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The HCG Story... The story of HCG began in the Fifties when, after having done research on weight loss for 40 years and research on HCG specifically for twenty years, Dr. Simeons reported that patients taking small amounts of HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, could lose weight safely and quickly, without exercise, hunger, irritability, muscle injury or weakness. But all HCG is not created equal. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion created by products being sold without guidance that call themselves “HCG” but do not contain any in their ingredient list. HCG is one of 67 hormones naturally produced in the human body, so if a product states that it is hormone free; it is not HCG. Dr. Simeons’ diet protocol ought not to be followed without real HCG. The Pounds and Inches Away program starts with pharmaceutical HCG. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is not a growth or sex hormone; it does not feminize men or masculinize women. It is not an appetite suppressant, stimulant or vitamin supplement. Nor does HCG produce weight loss by itself. However, in concert with a very specific balanced diet, and our help in avoiding unexpected environmental or behavioral deviations, HCG will allow the body to naturally pull the nutrients and calories needed from stored fat reserves into the blood stream at the rate of 1500 to 4000 calories per day. We are sure that those who follow our protocol WILL lose 20-30 pounds in 40 days. These fantastic results ARE typical with our full service packages. The Pounds and Inches Away program is not your run of the mill “eat less and exercise more” diet for a slow loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week that seems to take the rest of your life. Our protocol tricks Mother Nature a little, maybe, however only natural processes are at work. Per Dr. Simeons, it is safe and so very effective.
Today an increasing number of dieters, many of whom had given up hope in their journey to lose weight, are turning to the Pounds and Inches Away Program to permanently lose unwanted weight. We are expert consultants, here to guide your weight loss experience from beginning to thin! At Pounds and Inches Away, we are also excited to be able to offer Whole Body Vibration technology by Advanced Healthworks to help people reach their goals. Ten minutes on our “Jiggy” machine produces benefits comparable to those gained in a one-hour workout without the sweat and effort of traditional exercise. More than 700 medical studies have been published about the health benefits of Whole Body Vibration. These benefits include improved circulation, increased muscle strength and flexibility, better core conditioning, improved range of motion, enhanced metabolism, increased bone density, and more. The Whole Body Vibration technology has also been used to improve problems with osteoporosis, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, incontinence, arthritis, Parkinson’s’ disease and other conditions. We encourage the use of these machines for their wonderful skin tightening effects. We are excited to announce the opening of our Pounds and Inches Away Weight Loss Salon in Indianapolis near Castleton Square Mall. We are new to this area and are offering the products and support needed for success on the revolutionary HCG diet protocol developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. To get slim and stay that way, call our office at (317) 849-THIN today. We will help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your health, appearance and self-image. Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels…
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Linda Rendleman, M.S., Founder Business Women Connect
Kicking Fear to the Curb
By Team BWC Coach Allyson Spellman
What is scaring you in your life right now? Is your fear laced with the thought of “I just can’t do it?” What if the stakes were life or death- would you be able to do it then? You may say to me “Well, it’s not life or death so what is your point?” I am here to tell you it is life or death.
That is a great way to see it. Fear somehow becomes our twisted reality and we swear it is the truth. We take action on that false truth from the decisions we make to the direction we take. Fear can only stop us if we give it the power to do so. It is only when we color outside the lines of fear that we can experience life to the full.
You are facing either the life or death of your true potential.
When it comes to the fear you are facing right now, how high are your stakes to overcome it?
Up to this point, your stakes may not be high enough to create the urgency needed to pull you through.
It is time to raise your stakes so they mean something significant to you.
Instead of looking at the fear begin looking at the possibilities. What would be the result of breaking through the fear that limits you? Really think about it... what would be possible if fear did not stop you? Think beyond yourself and think of the people you care about. How would breaking through your fear help them? You may have heard the acronym for F.E.A.R. is “False Evidence Appearing Real.”
Remember, you were not put here to play safe or small. You were born to live out your full potential. It may be uncomfortable, it may be challenging and it may be the hardest thing you have ever done, but when you have broken through your fear, the only thing you are going to focus on is the reward. That reward is living in the land of the possible. It is from that place that dreams come true.
