Hope City Magazine (2015 Edition)

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For all those who find it hard to answer the question “Where do you come from?”

One man’s story, exposing the seedy world of being involved in organised crime.


Follow the story of City Hearts rescuing the victims of human trafficking.

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CONTENTS issue #5

Jan-DEC 2015 HOPE CITY Inspire






HELLO. Welcome to Hope City! We are so glad to see you and have you a part of our church, even if it’s just visiting. There are thousands of great churches out there, so we feel honoured to have you a part of ours.

We often think to ourselves what makes us different to the other incredible churches in our cities and nations. It’s a great question to ask as it helps us revisit why God birthed Hope City to begin with. We’ve come up with some combinations of 4 great things that we thank God for and celebrate wildly!



HOPE CITY Resources


Firstly, it’s our mixture of faith and fun. We believe in living by faith. Faith is the currency of Heaven. By faith we can see miracles and open up the impossible. When you mix this with a bit of fun and cheekiness, it creates a lightness that God loves, as we remind ourselves that the power belongs to Him and not us! Secondly, it’s our mixture of family and freshness. We love each other yet we love to invite others to join in the party. We love the memories that being family has made, yet we’re ready to make new memories and experience brand new adventures. We’d love you to join us in our unique mix of faith, fun, family and freshness as we explore the future that God has for us together. Enjoy the Magazine! All the best,

Money can’t buy you love but it can buy you a toupée! HOPE CITY | page 4



Dave and Jenny’s ministry of keep the lamposts of Sheffield upright is thriving HOPE CITY | page 5



GENER -ATION GAME The most successful churches on Earth are where all the generations work together to create amazing strength through real sonship, real fatherhood, real mothering, real uncles and aunts as well as real friendships through amazing brothering and sistering. This is family. This is our dream. Here are some of our stories!


(0-2 YEARS) I’ve not been around long and to be honest if I’m not feeding then I’m sleeping. But I do love visiting the big place with the exciting lights and muHOPE CITY | page 6

sic. There are lots of friendly big people too so I get heaps of cuddles. I also get to meet some little people just like me and I’m pretty sure that we will all be friends when we can all lift our own heads! I think I’ll enjoy it here.



My name is Kira and I am 2 years old! I’ve been coming to Hope City with my parents and three older brothers for as long as I can remember.


Granted, at first it wasn’t too exciting; I slept most of the time. But there were always really friendly people who would actually watch me sleep, so that Mum and Dad could enjoy the worship and the sermon.

talked about confidence. It helped me at school.

Now, I love going to the Whizz Juniors! We sing songs and hear stories about how God made us and loves us.

(11-17 YEARS)

Not that I have any experience yet, but I guess that raising kids is a pretty big job, so it’s good to know that my parents don’t have to do it alone. It is pretty awesome that I can grow up in His house with a community of people who love Jesus and are ready to teach me about Him – and the amazing adventures ahead!




A couple of years ago, we started looking for a fun, exciting church so that we could find out more about God and make some great friends too! From the moment we walked in to Hope City, we felt so welcome and the atmosphere was not like any other church we had been to before. The worship was incredible and we loved the band. We both got baptised a year later and now we’re part of the Whizz Kids team, which we LOVE. We love spending time with the kids and watching them grow up in church, we are literally showing them what the next stage of their lives will look like. There aren’t many places where we get to be role models!

Once I’d been there and met a couple of people and found out about Hope City I just decided this was where I needed to be. I just knew I wanted to be a part of the fellowship and unity, with everyone doing life together, as well as the vision of starting a new fresh church in London. I love the preaching - it’s straight to the point with no compromising - it’s amazing. I invite my friends along because I love it, so why wouldn’t they?! Church for me used to be just hi and bye, but at Hope City you meet people and they’re not just in your Sunday, they’re in your every day, and that’s what I love.



We ended up in Birmingham after we got married last year – it was a new city to both of us and we wanted to find a church that would make us feel at home. After a few weeks FIRST MOMENT WE ENTERED HOPE of trying various churches, nothCITY CHURCH, WE WERE HIT WITH SUCH I come to church ing really clicked because I can’t AN ELECTRIC ATMOSPHERE. IT WAS for us and we stay home by mybegan to feel a EXCEPTIONALLY LIGHT AND LIBERATING.” self. But if I could little lonely and I would come to unsettled. Then, church, maybe on one Sunday, we came to Hope the bus. I love Jesus and I want City. The moment we walked to worship him by praising into the place we instantly felt him. Also I get to see all my the warmth that you get when friends and have lots of fun at LONDON you walk into a place that you Whizz Kids. (18-25 YEARS) call home. We were greeted with friendly faces and open I went to Hope City in Sheffield My favourite part of Whizz arms as if we had been at Hope when I was at Bible College. I Kids is the leaders being funny City for years! loved it and when I went home and forgetting the dance to London after College I found moves during worship in big During that first service, the out that Hope City was startchurch. Every week, we hear whole place felt alive with a ing a congregation in London, a message from one of the strong presence of God and so I took my friend and went Whizz Kids leaders and my we knew we were in the right along. favourite one was when they My mummy and daddy have been bringing me to Hope City from when I was a baby. I was dedicated here! My grandparents come here too. And my little brother. “THE


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place. We were invited to go for food with everyone after the service, to chill out and get to know people better. We’ve not been here long, but we already feel passionate about what Hope City are doing in our city and we love being a part of it!


(35-50 YEARS) In Ghana, there is a church every 100 metres, so the options are wide, and the churches are all very different. The main thing we were looking for in a church was true, authentic Christian values and a family of people who were committed to putting God first. The first moment we entered Hope City Church, we were hit with such an electric atmosphere. It was exceptionally light and liberating. There was something so different, yet so right about it, we just couldn’t help but feel in our spirit

that this is what God wanted church to be like. Being at Hope City, you can’t just help but believe that there is so much more to life; church becomes more than 90 minutes on a Sunday morning and it becomes your lifestyle. Our lives have been and continue to be transformed, and we are so excited for the future plans of our church and our lives within it!

and absolutely love being a part of things. Our own lives have recently entered a new phase as we’re now fostering long-term. It just goes to show that if you put God’s House first, He will take care of your own!


The reason we came to Hope City was because our eldest daughter, Georgia, invited us along one week. The reason we stayed in Hope City is because it was such an uplifting and joyful place!

