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While it isn’t officially spring yet, it definitely seems to have come to The Cabin. I’ve planted the vegetable garden and have decided to put the tomatoes in buckets up on a frame so the vines will hang down naturally rather than trying to convince them to grow upwards on a trellis. We’ll have peas, squash, mustard greens, cucumbers and onions too. I’ve started a new kitchen herb garden for Cindy, and she’s also getting a flower garden.
This month’s magazine also focuses on spring things, and I hope the articles inspire you to get out and get your hands dirty. Somehow food just tastes better when you grow it yourself whether it is in a big garden or containers on the balcony of your apartment. It’s good exercise too. If you are brave, slip your shoes off at least for a little while and feel the good earth beneath your feet. It’s a great way to ground yourself after a stressful day.
Until next month, try to spend a little time with nature and reconnect your soul with the changing of the seasons.
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Komal Bhakta will be opening Massage by Koko behind the Phoenix School of Massage this Friday March 1st. She is a graduate of the school with two years experience in massage therapy and will be offering New Client Promotions all month on 60 and 90 minute massages. This includes deep tissue, Swedish, sports, medical, power massages, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
She says, “I am here to help others. When this intention remains pure, surely there will be growth and success in one way or another. Everyone has different needs, and I feel I can use my gift of intuition and learned skill set to bring them the relief they need through the various modalities I offer.”
Massages are by appointment only. No drop ins. A Grand Opening is scheduled for later in the spring but you can take advantage of the special offers by going to the website and scheduling your massage today!
Massage by Koko 6600 Harwin Drive, suite 101-b, Houston, TX 77036. 209-210-8009. Massagebykoko.booksy.com
Featured Artist: Karina Llergo
Bayou City Art Festival will be held this year on March 23-24, 2024 at Sam Houston Park in Downton Houston. It brings more than 250 artists from around the country, representing 19 different disciplines, who will showcase their art including this year’s featured artist: Karina Llergo. As the nation’s premier spring outdoor art festival in the U.S., Bayou City Art Festival will provide guests with the opportunity to meet artists, view original works, and purchase oneof-a-kind art, prints, jewelry, sculptures, functional art and more.
Online early bird tickets will soon be available at bayoucityartfestival.com for $18 for adults, $5 for children 6-12, and children under five are free. Adult tickets purchased after March 15, 2024, are $20. VIP Hospitality Lounge tickets are $75 and include admission to the festival. Online pre-purchased tickets are required to enter the festival. Physical tickets will not be sold at the gate and can only be purchased online.
Sam Houston Park 1000 Bagby Houston 77002. For information or to purchase tickets please visit artcolonyassociation.org.
See ad on page 15.
Trea Drake, founder of Nervous Apes, will be leading a 6-week online course on meditation and breathing, starting April 7th at 6 pm CST. The class will meet once a week for an hour, and recordings of the classes will be available to participants. You will learn to conduct your own breathing assessment, proper breathing mechanics, stretching exercises for the rib cage, strengthening exercises for the breathing muscles, and you will come away from the course with a buffet of meditations to choose from.
Trea Drake founded Nervous Apes after two decades of meditative practice and several years teaching breathing and meditation to kids, ages 5-18, in a special program he oversees at Krav Maga Houston for children who aspire to be leaders. His current intention is to work with adults through live online meditation and breathing classes, without the “woo woo.” His goal is to provide research-informed practices that students can immediately apply in their own lives to understand themselves at the deepest level, reduce their own suffering, reduce the suffering of others, increase fulfillment, and promote positive behavior change.
Trea is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher through Mindful Schools, a Level 2 Mindfulness Coach with Unified Mindfulness, and secured certification through the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. He is a BREATHE Certified Coach with Dr. Belisa Vranich, and has received additional breathing certifications from Jon Paul Crimi, XPT Performance Breathing, and Life Awareness Project.
For a sample of Trea’s teaching style, you can download a free pre-recorded breathing and meditation session on the Nervous Apes website, www.nervousapes.com.
Whether you are a beginner or a veteran meditator, and if you are a person who wants to live optimally, Nervous Apes has a place and a program for you.
Nervous Apes. 713-257-0761, info@nervousapes.com, nervousapes.com
"Like so many families, I have been deeply affected by Alzheimer's, so I was thrilled to become a part of this film when I realized that there's hope, and it's not just a death sentence."
- Michael BubléAn article published by The Institute for Functional Medicine evaluated the relationship between environmental toxins and colorectal cancer (CRC), the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Studies suggest a connection between CRC and exposure to certain pollutants, including some pesticides that are legally used in the U.S., asbestos, industrial pollutants and particulates in air pollution. Personal care items containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phthalate and triclocarban were also found to be associated with CRC.
To reduce the risk of developing CRC, functional medicine practitioners recommend supporting the body’s detoxification and elimination processes while limiting exposure to these toxins. They offer toxin-assessment and treatment options that include the adequate intake of fiber and water, as well as a nutrient-dense diet that is low in animal fats and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
In 2021, diabetes affected 6.1 percent of the global population, and that percentage is expected to increase to more than 10 percent by 2050. According to a study in the journal Diabetes & Metabolism, the consumption of a healthy plant-based diet can reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 24 percent as compared to those following an unhealthy plant-based diet. These results also applied to those that were genetically predisposed to develop diabetes or had other risk factors such as age, lack of physical activity and obesity.
The study defined a healthy plant-based diet as one that eliminates animal fats and is low in sugar, sugary drinks, refined grains and starches like potatoes. The research included more than 113,000 British participants that were observed for 12 years. In addition to a lower body mass index and waist size, the researchers noted that normal levels of triglycerides, blood sugar, inflammation and the insulin-like growth factor 1 were also associated with a lower risk of diabetes, and they surmised that a healthy plant-based diet reduced diabetes risk by improving liver and kidney function.
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Moringa leaves are one of the most nutrient rich greens on the planet. This superfood packs a punch of nutrients and regularly incorporating moringa into your diet can support a number of health goals:
1. Caffeine-Free Energy - Research has shown that moringa can provide an energy boost without the caffeine and corresponding crash. Moringa contains a broad range of nutrients that are vital to maintaining strong energy levels including vitamin A, iron, and protein. It can be used as a caffeine-free replacement for matcha and can support those searching for avenues to reduce their caffeine intake.
2. Weight Management - Maintaining a health weight can be a strong predictor of overall health. Moringa is packed with fiber, nutrients and bioactive compounds that may assist in managing body weight and preclinical studies have shown it may reduce fat accumulation, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol while also increasing fat breakdown through lipolysis. Moringa’s nutrients, fiber, and bioactives may also aid in appetite regulation and feelings of fullness along with improving gut microbiome health. Moringa may provide additional support in the body in metabolizing sugar and fats that aid in maintaining a healthy weight.
3. Muscle Maintenance & Recovery - Moringa contains all essential amino acids which play a role in protein synthesis and muscle repair. Preclinical studies have shown beneficial effects of moringa on muscle health including anti fatigue, endurance, and ergogenic aid properties. While additional clinical research is needed, a study that combined moringa with other herbs found the product increased physical performance and endurance during exercise.
The nutrient quality and density of moringa can vary widely depending on the source, drying, and processing practices. Reviewing and researching products is important in finding the best quality moringa with high nutrient content. For those Texans looking for a local source, Base 3 Farms grows its moringa on their farm just outside Houston.
