香港浸會大學學生會評議會通訊2017年1月|Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Council Newsletter January 2017

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Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council Newsletter

2017年1月|January 2017

學生會評議會將通過《學生會評議會通訊》,每月向同學發放學生會消息,如幹事會及編輯 委員會之工作報告、評議會會議、論壇、學生刊物等,讓同學能掌握學生會最新動向! Through the monthly newsletter of Students’ Union Council, you can grasp the latest events and what is happening around! You can access to reports of Executive Committee and Editorial Board here, as well as knowing the Council meetings here.

評議會資訊|Council News

由於學生會第四十九屆週年大選中,學 生會編輯委員會、評議會主席及副主席 未有收到提名,同時幹事會候選內閣退 選,評議會於日前通過啟動補選機制, 透過週年大選補選,選出下年度幹事會 、編輯委員會、評議會主席、副主席及 普選評議員。有興趣同學歡迎踴躍參與 ,報名從速。

Since there was no nomination of Editorial Board, Council Chairman and Council Vice Chairman received in the Annual Election, Session 2016-2017, and the Executive Committee Proposed Cabinet withdrew from the Election, the Council resolved to conduct the by-election to elect the next session of Executive Committee, Editorial Board, Council Chairman and Council Vice Chairman. Please join as a part of the Union if you are interested!

提 名 期 Nomination 幹事會/編輯委員會/評議會主席/評議會副主席/普選評議員

Executive Committee / Editorial Board / Council Chairman / Council Vice Chairman / Popularly Elected Councilor





Deadline: 5pm 10 March

Nomination Form can be obtained at YSS501

Submit the form with deposit, promotion proposal and budget

選舉委員會主席李浩詩 Ceci Lee, Chairman, Election Committee

3411 2322

香港浸會大學學生會 第五十屆評議會附屬組織選舉 Elec tion of Repres entative of Inte rest C lubs to the C ounc il , S ession 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8

提名 / Nomination 2017年3月1日 至 10日 1 - 1 0 March 2017 提名表格可於學生會會室(YSS501)索取 Nomination for m can be obtained at Stude nts’ Union O ffice (YSS501)

投 票 / Voting 2017年 3月13日至16日 1 3 - 1 6 March 2017 所有學生會附屬興趣學會均可到學生會會室(YSS501)投票

E ach s oc iet y has one vote. Pleas e cast your vote at YSS 501.

詳情請留意Mass Mail Please refer to the email for details 查詢 / 評議會主席陳顥泓 / 34112322 / Enquir y / Matthe w C han ( C ouncil C hair man) / 3 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 / sucoc@ s o. hkbu . edu . hk

香港 浸 會 大 學學生會評議會 評 議 會 秘書公開招募 Recruitment on Council Secretary

如對評議會秘書工作有興趣, 歡迎參加簡介會了解更多詳情! If you're interested, please come to the briefing session!

簡介會 Briefing


日期:2017年3月22日(三) 22 March 2017 (Wed) 時間:下午7時 7 p.m. 地點:善衡校園楊瑞生紀念館評議會會室(YSS503) Council Office, HSH Campus (YSS503) 有興趣者請先到以下連結登記 Please register here: 詢 評議會秘書胡舒婷 Enquiry: Base Woo, Council Secretary (

一月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in December, Executive Committee

一月份學生會結算 Balance Sheet in November, Students’ Union

一月份福利合作社財政報告 Finanical Report in December, SU Welfare Co-op Shop

一月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in January, Editorial Board

一月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in January, Editorial Board

評議會會議出席紀錄、常設委員會成員名單 Attendance of Council Meetings & Namelist of Standing Committees under Council 通告 Notices

常務會議紀錄 Minutes of General Meeting


第七次常務會議紀錄 7th General Meeting

Appointment of Acting Executive Committee and Acting Editorial Board

公開文件目錄 Open Document Archive

評議會日程(2017年1月) Council Calendar (January 2017) MON




章則委員會(七) 7th Constitution Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503




3th Election Committee Meeting

4th Task Force on Society Inspection

7th Administration Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503


19:00 YSS503

監察委員會(六) 7th Monitoring Committee Meeting

18:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503



7th General Meeting

7th University Affairs Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS501

19:00 AAB611



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