Henderson Land Proudly Presents 恒基兆業地產榮譽呈獻
A Hong Kong Adventure 香港聖誕之旅
Live Accompaniment 現場伴奏
13–14, 17–22, 24–26 DEC
Fri-Sat, Tue-Sun, Tue-Thu | 7:30pm
14, 21–22, 25–26 DEC
Sat, Sat-Sun, Wed-Thu | 2:30pm
15 DEC Sun | 3:00pm & 8:00pm
Recorded Music 錄音伴奏
27–28 DEC
Fri-Sat 7:30pm
28 DEC Sat | 2:30pm
29 DEC Sun | 2:00pm
The performance is approximately 1 hr 45 mins (including a 20-min intermission)
節目長約 1 小時 45 分鐘,包括一節 20 分鐘中場休息
House Rules 場地規則
In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and members of the audience, eating and drinking, as well as unauthorised photography, audio and video recording are forbidden in the auditorium. Please also ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your co-operation.
為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,請勿在場內吸煙、飲食、攝影、錄音或錄影。 節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置,多謝合作。
Audience members are advised to arrive punctually. Late-comers will not be admitted until a suitable break.
If you do not wish to keep this house programme, please leave it on your seat after the performance for recycling.
Hong Kong Ballet is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Choreography 編舞
Septime WEBRE 衛承天
Music 音樂
Pyotr Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY 柴可夫斯基
Set & Costume Design 佈景及服裝設計
Gabriela TYLESOVA 嘉布里埃拉.季列索娃
Associate Set & Costume Designer 執行佈景及服裝設計
AU Yu Kong 區宇剛
Associate Costume Designer 執行服裝設計
Joanne CHONG 莊惠玲
Lighting Design 燈光設計
Billy CHAN 陳焯華
Re-lighting 燈光執行
Ruby YAU 邱雅玉
Dramaturge 劇場指導
YAN Pat To 甄拔濤
Shadow Puppet Video Design 皮影戲影像設計
LO Wing 盧榮
Children’s Ballet Masters
Irene LO 勞曉昕
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然
Dawnie KWOK 郭曉媛
LIANG Yonglin 梁咏琳
WU Di 武迪
Live Accompaniment 現場伴奏(13-26 DEC)
Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團
Conductors 指揮
YIP Wing-sie 葉詠詩 (13-14, 17-22 7:30pm; 15 8:00pm)
Vivian IP 葉詠媛 (14, 21-22, 25-26 2:30pm; 15 3:00pm; 24-26 7:30pm)
Welcome to this production of The Nutcracker, set in Hong Kong in the early 20th century, with Hong Kong elements woven throughout the ballet! Typically, ballet is not a good medium to teach history. Even in narrative works the language of ballet is metaphorical rather than literal. Rather than present a historical tale, this Nutcracker uses Hong Kong as a context and backdrop for the dreams of a young girl who comes of age.
Throughout the production, details which reflect Hong Kong history, culture and its natural beauty abound, and I have a few favourites among them I’d like to share here. The setting for the opening party scene inspires much of Act I: Clara’s family’s mansion is based on Kom Tong Hall, a stately home on Castle Road in Mid-Levels which was built by Ho Kom Tong, Sir Robert Ho Tung’s younger brother, in 1914, and currently serves as the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum. In addition, we’ve partnered with Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMOA) and 21 important paintings from HKMOA’s permanent collection grace the walls of the estate’s glamorous white-and-gold ballroom. The party scene has been populated by characters who may have been seen at a Hong Kong party at that time— distinguished real-life figures such as Dr Sun Yat-sen, who had deep roots in Hong Kong and visited Hong Kong a number of times following the revolution of 1911, Sir Robert Ho Tung who was an influential figure in Hong Kong life at the time, and a Shanghainese silent movie star loosely based on the real-life actress Lily Yuen, and fictional characters such as Clara’s aunties and her Yeye (grandfather) and other iconic archetypes. Clara’s favourite uncle, Tao Sifu, is an eccentric inventor who lives in the bottom of the old Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui. And late in the party, guests pull out tables and play mah-jong.
Later in Act I we see typical Hong Kong flour dolls come to life, a Rat King based on the famed pirate Cheung Po Tsai, whose cave one can visit today on Cheung Chau, and a majestic bamboo forest—a nod to the stunning old-growth bamboo from the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. A life-sized origami boat made from a popular early-20th century Hong Kong newspaper floats by to bring Clara from Winter to Springtime.
Tchaikovsky’s score for Act II features a series of national dances which we’ve adapted to reflect local culture: the Spanish dance becomes a dance for strutting Peacocks from the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens; the Arabian dance depicts the Chinese legend of the White Snake; the Chinese variation finds a little boy having an adventure at the Cheung Chau Bun Festival; the Russian variation becomes a horserace for a team
歡迎蒞臨欣賞《胡桃夾子》,這個 以 20 世紀初香港為背景,充滿香 港元素的製作!芭蕾舞不是講歷史 的好媒介,即使在敘事作品中,芭 蕾舞作也是以隱喻方式來表達故 事。這齣《胡桃夾子》要呈現的不 是歷史,而是以香港作為脈絡和背 景,即將成年的女孩的夢幻想像。
製作中反映香港歷史、文化和自然 的細節比比皆是。在這裏我想分 享一些最喜歡的:第一幕最令人眼 前一亮的,莫過於開幕派對的場 景——嘉麗家的大宅以何東爵士胞 弟何甘棠於 1914 年建成的甘棠第 為基礎,是一座矗立於半山衛城道 的莊嚴宅邸,現為孫中山紀念館。 此外,我們還與香港藝術館合作, 把永久館藏中的 21 幅重要畫作, 掛滿於金碧輝煌的宴會廳。在派對 場景中,加入了一些可能在當年出 現的顯赫人物,例如與香港甚有淵 源的孫中山博士,他曾於 1911年辛 亥革命後多次訪港;極具影響力的 何東爵士;參照著名女星阮玲玉的 上海默片名伶;嘉麗的姨媽姑姐和 她的爺爺等虛構角色。嘉麗最愛的 叔叔道師傅,是一位性格古怪的發 明家,住在尖沙咀舊九廣鐵路鐘樓 之下。派對後段,賓客紛紛齊集攻 打四方城。
在第一幕後段,香港元素繼續絡 繹不絕:本地經典的麵粉公仔活 靈活現;以海盜張保仔為原型的老 鼠王,今天大家仍可參觀他在長洲 的洞穴;以及來自香港動植物公 園令人驚歎的偌大竹林。最終,一 艘於 20 世紀初真實大小的紙船飄 過,把嘉麗由冬日帶到春天。
在第二幕,柴可夫斯基的配樂有着 一系列民族舞蹈色彩,我們根據本 土文化特別改編:西班牙舞變成了 香港動植物公園的孔雀舞;阿拉伯 舞描繪了中國的《白蛇傳》;中國 舞則是長洲太平清醮的小男孩歷 險;俄羅斯舞就是賽馬場景舞;蘆
of Jockeys from the Hong Kong Jockey Club; the Mirlitons or Reed Flutes become a flock of Hong Kong yellow-crested Cockatoos—in doing research for this production I was intrigued by news clippings of a tiger attack in Hong Kong in 1915, and as such, the Cockatoos receive an unwanted feline visitor during their dance. And in a nod to Hong Kong food culture, the traditional Mother Ginger becomes Mother Dim Sum and her Dim Sum Clowns. There are even brief appearances by pinkhued Chinese white dolphins which are indigenous to Hong Kong waters, and by a skittish wild boar from The Peak. Act II’s proceedings take place beneath a canopy of Hong Kong bauhinia flowers, which eventually come to life and dance a grand waltz.
