Hope City Magazine: January - April 2018

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You had me at Hello, If you’ve come with friends or family, or you simply found us online, we offer a very special hello and trust that our team of volunteers make you feel both welcome and valued! If it’s your first time or you’re still settling in, come and visit us at our Welcome Lounge after the service. Don’t forget to fill out a Hello Card so we can keep you up to date with all the big things that are coming up. Every so often we have a Welcome Party either after the service or during the week that is brimming with food, fun, new friends and a chance to hear a few words from your Lead Pastors. Halli Hallo! Herzliche Willkommen bei Hope City! Diese Magazin ist randvoll mit all den tollen Dingen, die wir als Church in nächster Zeit so planen - also blätter dich in aller Ruhe mal durch und sei bei all dem Spaß dabei!



Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr



Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


N, D.C.

_003 Crazy Stupid Love _005-9 Look What You Made Me Do _010-12 Silverdale Road _015-17 The Real Taken

_019 Food Glorious Food

_022-23 Read My Mind

_025-26 Stranger Things _028-29 Akin VS The World - Pitch Battle

_032-55 Calendar Dates

_056-58 Lead Me to the River


Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

John 15:11-14


“I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.


From the 12th century until now, each one of us has had around 2.5 million ancestors. Each of them was protected from death by disease, war, plague, famine as well as accidental death. You are the outcome of meticulous planning, super skilled protection and crazy passion by your awesome God! And there is a reason! The planet has around seven billion inhabitants, many that don’t know about a God desperate to adopt, love on, cherish and release them into His purposes. If you were able to display and communicate this to just one of these amazing people, and they did the same the following year, and then everyone did the same the year after, it would only take 33 years to influence the entire planet. That’s every one! So, life begins with you renewing your thoughts about you. God knit you together in your mother’s womb. He knew you before you were born. He’s called you to the kingdom for this time - you are indispensable to God! Life continues through you renewing your thoughts about you. You’re born for purpose, influence, change and to make a huge difference to the world God has placed you in. You’re called, chosen, risen, saved, restored and filled with heavenly power to do just that. P.S. In the name of love - that’s what the magazine is entirely about! T

Dave & Jenny Gilpin

(Senior Pastors, Hope City Founders)

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r


Feat Natalie Taylor (Australia) Tes Jahnig (South Africa) Jenny Gilpin (England)

she is conference UK 23rd - 24th February Asia 17th March Europe 14th - 15th September

Register at sheisconference.co.uk

_005 L O O K W H A T Y O U

Hope City Church is blessed to have so many amazing people from around the globe, but they all made a decision to pioneer in a different country, to move everything they had and build God’s Kingdom in a different part of the world. These are some of the incredible people that made that decision, they are our heroes! F Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



David Manners

Hope City Frankfurt 1. Where are you now? I am currently living in Hanau, which is just outside of Frankfurt, Germany, with my wife, my six year old and my two year old.

2. Biggest Adventure Learning a new language as an adult was a lot tougher than expected.

3. Biggest Sacrifice Not living close to family means that what used to be spontaneous trips in the car now are strategically planned holidays.

4. Biggest Revelation There are a lot of required tasks when building a Church but it is important to focus on the people.

5. Biggest Inspiration Steve and Shuv (Hope City Frankfurt Lead Pastors) for their consistency, integrity, vision and faithfulness.

From using public transport with two suitcases when I landed, to navigating my way around to get to Ikea, as I didn’t pack the bed sheets.

Liza Timofejev Hope City Bruxelles 1. Where are you now? I am now living in Brussels, 20 minutes from the city centre.

2. Biggest adventure My biggest adventure was probably the actual move. From using public transport with two suitcases when I landed, to navigating my way around to get to Ikea, as I didn’t pack the bed sheets.

3. Biggest sacrifice The home comforts, leaving behind all familiarity and stepping into the unknown in so many areas of my life.

4. Biggest revelation Finding out just how much I am loved and treasured by Jesus, so much that He would never let go of me, not for a moment.

5. Biggest inspiration There are lots of people around me that inspire me, but my biggest inspiration is Emma Iesals. Her faith, kind heart and humility inspire me to dive deeper into God.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


Ruth Dacre

Hope City Kuala Lumpur 1. Where are you now? Hope City Church, Kuala Lumpur.

2. Biggest Adventure Being a part of a team that was birthed out of a group of ordinary Brits who’d never done this before and going into the unknown with them with so much anticipation and faith for what we knew God was going to do. Seeing a Church rise up, seeing people walk through the doors for the first time and seeing them become leaders and pillars in what the Church is today. Being a part of a much bigger, richer and fulfilling plan God has for my life! Plus being able to travel all over the place is a major bonus!!

3. Biggest Sacrifice Being away from family, especially during the holiday seasons and not having the familiarities of your own nationality and culture you’ve grown up with around you.

4. Biggest Revelation

Hannah Allward

Hope City Accra

What God can do through us when we just let go and are willing and available. When we say ‘yes’ regardless of what it costs, not weighing it up but just trusting He’s in it. We are just ordinary people, seeing God doing something way beyond what we’d dreamt.

1. Where are you now? I’m just coming up to my fifth month of living in Accra, where I am a home-school teacher and Kids Pastor at Hope City Accra.

2. Biggest Adventure I’d say moving here was a pretty big adventure! That, or accidentally winning North England’s Segway Championship in 2012...!

5. Biggest Inspiration My pastors, Joel and Em! For being so relentless, every day! For never looking back, for driving this thing forward, for pushing into the unknown with such expectation and without the hesitation of thinking God won’t do it. They’ve given this journey such an ease as they’ve done everything with so much fun and refused to let it be too serious. They’ve inspired me to keep going, keep believing and keep expecting God to turn up and do the extraordinary. They’ve never stopped believing in me. And I’ll be forever grateful to them for that!

3. Biggest Sacrifice Living as a vegetarian in a country where 80% of all meals consist of some sort of chicken and rice combination.

4. Biggest Revelation

I am a part of a much bigger, richer and fulfilling plan God has for my life! Plus being able to travel all over the place is a major bonus!!

Moving here has really revealed to me God’s heart for His Church to be a family. This is the fourth city I’ve lived in and yet everywhere I’ve been I have instantly found a ready-made family through the people in Church. I really feel that reflects exactly what God intended for His Church; many parts, but one body.

5. Biggest Inspiration My biggest inspiration has always been my Mum! She lives life with such an urgency to see people saved and is the biggest evangelist I know. Plus, she makes a mean lemon drizzle. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



Adam & Amy Bond

Hope City Bruxelles 1. Where are you now? Somewhere between Leeds and Sheffield (M1) with a move to Brussels coming up in February!

2. Biggest Adventure I think our biggest adventure will be negotiating life in a country that is totally unknown to us with so many factors such as jobs and places to live still dependant on breakthrough, as well as seeing our baby start to grow up in a French-speaking country!

3. Biggest Sacrifice Amy: Our biggest sacrifice will be giving up jobs that WE LOVE and for me, leaving the most incredible colleagues at City Hearts! Adam: Yes, being part of the media team for the past four years has been an incredible adventure too.

4. Biggest Revelation Adam: God cares about your everything. Be anxious for nothing, he brings everything together for good. Amy: My biggest revelation is that although there is so much that’s unknown in moving into a new place and so many ways in which we fall short, God has gone ahead of us, and is already moving and working to prepare the land even before we arrive. My main word from God on it all is: “don’t panic, I’ve got this!”

5. Biggest Inspiration Pastors Josh and Georgie Kelsey because of how they’ve pioneered the ‘Dinner Party’ Church planting model and done it so excellently. They set an example to lead by just loving people rather than focusing on building a crowd. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


Kaylah and Elijah Bianchi Hope City Accra

1. Where are you now? We are living Accra and loving it! Especially the heat and the spicy food!

2. Biggest Adventure Seeing a swordfish being dragged onto the beach by a fisherman and tasting Kenke.

3. Biggest Sacrifice My friends and family… and McDonalds!

4. Biggest Revelation

Charlie Stone Hope City Kuala Lumpur 1. Where are you now? The best city in the world, Kuala Lumpur.

