Hollywood Weekly June 2009 LSW

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c O n tEn ts JUNE


COVER 4 Love, She Wrote

F E AT U R E 12 New Era Debt Solutions 16 The Picasso of Surfing in America 18 The “Reality” of Building A Brand 34 Creating The Power From Within To Last A Lifetime

E N T E R TA I N M E N T 30 LA Theatre Beat

CELEBRITY 22 Scene In LA 24 Ed Hardy Vodka


WEBMASTER Autumn Hawarden FILM Iman Lyons LIFE & STLYE EDITOR Niki Shadrow


OPERATIONS Erskine D. McSwain (1991-2000)




CONTRIBUTORS Raina Silberstein Anthony Calderon Lili Ramirez Leah Michele Yananton Sarah Klegman Jessica Amodeo Adam Freeman Pockross Andy Nguyen Rachel Stuhler K. Carlson Leah Yananton Rayne Sieling Steve Zall Sid Fish


Hollywood Weekly is a monthly publication wholly owned by Jackson Publishing Company. © 2009 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any content without written permission of the Publisher is expressly prohibited. Letters to the Editor may be sent to: Hollywood Weekly, 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 290-14, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Email: editor@jacksonpublishing.com. For Advertising inquiries call: (323)

934-6397, or Online at: www.hollywoodweekly.net



Love, She Wrote True Notes From America’s Next Great Band http://www.myspace.com/loveshewrote By Anthony Calderon Few things in our society of Pop Culture are as coveted as the quintessential “Rock Article.” The purpose of said article is to – in 1,000 odd words or less – provide the reader with a glimpse into the musical magic being produced by some band, on some stage, in some club, bar or makeshift venue, somewhere across America… Fair enough, but the current status of the Rock Article holds nowhere near the power it did in the time of, say, Cameron Crowe’s “Almost Famous,” where classic rock bands were still cooling from their molten lava stage, having only been formed in the “Cosmic Big Bang” of the sixties – the sound of these bands eventually solidified in our social consciousness, and formed the foundation of everything we steal from today… But this is the age of mass marketing, and corporate meddling in all things artistic. Rock Bands are created with such frequency you’d think they came off an assembly line. The sheer speed at which Bands come into existence now has earned them the right to have their own statistic – at last count I think it was one Band in America being produced every 20 minutes. Conversely, the meltdown of American Bands also have their own statistic: one Band is



broken up every 30 minutes, then reformed with different lead singers and lead guitarists every 40 minutes. For some reason, lead singers and lead guitarists seem to be the most transitory figures in Rock Bands, whereas Drummers and Bass Players, like the rhythm they keep, appear to be more steadfast in their commitment to their given bands…with, of course, the exception of Sting and The Police, Phil Collins and Genesis, and Don Henley and The Eagles – but they were all singers anyway, so the theory still stands… So, if you’ve all been following along with me, the real statistic we should be looking at as the status of American Bands is one band “Reformed” every 40 minutes… And it is with this somewhat jaded outlook on the present condition of the music industry that I met with the band Love, She Wrote, in the Wilshire headquarters of the Hollywood Weekly… Like soldiers going into battle, the three-man-team of Love, She Wrote walked into our office with the necessary (and expected) armor of tattoos and piercings – but that’s where the stereotypes ended. What I found in this trio of musicians were just three down-to-earth fellows writing and playing music about the things going on in their lives, which happen to be – in alphabetical order: Girlfriends, Ladies and Women… Okay, they’ve got my interest… Joey C., Michael O. and Nick B. Three guys singing and playing from their hearts about girls. No pretension. No attitudes. Just being real… Now, what are they actually saying about the women they’re singing about? Thankfully, the lyrics to all five songs on their new CD Oh! And About Last Night… are printed – and, by the way, even the freakin’ title of their record brings back haunting memories of arguments with past girlfriends… From their song Bling Bling Baby – “I have to go, I can’t stay here/You’re not to blame girl, there’s nothing to fear/It’s been raining for months, and it feels like a year/ But tonight the sky is clear.” The song is