This production is meant to be a celebration of the city we love so much. We are glad you are here to share it with us, and we hope you and your loved ones enjoy a magical holiday season.
笛之舞則由一群黃冠鳳頭鸚鵡擔 綱。在搜集資料時,我被 1915 年老 虎襲人的新聞所吸引,因此,一頭 不受歡迎的貓科動物出現,探訪翩 翩起舞的鳳頭鸚鵡。為向飲食文化 致敬,傳統薑餅媽媽變成了點心媽 媽和點心小丑。表演中更有土生土 長的中華白海豚和來自山頂的一 頭膽小野豬短暫亮相。之後的第二 幕在洋紫荊花海下開展,洋紫荊 花進佔舞台,最終跳起了華爾茲。
這齣作品旨在為我們非常熱愛的 城市立下慶典,很高興能在這裏與 您一同分享。我們在此祝願您和您 的摯愛,一起歡度佳節。
HKB garnered two prestigious awards this year in recognition of its creativity and contribution in this production
Hong Kong Backstory of Septime Webre’s The Nutcracker 衛承天《胡桃夾子》的香港背景故事
Septime Webre 衛承天
It’s Christmas Eve in early 20th century Hong Kong. Clara’s brother Fritz is being naughty as the rest of the family is preparing for a sumptuous Christmas Eve party.
Guests begin to arrive, including Dr Sun Yat-sen and his wife, Soong Ching-ling, who are visiting Hong Kong during the festive season, Sir Robert Ho Tung, one of Hong Kong’s most prominent citizens, a glamorous Shanghainese silent movie star, and many other family friends. Clara’s favourite uncle, the mysterious Tao Sifu enters with his handsome young nephew who greets Clara with a kiss on the hand. Tao Sifu entertains guests with a shadow puppet show and with dancing Peony, Crane and Monkey King dolls. Finally, he presents Clara with a special gift: a Nutcracker.
Jealous of his sister’s present, Fritz seizes the Nutcracker and breaks it, but Tao Sifu fixes the Nutcracker with a bit of handkerchief magic. As the party ends, Clara places the Nutcracker under the Christmas tree.
Later that night, after everyone has gone to bed, Clara tiptoes downstairs to retrieve her Nutcracker. Suddenly the room is filled with scurrying mice, which she bravely scares away. Eventually Clara drifts off to sleep and begins to dream.
When the clock strikes midnight, Tao Sifu’s magic begins! The Christmas tree grows and a battle ensues between Clara’s Nutcracker and his brigade of toy soldiers, and the menacing Rats who arrive in a pirate junk. As the Rat King nears victory, Clara kills the Rat King with her shoe and saves the Nutcracker. Suddenly the Nutcracker is transformed into a handsome Prince who leads Clara on a magical journey through a majestic bamboo forest covered in snow.
二十世紀初香港某年的平安夜,嘉麗一家正忙 於準備聖誕派對,唯獨弟弟費殊卻在一旁撒 野。
賓客陸續到臨,當中包括正於香港歡度佳節 的孫中山博士及夫人宋慶齡、本地名門何東爵 士、魅力四射的上海默片名伶,還有許多親朋 好友。然後,深受嘉麗喜愛的道師傅也帶着姪 子來到,姪子更輕吻嘉麗的手打招呼。這位叔 叔神秘莫測,而他的姪子則外貌英俊。道師傅 為賓客表演皮影戲,還帶來了牡丹花、丹頂鶴 和孫悟空人偶的舞蹈表演。最後,他送了一隻 特別的胡桃夾子玩偶給嘉麗作禮物。
費殊因妒忌姐姐嘉麗獲贈禮物,便一手把胡桃 夾子玩偶搶走並弄壞,幸好道師傅用手巾施出 法術,轉眼將它修好。派對結束後,嘉麗將胡 桃夾子玩偶放在聖誕樹下。
當晚稍後時分,當大家都上床睡覺後,嘉麗躡 手躡腳地走下樓梯去取回胡桃夾子玩偶。突然 間,多隻老鼠在房間內亂竄;嘉麗英勇地將牠 們一一嚇走。不久後,嘉麗便沉沉睡去,漸入 夢鄉。
當午夜鐘聲響起,道師傅的魔法便開始發揮作 用。聖誕樹長大了,嘉麗的胡桃夾子玩偶和玩 具士兵與乘坐海盜船駕到的險惡老鼠兵團對 峙,戰事一觸即發。當老鼠王即將擊敗胡桃夾 子之際,嘉麗用鞋殺了鼠王,成功拯救了胡桃 夾子。突然間,胡桃夾子化身成為一位俊朗的 王子,並帶領嘉麗踏上魔幻之旅,穿越被白雪 覆蓋的壯麗竹林。
Clara and the Nutcracker Prince travel from winter into spring, where the bauhinia blossoms are in full bloom. They are greeted by the Sugar Plum Fairy, her Cavalier and their attendants: kaleidoscopes of butterflies, dragonflies, mushrooms, bumble bees, a rabbit, a wild boar, and other creatures.
Soon, others gather to welcome Clara: a muster of Peacocks strut; the White Snake and the Academic dance exotically; dancing Lions burst forth at the Cheung Chau Bun Festival; a team of Jockeys race by; Hong Kong Cockatoos cavort with a White Tiger; Mother Dim Sum and her Dim Sum Clowns perform a delicious dance; and the Bauhinia Flowers, led by the Dew Drop Fairy, come to life with a waltz. Finally, the celebration comes to a spectacular climax as the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier dance a grand pas de deux.
But now it’s time to return home, a paper boat takes Clara back to her bedroom where she awakens with her beloved Nutcracker safely in her arms.
