Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

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Style Guide


In one word, how would you describe Zeta Tau Alpha? It is difficult, right? There are so many positive emotions, opportunities and memories ZTA provides, it can be difficult to convey through messaging. Our brand is who we are. It is the image we project and how it makes us feel. For that reason, a strong brand is essential for spreading ZTA pride far and wide. The brand is more than just a logo or a tagline—it is everything that makes up ZTA. It is the voice we use to share our experiences. The success of communicating the ZTA brand relies on YOU. It is important to remain consistent and precise, which is why we have created this guide to help you navigate how to use the ZTA brand effectively and share the ZTA experience, an experience that has taught us to love, serve and “Seek the Noblest” each and every day.


The purpose of the Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide is to make clear and simple guidelines, permit few exceptions to those rules, and provide uniformity for reading and writing ease. This guide contains design standards for how to use ZTA’s imagery and trademarks, as well as guidelines for how to correctly write about Zeta Tau Alpha and the fraternity/sorority community. As we add new programs, we will update this guide to reflect those additions. The Fraternity encourages each ZTA chapter and individual member to utilize the ZTA brand. The simplest way for the Fraternity to achieve overall brand recognition is for it to be used consistently across all levels of the organization. Help us show the world who Zeta Tau Alpha is and why we are a premier women’s organization. Should you have questions about the ZTA brand, contact the Communications Department at International Office (see page 31).


Our Brand in Brief

Sisterhood, love and friendship. These are the top three words that come to mind when our members think about Zeta Tau Alpha. The Fraternity conjures feelings of warmth and empowerment, and it makes Zetas poised for greatness as we “Seek the Noblest” in all we do. In a purely visual sense, a brand is your logo, colors and design aesthetic. But a brand is actually much more than that. It is who an organization is. It is the organization’s mission, the actions it makes to live that mission, and what others think and feel about it. The design is secondary and should match who the organization is and what it represents. Zeta Tau Alpha’s brand lies in our values, our educational and leadership development programming, and our service to the world. It is reinforced by how we as an organization, chapters and individual members act on a daily basis. In fall 2012, the Fraternity embarked on the journey to define who members think Zeta Tau Alpha is and create a brand identity to match. After two years of research and development, the brand identity explained in this guide was unveiled at Convention 2014. Research was the most critical piece in designing a brand identity for Zeta Tau Alpha. A survey of 774 Zetas asked members about their membership experience, ZTA symbols, sentiments on past Fraternity imagery, our organizational mission and what makes ZTA unique in the Greek world. These results became the cornerstone of the identity’s development and design. The survey’s top findings included: • In a fill-in-the-blank question, 100 percent of respondents said they associate a crown with ZTA. • ZTA’s personality is fun, outgoing, friendly and loving. • In our members’ words, ZTA’s mission is to empower members to be leaders and women of character who make a difference.


• Philanthropy and the skills learned as a member make ZTA stand out among peers. • ZTA’s brand essence—the words that sum up the heart and soul of ZTA—is “pride, dedication and acting for the greater good.” • The tone for ZTA’s writing should be conversational yet polished to convey both the warmth of sisterhood and intelligence. The tone used on ZTA’s social media channels can be more casual and light-hearted. Survey results expressing ZTA’s personality were given to a group of graphic designers who provided logo options for the brand identity. Additional surveys of more than 2,000 members helped narrow options and select the identity that best represented ZTA. The final brand identity pays homage to ZTA’s past while looking toward the future. It is intended to embody the pride, empowerment and sisterhood members feel when reflecting on their membership. Each member is encouraged to use the brand—following the standards in this guide— and make it her own.

The ZTA brand’s Style Guide offers suggestions for how to use the crown as a stand-alone item.

The crown is designed in our traditional turquoise blue and steel gray.

The five dots on the crown pay homage to the crown that is part of the ZTA crest. The same dots appear at the base of that crown.

“You are always wearing your crown,” is a phrase used by Zetas to remind us to always live ZTA values. This crown was designed to appear three-dimensional, as if you could place it on your head.

The diamonds at the top of each point convey energy and the little bit of sparkle each Zeta has.

The five points on the crown signify the Fraternity’s five core values.

The font for “Zeta Tau Alpha” conveys our members’ strength and our goal to empower women.

The font for “Seek the Noblest” conveys femininity and the fun of sisterhood.

“Seek the Noblest” has been ZTA’s open motto since our founding. Today, these words convey our desire to strive for greatness.


Trademark Policy

To protect Zeta Tau Alpha’s brand, many of ZTA’s names, terms and imagery have been trademarked with the U.S. government. The purpose of these trademarks is to exclusively identify Zeta Tau Alpha and distinguish it from other organizations. Trademarks protect the ZTA brand by giving us full rights over how and where our name and marks are used. The use of any ZTA trademark on any item requires the user to follow all ZTA brand standards and rules. It also subjects him/her to all trademark laws. Any vendor wishing to produce merchandise with a ZTA trademark must become licensed with ZTA. This includes any member who is producing and selling merchandise in any capacity. If you have a vendor you would like to work with ZTA, contact International Office.