2. Biggest Adventure I love that we started a Church with just a small team and to see what it is today is just breath-taking. It’s incredible that I can be a part of building something that will long outlive me and have an impact on the whole of South East Asia.

3. Biggest Sacrifice Missing family and having to accept that my food will never come out at the same time as other people on the table.

4. Biggest Revelation To expect the unexpected, you never know where God will call you to, but do expect him to surprise you.

5. Biggest Inspiration Seeing the Church become established, by Malaysians. I love their passion for the House and the way they open their doors to have the best dinner parties (because Malaysians love food).

Even though at first Accra seemed completely different to England, now we’ve realised that the important things are actually pretty similar, which makes it feel like home.

5. Biggest Inspiration Our mummy and daddy, because they’ve made us want to pastor our own churches when we’re older.

Hayley Chappell 1. Where are you now? Berlin, Germany

2. Biggest Adventure My biggest adventure since helping to start Hope City Frankfurt was discovering, by accident, a career that I love. It’s given me opportunities I’d never dreamed of, including moving to Berlin.

3. Biggest Sacrifice Proper English tea! Waking up to your last teabag is possibly the WORST feeling ever. #firstworldproblems

4. Biggest Revelation Making decisions isn’t always about if ‘this is right and that is wrong,’ but rather about knowing God’s promises for you.

5. Biggest Inspiration Richard Branson once said: “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later.” T Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r


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There is a road in England where more sporting stars have been created than any other. It’s called Silverdale Road. If talent alone had been the key, there would be no Silverdale Road. Dave Gilpin pulls out all the stops to investigate the truth behind the headlines. His conclusion is confronting – all of us live on a road called Silverdale! Dave challenges us to open our eyes to both the obvious and the unobvious opportunities that lie before us all. If you were to track back in time to Florence in Italy in 1466 and look through the window of an Art Studio, you’d see a 14 year old called Leonardo da Vinci nervously seated on the first day of his apprenticeship that went on to launch the career of a genius. His painting ‘Saviour of the World’ recently sold for over $450 million – the most expensive painting in history.

placed her in the field. Because of it, her future became secure. She married Boaz and became the great, great grandmother of King David. She went from rags to riches not by replacing her rags, but by owning them.

If you could time travel forward to 1946 and board a train in the Himalayas heading to Darjeeling you’d see a nun called Teresa who was working as a school teacher. You’d notice her eyes widening as she received a revelation from God to go to the poorest of the poor and surrender her life to it. She ended up in the slums of Calcutta and smack bang in the centre of God’s will for her life.

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave an open-air address at Stanford University. He said;

If we took a trip over the Indian and Atlantic oceans to San Francisco in 1986 we’d find Steve Jobs, recently sacked from Apple, signing a deal to buy the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm for $10 million. He went on to sell it 20 years later as Pixar Animations Studios for $7.4 billion. None of these people quite knew the magnitude of the decisions they were making. When Ruth found herself gleaning from a field belonging to a rich benefactor called Boaz, she had no clue as to the intense destiny locked up within her circumstance. The bible vastly, yet cheekily, underplays it by saying; ‘As it turned out, she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz.’ – Ruth 2:3 Her poverty had led her there. Her diligence had

Ruth became the right person, in the right place, at the right time, with the right ‘providence’ in her life. The poverty became her asset and her disability became her launch pad. She had the choice to run and hide or to optimise her circumstances. She optimised, not minimised. And so should we.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” You are a custodian of an unusual set of divine circumstances. Calling your history ‘divine’ can be the start of you seeing that what God has allowed to happen in your life is now a servant in the hands of God – ready to serve your future and your breakthrough. The Message Bible says this: “God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son…” – Colossians 1:13 Your life is currently a set-up – a stitch up from heaven. Ruth was stitched up. Esther was stitched up. Joseph was set up. F

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



Your advantages, your disadvantages, your abilities, your disabilities, your silver spoon or your complete lack of spoon are all working together for the future good of those who love God and maximise their God given opportunities. The Bible doesn’t say that ‘some things are working together for good’ and it doesn’t say ‘most things’ are working together for good. It clearly states that: “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28 Instead of rejecting your lack and blaming your past for your misfortune, it is time to start to celebrate. It’s a stitch up from heaven. You are currently on the field of Boaz.

The Cult of Talent We think that most people who succeed in life do so because of talent. Yet the Bible begs to differ. It states: “The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned; BUT TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL!” – Ecclesiastes 9:11 It’s not talent or intellect or wisdom that sets us apart - it’s people who make the most of their God given opportunities. Those who have faith for their field make way for God’s favour in their life. Matthew Syed is three-times Commonwealth Games table-tennis champion. He used to think that it was a mixture of pure talent and hard work that got him to the top of his game – until he realised that he was a custodian of an unusual set of circumstances. Five to be precise:


1. When he was eight his parents bought a full sized tournament table-tennis table. 2. His parents’ garage could fit a full sized tournament table-tennis table. 3. He had a slightly older brother he could dual with as a young boy. 4. The sports teacher of his primary school was the nations’ top coach for table-tennis. 5. There was a table-tennis club near his home open 24 hoursa-day.


Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

He lived at 199 Silverdale Road. He went on to win three national table-tennis titles. At number 274, Karen Witt won commonwealth gold. At number 149, Andy Wellman was a hugely successful doubles player. At the bottom of the street, Paul Trott was a leading junior. Around the corner, Jimmy Stokes was English junior champion and Alison Gordon was four-times English senior champion Talent wasn’t the culprit, it was opportunity. And that’s what you have right now – a field of opportunity. You live on your very own Silverdale Road. You may never become ‘important’ in the eyes of the world, but you are born to be significant in God’s plans and purposes. You may be a custodian of a simple table-tennis bat – like a little boy’s lunch of five loaves and three fish. You may think your ‘disadvantage’ takes you away from your field belonging to Boaz, yet nothing could be further from the truth. What God can do when you decide that you really are the right person, in the right place, at the right time, with the right providence and the right God can be the thing that flicks the switch between being a deliverer like Esther or being just plain hard done by like Esau. Surely, you too have been ‘called to the kingdom for such a time as this!’ (Esther 4:14). Let the spirit of Esther as well as Ruth rest upon you today and open your eyes to see the fields of gold and streets of silver that surround you. T

Dave Gilpin is the author of The Hit Factory, Sacred Cows Make Great BBQs, Jesus Save Me From Your Followers and other books. You can get these at Amazon or on the Hope City Shop at hopecity.church/shop.


Check out what’s happening in your Location at hopecity.church

Empowering womanhood

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r


Illustration by Olivia Newsome

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


I was born in Nigeria and lived with my father and step mother. Growing up, my father was sick and my step mother kept me enslaved because I was the result of my father’s affair with another woman. I was told that I was cursed and this was the reason for my father being sick. My life was regularly threatened. This is my story. F




Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



ne day I ran away to my father’s friend’s house where I stayed for a few days. I heard them talking about my scars and how they showed that I was cursed. I knew I could not stay with them any longer, so I returned home. When I did, I was starved, beaten and abused badly by my step mother. After this, my father died.

One day, my step mother poisoned and killed our neighbour’s dog. She said she would tell them I had done it and that if I did not leave, she would do the same to me. I ran away again in fear of my life and became homeless, staying under counters in market stalls and eating rotten food. It was there that I met a lady who took me in and looked after me. This was the first time I had experienced love and kindness. I was now a teenager and spent my time cleaning the house of my new found ‘Auntie’. She asked me about my hopes for the future and I said I’d like to become a doctor. She said she would help me and would take me to the UK for training. Before we left, she made me swear an oath that I would repay all the costs of the documents, travel and living when we arrived.

