Hollywood Weekly October 2015

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The Iconic Roxy ROCKS-OUT


Matt Damon Climbs Up At Rise Nation Gym

Celeb-Party Swag-Bag Items Exposed..Finally!


ire of Hollywood Meet the New Jerry Magu HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 1

october 2015


The Editor

Dear Readers, Something about fall gets our blood pumping a bit quicker… it must be that the temperature is cooling down and it’s time for our ‘winter attire’ (you know, long sleeved t-shirts so we can trek up Runyon Canyon). We feel the chill and embrace the transition to cooler months. And we find gratefulness for the change when we can hold onto the warmth of luminaries

PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF Prather Jackson VICE PRESIDENT Bernice Harris Michael D. Coxson OPERATIONS Erskine D. McSwain (1991-2000) MANAGING EDITOR Jenny Werth

such as Franco Masada. Wherever Franco ventures, excitement follows. And fortunately, he’s






Hollywood where he’s making an impact with his new movie “The Birthright” and boutiquestyle management company. Franco reminds us that we truly can realize our destiny. It’s not always a smooth road; but if you look carefully, you’ll find there are often flowers that sprout up within the cracks of Hollywood’s sidewalks. And it’s here that we find Franco smiling on the iconic corner of Hollywood & Vine where thousands of stars have ambled before, and where Franco stands now.

FASHION EDITOR Jacob (For The Stars Fashion House) PHOTO EDITOR Giles Spencer MARKETING & SALES Launy Rhem

His story is of imagined dreams, perseverance and ultimate success. And it’s on the same type iconic Hollywood corner where the 67th Emmys triumphed yet again in a long line of successes! The talented triumphs, the latest fashions and the excitement

ART DIRECTOR Karina Pacheco

buzzed in the streets as party-goers gathered together in appreciation of this black-tie and gorgeous-gown affair! It’s funny, many tourists say: “LA doesn’t have any ‘real’ seasons;” but, I disagree. We have our


Web Designer Alexandra Yachmen

“own” unique seasons which are shown in full bloom with one drive down Sunset or Hollywood Boulevard (or Fountain- for those “in-the-know”... shhh). They each offer a picturesque view of trees having changed their hues and gorgeous plants which have come into their own with unique “LA-style.” Yes, winter-coats of deep reds, lively oranges and royal yellows fill the city.

music editor Dick Michaels


Los Angeles always dazzles- both on-and-off screen! Every season presents a new reason for celebration, and as all fellow Angelenos know, we celebrate them all with fervor and pride! May you take in the scents, scenes and sweetness of fall!

LIFE & STYLE EDITOR Niki Shadrow-Snyder

contributing PHOTOGRAPHers Tasha Cooney

Please remember that life is not a dress rehearsal. Do what you will with integrity. At the end of the day, and at the end of your life, you will not have the chance to repeat anything. You only have NOW to make things the way you’d most like them to be. Believe in yourself. You must. AND last, but certainly, certainly, not least, we wish dear Franco a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Franco, may you have a special birthday full of love, joy and peace.

Research Development Alberto Arellano PRODUCTION MANAGER Hector Santacruz

Much love,

Jenny Werth Jenny Werth

managing EDITOR jennywerth@gmail.com P.S. Please email me at Jennywerth@gmail.com with your comments and ideas! I love your comments! The Global Refugee Crisis needs our support. Estimates report that more people have been displaced than at any time since World War II. Please goto www.unicefusa.org/Syria.

Featured Writer

Jennie Jones

vp corporate accounts strategy & planning Rudy Germany Distributors dominion distribution gold key media news inflight, inc

KEEP UP WITH HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY AT: www.hollywoodweeklymagazine.com FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @hollywoodweeklymagazine (323) 456-5004

WEEKLY october 2015

The Emmys




Hollywood’s New ‘Jerry Maguire’ Shows How It’s Done... The Best or Nothing At All.

The Infamous Roxy Rocks with Johnny Depp & Alice Cooper.





Dionusia Patricia Takes Hollywood By Storm with Brains & Beauty!

Swag-Bag Revealed!


“HW” Exposes What Celebs Take Home in those Sweet Swag-Bags! A True Look!

Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Hilary Duff & More Celebrate LA’s Hottest “IT” Gym with Sweet Style!



Cheryl Burke Helps 7th Annual Lupus Poker Event Score a Royal-Flush

By Jenny Werth The age-old question “Why can’t we all just get along?!” is on Franco Masada’s mind. And he’s on a mission to address the problem and help solve it by bringing more love and harmony into Hollywood and the world, one film at a time. In fact, he’s already been given the green-light to go into production on a film he wrote and is co-producing called “The Birthright.”

