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Loneliness and separation from family and friends becomes more challenging as we grow older, as Cindy and I have experienced. It is increasingly difficult to find and make friends, and this isolation can have serious impacts on your mental and physical health. Loneliness poses risks comparable to smoking or obesity, and among older adults, it’s linked to a higher risk of dementia.
This month’s theme, “Finding Your Tribe,” explores several solutions to this problem. Dr. Jeremy Nobel’s book, Project Unlonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection, discusses the importance of building meaningful connections and suggests social activities like museum visits and nature walks.
To combat loneliness, it’s essential to discover our tribe—those who share our core values and interests. Family can provide a sense of belonging, but forming supportive social circles outside the family is also crucial. Engaging in volunteer activities or joining intentional communities can help foster deep connections.
By surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals, we can enrich our lives and strengthen our communities. The longest journey begins with the first step. We encourage you to take some first steps to finding your tribe.
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The Coastal Prairie Conservancy (CPC) announces the successful conservation of 298 acres in Matagorda County. Permanently protected through a conservation easement agreement with the landowners, this property features globally rare coastal prairie, including several rare plants such as Bracted Grayfeather, coastal live oak forest, and restored grasslands and wetlands. The property is adjacent to other protected lands, expanding the habitat available to grassland and wetland birds like the Mottled Duck, Northern Harrier, and Eastern Meadowlark. This addition brings the total land conserved by CPC to 31,000 acres.
Mary Anne Piacentini, President and CEO of CPC, noted, “The Texas Coastal Prairie Ecosystem is challenged by increasing land fragmentation and development. It is a privilege to collaborate with private landowners who are committed to conserving their lands and leaving a legacy for future generations of Texans.”
This project was funded through a donation from the landowner, philanthropic grants from a family foundation, the state’s land trust service organization, and a cooperating nonprofit. It marks the first conservation easement funded by the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative, a Regional Conservation Partnership Program of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. This initiative, formed by CPC and its partners, aims to conserve the imperiled coastal prairie ecosystem. Private landowners may receive funding to permanently protect working cattle ranches, farmland, and natural areas.
The Coastal Prairie Conservancy is an accredited, nonprofit land trust working to sustain a resilient Texas by conserving coastal prairie, wetlands, farms, and ranches that benefit people and wildlife. These lands play a crucial role in flood control, clean air and water, outdoor recreation, and wildlife habitat.
For more information, visit www.coastalprairieconservancy.org or find CPC on Facebook and Instagram @coastalprairieconservancy.
Transform Your Wellness:
Join the Holistic Health Community Gathering
Join us for a transformative day at the Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine, 333 West Loop North Freeway, #124, Houston, TX 77024, on August 24, from 9 am to 2 pm. This event brings together holistic health practitioners and enthusiasts to share knowledge, build a supportive network, and explore the world of natural healing.
Key Activities:
Sharing Circle: Connect with local practitioners, discover their services, and share personal experiences in a supportive environment. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about various holistic practices and how they can enhance overall well-being.
Shamanic Ancestral Journey: Participate in a guided journey to connect with ancestral wisdom. This session aims to provide deep insights into personal wellness journeys, drawing on the ancient knowledge and traditions of shamanic practices.
Discussion Topic: How Does “Energy” Play into Our Health? Delve into the fascinating intersection of spirituality and science. This discussion will cover the ways in which energy impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and how understanding this connection can lead to more effective healing practices.
Community Potluck: Bring a dish to share and enjoy a diverse array of homemade foods. This potluck is an excellent chance to bond over a shared meal, exchange recipes, and learn about each other’s culinary traditions.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of a growing community dedicated to holistic health and natural healing.
Register now at physiciantransformationinstitute.com.
You are cordially invited to the soft opening of the White Lotus Spa at the Golden Hill Retreat Center in Coldspring, Texas! Join us on Saturday, August 17 from 7-10 pm and Sunday, August 18 from 9 am - 5 pm. Enjoy appetizers, drinks, snacks, and a gathering around the fire.
Golden Hill Retreat Center is a collaboration by Nelson Valena MD and Jason Anderson to develop a sacred space where healers of all traditions share their knowledge and experience to help people find their inner healer. We welcome you to come explore our facility with the intention of empowering you to be your best self aligned with your soul.
Experience Our Unique Weekend Offerings:
n Ayurvedic Massage + Shirodhara scalp oil treatment
n Tachyon Chamber Sessions
n Vibroacoustic Therapy
n Lucia Hypnagogic Session
n Brain Tap Healing
n Shamanic and Energy Healing Sessions
Please schedule appointments using our website: goldenhillretreat.com.
Location: Golden Hill Retreat Center, 7160 FM 224 Rd., Coldspring, Texas, 77331
According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, bones that contain more minerals are denser, stronger and less likely to break. With age or certain medical conditions, bones can become less dense, and osteoporosis can develop, causing them to become weak and brittle.
A study published in the journal Nutrients evaluated the role of lifestyle and nutrition on women’s bone mineral density. The study included a cross-section of more than 850 healthy premenopausal Saudi women divided into two age groups: 20-to-30-year-olds and 30-to-40-year-olds. Participants had their bone mineral density measured, provided a blood sample and self-reported sociodemographic, medical history, lifestyle, diet and physical activity information. The results showed that adequate vitamin D levels, physical activity and proper nutrition positively influence bone mineral density values, which can impact bone health later in life.
Talc is used in many forms of makeup, including bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, foundation, mascara, lipstick and dry shampoo, because it absorbs moisture and prevents caking. But when it is mined, talc may be contaminated by naturally occurring asbestos, which is not evenly distributed, making testing for it difficult.
British women have sued leading cosmetic companies in U.S. courts, claiming they contracted mesothelioma, an incurable cancer of the lining of the lung, heart or stomach, through their use of cosmetic products. Unless related to employment, it is difficult to bring legal action for mesothelioma in the UK, and many of the large cosmetic companies are based in America. These women are seeking compensation and to raise awareness of the risks.
Johnson and Johnson (J&J) faces nearly 54,000 lawsuits related to claims that talc in baby powder caused ovarian cancer. A Reuters investigation found that J&J executives knew for decades that talc can contain asbestos.
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center
Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC 8100 Washington Ave, #210
Houston, TX 77007
HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC 4101 Green Briar Dr. #135 Houston, TX 77098
Franson Chiropractic
Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC 1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd. Houston, TX 77077
Researchers from Ohio State University (OSU) have provided another reason to choose a more natural, plant-based diet: lowering the risk of colorectal cancer. Twenty percent of colorectal patients are under age 55, and the rate is increasing, according to the American Cancer Society. OSU scientists believe that the Western diet upsets the balance of gut bacteria, which, in turn, causes inflammation and accelerated cell aging, making individuals more susceptible to cancer. The researchers found that colorectal cancer patients were biologically 15 years older than their chronological age.
A study in the journal Nutrients characterized a Western diet as “high intakes of pre-packaged foods, refined grains, red meat, processed meat, high-sugar drinks, candy, sweets, fried foods, conventionally raised animal products, high-fat dairy products and high-fructose products.”
Mycelium, the soft, dense and strong roots of fungi, are being used in mycotextiles, a potential replacement for leather. MycoWorks, a South Carolina-based biotechnology company, is working on a scalable approach to grow uniform sheets of interwoven mycelium that are customizable for varying thickness, surface features and dimensions. The goal is to produce a more ethical, environmentally sustainable and efficient alternative to animal leather. The fungus is grown in sterilized agricultural waste such as sawdust and bran, and the growth process ends when the sheets of mycelium are peeled off the sawdust block, at which point they can be tanned and crafted into a range of marketable products. To date, MycoWorks materials have been used in designer handbags for Hermès, making them biodegradable at the end of their life cycle.