ZTA’s Trademark and Licensing Policy

The name “Zeta Tau Alpha,” the letters “ZTA,” the word “Themis,” and the design of our Coat of Arms are registered trademarks of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. The word “Zeta” or “ZETA” is a general brand name for Zeta Tau Alpha. The terms “Think Pink®,” “Think Pink. Think Zeta.®” and “Take Charge. Think Pink.®” are registered trademarks of the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation. ZTA has an approval right over all designs and products that depict any of these trademarks. Members have the honor of displaying Zeta Tau Alpha trademarks; only initiated members may wear the Coat of Arms or the Crown Recognition Pin. Members do not receive ownership of Zeta Tau Alpha trademarks. Furthermore, members of ZTA do not have the right to authorize vendors to produce trademarked merchandise. In order to safeguard the appropriate use of our federally registered trademarks and to guarantee quality products, Zeta Tau Alpha is one of many Greek organizations that has entered into a trademark licensing agreement with Affinity Marketing Consultants (AMC). All commercial use of Zeta Tau Alpha’s trademarks must be administered through a license agreement with Zeta Tau Alpha.


Members of Zeta Tau Alpha shall obtain items of official Zeta Tau Alpha insignia and any items or products bearing a designation or representation of the name(s) “Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity” and “Zeta Tau Alpha,” Greek letters, Coat of Arms, corporate logo, seal, member badge, among other marks determined by the Fraternity from time to time, only from those persons or companies specifically authorized by the National President. Chapters wishing to use one of the terms, “Think Pink®,” “Think Pink. Think Zeta.®” or “Take Charge. Think Pink.®” must receive advance permission from the ZTA Foundation. Permission forms are available from the Foundation and on the ZTA website. We encourage members of Zeta Tau Alpha to support our organization and buy exclusively from Crown & Co. and officially licensed Zeta Tau Alpha vendors. The use of any Zeta Tau Alpha trademark on any product or design that attempts to glorify alcohol, hazing, sexism, racism or any other image that conflicts with the ideals and principles of the Fraternity is prohibited. Zeta Tau Alpha will not license any form of glassware (wine glass, shot glass, beer mug, etc.), even if they are marketed as flutes, collector’s glasses and mugs. No pictures that show alcoholic beverages may display the words Zeta Tau Alpha or ZTA on the printed photograph. Zeta Tau Alpha will also not license any form of paddle.

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity owns the trademarks for: Zeta Tau Alpha ZTA Zeta Themis The design of our Coat of Arms

The ZTA Foundation owns the trademarks for: Think Pink® Take Charge. Think Pink.® Think Pink. Think Zeta.®


Design Standards

Great design is impactful. It can draw someone’s eye to your flier on a cluttered bulletin board, make your social media content stand out to someone scrolling his/her feed, or encourage an alumna to read your chapter newsletter. ZTA’s Founders set us up for success by choosing beautiful colors that would stand out among fraternities and sororities. The imagery of our crest and badge is beautiful and unique, and our crown symbol embodies the nobility our members seek. These visual elements have stood the test of time, and our current logo joins them to represent ZTA’s strong brand. This section highlights the visual elements that support our brand. When used correctly and consistently, these elements speak for the Fraternity in a tone supportive of our values and ideals. It is important to understand the design of ZTA’s visual identity was not created at random or in abstract. The typefaces, color palette, logo and other elements were chosen and designed to be used in a way that reinforces the values of our sisterhood. Keep these concepts, guidelines, and in some cases, strict rules in mind when designing ZTA pieces and publications. They will help you represent ZTA at its finest! Our International Office staff and licensed vendors will follow these same guidelines.

Color Palette

Turquoise blue and steel gray were colors chosen by our Founders, and bright pink joined ZTA’s family of official colors almost 100 years later when we made breast cancer education and awareness our national philanthropy. When designing items, it is important to get these distinct colors just right. Reference the official Pantone Matching System (PMS) tones when working with vendors.

PMS 320


PMS 430

PMS 429

PMS 219


ZTA uses the following typefaces in its official publications. They complement each other to present a strong but feminine look, providing great options for headlines, general text and specialty projects. From newsletters to apparel, these fonts will help you create classy items that will stand out. While we recognize other fonts can be useful for special purposes, these typefaces should meet many of your design needs. To download these fonts on your personal computer, visit the Sisters Only portion of the ZTA website. Trajan Pro (Regular, Bold)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 : ; . , ! ? @ # $ % &* ( ) \ < > - + = Sonora Pro (Light, Medium, Bold)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 : ; . , ! ? @ # $ % &* ( ) \ < > - + = Gentium Basic (Regular, Bold)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 : ; . , ! ? @ # $ % &* ( ) \ < > - + = Myriad Pro (Bold, Semibold, Light)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 : ; . , ! ? @ # $ % &* ( ) \ < > - + = 9