He’s co-producing the film with 360

Studios founder Keith Barrows. The studio is thriving with highly- anticipated projects including the independent


feature film “Night Walk” starring luminaries such as Eric

Meet the New ‘Jerry Maguire’ of Hollywood

“Franco’s films aim to change society’s environment of ‘negativity’ into one of love. He’s starting with his film “The Birthright” in production with Studio 360.” 6 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY


Photos: Tasha Cooney

got your back. But, he holds your hand,

Roberts, Tiny Lister and Patrick Kilpatrick. “The Birthright” is a film that Franco

“I was looking for

too. He’s a commanding presence but he

describes as “The Bourne Identity” meets

a mentor to guide

certainly has a tender and nostalgic heart as

“The Fugitive.” It tells the harrowing story of

me in this city. To

well. He holds dear mighty attributes such

a computer genius who discovers a carefully

have someone who

as accountability and honesty, sentiments

hidden secret that exposes a new real present danger which threatens the entire world. The kicker is that only this genius has the answer to ultimately save the world, but he must find his true identity in order to discover it. The idea for the film kept circulating in Franco’s mind and he couldn’t “turn it off.”

understands the business and knows people. That’s really important and I needed that. It makes you grounded as well. I needed someone who was

that he feels have become diminished in modern American culture. “People have lost integrity and standards. (But) things don’t pay off by being a conniver or a liar… it may in the short run, but in the long run, it will come back and you’ll pay dearly for it. Your word is your

Fortunately, the film finalized his decision to

genuine and kind-

bond,” Franco shares.

move back to Hollywood where he resides in

hearted (but) also

his five story home in the Hollywood Hills.

You see, when Franco walks into a room,

‘has your back,’ quite

“It feels like it’s supposed to be and where I’m

people take notice- all eyes focus on


supposed to be in this time and this moment.” And this is only the beginning. In truth, this

-Zara Adams

to love and respect everyone as they would expect people to treat them… there doesn’t have to be hatred and animosity.” It’s essential everyone understand that Franco’s aim is to try and make society become less selfish. “If people loved one another (more), then there would be less differences and problems,” he echoes.

Indeed, a real-life

‘mover-and-shaker’ who lives by the

Franco’s active mind. He has plenty of others the perception of humanity.” Franco would like “for people

He has that “I’m-going-to-make-

something-happen” quality about him. He’s a powerhouse.

is just one of many ideas for films flowing in that he plans to release with a common purpose: “to help shift


golden principles of integrity, honesty and truthfulness. He’s the kind of manager everyone wants on their side in a crazy town like Hollywood. The irony of it lays in the fact that Franco isn’t trying to be a star. And that’s lucky for everyone he manages, because frankly this is one man who could fill a kaleidoscope of roles. With big blue eyes and enviable eyebrows, Franco sees through eyes of wisdom to guide his aspiring and established actors, models and artists. Certainly, after going through

Furthermore, his movie opens the doors for those he

the gamut of colorful careers himself, he knows the best

manages in his management company, “Franco Presents”

avenues to help others.

to be involved in the film either as an actor or in another

And be aware that for Franco, when things heat up, they


He manages what he calls a “boutique-style

company” because his clients become family. That’s the depth of attention he gives to those he dedicates his time. One of his clients is the gorgeous model and actress Zara Adams from London. She just moved to LA a few months ago and was thrilled to find a manager and friend in Franco.

quickly boil over into one word: Success. And he’s had plenty of experience with it. He wears many hats, all which have led him on a path through multiple entertainment industry encounters. He started from humble beginnings as an inventory and stockroom clerk in a Nashville specialty boutique clothing store. From there, he quickly grew to

Zara explains her experience with Franco: “I was looking for

top salesman and eventually became a sought-out clothing

a mentor to guide me in this city. To have someone who

designer and consultant to hundreds of celebrities and

understands the business and knows people. That’s really

musicians who asked for Franco by name. In essence, many

important and I needed that. It makes you grounded as well.

Nashville performers and international celebrities became

I needed someone who was genuine and kind-hearted (but)

his friends.

also ‘has your back,’ quite literally.”

“I was well known but not famous or anything… I just

Indeed, if you’re in Franco’s world, you can be sure he’s

enjoyed staying behind-the- scenes. I was flattered that so



Photo: Tasha Cooney


Tim Ehmann, co-producer with Franco at Capitol Records.

many artists respected my taste in clothing because I was always honest if something looked good on them or not. I guess that’s how it all sort of kicked off,” Franco recalls. Franco went on to become national sales director for two specialty wholesale clothing lines and ran an office in New York City’s famed Empire State Building where he closed major contracts with thousands of stores including Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales. Naturally, with a residence in both New York and Nashville, Franco was quite busy! But that didn’t slow him down. Instead, he soon opened his own retail clothing boutique in Nashville with his first personal wholesale clothing line which spread into over 300 stores in the first year. Hundreds of celebrities frequented Franco’s store including Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, Tanya Tucker and even Eddie Money; but they came not just for his amazing clothing great wardrobe people and clothing stores in Nashville, so it’s not about the clothes… it’s about relationships. People buy from people they like and from people that truly show they care more about the client and not their money,” Franco shares.