嘉麗與胡桃夾子王子從冬日來到春天,四周的 洋紫荊花盛開。糖梅仙子與她的護衛,還有蝴 蝶、蜻蜓、蘑菇、大黃蜂、兔子、野豬等侍從迎 接他們。
然後,各式人物與動物都聚在一起歡迎嘉麗:一 群孔雀昂首闊步地走來;白蛇與書生躍起充滿 異國風情的舞步;醒獅在長洲太平清醮的包山 前跳舞助興;一隊騎師策騎賽馬飛奔而過;鳳 頭鸚鵡與白虎嬉戲;點心媽媽與點心小丑跳着 美妙的舞蹈;還有露珠仙子帶領洋紫荊花表演 華爾茲。最後,慶祝活動進入高潮,糖梅仙子與 她的護衛躍起壯麗的大雙人舞。
然而,是時候回家了,一隻紙船載着嘉麗返回家 中,當嘉麗醒來時,便發現心愛的胡桃夾子安 在懷中。
12 Jan 2025 (Su Classical Ba Programme Boys Pre-Bal Program
Limited offer of mid-year admission 插班⽣學位有限。
Programmes for the academic year 2024/25 have begun in Sep 2024/25學年之課程已於九⽉開始。
Successful candidates will attend training from February to Jun 通過甄選的學員將於⼆⽉⾄六⽉參加下學期培訓。
Child Dancers (from left): Giselle Evelyn Lam, Shum Tsz Ching Christie, Pang Ho Yan Cava Matsuharu Wesley Kato Lydia Wong
Appearing in alternate casts
Clara 嘉麗
CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, Nana SAKAI 酒井那奈, YANG Ruiqi 楊睿琦
Clara’s Mother 嘉麗的媽媽
GAO Ge 高歌 , WANG Qingxin 汪慶欣 , YE Feifei 葉飛飛 , ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧
Clara’s Father 嘉麗的爸爸
Garry CORPUZ 葛培治, Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年, WEI Wei 魏巍
Clara’s Yeye (Grandfather) 嘉麗的爺爺
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, MA Renjie 馬仁杰
Fritz 費殊
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Matsuharu Wesley KATO 加藤松治▲ , MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , James YAN 殷晉雄
Tao Sifu 道師傅
Garry CORPUZ 葛培治, Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年, Luis R. TORRES 托羅斯, WEI Wei 魏巍
Tao Sifu’s Nephew 道師傅的姪子
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, SHEN Jie 沈杰 , Gouta SEKI 關剛多
Amahs 媽姐
CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, CHOI Jayeon 崔字硯 , LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, Larissa LI 李秀妍, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, Natalie LU 呂勵妍, XU Shentian 許慎恬
Ming Suk 明叔
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, Gouta SEKI 關剛多
Rickshaw Driver 人力車車伕
LI Yaze 李亞澤, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, James YAN 殷晉雄
Chestnut Seller 栗子小販
CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, Natalie LU 呂勵妍, WONG Chai 王齊#
Chestnut Seller’s Daughter 栗子小販的女兒 ▲
Kim CHEUNG 張詠喬, JOR Yick Chi 左奕姿, Semele LEUNG 梁芯, NG Wing Sen Kasia 伍咏晨
Elegant Father 優雅爸爸
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納
Elegant Mother 優雅媽媽
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥
Elegant Girlfriend 優雅女朋友
CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, SUN Jia 孫嘉, YAO Zhenyuan 姚貞媛
Children 小朋友 ▲
Nathanael Ehlenbeck BRIELL 貝樂滔, Thomas COX, Rae KOLLAR, Gregory LAU 劉錫坤, MA Wuheng Marcus 馬梧恒 , SHUM Hoi Ching Cristal 岑鎧澄, Grace TO 杜頌恩, TSE Yiu Yu 謝曜宇, Isabella WONG-TRAINOR 黃思恩
Military Father 軍官爸爸
Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Henry SELDON 佘爾頓
Military Mother 軍官媽媽
YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔 , ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈
Military Girlfriend 軍官女朋友
LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, Larissa LI 李秀妍
Children 小朋友 ▲
Aaron CHAN 陳樂謙, Ezra Jooahn LEE 李主安, Juno Michael SUN 孫佳君, TSE Yiu Yu 謝曜宇, WONG Hui Yee Franklin 黃煦頤
Big Family Father 大家庭爸爸
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, MA Renjie 馬仁杰
Big Family Mother 大家庭媽媽
LAI Pui Ki Peggy 黎珮琪 , TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻
Children 小朋友 ▲
CHAN Ching Tung Eulia 陳凈潼, Witty CHAN 陳葭妍, CHENG Tsz Wing Wingo 鄭子穎 , Ian CHEUNG 張梓游, Anton Yandong HE 何雁東, HO Chi Lam Aki 何姿澟, Otis HOLM 賀翱霆, Amelia HUI 許安日, Audrey KONG 江芍柔, KONG Ling Scarlett 江婈 , Hazel KWOK 郭晞悅, Giselle Evelyn LAM 林樂怡, LAM Suet Wing 林雪穎 , LANNING Anna, LEUNG Hoi Shun Charlotte 梁凱淳, Kevin LIN 林沂民 , Joanna MAN 文悅懿 , PANG Ho Yan Cava 彭皓仁, SIN Tin Oi Scarlett 冼天愛, Raya Vivian SUN 孫佳睿, Evie SVIRINA, Lydia WONG 黃明諾, WONG Ying Man Suzy 王瀅雯, Dokyung WOO, Langston WU 胡洛廷 , WU Yat Tung Ashley 胡逸潼, Cindy YAO 姚致平, YU Paak Yin Pasco 余珀賢, YU Yuk Hei Adonis 余昱熹
Aunties 姨媽姑姐
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈
Students 學生
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, Matsuharu Wesley KATO 加藤松治▲ , LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, James YAN 殷晉雄
Shanghainese Movie Star 上海名伶
GAO Ge 高歌 , TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈
Sir Robert Ho Tung 何東爵士
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, LI Yaze 李亞澤, WANG Zi 王子
Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山博士
Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年, WANG Zi 王子
Soong Ching-ling 宋慶齡
LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, XU Shentian 許慎恬
Peony 牡丹花
KIM Eunsil 金恩實, SUN Jia 孫嘉, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, YANG Ruiqi 楊睿琦, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
Crane 丹頂鶴
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納
Monkey King 孫悟空
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, WANG Zi 王子, James YAN 殷晉雄
Mice 小老鼠 ▲