Using the Official Logo

This logo has been specifically created for Zeta Tau Alpha’s brand. It combines our most prominent symbol—the crown—our name and our motto. We hope you will use the logo in your publications, promotional items, apparel and more. It is the cornerstone of ZTA’s brand, and you are one of our brand ambassadors! Do not alter the logo in any way. Below is a guide on how to properly use it: • Chapters and members should use the version of the logo with “Seek the Noblest.” Do not replace the motto with other text, including but not limited to your chapter’s name, school or event name. • Only use black, white or turquoise as a background for the full-color logo. Depending on the color of the background, use the color combinations presented below. • The Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors for the logos are PMS 320 turquoise, PMS 430 gray and PMS 429 gray. Note that PMS 430 gray is used only with the white background. PMS 429 gray is used on turquoise and black backgrounds. • Do not change the colors of the logo, tilt the logo or alter the logo. • Please contact International Office if you have questions concerning the use of the official logo.

*Note: the all-white version of the logo can be used on any color, including those not within the ZTA brand color palette. Additionally, the logo can be made all black or all turquoise.


Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation and Fraternity Housing Corporation Logos

The same guidelines for the Fraternity logo should be used for both the Foundation and Fraternity Housing Corporation logos.

Choosing a Crown

The crown in our logo is the official crown of the Fraternity, and we hope you will use it on ZTA items far and wide. It really is the best fit in almost any case! The crown that sits atop our crest is also acceptable for use.

If you would like to use another crown in your design, choose an image that lives up to ZTA’s “outgoing” personality, “friendly” tone and “dedicated” essence. Avoid unattractive options. For example, crowns that are very whimsical, chunky or ornate do not fit our brand. Avoid using crowns that resemble the options below. No matter what crown you choose, make sure it has five points! Unacceptable Options


Avoid Altering the Logo

While we encourage our members to be creative in using ZTA’s visual elements, altering the logo is not okay. Doing so dilutes the brand and makes it less recognizable over time. Avoid the following: • Changing the proportion of and arrangement/location of the crown within the logo • Altering the color scheme of the logo to match your school or event colors—ZTA’s official colors are turquoise and gray • Using the crown as a screen behind the logo text • Combining logo elements with other images, like school mascots or other logos While we love your school spirit and creativity, side-by-side or co-branding are better ways to represent both ZTA and your school or event than altering the logo. Note, the above list shows the common mistakes, but it is not an exhaustive list of potential alterations. Unacceptable Designs


Using Parts of the Logo and Different Uses for the Logo

Here is where your creativity can shine. While developing the many items the logo appears on at the national level—stationery, apparel, banners, presentation templates and more—we separately used many of the visual elements you see within the logo’s design. From the curve at the base of the crown to the dots, from the dashes that bookend “Seek the Noblest” to the diamonds at the points of the crown, the design elements within the logo can create visual interest. (For example, check out the cover of this guide. It uses the gray dash seen in the logo as a design feature!) You can also use the crown on its own or paired with ZTA or Zeta Tau Alpha.

Using the Crown

Just as we ask that you do not alter the logo, altering the crown is not permitted. Note the following: • All five points of the crown must be visible when using this image. • The crown may not be altered in shape or orientation. Do not tilt it—no one wants to see a crooked ZTA crown. • Additions within the crown are not acceptable. Unacceptable Designs


Think Pink®

The Think Pink® logo was specifically created to accompany Zeta Tau Alpha’s brand. Do not alter this logo in any way. Below is a guide on how to properly use it: • Only use black, white or turquoise as a background for the full color logo. Depending on the color of the background, use the color combinations presented below. • The Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors for the logos are PMS 320 turquoise and PMS 219 pink. • Do not change the colors of the logo, tilt the logo or alter the logo to make it specific to your event or school. • Please contact International Office if you have questions concerning the use of the official logo. When using the official logos, only the following color combinations are approved:

ZTA has a horizontal Think Pink® logo option, as well as logos for Pink Out games/events, Think Pink. Think Zeta.® and Take Charge. Think Pink.®


Unacceptable Designs

Using the ZTA Think Pink速 Ribbon

You can also use the Think Pink速 ribbon (two options below). Follow the same guidelines as with the other Think Pink速 logos. Note: an all-white version can be used on any color background. Additionally, the ribbons can be made all-pink, black or turquoise.

Using the NFL Pink Ribbon

The NFL Pink Ribbon is used by Zeta Tau Alpha with permission from the National Football League. The NFL approves each instance in which we use it, working closely with the staff at International Office and ZTA Foundation volunteers. If your chapter would like to use the NFL logo, you must contact the International Office.



Zeta Tau Alpha follows AP Style in its official communications. If questions arise that are not covered in this guide, refer to the “AP Stylebook” and “New Webster’s Dictionary,” in that order. Entries are broken into categories, listed in alphabetical order and in boldface. Entries provide the correct spelling, hyphenation, capitalization and usage of the term. Examples can be found in parentheses.

