"The Metaverse: the Digital Matrix is Here"
"Is Your Business Prepared for a Social Media Blackout"
"Getting Back to Local in 2022"
"Finding Abundance Through Darkness"
"Keto for Covid"
Holistic Business PR Magazine is published by Starbind Publishing. Sharing of articles is allowed. Give attribution to Holistic Business PR Magazine as the source. We welcome our content to be shared widely.
HolisticBusiness PR Magazine
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THIS ISSUE Getting Back to Local in 2022 08
The Metaverse: the Digital Matrix is Here 12
Is Your Business Prepared for a Social Media Blackout? 17
Finding Abundance Through Darkness 22
HolisticBusiness PR Magazine
Keto for Covid 25
Feature in our Magazine 28
EDITOR'S CORNER Holistic Business PR Magazine is a unique publication for creatives, entrepreneurs and business owners who approach the world of business differently than the norm and are in touch with higher vibes.
We accept news stories, personal stories and informative articles that reflect the ethos of our magazine.
We are proud to do things differently and welcome written articles by contributors. We also offer free advertising space within our magazine for businesses and services.
In return we ask our clients, contributors and advertisers to share the magazine with their networks. To help spread the word. Communal advertising from the grassroots is extremely powerful, holistic and authentic.
To get in touch and be part of our growing community email: shelley@starbindpublishing.com visit: www.holisticbusinesspr.com and www.starbindpublishing.com to learn more about our services
Shelley G.
Our lovely Camille is a trained actress and writer. She works on a variety of services including Copywriting, Social Media, Media relations, Personal Publicity, and Publishing. She also assists the director with the day-to-day running of Holistic Business PR and Starbind Publishing.
Shelley is an author, broadcaster and publisher and is the founder of Holistic Business PR and Starbind Publishing. Shelley has over 20 years of PR and communications experience. She is a trained dancer and former performer and loves the world of creativity and communications.. Her missions is to build a better world through business communications.
Gorgeous Jemma is our inhouse graphic designer and works on a variety of services including Branding, Social Media and Publishing. She runs her own freelance graphic design studio called Illuminate Graphics where she designs a variety of things for a wide range of businesses.
One of the biggest trends of 2022 is "getting back to local" and creating an abundance revolution for your business. Lockdowns, forced business closures, and restricted movement has been an unexpected nightmare for creatives, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Businesses have had to get creative and find new ways of making money. Whether that be online, offline, or a hybrid mix of both, doing something 'different' has been an imperative.
depression or simply put the 'Covid years'. Staying afloat and avoiding pitfalls has been an acquired talent of survival, and some businesses just simply haven't made it through.
Being flexible, practical, and willing to pivot and change mid-stream has either been the best thing ever, or the final nail in the coffin for some.
A recent Bank of England report found that a third of UK’s small businesses were classified as highly indebted with debt levels of more than 10 times their cash balances, compared with 14% before Covid-19.
Certainly, If you stay in business long enough experiencing an economic downturn and shift in the market is a reality that can never truly be escaped.
In the US, the picture is as equally bleak. It is estimated that 99.9% of all businesses in the U.S. qualify as small businesses.
Over the years we have been challenged with austerity, Brexit and now the Covid
Compared to pre-pandemic levels the US has seen 34% of small businesses close. This
is quite devastating as the small business sector collectively employs on average 47.3% of the nation's private workforce. Watching a business go out of business is sad. It is the end of a journey for someone's dream and vision. Yes, new businesses can be created, but they will take time to build. There are always winners and losers in any battle. It's a hard fact of life but the world of business can be quite cruel. That's why if you want to succeed in 2022 learning how to do the small things well will help you weather any upcoming future financial storms and problems. Covid has taught us the simplicity of life. Thinking local, and staying local has been hard for many of us as we are used to living in a global interconnected market, where we meet, socialise and travel freely. We will still have the global market in the form of the internet or meta verse, which is just launching, but becoming local and partnering with others is becoming the new weapon of choice to weather the 'Covid' financial storm. Whether big or small, brand-sharing activities, partnerships and joining resources, is helping a variety of businesses become abundant through difficulty.
