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The HCG Story... The story of HCG began in the Fifties when, after having done research on weight loss for 40 years and research on HCG specifically for twenty years, Dr. Simeons reported that patients taking small amounts of HCG, in conjunction Kathryn Azhar, Owner with a very low calorie and her staff diet, could lose weight safely and quickly without exercise, muscle loss or hunger. But all HCG is not created equal. The SuperVision Weight Loss program starts with pharmaceutical HCG. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion created by products being sold without guidance that call themselves “HCG” but do not contain any in their ingredient list. HCG is one of 67 hormones naturally produced in the human body, so if a product states that it is hormone free, it's not HCG.
Cindy's Story
For years, I've had trouble losing the excess weight that I put on. I've tried several plans and fad diets, only to put the weight back on. I came to Super Vision Weight Loss when my doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic. I found the program easy to follow. i was glad to have the support of the staff through the entire transition. I am so happy with my results and my new lease on life.
Gary's Story
My doctor was on my case about my blood pressure, and I know that the extra weight I was carrying wasn’t helping that situation. My knees hurt and I just wanted to feel better. I gave Super Vision Weight Loss a chance to help me get the weight off. They were really great!! I lost 38 lbs. in 31 days! My girlfriend is thrilled. I travel for a living and I was able to stay true to the diet protocol even on the road. I’m so glad I did this diet with Super Vision Weight Loss. I feel YEARS younger and I know I’ll never have that belly again.
HCG does not produce weight loss by itself. However, in concert with a very specific balanced diet, and our help in avoiding unexpected environmental or behavioral deviations, HCG will allow the body to naturally pull the nutrients and calories needed from stored fat reserves into the blood stream at the rate of 1500 to 4000 calories per day. We are sure that those who follow our protocol WILL lose 20-30 pounds in 40 days. These fantastic results ARE typical with our full service packages. SuperVision Weight Loss program is not your run of the mill “eat less and exercise more” diet for a slow loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week that seems to take the rest of your life. Our protocol tricks Mother Nature a little, maybe, however only natural processes are at work. Per Dr. Simeons, it is safe and so very effective.
To get slim and stay that way, call our office at (317) 849-THIN today. We will help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your health, appearance and self-image. Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels…
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How Do I Know if I Need to Colonic? The answer is simple. Nancy Spahr of Cleansing Waters Wellness Center states,� After consulting and conducting colonics with more than 3,500 clients, I can honestly say that I've never worked with an individual who didn't benefit from detoxifying the internal body. It can be compared to asking your auto mechanic if the oil in your car ever needs to be serviced and changed." The human body is one of the best detoxification machines in creation, but even the best machine can lose efficiency if it is overloaded. When we don't eliminate properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months, or years. When we don't eliminate our waste - whether it's from toxins in the air, or from fatty, sugary processed foods; the toxins back up in the colon, which can cause autointoxication, or self poisoning. You may be experience gas, bloating, heartburn or
abdominal pain as a result. You can't be completely healthy if you're carrying a load of toxic substances in your body and colon. Toxic build-up in the body, particularly the bowels, is the root cause of many of today's chronic health problems. A complete internal cleansing program that includes colon hydrotherapy and also addresses the blood, tissues and cells, with emphasis on the five channels of elimination (bowel, lungs, skin, kidneys, lymph) almost always produces definite and positive results. The bonus is that once the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, the digestive system is better able to absorb and assimilate all nutrients. Cleansing the colon and correcting digestive issues should be foundation for any nutritional and cleansing programs. In order for the digestive system to work optimally, the eliminative system must work optimally, as well.