Houston Audubon Society- Enjoy birding? Want to learn more about our feathered friends? Connect with other birders, and enjoy our local outings and field trips. You are invited to join us! houstonaudubon.org
Lutherans Restoring Creation- Are you passionate about saving the environment? We are part of a long Lutheran tradition of reflection and action on addressing environmental concerns from the perspective of our faith and theology. We invite you to take part in our local activities that help to heal our world. lutheransrestoringcreation-gul.godaddysites.com
Resurrection MCC- We are a community of people from many spiritual and religious traditions, some of us with even no religious experience at all.We want to be a place where everyone belongs and can find a spiritual home that is founded in creating fellowship and family with others. resurrectionmcc.org
First Spiritualist Church of Houston- We dedicate ourselves to creating a sanctuary of the Divine Presence where visitors are welcomed into a peaceful oasis of warm smiles and where members can embrace the joy and strength of a loving spiritual family. firstspiritualistchurchofhouston.org
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston- As people focused on creating what Dr. King called “the beloved community,” we offer our skills, talents and experience to build a more loving, just and peaceful world today. firstuu.org
Creative Life Spiritual Center- Creative Life is a spiritual community in suburban Houston, Texas, teaching and living the Science of Mind, a transformational path first articulated by American philosopher Ernest Shurtleff Holmes. We invite you to experience our Sunday celebrations and any of our other many opportunities for fellowship.creativelife.org
Kew Gardens, in London, England, maintains a fungarium that displays about half of all known species—the largest collection in the world. Mycologists there are studying how fungi help soil sequester about 1.5 trillion tons of organic carbon around the world. Approximately 90 percent of plant species have a symbiotic relationship with fungi species, by which the fungi trade water and nutrients for carbon. Understanding this relationship will help in the design of reforestation schemes to sequester more carbon. Scientists have also noted that nitrogen pollution from burning fossil fuels and from agriculture reduces the diversity of fungi in the soil, thereby reducing the potential for carbon sequestration—pointing to one more reason to find ways to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Human-caused warming of the air, oceans and land is heating the Arctic region faster than anywhere else on the planet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently reported the warmest surface air temperature ever observed in the Arctic during the region’s sixth-warmest year on record. Scientists agree that the loss of Arctic ice will increase the rate of warming for the rest of the planet.
To combat the issue, geoengineers are experimenting with ways to slow the melt in conjunction with efforts to reduce carbon output and recapture carbon already found in the atmosphere. One experiment by Arctic Reflections, a Dutch company, involves pumping water onto the surface of existing ice sheets to form a protective layer of new ice. The inspiration for their experiment comes from a method the Dutch have used for decades to make ice for skating marathons. Another experiment uses reflective glass beads scattered on top of snow and ice to reflect the sun’s rays. In early testing, the beads reflected 30 percent more sunlight than the snow alone.
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Agreener work environment reduces costs, optimizes building operations, saves energy and water, reduces waste and improves employee morale. A study by Brookfield Properties, a real estate developer, found that 93 percent of those working in an eco-friendly office feel happier. Here are some sustainable workplace measures.
• Conserve electricity. Install motion-activated light switches, and turn off computers during off-hours. Use a smart thermostat to schedule efficient temperature settings throughout the workday and on weekends and holidays. Strategically position window blinds to regulate room temperature. Switch to LED lightbulbs, which emit very little heat, use 75 percent less energy and last three to five times longer than incandescent bulbs.
• Travel less. Reduce the company’s carbon footprint and business travel expenses by employing video conferencing.
• Embrace renewable energy. Adopt solar panels and wind energy. Where available, choose an electric company that uses renewable energy sources instead of coal or natural gas.
• Recycle. Clearly label recycling bins in kitchens and common areas; post signs listing items that can be recycled. Donate or recycle old office furniture, computers and other electronics. Participate in recycling programs for printer cartridges and batteries.
• Go paperless. The average U.S. office worker prints about 31 pages a day, contributing to 21 million tons of paper waste by businesses annually. Replace paper and ink with digital solutions.
• Decorate with plants. Live greenery beautifies workspaces, lowers stress and anxiety, boosts oxygen levels and reduces indoor air pollutants.
• Promote a sustainable kitchen. Use reusable mugs and kitchenware or offer compostable options. Keep reusable takeout containers for office leftovers. Replace paper towels with washable towels, compostable sponges, scrub brushes and cloth napkins. Keep a hamper close by and launder as needed.
• Ditch the plastic pods. A coffee pod machine produces plastic waste with each cup. Use a coffee pot or opt for recyclable pods and a dedicated recycling bin nearby.
• Provide a water station. Plastic water bottles are packing landfills and polluting waterways. Install a filtered-water dispenser and encourage office workers to employ reusable cups and bottles.
• Use green cleaning products. Eco-friendly products are less toxic and produce less waste. Choose bar soap and refillable, sustainable cleaning solutions.
• Plan purchases. E-commerce is convenient but can contribute to packaging waste and carbon emissions. Purchase office supplies from sustainable suppliers; buy products with low lifecycle environmental impacts; order in bulk; and avoid small, last-minute orders.
Quantum Life Energy is a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System (EE System) Center in Spring, TX, owned by Csilla Molnar. This private membership facility is dedicated to fostering higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization by integrating body, mind, spirit, and advanced science and technology. A safe and welcoming environment is provided, allowing members to find peace while benefiting from the EE System technology.
Membership costs $10 and is valid for five years. Registered users can purchase memberships on the store page and complete the necessary forms electronically. Members gain full access to session packages, appointment bookings, and the WellnessLiving Achieve App for easy scheduling. Follow on Facebook for updates.
The EE System technology utilizes scalar waves and biophotons to revitalize cells, promoting optimal body function. This advanced technology enhances the body’s natural ability to heal and reach its optimal state, supporting overall wellness and vitality. Reported benefits include improved sleep, increased energy and stamina, enhanced mental clarity, balanced brain hemispheres, and better mental health. Users also experience natural healing, rejuvenation, anti-aging effects, improved skin texture, increased creative intelligence, deep relaxation, and significant benefits for diabetes and neuropathy.
Join the community of individuals experiencing transformative health benefits through this groundbreaking technology.
Quantum Life Energy 4711 Louetta Road, Suite#114 Spring TX, 77388. 281-401-9053 quantumlifeenergy.com
See ad page 5.
Natalia Castille at Studio Essex MedSpa is a certified skin care specialist and massage therapist, also certified as a Chopra Wellness coach. Specializing in skin aesthetic rejuvenation and body care, the services offered include hydrafacials, microneedling, post-op lymphatic massage, photo facial laser treatments, Emsculpt Neo-body contouring, and Botox.
What sets Studio Essex MedSpa apart is the collaboration with two board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Cara Downey and Dr. Jamal Bullocks, ensuring comprehensive and professional care. The integration of advanced techniques and expert knowledge guarantees optimal results for every client. Studio Essex MedSpa remains dedicated to elevating beauty and wellness through personalized and innovative treatments.
Experience the unique blend of expertise and care that defines Studio Essex MedSpa and discover the ultimate in skin and body rejuvenation. Mention Natural Awakenings magazine and receive a $1000 surgical credit voucher, enhancing the value and accessibility of the exceptional services provided. (This discount may not be combined with other offers.) Call or email natalia@studioessexmedspa.com to make an appointment.