We are so proud to be part of this amazing church. For us, it’s all about family. Our personal story with God began before there even was a Hope City Church and before our children had come to know Jesus. We’re so thankful that we’ve found a place which all generations can call home and discover a real sense of purpose together.

We found a real sense of the presence of God that we’d not felt for some time and preaching that really encouraged and challenged us. Family is so important to us, and it’s amazing what God has done for ours. Georgia met her husband at Hope City and they’re now leading Whizz Kids. Our younger daughter Jess, brought her boyfriend along and they’re both now in church and growing in God and they recently married. Tony’s cousin, Dave, and his wife Bev, have also come along

It’s wonderful having our daughters, Becky and Lesley, along with her husband Simon, active in the congregation with us. To see your children stepping into their calling and expressing their gifting is brilliant and something we don’t take for granted. We’ve also got two grandchildren here, Max and Elly. Elly was recently baptised. She’s 13 and is starting to lead worship. We love what God is doing with our family and we love that we are a part of the wider family of Hope City Church. ●


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MY LETTER TO THE GENERATIONS I remember sitting down with my ageing mother not long before she attained her biggest promotion in life. She said to me that it was odd that even at 86, she never really felt older than 21. She said, ‘It’s as if my mind is still young but my body just won’t do as it’s told anymore’. I asked her if she had any regrets over the long life she had lived and she replied, ‘I just wished I’d not panicked so much!’ She told me that life was a gift given to us by God and it was a life that needed to be savoured. It was wisdom drawn out from so many beautiful as well as difficult years. This is some of my wisdom passed on to you. DEAR TEENAGER, I remember as a teenager I always used to be in a rush - a rush to cram everything in and get everything done and maybe a rush to quickly bypass that season of my life. I studied hard, was a house captain in High School, played hockey, did athletics and put the rest of my time into my walk with God. After my dad passed away when I was 16 years old, it was my time with God that rescued me from spiralling downwards. Teenage years are an amazing opportunity to discover ourselves as well as get to know God, free from the pressure of massive responsibilities. I remember some amazing moments in my mid-teens crying out to God in our weekly youth meetings when hundreds of young people would gather to see huge demonstrations of both healing and the really lost finding Jesus. They were life changing; I was being fashioned as a person in the presence of God. I loved to run and loved competing in all kinds of athletic competitions, yet I always found myself completely consumed by one magnificent obsession – my pursuit of the presence of God. One thing my life lacked was what some call ‘balance’! Youth however is not really a season to embrace ‘balance’. It’s where the wild at heart become wild for God; extreme, dedicated and on the edge! There’s HOPE CITY | page 10


plenty of years ahead that will require a little bit more ‘balance’. Ecclesiastes tell us to ‘remember your creator in the days of your youth’. The seeds we sow in our young, zealous, energetic years will frame our entire lives. Never compromise your heart-felt standards and desires for the embrace of a handsome guy or a beautiful girl. That comfort is usually only temporary and heartbreaks use up a lot of valuable teen-time!

can’t seem to get off! But rollercoasters are exciting right? They take us to extremes of emotion but when we eventually step off we realise that it’s been the best experience ever. This season, as with your teenage years is to be savoured and enjoyed as much as you can because all too soon it’s just a memory! It is a season of fashioning and forging the most precious gifts we will ever be given. I don’t think there is a greater love and a more beautiful bond than the one that we have with our children. It’s time to recognise your value, your purpose and your amazing role in shaping brand new world changers.

DEAR SINGLES, Perhaps one of the hardest stages of a person’s life can be the ‘I’m still single’ part of the journey. Having spoken to many amazing, beautiful, intelligent and forthright Through the busyness of women who find themselves raising only one child as in this place, I think I’ve got well as pioneering a growing one overriding truth for them church from scratch, I’ll never – never let your concern for forget when the Holy Spirit tomorrow override your enwhispered to me, ‘ I love your joyment of today. Never forfeit son more than you do. I’m more your present while waiting for committed to him than you are!’ your future. This is the season It’s a word that has been imto awake every morning and printed on my heart ever since. live this day powerfully and God knows your situation and full of the Holy Spirit, whilst at your children’s vulnurabilithe same time ties. Dave and I prophesying to “NEVER COMPRO- endeavoured and speaking always let Ryan your future MISE YOUR HEART- know his value into your heart to us even in FELT STANDARDS and soul. In the the midst of our wait, never lowAND DESIRES FOR busy lives, but er your faith down we THE EMBRACE OF A deep expectation knew it was God’s for what your HANDSOME GUY OR A commitment to heart really, child that BEAUTIFUL GIRL.” our really desires. would see him God will fulfil through all of his the desires of all who delight challenges into all of the plans in him. (Psalm 37:4) So stop God had laid out for him. God sweating, worrying and loves your children more than being anxious about your you do. He’s their defender as future. God has it already well as their strength in times in the bag. Start making of weakness. Every child has the most of your everyday. an Achilles’ heel to remind Savour the season, don’t them of their need for Him. sweat it! As a parent, you can’t fix it but God can and he will, when DEAR PARENT, you put your trust in him. And This season is like a when you do, you can enjoy rollercoaster ride we

the season afresh! DEAR EMPTY NESTER, We all eventually find ourselves at that point in our lives when we look around and our homes are quiet once again. The children who you have lived and breathed for the past 20 years have flown from the nest and it’s so easy to feel redundant as if we’ve completely fulfilled our entire life purpose. I have learnt that our heavenly Father wants us to use this opportunity to relayer us with His presence and purpose one more time. The Holy Spirit will come again to reward us with new faith, new passion and new, fresh purpose in life: remoulded, refashioned and back! Very back for an incredible season of fathering and mothering that goes way beyond the borders of your house and home. It’s a season for reinvention. And this reinvention is even better than your last! God’s ways spiral upwards, not down. Enjoy the season! DEAR GRANDPARENT, Early on in the life of the church, two sisters came into our world called Siobhan and Colleen. They came from a disturbed background and their mum passed away during the course of time. Now that they’re both married with kids, I have the privilege of being an adopted Grandma! And I’ve taken it to heart! To sit back for a moment and see how God has used your hands and your energies to transform lives is one of the great delights in life. I now realise that we G-G’s (gorgeous grandmas) have a life full of wisdom and God moments that so need sharing. Our insecurities try to tell us that the younger generation don’t want to listen to us, but it’s not true – it’s time to tell the world all you know. The humble will gather! ● page 11 | HOPE CITY

THE HOPE OF GLORY “This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it’s out in the open. God wanted everyone, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious background. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple.” Colossians 1:27

Find out more at hopecitychurch.tv


IN KUALA LUMPUR Led by Joel and Emma Burden, a team of six amazing young adults made the big move to this dynamic and buzzing city over the summer of 2014. They have been buzzing ever since connecting, exploring and making it both home and the new home of Hope City Church. On the run up to launching Sunday Services the team hosted Dinner Parties every Friday all over the city to maximise every opportunity to connect with the awesome people of Kuala Lumpur. This is their WhatsApp feed at the beginning, before Sunday Services ever took place.

