香港話劇團國際黑盒劇場節2016 HKREP International Black Box Festival 2016 日本 Japan ― 劇団B級遊擊隊 BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company 《朝顏》 Asagao 編劇 Playwright
佃 典彥 Tsukuda Norihiko
導演 Director
神谷尚吾 Kamiya Shogo
燈光設計 Lighting Designer
坂下孝則 Sakashita Takanori
音響設計 Sound Designer
椎名剛士 Shiina Tsuyoshi
錄像設計 Video Designer
鳴海 泰 Narumi Yasushi
香港話劇團黑盒劇場 HKRep Black Box 3-5.11.2016 8pm 5#.11.2016 3pm 6.11.2016 5pm # 11月5日下午場設演後座談會,由劇評人陳國慧女士擔任嘉賓講者 Post-performance talk on November 5 matinee with Ms. Bernice Chan, theatre critic as guest speaker 全劇長約1小時20分鐘,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hour 20 minutes without intermission 遲到或中途離場觀眾將不得進場 No latecomers will be admitted 各位觀眾: 為求令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光裝置。同時請勿在場內飲食或擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作。 To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio or video recording in the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation.
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指定黑盒劇場LED電視機及投影器材贊助 Official Black Box LED TV and Audio Visual Sponsor
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香港話劇團藝術總監的話 一桌人文盛宴 寰宇文本芳華 「國際黑盒劇場節2016」正式與觀眾見面了! 「文本霓虹 折射人文光譜」為是次主題,我們旨在為香港觀眾介紹舞台上不同 風格的文本和結構,配合另類劇場形式,為香港話劇團黑盒劇場帶來不一樣的 戲劇風采! 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹劇團製作的《人聲》作為開幕節目,先在今年四月為觀眾送上 一次經典重現,我們得到觀眾熱烈支持。從比利時導演Ivo van Hove完美演繹, 足見八十年前的經典作品對當下仍有強大的批判功能! 接下來的五齣劇目,均來自不同地域,也會於今年10月至11月,一連六星期於 本團黑盒劇場內折射獨特的人文光譜。
Performer Studio《鄭和的後代》為香港代表,在導演黃龍斌的率領下,一班香 港演藝學院的畢業生傾力演出。此劇乃新加坡劇場之父郭寶崑先生的經典名 著,黃龍斌抽取文本的重點重新改編,並以形體劇場的方式呈現,既簡潔又活 潑地把歷史人物「鄭和」的遭遇與今天的情景對照,想像力豐富,玩味十足!加上一眾年輕演員的拼搏精神,當中所煥 發的青春火花,令人期待! 緊接的是臺灣莫比斯圓環創作公社、威爾斯創作人和本團合作的《九面芙烈達》。威爾斯編劇凱特.奧萊莉( Kaite O’Reilly)以「新文本」的寫作手法,深刻地描寫著名墨西哥女畫家芙烈達‧卡蘿(Frida Kahlo)的遭遇。芙烈達以傳統 彩衣和色彩奪目的一字眉自畫像流芳百世,其畫作是她一生多重身份的抗爭寫照。奧萊莉把芙烈達這些身份割裂開來, 逐一評價,與當代觀眾擦出情感上的強烈聯繫。奧萊莉擅長以不同戲劇體裁編寫傷健人士的故事,今次更會親自來港主 持工作坊和專題講座,真的不容錯過! 日本著名編劇佃典彥在 2011年首次參觀我們的黑盒劇場,對這個創作空間一見鍾情,更誓言要寫一個新作品在這裡演 出。《朝顏》正是他為劇場節的「別注」創作,亮點更是他親自粉墨登場,與劇団B級遊擊隊的團員一同帶來這個作品。 佃典彥對生活觀察入微,喜歡探討親密關係中種種錯綜複雜的情感,表現手法總帶點魔幻色彩,諷刺現實生活,教人深 思!他亦會來港主持講座,分享他獨特的創作方法! 《白房間》是香港土方巽舞踏研究場的參節演出,特邀日本舞踏大師和栗由紀夫編寫文本和執導。舞踏演出配合文字創 作,絕對是一次新鮮的嘗試。和栗由紀夫對表演有深層次的研究,之前也來港舉行為期兩天的工作坊,以舞踏訓練加上 文本,讓參加者經歷了一次有關角色理解的旅程。 壓軸作是來自南韓Creative VaQi的《之前之後》,由南韓年輕導演李敬誠與他的團隊集體創作。此劇於去年11月演出後引 起極大迴響,也榮獲不少獎項。李敬誠是近年首爾備受關注的導演之一,也常被邀到國外交流合作。他與其團隊十分關 懷個人和社會的聯繫,作品多以社會議題出發,探討和批判生活中的扭曲現象,觸角敏銳!李敬誠是次將與其創作團隊 一起帶領工作坊,介紹他們獨特的集體創作方法。 走筆至此,我謹代表香港話劇團歡迎並感激參節的本地和海外藝術家,還有本團策劃和執行劇場節各項工作的團員。最 後,我感謝每一位蒞臨欣賞和支持這場人文盛宴的觀眾朋友!希望大家能在黑盒劇場中,享受一連串難忘的舞台體驗!