Fraternity Language ENTITY NAMES Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity – “Zeta Tau Alpha” is acceptable on first reference. “ZTA” and “Fraternity” are both acceptable on second reference. Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation – Spell out “Zeta Tau Alpha” on first reference if “Zeta Tau Alpha” has not already been used in the piece. “ZTA Foundation” and “Foundation” are both acceptable on second reference. Only use “ZTAF” for internal use. Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation – Spell out “Zeta Tau Alpha” on first reference if “Zeta Tau Alpha” has not already been used in the piece. “ZTA Fraternity


Housing Corporation,” “Fraternity Housing Corporation” and “FHC” are all acceptable on second reference. Crown & Co. – Always capitalize and use ampersand and period. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE advisor – Lowercase on general reference. Always capitalize official collegiate chapter advisor titles: General Advisor, Membership Advisor, etc. Only abbreviate advisor titles for internal use. (Nancy Drew is the General Advisor. Nancy Drew is a chapter advisor.) alumnae officers – There is not an official name for the group of officers leading an

alumnae chapter. Always capitalize the official alumnae officer titles. President Secretary Treasurer Historian-Reporter Panhellenic Delegate chairman – Lowercase on general references. Capitalize when referencing a specific officer title. (Molly is a chairman. She is the Academic Achievement Chairman.) Not “chair” or “chairperson.” See Program Council for list of official chairman positions. chapter – Lowercase on general references. Capitalize when used as part of the proper name with collegiate or alumnae chapters (Alpha Chapter; Miami, FL Chapter). Always use “Chapter” on first reference to a collegiate or alumnae chapter. Just Greek-letter name or city and state are acceptable on second reference. When listing more than one chapter, use “chapter” just once at end of list and lowercase (Alpha, Beta and Gamma chapters). Never use “the” before a proper chapter name. “Chapter” is always singular. It must use singular pronouns, like “it,” and follow subject/ verb agreement for singular nouns. colony – Lowercase on general reference. Capitalize when used as part of a proper name (Richard Stockton Colony; colony at Merrimack College). Colonies are named by their university

or college until installed and receive a Greekletter chapter name. directors – Lowercase on general reference. Capitalize when referencing a specific director position on Program Council or the ZTA Foundation or ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation boards of directors. (The VP I met with her PC directors. The Director of Philanthropy led the workshop.) Director of New Chapters – Spell out on first reference. “DNCH” is acceptable on second reference. Plural is “Directors of New Chapters,” “DNCHs.” Director of New Chapters Supervisor – Spell out on first reference. “DNCHS” is acceptable on second reference. District President – Spell out on first reference. “DP” is acceptable on second reference. When using district numbers, always use Roman numerals. Separate numeral from Greek letter with hyphen. Greek letter does not need to be spelled (District President III-B). Executive Committee – Governing body for collegiate chapters. Always capitalize. “EC” is acceptable on second reference. Capitalize all Executive Committee position titles. President Vice President I/Coordinator of Committees (“VP I” and “VP I/Coordinator of Committees” acceptable on second reference)


Vice President II/New Member Coordinator (“VP II” and “VP II/New Member Coordinator” acceptable on second reference) Vice President III/Membership Chairman (“VP III” and “VP III/Membership Coordinator” acceptable on second reference) Treasurer Recording Secretary Historian-Reporter Ritual Chairman Panhellenic Delegate Risk Reduction and Education Chairman Academic Achievement Chairman (optional; could be on Program Council) House Manager (optional; could be on Program Council) International Office – Capitalize on all references. “IO” is acceptable on second reference. Not “nationals.” Capitalize all references to official staff titles (Executive Director Deb Ensor). Use first name on staff member’s second reference. National Council – Always capitalized in reference to the nine women who direct the Fraternity. Always capitalize all National Council titles. National President Vice President Collegiate I (“VPC I” is acceptable on second reference) Vice President Collegiate II (“VPC II” is acceptable on second reference)


Vice President Collegiate III (“VPC III” is acceptable on second reference) Vice President Alumnae I (“VPA I” is acceptable on second reference) Vice President Alumnae II (“VPA II” is acceptable on second reference) Secretary-Treasurer National Panhellenic Conference Delegate (“NPC Delegate” is acceptable on second reference) Extension Director On first reference, use full names (first, maiden, married: Laura Ladewig Mauro); for unmarried National Council members, use their preferred name (Lori A. Peters). On second reference, always use “Mrs.” or “Ms.” and the last name (Mrs. Mauro). National Officer – Always capitalize all National Officer titles. On first reference, list the position and full name (first, maiden [if applicable], married: Alumnae Programming Chairman Helen Kristensen Fish). On second reference, use first names. National Officers include Province Presidents, District Presidents, Traveling Leadership Consultants, and all national committee chairmen and members. For a full list, see the ZTA directory. Program Council – The body of collegiate chapter officers managed by the VP I/ Coordinator of Committees. Always capitalize. “PC” is acceptable on second reference.

