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Child Support vs. College Support In July of 2012, Indiana law on child support and postsecondary education expenses drastically changed. Indiana code section 31-16-6-6 governs the termination of child support and the emancipation of a child for the purposes of a parent’s child support obligation. Prior to July 1, 2012, child support, including the obligation to pay educational expenses, terminated when the child turned twenty one years of age. Now, when a child turns nineteen years old, support terminates, but that does not necessarily include the support for educational needs. There is still the potential for an order for post-secondary education expenses. It is extremely important to understand the effects this change has because there are specific time frames to follow now that if not followed could prevent the award of postsecondary education expenses. Recently in Neal v. Neal, the Indiana Court of Appeals determined that the language in Indiana Code section 31-16-6-6, referring to “established child support orders” means the most recent order establishing a child support obligation and not the original order establishing child support. Depending on when the most recent order establishing a child support obligation was implemented, a parent, a child’s guardian, or the child has until the age of nineteen or twenty-one to petition the court for post-secondary
by Jennifer Hostetter
expenses. If the most recent child support order was implemented prior to July 1, 2012, the parties have until the child is twenty-one to petition the court, but if the most recent order was implemented after July 1, 2012, the parties only have until the child reaches the age of nineteen. The court has the discretion in awarding post-secondary educational expenses and in what amount. Typically, the courts consider the amount the child can contribute to their education and the ability of each of the parents. The court also has discretion in dictating what should be considered an education expense. Typically, this includes tuition, books, lab fees, supplies, student activity fees, and room and board. However, this is not an exhaustive list and some courts have included items such as car insurance or health insurance. If pursuing post-secondary education expenses, it is important to provide the courts with documentation of all of the expected expenses, and the child’s ability to receive any scholarships, grants, or federal financial assistance. It is important to consult with an attorney about your options in a timely manner. They will be able to guide you on any deadlines that things need to be done by and will be able to assist you in terminating child support or requesting post-secondary education expenses.
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Meet Your Liver: An Organ Overworked, Underpaid, and Rarely Recognized...Treat it to a Cleanse This Spring
oday’s high-speed lifestyle is very taxing T on the liver. Your liver’s job is to analyze and “attempt” to excrete, or turn to fuel,
all substances you come in contact with. It’s supposed to routinely perform 1000’s of “life vital functions” around the clock. But every day, we ingest countless sticky, foreign, practically useless chemicals, making this job nearly impossible. As a result, the load on the liver keeps increasing. Our overworked friend, houses the gallbladder, and weighs about a pound. It regulates blood sugar, cleanses the blood, stores iron, metabolizes fat, carbohydrates and protein, synthesizes vitamin A, and is the lynch pin of your body’s immune system. The Gallbladder is the warehouse where bile produced by the liver is stored, concentrated and released into the digestive tract at mealtimes. The bile’s function is to carry toxins from the liver, neutralize acidity from the stomach, and emulsify fats – like dish soap to grease. Over time the result of our Standard American Diet (SAD) causes “stones” to accumulate in the liver and gallbladder which can block the
release of the bile that leads to clogging all of our elimination systems – liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and colon. In ancient times people understood that spring was the perfect time to cleanse and detoxify the liver with fresh, young spring greens and herbs. This spring consider thanking your liver and gallbladder for all its hard work by giving it good nutrients, cleansing and eliminating stones. Notice skin improvement, constipation relief, less aches and pains, better sleep and less fatigue, headache relief, less sinus and cold congestion, and improved emotional wellbeing. Learn more on how to cleanse your liver/ gallbladder by attending the Wellness Class at Cleansing Waters “Does Your Liver and Gallbladder need an Overhaul?” on April 1 at 6:30pm. www.cleansingwaters.net/events. Nancy Spahr, owner of Cleansing Waters, LLC, and Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, draws on her personal experience with candidiasis, teaches cultured food classes, and as a Body Ecology Coach, helps others step-by-step eat their way to better health and well-being.