Allyson Spellman is dedicated to helping women unleash their authentic voice. Allyson is the founder of Unleash Your Voice, the creator of the empowering community for women Unleashed Voices and the author of “40 Days of Voice Redemption: A Daily Devotional to Unleash Your Authentic Truth”. Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
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UNCOMMON WISDOM Even if you do not believe there is a God, I imagine that you have considered the importance of wisdom in your daily living. If you believe in God and look to Him for guidance and instruction in your Marti Starkey daily life, then writings that provide divine guidance are of utmost importance. There is a compilation of writings about wisdom that spans a few hundred years in the time period from 970 B.C. It is an amazing set of poetic sayings with very practical points, and the theme is, “To impart moral wisdom and uncommon sense for right living.”* These prominent sayings are in the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the Bible, and King Solomon, who reigned in Israel c. 970-930 B.C., is attributed with being one of the primary contributors. The Proverbs start with an outline of the purpose and theme and state:
“The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young – let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”**
The wisdom and instruction from the Proverbs is profound and worth the reading. I do not know of any works we currently have that compare. There is a saying though that is worth an analysis. That is The Golden Rule. I was speaking to a member of my
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Lisa Adler
family recently about the importance of The Golden Rule in our daily living. When we apply it to our lives in all sorts of situations, the end result seems to improve, and certainly our own understanding of the people around us improves.
and an explanation that I wanted to make it right. I told my co-workers I feared that it would cost me $1,000.00 or so, and they agreed. By the end of that work day, a message came from the car owner, but to my surprise, it was one of the kindest messages I have ever heard. He told me not to worry at all about it, and THEN, he thanked me for leaving the note for him. He said, “Not too many people would even leave a note.” Yesterday, my co-workers and I took two dozen cupcakes (from The Flying Cupcake) to him. I may have a new friend for life, and something that could have been terrible turned into something beautiful.
It is unclear who first coined The Golden Rule, but most often it is stated, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” One article on point said, “The Golden Rule or the ethic of reciprocity is found in the scriptures of nearly every religion. It is often regarded as the most concise and general principle of ethics.”*** It is interesting because every religion has some idea of reciprocity, making the first person to think this way nearly impossible to discover. In Christianity, we find the foundation in Matthew 7:12, which says, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
*Introduction to Proverbs, Bible, NIV. **Proverbs 1: 1-7. ***Dr. Andrew Wilson, International Religious Foundation, 1991, World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts.
A recent event in my life underscored this whole teaching. A few weeks ago, we experienced the most blustery day I have seen. I arrived in the parking lot at work, and carefully opened my door in an effort to not hit the car next to mine. The door stopped, but when I let go to reach for my purse and briefcase, a gust of wind came with a vengeance and knocked my car door into the car next to mine (HARD). When I looked I could not believe the large red gash in my neighbor’s car door. I knew I needed to let the owner know of what had happened, so I left a note inside the car (he had left the window partially down on the driver’s side) with my name, phone number, what had happened
Marti Starkey, Esq., and Lisa Adler, Esq., are members of the Trust and Estate Section of the law firm of Harrison & Moberly, LLP, where Marti serves as Chairperson. Other Trust and Estate attorney members of the section include Stephen E. Arthur, Esq., Jim McGrath, Esq., David W. Russell, Esq., Mark Pfeiffer, Esq., Mike Rusnak, Esq., (who primarily works in the tax controversy area), Fred Scott, Esq., and Chad E. Oswald, Esq. These attorneys handle all types of work in this area, including estate planning, estate and trust administration, wealth transfer, business succession planning, tax controversy, guardianship and all types of fiduciary litigation.
By: Marti Starkey
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Patients Save up to 75% for MRI Services By Comparison Shopping More so now than ever, patients are being prompted to become more informed consumers, carefully comparison-price shopping for their medical needs without sacrificing quality of care. Many people and employers would be surprised to learn how much they could save if they shopped around for medical imaging services, such as an MRI scan. An analysis of the Greater Indianapolis market shows that an MRI exam at an area hospital can cost up to 75% more than at a non-hospital affiliated or independent imaging facility. ProScan Imaging is a non-hospital affiliated network offering three imaging centers in the Indianapolis area located in Avon, Carmel, and Fishers. Stephen Pomeranz, M.D., CEO and Medical Director at ProScan, explains that more patients are asking about costs. “Today’s patients are more informed,” he explains. “They want to know how they can save healthcare dollars. But more important, they want quality care.”
