芷欣 CHANG Tsz Yan Chloe, 莊汶穎 CHONG Megan, 仲芷瑩 CHUNG Tsz Ying, 韓旭研 HON Yuk Yin, INNIS Sophie, JAMES Raphaela, 雷曜鎂 LEI Audrey, 李卓琳 LI Cheuk Lam, 林安 MINU Ann, 鄧樂兒 TANG Lok Yee Ota Mako, 汪芷欣 WANG Marin Elise 紅鶴 Flamingo Mallets

朱穎心 CHU Wing Sum Scarlette, 潘朗然 PUN Long Yin, 吉田岳大 YOSHIDA Takehiro

班納特 Ashleigh BENNETT, 劉瑋南 LIU Weinan, 酒井那奈 Nana SAKAI

夏俊 XIA Jun & 李林 LI Lin



回到皇后的宮殿,愛麗絲因犯罪被捕接受審判。當 皇后大叫:“砍頭伺候”。宮廷裡的人亂作一團、 倉皇四散,愛麗絲察覺到皇后和侍從們的不可理 喻。愛麗絲從夢中醒過來,發現自己身在家中。 Back at the Queen’s palace, Alice is arrested and put on trial for her crime. Utter confusion breaks out in the court as the Queen shouts, ‘off with her head’. When Alice realizes the silliness of the Queen and her court, they fall like a house of cards. She awakens from her dream and finds herself at home. 所有演出者 Full Cast


^兒童舞蹈員 Children Dancer 9




Matthew PIERCE


Brooklyn MACK 國際芭蕾舞星 International Ballet Star

作曲、指揮及小提琴獨奏 Composer, Conductor and Violin Soloist

概念及服裝設計 Concept and Costume Design


莉茲.凡達爾19 8 8年自學成為時裝 設計師,並以她獨有的設計打入 舞 蹈、馬 戲 及電 影。她曾與 舒 娜、奧 戴、衛承天、巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團、 斯圖加特芭蕾舞團等世界各地的舞 團和編舞家合作。她曾為太陽劇團的 《OVO》 、 《Viaggio》及《Sonor》 設 計 華 麗 的 服 飾,又 為 2 0 1 5 年 歐 洲 運 動 會 閉 幕 禮設 計 超 過三千 套 服 裝。2 0 18 年 她 的 作 品 將 於 兩 個 衛承天的製作展現:香港芭蕾舞團 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》及堪薩斯城芭 蕾舞團《綠野仙蹤》。

華盛頓芭蕾舞團前首席舞蹈員 Former


Principal Dancer, The Washington Ballet

布魯克林.麥克生於美國南卡羅萊納 州,先於帕夫洛維奇舞蹈學校受訓, 及後畢業於基輔芭蕾舞學院。麥克先 後加入傑弗瑞芭蕾舞團和美國芭蕾舞 劇院工作室舞團,其後成為奧蘭多芭 蕾舞團的首席舞蹈員,以及華盛頓芭 蕾舞團的首席舞蹈員。他曾於2006年 傑克遜國際芭蕾大賽、2009年赫爾 辛基國際芭蕾大賽及2011年韓國國 際舞蹈比賽的銀獎,又於2012年分別 贏得瓦爾納國際芭蕾舞大賽和波士頓 國際芭蕾舞大賽的金獎,並為同年伊 斯坦堡國際芭蕾舞比賽大獎得主。 Born in South Carolina, US, Brooklyn Mack trained at the Pavlovich Dance School before graduating from the Kirov Academy of Ballet. As a professional, Mack danced with the Joffrey Ballet and American Ballet Theatre’s Studio Company before becoming Principal Dancer with Orlando Ballet and later The Washington Ballet. Some of his accolades include silver medals at the 2006 Jackson International Ballet Competition, 2009 Helsinki International Ballet Competition and 2011 Korean International Dance Competition, gold medals at 2012 Varna International Ballet Competition and 2012 Boston International Ballet Competition, as well as the Grand Prix Award at Istanbul International Ballet Competition in 2012.


新古典作品見稱,並曾獲傑弗瑞芭蕾 舞團、美國芭蕾舞劇院、BalletMet、 辛辛那堤芭蕾舞團、紐約城巿芭蕾 舞團、休斯敦芭蕾舞團和三藩巿芭 蕾舞團等各大美國芭蕾舞團委約創 作。他曾為取材自畫家夏卡爾的夢幻 芭蕾舞劇《夜晚》創作管弦樂配樂, 該劇曾於巴黎歌劇院、倫敦高文花 園及紐約巿中心劇場上 演。《華 盛 頓郵報》曾評 他原創的《愛麗絲夢 遊仙 境 》配 樂為“畫 龍 點晴:在 皮 爾斯的創見下,一個閃爍發 亮的幻 境與現實世界相互交織,帶著當代 的 鋒 芒和冒險的 精 神。還 有,對, 就是奇妙。” Composer/Violinist Matthew Pierce is celebrated for his new classical scores commissioned by major American ballet companies. He has written for Joffrey Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, BalletMet, Cincinnati Ballet, New York City Ballet, Houston Ballet and San Francisco Ballet. Night, an orchestral score set to a Chagall inspired dreamscape ballet has been seen at the Opera Garnier in Paris, Covent Garden in London and City Center in New York. Washington Post called his ALICE (in wonderland) score, “The cherry on top: Pierce’s visionary result, a shimmering landscape that weaves together bits of our own world with a contemporary edge and a spirit of discovery. And, yes, wonder.”