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Business Spotlight
Karen, left & Maegan, right
Together We Are Changing Lives… I love Mother’s Day, because 38 years ago I was blessed with my wonderful daughter, Maegan. Raising her as a single mom without any support, wasn’t always easy. I missed out on a lot as I climbed the corporate ladder to provide for us. What we did have and still do, is a relationship like none other – she is my best friend. I have watched her grow and blossom into a beautiful, confident woman and she is a phenomenal mother of her daughter Stella Rose and son Shane. Now, we get to do something most mothers and daughters don’t do. We get to work together. So now we are business partners as well! Now don’t get me wrong we sometimes butt heads, but for the most part we are so fortunate because of what we do - help others. You see, our company, We Are Changing Lives markets for a 30-year old consumable products manufacturer. Their competitors are Proctor& Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Lever Brothers, and others…except one of the major differences is we represent the world’s leading manufacturer of safer-for-your-home products. They have clear standards such as no chlorine bleach, no ammonia, no formaldehyde, no parabens, no harmful chemicals. They have over 500 products based on real, evidenced based research. No other company does anything like it. They don’t advertise, pay celebrities, have distributors… their money goes into the research and development and ingredients of their products. They’ve created an online store. So Maegan and I simply help drive customers to the online shopping site, so customers can bring wellness home affordably. We help moms who are concerned about ADHA, asthma, and using safer products in their home. We help families get out of debt. We help moms afford to stay home with their children. We help small business owners with a plan “B” business that gives them security. And so much more.
Our company, Maegan and I believe strongly in a total wellness lifestyle… physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. So that is what we get to partner together to do. Maegan has the flexibility to home school her children and work around her children from home with flexible hours. She wanted quality time with her family; flexibility to travel; and to eliminate her financial stress. She is focused on fitness and having a strong body and mind. She wanted work that would be challenging, yet rewarding and fun and would create friendships. I wanted flexibility in my life as well…I work when I want and with whom I want. When I recently read that the maximum social security benefits for a person retiring in 2016 is $2,639 a month, but only if you had the maximum earnings for at least 35 working years, I cringed! The estimated average monthly benefit for all retired workers is only $1,341! That is not an income that would fulfill my retirement dreams! I get to earn an ongoing, reliable income that affords me the opportunity to do what I love - spend time with my grandkids, family and friends, travel and explore new areas of personal development! What a blessing – Maegan and I help each other reach our goals and dreams and we help others do the same! We love what we do! We Are Changing Lives…why not yours?! If you are looking for a way to live a healthy life and/or you want your own business, so you work for yourself, but not by yourself; to have no bosses; to set your own hours; to have work and family balance and truly be able to help others also live a healthy life, contact us! Karen at 317-828-3061 WeAreChangingLives.net/Karen or Maegan at 317-340-1652 WeAreChangingLives.net/mschapman
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Good Self Care It's easy to have a very harried, busy life and to say I will slow down later. I will work on my breathing and meditation later. And then the inevitable happens… The kids are calling for you, your boss is asking for extra time, your husband needs a favor. You put your own needs on the back burner to meet the needs of others in your life. Now I want to remind you that your brain needs to rest. And one of the best ways to do this is to meditate and allow the brain and the body to replenish and rejuvenate. If you forget to take care of yourself one of three things may happen:
• You will not be able to cultivate relationships in the way that you would like. • You won’t function as well as you think you can. • You will not be allowing your brain to rest so that you can optimize your potential and operate at full capacity. We are very anxious society and we are becoming more and more anxious with every technological apparatus that we use to manage our lives. I know that you have felt that anxiety when you haven't looked at your phone for over an hour because you were busy in a meeting.
Strategies: It used to be that we asked people to check their emails only twice a day because people could not resist checking in every 20 minutes to see what new messages they had in their inbox. This has been replaced by Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which keeps us in the know every second of the day. I'm sure you have gone to a restaurant and noticed that at every table, people were looking at their phones as opposed to talking to each other. Part of good self-care its connection to people in a face-to-face way.
