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The HCG Story... The story of HCG began in the Fifties when, after having done research on weight loss for 40 years and research on HCG specifically for twenty years, Dr. Simeons reported that patients taking small amounts of HCG, in conjunction Kathryn Azhar, Owner with a very low calorie and her staff diet, could lose weight safely and quickly without exercise, muscle loss or hunger. But all HCG is not created equal. The SuperVision Weight Loss program starts with pharmaceutical HCG. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion created by products being sold without guidance that call themselves “HCG” but do not contain any in their ingredient list. HCG is one of 67 hormones naturally produced in the human body, so if a product states that it is hormone free, it's not HCG.
Cindy's Story
For years, I've had trouble losing the excess weight that I put on. I've tried several plans and fad diets, only to put the weight back on. I came to Super Vision Weight Loss when my doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic. I found the program easy to follow. i was glad to have the support of the staff through the entire transition. I am so happy with my results and my new lease on life.
Gary's Story
My doctor was on my case about my blood pressure, and I know that the extra weight I was carrying wasn’t helping that situation. My knees hurt and I just wanted to feel better. I gave Super Vision Weight Loss a chance to help me get the weight off. They were really great!! I lost 38 lbs. in 31 days! My girlfriend is thrilled. I travel for a living and I was able to stay true to the diet protocol even on the road. I’m so glad I did this diet with Super Vision Weight Loss. I feel YEARS younger and I know I’ll never have that belly again.
HCG does not produce weight loss by itself. However, in concert with a very specific balanced diet, and our help in avoiding unexpected environmental or behavioral deviations, HCG will allow the body to naturally pull the nutrients and calories needed from stored fat reserves into the blood stream at the rate of 1500 to 4000 calories per day. We are sure that those who follow our protocol WILL lose 20-30 pounds in 40 days. These fantastic results ARE typical with our full service packages. SuperVision Weight Loss program is not your run of the mill “eat less and exercise more” diet for a slow loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week that seems to take the rest of your life. Our protocol tricks Mother Nature a little, maybe, however only natural processes are at work. Per Dr. Simeons, it is safe and so very effective.
To get slim and stay that way, call our office at (317) 849-THIN today. We will help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your health, appearance and self-image. Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels…
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Vampire Procedures...
Don’t let the name scare you!
We are all aware the Kardashians made the Vampire FaceLift® and The Vampire Breast Lift® “famous”, and now there is no need to go to Hollywood for these Vampire procedures. Our PA-C, Trish Wozniak is now performing them at The Guyer Institute right here in Indy! Trish was personally trained by the creator of all the Vampire procedures, cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Charles Runels himself. She is ACCMA certified to perform all the Vampire procedures. This puts her at an advantage because not every provider offering these procedures has had the pleasure to be live trained by Dr. Runels. The term Vampire Facelift® refers to a medical procedure used to treat “smile lines” and other unwanted folds and wrinkles on the face in a similar fashion to dermal fillers. As we age, we dramatically decrease our collagen production which leads to sagging, sunken in, and thinning skin. Cosmetic surgery can remove this excess skin and make the person appear younger. But, a surgical facelift can be excessive to what’s needed for some people (especially when loss of shape without extra skin is the main problem). The Vampire Facelift® and The Vampire Facial® both have many benefits for any age, not just wrinkle reduction. Including adding volume and definition, enhancing your areas of strength, as well as, smoothing your skin. The Vampire Facelift® does this by both restoring shape, and improving tone and texture, as well as literally rejuvenating new and more youthful tissue! The procedure is done by having blood removed from a vein in the patient’s arm and then centrifuged (in a FDA approved
centrifuge) to isolate the platelets from other blood components. These platelets are then activated using calcium chloride, to form the platelet-rich matrix youth elixir. This gel like mixture is then injected back into multiple locations on the face in specific areas that define The Vampire Facelift® to induce growth of new collagen, skin tissue, and blood vessels in the skin around each injection site. Together, this activity lifts the skin away from the bone, creates skin volume and new blood flow, thus not just sculpting and creating a more youthful and aesthetically appealing face but also keeping you natural in appearance. This enhancement continues for approximately 12 weeks and lasts at least 15 months. All the Vampire procedures have received widespread media attention as featured in several national and international media sources, including National Public Radio, The Doctors, CNN, the Rachel Ray show, CBS news Health Blog, Haute Living Magazine blog, The Steve Harvey Show, The Independent, Now magazine, United Kingdom, Cosmopolitan magazine, as well stories on local news affiliates. Just to name a few. The same technique, of PRP initiating new cell growth, goes into treating other areas of the body to enhance those specific areas. These include: The Vampire Facial®, The Vampire Breast Lift®, The Vampire Hair Regrowth Technique®, The O-Shot for women, and The P-Shot for men. The Guyer Institute is now offering ALL these procedures!!! Check out our website for more information on all the procedures, and call 317-580-WELL for a consultation!