Patients are increasingly asked to play a role in lowering their healthcare costs; however, selecting the best diagnostic imaging provider can be difficult. Health insurers can often work with patients to help them find quality imaging services at lower prices. Patients can also directly contact hospitals and independent centers or visit providers’ websites for pricing details and quotes for particular exams. “ProScan offers a high quality, low cost alternative,” comments Mark Grossman, ProScan’s Chief Operating Officer. Compared to a hospital-based facility, ProScan’s services can cost 50% to 80% less while still providing state-of-art technology, world-renowned medical expertise, and excellent customer service. “It comes down to patients realizing that it’s their money and their choice where they receive imaging services.” For more information about your medical imaging options, visit www.proscan.com/indy or call 317-874-0000.
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How is endometriosis diagnosed?
What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a medical condition that happens when tissue, similar to the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus, is found outside the uterus. This tissue looks the same as, and acts like, tissue in the uterus. Endometriosis can appear in the pelvis on places such as the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the surface of the uterus or the space behind the uterus, the bladder and ureters, the bowel, and the rectum.
What are the symptoms of endometriosis? The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. The pain may happen just before or during the menstrual cycle, with intercourse, or during bowel movements or urination. Women with endometriosis may have more than one episode of menstrual bleeding per month. In some cases, endometriosis may cause infertility. Some women with endometriosis have very few symptoms, whereas other women have many symptoms.
Endometriosis is confirmed by a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy. This procedure is done under anesthesia. During this procedure, the patient’s abdomen is distended with carbon dioxide gas so that the organs can be visualized. A laparoscope is inserted into a small incision so the surgeon can see if any endometriosis is present, and treat it if possible.
What is the treatment for endometriosis? The treatment of endometriosis can depend upon a patient’s age, whether she wants to have children, the symptoms, and the extent of the disease. Treatment can include medications, surgery, and complementary therapies. Dr. McLaughlin would like the opportunity to talk with you about your symptoms of endometriosis and discuss possible treatments. He is very experienced in the surgical procedures for treating endometriosis and improving patients’ lives!
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Calendar of Events
Tuesday, July 30 – Sunday, August 12 Devour Downtown Summerfest. More than 50 of Indy’s best restaurants offer 3-course meals for $30 (some two for $30; some at lunch). Reservations may be required at some restaurants; verify with the venue. www. devourdowntown.org. Wednesday, August 1, 6:00 pm 2012 Get IndyVolved. Indy Hub’s 7th annual Get IndyVolved will showcase dozens of Indianapolis organizations and is geared specifically toward 20- and 30-somethings looking for places to plug into the city. It’s a casual affair - stop by after work and chat with your peers representing groups they’re involved with. Located at the Indianapolis City Market’s upper mezzanine with a roster of nearly 80 exhibiting organizations and partners. Friday, August 3 – Sunday, August 19 156th Indiana State Fair. One of the largest and best state fairs in the nation draws nearly one million visitors to the fairgrounds each summer www.in.gov/statefair. Thursday, August 9, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Network Woman in Business Northside Lunch. Join in for casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend two Special Interest Groups before becoming a member. Chili’s Bar & Grill Castleton 3960 E 82nd St. Thursday, August 9, 12:00 pm NAWBO Circle for Learning & Networking. Get ready to meet more great business women and begin conversations aimed at growing your business. Don’t forget to bring your business cards! www.nawboindy.org. Saturday, August 11, 2:00 to 5:00 pm Ladies Day Out. Pole Up Fitness & Dance sponsored by LadiesEveningOut. Shopping, mingling, music, drinks, and fun! There will be jewelry, candles, salon & spa services, handbags, and many other vendors. The first 50 guests will receive a gift bag filled with goodies from each vendor! Pole Up Fitness and Dance Studio @ 7035 E 96th St Indianapolis, IN 46250. Tuesday, August 14, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Network Woman in Business Quarterly Power Lunch. Quarterly Power Lunch Series: Tools for your Toolbox. Speaker is Allison Melangton, President of
