香港浸會大學學生會評議會通訊2016年9月|Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Council Newsletter September 2016

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Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council Newsletter

2016年9月|September 2016

學生會評議會將通過《學生會評議會通訊》,每月向同學發放學生會消息,如幹事會及編輯 委員會之工作報告、評議會會議、論壇、學生刊物等,讓同學能掌握學生會最新動向! Through the monthly newsletter of Students’ Union Council, you can grasp the latest events and what is happening around! You can access to reports of Executive Committee and Editorial Board here, as well as knowing the Council meetings here.

評議會資訊|Council News 評議會簡介短片 Council Introduction Video

看過評議會簡介小冊子後仍對評議會工作一無所知?立即觀看3分鐘短片,認識評議會架構及工作! 立即觀看: Still no idea of what Council is doing? Watch the 3-minute video now to learn the Council in a different way! Please visit

仲議會成員招募 Recruitment on Arbitrators 仲議會由8月起懸空,評議會行政委員會現招募仲裁員,所有基本會 員均符合資格參選。行政委員會將於10月舉行兩場簡介會,向基本會 員介紹仲議會架構及功能等。 日期:2016年10月5日、13日(星期三、四) 時間:下午7時正 地點:逸夫校園永隆銀行商學大樓106室(WLB106) 如有興趣,請到以下連結報名: The Judicial Council has been vacant since August. The Administration Committee of Council is now calling for application to Arbitrators. All full members are eligible to apply. To introduce the structure and function of Judicial Council, the Administration Committee will conduct two briefing sessions. Details are as follows. Date: 5 October 2016 (Wednesday) and 13 October 2016 (Thursday) Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Room 106, The Wing Lung Bank Building, Shaw Campus (WLB 106) Apply Now:

大學事務委員會:浸大膳食意見收集 University Affairs Committee: Survey on HKBU Catering Service 同學,如果你唔想再食蟲,或者對浸大 Canteen有任何意見, 歡迎你話俾我 知! If you don’t want insects served with your food anymore or have any comments on catering service within HKBU campus, Please tell us! 問卷連結: Fill out the survey here:

五月份幹事會工作報告(修訂版) Work Report in May, Executive Committee (Revised)

七月份學生會結算 Balance Sheet in July, Students’ Union

六月份幹事會工作報告(修訂版) Work Report in June, Executive Committee (Revised)

活動財政報告 Event Financial Report

七月份幹事會工作報告 Work Report in July, Executive Committee

外務支出(聯校六四晚會) External Expenses (Joint University 4 June Night)

七月份福利合作社財政報告 Finanical Report in July, SU Welfare Co-op Shop

八月份福利合作社財政報告 Financial Report in August, SU Welfare Co-op Shop

七月份編輯委員會工作報告 Work Report in July, Editorial Board

七月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in July, Editorial Board

八月份編輯委員會工作報告(修訂) Work Report in August, Editorial Board (Revised)

八月份編輯委員會財政報告 Financial Report in August, Editorial Board

評議會會議出席紀錄、常設委員會成員名單 Attendance of Council Meetings & Namelist of Standing Committees under Council 通告 Notices

常務會議紀錄 Minutes of General Meeting


第二次常務會議紀錄 2nd General Meeting

Motion of Unfreezing the Affiliation Status of SU Archery Club Passed by the Council

公開文件目錄 Open Document Archive

評議會日程(2016年9月) Council Calendar (September 2016) MON






行政委員會(三) 3rd Administration Committee Meeting

19:00 SRH105


1st Meeting of Task Force on Society Inspection




3rd Constitution Committee Meeting

3rd General Meeting

3rd University Affairs Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

19:00 SRH115

財務委員會(四) 4th Finance Committee Meeting

監察委員會(三) 3rd Monitoring Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503

轄下組織管理委員會(二) 2nd Affiliated Societies Management Committee Meeting

19:00 SRH115



2nd Election Committee Meeting

4th Administration Committee Meeting

19:00 YSS503

19:00 YSS503

19:00 CVA202

11:30 AAB611

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