Elowen BEST, Niesha BRAR 白茜童, CHAN Ho Yee 陳可頤, CHAN Lok Tung Emorie 陳樂潼, CHAN On Sang 陳安生, CHAU Tsoi Yuet Hannah 周采玥, CHEUNG Hoi Ching 張凱程, Kim CHEUNG 張詠喬, CHEUNG Sin Yu Gabrielle 張倩茹, CHUI Tsz Yau Giselle 徐芷悠,
FUNG Uet Yuen 馮閱圓, Caelyn HO 何泳潼, JOR Yick Chi 左奕姿, LEUNG Oi Yan Anya 梁愛昕, LEUNG Semele 梁芯, Sarah KL LI 李廣琳, LIU Junong Caitrionna 廖珒安, LOK Victoria 駱蓉, NG Wing Sen Kasia 伍咏晨, Naomi NGUI 魏有恩, SETO Suet Ching Sophie 司徒雪晴, SHAO Shayi Essa 邵莎依, Chloe SHI 施宥儀, Talia SUGITO 李綺澄
Ribbon Candy Ballerina 絲帶糖芭蕾玩偶
LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, Larissa LI 李秀妍, Natalie LU 呂勵妍
Jack-in-the-Box 小丑玩偶傑克
Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , James YAN 殷晉雄
The Nutcracker 胡桃夾子
Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Henry SELDON 佘爾頓
The Rat King 老鼠王
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Henry SELDON 佘爾頓
Rats 老鼠
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, LI Yaze 李亞澤, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Henry SELDON 佘爾頓 , WANG Zi 王子, James YAN 殷晉雄
Flour Toys 麵粉公仔 ▲
Abigail CHEUNG 蔣安堯, CHENG Tsz Lam Charlotte 鄭梓琳, Yihui GAO 高旖暉, HON Yuk Yin Jasie 韓旭硏, Alyssa KWAN 關凱庭 , LAM Jing Kiu Jayda 林靖翹, LAM Shu Man Sharon 林舒玟 , Sasha LANNING, LEE Hoi Ching 李凱晴, LEUNG Ting Yuet Sophia 梁庭悅, LIU Tsz Hang Elizabeth 廖梓杏, Shaima Begam MOHAMED RAMEEZ 劉凱晴, Charlotte NG 吳婕妤, Livana TAM 譚愷嵐, TAN Ting-Yi Gabrielle 陳亭伊, Wong Cheuk Wing Venus 王綽穎 , WONG Hang Yi 黃幸怡, WONG Wai Nam Anson 黃蔚藍
Toy Soldiers 玩具士兵 ▲
Melody CAI 蔡美樂 , CHAN Hei Ting Vanessa 陳浠庭 , CHAN Hei Yin Muji 陳希妍, CHAN Ho Ching Kaitlyn 陳皓澄, Chantelle CHEN 陳羽嫣, Sienna CHEN 陳愛璇 , CHOY Wing Kiu 蔡泳蕎, Charlotte FU 傅思樂 , GUAN Ying Tung Claire 官映彤, HO Wing Yi 何穎怡, HON Yuen Tung 韓宛彤, Tamara KOWLI, Angel KWOK 郭琇瑜, Verona LAU 劉康晴, Lisa LEE 李彥樺, Peyton LEE 李光琰 , LEE Tsz Yau 李芷柔, LEUNG Hui Yiu 梁煦堯, LEUNG Oi Hei Ashley 梁愛晞, LI Cheuk Kiu 李卓蕎, LI Cheuk Lam 李卓琳, LI Hoi Lam Angie 李凱琳, Lenny LI 李宛霖, LI Yuet Lam Alyssa 黎悦琳, Abrielle Laurel LO 盧樂陶, Carissa LO 羅恩悦 , Emma-Jane MAN 文嘉熙, Xylia Kajri MASON, Ai-Ly Margaret MCFADYEN, Sofie Jane MCGARRY, Bernice NG 吳凱琳, PUN Kayan 潘嘉恩, Margaux Sai Yan RAE LI 李世殷 , SEETO Tsz Yan Carmela 司徒芷昕, Sophie Jennifer SHEK 石琳, TAN Yan Xi Edlyn 陳彥希, Nicholette TING 丁諾萱, TSANG Bei Ching Abby 曾媲澄, Catrina TSE 謝凱琪 , Charlotte TSUI 徐亦妤, Helen WANG 王海心, WANG Tsz Lam Ellie 王祉琳, WONG Hei Yee 黃喜兒, Sophia Victoria WONG 黃心怡, WONG Tsz Kiu Princess 黃子喬, WONG Yan Yuet Abigail 黃恩悦 , Yanne WONG 黃昕, Emma WUJANTO 吳沁恩, YEUNG Yan Kiu Belle 楊昕蕎, YU Cheuk Lam Sheryl 余芍霖, YU Gaa Kiu Claire 余嘉蕎, YU Pak Ying Ariana 余柏瑩, YU Yin Lam Yannis 余彥霖
The Nutcracker Prince 胡桃夾子王子
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, Gouta SEKI 關剛多, SHEN Jie 沈杰
Snow King 冰雪國王
Garry CORPUZ 葛培治, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, Ryo KATO 加藤凌 , Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納, Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年
Snow Queen 冰雪皇后
GAO Ge 高歌 , LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, SUN Jia 孫嘉, WANG Qingxin 汪慶欣 , YANG Ruiqi 楊睿琦, YE Feifei 葉飛飛
Snowflakes 雪花仙子
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, CHOI Jayeon 崔字硯 , LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, NG Ka Ip Tiffany 吳嘉燁†, SUN Jia 孫嘉, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, WONG Chai 王齊#, Ivana WONG 黃顗蓁† , XU Shentian 許慎恬, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
Sugar Plum Fairy 糖梅仙子
KIM Eunsil 金恩實, LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, WANG Qingxin 汪慶欣 , YANG Ruiqi 楊睿琦, YE Feifei 葉飛飛 , ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
Cavalier 糖梅仙子護衛
Garry CORPUZ 葛培治, Ryo KATO 加藤凌 , Albert GORDON, 郭艾弼, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, SHEN Jie 沈杰 , Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年
Big Butterflies 大蝴蝶
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, CHOI Jayeon 崔字硯 , LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, Larissa LI 李秀妍, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, NG Ka Ip Tiffany 吳嘉燁†, SUN Jia 孫嘉, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, WONG Chai 王齊#, Ivana WONG 黃顗蓁†, XU Shentian 許慎恬, YAO Zhenyuan 姚貞媛, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
Little Butterflies 小蝴蝶 ▲
Ina ABEJERO, AU Yik Hei Audrey 歐奕希, Colette BEST, CHOW Lok Yi 周樂兒, FU Hoi Lam Isabel 符凱琳, Shuyan HO 何書恩, Keira Paige HOLBOURN, Sophie INNIS, Nico LI 李芷瑤, LIU Cheuk Kiu Keva 廖焯翹, MAN Jihing Viola 文紫馨, NG Cheuk Ling Charlotte 吳卓玲, Elsa PANG 彭靖珈 , SHUM Tsz Ching Christie 岑梓晴, Aimee TSUI 徐藹晴, Carla UGAERI 魚返佳麗, Bernice WOO 胡僖恩, Kelly XU 徐子晰
Mushrooms 蘑菇 ▲