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05/08 21:01:23 Emma Burden: KL flights are booked!! Afternoon of 18th Sept is our leaving date. Feels good!!

you’d all start to get jobs for September?? This is impossible!

05/08 21:20:42 Charlie Stone: Aaaaaaaaaa flights are booked!!! Sooooooo exciting!!!

Yes yes yes!! This is fantastic news!! They are flying you out and paying some of your accommodation!! Aaaaaaaa I’m so pleased!

05/08 21:42:47 Ruth Dacre: So

16/08 16:13:03 Charlie Stone:

ready to roll!!! 29/08 01:03:04 Emma Burden:

Guys you are moving to Asia THIS WEEK!!!

30/08 18:01:32 Joel Burden: Fun

leaving party Ruth!! Loved it!

31/08 04:50:49 Ruth Dacre: Guys

06/08 13:42:56 Charlie Stone: Guys I got the job!!! I got the Job!! GOD IS GOOD!!

17/08 15:51:28 Emma Burden:

this is our last night in the UK!!!! I cannot believe how quickly it’s come round! Just wana say I’m beyond excited and honoured that I get to do this with our little family!

06/08 22:59:09 Charlene Dacre: And yay flights are booked that’s exciting! We cannot wait to start this thing!!!

17/08 15:58:55 Joel Burden: Have

02/09 01:08:53 James Dacre: Hey guys!!! We’ve finally arrived in our temp KL home!

14/08 19:13:14 Charlene Dacre:

Flights booked!!!

good you guys!!! Getting rather real now hey! :D Sold (confirmed a buyer) for my car today whoooo! :)


14/08 19:26:30 Joel Burden: Do

you realise how crazy it is that HOPE CITY | page 14

16/08 20:20:44 Charlie Stone: MY PASSPORT HAS ARRIVED! I’M GOING!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!

Charlie’s last UK Sunday today!! Ahhhhh! the best service today and enjoy the family time.

23/08 00:58:52 James Dacre: 23/08 01:31:39 Ruth Dacre:

Guys my wardrobe is empty! Suitcase is packed (ish ha) I’m

05/09 18:50:42 Joel Burden: Last day at work at the Sheffield Megacentre today... Feels weird!!! Excited to be joining you guys soon! 13/09 08:24:30 Charlie Stone:

Last night I went to a movie


Whilest Joel and Emma enjoy the sights of Malaysia, Hope City KL really motors on.

at the cinema and at the start of the movie we all had to stand up and sing the national anthem!! It was a surreal moment that was funny but actually quite moving. I had no idea what I was singing. I’m not sure if that happens all the time or what? 14/09 12:56:32 James Dacre: Hey Burdens! Enjoy your last Sunday in Sheffield today! So excited to have you out here with us!! 18/09 18:04:26 Emma Burden:

Heading to the airport!!

19/09 18:31:25 Emma Burden: HELLO!!!!!!! We are here and found wifi!!!! 19/09 20:34:23 Joel Burden: We’re

LOVING our first few hours in KL. Shattered and ready for bed now as didn’t sleep on plane. But this feels SO GOOD. This city is buzzing,

busy, contemporary and really creative. First impressions are of friendly people who love to chat. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. 23/09 08:49:29 Joel Burden:

Good morning KL team! It’s been so good catching up over the weekend! Blown way by how quickly you guys have been settling in! Loving the team vibe and sense of faith and expectation that’s in the air. From the first Sunday of October, let’s launch KL TEAM NIGHTS for prayer, worship and strategy.

30/09 16:39:03 Joel Burden:

Guys... Today we spent some time in Publika mall. We went to visit new friends there who have an art gallery. The atmosphere is incredible... Creative, young and bright... Just the people we are looking for. Who knows what could

happen! On the way out we met a whole group of young students who have started a fitness programme business. They do outdoor workouts and healthy meal programmes. These guys are just fantastic... Sparky, full of life, interested in church when I was telling them about it. Feels so divine. I’m going to go hang out with them for circuit training Saturday at 9am. There’s hundreds of people at this exercise event so I’m feeling like there are open doors here! 01/10 17:36:07 Emma Burden: This place is already getting under my skin and into my heart. I love the people and the place. I’m expectant for BIG THINGS. Can’t wait for house parties and starting Sunday services in the New Year. Let the good times roll! ● Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram at @hopecitykl page 15 | HOPE CITY