Sharing shop space, creating pop-up shops, and trading through physical local markets are creating positive opportunities to trade. As people are staying closer to home, buying local has taken off and those in the creative industries have been benefitting from a renewed interest in local farming; crafts; clothing; tourism; and many other creative and service based industries. Giving top class customer service face-toface, or online creates happy money that circulates and creates prosperity. So think about how you can use the power of local in your business in 2022, and be open to working with others in business.
Available on Amazon
The Metaverse: the digital matrix is here
"CREATIVITY IS YOUR DEFENCE" At the end of October
Zuckerberg and his
Mark Zuckerberg
developer partners have
announced that Facebook
rebranded Facebook, the
had been rebranded and is
first platform of social
now called Meta.
connectivity, with the aim of turning it into a virtual
At first it was hard to tell if
reality platform known as
we were witnessing a trick
the Metaverse.
or a treat. The timing of the announcement, just before
Their press release made the
Halloween, gave it an
following statements:
ominous twist. Yet
"The metaverse will feel like a hybrid of today’s online social
experiences, sometimes
The developers are assuming
expanded into three
that the metaverse will be a
dimensions or projected into
fairly busy space. To take
the physical world.
part you will be required to invest in wearable
"It will let you share
technology such as special
immersive experiences with
glasses, and or large goggles
other people even when you
over your eyes in order to
can’t be together — and do
step into their 'augmented'
things together you couldn’t
alternate reality.
do in the physical world. Eventually, and maybe "It’s the next evolution in a
sooner rather than later, this
long line of social technologies,
wearable technology will be
and it’s ushering in a new
replaced with a chip in your
chapter for our company."
brain, or eye, or some kind of nanoparticle injected into
"Meta builds technologies that
your blood to gain access.
help people connect, find communities, and grow
Obviously, there are many
businesses. When Facebook
red flags about this new
launched in 2004, it changed
technology that need to be
the way people connect."
discussed, but the most important concern is the
"Now, Meta is moving beyond
concept of artistic
2D screens toward immersive
individualism and ownership
experiences like augmented
being replaced with a hybrid
and virtual reality to help
ownership of people's
build thenext evolution in
creativity and ideas.
social technology."
More clarifying details need to be released on this but it stands to reason that Meta will be the sole owner of this reality and by taking part most likely any creatives or business owners will be giving up some part of their intellectual property rights to create and trade in the metaverse. So be forewarned. The introduction of the digital matrix where everybody jacks into a hybrid mind, controlled
by a central corporate
hive most likely banishment
for cash, not social credits, will
power has filled science
and exile will be enforced.
be the only way out from this.
fiction books and movies
So to participate, one can
for decades.
only assume, you will need
The World Economic Forum's
to be communal, easy going
vision of the 4th Industrial
and non-threatening.
revolution puts people,
Most notably, the Matrix films were a warning to the
creativity and private
public of what can go
Obviously there will be
wrong when transhuman
some elements of the
agendas get out of control
metaverse that will be quite
If human creativity dies out
and humanity becomes the
fun and exciting for those
and we become a society that
who prefer to socialise in a
no longer has anything of
make believe environment,
value of our own to produce,
rather than in real life.
then what kind of world will
The announcement of Facebook's metaverse can
enterprise under threat.
we have?
be taken in two ways:
This might be very
innocently or with
appealing for some, and no
It's so important to use this
doubt younger generations
time of change to create new
will really enjoy being in the
ways of doing business and
The track record of
metaverse; but the
uniting with likeminded
Facebook over recent years
ramifications of society's
people to build creative
has shown a great disregard
long-term development, and
commerce networks that can
for freedom of speech.
human development as a
withstand corporate
Blacklisting and de-
whole becomes a concern.
express an alternative
One's best defence is
So, the metaverse raises deep
opinion has become
through good old home
ethical questions that we will
normalised beyond belief.
grown creativity. Creating
not be able to ignore in years
Surely, if you step on the
goods and services that can
to come.