Therapists and coaches alike know that the best way to cultivate mental health is to get you to pay attention to taking care of your brain. And good brain science means good mental health,
Carol Juergensen Sheets
What do you do on a regular basis to take care of yourself? I know that many of you may say “I get a manicure and a pedicure on a monthly basis” or “I will go get a massage.” But I am advocating that you put regularity into your daily functioning and spend at least 20 to 40 minutes on replenishing your energy and fortifying your brain. This regimen may look like the following: 1. Organize your day so that you will limit the amount of time you spend on the phone and with your computer. Start out small but decide what you can handle and tell yourself you're going to go for three hour increments without looking at your phone or computer. 2. Start your day in a very centered way by meditating from 5 to 60 minutes. You get to decide how much time you're going to spend in a quiet room focusing on being in the present. 3. Spend some time either walking outside and observing nature or in a class like Tai Chi or Yoga. This allows you to focus on your body feels as it maintains specialized movement that allows your muscles to expand and contract. When you utilize self-care by spending your time and energy in quieting your thoughts, slowing the body down, and enjoying what is, you really are able to replenish your energy in ways that will allow you to maximize self-care.
Carol Juergensen Sheets LCSW PCC is a psychotherapist and personal life coach. She does motivational speaking and empowerment trainings locally and nationally. To find out more about her services--contact her at www.carolthecoach.com or call her at 317 218-3479. You can watch Carol the Coach segments on WTHR’s Channel 13 Wednesdays @ 12:50PM. Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
Education Spotlight Baby Talk ? What can I do to improve my baby’s future? As a teacher I see moms struggle with this question all the time. Mothers often feel conflicted as they juggle a variety of obligations: family life, work, community responsibilities. Our dreams for our children are often coupled with concerns that other commitments may interfere with our time with our children. We question if this will have an adverse effect. Partly playing on those concerns, fads abound in the area of early childhood development. From the use of baby sign to using flashcards to promote earlier reading or math skills, there are many ideas of what you might do now to ensure your child’s academic success in the future. However, few, if any of them, have research that shows they have a consistent, long-term impact on children’s achievement. In fact, recent research has shown that even preschool programs, the recent and best hope especially for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, have minimal impact on children’s long-term academic achievement. But there is one significant piece of great news in recent research reviewed by Dana Suskind, M.D. in her book, “Thirty Million Words: Building a Child’s Brain.” With little doubt, the best thing we can do for our children’s development is something we can all do easily. TALK. That’s it – just talk. To your baby. As your baby begins to babble, babble back at him. That’s right – baby talk in a turn-taking conversation. As your child uses her first words, expand on them. When your baby says, “Da,” you say, “Oh, you’re looking for Daddy? Where is Daddy? I think he’s in the garage! Let’s go see!” If your child is looking at the snow, talk about snowflakes and snowmen and snowballs. Pay attention to what your child says and what he likes and turn it into a conversation, gradually expanding your baby’s vocabulary words and the complexity of his language.
“Talk More,” as in don’t just ask closed-ended questions and give directions. Talk about why you are doing things, what you like, how you feel. Describe and narrate your child’s world. Finally, “Take Turns” means giving your child a chance to be part of the conversation. Use her comments as a jumping off point to continue the conversation further. These same techniques are used at St. Joseph Institute for children who have a hearing loss, but the research shows they have a lasting impact on the language and learning of all children. What about reading? We have always heard that reading is important, right? Of course it is – but it may be as much about using reading as a focus for starting and extending conversations about the pictures, the story, and the characters as it is about recognizing written words. What about building attention and organization? They are also built around those interactions, as you talk with your child about how you attend to and organize your world. Having a conversation about how you put the ice cream last on your shopping list so you can pay for it and get home before it melts is a great way to help your child think about ordering her world. And won’t that come in handy when she has to manage college applications! May is National Speech and Hearing Month – enjoy talking with your children. Teri Ouellette, MS Ed, LSLS Cert AVEd President St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf Suskind, D. (2015). Thirty million words: Building a child’s brain. New York:Dutton.
Dr. Suskind suggests thinking of the “Three Ts.” First, “Tune In,” as in pay attention to your child’s interests and attempts to communicate. Next, 20
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Shelly Aristizabal Business Women Connect
Discover Your “WHY” in Life
by Shelly Aristizabal
Do you know your “Why” in life? In April of 2009, a near-death experience helped me to discover my WHY in life. The Neuro-surgeon basically said he couldn’t explain how I survived the subarachnoid hemorrhage without suffering any type of brain damage, but I was very, very lucky. Be it luck or divine intervention, it certainly caused me to re-evaluate my life.
passionate about. What excites you? What gets you going and motivates you to keep going? Find your why and then pursue it with gusto.