陳敢權 02
Message from Artistic Director, HKREP Wonderful scripts from around the globe A colourful feast of humanity The International Black Box Festival 2016 is officially launched! “The Colours of Humanity” is the theme of this year’s installment. Our mission is to offer Hong Kong audiences different approaches to the dramatic text in a wide range of stage presentations, to provide a breath of fresh air in Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Black Box! As a prelude to the Festival, the Toneelgroep Amsterdam brought La voix humaine, a revival of a classic to which our audience responded enthusiastically. The production, led by Belgian director Ivo van Hove, proves that a repertory work from eight decades ago remains as valid and as critical today. The following five productions hail from different regions in the world. They are all presented on our stage in October and November. For six weeks, our Black Box will display a series of unique “colours of humanity”. Performer Studio’s Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral is the Hong Kong entry for this Festival. Under the leadership of Tony Wong, it features a cast of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts graduates. This work is a masterpiece by the forefather of Singapore theatre, Kuo Pao-kun. Wong extracted the most important parts of the script and adapted it anew, adding choreographed movements into the presentation, depicting the historical figure Zheng He and his travails in a minimal yet lively way that relates to our contemporary world. It is an imaginative work that has many a twist! Along with the dedication of a cast of young actors, there is much to look forward to in this production! Following closely is Taiwan’s Möbius Strip Theatre’s collaborative project with Welsh artists as well as Hong Kong Repertory Theatre. The 9 fridas is the work of playwright Kaite O’Reilly with a totally new approach to “text” as she chronicles the life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, whose vibrant costumes and iconic eyebrows distinguished her, and whose paintings represent the challenges of her many roles in life. O’Reilly elects to present Kahlo’s portrait in many fragments, connecting each facet with audiences today. Renowned for her depiction of human difference and disability, O’Reilly will also conduct a workshop and a lecture under the auspices of our Festival. These are opportunities not to be missed! In 2011, celebrated playwright Tsukuda Norihiko visited our Black Box and fell in love with it, vowing he would write a new work specifically for this venue. Asagao is specially written for us, and the playwright will also appear on stage along with his cast from the BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company. Tsukuda is a keen observer of how people live and the complexities of intimate relationships. His dramatic treatments always include elements of magic as a way to deliver provocative commentaries on real life. During the Festival, he will also speak about his work at a talk session. White Room is presented by Hong Kong’s own White Room Research Collective; it is a work created and directed by Waguri Yukio, combining Butoh and text. Waguri is a performer who has based his art on painstaking research. Prior to this Festival, he travelled to Hong Kong to host a two-day workshop, training participants not only in Butoh but also in working with the text as they embark on their journeys in exploring characters. Our final production is Creative VaQi’s Before After, a work collectively created by South Korean director Kyung-sung Lee and his company of actors. After its premiere last November, Before After received numerous accolades. Lee is among the most sought after directors in Seoul in recent years; he has been invited abroad many times. To Lee and his team, the connection between the individual and society is key to their art. Their works are often inspired by social issues, as they investigate how contemporary life has become unhinged. Lee and his cast will lead a workshop outlining their collaborative process. On behalf of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, I want to extend a warm welcome to local and overseas artists who participate in the International Black Box Festival 2016. I must also thank our colleagues involved in the planning and execution of the Festival’s many productions and events. Last but not least, I am grateful to everyone entering our theatre to share and support “the colours of humanity”! You will have unforgettable experiences in our Black Box!