Liz Vandal started her career as a self-taught fashion designer in 1988, bringing her originality to dance, circus and films. She has collaborated with choreographers and dance companies around the world like Marie Chouinard, Kevin O’Day, Septime Webre, Paris Opera Ballet and Stuttgart Ballet. Vandal designed flamboyant costumes for Cirque du Soleil's productions of OVO, Viaggio and Sonor. She also created 3,000 costumes for the 2015 European Games’ closing ceremony in Azerbaijan. In 2018, Vandal’s costumes will be showcased in The Wizard of Oz (Kansas City Ballet) and ALICE (in wonderland) (Hong Kong Ballet), both created by Septime Webre.




佈景設計 Set Design

燈光設計 Lighting Design

戲偶設計 Puppet Design

佈 景 設 計 師 詹 士.克 朗 扎 現 居 美 國 華 盛 頓 和 意 大 利。他 曾 為百 老 匯、外百老匯及 美國國內不同製作 設 計 佈 景 並 獲 得 獎 項。他 也 曾 為 迪 士 尼 郵 輪 及 挪威12 艘 郵 輪 的 表 演 及 超 過 17 0 齣特 別 為 C o m e d y C entral、Show tim e和Net flix製 作的棟篤笑電視節目設 計佈景。克 朗 扎曾 獲 八個 海 倫 黑 斯 獎 和 兩 個 巴 里 摩 爾 獎,他 的 作 品 可 詳 見於 w w w.jameskronzer.com。

克利夫頓.泰勒曾為百老匯表演及世 界各大藝團設計燈光,曾獲美國芭蕾 舞劇院、米哈伊洛夫斯基劇院芭蕾 舞 團、蘇 格蘭芭 蕾 舞 團、蘭伯 特 舞 團、三藩巿芭蕾舞團及華盛頓芭蕾舞 團等舞團委約。二十年來與衞承天合 作無間。近期曾為寧波巿歌舞劇院的 《霸王別姬》設計佈景及燈光,2017 年成為首位獲邀與橫濱能樂堂合作 的燈光設計師。泰勒曾於印尼、柬埔 寨及其他東亞國家工作,並兩度獲得 亞洲協會獎助金。更多資料詳見於: www.designcur ve.com。

艾力.凡.域克榮獲馬利蘭大學學院 市分校佈景設計碩士學位及多爾特 學院藝術學士學位。他的戲偶及佈 景設計曾亮相於美國開眼界劇場、 想像舞台、華盛頓國家劇院、白宮、 華盛頓芭蕾舞團及辛辛那堤芭蕾舞 團。他的劇場Wonder S truck曾創 作《可蒙犬》,並兩度贏得詹.亨森 獎,包括《談 爵士 的 大 象 》世界首 演。《 友善 的 大 巨 人 》的 設 計更為 他贏得海倫黑斯獎。他感謝家人為 他帶來靈感。


Scenic Designer James Kronzer resides in Washington DC, US and Italy. He is an award-winning scenic designer with credits on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regionally throughout the US. He has also designed scenery for Disney Cruise Lines and has shows running on twelve ships on the Norwegian Cruise Line. His TV credits include over 170 standup comedy specials for Comedy Central, Showtime and Netflix. Kronzer has received eight Helen Hayes Awards and two Barrymore Awards. His works can be seen at www. jameskronzer.com.

Clifton TAYLOR

Clifton Taylor has created designs for Broadway shows and performing arts companies around the world, including commissions by American Ballet Theatre, Mikhailovsky Ballet, Scottish Ballet, Rambert, San Francisco Ballet, The Washington Ballet and more. He has collaborated with Septime Webre over the past two decades. Recently he designed scenery and lighting for Ningbo Song and Dance Company’s Farewell My Concubine and was the first lighting designer to be invited to work at Japan’s Yokohama Noh Theater in 2017. Taylor has worked extensively in Indonesia, Cambodia and other East Asian countries. He has received two Asia Society Fellowships. More information: www.designcurve.com


Eric J. Van Wyk received his MFA in Scenic Design from the University of Maryland, College Park and his BA in Fine Arts from Dordt College. His puppetry and scenic designs have been featured at Open Eye Figure Theatre, Imagination Stage, The National Theatre in Washington DC, The White House, The Washington Ballet and Cincinnati Ballet. His company WonderStruck Theatre Co created Mop Dog and received two Jim Henson grants, including one for The Elephant speaks Jazz’s world premiere. His designs for The Big Friendly Giant received a Helen Hayes Award, and he thanks his family for their inspiration.


© www.dgm-photo.com

伴奏 Accompaniment




香港城市室樂團於1999年由雙簧管樂師黎燕欣創立,為亞洲首屈一 指的室樂團,也 是香 港最有活力的文化團體之一。不少享譽國際的 指 揮 和 獨 奏 家曾與樂團 合 作 演出,包括馬連拿爵士、占士.高威 爵 士、張永宙、朱利安.萊.韋伯、布蘭福特.馬薩里 斯、菲利普.昂特 蒙、卡 爾.詹 金斯及 英 皇合唱團。香 港 城 市室樂團除了與香 港芭蕾 舞團、“法國五月藝術節”及香 港電台第四台 合 作,亦曾到 北京、上 海、成都及意大利演出。樂團亦上 演甚至創作 很 多吸引下一代的音 樂愛好者的節目,包括《雪人》與《大熊》 、 《莫扎特的魔法》 、 《星. 巴 赫》及 榮獲在葡萄牙舉行的YAMawards最 受觀眾歡 迎 大 獎的音 樂劇《失蝨室樂團》。香 港 城市室樂團灌錄了四張國際認可的鐳射 唱 片, 樂曲包括樂團與 伊芙 蓮 .格 妮、米 卡拉 .帕蒂 莉、探 戈音樂大 師丹尼爾.賓奈利及 寶 莉.費曼合演的世界首演錄音。更多資料請到 www.ccohk.com。

