Portfolio Selena Isildar 2022

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ISILDARSELENA Architect and Researcher, speciliazed in Climate Neutral Architecture, Ecosystem Revival and Bio-based Materials Born in 29.10.1997

EDUCATION october-march2019-2011-20152020october-june2021/222020-20212015-2018 TAKEV GERMAN HIGH SCHOOL High School Diploma (on science and math) Certificate of Honor 2011/12/13 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge 2013- Honor Student Council Member 2014/15 Izmir/ Turkey POLITECNICO DI MILANO Bachelor of Science in Architectural Design Milano/ Italy POLITECNICO DI MILANO Master of Science in Architecture Milano/ Italy WORK EXPERIENCE HENNING LARSEN ARCHITECTS Assistant Architect BIM modelling, 3d modelling, Rendering, Concept Development, Feasability Studies, Material and Furniture Concept Development for the Interior Department, Daylight Studies, Model Making SRI DESIGN LAB Material Specialist + Computational Designer Sustainability Management STADTISCHES LABENWOLF-GYMNASIUM2013 Nürnberg/ Germany Munich/ Germany RemoteRemote Exchange Program 105\ 110 2018 - 2022 FREELANCE DESIGNER Interior Design & Product Design Built Environments and Interiors 105/110 2018- Ongoing RESEARCH PROJECTS MATERIAL LIBRARY FOUNDER AND CURATOR A multidisciplinary database of bio-based materials and innovative technologies to achieve a climate-neutral future and fight against climate crises. PUBLICATIONS ISSUE 79 OF RUMOER, BIO-BASED FourARTICLE:Materials that will change the Future of Architecture This issue also features KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES, Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), Block Research Group, ETH Zurich and EcologicStudio ACTIVITIES/ WORKSHOPS 20202017201820182019 • Spatial analysis of human activiy andproduction of prototypes through CNC machining procedures • Wetland Development • http://dimensionsofcitizenship.org/events/citazen-roots-in-motion/ • Workshop of Computer Graphics and Smart City Design for Cultural Heritage • An installation made by using recyled textiles, changing its form through heat. RE:ADAPTIVE ACOUSTIC INTERFACES WORKSHOP THE URBAN SPONGE: PRATO, SAN NICOLO FOUNDATION CITAZEN: ROOTS IN MOTION: US PAVILLION IN BIENNALE VENICE CLOUDLAND INSTALLATION: ARCHITECTURE WEEK IN TRIENNALE DI MILANO CORTONAOPEN3D 2022 • Mycelium Pavillion Prototype: Mesh topology, digital fabrication, bio-based materials parametric modelling, digital form-finding MYCELIUM MESH MATTER Turkish NATIVE English C1 German B2 LANGUAGES Autodesk Autocad Sketchup Pro Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop SKILLSLumionARhinocerosdobeIllustrator6.0SPECIALIZATIONGraphicalVisualizationCircularDesignDigitalFabricationMaterialResearchUrban/RuralSociologyRevitArchicadAdobeLightroomPreziMicrosoftOfficeFinalCutProAdobePremie Italian A2BlenderGrasshopper3dsMaxEnscapeDEFINITE2.0ConceptDesign

Certificate of Internship OPES Campus, Munich, Germany, 24,500 m2 -

Feasibility study, Hamburg, Germany, 30,000 m2

Commercial project in Downtown Munich, Germany

Certificate of Internship

OPES Campus, Munich, Germany, 24,500 m2 Tech Client Relocation, Munich, Germany 4,000 m2 RBB Rooftop Lounge, Berlin, Germany, 400 m2

Feasibility study, Hamburg, Germany, 30,000 m2


Island of Mainau, Lake Constance, Germany, 26,000 m2

Extension of the House of the District Council, Ansbach, Germany , 10.400 Buildingm2LE, University of Duisburg, Germany , 9,000 m2

Tech Client Relocation, Munich , Germany, 4,000 m2RBB Rooftop Lounge, Berlin, Germany, 400 m2

Certificate of Internship OPES Campus, Munich, Germany, 24,500 m2Tech Client Relocation, Munich , Germany, 4,000 m2RBB Rooftop Lounge, Berlin, Germany, 400 m2 Feasibility study, Hamburg, Germany, 30,000 m2 Island of Mainau, Lake Constance , Germany, 26,000 m2 Commercial project in Downtown Munich, Germany RECOMMANDATION


// form studies 8848348// academic work // bite-sized projects // graphics

form studies


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done with processing/ java

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““Proportion is an effect that arises from regularity, symmetry and variety. The harmony of the bodies is born from the combi nation and the perfect conjunction of all its proportions.”


