High School Student Handbook 2023-2024

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High School Student Handbook 2023-2024


Dedicating our minds to inquiry, our hearts to compassion, and our lives to service and global understanding

An American-style education grounded in the Christian faith and respecting the spiritual lives of all Vision

HKIS will be a leading place of learning that inspires a socially engaged community of collaborative, creative, and resilient learners dedicated to realizing their full potential.

Student Learning Results

Academic Excellence

Students will achieve their intellectual potential by striving for and attaining the highest standards of academic excellence.


Students will understand and respect Christianity and other religions and will identify and develop their own spiritual identity.

Character Development

Students will demonstrate respectful and caring attitudes at school and in the community, as well as the courage to stand up for what is right.

Self-Motivated Learning

Students willingly apply a variety of learning and motivation strategies throughout their learning process.

Contributing to Society

Students will develop the skills they need to form genuine relationships in our diverse society and to make contributions to our community.

Chinese Culture

Students will gain an understanding of China and an appreciation of the Chinese Culture.

Dear Students,

Welcome to the new school year at Hong Kong International School. HKIS offers strong academic and activity programs that aim to cultivate creativity, leadership, and cultural understanding while providing a strong academic foundation. Although student success is our focus, success comprises many interconnected facets. We measure students’ success holistically, focusing on your wellbeing, forging positive relationships, and developing a strong educational foundation Much of these successes are founded in our commitment to the Student Learning Results.

The Student Learning Results which remain at the center of HKIS, promote a school culture dedicated to creating a caring, respectful, and inclusive learning environment. As a learning community of students, parents, and educators, we must work together and communicate clearly to ensure these foundational skills remain our focus. HKIS students are supported by their parents and teachers, allowing them to take control of their educational choices and develop a strong voice for themselves and for others needing support. The faculty of HKIS is committed to supporting all students and are available at any time to answer questions, work through difficulties, and promote a consistent, positive environment open to all students and parents.

Be sure to keep up-to-date with all of the happenings of our school through High School DragonNet, Schoology announcements, and our weekly High School Cross-Section.

Whether it’s through service opportunities, academic challenges, athletic events or performances and showcases, there are many ways to participate and show our support for each other and our school community. Our High School campus is a thriving and active place where everyone can find a way to contribute. Our High school is dynamic and exciting, and we want everyone to enjoy their time as part of the HKIS community with us.

We look forward to an amazing school year filled with connection, service, and success!

Academic Excellence Spirituality Character Development Self-Motivated Learning Contributing to Society Chinese Culture

Contact Information

The first four digits for all High School telephone numbers are 3149 followed by the four-digit extension

Principal Ms. Aimmie Kellar 7801 Associate Principal – Academics Carrie Bennett 7179 Associate Principal – Student Life Annalee Higginbottom 7802 Curriculum Leader Scott Lindner 7946 Technology Coach Daniel Budd 7187 Administrative Professionals Executive Secretary – Principal Colina Chan 7177 Executive Secretary – Academics Doreen Lui 7170 Executive Secretary – Student Life Joanna Lin 7153 Executive Secretary – College Counseling Becky Vong 7111 Receptionist & Attendance Officer Joyce Yeung 7106 Guidance Counselors Community H Maegan Robichaud 7191 Todd Pentello 7165 Community K Sophia Ng 7146 Brian Sylvester 7161 Community I Beth Contreras 7107 Jason Holly 7109 Community S Shelley Marks 7110 Steve Bennett 7192 Athletics Athletics Director Andrea Clark 7156 Interim Associate Principal – Student Life Annalee Higginbottom 7108 Interim Program Coordinator Joanna Lin 7153
High School Leadership Team (HSLT)

Health Office

Nurse Claudea Lau 7135

High School Library

Teacher Librarian Marie Slaby 7172

Library Staff Miyuki Hashimoto 7119

Student Senate

Presiding Officer Anthony Shen

Senator – Academic Steven Mao

Senator – Athletics Samuel Lee

Senator – Citizenship Katelyn Horng

Senator – Public Relations Dominic Cheng

Senator – Service Vivian Kahm

Senator – Student Life Isabella Souleyman

Secretary Kelly Fong

Treasurer William Wang

Class Officers

Grade 9 T.B.A.

Grade 10 Andy (Seungjae) Lee, Athena Shen, Michael Yiu, David Hong

Grade 11 Chamin Kim, Jack Tanas, Advik Sharma, Juhyun Nam

Grade 12 Harrison Chua, Ava Singer, Marcus Mak, Rohan Shah

4 Table of Contents Community 6 HKIS Community Partnership and Communication Guidelines 6 Discussing HKIS on Social Media 9 HKIS Marketing Office: Stories and Snapshots 9 Spiritual Identity 10 Citizenship 12 Attendance 12 High School Attendance Policy 13 Attendance Expectations 13 Communication between the High School Attendance Officer and Parents 14 Minimum Attendance Requirements for Course Credit 16 Appeals Process 17 Come Late to School Privileges (Grade 9-12) 17 Off-campus Privileges (Grade 12) 17 Behavior Expectations 18 Handling Difficult Issues 18 Procedures for Any Disciplinary Incident 18 School Bus Behavior 19 High School Dress Code 20 Off-campus and Off-limits Areas 21 Public Displays of Affection 21 Disciplinary Probation 21 Major Behavioral Infractions 22 Recording Suspensions 22 Overseas Travel Policy 25 Harassment 26 Off-campus Fighting/Bullying/Cyber Bullying 29 Digital Learning 29 Academics 31 Academic Handbook: LINK 31 Secondary Assessment, Grading, and Reporting Agreements: LINK 31 Academic Integrity 31 HS Library 33 The Humanities Center 34 The Math & Science Center 34 The Learning Center 34 Textbooks 35
5 Student Life 36 High School Counseling Program 36 Athletics: A Tradition of Excellence 38 HKIS Co-curricular Philosophy 38 Travel Code of Conduct 39 Clubs and Activities 40 Leadership Opportunities 41 High School Clubs 42 Booster Club + Dragon Shop 45 Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) 46 Annual Fund Committee 46 Health Office 47 HKIS ID Cards 51 Lockers 52 Lost, Found and Stolen Items 52 School Property and Personal Property 52 Signage on Campus 53 Transportation Service 53 Visitors 53 School and Home Communications 53 Release of Records 53 Transcripts 54 Withdrawal and Early Leaving Procedures 54 Parents’ Presence in Hong Kong 54 Weekly Newsletter – Cross Section 55 Emergency Weather Warnings Procedures 55 Disruptions to School Operations and Virtual Home Learning 57 Appendix A Student Senate 58 Map of HKIS Tai Tam Campus 67 Fire / Evacuation Procedures 75
Cover artwork by Zahra Sakhia ’26


HKIS Community Partnership and Communication Guidelines


HKIS as a community is committed to building and sustaining a welcoming and secure learning environment in which individuals can fully realize their potential in a climate of mutual respect. HKIS believes that parents and educators share the responsibility for creating a partnership that fosters children’s learning. Together we play a formative role in the development of a child’s sense of justice, equity and the worth of all members of our school community.

It is our hope that these guidelines will provide a useful framework to promote effective and appropriate communication within the HKIS community, and will support the HKIS policy on Harassment [Policy No. 3170, included below].

Working in Partnership

We recognize that effective partnerships are characterized by clearly defined responsibilities, a shared commitment to collaboration, open lines of communication, mutual respect and a common vision of the goals to be achieved.

The responsibility of the school (Teachers, Administrators and Support Staff) is to:

• Provide a safe environment that supports the development of positive learning attitudes, habits and values that are consistent with the Mission of the school.

• Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive environment.

• Encourage students’ growth as responsible, independent and respectful individuals.

• Model integrity, academic curiosity, responsibility and creativity.

• Communicate and work with parents as partners in ensuring student achievement reflective of the HKIS Mission, Vision and Student Learning Results.

• Provide timely and clear information about school programs and events.

The Teacher’s responsibility is to:

• Explain the curriculum and approach to learning in the classroom, expectations, methods of assessment and reporting of learning to students and their families.

• Report student progress regularly to parents (the frequency of communication is determined by each division).

• When appropriate, work with parents, counselors or learning specialists to provide a team approach to support for students.

• Communicate how parents can support what is going on in the classroom.

• Share observations, interests and concerns during emails, meetings and parentteacher and student conferences.

• Invite parent involvement in the learning process. For example: participating in class activities, attendance at school events, invitation for guest speakers or connecting with the wider Hong Kong community.

• Respect family needs and values e.g. family time.

• Invite input and feedback from parents.

• Respond in a timely fashion to emails or phone calls from parents.


The Parent’s responsibility is to:

• Provide a home environment that supports the development of positive learning attitudes, habits and values that are consistent with those of the school.

• Play an active part in their child’s learning e.g. monitoring attendance, homework completion.

• Help their child capitalize upon successes and learn from setbacks and failures as part of his or her growth process.

• Review, with the child, information provided by the school that provides insight into student learning and growth. For example: assignment feedback, report cards, conference information, emails.

• Communicate with the teacher, as developmentally appropriate, if the child is having problems with learning.

• Inform the school of any family or home situation that may affect a child’s learning or behavior.

• Participate in the decisions about their child’s education.

• Be responsive to requests for input, feedback or opinion.

• Stay informed by reading the school newsletter, class updates or accessing the website.

• Attend, as family responsibilities allow, parents events or education evenings. These include: parent coffees, division parent forums, parent-to-parent meetings, curriculum nights and parent feedback.

• Participate, as family responsibilities allow, in school organizations such as PFO, PAG and Booster Club and events.

• Respect a teacher’s academic efforts by minimizing a child’s absence from school for non-critical reasons.

Expectations for Communication at HKIS

It is expected that all members of the HKIS adult community will abide by the following principles for verbal and nonverbal, written and oral communication at HKIS.

• To promote a collaborative culture student should directly communicate with their teacher if they have any questions or concerns pertaining to the course or interactions with the class.

• All communications demonstrate the assumption of good intent and the goal to be constructive.

• The tone of all communications demonstrates care, respect for others and sensitivity for diversity.

• Email is the preferred form of contact, unless an issue is urgent or would be better addressed through face-to-face or phone contact.

• Reasonable time is allowed for responses to communications.

• Confide ntiality is respected.

Sequence of Communication Channels for Parents

• Contact your child’s counselor if you have questions or concerns related to social, emotional issues. Contact the teacher directly if you have questions or concerns about your child or the instructional program in your child’s class.

• Contact the Principal or Associate Principal if the teacher’s response to your first contact does not sufficiently address your concern or if your concern is at the school level.

• Contact the Head of School or Associate Head of School if the Administrator’s response does not address your concern.


Addressing Disagreements

Dealing with disagreements requires respect and discretion by both the school and parents. Both parties should respectfully seek to gather accurate information and resolve problems through appropriate channels of communication. Each adult shares the responsibility to provide a collaborative decision making model in the best interest of the child – be prepared to listen, contribute, negotiate and support decisions and operate from the assumption of good intent.

Confidentiality contributes to maintaining trust between parents, teachers and administrators. All adults should use discretion about when, where and with whom issues are discussed. It is important that all adults not discuss individual children, teachers or families in inappropriate public and social situations.

The HKIS Board of Managers and HKIS Policy on Harassment

The HKIS Board of Managers is primarily focused on setting overall strategic direction consistent with the HKIS Mission statement; supporting, encouraging and evaluating the Head of School; and providing stewardship of the school’s resources.

The Board also approves policies to uphold the school’s values. These include HKIS’s policy on Harassment:

Hong Kong International School is committed to building and sustaining a culture of respect, care and safety that is free from any form of harassment, bullying and intimidation. All members of our community – students, parents, faculty, staff and visitors – have a right to feel safe and protected and share the responsibility to build and maintain an environment in which everyone feels respected.

Offensive, harassing, bullying or intimidating behaviors will not be tolerated or ignored and will be dealt with appropriately and expeditiously.

Across the school, both prevention and intervention strategies are in place for our student and adult community, and will be published and reviewed annually, to encourage empathy and respect and to respond appropriately to any acts of bullying and harassment.

[As approved by HKIS Board of Managers, June 7, 2008]

‘HKIS Community Partnership and Communication Guidelines’ jointly developed by Fidelma Woodley (PFO Chair), Karen Rohrs (Director of Professional Development) and Linda Anderson (AHOS) [May 16, 2008] with feedback from administrators, teachers and parents.


Discussing HKIS on Social Media

Social media is a great way to share positive news and events about HKIS, as well as to communicate factual information about policies and school life with others in our community. In line with the HKIS Community Partnership and Communication Guidelines in school policies, all communications on such channels must assume good intent, be constructive, and communicate care, respect for others, and sensitivity for diversity.

We would also like to emphasize that specific student issues are best discussed privately with school representatives, not on group chats (e.g.: WhatsApp, We Chat, mass emails) or public platforms (e.g.: closed or public groups or pages on Facebook, Twitter). Neither should members of our community lobby for changes in policy or procedure on these platforms. Please refer to the Sequence of Communication Channels in the HKIS Community Partnership and Communication Guidelines for the appropriate procedures on how to address concerns at the school.

Posting photos and stories on social media accounts are a wonderful way to share life at HKIS with friends and family. For the safety and privacy of our students, please be reminded that photos taken on campus should not be shared on any public profiles or media outlets without the consent of the school. Please refer to HKIS’s Social Media Policy (Policy 3180, available on DragonNet) for more details.

HKIS Marketing Office: Stories and Snapshots

HKIS’s Marketing Office shares stories about HKIS with our community and the public. These are distributed through different channels, such as the News & Media page on the website, DragonBites stories and DragonTales Magazine on HKIS Pages, and the Dragonwaves podcast. Please also follow HKIS’s social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter


Spiritual Identity

Student Learning Result: Spirituality

Students will understand and respect Christianity and other religions and will identify and develop their own spiritual identity.

HKIS R1 – R12 Religious Education Philosophy Statement

Beliefs: Religious Education

HKIS is grounded in the Christian faith and is respectful of the spiritual lives of all. The Christian faith is a response to the redemptive grace and love found in Jesus Christ, and recognizes that each student is a precious child of God. Respect and understanding of diverse religious beliefs is vital for harmonious living in our local and global communities. Students will be able to independently use their learning in Religious Education to:

1. Live according to positive values, including ethical conduct, compassion, respect and service.

2. Identify and participate authentically in a spiritual community.

3. Engage respectfully with others in dialogue about spiritual and religious topics.

4. Seek to understand and to live in harmony with others of different spiritual or religious perspectives.

We agree that Religious Education happens best we provide opportunities for students to:

1. Engage in open conversations about spiritual and religious questions.

2. Continue to develop their personal spiritual identity.

3. Develop a mindset of empathy and service and, in tangible ways use their talents and abilities to meet needs in the world.

The Spiritual Community

HKIS supports an educational climate that nurtures spiritual growth and development for faculty and students. Founded in 1966 in the Lutheran tradition of Christianity, HKIS recognizes that it is serving a religiously diverse community. We seek to create an accepting and inviting educational community where each individual’s spiritual identity can stretch and grow. HKIS believes this happens through an atmosphere of active conversation and discussion about spiritual matters, worldviews, the big questions of life, personal understandings of God, and reflection upon personal life experiences.

The purpose of these conversations is to recognize and discuss diverse beliefs and understandings rather than convert others to a particular religion or worldview. Some opportunities for spiritual nurture are in the classrooms, on the fields, on the stage, in High School Community Gatherings, during the Interim experience, and participating in service activities.


The High School regularly meets together in a Community Gathering. This is an opportunity to reflect on our individual and collective sense of spiritual identity. We meet in our Pastoral Care/ Homeroom Groups (PCHGs) providing opportunity for students to engage in conversation about the spiritual focus of the school community.