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Author’s Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus congue, libero et euismod pretium, augue orci pharetra elit, id mollis odio diam non nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ac auctor elit. Sed non fringilla risus. Ut neque dui, accumsan a fringilla in, malesuada eget justo. Quisque et blandit nunc. Phasellus condimentum velit ante, vel efficitur eros pulvinar et. Aenean nec velit arcu. Ut pulvinar erat mauris, sit amet rutrum sem consectetur ullamcorper. Curabitur nec dui in eros hendrerit laoreet quis id orci. Vestibulum sodales est mauris, at fermentum ipsum aliquet vel. Maecenas aliquet magna sit amet urna congue maximus. Etiam semper orci ut magna tempus, id aliquam risus pretium. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ante felis, posuere ac blandit vel, tincidunt ut velit. Nunc euismod consectetur sem, at ullamcorper nunc interdum vel. Sed sodales nisi quis metus consectetur, quis mattis risus egestas. Nunc eros tortor, commodo nec viverra non, facilisis nec velit. Proin congue non purus sed tristique. Nullam auctor cursus est at suscipit. Maecenas molestie blandit mauris, nec pharetra urna viverra gravida. Vestibulum ligula est, lacinia non rhoncus ut, fermentum nec lorem. Curabitur aliquet molestie mi vel malesuada. Mauris tincidunt ac erat interdum molestie. Nullam ultricies et mi eu blandit. Suspendisse enim arcu, suscipit sed metus non, rutrum pellentesque justo. Sed semper ante ipsum, id porttitor orci ultricies a. Ut sed felis facilisis, luctus nibh nec, hendrerit arcu. Aenean feugiat aliquet dui vitae pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut dignissim fermentum vestibulum. Morbi pretium vehicula porttitor. Aliquam sit amet porttitor ex. Sed pellentesque dolor sit amet viverra accumsan. Vestibulum efficitur tempor erat a tempor. Fusce faucibus ultricies massa, vel vestibulum augue ornare placerat. Phasellus lacinia dictum leo molestie lobortis. Phasellus vehicula mauris in tincidunt fringilla. Curabitur in metus tincidunt erat viverra rutrum. Praesent interdum arcu nulla, sit amet cursus nunc sollicitudin id. Sed sapien elit, suscipit nec condimentum sit amet, venenatis in dui. Sed nibh tortor, fermentum ut lectus et, fringilla finibus magna. Curabitur a elit odio. Donec est ante, sollicitudin efficitur mauris id, eleifend mattis felis. Donec pulvinar ligula ac tincidunt feugiat. Mauris ut faucibus lectus. Maecenas nec justo vel nisl congue bibendum. Suspendisse nisi mi, feugiat vitae tortor cursus, ultricies convallis nisi. Aenean facilisis massa est, bibendum pulvinar mi consectetur fringilla. Aenean pharetra orci in erat semper hendrerit. Ut quam nisl, dapibus porttitor ligula quis, malesuada molestie eros. Donec sodales posuere odio quis condimentum. Suspendisse euismod consequat leo sed pellentesque. Donec vel lacus justo. Nullam aliquam eros tortor, at rutrum arcu semper nec. Mauris felis ligula, tempus nec dolor quis, fringilla facilisis elit.



CULTURE Have you ever baulked when someone has asked you ‘Where are you from?’ For so many the answer is complicated! Your normal response is, ‘then we moved to…, then we moved to…’. You are probably what they call a ‘Third Culture Kid’ (3CK)! CKs are kids who have grown up in a culture different to their parents’ culture. And that’s not just kids brought up in another nation, but also kids or adults who have moved from the country to the city or kids who have simply moved around a lot in their lifetime.


The question that pops up

regularly on the screen of your life is ‘where do I belong?’ And that’s a question that needs to be answered. You often wonder if you belong back in the homelands of your grandparents. You wonder if you belong in the place you grew up as a child and you wonder why you don’t really feel like you belong in the here and now. You’re caught between cultures – or more precisely, you belong in a Third Culture. You’re not alone

though. Abraham was a Third Culture Kid. Having grown up in the Ur of Chaldeans, he was indoctrinated with a culture that worshipped the moon and the stars. His extended family left for Canaan arriving and settling in a halfway place called Haran. That’s where his father passed away. God then called him to leave his father’s household and head for the distant, promised land...

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CULTURE The book of Hebrews recalls it: ‘By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the Promised Land like a stranger in a foreign land; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking for a city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.’ —Hebrews 11:8-10

STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT He was like ‘a stranger in a foreign land’ yet it was the land of promise. You can be in the centre of the will of God yet still feel strange. Like you don’t quite belong. One thing stands out though – he lived by faith and not feelings, and this faith took hold of both his current destiny and

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heavenly destiny. He knew to Earth. We turn death into that deep down, it was heaven life. We have a life of purpose where he really belonged – not and destiny. earth. And it’s the same with you. You were born not in a DISAPPEARING ACT place, but in the heart and soul of your heavenly father. That’s Even with this, where you realhave a “YOU WERE BORN NOT 3CKs ly belong. Not tendency for in a postcode, a IN A PLACE, BUT IN THE sheering off city, a street or HEART AND SOUL OF relationships. in the fondness They may get of your childattached to YOUR HEAVENLY FAhood memo–a THER. THAT’S WHERE someone ries. boyfriend, YOU REALLY BELONG. a girlfriend, That’s why BFF… yet Abraham lived NOT IN A POSTCODE, awithout a drum in tents and roll, break it off A CITY, A STREET OR not in a condo and disappear. by the Sea of IN THE FONDNESS OF Why? They Galilee. He know that soon YOUR CHILDHOOD was passing they’ll be gone. through. Psalm MEMORIES.” What’s the 84 calls him point of deep and you (and all fellow ‘travelroots when you know that lers’) blessed: nothing is permanent? Same in church. 3CKs are brilliantly ‘Blessed are those whose sociable, great with serving strength is in you, whose and amazing at hospitality. hearts are set on pilgrimage. Yet, they’re also excellent at As they pass through the disappearing. People know Valley of Baca, they make you, yet don’t really know you. it a place of springs; the You’re personable, but not that autumn rains also cover it personal. with pools. They go from Jesus was also a 3CK who strength to strength, till each not only was led by eternal appears before God in Zion.’ purpose, he actually lived an —Psalm 84:5-7 intimate life with a bunch of Look at what it says: we don’t motley disciples that made just pass through - we set fire an incredible impact upon to the rain. We change lives. each one of them. They were We bring the power of eternity


so impacted, they went on to launch the Church as we know it and see millions saved!

get up from your career or even from your closely-knit family and see that there’s a community to be apart of.