a Universal Rally for couples to stop yelling, drop their fists, go out on the town and HAVE A BLAST… This is a HUGE single with a Big, Phat, Well-Rounded Sound… I’m talking Bass Pumping, Drums Slamming, Guitar Roaring. You think “It just doesn’t get better than this” – then it does… That Girl Is Fierce – no, not Tyra Bank’s mantra – is a song about love at first “public” sighting. A great cut that continues the energy of Bling Bling Baby… And that’s the main attraction of Love, She Wrote for me: these guys are one helluva’ group. The cohesion in which they play is phenomenal. This is a tight trio. If these guys weren’t writing songs they could rival the best cover bands out there, because they sound like anything they play they make better… Vocally, Joey C. is, as Raymond Chandler used to say, “The Genuine Article.” This kid can sing. You can

give the spin doctor in the music studio responsible for “fine-tuning” voices the night off. How refreshing is it to actually hear real talent…? I could actually feel my cynicism thawing… Outlaw, Josey Wales is my favorite cut on the record. It’s a song about a girl breaking up with you – I had this track on “Repeat” all night… My favorite lines: “I felt the tension in the room, but deep down I was on to you/And I’m not giving up or packing anything/And the awkward silence burned, the tricks we played, the lies we learned.” … Yeah, that’s just about right… December Nights and Miss You close out the album, and, once again, these guys know the pain… There’s an honesty to their playing and songwriting, which is completely free of gimmicks, and absolutely full of soul…

Continues on page 06



All in all I spent over an hour interviewing Love, She Wrote, and many hours listening to their CD Oh! And About Last Night…, and what I’ve discovered is a true American Band made up of three polished musicians who are as well versed in talking about all the different genres of Rock Music as they are in playing them… This is a trio who defy categorization, unless you use the often-quoted, twopart classification system of the great Duke Ellington, who said, “Music only comes in two forms – good and bad.” As for Love, She Wrote, they’d be filed under “Good…”



Monica Cariveau M o n i c a ’s M o d e l i n g a n d P h o t o g r a p h y, L L C w w w. V i ew M o n i c a . c o m Booking Inquires:UEM Management Division,(310)836-2446 email:modelmgr@gmail.com Walking into a room poised, graceful, and s e x y t o b o o t , i s n o p r o b l e m f o r H o l l y w o o d ’s newest starlet, Monica Cariveau. Holding t h e t i t l e o f M s . B i k i n i A m e r i c a , Ta l l C l a s s Division, this vixen can evoke emotion on screen, raise the temperature with her smoking looks, and whip you into shape in a matter of minutes. Now in the process of filming several action roles, Monica is t aki n g a l l t h a t t h e i n d u s t r y h a s t o o f f e r. M o n i c a s u c c e s s f u l l y s e l l s h e r D V D ’s a n d merchandise including a new and unique l i n e o f Wo m e n ’s S p o r t s w e a r c a l l e d “ M o n i c a C a r i v e a u ’s D i v a F i t n e s s L i n e ” o n h e r we b s i t e w w w. v i ew m o n i c a . c o m . T h e fi t n e s s line which launched during the Ms. Bikini America event in LA, is the hottest work

out clothing around. Monica is now motivati n g t h e m a s s e s w i t h h e r “ R e i n v e n t Yo u r s e l f ” strategies in her personal training courses and phone consultations. Monica grew up in Minnesota and holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin- Stout, where she also played varsity volleyball. She is a gifted athlete with many talents in such diverse disciplines as martial arts, gymnastics, boxing, dance, skating and weight lifting. Previously Monica has appeared in the evening comedy series “ Cuts “ and “ One on One” at Paramount Studios in Hollywood working close with Executive Producer Bennie Richburg and actors such as Shannon Elizabeth and Kyla Pratt, also singers Marcus Houston, Ray J and Omarion. With her perfect body and star quality beaut y, M o n i c a C a r i v e a u i s d e f i n i t e l y t h e p e r sonification of the word “HOT”.







New Era Debt Solutions

Part 2.