We believe that teenagers thrive in the company of trusted adults and supportive networks of friends. The FISH club is one way for students to participate in Christian fellowship at HKIS. We openly welcome students to create and maintain faith groups that support their unique beliefs.

HKIS Working Definition of Spirituality

A journey of reverence which explores the meaning of our lives and connections with other people and God.

“Religiously Educated Person”

“What do we really mean when we say a person is a religiously educated person?

… Should be one who is capable of making a personal commitment in the midst of pluralistic beliefs and life stances and is, at the same time, ready to enter into genuine dialogue with people of other cultures and other religious traditions so as to learn to live in harmony with them”.

Peter Ng – Chinese University – “Religious Education Journal”, Fall 1993



Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all school policies, rules and procedures including, but not limited to, the following:

• Respect themselves, each other, teachers, staff, and guests by showing honesty, integrity, kindness, and compassion.

• Be at school, in every assigned class, on time, every day.

• Complete all homework and assignments as requested by teachers.

• Care for all school property and equipment including textbooks and other items provided by the school.

• Adhere to the school’s dress code.

• Avoid bringing valuables or large amounts of money to school and keep personal items secure. This includes any personal items of value that can be lost, stolen, or broken.

• Conduct oneself in a manner that reflects positively on the school and all HKIS students.

• Use appropriate language at all times.

• Stay within designated areas of the High School campus.

• Manage difficult issues in a responsible manner.

• Serve as a positive role model for one’s peers and for younger students.

• Conduct oneself in a manner that exemplifies honor, self-respect, integrity, tolerance for diversity, and compassion for others.

The following guidelines help to define the expectations the school has of every member of the community. It is important to remember, though, that no written list covers everything that can happen in a school year; situations may arise which are handled according to the best judgment of the administration.

Attendance (Policy 3150, available on DragonNet)

HKIS believes that daily school attendance is critical if students are to receive the maximum benefits from the opportunities offered at the school for learning and growth. Absences, for any reason, are disruptive to the learning process and to the achievement of the student. Being on time for school and for class is also important for the individual student and the class as a whole. The absent or tardy student misses valuable interactive classroom experiences, and immediate feedback from teacher and peers.

The school is committed to working with parents to ensure consistent attendance for all students. Parents should not permit students to miss school for reasons other than illness, family emergencies, or significant personal reasons, such as religious observances or external exams.

Parents are also asked to respect the school’s calendar especially at parent conference times and not to take their child out of school for travel, or vacations during regularly scheduled school days. If a student is absent for reasons other than illness, family emergencies or significant personal reasons, parents should note that the school does not require teachers to provide make-up work. Absences or non-attendance at concerts or other required performances may also affect a student’s grade in those classes.

Any absence, tardy or early dismissal must be accounted for. Parents should notify the school early in the school day if their child will be absent due to illness, or as early as possible in advance for other absences.


Each principal will annually publish the official start and end of the school day, and will also outline the specific procedures for late arrival at school, early dismissal and divisional policies related to making up any work missed.

All students are expected to be on school grounds from the official start to the official end of the school day. Permission for students to leave their school campus during school hours can only be granted by the Principal of the school or his/her designee.

High School Attendance Policy

Attendance is a critical factor in academic success and school completion for students. Consistent school attendance is part of the self-discipline we expect of students to enable them to act as responsible members of the community. The educational process requires continuity of instruction; students need to experience classroom discussions, debate, and independent study in order to increase achievement, critical thinking, communication skills, and responsibility.

Any absence, tardy, or early dismissal must be accounted for. If it is not, the absence will be considered unexcused and could require follow up with an Administrator.

The administration and Attendance Officer want to work closely with parents to ensure consistent attendance for all students. Attendance will be taken during each class period and compiled by the Attendance Officer. Each absence, tardy, and early dismissal will be recorded.

Attendance Expectations

1. Daily attendance in every scheduled class is expected of each student.

2. The school day begins at 8.35 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Students may have cocurricular commitments after school.

3. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period and in Pastoral Care/ Homeroom Group (PCHG) activities.

4. In addition to classes and PCHG, students are expected to attend all class/ community meetings, Community Gatherings and Assemblies.

5. To earn credit for semester and yearlong courses, a student must complete the course in good standing, earning a passing grade and meet attendance expectations.

6. Students are expected to attend classes until the official last day of school. Therefore, final assessments are rarely given early and credit may be denied for partial completion of a semester.

7. Students missing more than one class on a particular day will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular events on that day.

8. If a student misses an assessment due to unexpected absence from school, the teacher needs to be informed so that a make-up assessment can be scheduled. If a student knows they will be absent, they should contact the teacher to try and complete the assessment, prior to their absence.

9. For prolonged absences, an official note from a qualified medical practitioner is required.


Absences and Assessment

A pattern of late or missed assessments will lead to administrative contact with parents and a phone call for a conference with the administration and counselor.

Planned Absences – High School

If a student is planning to be away from school for more than 3 consecutive school days, a planned absence form (available here) must be completed so a plan for keeping up with schoolwork can be created.

Missed assessment – Illness

If a student misses an in-class assessment the student must follow up with the teachers upon their return to school and make a plan to complete the assessment. On the day of the absence, the student should email the teacher, if well enough.

Missed Summative

Students who miss 3 summative assessments will be asked to speak to the divisional leadership team and parents will be contacted. Repeated patterns of missing assessment will result in a behavior contract.

Consequences for Inconsistent Attendance Patterns

When appropriate, the administration may use the following list of consequences to discourage inconsistent attendance:

• Loss of free periods.

• Loss of the privilege to play co-curricular sports for the school.

• Loss of the privilege to participate in co-curricular activities at school.

• Loss of the privilege to travel on school-sponsored trips.

• Loss of Senior Privileges (where appropriate).

Communication between the High School Attendance Officer and Parents

It is the parents’ responsibility to notify the school if a student is absent from school. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the school receives this written communication. In the case of a missed summative, the teacher must also be informed. Email address for the HS Attendance Officer: hsattendance@hkis.edu.hk. Phone number for the High School Attendance Officer: 3149-7106

The written communication should be sent from the parent/ guardian’s registered email address with the school and should include:

• Student’s name.

• Date(s) of absence.

• Reason for the absence.

All absences will be recorded as Absent/ No reason given until written notification is received.

Notification of classroom absence and tardiness by the student will be communicated from the Attendance Officer to parents via the email address registered in PowerSchool. Please ensure this email address is up- to-date throughout the school year. An automated email is sent home beginning with the fourth absence for any class.


School Sponsored Activity

Students may miss an additional six (6) classes for any one course in one academic year for school sponsored activities and if they are representing a national team. This includes any classes missed – for school sponsored events both in and out of Hong Kong (i.e. APAC, local field trips, AP Exam days service projects, Model United Nations, HKSSF meets and China Cup tournaments, etc.). Please note that absence when representing a national team is in reference to competition only and does not include training or try outs to represent a national team. Students requesting permission to miss school to represent their national team are expected to provide supporting documentation.

Grace Period for excused absences due to school sponsored events

If a student misses class as the result of a school sponsored event (China Cup, APAC, MUN Conferences, Forensics, Humanities in Action trips, national teams, music clinics/ exchanges), ONE (1) CLASS PERIOD FOR EACH CLASS PERIOD MISSED will be granted for getting missed work turned in and assessments completed.

Teachers are to be informed by the student AT LEAST 1 CYCLE before the absence to discuss missed work and make arrangements for completion. If this is not followed, missing work/assessments will be recorded as “IE - Insufficient Evidence” and the timing and nature of the make-up will be at the teacher’s discretion.

In addition, IF a student has made prior arrangements with their teacher, SUMMATIVE assessments occurring the day after completion of the event (usually Monday) will be postponed. Ideally, the assessment would be completed before the event.

*This policy does not apply to projects/presentations that have been assigned for TWO or more cycles (for example, something that has been worked on in class for at least two cycles before the absence would still be due upon return).

Advanced Placement Exams

Although students are encouraged to attend classes on days they have AP exams, they will be automatically excused from classes scheduled on the day of their AP exams. The school does not require a notification letter from a parent on days when their child has an AP exam scheduled. Students are not excused from classes on the day before or after an AP exam.

Late Arrival and Tardiness

Students are expected to arrive at school on time. First period begins at 8.35 this is the time students should be in their seats in class.

Students arriving late to school must sign in with the Attendance Officer in the High School Main Office before going to class. If students are late to school more than once in any given cycle week, parents will be informed. Tardies will be monitored by the administration and if the issue persists, a parent conference may be required. Unexcused tardies exceeding 15 minutes are considered an absence.

Because students have 10 minutes between classes, they are expected to be on time. Any student who demonstrates a pattern of tardiness or unexcused absences, will meet with administration and appropriate consequences will be applied. If a student is tardy for a class and the teacher has already marked him/her absent, it is the student’s responsibility to see that the electronic attendance is changed from “absent” to “tardy”.

Early Dismissal

Students can only leave the school premises with parental authorization (either by a telephone call or by a letter explaining reasons for the early dismissal), with permission


from the school nurse, or if they have a study block last period. Students must sign out with the Attendance Officer in the High School office before leaving the school premises. Students seeking to leave campus must have a gate pass. Gate passes will not be issued 20 minutes or less from the end of the school day, ie gate passes will not be issued after 2.40pm on a regular school day.

Illness at School

Students who become ill during the school day must see the nurse in the Health Office. Students may miss a class only if they are ill and in the care of the nurse. Teachers and parents will be notified if a class is missed. No student may leave campus due to illness without notifying the nurse and being given a gate pass.

The Health Office provides many services – one of them is to administer consented medication. Parents are required to report to the nurse if a student is to take any medication at school and to inform the nurse about any emergency medications that a student may require. The school nurse will keep this information confidential. The nurse may be reached at 3149-7135.

Minimum Attendance Requirements for Course Credit

(approved May 2006)

In order to earn academic credit for any course, a student must earn a passing grade in the course and meet the following attendance expectations.

Students may not receive independent course credit if absent more than:

• Full year course: 7 class periods each semester.

• Humanities I and II: 14 class periods each semester.

• Semester course: 7 class periods.

• Orchestra and PE: 7 classes periods per year.

In each course, when a student exceeds the maximum number of absences:

• The student could be withdrawn from the course and no credit will be granted. A letter of appeal may be written to the Principal in cases with extenuating circumstances.

• The transcript will reflect the withdrawal.

• Students who are not granted first semester credit for a full year course may not continue in the course.

• Students who do not receive academic credit in the second half of a full year course may need to repeat the second half the next school year or take an additional half year course in order to receive academic credit for a full year course.


1. This policy applies to each course independently.

2. In Full Year Courses, attendance records are counted each half of the year.

3. Students who transfer from one class to another during the school year will have their class attendance transfer to the new class.

4. All absences from class will be covered by this policy. No distinction will be made between excused or unexcused absences when determining the total number of days absent from each course.


5. Absences resulting from the student being assigned to in-school or out-of-school suspension are counted towards the minimum attendance requirements.

Appeals Process

For extenuating circumstances only, a student can write an appeal to the Principal. The Principal must receive the written appeal, including all supporting documentation, within three days of the date of the loss of credit letter. The Principal, in consultation with the students’ guidance counselors and teachers will then decide if the student will continue as a regular student in the class or be removed from the class. Any further absence during the appeals process may result in dismissal of appeal and loss of credit.

Come Late to School Privileges (Grades 9-12)

Students who are in good standing, academically or behaviorally, are permitted to take advantage of this privilege. Students can come late to school when their first class of the day is a free period.

• Students must directly enter campus (no loitering outside of campus).

• Students who are consistently tardy will lose this privilege.

• Students may lose this privilege for misbehavior, poor attendance, or other reasons, at the discretion of the Administration or parents.

Off-campus Privileges (Grade 12)

“Senior Privileges” are annually proposed by the Senior Class Officers during the first quarter to the High School administration. The Senior Class Officers are to present to the Senior Class how the privileges are earned, the guidelines, what is expected, and ways in which the privileges can be lost for individual seniors and the entire class. Once approved by the High School administration, seniors have the privilege to leave campus during their lunch and free periods.

1. Seniors must carry their HKIS ID card and use it to enter and exit campus through the High School main gate.

2. Seniors are expected to use their own HKIS ID cards only. Cards will not be shared with each other, or with students in other grades.

3. If a Senior leaves their HKIS ID card at home, they will not be permitted to leave campus that day unless they have a free period at the end of the day.

4. Seniors are expected to conduct themselves with maturity and integrity and not aid or support other students in leaving campus without permission.

5. Seniors must follow school rules during the school day, even when not on campus.

6. Seniors are discouraged from picking up items from the grocery store for other students.

7. Seniors are expected to sign in and get a late pass if they arrive on campus tardy for a class.

8. Seniors who are consistently tardy to class will lose this privilege and will need to improve their attendance in order to earn the privilege back.

9. Seniors who are involved with any disciplinary issue may lose this privilege for the remainder of the school year.


10. Seniors who are consistently tardy or have multiple unexplained absences may lose this privilege for the remainder of the school year.

Behavior Expectations

As a student of the HKIS community, it is expected that all students:

• Respect themselves, each other, teachers, staff and guests by showing honesty, integrity, and compassion.

• Be at school, in every assigned class, on time, every day (see Attendance Policy).

• Dress appropriately according to the school’s dress code.

• Take care of their belongings and respect the property of others.

• Stay within the designated areas of the High School campus.

• Manage difficult issues in a responsible manner.

Handling Difficult Issues

As a community that is built on mutual respect, we strive to maintain supportive relationships with each other. There are times however, when we disagree or have a different perspective concerning decisions made. It is during these times that it is important to follow a few key steps whether you are in school, on a school bus, or participating in a school sponsored activity:

• Assume good intent of others.

• Ask questions of the individual involved in order to acquire factual information concerning the issue.

• Speak face-to-face with the individual in a respectful manner in an attempt to gain deeper clarity concerning the issue.

• Discuss possible solutions to the issue that might be mutually beneficial.

• Be willing to ask for forgiveness of the individual if need be to move forward and/or be willing to offer words of forgiveness to the other person if appropriate.

• ALWAYS begin to resolve issues by going directly to the person involved in the issue.

In most cases, the above process will help resolve difficult situations. However, AFTER you have made every attempt to work directly with the other person, AND if you cannot come to a resolution, then it may be necessary to ask a third party to assist you in further discussion with the person.

Procedures For Any Disciplinary Incident

It is important for students, parents, and faculty to be aware of school policies, consequences, and procedures. When a student violates community expectations, students are expected to take responsibility for their behavior, accept the natural consequence, and then take time to demonstrate a positive change in behavior.

Members of the community, students, teachers, counselors, or administrators may report students who have not demonstrated responsible behavior. After a discussion with the student, incidents will be entered in Powerschool on the student’s disciplinary record when appropriate by a High School administrator.


Depending on the severity of the incident, a conference may be required to help the student understand the community expectations and plan for increasing his/her responsibility. The counselors or a High School administrator may also hold a conference with the student and parents.

Examples of Not Meeting Behavior Expectations May Include:

• Bus misbehavior.

• Computer/HKIS network offenses.

• Dishonesty.

• Dress code.

• Eating and drinking in non-designated areas.

• Forgery (typically parental excuse notes).

• Inappropriate behavior.

• Rudeness or inappropriate language.

• Misuse of electronic equipment (cell phones) during instructional time.

• Off-campus.

• Off-limits (typically in car park, Scenic View Apartments, Middle School, under art room, in stairway by the Community Office).

• Cutting class.

Additionally, a High School administrator may assign consequences and/or remove student privileges for the above situations and any not covered including:

• Choosing to remain present while others are in violation of the Substance Abuse Policy (during school hours or on a school sponsored activity).

• Coming to school or any school sponsored event under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

• Acting in such a way that discredits the school – behavior that is detrimental to the best interests of the school, or it is incompatible with the common goals and standards of the school community.

