Balance in the Athlete Ves bular System: The Missing Link Saturday & Sunday, May 31– June 1, 2014 Instructor Robert Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS Na onal Director of Sports SpeciďŹ c Rehabilita on and Performance Enhancement Programs Physiotherapy Associates Las Vegas, NV Hosted by
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About Robert Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS
Make check payable to Hospital for Special Surgery and mail with completed registra on form to: Hospital for Special Surgery Rehabilita on Department 535 East 70th Street New York NY 10021 A=en on: Karen Juliano
Robert Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS is the Na onal Director of Sports SpeciďŹ c Rehabilita on and Performance Enhancement Programs as part of Physiotherapy Associates in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Donatelli has worked with the Chinese Olympic Teams at the Chinese Olympic Center in Beijing, China. As a physical therapist on the PGA tour , he helped treat injuries sustained by the golf professionals. He was the personal physical therapist for Andy Roddick, and Director of Medical Services for the Champions Tennis Tour. In addi on, Dr. Donatelli has served as a Physical Therapy Consultant to the Montreal Expos, Philadelphia Phillies and Milwaukee Brewers. Dr. Donatelli has published three textbooks and over 35 ar cles in peer review journals. He lectures through the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, and has lectured at the Swedish Foot and Ankle Society.
Space is limited to 35 par cipants so register early!
Cancella on Policy A handling fee of $25 is deducted for cancella on. Refund requests must be received one week prior to the course. No refunds will be made therea@er.
For more informa on, please contact Karen Juliano, PT
tel: 212.774.2481 email:
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Prac ce name (required) Registra on fee includes course materials, cer ďŹ cate, and breakfast/coee, water and snacks each day.
Balance in the Athlete Ves bular System: The Missing Link Saturday & Sunday, May 31-June 1, 2014 Loca on
Hospital for Special Surgery Richard L. Menschel Educa on Center. 2nd Floor 535 East 70th Street ((between York Avenue and FDR Drive) New York City
Course Descrip on There are three systems that make up balance; somatosensory, ves bular, and vision. This course will focus on the inter-rela onship and contribu ons of all three systems and how they play a role in the athletes’ ability to develop excep onal skills and in the preven on of injuries. An overview of the ves bular system and its rela onship to visual acuity with an emphasis on the athlete will be presented. Superior visual skills are required by athletes par cipa ng in sports that demand a high level of eye-hand coordina on. The dierent ves bular ocular systems and their rela onship to superior athle c skills will be discussed. Evalua on of Dynamic Visual Acuity, Final Gaze, and the Ves bular Ocular motor systems will be demonstrated. Finally, exercises using pa ent cases on slides and video will be reviewed and demonstrated.
Objec ves At comple on of this course, par cipants will be able to: 1. Describe the inter-rela onship between the three dierent systems that make up balance. 2. Iden fy the importance of the ves bular system in the rehabilita on, improvement in skills and preven on of injury in the athlete. 3. Describe normal and abnormal ves bular dysfunc on. 4. Demonstrate and perform an assessment of the ves bular system as it relates to vision and balance in the ac ve pa ent. 5. Demonstrate neuromuscular training concepts. 6. Demonstrate special tests; Head Thrust, Dynamic Visual Acuity, Saccades, Smooth Pursuit, and Optokine cs. 7. Demonstrate exercises to enhance the ves bular ocular motor system 8. Iden fy research studies that support the evidence basis of this course.
Program Schedule DAY 1
Saturday, May 31st
7:30 am
Registra on and breakfast
8:00 am
Introduc on
8:30 am
Anatomy and Pathophysiology of the Ves bular System
10:00 am
10:15 am
Role of the Ves bular System in Postural Control DeďŹ ning Balance—Three Systems: Vision, Ves bular, Propriocep on
11:30 am
Visual Percep on in the Athlete What does the athlete see?
12:00 pm
Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm
LAB Assessment of the Ves bular System
3:30 pm
3:45 pm
LAB Dynamic Visual Acuity vs. Sta c Visual Acuity Func onal Ves bular Test
5:00 pm
Sunday, June 1st
7:30 am
Registra on and breakfast
8:00 am
Head Concussions in Combat Sports and Ves bular Dysfunc on
9:00 am
How does the hip and foot aect balance in baseball pitchers?
10:30 am
10:45 am
Lab Training the Ves bular System in the Athlete Balance in Golf
11:45 am
Lunch (on your own)
12:45 pm
Lab Training the Ves bular System in the Athlete Balance in Baseball, Tennis, Football, Soccer
3:00 pm
Closing Remarks/Adjournment
Credit Designa on Hospital for Special Surgery is a New York State Educa on Department approved provider for physical therapy con nuing educa on. Hospital for Special Surgery designates this live ac vity for a maximum of 11.5 Contact Hours. This ac vity is pending approval in New Jersey. Hospital for Special Surgery is recognized by the Board of Cer ďŹ ca on, Inc., to oer con nuing educa on for Cer ďŹ ed Athle c Trainers. This symposium is accredited for up to 11.5 Contact Hours online for BOC credits. According to the educa on levels described by the CEC Commi=ee of the NATA, the following con nuing educa on course is considered to be Essen al Level.