Listen to this: ‘Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.’ — John 13:3-5

FIVE KEYS TO LIFE As an outcome of knowing where He belongs, he didn’t skate around them or build suffocating relationships ready to sheer off. He opened up his life and got close to them. He did five things. 1. He got up from the meal Your meal might be your education. 3CKs are 4 times more likely to get a degree than a non-3CK. And some of them get themselves a bag full! You may need to be happy with a 2:2 instead of a 2:1. You might need to

2. He took off his outer clothing He took of the image of his coolness, his look of togetherness and became real. Warts and all. Strong and weak. He made himself vulnerable. You should too. 3. He wrapped a towel around him He got ready to serve. He got ready to be a servant. No longer was the world his oyster. No longer was He the king of the universe. He was the ‘son of man’ serving mankind. Some 3CKs need to stop thinking about travel and having another gap year and start thinking about others! You could be masking a selfishness you never knew you had! 4. He poured water into a bowl He washed feet. He touched the blistered feet of the world. He massaged the bruises and the batteredness of others. He got down and dirty. This is real connectedness and this is your future. Not just to hang with the other 3CKs, but to touch the

world with the authentic love of Jesus Christ. 5. He dried them with the towel He didn’t leave half way through. He didn’t disappear. He didn’t leave them abandoned. He saw it through. He became a finisher. 3CKs are smart and open-minded. They’re great with people and know how to be inquisitive. They’re great leaders and great communicators. 3CKs come from heaven and belong in the heart of God. They don’t belong to a city or a nation yet live with a sense of purpose like no other. They plant themselves in God’s house, revealing their true selves by serving with a true heart. They’re a God given gift to the world. Hello to every 3CK out there. Your future awaits. Dave Gilpin is the Senior Pastor of Hope City Church along with his wife Jenny Gilpin. To find more quirky yet wise words, visit his blog at davegilpin.com

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The finances of Hope City Church are audited by a professional accountancy firm. We take seriously the responsibility given to us by every person who sacrificially gives towards our vision of seeing God’s kingdom come. We thank every giver and every heart behind every gift. There are hundreds of promises for those who give - your cup will run over and your barns will be full. This is the previous year’s financial summary.

INCOME £1,005,116


tithes + RISE & BUILD Businesses Income

£1,778,604 TOTAL


City Heart funding


Project Hope



EXPENDITURE PASTORAL CARE caring for people at every stage of life, through Whizz Kids, Neon Youth, Students, 1830s and Life Groups LEADERSHIP TRAINING raising up great new leaders and building into the leaders we have BUILDING AND VENUE FACILITIES building God a House in each of our Locations WORSHIP AND MEDIA connecting with our God through worship, and connecting to thousands of people via our online presence HOPE CITY | page 22

CENTRAL OPERATIONS being diligent in the infrastructure of what we do through Administration, Human Resources and Health & Safety

CITY HEARTS rescuing the most vulnerable people in our world and loving them back to life NEW FRONTIERS pushing forwards in our vision to be a world-impacting church - through our missions in Accra, Frankfurt and London COMMUNITY OUTREACH

impacting the communities we are in through Project Hope, MegaKidz, MegaNursery and MegaConferencing The Dream offering of £321,000 (including remaining standing orders and faith goals) is being safely tucked away for the exciting future of each of our Locations. And the Lancashire building capital of £175,000 is also ready for the future of Hope City in the North West.


HOPE CITY Resources


Everyone has a story. Stu Otten’s recently released ‘novel’ follows the life of Si Arnold – tracking his transformation from a seemingly normal and well-adjusted youngster, into a vicious gangster striving to make his mark in the drug-fuelled underworld of 1990s Liverpool. You’ll find that Stuart’s novel and his real life story run a parallel path. Names have been changed to protect the identity of those involved.

t’s 1995. The Liverpool club scene was a thriving industry, super clubs like Cream made clubbing cool and suddenly a night out in Liverpool was the place to be seen.


The advent of the rave culture had brought with it a whole new drugs trade and Liverpool had become one of, if not the most important city in Europe for drugs distribution. The influx of drugs, particularly ecstasy and cocaine into the heart of this new phenomenon in music, also meant a huge

influx of cash. Where there is cash, there is greed. Where there is greed, there is trouble.

ing up the security firms were the real bosses. And Liverpool had a few of them.

Traditionally ‘Doormen’ were employed for one reason and that was the security of the club, its staff and its customers. In this new clubbing scene, the doorman’s role was changing and all over the city, old school doormen were being kicked out and replaced by ‘private security firms’. These security firms were employing bouncers to not just provide muscle but to keep the flow of drugs going inside the venues. Whether the club or bar owner wanted this to happen or not didn’t matter, the guys head-

The troubled atmosphere had really started the year previously when police had targeted doormen and many arrests were made as the police tried in vain to tackle the growing drug issue. Si first became alert to the situation when Peanut warned him that the police had set up a special operation to catch and arrest drug-dealing doormen. By the time Si arrived on the scene around 1996, it was like world war three had started. The control of the doors and page 23 | HOPE CITY

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fight between two of the most powerful and influential gangland bosses in the city between whom a huge rift had developed.

the drug market was the main reason for all the trouble, but what really lit the fuse for the whole thing was an overspill from a disagreement between some of the lead underground figures. This had escalated and it eventually led to an arranged

the Straightener had been fought and won by one guy, the other took exception to the fact that it was suspected that a weapon of some sort had been used. This Straightener instead of putting an end to any potential situation actually fuelled an even more intense one and tensions hit breaking point.

In Liverpool at that time, when there was a particular problem between an individual with another doorman or gangster, they had what was called a ‘StraightenTHESE AFFAIRS WERE A couple of er’. This was days later the a one-on-one USUALLY who had fight, organHONOURABLE OCCA- boss allegedly won ised with the SIONS - A STRAIGHT UP the Straightsole purpose of ‘straightFIST FIGHT, NO WEAP- ener unfairly shot dead ening out’ or ONS OR TRICKS, JUST was in an execuclearing up the unresolved TWO MEN SLUGGING IT tion-style hit. situation. OUT. And so began The person the real crazy standing at the end was protimes. You had no idea who nounced the winner and his was going to get shot next. In pride would be restored. These that year there was around 45 affairs were usually honourseparate shooting incidents able occasions – a straight up directly involving doormen fist fight, no weapons or tricks, and club security. just two men slugging it out. In this particular instance after

This is an extract from ‘Strongarm’, available at Amazon.com.

Now married to Gemma and father to Freddie, Stu’s life is one that proclaims God’s incredible grace and miraculous power. His story demonstrates in a powerful way that no one is ever more than an arm’s length away from God at any time.

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Many years ago, Allen’s sweets in Australia started to sell red frogs – chewy sweets that went crazy across the country. That’s exactly what’s happened with the ministry called Red Frogs. Helping students at parties, universities, tourist hot spots as well as end of school hangouts on the Gold Coast. Red Frogs has reassured, protected and provided holistic support to generations of Aussies. It’s now come to Britain. This is Jordan’s story. page 25 | HOPE CITY


began my second year at Sheffield University in a similar vain to the first one - drunken evenings spent with friends from the course I was studying.