CHAN Hei Man Hazel 陳熙汶 , CHAN Man Suen Amber 陳玟瑄, CHAN Yui Yin Alicia 陳睿賢, Eve CHEUNG 張懿 , Erika CHI 紀惠心, CHOW Tsz Ying Katrina 鄒紫盈, Elena DAI 戴倚恩, Faustina FONG 方天娜, Theodora LANG 王羲雅, LEE Pui Ying Chantelle 李佩瑩, LEUNG Yi Shun Scarlett 梁伊淳, LI Sze Yiu Brianna 李泀瑤, Colette Thea LIM 林祈昕, Scarlette Elizabeth NG 吳梓芊, Adele PINSET 曾依晴, Daya RIYAT, Chloris TUNG 董卉喬, Alexia WONG-TRAINOR 黃思行, Chloe WUJANTO 吳淑恩, YET Sum Tung 易鈊潼, Charlize YEUNG 楊立晴, YEUNG Ka Kiu Leanne 楊嘉��, YUNG Pui Yiu Heidi 翁佩瑤, ZHANG Heya Emma 張和雅, ZHOU Linqiao 周麟橋
Dragonflies 蜻蜓 ▲
Shannon Clare CHAN 陳牽晴, CHAN Shui Tung Evania 陳萃潼, CHENG Yat Lok 鄭一樂 , CHONG Yan Lam Charlotte 莊恩琳, Charlotte DUHEM, Carina LAI 黎杞愉, LIN Hoyee 林好兒, Jiman Miriam MAN 文紫憫, Athena NAVIN 溫曉娜, Jacy NG 伍卓翹, Arabella PEI 裴懿澄, Bahia THIBO, Emma TRAJCESKI 丁愛瑪, WAN Yuet Ka Gailie 尹悦嘉, WONG Wan Ching Sofie 黃允晴, Josephine YUEN 袁珈琪 ,
Bees 黃蜂 ▲
Stephanie ALEXANDER 安桐慧, CHAN Ka Yin Leah 陳嘉言, Catelyn CHENG 鄭文喬, CHONG Tsz Yu 莊梓瑜, HUANG Jiawen Janelle 黄嘉雯, POON Yui Ching Olivia 潘睿晴, Clara SIN 冼可柔, SIT Hoi Cheng Emma 薛鎧澄, SZE Sum Yi 史芯懿 , Icey TAM 談一舜, Lettie WANG 王心樂
Fox 狐狸 ▲
Chloe LAM 林浩儀, Kylie NG 吳欣瞳, Charmmy TANG 鄧仟羚
Rabbit 白兔 ▲
Hannah CHANG 鄭紫悠, Scarlet Georgia LAM 林飄飄 , SO Hoi Shun Hillary 蘇愷純
Frog 蛙 ▲
CHEUNG Tsz Kiu 張梓翹, NGAI Cheuk Lam 魏卓霖, Cindy YAO 姚致平
Boar 野豬 ▲
Madison KWOK 郭憲書, MAO Lydia Minlei 毛書涯, TANG Yue Ching Taylor 鄧裕澄
Peacocks 孔雀
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, LI Yaze 李亞澤, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納, WANG Zi 王子, James YAN 殷晉雄
White Snake 白蛇
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, GAO Ge 高歌 , LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, SUN Jia 孫嘉, ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧
Academic 書生
Garry CORPUZ 葛培治, Henry SELDON 佘爾頓 , Basil JAMES 詹巴素, Kai KANZAKI 神崎開, Gouta SEKI 關剛多
Fishermen 漁夫
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , WANG Zi 王子, James YAN 殷晉雄
Little Fishermen 小漁夫 ▲
LEE Jooahn Ezra 李主安, Kevin LIN 林沂民 , Juno Michael SUN 孫佳君, TSE Yiu Yu 謝曜宇
Ribbon Dance 絲帶舞
CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, Larissa LI 李秀妍, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, WONG Chai 王齊#, Ivana WONG 黃顗蓁† , YAO Zhenyuan 姚貞媛
Lion Dancers 醒獅隊
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, DUAN Wenjun Ricardo 段文俊#, Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, FEI Xiao 費霄#, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, LI Yaze 李亞澤, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Henry SELDON 佘爾頓 , WONG Wai Kuen Alvin 王偉權#, James YAN 殷晉雄, YANG Yu Chen Eric 楊宇宸#
Big Buddha Head 大頭佛 ▲
Yihui GAO 高旖暉, HON Yuk Yin Jasie 韓旭硏, Alyssa KWAN 關凱庭 , LEE Hoi Ching 李凱晴, LEUNG Ting Yuet Sophia 梁庭悅, Livana TAM 譚愷嵐, WONG Cheuk Wing Venus 王綽穎 , WONG Hang Yi 黃幸怡
Parade Leaders 飄色小演員 ▲
Elowen BEST, Niesha BRAR 白茜童, Hazel KWOK 郭晞悅, LAM Suet Wing 林雪穎 , LEUNG Oi Yan Anya 梁愛昕, Sarah KL LI 李廣琳, Joanna MAN 文悅懿 , WU Yat Tung Ashley 胡逸潼
Lead Jockey 騎師領舞
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, Albert GORDON 郭艾弼, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , WANG Zi 王子, James YAN 殷晉雄
Jockeys 騎師 ▲ CHAN Hei Ting Vanessa 陳浠庭 , CHAN Ho Ching Kaitlyn 陳皓澄, HUI Haidee 許巽怡, Matsuharu Wesley KATO 加藤松治, Eunice KONG 江曉霖, LANNING Sasha, LEE Wing Chi Natalie 李詠姿, Chelsea LI 李潤欣 , LI Cheuk Lam 李卓琳, LIU Tsz Hang Elizabeth 廖梓杏, Emma-Jane MAN 文嘉熙, Xylia Kajri MASON, Kayla Blanche MOW 毛舜賢, SUM Hong Kiu Rene 岑康蕎, TAN Yan Xi Edlyn 陳彥希, TRUONG Hoi Ching Sophia 張凱晴, Natalie WONG 王思齊, Anne-Marie YEUNG 楊欣喬, YEUNG Hei Ching Eleonore 楊��程
Lead Cockatoo 鳳頭鸚鵡領舞
LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, Nana SAKAI 酒井那奈, SUN Jia 孫嘉, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧
Cockatoos 鳳頭鸚鵡
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, CHOI Jayeon 崔字硯 , LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, SUN Jia 孫嘉, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, WONG Chai 王齊#, XU Shentian 許慎恬, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
White Tiger 白虎
Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納
Mother Dim Sum 點心媽媽
Luis CABRERA 卡諾意, Jonathan SPIGNER 尊尼芬.斯納, Yonen TAKANO 高野陽年, Luis R. TORRES 托羅斯, WEI Wei 魏巍
Dancing Dim Sum 點心舞 ▲
Emilie CAI AKAISHI, Gabrielle CHAU 周康瑤, CHAU Long Ching Gypsy 周朗晴, Nikki CHIM 詹日希, CHOI Chi Kiu Ashlyn 蔡芷蕎, Ariel CHONG 莊雅喬, FONG Ho Ho 方可可, Satomi IMAI 今井智心, KO Hay Yee Hayley 高僖頤, KO Sin Yee Chloe 高善頤, Ines KWOK 郭旨桐, LAM Tsz Yu 林子羽, LEUNG Hoi Kiu Hailey 梁凱喬, Trinity LEUNG 梁詠容, Hailey MAK 麥禧宜, NAM Nam 藍嵐, Natalie NGUI 魏有慧, TAN Yan Jun Emlyn 陳彥君, TAO Yan Lam Joyce 杜恩琳, Jasmine WAI 韋青嵐, WONG Ching Lam 黃靖琳, Jarvinia WONG 黃曉嵐, WONG Wai Nam Abbie 王蔚藍, WONG Siu Tung Natalie 黃紹童, Thea WONG 黃泊瑜, Aimi YANAGIYA 柳谷愛美 , YUNG Pui Yu Cici 翁佩瑜
Dim Sum Waiters 點心侍應
Jeremy CHAN 陳尚然, DUAN Wenjun Ricardo 段文俊#, Kent EGUCHI 江口健仁, FEI Xiao 費霄#, Rio FUKUNAGA 福永理王, Basil JAMES 詹巴素, KAN Ka Kit Jordan 簡家傑, LEUNG Chunlong 梁晉朗, LI Yaze 李亞澤, LIU Yu-Lun 劉宇倫#, MA Renjie 馬仁杰 , Jeremy POWER 鮑俊文 , Gouta SEKI 關剛多, Henry SELDON 佘爾頓 , WONG Wai Kuen Alvin 王偉權#, James YAN 殷晉雄, YANG Yu Chen Eric 楊宇宸#