In addition to other disciplinary consequences, seniors may also lose the privilege of participating in Prom and festivities leading up to the Commencement Ceremony.

School Bus Behavior

The bus operator and bus supervisor (on MS/HS shared buses) are in charge of the bus and the passengers. They are responsible for the safety of the students and for their conduct on the bus. Riding the bus is a privilege that can be denied temporarily or permanently if the student’s behavior warrants it. There will be no refunds as a result of a disciplinary removal from the bus. In addition, regular school discipline procedures and consequences apply. The following are expectations for all bus riders:

• Stay seated.

• Respect each other’s personal space.

• Call the bus supervisor by name.


• Be cooperative, polite, and respectful at all times.

• Use a soft voice.

Bus supervisors will sit at a designated seat on the bus in order to supervise all students. Smoking, vandalism, “horseplay”, bullying, disrespect to the operator or bus supervisor or any acts endangering the safety of the passengers or passers-by may result in immediate denial of bus services for the remainder of the year.

High School Dress Code

This dress code was written by a team of students with student and faculty input. It was revised and updated in Spring 2022.

Dress Code Guiding Principles

The High School dress code is based on our belief that student dress should reflect the values of the school and respect the seriousness of our purpose. HKIS students are expected to be appropriately dressed while on campus or representing the school elsewhere. Accordingly, they are expected to accept the spirit of the code and to follow the principles of respect and modesty.

Students, parents, administration, and faculty are responsible for ensuring that students are in compliance with the dress code.

Administrators and teachers are expected to respectfully enforce dress code expectations.

Dress Code Expectations

Students must wear:

• Tops that are not see-through, have sides sewn together under the armpit, straps over the shoulder, and cover the back and chest.

• Bottoms that are not see-through and reach at the upper leg (hips to knee).

• PE uniforms during PE*.

Students may not wear clothing that:

• Features violent language or imagery.

• Features images or language depicting drugs, tobacco or alcohol, or any illegal items or activity.

• Features hate speech, profanity, innuendos, or pornography.

• Is see-through or where undergarments are visible.

• Exposes the midriff at all; the bottom of the top must meet the waistband of the bottoms.

Students may choose to:

• Wear headwear, although teachers may request their removal or addition for specific activities.

• Color their hair.

• Wear religious or traditional clothing.

*Required uniform for PE classes available for purchase in the Dragon Shop.

Process for addressing dress code violations

• Faculty should approach students respectfully in a quiet and private area and explain an unbiased version of the violation in question.

• After the conversation, students will be required to change into more appropriate dress, put on clothes available in the main office, or be sent home. Parents may be notified.


• An administrator may be asked to intervene if the student does not respond to the redirection.

• The faculty member should close the conversation in a supportive manner.

• Depending on the transgression, the student will either be expected to change clothes or put on clothes available in the main office.

• If rules are severely or repeatedly disobeyed, an administrator will meet with the student and discuss the expectations of appropriate dress at HKIS.

• If a pattern develops (2-3 violations) parents will be informed and called in for a conference with the student and administrator.

(Reviewed June, 2022)

Off-Campus and Off-Limits Areas

The school boundary ends at the front gate. Areas such as the Middle School, the faculty apartments, the car park, the “overhang” and the side stairs at the back of the Art Department, under the 100 rooms, the guard offices, the stairway by the Community Office, and places which are not public areas are out-of-bounds to students at all times.

The elevator is also off-limits for general student use. Students with medical conditions that require elevator use are to come to the main office for an elevator pass. Students who use the elevator without permission from the main office will be considered off-limits.

Students are NOT to be dropped off in the car park between 7am and 8:30 am. unless the High School Principal gives special permission in advance. Students who disregard this expectation will be considered “off limits’’.

Public Displays of Affection

It is important that students demonstrate an attitude and behavior regarding interpersonal relationships that would be acceptable to people of various cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Genuine feelings of affection may exist between students; however, public display of such affection on campus is not acceptable. Students must refrain from inappropriate behavior such as intimate and prolonged embraces, kissing, and similar actions that may be offensive to the general public on campus, on school transportation, and at school-sponsored events.

Disciplinary Probation

If a student has recurring disciplinary issues, they could be placed on Disciplinary Probation. Parents will be informed and the student’s counselor will begin a series of mandatory check-ins with the student. In addition:

• The student may be expected to attend assigned study during all free periods, and Senior Privileges (if applicable) revoked for a period of time to be determined by the Associate Principal for Student Life.

• The administration has the right to revoke overseas travel privileges.

• The student may lose any student leadership position, including Senate, Class Officer, NHS, Ambassador Board membership etc. for the remainder of the school year.

• If appropriate, on-going counseling with the student’s counselor.

• Possible suspension from school.


• Conference, following the suspension, with parents, counselors, and principal to determine how the student can remain at HKIS.

• Loss of other privileges as deemed appropriate.

Major Behavioral Infractions

A behavioral infraction of a major school rule or repeated instances of violations of other school rules as set forth in this handbook will result in disciplinary action involving administrative review, probation, suspension or expulsion.

Overseas travel will likely be affected (see Overseas Travel Policy). In most cases, the first violation of a major school rule, including academic malpractice, at HKIS will result in Disciplinary Probation and/or suspension, though expulsion is possible.

While on Disciplinary Probation, any violation of a major school rule or an accumulation of minor infractions will likely result in consideration of expulsion. However, even after the completion of a term of Disciplinary Probation, a second violation of a major school rule at any point in a student’s career at HKIS will generally result in expulsion.

All school rules apply to students participating in any school-sponsored event on or off campus. In addition, it is important to understand that incidents, which occur out of school, are of concern to the school and will be handled in an appropriate manner as you represent the school wherever you are.

Examples of a violation of a major school rule may include:

• Lying, plagiarizing, cheating or stealing.

• Using, possessing, distributing and/or facilitating the use of alcohol, marijuana or other illegal drugs (see Substance Abuse Policy No. 3060).

• Off-campus participation in illegal use of alcohol or drugs while school is in session (see Substance Abuse Policy No. 3060).

• Smoking or vaping on campus or any school sponsored activity.

• Harassment, or acting in any way that intimidates someone either physically or emotionally. (See Harassment Policy).

• Flagrantly disregarding property (vandalism). Any incidents of vandalism should be reported. If students are found to be responsible for vandalism of HKIS resources they will be held liable for the cost of the item and will face disciplinary penalties.

• Tampering with or damaging fire safety equipment.

• Possessing or using dangerous weapons, firearms or explosives.

• Engaging in sexual behavior on campus.

• Entering the school grounds for the purpose of playing practical jokes. School pranks are not harmless and cannot be condoned since such incidents inevitably result in some damage to school property, considerable extra work for school personnel, and a breach of trust between faculty and students.

Recording Suspensions

Students should be aware that colleges ask specific questions relative to out-of-school suspensions during High School. Students and/or counselors will be required to report


these instances to college personnel. Students should therefore avoid circumstances that may result in an out-of-school suspension.

Substance Abuse and Drug Testing (Policy 3060, available on DragonNet)

Our work with students and families emphasizes care and respect for individuals. This means working both proactively and reactively to foster and encourage healthy, wholesome lifestyles. Our natural extension of this philosophy is taking an institutional stand against any drug abuse, and substance abuse generally.

The pressure and temptation on teenagers in Hong Kong to participate in the drug scene is well documented. HKIS has determined that, in providing our students with a safe and nurturing environment, zero tolerance of illegal drug use is critical, and that random testing can be a useful tool in deterring drug involvement.

The school’s contributions toward achieving that goal, in reference to illegal substance abuse as defined by Hong Kong law, include:

• Preventative education programs on substance abuse at all age levels.

• School support of a student who requests help to overcome substance use, abuse, or dependency.

• Education on the consequences under Hong Kong law and HKIS policy relating to possession, use, and facilitating use by others of illegal drugs.

• A drug-use screening and detection procedure utilizing student hair samples conducted on a random basis.

• Intervention when the school has reasonable cause to believe drug abuse has occurred.

Students who possess or use illegal drugs, bring drugs to school or school activities, or facilitate drug use by others violate Hong Kong law and HKIS policy.

HKIS reserves the right to terminate the continuing enrollment of any student who violates HKIS policy on illegal drugs and substance abuse.

Policy approved: 2 April, 1998 (reviewed June 2013)


• As an annual requirement for enrollment, each student in Grades 6 -12 and their parents will read and sign a statement in PowerSchool acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of the conditions of this policy.

• The school reserves the right to inspect personal effects of students who are believed to be in possession of or facilitating the use of illegal or dangerous substances or paraphernalia. This will normally be done in the presence of the student affected.

• Any students found to be in possession of any illegal substances (e.g., illegal drugs) or paraphernalia while on campus or at any school activity will be expelled, including possible loss of credit for the semester in which the offense occurs. In those cases where drugs are found on campus, the school must contact the Hong Kong Police

• Any student determined to be facilitating the drug use of others will be expelled from school. Facilitation includes, but is not limited to: selling drugs; making drug purchases for someone else; transporting drugs for someone else; or providing information so others may buy drugs.


For the random testing component the school will:

• Cover the cost of the individual tests and program implementation.

• Ensure through quality controls that any procedure involving a student is done in the least intrusive way possible and with care, respect, and sensitivity.

• Train a designated administrative member of staff to collect, process, and provide results of hair sampling.

• Randomly test on average two High School students per day. (For middle school, on average 20 students per month will be tested.)

• Retest for accuracy any positive test whose results are disputed; consult a licensed medical review officer for resolution if necessary.

• Require a student who tests positive to enter the intervention program.

• With reasonable cause, school personnel may call for a test (hair, urine and/or saliva) to assess drug use. This process is independent of the routine random sampling.

• If drug use is established, a committee of Senior Administration will determine whether or not a student may continue enrollment at HKIS. If asked to withdraw or expelled, it is highly unlikely that it would be successful for a student to be readmitted to HKIS. Under certain circumstances, opportunity to reapply may be considered on a case by case basis by the committee. Decisions will be communicated in a timely manner. If it is determined that the student may remain enrolled at HKIS, involvement in the intervention program will be mandatory.

Intervention Program

The intervention program will include the following:

• Parents will be notified of the student’s test results, if positive (or when a student admits drug use to school personnel), and meet with a member of the High School administrative team and the student’s counselor.

• A student who accepts responsibility for their use and is open to counseling assistance, will be placed in the intervention program that will commence immediately and last for up to 12 months. (Note: regular drug testing will continue throughout the HKIS enrollment of any student who has a positive drug test and enters the intervention program).

• Should a student not initially choose to accept responsibility for his/her documented use, he/she will be suspended from school for up to three days to reconsider his/her decision. If after three days the student is still unwilling to take responsibility for his/her use, the student will be asked to leave HKIS.

The intervention program will include the following elements:

• Regular sessions with the student’s HKIS school counselor.

• When appropriate, a recommendation by the school that the student receive additional outside counseling/drug intervention support. School counselors will assist families in locating suitable intervention services and maintain contact with outside therapists. In order to remain in school, students in the intervention program and their parents must provide a signed release of information relating to such counseling, intervention or therapy.

• Periodic unannounced testing by the school to assist the student in avoiding continued drug use.


• Loss of all free periods, for a minimum of six weeks, at which time further assessment will take place to determine the return of privileges.

• Loss of participation in school sponsored overseas travel for 2-4 academic quarters.

• If at any point after the initial positive drug test result, the student tests positive for drugs again and the result indicates continued use (or admits to drug use), he/she may be asked to leave HKIS. This decision is at the school’s discretion and will allow the student to receive drug/alcohol abuse services beyond the expertise of HKIS personnel. If the school allows a student to remain in school following a second positive test any subsequent positive test will result in the student’s expulsion from school.

Alcohol and Nicotine use, including vaping, on Campus or at SchoolSponsored Activities

Since the effects of alcohol and nicotine abuse are also harmful, HKIS is proactive in its care for students and prohibits the possession and/or use of alcohol or nicotine on campus or at any school-sponsored event. This includes vaping.

First Offense:

Parent conference may be required; assessment on the extent of the problem and recommendations; students may face an in-school suspension, loss of free periods and HKIS sponsored overseas travel for the remainder of the semester or year.

Second Offense: Required parent conference; may include out-of-school to suspension; and student is placed on disciplinary probation along with its consequences as appropriate.

Third Offense: Suspension and/or expulsion.

Special Provision for Overseas Travel: Please note that alcohol, nicotine or vaping violations which occur on overseas trips will result in a student’s suspension from school until the student’s enrollment status is reviewed and a determination of extended suspension or expulsion is made.


Students must log on to PowerSchool to read and complete the Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Agreement before the first day of attendance at HKIS.

Overseas Travel Policy

When students are participating in any school-sponsored event, on or off campus, they are always expected to demonstrate appropriate and responsible behavior.

Behavior on campus is an accurate indication of how students will behave off campus. Behaviors such as consistently arriving late to class, inconsistently attending classes, not being respectful and mindful of established expectations, rules, and guidelines do not demonstrate responsible student behavior.

In order for students to earn the privilege of participating in overseas events such as Interim and sports and activity teams, it is imperative that they consistently demonstrate trustworthy, cooperative, responsible, respectful, and mature behavior.

When a student is placed on Disciplinary Probation, they will lose any overseas travel privileges for any school-sponsored event, including Interim, for the remainder of the school year. If the probation occurs towards the end of the school year, loss of travel privileges may continue into the next school year.


If a student loses overseas travel privilege, any money paid toward a trip will not be refunded.

A student who admits to drug use to school personnel, a student with a positive drug test, or a student who has been involved with alcohol or tobacco on an overseas trip, may not participate in overseas travel with HKIS.

A student who loses overseas travel may appeal the consequences one time per school year. The Principal, in consultation with the students’ counselors, faculty members responsible for the student on the overseas trip, and other administrators, will make the final decision on whether the student may travel overseas. The official appeal must be done within 10 school days of the conference in which loss of overseas travel was established.

Harassment (Policy 3170, available on DragonNet)

Hong Kong International School is committed to building and sustaining a culture of respect, care and safety that is free from any form of harassment, bullying and intimidation. All members of our community – students, parents, faculty, staff and visitors – have a right to feel safe and protected and share the responsibility to build and maintain an environment in which everyone feels respected. Offensive, harassing, bullying or intimidating behaviors will not be tolerated or ignored and will be dealt with appropriately and expeditiously.

Across the school, both prevention and intervention strategies are in place for our student and adult community, and will be published and reviewed annually, to encourage empathy and respect and to respond appropriately to any acts of bullying and harassment.

Any repeated behavior that offends, upsets, embarrasses, frightens, excludes or hurts another person is bullying and/or harassment. HKIS recognizes that these behaviors can take many forms including:

Verbal Bullying and/or Harassment

• Language – name-calling, spreading rumors, and/or directing insulting, teasing, threatening comments to another person.

• Virtual – harassment, or spreading rumors by email, instant messaging, blogs or any other media form.

• Religious – putting down or ridiculing another’s religion, stopping another from expressing their beliefs.

• Racial – making hurtful comments or discriminating against someone based on their nationality, race or culture, color of their skin or language spoken.

• Intellectual – making hurtful comments based on someone’s intellectual or academic ability.

• Sexual – making hurtful comments or discriminating against someone based on their sexual orientation.

Non-Verbal Bullying and/or Harassment

• Physical – hitting, kicking, pushing, spitting or any other form of physical behavior which is deemed to be aggressive in nature.

• Personal Property (real or virtual) – taking, damaging or trespassing another’s property. This includes entering another student’s email account, personal belongings, or school locker without permission.


• Indirect – intentionally excluding someone from a group, discussion or team.

• Graphic/Vandalism – defacing another’s property, projects or photographs.

• Sexual – making offensive gestures about another’s body, touching or maintaining unwelcome closeness to another person or discriminating against someone based on their sexual orientation.

Each division will implement age and stage appropriate prevention strategies aimed at developing an ethos of caring and empathy to reduce the likelihood of bullying and harassment.