Studio Essex MedSpa 2813 W. T.C Jester Blvd. Houston, TX 77018 713-494-2427. houstonplasticsurgery.pro IG @nataliacastille
See ad page 29.
August of another summer, and once again I am drinking the sun and the lilies again are spread across the water.
—Mary Oliver
by Thais Harris, BCHN
Despite society’s increasing emphasis on individualism, the concept of community remains a powerful force for personal and collective well-being. Loneliness is detrimental to both mental and physical health and comparable to smoking or obesity in terms of risk factors. Among older adults, isolation is associated with an increased probability of dementia.
In his book Project Unlonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection, Dr. Jeremy Noble discusses the public health and economic impacts of widespread seclusion, as well as the importance of building meaningful connections. He advocates making loneliness screening a routine part of health care and prescribing social activities such as museum visits, classes and nature walks for patients. These measures have been effectively used in the United Kingdom.
There is a growing movement that encourages us to find our tribe—those that resonate with our own core values, interests and lifestyle. While historically associated with Indigenous groups, a “tribe” is defined as a social division consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect. The point is to surround ourselves with supportive individuals that uplift us and provide a sense of belonging.
Family is, in a sense, our original tribe, serving a crucial role in our sense of belonging throughout life. Regardless of interpersonal dynamics, maintaining consistent connection with relatives can ease loneliness and improve longevity and other health outcomes. In the world’s Blue Zones, where
people live the longest and have a better overall quality of life, the happiest centenarians build their lives around their families, and multigenerational households are common.
To remain anchored in our heritage, it is essential to regularly share moments and activities with kin, enjoying family meals, holiday parties, game nights, walks around the neighborhood or even living room hangouts. Simply spending time together allows us to share family stories, learn from each other and create traditions. Outside the family, there are many ways to find or create a tribe of cheerful acquaintances and deeply held friendships that form a safety net to shield us from drifting into isolation.
Volunteering is a powerful way to engage in activities that align with our passions and values while also connecting with like-minded people and helping a cause or deserving group of individuals. One example is Volunteers in Medicine (VIM), founded in 2003, which brings together 70 medical professionals and approximately 100 community stakeholders that volunteer their time to provide free health care for the uninsured people of the Berkshires, in Massachusetts. While the practitioners treat patients—in-person and online—the others serve as interpreters, drivers and receptionists. The generosity of these individuals addresses an important need in the community and keeps people out of hospitals.
“By engaging in VIM’s mission, volunteers find purpose and meaning through the act of giving back, enhancing their own lives while improving others,” shares VIM Executive Director Ilana Steinhauer. “The opportunity to serve the community not only fulfills a personal desire to help those in need, but also fosters a deep sense of connection and community among volunteers. This camaraderie and shared mission enrich the volunteers’ lives, creating a ripple effect of positivity that strengthens the entire community fabric, making it a cornerstone of community and personal development.”
Another example is nonprofit Citizen University, which equips Americans to be cultural catalysts. Their Local Civic Collaboratory aims to shift the paradigm of success from individual achievement to shared triumph. Through collaborative gatherings, participants are empowered to address local issues, launch educational initiatives and spark artistic endeavors while relishing in deep conversations, forging meaningful bonds and launching networks of unified action.
Coming together around shared beliefs or devotional practices can be another avenue to step away from seclusion and into a loving fraternity. Some people with shared values and goals choose to live with each other in what is known as intentional communities, many of which emphasize sustainability, cooperation and mutual support. The Foundation for Intentional Community offers an online directory to find the right living situation based on multiple criteria, including geographical location, community type, dietary preferences, educational styles, religious or spiritual beliefs and renewable energy sources.
When we are out and about, we encounter people we don’t know—strangers in supermarket aisles, bank lines or walking their dogs in the local park. Instead of passing by without acknowledging them, we have the choice to say hello or exchange pleasantries. On his podcast “Hidden Brain,” Shankar Vedantam explores how these tiny encounters can impact our lives. Smiling at people in the street, expressing gratitude for small acts of kindness or complimenting someone’s style elevates both parties. Studies by Amit Kumar, assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, and Nicholas Epley, professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, highlight the beneficial, long-term impact of small acts of kindness and positive interactions on recipients and givers.
If friendships were lost during the pandemic, rebuilding a tribe will require intentionality and creativity. Reaching out with purpose to create community might just be what saves us and the planet. When we feel a sense of belonging, we can collaborate for the common good and boost our ability to protect nature, innovate and find solutions for the world’s problems. How we network is limited only by our imagination: Take classes at the local library, community college or arts organization; find a fun activity on MeetUp.com; or form a group to make new friends that share a common interest.
While online tribes can offer accessibility and a broader reach, thus facilitating connections with people from different geographies and backgrounds, face-to-face interactions are essential to our well-being. Holistic psychologist Victoria Kar shares, “Never in history has humanity been more disconnected from each other than now.
The predominance of urban lifestyles creates barriers for deep social connections, and technology creates a false sense of belonging—where we can reach someone on the other side of the world on a screen—yet have no one to hold next to us.”
In-person communities provide a more heartfelt sense of fellowship. When we are present, we emit energetic fields, and the heart radiates perhaps the most powerful energy. Studies conducted by the HeartMath Institute have shown that the heart’s magnetic field can be detected by other individuals up to five feet away, igniting our sense of belonging in a way that is not possible online.
In his recent advisory report, “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,” U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Hallegere Murthy notes that, across age groups, people are spending less time with each other in person than two decades ago, and this is most pronounced among young people
aged 15 to 24 that are engaging in 70 percent fewer interactions with friends. Murthy points out, “The impact of this lack of social connection can be felt in our schools, workplaces and organizations, where performance, productivity and engagement are diminished.”
The report outlines six recommendations to enhance social connection, including:
• Urging for greater social infrastructure at parks, libraries and public programs
• Enacting pro-connection public policies at every level of government such as access to public transport and paid family leave
• Mobilizing the health sector to address needs stemming from isolation
• Reforming digital environments
• Investing in research to deepen our understanding of social isolation
• Cultivating a culture of connection
In his book Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, Murthy identifies three types of connections that play a crucial role in our lives: intimate (close friends and family), relational (friends and acquaintances) and collective (communities). Factors such as work culture, social media and urbanization can hinder meaningful connections, contributing to a growing sense of isolation.
As a solution, he emphasizes the importance of small, consistent actions such as active listening, expressing gratitude and engaging with community. True connection is a source of healing. The Surgeon General urges, “Answer that phone call from a friend. Make time to share a meal. Listen without the distraction of your phone. Perform an act of service. Express yourself authentically.”
Finding a tribe can significantly impact our health and happiness, providing support, joy and inclusion. The connections we choose to nurture can enrich our lives in profound ways, ensuring we thrive in body, mind and spirit.
Thais Harris is a board-certified holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and international speaker. Connect at NourishTogether.com.
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by Maya Whitman
The average life expectancy is 77.5 years in the United States, but residents of the Seventh-Day Adventist city, Loma Linda, California, are outliving the rest of the country by 10 years. Like other regions of the world classified as Blue Zones, Loma Linda’s soil and water aren’t sprinkled with magic, but daily lifestyle and dietary habits might be key contributing factors.
Coined by National Geographic explorer and researcher Dan Buettner, the term “Blue Zones” is bestowed upon intriguing corners of the world where people reach their ninth decade and beyond without suffering from chronic illness and disease. While no
definitive formula for longevity exists in Loma Linda or any of the other four Blue Zones— Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Okinawa, Japan; and Ikaria, Greece—commonalities include staying physically active, eating unprocessed food and enjoying a vibrant social network.