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bite-sized projects

Collaborators: Yagmur Bektas, Alessia Candido, Ayush Kamalia

MYCELIUM PAVlLION Theme: Digital Fabrication and Mycelium Date: 2022 Supervisor: Ingrid Paoletti, Giorgio Castellano




This Pavillion is made with challenging aggregation techniques. The inside path of the Pavillion has been realized with a 3d-printed mold. Mycelium mixture is inserted inside the mold to take its shape. When the form is ready, the plastic mold has taken out. The outer part of the Pavillion has made with CNC- cut wood aggregation. Mycelium eats the wood and starts to grow further. We let the mycelium grow until we reach the desired gradient and eventually stop the growth.




The aim of the project is to create a harmonical dialogue between the two forms of varying shape and style. The spherical space has a longi tudinal axis connecting the two entrances in a straight line creating two spacious hemispheres on either side. The design of a singular resting space is composed of two conjoined spheres with one of them taking up around half the space of the other. The smaller sphere’s façade is that of a solid and opaque material, while the larger one is composed of an organic tessellation laid upon a translucent skin, to emphasize the openness of the space.

02 Supervisor:Theme:SPAERADigitalStereotomyDate:2020LuigiCocchiarellaLocation:Milan,Italy GATHERING AREA IN FRONT OF POLITECNICO DI MILANO



A CASE STUDY OF TINYADA MOUNTAIN, CHILLIDA This case study is focused on the sublime feeling of space that Boullee suggests. The senses of overwhelming grandeur or irresistible power create a space to meditate on our emotions.



Three cubes intersected to create this complex. Each cube has large openings to the sky and acts as the only light source. This complex is located inside a mountain and is reachable through a dark tunnel. This tunnel prepares the user for the emotional experience through the light.


1 2 3 e 43

04 ACOUSTIC INTERFACES Theme: Acoustic Panel Production Date: 2017 Supervisor: Ingrid Paoletti, Roberto Naboni -UnderstandingCompetences how to acquire real-time data from human motion tracking and behavioral analysis through sound detection -Interpreting behavioral information and perform early-stage acous tic -Createsimulationsperformative acoustic surfaces through parametric design -Developingstrategies assembly logics and understanding fabrication con straints within the design process -Managing the fabrication process of complex surfaces through three-dimensional CNC milling Software & GrasshopperToolsand plugin, Processing , Comsol Multiphysics, Autodesk ArtCAM/Rhinocam 44

effective sound proofing with cork before after 45


DIGITAL STEREOTOMY Theme: Sublime Experience Date: 2018 Location: Milan, Italy The Art of Cutting Solids Geometry is an integral part of the world that we live in. The knowl edge of geometry and its relevance in every detail of nature and our daily lives is a concept to be reckoned with. The form of a spider web, the hexagonal honeycombs, concentric circles created by the ripple ef fect of a pebble thrown into the water. We are naturally surrounded by patterns of geometric forms, and we find a way to make it a part of our synthetic world as well. Certain patterns are taken into consideration in the development of a space, the factors needed to keep it upright and safe, and the aesthetic values that it offers.

Contact Planes Intersection with Contact Planes Surface Projection Surface Projection Key Stone

1 slide: tessellation (detailed geometry of constructive elements)

1 slide: narrative presentation (perceptual impact, full space and

1 slide x lecture (about what you learnt in each class)

1 slide: narrative presentation (perceptual impact, full space and details) and movie

5 slides on the project (including sketches, drawings, , digital models, pictures, and 1 movie)

1 slide: technical presentation (technical views with dimensions, space and details)

1 slide: form definition (overall geometry of surfaces and volumes)

Cutting Sphere Surface, Intrados First ConstructiveRing/ Cone

1 slide x lecture (about what you learnt in each class)

1 slide: concept and form finding (sketches, physical and digital

Configuration & Tesselation

Variation 03




1 slide: form definition (overall geometry of surfaces and volumes)

Hidden Geometries Hidden Geometries


Single archconnectedSeperatedConnectorvaults,through


1 slide: concept and form finding (sketches, physical and digital draft models)

1 slide: technical presentation (technical views with dimensions,

5 slides on the project (including sketches, drawings, , digital models, pictures,

LECTURE_03 After this exercise, I develop a deeper understanding of how sterotomy works in 3d space and how to cut the the stones in different vault types.

