I'm a Mum: Get me outta here!

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I’m a Mum Get me outta here!


Foreword by Jenny GiLPin

I’m a Mum Get me outta here!

Devotional rescue for Mums Copyright ©Dagarté Ltd 2011

Foreword by Jenny Gilpin

Being a mum! It’s exhausting, It’s demanding, it’s filled with the unexpected, and if you get the chance to step back, it can be really rewarding..............

Being a mum! It’s exhausting, it’s demanding, it’s filled with the unexpected and, when you get the chance to step back, it can be really rewarding!

Motherhood is where so many worlds’ collide! You’re a medic, a coach, a cleaner, a restaurateur, and advisor, a school teacher, a director, an entertainer, a hygienist, a psychologist and an intercessor! And all of them in a single day. And that’s not to mention if there’s a man around!

I’m A Mum, Get Me Outta Here! Is a devotional rescue that comes in the nick of time for many women who need some real help from above but simply don’t know where to start in the midst of a really busy schedule. Lola is one of the loveliest women

Jenny Gilpin

Motherhood is where worlds collide! You’re a medic, coach, cleaner, restaurateur, advisor, school teacher, director, entertainer, hygienist, psychologist and intercessor! And all of them in a single day. And that’s not to mention if there’s a man around! I’m A Mum, Get Me Outta Here! is devotional rescue that comes in the nick of time for many women who need some real help from above but simply don’t know where to start in the midst of their busy schedule. Lola is one of the loveliest women I know. She’s bringing up three girls, each very different from each other, and manages to hold down a job and look after her handsome hubby. The beauty of this book is that Lola has found God

speaking to her in the most ordinary of situations. She makes God’s word accessible to anyone at any time. You don’t need to be a super sleuth or a super spiritual person to receive the priceless nuggets of wisdom that Lola has formed from her every day life. This book is devotional gold for the most undervalued ministry in life – motherhood! Enjoy,

Jenny G

Founder of Hope City Church and City Hearts

The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.� Isaiah 14:24 (NIV)

The Proposal Sometimes I feel like I’ve got all the ingredients for what I need to do in life, but I can’t put them together correctly. It’s a feeling that disappears once I remind myself that God does not leave our lives all scattered about. He will always help us connect with the right person, the right place, the right time, as well as the right circumstance. He works all things together for our good (Romans 8.28). That means that even the things that feel scattered are actually working together! I don’t know what state you’re in just now, but be assured that God will ensure that everything comes together for your good. Our God, who made the heavens and the earth, has the perfect picture for your life and mine. We can trust him to join the dots and make something beautiful with our lives!

Li ste n U p “I have also heard you”, declares the LORD. 2 Kings 22:19 (NIV)

Whenever I tell my husband my problems, he immediately wants to sort everything out for me and solve everything! I do love that he wants to do that for me, but sometimes he gets carried away. All I actually wanted to do was talk! I love the fact that Jesus will always listen to each one of us no matter what; whether we’re moaning, whether we’ve done things wrong or just fed up. Jesus listened to the woman at the well. He gave her dignity by not judging her or immediately forcing a solution down her throat. Regardless of who or where we are today God wants to listen to us, so let us approach him with confidence.

Permission to speak, My parents told me I was born on a Sunday. I had believed it for my whole life, but when I looked it up on my phone it said I was born on a Saturday! Why did they tell me one thing, yet the truth was completely different? I thought I would investigate further, and with the help of Google, I found out that my parents were right – I was born on a Sunday!  You might have situations and people who want to speak into your life and dispute the things that you know are true. They might want to challenge the things that God has said to you - but like me that day, you have to look for a greater source of truth! We can trust what God has said absolutely and totally, so seek His word concerning your situation and ignore anything else!

And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Hush up…” Mark 1:25 (AMP)

Life’s not fair …not by works, so that no-one can boast. Ephesians 2:9 (NIV)

My girls say “It’s not fair” all the time - and sometimes I find myself saying it to God! When I’ve done everything right I don’t expect a negative outcome from God (it’s even worse when people who’ve not done things right get continually BLESSED by God!) Over the years, I’ve realized my need to be humble. God constantly challenges me when I allow myself to think that I can access God’s grace and goodness by my “good” deeds alone. There is only one way to access God’s grace and mercy - by trusting in what Jesus did on our behalf. It is great that it does not depend on what we do because none of us will ever qualify. It’s true that it’s not fair. It’s not fair that Jesus should have taken our place but He did and all He asks is that we humbly accept His sacrifice.

Rescue me! “I need you Lord. I need your help right now!” That was all I could pray before I was due to lead a small group in our house. I’d just got back from work with the flu and all I felt like doing was crawling into bed, but that was not an option. Sometimes we need God immediately and are forced to cry out and pray quickly over an intimidating situation. It is great to know we have a God who can and does answer those kinds of prayers. He has promised to hear us always!

I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Psalm 3:4 (King James Version)

Psalm 115:15 (English Standard Version)

May you be blessed by the LORD, who made heaven and earth!



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