toes of the corporate mind
be traded in the real world
platforming those who
Magic In Your Mind
IS YOUR BUSINESS PREPARED FOR A SOCIAL MEDIA BLACKOUT? In early October 2021 the unthinkable happened, Facebook and Instagram went down. 2.8 billion users worldwide were left with no access to their beloved platforms. Facebook owns not only Instagram but also Whatsapp so their servers going down was a huge inconvenience for many, and affected all means of communication for individuals and businesses. So what was the reason for the outage? The VP of Engineering and Infrastructure Janardhan penned a statement saying: “We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by today’s outage across our platforms, the underlying cause of this outage also impacted many of the internal tools and systems we use in our day-to-day operations, complicating our
attempts to quickly diagnose and resolve the problem."
corporate platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.
Janardhan said that Facebook wanted to “make clear” that the core cause of the blackouts was due to a “faulty configuration change” on “backbone routers.”
Facebook has an unhealthy monopoly of the market share for social media and many critics have been warning businesses, and creatives to find alternatives for a few years.
“This disruption to network traffic had a cascading effect on the way our data centers communicate, bringing our services to a halt,” he said. Whether we agree with social media or not, it has become a lifeline and necessary tool for many people and businesses to interact and connect. The fallout of Facebook’s unprecedented almost six-hour outage has mostly focused on the financial impact to the $1tn social media empire. The outage caused $50bn (£37bn) to be wiped off the company’s market value by jittery investors, and founder Mark Zuckerberg’s paper fortune shrunk by $7bn. It is estimated that more than $13m of the advertising dollars that are its lifeblood disappeared each hour the platform was offline. The lesson learned from this outage shows the public's dependency on the big
Certainly, in recent years and most definitely since the pandemic, starting in 2020 issues of censorship have come to the fore as many people have been blocked or de-platformed for expressing their opinions. Looking to the future it is wise for many creatives, entrepreneurs and businesses to seek alternatives and find new platforms to advertise and engage on. We live in a world where hack attacks and power outages to key services we depend on are becoming commonplace. Here are some tips from Holistic Business PR Magazine to help protect you from future social media blackouts. Tip no. 1 - Finding alternative platforms There are a variety of alternative platforms that can be used for sharing information and messaging. We highly recommend you create alternative profiles and channels on independent social media platforms that are away from big tech censorship and algorithm manipulation.
Telegram is an independent, open-source platform and free to use. It allows freedom of expression and is growing as a reliable alternative to Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp. It is also a suitable alternative to YouTube with over 500 million users signed up to the platform. You can share video clips, posts, links, create groups, and make calls. The app is also encrypted for privacy. Locals is also a great alternative to video social media and is growing in popularity. It has built a community for independent creators allowing freedom of expression. Users can publish content, engage with supporters and make money from subscriptions. Tip no. 2 - Use traditional marketing practices The beauty of social media is that businesses have enjoyed the ease of connecting to an ever ending sea of customers online. Digital marketing has become the most popular form of advertising, but it is not the only form of advertising. Getting back to basics and building a customer database that has a name, postal address, email address, and mobile number is
a must in 2022. There is no shame in marketing the old fashioned way and with direct texting and emailing in the mix you will have a choice of how you want to communicate with customers regardless of outside circumstances. So don't be afraid to integrate leaflets, brochures and snail mail into your marketing mix. Tip 3 - create your own community Many website platforms give you the opportunity to create online communities built into a website. Building your own online community gives you the freedom to control how and when you communicate with your customers. You can have the option to keep your community private behind a paywall for subscribers, or offer a mixture of free access and subscription based membership. Creating your own community and providing content such as video, blog posts and podcasts cuts out the big tech platforms and puts you in control of your marketing. Grow your business with us: www.holisticbusinesspr.com
FINDING ABUNDANCE THROUGH DARKNESS There's been alot of talk lately about shortages. Whether it's food, petrol, energy or clothing; there just doesn't seem to be enough to go round. At least that's what the media wants you to think. If you are finding yourself drawn into the negative world of limited supply and endless worry, take conscious steps towards removing these thoughts from your mind. Abundance is a state of consciousness. It is a feeling and vibrant energy that reponds to your moods, thoughts and most importantly feelings. We do not struggle to breathe air which is a basic requirement to live. Air flows easily in and out of our lungs without worry. This is the same mindset we need to feel abundant so that we can unlock the
"Abundance is a state of consciousness."
potential around us and live the amazing life we deserve. We often feel that abundance has to come in huge quantities. Of course, it's nice when it does, but by being thankful for the small things we can learn to enjoy the bigger successes when they appear. Abundance is a mindset and if you would like to learn more about how to tune in for greater success the Magic in Your Mind Program is a great place to start. Here are some tips on how to feel more abundant in life to shine a light through the darkness.