The only benefit of getting into tremendous debt is I can immediately speak to a real person from a credit card company opposed to the countless computerized voices I used to tolerate before. I’ve even been given the box-of-gold private extension numbers along with the best times to call these people back. Boy, am I special. I mean, everyone knows the frustrating game of sitting around playing the ‘press #2’ button just to speak to some other computerized voice that instructs you to press #3 just to hear the same annoying voice, and then, eventually after being 90th in line you get your chance to talk to a human being- that is, if the line doesn’t disconnect. Well folks, let me tell you, now I’ve got real-life June, Tom and Nancy all calling me personally ready and willing to chat about all my wonderful options available to resolve my overdue accounts. My favorite is Nancy from Bank of America (the card I hate the most). Nancy personally leaves me lovely messages in a kind voice promising reduced payment programs for my debt! A little late Nancy! Sorry! You guys should have thought about that BEFORE you increased my APR to 27.99%! And what about all the times I



by Jenny Werth

personally called you to request you lower the revolting APR to a feasible interest rate- like one a normal person can afford on a monthly basis? Too bad Nancy from Bank of America Cheaters.... New Era Debt Solutions has a different plan that doesn’t involve any of your “reduced” interest rates! I am not only NOT going to ‘personally discuss’ a reduced payment program with you now that you’ve realized I’m not going to pay your outrageously ridiculous fees- but furthermore, New Era is going to settle my debt with you demons for about half of the balance that I owe or even less! I have news for you Nancy, there’s a boxing match going on between two companies in my world right now. One opponent is your untamed, impractical credit card company payments and the other is the realistic payment plan created specifically for me by New Era Debt Solutions. I don’t have to tell you who the winner is Nancy… that’s why you’re now personally calling me with offers you denied me months ago. Fortunately New Era has opened my eyes to quite a few things. One is that these credit card companies who harass, threaten and barrage you with constant calls to ‘pay

up,’ followed by ‘reduced payment plans,’ are really often willing to settle for some of the money you owe rather than absolutely nothing which is exactly what they might get if you declared bankruptcy. I wonder if Nancy feels bad that I won’t return her phone calls. Doubtful, she just wants me to feel like I’m prisoner in a debt-jail where Nancy’s payment plans are my only way out. Vice-president and co-founder of New Era Debt Solutions, Alex Viecco, said it best, “credit cards are truly modern day slavery.” And because New Era understands who creditors are and what they have the potential to do to people, I choose to trust my massive problem to them. They are leading me through the foggy maze of dollar signs I started to have nightmares were chasing me down like neurotic meter maids. Listen, I haven’t forgotten that I’m the one who got myself into this crazy debt fiasco. And I know Miss Nancy is just doing her job. But Bank of America screwed up when they refused to lower my interest rate. That’s their fault and I’m going to have to blame Nancy because she’s the one calling. Clearly there’s an infectious disease attacking Americans called lunatic interest rates. If not, President Obama wouldn’t have stepped in to create laws preventing these credit card companies from charging ridiculous interest rates that have left millions of Americans with no choice other than to settle their debt or declare bankruptcy. In between all my new personal phone calls from suddenly sweet creditors promising fabulous reduced programs, I am receiving mountains of mail from Cardmember Services stating they have important information regarding my account. Frankly I can imagine what’s inside these envelopes, but I won’t open them. I just toss them

around my long wooden dining table that doubles as my desk and a place to pile my unopened credit card mail. When I started the program with New Era they told me to simply write the New Era address on the back of each of my credit cards ‘change of address’ column so all this wasted paper would in time be delivered directly to them. But I hesitated to do so because I didn’t know if I really was going to go through with their whole debt settlement program. See, New Era allows a one-month total refund guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with their services. Being the cynical, angry ‘spend-happy’ person I am, I couldn’t decide whether I was going to just skip off to some distant island (traveling by credit naturally) and disappear for years and years, or truly face the problem. We all know which avenue I choose because I’m certainly nowhere near Fiji. So, now I have to mail all my credit-card-hate-mail off to New Era. They really have made it simple for me to deal with this massive problem. I’m the one who choose to make it complicated because I’ve found that disconnecting my credit card IV must be like a drug addict drying out. I’ll get around to sending this mail out to them eventually and I’ll also fill out the change of address form. I tend to be my own worst enemy sometimes. New Era made it easy to avoid the mail ambush and I allowed it to happen…why? They offer a program but I have to follow it; right now I’m a bit like a dieter who isn’t following the entire menu because I still sneak pizza. Yes, getting this mail out to them is something I must do tomorrow. But first I have to deal with sorting through all of it to find the ONE envelope I really must open. You see, I’m being punished by the credit card fairies for my debt-a-holic days. In a bizarre

