香港浸會大學學生會評議會通訊2016年11月|Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Council Newsletter November 2016

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Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council Newsletter

2016年11月|November 2016

學生會評議會將通過《學生會評議會通訊》,每月向同學發放學生會消息,如幹事會及編輯 委員會之工作報告、評議會會議、論壇、學生刊物等,讓同學能掌握學生會最新動向! Through the monthly newsletter of Students’ Union Council, you can grasp the latest events and what is happening around! You can access to reports of Executive Committee and Editorial Board here, as well as knowing the Council meetings here.

評議會資訊|Council News

週 年 大 選

接 受 提 名

The nomination period of the Hong Kong Baptist University 一年一度的學生會週年大選的提名期, Students' Union Annual Election, Session 2016-2017 will start 由2016年11月30日開始至2017年1月4日結束, from today,30 November 2016 to 1 January 2017, where cabinet of 是次選舉將產生來屆幹事會內閣、 Executive Committee and Editorial Board, as well as popularly 編輯委員會內閣及評議會普選議席。 elected seats of the Council will be elected. Please join as a part of the Union if you are interested! 有興趣同學歡迎踴躍參與,報名從速。


Election Category

幹事會.編輯委員會 評議會主席.評議會副主席.普選評議員

Executive Committee / Editorial Board Council Chairman / Council Vice Chairman Popularly Elected Councilor

提名表格可於學生會會室索取 (AAB 615 / YSS 501)

Nomination form can be obtained in Students' Union Office. (AAB615 / YSS501)


For details, please refer to the Mass Mail.

有意參選者須如期繳交提名表格及按金, 逾期者將不予受理。

Nomination form and deposit shall be submitted on time. Late submission is not accepted.

截止日期:2017年1月4日下午5時正 Deadline: 5 p.m. 4 January 2017 查詢 Enquiry 選舉委員會主席李浩詩 Ceci Lee, Chairman of Election Committee 6903 1010 /

選舉委員會副主席黃浚軒 Angus Wong, Vice Chairman of Election Committee 9151 9828 /


Motion of Suspension from Affiliation Status of SU Baseball and Softball Club Passed by the Council 評議會於2016年12月23日召開第六次常務會議,討論撤銷學生會棒壘學會屬會資格。 去屆棒壘學會主席稱因幹事會遺缺,無法繼續運作,故希望撤銷其屬會資格。 經討論後,議案進行表決,在席人數12人,議案在無人反對下一致通過。 The 6th General Meeting of Council was called on 23 December 2016 to discuss the suspension from affiliation status of Students' Union Baseball and Softball Club. After the investigation of Students' Union and the Office of Student Affairs, it is claimed that the society cannot operate since the vacancy of the Executive Committee. 12 councilors were present at the meeting. After discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.

十月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in October, Executive Committee

十月份學生會結算 Balance Sheet in October, Students’ Union

十一月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in November, Executive Committee

十一月份福利合作社財政報告 Finanical Report in November, SU Welfare Co-op Shop

十月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in October, Editorial Board

十月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in October, Editorial Board

十一月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in November, Editorial Board

十一月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in November, Editorial Board

評議會會議出席紀錄、常設委員會成員名單 Attendance of Council Meetings & Namelist of Standing Committees under Council 常務會議紀錄 Minutes of General Meeting 第四次常務會議紀錄 4th General Meeting

第五次常務會議紀錄 5th General Meeting

通告 Notices 評議會通過撤銷學生會棒壘學會屬會資格

評議會委任章則委員會委員(基本會員議席) Nomination of Member to Constitution Committee, Council, Session 2016-2017 (Full Member)

評議會委任監察委員會委員(基本會員議席) Nomination of Member to Monitoring Committee, Council, Session 2016-2017 (Full Member)

公開文件目錄 Open Document Archive

Motion of Suspension from Affiliation Status of SU Baseball and Softball Club Passed by the Council

評議會日程(2016年11月) Council Calendar (November 2016) MON





非常會議(五) 5th Extraordinary General Meeting

19:00 CVA202

學會抽查工作小組(三) 3rd Meeting of Task Force on Society Inspection

20:00 CVA202

行政委員會(六) 6th Administration Committee Meeting

22:30 YSS503

選舉簡介會 Information Session on Annual Election

普選評議員簡介會 Information Session on Popularly Elected Councilors

19:00 AAB609

19:00 WLB105

財務委員會(六) 6th Finance Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

章則委員會(五) 5th Constitution Committee Meeting


19:00 YSS503

5th Finance Committee Meeting

19:00 CVA202

週年大選 提名期開始 Students’ Union Annual Election Nomination Period Starts

常務會議(五) 5th General Meeting

19:00 AAB613


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