Divisions will respond to incidents of bullying and harassment promptly and with sensitivity toward both the victim and the perpetrator recognizing that often those who bully others have been prior victims of bullying and/or harassment.

High School Harassment Prevention & Reporting Procedures

This policy covers all students, employees, parents and all other parties having business with Hong Kong International School. In the High School, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any person who demonstrates unlawful, offensive, or harassing behavior or who instructs, threatens, or aids another person to commit harassment. Harassment can be physical, verbal, nonverbal, and electronic. Every effort will be made to ensure that all cases of harassment will be dealt with confidentially and impartially.

Employees who are in a position of authority, such as teachers and supervisors, are under particular obligation to ensure that harassment does not occur at the school.

Definition & Additional Notes

In addition to the definitions listed above in Policy 3170, note that:

• Harassment is: verbal and non verbal or physical conduct intended to threaten, intimidate, taunt or coerce.

• Harassment in any form is prohibited.

• Sexual harassment in all areas of employment and education is unlawful under the Hong Kong Sex Discrimination Ordinance.


The school will communicate this policy to all employees, parents and to students at an age appropriate level, and advise teachers and supervisors of their specific responsibilities. The school will also provide training as necessary and establish procedures for the prevention and investigation of harassment.

Protection against victimization

Any victimization of or retaliation and/or reprisals against an individual, complainant or alleged harasser, who in good faith reports or provides information in an investigation about behavior that may violate this policy, is unlawful and will not be tolerated. Furthermore, malicious use of this procedure (e.g. false accusations) will also not be tolerated.

Procedures for Students at the High School

Note: Procedures may be initiated by the Complainant (begin at Step 1) or by individuals in a position of authority, such as teachers and supervisors, who suspect harassment has occurred (begin at Step 3).


Responsibility Action

Complainant 1. Tell the harasser that his/her behavior is unwanted and must stop. If the situation is resolved, stop here. If the situation is not resolved, proceed to Step 2.

Complainant 2. Report the matter to the Associate Principal for Student Life or counselor. Please understand that once the matter has been reported, an investigation and follow-up will ensue.

Associate Principal for Student Life

3. Investigate the allegation, or appoint an appropriate third party to investigate the allegation. Listen and obtain information about the incident(s) from the Complainant. Inform the Complainant that you will also be speaking with the alleged harasser and other individuals, e.g., witnesses, respective parents, if applicable.

4. Approach the alleged harasser and provide an opportunity for the alleged harasser to respond to the allegation, and an opportunity for a mediation meeting where appropriate.

5. Document the incident(s), outcomes of investigation and recommendation. Include any signed, written statements as provided by the complainant or alleged harasser.

6. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to: requiring an apology, verbal or written warnings, police or other public authority involvement, counseling, suspension, dismissal, and expulsion. Disciplinary actions may apply to either parties: the alleged harasser or the complainant if it is a false accusation.

7. Communicate the decision and resolution to relevant parties.

Alternative Procedures

Complainant or Defendant

The school strongly encourages individuals to try and resolve complaints of harassment internally. However, if you feel the situation is dangerous or you are uncomfortable bringing the issues to the school’s attention, you may at any time contact the Equal Opportunities Commission (www.eoc.org.hk) for free information and advice, or contact the police directly.


Reports and investigations of harassment will be kept confidential, except in the following circumstances where limited disclosure may be necessary:

• To protect an individual from harm

• For the purpose of conducting a full and fair investigation.

• To provide an opportunity for the accused individual(s) to respond.

• To protect the reputation and integrity of the school.

• To take remedial action and respond to the Equal Opportunities Commission or police inquiries or legal action.

Any persons found to have breached the confidentiality of the process will be personally liable and will face disciplinary action.


Off-campus Fighting / Bullying / Cyber Bullying

HKIS has guiding principles that are to be followed should students be involved in incidents of off-campus fighting/bullying.

The following steps will be followed whenever students are involved in off-campus fighting/bullying:

First Incident:

All parents will be notified that the school is aware of the situation and that the offcampus behavior affects the campus community. It will be made clear to all parties that the High School maintains a safe environment for all students, and that any off-campus issues must not be brought to campus in a way that undermines safety and the sense of community.

Second Incident:

If a second incident occurs on or off campus, the student will be suspended and the administration will become involved in the disciplinary process. Parents will be required to meet with an administrator and counselor to discuss ways forward.

Third Incident:

If the situation continues, the police will be informed and involved, there will be a parent conference and further plans of action and disciplinary consequences will be determined, including the possibility of being asked to leave HKIS.

Digital Learning

Technology is a vital part of our everyday lives and this extends to learning in a contemporary classroom. As a HKIS student, you have access to our integrated communication and collaboration platforms. Your student login is based on your Student Number and a Password known only to you. With this account, you can access the following systems:

• HKISSECURE – Wireless Network.

• Self Service – Device configuration and Software distribution system.

• DragonNet – School’s Intranet.

• Google Apps for Education – Single Sign-on (SSO) for Email, Calendar, File Storage and other tools.

• Schoology – Learning Management System (LMS)

• PowerSchool – School Information System (SIS)

• and, Printers

These services are used regularly as our primary means of communication and collaboration. Students are encouraged to enable 2-Factor Authentication and to keep their password secure – https://safety.google/authentication/

Please note that all network usage is reported and some websites are filtered for the safety of our students. If there are any restrictions which are limiting your learning changes can be requested through our online Helpdesk http://help.hkis.edu.hk or via email (help@hkis.edu.hk).


Bring Your Own Mac (BYOM)

In order to participate in learning activities all students are required to BYOM. From Grade 6 all students supply their own MacBook in accordance with the BYOM program. Students are responsible for maintaining and updating their device so they are ready to participate in class activities and to ensure their school work can be completed. Details on minimum requirements and how to enroll your new device in Self Service a available under the Technology section of the school website – https://www.hkis.edu.hk/ learning/technology-at-hkis

All students should familiarize themselves with the following policies related to digital learning at HKIS (https://www.hkis.edu.hk/dragonnet/community/school-policies):

• Social Media Policy

• Data Privacy Policy

• Harassment Policy (fomerly Promoting a Culture of Respect)

• Educational Technology Responsible Use Agreement

DragonNet (https://www.hkis.edu.hk/dragonnet)

The HKIS community website, DragonNet, is a password-protected information site that serves as a primary hub for communicating information for students and parents. DragonNet is used by students to access Student, Academic and Interim Handbooks as well as School Policies and Procedures.

Google Apps for Education

School Google Accounts are used as a single sign-on (SSO) solution for the majority of internal and external education systems. Faculty and Administration also heavily rely on Google Workspace tools for learning activities which require communication, collaboration and creation. These tools include:

• Gmail

• Google Calendar

• Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, Slides and Forms)

Apple ID

In addition to their school provided Google Account, students are also expected to have a personal Apple ID to ensure they can install necessary software, backup and maintain their devices. Parent(s) are encouraged to create an Apple ID for students so they can monitor screen time and application usage at home (https://support.apple.com/en-gb/ HT201084)

Schoology (http://schoology.hkis.edu.hk)

Schoology is a crucial online learning environment for students and teachers. It is both an academic tool and information about Clubs, Sports and internal announcements.

PowerSchool (https://hkis.powerschool.com/ )

PowerSchool utilized for the management of student records including attendance, aptitude and attainment data, as well as, timetabling, enrolment and other services necessary for the running of the school.



Academic Handbook: LINK

Secondary Assessment, Grading, and Reporting Agreements: LINK

Academic Integrity

Our school’s Shared Philosophy of Education includes the expectation of high standards in ethical behavior as well as scholarship. Academic integrity is an integral component of this philosophy. HKIS Core Values remind us:

• integrity is essential to trust and credibility;

• society progresses when individuals strive for excellence and seek challenges;

• learning thrives in the presence of high expectations and mutually respectful relationships;

• together, parents, faculty, staff and students create the conditions for children’s success and a healthy lifestyle, we expect that all members of our community will commit to and uphold ethical practices and values in everything we do. Students are responsible for asking for clarification if in doubt about what is acceptable practice, and teachers are responsible for being clear about what acceptable collaboration looks like.

Academic integrity includes, but is not limited to:

Cheating – Cheating is obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another person to obtain, credit for work or any improvement of a score or grade of performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: lying, copying from another’s test or piece of work and any unauthorized assistance given to another’s piece of work. Simply stated, cheating is anytime that you use another’s words, work, and/or ideas, and claim them as your own. Cheating may include:

• Giving or receiving questions or answers to work, including quizzes and tests

• Bringing and/or using unauthorized materials (e.g. calculators, cell phones/watches or crib notes) to complete an assignment or exam

• Using outside sources such as tutors, paid organizations or the Internet to complete assignments in part or in whole, write papers or produce projects for you and submitting as your own without acknowledging and/or citing their work.

Stealing – To take or acquire another’s property or ideas without explicit permission.

Lying – A false statement made with the conscious intent to mislead others.

Forgery – The intent to mislead others by falsifying a signature in an academic matter.

Plagiarism – “The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts, or passages of his [or her] writing of ideas, or the language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition) Plagiarism includes borrowing the work or ideas of another person without giving them proper credit whether or not the source copied has been published. One gives proper credit by citing the original source in a way that is recognized as a legitimate citation. HKIS has adopted the standards set forth by the Modern Language Association (MLA).

Note: The use of Artifial Intelligence without attribution is a form of academic dishonesty. For HKIS’s position on the use of Al, see this document.


Responsibilities of our school community


• commit to the school wide Academic Integrity Policy

• complete all assigned learning with integrity

• seek clarification from teachers about questions related to the process of completing an assignment or assessment

• encourage their peers to pursue their academics with integrity

• express concerns regarding academic integrity to teachers, counselors or administration.


• read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy.

• support the school’s core values and Academic Integrity Policy.

• support the decision of administration regarding consequences if the policy is violated.

• ensure that when helping with assignments, the work remains the student’s own.

• encourage open communication with teachers and counselors on any academic issues


• publish the Academic Integrity Policy in the course syllabus.

• include guidelines for working on assignments and assessments.

• model proper citation of sources used in the classroom.

• explain the use of permissible study aids including tutors.

• check and monitor student work for academic integrity.

• report to the Associate Principal for Academics any violations of the policy and follow through on consequences.


• enforce consequences for policy violations in a consistent and transparent manner.

• communicate decisions with teachers, students, and parents in a timely manner.

• record and maintain confidential records of policy violations.

• check applications for National Honor Society, Senate/Class Officers, Student Digital Leadership Team, and Student Ambassadors for academic integrity violations.

Consequences for Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity will be reported to the Associate Principal and entered into the student’s internal disciplinary record. In collaboration with the teacher, decisions made regarding consequences will be consistent with this policy and communicated to the student and parents. Violations of academic integrity are cumulative throughout the student’s academic school career. Our goal is that the students learn from their mistakes and understand the importance of academic integrity.

Classroom-Related incidents:

• First Incident: The teacher and/or Associate Principal will meet with the student and possibly their counselor to discuss the importance of academic integrity, and the incident will be recorded in the student’s internal disciplinary record as a first


offense. The work (or parts of the work) will receive an “Insufficient Evidence” (IE) and may no longer be used as evidence for learning. The teacher may determine how the student can demonstrate their learning in an alternative way. Additionally, if applicable, membership in National Honor Society will be terminated. Eligibility for other student leadership positions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, parents will be notified of the incident.

• Second incident: May result in up to a two day in-school suspension and the assignment (or parts of the assignment) will receive an “Insufficient Evidence” (IE) and may no longer be used as evidence for learning. The teacher may determine how the student can demonstrate their learning in an alternative way. In addition, a parent conference will be held with the Associate Principal for Academics and possibly the Counselor, and the incident will be entered into the student’s internal disciplinary record.

• Third Incident: Will result in an out-of-school suspension. In addition, a conference will be held between the student, the parents, the Principal, and Associate Principal for Academics, regarding the student’s continuing enrollment at HKIS. The incident will be recorded in the student’s internal disciplinary record and if asked for or required on application materials, must be reported on the student’s school report sent to other schools, colleges, and universities.

Incidents outside of the classroom: (SAT, ACT, AP Exams…)

• Incidents of academic dishonesty for an external test (in or outside of HKIS) will be reported to the Associate Principal for Academics and entered into the student’s internal disciplinary record.

• The incident will result in an out-of-school suspension for a minimum of 3 days, a mandatory parent conference with the Principal and Associate Principal for Academics, and a review of the student’s continuing enrollment at HKIS.

• A mandatory «Incident Report» will be sent to the College Board, and if asked by the post-secondary institution, will be reported on the student’s secondary school report sent to colleges and universities.

HS Library

The HKIS High School Library is a space of inquiry and belonging where the entire community can find a concise nonfiction collection, a current fiction collection, and dedicated spaces for quiet study, collaborative work, and recording. The digital library contains books, audiobooks, and magazines in the Sora app, as well as databases and software for research. The librarian is available for consultations on information literacy, research, and what book to read next. The Library Council offers service opportunities for students who love the library and reading.

HS Library Norms ask users to be mindful of others so that their movements and voices don’t disrupt those around them, to leave food and drinks (other than water) outside, to use headphones, and to treat others with respect and kindness. This also means returning borrowed items promptly when they become due, so that others may have a turn.


HS Library Information

High School Teacher Librarian: Marie Slaby

High School Library Staff: Miyuki Hashimoto and Jinny Chao

Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Phone Number: 3149-7172

Email: hslibrary@hkis.edu.hk

Website on DragonNet: HKIS Library and Tech

Instagram Account: @hkishslibrary

The Humanities Center

Can’t tell a thesis statement from a topic sentence? Macroeconomics causing you to commit microaggressions? Still mispronouncing hyperbole, litotes, and onomatopoeia? Visit the Humanities Center! The Humanities Center is open to all students seeking to refine their skills in social studies, language arts, and the human sciences, including academic research and writing, note-taking, discussion, oral presentation, debate, critical thinking, and interpretation and analysis of texts. Whether it be for DBQs, MCs, FRPs, FRQs, LEQs, SRPs, JLPs, MLA, or APs, a library of resources and a team of dedicated and knowledgeable peer-tutors will be on hand to offer guidance and support.

Note: for 2023-24, the Humanities Center will be in a shared space with the Math & Science Center and the World Languages Center (room to be announced).

The Math & Science Center

The Math & Science Center is available for all students who may have questions regarding any topic studied in Math and/or Science at all levels through to AP courses. Teams of friendly and knowledgeable peer tutors are there to provide guidance and support before and afterschool, during class periods, and on social media platforms beyond school hours. Regular review sessions are often organized for specific courses ahead of unit summatives, along with helpful suggestions and strategies to be successful in various Math and Science courses.

The Learning Center

The Learning Center is a resource area for students with difficulties that impact their learning process, as documented by a full educational psychological report. Learning Specialist teachers assist students in developing strategies and advocating for their accommodations that will help them succeed both in and out of the academic setting. Testing accommodations (including extra time, use of a computer, small space environment, etc.) are also available for students who qualify.

Students may be encouraged or required to enroll in Learning Strategies classes upon the recommendation of a Learning Specialist teacher. Admission to the Learning Support Program and access to the Learning Center is determined through a referral process that can be initiated by contacting either the Learning Specialist in the high school or the student’s guidance counselor.



All textbooks are barcoded and recorded to a specific student. Each distributed text must be returned at the end of a course, and no further textbooks may be checked out if any previous year’s textbooks are unreturned. Lost and found textbooks should be reported and claimed in the High School Library. Extra copies of textbooks are not available for loan without permission from the teacher or academic department; however, students may use a reference copy while in the library.