Anthony Chan
香 港 話 劇 團 國 際 黑 盒 劇 場 節 2016 製 作 人 員 Production Team, HKREP International Black Box Festival 2016
藝術總監 Artistic Director
陳敢權 Anthony Chan
策劃 Curator
馮蔚衡 Fung Wai Hang
監製 Producer
彭婉怡 Yvonne Pang
製作統籌 Production Coordinators
李寶琪 Pauly Lee 張家榮 Kevin Cheung 鄺天恩 Matthew Kwong
市務推廣 Marketing
黃詩韻 Anita Wong 張泳欣 Yansi Cheung 陳嘉玲 Karen Chan
技術統籌 Technical Coordinator
溫大為 David Wan
執行技術統籌 Deputy Technical Coordinators
顏尊歷 Johnny Yien 馮之浩 Fung Chi Ho
技術 Technical
羅美琦 Katy Law 彭善紋 Olive Pang 譚佩瑩 Dawn Tam 關凱明 Kwan Hoi Ming 趙浩錀 Chio Ho Lun 祁景賢 Kee King Yin
宣傳平面設計 Promotional Graphic Design
Terrenz Chang@atVis
場刊設計 House Programme Design
Doxa Graphix
場刊印刷 House Programme Printing
東美設計印刷有限公司 Tung Mei Design & Printing Limited
About BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company
成立於1986年,今年剛好成立三十周年。 劇團每年持續發表佃典彥編劇、神谷尚吾執導的新劇作,過去曾兩次獲得名古屋市民藝術節獎。 Established in 1986, the BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company celebrates its 30th anniversary this season. Founded by playwright Tsukuda Norihiko with director Kamiya Shogo, the company produces new collaborations between the two every year. BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company is a two-time winner of Nagoya Citizen Arts Festival Award.
Message from BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company
我一邊為《朝顏》排練,一邊想著,其實我在就讀幼兒園時已經死了,現在我經歷的時間可能是我的靈魂未能經驗 的,而這可能是一個從妄想中刻畫出來的世界。從妄想中醒來後可能有另一個世界…… 以為是真實的現實世界,其實可能只是個不實在而且曖昧的世界。所以,醒來後可能有一個更快樂的世界正等待著 我。靈魂繪畫討厭的事,但只要從夢中醒來,靈魂便會為我繪畫另一個全新的世界。可是,即使從夢中多次醒來, 討厭的事還存在。每天也有討厭的事。如果這樣想的話,會令我認為人生本來就充塞著討厭的事…… 我有這樣的記憶,雖然,是個曖昧的記憶呢。 謝謝各位來臨,希望您們享受是次演出。 神谷尚吾 《朝顏》導演 As I was rehearsing Asagao I had this recollection: I died when I was in kindergarten. What I was experiencing then was something my soul could not have experienced; perhaps this world was created out of delusion. Once I awaken, it might be a completely different world... What we believe as the real world might in fact be an abstract and ambiguous world. Hence when we awaken, a happier world might await us. Our souls conjure up what we hate, but as long as we awaken from our dreams, our souls will create a completely new world for us. Yet no matter how often we awaken from our dreams, hateful things still exist. Every day, hateful things occur. If I harbour such thoughts, I’d believe life is basically filled with hateful things … I did have such recollections, although they were ambiguous… Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy this performance. Kamiya Shogo Director of Asagao
故事 Synopsis
丈夫出外公幹半年後回家,發現家中空無一人。前一晚,他明明還在跟太太通電話。 突然出現的地產經紀帶來一個秘密,令丈夫大感不惑。 牽牛花生滿屋和天花板,看來屋已經丟空了一段日子。妻子究竟身在何方?
After working away from home for six months, a husband returns, only to find that the house is empty. Last night, he was still speaking to his wife on the phone. An estate agent appears all of a sudden, revealing a secret in the process. The husband is left in even greater confusion. The wall and the ceiling are overgrown with morning glory vines, suggesting that the house has been left vacant for a while. Is his wife whom he hasn’t seen for a long time still in the house, or is she gone for good?