“By prioritizing physical activity, encouraging plant-based diets and creating spaces that promote social interactions, communities can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being,” says Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Kitchen, who found his life’s work traveling the world in search of centenarian secrets.
In 2023, JAMA Internal Medicine published the findings of a long-term study involving more than 75,000 women and 44,000 men over 36 years, which determined that adherence to one of four plant-based and Mediterranean dietary patterns can lower the risk of premature death. All of the dietary guidelines in this study included whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Growing evidence suggests that nutrient-dense, unprocessed meals play a major role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
“Diets in Blue Zones are predominantly plant-based, with a heavy emphasis on vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. They also eat a variety of beans, which are a staple in their diets and an excellent source of protein and fiber,” Buettner points out, adding that moderate portion sizes, unhurried mealtime and leaving the table when 80 percent full are also highlights of the Blue Zone lifestyle.
Anna Freedman, a natural-food chef, educator and founder of Wholefood Harmony, in London, England, specializes in a health-supporting macrobiotic approach based on ancient Japanese philosophy and developed in the 1920s by George Ohsawa. She says, “Whole foods are essential to health and longevity. Plants capture the sun’s energy, so consuming vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains bestows both nutrition and vibrancy upon the body. These foods are alkalizing and directly nourish the cells, Aamulya from Getty Images/CanvaPro
restoring the blood quality and supporting health and longevity.”
Macrobiotic favorites like lentils, chickpeas, whole grains and dark, leafy greens echo Blue Zone dietary models and are believed to promote overall systemic balance. The macrobiotic approach, adds Freedman, “can be adjusted to focus on improving a certain health condition or adapted to meet climate, phase of life or another factor.” In her work with clients, she encourages the consumption of a wide range of plant ingredients and cooking styles, and even incorporates certain animal proteins, to accommodate client preferences.
Diets that seek to promote a longer, healthier life usually include powerhouse ingredients such as naturally fermented sauerkraut and kimchi, legumes like lentils and split peas, and whole grains, especially barley, millet and oats.
In our modern world, feelings of isolation are reaching epidemic proportions, and in the medical community, loneliness is now seen as a risk factor for mortality that is equal to the effects of obesity, smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. Through Blue Zone research, it is
understood that emotional nourishment is vital to good health. According to Buettner, “In Blue Zones, people often engage in regular social interactions, whether it’s through communal meals, faith-based gatherings or simply spending time with neighbors and family.” A table of delicious food surrounded by loved ones is an inspiring way to eat and age gracefully.
For Gladys McGarey, M.D., cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association, who is still practicing medicine at 103 years of age, our thoughts are also a form of nourishment. “What we feed our minds grows and lives, and we become it,” says the author of the bestseller The Well- Lived Life. “It has to do with love, the whole process of life. Love must be shared to flow, and life is the same. We must not only create community, but live it.”
Freedman sums it up saying, “Eating and togetherness is a key feature of humanity, which is alarmingly in sharp decline. Food was always meant to be enjoyed together, and doing so serves up much more than simply nutrition.”
Maya Whitman is a frequent writer for Natural Awakenings magazine.
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This macrobiotic soup combines all the healing and digestive benefits of miso and ginger. Noodles, fish and a variation of vegetables can be added, too.
Dash sesame oil
1 leek, finely sliced
1 carrot, finely diced
1 zucchini or summer squash, finely diced
3-inch portion of wakame sea vegetable, rinsed and cut into small strips
3 cups boiling water
Spring onions, finely cut for garnish
4 tsp brown rice miso paste
1 inch ginger root, juiced
Heat the sesame oil and sauté the leek for one minute. Add the other vegetables and wakame.
To make a broth, add water to cover the ingredients, bring to a boil then simmer for 4 minutes.
Remove one ladle of broth and place in a bowl. Add the miso to this broth, stirring to dissolve and incorporate the paste into the broth, and then pour it back into the original pot of cooked vegetables. Add ginger juice and simmer for another minute or so. Garnish with spring onion.
Recipe courtesy of Anna Freedman.
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1 15-oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp garlic salt
½ tsp chili powder
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 350°F.
Toss the chickpeas, oil, cumin, garlic salt, chili powder and black pepper in a large bowl until well coated and uniform. Pour the mixture onto a large, lipped baking sheet and spread into one layer. Bake 45 to 60 minutes until browned and crisp, stirring occasionally.
Set the baking sheet on a wire rack and cool for 10 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the chickpeas to a serving bowl. Serve warm or at room temperature with plenty of napkins.
by David J. Sautter, NASM (CPT, FNS, PES), ACE (SCS)
Holistic approaches to health and well-being that consider the entire person—body, mind and spirit—are especially effective in cultivating creativity and mental equilibrium. Cross-brain fitness training encourages the use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain in tandem to improve body and brain function.
One study published in Advances in Physical Education suggests that exercises involving movements across the middle of the body improved the ability to transfer motor skills from one hand to the other, most likely due to improved communication between the two sides of the brain. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Exercise, Nutrition and Biochemistry found that a 12-week brain health exercise program for seniors improved lower and upper body strength, as well as aerobic endurance, while also increasing cognitive function and levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that plays an important role in neuronal survival and growth.
Physical activities that engage both brain hemispheres boost health and enhance creativity by integrating analytical and creative thinking. Team sports such as soccer and basketball are excellent for cross-brain development. They demand strategic planning and logical thinking, activities typically associated with the left hemisphere. At the same time, they require players to use spatial awareness and creativity—skills linked to the right hemisphere. This combination encourages players to continuously switch between different modes of thinking, thereby improving brain agility and coordination.
“Team sports require players to analyze the game situation, anticipate opponents’ moves and strategize accordingly,” says Danielle Smith, a registered dietitian and personal trainer. “Players need to understand the rules of the game, their position-specific responsibilities and how to
execute plays effectively. Team sports offer a great way for these skills to develop naturally in a fun environment.”
Rock climbing is a prime example of an activity that blends cognitive demands. It requires meticulous problem-solving and advanced planning (left-brain activities) to choose the best routes and techniques for ascent. Simultaneously, climbers must employ spatial awareness and adaptability (right-brain activities) to navigate and adjust to new challenges on the fly, making it a comprehensive brain exercise.
Sailing combines the technical knowledge and analytical thinking characteristic of the left brain, such as navigating and understanding sailing mechanics, with the intuitive grasp of environmental elements like wind and water, a right-brain activity. Sailors must continuously interpret these dynamic elements and adjust their strategies accordingly, promoting an advanced level of hemispheric integration.
Incorporating a variety of cross-brain training activities into a regular fitness routine is crucial for engaging different parts of the brain and maximizing cognitive development. Here are some tips and strategies for creating an effective cross-brain fitness routine:
• Add variety. Rotate between activities that challenge different cognitive skills. For example, blend team sports, which enhance strategic thinking and cooperation, with individual pursuits like rock climbing or sailing that require problem-solving and adaptability. This diversity not only prevents boredom but also stimulates different brain areas.
• Be consistent. Schedule brain-stimulating physical activities several times a week. This regular engagement helps to encourage new neural connections and improve brain function over time.
• Progress gradually. Start with simpler tasks and gradually increase the complexity of the activities as cognitive and physical abilities improve. This progression keeps the brain challenged and engaged as training advances.