Base 3 Farms 3401 Navigation Blvd. Houston, TX 77003 base3farms.com Instagram/Facebook: @base3farms
The global insect population is estimated to be declining at a rate of up to 2 percent per year due to a combination of climate change, habitat loss, pesticide use and human activity. That decline includes pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles and wasps. Almost 90 percent of flowering plants depend entirely, or in part, on animal pollination.
The maritime shipping industry contributes around 3 percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, and industry leaders are exploring ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save money. One promising innovation is the addition of specialized sails to cargo ships. In a collaboration between Cargill, BAR Technologies, Mitsubishi Corporation and Yara Marine Technologies, a cargo ship was retrofitted with cutting-edge rectangular sails called WindWings that tower nearly 123 feet. By harnessing wind power, the developers hope to save 30 percent in fuel expenditures.
Unlike traditional canvas sails, WindWings are comprised of rigid mechanical panels that rotate and spin based on computer instructions designed to maximize wind usage. The wings fold down to permit the ship to pass under bridges and allow for loading and unloading of cargo. This is one of many steps being taken by the maritime shipping industry to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2050.
According to a study published in the journal New Phytologist, researchers in France have found that wildflowers in a meadow near Paris have increasingly adapted to self-fertilization. They compared pansies grown from seeds harvested from 1992 to 2001 to pansies grown today, specifically examining their genetic and physical differences, and evaluating which pansies bumblebees preferred.
Finding that today’s pansies are smaller, make less nectar and are less attractive to bumblebees, the scientists concluded that the flowers had increased self-pollination by 27 percent. While this rapid adaptation may be a win for the flowers, it could exacerbate the decline in insects, which are a major food source for other animals and are integral to natural decomposition processes. The scientists believe there is an urgent need to further investigate this pattern and to evaluate the possibility of reversing the process.
Spanning more than 31 percent of our planet’s land, forests produce clean air and fresh water, offer a home to a multitude of plants and animals, and sequester enormous amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. And yet, human activity threatens these natural settings with deforestation, climate change and illegal logging. Here are actions we can take in celebration of International Day of Forests on March 21 and every day to ensure the future of our woodlands.
Support sustainable forestry. When purchasing wood, paper and other forest products, look for those that come from sustainably managed forests or are certified by reputable organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org) or BM TRADA (bmtrada.com)
Plant trees. Get those hands dirty and participate in tree planting initiatives with organizations such as the Arbor Day Foundation (ArborDay.org).
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Opt for recycled and eco-friendly products that lessen the demand for new products that may contribute to deforestation. Remember to recycle paper products to conserve valuable forest resources.
Go digital. Embrace digital solutions that minimize the need for paper. Store important documents electronically, read e-books instead of printed ones and consider digital alternatives before printing something.
Back sustainable livelihoods. Many communities depend on forests for their livelihoods. Encourage fair trade practices that support sustainable, forest-based industries, such as
those promoting non-timber forest products like honey, nuts, mushrooms, palm oil and maple syrup.
Engage in advocacy. Join local or global organizations dedicated to forest preservation and conservation such as the Rainforest Alliance (Rainforest-Alliance.org), The Nature Conservancy (Nature.org), Sierra Club (SierraClub.org) or Trees Forever (TreesForever.org). Each voice helps shape policies and promotes sustainable practices on a larger scale.
Educate others. Share knowledge about the importance of forests and their challenges. Organize workshops, give talks or simply have conversations with friends and family to raise awareness and inspire action.
Practice responsible tourism. When exploring forested areas, minimize the impact by following designated trails, respecting wildlife habitats, refraining from touching or feeding wild animals and taking trash home.
Support forest restoration initiatives. The Global Restoration Initiative (GRI) works with governments, businesses and communities worldwide to restore degraded forests and bring back life to these vital ecosystems. Consider supporting GRI (wri.org/initiatives/global-restoration-initiative) or local initiatives like American Forests (AmericanForests.org), Pennsylvania Parks & Forest Foundation (PAParksAndForests.org) and Tree Folks (TreeFolks.org) through donations or volunteer work.
Ralph A. Gonzalez, M.S., C.Ht. began his career at Hackensack University Medical Center where he conducted hypnotherapy presentations for patients, making a notable contribution to the healing process. He has dedicated his life to helping people through hypnotherapy and currently owns Positive Power Hypnotherapy located in Midtown Houston.
Mr. Gonzalez holds certifications in pain management, stress and anxiety relief, weight loss, smoking cessation, sports performance hypnosis and past life regression but the unique service he offers is Mindset Transformation. This involves a three session treatment designed to give clients a life free of anxiety and phobias, and move them into a life that is happy, joyous, free, and full of positive energy. In the first session we will delve deeply into the root causes of the issues impeding your full potential, pinpointing them within your subconscious. In the second, we will target and eliminate the unwanted beliefs, feelings, and attitudes that act as barriers to your progress. The final session seals the door on negative thoughts and mental programming, perpetuating an environment that nurtures an ongoing increase in your positive mindset. This continuous mental and emotional reinforcement enhances your strength, power, and overall well-being.
Don’t waste any more time stuck in negativity. Call to book your initial consultation now and start your transformation journey today! Available both virtually and in-person, in Spanish as well as English. Positive Power Hypnotherapy
positivepowerhypnotherapy.com 917-391-9701
Never give up. Expect only the best from life and take action to get it.
—Catherine Pulsifer
Erika Perez, a certified Jungian Life Coach, began her own personal growth journey 15 years ago. When COVID began impacting the world in 2020, she learned to appreciate how “the pause” from the so-called “rat race” created an opportunity for people to explore mindfulness and bring a higher level of consciousness to their lives. This led to the conceptualization of a company that would provide products and services that would remind people to be mindful.
The first of these are ReMinders which are removeable reusable stickers that you can place around your most commonly used spaces for both work and living to remind you to: RECENTER pause and take a breath, REMEMBER your intention, and RECONNECT throughout the day. Your ReMinders come with a downloadable 30-day mindfulness program. She has designed a Guided Monthly Mindfullness Program that will focus on a mindfulness theme every month to better integrate that aspect into our lives. Erikaalso offers a Personalized Monthly Minfullness Program where you will receive personalized guided meditations, visualizations and journaling prompts to better integrate that aspect into your life.
Erika says, “I am continuously looking for different ways to integrate mindfulness into my daily life and of helping others do the same. The best way to give back to the universe, as well as my teachers and guides, is by sharing these tools, thus helping people on their own journey to a more mindful life.”
Visit her website to learn more or to order your set of ReMindfuls.
ReMindful Living. dailyremindful.com
Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.
—Gary Snyder
Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center
Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC 8100 Washington Ave, #210 Houston, TX 77007
HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC
4101 Green Briar Dr. #135 Houston, TX 77098
Franson Chiropractic
Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC
1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd. Houston, TX 77077
Few factors are as important to overall wellness as our diet. Besides taste and nutritional value, food preferences are influenced by convenience, availability, cost and personal values. Trends are shifting away from fad diets to more balanced eating, as people across generations are focused on living healthier well into their golden years. Equally as urgent is a demand for more sustainable products and manufacturing practices as consumers become increasingly aware of the impact their food choices have on the planet.