Student Life High School Counseling Program

The purpose of the School Counseling Department at Hong Kong International School is to provide a comprehensive, developmental guidance program that reaches 100% of the student population. We believe that each student is a unique, developing, capable individual who will learn from their experiences and grow personally, socially, spiritually, and academically throughout their lives. The goal for every student at HKIS is to continue their learning. Students explore their strengths, personality, interests, educational objectives, culture, and family values in partnership with their counselors. HKIS supports each student’s journey to find a best fit, post-secondary learning environment where they will thrive.

The purpose of the Counseling Department is carried out by the following:

• School counselors promote personal, interpersonal, emotional, academic and career development for all students through proactive classroom programs and other services. Specifically, the counseling department offers seminar classes to all four grades levels with developmentally appropriate topics. In addition, a variety of parent meetings are sponsored and hosted by the counseling department.

• On an annual basis, school counselors meet with students individually and in small groups to review, guide, and support them through the academic and college planning process.

• In consultation with administration and faculty, counselors review student school records and help students plan their course selections each year. Counselors recommend that students are enrolled in a balanced schedule that is appropriately rigorous yet supportive of post-secondary educational goals.

• Counselors collaborate regularly with teachers, administrators, and parents to discuss student needs and provide comprehensive support for their growth and development.

• The school counseling program equips students to develop competencies in decision making, career planning, interpersonal relationships, personal responsibility, and other skills essential for being a productive citizen.

• Counselors provide information and support to students and families about academic programming and community resources. They provide proactive and responsive services to students and families. Counselors refer students and families to outside resources, when necessary.

• Counselors collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to identify and address students’ needs.

Counseling Structure by Communities:

The High School has a team of eight counselors to serve the students. Each student is assigned to a Community. Sixteen Pastoral Care/ Homeroom Groups (PCHG) (four of each Grade-level) form a Community. There are four Communities designated H, K, I, and S. A partnership of two counselors supports and addresses the needs of the students in its Community.

H Community Mr. Todd Pentello 3149-7165 tpentello@hkis.edu.hk Ms. Maegan Robichaud 3149-7191 mrobichaud@hkis.edu.hk

College Advising

The Counseling Department at HKIS values working as a team with students and their families on the college planning and application process. Students meet individually with their counselors to discuss career aspirations and select post-secondary options that best meet student needs and educational goals. Counselors have familiarity and experience with a wide range of higher education options, including universities in the US, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe and the UK.

Pastoral Care/Homeroom Group (PCHG)

Each student is placed into a Pastoral Care/ Homeroom Group (PCHG) of approximately 12-15 students. PCHG advisors are faculty who support students throughout their four years of high school. PCHG advisors maintain regular contact with each student and seek to build a mentoring relationship with every student in their care. The PCHG advisor and counselors work in collaboration to monitor student progress and plan appropriate interventions when necessary.

Boarding and Summer School Applications

Families considering an application to boarding school or summer programs should contact High School Office secretary Joanna Lin ( jlin@hkis.edu.hk) at least two months in advance of the application deadlines. She will provide families with information on procedures specific to HKIS by which boarding school and summer school applications are processed.

Transcript Requests

HKIS only provides official transcripts directly to other institutions. Grades 9-11 requests for transcripts should be directed to High School Office secretary Joanna Lin ( jlin@hkis. edu.hk) and Grade 12 requests for transcripts should be directed to Counseling Office secretary Becky Vong (bevong@hkis.edu.hk).

Additional Information

Information with regards to signing up for college entrance tests, college process timelines, boarding and summer school applications, and the counseling program can be found on the DragonNet “Counseling” page.

37 K Community Ms. Sophia Ng 3149-7146 song@hkis.edu.hk Mr. Brian Sylvester 3149-7161 bsylvester@hkis.edu.hk I Community Ms. Beth Contreras 3149-7107 bcontreras@hkis.edu.hk Mr. Jason Holly 3149-7109 jholly@hkis.edu.hk S Community Mr. Steve Bennett 3149-7192 sbennett@hkis.edu.hk Ms. Shelley Marks 3149-7110 smarks@hkis.edu.hk

Athletics: A Tradition of Excellence

HKIS Co-curricular Philosophy

HKIS believes co-curricular activities are integral to the total education experience for students. The co-curricular program supports the actualization of the school’s mission, vision, and student learning results (SLRs). Co-Curricular activities provide opportunities for students to explore and pursue areas of interest in diverse environments, promoting the development of both collaborative and individual knowledge and skills. These experiences, when pursued appropriately, promote the fulfillment of a healthy and balanced life.

Program Overview

HKIS believes in a seasonal philosophy with most of its High School sports running in 10 week seasons. HKIS is a member of two local leagues: the International School Sports Federation (ISSFHK) and the Hong Kong School Sports Federation (HKSSF). Both sports associations provide opportunities for our student athletes to compete against local competition. In addition, we belong to three overseas school sports conferences: Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC), China Cup, and JPAC (JV Pacific Activities Conference). In addition, HKIS runs several invitational tournaments throughout the year to give additional opportunities for play.

Our High School teams promote educational athletics which is defined as a program that advocates and promotes leadership, goal setting, teamwork, decision making, perseverance, integrity, healthy competition, resilience, and overcoming adversity.

Seasonal Overview

• FALL – Baseball, Varsity Cross Country, Field Hockey, Netball, Rugby (Varsity), Soccer (Boys local), Swimming (local), Varsity Tennis (overseas)

• WINTER – Basketball, Golf, Rugby (JV), Swimming (overseas), Table Tennis, Tennis (local), XC (local)

• SPRING – Badminton, Soccer (Boys overseas, Girls local and overseas), Softball, Track and Field, Rowing



**High School athletes register for sports via SchoolsBuddy. Registration for season 1, 2 and 3 should be completed so that we can prepare/plan for tryouts.

New parents will be sent the registration set up from SchoolsBuddy in August. The login details are sent to the parent’s email upon registration to HKIS.

Parents can retrieve username and password here: (https://www.hkis.edu.hk/forgottenusername-password) using the HKIS email address they registered with the school.

Please go to the following link to register for sports teams: https://asia1.schoolsbuddy.net/Account/Login


Athletics Info on Schoology

Information regarding teams, coaches, tryouts can be found on Schoology under “HS Athletics”. Schedules, overseas tournament schedules, and other important resources are stored here for parent and player information.

Travel Code of Conduct

The Athlete’s Code of Conduct has been replaced and updated and merged into the Overseas Travel Policy. This policy will support our students in achieving their greatest potential while appropriately representing our school and its mission in the outside community.

This is to guide students through the acceptable standard of behavior and safety when traveling on school trips in Hong Kong and abroad.


October 19-21, 2023

• JV Volleyball @ ISB Beijing

January 25-28, 2024

• JV Basketball @ SAS PD

April 18-21, 2024

• JV Soccer @ WAB

China Cup & Local Invitationals

September 14-17, 2023

• China Cup Baseball @ HKIS

November 16-19, 2023

• APAC vs IASAS Swim Meet @ ISB Bangkok

November 22-26, 2023

• 50th Anniversary Holiday Basketball Tournament

March 14-17, 2024

• China Cup Softball @ HKIS


Sports Season One: October 18-22, 2023

• Baseball at ISB

• Tennis @ Brent

• Volleyball @ UNIS

October 21-24, 2023

• Cross Country @ SAS PX

Season One Fine Arts: November 15-19, 2023

• Choir @ SFS

• Orchestra @ UNIS

• Dance @ HKIS


Sport Season Two: January 31 - February 4, 2024

• Super Basketball:

• Boys @ Brent

• Girls @ TCIS

• Swimming at ISB

• Table Tennis @ SAS PX

Season Two Fine Arts: February 21-25, 2024

• Band @ CA

• Theatre @ HKIS

Sports Season Three: April 17-21, 2024

• Super Soccer:

• Boys @ SAS PD/CISS

• Girls @ SAS PX

• Badminton @ SFS

• Softball @ CA

• Track & Field @ SAS PD

Clubs and Activities

HKIS R1-12 Co-Curricular Philosophy Statement

Beliefs: Co-curricular

HKIS believes co-curricular activities are integral to the total education experience for students. The co-curricular program supports the actualization of the school’s mission, vision and student learning results (SLRs). Co-curricular activities provide opportunities for students to explore and pursue areas of interest in diverse environments, promoting the development of both collaborative and individual knowledge and skills. These experiences, when pursued appropriately, promote the fulfillment of a healthy and balanced life.

Long-term transfer goals: Students will independently use their learning in co-curricular programs to:

1. Maintain an active and healthy lifestyle with a good work-life balance.

2. Engage in and enjoy a variety of athletic and non-athletic pursuits and interests.

3. Express their creativity in a variety of ways.

4. Interact positively with others and contribute constructively and respectfully as a member of a group or team.

5. Value and demonstrate good sportsmanship and fair play.

6. Recognise and access opportunities for positive risk-taking.

7. Give back by volunteering or contributing as a coach or mentor.

Common Agreements: We agree that co-curricular programs have the most positive impact when we follow the agreements below:

1. Commitment to a balanced program: We will provide a balanced variety of opportunities, both athletic and non-athletic, to encourage all students to explore their passions and interests.


2. Complementary programs: We will provide a variety of opportunities that complement educational programs.

3. Alignment/Flow: We will provide a developmentally appropriate progression of experiences and instruction in selected activities, such that skills can be honed and tested in increasingly sophisticated situations: both athletic and non-athletic.

4. Student Participation: We will encourage students to engage in a balanced variety of co-curricular programs during their years at HKIS.

5. Build community and connectedness: We will provide co-curricular experiences that will foster in students a sense of school spirit, connectedness and pride.

6. Lifelong learning: We will provide co-curricular experiences that encourage in students the development of transferable skills, habits and dispositions that will serve them well in their future.

Membership and Participation

In high school, students are offered a wide variety of clubs and activities in which to participate. It is strongly recommended that students choose one or two clubs or activities based on interest, time commitment, and dedication to its cause. Well-balanced and committed participation in co-curricular activities is important, and students are encouraged to remain involved for all four years of high school. Sustained commitment to clubs and activities demonstrates dedication, development of personal interest, and growth as a participant. It is expected that students who sign up as a member of a club or activity follow through with that year long commitment by consistently attending meetings, and participating in events, fundraisers, and contributing ideas.

Club Guidelines

• All clubs must have a faculty advisor to help support and guide the student club leaders. It is the responsibility of the club leaders to effectively communicate with the club advisor.

• All clubs/activities must have regularly scheduled meetings and should take attendance.

• To achieve recognition of club involvement students should attend at least 80% of all meetings/activities.

• Students missing more than one class for illness will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular events on that day.

• There will be an annual audit of each club/activity to evaluate their progress for the year and inform decisions on whether that club will be renewed for the following year.

Leadership Opportunities

Students who have demonstrated dedication and passion for a club or activity, can apply for a leadership position. As an aspiring leader, a Leadership Retreat is held twice a year (in the Fall and the Spring) where students learn to organize meetings, events, fundraisers, and learn skills that focus on working closely with fellow students, faculty members, and the community. This requires a huge time commitment and initiative on the part of the student and must be carefully thought through before dedicating to a leadership position. It is strongly recommended that students choose only one club or activity to lead. Balancing academics, co-curricular activities, and personal time with family and friends is something that good leadership should model.


Student Leadership Expectations

At HKIS, we believe in providing students with multiple extracurricular opportunities to develop and demonstrate personal character and service to others. Student leaders, in particular, are expected to model the HKIS Mission. Therefore, all elected or appointed student leaders are expected to uphold the highest standards of character, service to others, and exemplary behavior. Students whose behavior violates our community will be expected to resign from leadership positions. Violations include incidents of cheating or plagiarism, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, drug use, harassment, or stealing. Students may become eligible to reapply for student leadership positions the following school year.

Club Fundraising Policies and Guidelines

• Student Senate and Service Clubs are primary fundraising groups. In some circumstances, other clubs and activities might be given permission to fundraise for equipment, etc.

• If clubs need money for events, a balance must be kept in designated accounts to provide the financial support necessary to run events during the current or following school year.

• Service Interims will be given the priority to fundraise one month prior to Interim Week.

• All requests to host fundraising activities must receive approval from ExCo and from the Associate Principal for Student Life. Applications for fundraising should be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the anticipated fundraiser.

• Service clubs seeking to fundraise must first apply to the Seeds of Service Committee, led by the student Senator of Service.

• Any donations to clubs are to be made by check where practicable. All checks should be made out to Hong Kong International School Association Limited

Each class, club or activity’s treasurer is responsible for all funds collected. He/she will keep accurate records of the organization’s account in consultation with the club advisor and the ExCo Treasurer. The Associate Principal for Student Life will oversee the process. All funds need to be handed into the High School Office for safekeeping immediately after the funds are collected. Withdrawals are made through proper business office procedures and always require the faculty sponsor’s approval. Class, club, or activity money shall not be used for any event not sponsored or approved by the school.

High School Clubs

At the time of printing, the following clubs and activities were in place.

Student Leadership Team

Ambassador Board

Faculty Advisor: Annalee Higginbottom and Todd Pentello

Student Leader: Kiele Tang, Emma Pouillart, Eva Roukema, Roy Hu

The Ambassador Board serves as the ‘face’ of the High School and is composed of students in Grades 10, 11 and 12. Students in G9 can apply to be an Ambassador in the second Semester, for the following school year.

Ambassadors serve the community in 3 main ways:

• Welcoming new students to the community through orientation events, and lunches.


• Educating new families about student life in the High School, through panels and tours.

• Supporting the Admissions process by hosting tours for prospective families. Ambassadors are expected to participate in training opportunities throughout the year, supporting them in their role by expanding knowledge of the community and the mission and vision of the school.

Students wishing to serve as an Ambassador are welcome to apply when the applications window opens each Spring.

National Honor Society

Faculty Advisor: Anna Pfeiffer

Student Leader: Christine Lam, Kristy Luk, Jane Poon

The National Honor Society is the premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921. (NASSP)

NHS Selection Process:

To be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a Grade 10, Grade 11 or Grade 12 student. Grade 9 students are not eligible. Candidates must have been in attendance at HKIS a minimum of two academic semesters. There is one selection period in the fall for eligible students.

The HKIS minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic grade point average of at least 3.50. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership and character.

The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council.

The selection process shall be as follows:

A) Student’s academic records shall be reviewed to determine scholastic and residency eligibility.

B) Students who meet the scholastic and residency requirements shall be notified and asked to complete the HKIS National Honor Society application form.

C) The HKIS Faculty shall be requested to evaluate and comment on the character, service, and leadership qualities of candidates determined to be eligible.

D) The Faculty Council shall review the National Honor Society application forms and the faculty evaluations to arrive at a decision for selection.

No quotas or percentages of members per class can be established. Transfer students who arrive to HKIS having already been inducted into NHS shall automatically be a member of the HKIS chapter upon providing a copy of their membership certificate. NHS members who resign or who are dismissed are not eligible to reapply for membership.

Student Digital Leadership Team (SDLT)

Faculty Advisor: Daniel Budd and Graham Nolan

Student Leader: Daniel Park, Chloe Yoo, Daniel Kim, Michael Hu, Damian Lee

SDLT Selection Process:

To be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a Grade 9, Grade 10, or Grade 11 student. Interested students may join the apprenticeship program in the fall to be matched with an existing member for a 1:1 mentorship experience. The official


application opens during the second semester and all applicants are required to attend evaluative sessions pertaining to each team branch. The selection will be made based on the student’s written responses, demonstrated character and skill, and performance within the apprenticeship program if applicable. Please contact the faculty advisor or student leaders for further details.

Student Senate (See Appendix A on page 58)

Senate Constitution (Revised in 2022).