第一小提琴 First Violin 馬修.皮爾斯 Matthew PIERCE 客席樂團首席 Guest Concertmaster

陳詩韻 Amelia CHAN 樂團首席 Concertmaster

顏嘉俊 Gary NGAN

助理樂團首席 Associate Concertmaster

許智健 HUI Chi-kin 卞祉碩 Samuel BIN 第二小提琴 Second Violin * 邵意發 Evan SHALLCROSS 袁以恆 Jonathan YUEN 中提琴 Viola *周迪恆 Mike CHAU 辛恩安 Anton ZEMLYANICHENKO

City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (CCOHK) was founded in 1999 by Leanne Nicholls and is one of Asia’s leading chamber orchestras. The orchestra has performed extensively with many world class artists including Sir Neville Marriner, Sir James Galway, Sarah Chang, Julian Lloyd Webber, Branford Marsalis, Philippe Entremont, Sir Karl Jenkins and The King’s Singers. In addition to collaborations with Hong Kong Ballet, Le French May Arts Festival, The World Harp Congress, the Hong Kong International Piano Competition and RTHK Radio 4, CCOHK has been invited to perform on tour in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Italy. CCOHK’s programmes for young audiences include The Snowman & The Bear, Magnificent Mozart, The Star Bach and the musical Bug Symphony which was awarded the Public Choice Award at the YAMawards in Portugual 2017. CCOHK has released four internationally acclaimed CD recordings featuring world premiere works in collaboration with Dame Evelyn Glennie, Michala Petri and tango masters Daniel Binelli and Polly Ferman. More information: www.ccohk.com

大提琴 Cello *康雅談 Artem KONSTANTINOV 洪嘉儀 Shelagh HEATH 低音大提琴 Double Bass *平安諾 Andrea PINO 敲擊樂 Percussion *吳美瑩 Rebecca NG 王偉文 Raymond VONG *Principal Players 首席樂手

行政部 ADMINISTRATION 黎燕欣 Leanne NICHOLLS 創辦人、行政及藝術總監

Founder, Executive & Artistic Director

梁頌然 Ray LEUNG 音樂會及譜務經理

Concert Manager & Librarian


指揮 Conductor 黃 屹 HUANG Yi

© 李樂為

廣州大劇院現場伴奏 Live Accompaniment at Guangzhou Opera House



廣州交響樂團創建於19 57年,被國內外業界和媒體譽為“連接中國音樂 傳統與創新的節點”和“中國最具聲望的樂團之一”。2 0 2 0/ 2 0 21音樂 季是廣交第2 4個樂季,現任音樂總監余隆。 廣交是唯一在世界五大洲巡演過的中國樂團。2 0 0 6 年還曾應邀在多 哈亞運會開/閉幕式上演奏。2 0 11年底創建了中國首個由職業樂團培 訓及管理的青少年樂團 ——廣州交響樂團附屬青少年樂團(2 0 16 年更 名為廣州青年交響樂團)。2 0 17 年1月,由余隆作為藝委會主席、馬友 友擔任藝術總監的首屆“廣東國際青年音樂周”被業界稱為“翻開中國 交響樂嶄新的一頁”。 The Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra (GSO) receives acclaim as “one of China’s most prestigious music ensembles” and “China’s nexus of musical tradition and innovation”. The 2020/2021 season marks the GSO’s 24 th season. The GSO’s current Music Director is Maestro Long Yu.

黃屹是現今其中一位最 矚目的中國指揮家,經常 為全球多個國際知名樂 團作指揮。黃屹出生於 北京音樂世家,並先後 入讀北京中央音樂學院和柏林漢斯·艾斯勒音 樂學院。他現為中國愛樂樂團的常任指揮,中國 國家芭蕾舞團首席客席指揮,以及昆明聶耳交 響樂團的藝術總監兼首席指揮。著名演出包括 2013年於薩爾茨堡復活節音樂節的《帕西法爾》 歌劇演出中擔任提勒曼的助理指揮,又曾在2015 年指揮上海交響樂團全球首演《乒乓》協奏曲。 One of the most exciting Chinese conductors in the world, Huang Yi regularly conducts for major international orchestras all over the globe. Born into a family of musicians in Beijing, Huang studied at Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. He is currently the Principal Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Principal Guest Conductor of National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra and the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of Kunming Nie’er Symphony Orchestra. Notable performances include Parsifal at the 2013 Salzburg Easter Festival as Maestro Christian Thielemann’s assistant conductor and Ping Pong Concerto’s 2015 world premiere with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra as conductor. 樂團代理首席 Acting Concertmaster 彭 珂 PENG Ke 第一小提琴 First Violin 方海燕 FANG Haiyan 孔潔瑩 KONG Jieying 嚴小潔 YAN Xiaojie 第二小提琴 Second Violin 羅 菁 LUO Jing

副首席 Associate Principal

蔡沛宇 CAI Peiyu 盧 婕 LU Jie

Since its founding in 1957, the GSO is the first and only Chinese symphony orchestra to have toured and per formed on five continents. In 20 0 6, the GSO was invited to per form in both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 15 th Asian Games in Doha, Qatar. In December 2011, the GSO established its af filiate youth orchestra, later renamed the Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra (August 2016), the first amateur youth orchestra administered by a professional orchestra in China. In Januar y 2017, with GSO Music Director Long Yu leading its Ar tistic Commit tee and Yo-Yo Ma as A r tistic D ire ctor, Youth Music Culture G uangdong ( Y MCG) was launched, immediately garnering acclaim for “opening a new page in the Chinese symphonic world.”