LECTURE_03 Philibert de L’Orme’s hypothesis I investigated further how to decrypt the sphere through and cones help to realize the conic rings. This exercise

1 slide: tessellation (detailed geometry of constructive elements)

reference project 47

VIVIANI’S CURVE Theme: Intersection of Space Curves Date: 2020 Supervisor: M.Vianello, PhD C.A.Biraghi


Collaborators: Aycan Duman, Larashintya Galia Zhara Applied Mathematics for Architecture In this project, we are trying to achieve different variations of vaults by the intersection of sphere and cyclinder which will help us to obtain cases space curves as a result of the intersection. By extracting and rotating these space curves, we will see interesting results, which can be applied further for the architectural proposal.

academic works

+ + Modular Structure Algae Bioreactros Hidden LAB 01 Theme:RESILIENCERevivingStoneMiningSitesDate:2020-2021Supervisors:SimoneGiostraLocation:Sicily,Italy A RESPOND TO CLIMATE CHANGE / ALGAE CULTIVATION CENTER

1.2. Reforestation / Increase Biodiversity Water Management Algae Cultivation forBio-fuelforBio-fertilizernearbycroplandsactivequarries Enrich Soil with algae Introduce non-native plants & species adapted to changing climate RESTORE DESERTIFIED LAND : REACTIVE APPROACH PREVENT DESERTIFICATION : PROACTIVE APPROACH How can we reverse the damage caused by stone mining ?

Surrounding croplands and ongoing excavation activities are polluting the natural environment, which is crucial for a natural reserve area of Monte InCofano.order to connect with surrounding nature, a structure has designed which is mimicing the movement of the water. The flowing structure allows to obtain technical functions for algae cultivation inside the sec ondary landscape. As a result of the algae cultivation, fresh water will accumulate and pro vide a natural biotope for the existing species that are under danger. By time, the structure will age with nature to become a part of it.


SHRUBLANDS ARE MORE PRONE DESERTIFICATIONTO High1:30.000DesertificationQuarriesHighShrublandsMediumRiskAreasMediterrenean shrublands Level of sensitivity to SelectedPotentialRepresentavinessdesertificationinSicilynon-nativespeciesPioneer vegetation Downy Oak TreesRiparian Vegetation Chestnut trees Turkey Oak Beech Forest Identification of areas at high risk to climate change Long-term expansion of the ecological corridor Reforestation in segments Current Ecological Corridor Native species + Plantation strategy Reviving the ecosystem disturbed 52


AlgaeBIOREACTORSCultivationSystem BIOREACTORS 1:5D-1 D-1 ConcretePipeSteelSealWaterproofAlgaeFiberglassCultureSupportBase Algae under microscope FORM STUDY TECHNOLOGICALCONCEPT DIAGRAM Algae Cultivation System SOLAR PANELS WATER ALGAE/INCUBATIONPUMPCHAMBERCULTURETANKBIOREACTORSFRESHWATERslope<3 GRAVITY CLARIFIER/ OIL EXTRACTION lipid tank GRAVITY CLARIFIER 1 0 2 3 4 a circular system to sustain algae cultivation 55


MASTERS DecentralizedTHESISisa thesis developed to correspond to the emerging cli mate crisis in Coastal Ecosystems. The project is located in the Ganges Delta of In- dia, where the Mangrove ecosystem is subjected to distur bance by the arising pollution. Sea level rises are also threatening many families to migrate. The design aims to mimic the Coastal Defence System of the native Mangrove Trees and develop flood-resistant and modular shelters to protect the ecosys- tem while providing a resistant community center.