Faculty Advisor: Beth Contreras and Edmond Li

Presiding Officer: Anthony Shen

EXCO Subcommittees

Academic Advisory Board

Faculty Advisor: Carrie Bennett

Student Leader: Steven Mao

Activities Council

Faculty Advisor: Andrea Clark

Student Leader: Samuel Lee

Seeds of Service Committee

Faculty Advisor: Edmond Li

Student Leader: Vivian Kahm


Faculty Advisor: Annalee Higginbottom

Student Leader: Isabella Souleyman

Sustainability Board

Faculty Advisor: Norbyah Nolasco

Student Leader: Jane Poon

Wellbeing Board

Faculty Advisor: Amy Smith

Student Leader: Valentina Jarkas, Nathan Wang, Olivia Wu


An updated list of all the clubs offered to High School students is released each August, prior to the clubs marketplace. Up to date clubs information is shared through Schoology.

Service Clubs

As befits our school mission to dedicate our minds to inquiry, ‘our hearts to compassion, and our lives to service,’ the High School has a varied selection of service clubs. The Seeds of Service (SOS) program, which started as Service on Saturdays in 1995, aims to engage students who are interested in local and global service to use their resources, knowledge, and passion to positively impact cultures and communities. The program provides opportunities for students to learn about the challenges facing the greater Hong Kong and global society, to assist service agencies in meeting the needs of people, and to encourage student reflection concerning their role in the building of stronger communities. Through these activities, we hope that students will not only help meet the needs of the underserved within our society but learn to value the benefits that come to all when people serve each other with humility and mutual respect.


Fine/Performing Arts

At HKIS, we seek to develop ‘collaborative, creative, resilient learners’ and our arts clubs play a significant role in that. Students can pursue their passions in specific areas from continuing to develop and celebrate their visual arts skills through photography or multimedia, to sharing their joy and love of performance through specialized singing and music groups, dance, and even technical theatre. The High School performing arts clubs provide safe spaces beyond the classroom for students to continue to practice and refine their craft, and develop their skills- there is room for everyone.


For students who express themselves best through the written word and graphic design, our publications clubs and a wonderful creative outlet. They provide opportunities to share reflections, learning and thoughts on current affairs, celebrate Chinese language and culture and, through the Yearbook, serve and learn more about the whole school, Elementary, Middle and High School.

Athletic Clubs

Our Athletic Clubs provide an opportunity for students to keep active and build relationships without having the same level of expected competition as our HKIS athletics teams. Students with an interest in a particular sporting field can connect with peers to learn the rules, develop the skills and apply to friendly games.

Special Interest Clubs

The widest category at HKIS, special interest clubs can include everything from Christian Fellowship to chess, from cookery to debate. Special interest clubs allow every student to find their community. As well as student leaders being incredibly invested in these areas of interest, they are supported by faculty sponsors who are keen to support students in cultivating their love of the subject- and are probably as invested in the experience as the students themselves!

Academic Clubs

HKIS has a strong academic reputation, and academic clubs provide students with the opportunity to extend their interest beyond the classroom in areas they are passionate about. These clubs might allow students to design authentic, real world laboratory inquiries, build robots, apply their public speaking skills, or engage in competition with other schools in Hong Kong, across Asia and beyond.

Booster Club + Dragon Shop

The HKIS Booster Club is a parent run volunteer organization whose mission is to support athletics, extracurricular activities, spread school spirit and maintain the Dragon Shop. The Dragon Shop is your one stop shop for uniforms, school supplies and HKIS themed spirit gear. All profits generated from our Dragon Shop sales return back to our school community in the form of grants and support to our Dragon athletics, arts, student clubs, special projects and spirit events. The money you spend at the Dragon Shop helps fund multiple and diverse initiatives across all four divisions at HKIS, as our way to ensure that your support helps enhance the educational experiences of all students.


All parents in our community can shop at the Dragon Shop by visiting our store, in person or online, to purchase school uniforms, spirit gear, gift items and school supplies. With the help of over 60 parent volunteers, the Dragon shop sells all HKIS uniforms for Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Middle School and physical education. Our parent shop volunteers are trained to help you find the perfect fit and ensure you have everything you need for the start of school. Our shop is located on the 2nd Floor of the High School Campus at 1 Redhill Road, Tai Tam, across from the High School Cafeteria. For your convenience, we are also available online at https://hkis-dragon-shop.myshopify.com, and you can now also find our uniform sample racks at the Lower and Upper Primary offices with a QR code for easy access link to our online store.

Please visit: https://www.hkis.edu.hk/community/booster-club/dragon-shop to find the HKIS uniform requirements by division and the Booster Club’s Dragon Shop hour.

If you would like to volunteer during Booster Club events or at the Dragon Shop, please visit our website at https://www.hkis.edu.hk/community/booster-club/ welcome-boosterclub

Parent Faculty Organization (PFO)

All HKIS parents, students and faculty are members of the PFO. There is no need to apply.

The PFO’s main purpose is to build a positive community by involving and engaging all parents, students and faculty. In addition, the PFO helps foster positive communication and exchange between school and home. All funds raised through its various activities and events go entirely back to the school, as the PFO is a 100% volunteer run organization.

The PFO organizes many events throughout the school year. New families joining HKIS are integrated into the community with a New Parent Breakfast event in August and a New Parent Welcome Reception in January. New parents are invited to join the New Families FaceBook group where they can interact and connect. Twice a year, the PFO brings the entire school community across all four divisions together: during Pumpkin Festival in Fall and World’s Fair in Spring.

The PFO also sponsors and organizes the LP Book Fair, Teacher Appreciation and Chinese New Year celebrations. Furthermore, the PFO supports various division specific activities through the allocation of funds to projects proposed by each division, working collaboratively with our four divisional representatives.

Parents are invited to volunteer for PFO activities and are welcome to do so by emailing the PFO at pfo@hkis.edu.hk or pfo.volunteers@hkis.edu.hk. Find more details about the PFO in the “Community” section of the HKIS website.

Annual Fund Committee

The Annual Fund Committee is a parent-led organization that develops awareness and encourages participation for the HKIS Annual Fund, a philanthropic fund to support and enhance the operation of the school. The AFC works with the Advancement Committee, a committee under the HKIS Board of Managers. To join or find out more about the Annual Fund Committee, please send a message to annualfund@hkis.edu.hk.


Health Office

The Health Offices at Hong Kong International School offer professional knowledge and caring communication, support and service to students, faculty/staff and community for promotion of their health and wellbeing. Each division at HKIS has their own School Nurse.

The High School (HS) Health Office is located at our Tai Tam Campus on the 5th floor in room 501. Our nurse is on duty from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Contact information:



The objectives of the Health Office are the following:

• Offer first aid and assistance to children who become ill at school.

• Authorize and arrange for children to be sent home in cases of illness or injury.

• Dispense medications needed during the school day.

• Maintain health records and assist in the overall health program.

• Monitor and communicate the spread of communicable diseases.

• Monitor and communicate AQHI (pollution) levels.

• Supervise re-admission of children to school after major illnesses, communicable disease or injury.

Health Information and forms:

For the health and safety of every student, ALL students are required to submit their health information. This is done by logging into PowerSchool, and filling out all mandatory forms. Exception: Physical Examination (PE) form. Please download the PE form from PowerSchool, print it, have it completed by a medical doctor, and then upload a scan or photo of the signed form to PowerSchool. This form should be completed by a Medical Doctor (we will accept a Physical Exam completed within 6 months of the start of the school year).

*Students new to HKIS:

– Need to complete a Physical Exam Form (download from PowerSchool)


– Complete ALL mandatory forms on PowerSchool under “Forms” section


Immunization Form – also found in PowerSchool

*Grade 3, 6, & 9 returning students:

Need to complete a new Physical Exam Form

– Complete/update all mandatory forms on PowerSchool at the beginning of each school year and if any changes occur during the school year


*All returning students:

– Update all mandatory forms on PowerSchool at the beginning of every school year and if any changes occur during the school year



Emergency Contact Information

The mandatory forms in PowerSchool must be completed online for each family and each child in all divisions at the beginning of the school year. The information on these forms is very important. It has emergency contact numbers (please provide emergency contact numbers other than yourselves as often parents are out of the country), information about allergies/medical conditions, consent to medication and authorizations for hospital care, etc. Please remember to update information on these forms during the school year if anything changes, ie. move to a new address, new phone number, etc In the case of an emergency these forms contain useful information for teachers and nurses to refer to during the school year and use for off campus trips, including Interim.

Medication During School Hours

Our school nurses may not dispense any medication without parental consent. For safe administration of medications brought in from home, the medication must be labeled in English and be in the original packaging. Medication is kept in the nurse’s office during school hours; students are not allowed to carry any medication with them during school hours except for Epi-pens, diabetic kits and asthma inhalers. If your doctor prescribes a medication that must be taken during school hours, you must complete the Medication Administration Consent Form in PowerSchool.

Students who use Epi-Pens: Parents must supply one Epi-Pen to the Health Office and one Epi-Pen will be kept in your child’s school bag. Please fill out the Allergy Form (provides school nurse with knowledge regarding your child’s allergies) and Medication Administration Consent Form (provides permission to administer the EpiPen in the event your child requires one) in PowerSchool.

Health Guidelines

The Health Offices at Hong Kong International School offer professional knowledge and caring communication, support and service to students, faculty and staff for promotion of their health and wellbeing.

If your child is not feeling well please do not allow them to come to school and if your child should become ill during school hours, you will be contacted to make arrangements for your child to be taken home as soon as possible.

If your child is unwell and will not attend school, please notify the school nurse (hsnurse@ hkis.edu.hk) and attendance secretary (hsattendance@hkis.edu.hk) within 24 hours describing the nature of their illness so the nurse can be aware of any general trends. A doctor’s note is required following an absence of four or more consecutive school days, stating when the child is well enough to return to school, and whether there are any physical restrictions. If your child has a contagious disease/illness, please contact the school nurse, who will advise you on the procedures about returning to school. If your child’s temperature is 37.5C/99.5F or higher please keep your child home for 48 hours.

Email: hsattendance@hkis.edu.hk

High School Attendance Officer: 3149-7106



In order to prevent exposing other students unnecessarily, we ask parents to keep the student at home or pick up their child from school as soon as possible if they have:

Condition Recommended period to be absent from school

Chicken Pox AT LEAST 5 days or until vesicles have dried up AND until 48 hours fever free (fever policy) AND as advised by a doctor.

Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)


Until eye drops have been used for 24 hours. The eye must be dry before returning.

Students with any Covid-19 symptoms should seek medical advice and must not enter campus until they return a negative Covid test.


Pregnant women should report exposure to their doctor (Blood test may be carried out to check immunity)


Until AT LEAST 24 hours after the last episode of diarrhea or vomiting. Students need to be without symptoms for 24 hours (without antidiarrhea/vomiting medication).

Fever Students with a temperature greater than 37.5 /99.5 should remain at home until they are fever free (without Tylenol/Panadol and Ibuprofen) for AT LEAST 48 hours.

Glandular Fever


Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Head Lice

Until all the vesicles have dried up & advised by doctor. 48 hours fever free policy also applies.

Students with live lice will be sent home. Do not return to school until free of live lice. Please treat head lice at home-removing nits & live lice using medicated head lice shampoos.

Refer to the Risk and Response Matrix on HKIS Central for more details, and contact your principal.


Influenza and influenza like illnesses

Until 24 hours of antibiotics have been taken. Affected areas must be covered.

Until fully recovered or advised by a doctor. A 48 hours fever free policy also applies.

Most people are immune to Epstein Barr Virus


Streptococcal Infection (Including Scarlet Fever)

Until 24 hours of antibiotics have been taken AND until 48 hours fever free (Fever policy).

Slapped Cheek / Fifth Disease. Parvovirus None. Not usually infectious by the time the rash appears.

Pregnant women should inform their doctor if exposed early in pregnancy (before 20 weeks)

Threadworms None. Treatment is usually one dose of medication. Sometimes a follow-up dose is recommended.


Transmission route is fecal to mouth so hand washing critical to break cycle

If a serious injury or illness occurs at school, the nurse will make every effort to contact parents. Please keep your demographic and emergency contact information up to date on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. (Please provide an emergency contact other than yourself as the parents are always called first but an emergency contact is needed in case both parents are out of country.)

If a medical emergency situation occurs, we will transport the student to the nearest public hospital. The School Nurse or an Administrator will accompany the student and meet parents at the hospital. If parents prefer another hospital, they can arrange a transfer from the emergency room once it is safe to do so.

If during the school year both parents plan to leave Hong Kong for one or more days while a child remains in residence, one or more temporary guardians must be appointed to make any necessary decisions regarding the child’s welfare. A “Notification of Both Parents’ Absence from Hong Kong” form must be completed in PowerSchool each time both parents plan to be absent from Hong Kong.

The “Appointment of Temporary Guardians” form must also be completed in PowerSchool as soon as possible before the FIRST planned departure of both parents from Hong Kong. The completion of one of these forms each school year is sufficient, as long as the appointed temporary guardian information has not changed.”

Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)

The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department uses the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI), to advise the public about day-to-day risks associated with air pollution. The nurse in each division checks the AQHI regularly throughout the day and advises when the levels reach 6, 8 or 10+ so appropriate measures can be taken. http://www.aqhi.gov. hk/en.html. When filling out the mandatory Student Health Information Form, parents can indicate their preferences for their child’s level of participation when the AQHI is 6/7 and above.

HKIS uses the following benchmarks:

AQHI levels 1-5 at Eastern Station: No restriction on student activities.

AQHI levels 6-7 at Eastern Station: Students with asthma and other respiratory or cardiac conditions will be advised to limit their outdoor physical activities. Students on the AQHI list will be kept indoors (LP and UP). Outdoor PE classes will be modified for students with respiratory or cardiac conditions (MS and HS).


AQHI levels 8-10 at Eastern Station: There will be indoor recess and PE for Lower and Upper Primary students. Outdoor activities will be reduced in duration and intensity. Cross-country running activities will be cancelled.

AQHI levels 10+ at Eastern Station: All outside activities are canceled. Indoor PE activities will be modified for all students. All outside after school activities will be canceled.


All HKIS employees, students, and parents to the school are required to use an HKIS ID card at the main entrance to gain access to the Repulse Bay and Tai Tam campuses, when boarding buses, and to borrow books from the libraries. An HKIS ID card is your evidence of being an HKIS community member. You should carry or display your card at all times when on HKIS property and present it at the entrance to school and upon the request of an HKIS employee (High School Students: Especially when using “Come Late Privileges,” “Senior Privileges,” and school events in the evenings or on weekends).

NOTE: If you forget your HKIS ID card, you will be required to sign in as a visitor.

HKIS ID Cards for New Families

• All HKIS students are issued with ID cards once accepted into HKIS.

• It is recommended that all new parents submit an application for a HKIS Parent ID. The HKIS Parent ID card means you do not need to register as a visitor each time you enter campus.

• Log in to PowerSchool and complete the “HKIS ID Card Application/Replacement/ Renewal” form to apply for a card.

• New families may request HKIS ID cards for themselves or guardians by submitting the card application form through PowerSchool.

• Divisional offices will distribute new student and parent HKIS ID cards in August, usually during the New Family Orientation or Back to School Night, prior to the start of school.

Returning Students

• To ensure a student’s ID photo is up-to-date, returning HKIS Student ID cards are reissued when a student enters into a new division (Reception 1, Grade 3, Grade 6 and Grade 9).

• Divisional offices distribute the HKIS ID cards to R1, G3, G6 and G9 students in August.

• If a student loses their HKIS ID Card, a replacement card will be issued at the cost of $100.

Returning Parents

• All HKIS parents are required to have an HKIS ID card to access campus, both during school hours and for events that take place after school or on weekends.

• If you have a card already, it will remain active as long as your children are enrolled in the school, so please hold onto it and use it when accessing campus.

Replacement Cards

• To replace lost, stolen, or damaged cards, please log in to PowerSchool and complete the “HKIS ID Card Application/Replacement/Renewal” Form.


• There is a $100 charge for replacement cards, so please keep your cards in a safe place.