角色表 Cast List
聲音演出 / 女 Voice Over / Woman
山口未知 Yamaguchi Michi
男 1 Man 1
佃 典彥 Tsukuda Norihiko
男 2 / 女兒 Man 2 / Daughter
吉村公佑 Yoshimura Kosuke
Production Team, BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company Asagao
編劇 Playwright
佃 典彥 Tsukuda Norihiko
導演 Director
神谷尚吾 Kamiya Shogo
燈光設計 Lighting Designer
坂下孝則 Sakashita Takanori
音響設計 Sound Designer
椎名剛士 Shiina Tsuyoshi
錄像設計 Video Designer
鳴海 泰 Narumi Yasushi
舞台監督 Stage Manager
近藤朋文 Kondo Tomofumi
製作經理 / 助理導演 / 字幕操作 Production Manager / Assistant Director / Surtitle Operator
三井田明日香 Miida Asuka
中文字幕翻譯 Chinese Surtitle Translation
林沛濂 Anson Lam
前台助理 Front House Assistant
楊鎵瑜 Katie Yeung
演出攝影 Performance Photo Shooting
Henry Wong Studio
編 劇 / 演 出 Playwright / Cast
佃典彥 Tsukuda Norihiko 1964年出生於日本名古屋市,是一名劇作家及演員。現為劇団B級遊擊隊領導人及日 本劇作家協會會員。善於創作在日常生活中不可能發生,但在他的作品中會突然發生 的荒誕劇。除舞台劇本外,亦創作了不少電影、電視、廣播劇等劇本,同時亦創作大 量以小學生為對象的兒童劇。主要作品包括:《土管》、《KAN-KAN男》及《脫皮爸 爸》。曾獲得的主要獎項包括:第三屆名古屋市文化振興獎、第四屆讀賣演劇大獎優 秀作品獎、第五十屆岸田國士戲曲獎—《脫皮爸爸》、2013 年度名古屋市民藝術節 獎 —《滿月練習題》。 「不要想,要感受!」 Playwright and actor Tsukuda was born in Nagoya in 1964. A member of the Japan Playwrights Association, he cofounded the BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company, where he currently serves as director. Tsukuda has a keen eye for the absurdity of everyday life, creating outlandish situations that exceed people’s imagination. Apart from stage plays, he has written for television, film and radio. He has also penned numerous works targeted to school-age children. Tsukuda’s major works include Dokan, Kan-kan otoko and Shed Skin. Among his accolades are the 3rd Nagoya City Culture Promotion Award, 4th Yomiuri Theater Award for Best Play and the 50th Kishida Prize for Drama for Shed Skin. In 2013, he received the Nagoya Citizen Arts Festival Award for Full Moon Exercise. "Don't think, feel!"
導 演 Director
神谷尚吾 Kamiya Shogo 1963 年 9 月出生,是一名導演、演員及兼職視覺藝術教師。現為日本演出者協會會 員。與佃典彥於86年成立劇団B級遊擊隊,於2000年起正式開始擔任導演,其後更為 劇團以外的團體擔任導演。善於處理人與人之間的關係,繼而把從那兒產生的氣場帶 進舞台。 Born in September 1963, Kamiya is an actor and director as well as part-time visual arts instructor. He is a current member of the Japan Directors Association. In 1986, Shogo and Tsukuda Norihiko co-founded the BKYUYUGEKITAI Theatre Company. In 2000, Shogo launched his directorial career. Since then, he has directed productions with other companies. Shogo is adept at maintaining good interpersonal relationships, bringing that communal spirit onto the stage.
演 出 Cast
山 口 未 知 Yamaguchi Michi
我是在《朝顏》中飾演「女」的山口未知。我最喜歡拼布藝術及貓。能跟香港觀眾見 面,感到十分高興。雖然我很矮小,但是我很有幹勁。請享受我們的演出。
I play the role of “Woman” in Asagao. I like patchwork and cats. I’m delighted I’ll have a chance to meet Hong Kong theatregoers. Although I might be physically small, I am full of energy. Please enjoy our performance.
演 出 Cast
吉 村 公 佑 Yoshimura Kosuke
畢業於日本大學藝術學部。曾在佃典彥執導的《脫皮爸爸》(日本版)中飾演「二十 多歲的鈴木卓二郎」。 廿六年前首次來香港,希望藉著是次來港的機會打開香港市場,但知道自己首先要學 習廣東話。嗜好是觀看摔角比賽,高喊「希望摔角成為主流運動!」,正瞄準機會觀 看香港的摔角比賽,但首先要學習廣東話。 A graduate of the Art School of Nihon University, Yoshimura played “Suzuki Takujirou in his 20’s” in the original Japanese production of Shed Skin. Yoshimura first set foot in Hong Kong 26 years ago. He hopes that this return will help launch his career in this city, knowing that learning Cantonese is a prerequisite. Yoshimura is an avid fan of wrestling, a champion of the sport as a mainstream activity! He hopes to find opportunities to watch wrestling in Hong Kong, but he also knows that learning Cantonese is a prerequisite.
