She Is Conference 2018 - The Pursuit

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she is conference 23rd - 24th February 2018

Pastor Jenny Gilpin

Do you see what There is a quest, A search, A desire in each one of us for something more. It is the pursuit of a meaning, It is the pursuit of a life purpose, It is the pursuit of strength, In essence, it is the pursuit of our God. It is a longing, A cause, A relentless ache and a beautiful art. We reach, we chase and we run with the hope to actually touch the one who is higher than us. Our quest is often accompanied by a deep seated feeling, that the one we yearn for will never be found.

There is nothing further from the truth.

“Seek me and you will find me�

Jeremiah 29:13 Our God, not only longs for us but chases after those, who chase after Him. And in our pursuit we find wisdom, we discover His plan, we align ourselves with His purpose and we capture His heart for us and for others. My prayer over these two incredible days of The Pursuit, is that we find answers to the challenges of our lives and hearts, we find equipping for His incredible plans, and we find our hearts settled and connected in the presence of the one we pursue.

From your host Jenny Gilpin





Jenny is our host and along with her husband, Dave, is the Senior Pastor of Hope City Church. She has a precise prophetic anointing which she vocalises with unmatched finesse.

Natalie together with her husband Hartley are the campus pastors of C3 Silverwater in Sydney. She is a passionate preacher who moves in the prophetic and loves the presence of God.

Tes leads Linc Church, in South Africa, alongside her husband Dylan. She is known for her practical and faith-filled messages that stir people on to the greater days that lie ahead.

Jenny’s voice will inspire you to advance into new territory with poise, journeying you towards discovering a deeper confidence and knowledge of your true value.

Nat’s life’s cause is to build the local church, empower leaders and magnify Jesus.

She believes wholeheartedly that the local church is the hope of the world and has a deep conviction that all people can find a sense of belonging, family and “home” within the local church.

Sheffield, UK

In 2004, Jenny started City Hearts to help support women with life controlling issues. City Hearts has since expanded, opening numerous houses for survivors of Modern Day Slavery. Since the birth of City Hearts they have pursued the freedom and restored the lives of over 3500 women, men and children across Europe and Africa.

“Knock and the door will be opened to y o u .” Matthew 7:7

Jenny moved to Sheffield 26 years ago with her husband to pioneer Hope City Church, now one church in twelve locations across the globe. Their son Ryan lives in Sydney, Australia.  @jennygilpin

Sydney, Australia

Nat and her husband, are also regional overseers of C3 North West Sydney. She serves Pastor Chris Pringle as a key part of The Everywoman Exec Team and oversees The Everywoman Collective gatherings across the Sydney locations. Together Hartley and Nat have three beautiful children Sienna, Jesse, and Cleo.  @natjtaylor

Ballito, South Africa

Her honest approach to life and her pursuit of the freedom found in Jesus is contagious. Her heart for humanity is gathering and mobilising people to become all they were created to be and urging them on to reach the world through loving kindness and personal connection. Tes is a writer, worship leader and speaker. She is the mother to three beautiful girls and a fourth precious child on the way.  @tesjahnig

she is

“She is clothed with strength & dignity & laughs without fear of the future” Proverbs 31:25

Calling all our gorgeous girls aged 11-15! At She Is Conference 2018 we are creating a space just for YOU! Pastor Becky Mpanza  @beckympanza s

We have the beautiful Pastor Becky Mpanza bringing a word that is designed with you in mind. Followed by some practical sessions on ‘Identity & Self-esteem’. Can’t wait to learn and share together as well as having some treats along the way.

Lunch will be provided and there is a gift for each of you too! Book in today and get excited for all that God is going to do! Let’s laugh together without fear of the future, knowing we can live stronger, braver and more adventurous than we ever have before!

ity Heart

On behalf of every survivor, I would like to thank you for your generosity in sponsoring the lives of society’s most vulnerable and exploited during our 2017 conference. Through your help, this year alone we have pursued the freedom and restored the lives of 1,100 women and men. Hebrews 12 says that you and I are to run the race marked out for us. In other words, our pursuit is not for the things of this world, but Him, His heart and all that He has called us to. As a company of She Is ladies, we are called to deliver a generation out of slavery and hopelessness and into freedom, dignity and restoration.

We shall create a team of family support workers who shall empower parents in their relationships with their children, helping them to repair often strained relationships.

We shall give mums’ and dads’ time to focus on their own recovery and provide children a safe space to talk about how they This year, our pursuit is marked by feel and help them become a child again. an offering for ‘The Forgotten Children’. We hear the stories of the women and men who have We shall also fund in-house counsellors so that children been enslaved, but right now in can process all they have been our safe houses we are caring through and seen. for 80 of their children. Many came into this world through For too long our teams have had acts of exploitation, many have been abused, all have witnessed heard the stories of these children horrors. Our offering is for these having nightmares and flashbacks of being kidnapped and abused, children. it breaks the heart to see them suffer.

Now is our time to rewrite their stories.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.� Hebrews 12:1

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