香港浸會大學學生會評議會通訊2016年10月|Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Council Newsletter October 2016

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Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council Newsletter

2016年10月|October 2016

學生會評議會將通過《學生會評議會通訊》,每月向同學發放學生會消息,如幹事會及編輯 委員會之工作報告、評議會會議、論壇、學生刊物等,讓同學能掌握學生會最新動向! Through the monthly newsletter of Students’ Union Council, you can grasp the latest events and what is happening around! You can access to reports of Executive Committee and Editorial Board here, as well as knowing the Council meetings here.

評議會資訊|Council News

評議會普選成員簡介會 Information Session on Popularly Elected Members of Council 香港浸會大學學生會下設四個常設機關,其中包括主責立法及監察事宜的評議會。 在審議各項學生會內提案及工作、財政報告以監察學生會中央架構的工作時,評議員肩負重任,在議會 內推動學生會發展。若你對評議會有興趣,亦希望承傳評議會的議事精神,歡迎參與簡介會,認識評議 會之架構及評議員之工作。詳情如下: 日期:2016年11月17日(四) 時間:下午7時正 地點:逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓105室(WLB105) 有興趣同學請填妥表格: The Council is one of the four permanent bodies under Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union, which is mainly responsible for legislation and monitoring the whole operation of H. K. B. U. S. U. Councilors are entrusted to discuss on papers and reports to monitor the performance of the Union, so as to promote the Union's development. If you are interested in the Council to pass on of the spirit, please attend the briefing to learn more on the Council. Details are as follows. Date: 17 November 2016 (Thursday) Time: 7 p.m. Venue: WLB105 Please fill in the form if you are interested:

聯絡人: 評議會主席陳顥泓 Matthew Chan, Council Chairman 電話 Tel: 9887 5411 電郵 Email:

選舉簡介會 Information Session on Popularly Elected Members of Council 學生會第四十九屆週年大選簡介會已於2016年11月14日晚上順利舉行,會上簡介 選舉流程、選舉安排及日程、注意事項等。簡介會簡報可於以下連結瀏覽: Information Session on the Students’ Union Annual Election in Session 2016-2017 was successfully held in the evening on 14 November 2016, introducing the election procedure, arrangement and schedule. The powerpoint can be obtained in the following link:

學會註冊指引 Guidelines on Society Registration under the Union 轄下組織管理委員會於第三次會議通過學會註冊指引,同學可透過以下連結 瀏覽: The Guidelines on Society Registration by Affiliated Societies Management Committee is effective by now. Please visit the following link to access the guideline:

學生會問政大會 Students’ Union Mid-term Consultation Forum 評議會行政委員會於10月24至25日假賽馬會廣場及李作權大道舉行的學生會中期問政大會,提供平台讓 基本會員了解幹事會及編輯委員會自上任以來的工作,並就此作出諮詢,以完善學生會運作。有關中期 工作報告可透過以下連結瀏覽;會員亦可到評議會Facebook專頁重溫當時情況。 The Mid-term Consultation Forum was held on 24-25 October by Administration Committee of Council, to act as a platform for all members of the Union to learn more on the work done by Executive Committee and Editorial Board since they have taken the office, in order to consult their work so as to provide feedback. The interim reports can be accessed in the following links. Members can also watch the live video on Facebook Page of the Union Council.

報告總覽|Report Archive

(須先登入浸大學生電郵 Access by login to HKBU Student Email)

八月份幹事會工作報告(修訂版) Work Report in August, Executive Committee (Revised)

八月份學生會結算 Balance Sheet in August, Students’ Union

九月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in September, Executive Committee

九月份學生會結算 Balance Sheet in September, Students’ Union

九月份福利合作社財政報告 Finanical Report in September, SU Welfare Co-op Shop 活動財政報告 Event Financial Report 迎新營 Orientation Camp

學生會會紙及記事本 Union Paper and Schedule Book

新生註冊日 Registration Day

石門校園賣物週 Shek Mun Campus Megasale

外務支出(立法會選舉) External Expenses (Legislative Council Election)

就職典禮 Inauguration Ceremony

九月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in September, Editorial Board

九月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in September, Editorial Board

評議會會議出席紀錄、常設委員會成員名單 Attendance of Council Meetings & Namelist of Standing Committees under Council 通告 Notices

常務會議紀錄 Minutes of General Meeting

評議會通過 凍結「學生會無伴奏合唱學會」附屬組織資格

第三次常務會議紀錄 3rd General Meeting

評議會委任財政委員會委員(基本會員議席) Nomination of Member to Finance Committee, Council, Session 2016-2017 (Full Member)

公開文件目錄 Open Document Archive

Motion of Freezing the Affiliation Status of SU A Cappella Society Passed by the Council

評議會日程(2016年10月) Council Calendar (October 2016) MON





大學事務委員會(五) 5th University Affairs Committee Meeting

12:00 AAB609


Information Session on Judicial Council

19:00 WLB105


2nd Meeting of Task Force on Society Inspection

19:00 SRH105


Information Session on Judicial Council

19:00 WLB105




5th Administration Committee Meeting

4th Monitoring Committee Meeting

5th Finance Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503

問政大會 Mid-term Consultation Forum

14:00-18:00 Courtyard

常務會議(四) 4th General Meeting

19:00 DLB111

問政大會 Mid-term Consultation Forum

14:00-18:00 Li Promenade



4th Constitution Committee Meeting

4th Administration Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503

轄下組織管理委員會(三) 3rd Affiliated Societies Management Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503


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