Photo: Tasha Cooney

selection, but because they loved Franco. “There are many

Over the years Franco has had the pleasure of working with many great celebrities such as the famous late JAMES BROWN, GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS, EDDIE MONEY, TIM MCGRAW, GARTH BROOKS, VINCE GILL, RONNIE MILSAP, LEE GREENWOOD, DOLLY PARTON, THE HONKY TONK MAN (WWF WRESTLER), DON KING, LOVERBOY, THE LYNYRD SKYNYRD BAND, TAKE 6, WHITESNAKE, MOTLEY CRUE, CINDERELLA, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, U2 AND SADE… just to name a few. This chapter of Franco’s earlier life turned into a lifelong commitment to integrity intertwined in accomplishment. And it’s served him well as he’s journeyed from one successful venture to the next with a rare humility toward his multiple

“I feel that I have a message to bring to the world. I feel I’m here to shift the world, I believe that through film, music and fashion, my films are all about having a message of integrity, love and redemption.”

accomplishments. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 11

Jay Leno

Eddie Money

But Franco’s first true love is music. He’s a great talented

a top company and quickly became the #1 salesman on the

musician himself who plays the guitar, drums and piano. So,

entire west coast. Moreover, when he began earning more

to add to his accolades he composed and produced the sound

than the company vice president, the CEO/President asked

track for the award winning Malcolm X documentary, “Brother

Franco to train his entire company. Flattered, Franco put

Minister: The Assassination of Malcolm X,” produced and

together a one day motivational/sales training seminar using

directed by Jack Baxter which includes music credits by Richie

top Hollywood movie clips and created an amazing interactive

Havens and Annie Lennox. Truly, that’s company of talent!

seminar that began to transform people’s lives in addition to

Plus, he’s a music producer who presently manages several

increase sales for the company.

new artists. In fact, Franco produced a recording session this

“Nobody would leave (the seminar) even after being there all

past January with his good friend and co-producer Tim Ehmann right in studio A at Capitol Records. Naturally while working at Capitol Records, he brilliantly produced his new Funk Rock band, “MasadaJones,” (www.masadajonesband.com) with two of the new artists he manages including Phil Jones on vocals and Danno. Of course, Danno is the 12-year-old child prodigy drummer from South Africa who was endorsed by Yamaha at only four-years-old. Yes, 2015 has positively kicked off with a bang for Franco! Truth be told, things are happening as fast as a race car in many areas of Franco’s life including in his talent management company, “Franco Presents” which has expanded to include the management of actors, models and artists. “It started with one actor. Hmmm, sounds like a movie I once saw. Then more actors just started approaching me and said they saw something different in me. I am humbled and honored to be given the chance to help mentor and guide some amazing talent entrusted to me.” He’s just the kind of man who masters whatever he sets his mind on. At one point he even choose to walk away from his amazing triumph in Nashville’s clothing and entertainment industry to move back to his hometown of San Jose, CA. Naturally in true ‘Franco-style,’ he leaped headfirst into advertising sales with 12 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

day! People would walk up to me and say: ‘you changed my life today.’ Now, that’s something you don’t hear every day… and they would ask me, ‘why don’t you do this full time?’ (And I had thought) about it many times because speaking into people’s lives is what I love to do most… no matter if it’s one-on-one or to an audience,” Franco recalls. It sounds unlikely, but also at this time, Franco started a top Latin Funk Rock band. However, unlike his first high-school rock band, he now had top pros and former band members of “Santana,” “Malo,” “Tower of Power” and “Sly & the Family Stone.” Plus, Franco has performed in concerts with Sly, “Malo,” “The Average White Band,” “The Gap Band,” “El Chicano,” and Sheila E. along with her father, the latin legend Peter Escovedo, whom Franco considers a good friend. Indeed the question begs to be asked: “Franco, where do you get the energy and ability to persevere with all you do, and have done through the years?” His answer is quite simple: “God.” Franco was also asked which celebrities stood out to him over the years. “I would have to say one of the highlights back in my clothing days was being invited to see Jay Leno at ‘The Tonight Show.’ Jay’s people had heard about me and

Tim McGraw

Gladys Knight

before I knew it, I was backstage with Jay and all the guests

to him: ‘That song I played for you was a hit!’ James just

for that night. I presented Jay with one of my custom shirts

laughed and said... ‘I told you so! I know a hit when I hear

and his eyeballs popped out and he shouted, ‘What a nice

one!’ I was traveling in South Africa when I heard the news

shirt! What a nice, nice shirt!... Let’s take a picture!”