HKIS-Sponsored Cards

• You may also apply to have an HKIS ID card issued for other family or household members, such as grandparents or helpers.

• These cards are considered “sponsored cards” and there is a fee for issuance plus an annual renewal fee.

• Sponsored cards can only be used to enter and leave school premises, they cannot be used to borrow library books or board buses.

Using your HKIS Card at Divisional Libraries

Each student’s card is printed with a library membership number. Library membership is available to students, parents, and employees.

Help with HKIS ID Cards

If you have any questions or problems with your card, please email idcard@hkis.edu.hk.


High School Office dispenses and keeps a record of student lockers. All 9th Grade students and students who are new to HKIS are assigned a locker. Students in Grade 10 -12 can choose to be assigned their own personal locker with a secure combination for their use only. To resolve any problems with your locker, please contact Mrs. Joanna Lin, email: jlin@hkis.edu.hk.

Lost, Found and Stolen Items

Any valuable articles found by students, faculty or parents, should be turned into the Main Office. Anyone who has lost such an item should report it to the Main Office and provide detailed information about their loss, location, and time in which the item went missing. If you do bring anything valuable to school, carry it at all times or lock it in your locker.

The cleaning staff has been instructed to remove books, book bags and clothes when they are left lying around the school. Clothes may be found in a clothes bin outside the cafeteria. All other items can be claimed from the Main Office. Twice a semester, the lost and found items will be cleared out and items donated to charity or thrown away, notices will be posted to Schoology when this is about to happen.

School Property and Personal Property

Every student has the right to learn in a safe school environment, and expect that reasonable care is taken by school officials to safeguard their belongings.

It is for this reason that individual students can request a locker in which to store items of personal value, such as calculators, watches, jewelry, and electronic equipment.

Valuables should not be left in book bags, on benches, in the cafeteria or in unlocked Library or gym lockers. They should not be left charging in classrooms, hallways, or other locations. Where-ever possible, items should be marked with the owner’s name.

Students should carry a padlock with them to store valuables in the PE changing rooms. Since all students share these lockers, students are to use their padlocks only when they are using the gym.


When loss of such possessions occurs, the school has little opportunity to recover such belongings.

Skateboards, water pistols, bikes, pellet guns or anything that could reasonably be considered a weapon are not permitted on the school campus.

Signage on Campus

Students are allowed to post signs around campus only for school-sponsored events, with approval from their club sponsor or class advisor, and in consultation with their Senator. Only “round” surfaces are to be used to post such signs.

Community members are not permitted to post signs, posters or advertisements on doors, windows, or any other flat surface. Signs placed in these locations will be removed. All signs must be removed when the event is complete.

Transportation Service

Kwoon Chung Motor Company provides buses to and from school along several routes. Information about routes and service is available at the time of registration. During school, telephone the bus coordinator, Ms. Sally Yau at 3149-7151 or the bus company direct (Kwoon Chung Motor Company 2578-1178 or 2979-8798).


Students are not permitted to invite guests onto campus without prior approval from the High School Leadership Team.

Approved guests to the HKIS campus must register at the guard booth prior to entering campus. A guest pass will be issued and guests are requested to turn in their pass at the High School office before leaving the campus.

Guests may access campus with an appointment registered through our Visitor Management System (VMS). They will be issued a VMS barcode letter which they should bring to expedite registration at the gate. HKIS will issue a pass to visitors, which they are required to wear while on campus. Guests are expected to follow all campus rules and be escorted by a member of the HKIS community while on campus.

Please email our Security Team at security@hkis.edu.hk with any questions.

School and Home Communications

To ensure you consistently receive updates and important information, please ensure you check and update contact telephone numbers, email address and home address in PowerSchool, via https://hkis.powerschool.com/public. If you are unable to login to PowerSchool, please email help@hkis.edu.hk

Release of Records

Course grades, final transcripts and diplomas will not be released until ALL books, materials belonging to HKIS are properly returned or paid for.



Students leaving school who would like to request transcripts should do so on the withdrawal form provided by the HS Office when withdrawal notification is received. Two weeks is the usual processing time for transcript requests.

Please note that three transcripts will be issued without charge to withdrawing students.

Withdrawal and Early Leaving Procedures

When a student withdraws from HKIS, written notification of the withdrawal from the parents must be sent to the Registrar at the Office of Admissions. It is helpful if the written communication explains whether the early departure is due to employer requirements, extenuating family circumstances, or personal choice.

Parents are reminded that teachers will not be required to give summative assessments to students who leave before the end of the semester. To avoid academic issues in a course, please arrange your flight schedule according to the school calendar. The High School Principal may be contacted if clarification is needed about whether credit will be granted by HKIS for any early withdrawal. The office needs seven to ten days to collect withdrawal grades from teachers. If records are to be transferred, the parents/student should provide the Registrar with the name and address of the receiving school. The student is invited to visit his/her counselor for an exit interview.

Parents’ Presence in Hong Kong – Policy No. 3110, available on DragonNet Residency

An enrollment requirement of HKIS is for all students to have at least one parent in fulltime residence in Hong Kong.

Temporary Absence from Hong Kong

If during the school year both parents plan to leave Hong Kong for one or more days while a child remains in residence, one or more temporary guardians must be appointed to make any necessary decisions regarding the child’s welfare.

A “Notification of Both Parents’ Absence from Hong Kong” form must be completed in PowerSchool each time both parents plan to be absent from Hong Kong, and submitted to the High School office by post or email (hsattendance@hkis.edu.hk) as far in advance as possible.

The “Appointment of Temporary Guardians” form must also be completed in PowerSchool as soon as possible prior to the FIRST planned departure of both parents from Hong Kong. The completion of one of these forms each school year is sufficient, as long as the appointed temporary guardian information has not changed.

Parents who do not arrange for and inform the school of the child’s supervision and guardianship may jeopardize the child’s continued enrollment at HKIS.

Policy Approved: 1997 (reviewed June 2012)


Weekly Newsletter – Cross Section

Cross Section is the weekly High School division newsletter for students, parents and faculty. It will be emailed home and will be available online every Monday afternoon. You can find previous issues of Cross Section on the HS DragonNet page: https://www.hkis. edu.hk/dragonnet/high-school/hs-newsletter/hs-newsletter.

Emergency Weather Warnings Procedures

Hong Kong weather can be extreme and this sometimes requires that we modify our school schedules. As always, parents are advised to use their best judgment in determining whether to send their children to school whenever the weather is inclement or road conditions make travel to school unwise. The Education Department makes a decision before 8 a.m. and distributes this information to the media. Under normal circumstances, HKIS follows the Government’s recommendation and will not contact parents directly. Parents are responsible for checking the website for any announcements.

Please note there are times when localized weather conditions on the south side of the island are very different from territory-wide predictions. In circumstances where HKIS needs to take action that is different from the Government’s recommendation we will contact parents as early as possible and place an announcement on DragonNet.

Generally speaking, HKIS will wait for an official announcement from Hong Kong’s Education Bureau before notifying the community about school closures (due to bad weather or health considerations such as flu outbreaks). On occasion, these announcements take time to come out, and, in that time, some news outlets and community members try to anticipate whether the Education Bureau will close schools or not. Please rest assured that HKIS will contact parents and employees with news of any closure once official word has been received.

What we do when the signal is raised before school starts:

Typhoon 1

All R1-12 classes are in session.

Typhoon 3 R1 classes are cancelled. R2-12 classes are in session.

Typhoon 8 and above

All schools are closed – learning activities will be determined on the day.

Amber Rainstorm All R1-12 classes are in session.

Red Rainstorm All schools are closed – learning activities will be determined on the day.

Black Rainstorm All schools are closed – learning activities will be determined on the day.

What we do when the signal is raised during school hours:

At times a typhoon increases in intensity or a rainstorm signal is raised while the children are at school. If this happens, we will use the following procedures:


Typhoon 1 All R1-12 classes will remain in session with regular dismissal times.

Typhoon 3 All R1-12 classes will remain in session with regular dismissal times.

Typhoon 8 and above

All R1-12 classes will be dismissed. (The notice of typhoon 8 signal being raised is given to schools several hours before it is actually hoisted, thus allowing schools enough time to make arrangements to get students home safely.)

Amber Rainstorm All R1-12 classes will remain in session with regular dismissal times.

Red Rainstorm All R1-12 classes will remain in session AND* students will remain in school until conditions are safe for them to return home.

Black Rainstorm All R1-12 classes will remain in session AND* students will remain in school until conditions are safe for them to return home.

* This means students will not be released until the warning has been removed and buses are authorized for safe travel, which could be after 3 p.m. Please note that the HK government strongly advises everyone to stay indoors during a Black Rainstorm warning. Driving yourself or sending someone to pick up your child during a Black Rainstorm signal is extremely dangerous and not advisable.

Note: In the case of a Typhoon 8 signal when we must dismiss the children prior to the end of the regular school day, parents will be contacted with the approximate new dismissal time. It is critical that you discuss with your family and your helper the new arrival time and determine who will be waiting at the bus stop for your child. If your child regularly walks home or is picked up by car, please be prepared to come immediately to school and pick up your child at the normal meeting place.

Buses will run and complete their routes if school is in session or when students are on board. Any variation to the regular schedule will be the decision of the bus company in consultation with the school administration.

For information regarding weather conditions, we recommend the following sources: Hong Kong Observatory website: www.weather.gov.hk

Education Bureau website: www.edb.gov.hk

Hong Kong Observatory telephone: 187-8200 (Press 1 for Cantonese, 2 for Mandarin, 3 for English)

RTHK – Radio 3: FM 97.9 (Central and environs) or FM 106.8 (Southern Hong Kong Island)


Disruptions to School Operations and Virtual Home Learning

HKIS follows Hong Kong’s Education Bureau (EDB) operational requirements for schools during disruptions to school operations, such as the Covid-19 pandemic or inclement weather. In addition, HKIS has developed systems and procedures to keep our community safe while minimizing disruption to student life and learning. Visit HKIS Central on DragonNet to view the latest information and FAQs, including HKIS’s Risk and Response Matrix.

In the event of school closure relating to health or other disruptions, virtual home learning will resume where possible. Parents and students should refer to DragonNet for links to these resources.


Student Senate

Mission Statement of the Constitution for the HKIS High School Senate

In order to enhance the experience provided by the Hong Kong International School, we have endeavored to create a government that shall represent all aspects of student interest and concern. By providing a forum of student representatives where the student body has the opportunity to voice their opinions, we respond with effective and responsible action to school issues to improve the community and are dedicated to fulfilling the school’s mission statement.

I. Purpose

A. The Senate is a group of students providing:

1. A forum for the discussion of student body issues in order to improve the school community.

2. Committees and councils for the creative solutions of student body issues.

3. Proposals to the High School students, faculty, administration, and various leadership committees representing the student body either directly through student body referendum or indirectly.

B. It is recognized that the final authority for the school operation rests with the Hong Kong International School Board of Managers, who yield responsibilities to the administration and faculty and, in turn, to the students in order to achieve the most effective educational environment possible.

II. Function

A. The Senate will manage the organization and coordination of all student government activities throughout the academic year. It will work to improve the overall program of the High School, and it will seek out new opportunities for student leadership and involvement in the High School. The Senate will perform these functions through the following specific means:

1. Evaluating school rules and protocols by submitting resolutions to the necessary committees and councils.

2. Communicating with faculty through appointed departments with special liaisons assigned on a need basis.

3. Keeping the student body informed in the workings of the Senate, school events, and extracurricular activities.

4. Regulating the creation and function of clubs through the Club Council.

5. Managing funds to clubs and donation process of service clubs.

6. Working with the administration to schedule student life events.

7. Coordinating extracurricular academic programs as requested by the faculty

58 Appendix A

8. Coordinating all student government elections.

9. Create subcommittees on a need basis and legitimate reason.

10. Altering its structure and function on a need basis.

11. Organizing and running a Spirit Day every semester.

12. Reassessing the Constitution every four years.

13. Conducting a school-wide census every two academic years.

a) Should there be a need to conduct one due to reasons pertaining to the student body, one could be held in the off-year.

III. Procedures and Operations

A. The Senate is made up of 24 students:

1. A Presiding Officer.

2. Six Executive Council Senators.

3. Sixteen Class Officers.

4. Two appointed Exco Officers.

B. The Presiding Officer will:

1. Preside over Senate and is elected by the student body.

2. Set agendas and preside over Senate meetings.

3. Schedule meetings with High School Administration and Senate Faculty Advisors on a regular basis.

4. Communicate to the student body the goals and progress of the Senate on a regular basis.

5. Work closely with other Senators and Class Officers, supporting their initiatives, and fostering collaboration amongst various roles.

6. Sit on the Site Council as a Senate Representative.

C. Executive Council Senators will:

1. Run for a Senate position on a topical platform and will preside over councils.

2. Lead in the Executive Council.

a) Executive Council Senators will also lead the following Councils:

(1) Academic Life – Academic Advisory Council.

(2) Athletics – Activities Council.

(3) Citizenship – To be determined.

(4) Student Life – Spirit Council.

(5) Service – Service Council.

(6) Public Relations – To be determined.

b) Each council must be presided by a senator.

c) A senator may only preside over one council alone, and one in conjunction with other senators. There may only be a maximum of two councils presided by multiple senators.

d) All senators must regularly communicate the activities of the council(s) they preside over with the entire Senate.


D. Class Officers are four positions entitled for all four grades in High School and are only voted by the corresponding grade level.

E. Executive Council Senators and Class Officers must be elected every year.

F. Represents student body in Site Council through

1. The Presiding Officer.

2. Executive Council Senators in issues only pertaining to the role.

3. Vice Presidents of each grade.

a) Should the vice president be unable to attend site council meetings, the class officer will discuss amongst themselves to be represented by another member.

IV. Roles of Executive Council Senators

A. Senator of Academics

1. Purpose

a) Oversee the academic well-being of the student body by representing and communicating their academic needs.

b) Ensuring student voice in the decision-making process regarding academic issues within school related to topics such as courses, exams, academic resources, as well as specific department-related concerns and queries.

2. Responsibilities

a) Lead various initiatives relating to academic life.

b) Work closely with the Associate Principals of Academics by relaying academic-related concerns from students.

c) Oversee and support academic clubs.

d) Preside over the Academic Advisory Council.

(1) Purpose – Discuss issues regarding courses, exams, academic resources, as well as specific department-related concerns and queries will be discussed and reviewed by this council.

(2) Composition – Equal number of Students per grade. These students should encompass the interests of various academic disciplines.

B. Senator of Athletics

1. Purpose

a) Oversee issues related to sports-related issues.

b) Represent the voices of athletes in Senate.

2. Responsibilities

a) Work closely with Athletics Director.

b) Oversee, check-in with, and support athletic clubs.

c) Assist the planning of various athletic local and international tournaments,

d) Preside over the Athletics Council.

(1) Purpose – Provide assistance for the spirit across all athletic activities at HKIS (e.g. posters/videos). The council is also responsible for representing all athletic teams and planning Friday Night Light events over the course of the school year.

(2) Composition – Events, Advertisement, Technology/Photography Teams.


C. Senator of Citizenship

1. Purpose

a) Manage disciplinary/citizenship issues within the student body.

b) Promote sustainability and a positive culture of well-being, diversity, and inclusion on campus.

c) Cultivate a healthy and supportive environment in both academics and nonacademic aspects of student life.

2. Responsibilities

a) Review and update rules as needed (dress code, misconduct, sustainability, etc.).

b) Oversee public awareness campaigns for disciplinary issues,.

c) Oversee, check-in with, and support wellbeing and sustainability clubs.

d) Be an advocate and partners to the Wellbeing Board and the Sustainability Board, overseeing and managing general sustainability and well-being program implementation.

D. Senator of Student Life

1. Purpose

a) Responsible for extracurricular activities and club-related items such as new club proposals, meeting day assignments, club marketplace, and student spirit activities.