At this point I was totally oblivious to Church, and couldn’t care less if God existed or not. I used to think going out to get drunk was fun. It was the norm and I was very easily influenced back then. I’d look around and everyone I knew was getting ready to go out for a heavy night, and of course I didn’t want to miss out on ‘all the fun’. In my second year at university, I coincidently ended up sharing a house with three guys from Hope City. One

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success, and I went home with evening, all three of them were the biggest smile on my face. preoccupied getting ready to go out at night. Why would a Christian be going out? Surely Before I knew it, I was spendthey don’t drink? I had to ing my free time hanging out know so I asked them. They with the Red Frogs crew and looked at me amusingly and had become good friends with replied ‘Nope, we’re going out quite a few of them. After a to do something called Red while, they invited me along Frogs’. I was instantly curious to Church one Sunday and by and demanded more inforthat point I was eager to go mation. They duly obliged especially if it meant spending and said that Red Frogs was more time with these awea worldwide student support some new friends I’d made. network group and that it During that very first service was part of the student outI made an instant decision to reach programme run by their make Jesus Christ my Lord and church. They saviour - and I then explained “YOU’RE HANDING haven’t looked that a group of since. It OUT FREE PANCAKES back them go out at was quite simply AND SWEETS? YOU the best decision night and make sure students GUYS MUST BE MAD!” I could have and are having a will ever make. safe night out, which they do by cooking Four years later? God has them pancakes, and handing blessed me with the amazing out all sorts of free sweets and opportunity to lead the incredwater. This enables them to ible Sheffield Red Frogs Team, have some substance in their which currently has over 40 stomachs so they don’t get too amazing volunteers. We go out drunk, and also keeps them every week, and we even get hydrated on long nights out. funded by the night clubs to do “You’re handing out free pancakes and sweets?” I said in disbelief, “you guys must be mad!” However, curiosity took over and I decided to help out and give it a go (and yes, I cheekily thought I might be able to help myself to a few pancakes too!) Safe to say, the night was amazing. I met so many great people from Hope City, who instantly made me feel welcome and part of the Red Frogs team. The night was a huge

what we do best: looking after and supporting a whole load of students and young adults on nights out. This year alone, we’ve impacted over 65,000 people! I love what I do, and wouldn’t change it for the world.

Red Frogs is an initiative that runs alongside our students ministry in Hope City Church. For any more information on how to get involved, check out hopecitychurch.tv

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The mandate of City Hearts, the care ministry of Hope City Church isn’t just to pray for the awful plight of the trafficking of people across the planet as human slaves, but to care for and resuscitate it’s victims back to life. It’s working. This is what’s been happening behind closed doors.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

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was born and grew up in Uganda, where I never knew my parents and from a young age was raised by my grandmother.


I was not aware of any other siblings so she was the only family that I had. I lived with her until the age of thirteen when she passed away. At that time some people from the church offered to support me. I trusted them and after a short time I moved into their house. Sadly, this is where my abuse started; I was treated poorly, made to work long hours, and repeatedly raped by the man of the house – who was also a policeman. After some time, the woman of the house claimed she could help me to find cleaning work in the UK. I trusted her and even referred to her as ‘Auntie’. In 2006, at the age of 17, she sent me to the UK. Unbeknownst to me, I had been sold. My new ‘owner’ locked me in his house and ordered me to never open the curtains; he said that he would kill me if I opened them or spoke to anyone. For the next several years I was locked in a house, never to see daylight, and made to have sex with several different men each day. And that is when I became pregnant. Once the traffickers discovered I was pregnant, they put me in a car, drove me to a motorway, and left me on the side of the road. I had no idea where I was or how to find any help. Thankfully someone stopped, picked me up, and drove me to the police station. Whilst at the station, I was identified HOPE CITY | page 28

as a victim of human trafficking and I agreed to receive government assistance. City Hearts was part of that assistance. I arrived at one of their safe houses highly traumatised, upset and afraid. I was 8 months pregnant. It took several weeks for me to trust the staff, but after hours of care, listening, assistance,

to University, however my family had no money for this, so I trained locally as a primary school teacher. During my time teaching, a man who had recently befriended me approached me with the prospect of a cleaning job in the UK. He promised I would earn enough money to

STUCK IN TRA counselling, and love – I began to blossom. My baby was born, and soon became a muchloved member of the household.

one day attend University. I jumped at the opportunity, believing that my dreams would come true and a future for my family and I would be sealed.

Before leaving, I was required They say that I’ve made treto attend a religious ceremony mendous steps of courage and in which I had to drink a liquid faith in the time I’ve been with mixed with the insides of a them. I now have more confihen. They made me promise dence and I’ve recently moved that I would into my own never disobey the accommoda“MY NEW ‘OWNER’ man who offered tion. They also LOCKED ME IN HIS an opportunity of say I have the most beautiful HOUSE AND ORDERED a lifetime. I was threatened that smile, but the ME TO NEVER OPEN if I disobeyed I greatest smile would be severely I have is on the THE CURTAINS; HE punished. inside as a new SAID THAT HE WOULD Soon after this I day and my new life dawns. KILL ME IF I OPENED received docuwith false The journey THEM OR SPOKE TO ments information in remains a long ANYONE.” them (including a one, but I now fabricated age) as have hope for well as a script I had to memothe future. I’ve learned that rise to tell the authorities. I felt people can be trusted, that God confused at the process but is love and I am not alone. complied because I wanted to earn a better future and would do anything to achieve that.


wo years ago I lived in Africa with my mother, three brothers, and one sister. I dreamt of going


Upon arriving in the UK I was picked up at the airport and driven to a house in London. Instead of the promised cleaning job, I was locked in a room


with other women and sexually exploited. Looking back, the threat of the religious ceremony performed before I left was enough to scare me into obedience. This went on for several months, moving continually to different flats as a sex slave. One morning, the flat was

AFFICK! raided. I was rescued, and put into a detention centre. The conditions were very poor and it was then that I contacted my mother. Finding out the traffickers had threatened to harm my family if I did not come back to London and comply, so I returned to my captors. After another several months of being sexually exploited, the police again raided the flat where I was rescued and this time I was offered full protection by the police. I was referred to City Hearts where immediately I began to get help and real assistance. I was provided with my own room, clothes, toiletries, food, and bedding. I was determined to become independent and move on from what had happened to me. I wanted to quickly move on and start studying as soon as possible. City Hearts also aided me in addressing my medical issues and provided counselling which helped me to navigate my way through all the trauma that I endured. Since arriving at City Hearts my life has been transformed. I arrived a very shy young

girl who did not trust anyone because of what I had gone through.

become very close. I think they were the reason I was still alive.

