Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, July/August 2022

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he human-animal bond we have with our pets is a unique relationship that only pet owners can truly understand. Our pets all have their own individual personalities and quirky behaviors that keep us laughing and comforted after a long stressful day. While they depend on us to meet their basic needs of food, water and shelter, we depend on them for their unconditional love and the many health benefits they provide us. Pet owners gain a variety of healthful benefits from our companion animals. Research shows that our pets can help us lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even raise our oxytocin levels. They can also offer benefits for other human health challenges. When we are sick or feeling sad, our pets intuitively sense it. It is not unusual for our pets to be exceptionally affectionate and attentive when they sense that something is wrong. Even everyday stressors like a forgotten password or an unexpected bill are easily remedied by an exuberant pup licking your face or a curious cat attacking your printer. These unexpected, comical pet behaviors help us reboot and maintain our sanity in the increasingly complicated world we live in. The bond we have with our pets today has significantly changed from the relationship we had with them hundreds of years ago. In the past, humans and dogs would work together to hunt, track and herd other animals. Cats were typically outdoor animals that were used to hunt and kill rodents that could spread disease and damage food or other materials. While this was a mutually beneficial relationship at the time, we have since learned that companion animals can also assist us in many therapeutic ways. Today, we have realized the powerful healing qualities that animals possess and have utilized them to help people suffering from a variety of emotional and physical disabilities. Therapy animals have been shown to be particularly effective in helping those dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and a variety of other debilitating conditions. The same calming therapeutic benefits animals provide can be felt by all pet owners. Although we may not be afflicted by a particular condition, we all experience the emotional 38

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • July/August 2022

benefits our pets provide. When we are feeling unusually stressed, sad, or anxious, there is nothing more relaxing than a soft snuggly kitty or pup on your lap. This irreplaceable relationship we have with our animal companions has now been fully realized. Today, people treat their pets much like they would treat another human family member. The New York Times reports that 70 percent of pet owners sleep with their pets, 65 percent buy Christmas gifts for their pets, and 40 percent of married women with pets say they get more emotional support from their pets than from their spouses. Clearly, the depth of our emotional attachment to our pets is valued like never before. More and more people are opting to bring a pet into their home. There has been a phenomenal growth of pet owners in the United States in recent years. According to a 2017-18 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 68 percent of US households own a pet. While dogs and cats are still the most popular choices, horses, birds, fish and reptiles are also prominent and soughtafter pets. In all, approximately 84.6 million households in the United States include pets. With so many pets in our country, it is understandable that the APPA estimates that over $72.1 billion will be spent on pet supplies this year. These expenditures include food, supplies, over-the-counter medicine, veterinary care, and live animal purchases.

It is not surprising that we sacrifice such expenditures on our precious pets. We cherish them and care for them unconditionally. In turn, they comfort us and remind us every day just how strong the human-animal bond can be.

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