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Caring and Commitment in Action If you could help clothe a child who has no appropriate school clothing, would you? If you could provide new athletic shoes and socks to another child who is wearing
his father’s shoes and sharing one pair of socks with his brother or sister, would you? If you could give companionship and caring to enhance and improve the quality of life of older adults, would you? If you could help to restore a sense of dignity and hope to someone who has been abused, would you? If you could give a cuddly teddy bear to a young child, teen or adult who is grieving, enduring frightening medical treatments or has been a victim of an abusive situation, would you? If you answered “yes” to any of the above you should consider joining Assistance League® of Indianapolis. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that utilizes the power of volunteers to evoke positive changes in our community. Since 1984, the Operation School Bell® program has provided school clothing and supplies to over 51,000 students in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. Each student experiences a one-on-one shopping adventure with a member-volunteer at 8
our Operation School Bell shop during the fall semester. In addition, students from kindergarten through eighth grade are given new athletic shoes and 6 pairs of socks during Shoes, a division of Operation School Bell. Beyond the Bell, the newest division of Operation School Bell, provides an inventory of uniform pants, shirts, belts and underwear to meet the immediate needs of students in their own schools. ALI Friends offers companionship to seniors in health care and day care facilities with special occasion celebrations, games, and entertainment. The Assault Survivor Kits® program provides warm, comfortable new clothing and hygiene items to assault victims who must surrender their clothing as evidence or victims of domestic abuse who may have left their situation with only the clothing they were wearing. Members assemble the kits and deliver them to area hospitals and centers that treat victims of domestic violence. For children and adults in area hospitals, hospices and family service centers who are in emotional or physical pain, the ALI Bears program offers teddy bears to provide comfort. Our member-volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. We welcome individuals who share our commitment to community service and volunteerism. Would you like to join us in making a difference in your community? Operation School Bell begins in August just in time for our new member class. For more information please contact us at 317-872-1010 Membership@ALindy.org or visit our website at www.ALindy.org.
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Is Gluten an Intolerance or a Fad Diet? by Mary Ann Wietbrock RN MSN
Gluten has been blamed for arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, and most notably, irritable bowel syndrome. People have given up gluten foods to improve their symptoms of headaches, nausea, abdominal pains, and trouble sleeping. More than 20 million people now contend they experience distress after eating gluten products that had been eaten for centuries without symptoms. Gluten can be found in breads, pasta, noodles, soups, sauces, gravies, dressings, spreads, snack foods, processed meats, and packaged convenient foods. Breads can be milled quickly by removing the germ and the bran parts of the wheat kernel to rapidly process the starchy endosperm. Artificial gluten additives are added to help the bread form and rise quickly. More than 200 pounds of wheat is harvested for every person on the earth. Many foods found in supermarkets and restaurants contain some component of processed wheat gluten or starch. This processing of wheat removes vital nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats. Most of the wheat eaten today has been milled into white flour with plenty of gluten. Meals with these sugary additives and refined high calorie carbohydrates cause blood sugars to increase leading to diabetes and heart diseases. Gluten free cookies are still cookies. The sale of gluten free products will exceed 15 billion dollars this year. You can now purchase gluten free cheese, fish sticks, pasta, and breads. There are gluten free wedding planners, gluten free vacation packages, and gluten free communion wafers. Americans are eating less gluten but the rate of gluten
intolerance is rising. Irritable bowel syndrome and gluten intolerance is a frequent complaint at the doctor’s office. It is recommended to not stop eating all gluten products till Celiac disease and Gluten allergies have been ruled out with testing. A diagnosis is then based on ruling out these other organic diseases and you will be considered to have irritable bowel syndrome or gluten intolerance. Does this sound scientific? Gluten intolerance is based on symptoms alone. There is not a blood test or medical exam that confirms this diagnosis. There is no scientific evidence that removing Gluten will fix symptoms. Scientific studies have not been able to confirm people are gluten intolerant. Cutting out refined carbohydrates, bread, beer, and high calorie foods does help people feel better. Cutting out corn, soy, milk, eggs, nuts, and tomatoes is also a way to feel better. In the end, what do you eat that contains the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber to live? It is recommended to eat a selection of colorful foods from all food groups. Balance is the basis of a healthy diet. Rice, corn, and potatoes products are foods less often eaten than breads and release just as much sugar into the blood stream. Foods high in sugars, like fructose, include honey, apples, mangoes, watermelon, diary, garlic and onions. These foods can cause abdominal pains, bloating, and diarrhea. What can you eat? Balance the diet with vegetables and low fat proteins for your main diet. Follow cardinalelements.com/blog/ for more information.