• Track results. Use a journal or digital app to record the types of activities performed, their duration and any noticeable improvements in thinking, problem-solving or creative output. Also reflect on changes in emotional and mental well-being. Such monitoring is essential to appreciate the benefits of a cross-brain fitness routine.
• Check cognitive progress. Consider periodic cognitive assessments to formally measure cognitive improvements. These can be simple online tests designed to evaluate brain functions such as memory, attention, problem-solving and creativity.
Cross-brain fitness can be supported by other activities during the day. Regular meditation, for example, quiets the mind’s chatter, allowing both sides of the brain to work in harmony, thus enhancing the ability to generate new ideas and solve problems creatively.
“Meditation and mindfulness practices are associated with strengthening the brain’s connectivity,” explains Kathleen Benson, a registered dietitian specializing in women’s health, sports nutrition and digestive health. “This can improve attention, memory, decision-making and general mindfulness. Regular practitioners often have improved emotional control, lower stress and clearer thinking.”
What we eat significantly impacts our brain function and overall health. A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and proteins can enhance cognitive function and support both the logical and creative faculties of the brain. Foods like blueberries, nuts, fish and green leafy vegetables boost brain health and foster mental clarity.
Adequate sleep helps consolidate memories and clear brain fog, making room for new ideas and creative thinking. Sleep also balances the emotional states, ensuring that both the analytical and creative sides of the brain can function optimally without the interference of stress or anxiety.
David J. Sautter is a certified trainer, fitness-nutrition specialist, and health and fitness writer.
by Marlaina Donato
Communities of old were created and bound by a collective ethos that included a common ethnicity and geography, as well as shared religious beliefs and traditions. Gathering around the fire combined the needs of survival with stories and song that ignited generations with spiritual sustenance.
In our modern Western world, we sit amid the ruins of what community used to be. Our tapestry of human bonds is becoming threadbare beneath the weight of overly scheduled lives, screen distraction and social divisions. Despite having constant contact with others on our phones, newsfeeds and online conference rooms, we may sometimes feel like lone travelers across a tundra of isolation.
In nature, symbiotic relationships between fungi and trees, flowers and insects, and certain species of animals are the foundation of
life. As much as 70 percent of forest flora depend upon winged creatures for pollination, and lichens are often composed of three organisms living together harmoniously.
As we go through the workday, drive the kids to practice and scramble to get dinner on the table, it is easy to forget that we, too, are part of the natural order. Fostering life-nourishing connections helps us to cope and thrive, while prioritizing openness can become much-needed soul medicine.
Summer days are often treasured for the memories we make with those we love, yet to-do lists loom over our heads as August winds down. This year, let’s take the spirit of summer into the cooler months and vow to spend quality time with loved ones, mend the broken threads in our relationships and enjoy each other’s company in the present moment. We can choose to appreciate everyone—from the supermarket cashier to the family dentist—and see their worthy contributions interwoven in our own lives. In doing so, we might remember our own invaluable roles in the fabric of life.
To rekindle and build community, join a local group or class to share a passion; chitchat with someone while standing in line at the grocery store; or invite a neighbor to spend quality time together. Take every opportunity to make a connection.
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and composer. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
Urban Silent half-Day Retreat. 9:302:30pm. Discover the power and potential of quietude. *Please bring or pre-order your own lunch and journal. Investment: $88. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449 Houston 77007. https://momence.com/ Rhia-Robinson/Urban-Silent-Half-Day-Retreat/103153284
Family Yoga, 4:00-5:00 pm. Family Yoga is a delightful way for families to bond, connect and enjoy the benefits of yoga as a group. It’s a playful and interactive practice that cultivates mindfulness, flexibility and relaxation for all ages. No previous yoga experience required. Investment: $35 per family. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449 Houston 77007. https://momence.com/Meredith-Smith/Family-Yoga/102544679
MONDAY-FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th – 9th,. Kids Yoga Summer Camp – Grow and Flow (Ages 7-10). 9am-12pm. Through movement activities and nature-inspired crafts, children will learn to connect with the beauty of the natural world, cultivate mindfulness, and blossom into confident young yogis, all while nurturing a love for plants and the environment. Ages 7-10* *We will accommodate siblings. If you would like to register a child who falls outside this age group please contact us at info@ unionstudio.yoga. Investment: $260 Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449 Houston 77007. https://momence.com/Meredith-Smith/Yoga-Summer-Camp---Growand-Flow-(Ages-7-10)/100742058
weMED Webinar: Kidney Failure. 11 am12 n. Kidney failure is an extremely scary situation as dialysis and kidney transplant interrupt our work-life balance as well as adding financial strain. This presentation will showcase our patients improved kidney function by following their eGFR and creatinine biometrics achieved through natural therapies. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: Melting Belly Fat. 11 am-12 n. Tummy fat is stubborn, learn the signs and risks of that accumulated adipose tissue in the heart vessels, under the skin, and the rest of the body. This webinar will help you see that a reduction in tummy fat of 5-10 pounds or more is achievable. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: A-Fib. 11 am-12 n. Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can cause blood clots in the heart and increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. Episodes of atrial fibrillation may come and go, or they may be persistent. Although A-fib itself usually isn’t life-threatening, it’s a serious medical condition that requires proper treatment to prevent a stroke. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: PCOS. 11 am-12 n. Facial hair, acne, weight gain and infertility are very frustrating with PCOS. This topic will the root causes of PCOS to eliminate most of those unwanted symptoms. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
6-Weeks Meditation and Breathing Fundamentals. 6-7 pm. Online. Learn to appreciate the inner and outer sensory experience, transcend limitations, and promote positive behavior change through a comprehensive approach to breathing and meditation without the “woowoo.” Open to beginning and veteran meditators. Classes will be recorded, and you will also receive free audio guided meditations every week. $149. nervousapes.com
weMed Webinar: Hypertension. 11 am-12 n. Understand hypertension and the risk of the balloon effect internally even with medications. This webinar will teach you how to treat the root causes of hypertension to bring your blood pressure back within normal limits allowing you to reduce or eliminate medications safely. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMed Webinar: Menopause. 11 am-12 n. Tired of night sweats, hot flashes, major mood swings, and weight gain? This webinar will help you solve those issues naturally and effectively. FREE. wemedhealth.com/ upcoming-webinars
weMed Webinar: Thyroid. 11 am-12 n. There is a lot of misinformation about thyroid disorders. Join us for The Truth About Thyroid and Autoimmunity. The real causes of thyroid symptoms (so we can start to fix them). The consequences of not identifying and correcting the real causes of autoimmune issues. FREE. wemedhealth.com/ upcoming-webinars
Full Moon Crystal Bowl Sound Bath + Yoga Nidra w/ Jessica. 6:15 PM, 60 minutes. Experience deep relaxation with the sounds and frequencies of quartz crystal singing bowls. Jessica will guide you through a full body scan/yoga nidra meditation to a state of conscious sleep. Investment: $27.Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449 Houston 77007. https:// momence.com/Jessica-Brock/Full-MoonCrystal-Bowl-Sound-Bath-%2B-Yoga-Nidra/103153416
COOKED: Survival by Zip Code Screening & Discussion. 2 - 4 pm. Online. Survival by ZIP Code reveals the ways in which class, race, and zip code predetermine unequal response and recovery to environmental disaster. Register for this event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cooked-survival-by-zip-code-screening-discussion-tickets-937990112677
