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My thanks go to Vicki Herring who often from a rough sketch, scribbling and worn photocopies illustrated Figures 7,14,19,23 and 24. Peter Gray master copper-smith, friend and mentor, who using only hand tools explained and demonstrated the versatility and skill of Anglo-Saxon craftsmen and women who designed and made copper-alloy artefacts. John Blair and Catherine Hills and Anna Gannon for their continuing interest and support. Faye Minter, Riccardo Caravello and Donna Wreathal from Suffolk County Council Archaeological Department allowed me unlimited access to the yet unpublished Burwell Village relic box. Finally, I am indebted to the curators and staff of the museums visited over the past 35 years, who allowed me to examine these now fragile relic boxes, without their assistance this publication would not have been possible.
Figure 6 Leeds City Museum, Leeds, Yorkshire Figure 7 Oxfordshire Museum Services, Stanlake, Oxfordshire Figure 8 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Figure 9,10 Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, Dover Figure 11 English Heritage, Swindon, Wiltshire Figure 12 Archaeological Services & Consultancy Services Milton Keynes. PAS London Figures 15,16 Proceedings of The Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cambridge Figures 17,20 HS1 Ltd. CTRL Report 92, London Figure 21 Anglia Museum Services, Gressenhall, Norfolk.
Plate 2 English Heritage, Swindon Plate 4 Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Austria Plate 5 Professor Manolis Andronikos, Athens Greece
During the past two years every effort has been made to contact the copyright holders of the illustrations and photographs used in this publication. Some have acknowledged and agreed, others have not responded. Should any copyright holder require additional acknowledgement, other than that those above, please contact the author so that amendments can be made in future editions.