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Are Ready to “Detox”?
Nancy Spahr, Founder
Detoxification” (or “detoxing”) has become somewhat of a buzzword. Jumping into fasts or “detox” to rid the body of built-up toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals, or microbials like candida or parasites can sound beneficial and can certainly be just what you need.
Before embarking on the “detox” journey follow these steps: Establish a Healthy Lifestyle and Dietary Habits First! Your body needs to have a reserve it can draw on to allow your liver to do its job properly. Fail to do this properly and you can easily overwhelm your liver's ability to process the toxic substances being eliminated; you will become even sicker, wishing you had never done the detox in the first place. Heal Your Gut! The digestive tract is where nutrients are absorbed into your bloodstream to rebuild and nourish all 6
the other systems and organs in the body. Daily bowel movements, proper probiotics in supplement and foods, enzymes or digestive bitters, ionic minerals, and other nutrients that heal the mucosal lining are the foundation for any cleanse or “detox”. Open the Channels of Elimination! The intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs and lymph are the pathways to move toxins out of the body. For example, a clogged colon will cause toxins to recirculate through the bloodstream making you feel worse! Give the body gentle herbs and nutrients to open the pathways and allow the body to do what it does naturally. Avoid starting any toxin-removal regimen while you are sick. Stabilize and revitalize yourself first by addressing your bowels, sleep issues, and energy. Then work with a professional who can guide you through the steps safely and successfully. Call Cleansing Waters, Inc where healing your gut is our priority. Find out how by calling to schedule a consultation or service. 317-259-0796
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Compassion vs. Resentment Healthy relationships start with compassion. If you really want to improve your sense of self and work with others it will begin by being gentle with yourself and those with whom you interact. We live in a society where many people clarify and justify their positions by putting others down. This technique may help people to feel superior but in actuality it divides people from working together and finding a common good. When one person decides they can no longer live with another, they may spend endless hours putting down the other person as opposed to talking about why a break up may actually be the best choice for all involved. If you are unhappy in your job it can be normal human behavior to want to find fault with your boss, the administration, or the corporate culture. Yet you will have more integrity if you decide to leave from a place of wanting to expand your abilities, and your life circumstance. When I work with clients, I see the understandable negativity that can occur from being wronged. I ask them to identify how this type of situation can actually strengthen them. I want my clients to move out of the victim role and move into a position of strength, confidence, and self actualization. When you make a decision that comes from a place of concern, love, and compassion, you're much more likely to mainly integrity that you need to be a better coworker, a better partner, or a better neighbor. It is much easier to put others down and to look for validation that you've been mistreated. But that mentality works against you. Compassion promotes improved mental health and empowers you to really pay attention to your own goals and values as opposed to berating the other person. I recently worked with a woman who was able to see via social media all the poor choices her
husband was making. She saw him taking expensive vacations with other women. She witnessed him buying expensive gifts for others while they were separated. It was understandable that Carol Juergensen Sheets she came into my office in a fury because she had been betrayed. She needed to process her feelings of anger sadness and loss. After she worked through her grief, I encouraged her to move on with her life and decide what was most important. She decided that she wanted to heal, focus on her children, and stabilize her life so that she no longer had to be hyper vigilant about what her husband could do to her to hurt her. This meant that she had to re-focus on herself so that she no longer viewed herself as a punching bag for her husband. In doing this, she decided to spend more time volunteering at a nonprofit and focused on how she could make a difference in other people's lives. She was able to turn her pain into gain and move away from the victimization that she felt months before.
Homework assignment Think about one person who has hurt you. Identify how you can use that tragedy to make you stronger. What do you need to do to increase your own self care? Notice the difference in how you feel when you think about how some one has wronged you versus how you have grown from it. Appreciate that shift in your own sense of confidence. You have the power to take back your life and to leave your pain in the dust!