weMED Webinar: Diabetes Management 11 am-12 n. Diabetes is a major problem among Americans. We will look at some of the root causes and ways it can be managed. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: PCOS. 11 am-12 n. Facial hair, acne, weight gain and infertility are very frustrating with PCOS. This topic will the root causes of PCOS to eliminate most of those unwanted symptoms. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
Extended Practice w/ Kim. 2:00-4:00pm, 120 minutes. Enjoy this 120 minutes class which includes philosophy, pranayama, meditation, asana with hands-on adjustments and an extended savasana. Investment: $40. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449 Houston 77007. https:// momence.com/Kimberly-Taurins/Extended-Practice/104259309
weMED Webinar: Lupus Natural Solutions. 11 am-12 n. We will look at some of the symptoms, causes and natural solutions for lupus. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: A-Fib. 11 am-12 n. Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can cause blood clots in the heart and increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. Episodes of atrial fibrillation may come and go, or they may be persistent. Although A-fib itself usually isn’t life-threatening, it’s a serious medical condition that requires proper treatment to prevent a stroke. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
2024 Lands & Legacies Conference. 9 am-4:30 pm Thursday. 8 am- 2 pm Friday. Join the Coastal Prairie Conservancy and our partners for the 2024 Lands & Legacies Conference, a joint event between the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative and the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative This conference is a critical opportunity for landowners and conservation partners to come together! General Admission - $68. Landowners FREE. The George Ranch 10215 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, 77469 prairiepartner.org/2024conference
Free Outdoor Zumba 9 am. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside. tinyfitnesshouston.com
Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Meditation with chanting, readings, and an opportunity to ask questions. Perfect for newcomers and long time practitioners. 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Free qigong at 10:00 am. On the first Sunday of every month we have qigong at 9:30, free teaching at 10:30, and a free lunch after meditation at noon. Dawn Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Center 4803 San Felipe St. Houston TX 77056. dawnmountain.org
Sunday Celebration 11 am. We gather to renew friendships and enjoy exciting celebrations and encouragements by minister Dr. Jesse Jennings, the music of Geoffry Oshman and guests, and the spiritual support of our practitioners. Creative Life Spiritual Center 5326 Spring Stuebner Rd. Ste. 200, Spring, Texas 77389. creativelife. org and online at facebook.com/creativelifeorg
Kid’s Yoga w/Meredith. 11:30 am-12:30 pm Our children’s yoga classes teach age-appropriate yoga poses, breathing techniques, and mindfulness activities for children ages 5-12 years old. Through movement, games,and stories, children will be invited to grow in their self-awareness, improve their balance and physical strength, and learn tools for their emotional well-being. $27 drop in, class packages also available.Union Yoga Studio 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007. momence.com/Meredith-Smith/Children's-Yoga/99388692
Free Outdoor Zumba 6:30 pm. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside, Houston 77098. tinyfitnesshouston.com
IGNITE! Sessions 12 noon - 6 pm. Find your purpose with igniter/artist/intuitive guide Sarah Gish in 30- or 60-minute sessions ($50 or $100). You’ll leave with a personal mantra that reinforces what the heart-centered connection uncovered. Call for appointment: 713-993-0550. Body Mind & Soul. 7951 Katy Freeway, Houston
Tai Chi in the Park - Evelyn’s 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 4400 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire 77401. bluedragontaichi.com
Tai Chi in the Park – Woodchase 6 pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3951 Woodchase Dr, Houston 77042. bluedragontaichi.com
Dawn Mountain Teaching Tuesday: Buddhist Practice on Western Ground. first and third Tuesdays 7:00-8:30. Online and in person 4803 San Felipe St. Houston TX 77056. Previous sessions recorded and available for viewing. Register at dawnmountain.org
Tai Chi in the Park – Levy 7 pm. Thursdays at 7pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098. bluedragontaichi.com
Midlife Orphan book study/discussion via Zoom. 7:30 pm CT: Practitioner Sarah Westbrook leads this new book study/ discussion. Who are we when we are fully untethered from our parents? What happens to the rest of the family when our patriarchs and matriarchs are no longer present? Jane Brooks explores these and similar themes in her book Midlife Orphan: Facing Life’s Changes Now that Your Parents are Gone. Please email westbrook500@gmail.com to request a Zoom link.
Tai Chi in the Park – Levy 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098. bluedragontaichi.com
Yoga on the Lawn. 8:30-9:30 am. Weather permitting. Complimentary outdoor yoga on the Yoga Lawn at the MKT. Enjoy a 60 min. all levels vinyasa class and fruit sponsored by Central City Co-op after class. Mat rentals: $5 Union Yoga Studio 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007. unionstudio.yoga
Tai Chi in the Park – Discovery Green 10:15 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. Discovery Green 1500 McKinney, Houston 77010. bluedragontaichi.com
Reiki Circle 2:00 pm. Reiki Holy Fire Experience healing circle, held on 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. A chosen issue for healing will be the focus of each circle. Everyone is welcome.Location: 9039 Katy Freeway, building 500, suite 504, Houston, TX 77024. Fee: Love offering. Contact: April 713-922-3474. dharmareikiacupuncture.com
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email mike@naturalawakenings-houston.com
9039 Katy Freeway, Suite 504 Houston, Texas 77024
We are a Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki clinic, offering alternative healing services since 2008.
• Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine
• Reiki energy healing, individual sessions and classes
• Internal medicine, pain management
• Women’s health, pre-post natal, menopause
• Emotional, trauma healing
• Chakra clearing and balancing
• Stress, anxiety, mood disorders
• Hormone, energy, sleep imbalance
• Diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, gastrointestinal, and more…
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Practitioner Training is offered monthly. Dates & details on website Reiki Healing Circle on 2nd Saturday of every month. See Calendar of Events.
211 Midway St, Bldg E Spring, TX 77373
A quaint shop in the heart of historic Old Town Spring Texas, offering unique handmade bath and body products and lots of rubber ducks. Small Batch Handmade soaps by Connie. Wonderful lather and amazing Scents. Enjoy the aroma therapy of a bath in your shower with Shower Steamers. Put little bit of heaven for your bath with Fizzies. We also have bath salts, scrubs, shampoos, lotions, creams, shaving creams & soaps, and batch accessories of all kinds. Shop conveniently on-line or drop by our store.
540 W 19 Street Houston, TX 77008
Re-designing dentistry in Houston Heights by creating a personal ized, comfortable, and fun experience to de liver excellent patient satisfaction. From preven tative dentistry to smile makeovers, our team of dental professionals have the skill-sets to provide remarkable quality and compassionate care to give you that smile you’ve always wanted. Ser vices include cosmetic, preventative, restorative, and a full range of family dentistry services. Lead by Drs. Emilyann Pham and Ann Blair our team provides compassionate human-centered patient care. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment. Insurance accepted.
Houston Dental Health Center
800 Bering Dr. Houston, TX 77057
Natural Dentistry supports the body and the mind by finding the cause of dental problems. The dental examination includes noticing systemic and habitual influences. If you have dental issues or currently have silver amalgam fillings, call me today to schedule an appointment. See Ad on page 2.
“Breath, Meditate, Communicate” nervousapes.com
713-257-0761 info@nervousapes.com
Looking to learn a variety of meditation and breathing techniques without the “woo?” Learn skills that you can use in your everyday life to reduce suffering and increase fulfillment in yourself and others. Learn to practice with consistency. Learn the art of staying with it that will transport you to that really special place, that once you experience, you’ll know without a doubt. Visit our website to receive a FREE pre-recorded breathing and meditation session or to sign up for our upcoming 6-Weeks Meditation/Breathing Fundamentals Course.