twist of fate, it just so happens that someone stole my Capital One credit card account information and attempted to charge up a bunch of stuff over the internet. You’ll remember that Capital One was the true love of my life and was also the only card left that I was only a few weeks late on the minimum payment. Apparently they still hadn’t closed my account usage and that’s why the thieves were able to charge anything at all. So, in the midst of all my fun calls from my new personal creditor friends, I received a call from the ‘fraud department’ of Capitol One. Obviously, I was greatly tentative about this call… was it a trick to get me to actually return their call? Or was it truly a genuine fraud issue regarding my account? Horrendous decisions! Ultimately I decided to call. Good thing I did. Turned out some lucky thief got to use up the very last bit of credit on the card that even I had developed the tolerance NOT to use! The irony! They got as far as charging over $300 at a Target somewhere in Long Beach over the internet. They also attempted to charge an additional $700 at Walmart and Home Depot over the internet but the fraud department denied any further charges after Target. I must give kudos to the fraud department! They are sure on top of abnormal and disproportionate charges compared to what the card user typically charges. Naturally this created some stress for me as I was afraid the credit card company would question if I was making some last-minute outlandish charges before they stopped allowing me usage of the card. The fraud department is clever, clearly nothing like the interest rate department. The fraud department must have suspected these were bogus charges since even the savviest of credit card-happy people such as myself probably can’t drive fast



New Era Debt Solutions has me set up in a real easy system to get out of my debt. Instead of paying the never ending minimum payments on my four credit cards that totaled approximately $3000 a month (once B of A increased my rate), I now pay only $1150 into a trust account. The money is actually put into a separate third party trust account set up by New Era. Basically, the same day every single month I put at least $1150 into my bank and through an agreement with New Era, they are allowed to have it transferred out of my account into a safe trust account. Although they encourage I put more money into the account whenever I can as this will get me out of debt sooner. However, I must put in at least the $1150 because this is the amount New Era calculated is needed in order to get me out of my terrifying $75,000 mountain of debt in roughly three years. You do the math! Amazing this can be done at all! The transferred money sits in this trust account every month until enough is accumulated for New Era to settle each of the debts owed to my four creditors. That’s how it works! New Era Debt Solutions program is straight forward and simple; there are no games or complicated jargon hidden in their forms that require you hire a lawyer to decipher. It’s the personal trauma of “life-after-credit-cards” that’s tricky. Lately, I’m beginning to feel like I fit right into the never-ending bout of sagas that sprout up like the weeds between Hollywood’s cemented streets. All because this debt “thing” is becoming so common, it’s like a “True Hollywood Story” for so many people. Even mega superstars like Michael Jackson are having humongous debt issues. I guess I’m not so bad after all. Good thing New Era is here for us all today in society’s ‘new era of debt.’ I’ll be back next month with the new progress (and issues) with my soon to be debt-free life! And remember, the debt demon doesn’t simply vanish by itself, you must take action, that’s what I did and that’s why I’m sharing my story with you. To discuss your debt issues and to start your freedom from debt call New Era Debt Solutions for a free, no obligation consultation at (888) 639-4080 and visit their informative website at www.neweradebtsolutions.com



ph o t o c r e d i t : D a n i e l S u z u k i

enough to make it from one store to the next to charge up hundreds of dollars within seconds. After we discussed the entire situation it turns out all I have to do is fill out a fraud form; yet another form. Here’s the real kicker- they informed me that since my last payment was late they couldn’t send me out a replacement card with a new account number. Bummer, guess the relationship with Capital One really is over. Oh well, one less shiny tempting card for me to wish I could still swipe around town.

Dan Smith & Alex Viecco on Sunset Boulevard

DEBT SOLUTIONS Call us toll-free at 888-639-4080

www.NewEraDebtSolutions.com New Era Debt Solutions wants to help you become Debt Free.

• Call today for your Free Confidential Consultation with the industry leader in Debt Settlement.

• We want to improve your life and improve your financial knowledge. • We have made a special arrangement with Hollywood Weekly to offer readers a FREE Copy of Gerri Detweiler’s book Reduce Debt, Reduce Stress. Real life solutions for solving your credit crisis. • Offer valid for first 100 callers.