Capitalize all Program Council director and chairman position titles. In addition to the positions listed below, others can be added based on chapter size and need. House Manager (if not an elected Executive Committee position) Director of Academic Achievement (if not an elected Executive Committee position) Director of Activities Apparel Chairman Intramural Chairman Signs Chairman Special Events Chairman Corresponding Secretary Director of Membership Enrichment Second-Year Link Chairman Third-Year Link Chairman Fourth-Year Link Chairman Director of Philanthropy Service Chairman Greek Philanthropy Chairman Think Pink® Chairman Director of Sisterhood Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Chairman Music Chairman Parents Events Chairman Spirit/Sunshine Chairman Director of Social Events External Social Chairman Province President – Spell out on first reference. “PP” is acceptable on second reference. When using province numbers, always use Roman numerals. Separate numeral from

Greek letter with hyphen. Greek letter does not need to be spelled (Province President III-B). OTHER PEOPLE alumna/alumnae/alumnus/alumni – alumna – female, singular (pronounced a-lum-nuh) alumnae – female, plural (pronounced a-lum-nee) alumnus – male, singular (pronounced a-lum-nuhs) alumni – male, plural or male and female mixed, plural (pronounced a-lum-nigh) Big Sister, Little Sister – Always capitalize in reference to the relationship of the Zeta Tau Alpha mentor/mentee. collegian(s) – A noun that refers to a person in college. Not “collegiate,” which is an adjective. (Becky is a collegian. Delta Delta Chapter is her collegiate chapter.) Founder(s) – Always capitalize in reference to the nine women who founded Zeta Tau Alpha. (Our Founders attended State Female Normal School.) Also capitalize when used in front of their names (Founder Maud Jones Horner). Do not capitalize if referencing a chapter’s founding member. legacy – Lowercase on all references. member – Lowercase on all references. Refers to an initiated member of the Fraternity. Do not use “active.”


Themis – Capitalize when referring to ZTA’s patron goddess. undergraduate – One word and lowercase in all references. Can be used as both a noun and adjective. (Carrie is an undergraduate. It is an undergraduate class.) White Violet – Capitalize in reference to White Violet members (those with 50 or more years of membership), White Violet pins (given to 50year members) or White Violet charms (given to 75-year members). Lowercase in reference to the official flower of Zeta Tau Alpha. woman/women – Use to refer to ZTA members. Never use “girl(s).” Zeta – Only to be used in reference to a woman who is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. Not to be used in reference to the organization as a whole or as an adjective. (Emily is a Zeta. She is a member of ZTA. She is my ZTA sister.) Note: There are a few exceptions for terms that are rich in ZTA lore: Zeta Days, Zeta Is Forever, Zeta Ladies, Zeta Love, Zeta Week. INSIGNIA AND SAYINGS badge – Lowercase on all references. Always referred to as the “badge,” never the “shield” or the “pin.” Chain of Chapters – Capitalize and italicize in reference to the ZTA chain that includes a link for each chartered chapter. “The Chain” or “Chain” are acceptable on second reference.


charter – Lowercase on all references. Coat of Arms – Capitalize when referring specifically to Zeta Tau Alpha’s Coat of Arms. No hyphens between words. See also crest. colors – Lowercase on all references. Turquoise blue and steel gray. The PMS color for ZTA turquoise blue is 320. The PMS color for ZTA steel gray is 430. The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha – Always capitalize and italicize. “The Creed” or “Creed” are acceptable second references. crest – Always lowercase. This term is interchangeable with “Coat of Arms.” See also Coat of Arms. Honor Ring – Capitalize in reference to the ring awarded to ZTA alumnae for service to the Fraternity. Mystifying Picture – Capitalize with no quotes or italics in reference to a picture taken of our Founders and several new members that is considered to be the first photograph taken of the Founders together. new member pin – Lowercase on all references. Not “pledge pin.” The Purple of the Fraternity – Capitalize “The.” It is the purple stole worn by the National President. “The Purple” is acceptable on second reference.

“Seek the Noblest” – The open motto of Zeta Tau Alpha. Always capitalize and place in quotes unless used in ZTA’s visual brand identity.

National Leadership Conference – Capitalize on all references. “NLC” is acceptable on second reference.

Zeta Is Forever – Capitalize all words in all references. Capitalize and italicize only in reference to the new member program (We know Zeta Is Forever; Zeta Is Forever New Member Program).

Provincewide Officer Training/Statewide Officer Training – Capitalize on all references. “PWOT” and “SWOT” are only to be used for internal purposes.