the Indiana Sports Corporation & President and CEO of the 2012 Indianapolis Super Bowl Host Committee. www.nowib.com. Friday, August 17, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm WINK Luncheon. Women Increasing Networking Knowledge hosts networking meetings every third Friday of each month at Oak Hill Mansion. www.winkindy.org. Saturday, August 18 – 1:00 pm The Ultimate Urban Scavenger Race. The Indianapolis Challenge urban adventure race is returning to the Racing Capital of the World. The Challenge is a ridiculously fun “Amazing Race” style competition packed into one incredible day. Teams of two or more will dash around the city, racing against other Challengers for immortal glory (and cash prizes!) as they solve tricky clues, strategize the best route, and explore undiscovered corners of the city. http://www.challengenation.com/indianapolis/. aturday, August 18 – 9:00-2:00pm 2012 Indian Walk-n-Roll. Walk to help develop a treatment and cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Join in for a morning of fun activities for the whole family! www.FSMA.org/INWalkNRoll. Saturday, August 25 – 12:00 pm Carmel Artomobilia. An annual celebration of the art and design of the automobile. Each year, this unique event features a distinct gathering of recognized artists, collector cars, and automotive enthusiasts, showcased on the streets of the Carmel Arts & Design District. 30 West Main Street, Carmel, Indiana 46033. Sunday, August 26 – 12:00-5:00 pm Dig IN – A Taste of Indiana. Indiana chefs, growers and producers will make their way to White River State Park to showcase their high quality locally produced products and remind Hoosiers there is much more than corn in Indiana. White River State Park 801 W. Washington Indianapolis, IN 46204. Areyouawoman’sorganizationorhavinganeventjustforwomen? Areyouanon-profitorganizationwithaspecialevent?Emailinfo@ indymetrowoman.comandsendusthedetailsforourmonthly calendarbythe5thofeachmonthforthefollowingmonth’sissue. Youcanalsogotowww.indymetrowoman.comandpostyourevent on our community calendar.
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Pole Up Fitness and Dance is about helping women get fit, gain confidence, and have fun with our incredibly talented, educated, and experienced fitness and dance instructors. We have supported many local charity events and feel that giving back to the community is important and necessary, Please stop by Pole Up Fitness and Dance on Saturday, August 11 from 2pm – 9pm for our Ladies Day Out event & Pole Up Revealed Performance Evening – benefiting the ALS Foundation. ALS is a debilitating disease that affects the motor nerves of otherwise completely healthy people – it is also known as Lou Gehrigs Disease. Between 2pm and 7pm, you’ll be able to enjoy some delicious food and cocktails, music, shopping, mingling, and FUN!!! Fox & Hound and Whiskey Business will be providing food and selling cocktails. LadiesEveningOut has helped bring in some excellent local favorites including Gigi’s Cupcakes, Pure Romance, Wispy Bands. Beijo Bags, My Thirty One, Scentsy, It Works, Mary Kay, Rangeline Chiropractic, SendOutCards, Silpada, Stella & Dot, Carousel Films, Alderman Photography, among others. We will also have a great selection of silent auction items that were donated - all proceeds from the auction and event will be donated. From 5:30 to 7pm, we will be offering our 30 minute donation demonstration Pole, Aerial Silks, and Hoop classes. Last, but definitely not least, from 7:30pm until 9:30pm, we are hosting an evening of Pole, Aerial Silks, Hoop, Latin Dance, and Hip Hop performances called Pole Up Revealed – our students and instructors performing for you. Space is limited during the performances. Come early to reserve your spot to watch these jaw dropping performances! This is a day and evening you Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
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A Must Read, written 74 years ago... In March of this year a dear friend told me about a book she had just finished reading and highly recommended. She and I are business partners and we have some very specific goals to achieve this year. She said, “Karen, you have to read this book. It is absolutely amazing!” I had my Nook® with me, so I immediately purchased and downloaded it so I wouldn’t forget about it. Since I tend to do this with several books and am typically reading several at one time, I did just that…forgot about it. Until recently when I was looking for what was next...oh yeah…there’s that book. So I started it. You probably recognize the author of this recently published book…it’s Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, The Law of Success, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. But wait, I said recently. That’s right. The book is Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success. Napoleon Hill wrote this book on a manual typewriter in 1938, yet it was locked away and hidden by Hill’s family for 72 years because it was considered too controversial by his family and friends. You too may find it controversial. In Outwitting the Devil, Hill identifies the greatest obstacles we face in reaching personal
goals: fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy, as tools of the Devil. He spoke about how “two out of every 100 have a definite major aim in life. The other 98 were caught by the habit of drifting….victory goes to the people who know what they want and are determined to have it.” Sharon Lechter, who was asked to annotate the book by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, states, “This book…was actually meant to be published today…It was intended to provide answers during this uncertain economic and spiritual time.” I couldn’t agree more. If you find yourself a drifter, as Hill describes, “with no plan, no purpose, no policy except that of drifting along, hoping that something may turn up to help them”, call me. It’s time to not just hope, decide. Decide to change your life. We partner with a company that specializes in helping people to not participate in this economy. Karen Caprino-Burg is the founder of Women Changing Lives and can be reached at 317-828-3061, 888-802-4321 or Karen@WomenChangingLives.net.