Dr. Melinda Ring is the executive director of the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Northwestern University, in Chicago. As a
leading center for integrative medicine, their team helps patients achieve optimal health through innovative, whole-person care. Ring says that personalized nutrition, plant-forward diets and longevity protocols are overtaking older trends like low-carbohydrate or high-fat fads.
“In recent years, there’s been a movement away from highly restrictive diets toward more balanced, sustainable eating patterns that emphasize whole foods over highly processed alternatives,” says Ring. “Interest in local food sources is growing, driven by concerns about sustainability and food quality. While the pandemic highlighted concerns about access to healthy food for all, busy lifestyles continue
to make convenience a key factor influencing food choices.”
Ring cites nutritional psychiatry as a burgeoning field. “Emerging research suggests a link between diet and mental health, with diets rich in fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids potentially benefiting mood and cognitive function,” she explains. Ring adds that there is an increasing focus on incorporating protein for overall health, as well as personalized nutrition, in which advances in genomics and biotechnology are used to tailor dietary recommendations to individual genetic, lifestyle and health factors.
Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, is a New York Times bestselling author and nationally recognized health expert. Her latest book, Everyday Snack Tray, outlines fun, flavorful and nutrient-dense charcuterie boards for every occasion. She asserts that members of Generation Z—those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s—are driving many of the current shifts in food and beverage choices.
“The sober movement is rapidly gaining momentum, with an influx of mocktails, non-alcoholic beer and zero-proof wines on the market,” she explains. “People in their 30s and older are realizing that alcohol interrupts their
sleep and are looking for other ways to relax at night. They’re also moving away from caffeine, which has a long half-life, so while the body may feel tired at night, the brain is still triggered. Fast-casual restaurants and cafes have increased their selection of fruit-forward, caffeine-free drinks, and a new all-natural brew called figgee, made from ground figs, is emerging online.”
Zoomers tend to be more conscious of the connection between their food decisions and impacts on the planet, which explains why they are more likely to choose and demand sustainably grown and packaged products. “This generation is drawn to brands that have carbon buy-back programs or help sequester nitrogen in their manufacturing,” says Largeman-Roth. “While we’ve seen an influx of meat alternatives in the past, there’s starting to be a pushback against the ones with long ingredient lists that are highly processed. Rubi protein made from lemna, or duckweed [a free-floating, aquatic plant], is gaining popularity as a plant-based protein alternative. It contains nine essential amino acids and uses 10 times less water to grow than soybeans and 100 times less water than beef. And, people are turning to the root system of mushrooms, instead of the caps, as a higher protein source. Their versatility makes them ideal for nuggets, jerky and other substantial snacks.”
Consumers are looking for foods that can help regulate blood sugar, especially as more of the population is concerned about pre-diabetes. “People are continuing to choose nuts, beans and other high-protein boosts to refuel after a workout or in-between meals,” Largeman-Roth points out. “Products such as Good Measure bars, made of almonds, peanuts and pumpkin seeds, are emerging as nutrient-rich and satisfying snacks. Consumers also realize how important fiber is for gut optimization, skin quality and mental health. Perhaps most top-of-mind in a post-pandemic world, it’s vital for immune health, as well. Overall, people of all ages want products that make them feel better and fit into their lifestyle. A lot of boxes have to be checked for people to try a new product, and food manufacturers are stepping up.”
Perhaps taking a cue from the younger generation, members of Generation X—Americans born between 1965 and 1980—are pioneering a new approach to healthy aging to help them thrive in their diverse lifestyles. According to the global market research company Mintel, aging concerns that were once considered taboo, such as menopause, are now being openly discussed.
“The new focus for our aging society will be an extended healthspan—the period of life spent in good health,” says Mintel Principal Analyst Jolene Ng. “This is an important shift, as population aging is a defining global trend of our time. By 2030, one in six people in the world will be aged 60 years and older, according to the World Health Organization. Brands need to consider the various nutritional, physical and mental health needs for middle-aged and older adults. Opportunities to improve healthspan include maintaining brain function with age and functional health solutions for common problems like disrupted sleep.”
Increasingly, Gen Xers aged 44 to 58 prioritize sleep as a tool for improving overall physical and emotional health. “Research has shown that total sleep time, sleep efficiency and deep sleep decrease with age,” says Ng. “Brands are focusing on innovating products with nutrients such as fiber or botanicals like lavender that can improve sleep quality. Products such as Bardo’s Calm snacks, which contain lemon balm and thyme, are emerging as a snack option for Gen Xers who are interested in trying food that supports relaxation.”
Many consumers are part of the “sandwich generation,” a term used to describe people in their 30s or 40s that are raising children while also caring for aging parents. Ng notes that brands are adjusting product lineups and marketing campaigns to address the specific requirements of these families. She expects to see more services like Magic Kitchen, which, she explains, is “a meal kit service that offers a range of healthy, dietitian-designed meals for families with different health needs, including seniors. Their objective is to bring families together during dinnertime, while respecting the specific dietary needs of individuals within the family unit. Brands also can help ease the stress and strain on these compound caregivers by offering convenience products and helpful tools for themselves and the loved ones they care for.”
Historically, food and beverages have been a source of great pleasure and social interaction, and Mintel Food & Drink Director David Faulkner envisions this as a continuing trend. “Just as we saw during COVID-19, food and drink will be the go-to source of comfort for consumers, delivering precious moments of joy,” he says. “It will be all the more relevant during the worsening climate crisis for food and drink companies to position pleasurable products as necessities, not as guilty self-indulgences.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites. com.
Growing herbs at home has myriad benefits, enhancing health, boosting flavor and saving money while supporting local ecosystems. Home growing not only provides fresh herbs for cooking needs, but also offers access to easy and affordable natural remedies that can soothe common ailments.
“There is nothing like having your own fresh herbs in home-cooked meals. You can also dry and prep your own herbs for winter. Herbs retain more fragrance and vibrant color when you dry and process your own,” says Nadine Clopton, an herbalist who serves as regenerative education program manager for Rodale Institute.
Clopton likes to grow medicinal herbs like holy basil, as well as culinary herbs like rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and basil, which serve as both nutrition and medicine. “They have minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, and are deeply supportive of different systems in the body,” says Clopton, who maintains a small deck herb garden in her Bethlehem, Pennsylvania apartment.
A home herb garden boasts multiple environmental benefits, reducing our carbon footprint by eliminating the miles most herbs travel to reach the local grocery store, and eliminating pesticide use, if grown organically. Herbs are also great for attracting pollinators like bees, birds and butterflies to support a balanced and healthy ecosystem.
Rosemary is a multifaceted herb high in calcium,” says Linda Conroy, an herbalist, farmer and herb educator in Albion, Wisconsin. She uses it in topical lotions for pain relief, makes rosemary-infused salt for a flavor-booster and incorporates this pungent herb into her homemade feta cheese. Rosemary has been shown to enhance cognition and memory. It is also a natural mosquito repellant, making it a great addition to summer patios.
Sage is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and as a natural treatment for sore throats and coughs. “This easy-to-grow perennial also helps attract pollinators,” says Conroy.
Dandelion is an excellent detoxifier that can help cleanse the liver and promote healthy digestion. “Every part of the dandelion is edible; it’s really a powerful, supportive herb. There are so many herbs like dandelion that grow wild around us, asking for our awareness and acknowledgment,” Clopton remarks.