66When I did, I was starved, beaten and abused badly by my step mother. After this, my father died.99 I was taken to the North of England and the ‘repayments’ began when I was forced to sleep with a man who came to the house. This was arranged by my Auntie and she took a payment. Men continued to come regularly to the house to sleep with me. I asked my Auntie when I would be able to start training to become a doctor, but she told me this was now my life. The house was always full of food. It was comfortable. But this was added to my debt that I had to repay. On many occasions I became pregnant. When I did, my Auntie would give me strong medicines, along with a lot of alcohol and I would lose the baby. This procedure was added to the debt I owed. I did not understand how bad this situation was as my Auntie was the only person who had ever shown care and affection towards me. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

At the age of 21, I escaped to London and I got into a relationship with a man who was controlling and emotionally abusive towards me. I became pregnant and gave birth to my daughter and a couple of years later my son. I would spend days in the house with my two young children freezing cold with no money for food. I had no choice but to sleep with men in secret in order to get enough money for food. We lived off of Weetabix, as this was something we could all eat. Eventually I was thrown out of the house after the man realised I had slept with other men. My neighbour had been kind to me and told me about Women’s Aid. It was there I was referred to City Hearts as a victim of human trafficking.

66I ran away again in fear of my life and became homeless, staying under counters in market stalls and eating rotten food.99 When I arrived at the City Hearts safe house, I was in a dark place and I was so used to everything good in life being part of a deal; something always had to be given in return. I spent many times feeling confused as to why good things happened and I wasn’t expected to give back. I almost ran away from everything as I could not comprehend this, expecting a repayment to be required at some point soon, or to find out it was another trap. Now, with the help of the support at City Hearts and counselling I am healing from my past and learning better coping mechanisms. I’m realising that there are good people and everything in my world is improving. I have gone from survival and just getting through each day, to LIVING! I am living my life and I am full of hope! City Hearts have helped with reward charts and food taster sessions for my children. I am doing a childcare course, English and sewing classes and am surrounded by opportunity. I don’t know what the future holds but I am hopeful about what that looks like for me and my family. My daughter said to me this morning, “Mummy, you’re a superwoman” and I was able to reply “yes, yes I am!” T Find out more about the work of City Hearts at cityhearts.co.uk.









60 850 4250






Jenny Gilpin founded City Hearts 12 years ago to help women with life-controlling issues. Since then, it has expanded into a significant international organisation, helping survivors of modern human slavery in conjunction with the British Government, as well as running a child traffic-prevention programme in Ghana. For more information about City Hearts, visit cityhearts.co.uk. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

_018 Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


Food Glorious Food At every point in the gospel of Luke, Jesus is either on His way to a meal, having a meal or leaving a meal. Jesus loved His food! The gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. This was His mission. The way He did it though surprised everyone. Running alongside every miracle and parable was a table of food. Jesus loved to socialise. Jesus continually turned conventional religion on its head. He refused to be defined and limited by it. There’s one small passage of scripture that highlights this exactly. Luke 4:38 states that “He arose and left the synagogue and entered Simon’s house”. He left the synagogue and went to a house! His whole ministry was a movement from Temple to Table.

Church is not just about Sunday – it’s about the communities in which we engage and the friendships we create during the week. Everyone does better when they belong to a family, and Dinner Parties are an opportunity for us to come together around a table for food, friendship and a chance to discuss the message from the weekend and pray together. So join one of the hundreds of Dinner Parties that are gathering across all 13 locations in a house near you.

Pastors Colin and Beth Blois On behalf of all the Lead Pastors T To find a Dinner Party near you, check out our website hopecity.church


At Hope City Church, we’re having a table revolution, a revival of food, a house to house gospel uprising, and all are welcome.


Halfway through last year, we launched Dinner Parties. This new midweek food community of Hope City has proved to be an immense success. It’s where our hearts connect to each and every person through sharing a meal, and in so doing, we inadvertently connect people to the life changing message of Jesus Christ.


Our vision is to be a church of 10,000 people in 30 locations around the world with 1000 Dinner Parties across five continents. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

Illustration by Olivia Newsome

You were born an original, don’t die a copy.


Depression and anxiety can be signs of serious mental illnesses that are often completely draining and debilitating. In this article, Haylee Potter, who manages our Creative Department gives a vulnerable and thoughtprovoking insight into her own battle with mental illness. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr



rowing up near the beach you become familiar with the rhythm of the sea. You learn how to ride the waves, how to swim through rips and how to follow the tide. But there are always times when it surprises you. The wave you didn’t see coming, the rip that’s too strong to fight and the tide that’s moving too fast. In those moments, you feel fear and panic as you are pulled under and tossed around by a force stronger than you. It feels impossible to find your way back to the surface, to get your head above the water and find your breath.

Three years ago, while I was overseas, I found myself being taken under and tossed around by the realities of anxiety and depression. My days were consumed with fear, my nights with panic. I lost all sense of where I was, who I was and why I was still alive. Everything felt dark. I struggled to find my breath and no matter how hard I tried to fight, I just couldn’t get above it all. It was suffocating, it was isolating and it felt hopeless. One day, I was reading the Psalms and I found this passage in Psalm 88. “I’ve had my fill of trouble; I’m camped on the edge of hell. I’m written off as a lost cause, one more statistic, a hopeless case. Abandoned as already dead, one more body in a stack of corpses and not so much as a gravestone— I’m a black hole in oblivion. You’ve dropped me into a bottomless pit, sunk me in a pitchblack abyss. I’m battered senseless by your rage, relentlessly pounded by your waves of anger. You turned my friends against me, made me horrible to them. I’m caught in a maze and can’t find my way out, blinded by tears of pain and frustration.” – Psalm 88:2-9 (MSG) This is exactly what depression was telling me. This is how anxiety made me feel. When you’re in it, you feel like you’re being battered between waves. It’s so hard to see a way out. Yet the Bible was saying to me that there was one. There was a hope so strong and so powerful, which could override the waves and draw me back to the surface.

Psalm 31 is an incredible passage that has meant so much to me. It tells the story of David praising God as his rescuer, whilst caught in the midst of danger. Even though he was in distress and consumed by anguish, he chose to hope and trust in God. He couldn’t choose the circumstances he was facing, but he could choose to hope. I realised through this story, that hope wasn’t something that was just going to happen to me. You don’t fall asleep one day and wake up with hope. It was a decision I had to make. It was something I had to choose and hold onto. Every day I read this passage, I studied it and slowly I learnt how to choose hope.

66When you’re in it, you feel like you’re being battered between waves. It’s so hard to see a way out.99 When everything felt dark, it was a choice to see the glimpses of light. When I was frozen with fear, it was a choice to take a step. When my world seemed to cave in on me, it was a choice to lift my head and look to Him. Our reality is that there is a rescuer. There is a God who sees us in our pain and our brokenness and walks us through it. He holds us, He sets our feet in spacious places and He shows us the wonders of His love. You don’t escape a wave by fighting it. You don’t get out of a rip by swimming against it. You still yourself, you learn the rhythm, you find the break in the motion and then you choose to swim. There are still days when the waves come, when I feel myself being pulled under, but it is there and then that I stop. I look for a rhythm in my schedule, I find rest and strength in God and I choose to continue on. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” - Psalm 31:24 I hope this helps you. P Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r


_024 Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


This world is intrigued with the supernatural. God also lives in the supernatural. As Christians we can often forget this, blocking the Holy Spirit from moving in our world. In this article, Pastor Phil Pringle, founder and leader of C3 Global, gives us powerful insights into taking the road blocks away and seeing God do amazing things through our lives. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r





he world is obsessed with the supernatural, that’s why there are so many films and television shows about ghosts, alternative realities and people with special powers. As humans we are wired to be inquisitive about the supernatural. As Christians we often forget that the supernatural is a realm that God lives in, that Jesus worked in, and that the Holy Spirit beckons us in to.

Much of what the word of God refers to is not visible. However, this doesn’t mean it is not real or that the Word is not at work. The Bible is truth. We walk by truth rather than by circumstances. The facts and the truth are often two very different things.

2. Faith in God Jesus says in Mark 11:22, ‘Have faith in God’. Faith sees God at work in us. Faith sees God at work through us. To move in the Spirit is to believe in God’s integrity. He is faithful to what He has said. He has declared that He will work with us to confirm His word.