1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 joycelongwellness.com
Established 1989. Call to schedule any of the following services: massage therapies, lymphatic drainage massage and facials, reflexology, infra-red sauna, ion cleanse foot or hand baths, Chinese cupping or colon hydrotherapy (prescriptions only- yours or ours). By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!
Barbara Ellis, Retired RN 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033 713-738-8199 urbancolonics.com
Serving Houston and the surrounding area since 1979. We continue to irrigate with State Of The Art Equipment (closed colonic systems cleared by the FDA). We utilize totally disposable colonic set-ups and sterile water. A prescription is required for this procedure. Our Medical Director at a different location will make an assessment and write a prescription for OUR clients only. Visit our website to learn more details. Please call us to schedule an appointment.
See ad page 5.
Bring your body to a relaxed state to encourage your body to naturally begin healing areas you may not pay attention to due to the business of everyday life. I offer Group Sound Baths, Personalized Vibrational, Reiki Sessions, and Cleansings. I seek to assist you in your healing journey and look forward to help you connect with a likeminded community all looking to co-create and elevate our Vibrations! This journey is for all ages and genders and I create a safe, loving environment for all. Visit my website to schedule a session and for information about my upcoming workshops.
Get to the root cause of your health conditions. Erin has been working in the health and nutrition field for over 11 years specializing and working extensively with those suffering from: autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and inflammatory disorders. She works with each client’s unique biochemistry to determine what dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes will work best for them as an individual. There is NO one-size-fits-all program. All appointments are conducted via phone! This makes it very easy and convenient to receive care from any location. If you want to reach your true health potential, Email Erin today to schedule your FREE 45 minute initial phone consultation. Hours until 5 pm Fridays.
Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH 210 Genesis Blvd, Suite C Webster, TX 77598 281-616-3816. nutrition-houston.com
Dr. Serge & his team provide safe, effective, and natural, personalized functional medicine for the entire family and specialize in complex chronic disease and autoimmunity. We are committed to transforming the health and well-being of our patients through a holistic approach that includes evidence-based, natural therapies. Our practice is dedicated to addressing the root causes of illness rather than merely treating symptoms, to help you achieve optimal health outcomes. We feel that it is not just the absence of disease, but also improving our client’s physical, mental, and emotional balance overall that matters. See ad on page 17
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Want to stop smoking or lose weight? Looking for ways to relax, find balance and increase the joy in your life? Hypnosis can help you. Call SOON to book your appointment. Let’s work together to create the life you want!
Melody McClain, FNP-C
210 Genesis Blvd, Suite C Webster, TX 77598
We help you find answers to the cause of your illness and the nutritional and biochemical imbalances that may be making you feel ill. Melody will search for underlying triggers that are contributing to your illness through cutting edge lab testing and tailor the intervention to your specific needs as an individual. She may use diet, supplements, lifestyle changes or medication to treat your illness but will seek the gentlest way to help your body restore balance along with the least invasive treatment possible. She seeks to promote wellness and create hope, health, and healing for her patients.
See ad on page 17.
3100 Richmond Ave Houston, TX 77098
We offer comprehensive and customized therapeutic plans that address chronic illness & autoimmune disease for patients seeking support both in-person and virtually. Phoenix Rising Integrative Medicine takes an integrative approach to addressing chronic illness and autoimmune by combining ancient healing tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern functional medicine, including evidence-based lab testing, clinical nutrition, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine and acupuncture protocols that are customized for each patient. We also work with patients suffering from environmental and food allergies, reproductive and fertility issues, breast implant illness, and emotional health issues. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment.
weMED Clinics
4126 Southwest Fwy, Suite 1130
Houston, TX 77027
Blending ancient wisdom with modern medicine
weMed Clinics can help you heal naturally. Our staff of 16, work together to address the root causes of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, chronic pain, insomnia and more. Our emphasis continues to be preventive and longevity care. Our free weekly webinars on a variety of health issues are listed in the Natural Awakenings calendar. Call or visit our website to schedule a visit or for more information.
See ad on page 20.
206 Main Street
Spring, TX 77373
If you’re tired of the traditional bar scene, the same bar regulars, and what seems to be the same experience, then we urge you to give Elixir Lounge Kava Bar a try. We offer folks from all walks of life a cool spot to enjoy a night out without being pressured to consume alcohol. We offer kava drinks and other treats for those looking to boost their mood with the best alcohol alternatives. Whether you’re coming to relax with a book, have a conversation with friends, play a board game with other patrons, or enjoying a special event, Elixir Lounge has something for everyone.
Online sales only. 833-AUSTIN-1 austinorganicvillage.online
Focused on helping others achieve greater balance in life, our high-quality kratom products combine the best in variety with affordability. Sourced directly from top-rated kratom vendors that share our vision of helping others, Austin Organic Village is proud to offer a diverse line of kratom products for sale online. We believe that nature holds the key to true wellness, and offer our high-quality kratom products in the hopes of improving the health of others, the natural way. We ship nationwide and check out our prices and our quality. Call or visit our website for more information or to place an order.
See ad page 4.
1973 W Gray, Suite 23
Houston, TX 77019
A BBB Accredited Business
We provide the choicest healthy Botanicals garnered from some of the most exotic corners of the world. Only The BEST! We ensure quality by going to the source, checking our international vendors 1st hand, and using USDA Certified Organic vendors when applicable. We stand by our products and our services! If you are unsatisfied with your order we will return, exchange and or refund your money. We got you covered!
See ads on pages 21.
611 Dairy Ashford Road, Houston 77079 281-942-1116 (Office) and 281-301-4820 (Cell) bplifecoaching.com
Unlock your potential with BP Life Coaching Services! Founded by Barbara Palmer in 2020, we offer personalized coaching for transformative results. Specializing in health and life coaching, our services include one-on-one sessions, group coaching, and workshops. Transform today! Use code NTRLAWKINSAUG24 for a 25% discount.
See ad on page 5
nextstepcoaches.com connect@nextstepcoaches.com
Life is full of magic and tragedy, continuously keeping most of us on an emotional roller coaster. Drawing from Jungian psychology, spiritual practices, and mindset activating techniques, we help clients understand the root of their habits and behavior and make lasting shifts and transform their lives in a profound and sustainable way. Let us help you find the lessons from your challenges and come out stronger. Visit our website today to book your FREE initial consultation.
1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471
Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs where it can and may cause blockages. Lymphatic therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well – Stay well. CALL TODAY!
2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77098
4803 San Felipe St. Houston, TX 77056 713-630-0354
The mission of Dawn Mountain is to further the spiritual growth of our diverse community as a living bridge between traditional Tibetan Buddhist teachings and curious people everywhere. Dawn Mountain offers weekly meditation from 11am to noon each Sunday, “First Sunday” teachings on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30am, followed by our regular Sunday Meditation. Donations accepted. All sessions are archived on our YouTube channel. Please visit our website for more information and consider taking advantage of our many offerings,
2813 W. T.C Jester Blvd. Houston, TX 77018
houstonplasticsurgery.pro IG @nataliacastille
Are you in pain? Well, you don’t have to live like this. We are here to heal your body and mind through massage and energetic practices. We offer a wide variety of massage modalities designed to fit your needs. We offer both onsite chair and concierge table massage. Call today to book your appointment at 832-526-6520. Our mission is to heal your mind and body. We accept both PSA and HSA cards for payment.