Thyme has powerful antimicrobial properties that can help fend off bacterial infections. “It’s also anti-spasmodic and a natural expectorant, making it an excellent addition to cough remedies, which can save money compared to over-the-counter treatments,” Conroy advises.
Lemon balm is a natural stress reducer that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. “I love growing lemon balm and holy basil together,” says Clopton. “They act like a natural mosquito repellent, in addition to all their medicinal and culinary benefits.”
Chamomile is an essential herb for relaxation and digestion. Regular consumption of chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep. Conroy also uses this herb for topical applications like lotions, body washes, foot baths and even eyewashes to soothe sore, irritated eyes.
Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fight infections. The bulb is also known to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. “Garlic, chives and other plants in the allium family are all important immune-system boosters,” says Conroy.
For first-time growers, an herb garden may sound intimidating, but with patience and care, it can flourish even in small, indoor spaces. Conroy recommends trying chives, as they are easy to sprout and thrive in a box or pot. She also suggests starting by growing just one herb at a time.
While Conroy grows her herbs from seed in her own greenhouse, it is perfectly acceptable to buy plants that already have a head start. Clopton suggests plants like lemon balm because it is easy to root from a cutting. She also recommends supplementing soil with organic compost to give plants an extra boost, and making sure growing containers have good drainage.
Adding herbs to an outdoor garden or indoor space is an easy way to shrink our carbon footprint and support pollinators for the good of the planet, all the while saving on groceries. Start small with an herb garden and enjoy the numerous health and other benefits herbs offer.
April Thompson is a Washington, D.C., freelance writer covering food, travel, sustainability and spirituality topics.
Learn more at AprilWrites.com
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This herbal infusion contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C and E, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron. A longer steep time maximizes the vitamins and minerals extracted from the herbs. This tea offers a great way to add some additional nourishment to the day.
Milky oats or oatstraw (avena sativa)
Spearmint or peppermint
Red clover flowers
Red raspberry leaves
Combine equal parts of the organic dried herbs in a bowl. To make a cup of nourishing tea, use 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per 8 ounces of hot water and steep covered for 15 minutes. For a more concentrated herbal infusion, steep for a few hours or overnight.
Recipe courtesy of Nadine Clopton. Before consuming any herbal remedies, consult with a doctor or pharmacist for possible interactions with prescription medications or preexisting health conditions.
Awell-known Chinese proverb says, “The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world,” poetically reminding us that small actions can produce large effects. When it comes to the world’s disappearing pollinators, the modest steps we take today can generate life-saving results tomorrow.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), “Pollinators provide vital benefits to people and wildlife, keeping animals and plants that we depend on thriving while bringing us food and supporting the economy.” Almost 90 percent of flowering plants depend entirely or in part on animal pollination, and yet, the FWS reports that pollinator populations are on the decline. One way to support these important species is to create a pollinator corridor—a pesticide-free, native-plant zone that provides food and shelter for indigenous pollinators.
While the word pollinator may conjure up images of butterflies and bees, the category is much broader and includes birds, bats, lizards, moths, flies, beetles, wasps and some small mammals. “Virtually every ecosystem on Earth that contains flowering plants depends on animal pollinators,” says Kim Eierman, author of The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening. “Many are keystone species in the ecosystems where they occur. If a keystone species becomes extinct or vanishes, that ecosystem fundamentally changes, and not for the better.”
From apples, melons and potatoes to almonds, coffee and cocoa, the food we eat is not available without pollination. Losing just one pollinator can have a significant impact. Without bees, fruit and nut trees produce fewer and smaller crops, if any. Of the top 100 edible flowering crops, 80 are pollinated by honeybees.
“Every ecosystem is dependent on pollinators to maintain healthy environmental balances in global food webs,” explains Jen McDonald, the founder of Garden Girls, a Houston-based company that designs and installs home landscapes. “Pollinators don’t make food just for us, but also for livestock and virtually all other living things. Many plants that require pollination are also needed for shade habitats for birds, insects and small animals.”
The decline in pollinators is attributed to a loss of feeding and nesting habitats that occurs when native plants are replaced by non-native grasses, farmlands and urban landscapes. Pesticides, chemicals, parasites, non-native species, new diseases and climate change are also modern-day threats. Monarch butterflies are considered vulnerable to extinction. Nearly one in four bees (347 native species) are at increased risk of extinction. More than half of the 154 North American bat species are at severe risk of population decline.
The good news is that when native plants are re-introduced, pollinators return. “Abundant, diverse pollinators ensure fertile, resilient landscapes and secure food systems for communities, and backyard gardens can restore numbers that strengthen regional plant reproduction,” says Kiersten Rankel, a botanist for Greg, an app that helps people optimize their plant-growing efforts.
To get started, select a strip of land, rooftop, wall or yard that supports pollinators, including their migration, foraging and overwintering. Next, pick native and flowering plant species for the space. Perennials require less maintenance, as they come back each year. Start small. Even a few potted plants or a converted curb strip can have a big impact. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides. Beyond flowers, be sure to also include shrubs,
twigs, rotting logs, branches, vines, ground cover and bare gravel. Determine if it is helpful or harmful to remove leaves from the ground in the fall and reduce or eliminate mowing practices, especially on roadsides or curbs.
To make a bigger impact, talk with neighbors and community members to create a larger corridor. Consider working with local schools, colleges, nature-focused nonprofits, government officials that oversee parks and city planning, nurseries and farmers. The more people that are involved and invested in the corridor, the higher the odds of its continuing success.
Create a map to see the full footprint of the corridor; fill any gaps and remove invasive plant species. Include a wide diversity of native plants to serve pollinators at each stage of their life cycles. The Wild Seed Project suggests having at least 10 pollinator-friendly plants to support them year-round with continuous blooms and shelter.
An example of a giant pollinator corridor is Project Wingspan, located in the Midwest and Great Lakes region. The people behind this program are striving to create 18,000 acres of high-quality habitat to support local wildlife and pollinators. On a smaller scale, the town of Orleans, Massachusetts, is working to ensure their entire community is pollinator friendly.
There has never been a better time to start or join a pollinator corridor. Those efforts could be the flap of a butterfly’s wing that changes the future for these vital creatures.
Kelcie Ottoes is a content writer for sustainable businesses, specializing in blog posts, case studies and white papers.
Coming in April
The human body enables us to fulfill daily functions and perform unseen feats autonomically. Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day, and our 60,000 miles of blood vessels transport nutrition and oxygen to our tissues and organs so they can do their superhero jobs.
Taking time to eat better, exercise and get more rest feels like a tall order when life keeps us busy, but when we see food, movement and intention as sacred choices instead of Herculean tasks to be postponed, investing in our health can become a joyous endeavor.
Appreciating our arms, legs, eyesight, tastebuds and all of our other amazing physical assets can be a daily spiritual practice that incentivizes us to maintain our corporeal foundation. Research shows that moments of gratitude are catalysts for improvements in the nervous system, including vagal nerve tone, which positively impacts heart rate and blood pressure. For those struggling with chronic pain or illness, gratitude for what they can do
gives them a greater sense of control and uncovers blessings they might have overlooked while dwelling upon limitations.