02 Theme:DECENTRALIZEDFlood-resistantShelterDesignDate:2021-2022Supervisor:IngridPaolettiLocation:Sundarbans,India

West Bengal, Sundarbans, IndiaLocalization of Ganges Delta, Bay of BengalGangesDelta Ganges River carries tons of waste and pollution to the mangrove delta Mangrove trees root structure is effective against flooding, unfortunately this ecosystem is dying due to arisingcurrentpollution.situation 57

Permanent Inland Water + Mangrove Density Population Density + Seasonal Floodings Permanent Inland Water Mangrove Population Population Density Seasonal Flooding Levels Seasonal flooding threatens the local community caused by decreasing mangrove numbers. MANGROVE WAVE ATTENUATION SYSTEM 58

ESTABLISH A COASTAL DEFENSE MECHANISMMANGROVE SCARCITY, PRONE TO FLOODING COASTAL ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM GLOBAL AGGREAGATIONDIFFIRENTIATIONAPPROACH DENSITY POSITIONING GOAL GLOBAL 1- Establish Ecological resilience 2- Flood and Wind Resistance GOAL LOCAL 1- Climate Neutral 2- Modularity and easy expansion 3- Use of readily sourced material 4- Responding to the communities needs MAN- MADE COASTAL DEFENSE SYSYEM LOCAL ROOTROOTPOROSITYAPPROACHMORPHOLOGYDENSITY Wave Distance Coast By mimicing these trees complex root structure, we can establish a costal defense mechanism and save the population from migrating. 59


Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 + COMMUNITY AREA + EDUCATION + KITCHEN + EMERGENCY + SHELTER FOR FAMILIES + WATER COLLECTION + WC + SHOWER + COMPOST + STORAGE + COVERAGE +RattenRAINPROOFFabricBambooWall Recyling the plastic waste from the river into modular structures to minimize the impact. 61

Custom Algorithm CompostSymbiosisfarmingSalt-tolerant 62

modular expansion system

Community Center Emergency Community CenterKitchenEducation Center RESILIENT AND CLIMATE RESPONSIVE COMMUNITY 64


CORNERS / URBAN OBJECT Theme: Warehouse Date: 2018-2019

Relationship between transparency and solidity reached with the study of materiality, using perforated meshes with different sizes of openings. While during the day, it appears as a solid and closed box, at night, it appears completely transparent. This transparency removes the boundaries with the city and increases the interaction with the surrounding. Due to its large scale, this building aims an “Architecture without Con tent”, which is adaptable to a variety of functions.


Lampugnano Warehouse Schwarzplan - scale 1:5000 Groundfloor Plan - scale 1:500 Outdoor paving detail Unfolded elevation scale 1:500

This warehouse aimed to have a strong position in the urban fabric. The project consists of two masses of different sizes where their in tersection emphasizing the corner of the plot.


Collaborators: Chiara Tassinari, Lorenzo Turnaturi Location: Milan, Italy ARCHITECTURE WITHOUT CONTENT / BIG BOX

Supervisors: Giancarlo Floridi, Zachary Mark, Lunati Angelo Raffaele




Architectural Design Studio WS 2018 Politecnico di Milano Floridi, Angelo Lunati, Zachary Mark Jones with Marta Bertani, Stefano Casula, Emilio Ellena, Gianmario Pandozzi, Stefano Passa Tassinari, Lorenzo Turnaturi Models 73


Location: Palmyra, Syria

TO BUILD IS TO TO INHABIT The ancient city of Palmyra had an important role in the history as the locational position of being on the Silk Road. Due to the war, many his torical sited has been demolished and suffered due to the intention of not protecting any of the stories has been written to the architecture.

Date: 2018


After-war approach is the representative of the timeless principle and is explained with the adaptable design of the project that acts as en gaging with the community and time because the contemporary proj ect is subjective and valued by the sense of the users. This urban re-development generated by 5 projects which all focused on the different aspects of the revival of social life in Palmyra. By avoid ing a distinctive architectural style, we encouraged people to adopt this large-scaled structures with the feeling of serenity.

Supervisor: Camillo Magni, Andrea de Matteis

Collaborators: Zeynep Kalaycioglu

PALMYRA / LOST IN TIME Theme: Urban Redevelopment / After War Architecture

VALLEY OF TOMBS 1. Temple of Bel 2. Tomb Towers 3. Funerary Temple 4. Citadel SOUTWESTNECROPOLIS OLD PALMYRA CITY OF PALMYRA 1 4 2 3 75

A path starting from the city center, mainly used by the cars and the same road directly connecting to the Decumanus Maximus. EXISTING PATH DISCOVERING THE FULL POTENTIALS Introducing a new path that cretates the connected full experience of the site and discover ing new possibilities PROPOSED PATH PATTERNS ACCESSEBILITY 76



NEW EXPERIENCE EMBEDDED RUINS Heritage Site City Artificial Natural 80

Model 81

05a EXECUTION DRAWINGS Theme: Construction Drawings Date: 2019- 2020 Location: Milan, Italy Supervisor: Nastri Massimiliano pavilion 82