Be thankful for what you have There's a lot to be thankful for everyday. Count your blessings for all of the good that is in your life. It's easy to be thankful for waking up, for having a home, or for the family you have.
Create your own reality Refuse to allow outside influences such as the media, social media or negative conversations to influence how you choose to see the world. If you believe money is tight and there isn't enough to go round this is the reality you will live. Change the thoughts in your mind to positive ones and your outside world will change with you.
Be mindful of your vibration Don't be so quick to give your attention away to others who are feeling pessimistic or negative. You can choose how you want to feel in any situation. Consciously choose positive and selfassuring thoughts that keep your vibration high. Sign up to the Magic in Your Mind program to understand how the mind works and to manifest abundance in your life.
Six Minutes to Success
KETO FOR COVID As the winter months unfold the dreaded fear of getting sick is upon us. When you run your own business losing time to illness is an expensive annoyance no one wants. So finding ways to improve one's immune system using natural sources is a great help. As Covid still lurks, there are simple steps we can take to protect our health this winter. Going Keto can be one of your best defences against illness and here's why. Most people categorise the Keto diet as a modern weight loss craze. It is true that once your body hits Ketosis, when the metabolism burns off fat, you will easily trim off unwanted pounds. However, originally the diet was not designed for weight loss. It was designed as an aid against ailments and health difficulties.
26 saturated fats and high levels of sugars your body goes into a more natural state of metabolism making it easier to fight infections. Due to ketosis you will need to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water and natural teas, which is, of course, great for the body. Consuming good fats is the key to success with Keto. These can be found in natural sources such as meats, fish, and dairy. If you are vegetarian or vegan, the Keto diet can be harder to do but not impossible, you just need more imagination.
The Keto diet was originally created in the 1920s to treat epilepsy. Since then it has been used for a wide range of medical issues most notably diabetes. For the Keto diet to work, your body has to be deprived of carbs and sugars so that it will burn fat for fuel creating a state of ketosis. That means this diet restricts you to 50 grams of carbs a day which is less than other low carb diets. Saying goodbye to pastas and wheat based breads is a must. Going Keto means adopting a completely new attitude towards food. By eating more fats and consuming less sugars throughout the day, food cravings disappear and your body feels more contented and full. Going Keto can be a great way to defend the body against flu and Covid. By removing
A new relationship also has to be developed with fruits and vegetables. Staying away from fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar and carbs is a challenge and takes getting used to. In general the following groups of food can be eaten on a Keto diet. Low sugar fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, watermelon and cantaloupe. All of the leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach, lettuce, and cabbage. As well as cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. Eating natural fats such as double cream, whipped cream, avocado, cheese, and natural yogurt. Protein such as nuts, meats and fish is a necessity as well as including natural oils such as olive oil and butter, and sauces and dressings.
FEATURE IN OUR MAGAZINE Subimssion of content
We accept news stories, personal stories and informative articles that reflect the ethos of our magazine.
Articles should be between 300-600 words saved as doc or .docx. For longer word counts please discuss your idea in advance of writing with the editor. When writing informative articles please give sources or refer to research and studies where possible.
Our magazine is divided into 4 sections:
business lifestyle wellbeing and online events.
Advertising is free, yes that's right, free! In return we ask you to share the publication on all of your own networks and websites. Image files should be jpeg or png size A4 or 21cmx29.7 cm
Email: shelley@starbindpublishing.com
Jan/Feb 2022 Deadline to submit content 15 December 21
March/April 2022 Deadline to submit content 15 February 2022
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