of his passing. I felt honored to have known this great artist

“Then there was the time I told Tim McGraw one day while

and loved James very much, as I cried that day for this man

he was shopping in my store in Nashville: ‘you’re going to be

that once showed love to me and believed in me.”

a superstar some day and then you’ll forget guys like me.’ Tim

And while Franco’s memories are bittersweet, he also lives

replied, ‘Thanks for believing in me, but I won’t forget you if

with great vigor and excitement for the present day; which

that happens.’ Not long after that, Tim had a big hit that put him

leads us back to his film “The Birthright.” It’s a film that now

on the top and he stopped returning my calls and never came

allows Franco an ideal platform to get his message out. But,

back. But, a few months later I was at a Country Music Radio

to think he’s had this kind of success after barely being back

D.J. convention and suddenly in the midst of thousands, from

in Hollywood less than a year is almost, well, like something

across the hall a voice was yelling out, ‘Franco, Franco!’ And

that only happens in the movies. But then again, Franco’s life

Tim walked up and gave me a big hug and said, ‘Got your calls,

parallels that of a blockbuster.

but it’s been crazy ever since that hit song. I said I wouldn’t

“I’m not working under the gun; I don’t have to do this… I

forget you!’ Since then Franco has been backstage many times when Tim is in town as he always takes a minute to say hello.”

feel that I have a message to bring to the world. I feel I’m here to shift the world, I believe that through film, music and

Franco continues with dynamic memories: “I am particularly

fashion, my films are all about having a message of integrity,

fond of my time spent with JAMES BROWN. We would sit

love and redemption.”

in his hotel room and talk about fashion, his love for patent

In a town of “a lot of talk and no action,” Franco is a no-

leather boots, music, life and God. He was just an amazing person and once the business of clothing was done, he wanted to know how I was doing and about my music. Once he asked to listen to a group I was in at the time and offered nothing but great words of love and encouragement. (He) even predicted that I would have a hit song in that particular market. And not long after, my song hit the top 10! A few months later, James called me and said, ‘I just got back from

nonsense kind of man who is very comfortable in the driver’s seat of a powerful car, say, a Maserati. But he carries a humility knowing “it’s not about him” but about how he can help others. This is Franco’s edge: to journey through the tedious maze of Hollywood’s movie and music industry while leading his flock. This is a maze that’s all about having, maintaining and building the right relationships. And this is

Europe and had a fabulous time filming the new “Rocky”

just one other place where Franco excels. Plus, steering you

movie and performed my song ‘Living in America.’ After

from a high-performance car such as a Maserati doesn’t hurt

that he ordered more boots and clothes and I broke the news

the effort either. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 13


And you better believe he plays by his own rules. He’s constantly putting his ‘all’ into his various projects. Just one example of this is the time he made history and launched “Franco Presents” by bringing “Sly & the Family Stone” back to perform after 25 years at a huge weekend musical festival in San Jose. The event took place on 7-7-07, or 777. Yes, just another in a long line of Franco’s incredible feats. And he has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. Quite the opposite! “I’m making as many quality contacts as I can that will help open (more) opportunities for me and my clients. My job is to bring those opportunities to them. That’s building great relationships. This will benefit my film and music clients (which also) ties in my actors, models and music clients… I’m out there beating the bushes everyday, (doing the) ‘Jerry Maguire thing.’ It’s all about relationships.” And he’s incredibly enthusiastic: “I love LA and Hollywood! This is where it all started for me. I came to Hollywood with a recording contract at 18 years old and stood right here at Hollywood and Vine by Capitol Records, and now I’m back to stay. Funny, how life comes full circle… but the key is let it come to you and not force it. Then it’s for real.” Make no mistake: Franco will continue to take our breath

Photos: Tasha Cooney

away. We just have to wait until we can finally exhale.

“Text Franco at 21777 to Opt in for special updates”

w w w. f r a n c o p r e s e n t s . c o m HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 15

DOBEL KICKS OfF EMMY WEEKEND WITH The Hollywood Vampires Live Perfomance at The Roxy Featuring Johnny Depp, Alice Cooper, and Joe Perry with guest performer Perry Farrell & The Television Industry Advocacy Awards Benefitting The Creative Coalition in Partnership with TV Guide Magazine and TVInsider.com Honoring Laverne Cox, Eva Longoria, Anthony Anderson, Tim Robbins, Constance Zimmer, Alan Cumming, Beth Behrs, Jeffrey Tambor, Alfre Woodard, and Neal Baer