The Picasso of Surfing in America The story behind Robb Havassy’s Art by Pamela Spyrs

If Picasso had grown up surfing, golfing and living in Southern California, his name may have been Robb Havassy. A onetime international fashion model for the likes of Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Christian Dior and Armani, Robb Havassy, began his artistic life in 1996 after receiving a beginner’s art kit as a gift. Until then, Havassy’s artistic expressions had been more photographing around the world during his travels, and painting his surfboards. 
Entirely self -taught, his first “traditional” painting was a small surfing portrait of Duke Kahanamoku. Twelve years and more than 2000 painting’s later, the success that followed Havassy’s first watercolor has been manifold, garnering him both national and international acclaim. 
His brilliant use of color as well as his eclectic mix of style, motion and inspirational subject matter is circling the world one piece of art at a time. Havassy has expanded his artistic eye and is now showcasing his photography as well as a new sculpture series, which has become a newfound passion of his. 
In addition to being one of the surf culture’s most celebrated and collected artist, Havassy’s work was featured as the official cover art for the 2005



AT&T Pebble Pro Am of golf, one of PGA golf’s most popular events and one known to have featured some of the world’s most prominent sports artists. Sports portraits are something Havassy is highly regarded for. His portraits include the likes of Ben Hogan, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus. Though, it is his refreshingly original depictions of women, landscapes, flowers, children and animals that have garnered him the most attention. To have created a truly unique and recognizable style in an era where “knock-offs” are commonplace, is an achievement in and of itself. Robb has managed both in a very short time. The recent launch of the HAVASSY “eco-friendly”, signature sandal line, is just another step forward toward a more socially and environmentally forward lifestyle, continually overlapping life with art and vice versa...”ART 4 LIFE is pretty much how I live...I can’t really separate the two... that’s what being an artist is really about for me. I wanted to take a great idea and make it even better,” says Havassy, “The concept and design of my footwear is creatively similar to the sandals I did with

Reef, updated with eco-friendly bio-foam, along with improvement in the design.” Having a passion to make a positive difference in the world, Havassy has balanced his commercial success with a devotion to social and environmental concerns. Over the past decade, Havassy has helped raise more than $100,000 in philanthropic contributions with his continuing support of and collaboration with the Surfrider Foundation, Heal the Bay, Surf Aid International, Boarding for Breast Cancer amongst numerous other domestic and international nonprofit organizations. “One of the latest and most exciting ventures that I’m working on is a massive project called SURF STORY,” Havassy shares. SURF STORY is a book/exhibition project including art and surf stories by more than 100 iconic surfers/artists/writers from the surf culture, representing the largest collection of surf stories and surf art and ever published. The massive 450-page hardcover coffee table book contains more than 200 pieces of surf art, and over 150 surf stories from an incredible list of contributors. SURF STORY is scheduled for release late this summer.

Robb Havassy




The “Reality” of Building A Brand

by Pamela Spyrs

The Sky Bar on Sunset was lit up with glitz and glamour for a launch party, sponsored by The Elite Financial Network, showcasing the “reality” of Building A Brand. “Tonight we celebrate the coming together of Entrepreneurship hitting Reality TV”, said Flo Anthony, BAB Executive Producer. The powerful impact a show like Building A Brand exudes prior to its debut on-air was evident with the turnout of some of the country’s most prominent entrepreneurs representing the business and entertainment world who attended the party. Amongst this elite crowd was, Dan Cairo, CEO of The Elite Financial Network, who along with sponsoring the event is also Co-Executive Producer of Building A Brand. TV One and Radio One founder, Cathy Hughes, stopped by to lend her support. Other VIPs in attendance included Dottie Media Group CEO Claude Stanton, Sidney Miller, Publisher of Black Radio Ex-

(L to R) Dan Cairo, Bo Benton, Steve Marcano


HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY (L to R) Dan Cairo, Flo Anthony

clusive Magazine, Gold Starr Records’ CEO/ songstress, Bo Benton, who graces the cover of the Spring/Summer issue of Black Noir, R&B artist Ginuwine, Rapper Nipsey Hustle, Kedar Entertainment CEO Kedar Massenburg, actresses LisaRaye and Jasmine Lewis, Director and Screenwriter Preston Whitmore, Fredro Starr, Sticky Fingaz, Marcia Allen and Bert Padell.