燈 光 設 計 Lighting Designer
坂 下 孝 則 Sakashita Takanori
我是在《朝顏》內負責燈光設計的坂下孝則。 我曾在香港話劇團的《脫皮爸爸》日本演出時跟大家一起創作,那是個很重要的經驗。今次很高興能在香港的舞台 進行創作。 I’m responsible for the lighting design in Asagao. I’ve collaborated with the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre when Shed Skin was performed in Japan. For me, it was an important experience. I’m delighted I can work on the Hong Kong stage this time.
音 響 設 計 Sound Designer
椎 名 剛 士 Shiina Tsuyoshi
我曾在《脫皮爸爸》(日本版)負責音響設計。我想試一下在香港工作,所以請邀請我來香港! 所屬公司:Garage Inc. Japan I was the sound designer for the Japanese production of Shed Skin. I want to experience working in Hong Kong, please invite me to Hong Kong. My company: Garage Inc. Japan
製作經理 / 助理導演 / 字幕操作 Production Manager / Assistant Director / Surtitle Operator
三井田明日香 Miida Asuka
在《朝顏》中擔任製作經理、助理導演、字幕製作及操作。畢業於韓國高麗大學。我會盡力讓大家看到的不是一本 小說,而是一部戲。我擅長韓語和開始學習中文,期望能在亞洲大展拳腳,所以請把我當作同伴。 I am the production manager, assistant director and surtitle operator for Asagao. I graduated from the Korea University in Seoul. I’ll do my best so that the performance you see is more dramatic than literary. I’m fluent in Korean and started to learn Chinese. It is my wish to expand my career in Asia, so please consider me as your partner.
香 港 話 劇 團 The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre 12
背景 • 香港話劇團是香港歷史最悠久及規模最大的專業劇團。1977創團,2001公司化,受香港特別行政區政府資助,由理事 會領導及監察運作,聘有藝術總監、助理藝術總監、演員、舞台技術及行政人員等七十多位全職專才。 • 三十九年來,劇團積極發展,製作劇目超過三百個,為本地劇壇創造不少經典劇場作品。
使命 • 製作和發展優質、具創意兼多元化的中外古今經典劇目及本地原創戲劇作品。 • 提升觀眾的戲劇鑑賞力,豐富市民文化生活,及發揮旗艦劇團的領導地位。
業務 • 平衡劇季 ― • 黑盒劇場 ― • 戲劇教育 ― • 對外交流 ― • 戲劇文學 ―
選演本地原創劇,翻譯、改編外國及內地經典或現代戲劇作品。匯集劇團內外的編、導、演 與舞美人才,創造主流劇場藝術精品。 以靈活的運作手法,探索、發展和製研新素材及表演模式,拓展戲劇藝術的新領域。 開設課程及工作坊,把戲劇融入生活,利用劇藝多元空間為成人及學童提供戲劇教育及技能 培訓。也透過學生專場及社區巡迴演出,加強觀眾對劇藝的認知。 加強國際及內地交流,進行外訪演出,向外推廣本土戲劇文化,並發展雙向合作,拓展境外 市場。 透過劇本創作、讀戲劇場、研討會、戲劇評論及戲劇文學叢書出版等平台,記錄、保存及深化 戲劇藝術研究。
Company Background • The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre is the longest standing and largest professional theatre company in the city, established in 1977 and incorporated in 2001. Financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong Repertory operates under the guidance of its Governing Council, and employs a team of over 70 full-time professionals including the artistic director, assistant artistic director, actors, technical and stage management staff as well as administrators. • Since its establishment 39 years ago, it has presented more than 300 productions, many of which have become classics of the local theatre canon.
•To produce and develop a high quality, innovative and diverse repertoire, encompassing Chinese, international, classic, and contemporary theatre, as well as original new works by local artists. •To develop the audiences’ interest and appreciation of theatre and to enrich the city’s cultural life, through its leadership position as the city’s flagship theatre company.
Area of Activities
•A Balanced Repertoire – A selected programme of local original works, and translations and adaptations of classic and contemporary plays from the Mainland and internationally. The company collaborates with playwrights, directors, actors, designers and other talent within and outside of the company, to create new mainstream theatre productions of artistic excellence. •Black Box Theatre – Flexible in approach, the Black Box Theatre provides a space where writers and practitioners can explore, take risks and experiment to create new material and modes of performances, in order to cultivate and stretch the boundaries of theatre arts. •Theatre Education – Bringing theatre to life through courses and workshops, the company aims to provide theatre education and skills development for adults and children via the many facets of theatre. It also works to increase the audiences’ awareness towards theatre arts through dedicated performances for students as well as the wider community. •International Exchange – Through the strengthening of exchanges with the Mainland and internationally, the company tours regularly in order to promote Hong Kong’s local theatre culture, and to develop opportunities for collaborations and performances across the border and overseas. •Theatre Literature – Through a varied programme of new writing development, Reader’s Theatre, seminars, reviews and publication of theatre literature, the company aims to encourage, document, preserve and consolidate creative activities in theatre.