Pv1AdPv1CsAd Cs Bt1 Bt1AncLp1 Rv2Rv2Rv1Cd1Br2Ltp Nh DwDwDw DwGpGpGp Dc Dc DcDcDc GcGc Sc1 Sc Rv2Rv2Rv2Br2Rv2Br2 DcDc WfGlLp2 CsFp1 Fp1Bt1Bt1 Th1 A.1WfA A.2 A.1A A.2 Scl1 Pv1 329 67 63 267915 45 114 181 62 151151 1369 559 143 136 1331937 15 85 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 70 200 7070 Pv1AdPv1CsAd Cs Bt1 Bt1 Anc DwNhDwDw DwGpGpGp Dc Dc DcGc Gc Sc1 ScDc Wf CsFp1 Fp1Bt1Bt1 Sp2 339676315 1821238 181 62 151151 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 85 15 15 15 85 15 85 15 8575748200308 475 15401133 Cd2Sc1Sc2Cd2Sc2Sc1 Pv1Th1Lp2Lp1Sc2 136 54 Gp1 Mr1 Sd1 Sfb1 Nh Th2Th3Cp1Cp1 Sfb1 Sfb1 Sfb1 Sfb1 Sb1Sb1Scl1 Fr1Fr1 Fr2 Fr3 Fr2 Cd1 Cd2Sc1Sc2Cd2Sc2Sc1Fr3 MsMs Fr4Sg1Sg1Fr4Fr5AwsAwsFr5 Mr1 Cd2 Ms Wf DwGp Gc 11 1.322.12.22.1 2.2 400 75 27 58 1193 200 31 40 48 10253 1418 2081 500 2700 268620020020040822221663043166971534851301939137235924747447016622304316622 2 3765 b retrofitting 84

Pv1 Ad Pv1 Ad Cs Bt1Bt1 Th2AncCd1Rv2Rv1Rv2Br2Ltp NhDwNh Dw DwDw Gp Gp Gp DcDcDc Dc DcGc Gc Sc1Sc Br2Rv2Br2Rv2Rv2Rv2 Dc Dc WfGl Lp2 Cs Fp1Fp1Bt1 Bt1 Th1 A.1 Wf AA.2 A.1 AA.2 Sfb1 Pv1 329 676315 45 114 181 62 151 151 1369 559 143 136 1331937 15 85 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 1515 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 70 200 7070 Pv1 Ad CsPv1 Ad Cs Bt1Bt1 Anc NhDw Dw DwDw Gp Gp Gp DcDc GcGc Sc1DcSc Wf Cs Fp1Fp1Bt1 Bt1Sp2673396315 1238 181 62 151 151 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 85 15 8585 151515 85 15 85 15 85 20074875 308 475 Lp1Lp2Th1Sc2Pv1136 38 114 Sc2 Lp2 Cp1Br1 Th2 Th3 Am Th3Sc2Tp2Tp1Cp1Br1AmTp1Tp2 Lp2 Sc2 Cp1 Sfb1 Sfb1 Sfb1 Cp1Sb1Sb1 Scl1Scl1Sc1Sc1Sc14142541317251075466 2712 Cd1 11 1.322 2.2 120030 21001000 400752756382455358200329435 2541418262 2114 1322159420485131194113020605023948247 166 22 1663052409322Wf 85