DOBEL tequila sponsored the 29 year reunion of Vampire Hollywood this weekend at the Roxy on Sunset. Headliners included Johnny Depp fresh on the eve of his new blockbuster movie Black Mass. Also guest performances by Jane’s Addiction frontman Perry Farrell with Alice Cooper and Steve Perry. They had surprise performances by Marilyn Manson, Miley Cyrus, and Kesha. After the concert VIP guests and celebs went upstairs to the private club on On the Rox for the Dobel Tequila private After Party, filled with lots of groupies and friends. While on stage singing I’M EIGHTEEN. Marilyn Manson got on his knees to professes love to Alice Cooper, who then replied “Marilyn you are a fine young lady”. Marilyn then turn to Johnny Depp and professed the same love then rising to get in the big red kiss mark on his neck. This is the first time that Alice Cooper brought




who last performed 29 years ago with band members included John Lennon. Bernie Taupin, Harry Nilsson, Micky Dolenz , Rongo Starr and Kieth Moon. DOBEL also hosted the premier kick off event to Emmy weekend. With honorees including Laverne Cox , Eva

Longoria Anthony

Anderson , Tim Robbins , Constance 16 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

Eva Longoria arrives at the Television Industry Advocacy Awards benefitting The Creative Coalition hosted by TV Guide Magazine and TVInsider with support from Maestro Dobel Tequila, produced by AMPitLIVE at Sunset Tower Hotel

Maestro Dobel Tequila

Alan Cumming (L) and Monica Lewinsky arrive at the Television Industry Advocacy Awards benefitting The Creative Coalition


Zimmer , Alan Cumming , Beth Behrs , Jeffrey Tambor, Alfre Woodard, Neal Baer. Highlights






Longoria’s acceptance speech, followed by moving acceptance speech by Jeffrey Tambor. Sparking the conversation that for 2016 the presidential ticket should be Longoria and Tambora. Monica Lewinski came with Alan Cummings, and was very standoffish and did not want to post for any photos. She admitted to being nervous when presenting him with his award. And also stated that they had been friends for 16 years. She said that he is the type of friend who will tell you to stay clear stay clear of a romance. And then made a joke if only she had met him “a few years earlier”. The guests were also presented with special edition bottles of Dobel tequila that come in a guitar case. Laverne Cox credited and thanks Candis Cayne for opening up doors for she and other transgender women. And that she is her role model.0). HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 17



Patricia Beauty, Brains, and Brauns- This Model-TurnedActress Has Her Eye On That Prize- An Oscar and Golden Globe- That Is.


Dionusia Patricia, originally from Chicago, Illinois, is definitely the eye of the beholder. Don’t let her looks fool you. This beauty headed off to college at the age of 15, in which she was also one of project organizers for my entrepreneurship program and for her astronomy class! It wasn’t until later on in life she learned that she had a talent and a knack for something that could ‘make’ her. Little did she know that by paying for a photo shoot would ultimately turn into a career. “I just wanted to

I am fortunate to have them being able to tell me how it is and not sugar coat anything- I am one lucky lady! “

look pretty, and have my portfolio done, stated Patricia. I ended up landing a few paying gigs and quickly realized I could turn this into a full time job.” Being able to meet talented people while being inspired by the craft of their art produced is one of the many reasons she has fallen in love with her career choice. Although this is a very tough industry to break into Patricia has


Photographer: Diante Thomas @Myartyoureyesphotography Make up: Leslie Munoz Hair: Ramsay Marston @RamsayMarston Wadrobe Stylist: Alyssa Thomas Doorhy @Cochicstyling Model: Dionusia Patricia @DionusiaP

managed to make it seem effortless, by remaining strong, determined, and focused with what she wants in life throughout this career by understanding the silver lining. She exclaims that she is inspired by Coco Chanel because of her ability to completely revolutionize the fashion industry, empowering women, and standing up for her views and beliefs. “The next five years of your life are going to pass not matter what. What do you want at the end of it,” Patricia reflects. As she discusses words of wisdom from her mother, she also discusses how this is how she views her life, which has served her due diligence Being able to meet a vast amount of talented people and be inspired by the art they produce comes with the territory of being immersed in this industry. Loving to create something beautiful and the perfecting the craft of acting has served as giving Patricia and understated rush. Staying slim, trim, and healthy doesn’t come easy. Dee tends to stick to smaller portions which consist of: an apple or grapefruit for breakfast, tuna with avocado for lunch, hummus and broccoli for a snack and sushi for dinner, in order to keep her figure picture perfect. Of course behind every successful person is an amazing group of supporters. “My family has been such an amazing backbone and my manager Launy, has so much faith in me and I am very blessed to have him working so hard to get me in front of the people I need to be in front of, states Patricia. My mentor Marcus Cobb has always been an incredible source of inspiration and knowledge, and of course my friends are always there for me! I am fortunate to have them being able to tell me how it is and not sugar coat anything- I am one lucky lady! “ From bridal shoots to high end fashion shoots, Dee undeniably has that ‘it’ factor. Whether its her: energy, versatile looks, brains, positivity, or the great team behind her that draws you to her, Dionusia Patricia, is quickly catching the eyes of many. For additional information please contact: UEM Management Division Launy Rhem (310) 461-7049 or via email modelmgr@gmail.com



