Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine - Kids Edition April 2020

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Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • January/February 2016


Hi Kids! So much has changed in your lives – at first, you may have been excited about no school. However, with no school AND no play dates or sleepovers, it feels differently. We’re sure you’re missing your friends and family members who don’t live with you. We’ve been thinking about pets, pet people, and our readers; we’re especially thinking a lot about you – our younger readers. We pulled together some puzzles, fun facts and a few articles from previous issues to help keep you busy. Staying safe is something you’re hearing a lot about lately isn’t it? Washing your hands often with soap and water is one of the best ways to stay safe. It is really important to wash your hands before touching your face (especially your mouth, eyes, and noses). Another way is to keep a safe distance from people (including friends) when you go outside to play or go somewhere. Create an invisible bubble with you in the center going out 6 feet around you all directions. WOW – think of that circle as your safe space. Try to make every day a good day by doing things like reading to your pet, drawing pictures and writing stories or poems. It is okay to feel sad or scared; it will be helpful to write or draw a picture about your feelings. We wish we could hug each one of you and tell you how much we care about you.


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Your friends at the Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine





Dog Names From 2014

Can you find these popular dog names from 2014? The words may be in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards.

MALE • • • • • •

Max Buddy Charlie Jack Cooper Rocky

FEMALE • • • • • •

Bella Lucy Daisy Molly Lola Sophie

Bonus Word: Pet Scene 2

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020

They LOVE . being read to.. ook Read a good b ay! to your pet tod

BOREDOM BUSTERS Cool Indoor Activities for Kids & Pets SUMMER’S TOO HOT!

By C.A. Ritz ~ Author and Illustrator

Hey Kids! Springtime has long faded. You and your favorite pet-pal are outside but the temperature is over one-hundred degrees in the shade! Your pet is panting, staring at you, and waiting to be led back into the house! It’s definitely time for cool indoor activities you can both enjoy while maintaining your pal’s health.


You’ll all benefit from indoor aerobic games including “Fetch”, “Toy Tosses”, and “Follow the Leader”. If there are stairs in your home, it’s fun to watch your pet run up and down after toys. If not, a hallway works. Teach your dog to drop toys into a basket after fetching to get rid of tripping hazards. With cats, you’ll get more exercise since they let you clean up! To peak a pet’s interest, sit on the floor about 12 feet from another person and toss a toy back and forth. If no one else is available, just use a soft item against a wall. Cats enjoy chasing, but don’t expect them to bring toys back to you like playful pups! “Follow the Leader” trains animals to watch your lead. Stop and praise your animal when obedient. Pets will follow as you dance to music, too! Games like “Hide and Seek” allow animals to practice listening and smelling skills. Hide toys or treats like a treasure hunt. You can call out and be their “prize”, too!


Draw or Photograph your pet with favorite toys. Write a story starring your pet as the main character. Keep a journal with your pet’s accomplishments. Create a cartoon sequence with a humorous or surprise ending. Practice reading aloud to your pet! Make a pet fire escape plan.


We all like hugs! Whether quietly in a chair or rolling together on the floor, hugging your pet gives emotional health. Then, relax so you both cool and calm down after activities. Before bedtime snuggle with your pet; you will both sleep better and feel secure finding joy together this summer, indoors!

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020




FACTS! Did You Know… … Millions of trees are accidentally planted

by squirrels that bury their nuts and forget where they buried them. … When Sea Otters fall asleep in the water, they often hold hands to keep from drifting away from each other. … A dog’s nose print is as unique as a person’s fingerprint and can be used to identify them. … Seahorses mate for life and hold each others’ tails when they travel.

Horses Come in Many Colors!

J Bay

J Black

J Chestnut

J Perlino

J Brindle

J Dun

J Pinto

J Buckskin

J Gray

J Roan

J Champagne

J Palomino

J Bonus Word: Pet Scene


Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020

Answer Key on Page 42

Can you find the names of these beautiful horse colors in the puzzle? The words may be in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.

How to Draw a Cartoon French Bulldog! By Danielle Williams

French Bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds around, showing up on everything from throw pillows to YouTube workouts. With their unusual head shape and compact bodies, these clowns of the dog world can be tricky to draw – but it can be done! Follow along with these steps and you’ll be drawing friendly Frenchies in no time!