2. Responsibilities

a) Work closely with the Associate Principal of Student Life.

b) Oversee the management and creation of clubs such as allocation of meeting rooms and times.

c) Lead in school-wide events such as Club Marketplace, Spirit Week, or Spirit Day.

d) Support and manage special interest clubs.

e) Oversee, check-in with, and support special interest and arts clubs.

f) Head club-related Senator meetings and initiatives.

g) Preside over the Spirit Council:

(1) The Spirit Council is an ExCo Subcommittee driven by the Senator of Student Life. The council aims to develop a warmer atmosphere, create a more interconnected community, and nurture school spirit at HKIS. With an emphasis on cross-collaboration with pre-existing organizations (e.g. PFO, Clubs, Class Officers), the Spirit Council will empower their members to carry out their own projects and events, as well as increase the sense of community, comfort, and quality of life at HKIS.

(2) Composition – A leadership team and a member-makeup that typically consists of passionate, committed, and uplifting students from 9th through 12th grade.

E. Senator of Public Relations

1. Purpose

a) Integrate the student body with the activities of the Executive Council and the general HKIS Community.

b) Informing the community of the affairs of the Senate.

c) Handling the visual and written communication for Senate, ExCo, and if applicable, their respective subcommittees.


2. Responsibilities

a) Communicate the content of Senate meetings to the student body through the Senate website, forum, and other multimedia.

b) Write regular Senate updates in school publications.

c) Review and support HKIS Publication Clubs.

d) Assist clubs in the promotion of their events.

e) Collaborate with Student Digital Leadership Team (SDLT) in promoting digital content.

f) Preside/create a council if the senator deems it is necessary.

F. Senator of Service

1. Purpose

a) Responsible for the aspect of student life that pertains specifically to service.

b) Oversee all service clubs and activities at the school.

2. Responsibilities

a) Organize school-wide service-related functions and events.

b) Work closely with the Associate Principal of Student Life and Seeds of Service (SOS) faculty advisor.

c) Assist with the administration of the Seeds of Service (SOS) program,

d) Plan and lead service leadership workshops.

e) Facilitate service club participation in community events run by Parent Faculty Organization (PFO).

f) Oversee the SOS Council:

(1) Purpose – Support all service clubs in their initiatives, organization. promotion, club collaborations, and other needs; facilitate and organize school-wide service initiatives.

(2) Composition – Consists of six to eight students who dividedly oversee four sectors of which all service clubs fall into: Social Justice, Student Empowerment, Senior Support, and Special Needs. The Senator of Service may or may not be a part of the SOS Committee (as one of the six to eight students) concurrently.

G. All Executive Council members are obligated to partake in a leadership course during the school year (given no major course conflicts).

V. Roles of Class Officers

A. Each grade is entitled to 4 class officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

B. Class Officers will be full voting members of the Student Senate and will represent the voice and opinions of their class to the Senate.

C. In order to serve their class effectively, class officers will:

1. Organize regular meetings.

2. Distribute work equally amongst all class officers.

3. Communicate effectively and timely with each other.

4. Go beyond specialization of each role to fulfill general class officer duties.

D. The above standards should be monitored by a faculty advisor and the Executive Council.


E. Class Officers (CO) are a group of four students of equal standing comprised of the following roles:

1. President

a) Leads the Class Officer team, ensuring that it consistently delivers on the interest of the student body.

b) Responsible for overseeing meetings, communicating with other class presidents, and promoting class spirit.

c) Responsible for setting goals and agenda of the Class Officer group.

2. Vice President

a) Support their fellow class officers in organizing class events, raising school spirit, and representing the interests of their grade.

b) Represent the grade on the Site Council.

3. Secretary

a) Effectively communicate with their grade about Class Officer activity.

b) Take necessary notes during meetings.

4. Treasurer

a) Oversee the management of the financial affairs of the class, including tasks such as fundraising and managing cash flow.

VI. Executive Council Appointed Roles

A. The Executive Council Secretary and Treasurer of the Senate will be appointed by the Student Senators following the election of the Executive Council Election.

B. Those interested must apply through an application process and are decided by Executive Council.

C. Do not vote in Senate Meetings.

D. Responsibilities of Secretary:

1. Work closely with the Presiding Officer and Faculty Advisor for Senate Meetings.

2. Act as a liaison with Executive Council and Class Officer to maintain strong internal communication.

3. Actively participate in preparing for key events and initiatives by other Senator.

4. Take minutes during Senate meetings.

E. Responsibilities of Treasurer:

1. Audit club finances in support of Senator roles.

2. Liaison with relevant institutional bodies (e.g., PFO, Annual Fund).

3. Supporting training for handling club finances.

4. Oversee the donation process for initiatives with the relevant institutional bodies.

5. Manage Executive Council funds.

6. Support Class Officers when necessary.


VII. Meetings

A. The members of the Senate will meet according to a predetermined schedule distributed by the Presiding Officer at the beginning of the year. The Senator may call special meetings with one school day notice by agenda for cause as determined by their discretion. Attendance will be mandatory.

B. The debates held within the meetings will be based on proposals and discussions. These will either be submitted by individuals or by the appropriate councils.

C. Other students, faculty, and parents are invited and encouraged to attend all plenary Senate meetings as non-voting members.

D. If a Senator misses three or more meetings with and without notice, excluding special cases at the discretion of the Presiding Officer, the matter shall be referred to the Senate for deliberation. The Senate shall then decide to take appropriate action, ranging from issuing the student a warning to beginning impeachment proceedings.

VIII. Faculty Advisor

A. Faculty Advisors are appointed by the High School Administration to work closely with the Senate.

B. The Faculty Advisors will attend all Senate meetings but do not have a vote.

C. The Faculty Advisors will oversee voting procedures to ensure voting protocol has been followed.

IX. Senate Voting Procedures

A. All members of the Senate have one vote each, except for the Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Representatives.

B. The Presiding Officer shall decide which matters require a simple majority and which ones require a 2∕3 majority of those voting. This shall be done prior to the vote.

C. On major matters concerning the whole student body, the Senate, by ¾ vote, may elect to send the resolution for final action to the whole student body for a vote, determined by simple majority of the student body voting.

D. In the event that a member of the Senate leaves HKIS during the year, a new election for that position will be held.

E. For a vote to be binding, a quorum of 2∕3 of the voting Senators must be present for the vote.

F. A cloture could be invoked with the consent of 2∕3 of the voting members, which would immediately force an official vote on the matter at hand.

1. The Presiding Officer must organize a vote to invoke cloture immediately if a member calls for one.

2. Should the vote to invoke cloture not pass, the Presiding Officer may choose not to entertain any further calls for cloture for the rest of the meeting.


X. Elections

A. All students currently attending Hong Kong International School High School who will return for the following school year are eligible to run for School Senate.

B. All candidates interested in seeking a position in the Senate should be listed in a schoolwide announcement prior to the commencement of nominations.

C. Those currently holding a role in the Senate and will return the following year must not interfere in the campaigning process.

D. A student may only run for one position in the Senate per election.

E. School Senators and the Presiding Officer will be elected by the entire student body at the end of the previous school year.

F. Class Officers will be elected by the class with terms beginning at the onset of the next school year.

G. Students who are put on disciplinary warning or disciplinary probation during an election period are prohibited from running for Senate.

H. Students will vote in a preferential voting system for Presiding Officer, Executive Council Senators and Class Officers.

1. A ranked-based voting system will allow students to rank their preferred candidates. Should their first-choice candidate be eliminated due to the least amount of votes, their votes will be carried over to their second choice. This procedure will continue until a winner is determined.

2. Students can abstain from voting.

3. Students can rank certain candidates and leave the rest blank.

I. Should a candidate win by a vote or tie occur, a tie-breaker will held immediately when possible.

J. Results will be announced the day it is voted.

K. Only the Presiding Officer and Faculty Advisors have the right to access voting results.

L. Faculty Advisor must keep ballots after each election for a month in the case of any discrepancies.

XI. Impeachment

A. A member of the Senate can be impeached if it is alleged they made violations of the Constitution in bad faith or for continuous or severe misconduct as a member of the HKIS community.

B. Should a member of the Senate wish to impeach any other member of the Senate, a petition stating his/her grievances and bearing the signatures of 1∕3 of the Senators will be required to initiate impeachment proceedings.

C. A fair hearing supervised by the faculty advisors will be held in front of the Senate, with both sides given an equal opportunity to present their case.

D. Removal is achieved by 2∕3 of votes.


E. Should the High School Leadership Team deem a Senator to have violated major behavioral expectations as outlined in the student handbook, he/she shall be removed without a hearing from Senate.

F. Should a member of the Senate be impeached within a month before the election, the Senate may internally nominate a member to temporarily assume the role.

XII. Amendments

A. Amendment topics should be made public to the student body as they are being debated.

B. A petition must be submitted with greater than 1∕3 signatures of voting members of the Senate.

C. Debate on an amendment must cease after ten regular school weeks or six Senate meetings.

D. A simple majority vote shall occur after each meeting to indicate want to endured discussions.

E. Amendments will pass within the Senate under a 2∕3 majority vote.

F. Submitting the amendment to the student body for approval by a simple majority of those voting.


Map of HKIS Tai Tam Campus

High School

101 102 103 104 105 101A

2F High School

201 201A 200A 200C 200G 200B 200H 200K 202 200M 200L 200E 200N 200Q 200P 200R 203 204 203A 203B 203C 200D 200J 205

3F High School

300B 300C 301 302 302A 303 304 305 306 300A 300E 300F

4F High School

402A 402 403 404 405 405B 405C 405A 405D 405E 405F 405H 405K 405J 405L 405M 405N 400B 400C 400E 400D 406 (new) EL Room 400G 401B 400G 401C 401D 401A 401

5F High School

505 504 502H 502G 503A 502F 503B 502E 503C 502D 502C 502B 502A 501C 501 506 507 507A 507B 507C 507D 507E

6F High School

601 602 604 607 609 603 605 606 608 610 611612 613 614 615 616 617 610B 610A

7F High School

702 703 706 709 712 704 705 707 708 710 711 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 701 701P 701M 701F 701J 701L 701K 701G 701H 701A 701B 701D 701C 701E 701N

8F High School

802 803 804 805 806 807 808A 808B 807B807A 808 809 810 811 812 801

Fire/Evacuation Procedures

1. Alarm sounds – students and faculty exit to the field QUICKLY AND QUIETLY.

2. If a student is injured and cannot safely navigate the stairs ask them to go to the front gate and check-in with the Associate Principal. Teachers should notify the field by showing a red card.

3. Close doors & windows securely. Leave all bags behind to facilitate leaving and moving quickly.

4. Students and teachers should move briskly through these routes:

• 8th floor: Science classrooms, Choir proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly onto the field. Romance Languages and Chinese classrooms proceed to the central stairway through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field.

• 7th floor: Band rooms, Rooms 702-706 proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly to field. Rooms 707-715 proceed via the central stairway through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field. Rooms 716 and 717 should proceed to the 5th floor down the side stairway closest to those rooms, past the main office and on to the long stairway.

• 6th floor: Rooms 601-604 proceed to the back stairway (A) then directly to field. Rooms 605-615 proceed via the central stairways, through the atrium to the long stairway that comes up from the field. Rooms 616 and 617, should proceed to the 5th floor down the side stairway closest to those rooms, past the main office and on to the long stairway.

• 5th floor: Auditorium and Classroom 502, exit via back stairway (A).

• Cafeteria: proceed past the Dragon Shop and down the central stairway to the field

• Nurse’s Office – proceed out the front gate and down the sidewalk towards Pak Pat Shan Road.

• P.E. Dept., Athletics Dept: proceed to the farthest side of the long stairway (closest to Tai Tam Gardens) then descend to the field.

• Library: students leave through the central stairway to the field.

• Rooms 101-105: proceed to the back stairway then directly onto the field.

• Students/faculty on crutches or injured meet at the front gate and check in with nurse and office staff (stay on sidewalk).

• Everyone using the long stairway to the field should use both sets of stairs to avoid bottlenecks.

5. Admin and counselors check their areas of responsibility.

6. On the field:

• Pastoral Care/Homeroom Group (PCHG) teachers line up alphabetically by grade along the sideline closest to the HS building, with grade 12 closest to the Baseball homebase and 9 closest to the Middle School.

• Students line up by PCHG perpendicular to the sideline section of the field.

• PCHG teachers take attendance and signal office staff with a RED card if missing someone or GREEN if all are present.

• Students should sit in single file line in front of teacher as soon as possible.

• Main Office secretaries and Athletics Office assistants will come to the teacher and take any missing names to cross-reference with the daily absence report.

• Names to be checked against the absentee list prepared by the attendance officer.

• Await the return signal from an administrator on the field.


Core Values

We believe that:

• Diversity enriches community and strengthens society.

• Life-long learning is vital for individuals to thrive in and contribute to a changing society.

• Society progresses when individuals strive for excellence and seek challenge.

• Learning thrives in the presence of shared high expectations and mutually respectful relationships.

• Integrity is essential to trust and credibility.

• Each human life has value and purpose.

• Dialogue about Christianity and other religions is valuable for personal growth and development of spiritual identity.

• Together, parents, faculty, staff and students create the conditions for children’s success and a healthy lifestyle.

Early Release Bell Schedule 2023-2024 ½ Day BELL SCHEDULE Day 1 (A) Day 2 (A) Day 3 (B) Day 4 (B) Day 5 (A) Day 6 (A) Day 7 (B) Day 8 (B) OFFICE HOURS 7:45 –8:30 Monday & Friday: Teacher Collaboration Time Tuesday, Thursday: Office Hours & Club Meetings PERIOD 1 8:35 –9:15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9:15 –9:20 Passing Time (5 minutes) PERIOD 2 9:20 –10:00 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 10:00 –10:05 Passing Time (5 minutes) PERIOD 3 10:05 –10:45 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 10:45 –10:50 Passing Time (5 minutes) PERIOD 4 10:50 –11:30 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 11:45 Buses Leave 12:30 –4:00 FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong T +852 3149 7000 F +852 2813 7300 www.hkis.edu.hk HKIS HS Bell Schedule 2023-2024 Day 1 (A) Day 2 (A) Day 3 (B) Day 4 (B) Day 5 (A) Day 6 (A) Day 7 (B) Day 8 (B) Tuesday PCHG Schedule Special Schedule Dragon Days 7:45 –8:30 Monday & Friday: Teacher Collaboration Time Tuesday, Thursday: Office Hours & Club Meetings 7:45 –8:30 Office Hours PERIOD 1 8:35 –9:55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PERIOD 1 8:35 –9:45 PERIOD 1 8:35 –9:45 8:35 –9:45 Session A 9:55 –10:05 BREAK BREAK 9:45 –9:55 BREAK 9:45 –9:55 9:50 –11:20 PCHG & Community Activities PERIOD 2 10:05 –11:25 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 PERIOD 2 9:55 –11:05 PERIOD 2 9:55 –11:05 11:25 –12:05 LUNCH LUNCH 11:05 –11:45 LUNCH 11:05 –11:45 11:20 –12:10 Lunch PERIOD 3 12:10 –1:30 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 PERIOD 3 11:50 –1:00 PERIOD 3 11:50 –1:00 12:10 –1:20 Session B 1:30 –1:40 BREAK PCHG 1:05 –1:45 PERIOD 4 1:10 –2:20 1:30 –2:40 Session C PERIOD 4 1:40 –3:00 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 PERIOD 4 1:50 –3:00 Special Sess 2:25 –3:00 2:40 –4:00 Teacher Collaboration 3:15 First Bus Leaves Attendance is Required on Dragon Days 3:00 –4:00 Reserved Flex: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday: Faculty Collaboration –No Flex Mondays: Humanities & Math / Tuesdays: Science & Modern Language Thursdays: A&D/PE/PA / Fridays: Open Club Meetings 4:20 / 5:00 Late Buses

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