As you pray, you believe, and the The Holy Spirit is a person. He is 66As we understand power of God brings answers. God. He is invisible to our eyes. Faith sees answers before they these areas of faith on He is spirit and He is holy. He is happen. Fear sees failure and a deeper level, we can here in place of Jesus. He is here despair. Faith and fear both use to help us. He guides, He inspires, grow in confidence in our the imagination... Fear comes He reveals, He gives great gifts naturally to the human heart. own ability to step out and He empowers us for service Faith does not. It takes a decision and see the miraculous to God. Relating to the Holy to believe. By this decision, doubt Spirit is a subjective experience happen in our world.99 is displaced by faith. whereby we actually encounter a Faith in God, trust in who He is, enables us to person who exists in a different dimension to ours. It’s understand and get to know the Holy Spirit and the something we can learn to do through faith. supernatural way He works. The Holy Spirit is invisible; we fellowship with the Spirit by faith, not by sight. We walk with the Spirit by faith. 3. Faith in Ourselves Faith lives not by this visible world but by the invisible Self-doubt is the most insidious weapon Satan sets world. Believers walk by faith. Faith is the foundation against God’s people. This more than anything else upon which we move in the Spirit of God. To move hinders the release of the Spirit. When the devil tempts in the Holy Spirit is to move in faith. The two are Jesus in the wilderness, he begins his taunt with ‘if.’ inseparable. Jesus is tempted to doubt that He is who God says He There are three areas of faith that are key to how we can move in the Spirit and how we can shift the dimension we are operating in and join Him in His dimension. As we understand these areas of faith on a deeper level, we can grow in confidence in our own ability to step out and see the miraculous happen in our world.



1. Faith in God’s Word If we desire to embrace the supernatural in the way Jesus did, and move in the same dimension that the Holy Spirit does, we must have a firm grasp of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit moves within the parameters of the Word of God. The Word of God is totally Godbreathed (2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is Spirit-inspired. The Bible was authored by men under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It is the tangible mind of God. The Word and the Spirit are in complete harmony. The Spirit agrees with the Word and the Word agrees with the Spirit. Our faith is in the Word. What the Word says about the Holy Spirit is what the Holy Spirit reveals about Himself to us. He unfolds to us how He operates through the Bible. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

is. He’s tempted to prove to Himself that He actually is the Son of God. As He speaks the Word, His faith increases and the devil is defeated. The Spirit moves through men and women who are bold, confident and assured. Confidence to act on impressions from the Lord only comes from doing it. There may be times when we fail, but many times we will succeed. Hebrews says we become mature by using what God has given us (Hebrews 5:14). We must have faith in our ability to receive impressions from God and we must be prepared to act on them. It’s time to step out into the supernatural. Our world is waiting for us to do it. As we step into another dimension and see the Holy Spirit meet us there, lives will be changed in a powerful way. It’s time to immerse ourselves in God’s Word, trust that He is who He says He is, and believe that the Spirit is speaking to us and through us. Let’s be purposeful in shifting dimensions and see what can happen this year! T Edited excerpts from ‘Moving in the Spirit’ by Pastor Phil Pringle. (PAX Ministries, 2006)




BBC’s latest musical bash was called Pitch Battle. Watched by millions of people, Akin and the Leeds Contemporary Singers won hands down. Akin, a member of Hope City Leeds, wants to take the battle to the world. This is his story. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr



ne of the most frequent questions I get asked when I tell people that I’m a singer and musician is ‘when did you start?’ Or, ‘how long have you been singing for?’ The honest truth? I don’t know. As far as I can remember, I’ve always been a music lover. Although growing up I had different career prospects in mind (one of which was becoming a pastor), music was the only thing I constantly gravitated towards.

an audition at Leeds College of Music, where I later went on to study. This somewhat rebellious decision eventually led to my involvement in the prime time BBC One television show Pitch Battle. Getting to meet and work with such high profile people and later winning the show is definitely the highlight of my career so far.

My search for purpose and to have a meaningful life led me straight to God’s heart for me. Now that I’m finding fulfilment in my life, I’m learning to have more and more faith in Him. My affinity for having a strong faith has been ever increasing, simply because from the moment I realised my purpose, I also realised that it would take crazy faith to see it happen. This thrust me into suddenly developing My dad was a choir director, music lecturer and opera a hunger for crazy faith - so writer. I remember when I was little, I always looked much so that I actually turned up forward to going to his rehearsals and performances. to my music college audition without Most times I’d sit still and the required be mesmerised by the audition fee and I 66I remember when I was harmonies and rhythms and wasn’t even asked for it! I little, I always looked forward other times I’d just make ended up getting the place to going to his rehearsals and noise and cause trouble, with a scholarship. This all but those environments happened because I chose performances. Most times I’d were some of my favourite to have some crazy faith sit still and be mesmerized to be in. My dad started to and God chose to by the harmonies and teach me to play the piano honour it with around the age of five and a miraculous rhythms...99 then I started singing in the outcome. My children’s choir of our church around the age of 10. My lowest moments and hardest times have very first public performance was with the children’s been the perfect breeding ground for my choir on Father’s Day. Honestly, I don’t really remember faith because God’s track record is undisputed much about that performance but I was so nervous – so I’m continually learning to trust him for the that my mum told me to focus on the door at the back accomplishment of my dreams! of the church and not the people. My vision is ultimately to Choosing to pursue a music career was never an easy change the music industry. I thing. Growing up in an African community, wanting to want to be instrumental in be a musician was greatly discouraged and was seen as bringing real, authentic ‘the easy way out’. I was told to pursue a nobler career and meaningful music that would land me a stable job. Someone once told back into mainstream me, as an argument against a music career, that only attention. I know one in three people ‘make it’ in the music industry. this is a God-given The defiant character within me caused me to ask an vision because I important question — who says I can’t be that one don’t know how who makes it? The attitude that people I respected had on earth that’s about being a musician really discouraged me at times, going to happen, but this is the very thing that drives but I’m very thankful that I held fast to my refusal to everything I do. It drives my entire creative process. I please them. want to make music that is relatable, because I think being relatable is one of the most powerful weapons I’ve always valued having a good quality of of music. I want to write songs that will provoke people life, yet I’ve done some outrageous things to think about their attitude towards life. I’ve always to go after my dream. Sometimes those believed that music has the power to change the things paid off, other times they didn’t. world and if I can change the way music is created and One of the times that it did pay off was received, then I can change the world too! T when I used the last £15 in my account to travel, against my parents advice, to You can listen to Akin’s latest music on Spotify. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



Illustration by Olivia Newsome

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr


Kat & Ian Harding Hope City Sunderland

Ali & Karen Bianchi Hope City Accra Steve & Melissa Reed Hope City York

Steve & Siobhan Bullock Hope City Frankfurt / Darms

Simon & Rachel Taylor Hope City Newcastle

David & Lisa Stoner Hope City Liverpool

Sats & Em Solanki Hope City London

Joel & Emma Burden Hope City Kuala Lumpur

Chris & Gosia Denham Hope City Leeds

Teebs & Becky Mpanza Hope City Birmingham

Colin & Beth Blois Hope City Sheffield

Glen & Debbie Smith Not Hope City Pastors

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

3 rd

All Locations YA / Student Training Day

3 rd

Neon Socials

Fri | 7PM, The Megacentre.

5 th

Sunday Services

4 th

Sunday Services

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

7 th

Dinner Parties

7 th

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.


Wed | 7.30PM, The Megacentre.

Neon Relaunch

Fri | 7:30PM, The Megacentre.

Sunday Services

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Baptism Service

Sun | 10AM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Business Colab with Ian Green

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Dinner Parties Launch - Breakfast Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Gifts Masterclass

Thu | 7.30PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Sunday Services

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Sat | 6:30PM, The Megacentre.


Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre.

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Men’s Breakfast

10 t h

10 th

Sunday Services

11 t h

12 th


11 t h

Dinner Parties - Valentines Special

14 t h

14 th

Sunday Services

18 t h

16 th

Discovering the Vision

18 t h

17 th

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

18 th

She Is Conference

8 th -17 th

14 th

Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.



Sun | 5PM, The Megacentre.

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Sun | 11.30AM & 6.30PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

21 st

Sun | 10AM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

21 st

2 3 rd 2 4 th

Sunday Services

2 5 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.