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Jealousy Can Be Manageable Do you or someone you love suffer from extreme jealousy? Jealousy can be toxic to a relationship. I meet with many clients who regularly fight this demon. If you experience extreme jealousy it will require professional attention. I recently met with a very insecure middleaged woman who wanted help for her jealous tendencies. Her boyfriend, who “treated her like gold”, was beginning to tire of her constant badgering when he conversed, looked at, or interacted with other women. Despite the fact that he always included her in his conversations, it continued to trigger deep insecurities and a feeling that she did not measure up. In her previous relationship she had experienced adultery. (If jealousy is a by product of an affair, it will improve once the partner works diligently at making amends and reassuring his or her spouse that there is true remorse as well as an honest effort at rebuilding the relationship). In my client’s case, her husband left her. Extreme jealousy is a sickness and should not be minimized. It can be extremely destructive to a relationship and will eventually wear a partner down. Jealousy stems from a sense of extreme insecurity and a need to control. My client reported that she was with her boyfriend daily and he complimented her frequently about her looks, her heart, and her actions. His friendliness was a part of him and he made it clear that he was not going to change that about himself. My client was miserable and she sensed that her boyfriend was losing interest in her because she was more and more unpleasant to be around. This woman needed some severe work! I asked her to make a list of all of the positive aspects of their relationship. Her list included the amount of time he spent with her, the fact he complimented her frequently, their sexual interaction together, his inclusion of her with his family, and so on. I then asked her to list the many situations that provoked her jealousy. Her written responses included, “He frequently talks to other women”; “He smiles at them”; “He
is kind to other women”. It was her assignment to keep her list “on her body” at all times. The minute she felt the feeling of jealousy she was to excuse herself from the situation, read her list, and work on replacing the thoughts. Carol Juergensen Sheets She then was asked to do something physical to connect with her boyfriend as they walked away or after he hung up the phone. It might include squeezing his hand, putting her arm around him, kissing or smiling at him, or whispering something sweet into his ear. I made it her responsibility to redirect her thoughts and feelings and I asked her to do this each and every time she felt the pang of insecurity and jealousy. She reported that although the homework was tough, it clearly left her feeling more secure and in control. Her boyfriend also received the perks from her initial feelings of insecurity and jealousy. After six months she admitted her jealousy was only about 50% improved. I explained that she had made remarkable progress. I suspect if she continues her techniques she will modify her jealousy to a manageable level in their relationship. Remember, jealousy is normal. At least 75% of all people feel it. If your jealousy chronically interferes with your relationships you need to learn how to manage it or change the relationship. If the jealousy is about your insecurity it won’t get better on its own…until you do! Carol Juergensen Sheets LCSW PCC is a psychotherapist and personal life coach. She does motivational speaking and empowerment trainings locally and nationally. To find out more about her services--contact her at www.carolthecoach.com or call her at 317 218-3479. You can watch Carol the Coach segments on WTHR’s Channel 13 Wednesdays @ 12:50PM.
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