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GDCABEFHIL DESIGNExecutiveTechnical 1 6 2 2 3.1 1.4 2.1 3.1 1.5 2.1, 2 2 2.5 3.1 1.3 2.1, 2 2 2.5 3.1 1.3 2 2 2 3 2.5 3.1 1.5 2 2 2 3 2.5 3.1 1.2 2 3 2.5 3.1 1.1 2.4 2.5 3 2 1.1 2.4 2.5 3 2 Existing Structure Axis for setting layout on site Assembly/ Detail Drawing Ln: number of the construction drawing n: sheet number Ln:Sectionnumber of the localization drawing n: sheet number X Y An Ln n n A1 4 L1 2 cstoredesign 86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Executive designer: Technical analysis: Technical drawings: Day: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONTECHNICALHORIZONTAL Selena01/07/19IsildarSS Balmain Code SystemTechnological Type Material Dimensions (mm) Brand Ct1Cp1 Furniture Curtain Dark Green Velvet Dh Vertical Frame Door Handle Gold plated Metal 30x1300 Dr1 Vertical (Opening)Structure Openable Door Glass Fr1 Vertical (Mullion)Structure C-shaped Profile Aluminium 50x30 th. 2 Knauf Fr10 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Circular Hollow Section Gold Aluminiumplated th.20 Fr10 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Circular Hollow Section Gold plated Steel th.2 Fr2 Vertical (Hollow)Structure Square shaped Profile Aluminium 50x50 th.2 Fr3 Vertical (Hollow)Structure Rectangular Hollow Section Aluminium 50x70 th.2 Fr4 Vertical (Mullion)Structure C-shaped Profile Aluminium 10x12 th. 2 Knauf Fr5 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Square shaped Profile Aluminium, gold plated 90x90 th.2 Fr6 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Square shaped Profile Aluminium 200x200 th.2 Fr7 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Rectangular Hollow Section Aluminium 30x190 th.2 Fr8 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Circular Hollow Section Gold plated Steel th.2 Fr9 Horizontal Structure (Hollow) Circular Hollow Section Gold plated Steel th.2 Fur1 Furniture Circular Chair Velvet h. 500 Fur2 Furniture Clothing Rack Gold plated Steel h.2000 Fur3 Furniture Podium Glass goldconnectedPanelwithplatedframes 400x600 h. Fur4 Furniture Sofa Velvet Fur5 Furniture Plant Palm Tree Fur6 Furniture Armchair Sadi & Neptun Ozis Fur7 Furniture Display- Circular Table Glass Panels with gold plated frames h.660 GfGd1 Horizontal Structure Glass Frame Gold plated Metal th. 10 Glu Vertical/ Horizontal Frame Glue Gp Horizontal Structure Glass Panel Glass th. 5 Hw1 Vertical Structure Hanger Wire Steel th.6 Ins INS Ir Horizontal Structure Pendany Iron Rod th.30 RUBN Niclas Hoflin L1 Lightening System Cove Lightning L2 Lightening System Suspended Light L3 Lightening System Spotlight Mb Vertical Structure Ceiling BrackletMount Steel Mr1 Vertical Cladding Mirror Mirror 1000x2500 Mr2 Vertical Cladding Mirror Mirror 1400x2100 Mr3 Vertical Cladding Mirror Mirror 900x2100 Mrc1 Vertical Cladding Cladding Mirror 280x1170 Mrc2 Vertical Cladding Cladding Mirror Mv1 Furniture M. Vase Pb1 Vertical Structure Plasterboard Plaster th. 12.5 Pb2 Vertical Stucture Pl1 Vertical Frame Finishing Dark VenetianGreenPlaster th.1 Pl2 Vertical Frame Finishing Blue PlasterVenetian th.1 Pl3 Vertical Frame Finishing Light Blue Venetian Plaster th.1 Pl4 Vertical Frame Finishing Concrete Polished Plaster th.3 Pl6 Horizontal Frame Finishing Concrete polished Plaster th.1 Pl7 Vertical Frame Finishing Concrete polished Plaster th.1 Prq Horizontal Structure Finishing Oak Wood Parquet Floor th.30 Sc Horizontal Structure Flooring ScreedCement-bounded th.40 Sc1 Vertical Structure Suspension Cable Black Sh1 Vertical Structure Suspension Hanger Milled and Drilled tube of Steel, Black Matte 13x50 RUBN Niclas Hoflin L2 3 L5 3 L3 3 L4 3 L2(1-C)(1-6) TechnicalL5(A-C)(8-14)L3(D-F)(1-7)Description Fr1L1Fr1Fr1Fr1ScScSc Sc Gl Vh1Hw1Fr2 Fr3Bp Bp WpWp 816 51 21 19 5022 269746Shs5 Shs6 Shs5 Shs6 1850 289 438 Shs5 Pl 4 Pl 4 r350 712 ChCp DESIGNExecutiveTechnicalMGDCBAEFHLNOP 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 A2 4 Selena A2 Detail A1 Assembly Drawing Detail 1:10 S PONTEGGIODIGIUNTOUNDIPARTICOLARE MANUTENZIONEPERPROVVISORIO FACCIATE 1 87


01 90


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05 98



CONTACTSisildarselena@gmail.ccom+4915164829040www.selenaisildar.comSELENA ISILDAR

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