While millions of cells in the body die every day, millions more take their place. We are walking wonders of physiological orchestration, and this alone deserves our highest respect and commitment to our well-being. Here are a few inspirations for the journey.
• With a daily prayer, thank the body for its wonders and efforts. Be specific by acknowledging distinct areas like the heart, brain and skin, as well as different functions such as breathing, hearing and seeing.
• Think of the gym, treadmill, yoga studio or hiking trail as sacred spaces.
• Consider better food choices as divine offerings to the body’s temple.
• Make the act of food shopping a mindful activity.
• Tune into the body for five-to-10-minute intervals to acknowledge its beauty and accomplishments.
• Please the senses with nontoxic aromas, soft organic fabrics and splashes of beauty.
• Befriend any body part that is disliked or has been ignored.
Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author, visionary artist and composer.
Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
Sound Bath Unwind. 10 – 11 am. Unwind from the week in this beautiful sound immersion where I will have a guest sound practitioner, Soothing Senseitions, accompanying me to clear and uplift body, mind, soul this Friday morning. Perfect for releasing the stagnant energy from the week and refreshing it with new energized and cleared. Cost: $45. The Wind Down Suite - 18022 Nassau Bay Drive, Houston TX 77058. Purchase Tickets on soulsorceress.com
Sound Bath. 10-11am Unwind from the week in this beautiful sound immersion where Yolanda will have a guest sound practitioner, Soothing Sensations, accompanying her to clear and uplift body, mind, soul this Friday morning. $45. The Wind Down Suite 18022 Nassau Bay Drive, Houston TX 77058 Purchase Tickets on soulsorceress.com
Cacao and Sound Bath. 7-8:30 pm. Open our heart center in Ceremony to empower the love within us for ourselves and others as we share cacao and nurture our soul immersed in the healing sound immersion collaboration with guest, Soothing Sensations. $65. The Wind Down Suite 18022 Nassau Bay Drive, Houston TX 77058. Purchase Tickets on soulsorceress.com
Children’s Yoga Meet and Greet w/Meredith. 11:30am-12:30pm. Children’s yoga will take place at Union Studio for 6 weeks on Saturdays 11:30-12:30 from 3/23-4/27. Classes will meet in tandem with Vinyasa w/ Kim in the main studio at 11:30am. Want to learn more and meet Meredith, the teacher? Join us for a meet and greet. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Free. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007 momence.com/Meredith-Smith/Children’sYoga-Series--Meet-and-Greet/99388980
Pocket Prairies for Faith Communities. 3 pm, online.A hands-on workshop for those faith communities interested in creating pocket prairies at their houses of worship will follow in May, with a pocket prairie planting planned for Fall 2024. eventbrite.com/e/ pocket-prairies-for-faith-communities-tickets-805289260857
weMed Webinar: Diabetes. 11 am-12 n. Diabetes is the number one cause for blindness, kindey failure, neuropathy, and kidney transplant.Learn how to eliminate type II diabetes medications safely and to achieve freedom from Type II Diabetes. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMed Webinar: Menopause. 11 am-12 n. Tired of night sweats, hot flashes, major mood swings, and weight gain? This webinar will help you solve those issues naturally and effectively. FREE. wemedhealth.com/ upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: Natural Treatment for Facelift, Wrinkles, Melasma and Acne. 11 am-12 n. The majority of skin abnormalities such as wrinkles, melasma, and acne are caused by stress or toxin induced hormone imbalance. This webinar will instruct you how the Tixel Skin Rejuvenation Treatment combined with hormone restoration and digestion optimization can reduce those unpleasant skin changes. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
Hand-balancing workshop w/ Lance. 1:00-4:00pm. Join Lance for a hand-balancing workshop. We will develop the skills for hand-balancing - wrist, shoulder and core stabilization - creating a firm and safe foundation for handstand work. $$$. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007 unionstudio.yoga
Reiki Circle 2:00 - 3:00 pm Healing for any issues whether health, finances, relationships, or life situations. DONATION. 9039 Katy Freeway Suite 504, Houston TX 77024. More info dharmareikiacupuncture.com
weMED Webinar: Parkinson’s Disease. 11 am-12 n. This presentation will show you our patient testimonials and we will examine how they reduced tremors, resolved balance issues, as well as improved insomnia, constipation, and internal anxiety for Parkinson’s Disease. FREE. wemedhealth.com/ upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: PCOS. 11 am-12 n. Facial hair, acne, weight gain and infertility are very frustrating with PCOS. This topic will the root causes of PCOS to eliminate most of those unwanted symptoms. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
Reiki Practitioner Course Levels I & II. Holy Fire Reiki Practitioner Course for levels I & II. Open to all, no prior healing experience required. Visit website for course information. 9039 Katy Freeway Suite 504, Houston TX 77024. dharmareikiacupuncture.com
weMED Webinar: Kidney Failure. 11 am12 n. Kidney failure is an extremely scary situation as dialysis and kidney transplant interrupt our work-life balance as well as adding financial strain. This presentation will showcase our patients improved kidney function by following their eGFR and creatinine biometrics achieved through natural therapies. FREE.wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
weMED Webinar: Melting Belly Fat. 11 am-12 n. Tummy fat is stubborn, learn the signs and risks of that accumulated adipose tissue in the heart vessels, under the skin, and the rest of the body. This webinar will help you see that a reduction in tummy fat of 5-10 pounds or more is achievable. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
Spring Equinox Crystal Sound Bath + Yoga Nidra w/ Jessica. Experience deep relaxation with the sounds and frequencies of quartz crystal singing bowls. Jessica will guide you through a full body scan/yoga nidra meditation to a state of conscious sleep. $25. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007. momence.com/ Jessica-Brock/Spring-Equinox-Crystal-BowlSound-Bath-%2B-Yoga-Nidra/98499874
Basic Essential Oils 101. 11 am – 5:30 pm. Join this workshop to explore the safe and effective use of essential oils. Learn about the common components of essential oils and their applications, how to recognize oils, and how different oils interact with your skin chemistry. Take home your own personal blend! $95. Registration closes on Sunday, March 10, 2024. College of the Mainland-City Centre 10000 Emmett F Lowry Expressway Ste 4100, Room 118 Texas City, TX 77591. Register at tinyurl. com/59wu697d
Children’s Yoga w/Meredith. 11:30am12:30pm. Union Studio will offer a 6 week children’s yoga class in tandem with Vinyasa w/ Kim in the main studio. Our children’s yoga classes teach age-appropriate yoga poses, breathing techniques, and mindfulness activities for children ages 5-12 years old. Through movement, games, and stories, children will be invited to grow in their self-awareness, improve their balance and physical strength, and learn tools for their emotional well-being. $175. Union Yoga Studio 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007. https://momence.com/Meredith-Smith/Children’s-Yoga/99388692
Reiki Circle 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Healing for any issues whether health, finances, relationships, or life situations. DONATION 9039 Katy Freeway Suite 504, Houston TX 77024. More info www.dharmareikiacupuncture.com
Sound Bath Renewal. 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Tapping into the Spring Energy of Renewal we will gather together to celebrate with a Manifestation Circle and follow it with a loving sound bath to immerse your body, mind, and Soul into a state of Gratitude. Herbal Tea included. $44.44. WeVibe Studios - 402 Avondale St, Houston TX 77006 soulsorceress.com
Extended Yin + Oils w/Laura and Cata. 2pm. Relax and unwind in our Extended Yin practice. This special 90-minute class will explore passively-held, grounded poses. Your practice will be supported by a special essential oil blend from Oils.Earth. $35. Union Yoga Studio 600 N. Shepherd Dr. #449, Houston 77007.