Laverne Cox - New Balance

Zendaya - Cottonelle

Carrie Ann Inaba - New Balance

Alan Cumming - Centrum Vitamints

Pre-Emmys Party at The London in West Hollywood had stars celebrating at Extra’s 1st Annual “Weekend ​O​f | Lounge

Jamberry - Vanderpump Rules Scheana Marie and Katie Maloney

Stars such as “Extra” Hosts Mario Lopez, Tracey Edmonds, Renee Bargh, and Terri Seymour, along with a stellar cast of star-studded actors and musicians including Jane Lynch, Samuel L. Jackson,


Gina Rodriguez, Matt LeBlanc, Felicity Huffman, Taryn Manning,

New Balance, Simmons Beautyrest,

Laverne Cox, Zendaya, Jamie Pressly, Rico Rodriguez, Alan

Luxe On-Demand Valet Parking, Centrum

Cummings, Adrienne Bailon, Anthony Anderson & Beau Bridges

VitaMints, Hovertrax by Inventist, Inc.,

had a great time!

Cottonelle, Jamberry, Sabra Dipping Co.,

They were all smiles as they checked out fabulous sponsor’s items

WowWee, Le Mieux, Ultimate Ears Boom 2, Rum

including Aquaswiss, DSTLD, Vanessa Lianne Jewelry, Bombata

Diplomá​tico, Jill Reno Collection, Aquaswiss,

Bags, Sania’s Brow Bar, Shea Chic, Essentia Water, and Rachel

DSTLD, Vanessa Lianne Jewelry & Bombata Bags

Winokur Interiors.

Gina Rodriguez Simmons Beautyrest

WowWee Robot Enhanced Vehicles - Rico Rodriguez

Mario Lopez - Luxe



Jason Walsh By Jenny Werth



HW: What is your advice for those who feel as though “I’m too old, too far overweight or too tired (etc..) to try and get healthy now?” Jason: I think that there are obvious ailments associated with age that can restrict certain types of exercise, but most can be overridden with proper exercise. I’ve seen too many clients slow or even reverse symptoms associated with age, so don’t get too caught up on numbers.

HW: How do your class level options help assist a beginner who may feel a bit intimidated to try climbing? Jason: The 101 class is the best class to begin with for all populations because we take more time to explain the details of climbing along with a slower pace so that the client has time to adapt. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 25


To crawl, climb and walk are part of our makeup... how have you utilized these core basics into such a successful concept? What makes climbing so beneficial? Jason: Crawling, walking, running and climbing are all primitive movements innate to us all and are made up of the cross crawl motion. Climbing incorporates all major muscle groups working together as intended by the human body. Our class reinforces proper movement making you stronger.

HW: What inspires you? Motivates you? Jason: I’m inspired daily from many sources,

but the constant is daily work with clients and witnessing their progress and overcoming hurdles that stand in their way for a better/healthier life. I’m motivated by knowledge and the application of new knowledge. I’m here to inspire others by applying that knowledge

HW: How does one “get their motivation back” when they’ve become a bit complacent with their health and workouts? Jason: (Complacency) is a great indicator that it’s time to mix things up! Know that exercise and training have come a long way in the past decade. There are a lot of really good people out there doing

www.rise-nation.com 26 HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY

ON amazing things with this new knowledge, so research and find out what/who people are talking about. You never know, it might be that change that sparks the change most people need for results. There isn’t one formula that works for everyone

HW: How does Rise Nation differ from other fitness programs/gyms? Jason: Rise Nation differs because we are getting the work that most do in an hour, done in 30 min. We are also utilizing the vertical aspect, WE CLIMB!!

HW: Are there any particular students who have found great results (both physically and/or mentally) you’d like to mention?


We’ve had so many clients get results whether it’s getting stronger, leaner, or overall just fitter. The class is superior when it comes to results, so all my clients take class for one reason or another. Recently we’ve used rise nation as a conditioning tool for Matt Damon and his prep for movies.

HW: Is mental health as important as physical health? Why? How do the two hold hands? Jason: Each reciprocate one another, so, yes mental health and physical health are as important as the other. You’ll find that the progression of physical health will impact mental health in an almost parallel fashion, sharpening the mind. Some studies even suggest working out makes one smarter!