( L t o R ) M e l v i n J a c k s o n J r, C i n d y C a i r o , D a n C a i r o , A n i t a Ta l b e r t

“My vision for Building A Brand is to show people if you have a dream and pursue it to the best of your abilities eventually doors will open. This show will depict that the only limitations people have are the ones that they put upon themselves!” says Dan Cairo, BAB Co-Executive Producer & CEO of The Elite Financial Network. “Everyone has it in them to be successful, but do they have the drive...the determination...watch for yourself as average people create above average opportunities for themselves and others.” It was the vision Steve Marcano, BAB Executive Producer, had to place the success behind flourishing businesses into the eyes of hopeful others, that began this venture. “Building A Brand shows the reality of financial professionals

and managers working with individuals creating a brand and building a marketplace that entices sponsorship support”, says Marcano. “It’s all within the reality.”









hOLLYwOOD scene in la

Carrie Ann Inaba 16th Annual EIF Revlon R u n / Wa l k F o r Wo m e n The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Alexandra Wyman/WireImage

Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Karina Smirnoff “On The Go Beauty” Event G20 a v e r tHOLLYWOOD A t e l i e r, WEEKLY Beverly Hills Tiffany Rose/WireImage

Kim Kardashian S T K O n e Ye a r Anniversary STK ,Los Angeles Michael Anthony

Ta r y n M a n n i n g Mobile G1 Event, To n e D e f A f t e r P a r t y Coachella Music Festival Polk Imaging

Brittany Flickinger Te e n . c o m - H a u t e & Bothered S u n s e t To w e r Micheal Buckman

Niecy Nash Event Title: My Princess A c a d e m y Te a P a r t y a t the Hollywood Mother’s Day Spa event Location: The Castle Ivar in LA. Photographer: Elevation Photos

J a c l y n Ve r c i l l o & Nicole Myden Launch party for MopShots hosted for Citysearch Wa r r e n Tr i c o m i S a l o n Nicole Goddard photography

Ali Landry Mother’s Day Spa Retreat Ivar Castle, Hollywood Amy Graves/ Wire Image

Natalie Howell & Va n e s s a M i n n i l l o Catch Boutique Launch Party The Mark, Los Angeles A n n a We b b e r

Camila Alves & Actor Matthew McConaughey M a l i b u L u m b e r Ya r d Grand Opening M a l i b u L u m b e r Ya r d Jason Merrit

Bosilika An, Nathalia Ramos & Rumor Willis The Bash Of All Bashes Crustacean , Beverly Hills Tiffany Rose/ Wire Image HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY


Ed Hardy Vo d k a






















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It’s almost spring and shows are blossoming all over the greater Los Angeles area, like:

The Idea Man



Cymbeline Fellowship!



An Empty Plate

Bingo with the Indians

An Empty Plate

in the CafĂŠ du Grand Boeuf

The Elephant Man

Continues on page 28




Continued From Page 27

Collected Stories

Ecstasy, the Musical



Madnessin Valencia

Over the River and Through the Woods

Facing East








D R T heo

Imagine a life created to give hope to others. A life filled with tragedies that became the power behind the strength of a man too strong to become weak even in the darkest of times. “Dr Theo” Kousoulis is a light of life to many individuals and he has only just begun to be a positive change in the lives of millions worldwide. Pamela Spyrs sat down with Dr Theo to learn more about where his power from within came from and how he is using it in his methods and his daily works. PS: So you’ve been in California and practicing in Beverly Hills for 3 years now. What was it that made you want to make the move from the Jersey Shores to the Golden State of California? Dr Theo: I must attribute my move to the West coast was due to a spiritual decision. I was hospitalized after open-heart surgery due to a congenital valve defect in late 2005 and upon my recovery I had a lot of time to pray and meditate to where I was needed most. All arrows lead to the West Coast… oh and the weather is pretty nice to!

PS: In today’s society there are numerous “Wellness Programs”. What makes your way, The Kousouli Method, different from the rest? Dr Theo: With the numerous slick marketing companies putting out their ‘get healthy quick’ gimmicks, the average person can easily be deceived into taking the wrong diet pills or doing the wrong procedures for their health. I advise a ‘buyer beware’ approach when shopping for health care. When any one company or person tells you they can solve all your health issues, flatten your stomach, or give you more energy with one potion or product, always seek more than enough substantial proof, 3rd party independent studies, signed testimonials, and ask to try it before you buy it.