“He who has a why can endure any how” ~ Frederick Nietzsche. Your "why" motivates you, pushes you when you feel like giving up, helps you succeed when things look impossible and encourages you to go after your dreams. On the days that you feel like throwing in the towel, your why reminds you why you started on your journey and keeps you strong enough to continue moving forward. Your why may change throughout your life, but the questions you need to ask yourself in order to stay focused and overcome all the obstacles, remain about the same.
What is my definition of success? We all have our own definition of success. Your definition is yours, no one else’s, so you don’t need anyone’s approval and acceptance. But you do need to know what your definition of success is to understand what your end goal is and why you’re working for it. If you define success as being able to pay the bills and that’s what motivates you, there’s nothing wrong with that. Once you come up with your definition, dig a little deeper and ask yourself why that is your definition of success. The deeper you dig, the clearer your why becomes and the more motivated you will become to reach it.
What am I passionate about? Ask yourself if you’re passionate about what you’re doing and, if not, what you are
You will find more personal and professional fulfillment at the place where natural talent and skill meets your personal passion. That is the place where you will find your motivation and be able to maintain it.
If money were no object, what would I do? To some degree money is a driver for all of us. So, look at the job you’re doing every day and ask yourself if you’d still be doing it if money was no object. What would you do? Really think about what your dream circumstance would be. Pursue a career you love and look forward to giving your all so you can be your best. So, how are you going to work toward that? How are you going to change your current circumstances (or use them as a vehicle) to reach that end goal of living a life of purpose and passion? It may not be something you can do overnight, but it can be the why that gets you up in the morning and motivates you to give your all now so you can have the future you dream of. One of the biggest “whys” in my life is to be a positive role model for my kids. It’s what I’m passionate about, and when I do see the positive choices they are making, I feel like I’ve succeeded. You won’t ever reach your goals unless you do plug into your why and reassess from time to time. A clear sense of purpose, enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most.
Shelly Aristizabal is the author of This Is Your Year to Design & Live the Life of Your Dreams, a leader in the Community Commerce Industry, Motivational Speaker and the New President of Business Women Connect. Visit www.BusinessWomenConnect.com for details on our upcoming events in the Indianapolis area! Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
May 2016 Friday, April 1 – Sunday, May 15 Beef & Boards presents “Guys and Dolls Odds are you'll like this five-time Tony Award winner! Dodging authorities, gambler Nathan Detroit tries to set up a big craps game with his buddy, Sky Masterson, but their plans go awry when romance is in the cards! www.beefandboards.com Tuesday, May 3, 7:30 – 9:00am Indianapolis Business Networking Event at SpinWeb at 8500 Keystone Crossing, Suite 420. Join for a business networking event that will make you new connections, grow your business, and learn of new ideas and technologies on how to effectively network in Indianapolis, Indiana. These events generate hundreds of business opportunities and there is no cost to attend. www.tipclub.com Tuesday, May 3, 5:30pm-8:30pm SPARKS Tech at Eleven Fifty Academy. What is Sparks Tech? This is an event where CIO’s, CTO’s and professionals in technology gather as peers. Together they witness three inspiring talks from technology leaders who are passionate about change, giving back, and the impact of tech on the human experience. Eleven Fifty Academy is passionate about being a part of the national conversation about tech. Partnering with Sparks to create Sparks Tech is a step in that direction. This event is catered by Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse and features a full bar. Ticket holders receive 2 drink tickets and it is $5 cash to purchase an extra ticket. www.sparkstalk.com Wednesday, May 4, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) - Southside Lunch Special Interest Group at Fireside Brewhouse in Greenwood. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Thursday, May 5, 9:00 am – 11:00am Successful Women Made Here Monthly Event Join the monthly events with a notable businesswoman, training, and mastermind session to help solve your challenges and share your triumphs at 250 W. 96th St. www.SuccessfulWomenMadeHere.com Saturday, May 7, 8:00am OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon in Downtown Indianapolis. The OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is one of the premiere half-marathons in the country. This 500 Festival tradition will commence May 7 and will mark the 40th running of the race. Within its 39-year history, many stories have emerged around the excitement. 22