Dew Drop Fairy 晨露仙子
LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WANG Qingxin 汪慶欣 , ZHANG Xuening 張雪寧, ZHU Jianying 朱嘉盈, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
Waltz of the Bauhinia Flowers 紫荊花圓舞曲
Ashleigh BENNETT 班納特, CHEN Yunshi 陳韻詩, CHOI Jayeon 崔字硯 , LAI Nok Sze Vanessa 黎諾詩, LAI Pengxiang 賴鵬翔, LEUNG Saulong 梁秀朗, LEUNG Sze Chai Cindy 梁思齊, LIANG Wanting 梁婉婷, LOO Suet Ying Zoe 路雪盈, NG Ka Ip Tiffany 吳嘉燁 †, SUN Jia 孫嘉, TENG Ronger 滕榕兒, WAN Ho Yee Chloe 尹可頤, WANG Yueh Erica 王玥, WONG Chai 王齊#, Ivana WONG 黃顗蓁†, XU Shentian 許慎恬, YAO Zhenyuan 姚貞媛, YUEN Ao Xin Hennes 袁奡忻, ZHU Jiaying 朱嘉盈, ZOU Mengjie 鄒夢潔
More details 更多資訊
† Freelance Dancer 特約舞蹈員
▲ Child Dancer 兒童舞蹈員 # With kind permission of School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 承蒙香港演藝學院舞蹈學院批准參與
柴可夫斯基 (1840-1893)
Music 音樂
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is widely considered as one of the greatest Russian composers in history. From a young age, he demonstrated an incredible skill for melodic expression of strong emotion which contributed to his creation of symphonies, concertos, operas, ballets and more. His masterpieces of theatre works include the opera Eugene Onegin and the ballets The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake The intensity of his music has rendered his works revered with generations of music lovers.
柴可夫斯基是史上最偉大的俄羅 斯作曲家之一。他自少展現非凡的 音樂才華,擅長創作優美的旋律以 表達強烈的情感,作品種類涵蓋交 響曲、協奏曲、歌劇、芭蕾舞等。
著名的作品包括歌劇《尤金.奧涅 金》和芭蕾舞《胡桃夾子》、《睡美 人》、《天鵝湖》等。柴可夫斯基的 音樂歷久常新,廣受古今樂迷尊崇。
Set & Costume Design
Gabriela Tylesova is an award-winning set and costume designer. Her works were exhibited at Prague Quadrennial in 1999 and 2015 and in the Moscow exhibition Costume at the Turn of the Century in 2015. Her design career spans 25 years and includes productions for Opera Australia, The Australian Ballet, DV8, Melbourne Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company, Queensland Theatre, Really Useful Group, Horipro in Japan, Stage Entertainment Germany and US, The Gordon Frost Organisation, The National Ballet of Canada and Finnish National Opera and Ballet. Tylesova designed the sets and costumes for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2006 Asian Games in Doha.
嘉布里埃拉.季列索娃是一位屢獲 殊榮的佈景和服裝設計師,作品分 別於 1999 年和 2015 年的布拉格四 年展,以及 2015 年莫斯科「世紀之 交服裝展」中展出。她的設計生涯 跨越 25 載,合作機構包括澳洲歌劇 院、澳洲芭蕾舞團、DV8 形體劇場、 墨爾本劇院、悉尼劇團、昆士蘭劇 院、真正好集團、日本的堀製作、 德國和美國的「舞台娛樂」、哥頓 科斯製作、加拿大國家芭蕾舞團和 芬蘭國家歌劇院及芭蕾舞團等。季 列索娃曾為 2006 年多哈亞運會的 開幕式和閉幕式設計佈景和服裝。
AU Yu Kong
Associate Set & Costume Designer 執行佈景及服裝設計
Au Yu Kong is the founder and Creative Director of BASE CREATIVE. He graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Stage and Costume Design and received a scholarship for a Royal Opera House internship in London. With his theatre design background, Au notably infuses creative ideas into corporate designs. He has produced some of Hong Kong’s most spectacular events and has gained a reputation as a leading events designer in Hong Kong. Throughout the years, Au has created a diverse range of over 300 theatre works and commercial events in Asia Pacific and Europe.
區宇剛為 BASE CREATIVE 創辦人 兼創意總監,畢業於香港演藝學院 舞台及服裝設計系,並取得藝術學 士學位。他曾獲奬學金於倫敦皇家 歌劇院實習,並為多個國際知名品 牌、企業及各大商場擔任項目及盛 事設計,在香港贏得頂級設計師的 聲譽。由於擁有舞台設計的背景, 區宇剛擅於將舞台理念及創意融 於設計創作中。多年來,於歐亞等 地為超過 300 個戲劇作品和企業 活動設計創作。
Joanne CHONG
Associate Costume Designer 執行服裝設計
A veteran in costume and wardrobe management, Joanne Chong has been passionate about fine arts, calligraphy and design from a young age. She graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and is currently the Director of Wardrobe at Hong Kong Ballet. Her career highlights include dance dramas Storm Clouds and Suppressed Romance; musical Tales of the Walled City ; theatrical dramas A Mid-Summer’s Night Dream and Aladdin; opera Madama Butterfly ; and ballet productions
ALICE (in wonderland), The Great Gatsby, Carmina Burana and The Nutcracker
莊惠玲是資深的服裝製作及管理人 員。自小喜愛美術、書法及設計, 莊氏畢業於香港演藝學院,現為 香港芭蕾舞團服裝部總監。曾參 與作品包括中國舞劇《風雲》、 《自梳女》,音樂劇《城寨風情》,話 劇《仲夏夜之夢》、《阿拉丁》,歌劇 《蝴蝶夫人》、芭蕾舞劇《愛麗斯 夢遊仙境》、《大亨小傳》、《布蘭詩 歌》、《胡桃夾子》等。
Billy CHAN
Lighting Design
Billy Chan is Senior Lecturer (Lighting Design) at HKAPA’s School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts*. A three-time recipient of the Hong Kong Drama Awards’ Best Lighting Design, Chan recently won Outstanding Musical Lighting Design at the 2023 Beijing Tianqiao Musical Annual Ceremony for Into the White Night (Ran Space Shanghai). Other accolades include Best Stage Art (Lighting Design) at the 2017 Shanghai One Drama Awards for What is Sex? (Edward Lam Dance Theatre) and Outstanding Lighting Design at the 2019 Hong Kong Dance Awards for Waiting Heart (Hong Kong Dance Company). His recent works include 12 (Technical Arts Festival Showcases), The Coat of Rongyi (Magnificent Culture Beijing) and Skylight (Ivana Music Limited).