Neon Girls Night In

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/sheffield


Wed | 7.30PM, The Megacentre.

Dinner Parties

24 th

Coactive Night - Launch

25 th


4 th

27 th

Sunday Services

4 th


7 th

Sunday Services Mothers Day

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Thu | 7PM, The Megacentre.

We Are Woman Sat |

Sunday Services with Welcome Parties Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

YA Tuesdays Launch

Tue | 7.30PM, The O2 Academy.


Wed | 7.30PM, The Megacentre.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

Sun | 10AM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre. 28 th

30 th





Wed | 7.30PM, The Megacentre.

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre. 31 st

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

18 th

Dinner Parties

21 st

Partners Ball

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.



Sunday Services with Welcome Parties Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Easter Sunday

1 st

Dinner Parties

4 th

Sunday Services

8 th

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Business Colab

10 th

Easter Parties

11 th

Discovering Partnership

12 th

Sunday Services

15 th


18 th

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.




Thu | 7.30PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Wed | 7.30PM, The Megacentre.

Sunday Services

22 nd


22 nd

Presence Parties

25 th

Sunday Services with Welcome Parties

29 th

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Sun | 5PM, The Megacentre. Book in online*

Wed | 7.30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10AM & 5PM, The Megacentre.

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

Partners Night

For info or to book into events visit hopecity.church/leeds

Creative Relaunch

Thu | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Neon Relaunch

Fri | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.


Wed | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

4 th

Sunday Service

11 t h

5 th

YA Tuesdays

13 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

Open Heaven Prayer

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

7 th

8 th -17 th

10 th

Open Heaven Prayer

14 th

Big House Parties

17 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sun | 5PM-6PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

Discovering Partnership

Tue | 7:30PM, The Megacentre, Leeds. Book in online*

21 st

2 5 th

YA Tuesdays

2 7 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds. 23 r d

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Dinner Parties

24 th

Sunday Service

28 th

She Is Night

28 th

YA Tuesdays

30 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sun | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds. Book in online*

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Dinner Parties / Alpha Dinner Parties Launch Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

31 st



Sunday Service with Baptisms



Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds. Book in online*

4 th


7 th

Wed | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sunday Service (Mother’s Day Special) with Baptisms YA Tuesdays

13 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

Open Heaven Prayer

18 t h

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sun | 5PM-6PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

11 t h

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

All locations YA / Student Training Day Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.


Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

2 3 rd 2 4 th

Conference Sunday

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sunday Service

7 th

10 t h

Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Leeds. Book online

14 th

Sun | 5PM-6PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.


Men’s Breakfast with guest Roy Todd


Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.


Wed | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.








Dinner Parties

21 st

Partners Ball

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Social Hangout

3 rd

YA Tuesdays

27 th

Sunday Service

7 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.





Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

For info or to book into events visit hopecity.church/york Event


Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

Easter Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

1 st


10 t h

Sunday Service

14 t h

Yes Course Launch

15 t h

Big House Parties

17 t h

Wed | 7PM, The Leeds Megacentre.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

8 th

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Open Heaven Prayer APRIL

Sun | 5PM-6PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

YA Tuesdays

Tue | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.


Wed | 7PM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Presence Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

15 th

15 th

17 th


Sun | 10:30AM, The Megacentre, Leeds.

Mon | 7.30PM, At Steve & Melissa’s‚ Book in online*

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Breakfast

Sat | 10AM, Filmore & Union, Book in online* 18 th

22 nd

2 1 st

Dinner Parties

2 4 th

Discovering Partnership

2 5 th

Sunday Service with Welcome Party

2 8 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City. 25 th

Thu | 7:30PM, The Melbourne Centre, Book in online* 29 th

2 0 th

Sunday Service with Baptisms Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Dinner Parties

3 1 st

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

All locations YA / Student Training Day

3 rd

Sunday Service

4 th

Partners Night

7 th

Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.


Sunday Service

8 t h -17 t h

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7PM, The Leeds Megacentre.

Men’s Breakfast with guest Roy Todd

10 t h

Sunday Service

11 t h

Sat | 10AM, The Leeds Megacentre, Book in online*

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

continued overleaf Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r


Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

1 st

5 th

14 th

Sunday Service

8 th

Sunday Service

18 th

Dinner Parties

11 t h

Dinner Parties

21 st

Sunday Service

15 t h


18 t h

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield, Book in online*


Thu | 7PM, Across the City.

23 r d 24 th

Conference Sunday

25 th

Cosy Club Hangout

25 th

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Sun | 6:30PM, Cosy Club, Fossgate.

Alpha Launch

Tue | 7:00PM, Main Street, Companthorpe, York Y23 3SU, Book in online*

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.




4 th


7 th

Sunday Service

11 th

Dinner Parties

14 th

Sunday Service

18 th

Dinner Parties

21 st

Partners Ball

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Cosy Club Hangout

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Wed | 7PM, The Leeds Megacentre.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds, Book in online*

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Sun | 6:30PM, Cosy Club, Fossgate.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7PM, The Leeds Megacentre.

Sunday Service

2 2 nd

Presence Parties

2 5 th

Sunday Service

2 9 th

Cosy Club Hangout

2 9 th

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre

Sun | 6:30PM, Cosy Club, Fossgate th

Sunday Service

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.

Sun | 5PM, The Melbourne Centre.


Dinner Parties


Easter Sunday Service


Social Hangouts






_037 Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

4 th


6 th


7 th

Neon Youth

9 th

10 th

Sunday Services

11 t h

12 th

Discovering Partnership Lunch

11 t h

Sunday Services

14 th


13 t h

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast

17 th

Dinner Parties

14 t h

YA Hangouts

16 t h

Blitz the City

17 t h

Sunday Services

18 t h

22 nd


2 0 th

23 r d

Dinner Parties

24 th

Neon Youth

26 th

She Is Conference

Sunday Services

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.


Wed | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Neon Youth

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

YA Prep Party

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Blitz the City

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting at Haymarket.

Sunday Services

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Refreshers Fortnight

Mon | (Events until 2nd Feb), Across the City.


Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Neon Youth

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Sunday Services

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.


Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

7 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

8 th -17 th

19 th

20 th

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 1:30PM, Newcastle Building Book in online*

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.





Sunday Services

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/newcastle

21 st

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting at Haymarket.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

28 th


Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

30 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

31 st

All locations YA / Student Training Day Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

2 nd

3 rd


Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

2 7 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

YA Fridays

2 nd

Sunday Services

4 th

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

2 3 rd 2 4 th


Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

YA Fridays

2 3 rd

2 5 th

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Sunday Services

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.






4 th

Sunday Services


6 th

YA Fridays

13 t h


7 th

Sunday Services

15 t h

9 th


18 t h

Neon Youth

2 0 th

SHE IS United

2 0 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Neon Youth

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Hope City Men UNITED

Sat | 9:30AM, Newcastle Building. Book in online*

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

10 th

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.


Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

8 th

Sunday Services

11 th


13 th

Sunday Services

2 2 nd

14 th


2 4 th

15 th

Dinner Parties

2 5 th

16 th

YA Hangouts

2 7 th

17 th

Sunday Services

2 9 th

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.



Discovering the Vision Lunch

Sun | 1:30PM, Newcastle Building. Book in online*

ALL IN Team Night

Thu | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

YA Hangouts

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Blitz the City

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting at Haymarket.

Sunday Services

18 th

Alpha Baptisms Night

20 th

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

23 r d

Partners Ball

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Easter Sunday

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Neon Youth

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building. Book in online*

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building.

Tue | 7PM, Newcastle Building.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City

Sun | 9:30AM & 11:30AM, Newcastle Building

21 st

Neon Youth

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.



1 st

6 th

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



Creative Night

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/sunderland Event Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sunday Service

Sun | 4:30PM, The Quayside Exchange.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.


Wed | 7:30PM, Sunderland Venue.

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.


Sunday Service feat. New Times

4 th


7 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

7 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building.

Creative Night

8 th -17 th

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

10 th

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

11 th

Sunday Service

14 th

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast

17 th

Sun | 4:30PM, The Quayside Exchange.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

YA Prep Party

Fri | 7:30PM, Sunderland Venue.

