Middle School Common Agreements We are grateful for the opportunities HKIS continues to give us. These agreements were created by all Middle School students in September 2019 to support our SEL Vision Statement.
We agree to be collaborative and to listen to other perspectives and opinions while believing In ourselves. We will build off the Ideas of others with an open mind.
We agree to show empathy and think about how our actions affect others and the environment. We will be responsible by taking care of the environments we are in.
We agree to be kind and respectful to the diversity of our community, Including Individuals, cultures, and the environment. We will think before we act.
We agree that It’s okay to not be okay all the time, but we will always try to be encouraging and respectful.
Growth Mindset We agree to use a growth mindset to strive for resilience, Integrity and positivity. We will be a role model for the rest of the community.
SEL Vision Statement HKIS Middle School is a relationship-centered community focused on character development, while promoting a culture of respect and kindness, nurturing the individual, and fostering awareness of self, others, and the environment. 2