中提琴 Viola 劉爽爽 LIU Shuangshuang 副首席 Associate Principal

張與娜 ZHANG Yuna 大提琴 Cello 於 萍 YU Ping 首席 Principal

奚依萌 XI Yimeng 低音大提琴 Double Bass 孟 梁 MENG Liang 定音鼓 Timpani 張立德 Lider CHANG 首席 Principal

敲擊樂 Percussion 鄭正鴻 TEE Ching Hong 13


D A N C E R : L I N C H A N G -Y U A N K Y L E | P H O T O G R A P H Y: I S S A C L A M



香 港芭蕾舞團(舞團)是亞洲最優 秀的芭蕾舞團之一,以展現香 港獨 有魅力躋身國際舞 壇,聲譽與日俱 增。舞團自1979 年以來不斷演變, 現 已 發 展 成 為一 個 朝 氣 蓬 勃 的藝 術團體,擁有豐富的劇目及 具前瞻 性的社區拓展計劃,精益求 精。華 盛頓芭蕾舞團前藝術總 監衛承天 先 生於 2 0 1 7 年 7月起 擔 任 舞 團 的 藝術總監。

One of Asia’s premier ballet companies, Hong Kong Ballet (HKB) is internationally recognised as a world-class institution which represents Hong Kong’s unique character. Since its inception in 1979, HKB has evolved into a vibrant performing arts organisation with a dynamic repertoire, forward-thinking community engagement initiatives and an emphasis on excellence. Septime Webre, former Artistic Director of The Washington Ballet, joined HKB as its Artistic Director in July 2017.

舞 團 擁 有 接 近 5 0 位 來自世界不 同 地 方的 精 英,包括 來自香 港、中國 內地、亞洲地區、澳 洲、新西蘭、歐 洲和北美等地,近年贏得海內外 各 方支持和肯定。舞團劇目涵蓋多齣 由安娜妮亞雪翡莉、哈維、賀姆斯、 米翰文等知名藝術家重製的古典瑰 寶、特別為舞團編創的長篇芭蕾舞, 以及屢獲殊榮的青少年系列製作。 舞團亦不時演出現今舞壇星級編舞 家 如 羅曼 斯 基、惠 爾 頓、佩 克、季 利安、杜 亞陶、麥 英 泰 爾及 奧喬亞 等的作品,以及舞團駐團編舞家胡 頌 威的新作。

With nearly 50 dancers from all over the globe— Hong Kong, Mainland China and other parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and throughout North America—HKB has won recognition both regionally and internationally. HKB’s repertoire includes celebrated re-stagings of the classics by Nina Ananiashvili, Cynthia Harvey, Anna-Marie Holmes, John Meehan and many other notable artists, original full-lengths created for HKB and an award-winning series of ballets for young audiences. In addition, HKB performs works by some of today’s most sought-after choreographers, including Alexei Ratmansky, Christopher Wheeldon, Justin Peck, Jiří Kylian, Nacho Duato, Trey McIntyre, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa as well as dynamic new works by HKB's Choreographer-in-Residence Hu Song Wei Ricky.

舞團曾踏足11個國家,進行近5 0次 巡迴演出,當中包括於2 018年到訪 歐洲、2 019 年巡迴中國內地,近期 又於 美國雅各之枕 舞蹈節、紐約喬 伊斯劇院及享負盛名的秋季舞蹈藝 術節等亮相。除本地及 海外的舞台 演出外,舞團亦全力推行全港性的 社區項目,務求將芭蕾舞藝術帶給 所有普羅大 眾。

With almost 50 tours to 11 countries, HKB most recently toured throughout Europe in 2018, across Mainland China in 2019 and in recent seasons to the US, at Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival and in New York at the Joyce Theatre and the renowned Fall for Dance Festival. In addition to its performances on stage at home and abroad, HKB maintains a full schedule of community engagement initiatives throughout Hong Kong to ensure the art of ballet is accessible to all.