Bayou City Arts Festival. 10 am-6 pm. (Saturday and Sunday) The nation’s premier spring outdoor art festival brings more than 250 artists from around the country, representing 19 different disciplines, will showcase their art including this year’s featured artist: Karina Llergo. Online early bird tickets will soon be available at bayoucityartfestival. com. Sam Houston Park 1000 Bagby Houston 77002. For information or to purchase tickets please visit artcolonyassociation.org
weMed Webinar: Hypertension. 11 am-12 n. Understand hypertension and the risk of the balloon effect internally even with medications. This webinar will teach you how to treat the root causes of hypertension to bring your blood pressure back within normal limits allowing you to reduce or eliminate medications safely. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
From Dependence to Abundance: Reimagining Farmland Access. 6 pm. Online. In this talk, Rachel Lockhart Folkerts, Interim President of Plant It Forward, explores innovative new approaches to the land access challenges faced by farmers as they endeavor to feed our communities, reimagine our greenspaces, and restore community connections. eventbrite.com/e/ from-dependence-to-abundance-reimaging-farmland-access-tickets-818384910297
weMED Webinar: Hypertension. 11 am-12 n. Hypertension is like a balloon blowing bigger, bigger non-stop, even with medications. This webinar will teach you how to treat the root causes of hypertension and bring the blood pressure down to normal, some patients may reduce medications to zero safely. FREE. wemedhealth.com/upcoming-webinars
6-Weeks Meditation and Breathing Fundamentals. 6-7 pm. Online. Learn to appreciate the inner and outer sensory experience, transcend limitations, and promote positive behavior change through a comprehensive approach to breathing and meditation without the “woowoo”. Open to beginning and veteran meditators. Classes will be recorded and you will also receive free audio guided meditations every week. $149. nervousapes.com
Free Outdoor Zumba 9am. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside. tinyfitnesshouston.com
Free Weekly Buddhist Meditation 11:00 am to 12:00 noon Central time, online via Zoom or Youtube, and in person at 4803 San Felipe St. Houston TX 77056. Led by senior members of the Dawn Mountain sangha (community), this meditation offers a chance to take a mindful pause from your busy life, enjoy serenity and fellowship, and learn a bit more about Buddhist practice at Dawn Mountain. Most Free, guided meditation suitable for everyone. Free teaching on the first Sunday of every month at 10:30
Sunday Celebration. 11 am. We gather to renew friendships and enjoy exciting celebrations and encouragements by minister Dr. Jesse Jennings, the music of Geoffry Oshman and guests, and the spiritual support of our practitioners. Creative Life Spiritual Center 5326 Spring Stuebner Rd. Ste. 200, Spring, Texas 77389. creativelife. org and online at facebook.com/creativelifeorg
Free Outdoor Zumba 6:30 pm. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside, Houston 77098. tinyfitnesshouston.com
IGNITE! Sessions. 12 noon - 6 pm. Find your purpose with igniter/artist/intuitive guide Sarah Gish in 30- or 60-minute sessions ($50 or $100). You’ll leave with a personal mantra that reinforces what the heart-centered connection uncovered. Call for appointment: 713-993-0550. Body Mind & Soul. 7951 Katy Freeway, Houston
Tai Chi in the Park - Evelyn’s. 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 4400 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire 77401. bluedragontaichi.com
Tai Chi in the Park – Woodchase. 6 pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3951 Woodchase Dr, Houston 77042. bluedragontaichi.com
Illusions- book study/discussion via Zoom 7 pm. Practitioner David LeMaster leads weekly discussions of Illusions: Confessions of a Reluctant Messiah.FREE. Email david for a Zoom link. davidlemaster@mac.com
Dawn Mountain Teaching First and third Tuesdays 7-8:30 Sept 5 thru Dec 5: The Awakened Heart: What’s Love Got to Do With It? 7-8:30 Online, in person, or recorded. Find more information and registration at dawnmountain.org
How to Change Your Life book study/discussion via Zoom 6:00pm CT: Practitioners Shirley Sandlin and Monty Wilson invite you into a conversation on Ernest Holmes’s book, in which he writes, “Every human being thrills at the thought of having dreams come true! ...Whatever your personal desires may be―as long as they do not hurt yourself or someone else―you have a right to attain them...and you can.” The book is available at CLC and from online vendors. To request the Zoom link, please email Shirleysandlin1968@gmail.com No fee; appreciative giving
Tai Chi in the Park – Levy. 7 pm. Thursdays @ 7pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098. bluedragontaichi. com
Midlife Orphan book study/discussion via Zoom. 7:30pm CT: Practitioner Sarah Westbrook leads this new book study/ discussion. Who are we when we are fully untethered from our parents? What happens to the rest of the family when our patriarchs and matriarchs are no longer present? Jane Brooks explores these and similar themes in her book Midlife Orphan: Facing Life’s Changes Now that Your Parents are Gone. Please email westbrook500@gmail.comto request a Zoom link
Tai Chi in the Park – Levy. 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098. bluedragontaichi.com
Philosophy Fridays 7:30 pm. Come join our online discussion group on various New Thought topics hosted by practitioners from Creative Life Center. To request a Zoom link, email David at davidlemaster@icloud.com
Free Yoga on the Lawn. 10-11 am. Join Union Studio for a complimentary 60-minute all levels outdoor yoga class, weather permitting. FREE. Union Yoga Studio 600 N Shepherd Dr # 449, Houston, TX 77007. unionstudio.yoga
Tai Chi in the Park – Discovery Green. 10:15 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 1500 McKinney, Houston 77010. bluedragontaichi.com
Reiki Circle 2:00 pm. Reiki Holy Fire Experience healing circle, held on 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month. A chosen issue for healing will be the focus of each circle. Everyone is welcome.Location: 9039 Katy Freeway, building 500, suite 504, Houston, TX 77024. Fee: Love offering. Contact: April 713-922-3474. Website: dharmareikiacupuncture.com
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email mike@naturalawakenings-houston.com
9039 Katy Freeway, Suite 504
Houston, Texas 77024
We are a Traditional Chinese Medicine and Reiki clinic, offering alternative healing services since 2008.
• Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine
• Reiki energy healing, individual sessions and classes
• Internal medicine, pain management
• Women’s health, pre-post natal, menopause
• Emotional, trauma healing
• Chakra clearing and balancing
• Stress, anxiety, mood disorders
• Hormone, energy, sleep imbalance
• Diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, gastrointestinal, and more…
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Practitioner Training is offered monthly. Dates & details on website Reiki Healing Circle on 2nd Saturday of every month. SeeCalendar of Events.
211 Midway St, Bldg E Spring, TX 77373 281-288-9595
A quaint shop in the heart of historic Old Town Spring Texas, offering unique handmade bath and body products and lots of rubber ducks. Small Batch Handmade soaps by Connie. Wonderful lather and amazing Scents. Enjoy the aroma therapy of a bath in your shower with Shower Steamers. Put little bit of heaven for your bath with Fizzies. We also have bath salts, scrubs, shampoos, lotions, creams, shaving creams & soaps, and batch accessories of all kinds. Shop conveniently on-line or drop by our store.