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THE ILLUSION OF LOVE Do you know someone who is in love with a figment of her imagination? You know the type. You have a friend who has conjured up, in her own mind, a scenario that reflects what she wants the situation to be…as opposed to what it really is. I recently saw a man who was not being treated well by his wife. They hadn’t had sex in months. She was always choosing her kids over him, berated him constantly and spent their money impulsively. After describing this dead-end relationship, he began to talk about how much they loved each other and about their plans for the future. Although he bemoaned the lack of love in the relationship, he quickly went into denial and stated that all he wanted to do was help her work through her issues. He was clearly in love with the fantasy of love and was not clearly seeing the reality of his situation! This often occurs in dating. For instance, a woman will come in and report that she’s still seeing Tom and that she is more in love than ever. As we explore the mutuality of the relationship, my client will describe the real scenario. Her boyfriend is not communicating. She does not hear from him for days and he has not invested anything financially or emotionally towards their relationship for months or possibly years. It appears that the relationship is not dependable yet my client seems to be “in love with being in love”, and in actuality she is getting nothing back in return. Although she may be able to fool herself for awhile, eventually she becomes saturated with disappointment and can no longer deny unacceptable behavior from the other person. There is no reason to accept sub-standard behavior or “to accept the crumbs” just to
have someone in your life. The first step to getting the love you want is to get honest with yourself and decide what you want from a partnership or a dating relationship. Carol Juergensen Sheets Next it’s important to assess whether you can retrain your partner to be more reciprocal. Unfortunately, you have likely put up with the old behaviors for months or years. Therefore, the behavior is pretty ingrained making redirecting or retraining tough. Practice being clear and direct with your loved one and let him or her know what your expectation looks like. It may be, “Tom if you don’t call me by mid-week, I will no longer be available to you at midnight for a nightcap.” Or, “Jason, when you avoid my calls or refuse to make plans with me, I will need to make other plans.” To the unfaithful spouse, “If you continue to cheat on me I will make the decision to seek an attorney and file for a formal separation because I will no longer put up with the third person in our relationship”. If your partner can’t or won’t alter the behavior, it is time for you to seek professional guidance. If counseling is not helpful, you will have to make the difficult decision to end the relationship. This of course means that you will need to get healthy so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes in your next relationship. All of this work requires that you get out of denial and get honest with yourself about what you aren’t getting from your partner. “Being in love with being in love” is never enough to build a relationship.
Carol Juergensen Sheets LCSW PCC is a psychotherapist and personal life coach. She does motivational speaking and empowerment trainings locally and nationally. To find out more about her services--contact her at www.carolthecoach.com or call her at 317 218-3479. You can watch Carol the Coach segments on WTHR’s Channel 13 Wednesdays @ 12:50PM. Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
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Summer Fun Spotlight 18
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She Had to Die, So I Could Live by Brenda Baker
I wish someone had told me earlier in life that despite being physically, emotionally and sexually abused I could still be a happy person. I wish someone had taught me that just because I didn’t look like or have the body of a model I was still beautiful. I wish I had known what real love looked like so I wouldn’t have spent years in unhealthy relationships, giving my love and my body to people who didn’t deserve it. Although it has taken many years, I’ve finally learned and am still learning to see and love myself as God sees and loves me. After spending most of my life nursing the wounds of my past, God showed me that parts of me would have to die so the new and improved me could live. As a result, I wrote She Had to Die, So I Could Live as an inspiration to others. My goal is to help as many as I can see that in spite of bad things happening, we can always choose happiness as a response. It’s true, but no one ever told me that. Yes,
after tragic events and broken hearts we can still be happy. Even though we may have moments of anger, bitterness and depression it doesn’t have to be a way of life. This book is filled with short stories about some of the events in my life. I talk openly about things most people keep inside like low self-image, sexual abuse, rejection, unexpected death of a love one etc. I not only discuss what happened, but I also share how through God’s grace I have learned and am still learning to lead a happier, healthier life. As a supplement to the book, I’ve also written a Study Guide to help in group settings or in time alone. What we know for sure is sometimes bad things happen to good people. My hope is people will read my book and feel inspired. And, after reading they will also feel compelled to reach out to others in similar situations and dare to make a difference.