衛 承 天 16

P H O T O G R A P H Y: S W K i t





衛承天是國際著名芭蕾舞團總監、 編 舞 家、教 育 家 及 倡 導 者。他 於 1999年至2016年17年間出任華盛頓 芭蕾舞團藝術總監、1993年至1999 年任美國新澤西普林斯頓美國劇目芭 蕾舞團藝術總監,並於2017年7月加 入香港芭蕾舞團擔任藝術總監。他曾 是美國華盛頓一基金會Halcyon的藝 術總監,2018年6月於當地推出一個 每年一度的國際創意藝術節。 衛承天在任華盛頓芭蕾舞團期間, 舞團預算大增 5 0 0 %,並在舞台製 作的規模和質素、專業舞蹈學校的 學生和參與者人 數,以及由他創立 又影響深遠的社區拓展項目等多個 範疇上獲得前所未有的提升。他又 推出了多個嶄 新的藝術計劃,例如 把美國偉大文學作品《大亨小傳》 、 海明威的《太陽照常升起》等搬演成 長篇芭蕾舞劇的“美國體驗”系列。 作 為編 舞 家,衛 承天的作品可見於 全球各大芭蕾舞團,包括 太平洋西 北芭蕾舞團、加拿大蒙特利爾大芭 蕾舞團、科羅拉多芭蕾舞團、西部芭 蕾舞團、亞特蘭大芭蕾舞團、辛辛那 提芭蕾舞團、奧斯汀芭蕾舞團、曼非 斯芭蕾舞團、密爾沃基芭蕾舞團、堪 薩斯市立芭蕾舞團及波多黎各音樂 會芭蕾舞團等;他亦經常參與劇場 和歌劇製作。他為香港芭蕾舞團全 新創作、以1960年代香港作背景的 《羅密歐+茱麗葉》,將在今年六月 世界首演。作為一位舞者,衛承天曾 擔任多齣古典舞劇的主角及獨舞,並 曾出演夏普、泰勒及肯寧漢等編舞家 的當代作品。他曾任“舞蹈/美國”的 董事局成員,也曾任瓦爾納、保加利 亞、伊斯坦堡、開羅、紐約、首爾等地 多個國際芭蕾舞比賽的評審。其作品 更獲得多項榮譽、資助及獎項。他持 有奧斯汀德薩斯大學的歷史/法律學 士學位,是一個熱鬧的古巴裔美國大 家庭中排行第七的兒子。

Septime Webre is an internationally recognised ballet director, choreographer, educator and advocate. He joined Hong Kong Ballet as its Artistic Director in July 2017 after 17 years as Artistic Director of The Washington Ballet in Washington DC, US from 1999-2016. Previously he served as Artistic Director of the American Repertory Ballet, based in Princeton, New Jersey, US from 1993-1999. In addition, Webre has served as the Artistic Director of Halcyon, a Washington DC-based foundation, launching an annual international Festival for Creativity in Washington DC in June 2018. During Webre’s tenure at The Washington Ballet, the institution’s budget grew by 500%, and it enjoyed unprecedented advances in the scope and quality of its work on stage, in the size and reach of its professional school and in the development of several far-reaching community engagement programmes that he founded. Webre also launched an array of artistic initiatives, including The American Experience, which developed great works of literature like The Great Gatsby and Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises into full-length ballets. As a choreographer, Webre’s works appear in the repertoires of ballet companies globally, including Pacific Northwest Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, Colorado Ballet, Ballet West, Atlanta Ballet, Cincinnati Ballet, Ballet Austin, Ballet Memphis, Milwaukee Ballet, Kansas City Ballet, Ballet Concierto de Puerto Rico, and many others, and he has worked frequently in theatre as well as opera. His new work for HKB, Romeo+Juliet, set in 1960s Hong Kong, will have its world premiere in June 2021. As a dancer, Webre was featured in solo and principal roles from the classical repertoire as well as in contemporary works by choreographers such as Twyla Tharp, Paul Taylor and Merce Cunningham. He has served on the board of Dance/USA and on the juries of a number of international ballet competitions, including those in Varna, Bulgaria, Istanbul, Cape Town, New York and Seoul. Weber’s work has received numerous honors, grants and awards. He holds a degree in History/Pre-Law from the University of Texas at Austin and is the seventh son in a large, boisterous Cuban-American family.


沈杰 SHEN Jie

2016年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2016 2007 年加入 | Joined 2007 中國浙江出生 Born Zhejiang, China

維娜 Venus VILLA

2018 年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2018 2018 年加入 | Joined 2018 古巴夏灣拿出生 Born Havana, Cuba


李林 LI Lin

2019 年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2019

魏巍 WEI Wei

2013 年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2013

2010 年加入 | Joined 2010 中國浙江出生 Born Zhejiang, China

2003 年加入 | Joined 2003 中國遼寧出生 Born Liaoning, China

陳稚瑶 CHEN Zhiyao

葉飛飛 YE Feifei

2015 年加入 | Joined 2015 中國四川出生 Born Sichuan, China

2016 年加入 | Joined 2016 中國遼寧出生 Born Liaoning, China

2019年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2019

2016 年起為首席舞蹈員 Principal Dancer since 2016


馬仁杰 MA Renjie 獨舞員 Soloist

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 中國浙江出生 Born Zhejiang, China

汪慶欣 WANG Qingxin 獨舞員 Soloist

2013 年加入 | Joined 2013 中國吉林出生 Born Jilin, China

楊睿琦 YANG Ruiqi 獨舞員 Soloist

2016 年加入 | Joined 2016 中國哈爾濱出生 Born Harbin, China 梁詠珊小姐藝術家

Miss Wendy Leung Wing Shan Artist


郭艾弼 Albert GORDON 獨舞員 Soloist

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 英國倫敦出生 Born London, UK

高歌 GAO Ge 獨舞員 Soloist

2012 年加入 | Joined 2012 中國遼寧出生

Born Liaoning, China

董瑞雪 DONG Ruixue 獨舞員 Soloist

2011 年加入 | Joined 2011 中國陝西出生 Born Shaanxi, China

葛培治 Garry CORPUZ 獨舞員 Soloist

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017 菲律賓新怡詩夏出生

Born Nueva Ecija, Philippines


澤井玲奈 Reina SAWAI

卡諾意 Luis CABRERA

劉奕詩 Amber LEWIS

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 新西蘭威靈頓出生 Born Wellington, New Zealand