6600 Harwin Drive Houston, TX 77036
713-974-0360 themassageschool.com
Learn massage and holistic health. Train for a career you will love. New Program: Online classes combined with on campus classes! Open your own practice. Find employment at Luxury Spas, Fitness Centers & Rehab Clinics. Finish in as little as 5 ½ months. Join one of the fastest growing Health Care Professions. Visit our website or call today for more information or to schedule a tour of our school. See ad page 2.
Revitalize your beauty with Natalia Castille at Studio Essex MedSpa. Offering hydrafacials, microneedling, post-op lymphatic massage, photo facial laser, Emsculpt Neo-body, and Botox. Partnered with two board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Cara Downey and Dr. Jamal Bullocks ensuring comprehensive and professional care. Elevate your glow with expert care and innovative treatments. Mention Natural Awakenings magazine and receive a $1000 surgical credit voucher, enhancing the value and accessibility of the exceptional services provided. (This discount may not be combined with other offers.) Call or email natalia@studioessexmedspa. com to make an appointment.
Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. —Emory Austin
123 Midway St, Bldg C Spring, Texas 77373
We are a retail shop and also have an online store. We can also custom-make many of our product lines. Our products include a range of metaphysical items, clothing, books, stones, jewelry, candles, soaps, teas, incenses, herbs, blades, and accessories for spiritual work. We also have some unique renaissance festival and gothic clothing and accessories. Check out our gaming and sci-fi themed products as well. We offer daily in-house Tarot reading and conduct private Old Town Spring Ghost tours. Open 7 days a week.
1900 Blalock Rd Ste P Houston, TX 77080 281-974-1043 indigomoons.net
We serve our customers with knowledge, enthusiasm, generosity, and humor. Come visit us for a wide range of crystals and gems, fossils and specimens, silver and gemstone jewelry, sage and incense, home decor, new and used books, Tarot and oracle decks, and an ever-growing supply of handcrafted products by local artisans. Or stay informed with upcoming classes and events. Start your journey, learn something new, make new friendsit’s all possible here at Indigo Moons. See ad on page 14.
Are you looking for ways to integrate mindfulness into your daily life? Place our ReMinders around your most commonly used spaces for both work and living, and in this way remain aligned with your intention and more present throughout your activities. RECENTER pause and take a breath. REMEMBER your intention. RECONNECT throughout the day. Order our ReMinders Kit for only $10 and get a 30-day downloadable Mindfulness Program free. Visit our website for details and to order your kit.
“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074
Dr. Gracie Chukwu is a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Nutrition Counselor. She has been assisting people for over five years with holistic medicine, diet, nutrition and supplement support to enhance her client’s health and overall well-being. If you are suffering and cannot find relief, give Dr. Gracie a call.
5326 Spring-Stuebner Road Spring, Texas 77389 creativelife.org | info@creativelife.org
We’re a spiritual discovery destination built on New Thought principles, as part of Centers for Spiritual Living, offering a fresh look at sacred traditions and the wisdom of the ages. We hold celebration services at 11am CT Sundays, plus they’re live-streamed on Facebook and appear later on our YouTube channel. Virtual classes, book studies and discussions happen online through the week. We’d love to have you check us out!
See ad page 19.
AUNT ALBERTA’S REMEDY Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream 973-715-9097 tinyurl.com/AuntAlberta
Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches and joint pain. Her Remedy is a homeopathic pain relief cream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $18 plus postage. Visit website for other options.
See ad on page 19
Tiny changes Big Results 832-730-3048
Let’s make your life feel amazing! See results fast with personal training...join the Zumba Fitness party, FREE...put yourself to the test in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Kickboxing, or Beginner Bootcamp...or just let it all go in a Recovery Workshop...but whatever you do, start today for an even better tomorrow. Visit our website to sign up for a class or make an appointment for personal training.
“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991
HoustonHolistic HealthClinic.com
Breast thermography has the ability to warn woman up to 10 years before any other procedure that a cancer may be forming; thus, allowing for prompt and timely treatment. Thermography uses no radiation and poses absolutely NO health risks to the patient. If you are a woman, over 20 years old and have not had a breast thermograph, call Dr. Gracie TODAY.
See ad on page 14.
Have you ever wanted to learn Tai Chi? Now is your chance. Join us for any of our FREE Tai Chi in the Park classes on Tues., Thurs. and Fri. See page 26 for details. Return your body and mind to its original pure and healthy state and is taught as a life nourishing, restorative and spiritual practice.
by Raymond Guzman
Aries - You might be walking away from unwanted energy. Let your intuition guide you. A lot of people will come to you for your advice.
Taurus - A relationship has you focusing on how to navigate this situation. You’ll receive clarity when you talk to a close friend.
Gemini - You might have the travel bug and plan to travel later this month. However, work will keep you busy!
Cancer - Regarding your checklist, you are clearing a lot of your to-do list this month. People will pull you in different directions, so prioritize your time.
Leo - There is a lot of confusion around your work and finances. You might be noticing that you need to cut down on spending and look at ways to optimize your flow of income.
Virgo - You could be overwhelmed with your family. A lot is happening with children, and you will want to escape all the stresses. Ground your energy.
Libra - Now is not the time to react; instead, you should reflect and listen to your intuition. A part of you is feeling stagnant and will want to change your daily routines.
Scorpio - Change is in the air, and your luck will change! Get excited as we enter August. You will be burying yourself into house projects and focusing on your love life.
Sagittarius - You have some personal decisions to make regarding what you want. The career choice you made may not be satisfying for you. Some of you will make changesin what is not working for you any longer!
Capricorn - With all the uncertainties that this month brings, you will feel tempted to resort to indulging yourself. Be sure not to resist change but rather embrace it. Push past your fears!
Aquarius - You are feeling stuck. People around you are not listening to what you have to say. This is a time to let people do their will and sit back and watch your truths unfold. Sip the tea.
Pisces - August appears to be auspicious financially if you’re putting in the work. Now is the time to focus on manifesting everything you want. It can be yours. Patience is key.
For entertainment purposes only. raymondguzman.net
3821 Richmond Ave.
Houston, TX 77027
Trendy Vegan offers delicious dining and takeout to Houston, TX. Trendy Vegan is a cornerstone in the Houston community and has been recognized for its outstanding Vegetarian cuisine, excellent service and friendly staff. Our Vegetarian restaurant is known for its modern interpretation of classic dishes and its insistence on only using high quality fresh ingredients.
See ad on page 14.
200 Westcott St.
Houston, TX 77007
The Breathing Room was founded by Alicia Gordy, RYT-500, out of a desire to share with others the movement practices and healing modalities that brought about significant change in her own life. The unique yoga and Pilates studio and wellness center is focused on mindful, breathbased movement, as well as other modalities to support the wellness journey. All levels, from the beginning student to the advanced practitioner are welcome. We have found yoga and Pilates to be complementary, mindful, breath-based practices that when practiced consistently and with attention and care, yield profound results. We also offer sessions in meditation, breathwork and reiki, and share space with other practitioners specializing in physical therapy, massage and esthetics.
600 N Shepherd Dr., #449 Houston, TX 77007
The studio is dedicated to selfstudy through movement, breath and meditation, and is committed to upholding the tenets of authenticity, sincerity, inclusion, and integrity without exception. We offer a variety of classes including Vinyasa, The Rest of Yoga (™), Yin, Hatha, and Myofascial Release. Classes are in-person, streaming and on-demand. Owner and lead instructor, Kim Taurins has been practicing yoga since 2001. She is a 500 hour E-RYT level with an emphasis in yoga therapeutics, Daoism, Reiki, and bodywork. Visit our website for more informationor to sign up.