540 W 19 Street Houston, TX 77008 832-930-7844
Re-designing dentistry in Houston Heights by creating a personal ized, comfortable, and fun experience to de liver excellent patient satisfaction. From preven tative dentistry to smile makeovers, our team of dental professionals have the skill-sets to provide remarkable quality and compassionate care to give you that smile you’ve always wanted. Ser vices include cosmetic, preventative, restorative, and a full range of family dentistry services. Lead by Drs. Emilyann Pham and Ann Blair our team provides compassionate human-centered patient care. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment. Insurance accepted.
Houston Dental Health Center
800 Bering Dr. Houston, TX 77057
Natural Dentistry supports the body and the mind by finding the cause of dental problems. The dental examination includes noticing systemic and habitual influences. If you have dental issues or currently have silver amalgam fillings, call me today to schedule an appointment. See Ad on page 5.
“Breath, Meditate, Communicate” nervousapes.com
Looking to learn a variety of meditation and breathing techniques without the “woo”? Learn skills that you can use in your everyday life to reduce suffering and increase fulfillment in yourself and others. Learn to practice with consistency. Learn the art of staying with it that will transport you to that really special place, that once you experience, you’ll know without a doubt. Visit our website to receive a FREE pre-recorded breathing and meditation session or to sign up for our upcoming 6-Weeks Meditation/Breathing Fundamentals Course.
1308 James Street
Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336
Established 1989. Call to schedule any of the following services: massage therapies, lymphatic drainage massage and facials, reflexology, infra-red sauna, ion cleanse foot or hand baths, Chinese cupping or colon hydrotherapy (prescriptions only- yours or ours). By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY!
Barbara Ellis, Retired RN 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033 713-738-8199
Serving Houston and the surrounding area since 1979. We continue to irrigate with State Of The Art Equipment (closed colonic systems cleared by the FDA). We utilize totally disposable colonic set-ups and sterile water. A prescription is required for this procedure. Our Medical Director at a different location will make an assessment and write a prescription for OUR clients only. Visit our website to learn more details. Please call us to schedule an appointment.
See ad page 16.
Bring your body to a relaxed state to encourage your body to naturally begin healing areas you may not pay attention to due to the business of everyday life. I offer Group Sound Baths, Personalized Vibrational, Reiki Sessions, and Cleansings. I seek to assist you in your healing journey and look forward to help you connect with a likeminded community all looking to co-create and elevate our Vibrations! This journey is for all ages and genders and I create a safe, loving environment for all. Visit my website to schedule a session and for information about my upcoming workshops.
Get to the root cause of your health conditions. Erin has been working in the health and nutrition field for over 11 years specializing and working extensively with those suffering from: autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and inflammatory disorders. She works with each client’s unique biochemistry to determine what dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes will work best for them as an individual. There is NO one-size-fits-all program. All appointments are conducted via phone! This makes it very easy and convenient to receive care from any location. If you want to reach your true health potential, Email Erin today to schedule your FREE 45 minute initial phone consultation. Hours until 5 pm Fridays.
(by appointment only)
Want to stop smoking or lose weight? Looking for ways to relax, find balance and increase the joy in your life? Hypnosis can help you. Call SOON to book your appointment. Let’s work together to create the life you want!
Suzanne Sears, RN, ACCH
9219 Katy Freeway, Ste. 113 Houston, TX 77024
Our mission is to promote wellness for the whole family. We have programs and services for adults, teenagers and children. If you or your child need help coping with anxiety/fear/stress, changing habits, pain management,sleep problems or weight management and more, we can help. Call today to schedule a conultation.
Houston, TX 77004
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
Positive Power Mindset Transformation uses a unique process that combines the conscious and subconscious to allow you to move forward in all areas of your life. Through hypnosis, we redesign your mind so that when negative thoughts arise, they are automatically replaced with positive ones, alleviating stress and anxiety, depression and the physical symptoms associated such as fatigue, headache, digestive related problems, body ache and many others? One of the most powerful addictions is nicotine addiction. Ralph has been very successful with his hypnosis smoking cessation program. Visit our website for more information or to book a virtual or in-person session today. Hypnotherapy is powerful, and we are achieving amazing results that will enable you to unleash your full potential and live happy, joyous, free and full of positive energy.
3100 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77098
We offer comprehensive and customized therapeutic plans that address chronic illness & autoimmune disease for patients seeking support both in-person and virtually. Phoenix Rising Integrative Medicine takes an integrative approach to addressing chronic illness and autoimmune by combining ancient healing tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern functional medicine, including evidence-based lab testing, clinical nutrition, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine and acupuncture protocols that are customized for each patient. We also work with patients suffering from environmental and food allergies, reproductive and fertility issues, breast implant illness, and emotional health issues. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment.
4126 Southwest Fwy, Suite 1130 Houston 77027
Blending ancient wisdom with modern medicine
weMed Clinics can help you heal naturally. Our staff of 16, work together to address the root causes of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, chronic pain, insomnia and more. Our emphasis continues to be preventive and longevity care. Our free weekly webinars on a variety of health issues are listed in the Natural Awakenings calendar. Call or visit our website to schedule a visit or for more information. See ad on page 20.
Spring: the music of open windows.
—Terri Guillemets
206 Main Street Spring, 77373
If you’re tired of the traditional bar scene, the same bar regulars, and what seems to be the same experience, then we urge you to give Elixir Lounge Kava Bar a try. We offer folks from all walks of life a cool spot to enjoy a night out without being pressured to consume alcohol. We offer kava drinks and other treats for those looking to boost their mood with the best alcohol alternatives. Whether you’re coming to relax with a book, have a conversation with friends, play a board game with other patrons, or enjoying a special event, Elixir Lounge has something for everyone.
Online sales only.
833-AUSTIN-1 austinorganicvillage.online
Focused on helping others achieve greater balance in life, our high-quality kratom products combine the best in variety with affordability. Sourced directly from top-rated kratom vendors that share our vision of helping others, Austin Organic Village is proud to offer a diverse line of kratom products for sale online. We believe that nature holds the key to true wellness, and offer our high-quality kratom products in the hopes of improving the health of others, the natural way. We ship nationwide and check out our prices and our quality. Call or visit our website for more information or to place an order. See ad page 4.
1973 W Gray, Suite 23 Houston, TX 77019
A BBB Accredited Business
We provide the choicest healthy Botanicals garnered from some of the most exotic corners of the world. Only The BEST! We ensure quality by going to the source, checking our international vendors 1st hand, and using USDA Certified Organic vendors when applicable. We stand by our products and our services! If you are unsatisfied with your order we will return, exchange and or refund your money. We got you covered! See ads on pages 12.
nextstepcoaches.com connect@nextstepcoaches.com
Life is full of magic and tragedy, continuously keeping most of us on an emotional roller coaster. Drawing from Jungian psychology, spiritual practices, and mindset activating techniques, we help clients understand the root of their habits and behavior and make lasting shifts and transform their lives in a profound and sustainable way. Let us help you find the lessons from your challenges and come out stronger. Visit our website today to book your FREE initial consultation.
1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336
Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs where it can and may cause blockages. Lymphatic therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well – Stay well. CALL TODAY!
