The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre was established by the Urban Council in 1977 to encourage the dramatic arts in the local community. Since its establishment, the company has staged over 120 productions, including Chinese and western classics as well as original works by local dramatists. In the 1991/ 92 season, its performances attracted an audience of more than 60,000
Mr. Chung King-fai, the Dean of Drama at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, has been the company's Principal Artistic Consultant since 1979. Dr. Daniel Yang became its first Artistic Director in June 1983. He was succeeded by Dr. Joanna Chan in April 1986 when he returned to the United States But since June 1990, Dr. Yang has been with the company again upon his retirement from his academic post in the United States. The Company now has, in addition, an Assistant Artistic Director, a Playwrightin-Residence and nearly 30 full-time actors and actresses
顧問。 九八三年六月至
九八五年八月,楊世彭博士出 任劇圈的首位全職藝術總監。 九八六年四月至 九九零 年三月,陳尹瑩博士接任 藝術總監之職。九零年六月,楊 世彭博士再度出任獻」園藝術總監。目前,話劇團聘有位 助理藝術總監、 一位駐園編劇及近三十名 全職禛員。
爲了進一 步拓展觀衆範疇及鼓勵冇驗創作,話劇團除 在各大劇院公僙外,還經常爲專上院校、中學 及社園等免 曹表漬或主持戲劇諶座。此外,話劇國更策劃每年一度的 戲劇滙涸,透過公開比賽推戲本港的話劇活動。

話劇靨台於八五年六月 及八七年十 月先後應邀往概

州旗出翻譯劇王爾德的(不可兒戲)及杜國戚的創作劇(人 間有情),促進港穗戲劇交梳。 九八九年六月,獲星島 公司贊助往三藩市、多倫多、紐約巡迴稹出陳尹瑩創作 的 (花近高樓) 。
九九二/九三獻」季共僙出八個劇且,其中 一齣 爲上 季備受歡迎的(西加羅的婚禮),由楊世彭執導,七個新 劇包括喬治.費杜的(橫衝直撞俭錯情),由鍾景燁執導

Community outreach is an important aspect of the company's contribution to local theatre. By giving free performance tours to schools and community centres as well as organising free lectures and workshops, it has aroused interest in drama among a wider audience in Hong Kong. The company also organises Hong Kong's annual Drama FestivaI in order to promote theatrical expertise among school students and amateur drama clubs
While its base is in Hong Kong, the company also goes on overseas tours for cultural exchange. In 1985, it took its Cantonese version of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest to Guangzhou, and returned to that city in November 1987 with Raymond To's Where Love Abides. In June 1989, under the sponsorship of Sing Tao Ltd., the company went on a successful North American tour to San Francisco, Toronto and New York with Joanna Chan's Crown Ourselves with Roses
For the 1992/93 season, the company will present eight productions, among which The Marriage ofFigaro, directed by Daniel Yang, is a re-run from the last season. The seven new productions are Georges Feydeau's A Flea in Her Ear, directed by Chung King-fai; Raymond To's / Have a Date with Spring, directed by Ko Tin-lung; Anthony Chan's The Night Rider, directed by Fu Yuet-mai; George F. Walker's Nothing Sacred, codirected by Edward Hastings and Daniel Yang; Kafka's The Trial, directed by Ko Tin-lung; Jerry Sterner's Other People's Monry, directed by Daniel Yang; and Tian Han's Guan Hanqing, directed by Chen Yong