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Fragments, component parts and Corpus

Fragments and Component Parts

This section contains details of components and copper-alloy fragments recognised and recorded as box parts. It is not possible to allocated them to a specific Type of box.


Figure 22

Marina Drive (Bedfordshire) Grave E3 lid top or body base, solder on underside reused as a pendant.

Barrington A [Edix Hill] * Cambridgeshire.

Flat copper-alloy circular disc, 58mm diameter a lid top or body base, repousee decorated with three rows of dots around the circumference.

Barrington B [Hooper’s Field?] * Cambridgeshire.

Flat copper-alloy disc, 69mm diameter a lid top, repousee decorated with three concentric rows of dots around an incised centre. These raised dots follow externally applied guide marking out lines. A Body base plain 73mm in diameter, with a raised lip and three pieced holes indicate it was attached to the body by rivets. Both possibly from the same box?

Bourne End Buckinghamshire. SMR 0117702004

Copper-alloy strips B3 and B4 from a box body, repousee decorated with six rows of dots. Buckinghamshire County Museum. From an unpublished notebook by Francis Colmer (1873-1967).

Haslingfield * Cambridgeshire.

Three copper-alloy undecorated lid rings, over-lapped joints, two x 42mm diameter, one x 40mm in two fragments. One copper-alloy undecorated convex lid top or body base 42mm in diameter. * Fox. C. 1923. The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region. Cambridge.

Hambleton Moor female burial Yorkshire. PRN MCA 3633.

A copper-alloy fragment from a lid ring, c40mm x 32mm x 45mm in height. Bell mouthed repousee decorated with two parallel rows of dots between are three dotted chevrons. Attached is a split eyelet with two figures of 8 chain links a wire ring and one other figure of 8 link. The fragment and a copper-alloy chain with thirteen similar links is mounted on a card marked.


Possibly part of the box from Hawnby. British Museum collection. London.


Grave E3 female child 8 years old

Flat copper-alloy circular disc, 49mm diameter, solder located on the underside edges. A lid top or body base, repousee decorated with single line of dots around circumference with four lines placed at right angles meeting on a circle enclosing a boss. It has a pierced hole, it's position in the grave indicates it had been re-used as a waist pendant. Possibly from Grave B3/B4 in the same cemetery.

Gibson. T. and Harris. P. 1994. Analysis of Anglo-Saxon Solder Deposited on a Copper-Alloy Disc from the Cemetery at Marina Drive Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire Archaeology. 21. 108-119

The following metal fragments and box components have been recorded by Portable Antiquity Scheme

Caerwent Monmouthshire. PAS WAW-FF3CCA7

Lid ring or body fragment decorated with repousee dots arranged in and two lines with a chevron V and inverted chevron between lines. Design similar to Lechlade Grave 14 and Hawnby boxes.

Ilam Staffordshire. PAS WMIDS-DC4EA4

Copper-alloy circular flat lid top or body base, 39mm diameter, repousee decorated with an eight lined starburst around a central boss. It has a pierced hole indicating it had a possible reuse as a pendant. Similar star-burst patterns are evident on Finglesham Grave 8, Uncleby Grave 29 and Wolverton Grave 2168 boxes.

Kirton in Lindsey Lincolnshire. PAS LIN-E32932

Circular copper-alloy lid top or body base 43mm diameter. Undecorated, complete with a copper-alloy split eyelet centrally positioned.

Stroud Gloucestershire. PAS GLO-DA7D75

Copper-alloy lid ring or body fragment, repousee decorated as a right angle or possible square with a single chevron dotted V located within the arrangement.

Wolfhamcote Warwickshire. PAS WAW-DA3434

Copper-alloy lid ring or body fragment, 33mm length x 42mm width, repousee decorated two conjoined chevrons in two parallel rows forming a cross saltire or diamond pattern XXX.

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