6600 Harwin Drive, Suite 101-b Houston, TX 77036 209-210-8009
Whether your body has been injured by overuse, trauma or just stress, therapeutic massage can promote the healing process. You will receive a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs with the goal of promoting your health in body, mind and spirit. I offer New Client Specials and will be holding a Grand Opening on March 1st. Book your appointment now by going to the website.
2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77098 832-526-6520
Are you in pain? Well, you don’t have to live like this. We are here to heal your body and mind through massage and energetic practices.
We offer a wide variety of massage modalities designed to fit your needs. We offer both onsite chair and concierge table massage. Call today to book your appointment at 832-526-6520. Our mission is to heal your mind and body. We accept both PSA and HSA cards for payment.
6600 Harwin Drive Houston, TX 77036 713-974-0360 themassageschool.com
Learn massage and holistic health. Train for a career you will love. New Program: Online classes combined with on campus classes! Open your own practice. Find employment at Luxury Spas, Fitness Centers & Rehab Clinics. Finish in as little as 5 ½ months. Join one of the fastest growing Health Care Professions. Visit our website or call today for more information or to schedule a tour of our school.
See ad page 10 and 12.
4803 San Felipe St. Houston 77056 713-630-0354
The mission of Dawn Mountain is to further the spiritual growth of our diverse community as a living bridge between traditional Tibetan Buddhist teachings and curious people everywhere. Dawn Mountain offers weekly meditation from 11am to noon each Sunday, “First Sunday” teachings on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30am, followed by our regular Sunday Meditation. Donations accepted. All sessions are archived on our YouTube channel. Please visit our website for more information and consider taking advantage of our many offerings,
123 Midway St, Bldg C Spring, Texas 77373 888-492-3584 odysseyemporium.com
We are a retail shop and also have an online store. We can also custom-make many of our product lines. Our products include a range of metaphysical items, clothing, books, stones, jewelry, candles, soaps, teas, incenses, herbs, blades, and accessories for spiritual work. We also have some unique renaissance festival and gothic clothing and accessories. Check out our gaming and sci-fi themed products as well. We offer daily in-house Tarot reading and conduct private Old Town Spring Ghost tours. Open 7 days a week.
1900 Blalock Rd Ste P Houston, TX 77080
281-974-1043 indigomoons.net
We serve our customers with knowledge, enthusiasm, generosity, and humor. Come visit us for a wide range of crystals and gems, fossils and specimens, silver and gemstone jewelry, sage and incense, home decor, new and used books, Tarot and oracle decks, and an ever-growing supply of handcrafted products by local artisans. Or stay informed with upcoming classes and events. Start your journey, learn something new, make new friends - it’s all possible here at Indigo Moons. See ad on page 16.
REMINDFUL LIVING dailyremindful.com erika@dailyremindful.com
Are you looking for ways to integrate mindfulness into your daily life? Place our ReMinders around your most commonly used spaces for both work and living, and in this way remain aligned with your intention and more present throughout your activities. RECENTER pause and take a breath. REMEMBER your intention. RECONNECT throughout the day. Order our ReMinders Kit for only $10 and get a 30-day downloadable Mindfulness Program free. Visit our website for details and to order your kit.
“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991
Dr. Gracie Chukwu is a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Nutrition Counselor. She has been assisting people for over five years with holistic medicine, diet, nutrition and supplement support to enhance her client’s health and overall well-being. If you are suffering and cannot find relief, give Dr. Gracie a call.See ad on page 12.
5326 Spring-Stuebner Road Spring, Texas 77389 creativelife.org | info@creativelife.org
We’re a spiritual discovery destination built on New Thought principles, as part of Centers for Spiritual Living, offering a fresh look at sacred traditions and the wisdom of the ages. We hold celebration services at 11am CT Sundays, plus they’re live-streamed on Facebook and appear later on our YouTube channel. Virtual classes, book studies and discussions happen online through the week. We’d love to have you check us out! See ad page 19.
Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream
Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches and joint pain. Her Remedy is a homeopathic pain relief cream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $18 plus postage. Visit website for other options. See ad on page 19
Tiny changes Big Results
Let’s make your life feel amazing! See results fast with personal training...join the Zumba Fitness party, FREE...put yourself to the test in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Kickboxing, or Beginner Bootcamp...or just let it all go in a Recovery Workshop...but whatever you do, start today for an even better tomorrow. Visit our website to sign up for a class or make an appointment for personal training.
8191 Southwest Fwy Ste.102
Houston, Texas 77074
Let us help you release and rid yourself of negative thoughts, negative energy, pain, stress, depression, addictions, physical ailments, bad habits through Reiki and crystal therapy which aid in your healing process. Reiki is a noninvasive natural method of ancient energy healing. It has been proven to stimulate the body’s relaxation process. Reiki aids in restoring body synchronization, healing insomnia, promoting relaxation, reducing physical pain, stress, anxiety, depression, clear mental blockages and more. Call us today to schedule your appointment and experience the Reiki difference.
“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN
6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074
HoustonHolistic HealthClinic.com
Breast thermography has the ability to warn woman up to 10 years before any other procedure that a cancer may be forming; thus, allowing for prompt and timely treatment. Thermography uses no radiation and poses absolutely NO health risks to the patient. If you are a woman, over 20 years old and have not had a breast thermograph, call Dr. Gracie TODAY. See ad on page 16.
Have you ever wanted to learn Tai Chi? Now is your chance. Join us for any of our FREE Tai Chi in the Park classes on Tues., Thurs. and Fri. See page 26 for details. Return your body and mind to its original pure and healthy state and is taught as a life nourishing, restorative and spiritual practice.
3821 Richmond Ave.
Houston, TX 77027
Trendy Vegan offers delicious dining and takeout to Houston, TX. Trendy Vegan is a cornerstone in the Houston community and has been recognized for its outstanding Vegetarian cuisine, excellent service and friendly staff. Our Vegetarian restaurant is known for its modern interpretation of classic dishes and its insistence on only using high quality fresh ingredients. See ad on page 14.
200 Westcott St.
Houston, Texas 77007
The Breathing Room was founded by Alicia Gordy, RYT-500, out of a desire to share with others the movement practices and healing modalities that brought about significant change in her own life. The unique yoga and Pilates studio and wellness center is focused on mindful, breath-based movement, as well as other modalities to support the wellness journey. All levels, from the beginning student to the advanced practitioner are welcome. We have found yoga and Pilates to be complementary, mindful, breath-based practices that when practiced consistently and with attention and care, yield profound results. We also offer sessions in meditation, breathwork and reiki, and share space with other practitioners specializing in physical therapy, massage and esthetics.
600 N Shepherd Dr., #449 Houston, TX 77007
800-215-3190 unionstudio.yoga
The studio is dedicated to self-study through movement, breath and meditation, and is committed to upholding the tenets of authenticity, sincerity, inclusion, and integrity without exception. We offer a variety of classes including Vinyasa, The Rest of Yoga (™), Yin, Hatha, and Myofascial Release. Classes are in-person, streaming and on-demand. Owner and lead instructor, Kim Taurins has been practicing yoga since 2001. She is a 500 hour E-RYT level with an emphasis in yoga therapeutics, Daoism, Reiki, and bodywork. Visit our website for more informationor to sign up