EVENTS & SERVICES Convention – Capitalize on all references to ZTA’s biennial Convention. When citing Convention number, list both national and international number and capitalize “National” and “International” (She attended Convention; the 45th National and 34th International Convention; Convention 2014). formal – Lowercase on all references to a formal dance that serves as a chapter social event. Founders’ Day – Always capitalize and use “Founders’” as a plural possessive. The National President issues an annual Founders’ Day Proclamation. Greek Week – Capitalize on all references. Homecoming – Capitalize in reference to the annual university celebration. Initiation – Capitalize when in reference to Zeta Tau Alpha’s ritual service. (The Initiation at Convention was flawless. The initiation of the campaign came from Ron Neville.)

ritual – Capitalize only in reference to the Initiation Service of Zeta Tau Alpha. Do not capitalize when referring to the other rituals of the Fraternity. Capitalize all official names of ZTA rituals. For a complete list of rituals, see the College Service Book or Alumnae Service Book. Zeta Day – Capitalize in all references to the annual state or regional gathering of collegians and alumnae members held from February to May. Zeta Week – Capitalize on all references to the week leading up to collegiate chapters holding the Initiation Service. RECRUITMENT TERMINOLOGY bid – Lowercase on all references to an invitation to membership. This includes “snap bid.” Bid Day – Capitalize on all references. CROWN – Capitalize all letters of the acronym meaning Continue Recruiting Outstanding Women Now. “CROWN” is acceptable on first


reference. The Panhellenic term is “Continuous Open Bidding” or “COB.” colonization – Lowercase on all references. It is the process by which Zeta Tau Alpha establishes a new chapter on a new campus. Use “recolonization” for the reactivation of a closed chapter. extension – Lowercase on all references to the process for opening a new or closed ZTA chapter. ZTA does not use the term “expansion.” Formal Recruitment – Capitalize in all references to the specific calendar period on a collegiate campus when potential new members receive bids to join a chapter through a mutual selection process. Membership Information Sheet – Capitalize and spell out on first reference. “MIS” is acceptable on second reference. These serve as a membership recommendation form. new member – Lowercase on all references. She is a woman who has been pledged into ZTA but not yet initiated. Do not use “pledge.” Also use “new member class,” not “pledge class.” potential new member – Lowercase on all references. “PNM” is acceptable on second reference.

pledge – Not to be used in reference to a person. Use “new member” instead. Can be used as a verb (I pledge my loyalty) or as a noun in reference to an oath (I took a pledge; Pledge Service). Also use “new member class,” not “pledge class.” Preference – Capitalize in reference to the specific round of Formal Recruitment. Quota – Capitalize in reference to the Formal Recruitment term. recruitment – Lowercase except in reference to the specific period of time known as Formal Recruitment. Do not use “rush.” It is “member recruitment” not “membership recruitment.” Lowercase the traditional recruitment events (not parties): open house, invitational event, philanthropy event. Capitalize Preference and Bid Day. rush – Do not use this term. The correct term is “recruitment.” Total – Capitalize when referencing chapter Total for Panhellenic or recruitment purposes. ZTA MANUALS, PROGRAMMING AND PUBLICATIONS Alcohol Skills Training Program – Capitalize on reference to the harm reduction program. “ASTP” is acceptable on second reference. Alumnae Service Book – Capitalize and italicize. Not “Ritual Book.”


Behind Happy Faces – Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s mental health program. Capitalize but place in quotation marks in reference to the book on which the program is based. College Service Book – Capitalize and italicize. Not “Ritual Book” or “Collegiate Service Book.” Constitution & Bylaws of Zeta Tau Alpha –Always capitalize and italicize in reference to the specific set of rules by which ZTA is governed. “Constitution & Bylaws” is acceptable on second reference. Lowercase general references to a “constitution” or “chapter bylaws.” Crown Chapter Criteria – Capitalize all words in reference to the set of guidelines that determine the Crown Chapter Award for excellence in chapter operations. Use “Collegiate Crown Chapter Criteria” and “Alumnae Crown Chapter Criteria” when differentiating between the collegiate and alumnae criteria. Crowning Achievements – Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s online academic achievement program. Fraternity Education – Capitalize in reference to ZTA programming that teaches about the history/traditions of ZTA. For internal use only, “FRED” is acceptable on second reference.

GreekLifeEdu™ – One word, capitalize on all references. The trademark symbol is only required on first reference. guides/manuals – Capitalize and italicize formal names of the Fraternity’s internal guides and manuals. Lowercase on general references. In general, guides written about a program use “to” in the title (Guide to Recruitment, Guide to New Member Education). Guides written for a specific office use “for” in the title (Guide for House Directors, Guide for District Presidents). The History of Zeta Tau Alpha – Capitalize and italicize in reference to the books written about ZTA’s history. “The History” is acceptable on second reference. Links Membership Enrichment Program – Capitalize only the L in the word “Links” so as not to confuse this program with The LINK newsletter. This program includes five parts: First-Year Link/Zeta Is Forever New Member Education Second-Year Link/Leadership (for sophomores or second-year members) Third-Year Link/Wellness (for juniors or third-year members) Fourth-Year Link/Transition (for seniors or fourth-year members) Fifth Link/Alumnae (Note: no “year” in this link) The LINK – Capitalize “The” and each letter of “LINK.” This is the official internal


communication tool of Zeta Tau Alpha as outlined by the Constitution & Bylaws. My Sister, My Responsibility – Capitalize and italicize. There is always a comma after “Sister.” This educational program has two parts. My Sister, My Responsibility: Preventing and Confronting Hazing and My Sister, My Responsibility: Teaching Social Responsibility. Post-Initiate Education – Capitalize in all references to ZTA’s educational program. For internal use only, “PIE” is acceptable on second reference. Silver Award(s) – Capitalize in reference to the category of ZTA awards, which are the top honor for any collegiate or alumnae chapter. Sisters Only – Capitalize when referring to the members only portion of the ZTA website.