Rise Nation Climbs to the Top with Star-Studded Launch Event

Jason Walsh, founder of Rise Nation celebrated the opening of his fitness studio in West Hollywood last month in star-studded style. Guests were invited to attend an exclusive celebration on the patio of Rise Nation where attendees were able to enjoy the outdoor views, open bar and passed appetizers. The invite-only launch event was held at Rise Nation on their outdoor patio. Rolling Greens Nursery sponsored a succulent and cactus take-away bar, Justin Timberlake who was unable to attend last minute with his wife, Jessica Biel, both graciously supplied the bar with his 901 Tequila, Paleta shared mixers and passed appetizers and the gift bags were stocked with amazing goodies including jewelry from London Manori and yoga pants from Teeki. Jason’s closest friends and clients came out to support their trainer including Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, John Kraskinski, Hilary Duff and many, more! Celebrities in attendance included: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, John Krasinkski, Hilary Duff, Minka Kelly, Lily Collins, Topher Grace, Ashley Tisdale, Eli Roth


Swag bag Viviscal® Extra Strength Dietary Supplements

Viviscal® introduces their extra strength dietary supplement, Viviscal Extra Strength, formulated with 50% more of the revolutionary active ingredient, AminoMar™ marine complex. This proprietary ingredient can only be found in the Viviscal line of products and is scientifically formulated to help nourish thinning hair and promote existing hair growth* from within, during the Anagen phase of the hair growth cycle. Viviscal.com

The Rise Nation Event Swag Bag Items Revealed! Ever wonder what the celebs take home? The “Hollywood Weekly” Unveils Some of that Serious Swag!

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SELECTS Apothecary Opens as Premier Beauty Boutique in West Hollywood Inspired by products discovered on their extensive travels around the globe, SELECTS is guided by its co-founders, Genavieve Lynch and Benjamin Mohapi, who have culled a thoughtful selection of the world’s most outstanding and coveted luxury beauty brands. At SELECTS, shoppers will find an evolving selection of products with the highest quality ingredients that epitomize the utmost in craftsmanship. www.selectsapothecary.com

EAGLE FEATHER PINK HOT PANT Blessing the earth and the sky and the entire in between. Guided by the four directions we fly fast and free. teeki.com

Organic Avenue Love Cleanse

Ingredients: Combinations of pressed veggie and fruit juices, nut milk, chlorophyll. Celebrity Users: Gwyneth Paltrow Perks: Tasty concoctions like mint chocolate and ginger lemonade. Cost/Duration: $350/five days Support your mind and body with meals delivered fresh right to your door! Paleta.com



The Sean Costello

Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research By Debbie Costello Smith

Sean Costello was an internationally renowned blues musician. Winner of the Beale Street Blues Society’s Best Performer and their entrant to the International Blues Contest, at age 14, he later garnered such awards as Best New Artist at the 2003 Blues Feste (France); nominations for: Handy Award/Blues Music Awards; Blues Blast Best Contemporary Blues Recording; and 2014 induction into

The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research is a living

the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. Sean died of accidental overdose on April 15, 2008, the eve of his 29th birthday, due to complications of Bipolar

testimony to Sean’s spirit. Sean

Disorder (BD). NIMH defines “Bipolar disorder, also

used his depth of feeling and his

that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels,

talent for communicating through music to overcome what could have been insurmountable odds.

known as manic-depressive illness, [as] a brain disorder and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Unlike the more severe mood swings of Bipolar Type I, Bipolar Type II is characterized predominantly depression with episodes of hypomania. (Source: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/ publications/bipolar-disorder-in-adults/index.shtml) Sean was ‘golden’ according to many: handsome, humble, talented, generous, funny and always gracious. Perhaps it was these traits that overshadowed the social anxiety and depression that plagued him since a child. Over a decade of consultations with mental health providers culminated in a diagnosis of Bipolar Type II, one year before his passing. By that time, he was self-medicating, resulting in substance abuse and addiction. His mother, herself a medical professional, fought along side of him to diagnose and treat symptoms which he showed only to a very few. HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY 33

Fund’s efforts suggests that the incidence for those in a creative profession have a significantly higher chance of suffering with BD. “Patients with bipolar disorder are often more creative than those in the general population. One study estimated that rates of bipolar disorder were six times higher among eminently creative people than in the general population.” (Harness Creativity to Help People with Bipolar Disorder, Greg Murray, PhD, Swineburne University, www.seancostellofund.org) It is known that certain triggers can exacerbate mania, which often leads to risky, sometimes dangerous behavior. One serious and common trigger for mania is sleep disruption. According to research by SCMF Advisory Board Members Murray and Johnson: “Many creative occupations involve features that may increase risk of symptoms for those with BD, including increased rates of stress, alcohol and substance use, extremes of achievement and frustration, and chaotic schedules.” (Murray, G and Johnson, S., Clinical Psychology Review, Vol. 30, No.6, August 2010) Certainly, a musician faces all of those dangers. For Sean, it was a way of life. Sean endeavored until the end of his life to overcome the demons of the panic attacks, sleep deprivation and depression that plagued him, the cause of which remained undiagnosed and unrecognized until close to his death. The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research is a living testimony to Sean’s spirit. Sean used his depth of feeling and his talent for communicating through music to overcome what could have been insurmountable odds. For those in a creative field, their fans and loved ones, evidence based care and research based treatments When he died while in the care of a facility marketed as