From United States Olympian marathon runners, the arrival of international runners, to the family traditions, the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon provides competition and camaraderie. www.indymini.com Saturday, May 7, 8:00am Rev at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Rev is an evening of entertainment and fun, featuring celebrity and local chefs creating foods inspired by Verizon IndyCar Series drivers. More than 55 chefs will help kick off the month of May activities at this benefit for Indiana University Health trauma programs. Driver James Hinchcliffe, who was a patient in the IMS trauma center earlier this year, is the event's honorary chair. Bars, tasting stations, entertainment stages, race cars, DJs, and dance areas are available in the pavilions and inside the Pagoda. Drivers and other celebrities will be able to mingle with the crowd. www.revindy.org Tuesday, May 10 5:15pm-7:45pm SPARKS – Mingle, Be Inspired & Share at Morty’s Comedy Club. Like a spark, an idea smolders in the mind until it is shared with someone…Once shared, that spark has the power to ignite a fire that can blaze a viral path! Each month business owners, business development people and professionals just like you will converge with thought leaders at Sparks. This TED inspired event features 3 timed talks where new ways of thinking in the areas of personal & business development, marketing, technology, motivation and inspiration will be shared. www.sparkstalk.com Wednesday, May 11, 11:30am – 1:00pm One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) Luncheon at forum Conference Center in Fishers. Make your reservations early to hear from Mayors Jim Brainard, Carmel, Scott Fadness, Fishers, John Ditslear, Noblesville, and Andy Cook, Westfield about the economies, important issues and future plans for their community. www.onezonecommerce.com Thursday, May 12, 7:30am – 9:00am One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) All County Breakfast at Prairie View Golf Club in Carmel. Register for this fast-paced joint networking event and connect with members of four Hamilton County Chambers - Northern Hamilton County Chamber, Noblesville, OneZone, and Westfield. There's time for informal networking while you enjoy a delicious breakfast. Then, rotating from table to table, you'll have the chance to give a two-minute presentation about your business. Bring plenty of business cards and brochures to distribute. All-county chamber events are presented through the collaborative efforts of the four Hamilton County Chambers of Commerce to
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Calendar of Events acknowledge common business goals and recognize the value of expanded markets and networks across municipal lines. www.onezonecommerce.com Thursday, May 12, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) - Northside Lunch Special Interest Group at Buca di Beppo at 6045 East 86th St. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Thursday, May 12, 4:30pm National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) – Circle for Learning & Networking at Foyt Wine Vault. Determination and grit defines the women of NAWBO. They are thrilled to offer an opportunity during this celebratory race season for you to Drive Business Forward at the A.J. Foyt Wine Vault. The Wine Vault is more than just a tasting room; it's a slice of racing history. Join us in this inspirational venue at an Indy 500 100th Running Celebration Event. This supplier diversity networking event features wine, light hors d'oeuvres, the official Indy Pace Car, and the chance to meet with some of our most influential corporate sponsors throughout the city: Eli Lilly, IU Health, Indianapolis Airport Authority, Citizens Energy, and others. www.nawboindy.org Tuesday, May 17, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) -Downtown Lunch Special Interest Group at Tavern On South, 423 W. South St, Indy. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Wednesday, May 18, 5:00 – 7:00pm One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) Young Professional Lunch & Learn at Eddie Merlot’s. Lunch and networking. www.onezonecommerce.com Thursday, May 19, 11:15am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) –Quarterly Power Lunch at Coopers Hawk. The 2016 Quarterly Power Lunch Series will provide a group of interesting, dynamic, and diverse speakers. By attending a Power Lunch you will have the opportunity to learn from our community leaders and network with other attendees in an intimate setting. Space is limited at each event to ensure attendees have adequate time to ask questions to our speaker after the presentation. There will also be time to introduce yourself to the group and network with NOWIB members and guests at the Power Lunch. www.nowib.com