I have also made contact with my mother and family who are all safe. Thank you to everyone who works at City Hearts. Your time and effort has changed my life.

They kept me a slave for around two years. One night in the house I heard the man arguing and then he came to me and threatened me with death if I ever left the house. I was very afraid but knew I had to try and leave. The first time I tried to escape I was caught and beaten badly and left chained up for days. It took my body weeks to heal. The second time I escaped they caught me again, and I was beaten with chains. I felt like I was going to die. I did not try to escape again.


grew up in a part of Africa that was in deep conflict. I enjoyed playing football but can’t play much now because of the pain from when I was beaten.


I also enjoyed reading at school, which I still like to do. My parents left the place we were living when I was young and my aunt had to look after me. After a few years, my aunt told me that she could not continue taking care of me because she didn’t have enough money. I went to study in another city until the situation in my life became too difficult to survive. My friends then found me a place to work looking after the children of a wealthy family. I liked the job because I had a place to stay, was given food and I could come and go whenever I wanted. I never met the man who owned the house until one night when he came and said everyone of us had to leave. I recognised him as someone in the government. We were taken a long way in the dark until we arrived at a large house in another town. The house had big gates and guards. I was scared but didn’t know what to do. The man would return a few times a month in the middle of the night with other men in suits. I realised I was now a slave. I was still looking after the children and we had

One night the man came back and said I had to go with his family to Europe. He threatened me that if I told anyone about what and who I had seen in the house he would kill me. While in Europe we lived amongst a large African community and I was reunited with an old family friend. He helped me escape to the UK. On arrival in England I was put into contact with City Hearts. They helped me access legal advice for my asylum claim and gave me support finding a church full of young people so that I could reconnect with God, something I had not been able to do whilest I was a slave. City Hearts helped me to feel safe and to believe I had a future. They would talk to me for hours about normal things which also made me feel normal and accepted for who I was. I want to become a doctor and they encouraged me to access education and start to learn. I just want to say thank you to City Hearts. Thank you very much for everything you have done for me. For more information and ways to help, visit city-hearts.co.uk

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of a

worldchanger The vision of Hope City isn’t just to become large but to become influential through raising up a generation of World Changers – people determined to make an impact in the Business World, the World of Politics, the Entertainment World, the World of Education, the Community World, the Governmental World and the World of Sport. This is how it’s unfolding!

COMMUNITY WORLD BEAUTY FROM ASHES Sue Henderson Grief is something I know very well. In October 2012, my dad passed away and just seven months later so did my son. It was such a painful time and I constantly cried out to God for peace. As we wanted our son’s funeral to be as special as he was, we

went to a new funeral directors’ called ‘I Did It My Way’. Their Spider-Man coffin was just what we wanted! The couple who had just opened this business were so understanding and caring. They had created an atmosphere that I felt comfortable in when I was doing the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. God opened a door that day and shortly afterwards I was offered a job there. At first I was just answering phones, but before long I was arranging the funerals. I still can’t

believe how I don’t break down in tears when I’m face to face with heartbreak and pain every week. I know that God covers me with His grace on every occasion and gives me the right words to console the families who have just lost their loved ones. I am now leading the funerals and it is the most gratifying thing I have ever done. People have asked me to pray for them too, especially when they see how I’ve coped with loss...

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Working in the community and helping people is all I’ve ever wanted to do. My reward – God has given me an incomprehensible peace... I know it’s supernatural. My ashes have been turned to beauty and I know I’m in the right place. THE WORLD OF


The day I finished university, I took a blank piece of paper and wrote MY LIFE at the top of it. I signed the bottom, left the rest blank so that God could fill it in, and went off to my new job at The House of Commons.

ly decision to be myself and be comfortable in my own skin – knowing that the only reason that I am where I am is because Jesus has placed me there. And God doesn’t make mistakes!

realised though that I need to be myself – none of my friends are apologetic for the things they are passionate about, and I know that they wouldn’t expect me to be either.

A good friend of mine was once talking to me about his music career and what he said has stayed with me ever since - “This was never about me, this is not about me, and it’s never going to be about me”. My life is part of HIS story. I don’t need to be great. He already is. The pressure’s off.

I love Jesus and His church, and I know that my friends know that because I don’t hide it. Two of my closest friends – my brother and his wife –saw what a difference Jesus had made in my life and as a result, they came to church and have given their lives to Jesus.



Friendship is such a huge part of my life. Friendship is Fast forward two of the having people in my world craziest years of my life and who I can be myself with. I’ve played over 100 gigs, left They talk to me, not about my job, toured with amazing me. They support me and artists, found myself on the challenge me. I have friends BBC Radio 1 playlist and in who are Christian and hot pursuit of a career in friends who song writing. I’m officially “I HAVE FOUND MYSELF aren’t. And I don’t change ‘in the indusCONTINUALLY SLIPwho I am try’! PING INTO A STATE OF around any Being a of them! FEELING INADEQUATE, Christian in I found it a the music USUALLY BECAUSE I’M huge chalindustry is COMPARING MYSELF TO lenge to be tough. It’s a ‘in the world harsh, unEVERYONE ELSE” but not of predictable, the world’. unforgiving It seemed so easy to ‘get it’ world. I have found myself when you hear it from the continually slipping into a pulpit on a Sunday – but state of feeling inadequate, then when I hit the school usually because I’m comparstaff room on a Monday ing myself to everyone else morning, it didn’t seem so I see – and partly because easy. I used to get nervous that’s what the industry is about talking about God and all about. Comparison is a church in case my friends killer. I have to come back to think I’m judging them the truth that I am enough or that I’m just crazy! I’ve in God’s eyes. I make the daiHOPE CITY | page 32