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July 2016 Thursday, May 19 – Sunday, July 10 Beef & Boards presents “Beauty & the Beast” Be their guest for Disney's magical musical about the beautiful Belle, whose generous heart may be able to tame the enchanted beast. But will their love bloom before it's too late in this tale as old as time? www. beefandboards.com Fridays: July 1, 8, 5:30 – 8:30pm Zoolapalooza Concert Series at the Indianapolis Zoo. Zoolapalooza concerts presented by Central Indiana Honda Dealers are a great way to kick off your weekend with a wild lineup of live music on Friday evenings. This series features hit songs the whole family will love by some of Indy's top bands. Zoolapalooza days are the perfect time to enjoy the Zoo. Concerts are included with Zoo admission, so you can come play all day and dance all night! The afterhours ambience feels like a Zoo trip like no other. www.indianapoliszoo.com Friday, July 1, 8:00pm Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra – Star Spangle Symphony at the Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park, The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is pleased to announce a special one-nightonly concert celebrating Independence Day on Friday, July 1, as part of the Harrison College Concert Series at The Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park. A spectacular fireworks show will conclude the performance of patriotic favorites, including America the Beautiful, God Bless America, and the 1812 Overture, among others. Saturday, July 2 – Sunday, July 3 Indypendence Day Concert for Cancer on Georgia Street Downtown. The 4th Annual INDYpendence Day Concert for Cancer is a two-day music festival featuring several national music acts, food trucks, sponsors, vendors, and several opportunities for consumers to learn more and contribute to the Riley Children's Foundation and the St. Francis Patient Assistance Fund. This year's headliners are Ludacris, AWOLnation, Kongos, Blue October, Mike Stud, and Lost Kings.
Saturday, July 2 Taste of Indy at White River State Park. The Annual Taste of Indy blends the city’s most unique restaurants with an exhibition of the city’s best live local music, with events and activities for the entire family. This year's Taste of Indy presents a delectable assortment of Asian, Soul, Greek, Mediterranean, Cajun, Hispanic, and American food. The all day concert glamorizes Indy's best live, local musical artists displaying their awesome talents in Jazz, Rock, Rhythm and Blues, Gospel, Latino, and Reggae music. From noon to sundown, visitors can groove to the sounds of live local music and sample the city's best cuisine all while enjoying the accommodations of the breath taking White River State Park. Sunday, July 3 – Monday, July 4 CarmelFest in Hamilton County in Carmel. CarmelFest is a family-oriented festival celebrating patriotism and community spirit. Each year, this event commemorates Independence Day with an outdoor festival featuring Market Place booths, food, craft beer, KidZone with rides, games, a petting zoo, live entertainment on three stages, the Carmel Has Talent vocal competition, Guitar-mel Fest, and more! Monday, July 4, 6:30 – 11:00pm Donatos Downtown Freedom Blast Downtown Indianapolis. Celebrate Independence Day with a bang...or a blast! See Indy's largest fireworks display, shooting from the top of the Regions Bank Tower! This fantastic fireworks show is a local tradition and favorite activity! Bring the entire family downtown for food, music and fun that lasts all day and ends in an amazing fireworks display after dusk synchronized to patriotic and popular music. Wednesday, July 6, 7:30 – 9:00am Indianapolis Business Networking Event at SpinWeb at 8500 Keystone Crossing, Suite 420. Join for a business networking event that will make you new connections, grow your business, and learn of new ideas and technologies on how to effectively network in Indianapolis, Indiana. These events generate hundreds of business opportunities and there is no cost to attend. www.tipclub.com
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Calendar of Events Wednesday, July 6, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) Southside Lunch Special Interest Group at Fireside Brewhouse in Greenwood. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Thursday, July 7, 9:00am – 11:00am Successful Women Made Here Monthly Event Join the monthly events with a notable businesswoman, training, and mastermind session to help solve your challenges and share your triumphs at 250 W. 96th St. www.SuccessfulWomenMadeHere.com Thursdays: July 7, 14, 21, 28, 5:30 – 8:30pm Animals and All that Jazz at the Indianapolis Zoo. Animals & All That Jazz is back and swinging for the 29th year! Bring your friends to sit back and enjoy a longstanding Thursday night tradition at the Indianapolis Zoo. This summer concert series features sensational music from all genres of jazz. Come play early at the Zoo and stay late for a night of jazz with music beginning at 5:30pm plus arts and entertainment presented by Macy's! Walk the Zoo while listening to the music, show off your moves on the dance floor presented by Dunkin' Donuts or simply enjoy a relaxing evening with friends. www. indianapoliszoo.com Thursday, July 14 – Sunday, August 21 Beef & Boards presents “Church Basement Ladies” The Lutheran ladies are back in the show that got this laugh-a-minute series cooking. Times are changing quickly in 1965 and they'll do all they can to keep things running smoothly below the house of God! www.beefandboards.com Thursday, July 14, 7:30am Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) – First SIG (Special Interest Group at LePeep on Meridian in Carmel. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. This event is focused on expanding your network and learning more about each other. www.nowib.com Thursday, July 14, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) Northside Lunch Special Interest Group at Buca
di Beppo at 6045 East 86th St. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Tuesday, July 12, 5:00pm-7:30pm SPARKS at Morty’s Comedy Club. Kicking off their 5th Season of Sparks! That’s right launched on June 13th, 2012 Sparks has grown rapidly. Join them to celebrate this important milestone. Each month business owners, business development people and professionals just like you will converge with thought leaders at Sparks. This TED inspired event features 3 timed talks where new ways of thinking in the areas of personal & business development, marketing, technology, motivation and inspiration will be shared. www.sparkstalk.com Tuesday, July 19, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) -Downtown Lunch Special Interest Group at Tavern On South, 423 W. South St, Indy. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Wednesday, July 20, 4:30 – 6:30pm One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) All Business After Hours at Balmoral Golf Club in Fishers. Register for this networking event and connect with members of OneZone. www.onezonecommerce.com Thursday, July 21, 11:30am Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) –Pop Up Lunch 2016 at City BBQ. This event will include a presentation by a speaker and plenty of time for casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com
Are you a woman’s organization or having an event just for women? Are you a non-profit organization with a special event? Email info@indymetrowoman.com and send us the details for our monthly calendar by the 5th of each month for the following month’s issue. You can also go to www.indymetrowoman.com and post your event on our community calendar.
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Estate Planning and Assisted Reproduction Technology by Ann Schneider and Jennifer Hostetter Most people do not think these two fields of law relate, but they actually can be interconnected. And if you have ever gone through any type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure or fertility treatment, it is very important to discuss this with your estate planning attorney. If you are in the process of going through a form of assisted reproductive technology, it may be wise to speak to an estate planning attorney now to prepare documents while you or your spouse are going through these procedures. When planning your estate, it is important to plan and discuss what you wish to happen to any stored sperm, eggs or embryos you may have. The laws governing assistive reproductive technology differ greatly from state to state. In addition, many states, including Indiana, have yet to address issues concerning the treatment of stored genetic material upon an individual’s death. Working with an estate planning attorney will allow you to create an estate plan which takes these matters into consideration. Your
estate planning documents can then include direction for what should be done with stored genetic materials upon your death. Additionally, if you are going through some type of surrogacy, you have the ability to make plans in the event something were to happen to you, your spouse or the surrogate. Fertility clinics across the nation have varying agreements and contracts that range from very basic to very thorough. The storage or final disposition of your stored genetic material may have been something you have already addressed with the fertility clinic. Your estate planning attorney should review any agreement you have signed with a fertility clinic to ensure that your estate planning documents will be effective at carrying out your wishes. If you are considering, are going through, or have already gone through some type of ART procedure, I encourage you to seek out an estate planning attorney. ART is a vastly growing area of the law and it is important to plan for the future.
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