The correct approach is one that would be specific to each individual and their need at that time. The Kousouli Method has been developed to access your life based on it’s “timeline of events” and matches it to what others in your age, sex, and occupation are doing that have shown positive results. It varies depending on your current health situation as well as your wellness goals. It’s important to assess all aspects of where you are in the now and where your path is headed. There is never a one shot cure all in anything. PS: In your work you also make reference to “Moderation is the Spice of life”. Tell me more.

Dr Theo: I’ve always been perplexed by people who shake their finger at me and tell me “You shouldn’t drink that” or “Don’t you know that’s not good for you”? It’s like having a parent always there making you feel guilty about your choices. It is not my belief this is the way of teaching proper health methods. People should live freely to do as they please yet make the efforts to be fully informed so that they can make better choices. Life should be respected, fully enjoyed, and maximized to it’s highest potential. Our creator gave us this land to play, laugh, and embrace its wonders. As a child I remember sneaking a piece of my mothers homemade baklava and never felt guilty. However I knew if I had too many pieces not only would mama notice but I’d also be on a major Greek sugar high. As long as one is knowledgeable in the after effects of their actions –and



takes responsibility for them -then I believe that one will make the correct choices to always go towards health, not disease. PS: I understand you’re working on your 1st book – what is it about?

Dr Theo: Now now, I can’t give that all away! (grin) Though I do believe the book will have a positive effect on the lives of young men and women who read it and embrace its message. It will provide them numerous things to think about in their life and provide them tools to utilize and put into action so their time on this earth can be more prosperous. For now, that’s a snapshot of what’s to look forward to in my book. PS: You have amazing energy and a dynamic personality. What’s your key message when speaking to your audiences?

Dr Theo: Inspiration lasts a lifetime ~ Motivation is merely temporary. So inspiring my audiences is what I focus on. No matter if the topic is on nutrition, exercise or even stress, I emphasize the importance of finding what makes you want to do what’s right for you and learning to love doing it! PS: What’s next for Dr Theo? Dr. Theo: The World!






Diplomacy is the name of your game this month. Well, what can you say? When you’ve got the finely-tuned mind of a born diplomat, you’ve got the finely-tuned mind of a born diplomat. Make peace this month and you’ll end up making a lot of extra cash too.

Use your time to do a few favors for somebody else -- a friend would really love to see you on the this month and they might have a very interesting secret to let you in on, to boot!

gemini You’re ready to finally take that great idea and put it into action this month. Maybe it is time to put on your best I-mean-business face and tell your boss you think it’s about time for a raise.

You sure do love to travel. Whether you’re kayaking across a big lake, flying across the globe or walking across the city, as long as you’re in motion this month, you’ll be happy as a clam.



There’s nothing wrong with showing off a little once in awhile, and this month is an excellent time to strut your stuff. Why? Well, haven’t you been putting in a lot of work, at the office and the gym? Go ahead: Flaunt it a little.

The month begins with an unpleasant sense of scarcity. First consider the situation: Is it as dire as you perceive it to be? If it isn’t (and it isn’t) go ahead and loosen that stranglehold grip on your resources.



Your creativity peaks this month. If you’ve been working on a marketing project, your energy will push things to a successful completion. If you haven’t figured out just where to channel all your extraordinary energies, this month you’ll identify just the right creative outlet.

You may be suddenly overcome with a desire to speak up in a meeting or inspired to dash up the down escalator to rescue a little old lady’s runaway terrier. You might just want to stand up in the middle of your performance review and walk out.

virgo You really want to be of help this month. Keep up the good works all month long and you’ll be thrilled at all the great things you accomplish for the people around you. Listen hard to what friends and colleagues have to say.

libra 36 36


You are in a decidedly social mood this month. Why not indulge your warm and fuzzy impulses and make plans to meet up with as many of your favorite people as possible? Twenty-four hours are a pretty long time, you know. You can squeeze a lot HOLLYWOOD WEEKLY of fun into them!

pisces Sometimes you just have to sit back and let your friends figure things out on their own. Even if you’re right (and you probably are), it doesn’t really help for you to interfere. Sit on your hands and bite your tongue.

aries There’s just no stopping you this month. No way, no how. You’re a lean, mean gettingthings-done machine. You’re charming and disarming, energetic and copasetic. You have big plans. Oh yes! Whatever you take on this month, you’ll take to the finish line.



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