True friends love who you truly are. THE WORLD OF


It all came about during a conversation after a Connect Group meeting in 2006. My wife and I, and another couple from our church, talked about wanting to create wealth for the Kingdom of God. We all felt that it was something that God wanted us to do, so we pooled our ideas and our expertise and six months later we stepped out into the business world, and Passion Beauty was launched. Our business goal was to create a brand name that stood out in the sphere of health and beauty. But the underpinning founda-






in government meetings was never on my agenda and is miles outside my comfort zone. Yet I have been enormously privileged Seven years on and we have to represent City Hearts at three successful salons, such meetings. We are one a growing reputation for of the voices inputting into quality of service and the new legislation currently huge blessing of giving being drafted in the Modthe rewards back into His ern Slavery Bill, I’ve been to House. governmental meetings to “FROM THE BEGINNING Starting a talk about business is TO THE END, IN THE UPS how we do scary, any AND THE DOWNS, WORK Victim Care. step into the unknown WITH YOUR GOD-GIVEN I’ve been takes guts contracted GIFTS AND STICK TO and over the to write a past seven YOUR GOD-GIVEN document years there working with VISION!” have been Embassies highs and and even sat lows, successes and failure. on a panel at the Slovakian The secret of our overall Embassy representing the success though, is pretty role of an NGO working with simple – from the beginning survivors. to the end, in the ups and Whilst these meetings the downs, work with your are important, I attend God-given gifts and stick to them with the eyes of a your God-given vision! world-changer. In other words, I’m praying for opTHE WORLD OF portunities to impact people and situations on behalf of the Kingdom and not only the government. LONDON CALLING Jen Baker On more than one occasion I’ve been able to share or represent God’s heart of love When you say to God and numerous times I’ve that you are willing felt the Holy Spirit give me to do anything for words when I had none. Him and suddenly you find yourself To go into all the world standing outside means your world, wherevthe Houses of Parer that is, changing it from liament wonderwhat is inside you. That ing how on earth power is your power to see you arrived there, His Name made - powerful. you know its Gods’ doing and not your MORE WORLD OF own. tion of what we were doing remained the desire to build the House of God and bring finance into our church.


Speaking on behalf of ‘victims’ of human trafficking (we like to call them survivors)


who loved education. The one place Dad could have become bankrupt easily was in a bookshop. An otherwise very frugal man, He could spend his last penny buying books. I grew up surrounded by them. It was medicine as a career for me, or nothing. However I also felt that in addition to practicing medicine I was called to teach and train others, a bit like my parents I guess. It has been a long, arduous and sacrificial journey to becoming a Hospital Consultant and a Professor of Medicine, each a full time commitment in itself. With numerous clinical and research students under my tutelage at any point in time, a busy clinical workload providing care for very delicate pregnancies, and research and administrative portfolios at national and international levels, academic medicine is both the best of two worlds as well as a pressure cooker! I was drawn to God by a deep knowledge that He loved me and blessed me so, and that every gifting, no matter how big or small it seemed, has come from Him. The only gratitude I felt would count was therefore to turn to him and live for Him. I am loving that God has called me to encourage and help people in my world, be they my patients, colleagues or my students. His Presence with me, and the love of my amazing wife Ngozi, and our truly beautiful children remain my joy. And of course my amazing family of God’s people in Hope City Church. ●

EDUCATING DILLY Professor Dilly Anumba I was born to teacher parents page 33 | HOPE CITY


“But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.” —Psalm 92:10

You rise to the level of anointing upon you. What was good and anointed yesterday can become the biggest blockage to what God is bringing tomorrow. Abide in prayer and the Word, stay in church and you will continue to abide in the anointing. Your life and legacy will reflect the measure of anointing upon you. Phil Pringle writes about the importance of an anointed life. 1. OIL BRINGS MOISTURE TO DRY THINGS When you have dry skin, you moisturise with oil and rubbing oil renews dry, cracked leather. Many believers are dry in their spirit because they have not soaked in the anointing. His oil provides “fat” in our bones, without it, we become brittle, sensitive, and are easily hurt. 2. OIL BRINGS OUT FLAVOUR IN FOODS With the anointing upon us, our personality becomes clear, unique and enhanced. Christianity is thought of as dull, grey, colourless but nothing could be further from the truth. With the anointing, we are colourful beings and living as God’s creation. 3. OIL IS VICTORIOUS AND JOYFUL It is a custom in Eastern countries to anoint one another with oil. Oil is associated with joy, celebration, and victory. In Eastern culture, if you accomplished a great victory or fulfilled a great purpose, there was a celebration. A great crowd

would gather, pouring oil over everyone’s head, with a bounty of wine, food, dancing, laughter and gifts for all. Once Jesus had completed the greatest feat of all time - conquering death, defeating sin and the devil through the Cross and being seated at the right hand of God - He poured out the Holy Spirit. All people were called upon to join in the celebration, He poured oil, supplied new wine, and great revelation of the Word of God which is our nourishment and brings laughter, joy, and gifts for all who gather. There is a need for revival in our lives. This only comes through fresh oil and anointing, where the anointing flows with the Holy Spirit. Ps. Phil and Chris Pringle are the founders of the C3 Global movement. Arriving in Sydney from New Zealand in 1980, they started the first C3 Church in Sydney - now known as C3 Oxford Falls. Today there are almost 350 C3 Churches worldwide. For more from Phil Pringle, visit philpringle.com.

Hope City Church is part of the C3 church global movement. The vision of C3 Church is to plant 1000 churches across the world with an average attendance in each congregation of 500 people. HOPE CITY | page 34

t c e n n Co

The small group network of Hope City Church with two alternating programs to build friendship and family.


Home Sundays At Hope City "For me it felt familiar - yet i'd never been in anything like it before! Under the vibrant music, behind the contemporary talk from the bible, and beneath the great sense of family there was something that resonated within me - a rightness and acceptance. It was like coming home.�

1. 2.

Connect and Grow

Chat, prayer and desserts to create faith, family and future.

Connect House Parties

Uniting our friends with our guests for dinner mixed with games, quizzes, comedy & more food.




Sheffield . Leeds . Liverpool . London . Birmingham . New castle . Sunderland . Lanca shire . Accra . Frankfurt . Kuala Lumpur






FEBRUARY 2015/2016


MAY 2015/2016



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APRIL 2015

MARCH 2015/2016



MAY 2015/2016


MARCH 2015/2016


NOVEMBER 2015/2016



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