Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, November/December 2021

Page 19

WE’VE ALL HAD DAYS LIKE THIS… Probably every pet lover has had their day or outlook turned around completely by an experience with a pet similar to the one a reader recently shared with us.

I’m new to sales. I’ve resisted it my whole life because I knew in my heart that it would be one of the hardest jobs for me. I thought I wasn’t built for it. I was afraid to “take work home” with me. And I was afraid to worry about my “numbers.” However, despite what my heart tells me, my brain reminds me that I can talk to people and I can compose a decent email and I can take no for an answer. Still, there are tough days. On many occasions these past 8 months, I’ve wanted to quit. I couldn’t stomach walking into another person’s office; their gatekeeper glaring at me as if to say, “Oh, another salesman.” And I couldn’t handle the white lies. “She’s in a meeting.” “He’s already left for lunch.” “We’re good, we don’t need anything.” Eight months into it and I was having a bad day. The “No’s” seemed louder and more aggressive, the gatekeepers eyes were rolling, the check engine light on the Jeep was on and the normal things we all worry about were on my mind: our health, our families, our livelihoods. And then, I looked out the window at a stoplight and saw “Chili Dog.” He was sitting there on his human’s back, living his best life. I rolled down the window and even told the biker, “Man! I needed this today!” Sometimes, all you need is a dog in a backpack with a great smile to be reminded that it will all be alright.

By Zach, Las Vegas

Pets provide us with happiness and laughter AND reminders that “it will all be alright. “

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • November/December 2021


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