2015 年加入 | Joined 2015 菲律賓馬里基納出生 Born Marikina, Philippines

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 澳洲布里斯本出生 Born Brisbane, Australia

群舞領舞員 Coryphée

群舞領舞員 Coryphée

群舞領舞員 Coryphée


Miss Wendy Leung Wing Shan Artist

梁晉朗 LEUNG Chunlong

謝茜嘉.貝露 Jessica BURROWS 群舞領舞員 Coryphée

群舞領舞員 Coryphée

2011 年加入 | Joined 2011 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 加拿大斯多夫維爾出生 Born Stouffville, Canada

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 加拿大滿地可出生 Born Montreal, Canada

群舞領舞員 Coryphée


杜懷亞 Jackson DWYER

金恩實 KIM Eunsil

群舞領舞員 Coryphée 2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 韓國首爾出生 Born Seoul, Korea

尊尼芬.斯納 Jonathan SPIGNER 群舞領舞員 Coryphée 普拉提教練 Pilates Instructor

2010 年加入 | Joined 2010 美國南卡羅來納州出生 Born South Carolina, US

黎珮琪 LAI Pui Ki Peggy 群舞領舞員 Coryphée

2012 年加入 | Joined 2012 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China 黃嘉朗先生藝術家

Mr Christopher Wong Artist

宮本乃乃佳 Nonoka MIYAMOTO

王子 WANG Zi

李睿仁 Yein YI

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 日本愛知縣出生 Born Aichi, Japan

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 中國深圳出生 Born Shenzhen, China

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 韓國龍仁市出生 Born Yonglin, South Korea

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet


班納特 Ashleigh BENNETT

轍德瑙佳豪 Ethan CHUDNOW

梁秀朗 LEUNG Saulong

2018 年加入 | Joined 2018 澳洲悉尼出生 Born Sydney, Australia

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 美國加州納帕出生 Born Napa, California, US

2015 年加入 | Joined 2015 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet


Dr Richie Chan and Dr Zara Chan-Lok Artist


群舞員 Corps de Ballet

Mr Justin D’Agostino 藝術家 Mr Justin D’Agostino Artist

陳尚然 Jeremy CHAN

關剛多 Gouta SEKI

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 日本茨城縣出生 Born Ibaraki, Japan

許慎恬 XU Shentian

江口健仁 Kent EGUCHI

朱嘉盈 ZHU Jiaying

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 中國廣東出生 Born Guangdong, China

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 日本東京出生 Born Tokyo, Japan

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 中國遼寧出生 Born Liaoning, China

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

佘爾頓 Henry SELDON

林昌沅 LIN Chang-yuan Kyle

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017 台灣台中出生 Born Taichung, Taiwan

群舞員 Corps de Ballet 新西蘭基督城出生

Born Christchurch, New Zealand

群舞員 Corps de Ballet


張雪寧 ZHANG Xuening

簡家傑 KAN Ka Kit Jordan

王玥 WANG Yueh Erica

2015 年加入 | Joined 2015 中國遼寧出生 Born Liaoning, China

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017 中國澳門出生 Born Macao, China

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017 台灣台北出生 Born Taipei, Taiwan

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

酒井那奈 Nana SAKAI

奧利華 Forrest Rain OLIVEROS

Joined 2016 | 2016 年加入 Born Nara, Japan 日本奈良出生

Joined 2017 | 2017 年加入 Born Tennessee, US 美國田納西州出生

Mr Kawahara Kunihiko Artist 河原邦彥先生藝術家

Mrs Radhe Chellaram Artist Mrs Radhe Chellaram 藝術家

群舞員 Corps de Ballet


群舞員 Corps de Ballet

群舞員 Corps de Ballet

鄭熹琳 CHENG Hei Lam Michelle

袁奡忻 YUEN Ao Xin Hennes

實習生 Apprentice

實習生 Apprentice

2017 年加入 | Joined 2017 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China

2019 年加入 | Joined 2019 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China

梁思齊 LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 實習生 Apprentice

2018 年加入 | Joined 2018 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China


Mr Dicky Lam Kwok Hei Artist

馮曉瀅 FUNG Hiu Ying Melody

舞蹈員及學術研究員 Research Dance Fellow

劉智聰 Nicholas LAU 鋼琴師 Pianist

Arlene MACKINLAY 運動治療師 Sports Practitioner

2020 年加入 | Joined 2020 中國香港出生 Born Hong Kong, China



胡頌威 HU Song Wei Ricky

江上悠 Yuh EGAMI

唐敏 TANG Min

駐團編舞家 Choreographer-in-Residence

舞團導師 Ballet Master

舞團導師 Ballet Mistress




Born Jiangxi, China

Born Okinawa, Japan

Born Jilin, China

衛承天 Septime WEBRE

托羅斯 Luis R. TORRES

藝術總監 Artistic Director

舞團導師 Ballet Master



Born New Orleans, US

Born Mayaguez, Puerto Rico


“港芭@家”網上頻道自2020年3月 16日首播以來已累積逾120萬觀看 次數。作為其中一個在防疫期間率 先建 立的香港表演藝術頻道,現已 推 出 超 過 7 0 齣以芭 蕾 舞 為主 題 的 影片,務求讓熟悉芭蕾舞的愛好者 及普羅大 眾一同享受芭蕾藝術,現 在就到頻道收看影片:


Since its debut in March 2020, the HKBALLET@ HOME online channel has garnered over 1.2 million views on HKB’s official platforms, connecting with ballet lovers across the globe. One of Hong Kong's first performing arts channels launched during the pandemic, HKBALLET@HOME features over 70 entertaining ballet-themed episodes now available. Check out more details at:



https://v.qq.com/s/videoplus/ 2623480114

https://space.bilibili.com/ 630393493




Chairman 主席

節目委員會 Programming Committee

Ms Daisy HO 何超鳳女士

馮雲黛女士 Ms Linda FUNG

香港芭蕾舞團協會 2020/21 The Hong Kong Ballet Guild 2020/21

(主席 Chairman)

馮余慕莊女士 Mrs Colleen YU FUNG

董事 Board of Governors

陳令智女士 Ms Lindzay CHAN

(聯合主席 Co-chair)

葉梁美蘭女士 Mrs Mira YEH


林玉茵女士 Ms Maya LIN

(副主席 Vice-chairman)

Ms Flora Zeta CHEONG-LEEN, Dr h.c.

(聯合主席 Co-chair)

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG

傅潔恩女士 Mrs Deirdre FU TCHENG

楊魏慶寧女士 Mrs Connie WEI YANG

(司庫 Treasurer)

徐嘉鳴小姐 Ms Evonne TSUI

(聯合主席 Co-chair)

傅潔恩女士 Mrs Deirdre FU TCHENG

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG

(秘書 Secretary)

翁以登博士太平紳士 Dr Eden WOON, JP

首席舞蹈員級 Principal Guild 王明琪女士 Mrs Anne WANG LIU

陳令智女士 Ms Lindzay CHAN

傅潔恩女士 Mrs Deirdre FU TCHENG

蔡陳若詩女士 Mrs Janice CHAN-CHOY

拓展委員會 Development Committee


何超鳳女士 Ms Daisy HO

Ms Flora Zeta CHEONG-LEEN, Dr h.c.

(聯合主席 Co-chair)

馮雲黛女士 Ms Linda FUNG

葉梁美蘭女士 Mrs Mira YEH

獨舞員級 Soloist Guild

林玉茵女士 Ms Maya LIN

(聯合主席 Co-chair)

方李麗雯女士 Mrs Lillian LEE FONG

徐嘉鳴小姐 Ms Evonne TSUI

蔡陳若詩女士 Mrs Janice CHAN-CHOY

林陳芷茵女士 Mrs Alison CHAN LAM

翁以登博士太平紳士 Dr Eden WOON, JP

林玉茵女士 Ms Maya Lin

王文雅女士 Ms Edna WONG

楊翁嘉敏女士 Mrs Liana YUNG YEUNG

傅潔恩女士 Mrs Deirdre FU TCHENG

楊弼棋女士 Ms Peggy Pei Chee YEOH

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG

Mrs Valerie YEUNG

名譽主席 Chairmen Emeriti

姚金昌玲女士 Mrs Daphne KING YAO

楊翁嘉敏女士 Mrs Liana YUNG YEUNG

包陪麗女士 Mrs Cissy PAO WATARI, BBS

楊魏慶寧女士 Mrs Connie WEI YANG

應侯榮先生 Mr John Jeffrey YING

楊翁嘉敏女士 Mrs Liana YUNG YEUNG

吳德儷女士 Ms Desiree WOO

群舞領舞員級 Coryphée Guild 鍾易芝女士 Ms Vada CHUNG Mrs Michelle MILLER ERB

執行委員會 Executive Committee

投資委員會 Investment Committee

何超鳳女士 Ms Daisy HO

何超鳳女士 Ms Daisy HO

林恬兒女士 Mrs Emily LAM HO

(主席 Chairman)

(Chairman 主席)

霍欣欣女士 Mrs Alina HUO KNOTHE

馮雲黛女士 Ms Linda FUNG

徐嘉鳴女士 Ms Evonne TSUI

林美汝女士 Ms Jolene LIN

傅潔恩女士 Mrs Deirdre FU TCHENG

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG

黃以利女士 Mrs Emelda WONG TRAINOR

徐嘉鳴女士 Ms Evonne TSUI

楊翁嘉敏女士 Mrs Liana YUNG YEUNG

朱燁女士 Ms LeighAnne ZHU

名譽顧問 Honorary Advisors

群舞員級 Corps de Ballet Guild

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG 葉梁美蘭女士 Mrs Mira YEH

馮英女士 Ms FENG Ying 財務委員會 Finance Committee

廖本懷夫人 Mrs Christine LIAO

王敏祥先生 Mr Arthur Minshiang WANG


(主席 Chairman)

Mr Kevin O’HARE

蔡陳若詩女士 Mrs Janice CHAN-CHOY

歐美蓮女士 Ms Madeleine ONNE

馮雲黛女士 Ms Linda FUNG

王仁曼女士 Ms Jean M. WONG, BBS

何超鳳女士 Ms Daisy HO

彼德.威特爵士 Sir Peter WRIGHT, CBE

徐嘉鳴女士 Ms Evonne TSUI

趙汝衡女士 Ms ZHAO Ruheng

翁以登博士太平紳士 Dr Eden WOON, JP 創辦人 Founders 基慧思女士 Mrs Mary GRIFFITHS 祈鍾士女士 Ms Kay-Cecile JONES 劉佩華女士 Ms Paula LAU


