香港浸會大學學生會評議會通訊2016年7月|Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Council Newsletter July 2016

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Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council Newsletter

2016年7月|July 2016

學生會評議會將通過《學生會評議會通訊》,每月向同學發放學生會消息,如幹事會及編輯 委員會之工作報告、評議會會議、論壇、學生刊物等,讓同學能掌握學生會最新動向! Through the monthly newsletter of Students’ Union Council, you can grasp the latest events and what is happening around! You can access to reports of Executive Committee and Editorial Board here, as well as knowing the Council meetings here.

評議會資訊|Council News 評議會通過當然評議員陳思豪之辭職議案 Resignation motion proposed by Morris CHAN passed by Council

當然評議員陳思豪以學業為由向評議會提出辭呈。經討論後, 議案進行表決,在席人數12人,議案在無人反對下一致通過。 通過議案後,評議會現時共有23名評議員。 通告全文: Mr Morris CHAN Sze Ho, Ex-officio Councilor, submitted his resignation to the Council to focus on his academic. 12 councilors were present at the meeting. After discussion, the motion was passed unanimously. After the motion passed, there are 23 Councilors in the Council. For the full text of notice, please visit

常設委員會成員招募 Recruitment on Members of Standing Committees

除了由評議員出任各常設委員會的委員外,同學(基本會員) 的參與亦至關重要,有助完善評議會監察職能,共同推動浸大 學生會的發展。有興趣的會員可於9月17日下午11時59分前填妥 以下表格及了解詳情: 連結: Not only the participation of Councilors, the participation of full members are also essential to the Council to and contribute to the development of HKBUSU. Interested members can fill in the following form by 11:59 p.m. on 17 September or learn more: Link:

仲議會遺缺事宜 Vacancy of Judicial Council

由於仲議會其中3位仲裁員學籍已結束而離任,亦未有新成員接 任仲裁員職位,仲議會暫時解散,其權力移交至評議會非常會 議處理會內會章詮釋及裁決事宜。評議會行政委員會將9月初開 始招募仲裁員,有興趣的同學請密切留意! Since 3 Judicial Councilors graduated in July and no new members take over the seats, the Judicial Council now dismissed temporarily, and the power of interpreting Constitution and judging complaints is transferred to the Council. Administration Committee of the Council will start recruiting new Judicial Councilors in September. Stay tuned!

五月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in May, Executive Committee

活動財政報告 Event Financial Report

五月份幹事會財政報告 Financial Report in May, Executive Committee

系際足球比賽 Inter-departmental Football Match

五月份福利合作社財政報告 Finanical Report in May, SU Welfare Co-op Shop

六月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in June, Editorial Board

六月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in June, Editorial Board

評議會會議出席紀錄、常設委員會成員名單 Attendance of Council Meetings & Namelist of Standing Committees under Council 通告 Notices

常務會議紀錄 Minutes of General Meeting

評議會通過成立學會抽查小組 Establishment of Task Force on Society Inspection

第一次常務會議紀錄 1st General Meeting

評議會通過當然評議員陳思豪之辭職議案 Motion of Resignation of Mr Morris Chan, Ex-officio Councilor Passed by the Council

第一次常務會議(續會)紀錄 1st General Meeting (Resumed)

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