Stand up! Stand out! – Capitalize “Stand” but lowercase “up” and “out.” This educational program was developed by Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Delta. Themis — Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s quarterly magazine. Today & Forever: Living Our Values – Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s values-based educational program. ZetaBase – Capitalize in reference to ZTA’s online chapter management website. Z-Learning – Capitalize in reference to the online educational program. Zeta Is Forever – Capitalize in all references. Only place in italics in reference to the ZTA new member program.

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Language “A Crucial Catch” – Always capitalize and place in quotes. It is the official name of the National Football League’s breast cancer awareness initiatives. Use this term in reference to any NFL event in which ZTA participates. Breast cancer education and awareness – Always list “education” before “awareness.” It is ZTA’s official philanthropy.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Capitalize on all references. Founders Club – Capitalize on all references. No apostrophe. It is a level of giving for the ZTA Foundation that represents collegiate and alumnae chapters that donate at least $10,000 in the biennium.

Founders Grants – Always capitalize, but do not make possessive (no apostrophe.) These are scholarships given annually by the ZTA Foundation in honor of ZTA’s nine Founders. fundraise/fundraiser/fundraising – One word in all cases. Pink Out – Capitalize on all references to a ZTA philanthropic event where all attendees are encouraged to wear pink. Susan G. Komen® – Always capitalize and use registered trademark symbol on first reference. “Komen” is an acceptable second reference. In 2012, the organization dropped “for the Cure” from its official name. However, Komen still has the term “for the Cure” trademarked. It may not be used without its permission. Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® – Always capitalize and use registered trademark symbol on first reference. “Race for the Cure®” is acceptable on second reference. ZTA is a founding sponsor of the Susan G. Komen National Series Breast Cancer Survivor Recognition Program.

Think Pink® – Always capitalize and use the registered trademark symbol. It is the umbrella name for all of the Foundation’s breast cancer education and awareness efforts. Think Pink. Think Zeta.® – Always capitalize and use the registered trademark symbol. Use periods after “Pink” and “Zeta.” Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation board of directors – Lowercase “board of directors” on all references. Also lowercase “board member.” However, always capitalize all official board titles. President Vice President of Development Vice President of Philanthropy Vice President of Special Events Vice President of Scholarship Secretary/Treasurer Director

Take Charge. Think Pink.® – Capitalize and use periods after “Charge” and “Pink.” This is the trademarked name for the ZTA Foundation’s breast health reminder initiative. Use the registered trademark symbol on all references.


Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation Language chapter house – Lowercase on general reference. When used with a chapter Greekletter name, capitalize “chapter,” but not “house” (We met at the chapter house; Theta Phi Chapter house). house – Refers to only a building, not a chapter. House Association – Capitalize on all references to a member association of the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation (Alpha Psi House Association; Local House Association). House Corporation — Capitalize on all references to a corporation that owns and oversees the management of a ZTA housing facility but is not owned by the Fraternity Housing Corporation (Kappa House Corporation; Local House Corporation). House Director – Capitalize on all references to the employee of the collegiate chapter. Do not

use term “house mom.” House Directors Seminar – Capitalize in reference to the workshop funded by the ZTA Foundation and hosted by the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation. No apostrophe in “Directors.” house rules – Lowercase on all references. Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation board of directors – Lowercase “board of directors” on all references. Also lowercase “board member.” However, always capitalize all official board titles. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Director at Large

Interfraternal Language College Panhellenic Council – Always capitalize. “CPH” is acceptable on second reference. frat – Never use this term, even as an abbreviation.


fraternity/sorority life – Lowercase on all references except when part of the formal name of a campus office/department. This term is preferred over “Greek life.” Greek – Always capitalize.

Greek-letter – Hyphenate when used as a compound modifier (Greek-letter organization). Greek life – The preferred term is “fraternity/ sorority life.” Only capitalize “life” when it is used as part of the formal name of a campus office/department. Interfraternity Council – Always capitalize. “IFC” is acceptable on second reference. National APIA Panhellenic Association – Always capitalize. “NAPA” is acceptable on second reference. It is the umbrella organization for fraternities and sororities with an interest in serving the Asian and Pacific Islander American community. National Multicultural Greek Council, Inc. – Always capitalize. “NMGC” is acceptable on second reference. It is the umbrella organization for fraternities and sororities that promote multicultural diversity.

