On all images seen are innumerable bodies within the elbow joint. These bodies demonstrate intermediate to low signal on all pulse sequences indicating they are mineralized (calcified/ossified). Unfortunately, no radiographs were available for comparison. Insinuated about the bodies are areas of prominent synovitis. Overall, the articular cartilage is fairly well maintained.
Diagnosis: Synovial Chondromatosis (SC)
This entity has been presented previously and as previously described it represents a proliferation of synovium with metaplasia to cartilaginous bodies. These bodies calcify and then may subsequently ossify. The areas of ossification may then conglomerate to form large areas of ossification. In the primary form of SC, there is a relative preservation of cartilage with indolent wear from the long standing joint centered process.
This case helps as a comparison to the prior cases of this entity that were previously shown. In the prior case of primary SC, a more rice body type configuration was shown as the calcification and ossification had not yet occurred. As compared to the prior case of secondary SC previously shown, there is not the extent of cartilage wear as would be seen in the secondary type of SC. Also, as compared to the secondary type, in the primary type, the bodies are often innumerable and of a similar size. In the secondary type, the number of bodies can be approximated with much more variable size and architecture.