陳焯華現為香港演藝學院舞台及 製作藝術學院⾼級講師(燈光設 計)*。陳焯華曾三度勇奪香港舞台 劇獎最佳燈光設計獎,近年贏得的 獎項還包括:2023 北京.天橋 音樂 劇年度盛典之年度優秀音樂劇燈光 (《⽩夜⾏》);2017 上海.靜安現代 戲劇⾕壹戲劇大 賞年度最佳舞台美 術類[燈光設計](非常林奕華《紅 樓夢》);香港舞蹈年獎 2019 傑出燈 光設計(香港舞蹈團《紫⽟成煙》)。 近期作品包括科藝藝術節之藝術家 展演《12 》、北京央華時代《戎夷之 衣》、王菀之《天⾊》等。
* With kind permission of HKAPA 承蒙香港演藝學院批准參與是次製作
Ruby YAU
Re-lighting 燈光執行
Ruby Yau majored in theatre lighting technology at HKAPA and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. She is currently a stage lighting freelancer.
邱雅 ⽟ 畢業於香港演藝學院舞台 及製作藝術學院,獲藝術學士(榮 譽)學位,主修舞台燈光技術。現 為自由身舞台工作者。
YAN Pat To 甄拔濤
Dramaturge 劇場指導
An active theatre playwright, director and educator, Yan Pat To is currently Acting Principal of HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity and Artistic Director of Reframe Theatre. The former House Author of Nationatheater Mannheim in Germany also served as Elected Council Member and Chairman of the committee of Literary Arts for Hong Kong Arts Development Council during 2019-22. His award-winning English play A Concise History of Future China earned him the honour of being the first Chinese playwright to be selected by the prestigious Berliner Festspiele Theatertreffen Stückemarkt, while his Cantonese play White Blaze of the Morning was awarded Best Play at the 8th Hong Kong Theatre Libre. His works have been widely commissioned and performed in Austria, Canada, Germany and Hong Kong.
甄拔濤現為兆基創意書院署任校 長、再構造劇場藝術總監;202122 劇季擔任德國曼海姆國家劇院 駐院作家,2019-22 年間出任香港 藝術發展局文學藝術範疇民選委員 及文學委員會主席。甄拔濤活躍 於香港和德國劇場,憑藉英文劇 本《未來簡史》獲 2016 柏林戲劇 節劇本市集獎,為首位華人獲此殊 榮。中文劇本《灼眼的白晨》為他贏 取第八屆香港小劇場獎最佳劇本。
其作品獲德國、奧地利、加拿大、 香港多地機構委約及邀請演出。
LO Wing
Shadow Puppet Video Design 皮影戲影像設計
A graduate from City University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media, Lo Wing is the founder of www. and a guest lecturer at HKAPA. An experienced film editor, Lo has worked in advertising, theatre and film. He has created more than 30 video designs for theatres and concerts as a multimedia artist. He has worked for Club Cubic Zhuhai, ViuTV, Ronald Cheng Concert, Paula Tsui Concert, Artocrite Theater, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Chung Ying Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Class 7A Drama Group and more. Lo’s videos have won the Jury Award at the 14th Beijing College Student Film Festival and Special Mention at the 10th ifva Awards.
盧榮畢業於香港城市大學,獲頒 創意媒體藝術碩士學位,為 www. 創辦人及香港演藝學院 客席講師。盧氏為香港多媒體 創作人,曾參與的香港舞台及演 唱會影像創作逾 30 個;多年來 從事廣告、劇場、電影及剪接工 作。曾合作單位包括珠海 Club Cubic、ViuTV、鄭中基演唱會、 徐小鳳演唱會、藝君子劇團、香 港話劇團、中英劇團、香港藝術 節、7A 班戲劇組等。他的錄像作 品曾獲第十四屆北京大學生電影節 「評委會大獎」及第十屆 ifva 比賽 公開組「特別表揚」獎。
© Max Zerrahn
YIP Wing-sie
Conductor 指揮
A highly respected and influential figure in Asia’s orchestral music scene, Yip Wing-sie served as Music Director of Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2002-20) and is now its Music Director Emeritus. She won First Prize and ‘LYRE d’OR’ in the Concours International de Jeunes Chefs d’Orchestre de Besançon, France, in 1985, and is an internationally sought-after conductor. Her other notable accolades include Fellowship of the Royal College of Music (2010), Bronze Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government (2013), and the ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite’ bestowed by the French Government (2015). She received an Honorary Doctorate from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and an Honorary Fellowship from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (2022).