Blitz the City

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting outside Cafe Nero.

Sunday Service

Sun | 4:30PM, The Quayside Exchange.

Refreshers Fortnight

Mon | (Events until 2nd Feb), Across the City.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

11 t h

Discovering Partnership Lunch

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sun | 4:30PM, The Quayside Exchange.

16 t h

19 th

Blitz the City

17 t h

20 th

Sunday Service

18 t h

21 st

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

22 nd

Creative Night

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting outside Cafe Nero.

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

24 th

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online* 25 th

28 th

2 5 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, The National Glass Centre. Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

2 3 rd 2 4 th

31 st


Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

2 2 nd

Sunday Service

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Dinner Parties

15 t h

YA Hangouts

18 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

Sunday Service

8 th

Sunday Service

Sun | 12:30PM, Stadium of Light. Book in online*


Creative Night

1 st

3 rd

Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

4 th


All locations YA / Student Training Day

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.





1 st

4 th



Discovering the Vision Lunch

4 th


7 th

Sun | 12:30PM, The National Glass Centre. Book in online*

Wed | 7:30PM, Sunderland Venue.


Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sunday Service

15 t h


18 t h

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light. Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

8 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Sunderland Venue.

Hope City Men UNITED

10 th

Sunday Service

11 th

Sat | 9:30AM, Newcastle Building. Book in online*

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

14 th

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.


Creative Night


Thu | 7:30PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

15 th

2 0 th

Sunday Service

2 2 nd

Dinner Parties

2 5 th

Fri | 7:30PM, Newcastle Building. Book in online*

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

YA Hangouts

16 th

Blitz the City

17 th

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sat | 10:30AM, Meeting outside Cafe Nero.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

18 th

2 7 th

Sunday Service

2 9 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

22 nd

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Easter Sunday

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.


21 st

Partners Ball

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Creative Night

Thu | 7PM, The Collective Space, 14a Borough Road, SR1 1EP.

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

2 6 th

YA Hangouts

Fri | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sunday Service

19 t h

SHE IS United

Sun | 10:30AM, Stadium of Light.

All In Team Night

12 t h

29 th

1 st

5 th

8 th

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



For info or to book into events,


Sunday Services

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Services

18 t h

Discover the Vision

2 0 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

visit hopecity.church/liverpool

Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, Adelphi Hotel.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

Lead (Dinner Party Season Launch) Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel Hanover Street.

NEON Nights

Fri | 7PM, Gladstones.


Sunday Service

Sun | 10:30AM, Adelphi Hotel.


Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

7 th

8 th -17 th

10 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.



Tue | 7:30PM, Novotel, Hanover St.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Conference

12 th

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

14 th

She Is Night with Jenny Gilpin Sun | 5PM, Adelphi Hotel. Book in online*

14 th

17 th

Sunday Services

21 st

Dinner Parties

24 th

Sunday Services

28 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Sunday Services

4 th

YA Tuesdays

6 th

Lead (Emerging Leaders)

7 th

Sunday Services Mothers’ Day

11 t h

YA Tuesdays

13 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

NEON Nights

16 t h

Sunday Services

18 t h

Baptism Service

18 t h

Discovering Partnership

2 0 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Tue | 7PM, Camp & Furnace. Book in online*

Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel Hanover St.

31 st

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Thu | 7:30PM, Adelphi Hotel.

All locations YA / Student Training Day Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

Sunday Services

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

YA Tuesdays

Tue | 7PM, Camp & Furnace. Book in online*

1 st

3 rd

4 th


Tue | 7:30PM, Novotel, Hanover St. Book in online*

All-In Team Night

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Fri | 7PM, Gladstones.

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel. 6 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Adelphi Hotel.

Partners Night

Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel, Hanover St.

7 th

Tue | 7:30PM, Novotel, Hanover Street. Book in online*

NEON Nights

Fri | 7PM, Laser Quest, Belle Vale.

9 th

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Partners Ball

2 4 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Men’s Breakfast

Sat | 10AM, Constellations. Book in online*

10 th

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

2 3 rd 2 4 th

2 5 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast

2 1 st

Sunday Services

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.







Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Easter Sunday

1 st

Sunday Services

8 th

Sunday Services

15 th

Lead (Dinner Parties Season Launch)

18 th

Neon Nights

20 th

Sun | 10:30AM, Adelphi Hotel.

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel, Hanover St.




Fri | 7PM, Pizza Hut.

She Leads

Sat | 10AM, Constellations. Book in online*

21 st

Sunday Services

22 nd

Presence Parties

25 th

Sunday Services

29 th

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM & 5PM, Adelphi Hotel.

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

7 th

8 th -17 th


10 th

Creative Relaunch

11 th

Sunday Service

14 th

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast

17 th

Sunday Service

21 st

Dinner Parties

24 th

Sunday Service with Dedications





Wed | 7:30PM, Austin’s House.

Thu | 7:30PM, The MAC.



Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.


Dream Sunday

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Sunday Service with Baptisms

4 th


7 th

Team’s Night

8 th

Sunday Mother’s Day Service

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Partners Ball

2 4 th

Dream Offering Sunday

2 5 th

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel, Broad St.

Thu | 7:30PM, Novotel, Broad St.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

All locations YA / Student Training Day

3 rd

Sunday Service with Welcome Party

4 th

Sat | 10AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.


3 rd

Men’s Breakfast

10 th

Sunday Service

11 th


14 th

Sunday Service

18 th

Discover the Vision

18 th

Sat | 10AM, Austin’s Pad.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Wed | 7PM, Novotel, Broad St.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Sun | 1:00PM, The MAC.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Easter Sunday Service

1 st

Sunday Service

8 th

Sunday Service

15 t h


18 t h

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.


Sat | 10AM, St. Paul’s House.

2 3 rd 2 4 th

2 5 th

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds.

She Is Brunch

2 1 st

Conference Sunday

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.




Dinner Parties

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/birmingham




Wed | 7:30PM, Novotel, Broad St.

Sunday Service

2 2 nd

Presence Parties

2 5 th

Sunday Service

2 9 th

Sun | 10:30, The MAC.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10:30AM, The MAC.

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/london

Creative Night Relaunch

Thu | 7:00PM, Hope City Event Space.

Sunday Service

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.


Wed | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space.

4 th

10 th

17 th

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Discovering Partnership

Tue | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space.

11 t h


12 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

Discover The Vision

18 t h


19 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

8 th -17 th

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast

Sunday Service

Sunday Service

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

7 th

14 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

10 t h

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Sunday Service

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.



Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Sun | 1:00PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

She Is Conference

21 st

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

23 r d

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

24 th

2 5 th


2 6 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Sunday Service

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

28 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Welcome Parties

28 th


29 th

Sun | 1:00PM, Hope City Event Space.

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sunday Service

4 th


5 th


7 th

Sunday Service

11 t h


12 t h

Discovering Partnership

13 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

31 st

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Sat | 10:00AM, The Megacentre, Sheffield.

Sunday Service

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

She Is Night

Sun | 6:00PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*


Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Partners Night

Wed | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

3 rd

4 th

4 th


Wed | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space.

All locations YA / Student Training Day

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Tue | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online* 5 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City. 7 th

2 3 rd 2 4 th

Sunday Service

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Dinner Parties


Men’s Breakfast

Sat | 11:00AM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*







Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

19 th

Dinner Parties

21 st

Partners Ball

24 th

Dream Offering Sunday

25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.




Mon | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space. Book in online*

Sat | 6PM, The Queens Hotel, Leeds. Book in online*

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Easter Sunday with Baptisms

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre. Book in online*

1 st

Sunday Service

8 th

Sunday Service

15 th


18 th

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.




Wed | 7:30PM, Hope City Event Space.

Sunday Service

22 nd

Dinner Parties

25 th

Sunday Service

29 th

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City.

Sun | 11:00AM, St Hilda’s East Community Centre.

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/frankfurt

Creative Social

Thu | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Sunday Services

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

We are Woman

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.