Mrs Amy WONG



藝術總監 Artistic Director 衛承天 Septime WEBRE 行政總監 Executive Director 李易璇 Heidi LEE 行政總監行政秘書 Executive Secretary to Executive Director 盧潔鑾 Elaine LO

行政部 ADMINISTRATION 資訊科技及行政經理 IT & Administration Manager 馬麗冰 Amy MA 助理行政主任 Assistant Administrative Officer 謝敏兒 Mandy TSE 行政及會計助理 Administrative and Accounting Assistant 梁鎧迎 Heidi LEUNG 辦公室助理 Office Assistant 侯惠琼 Flora HAU

藝術團隊 ARTISTIC TEAM 舞團經理 Company Manager 陳曼韶 Sarita CHAN 藝術行政助理 Artistic Administrative Assistant 钟靖雯 Fyan CHUNG 芭蕾四圍舞項目主任 Ballet in the City Project Officer 曹愷怡 Sabrina CHO

拓展部 DEVELOPMENT 拓展總監 Director of Development 楊志偉 Raymond YEUNG 助理拓展經理 Assistant Development Managers 郭妍彤 Yoko KOK 廖翠霞 Mimi LIU 葉奇欣 Swani YIP* 高級項目主任 Senior Project Officer 李路珊 Sandy LEE 拓展主任 Development Officer 周穎怡 Renee CHOW

教育及外展部 EDUCATION & COMMUNITY OUTREACH 教育及外展經理 Education & Community Outreach Manager 郭敏絲 Vency KWOK 教育及外展助理 Education & Community Outreach Coordinators 郭曉媛 Dawnie KWOK 梁芊荇 Jocelyn LEUNG 任益賢 Yseult YAM

財務部 FINANCE 財務部主管 Head of Finance 張佩芬 Ada CHEUNG 助理會計經理 Assistant Accounting Manager 關蝶玲 Shirley KUAN 會計主任 Accounting Officer 何佩盈 Mandy HO

人力資源部 HUMAN RESOURCES 助理人力資源經理 Assistant Human Resources Manager 楊天美 Timmie YEUNG

市場推廣部 MARKETING 市場推廣總監 Director of Marketing 陳剛濤 Nick CHAN 市場推廣經理 Marketing Manager 白頌麒 Dustin PAK 助理市場推廣經理 Assistant Marketing Manager 何沚箋 Eunice HO 高級市場推廣主任 Senior Marketing Officer 周嘉欣 Nichol CHAU 市場推廣主任 Marketing Officers 胡梓媚 WU Tsz Mei 楊麗 Yvonne YEUNG

節目部 PROGRAMME 藝術行政經理 Artistic Operations Manager 張穎誼 Caroline CHEUNG 助理藝術行政 Assistant Artistic Administrator 周宛凝 Sasa CHOW 藝術行政主任 Artistic Operations Officer 曾天美 Tammi TSANG

技術部 TECHNICAL 技術總監 Technical Director 黃偉業 Wayne WONG 執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Managers 李善宜 Sien LEE 馬倩瑜 Joyce MA 助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Managers 陳楷佩 Kiki CHAN 鄺國文 Man KWONG 技術員 Technician 許友權 Jack HUI

服裝部 WARDROBE 服裝部總監 Director of Wardrobe 莊惠玲 Joanne CHONG 服裝部總監助理 Assistant of Wardrobe Director 陳維殷 Stephenie CHAN 服裝部主任 Wardrobe Officer 梁慧奇 Anna LEUNG 服裝部項目統籌 Project Coordinator, Wardrobe 朱凱雯 Jerman CHU 服裝裁剪 Costume Cutter 張瑞華 CHEUNG Shui Wah 裁縫師 Seamstress 姚瑤 YAO Yao * 兼職 Part-time

編輯 Editor 顧張詠怡 Valerie CHEUNG KOO*


香港周 2021@广州 ──《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 HONG KONG WEEK 2021@GUANGZHOU— ALICE (IN WONDERLAND)

合辦 Co-presented by

籌劃 Organised by



Exclusive Strategic Online Partner






Centre for Orthopaedic Surgery – Dr David Fang, Dr Eric P. Chien

Home Affairs Bureau 康樂及文化事務署

Asia Medical Specialists & Sportsperformance Physiotherapy

Leisure and Cultural Services Department 香港賽馬會

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Dr Christopher Tong Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic


OT&P Healthcare

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 義務法律顧問:的近律師行,史密夫斐爾律師事務所

Honorary Legal Advisors: Deacons, Herbert Smith Freehills

Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy – Jenny Chan, Physiotherapist & Gordon Tsang, Pilates Teacher/Physiotherapist The Elevate Pilates and Movement Studios – David Claase and Carlo Pacis

PhysioCentral & The Pilates Practice






Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

HSBC Private Bank




Mr Silas Chou

JPMorgan Chase Bank





The D.H. Chen Foundation Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. Lai Sun Development Co. Ltd. 李國寶太平紳士

Dr David K.P. Li 李嘉誠太平紳士

Mr Li Ka-shing 黃志祥先生


Ms Christine Chuang 何鴻燊博士

Dr Stanley Ho 香港賽馬會

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. 渡伸一郎先生暨夫人

Mr & Mrs Shinichiro Watari 盛智文博士暨夫人

Dr & Mrs Allan Zeman

Mr Robert Ng



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D A N C E R S ( F R O M L E F T ) : C H E N Z H I YA O , V E N U S V I L L A , Y E F E I F E I | P H O T O G R A P H Y: S W K i t


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