Before you start…

Draw lightly until you get to the end. This will make coloring or inking your final picture easier. Also, feel free to trace these steps over and over until you get the hang of it. The more you practice, the better your pictures will get!

STEP 1: Draw a thick slanted oval for the Frenchie’s body. Add a chunky rectangle for the head (overlapping the oval a bit), then a narrower up-and-down oval to start the back leg.

STEP 3: We’re going to modify those simple shapes and turn them into a Frenchie! The head: Soften the rectangle shape so the top of it is shaped like the arch of an “n.” The ears: The bat ears curve at the top like a lowercase letter “n.” They attach to the head with a little bump. The face: A triangle makes the nose right in the middle of the cross we drew in step 2. Put a “c” on its side and draw it above the triangle it for the nose wrinkle. Add ovals for the eyes. Keeping the eyes near the same level as the nose will help give a stronger resemblance to the breed. The mouth: A rounded “w” with arrows at the end give us a Frenchie smile. To draw the open mouth, attach a “v” beneath the “w”. Another “v” beneath that separates the chin from the rest of the body and finishes the head shape. The collar: Beneath the “v” of the chin, add with another “u” shape, a line down, and then a circle. The legs: This is a good example of why you draw lightly! I wound up moving one of the front legs out of the rectangle boundary I set up in step one. But even experienced artists make mistakes from time to time! That’s why we have erasers. On the front legs, the toes of the paw are drawn like capital letter “D”’s on their side. On the back legs, C-shapes help indicate the toes. Round the tail rectangle so it looks more natural.

STEP 2: A cross shape in the head square will help us place the eyes and nose later. Make sure the lines divide the head in half. Now build the body out with some rectangles: two attach on the top corners of the head (they’ll become the ears), two attach to the oval beneath the head (the front legs), and one at the top of the oval (the stumpy tail). Add a triangle to the bottom of the head rectangle—this will turn into a smiling mouth! Finally, draw shapes like angular “J”s to make the back legs. (You can also think of them as an upright rectangle for the foot, and then a flatter rectangle for the dog’s toes.)

STEP 4: Final details! Rounded lowercase “m” lines add wrinkles to the Frenchie forehead. Draw “c” shapes past the smile-arrows to indicate more wrinkles. Have fun adding wrinkles! The mouth looks empty, so let’s add little “n”s at the bottom of the mouth to make teeth. A lima bean shape makes the tongue. On the rest of the body, tiny ovals make great claws for the front paws, and little motion lines near the tail indicate that it’s wagging.

FINAL STEPS: Erase any guidelines you don’t want in your final image. Ink the lines you like - or draw it on tracing paper with a dark pencil - then add color! I made mine a fawn-colored Frenchie, but it’s your drawing!

Have fun!

Danielle Williams graduated with a degree in Visual Arts from BYU and has been drawing for almost twenty years. She is also the author of a Valentine ebook starring two talking French Bulldogs: Love Potion Commotion! (Fashion Frenchies #1), available for Amazon Kindle and other digital readers at Visit her blog at Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020


Fun Facts We learn interesting things about our dogs and cats on a daily basis. All of our pets have their own unique behaviors and habits that we find both amusing and sometimes puzzling. Whether you have a cat or a dog (or both), a few little-known facts about each of them can be educational and FUN!

VS CATS DOGS ➤ Cats can be either right-pawed or left-pawed. Female cats are more likely to be right-pawed and male cats are more likely to be lefties.

➤ Dogs can also be either right-pawed or left-pawed. Like cats, female dogs are more likely to be right-pawed and male dogs are more likely to be lefties.

➤ Cats are capable of about 100 distinctly different vocalizations.

➤ Dogs are capable of about 10 distinctly different vocalizations.

➤ White cats with blue eyes have a 65-80% chance of being deaf.

➤ Dalmatians are born pure white and develop their spots as they grow. About 30% of the breed are born deaf in one or both ears.

➤ Cats don’t meow at other cats. They reserve this sound for getting attention from humans. ➤ The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. When a favorite feline died, family members would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. ➤

Cats tend to be very neat and tidy drinkers. They flick the very tip of their tongue on the surface of the water very rapidly (approx. 4 times per second). They flip a tiny jet of water into their mouth with each lap and quickly catch it before it falls.