8 th -17 th

12 th

14 th

Dinner Party Leaders Training

17 th

Wed | 19:30, Church Venue.

Sunday Services with YA Lunch

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

YA Live Lounge

16 t h

Sunday Services

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

7 th

Sunday Services (Plus Neon) Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

9 th

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

4 th

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

19 th

2 5 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Sunday Services with YA Lunch

21 st

Dinner Party Launch

24 th

NYA with Pastor Simon Taylor

26 th

Leaders Brunch with Simon Taylor

27 th

Sunday Services with Simon Taylor

28 th

Business Colab

30 th

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the city.

Fri | 19:00, Church Venue.

Sat | 10:30-13:00, Church Venue.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Tue | 19:30, Church Venue. Book in online*

Dinner Parties

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

31 st

Neon Night

2 nd

Sunday Services

4 th


7 th


8 th

Discovering Partnership

8 th

YA Live Lounge

9 th

Sunday Services

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Discovering Partnership

15 t h

Neon Night

16 t h

Partners Ball

17 t h

Fri | 19:00, Church Venue.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Thu | 19:00, Church Venue.

Thu | 19:30, Church Venue. Book in online*



Fri | 19:00, Church Venue.

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

All In Team Night

Thu | 19:00, Church Venue. Book in online*

1 st

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Men’s Curry Night

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Central. Book in online*

2 nd

Thu | 19:30, Church Venue. Book in online*

Sunday Services with Welcome Lunch Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.


Wed | 19:30, Church Venue.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

4 th

Fri | 19:00, Church Venue. 7 th

2 3 rd 2 4 th

Sunday Services

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Neon Youth Relaunch


She Is United

Fri | 19:30, Church Venue. Book in online*







Sat | 19:00, Frankfurt Central. Book in online*

Alpha Film Night 1

20 th

Dinner Parties

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

21 st

We Are Woman

23 r d

Dream Offering Catch Up Sunday

25 th

Alpha Film Night 2

27 th

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Tue | 18:00, Frankfurt Central. Book in online*

Easter Sunday Service

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

5 th

Sunday Services with YA Lunch

8 th

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Sunday Services

15 th

Business Colab

17 th


18 th

NYA Praise Party

20 th

Sunday Services

22 nd

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Tue | 19:30, Church Venue. Book in online*

Wed | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Fri | 19:00, Church Venue.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

Presence Parties

2 5 th

Neon Night

2 7 th

Sunday Services

2 9 th

Fri | 19:00, Church Venue.

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.

1 st

Creative Social

Thu | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.


Wed | 19:30, Across the City.


18 th

Tue | 18:00, Frankfurt Central. Book in online*



Dream Offering Sunday

Sun | 10:00 & 12:00, Church Venue.



Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



Sunday Service

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

17 th

Sunday Service

21 st

Dinner Party Launch Parties



NYA with Simon Taylor



Leaders Brunch with Simon Taylor

27 th

Sunday Service with Simon Taylor





Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Fri | 19:00, Frankfurt Church Venue.

Sat | 10:30-13:00, Frankfurt Church Venue. Book in online*

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Sunday Service

4 th


7 th

Discovering Partnership

8 th

Sunday Service

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Discovering Partnership

15 t h

Partners Ball

17 t h

Dream Offering Sunday

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

8 th -17 th

Dinner Party Leaders Training

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

2 5 th

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

7 th

14 th

Wed | 19:30, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Thu | 19:30, Darmstadt Central. Book in online*

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Thu | 19:30, Darmstadt Central. Book in online*

Sat | 19:00, Frankfurt Central. Book in online*

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Dream Offering Catch Up Sunday Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Sunday Service

4 th

She Is United


Sunday Service

11 th

Dinner Parties

14 th

Sunday Service

18 th

Dinner Parties

21 st

Fri | 19:30, Frankfurt Church Venue. Book in online*

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

She Is Conference

Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, The Megacentre, Sheffield. Book in online*

23 r d 24 th

1 st

Sunday Service

8 th

Dinner Parties

11 t h

Sunday Service

15 t h


18 t h

NYA Praise Party

2 0 th

Sunday Service

2 2 nd

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Wed | 19:30, Frankfurt Central.

Fri | 19:00, Frankfurt Church Venue.

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

2 5 th

Easter Sunday Service Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.



Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.


Sunday Service

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Sunday Service

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.






For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/darmstadt







Presence Parties

25 th

Sunday Service

29 th

Wed | 19:30, Across the City.

Sun | 17:00, Church Venue.



Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/kl

Discovering Partnership

Thu | 7:30PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*

Sunday Service

Sun | 12:45PM, APW Bangsar.

She Is Conference Launch Party Sun | 12:45PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*


11 t h

Dinner Parties Valentines Special

14 t h

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

4 th

7 th

7 th

No Sunday Services - Chinese New Year

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

8 th -17 th

Dinner Parties

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

10 th

Sunday Service

14 th


Sun | 11:00AM, APW Bangsar.

2 5 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Open Heaven Night Sun | 5PM, APW Bangsar.

Dinner Parties Launch - Break Fast Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

C3 Pastors Day with Dave Gilpin

Sat | 10AM, C3 Destiny, Subang. Book in online*

Sunday Services with Dave Gilpin Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

Sunday Services

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*

Discovering the Vision Sun | 12:30PM, APW Bangsar.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

Sunday Services

4 th

14 th


7 th

17 th

Sunday Services

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

She Is Conference Asia with Jenny Gilpin

17 t h

Sunday Services with Jenny Gilpin

18 t h

28 th

Partners Dinner

2 4 th

28 th

Dream Offering Sunday

2 5 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Good Friday - Night of Worship

3 0 th

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

Wed | 7:30PM, The Capers. Book in online*

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

20 th

21 st

24 th

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.


Wed | 7:30PM, The Capers. Book in online*

Sat | 10AM - 5PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

Sat | 7PM, Across the City. Book in online*

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

31 st

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

Fri | 8PM, APW Bangsar. Thu | 7:30PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*

Sunday Services with Baby Dedications

1 st

4 th

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*

Dinner Parties

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.

7 th

Easter Sunday Services with Baptisms

1 st

Dinner Parties

4 th

Discovering Partnership

5 th

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar


Federal Territory Day / Partners Night

Wed | 8PM, Across the City

Thu | 7:30PM, APW Bangsar

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

2 1 st

Sunday Services

Wed | 8PM, Across the City.


18 t h

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar.

10 Days of Power


Sunday Services

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar. Book in online*





Kuala Lumpur


8 th


11 th

Sunday Services

15 th

Wed | 7:30PM, The Capers

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar



Sunday Services

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar

Hope City Men’s Getaway Fri - Sat | 8PM - 5PM,

HCKL Turns 3 Services with Ed Newton



20 th 21 st

22 nd

Sun | 11AM & 5PM, APW Bangsar

Presence Parties

Wed | 7:30PM, Across the City

Sunday Services with Discovering the Vision

25 th

29 th

Sun | 12:45PM, APW Bangsar Book in online*

Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

For info or to book into events, visit hopecity.church/accra

Sunday Service

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Lead Night

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue.

10 Days of Power

Mon - Wed | Across all locations.

18 t h

Discovering the Vision

18 t h

School of Leadership

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Sun | 11:30AM, Church Venue.

7 th

7 th

8 th -17 th

Sun | 6PM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.


2 3 rd

Fri | 6PM, Church Venue.

Sunday Service

14 th

Sunday Service

2 5 th

Welcome Party

14 th

Discovering Partnership

2 5 th

Dinner Parties Relaunch

17 th

Dinner Parties

2 8 th

Sun | 11:30AM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Sunday Service

21 st

Dinner Parties

24 th

Neon Big Night

26 th

Sunday Service

28 th

Open Heaven

28 th

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Fri | 6PM, Church Venue.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue.

Dinner Parties

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

4 th

Partners Night

7 th

Wed | 7:30PM, Church Venue.

Leaders Retreat with Dave Gilpin Fri - Sat | Starts at 7PM, Church Venue.