Carol Juergensen Sheets LCSW PCC is a psychotherapist and personal life coach. She does motivational speaking and empowerment trainings locally and nationally. To find out more about her services--contact her at www.carolthecoach.com or call her at 317 218-3479. You can watch Carol the Coach segments on WTHR’s Channel 13 Wednesdays @ 12:50PM. Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!� Thanks!
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Business Spotlight
Your Natural Best® ... A Customized Long-Term Plan As we age, our faces and bodies reveal signs of this inevitable process under three main headings. First, we see the GRAVITATIONAL DECENT of our muscles. This causes our eyebrows to fall, excess tissue around our eyes, flattening of our midface, jowling and banding or fullness in our neck. The second sign of aging is VOLUME LOSS. Women in particular lose more fat around their mouths. This causes loss of bulk and definition to the lips, and the appearance of vertical lip lines, mistakenly referred to as “smoker’s lines”. Volume loss also give a flattened appearance to the midface as opposed to the youthful prominence of our cheek bones. The third sign of aging is “DECREASED ELASTICITY of our skin. This causes the appearance of crepe skin usually under the eyes and the lower cheeks. All of us have features we would love to improve upon. Sometimes these features adversely affect our self-esteem. With current minimally invasive technology, it has never been easier. I have spent the past 25 years perfecting a multi-modality approach for patients. I refer to this as, “YOUR NATURAL BEST”. It begins with a complementary consultation. After listening to your goals, I formulate a customized long-term plan for your esthetic improvement. This plan encompasses the repositioning of your fallen musculature, revolumizing your face, and improving the tone and quality of your skin. It is applicable to your face, and your body. It is for women and men. “YOUR NATURAL 16
BEST” is designed to restore proportion and harmony to your looks. It creates a subliminal change. Our nicest compliment is that no one will know you have had anything done! It is my job to be your “coach” through the process and for the next twenty years to ensure that you protect your investment. It is my job to manage your expectations in a realistic manner. The process is initiated ensuring a balanced diet, regular exercise, and psychological stability. I am so proud of my exemplary staff. My Nursing Staff, Surgical Staff, Patient Coordinators and Concierges are all here to help you reach “YOUR NATTURAL BEST” in a comfortable, supportive, respectful, safe manner. Once your personalized plan is established, the symphony of procedures begins. First I start with the “GRAVITATIONAL DECENT”. The facial rejuvenation is typically performed in a single session. This is performed in a “State of the Art” Surgical Facility with stellar staff. The most common combination begins with the repositioning of tired looking eyebrows. This is done through a tiny incision behind the hairline so no one sees it. A TV camera goes into the incision and a laser is used to separate the muscular connections of the brows which lets me place them within a millimeter of where we want them. Next, I use a laser to remove any excess skin, muscle and fat from your upper and lower eyelids. Then I move on to reposition your facial muscles, employing the appropriate face lifting
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Greg Chernoff, M.D. F.R.C.S.(C)
Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic & Reconstructive procedure for your anatomy. The vector of elevation determines the softening of your marionette lines, restoring of the youthful midfacial bulk, and softening of your jowls to clean up your jaw line. Your neck bands or excess fat is then addressed. Many patients have “chipmunk cheeks”. This look is improved by removing your buccal fat pads through a tiny incision inside your mouth. Lastly, we address the skin quality. I favor the most contemporary laser procedures to tighten collagen, elastic fibers and promote new collagen production. Many patients elect to have BODY REJUVENATION” at the same session. Some wait for another day. After the procedure, you spend the first night in my facility, under the care of my Overnight Nurses of 25 years. You go home the next morning. You are typically ready to appear in public in one week. Subtle healing continues for one year.
SKIN CARE PLAN” with my personal line of products which I developed 25 years ago. They are simple to use and affordable. The results of “YOUR NATURAL BEST” are typically improvements in self-esteem and confidence which transcend into every aspect of my patients’ lives.
Greg Chernoff, M.D., is a Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with over 25-years of experience. Dr. Chernoff has performed thousands of fat transfer procedures with excellent results. To learn more about treatment options or to schedule a consultation, Contact our Indianapolis, IN office at 317.573.8899 or visit drchernoff.com.