➤ The use of dog collars goes back centuries. Images of dogs wearing collars can be found in ancient Egyptian art. ➤ As most dog owners already know, dogs tend to be sloppy drinkers. Dogs plunge their tongues much deeper into the water than cats and form a scoop with their tongue. They use their tongue to scoop and lift the water into their mouth. Since the scoop tends to leak a LOT, we really can’t fault dogs for being messy drinkers.

Birds communicate using a variety of sounds.

BIRD TALK Cackle Screech

Caw Chirp 6


Can you find the names of these bird sounds in the puzzle? The words may be in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.



Coo Whistle



Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020

Bonus Word:

Pet Scene




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do? Create your own story. You can hang on to writing skills you’ve learned in school and record your family fun, too! Here are a few ideas to get you going:

u 1. THINK

Choose a Topic and Characters • • •

Consider what you know, are learning about, or love. Pick a main idea, either fact or fiction. Who will be your main characters? Your family? Your pets? Someone else? What makes them unique?

Choose a Plot • •

What happens; when, where, and in what order? Consider a point of view. Who is telling the story (like you, or your dog, or another person) and how will it be expressed?

u 2. WRITE

Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

You learned this in school! Every story has a beginning, middle, and end.

Audience • • •

Choose your words with care. Make your readers want to know what is coming next. Let them wonder! Elements of surprise as you turn a page can keep a reader’s interest. Humor is also great to hold attention. Just know that jokes which only make sense to you may not be funny to everyone.

Remember Feelings & Five Senses

• Describe more than events. Reveal feelings about events. • How will your character think or react to sounds or smells or tastes as well as what was seen?

u 3. SHARE



While there are many fun facts about cats and dogs, they are still a mystery to us mere humans. Below are a few more mysterious pets we humans try to understand.

By C.A. Ritz

Summer is nearly here! Looking for something to


w K no

GERBILS A head scratching behavior of gerbils is thumping. Gerbils will pound both hind legs on the ground when (1) he/she is excited, (2) he/she is stressed, and, most confusing, (3) even when not stressed! Maybe after some one-on-one time, you will be able to figure which thump means what. The collective name for gerbils is a horde.

GOLDFISH Can you imagine? Goldfish do not have stomachs! That is why you should feed them easily digestible food in small feeding session, rather than lots of food all at once. If you treat them right, they can live up to 40 years! It is said that they recognize faces, so a goldfish might be able to see your child graduate, get married, and have new children to get to know. If you have more than one goldfish, it is called a troubling of goldfish, which is funny because they seem to be the least troubling of pets!

FERRETS The Latin language had a fun name for this little critter. They were known as mustela putorius furo, which means smelly little thief. Despite that less than flattering description, ferrets have become the third most popular pet in the United States, right after dogs and cats. Like the average cat, ferrets usually doze about 14 to 18 hours a day. When awake, they are wonderful, trainable pets and are willing to use a litter tray. A group of ferrets is called a business. Would they be considered a tax deduction if you have more than one, since you have a business in your home?

Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, Friends


To learn more, visit a library this summer! Most libraries offer summer reading and writing programs. Taking out books can inspire the author or illustrator in you. Remember to read, read, read! If you can read, you can do almost anything, but it really starts with a decision.

Many people find snakes make great pets. Some interesting facts are: they do not have eyelids; have flexible jaws which allow them to eat prey bigger than their head (yes, they are meat eaters); have internal ears, but not external ears; and smell with their tongue. Snakes are covered in scales, but their skin is smooth and dry. Did you know the snakes used in snake charming performances respond to the movement of the charmer, not the sound used? Several snakes together are called den, nest, pit, or bed.

Remember your pets often are a terrific audience, too!

So, see you at the library!

C.A. Ritz ~ Author and Illustrator

Critters are truly amazing. Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020



Reptiles can make wonderful pets for many people.

Can you find the names of these popular reptile pets hidden in the puzzle? The words may be in any direction: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.