9 th 10 th

Sunday Service with Dave Gilpin

11 th

Dinner Parties

14 th

YA Night

16 th

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Fri | 7:30PM, Church Venue.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Men’s Event

3 rd

Sunday Service

4 th

School of Leadership

4 th

Mothers’ Day Service

11 t h

Lead Night

11 t h

Dinner Parties

14 t h

Sunday Service

18 t h

School of Leadership

18 t h

Dinner Parties

2 1 st

Neon Big Night

2 3 rd

Partners Ball

2 4 th

Sunday Service

2 5 th

Sat | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 6PM, Church Venue.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue.

31 st

Sunday Service

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.


Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.




Sunday Service

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.







Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.

Sun | 6PM, Church Venue.

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Fri | 7PM, Church Venue.

Sat | 6PM, Church Venue.

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue.


25 th

Dinner Parties

28 th

Wed | 7PM, Across the City.

Easter Sunday

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue


Sunday Service

8 th

School of Leadership

8 th

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue

Sun | 6PM, Church Venue

She Is Event

14 th

Sunday Service

15 th

School of Leadership

15 th

YA Night

20 th

Sunday Service

22 nd

Lead Night

22 nd

Dinner Parties

25 th

Neon Big Night

27 th

Sunday Service

29 th

Open Heaven

29 th

Sat | 10AM, Church Venue

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue

Sun | 6PM, Church Venue



Open Heaven

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue.

Fri | 7:30PM, Church Venue

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue

Wed | 7PM, Across the City

Fri | 6PM, Church Venue

Sun | 10AM, Church Venue

Sun | 5PM, Church Venue



Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r

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Holly / Alex / Nathanael

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr



n graduating from a Performing Arts school at the age of 19, Holly was hungry for success, validation and for her time in the spotlight. She’d worked hard in every single singing lesson, dance class and acting class in order to be whatever the next casting director was looking for. This is Holly’s story.

I worked in musical theatre, music videos, walked a catwalk and after each job was done and I’d had my fill of bright lights, social media attention and what I thought was progression, I’d go home and the high would quickly diminish. I’d be left feeling unsatisfied, unloved and confused at how empty I felt. Throughout this time my Christian family, who I’d actually attended church with as a child, suggested I find myself a church. Within a few visits though, I quickly determined that I could never fit in with these people - they were way too good and I felt like a fraud. I continued to feel more and more disappointed about the lack of fulfilment I was experiencing and worked in the industry less and less, determining maybe it wasn’t for me and maybe I was destined to always feel this way. By the time I was 24 I decided I must have got it all wrong with my career and after success in a sales role I decided I would climb the ranks and be the definition of ‘girl boss’! This would fulfil me right? I worked long hours to prove myself; I fought to impress my directors and was quickly promoted through the ranks.

the future instead of tired of waking up each morning? I had no fight left and accepted I must be one of those young adults spoken about in mental health statistics; that was that. On a particularly hopeless evening, I was sitting in bed when I picked up my phone and randomly Googled ‘young adults church Birmingham.’ I was surprised to see a city centre location pop up. The next morning I nervously left the house alone and made my way to church and that day, I gave my life to Jesus.

66I can only describe what happened next as being loaded into a catapult and flung into a new season of life.99 I can only describe what happened next as being loaded into a catapult and flung into a new season of life. Life changed, dramatically. I stopped medicating for depression from that day and started to recover. I began to build a family at church and together with the Holy Spirit I found myself grateful for life and found a sense of love and acceptance for myself that I never thought could be. I’m so excited and grateful for the future and for whatever calling God has for me and never again will I wonder ‘why am I here?’ Holly

Amongst the chaos of funeral arrangements, family visits and endless admin, I felt I was being tested – would I act on that feeling to move closer to home now my Dad had passed away? I phoned every recruiter I knew for a job closer to home. I picked the three best opportunities and interviews happened straight away with zero preparation. Somehow, I was offered all three jobs – plus a pay rise! I realise looking back that God doesn’t stop every bad thing from happening, but when they do, He’s in your corner. Before long I had all the things that seemed to matter: good job, nice car, big flat, a great social life and frequent travel. On the outside, things were great. Inside, I was a mess. There was a gaping hole. Successful but not satisfied. Maybe that’s why a girl called Huei from my new job got my attention. I knew Huei went to church. She had a huge heart and seemed driven by something more than just the next promotion. Early into dating, Huei told me the importance of her faith and being with someone who shared it. It wasn’t an easy conversation but I’m glad she was upfront and honest. I agreed to give church a try.

But the feelings I had been feeling only became more deeply rooted. I was depressed about my progression in life, no career was filling the void and I felt like the most ungrateful person in the world. No career could seem to give meaning to my life and no achievement could make me feel whole. I quickly began to think ‘what’s the point?’ Would anyone really notice if I wasn’t here? Would I ever feel excited about


ne morning in late 2012, Alex got a call from his Mum. His Dad had gone to hospital with a chest infection. He decided to head home to Leeds for a few days until his dad was feeling better. Driving home, Alex was overwhelmed by a feeling that he should move to be closer to his family. During the five hour drive from Edinburgh, his Dad was admitted to ‘Critical Care’. A day later his Dad died. This is Alex’s story.

There were lights, it was loud, people had their arms in the air – it was mad. It challenged all my preconceptions. People couldn’t have been friendlier or more accepting. F Holly is now a part of our Birmingham location. Hope City Magazine | Jan | Feb | M a r | A p r



After a few months, I said “yes” to Jesus. During the final prayer in one of the services, I felt uncomfortable, almost guilty. When asked if I wanted to follow Christ, I knew my hand should go up. I had to fight against the irrational worries about what people might think. Subconsciously I hadn’t shaken the view that Christians were weird, but now I wanted to be one! The penny had dropped everything I thought I’d achieved on my own was only possible through opportunity or talent that was God-given. It wasn’t down to me, my hard work or good luck. That’s the basis of what my relationship with God started from.


Last year I was baptised. It was a massive decision. I needed to be sure I wasn’t just coming to church for Huei. I challenged myself – if things didn’t work out with us, would I still go to church? The answer was yes! Huei got me through the door, but I was at church because of Jesus. I’ve never been so content. Alex


espite being brought up in church, Nathanael never really bought into it. He went to church because he was expected to. Eventually, he drifted further and further away and by the age of 17 or 18 he had lost all interest in faith. This is Nathanael’s story. It was around this age I fell in to all the temptations the world has to offer. University only exacerbated this. Campus culture, from my experience, is a lifestyle of binge-drinking, sex and drugs. Living away from home for the first time, I was excited to have the chance to throw myself completely into that life and for years that’s what I did. To everyone on the outside, I seemed like any normal young lad – simply having fun, enjoying life. On the inside however, I was struggling. The parties, relationships, and all that came with it were all great fun and brought me happiness at the time – but I found they left me unfulfilled. Everything I was doing was a quick fix to bring short term pleasure – there was no lasting satisfaction from any of it.

list as not being the solution. However, what I experienced was God speaking to me for the very first time, telling me it was time to drop the old life and start living for the truth. For the first time I realised – this is real! Being the stubborn person I am, I resisted this for a few weeks, not wanting to let go of control, until one Sunday the Holy Spirit just grabbed me and I couldn’t help but put my hand up during the appeal – and I haven’t looked back. I gave my life to God, experiencing a great peace and calm over my life – THIS was the answer I’d been looking for. Now, almost a year on, the transformation in my life has been incredible. Spoiler alert: life doesn’t get any easier when you give your life to God! I still face just as many struggles; I still have just as many bad days. But knowing that God is with you, and that in Jesus, you have a purpose that is far greater than the circumstances you’re going through, is the greatest peace and comfort that you could ask for. Nathanael T

It was around Christmas time in 2016 that I realised I couldn’t live this life any more – I had no idea what the answer was, I just knew it wasn’t this. I decided to give church and God one last chance, and with Hope City right around the corner from where I lived, this is where I turned up on 8th January 2017.


Alex is now a part of our Leeds location.

Ho p e C i t y M a g a z i n e | J a n | Feb | Mar | Apr

Honestly, I expected nothing. This was more an exercise so that I could tick God off the

Nathanael is now a part of our Newcastle location.

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