Special Offer
During the course of your one- year follow-up, I see you monthly. At those visits I continue your rejuvenation process. Additional “REVOLUMIZATION” can be achieved using your own fat, a technique called Fat Transfer. There are also multiple commercially available filling materials that can be utilized. These fillers are used with finesse to plump up cheeks, lips, sunken temples, sunken décolleté lines and aging hands. Additional SKIN TONING” is helped through my multi-modality laser therapy in conjunction with cellular therapy such as PRP or platelet rich plasma. I customize an “AT HOME Please say “I found it in Indy Metro Woman Magazine!” Thanks!
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Preying on Innocence The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book, Women Like Us: Together Changing the World.
Deb Myers
Knowing that teen pregnancy and suicide have skyrocketed propels me forward to fight for them…One Girl at a Time. I have often been called an advocate for teen girls. I love that label; however, I am truly an advocate for ALL women. I believe a woman’s strength, compassion, and ability to find the best in people enables females to empower one another. For so long now, we have been, in a sense, brainwashed. We have allowed the media and workplace to determine our personal sense of self-worth. We have been programmed to believe that pink is our color of choice. We have been told that we can become nurses, but not doctors. We have digested the misconception that we must all aesthetically emulate supermodels to be seen as beautiful. Though I believe our society has sought to make strides for the benefit of the female, in many ways we have not. I come from a generation where leading career opportunities were left for men, despite the fact that a household required two incomes to forge ahead. There’s a silent understanding that the mother will take care of the family, support her husband as head of the household, and be successful in her career, as well. For generations, we have battled this expectation of the modern female, while also facing societal struggles of idealistic stereotyping. Even one girl makes a difference. I started the One Girl at a Time Program because I knew one thing for sure: If I started with one, that would create impact, and that would help her to be strong and raise her children to be wise and empowered. And if that grew to thousands, how wonderful would that be? I have seen young women who once bowed their head in shame and guilt soon hold their chin high, because they realized they had a gift. They had experiences they could share, love to give and arms to hold those who needed them. We all need this—we just need to learn the power it has to created change.
So many of our young women in One Girl at a Time have said, “I am only me.” But by focusing on them as amazing already, by offering them the tools to make good decisions, their confidence flourishes. These confident young women lead. They fight for justice. They dream bigger and they believe they can have impact to better the world. Why? Because we, as role models who simply can, cared enough about them to uplift them, to share what we know and pass it along. Girls have said to me, “I never knew so many girls were stressed out like me and had the pressures I do; so many have problems at home or have faced the hardships I have. I understand I am not alone. I don’t want this program to be over.” I say to them, “Oh, honey, it’s not over: it’s just beginning.” Teach our young women their strengths and they will take flight. Enable them to be brave and bold and it will cause a ripple effect on the world in all areas of need. We have to fight for our youth. Sex trafficking in the United States is just below drug sales as the most profitable criminal activity. Knowing that teen pregnancy and suicide have skyrocketed propels me forward to fight for them… One Girl at a Time! Deb Myers is the National Director of the One Girl at a Time Program for the Women Like Us Foundation. Learn how you can get involved in Indianapolis in this program and help make a difference in teen girls lives right here in the community. www.womenlikeusfoundation.org deb@womenlikeusfoundation.org
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September 2016 August 25 – October 2 Beef & Boards presents “Menopaus The Musical” You're not having a hot flash. They’re bringing it back! This hilarious musical parody staged to classic tunes from the '60s, '70s and '80s will have you cheering and dancing in the aisles. Join the sisterhood! www.beefandboards.com Tuesday, August 30, 7:30 – 9:00am Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Breakfast at Forum Credit Union Conference Center in Fishers. Meet and hear from women leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals at the Women in Business Breakfast Series. www.indychamber.com Thursday, September 1, 9:00am – 11:00am Successful Women Made Here Monthly Event Join the monthly events with a notable businesswoman, training, and mastermind session to help solve your challenges and share your triumphs at 250 W. 96th St. www.SuccessfulWomenMadeHere.com Tuesday, September 6, 11:30am – 1:00pm SPARKS Lunch at Morty’s comedy Club. On the 1st Tuesday of each month Sparks members and their guest will gather to network and dine on Tex-Mex and other tasty menu options from Morty’s. Guests will learn more about Sparks and the benefits of membership. Please grab a free ticket to help us prepare for your visit. www.sparkstalk.com Wednesday, September 7, 7:30 – 9:00am Indianapolis Business Networking Event at SpinWeb at 8500 Keystone Crossing, Suite 420. Join for a business networking event that will make you new connections, grow your business, and learn of new ideas and technologies on how to effectively network in Indianapolis, Indiana. These events generate hundreds of business opportunities and there is no cost to attend. www.tipclub.com Wednesday, September 7, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) - Southside Lunch Special Interest Group at Fireside Brewhouse in Greenwood. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Thursday, September 8, 11:30am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) - Northside Lunch Special Interest Group at Buca di Beppo at 6045 East 86th St. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com
artists, more than 75 arts-related non-profit organizations, live entertainment, children's activities, the Indiana Craft Beer Garden, and great food from local restaurants. www.penrod.org Saturday, September 10, 2:00-5:00pm 12th Annual Out of the Darkness Community Walk at White River State Park. The Out of the Darkness Community Walks are the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's (AFSP) signature fundraising campaign, bringing together family, friends, colleagues, and supporters at 3-5 mile walks in hundreds of communities across the country. When you walk in the Out of the Darkness Community Walks, you join the effort with thousands of people to raise funds and awareness for AFSP's vision to create a world without suicide. Register online at www.OutoftheDarkness.org Saturday, September 10, 4:30pm Colts Kickoff Concert - Eli Young Band at Georgia Street in Downtown. The Indianapolis Colts host their fourth annual Colts Kickoff Concert, presented by Verizon and sponsored in part by Bud Light, Hank FM and Downtown Indy, Inc., on the east block of Georgia Street in downtown Indianapolis. This year's concert will feature Eli Young Band with special guest Clayton Anderson and also appearing, Southern Country. The Colts give you the opportunity to enjoy a free concert, along with performances and autographs from Colts cheerleaders and Blue. The concert will offer Bud Light drink specials and food provided by Kilroy's. Tuesday, September 13, 5:00pm – 7:30pm SPARKS Talk at Morty’s comedy Club. Like a spark, an idea smolders in the mind until it is shared with someone… Once shared, that spark has the power to ignite a fire that can blaze a viral path! Each month business owners, business development people and professionals just like you will converge with thought leaders at Sparks. This TED inspired event features 3 timed talks where new ways of thinking in the areas of personal & business development, marketing, technology, motivation and inspiration will be shared. Those in attendance will be inspired to think in new ways and grow personally. www.sparkstalk.com Wednesday, September 14, 7:30am Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) – Northside Breakfast at LePeep on Meridian in Carmel. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. This event is focused on expanding your network and learning more about each other. www.nowib.com
Thursday, September 8, 7:30 am – 9:00am One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) All-County Network Breakfast at Houlihan’s in Hamilton Town Center. Register for this networking event and connect with members of OneZone. www.onezonecommerce.com
Saturday, September 17 St. Vincent Cancer Walk The St.Vincent Cancer Run/Walk Challenge starts and finishes at Lions Park in Zionsville, IN at 7:30 am. Distance is 5K or 10 mile walk or run and is now a timed event! The courses will go through scenic Zionsville. www.StVincentCancerWalk.org
Saturday, September 10, 9:00am Penrod Arts Fair at The Indianapolis Museum of Art. Indiana's nicest day, Penrod Arts Fair, is held on the beautiful grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Organized and presented by the Penrod Society, the event includes more than 300
Tuesday, September 20, 11:30 am – 1:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) -Downtown Lunch Special Interest Group at Tavern On South, 423 W. South St, Indy. Join in for a casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com
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Calendar of Events Wednesday, September 21, 5:00 – 7:00pm One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) Young Professionals After Hours Networking at Sullivan’s Steakhouse. Register for this networking event and connect with members of OneZone. www.onezonecommerce.com Saturday, September 24, 9:00am 15th Annual Answers for Autism Walk at Cox Hall Gardens in Carmel. The walk is a 1-mile, stroller friendly and wheelchair accessible walk. The walk itself is just a small portion of the day. Kids of all ages can participate in sensory activities, bounce houses rock climbing walls, and enjoy the live music. Participants also can bid on silent auction items and receive information from sponsors and information on issues surrounding autism. Refreshments are also served. www.answerautism.org Saturday, September 24, 10:00am Indianapolis Walk to defeat ALS At The Lawn at White River State Park. More than just a fewmile trek, the Walk to Defeat ALS® is an opportunity to bring hope to people living with ALS, to raise money for a cure, and to come together for something you care about. The Walk to Defeat ALS® is The ALS Association’s biggest annual event,