多謝支持 Thank You for Your Support 節目贊助 PROGRAMME SPONSORS 香港話劇團謹此向以下贊助機構深致謝意: The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre expresses its deepest thanks to the following Sponsors: 三井錶業有限公司 3 Wells Watch Industries Ltd. 亞聯工程公司 Alliance Engineering Co. 周生生集團國際有限公司 Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd. 明愛之友 Friends of Caritas
恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 香港鐵路有限公司 MTR Corporation Limited 保良局 Po Leung Kuk 信興集團 Shun Hing Group (以公司英文名稱序 In alphabetical order of company name)
香港話劇團「發展基金」及「戲劇教育基金」捐款者芳名 The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Development Fund Donors & Drama Education Fund Donors 香港話劇團謹此向以下商業機構及熱心人士深致謝意: The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre expresses its deepest thanks to the following corporations and individuals: 旗艦捐助人 FLAGSHIP DONORS (HK$100,000或以上 or over) 信興教育及慈善基金 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund 程婉雯小姐 Miss Angela Ching 康宏金融集團 Convoy Financial Group Hsin Chong Construction Group Limited 蕭楚基先生 Mr. Siu Chor Kee, BBS, MH, JP 無名氏 Anonymous 百回看捐助人 ENCORE DONORS (HK$50,000 – HK$99,999) Mr. Chan Kam Kuen Anthony 戲連場捐助人 PLAY ON DONORS (HK$10,000 - HK$29,999) 李永誠先生夫人 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lee 活道教育中心 Living Word Education Centre 譚思樂先生 Mr. Isaac Tam 無名氏 Anonymous 幕初升捐助人 CURTAIN UP DONORS (HK$3,000 - HK$9,999) 陳穎嘉小姐 Miss Chan Wing Ka 鄭敬凱博士 張佩螢小姐 Miss Claudia Cheung 張經略(章經)及郭鳳嫻伉儷 Mr. & Mrs. Rocky (Cheung King) & Teresa Cheung 慈航慈善基金有限公司 Chi Hong Charitable Foundation Limited 朱文忠先生 Mr. Chu Man Chung
鍾麗容小姐 Miss Queenie Chung 林潔儀女士 Ms. Linda Lam 劉瑞朗先生 Mr. Lau Sui Long 梁志偉先生 Mr. Leo Leung Mrs. Joanna Leung 陸珊珊女士 Ms. Luk Susan 麥秋先生 Mr. James Mark 彭露薇小姐 Miss Pang Lo Mei 鄧竟成先生 Mr. Tang King Shing 徐詠璇教授 Professor Bernadette Tsui 黃天慧女士 Ms. Vivian Wong 胡秀英女士 Ms. Wu Sau Ying Louisa 好友營捐助人 PALS DONORS (HK$1,000 - HK$2,999) 陳懿嘉小姐 Miss Alison Chan 陳健康先生 Mr. Freeman Chan 陳祖同先生 Mr. Joseph Chan 陳允彤女士 Ms Chan Wan Tung Mrs. & Mr. Gardy & Joe Fong Mr. Andrew Fung 馮浩賢先生 Mr. Vincent Fung 洪秋燕小姐 Miss Hung Chau Yin 林惠玲女士 Ms. Leona Lam Ms. Esther Leung Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lui 譚天樂博士伉儷 Dr. & Mrs. Timothy T L Tam Ms. Michelle Tsang 余其祥先生夫人 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. C. Yu
香港話劇團謹向下列人士對是次製作的協助致謝 Special Acknowledgements: 近藤強 Kondo Tsuyoshi 歐陽翰奇 Au Yeung Hon Ki 各大傳媒機構 Mass Media(排名不分先後 In no particular order)
(「百回看」、「戲連場」、「幕初升」及「好友營」排名以姓氏字母 / 公司英文名稱序) (“Encore Donors”, “Play On Donors”, “Curtain Up Donors” and “Pals Donors” are listed in alphabetical order of family name / company name)