are the foundations of hope. To offer a future of better

competent in the care of BD and a co-occurring alcohol

outcomes for the psychiatric diagnosis, that along with

addiction, she was convinced Sean could not have been

other morbidities, has the highest rate of successful

the only tragedy of a delayed diagnoses and ineffective

suicide, there must be a commitment of support, to

care. With his obituary, she founded The Sean Costello

include financial support as well as education, advocacy,

Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research (SCMF) (www.

and reduction of stigma.

seancostellofund.org), believing that his creativity was

In his last interview on April 14, 2008, the eve of his

intertwined with his diagnosis, medication and treatment. The primary mission of the SCMF is to support research of the connection between creativity and bipolar disorder.

death, Sean said: “I’ve played with B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Luther Thomas, Dr. John, Levon Helm, Donald Fagin . . . James Cotton, Pinetop Perkins, Hubert Sumlin, Jody

Seven years later, the Fund has participated in and funded

Williams . . . Nappy Brown, Tinsley Ellis. I’ve played with

seminal research on the topic. The literature is replete

most of my heroes, you know. I’ve been very lucky.” Those

with intimations of the connection; however, research

who knew him still feel the very same way.

regarding this population is in its infancy. The Fund’s mission seemed to hit a nerve when its research team was invited to present at the International Review for Bipolar


Disorders in Rome in 2010. Research associated with the

for more information.





“I’ve got a light. It keeps on shining in my mind. Day and night. It just keeps burnin’ all the time.”


Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research

- Sean Costello, No Half Steppin’

Mission: The purpose of The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research is to apply Sean’s celebrity and music to address the connection between creativity and bipolar disorder in three ways: Research, Advocacy and Reduction of Stigma.

Goals: • To support research for early intervention and diagnosis. • To promote research focused on the connection between creativity and bipolar disorder.

• To support research focusing on the connection between bipolar disorder and social anxiety.

• To lobby for health care policy changes to facilitate better treatment and prevention.

• To provide services for musicians who suffer such emotional challenges, but who often have no insurance and who live in a world full of triggers. • To provide resources for families.

About Sean Costello Sean was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2014. Because of his unique interpretation of American roots music and his generous spirit, Sean’s passing has ignited a burning desire to keep his personal and musical memory alive and to translate the human side of his suffering into action that will help in research, education, outreach and treatment efforts for Bipolar Disorder.

With your help, we hope to facilitate our goals.The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization and donations are tax deductible. - See more at:

www.seancostellofund.org http://seancostellofund.org/donate/ DONATE







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Celebrities and supporters of Lupus LA came together at the 7th Annual Get Lucky for Lupus LA Celebrity Poker Tournament and Party at historic Avalon nightclub at Hollywood & Vine recently hosted by Mekhi Phifer, one of Lupus LA’s ambassadors and Cheryl Burke. Don Cheadle, Joanna Krupa, Melissa and Joey’s Taylor Spreitler, Turned Up’s Danielle Milian, Bachelor In Paradise’s Sammi Stefan, Ryan Cabrera, Mad Men’s Paul Johansson, Stitchers’



Mistresses’ Dondre Whitfield, Million Dollar

Annual Get Lucky For Lupus LA Celebrity

Poker Tournament and Party!

Listings’ Josh Altman, Shawne Merriman, celebrity poker stars Tiffany Michelle and Maria Ho, Major Crimes’ Tony Denison, Supernatural’s Travis Aaron Wade,


The Virgin’s Nick Gonzalez, Scott Michael Campbell






celebrities that came to support the cause. The event raised over $130K for lupus research and local patient programs. Each year Lupus LA presents awards to individuals who strive to make the world better for those living with lupus, whether it is through research, charitable gifts, spreading awareness and more. This year’s recipient of the Ace Award was presented to The Winterstern Family. The












cosmetics and MPIC Events. Drinks were provided by Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Biddle Ranch Vineyard and Peroni beer.

About Lupus LA A disease with no cure, lupus affects 1.5

promotes lupus research, awareness, and

Million people in the US, which is more

education, and serves the needs of people

than cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis

with lupus and their families in California.

combined. Ninety percent of lupus patients

In the past eleven years, the event has raised

are women. The Get Lucky For Lupus LA

nearly $2.5 Million for the cause. To learn

event raises funds for Lupus LA, which

how you can “Get into the Loop” please visit www.LupusLA.org or call 310.657.LOOP.



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