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Appendix A
Didcot Berkshire Grave 12 Female age c3-5 years.
Necklace of six glass beads, knife blade, iron buckle, silver ring, fragment iron possible pin or toilet implement, iron and copper chain links. Possible iron nail, fragment of Roman pottery handle, copper-alloy box.
Marina Drive Bedfordshire Grave E2 Female age 12 years.
Iron knife. Necklace consisting of four amethysts, two glass beads, one amber bead, one fish bone. Hung from it were three pendants, two fish bones, a beaver tooth, silver wire ring. Bone ring silvered bronze short, long brooch, five-sided facetted crystal object. Another small iron knife, stone spindle whorl, polished milky quartz pebble. Four fragments of Roman glass, a mass of iron with embossed bronze mount, iron spike and the remains of two purses. Copper-alloy box.
Marina Drive Bedfordshire Grave E3 Female age 8 years.
Necklace consisting of fifteen beads of amethyst, amber, glass, fish bones and paste, secured by a silver clasp (number of individual beads not given in excavation report). Cylindrical silver box or locket, a silver wire earring with bead, pottery spindle whorl. Cowrie shell, iron knife and remains of a purse. Copper-alloy lid top or body base from box reused as a waist pendant.
Updown Eastry Kent Grave 76:34 Burial of a very small child or baby.
Knife, copper-alloy box.
Boyle, A, Dodd, A, Miles, D and Mudd, A, 1995 Two Oxfordshire Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries Beringsfield and Didcot. Thames Valley Landscape Monograph No.8 Oxfordshire Archaeological Unit. Oxford
Gibson T and Harris P, 1994 Analysis of Anglo-Saxon Solder Deposited on a Copper-Alloy Disc from the Cemetery at Marina Drive Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 21 108-119
Mathews, C L, 1962 The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Marina Drive Dunstable. Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 1 125-147 Fig. 4-8
Philp, B, Keller, P, 2002 The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eastry, near Dover. Kent Archaeological Unit, Dover