“Hoppin’ COOL” Bunny Breeds! Can you find the names of these pet rabbit breeds in the puzzle? The words may be in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards. (Answer Key on Page 46)

F Alaska F Californian F Havana 8

F Dutch F Harlequin F Sussex

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020

F Himalayan F Chinchilla F Dwarf Lop

F Rex F Lilac F Pet Scene

READ to your

Pet By Elizabeth Parker

There’s a reason that dogs and people get along famously. Of course, dogs appreciate the magical way in which their food bowls are replenished each day, and the fact that their owners understand the importance of doggy belly rubs, but there is nothing more cherished to them than the sound of a human voice. Well, that and perhaps a delectable rawhide bone once in a while. Have you ever noticed that when you speak, your dog tilts their head just enough to fully hear you? To them, unless there’s a command given or a keyword involving treats, it’s not particularly important what you say, but more importantly that you’re saying something. Your voice is essentially music to their ears... even if you sing a little off tune or can’t hold a note. Dogs are soothed by the sounds of human voices and reading to them is one fantastic method of doing just that. These extraordinary moments are very beneficial, especially for nervous dogs who require a calming force every now and then. In addition, it can help socialize dogs with people when others take turns reading a chapter or two. Don’t fret, as it doesn’t matter what the genre or subject matter is; just that someone is reading it to them. It’s the perfect chance to not only bond with your dog but also to finish that captivating book that has been sitting on your nightstand! Dogs aren’t the only ones who benefit from this quality time, but children benefit from reading to your furbabies as well! When children are first learning to read or are shy about their reading abilities – inclusive of stuttering, confusing words, going too slow or too fast—they might not be so apt to read aloud. They may fear being pressured or judged. Giving a child the opportunity to read to a dog, enables them to feel confident in reading at a rate for which they are most

comfortable, and there is no pressure whatsoever to pronounce each word accurately. If they stutter or stumble on a sentence, they can correct themselves and continue without anyone interfering. There is no one rushing them along. It’s a wonderful technique to help a child develop enhanced reading skills and increase their self-confidence while also easing any anxiety your pooch may possess. Keeping in mind that no child should be left unattended with a dog, this activity may also aid a child who had previously been uncomfortable in the presence of canines. One doesn’t need to read for an extended duration, and it is a relaxing way to spend a few precious moments of free time. There is no need to limit reading to only your dog. as your other pets will appreciate the time spent with them as well. Cats will stay for as long as they want (and also let you know when reading time is over), and even your bird might learn a word or two! The advantages are plentiful for you, your child and any pet. The next time you find yourself snuggled comfortably on the couch indulged in a good book (or even a not so good book) why not invite your furry sidekick to join you and share a few chapters with them? They’ll appreciate it and will welcome this precious occasion with open paws!

Elizabeth Parker – Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, My Dog Does That!, Bark Out Loud!, Paw Prints in the Sand,Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil’s Door and Faces of Deception.

Available on! Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020



From the first few moments of looking into your pet’s eyes, your child takes a step toward adulthood through compassion. Caring for a furry friend seems to trigger nurturing skills and some understanding of your heart as a parent.


When we think back to childhood, we remember qualities of a best friend who accepted us as we were. A pet can give that unconditional acceptance a child needs to develop healthy confidence. Simply put, pets don’t judge the ones they love.


There is nothing like a furry friend intent on gaining attention or getting fed! We can appreciate their resilience which makes our efforts to train great fun and rewarding.


Healthy living results as pets encourage play and exercise. They teach children (and us) to be consistent with eating schedules as well; a habit most humans lack.

With pets, the family can be strengthened through responsibility. With responsibility, positive habits are learned.

Consider taking a pet adventure. C.A. Ritz ~ Author and Illustrator 10

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • KIDS EDITION APRIL 2020

Answer Key for Seek & Find on Page 2 Answer Key for Seek & Find on Page 4

Within two blinks and a wink of an eye after heading to an animal shelter, often a new pet is loaded into the family car headed home. Parents justify their own desire for this pet by announcing it will be good for the children to learn responsibility. Truth is, the family is about to grow in unexpected ways as we open our doors and hearts.

Answer Key for Seek & Find on Page 6

By C.A. Ritz

Answer Key for Seek & Find on Page 8

A Pet’s Unexpected Contribution

Answer Key for Seek & Find on Page 8

Four Things Pets Teach Children

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