Saturday, May 21 – Sunday, May 22 46th Annual Broad Ripple Art Fair at Indianapolis Art Center. Two fun-filled days to purchase original artwork, savor the sights, smells and tastes of spring, participate in hands-on activities and enjoy live music rain or shine. The art fair takes place on the grounds of the Indianapolis Art Center, the 12-acre ArtsPark and the North Side Optimist Opti-Park, located at 67th St. and College Ave. in the Broad Ripple Village Cultural District. Featuring more than 225 artists, live bands/performers on five entertainment stages, children's activities, food vendors providing a variety of cuisine, two wines and beer gardens, cultural booths and more! http://indplsartcenter.org/events/braf/ Saturday, May 21 EmPOWER – The Grind and Grow Summit at the brand new Silver Centre Event Hall at 10202 E. Washington St. EmPOWER, The Grind & Grow Summit, is a Women’s Empowerment Conference targeting women in business, aspiring female entrepreneurs, leading women in their communities and careers and any woman looking to be amongst other women in hopes to gain knowledge, unity, support and resources across a wide range of industries & interests. EmPOWER will serve as a platform to empower & energize women professionally and personally through a variety of topics, assist us in achieving our next level goals and encourage women to work together for the benefit of all women. We are committed to engaging with our attendees through an informative program of powerful & talented speakers along with facilitating networking, vending and potential business opportunities through an interactive exhibition and a dynamic program. www.indyempower.com Wednesday, May 25, 11:30am Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) –Wellness & Community Awareness at B10-01 Food & Drink in Broad Ripple. Join in for an afternoon of casual conversation and networking. www.nowib.com
Are you a woman’s organization or having an event just for women? Are you a non-profit organization with a special event? Email info@indymetrowoman.com and send us the details for our monthly calendar by the 5th of each month for the following month’s issue. You can also go to www.indymetrowoman.com and post your event on our community calendar.
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The HCG Story... The story of HCG began in the Fifties when, after having done research on weight loss for 40 years and research on HCG specifically for twenty years, Dr. Simeons reported that patients taking small amounts of HCG, in conjunction Kathryn Azhar, Owner with a very low calorie and her staff diet, could lose weight safely and quickly without exercise, muscle loss or hunger. But all HCG is not created equal. The SuperVision Weight Loss program starts with pharmaceutical HCG. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion created by products being sold without guidance that call themselves “HCG” but do not contain any in their ingredient list. HCG is one of 67 hormones naturally produced in the human body, so if a product states that it is hormone free, it's not HCG.
Cindy's Story
For years, I've had trouble losing the excess weight that I put on. I've tried several plans and fad diets, only to put the weight back on. I came to Super Vision Weight Loss when my doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic. I found the program easy to follow. i was glad to have the support of the staff through the entire transition. I am so happy with my results and my new lease on life.
Gary's Story
My doctor was on my case about my blood pressure, and I know that the extra weight I was carrying wasn’t helping that situation. My knees hurt and I just wanted to feel better. I gave Super Vision Weight Loss a chance to help me get the weight off. They were really great!! I lost 38 lbs. in 31 days! My girlfriend is thrilled. I travel for a living and I was able to stay true to the diet protocol even on the road. I’m so glad I did this diet with Super Vision Weight Loss. I feel YEARS younger and I know I’ll never have that belly again.
HCG does not produce weight loss by itself. However, in concert with a very specific balanced diet, and our help in avoiding unexpected environmental or behavioral deviations, HCG will allow the body to naturally pull the nutrients and calories needed from stored fat reserves into the blood stream at the rate of 1500 to 4000 calories per day. We are sure that those who follow our protocol WILL lose 20-30 pounds in 40 days. These fantastic results ARE typical with our full service packages. SuperVision Weight Loss program is not your run of the mill “eat less and exercise more” diet for a slow loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week that seems to take the rest of your life. Our protocol tricks Mother Nature a little, maybe, however only natural processes are at work. Per Dr. Simeons, it is safe and so very effective.
To get slim and stay that way, call our office at (317) 849-THIN today. We will help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your health, appearance and self-image. Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels…
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