which raises funds that allow our local chapters to sustain care services and support research for much of the next year. Please visit www.alsaindiana.org to register. Wednesday, September 28, 11:30am Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) –Wellness & Community Awareness at 10-01 Food & Drink in Broad Ripple. This event will include a presentation by a speaker and plenty of time for casual conversation and networking with NOWIB members and guests. www.nowib.com Thursday, September 29, 5:00 – 8:00pm Network of Women in Business (NOWIB) –Co-Expo at Balmoral House. For the first time in our 37 years, NOWIB proudly presents an event where both MEN & WOMEN come together to network while enjoying great food, cocktails, door prizes, give-a-ways, unique vendors and live music at the Balmoral House in Fishers. www.nowib.com Wednesday, September 28, 4:30 – 6:30pm One Zone (Carmel & Fishers Chamber) Business After Hours at The Wellington Fishers Banquet and Conference Center. Register for this networking event and connect with members of OneZone. www.onezonecommerce.com
Are you a woman’s organization or having an event just for women? Are you a non-profit organization with a special event? Email info@indymetrowoman.com and send us the details for our monthly calendar by the 5th of each month for the following month’s issue. You can also go to www. indymetrowoman.com and post your event on our community calendar.
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IndyPendence Job Corps is a nonresidential, female-only center which can train up to 100 young women who commute daily to our campus. Females ages 16-24: Educational & Career Training opportunities: We offer FREE SERVICES: Nursing Assistant & Home Health Aide Certificate • Basic theory and skills in the classroom • Labs and clinical training • State Board Exams fully paid Office Administration Certificate • Microsoft Certified Applications Specialist Certification • Internet & Computing Core Certification • Intuit QuickBooks & Microsoft 24
• Direct Job Placement • High School Equivalency • $1,000 Stimulus Pay-Out (qualified graduates) • Bi-weekly Stipend & Non- residential Living Allowance • Monthly Bus Passes
Off Campus Training Hours are M-F 8:00am-3:00pm ****ON CAMPUS HOUSING ALSO AVAILABLE**** (Additional trades offered on campus)
(317) 524-6788 for more information on IndyPendence Job Corps
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Always Tired? by Mary Ann Wietbrock RN MSN Feeling tired all the time is hard work. You may not have the energy to do the many things that need done around the house or in your life. You may not understand why you feel so tired or you may know what ails you. There are many medical conditions that cause you to feel tired. Hypothyroid is an under active thyroid that causes many people to feel tired. This can be treated with a daily medication prescribed by your doctor. Breathing problems, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression and chronic pain are exhausting also. Going to the doctor, getting prescriptions from the pharmacist, and taking daily medications is a lot of work. Kim thought she was too busy with multiple deadlines in her busy life and was just feeling tired. She states “I was just tired, not like I had just ran a race or had a headache, but was physically tired all the time and could not get enough rest.� She recovered after treatment for an acute illness. She says you should pay attention to your body. Fatigue is a self -reported feeling of a lack of energy and tiredness not related to muscle weakness as defined by Barbara Piper, An Associate Professor of Nursing at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 28
Obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar can cause fatigue. It takes more work for your body to move when you are obese. The heart has to work harder to pump blood against a high blood pressure. The blood is thicker with high blood sugars and is harder to move blood throughout your body. Insulin resistance with diabetes make it hard for your body to use carbohydrates for energy. When someone is too tired, things just do not get done. Activities are put off till later or never completed. Adjustments are made in life that are gradual till finally you may realize that you just do not do as much as you used too. This is not a sign of aging. This is a sign of fatigue. There is hope for people that are tired all the time and do not have energy. How do you get rid of the fatigue so you are not so tired? How do you exercise when you are so tired? Is it motivation or a physical condition? After a medical doctor has ruled out medical diseases, an expert nurse specialized in fatigue can do a complete assessment to determine a plan of action to turn things around. For more information and testimonials of some that now have more energy, check out www. cardinalelements.com.
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