National Panhellenic Conference – Always capitalize. “NPC” is acceptable on second reference. It is the umbrella organization for social women’s fraternities/sororities. National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. – Always capitalize. Hyphenate “Pan-Hellenic” and capitalize the “H.” “NPHC” is acceptable on second reference. The NPHC is currently comprised of nine International Greek fraternities that are historically black organizations. North-American Interfratenity Conference – Always capitalize and hyphenate “NorthAmerican.” “NIC” is acceptable on second reference. It is the umbrella organization for social men’s fraternities.


Positive PR

The Fraternity encourages each member to use the Zeta Tau Alpha brand in her daily life. This includes using the elements we have discussed correctly and often, as well as living up to what the ZTA brand represents. ZTA cannot expect the world to view the Fraternity and our members as friendly, caring, dedicated and noble unless we act that way. By living ZTA’s values and positively promoting the Fraternity on campuses and in our communities, we become true ambassadors of our brand.

Tools to Promote Zeta Tau Alpha

ZTA provides individuals and chapters with great resources that promote the Fraternity in a positive way. On the ZTA Sisters Only site, you can download sample press releases; printable stationery; and templates for PowerPoint presentations, brochures, newsletters and more that are each designed with ZTA’s official branding. Through the Crown & Co. online store, collegiate and alumnae chapters can even place bulk or custom orders for ZTA apparel. On the ZTA Facebook page, you can find sample cover photos and profile images you can either use as is or as examples when creating your own. Remember, anything connected to ZTA—even your personal social media profiles—should be respectful, appropriate and the best representation of our Fraternity and values.


Keys to Great Photos

From chapter websites to brochures and social media, your pictures should tell the story of our amazing ZTA sisterhood. Again, make sure all photos are appropriate and display the warmth of our friendship. Follow these tips to take the best photos to promote ZTA. Also remember to send your photos to communicationsdept@zetataualpha.org. International Office is always looking for great photos to use for Themis, our national social media accounts and other ZTA promotional pieces. Photos must be high-resolution—1 MB (1,024 KB) in size or larger—to print. • Take the photo with a camera instead of a cell phone. • If you take it with a cell phone, make sure to use (and send IO) the largest version possible. Use the original version, not a smaller version or an edited one.

We want to see your smiling faces, so make sure everyone is facing forward and sunglasses are sparse.

Send the original, unedited photo to IO as an attachment. Do not embed photos into emails or documents.

Avoid “crown fingers.” ZTA’s audience includes parents, university administrators and others who do not understand what they mean.

Candid shots are the best! They show great emotion and represent how active our members are.

Be aware of your surroundings. Scenic backgrounds are beautiful. Watch for clutter and people holding things like phones or bags.

It is great if one or more people are wearing a ZTA item or holding a ZTA sign. This ties what is happening to ZTA!


Our Brand History Since Zeta Tau Alpha’s founding, careful consideration has been made when deciding how to represent the Fraternity to the world. Our Founders gave great thought to what our name, emblems and insignia should be and the meaning each would convey. The first attempt at an organizational logo was the development of a Coat of Arms. In 1903, Ethelynn Jones Guppy, the older sister of Founder Maud Jones Horner, created ZTA’s first crest. The meaning of that crest was never revealed and was only used on materials for ZTA’s first Convention, which was held that year. In 1926, National Grand Historian and Editor Shirely Kreasan Strout developed a new Coat of Arms with help from Emily Butterfield of Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity and professors at the University of Toronto. This crest is still in use today and is an official symbol of the Fraternity. For many years, it served as the Fraternity’s organizational logo as it has appeared on many official documents. In 1991, ZTA debuted the corporate brand identity that was used until summer 2014. According to The History of Zeta Tau Alpha, “The window logo provided a progressive outlook for the Fraternity through its design. Denoting ZTA’s heritage, the logo displayed the architectural style of our International Office. The image portrayed a rising sun as a dynamic beginning for ZTA.” At the time the window imagery was created, corporate logos and mission statements were becoming increasingly popular. The Fraternity wanted a professional, corporate logo to be used by each of its three entities. This brand identity allowed the Fraternity, ZTA Foundation and ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation to remain separate, yet visually connected. This brand identity was used on all official documents from each entity. Many replicas of the window imagery can be found in ZTA houses. It even appears as a physical window on the front of our International Office. The brand identity highlighted in this guide launched at Convention 2014. This brand represents sisterhood, love and friendship while remaining feminine and regal. The crown serves as the main element of the identity, making this ZTA symbol the official outward expression of our brand.


As Zetas, we know all of the great things our chapters and sisters do. Now it is time to share them with everyone. This guide doesn’t just show you how to use the ZTA brand. It gives you the power to lead and protect the special feeling ZTA creates. Now that you have the tools to be a brand ambassador, together, we can use it to transform lives and show the world how to “Seek the Noblest.” A brand is more than just a logo. It includes everything, yes EVERYTHING, for which ZTA stands. It includes YOU. Join us in the effort to build and promote the ZTA brand. For any additional information, contact the ZTA Communications Department at IO via communicationsdept@zetataualpha.org or (317) 872-0540. Visit the Sisters Only site for branding resources. Here, you can download this guide, images, fonts, templates and more. 31

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