指揮家葉詠詩一直積極以不同形式 之演出推廣古典音樂,備受各界尊 崇。她自 2002 年起出任香港小交 響樂團音樂總監,至 2020 年轉任 桂冠音樂總監。她於 1985 年贏得 法國貝桑松國際青年指揮大賽冠 軍及「金豎琴」獎,2010 年獲英國 皇家音樂學院頒授院士榮銜,2013 年獲香港特區政府授勳「銅紫荊 星章」,2015 年獲法國政府頒授 「國家榮譽騎士勳章」,2022 年 分別獲頒香港科技大學榮譽博士 及香港演藝學院榮譽院士榮銜,表 揚她在音樂界的傑出成就。
Vivian IP
葉詠媛 Conductor 指揮
A leading young conductor in Hong Kong, Vivian Ip has been Associate Conductor of Hong Kong Sinfonietta from the 2023/24 season. Ip has guest conducted at the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Musica Viva Hong Kong and Hong Kong Grand Opera. She was Assistant Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in 2016-18, where she assisted its Music Director Jaap van Zweden and maestros including Christoph Eschenbach and Charles Dutoit. In 2023, Ip co-founded ANIMA Ensemble in promoting contemporary chamber operas and musical theatre works, premiering Philip Glass’ The Book of Longing in Hong Kong in 2024. Ip currently teaches at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
葉詠媛現為香港小交響樂團副 指揮,並活躍於本地及海外舞 台。 2016-18 年出任香港管弦樂 團助理指揮,期間與梵志登、艾森 巴赫、杜托爾等多位大師合作。她 亦為香港藝術節、非凡美樂、康樂 及文化事務署、香港大歌劇院等 擔任客席指揮。2023 年聯合創辦 源.思室樂團,致力推廣現代室內 歌劇及音樂劇場;2024 年將格拉 斯的《渴望之書》首次搬上香港 舞台。葉詠媛現於香港中文大學 音樂系任教指揮。
© Yvonne Chan
© Kurtachio
Music Director Emeritus 桂冠音樂總監:YIP Wing-sie 葉詠詩
Music Director 音樂總監:Christoph POPPEN 柏鵬
Associate Conductor 副指揮:Vivian IP 葉詠媛
One of Hong Kong’s flagship orchestras, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has brought music closer to the community, and achieved significant local and international recognition for its passionate performances and innovative programming. The orchestra has collaborated with an illustrious array of international musicians and groups, including in recent years Ilya Gringolts, Martin Helmchen, Sergei Nakariakov, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Krzysztof Penderecki, The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet and Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. Hong Kong Sinfonietta is a regular guest at international arts festivals and has toured 48 cities around the world. As an avid believer of keeping music alive and contemporary, the orchestra performs year-round with about 100 performances a season, presenting not only standard orchestral repertoire but also more than 90 newly commissioned works over the years.
Hong Kong Sinfonietta has thrived under the leadership of Yip Wing-sie, one of Asia’s foremost conductors who was the orchestra’s Music Director from 2002-2020. In April 2023, conductor, violinist, chamber musician and pedagogue Christoph
Poppen took on the post of Music Director, while continuing his highly successful collaboration with the Cologne Chamber Orchestra as Principal Conductor and the Marvão International Music Festival as Artistic Director.
香港的旗艦樂團之一,銳意「培育文化新一代」, 並以富創意的節目及充滿熱忱的演奏見稱。樂團 經常與國際知名音樂家及藝團合作,如格林高特、 赫姆森、納卡里亞科夫、凱拉斯、彭德雷茨基、英 國皇家芭蕾舞團、英國國家芭蕾舞團、美國芭蕾 舞劇院、紐約市芭蕾舞團、斯圖加特芭蕾舞團及 翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場等。樂團常應邀作 客海外,先後於世界 48 個城市獻藝,並亮相多個 著名國際藝術節及音樂節。樂團曾委約本地及海 外作曲家創作超過 90 首作品,並銳意與不同界別 的藝術家製作新節目。
樂團 2002 年至 2020 年由著名指揮家葉詠詩擔任 音樂總監,期間致力推動本地古典音樂發展。樂 團現任音樂總監柏鵬,於 2023 年 4 月履新。柏鵬 為國際音樂界中享負盛名的指揮家、小提琴家、室 樂演奏家及音樂教育家,現時身兼科隆室樂團首 席指揮及葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節藝術總監。
© HK Sinfonietta Ltd
Violin 小提琴
James CUDDEFORD 格德霍特
Concertmaster 樂團首席 (On Leave 休假 )
KIM In-sun 金仁善
Assistant Concertmaster 助理樂團首席
LE Hoai-nam 李海南
Principal Second Violin 第二小提琴首席
CHAN Cheuk-long Aaron 陳倬朗
Assistant Principal Second Violin 第二小提琴助理首席
CAI Pak-yi 蔡柏沂
CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon 陳劭楠
Kiann CHOW 周止善
CHUA Vince Eliezer N. 蔡君賢
HSU Yu-chia 許佑嘉
John KRUER 顧洛臻
Sally LAW 羅莎莉
LI Chun-lam James 李俊霖
Ambrose LUI 呂灝然
PANG Hiu-wan 彭曉筠
POON Ka-mei Camille 潘迦薇
YANG Min-yu 陽旻佑
YANG Yu-si 楊宇思
Viola 中提琴
Elvis CHAN 陳子信●
LAU Sum-yin 劉琛彥▲
Christina BEAN 卞思琦
Ringo CHAN 陳敏聰
LUNG Kwan-wai Kenny 龍君蔚
NGAN Sing-on 顏星安
TANG Wing-shuen Rebecca 鄧詠旋
Cello 大提琴
CHANG Pei-chieh 張培節●
Laurent PERRIN 貝樂安▲
HO Kwok-chee Karey 何國芝
LEE Eun-sol 李恩率
PARK Si-won 朴詩媛
YIP Chun-hei Eric 葉俊禧
Double Bass 低音大提琴
Masami NAGAI 永井雅美●
HUANG Tun-pin 黃敦品▽
Flute 長笛
LU Shang-cong 盧尚聰●
Akiyo UESUGI 上杉晃代
Oboe 雙簧管
Sandy XU 徐智雨●
Clarinet 單簧管
WOO Hee-soo 禹希秀●
CHEN Chiu-yuan 陳秋媛
Bassoon 巴松管
LIU Tung-bo 廖冬保●
Minako TAGUCHI 田口美奈子
Horn 圓號
PAW Man-hing Hermann 包文慶●
Masumi HIGASHIDE 東出真澄
CHAN Kar-man Cheryl 陳珈文
Edward PEETERS 普德華
Trumpet 小號
HUANG Shan 黄山●
CHAN Kin-sing Kinson 陳健勝
Trombone 長號
Christopher RODGERS 羅澤基● (On Leave 休假 )
CHAN Hok-yin 陳學賢°
Bass Trombone 低音長號
CHAN Sheung-yin 陳尚賢
Tuba 大號
CHAN Yiu-wing 陳耀榮●
Timpani 定音鼓
Akihiro MURAMOTO 村本曉洋●
Percussion 敲擊樂
CHAU Chin-tung 周展彤●
Rieko KOYAMA 小山理惠子
Harp 豎琴
Ann HUANG 黃士倫●
Keyboard 鍵琴
Alan CHU 朱偉恆●
● Principal 首席
▲ Assistant Principal 助理首席
° Acting Principal 署理首席
▽ Acting Assistant Principal 署理助理首席
Freelance Musicians 特約樂師
Violin 小提琴
LEUNG Shing-kwan Jim 梁承鈞
WONG Sin-i Nina 王倩兒
Double Bass 低音大提琴
Carlos SO 蘇嘉樂
Harty TAM 譚泳佳
Flute 長笛
HUI Wing-hang Bob 許榮鏗
Oboe 雙簧管
AO Ho-i Holly 區可怡
Clarinet 單簧管
FUNG Chi-hang Eric 馮智恆
Horn 圓號
Alfred LEE 李建達
Trombone 長號
WOO Ho-ting Anson 胡皓霆
Dancer : Wang Qingxin | Creative : Design Army | Photography : Dean Alexander